22 October 2016

CP 2016.10.21 all @CristPolit


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Freixo vai divulgar carta dizendo que o PSOL não é o PSOL: onde já vi isso antes? | Rodrigo Constantino

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Rodrigo Constantino
rodrigoconstantino.com - O candidato do PSOL a prefeito do Rio, Marcelo Freixo, divulgará na próxima segunda-feira, primeiro dia da última semana de campanha, uma carta aberta para tentar desfazer a imagem de radicalismo d...

O PT nunca foi tão marxista | Rodrigo Constantino

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Rodrigo Constantino
rodrigoconstantino.com - A invenção da imprensa trouxe facilidades e dificuldades ao conhecimento objetivo dos fatos históricos. Com ela, multiplicou-se tanto o acesso à informação quanto à desinformação. Desde então, a me...

A Globo acertou: “regulação de mídia” é censura pura e simples

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Lula na Cadeia
ceticismopolitico.com - Ao final deste post vocês verão um vídeo bem enfezadinho – e repleto de legendas de propaganda petista indignadas – atacando a cena de uma novela da Globo. Mas o que me interessa aqui não é o esper...

Jean Wyllys é condenado por ofender procuradora e terá que pagar indenização R$ 40 mil

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Lula na Cadeia
manchette.com.br - O deputado federal Jean Wyllys (PSol-RJ) foi condenado pelo Tribunal de Justiça do DF a pagar uma indenização de R$ 40 mil por ter ofendido uma procuradora do Distrito Federal nas redes sociais. O ...

Moro diz que projeto de abuso de poder é ‘atentado à magistratura’

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Lula na Cadeia
politica.estadao.com.br - Um dia depois de prender o deputado cassado Eduardo Cunha (PMDB/RJ), o juiz federal Sérgio Moro, dos processos da Operação Lava Jato em primeiro grau, atacou nesta quinta-feira, 20, o texto do proj...

Cabral admite que mulher recebeu anel de presente de Cavendish - Política - Estadão

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ADHT - Defesa Hetero
politica.estadao.com.br - RIO - O ex-governador do Rio Sérgio Cabral Filho (PMDB) admitiu nesta quinta, 21, que sua mulher, Adriana Ancelmo, recebeu um anel de presente do empreiteiro Fernando Cavendish, dono da Delta Const...

Clinton Press Secretary Caught on Camera Planting Softball Question With Reporter

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Paul Joseph Watson
infowars.com - Underscoring Donald Trump’s charge that the media is rigged, video footage shows Hillary Clinton’s traveling press secretary Nick Merrill appearing to type a softball question for NBC reporter Andr...

Ibope: Crivella tem 61% e Freixo, 39% dos votos válidos

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Thiago Furtado
noticias.r7.com - Pesquisa Ibope divulgada na noite desta quinta-feira (20) mostra o candidato do PRB à Prefeitura do Rio de Janeiro, Marcelo Crivella, com 61% dos votos válidos, enquanto o candidato do PSOL, Marcel...

1 Peter 4:10: Your Gifts Are Meant for Others

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desiringgod.org - Birthday gifts have your name on them because they are meant for you. In this message, Pastor John shows that God’s new-birth gift has your name on it but is meant for others. Cross-referencing and...

To the Animals | The Institute for Creation Research

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icr.org - “Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise: Which having no guide, overseer, or ruler, Provideth her meat in the summer, and gathereth her food in the harvest.” (Proverbs 6:6-8) ...

A woman smeared 30 cars with peanut butter to protest against Donald Trump

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independent.co.uk - A woman was arrested on Monday after allegedly smearing peanut butter on 30 cars parked outside what she believed was a pro-Donald Trump rally. Christina Ferguson was arrested in Amherst Junction, ...

Support Dr. Peterson against totalitarian political correctness!

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citizengo.org - Dr. Jordan B. Peterson, a psychology professor at the University of Toronto, is refusing to use "transgender pronouns." And for that offense, he may risk jail time! Sign the petition to support Dr....

Survey Shows Voters Getting Stressed Out By Election 2016

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Chauvinist Pigs
sanfrancisco.cbslocal.com - WALNUT CREEK (CBS SF) — New evidence shows that Campaign 2016 is having an emotional impact on people, stressing many out and, in some cases, even ruining relationships. The fighting and acrimoniou...

Abedin Implicated Clinton In Foundation Trade-Off With Morocco Amid $12 Million Commitment

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foxnews.com - Just hours after Hillary Clinton dodged a question at the final presidential debate about charges of "pay to play" at the Clinton Foundation, a new batch of WikiLeaks emails surfaced with stunning ...

Bolsa Família é “compra de voto institucionalizada”, diz Mendes | EXAME.com - Negócios, economia, tecnologia e carreira

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Gidalti Alencar
exame.abril.com.br - São Paulo – O ministro do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) e presidente do Tribunal Superior Eleitoral (TSE), Gilmar Mendes, criticou na manhã desta sexta-feira, 21, o programa Bolsa Família como for...

Norway: Hundreds of Muslim migrants had mobiles with images of executions, severed heads and dead children: police

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Wagner Clemente Soto
themuslimissue.wordpress.com - Hundreds of migrants arriving in Norway had mobile phones containing images of executions, severed heads and dead children, police reveal By Imogen Calderwood For Mailonline Published: 20:43, 14 De...
Arte & Entretenimento

Is It Love If I Don’t Feel It?

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desiringgod.org - Pastor John, here’s a good question we get all the time — and worth addressing often. This comes in from a listener named Jacqueline: “Hello Pastor John! I have a follow up question to episode 897....

PAKISTAN: Man Pardons Himself for "Honor Killing" Daughter. No Punishment...

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Paul Joseph Watson
louderwithcrowder.com - Most people can agree Pakistan doesn’t know how to do things – like be a successful nation. The terrorism and third world country-ness gives it away. Though to be fair, it seems like most Islamic c...

North Korean woman risks execution to start church in prison « Persecution News

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persecution.org - Hae Woo was imprisoned in a failed attempt to defect from North Korea. Rather than cowering in fear she used her time in prison to share the Gospel with her inmates and start a church. On Sundays t...
Arte & Entretenimento

El bebé de Fernando (ella) llevará su apellido y no el de Diane (él) por ser el 'padre' el gestante

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actuall.com - La Ideología de Género provoca trastornos de identidad tan surrealistas como el de una pareja de transexuales de Ecuador y su hijo. Porque el padre es la madre; la madre, el padre. ¿Y el pequeño? ¿...

