25 October 2016

CP-news 2016.10.24 all @CristPolit


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EDITORIAL: Donald Trump for president

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Deplorable Vlad
reviewjournal.com - More and more Americans express frustration and disillusionment today with the political institutions that govern the nation. They clamor for an alternative to the incestuous and pernicious atmosph...

Wikileaks: Hillary Clinton Had Gun Control Supporters Planted In Town Hall Audience - Breitbart

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breitbart.com - The town hall occurred on October 5, 2015; just four days after a man opened fire on Umpqua Community College campus in Oregon. In the email thread, dated October 4, 2015, a “speech draft” was pass...

Com alta de 170% nas ações, Petrobrás começa a reverter efeitos da Lava Jato - Economia - Estadão

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Gilmar Costa
economia.estadao.com.br - Apesar de ainda carregar o título de petroleira mais endividada do mundo, a Petrobrás começa a reconquistar a confiança dos investidores e a reverter os estragos deixados pelas denúncias de corrupç...

WikiLeaks - The Podesta Emails

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Deplorable Fred
wikileaks.org - Delivered-To: john.podesta@gmail.com Received: by with SMTP id o31csp1352867lfi; Mon, 23 Feb 2015 09:26:47 -0800 (PST) X-Received: by with SMTP id u10mr12374368ics.61.14247...

ARTIGO – Por que eu, brasileiro, sou um conservador | VEJA.com

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bbth cruz
veja.abril.com.br - [* Este texto me abriu portas nos Estados Unidos e finalmente posso publicá-lo neste blog. Ei-lo, pois.] Eu nasci no Rio de Janeiro, no Brasil, e me descobri um conservador. Eis algumas razões pela...

Para a esquerda, o povo só é politizado quando vota nela; se não, o mesmo povo é "alienado" | Implicante.Org

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implicante.org - Vai parecer fanfic, mas de fato aconteceu: em 2002, quando Lula finalmente ganhou para a Presidência (foram outras três tentativas infrutíferas), fui a um jantar numa pizzaria em Higienópolis com o...

New Podesta Email Exposes Dem Playbook For Rigging Polls Through "Oversamples"

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Dr. Marty Fox
zerohedge.com - Earlier this morning we wrote about the obvious sampling bias in the latest ABC / Washington Post poll that showed a 12-point national advantage for Hillary.  Like many of the recent polls from Reu...

More than 700 Christians Attacked by Muslims…in German Refugee Camps

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Creeping Sharia
creepingsharia.wordpress.com - Source: 743 Christian Refugees, Converts Attacked by Muslims in German Camps, Persecution Report Finds Persecution watchdog group Open Doors has found that at least 743 Christian refugees living in...

BREAKING: Fraudulent Clinton Votes Discovered By The “Tens Of Thousands”

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Deplorable ((Faith))
endingthefed.com - According to sources, Randall Prince, a Columbus-area electrical worker, was doing a routine check of his companies wiring and electrical systems when he stumbled across approximately one dozen bla...

Eduardo Bolsonaro apresenta projeto de lei que criminaliza o comunismo

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tercalivre.com - O deputado federal Eduardo Bolsonaro PSC-SP protocolou na tarde de hoje, 23 de maio de 2016, um projeto de lei na Câmara dos Deputados que representa uma mais do que simbólica demanda para os brasi...

Líder senil do MBL surta com saldo negativo e agride bancários no Paraná

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esmaelmorais.com.br - A maré não está para peixe nem para os grã-finos de Curitiba, pois, conforme vídeo que circula nas redes sociais, o empresário Percy Tiemann surtou ao saber que seu saldo estaria negativo. Sobrou p...

Obama Instituted the 'Greatest Transfer of Wealth in History' to the 1%

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Don Mashak
thefreethoughtproject.com - If the presidency of Barack Obama teaches us anything, it should be that presidents are nothing but tools of the elite to concentrate wealth and power. It should teach us that the words Democrat an...
Arte & Entretenimento

Australian TV Star Commits Suicide After Massive Guilt Following Abortion | LifeNews.com

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Rede Defesa da Vida
lifenews.com - Abortion proponents push for easy access to abortion, deemphasizing its after-affects to the point they absolutely refuse to acknowledge post-abortion depression, which further incapacitates those ...

Afghanistan opium production up 43% - UN drugs watchdog - BBC News

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Valentinos ORPHANOS
bbc.co.uk - Opium production in Afghanistan has increased by 43% in the past year, United Nations officials have said. The UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) said the area used to farm the poppy plant, the s...

American Israelis casting their ballots for Trump

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karl david
jpost.com - YAEL KANER grew up in a left-leaning home in Massachusetts during the 1960s and 1970s. “I was brought up Democratic. That was my family’s tradition,” says Kaner, who is 57 and moved to Israel from ...

Bob Woodward on the Clinton Foundation: 'It's Corrupt' - Breitbart

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breitbart.com - On this weekend’s broadcast of “Fox New Sunday,” veteran journalist Bob Woodward said Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s family organization the Clinton Foundation was “corrupt.” Par...
Arte & Entretenimento

'Rigged' Debates? Questions Arise Again Over Lighted Screen At Hillary's Podium

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zerohedge.com - The fall of legacy media has assumed about it the hue of 'epic saga'.  The People are really rooting for us.  Legacy media, so thoroughly detested among the masses as it is, having in this last ele...

Goldman Sachs CEO Blankfein supports Hillary Clinton for president

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Linda Suhler, Ph.D.
dailymail.co.uk - The head of a major Wall Street investment firm is declaring his support for Hillary Clinton. Lloyd Blankfein, the CEO of Goldman Sachs, praised Clinton on Sunday even though he said earlier this y...

Donna Brazile Complains She’s Being ‘Persecuted’ Over Leak To Clinton Campaign [VIDEO]

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Kayte 4 TRUMP!
dailycaller.com - Democratic National Committee chairwoman Donna Brazile complained during an interview on Wednesday that she is being “persecuted” by being asked questions about leaking a town hall question to the ...

Foster mother discovered ’12-year-old Afghan refugee orphan’ was a 21-year-old jihadi: ‘I’ll kill you and I know where your children are’

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Deplorable ((Faith))
themuslimissue.wordpress.com - A woman opened her heart and her door to a 12-year-old boy who had fled the horrors of war in Afghanistan after losing his parents – or so she thought. In reality, not only was the boy in her care,...

Hillary campaigns at early voting location - in violation of NC law? - The American Mirror

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theamericanmirror.com - Hillary Clinton campaigned at an early voting location on Sunday in Raleigh, North Carolina, in a potential violation of electioneering laws. Clinton was “mobbed” at the early voting location at Ch...

La derecha asesta una dura derrota al oficialismo en las municipales en Chile

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Ivo Marcelino
globedia.com - La oposición de derecha chilena asestó este domingo un duro golpe a la coalición oficialista de la mandataria Michelle Bachelet, con triunfos en las comunas más emblemáticas, incluida la capital, l...

Muslim Persecution of Christians, June 2016

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Cristina Laila
creepingsharia.wordpress.com - At the height of one of the worst months for Christians under Islam—as documented in the report below—both the U.S. government and American “mainstream” media continued to ignore the plight of Chri...

UN Backs Secret Obama Takeover of Police

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Lorence Hud
lifezette.com - “The Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice has provided oversight and recommendations for improvement of police services in a number of cities with consent decrees. This is one of the ...

Presidente Maduro llegó a Catar para seguir promoviendo precios petroleros estables - Ciudad CCS

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Hugo Cabezas
ciudadccs.info - El presidente de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, llegó este domingo a Catar como parte de la gira internacional por países miembros de la Organización de Países Exportadores ...

Estudantes fazem dia nacional em defesa da educação nesta segunda

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redebrasilatual.com.br - São Paulo – Estudantes de diversas cidades do país fazem amanhã (24) o dia nacional em defesa da educação, data em que deve ser votada na Câmara dos Deputados a Proposta de Emenda à Constituição (P...

Wikileaks Provides Status Update On Julian Assange And The US Election

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Don Mashak
zerohedge.com - Over the past week concerns mounted that in the aftermath of the surprising decision by Ecuador to cut Julian Assange's internet connection during the US election period (under pressure from John K...

Dilma têm 120 dias para devolver 144 objetos que roubou dos Palácios do Planalto e da Alvorada

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imprensaviva.com - A ex-presidente Dilma rousseff têm 120 dias para restituir ao governo os 144 objetos que levou dos Palácios do Planalto e da Alvorada que pertenciam ao acervo da Presidência da República. A petista...

Uribe en Miami: Colombia abría la puerta al castrochavismo con el acuerdo de paz

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Samuel Peixoto \7
elnuevoherald.com - El ex presidente colombiano Álvaro Uribe explicó en Doral el domingo que se opuso a los acuerdos de paz con las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionaras de Colombia (FARC), negociados en La Habana, porque de...
Arte & Entretenimento

Paul Ryan's African-American ex spent five months in prison for defrauding her employer of $77,000 with fake training (but did he know this when he went to her wedding in May?)

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Don Mashak
dailymail.co.uk - By Belinda Robinson and Emily Anne Epstein and Toby Harnden and Hugo Gye Paul Ryan's African-American college sweetheart has spent time in prison for wire fraud, it emerged today. Deneeta Pope hit ...

Defend the Donald Blogger

stopthesteal.org - Donald J. Trump is under attack. He’s under-attack from the biased liberal media, the multinational corporations, the Washington-New York insiders, the lobbyists and special interests, and particul...

