25 October 2016

Cristianismo & Politica 2016.10.24 @CristPolit

Cristianismo & Politica

Wikileaks: Hillary Clinton Had Gun Control Supporters Planted In Town Hall Audience - Breitbart

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Linda Suhler, Ph.D.
breitbart.com - The town hall occurred on October 5, 2015; just four days after a man opened fire on Umpqua Community College campus in Oregon. In the email thread, dated October 4, 2015, a “speech draft” was pass...

PF indicia Palocci e Odebrecht por corrupção

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Gilmar Costa
politica.estadao.com.br - A Polícia Federal indiciou o ex-ministro Antonio Palocci (fazenda e Casa Civil/Governos Lula e Dilma) por corrupção passiva. Palocci foi preso na Operação Omertà, na 35ª fase da Lava Jato, em 26 de...

Fear of Crime Soars After Year of Migrant Attacks in Germany

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Voice of Europe
breitbart.com - The new statistics collected in Germany by pollster YouGov show fear of being a victim of crime in particular public spaces is surging, with women more likely to be afraid than men. Standing out am...

Video: Hillary Clinton Approved Robert Creamer Plan Directly

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Everyday American
breitbart.com - Last week, O’Keefe produced video showing Creamer, the co-founder of the Democracy Partners consulting group, and his colleague, Scott Foval, discussing their past and present efforts to incite vio...

Polícia Federal indicia Palocci e mais cinco na Lava Jato

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Wellington Melo
paranaportal.uol.com.br - O ex-ministro Antonio Palocci foi indiciado pelo crime de corrupção passiva, pela Polícia Federal, nesta segunda-feira (24). O oficio foi comunicado ao Ministério Público Federal (MPF) e ao juiz Sé...


Cristianismo e Política + Christianity and Politics + União multi-denominacional (evangélicos, católicos, etc) em defesa dos valores cristãos e da democracia

Com alta de 170% nas ações, Petrobrás começa a reverter efeitos da Lava Jato - Economia - Estadão

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Gilmar Costa
economia.estadao.com.br - Apesar de ainda carregar o título de petroleira mais endividada do mundo, a Petrobrás começa a reconquistar a confiança dos investidores e a reverter os estragos deixados pelas denúncias de corrupç...

ARTIGO – Por que eu, brasileiro, sou um conservador | VEJA.com

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Felipe Moura Brasil
veja.abril.com.br - [* Este texto me abriu portas nos Estados Unidos e finalmente posso publicá-lo neste blog. Ei-lo, pois.] Eu nasci no Rio de Janeiro, no Brasil, e me descobri um conservador. Eis algumas razões pela...
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Coming soon to a quaint French village near you: Calais ‘Jungle’ refugees

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Henry Makow
rt.com - Violence has broken out between migrants and the police at the giant 'jungle' camp in the French town of Calais ahead its demolition. The site was home to up to 10,000 migrants and has been taking ...

James O’Keefe’s Next October Surprise: Conservative Filmmaker Dropped Hints About Video Of Hillary Clinton ‘Demeaning And Disparaging’ Black People

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Paul Joseph Watson
inquisitr.com - James O’Keefe is promising another October surprise on Monday that could sink Hillary Clinton, with the embattled filmmaker releasing what could be the video he promised would show Clinton “demeani...
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Professor Who Predicted Last Five Elections Says Trump Has 87% Chance of Winning

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Paul Joseph Watson
infowars.com - Political science professor Helmut Norpoth, who has accurately called the results of the last five presidential elections, still asserts that Donald Trump has an 87% chance of defeating Hillary Cli...

Concern Grows Over Soros-Linked Voting Machines

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Henry Makow
lifezette.com - Concern is growing over revelations that voting machines in a significant number of states will be controlled by a company tied directly to billionaire leftist George Soros and his personal quest t...
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Twitter Support Caught in Web of Deception!

flatoutunconstitutional.com - Watch Twitter Support admit I’m censored (Shadowbanned) and have broken no rules!  Amazing e-mails from Twitter!  Twitter Support offers multiple explanations for why my tweets are not showing up t...

Australian TV Star Commits Suicide After Massive Guilt Following Abortion | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - Abortion proponents push for easy access to abortion, deemphasizing its after-affects to the point they absolutely refuse to acknowledge post-abortion depression, which further incapacitates those ...
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Teaching Intolerance: How Columbia University Feminists Suppress Dissent

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Truth Offends
theothermccain.com - Feminism Is a Totalitarian Movement to Destroy Civilization as We Know It, and nowhere is this more evident than in the youth indoctrination centers known as university campuses. The more elite the...

FCC Approves Foreign Takeover of U.S. Broadcasters

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Severe Conservative


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Getúlio Santana

UK: Migrant’s foster mother finds he isn’t 12-year-old “refugee” but 21-year-old jihadi

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Getúlio Santana
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Electoral fraud: why no action?

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Tim Gradous
spectator.com.au - When Donald Trump says the election is rigged he is probably referring to two issues. The first is that the mainstream media is campaigning, in their news reporting, for Hillary Clinton to be elect...

Here’s A (Dirty) Laundry List Of The Clinton Foundation’s Most Questionable Foreign Donations

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Everyday American
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