La derrota de ETA es una mentira

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actuall.com - Han pasado cinco años en los que, con honrosas excepciones, todos los poderes fácticos nacionales e internacionales han amasado el mantra, absoluto e infalible según su parecer, de que ETA ha sido ...

Poll: Nunn leads Perdue in Georgia

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Severe Conservative
politico.com - She has gained significant ground over Perdue in the race. By Jonathan Topaz and Tarini Parti Georgia Democratic Senate candidate Michelle Nunn has a 3-percentage-point edge over Republican busines...
Arte & Entretenimento

Beato Pino Puglisi: il testimone di Cristo fino al martirio

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Kattoliko Pensiero
allaquerciadimamre.it - Don Giuseppe Puglisi nasce nella borgata palermitana di Brancaccio il 15 settembre 1937, figlio di un calzolaio e di una sarta, e viene ucciso dalla mafia nella stessa borgata il 15 settembre 1993,...

Planned Parenthood: 100 años, 100 atrocidades e ilegalidades contra los no nacidos y sus madres

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Derecho a Vivir
actuall.com - Planned Parenthood afirma estar de celebración. Margaret Sanger comenzó abriendo una pequeña clínica en Brooklyn, pero ahora, cien años después se ha convertido en el abortorio más grande del mundo...

Dental checks for 'child' migrants unethical? No, Home Office does it

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Eric Clementino
dailymail.co.uk - Dental tests are already being used to assess the age of migrants, the Daily Mail can reveal. The Home Office is under fire for ruling out tooth X-rays for youngsters coming to the UK from The Jung...

‘Make a wish list’: Russian ambassador says Moscow ready to provide assistance to Philippines

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rt.com - “Formulate your wish list. What kind of assistance do you expect from Russia and we will be ready to sit down with you and discuss what can and should be done,” Russian Ambassador Igor Khovaev told...

Sérgio Moro destruiu em poucos meses a farsa que Lula e o PT levaram décadas para construir

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Maria Fatima Da Mota
imprensaviva.com - A ascensão de Lula e do PT ao poder no Brasil não é um fenômeno recente e também não ficou barato. Ao contrário do que muitos imaginam, o PT não surgiu nos movimentos sindicais do ABC, mas sim nos ...
Meio Ambiente

Las 10 peticiones de Familias Numerosas a los ayuntamientos españoles

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Forum Libertas
forumlibertas.com - La Asociación de Familias Numerosas de Cataluña (FANOC) con motivo de la aprobación de las nuevas ordenanzas municipales de 2017, ha enviado una carta a los 948 ayuntamientos de Cataluña pidiendo a...

Podemos teje una red de 'escuadrones' en la Universidad como arma política

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HO Jóvenes
vozpopuli.com - El escrache que decenas de radicales realizaron al expresidente del Gobierno Felipe González en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM) no sólo fue promovido por la Federación Estudiantil Libertari...

Trump-driven divide will consume GOP long after the election

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washingtonpost.com - LAS VEGAS — The third and final debate Wednesday marked the beginning of the end of a presidential race that most Republican leaders cannot wait to forget. But the party’s Donald Trump-driven divis...

Ingraham: #NeverTrump Republicans Are ‘Effectively Advancing’ Clinton’s ‘Abortion Regime’

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mediaite.com - Laura Ingraham, one of Donald Trump‘s biggest fans in the conservative media, is now declaring that all the pro-life #NeverTrump Republicans who are resisting and fighting Trump are basically just ...

AG Loretta Lynch: Hey, Forget I Said That Stuff About ‘Taking Action’ Against Free Speech

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Scott Barbour
dailycaller.com - Attorney General Loretta Lynch Monday appeared to recalibrate remarks she made last week that suggested the Justice Department could investigate speech deemed hostile towards Muslims. “Of course, w...

Justiça suspende sobretaxa da Prefeitura contra monopólio do Uber - São Paulo - Estadão

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lucia Helena Vips
sao-paulo.estadao.com.br - SÃO PAULO - A Justiça concedeu nesta quarta-feira, 19, liminar que suspende a resolução da Prefeitura de São Paulo que alterou a cobrança de taxas de aplicativos de transporte. O objetivo da gestão...

Woman Backtracks on Assault Claim After O'Keefe Video - Breitbart

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Sandra ن
breitbart.com - 69-year-old Sharon Teeter of Asheville now says it is possible that 73-year-old Richard L. Campbell merely touched her accidentally, as his attorney had claimed all along. Originally, Harris told l...

Charity apologises over 'interpreter' claim as a girl FINALLY arrives

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Eric Clementino
dailymail.co.uk - A charity issued a humiliating apology yesterday for falsely claiming a ‘child refugee’ was really an adult interpreter. TACT, the UK’s largest fostering and adoption charity, sparked a frenzy by p...
Arte & Entretenimento

Trump delivers harsh remarks on Clinton at charity dinner

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Steve Sanchez
cnn.com - The jeers from the audience were unusual for the event. "I've been to that dinner like six, seven, eight times," Christine Quinn, the former speaker of New York's city council, told CNN's Anderson ...

Clinton Emails with Petraeus Reveal Her ‘BlackBerry Blues;’ Clinton Tells Then-CENTCOM Commander to Use Her ‘Personal Email Address’ - Judicial Watch

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judicialwatch.org - (Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch today released new State Department documents containing email correspondence between former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Gen. David Petraeus, in which s...

The real reason Clarence Thomas was denied a spot in the African-American museum

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Dr. Marty Fox
conservativereview.com - Last month the Smithsonian National Museum of African-American History and Culture opened its doors, becoming the first and only national museum “devoted exclusively to the documentation of African...

Wikileaks: Podesta Daughter Got His Shares in Putin-Linked Joule

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Dykstra Dame
breitbart.com - “Full transfer request, with Megan’s signature attached,” Podesta’s assistant Eryn Sepp wrote to him. A January 3, 2014 letter revealed that Podesta designated his daughter’s Dublin, California res...

CNE acata ilegalmente decisión de cinco tribunales regionales chavistas y suspende el revocatorio

factormm.com - El CNE señaló que fue notificado por los tribunales regionales sobre la anulación de la primera etapa de recolección de firmas y esto tienen como consecuencia la paralización de la siguiente etapa ...