Sting Video Purports To Show Democrats Describing How To Commit Voter Fraud

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Czechs for Trump
npr.org - As Donald Trump warns about the prospect of a "rigged" presidential election, he's getting some help from a conservative activist group. Project Veritas, which has carried out several damaging vide...
Arte & Entretenimento

HERE IT IS=> List of Debunked Groper Allegations by Corrupt Media Against Donald Trump

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thegatewaypundit.com - The Democrat-media complex carpet bombed Donald Trump with several alleged groping stories this week from several women. The media clearly did not fact check these stories. They ran the stories no ...

Child refugees in Turkey making UK clothes - BBC News

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Valentinos ORPHANOS
bbc.co.uk - Syrian refugee children have been making clothes for British shoppers, an undercover BBC investigation has found. Panorama investigated factories in Turkey and found children had been working on cl...

Obama Buys $4.9 Seaside Mansion in Non-Extradition Country of Dubai - The Last Great Stand

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Deplorable ((Faith))
thelastgreatstand.com - In the video presented below, YouTuber Bill Still confirms an earlier post of mine titled, Admiral Fired For Leaking Obama Bought Mansion in Non-Extradition Country, when Bill reports that accordin...

Muslims Stage Massive Protest, Chanting ‘Allahu Akbar’ Outside Rome’s Colosseum

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breitbart.com - The Muslim community of Rome chose the iconic Colosseum, a worldwide symbol of Christian persecution and martyrdom, to stage their demonstration against the alleged shutting down by police of illeg...

Brasileiros já pagaram R$ 1,6 trilhão em impostos em 2016

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Carlos Yoshio
g1.globo.com - O valor pago pelos brasileiros em impostos neste ano alcançou R$ 1,6 trilhão nesta segunda-feira (24), segundo o “Impostômetro” da Associação Comercial de São Paulo (ACSP). No ano passado, esse mes...

SURPRISE! Hillary Tops The List Of Top Ten Recipients Of Islamic Money In 2015/2016

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Getúlio Santana
americanlookout.com - If you believe that campaign contributions don’t come with strings attached, you’re living in a delusional alternate universe. A big part of Donald Trump’s appeal is that his campaign is largely se...


Partilhado por
Deplorable ((Faith))
m.facebook.com - Bill Scott after investigating Hillary Clinton's background, I decided that in this election, we're all basically voting for the lesser of two evils. Trump is that lesser of the two. Surprising as ...

Manifestantes trocam provocações em atos simultâneos na Paulista

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noticias.uol.com.br - A avenida Paulista, em São Paulo, foi palco de dois atos simultâneos neste domingo (23) marcados para o mesmo local, o vão livre do Masp (Museu de Arte de São Paulo). As manifestações culminaram em...

“The First Duty is To Remember” – Muslim jihad kills 241 U.S. Marines October 23, 1983

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creepingsharia.wordpress.com - Excerpts from the Beirut Veterans of America blog: You see, on every October 23rd a candlelight service is held at the Beirut memorial in Jacksonville North Carolina. It starts promptly at 6 Am and...

Migrants start leaving Calais 'Jungle' ahead of demolition

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Valentinos ORPHANOS
yahoo.com - Calais (France) (AFP) - Migrants carrying suitcases and bundles of possessions began leaving the Calais "Jungle" on Monday ahead of the demolition of the camp that has served as a launchpad for att...

Here’s what voter fraud looks like in 23 states

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wnd.com - Here’s What Voter Fraud Looks Like In 23 States By Justin Caruso Reprinted with permission of the Daily Caller News Foundation Republican candidate Donald Trump is making accusations that the elect...

Emails show Clinton’s private server was comical to aides

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nypost.com - WASHINGTON — Hacked emails from the personal account of Hillary Clinton’s top campaign official show her aides considered inserting jokes about her private email server into her speeches at several...

Hillary Clinton: "We Need a Supreme Court That Will Stand Up" for Abortion | LifeNews.com

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Getúlio Santana
lifenews.com - During tonight’s presidential debate, pro-abortion presidential candidate Hillary Clinton made it clear that she will not appoint a Justice to the nation’s Supreme Court who is not ardently in favo...

'Clinton using anti-Russia red-baiting not seen since days of McCarthyism'

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Dykstra Dame
rt.com - The whistleblowing website Wikileaks has released a new batch of emails from the account of Hillary Clinton's campaign chief shedding light on why her team has been focusing so heavily on Russian P...

Greve na Scania por reposição de 9,62% chega a uma semana. Empresa oferece 5%

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redebrasilatual.com.br - São Paulo – A greve na fábrica da Scania em São Bernardo do Campo, no ABC paulista, completa uma semana amanhã (24). O conjunto de 3.300 trabalhadores quer a reposição integral da inflação acumulad...

WikiLeaks: Clinton Foundation Paid Women Less Than Men

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Deplorable ((Faith))
lifezette.com - The Clinton Foundation in 2011 employed more women than men but paid them less, on average, according to a salary schedule included in an email released Friday by WikiLeaks. A foundation employee e...

Obama will bypass Congress, seek U.N. resolution on nuclear testing

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Lorence Hud
washingtonpost.com - President Obama (Pool photo by Chris Kleponis/European Pressphoto Agency) President Obama has decided to seek a new United Nations Security Council resolution that would call for an end to nuclear ...

Gennifer Flowers: I Had Sex With Bill Clinton In Gov. Mansion

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breitbart.com - Flowers said that while Clinton was the governor of Arkansas, she and the politician made love in the governor’s mansion where he lived with Hillary as well as in his state office, including in the...

Former Prosecutor: The Clintons Are So Corrupt, Everything ‘They Touch Turns To Molten Lead’ [VIDEO]

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Deplorable Vlad
dailycaller.com - Pithy former federal prosecutor Joe diGenova believes the recent Project Veritas video by James O’Keefe featuring DNC contractors explaining their dirty practices to foment violence at Trump events...

Chief: 1 Trump sign thief admits taking sign

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Don Mashak
livingstondaily.com - The Brighton Police chief said Wednesday that one of three women pictured in a social media post bragging about the theft of a $300 sign for presidential candidate Donald Trump has admitted her inv...

Clinton ally funneled money to wife of FBI agent who oversaw emails

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washingtonexaminer.com - Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, an important ally of Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, funneled nearly $700,000 in donations and support to the campaign of the spouse of an FBI official who then o...

Editorial: For U.S. House, Mills in the 8th District; in the 2nd, clear choices for voters

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Don Mashak
twincities.com - In the race that’s both Minnesota’s most-watched and most-expensive, Republican Stewart Mills should go to Washington. With perspective honed on Main Street and a commitment to stand up to Washingt...

Fake Websites, Fake Polls, Fake News, Fake Leaks: The Desperate Maneuvers of the Losing Clinton Campaign - The Washington Standard

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Getúlio Santana
thewashingtonstandard.com - Yes, Virginia, there really IS a poll fairy skewing the polls in favor of Hillary Clinton. Yesterday, I wrote about a brand new leak that had come my way. I read through the first 5 pages, confirme...
Arte & Entretenimento

Dear Liberals: If You Actually Cared About People, You Wouldn't Be Liberal...

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Chris Coon
louderwithcrowder.com - Here’s the thing about the metaphor “bleeding heart” that no one has told you. A bleeding heart is useless. It’s gushing blood all over everywhere, not pumping it to where it’s needed. So while it ...

The U.S. isn’t one of the top 10 most free countries in the world, study says

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Off Grid Capital
mcclatchydc.com - With costly healthcare, a stereotype of obesity and a culture of creatively fatty foods, “healthy” probably isn’t the first word that comes to mind when you think of the United States. But accordin...

WikiLeaks: Bill Clinton's Top Aide on Foundation Conflicts of Interests: I Could Name '500 Different Examples'

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Deplorable Milo🐸
breitbart.com - “I signed a conflict of interest policy as a board member of cgi,” Band wrote in a November 2015 email to John Podesta. Referring to Bill Clinton as “wjc,” Band wrote, “Oddly, wjc does not have to ...

Maybe Trump really is Nebuchadnezzar after all

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conservativereview.com - It turns out those Christian leaders comparing Donald Trump to Nebuchadnezzar from the Bible were right after all. Just not in the way they intended. In similar fashion, this appears to be exactly ...

El presidente Kuczynski consagra el Perú al Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

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Rede Defesa da Vida
infocatolica.com - Yo, Pedro Pablo Kuczynski, Presidente de la República del Perú, con la autoridad que se me ha otorgado, hago un acto de consagración de mi persona, mi familia, aquí presente mi esposa, y la Repúbli...

La Iglesia Ortodoxa y organizaciones provida recogen firmas para prohibir el aborto en Rusia

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Rede Defesa da Vida
infocatolica.com - (Efe/InfoCatólica) «Según datos oficiales, anualmente en Rusia se producen 700.000 abortos, aunque las cifras no oficiales hablan de más de cinco millones anuales», informaron los organizadores Apo...

Will Rick Nolan answer questions on his extreme record tonight? - National Republican Congressional Committee www.nrcc.org

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Don Mashak
nrcc.org - Rick Nolan will have another opportunity to demonstrate how out of touch he is with 8th District voters at tonight’s debate, airing at 6:00PM (CT) on KSTP. Here are a few questions for Nolan to ans...

$770,000,000 In Taxpayer Money Obama Just Paid to Renovate Overseas Mosques [VIDEO]

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Carmine Zozzora
joeforamerica.com - Seven hundred and seventy million dollars. That’s right, Barack Obama, John Kerry, and Hillary Clinton conspired together to send nearly $1 billion to the Middle East to renovate mosques. The Unite...

