06 October 2016

Cristianismo & Politica 2016.10.05 @CristPolit

Cristianismo & Politica

U.S. Army Chief Threatens War With Russia

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This is Why Trump
infowars.com - Army Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Milley warned last night that the United States was ready to “destroy” its enemies in comments that were clearly directed at Russia. “I want to be clear to those who w...

After Tim Kaine Loses VP Debate, New Doubts About Hillary

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Rhonda Kazmierski
breitbart.com - Those doubts are twofold: first, about her decision to choose so weak a candidate, who seemed unable to answer basic policy questions; and second, about Clinton’s health, since if her medical troub...

PF abre inquérito sobre compra de térmicas no governo FHC

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Tupiniquim do Sul
correiodopovo.com.br - A operação Lava Jato investiga um suposto esquema de corrupção na compra de termoelétricas pela Petrobras, no período de 1999 a 2001, durante o governo de Fernando Henrique Cardoso (PSDB). A Políci...

O que quer Marcelo Freixo? (e por que o Rio vota tão mal?) – Senso Incomum

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sensoincomum.org - Eu fui obrigado a ouvir todo um comício do Freixo. As preocupações ali são “cisnormatividade”, machismo, veganismo, permissão estatal para usar drogas, tudo regado a muitos “Fora, Temer”, romantism...

Movimentação no STJ para tentar salvar Fernando Pimentel | VEJA.com

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Gidalti Alencar
veja.abril.com.br - Na tarde desta quarta-feira, a Corte Especial do Superior Tribunal de Justiça (STJ) vai levar a julgamento uma tese que tem tudo para livrar governadores encrencados com a justiça de responder a pr...


Cristianismo e Política + Christianity and Politics + União multi-denominacional (evangélicos, católicos, etc) em defesa dos valores cristãos e da democracia

Guatemalan Allegedly Kills 6-Year-Old After Booze and Coke Binge

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Truth Offends
breitbart.com - Three children were in the bed of the truck and were thrown from the vehicle when he hit it at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday morning. Two adults were in the truck with the children and a two-year-old child ...

Freixo quer apoio do PT, mas dispensa Lula - Política - Estadão

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Gidalti Alencar
politica.estadao.com.br - RIO - O candidato à prefeitura do Rio pelo PSOL, Marcelo Freixo, disse nesta terça-feira, 4, que o apoio do PT é "bem-vindo", mas demonstrou não querer a participação do ex-presidente Luiz Inácio L...
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Cristina Cifuentes se atasca con la ley LGBT

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actuall.com - Una madre consigue 35.000 firmas en menos de 24 horas para que el Gobierno de Madrid deje de imponer las ideas LGBT en los colegios; Juan Manuel Santos y Álvaro Uribe se reúnen tras el triunfo del ...

When Abortion Was Illegal, Women Were Not Jailed for Having Abortions. Here's Why | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - The political claim—that women were or will be prosecuted or jailed under abortion laws—has been made so frequently by Planned Parenthood, NARAL, and NOW over the past 40 years that it has become a...
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La Ley de Memoria Histórica que mantiene Rajoy ataca a la Iglesia en Cuenca

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gaceta.es - Es la enésima vez que la Iglesia recibe un ataque vestido de memoria histórica, y nuevamente el complejo de una parte de la jerarquía eclesiástica permite que quienes pretenden la desaparición de l...

30 Things You Should Accomplish Before Your 30s

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John Rampton
inc.com - Is there a more interesting period in life than between your 20s and 30s? Between becoming an adult by moving away from home, starting your career, and experiencing life-changing events, this time ...
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Collaborative Greatness: The Lesson of George Washington and Alexander Hamilton

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Public Discourse
thepublicdiscourse.com - Our politics involves an unavoidable paradox. Modern democracies are founded on a recognition of human equality, yet they require human inequality if they are to flourish. Democracy insists that ea...

Sex Crimes Increase as Oktoberfest Has Lowest Attendance for 15 Years

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Wagner Clemente Soto
breitbart.com - The Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany had around 5.6 million visitors this year, down 300,000 since last year and the lowest number since just after the September 11th 2001 terror attacks, according t...
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Catholic Bishop to Hillary VP Pick Tim Kaine: You Can't be Catholic and Pro-Abortion | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - LifeNews.com has extensively profiled the pro-abortion position of Hillary Clinton’s vice-presidential running mate Tim Kaine. Now, a Catholic bishops is going after the pro-abortion Democrat, sayi...

Hillary Campaign Hosts 'Women's Issues' Fundraiser In West's Rape Capital

Hillary Clinton Defends Partial-Birth Abortions, Happy Bill Clinton Vetoed Bill to Ban Them | LifeNews.com

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Illegal Voters Uncovered in Philly Are ‘Tip of the Iceberg’

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Linda Suhler, Ph.D.
lifezette.com - At least 86 non-citizens have been registered voters in Philadelphia since 2013, and almost half — 40 — even voted in at least one recent election, according to a legal group that sued to get voter...
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