«Me incorporaría hasta con muletas»

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Madridista Orgulloso
larazon.es - El teniente y el sargento de la Guardia Civil agredidos junto a sus parejas el pasado sábado en un bar de Alsasua por los abertzales recibieron ayer la visita del presidente de VOX, Santiago Abasca...

A fresh twist for New York's skyline

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cnn.com - Story highlights $1.9 billion complex slated for 2019 Style mixes innovation and tradition Towers will host first Six Senses Hotel in the US (CNN)Danish "starchitect" Bjarke Ingels continues to re-...
Meio Ambiente

Hundreds of endangered wild snow leopards are killed each year

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newscientist.com - As many as 450 endangered snow leopards have been killed each year since 2008, a report on the fate of the mountain cats estimates. Only 4000 to 7000 of the animals are thought to remain in the 12 ...

Flashback: When the Clintons Loved Russia Enough to Sell Them Our Uranium - Breitbart

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Carmine Zozzora
breitbart.com - The Uranium One story is among the incidents detailed in Peter Schweizer’s Clinton Cash. A quick recap: Uranium One was originally a Canadian company, bought out by Russia’s state atomic energy age...

Operation Stop Soros - Crowd sourced weaponized autism! - #StopSoros • /r/The_Donald

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reddit.com - Autists have started compiling a list of all Board of Elections in all Counties in all States that will be using Smartmatic/Soros voting machines. Help is needed... These places need to be called a...

Where the presidential race stands today: The USC Dornsife / Los Angeles Times poll

graphics.latimes.com - The USC Dornsife/L.A. Times Presidential Election "Daybreak" Poll asks more than 400 people each day about their voting intentions. The poll is part of the Understanding America Study (UAS) at the ...

Why all kinds of religious leaders — men, women and youth — are essential for building peaceful…

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medium.com - In January of this year, I had the privilege of witnessing Muslim leaders lead the way in defending the rights of religious minorities at the landmark Marrakesh Declaration. Drawing on the earliest...

Paul Ryan's donations to state GOP reach $1 million

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host.madison.com - House Speaker Paul Ryan’s campaign has donated another $250,000 to the state GOP to bolster the party’s efforts to reach voters ahead of the November election, Ryan’s campaign said Thursday. The Ja...

Mais de 110 PMs foram mortos de janeiro a setembro nas ruas do RJ

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Paulo do Valqueire
g1.globo.com - Nos nove primeiros meses de 2016, 114 policiais militares foram mortos no Rio de Janeiro. A maioria durante o horário de folga. Outros 556 foram baleados e sobreviveram. Os dados foram apresentados...

Petistas não comemoram prisão de Cunha porque, pelo mesmo método, Lula pode ser preso | VEJA.com

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Abrahão Cavalcante
veja.abril.com.br - Durante um bom tempo, vamos convir, os dirigentes do partido podiam dar aula de pragmatismo e de, sim!, inteligência na relação com as coisas da política. Uma inteligência necessariamente maligna, ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Kate and William welcome teen heroes into their home

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Eric Clementino
dailymail.co.uk - The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have opened the doors of Kensington Palace to meet with with inspirational young people ahead of BBC Radio 1's Teen Awards. The royals welcomed teenagers and Radio...

Com Renan, Senado gasta R$ 120 mil para editar livros sobre impeachment - 20/10/2016 - Poder - Folha de S.Paulo

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folha.uol.com.br - Ao custo de pelo menos R$ 120 mil, o Senado produziu e distribuiu a senadores, bibliotecas e jornalistas dois livros sobre as sessões que aprovaram a admissibilidade e, posteriormente, o impeachmen...

The slum in Millionaire's Row

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Eric Clementino
dailymail.co.uk - A slum landlord has been fined £162,000 after 18 people were found living in a multi-million pound four-bedroom flat opposite Hyde Park.  Abbas Rasul, 64, who owned the flat in Kensington, London, ...

Obrigatoriedade de exame para caminhoneiros reduz em 38% acidentes nas estradas

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agenciabrasil.ebc.com.br - Apenas profissionais do Tocantins e de Mato Grosso do Sul não estão fazendo os exames, resguardados por liminaresImagem Divulgação/CNT A obrigatoriedade do exame toxicológico para motoristas profis...

Earthquake Faults Around San Francisco Are Dangerously Interconnected

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gizmodo.com - Geologists have discovered that two deadly faults beneath San Francisco—the Hayward and Rodgers Creek faults—may be linked. Should one slip, it could trigger the other fault to collapse as well, ca...

Seeing is believing: documentary photography from Francis Bacon to 9/11

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Etienne Arsenault
theguardian.com - There is a quiet power to Simon Norfolk’s black-and-white study of what looks like an ordinary staircase in a nondescript house. What strikes you first in this photograph – which features in a new ...

Allen West: None of This Needed to Happen -- Chaos in Mosul Lies at Obama’s Feet

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m.cnsnews.com - There was initial euphoria over the news of a coalition advance against ISIS in Mosul. However, anyone who knows a little bit about tactical operations will tell you a few determined fighters in an...
Arte & Entretenimento

If You Want to Stand Against Racism, Stand Against Planned Parenthood | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - (LiveActionNews) — With the recent attention to race, discrimination, and violence in the news, there’s a major racist organization that’s been entirely ignored by the mainstream media: Planned Par...

Wikileaks Confirms Ecuadorian Embassy Cut Off Julian Assange’s Internet Access - BB4SP

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bb4sp.com - Wikileaks Confirms Ecuadorian Embassy Cut Off Julian Assange’s Internet Access Barracuda Brigade 2016-10-17 Share Tweet Flipboard Pin Plus LinkedIn Reddit StumbleUpon Digg Email Print The activist ...

Matemáticos de la U. de Chile resuelven ecuación que estuvo casi 40 años sin respuesta - LA TERCERA

latercera.com - Hay problemas matemáticos que pueden pasar muchos años sin ser resueltos, como el último teorema de Fermat, en el cual los matemáticos del mundo pasaron 358 años trabajando y que fue resuelto sólo ...

CIA Ops Finally Revealed: What the US Ambassador in Benghazi was Really Doing

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Deplorable BaconRose
globalresearch.ca - The U.S. special mission in Benghazi and the nearby CIA annex were utilized in part to coordinate arms shipments to the jihadist rebels fighting the Syrian regime, with Ambassador Christopher Steve...