Senadores criticam pressa de Renan em projeto sobre abuso de autoridade

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Subeida Vips
oglobo.globo.com - BRASÍLIA — Não é bem-vista no Senado a disposição do presidente da Casa, Renan Calheiros (PMDB-AL), de apressar a tramitação do projeto de sua autoria que altera e torna mais rígida a lei sobre cri...

Economia brasileira: vai melhorar (e já está melhorando)

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Brasil sem PT
istoe.com.br - Na quarta-feira 19, o Brasil começou oficialmente a sair do fundo do poço. Depois de 4 anos sem o registro de uma única queda, o Banco Central anunciou o corte de 0,25 ponto percentual da taxa bási...
Meio Ambiente

Bancos se preparam para deixar Reino Unido após Brexit

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lucia Helena Vips
oglobo.globo.com - LONDRES — Grandes bancos internacionais estão se preparando para tirar parte de suas operações da Grã-Bretanha no início de 2017 devido à incerteza sobre o relacionamento futuro do país com a União...

CD oracional Vinde, ó Deus em meu Auxílio

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Sorrindo pra Vida
musica.cancaonova.com - O CD oracional conta com a participação dos Missionários da Comunidade Canção Nova Márcio Mendes, Pitter Di Laura e Ana Lúcia. A inspiração do CD Oracional surgiu da experiência durante muitos anos...

Manifestantes entregam 1,6 milhão de assinaturas pela queda de Renan Calheiros

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Getúlio Santana
oglobo.globo.com - BRASÍLIA – Cerca de 25 manifestantes se reuniram em frente ao gramado do Senado nesta quarta-feira, com banners e faixas pedindo a saída do senador Renan Calheiros (PMDB-AL) durante a entrega simbó...

Obama se somete a una "entrevista de trabajo" antes de abandonar la Casa Blanca

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rpp.pe - El programa de la CBS The Late Show contó con el presidente de Estados Unidos, Barack Obama, para llevar a cabo una divertida broma que simulaba cómo sería una entrevista de trabajo del futuro exma...
Arte & Entretenimento

Has Lady Gaga’s Comeback Album Failed Before It’s Even Out?

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Noah Fairbanks
stereogum.com - The world is ready for Lady Gaga again, but Lady Gaga does not seem ready for the world. A day before Gaga’s ostensible comeback album Joanne is set to drop, it already feels like a failure, though...

O desafio de educar para a cidadania

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Paulo Nogueira Gama
oblogdowerneck.blogspot.com - Recentemente, notamos que é cada vez mais comum encontrarmos nos meios de comunicação notícias sobre manifestações de protestos de alunos que ocupam escolas e controlam a movimentação bloqueando a ...

Após sequência de apoios a Hillary, jornal de Las Vegas endossa Trump - 23/10/2016 - Mundo - Folha de S.Paulo

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neusa andrade moro
folha.uol.com.br - Depois de grandes veículos como "The New York Times" e "Vogue" anunciarem apoio à democrata Hillary Clinton, o candidato republicano na corrida à Casa Branca, Donald Trump, recebeu neste final de s...

FCC Approves Foreign Takeover of U.S. Broadcasters

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Severe Conservative
aim.org - The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) on September 29th did something worse than give up control of the Internet. They voted unanimously to put America’s entire broadcast industry on the fast...

PHOTO From Hillary’s Childhood Surfaces – Proves She’s Been Lying All Along!

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Deplorable ((Faith))
joeforamerica.com - The Democratic nominee wants to convince the public that she’s “just like you and me,” which is a bit like expecting your teenager to continue believing in Santa Claus after they’ve already caught ...

Electoral fraud: why no action?

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Tim Gradous
spectator.com.au - When Donald Trump says the election is rigged he is probably referring to two issues. The first is that the mainstream media is campaigning, in their news reporting, for Hillary Clinton to be elect...

12 países manifiestan "preocupación" por suspención del revocatorio

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Cuba Opinión
epmundo.com - 12 países de las Américas manifestaron su preocupación por la suspensión del referendo revocatorio en Venezuela e instaron al gobierno de Caracas a hallar vías de diálogo para superar la crisis, se...

Não podemos cometer os mesmos erros do PT, afirma Freixo - 23/10/2016 - Poder - Folha de S.Paulo

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folha.uol.com.br - O candidato do PSOL à Prefeitura do Rio, Marcelo Freixo, afirma que seu partido precisa construir uma "nova esquerda" e não pode cometer os mesmos erros do PT. A uma semana do segundo turno, ele re...

¡El Estado Islámico ataca a nuestros amigos en Kirkuk!

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CitizenGO es
citizengo.org - Viernes 21 de octubre. Acorralados en Mosul, el Estado Islámico ataca la ciudad de Kirkuk donde se refugieron muchos de los cristianos que huyeron de Mosul y Qaraqosh. Las crónicas hablan de una ma...

Mau cheiro no reino de Renan Calheiros

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lucia Helena Vips
noblat.oglobo.globo.com - Há algo de muito errado com a Polícia do Senado, segundo Igor da Silva e Carlos André Alfama, que ali trabalham. Em entrevista à Globo News, os dois contaram o que antes haviam denunciado à Polícia...

Les (intenses) tractations de Juppé pour son retour au gouvernement sous Sarkozy

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europe1.fr - Le 14 novembre 2010, Alain Juppé a enfin pris sa revanche. Il est redevenu ministre, lui qui s'était fait éjecter du premier gouvernement Fillon, en 2007, un mois seulement après y être entré. Sa d...
Arte & Entretenimento

“Dietro la rigidità c’è qualcosa di nascosto, spesso la cattiveria”

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lastampa.it - C’è una specie di doppia vita. Qualcosa di nascosto. Una sorta di malattia. Spesso la cattiveria. Questo c’è dietro la rigidità di una persona, che non è libera, perché schiava della legge. Al cont...

Baby born just days after legal abortion limit shares cuddle with dad

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dailymail.co.uk - This is the touching moment little survivor has her first ever cuddle with her father who almost died in a traffic accident weeks earlier. Tiny Macey Micklethwaite was barely the size of his hand w...

Video: Bill Clinton and Trump Supporter Pose for Photo

abcnews.go.com - Sections Sections Top Stories Video Election U.S. World Entertainment Health Tech Lifestyle Money Investigative Sports Good News Weather Photos Shows Shows Good Morning America World News Tonight N...

Gleisi Hoffmann confessou a corrupção do PT, pouco antes de se tornar ré no STF - VÍDEO

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Gilmar Costa
imprensaviva.com - Pouco antes de se tornar ré na Lava Jato, a senadora Gleisi Hoffmann (PT-PR), concedeu uma entrevista em que abordava justamente as práticas ilícitas do partido que vão levar ela e seu marido, Paul...
Arte & Entretenimento

Aceprensa | Aborto de niños con síndrome de Down: un silencio escandaloso

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aceprensa.com - Que el diagnóstico prenatal aumenta la probabilidad de que los fetos con síndrome de Down sean abortados es un hecho. Que estos niños y sus padres pueden ser felices, también, aunque el camino teng...

List of Hillary Tax Hikes

atr.org - In a recent interview Democratic Vice Presidential Candidate Tim Kaine admitted that a Hillary Clinton White House would look to increase the burden of Dodd-Frank regulations in a misguided effort ...

WikiLeaks Clinton Fabricated Putin Trump Bromance, Owns ISIS Disaster

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rickwells.us - The tactic of branding Donald Trump’s openness to dealing with Putin and his lack of prejudicial animosity for the Russians is seen as a weakness to be exploited by the Clinton warmongers in their ...


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Myrian Dauer ن
mariamatermisericordiae.blogspot.com - La tibieza se considera la enfermedad más peligrosa de la vida espiritual. Por supuesto, esta enfermedad solamente se puede dar en personas que han buscado en algún momento, con sinceridad, el crec...

LGBT Agenda Is a Demonic Attack on the Family, Cardinal Sarah Warns U.S. | ChurchPOP

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churchpop.com - Same-sex marriage, transgenderism, and divorce are demonic attacks on the family, Cardinal Robert Sarah warned in his keynote speech for the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast in Washington D.C. ea...

6,000 Muslims Cross Southern Border, All Caught With 1 Alarming Item

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conservativetribune.com - We all know border security has been a pressing issue for awhile now, but recently released reports showed that the situation may be worse than we thought. Over the past year, bored patrol agents h...

The Little-Known Company That Enables Worldwide Mass Surveillance

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theintercept.com - It was a powerful piece of technology created for an important customer. The Medusa system, named after the mythical Greek monster with snakes instead of hair, had one main purpose: to vacuum up va...

VA spends billions annually without proper oversight

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conventionofstates.com - The Department of Veterans Affairs spends billions of dollars annually on contracts for goods and services without proper oversight and management, according to a government watchdog. The VA spent ...

Military Warns Chinese Computer Gear Poses Cyber Spy Threat

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freebeacon.com - BY: Bill Gertz Follow @BillGertz October 24, 2016 5:00 am The Pentagon’s Joint Staff recently warned against using equipment made by China’s Lenovo computer manufacturer amid concerns about cyber s...

Orbán rechaza la "sovietización" de Bruselas y defiende una Europa de raíces cristianas

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CitizenGO es
actuall.com - El primer ministro húngaro, Viktor Orbán, ha defendido la posición de su Gobierno contra la “sovietización” de Europa y ha contrapuesto esta idea a la del estado-nación con raíces cristianas que de...

BREAKING: The FBI Has Found Enough Evidence To Disqualify Hillary From Office

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(((Nick Donnelly)))
endingthefed.com - Apparently the FBI has enough evidence to prove that Hillary Clinton DID in fact break the law concerning her use of a private email server. According to the latest reports, Clinton broke federal r...

Bernie Sanders says Obama should 'kill' AT&T-Time Warner merger -- Sott.net

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This is Why Trump
sott.net - Bernie Sanders says Obama should 'kill' AT&T-Time Warner merger © Brian Snyder/Reuters U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders wonders if he should hit up the Salvation Army to see if they have any new bean ba...

Milo Yiannopoulos appearance at NYU scrapped due to 'security concerns' - The College Fix

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The College Fix
thecollegefix.com - The ‘ol “security concerns” excuse has popped up again, this time regarding an appearance by conservative provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos at New York University. The Wall Street Journal reports that ...

Dramática derrota del gobierno y la Nueva Mayoría complica escenario presidencial del oficialismo - LA TERCERA

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latercera.com - Los ministros Nicolás Eyzaguirre y Rodrigo Valdés salieron de La Moneda cerca de las 19.20 horas con rumbo al comando de Carolina Tohá, en Agustinas con Brasil. A esa hora estaba claro que había pe...
Arte & Entretenimento

7 Ways to Cultivate Sensitivity to the Holy Spirit » BarbWire.com

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Matt Barber
barbwire.com - Too many of God’s people are led by fear, doubt, man-pleasing, presumption, assumption, idols in their heart, false prophets and fleeces. Romans 8:14 says, “For as many as are led by the Spirit of ...

Policial do Senado denuncia missão ‘secreta’ para Sarney | VEJA.com

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God's Not Dead
veja.abril.com.br - Autor da denúncia que originou a operação da Polícia Federal no Senado na sexta-feira passada, o policial legislativo Paulo Igor Bosco Silva afirmou que seus colegas cumpriram uma missão “secreta” ...

Organizados espancaram e saquearam casais na frente dos filhos dentro do Corinthians, dizem mães à Justiça

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Thiago Pacheco
espn.uol.com.br - Pais espancados e saqueados, um casal surrado e desfalecido no chão, crianças gritando por socorro e seguranças mandando todos fugirem para não morrerem. Tudo isso em meio a uma confraternização de...

Yes, The Election is Being Stolen

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theresurgent.com - Texas is now a toss up state. Georgia is too. Utah, the most Republican state in the nation, is now going third party. Evan McMullin is now officially ahead there. Arizona, another seriously Republ...

Amazing tale of Oopa the feral cat and her 2,000-mile journey to England

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mirror.co.uk - A curious cat which went missing during a 2,000 mile journey has been reunited with its rescuer after an international search on social media. Oopa - a feral cat from the Greek island of Zante - wa...

Los 'peshmergas' y la lucha contra la tiranía

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gaceta.es - Las fuerzas armadas de la región autónoma del Kurdistán iraquí, los "peshmergas", que lanzaron el pasado viernes una gran ofensiva para recuperar Mosul de manos del Estado Islámico, cuentan con un ...

Sexual Abuse of Boys ‘Resurrected’ After U.S. Toppled Taliban

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#JeSuisAsiaBibi ن
breitbart.com - WASHINGTON, D.C. — Sexual abuse of young boys by powerful men in Afghanistan, a common practice that was punishable by death under Taliban rule, was “resurrected” after the terrorist group’s regime...

Michelle Obama Says White Folks are What’s Wrong with the World

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Colleen Crawford
therealstrategy.com - In a speech at Tuskegee University, an institute of higher learning in which white people are “not allowed on the bus,” First Domestic Partner Michelle Obama gave the school’s commencement address ...

Asylum seeker raped virgin twice as she walked home from night out

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thesun.co.uk - AN asylum seeker who raped a young virgin twice as she walked to her boyfriend’s house has been jailed for ten years. Mebrehtom Abrha, from Eritrea, shoved his victim to the ground, ripped her dres...

Man shot by cops after meat cleaver attack over parking boot

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The truth is …
nypost.com - A man who became enraged when he found a boot on his car near Penn Station on Thursday attacked cops with a meat cleaver — seriously wounding one — before officers shot him in a flurry of 18 bullet...

Comparato: EUA querem a cabeça do Lula

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conversaafiada.com.br - Comparato diz que EUA têm influência no processo de exclusão política de Lula Alta aprovação de Lula e sua origem proletária, além de seu protagonismo da lei do pré-sal e na criação dos Brics, preo...

Editorial do Estadão: Os catedráticos em bandalheiras | VEJA.com

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Domingos Saraiva
veja.abril.com.br - A luta contra a corrupção, que tem na Lava Jato seu símbolo mais vistoso, é uma luta dos brasileiros em geral. Não é possível pensar num país melhor sem acabar com a roubalheira, punir exemplarment...

U.N. goes all-in for unlimited migration

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Cristina Laila
mobile.wnd.com - The United Nations has cooked up a “New Urban Agenda” coming soon to a city near you. It was unveiled this week in Quito, Ecuador, at the so-called Habitat III conference. And part of the plan, ent...

Exclusive — Victim of San Jose Trump Rally Violence on Project Veritas Video: The ‘Mob’ of ‘Paid’ Protesters Threw Eggs in My Hair - Breitbart

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breitbart.com - When asked to describe what happened to her that fateful evening when the progressive protesters targeted her with eggs and other violent tactics, Casey portrayed a horrific scene. “When they start...

José Serra acredita que, com a PEC dos Gastos, o BNDES poderá ter uma atuação mais expansiva

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Ihamma Lins
poncheverde.blogspot.com - Durante encerramento de evento sobre infraestrutura em São Paulo, no início da noite de sexta-feira, o ministro das Relações Exteriores, José Serra, disse que, com a aprovação da PEC do teto dos ga...

Officials Plead Guilty In New York Voter Fraud Case

foxnews.com - A total of four Democratic officials and political operatives have now pleaded guilty to voter fraud-related felony charges in an alleged scheme to steal a New York election.  The latest guilty ple...

As sete vidas de Renan Calheiros | Blog Helio Gurovitz da Rede Globo

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Paulo Nogueira Gama
g1.globo.com - Em protestos separados ontem na avenida Paulista, em São Paulo, dois grupos antagônicos – um antipetista, o outro antigoverno – se uniam numa única reivindicação: a saída do presidente do Senado, R...

PEC do Teto dos Gastos Públicos volta a ser votada nesta semana

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Wellington Melo
paranaportal.uol.com.br - A Câmara dos Deputados retoma, nesta semana, o trâmite da Proposta de Emenda Constitucional (PEC) 241, que estabelece um teto para os gastos públicos pelos próximos 20 anos. A expectativa do Execut...

Russian Hacks Bring U.S. Vulnerabilities to the Forefront

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freebeacon.com - BY: Morgan Chalfant Follow @mchalfant16 October 24, 2016 5:00 am The reliance of the United States’ critical infrastructure on high technology renders it vulnerable to future cyber attacks by the R...

Após episódios polêmicos, Facebook vai flexibilizar censura de fotos e vídeos

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Paulo Nogueira Gama
oglobo.globo.com - RIO - Um dia depois de retirar do ar um vídeo de uma campanha pela conscientização sobre o câncer de mama da Sociedade Sueca do Câncer, o Facebook anunciou em nota, na última sexta-feira, que vai p...

Did You Know That Sex with a Goat is Allowed Under Islam? ⋆ WayneDupree.com

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#JeSuisAsiaBibi ن
newsninja2012.com - It’s true! Just don’t tell anyone because some Muslims get really cranky when this type of information is broadcast around. According to Dr. Zakir Naik – a noted Quranic scholar – there are several...

Boston Globe: "Vote all you want. The secret government won't change."

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conventionofstates.com - “Vote all you want. The secret government won’t change.” That was the headline on a recent Boston Globe article which outlined the unfortunate truth that We the People don’t control as much of our ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Painting Piano: music inspired by visual art - @muz4now

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Luiz Lailo
muz4now.com - Thanks to everyone who is helping to make “Painting Piano” my best-selling album ever! I’ve chosen to include several of the piano improvisations and paintings from “Painting Piano” throughout this...

Delação e Danação: De quem mesmo?

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Paulo Nogueira Gama
alertatotal.net - “Crimes não são cometidos no céu, nem nos conventos. Como regra, então, não podemos chamar os anjos ou freiras como testemunhas desses casos criminais envolvendo a administração pública”. Foi assim...

New Polls Suggest Trump Still in the Hunt

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lifezette.com - An IBD/TIPP Tracking poll released Sunday showed Trump leading Clinton by two percentage points in a four-way race and by one point in a two-way race. An LA Times/USC Tracking poll also released on...

VIRAL VIDEO: German Youth Deliver Powerful Anti-Refugee Message To Political Leaders: "We are ready for the Reconquista!" » 100percentfedUp.com

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100percentfedup.com - Reconquista, English Reconquest, in medieval Spain and Portugal, a series of campaigns by Christian states to recapture territory from the Muslims (Moors), who had occupied most of the Iberian Peni...

Respeitar a escolha do outro com serenidade

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Canção Nova
formacao.cancaonova.com - Fazia parte do jeito de ser de Jesus a expressão ““se queres’”’. Propôs ao moço rico uma vida mais perfeita, se ele quisesse (Mt 19,21), respondeu que queria, ao leproso que lhe propunha que, se qu...