Authorities Reportedly Warn Election Officials About Russian Hackers Faking Fraud

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foxnews.com - U.S. intelligence and law enforcement authorities reportedly have expressed concern that Russian-backed hackers could try to undermine the upcoming presidential elections by posting documents purpo...

Internet Access Remains a Luxury in Cuba / Iván García

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Proj Mais Um Moro
translatingcuba.com - Ivan Garcia, 11 October 2016 — Marcos, the fifty-six-year-old owner of an illegal gambling operation, went to Cordova Park in Havana’s La Vibora neighborhood to chat online with a friend who lives ...

Janot defende que áudios de Lula fiquem com Moro e mostra perda de prestígio do PT

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Lula na Cadeia
jornalivre.com - O Estadão divulgou que, em parecer encaminhado ao Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF), o procurador-geral da República, Rodrigo Janot, pediu que seja revogada uma decisão liminar (provisória) do preside...

Los cristianos preparan el regreso a sus aldeas en Irak

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abc.es - Cinco mil personas ya han dejado la zona de Mosul y han cruzado la frontera para buscar refugio en Siria. Es el primer balance después de tres jornadas de ofensiva para recuperar el control de la q...

Islamic State attacks Kirkuk as Iraqi forces push on Mosul

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jpost.com -  Islamic State launched a major attack on the city of Kirkuk on Friday as Iraqi and Kurdish forces pursued operations to seize territory around Mosul in preparation for an offensive on the jihadist...

Could Finland become the next Ukraine?

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Eric Clementino
dailymail.co.uk - The Kremlin has been accused of running a 'systematic lying campaign' against Finland, with officials in Helsinki anxious over Russia questioning the legality of its independence. The claim comes a...

'Krypton', el proyecto de serie sobre los ancestros de Superman - MediaTrends

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Josep Maria Castells
mediatrends.es - Cada vez va tomando más forma ‘Krypton’, la nueva serie sobre los antepasados del superhéroe DC por antonomasia, Superman, que se rodará en Montreal y, previsiblemente, se estrenará a lo largo de 2...

Press Regulator Says Columnist Can Criticise Islam, Accused of ‘Sanctioning Abuse’

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Ray Elliott
breitbart.com - The Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO) ruled that former Sun editor Kelvin MacKenzie was “entitled” to give his opinion and newspapers may “engage in discussion, criticism and debate a...


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neusa andrade moro
br2pontos.com - A Polícia Federal prendeu nesta sexta-feira, 21, quatro policiais legislativos do Senado suspeitos de atrapalhar investigações da Operação Lava Jato. Segundo as investigações, eles são suspeitos de...

SAS veteran accused of lying about his heroics 

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Eric Clementino
dailymail.co.uk - AN SAS veteran who claimed in a book that his comrades conducted ‘mercy killings’ on wounded Iraqi soldiers has been accused of lying. Colin Maclachlan, 42, is alleged to have misled readers when h...

Shock Study: Police Arrest More People For Drugs Than All Violent Crimes — COMBINED

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This is Why Trump
activistpost.com - Police in the United States arrest more people for the nonviolent, utterly harmless non-crime of cannabis possession than for murder, rape, armed robbery — in fact, all violent crime — combined. A ...

Parties, takeaways and car washes - the dark world of Teesside's child sex trade - Gazette Live

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Ray Elliott
gazettelive.co.uk - Secret beds hidden in car washes, takeaway workers singling out vulnerable girls to exploit, and organised drugs and alcohol parties. The scale of child sexual exploitation (CSE) on Teesside can to...

No, Hillary, 17 U.S. Intelligence Agencies Did Not Say Russia Hacked Dem E-mails

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#JeSuisAsiaBibi ن
centerforsecuritypolicy.org - Hillary Clinton in last night’s presidential debate tried to avoid talking about the substance of the damaging WikiLeaks disclosures of DNC and Clinton campaign officials by claiming 17 U.S. intell...

New Yorker becomes 10th woman to accuse Trump of groping

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This is Why Trump
rt.com - Karena Virginia, a self-described “lifestyle guru, wellness expert and TV personality,” teared up as she accused Donald Trump of inappropriately touching her outside the Arthur Ashe Stadium in Quee...

Hotel em que Cabral e Cavendish se hospedaram tem adega com 600 mil garrafas

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oglobo.globo.com - RIO — O luxo entremeou a viagem de julho de 2009 em que o empreiteiro Fernando Cavendish pagou um anel de ouro branco e brilhantes para a primeira-dama e aniversariante, Adriana Ancelmo. Da mesma r...

Stay Focused: 4 Ways to Delete Writing Distractions From Your Life

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Lawrence Gray
thewritelife.com - Feeling a little distracted lately? Like every time you sit down to write, something — or someone — gets in the way? If you’re reading this post, it’s probably because you’re not writing. You’re no...

Moro dá baile tático depois de baixaria de Lula na ONU

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Lula na Cadeia
jornalivre.com - Após o papelão empenhado por Lula, quando enviou recurso para a Comissão de Direitos Humanos da ONU, muitas críticas surgiram, sobretudo vindas de especialistas em direito. O colunista Josias de So...

Pedido contra Moro cria guerra entre Lula e Associação de Juízes

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Lula na Cadeia
jornalivre.com - A Associação dos Magistrados Brasileiros (AMB) repudiou a denúncia feita pelo ex-presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva contra o juiz Sergio Moro no Comitê de Direitos Humanos da Organização das Naçõ...

Juiz considerado engavetador vai julgar Lula e Delcídio

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jornalivre.com - O juiz Ricardo Augusto Soares Leite será o relator do inquérito em que o ex-presidente Lula e o ex-senador Delcídio do Amaral são acusados de tentar impedir o ex-diretor da Área Internacional da Pe...

Limbaugh May Have Just Exposed The REAL Reason Establishment Is Freaking Over Trump

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BrazilPolitiks News
westernjournalism.com - Behind the words being tossed around in the media to create the illusion that Donald Trump cannot bring about the changes he seeks in Washington is the reality that America’s political elite is qua...

Cunha sabia que seria preso e ainda ligou para aliados, mostra Folha de São Paulo

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Lula na Cadeia
falandoverdades.com.br - 247 – Ao tomar conhecimento de que seria preso, o deputado cassado Eduardo Cunha (PMDB) deu início a uma bateria de ligações para integrantes do governo. Aos interlocutores, Cunha parecia estar faz...