Hillary Veep Nominee Tim Kaine Tells Small FL Crowd: 'Evidence 'Very big and historic win' for Clinton

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All American Girl
thegatewaypundit.com - In a sign of what could be premature over-confidence fifteen days from Election Day, Democratic Party vice presidential nominee Sen. Tim Kaine of Virginia said in Florida Sunday evening that eviden...

Tim Kaine: I've Done Nothing Unusual for Wikileaks to Reveal - Breitbart

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Linda Suhler, Ph.D.
breitbart.com - WikiLeaks, which has been posting stolen emails from Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager John Podesta, has twice taunted the Democratic vice presidential candidate that he’s in for a “surprise.” U.S...

Florida State students buck PC trend, vote to keep statue of slave-owning school founder - The College Fix

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The College Fix
thecollegefix.com - By an overwhelming margin in a campus-wide referendum, students at Florida State University voted to keep an historical statue on campus, despite its connection to American slavery. FSU News.com re...

Nothing to Fear: A Bright Future for Fossil Fuels - Heartland Store

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Heartland Institute
store.heartland.org - Nothing to Fear explains why mankind has the ability to withstand nearly everything mother nature may throw at it, so long as mankind doesn’t institute policies that cripple its ability to respond ...

Papa: a Lei de Deus é para libertar, não para escravizar

noticias.cancaonova.com - O Papa Francisco começou a semana celebrando a Missa na capela da Casa Santa Marta nesta segunda-feira, 24. Na homilia, comentou o Evangelho do dia, em que Jesus cura uma mulher no sábado, provocan...

Timely WikiLeaks Email Highlights Deception Within “Media Polling”…

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Deplorable Patriot
theconservativetreehouse.com - ♦  Earlier today ABC/WaPo announced a new “media daily tracking poll“; a collaboration with Langer Research and Associates, a progressively minded strategic partner. Fortitously, on the same day, W...

What Happens to Unborn Babies After Abortion? Pathologists Share the Horrors | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - LifeNews Note: WARNING: This article contains very graphic descriptions and accounts of the treatment of the bodies of babies after abortion. The author retained the original spelling and grammar o...

Patriots And Christians, United

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Rhonda Kazmierski
kazmierskireport.wordpress.com - The United States is the greatest nation on earth, but the church has been lax, and Christians have grown complacent, and we forgot where our blessings came from.  We forgot to thank our creator, a...

Liberal Submission: Protect Islam, Defame Christianity

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Voice of Europe
gatestoneinstitute.org - The world's biggest shopping portal, Amazon, sells many Halloween costumes. One of the novelties in 2016 has been the "Sexy Burka", the typical obscurantist cloak that the Taliban and the Islamic S...

Marine Friesen libera trailer de novo DVD

musica.gospelprime.com.br - DVD, também em formato CD, será distribuído pela MK e contém projeto gráfico da Quartel Design A cantora Marine Friesen divulgou, por meio da gravadora carioca MK Music, o trailer de seu primeiro t...

Navy Secretary Embarks On ‘Thank You’ Tour To Laud His Own Accomplishments Of Diversity And Inclusion

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Everyday American
dailycaller.com - As part of a “thank you” tour to wrap up his time in the Obama administration, Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus lauded his own social engineering accomplishments Wednesday in front of Marines at Cam...

Support Dr. Peterson against totalitarian political correctness!

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Jordan B Peterson
citizengo.org - Dr. Jordan B. Peterson, a psychology professor at the University of Toronto, is refusing to use "transgender pronouns." And for that offense, he may risk jail time! Sign the petition to support Dr....

Conservative Russians Give Moral Lesson to Facebook’s Homosexual Propaganda

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Last Days Watchman
lastdayswatchman.blogspot.com - Conservative Russians Give Moral Lesson to Facebook’s Homosexual Propaganda In celebration of the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling favoring homosexual “marriage” last week, Facebook launched an app call...
Arte & Entretenimento

Christie Blatchford: Embattled U of T professor a warrior for common sense and plain speech

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Henry Makow
news.nationalpost.com - He’s a hurricane of fresh air, this university professor who baldly says that one of the many reasons he won’t adopt the faddish new non-binary gender pronouns is that “the people who made those wo...

FBI Director Lobbied Against Criminal Charges For Hillary After Clinton Insider Paid His Wife $700K

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Thomas Paine
truepundit.com - Democratic groups controlled by a Hillary Clinton insider paid the Deputy Director of the FBI’s wife almost $700,000 in campaign funds and in-kind contributions while the senior FBI official was di...

Trump Advisor: A Vote For Ted Cruz Is A Vote To Offshore American Jobs

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The truth is …
foxbusiness.com - Trump Campaign Senior Policy Advisor Stephen Miller addressed Friday why immigration and trade are key issues in the Republican frontrunner’s campaign. “Well, there is very little right about our t...

'We don't do that in America': Hillary responds to Trump's threat of jail - Newsflash, the REST of us DO!

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bizpacreview.com - Hillary Clinton responded to Donald Trump‘s promise that if elected, he would appoint a special prosecutor to look into her email scandal and if found guilty, see that she serves a prison term. “We...

Characteristics of a personal productivity mindset [infographic]

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Carthage Buckley
coachingpowerfulproductivity.com - There are those in this world who would argue that you should never put yourself first. They think that is selfish and mean. They also think that being self-centered is a bad thing. They pretend to...

UE e Canadá decidem nesta segunda futuro de tratado econômico

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Revista VOTO
oglobo.globo.com - BRUXELAS — A União Europeia (UE) e o Canadá decidirão, na segunda-feira, se mantêm ou não a reunião prevista para a próxima quinta-feira, em Bruxelas, para a assinatura do tratado de livre comércio...

The Real Margaret Sanger » BarbWire.com

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barbwire.com - This article first appeared on May 5, 2014 in the Washington Times. It is reposted here as a reminder of Margaret Sanger’s legacy in lieu of Planned Parenthood’s 100th year anniversary since Sanger...

Proof: Thousands of GOP votes likely stolen in Pa.

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mobile.wnd.com - Retired Pittsburgh-area manufacturer Bill Been stumbled into what may prove to be the most significant presidential vote fraud scandal since, at least, 1960. Although Been did not buy into the myth...

Brazil’s Merchants of Death

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Carlos Yoshio
nytimes.com - RIO DE JANEIRO — As Brazil weathers the worst political and economic crises in living memory, Brazilians can hardly be blamed for being distracted. But there is a subject that the country’s politic...

Wikileaks: Clinton Lawyers Advise Hillary How to Break Law and Not Get Caught (Video) - The Last Great Stand

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The Last Great Stand
thelastgreatstand.com - Yesterday, Wikileaks released documents from the Clinton campaign (Hillary for America), which expose even more corrupt and scandalous activity from what is now becoming more appropriately referred...

A última imperatriz da Pérsia: Farah Diba Pahlavi: Os EUA retiveram o Xá nos Açores para o entregar a Khomeini

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Blog Olho na Mira
publico.pt - Há quase três décadas no exílio e Farah Diba Pahlavi, que este mês (dia 14) completou 70 anos de vida, ainda não consegue esquecer-se da noite de 23 de Março de 1980 quando um DC9 das Evergreen Air...
Arte & Entretenimento

Boy Treated as a Girl By His Mother Suffered 'Significant Emotional Harm', Court Hears

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Kattoliko Pensiero
breitbart.com - The judge in the case slammed social services who had simply accepted that the boy should be treated as a girl. The High Court judge hearing the case, Mr Justice Hayden, told the court that he beli...

Hillary Clinton extrema postura pro aborto: El niño en el vientre no tiene derechos

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aciprensa.com - WASHINGTON D.C., 06 Abr. 16 / 03:54 pm (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- Hillary Clinton, precandidata presidencial del Partido Demócrata de Estados Unidos y ex Secretaria de Estado de Barack Obama, extremó re...

Decades After Birth, Fetal Cells Remain in Mother's Body to Repair Injuries | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - Although widely known in the scientific community, it’s news to most laypeople that years—even decades—after a mother delivers her baby, some of the fetal cells will remain in her body. These fetal...

The Death Spiral of the Biggest American Heist Known As Obamacare » Politichicks.com

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politichicks.com - Thieves that they are, Progressives will attempt every con job imaginable to amass as much power as possible, and to establish control over the lives of ordinary citizens. Sadly, the grand larceny ...

Islamist Expert: Give Syrians Their Own City in Germany

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Chris Coon
breitbart.com - Expert on Salafism and Green party member Kurt Edler is proposing a radical idea on how the German government should handle the integration of Syrians and other migrants into German society. Mr. Ed...

Astronomers Capture 234 Signals From Space They Say Could Be Extraterrestrial – We Are Not Alone 

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truthisscary.com - A new study has identified 234 stars, out of a sample of 2.5 million, that display an odd pulsing signal. The two astronomers who conducted the study utilized data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey...

Pakistan Orders House Churches Closed as Calls for Lynching Christians Grow Louder

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Chris Coon
breitbart.com - Muslims extremists are calling for the death sentence to be imposed against Christians Asia Bibi, 46, and Nabeel Masih, 16. Pakistan Christian Post notes: Communities of Christians up and down the ...

Iraq's parliament passes law banning alcohol

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B.D. Mowell
theguardian.com - Iraq’s parliament has passed a law forbidding the import, production or selling of alcoholic beverages in a surprise move that angered many in the country’s Christian community who rely on the busi...

GOP Judiciary Chairman Presses DHS On 10-Time Deported Criminal Alien Charged With Raping Child

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Everyday American
dailycaller.com - In the past two months, two undocumented immigrants previously encountered by law enforcement have been charged with raping children — and House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte wants to ...

BREAKING: Hillary LIED, 17 “INTEL AGENCIES” Have Not BLAMED RUSSIA for Cyber Attacks – The Real Strategy

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Truth A Tron Gold
therealstrategy.com - Every time she opens her mouth she lies – and it seems as though “debates” are one of her favorite places to lie because she knows that her media pals will let her get away with it. When Hillary sa...

The award-winning rEvolve tiny home has a roof deck, solar, room for your dog

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Digital Trends
digitaltrends.com - As the tiny home craze continues to sweep the country, an energy education specialist in Sacramento, California, decided to strike while the iron is hot, creating and running an innovative new tiny...

Digital Attribution's Ladder of Awesomeness: Nine Critical Steps

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Gerardo Lara
kaushik.net - Culture is a stronger determinant of success with data than anything else. Including data. [People + Process + Structure] > [Data + Technology] It seems hard to believe. Yet, it is so fantastically...

DT10: Cooking. An installment of the Digital Trends’ weekly series that examines how tech has changed every aspect of our lives.

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Digital Trends
digitaltrends.com - If you live in an apartment building and walk through the hall at dinnertime, different scents may waft under the doors hinting at the scenes within. Maybe 3B is heating up leftovers, while 3C has ...

Expert voices chime in on how will autonomous cars change cities

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Digital Trends
digitaltrends.com - The mandate for self-driving cars seemingly falls short of only death and taxes. What isn’t so sure is how cities full of autonomous vehicles will be different from today.  Wired recently polled ur...

Feminismo, mentiras y barbarie

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actuall.com - La dogmática progresista lleva no menos de doscientos años buscando en las sociedades pre cristianas o no cristianas un mundo mejor, en el que estuviera presente todo aquello que faculta la plena r...

Allahabad High Court Results 2016 - Law Clerk (Trainee) 2016 Final Results Declared

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Bobby Umar
freejobalert.com - Allahabad High Court Results 2016 – Law Clerk (Trainee) 2016 Final Results: High Court of Judicature at Allahabad has released final results for the post of Law Clerk (Trainee) 2016. Selected candi...

What's the best work schedule for your age?

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A Devoted Yogi
cnn.com - Even though you are legally an adult when you turn 18, your brain may not grow out of adolescence until your mid- to late 20s, said Dr. Jess Shatkin, a psychiatrist at the Child Study Center at NYU...
Arte & Entretenimento

How to Show a Sinner Love

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Dr. Justin Imel, Sr.
drjustinimelsr.com - Some of you, no doubt, have experience with “tough love.” Maybe you’ve needed to exercise “tough love.” Maybe you had to do so with a child; maybe you had to let your child reach “rock bottom” befo...
Arte & Entretenimento

Should Women Wear Veils to Church?

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Dr. Justin Imel, Sr.
drjustinimelsr.com - A preacher in the pulpit saw a man in the back pew wearing a hat. The preacher summoned one of the elders, who went to see the man and ask him if he realized that his hat was still on. The man in t...
Arte & Entretenimento

Lessons Learned on 9/11

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Dr. Justin Imel, Sr.
drjustinimelsr.com - September 11, 2001 is indelibly etched in the mind of every American who watched that day’s events unfold on television. We all remember where we were when we heard the news on that horrific day—I ...

M5.8 - 117km E of Shikotan, Russia

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earthquake.usgs.gov - 2016-10-23 20:25:26 UTC 43.982°N   148.162°E 29.7 km depth Downloads cap (US) us20007g96 capalert.xml (4KB) dyfi (US) us20007g96 cdi_geo.txt (180B) cdi_geo.xml (389B) cdi_geo_1km.txt (191B) cdi_zip...

NOAA: U.S. Completes Record 11 Straight Years Without Major Hurricane Strike

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Paul Joseph Watson
cnsnews.com - (CNSNews.com) – Today marks the completion of a record-breaking 11 years without a major hurricane striking the U.S. mainland, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA...

The Slow Slog Toward ‘Full’ Employment

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theatlantic.com - When President Barack Obama leaves office one of the greatest economic achievements of his presidency—at least according to his own administration—will be having presided over what is now the longe...

CO2 levels mark 'new era' in the world's changing climate - BBC News

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bbc.co.uk - Levels of CO2 in the atmosphere have surged past an important threshold and may not dip below it for "many generations". The 400 parts per million benchmark was broken globally for the first time i...

Umbrella Drones — Jellyfish Of The Sky

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hackaday.com - Mount an umbrella to a drone and there you go, you have a flying umbrella. When [Alan Kwan] tried to do just that he found it wasn’t quite so simple. The result, once he’d worked it out though, is ...

China Built This Theme Park in an Egyptian Desert Factory Town to Attract Workers.

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wired.com - Out in the desert beyond Cairo, where sand stretches to the horizon and oil refineries dot the landscape, Hello Kitty schmoozes with a sharpshooter and a penguin. Imperial stormtroopers guard a ban...

Q&A: Marisa Silver Talks About Her New Fairy-Tale-Like Novel

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huffingtonpost.com - The following interview first appeared in The National Book Review: In Marisa Silver's extraordinary new novel Little Nothing, an unattractive dwarf girl named Pavla transforms over time, into a ta...

Constructive feedback - a positive approach to behaviour change

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Carthage Buckley
coachingpositiveperformance.com - We have previously discussed the importance of expressing feelings, and encouraging repetition of desirable behaviour, using positive feedback. Sometimes the behaviour you witness is not the behavi...

7 Steps to relieve stress and anxiety. How to speed up your recovery.

Partilhado por
Carthage Buckley
coachingpositiveperformance.com - Stress and anxiety are prevalent in modern life. When the pressures and demands exceed your capabilities, stress and anxiety soon raise their ugly heads. The consequences can be horrific. Your heal...

Developing a career driven mindset. Criteria for career success.

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Carthage Buckley
coachingpositiveperformance.com - To succeed in your career you need to have a career driven mindset. The difference between having a job and having a career is mindset. When you have a career driven mindset, you take full responsi...

The happiest day of Mother Teresa's life

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Catholic News Agency
catholicnewsagency.com - Vatican City, Oct 21, 2016 / 06:08 am (CNA/EWTN News).- It’s been said that saints often come in pairs. Sts. Peter and Paul, Mary and Joseph, Francis and Clare, and Louis and Zelie Martin are just ...

Why the Idea of “Social Justice” is Anti-Christian (redux)

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aheartforgod.org - “‘But that slave went out and found one of his fellow slaves who owed him a hundred denarii; and he seized him and began to choke him, saying, “Pay back what you owe.”‘” (Matthew 18:28) There’s a l...

8 Tips for Displaying Art Work in Your Home

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Mike C
sugarpinerealty.blogspot.fr - (To listen to the podcast version, click here.) Have you got some Van Gogh's and Da Vinci's to hang? Well, even if they aren't quite that caliber, don't get nailed with extra holes in your walls an...
Arte & Entretenimento

The End of the World Has Already Come? (and the Single, Most Important Thing You Must Learn From It)

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aheartforgod.org - There’s a lot of talk about the world coming to an end in our day. Doomsday scenarios abound whether in the media or movies or via ministers in the pulpit. But I’d like to submit to you that the wo...

WikiLeaks Continues To Confirm The Worst About Liberal Elites In America

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The Daily Caller
dailycaller.com - “On another matter, do you think it’s weird that of the 15 finalists in Miss America, 10 came from the 11 states of the CSA [Confederate States of America]?” -WikiLeak e-mail from Clinton campaign ...

Facebook Changes Policy To Allow Posts That ‘Might Otherwise Violate Our Standards’

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The Daily Caller
dailycaller.com - Facebook has announced an adjustment to its censorship policy, a move coming days after it was reported that the social media giant’s CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, was included in WikiLeaks hacked John Pod...

Reclaman reposición de canal católico EWTN en importante ciudad argentina

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - BUENOS AIRES, 23 Oct. 16 / 06:05 pm (ACI).- “Me parece una ausencia notable. Para mucha gente ahí está el contacto directo con la fe y con lo eclesial”, lamentó el P. Rubén Francisco Bellante, Dele...

Esto fue lo que dijo Papa Francisco a principales jesuitas del mundo reunidos en Roma

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - VATICANO, 24 Oct. 16 / 05:45 am (ACI).- El Papa pidió a los jesuitas obediencia, misericordia y servicio al prójimo. Unos pocos días después de que los jesuitas hayan elegido a su nuevo superior ge...

Rocked by Brexit vote, Gibraltar lays plans for new kind of EU relationship

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Valentinos ORPHANOS
theguardian.com - According to more than one member of Gibraltar’s business community, it felt “like someone had died”. The day after Britain’s Brexit vote, this outpost of Albion on Spain’s southern tip was in shoc...
Arte & Entretenimento

Ohio Pumpkin Show Voters Flock to Shake Hands with Pence as He Campaigns for Trump-Pence Ticket - Breitbart

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breitbart.com - Pence recognized the importance of the Buckeye state as he spoke from high atop a platform in the center of the festivities. Invoking the name of his running mate, Republican presidential nominee D...