Pais vigiam colégio estadual para evitar a ocupação por estudantes

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Lula na Cadeia
g1.globo.com - Pais de alunos do colégio estadual Marechal Rondon, de Campo Mourão, no centro-oeste do Paraná, estão se revezando em uma vigília para impedir que a escola seja ocupada. Os pais ficam no portão de ...
Meio Ambiente

Japón se sacudió tras terremoto de 6,6 grados sin alerta de tsunami

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Cuba Opinión
caraotadigital.net - Ocho personas resultaron heridas leves en accidentes causados por el temblor, según divulgó la televisión estatal NHK, mientras que el gobierno local no citó de daños materiales significativos. El ...

Seguridad Social: no me dejéis tirado, concededme el grado de Gran Invalidez

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Madridista Orgulloso
change.org - Cuando traía medallas a España, todo el mundo quería fotos y ruedas de prensa conmigo. Pero ahora que necesito ayuda, me han dejado tirado. Me llamo Aitor Oroza y es probable que me hayas visto alg...

Maybe Trump really is Nebuchadnezzar after all

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Tim Gradous
conservativereview.com - It turns out those Christian leaders comparing Donald Trump to Nebuchadnezzar from the Bible were right after all. Just not in the way they intended. In similar fashion, this appears to be exactly ...
Meio Ambiente

El ‘Top 5’ de las sectas en España: mormones, New Age, orientalismo, reiki y yoga

religionconfidencial.com - Miembro fundador de la Red Iberoamericana de Estudio de las Sectas (RIES) y director de su Biblioteca-Centro de Documentación “José María Baamonde”, (además de ser párroco de nueve pueblos de Zamor...

Only the citizens of the European Union can decide for themselves on their fundamental rights

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citizengo.org - Sophia in ’t Veld, the ALDE (Liberal Democrats) Dutch Member of the European Parliament issued a Legislative report proposing to put in place a political scoreboard for each European Union Member S...

EXCLUSIVE: Amazing Healing Miracle at Agbenoxoe in Ghana, Africa

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catholicnews.live - Richmond Anthony Akamah My name is Richmond Anthony Akamah of Holy Spirit Catholic Church Ho SSNIT flats. I was hit by a car on the 13th of August, 2016, where I sustained various degrees of injuri...

Queen Elizabeth Warns Of ‘Holy War To End All Wars’

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Caesar Octavianus
yournewswire.com - Queen Elizabeth has been meeting with religious leaders to discuss an imminent global war that she claims will bring about the “end times” for humanity. At a meeting with Russia’s Patriarch Kirrill...

Jamie Reed MP: Optimistic? Stupid? Whatever Brexit Is, Let’s Embrace It

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Heat Street
heatst.com - When Barack Obama ascended to the US Presidency in 2008, his victory was secured on a wave of hope. Eight years later, Obama’s politics of optimism are being carried by one-time foe, Hillary Clinto...

» Servel por candidatura ilegal de Sarmiento (PC): “Si alguien más sabía, debió denunciarlo antes”El Demócrata

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Lucía Paulina
eldemocrata.cl - Tres días han pasado desde que el diputado independiente José Antonio Kast exigió al Servel denunciar penalmente al candidato a concejal por Santiago, Julio Sarmiento (PC), por falsear la declaraci...

Venezuela prohíbe salir del país a Capriles y otros siete dirigentes opositores

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actuall.com - Un tribunal venezolano ha emitido una orden por la que se prohíbe abandonar el país a ocho dirigentes opositores, entre los que se encuentran el excandidato a la Presidente Henrique Capriles y el s...

Gun Control Group’s ‘Toddlers Kill’ Campaign Pads Death Stats With Adults

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All American Girl
freebeacon.com - BY: Stephen Gutowski Follow @@StephenGutowski October 20, 2016 5:45 pm A leading gun control group included adults in death statistics used in a media campaign about toddlers. The Brady Campaign la...

UN human rights chief warns of war crimes in Aleppo

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Dykstra Dame
cnn.com - JUST WATCHED Russian relations with the West at new low MUST WATCH However, a Russian-declared "humanitarian pause" began Thursday, which Russia said would allow rebels and civilians to leave rebel...

STJD arquiva pedido de anulação do Flu. Fla volta aos 60 pontos

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esporte.uol.com.br - O STJD (Superior Tribunal de Justiça Desportiva) arquivou o pedido do Fluminense pela anulação do clássico com o Flamengo. O tribunal considerou não existir fundamentação necessária para levar o ca...

Bishop of Birmingham supports Bill to reduce size of the House of Lords

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churchinparliament.org - On the 21st October 2016 Conservative Peer Lord Elton introduced the ‘House of Lords Bill’ –  a Private Member’s Bill to reduce the size of the House of Lords. The Bishop of Birmingham, Rt Revd Dav...

Samsung considers compensation program, LG batteries for future - SlashGear

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slashgear.com - The Galaxy Note 7 has truly shaken Samsung to its core. And those who think that the ripples are limited only to its mobile business, they better think again. There was even one report of a misbeha...

Doria comete gafe ao dizer que doará salário para crianças com deficiência - 21/10/2016 - Cotidiano - Folha de S.Paulo

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The Brazilian Post
folha.uol.com.br - O prefeito eleito João Doria (PSDB) cometeu uma gafe ao afirmar nesta sexta-feira (21) que vai doar seu primeiro salário para uma "associação de crianças defeituosas". O termo usado pelo tucano "de...

7 santos que te ajudarão a viver a castidade | ChurchPOP Português

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ChurchPOP Português
pt.churchpop.com - Santo Agostinho teve um passado tenebroso antes de dar a sua vida ao Senhor, lutou contra a impureza por anos. Mesmo depois de sua conversão ainda fazia essa oração: “Senhor, dá-me castidade e cont...


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Daniel Fernandes
mariamatermisericordiae.blogspot.com - Elogio: En la isla de Chipre, san Hilarión, abad, que, siguiendo las huellas de san Antonio, primero llevó vida solitaria cerca de la ciudad de Gaza y después fue fundador y ejemplo de la vida erem...