Hillary Clinton and the United Nations on the Same Open Borders Page - Breitbart

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breitbart.com - During the October 19 debate, GOP nominee Donald Trump noted that, in speeches she gave to high-dollar corporations, Hillary Clinton insisted she was for open borders. In a private, richly-paid spe...

Group Says New Jersey High School's Police Event Sends 'Frightening Message'

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foxnews.com - A New Jersey high school has come under fire after holding a ceremony honoring law enforcement, military and first responders before a football game Friday night. According to NJ.com, the New Jerse...

Las estadísticas son tuertas

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es.catholic.net - En estos últimos casos, las estadísticas se estiman necesarias y útiles para el mejor conocimiento de las condiciones de la Iglesia y para la formulación de planes y programas pastorales. No obstan...

Arena do Corinthians foi presente para Lula, diz patriarca da Odebrecht - 23/10/2016 - Poder - Folha de S.Paulo

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Gilberto Ribeiro
folha.uol.com.br - A Lava Jato vai chegar ao Corinthians. Emílio Odebrecht, presidente do conselho de administração do grupo que leva o seu sobrenome, afirmou em acordo de delação, em fase de negociação, que o estádi...

Conheça a boia-fria que criou a Sodiê Doces

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pavablog.com - Cleusa Maria fez seu primeiro bolo quando uma antiga patroa pediu sua ajuda. Hoje ela é dona da Sodiê Doces, com 266 franquias no Brasil A dona da Sodiê Doces, Cleusa Maria, já foi boia-fria e empr...

Aves & Cia. – Frango e Camarao Grelhado com Brandy de Amora …

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TopGyn Notícias
topgyn.com.br - Aves & Cia. – Frango e Camarao Grelhado com Brandy de Amora Preta 170 gramas de peito de frango sem osso em cubos 450 gramas de camarão grande e limpo 2 (chá) de amoras pretas ½ (chá) de brandy de ...

El Papa a los Jesuitas: la Iglesia los necesita para llegar a los lugares a los que otros no llegan o les resulta difícil hacerlo

es.radiovaticana.va - (Radio Vaticana).- Francisco fue recibido el 24 de octubre de 2016 por el nuevo Superior de los jesuitas, el padre Arturo Sosa, en el Aula de la Congregación de la Curia general de la Compañia de J...

Russian Foreign Ministry Confirms Site Hacked, US ‘Jester’ C…

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TopGyn Notícias
topgyn.com.br - The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs website was hacked on Saturday, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova told the radio station Govorit Moskva on Sunday. “The website was hacked...

Suplementação – Dietas para perder peso – ¿La…

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TopGyn Notícias
topgyn.com.br - REPORTE GRATIS! http://comoperderkilosrapidamente.com/Reporte Muchas modelos y actrices han realizado una que otra dieta para perder 10 kilos en una … Suplementação – Dietas para perder peso -... ...
Meio Ambiente

Minecraft – Perdidos No Espaço #08 – O QUE TEM…

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TopGyn Notícias
topgyn.com.br - Mais Perdidos No Espaço Aqui: http://bit.ly/1Dw1cSe ✖Twitter: https://twitter.com/AuthenticGames ✖Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/AuthenticGames … Por favor, nos siga e compartilhe se gosta do no...
Meio Ambiente

De espiões a aliados, um retrato russo nos blockbusters

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TopGyn Notícias
topgyn.com.br - O clipe do cantor britânico Robbie Williams “Party Like a Russian”, que já obteve mais de 4 milhões de visualizações no YouTube, está longe de ser a primeira representação exagerada dos russos na c...

“El espectáculo de las acciones militares de EEUU en Mosul”

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TopGyn Notícias
topgyn.com.br - El experto considera que algo les permite a los terroristas abandonar sin obstáculos la ciudad iraquí de Mosul. “Pues, los estadounidenses se lo merecen. Desde 2014 han estado esperando con pacienc...

Kreml: Wie im Normandie-Format nach Verständigung gesucht w…

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TopGyn Notícias
topgyn.com.br - „Eine Verständigung ist nicht oft wie gewünscht zu finden. Sie — die Verständigung — ist zu wenig. Zugleich wird das derweil fehlende Einvernehmen zumindest teilweise durch die Bereitschaft der Nor...
Meio Ambiente

Bebidas & Sucos – Alcoólico – Fresh

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TopGyn Notícias
topgyn.com.br - Bebidas & Sucos – Alcoólico – Fresh Proibido para menores de 18 anos – Beba sempre com moderação 100 ml de licor de menta 100 ml de absinto 350 ml de soda Gelo Misturar os ingredientes numa coquete...

PF e Justiça estão convencidos de ação da Polícia Legis…

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TopGyn Notícias
topgyn.com.br - O ministro da Justiça, Alexandre de Moraes (E), e o diretor-geral da Polícia Federal, Leandro Daiello, defenderam o combate a qualquer ação que vise obstruir a Operação Lava JatoWilson Dias/Agência...

Rio Olympic 2016 Brazilian athlete Gabriela…

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TopGyn Notícias
topgyn.com.br - It’s not supposed to be a BOXING match ! Shocking moment a Brazilian athlete punches her opponent in the head during a game of water polo Jeux Olympiques de Rio 2016 : Water-polo Le bilan des Bleus...

MB participa da cerimônia do 151º Aniversário da Retomad…

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TopGyn Notícias
topgyn.com.br - No dia 16 de setembro, a Delegacia Fluvial de Uruguaiana representou a Marinha do Brasil na cerimônia alusiva ao 151º Aniversário da Retomada de Uruguaiana, ocorrida durante a Guerra do Paraguai, n...

Media Paints ‘Definite’ Victory for Hillary Two Weeks Ah…

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TopGyn Notícias
topgyn.com.br - As the presidential race comes into its most tense stage, with only weeks to go before the November elections, the US media act as though the Democratic candidate has already won. The Blaze is only...
Meio Ambiente

Atividade Física – Na Gravidez – Exercícios…

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TopGyn Notícias
topgyn.com.br - Exercícios físicos são recomendados para quase tudo quando se fala em saúde. E durante a gravidez não é diferente. Eles ajudam a controlar o peso e … Atividade Física – Na Gravidez – Série... No qu...

OPEC President Calls for Oil Producing States Contacts Inten…

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TopGyn Notícias
topgyn.com.br - RIYADH (Sputnik) – President of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), Qatari Energy and Industry Minister Mohammed Saleh Abdulla Al Sada on Sunday stressed the need to stren...

Trump? Hillary? How about a nice major ‘extinction event’?

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Tavi Labradog
wnd.com - WASHINGTON – To say there is discontent over the presidential choices among millennials in 2016 is an understatement, according to a new poll conducted by the University of Massachusetts at Lowell....
Arte & Entretenimento

Tim Burton is Right About Hollywood Media Bias - Acculturated

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All American Girl
acculturated.com - Think mainstream media bias is bad? Have you read the entertainment news today? The latest batch of WikiLeaks revelations show the cozy nature between some reporters and the Democratic party. You d...

Why I Will Vote for Donald Trump | Restoring Liberty

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All American Girl
joemiller.us - Before you applaud me for my integrity or condemn me for selling out, allow me to explain my decision to vote for Donald Trump on November 8. First, I’m writing this because I have been asked inces...

Giffords Plays the Woman Card in her Crooked Column for Clinton

Partilhado por
All American Girl
bearingarms.com - Former Congresswoman Gabby Giffords is doing all she can to shovel Hillary Clinton into the White House to ensure gun control in America. Her latest attempt? Penning the OpEd “Our Safety Depends On...

Anonymous - Message to the Citizens of the World VI (10/12/16) - Please Share (Video) - The Last Great Stand

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The Last Great Stand
thelastgreatstand.com - In recent weeks, Anonymous has come out issuing warnings not only to the U.S. government, but also to foreign governments, and to the global elite that make up the international banking cabal that ...

Jim Rogers: Deutsche Bank Collapse Will Crash Entire World Financial System (Video) - The Last Great Stand

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The Last Great Stand
thelastgreatstand.com - In the interview below, Jim Rogers discusses with RT how much danger the global economy is in right now, specifically because Deutsche Bank is teetering on collapse, but that is just one of many po...

Estudiantes cantan una canción racista en autobus escolar, ¿descubre qué ocasionó?

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Edén de Cínicos
cocreta.com - Un video fue subido a la red social de Facebook y que se ha popularizado como un video de contenido viral al percibirse que un grupo de estudiantes de secundaria en Montgomery, empezaron a cantar c...

Article II of the US Constitution: Election & Powers of the US President

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Shestokas 4 Ft Myers
shestokas.com - The President of the United States is considered to be the most powerful individual in the world. The principal source of this power is Article II of the US Constitution. Article II outlines term o...

underground - Laos: Encontrando a Fé

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Portas Abertas
e9dev.com.br - Seng Li faz parte de um treinamento de liderança de jovens para cristãos tribais no Sudeste da Ásia. Ela é de Laos, um país comunista, onde o Budismo é a principal religião, sendo bem difícil para ...
Meio Ambiente

16 Animales marcados por la naturaleza

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Edén de Cínicos
cocreta.com - A algunos animales la naturaleza los marco para distinguirlos de los demás, pero, en otros casos ha sucedido de forma híbrida y se han logrado estas espectaculares diseños y colores, ligando razas ...

Mujer pierde su boda por un desliz en la despedida de soltera

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Edén de Cínicos
cocreta.com - Tanto en las redes sociales, como en otros medios audiovisuales de farándula, se ha dado a conocer esta trágica historia de amor de una joven quien estaba a horas de presentarse en el altar, pero f...
Arte & Entretenimento

HA! Obama ridiculing Trump for this 'bromance' sparks self-awareness reset button offers

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Peter Davidson
twitchy.com - Campaigning for Hillary Clinton in Las Vegas Sunday evening, President Obama decided to throw a hail Mary of self-unawareness when slamming Trump on international relations: Pres Obama ridicules @r...

ISIS Fighters Flee Mosul While Wearing Dresses

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Peter Davidson
freebeacon.com - BY: Jack Heretik Follow @JackHeretik October 21, 2016 5:07 pm As Iraqi and Kurdish forces circle near the Islamic State-held city of Mosul, many ISIS fighters are attempting to flee, with some in d...

Opium crops spread in Afghanistan as Taliban gains ground, U.N. says

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B.D. Mowell
reuters.com - VIENNA The cultivation of opium poppy in Afghanistan, the world's main source of heroin, has risen to its third-highest level in more than 20 years, the United Nations confirmed on Sunday, as the T...
Arte & Entretenimento

Alex Krasodomski-Jones: Where have all the good trolls gone? - Index on Censorship

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Index on Censorship
indexoncensorship.org - Earlier this year, Labour MP Yvette Cooper kicked off #ReclaimTheInternet, a cross-party campaign against misogynist abuse online. The reception was mixed at best. Many people were excited and than...

CBS Poll: 24 Percent of Florida Clinton Supporters Would Consider Voting Trump to ‘Shake Up The Political System’

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Everyday American
breitbart.com - Pollsters, who released the results Sunday, asked Clinton supporters who had not already voted: “Even though you aren’t voting for him now, would any of these be reasons to consider voting for Dona...

Labyrinth of tunnels revealed as ISIS try to dodge assault on Mosul

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B.D. Mowell
dailymail.co.uk - As Iraqi Army troops and their Kurdish allies advance on the city of Mosul the first pictures have emerged of the labyrinth of tunnels ISIS has built in the area.  The network may explain the slow ...

Here’s A (Dirty) Laundry List Of The Clinton Foundation’s Most Questionable Foreign Donations

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Everyday American
dailycaller.com - Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton vigorously defended the Clinton Foundation’s work at Wednesday night’s final presidential debate. “I’m thrilled to talk about the Clinton Foundation,...

Widows of victims of Nigeria's Boko Haram say aid overdue

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B.D. Mowell
apnews.com - MAIDUGURI, Nigeria (AP) — After her husband was killed by a Boko Haram suicide bomber late last year, Hajjagana Mbasaru was forced to pull her children from school and rely on friends to feed them....

China's 'left-behind': 61 million children growing up without parents 

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B.D. Mowell
dailymail.co.uk - A new survey in China has found that 61 million children are living in the countryside without their parents. These parents are migrant workers who flock to the bigger cities for work and slightly ...

The Constitution’s Sixteenth Amendment: Result of Political Miscalculation

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US Constitution
shestokas.com - When April 15th rolls around as they labor toward the filing deadline for income taxes, Americans would be forgiven if they were to become nostalgic about Patrick Henry’s opposition to the Stamp Ac...
Arte & Entretenimento

Porn star makes unique claim against Trump, Gloria Allred jumps on it: 'Be careful what you wish for . . .'

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bizpacreview.com - Porn actress Jessica Drake became the latest alleged Donald Trump victim to come forward when she made an appearance Saturday with celebrity attorney Gloria Allred at a Los Angeles press conference...

Archaeologists Hail Discovery Of Lost Battle Site From Fall Of Jerusalem

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Christian Today
christiantoday.com - Fascinating new evidence about the fall of Jerusalem to the Romans in AD 70 has been uncovered during the construction of a new campus for Israel's national school of art. The city fell after Jews ...

Privilege and Bill Clinton the predator, these are Malik Obama's 15 wildest tweets from the past week

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bizpacreview.com - The president’s half-brother has been blowing up Twitter recently with a barrage of pro-Trump messages. A Muslim from Kenya, Malik Obama endorsed Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump in Jul...

Donald Trump bags rare endorsement from major newspaper in liberal-dominated industry

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bizpacreview.com - Given the liberal dominance, newspaper endorsements have been hard to come by for Donald Trump but the GOP nominee bagged his first Saturday when the Las Vegas Review-Journal weighed in on the 2016...
Arte & Entretenimento

'They’re called boobs, Ed!' Fox Business anchor upstages both candidates, awesome tweets follow

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bizpacreview.com - With two presidential nominees and a room full of famous names and faces, one of the most talked about attendees at the Al Smith charity dinner in New York City turned out to be a Fox News anchor. ...

Pastores brasileiros fazem protesto em Israel contra voto do Brasil na Unesco

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Carlos Roberto, Pr.
pointrhema.com.br - Líderes foram para frente da Embaixada do Brasil em Tel Aviv Na quinta-feira (20/10), vários pastores evangélicos, acompanhado de um grupo de turistas vindos do Brasil fizeram uma manifestação em f...

Evidence of ongoing volcanic activity found on Venus - Redorbit

redorbit.com - Six years after originally finding evidence suggesting that Venus was geologically active, new research presented earlier this week at the American Astronomical Society (AAS) Division for Planetary...
Arte & Entretenimento

3 American Journalists Die within 24 Hours – One Immediately After Interviewing Edward Snowden » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - In an incredibly strange coincidence, four journalists from several mainstream media outlets dropped dead within 24 hours of each other. NBC, CBS and the New York Times lost three members of their ...

The Cubs’ young, talent-rich roster banished a dark past with a bright future

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Tim Gradous
washingtonpost.com - Chicago Cubs’ Jon Lester, left, and Javier Baez helped end Chicago’s pennant drought. (Nam Y. Huh/AP Photo) CHICAGO – The final outs somehow fit. Wrigley Field was about to burst Saturday night whe...

Howard Baker: A Profile in Courage We Need Today

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Constitution Atty
shestokas.com - The passing of Senator Howard Baker (R-TN) brings to mind a time when the US Congress was held in high esteem.[1]Senator Baker valued country above partisan politics. His passing provokes thoughts ...

Gov. Gary Herbert’s SHOCKING Endorsement in Utah’s BOE Race » Politichicks.com

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politichicks.com - Utah Governor Gary Herbert (R) came out against Common Core in the primary. Now that he won the primary, he just endorsed pro-Common Core candidates running for the State Board of Education. One of...

Giornata informazione Onu: binomio sviluppo-comunicazioni

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Vaticano - notizie
it.radiovaticana.va - La diffusione dell’informazione è un fattore chiave dello sviluppo economico e quindi centrale per promuovere il benessere sociale, sottolineano le Nazioni Unite nella Giornata internazionale dell’...

Breitbart Radio Exclusive: Curt Schilling Joins Breitbart News Rotation Weekdays 9AM to 11AM ET - Breitbart

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Tim Gradous
breitbart.com - Curt Schilling told Breitbart News radio host Matthew Boyle that, during the first two weeks of the program, his focus will be on getting information out to listeners before the November 8 presiden...

Trump campaign says it's "behind," as new poll shows him down double digits

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Tim Gradous
cbsnews.com - In the final sprint of the general election season, Donald Trump’s presidential campaign is acknowledging that it’s playing catch-up to Hillary Clinton, just as a new national poll shows the Republ...

Swift Opposition to Resurrection of AT&T Giant

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Tim Gradous
nytimes.com - “Rarely is bigger better,” Jonathan Schwantes, a senior policy lawyer at Consumers Union, the policy arm of Consumer Reports, said. “For us, it’s all about consumers having choices, good choices.” ...

Lateral do Santos quer virar missionário

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Carlos Roberto, Pr.
pointrhema.com.br - Victor Ferraz é filho de um casal de missionários evangélicos A imagem de jogadores apontando para o céu após fazer um gol ou agradecendo a Deus nas entrevistas quando sua equipe ganha já não são n...

Dispelling "Pro Woman" Hillary's Gender Wage Gap Myth » Politichicks.com

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politichicks.com - “Pro Woman” Hillary spends a lot of time talking about ‘equal pay for women’.  I put “pro woman” in quotations since “pro woman” Hillary has no qualms accepting millions of dollars in donations fro...

Vescovi Albania: lettera per i 38 martiri beati vittime del comunismo

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Vaticano - notizie
it.radiovaticana.va - “Siamo molto riconoscenti al Signore che quest’anno ci ha colmato di grande gioia quando, attraverso Papa Francesco, ha elevato il nome della Beata Teresa di Calcutta tra i nomi dei santi della Chi...

Brexit: banche inglesi pronte a lasciare Londra?

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Vaticano - notizie
it.radiovaticana.va - Le grandi banche inglesi sarebbero pronte a lasciare Londra per il continente europeo a partire dal 2017, a causa dell’incertezza delle trattative tra Regno Unito e Unione Europea sulla Brexit. Que...
Arte & Entretenimento

Il card. Müller a Radio Vaticana: vi racconto Francesco e Benedetto XVI

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Vaticano - notizie
it.radiovaticana.va - “Benedetto e Francesco. Successori di Pietro al servizio della Chiesa”. E’ il titolo del libro del cardinale Gerhard Ludwig Müller, edito dalle edizioni Ares, in questi giorni nelle librerie. Il pr...


Cristianismo e Política + Christianity and Politics + União multi-denominacional (evangélicos, católicos, etc) em defesa dos valores cristãos e da democracia

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