Choro de perdedor de Teori Zavascki foi uma espetacularização do cinismo

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Lula na Cadeia
ceticismopolitico.com - Nomeado por Dilma Rousseff, o ministro do STF Teori Zavascki já não se preocupa em esconder o seu lado. Nesta terça (4), ele lançou uma crítica bizarra sobre a atuação do MPF no dia da apresentação...

Blog petista estrebucha contra assertividade de Temer e comprova tese da guerra política

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Lula na Cadeia
ceticismopolitico.com - Observem algumas frases do texto Temer, o leãozinho, mostra as garras, do blog petista Tijolaço: Vejam que “estadista” o homem “capaz de unir o Brasil”. Em seu primeiro ato depois de entronizar-se ...

Prefeito vê promessas dos candidatos como 'milagres' - 21/10/16 - SOROCABA E REGIÃO - Jornal Cruzeiro do Sul

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Fabio Iwamoto
jornalcruzeiro.com.br - O prefeito de Sorocaba, Antonio Carlos Pannunzio (PSDB), disse estar preocupado com o futuro da cidade por conta do nível de promessas que os dois candidatos à Prefeitura de Sorocaba vêm mostrando ...

Editorial d’O Globo reduz a pó teses do “golpe” e da perseguição a Lula

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Lula na Cadeia
jornalivre.com - Após ter se tornado réu na Lava-Jato, e não pelas mãos de Sérgio Moro, mas por um juiz federal de Brasília chamado Ricardo Leite, o ex-presidente Lula se viu diante de uma sinuca. Sua narrativa de ...

New poll shows Hillary Clinton winning Georgia in presidential election

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Severe Conservative
wsbtv.com - ATLANTA - On the night of the final presidential debate, the race could be changing in Georgia. A new poll shows Hillary Clinton leading in the Peach State by four points. Many of those voters gath...

Los padres de 'vientres de alquiler' podrán recibir ayudas a pesar de ser una técnica prohibida

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actuall.com - El Tribunal Supremo dictaminó este jueves que la Seguridad Social deberá considerar protegidos a efectos de las prestaciones de maternidad a los casos de gestación subrogada, en dos fallos en los q...
Meio Ambiente

Militantes LGBT ameaçam Universidade Johns Hopkins

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Michelson Borges
criacionismo.com.br - Querem impedir a pesquisa? O Human Rights Campaign (Campanha dos Direitos Humanos ou HRC, na sigla em inglês), a maior organização de direitos civis de lésbicas, gays, bissexuais e transgêneros dos...

Vescovi sulle orme di Pannella, che tristezza...

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Kattoliko Pensiero
lanuovabq.it - Non ci sono parole per esprimere l’amarezza che suscita la notizia della convinta ed entusiastica adesione della Conferenza Episcopale Italiana (CEI) alla Marcia per l'Amnistia, la Giustizia, la Li...

Estado Islâmico captura famílias e as usa como escudo humano - Mundo - iG

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ツ Josiel Dias ®
ultimosegundo.ig.com.br - A Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU) acusou nesta sexta-feira (21) o grupo jihadista Estado Islâmico de prender cerca de 550 famílias, próximo à cidade de Mosul, no Iraque, para usá-las como escud...


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Catholic League
catholicleague.org - Bill Donohue comments on reaction to Donald Trump’s criticisms of partial-birth abortion: Lying about abortion is a cottage industry, so it was hardly surprising to learn that pro-abortion advocate...

Estado Islámico es expulsado de la ciudad cristiana más importante de Irak

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europapress.es - Las fuerzas de Irak han anunciado este jueves que controlan la totalidad de la Qaraqosh, la ciudad cristiana más importante de Irak, tras expulsar de la misma al grupo yihadista Estado Islámico. "L...

Brother Forced To Listen To Muslim Group Gang-Rape His Teenage Sister After Refusing To Convert From Christianity

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Perigo Islamico
dailywire.com - As reported by The Daily Mail on Thursday, a 20-year-old male was tortured by a Pakistani Muslim gang and then forced to listen to the group gang-rape his 17-year-old sister after his family refuse...

Janot acusa Fernando Collor por 30 crimes de corrupção | VEJA.com

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ツ Josiel Dias ®
veja.abril.com.br - O ex-presidente Fernando Collor de Melo (PTB-AL) é acusado pela Procuradoria-Geral da República de ter recebido ao menos 29 milhões de reais em propinas entre 2010 e 2014 referentes a dois contrato...
Meio Ambiente

Universo tem dez vezes mais galáxias do que se cria

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Michelson Borges
criacionismo.com.br - Muito maior do que se pensava Um levantamento feito com dados recolhidos durante duas décadas pelo telescópio Hubble revelou que o Universo abriga dois trilhões de galáxias, dez vezes mais do que o...

Shouldn't 'Pro Woman' Hillary Return the Million$ She Received From Saudi Arabia? » Politichicks.com

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politichicks.com - Democrat nominee Hillary Clinton likes to tout herself as being “pro woman. In the following video, she tells the crowd at the World Summit that people must support women. She explains that “Women’...

Exclusive: Poll shows many Georgians unfazed by Trump's lewd audio - zpolitics

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Severe Conservative
zpolitics.com - A new poll conducted exclusively for zpolitics has confirmed that Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is staying ahead in Georgia, though his lead over Hillary Clinton is a narrow one. T...

Midwest universities offer to train students in leftist activism, better protesting - The College Fix

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The College Fix
thecollegefix.com - Some Chicago-area universities are sponsoring training in political activism this fall – but it appears to be tilted towards progressive causes only. The administration at Northwestern University i...

Russian warships pass through English Channel - BBC News

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Ricardo Motoki
bbc.com - A flotilla of Russian warships is passing through the English Channel en route to Syria. Two British naval ships are shadowing the vessels. The Ministry of Defence said they would be "man-marked ev...

Turista francês é baleado ao reagir a assalto nas Paineiras

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oglobo.globo.com - RIO - Um turista francês foi baleado na perna ao reagir a um assalto no Trevo do Mirante Dona Marta, na Estrada das Paineiras, no fim da tarde de quinta-feira. Segundo a Polícia Militar, ao ser abo...

Federal Judge Overturns Obama's Unconstitutional Gun Ban » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - In the following video, Gary Franchi from the Next News Network discusses a recent article written by Sierra Marlee for Right Wing News. As we all know, Obama has a very disturbing history of attem...

Pais ocupam escola em Porto Alegre para desocupá-la de militantes e liberar o estudo | Rodrigo Constantino

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Rodrigo Constantino
rodrigoconstantino.com - Um grupo de pais tentou, na manhã desta quarta-feira, dar fim à ocupação do Colégio Estadual Paula Soares, no centro de Porto Alegre. A instituição permanece ocupada após acordo entre governo do Es...

New Big Pharma scandal as price of crucial leukemia drug is hiked 40%

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dailymail.co.uk - Lawmakers have slammed a pharmaceutical company for raising the price of a crucial leukemia drug by 40 per cent in less than a year.  Bernie Sanders is leading the interrogation into ARIAD Pharmace...

NIV Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible, a Review - Brave Daily

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Joshua D Jones
bravedaily.com - When I first heard of the NIV Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible, my first thought was, “I want to own that.” The cultural context of Scripture is one of my favorite things to study, and something th...

Obama Compares Obamacare To Phones That Literally Explode

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The Daily Caller
dailycaller.com - President Barack Obama compared Obamacare to phones that literally burst into flames at a Thursday speech at Miami Dade College. Touting his landmark healthcare bill to a crowd of thousands, Obama ...

Blog: Obama's shameful, phony gun control rhetoric in the wake of Charleston massacre

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Leticia Velasquez
americanthinker.com - If access to firearms were as easy as President Obama insisted in the aftermath of the South Carolina church massacre, Carol Bowne would be alive today. The 39-year-old New Jersey woman with a rest...

Macri põe fim a subsídios ao futebol argentino | Esporte | DW.COM | 21.10.2016

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dw.com - O presidente da Argentina, Mauricio Macri, acabará este ano com a transmissão gratuita de jogos de ponta do futebol nacional, por meio de um contrato entre o governo e a Federação Argentina de Fute...

Esto dijo Leopoldo López a concejal de VP detenido por el Sebin

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Cuba Opinión
epmundo.com - Lilian Tintori, esposa del líder opositor Leopoldo López, informó a través de su cuenta en la red social Twitter que López pudo ver este miércoles a su abogado desde su reclusión en el Centro Nacio...

Discovery: Monkeys Created First Ancient Tools NOT Humans – The Real Strategy

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Colleen Crawford
therealstrategy.com - A stone tool found in the sand has always been considered the handiwork of early humans and their ancestors. But a remarkable discovery in a Brazilian forest suggests that might not be so. Scientis...

FOCUS: Trump Didn't Invent the 'Rigged Election' Myth. Republicans Did.

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Wellington Moura
readersupportednews.org - ratering in the polls, besieged by sexual assault allegations and drowning in his own disgusting rhetoric, Donald Trump has been reduced to hollering that November’s election is “rigged” against hi...

Nintendo Switch in color: look at the possibilities - SlashGear

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slashgear.com - For products meant to be gaming machines, consoles are pretty drab affairs, coming in basic black or, if lucky, white hues. Sure, there are special editions, but they are named as such for a reason...
Meio Ambiente

Alerta: Virus de cuello blanco detectado

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Alberto Reynoso
cubanet.org - LA HABANA, Cuba.- Por estos días varios medios reflejan la noticia de la “desarticulación”, por parte del Ministerio del Interior, de varias redes de delincuentes que robaban saldo de las cuentas d...
Meio Ambiente

Dr. Wayne Grudem: “Se os americanos não gostam de Hillary e Trump, então eles deveriam votar em…”

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Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - 21 de outubro de 2016 Dr. Wayne Grudem: “Se os americanos não gostam de Hillary e Trump, então eles deveriam votar em…” Dr. Wayne Grudem: “Se os americanos não gostam de Hillary e Trump, então eles...

Islamic State and Biological and Chemical Terrorism: Good Propaganda or Real threat?

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outbreaknewstoday.com - Weapons of mass destruction have been always considered as the worst weapons ever, especially if we analyze the possible effects of biological and chemical terrorism. People cannot be prepared enou...

Correspondente colombiana chega ao Brasil na próxima semana

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Paulo Teixeira RJ
portasabertas.org.br - Entre outubro e novembro, Mariana, uma cristã perseguida da Colômbia, vai testemunhar sobre os desafios enfrentados pela igreja em seu país. A intolerância religiosa tem sido cada vez mais visível ...

Ronald Reagan: um exemplo cristão contra o comunismo

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Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - 23 de setembro de 2016 Ronald Reagan: um exemplo cristão contra o comunismo Ronald Reagan: um exemplo cristão contra o comunismo Jesus disse: “Eu, porém, vos digo: Amai a vossos inimigos, bendizei ...

Arsuaga: "Seguiremos manifestándonos en el abortorio Dator hasta lograr que se convierta en una guardería"

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actuall.com - Este jueves la plataforma Derecho a Vivir ha celebrado una vigilia provida frente al centro abortista Dator, el mayor de España. La portavoz de la plataforma, Lorena Díaz, ha señalado que el objeti...

CPI da Lei Rouanet é cenário de discórdia entre petistas e opositores

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Sóstenes Cavalcante
oglobo.globo.com - BRASÍLIA - A CPI da Lei Rouanet, instalada há um mês na Câmara, desponta como um cenário de querelas políticas entre os defensores dos governos do PT e seus opositores. Essa disputa aparece no cont...

No Trump in Women’s Dressing Rooms, but Males in General Are Okay?

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adflegal.org - This week, Buzzfeed published an article titled, “Teen Beauty Queens Say Trump Walked In On Them Changing.” The article quotes four former contestants of the Miss Teen USA pageant in 1997 who claim...

Russia Deploys All Northern Fleet and Most of Its Baltic Fleet To Syria: Largest Surface Deployment Since The End Of The Cold War » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - Russian warships off the coast of Norway are carrying fighter bombers that will likely reinforce a final assault on the besieged Syrian city of Aleppo in two weeks, a senior NATO diplomat said on W...

Latest Email Leaks: Lynch Tied to Soros, Reporters Fund Clinton and Obama Clamps Down on Julian Assange! » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - We’re going to quickly recap the incredible goings-on of the last two days: Sunday evening into Monday morning the online world exploded in a flurry of worry that the world governments were about t...

To Keep And Bear Arms: What And Why » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - As an author, columnist, radio talk show host, and pastor who is outspoken in my support of the Second Amendment, I often receive inquiries from people asking for my personal preferences regarding ...

WATCH: Audience member savages Clinton and claims Presidential hopeful should be in JAIL

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Voice of Europe
express.co.uk - Express. Home of the Daily and Sunday Express. Find us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Check us on Google+ Subscribe to our rss feed Daily Horoscope Our Apps Top 10 Our Paper Paper Archive HOME Ne...

'Unborn Lives Matter' Flyer Censored by DePaul » BarbWire.com

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barbwire.com - The DePaul College Republicans chapter has been censored yet again, this time over promotional flyers proclaiming that “Unborn Lives Matter.” According to University President Rev. Dennis H. Holtsc...

Para PGR, 'escola sem partido' é inconstitucional e subestima alunos - 20/10/2016 - Educação - Folha de S.Paulo

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Myrian Rios
folha.uol.com.br - Em parecer enviado ao STF (Supremo Tribunal Federal) nesta quarta (19), a PGR (Procuradoria-Geral da República) criticou duramente a tentativa de implantação da chamada "escola sem partido", que, s...

Doctor Who Removed Clinton's Blood Clot Found Dead – The Real Strategy

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Harry Tasker
therealstrategy.com - Maryland Doctor Who Treated Hillary Clinton For Blood Clot On Brain Mysteriously Dies By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers A shocking new report circulating in the Kremlin to...

For The Love Of The Game – Encouraging Dads Project

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Encouraging Dads
encouragingdads.com - As a young child of five or six years old, my dad would ask me to go outside and play catch with him. I took a couple in the chest, nose and face, but eventually learned all the ins and outs of thr...

PGR diz que Fernando Collor recebeu R$ 29 milhões de propina • Verdade Gospel - Portal gospel de notícias do Brasil

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Foco Cristão
verdadegospel.com - A Procuradoria-Geral da República (PGR) informou ao Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) que o senador Fernando Collor (PTC-AL) recebeu mais de R$ 29 milhões de propina entre 2010 e 2014 por meio de um c...

Physician-assisted suicide hurts the seriously ill rather than helping

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washingtontimes.com - The D.C. Council voted this week to add a physician-assisted suicide bill to their legislative agenda. Proponents insist that such suicides be viewed as a purely private matter between an autonomou...

This Year’s Extravaganza and World-Class Hypocrisy » BarbWire.com

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barbwire.com - After going through this year’s extravaganza, we may get used to dirty political campaigns. But we really are lost if we ever get used to this level of hypocrisy. Okay, truly outrageous lies, based...
Meio Ambiente

Radical Tree Hugger Attacks Free-Market Environmental Group at Temple » BarbWire.com

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Matt Barber
barbwire.com - A conservative environmental group trying to establish a chapter at Temple University was attacked by an anti-fracking fanatic Monday who stole and vandalized its sign. “F*ck fracking,” he said as ...

Voter Fraud: A Political Battlefield that Cannot be Surrendered » BarbWire.com

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barbwire.com - First a bit of news from Western Journalism. In one of his typically difficult to watch and listen to comments, President Obama had this to say about those warning about voter fraud: It happens to ...

Hillary Clinton - Cecile Richards (Planned Parenthood) Election 2016

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barbwire.com - Sitting in the auditorium watching Wednesday’s debate, it was clear to me that it was probably Donald Trump’s best. But there was someone else in the audience that I’m pretty confident couldn’t hav...

The Borking of Donald Trump, Part 1 » BarbWire.com

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barbwire.com - Borking: to attack or defeat (a nominee or candidate for public office) unfairly through an organized campaign of harsh public criticism or vilification. Merriam-Webster Dictionary. At the peak of ...

Can American Elections be Trusted? » BarbWire.com

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barbwire.com - When election tampering is suspected in fledgling foreign republics, monitors from the United States are often sent in to ensure that the polling is conducted openly and honestly. But who monitors ...

The Trump Treatment for a Campus Conservative » BarbWire.com

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barbwire.com - I was disinvited from a college debate on the campus of the State University of New York in New Paltz last March. Left-wing professors didn’t want to hear me debate a left-winger on media coverage ...

Dangerous Target Transgender Policy Exposed Women to Predators

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barbwire.com - Faith and Freedom with Liberty Counsel’s Mat Staver and Holly Meade, and BarbWire’s Matt Barber… An 11-minute weekday radio program discussing hot topics in the area of religious liberty, the sanct...

Between imaginary threats and hysteria: How Russia dominates Western headlines

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Voice of Europe
rt.com - However, the Spectator, a British conservative weekly with a total circulation of about 71,700 copies, did not just engage in a Russia-bashing exercise so characteristic of the UK tabloids lately, ...

Europe rejects Dutch PM's plan on Ukraine referendum - NL Times

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Voice of Europe
nltimes.nl - Prime Minister Mark Rutte got little support from the European leaders on his plan on how to deal with the Netherlands voting no in a referendum on an association agreement between the EU and Ukrai...

Fraude eleitoral e incitação de violência: o escândalo dos operadores da campanha de Hillary que imprensa ignorou | VEJA.com

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Felipe Moura Brasil
veja.abril.com.br - Se houvesse cobertura jornalística dos Estados Unidos no Brasil, e não apenas tradução de matérias de agências e veículos de esquerda que naturalmente omitem do público as informações prejudiciais ...

2016 and the Future of the Supreme Court

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Ryan T. Anderson
thepublicdiscourse.com - Rarely does a newly elected president of the United States have an open seat on the Supreme Court for which to make a nomination. The 2016 presidential election may therefore be the closest that Un...

Vote Rigging Guru and Former Federal Prison Inmate Robert Creamer Visited White House 340 Times – Visited Obama 45 Times » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - Vote Rigger Robert Creamer was exposed earlier this week by James O’Keefe at Project Veritas regarding rigging elections.  However, what you may not know is that Creamer spent time in a federal pri...

Canadian transgender rights bill passes second reading, picks up support from Tory MPs

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lifesitenews.com - OTTAWA, October 21, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) — The Liberal government’s transgender rights bill sailed past second reading Tuesday by a vote of 248-40, with several Conservative leadership hopefuls amon...

The Ontario Liberal gvmt’s new bill strips kids of their natural birthright - a mom and dad

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lifesitenews.com - October 20, 2016 (Campaign Life Coalition) -- It ought to be every child’s natural birthright to know who Mom and Dad are.  When children don’t know one, or both, of their parents, they grieve.  No...

“She Was In Full Meltdown”: Hillary Unleashed On Donna Brazile For Unapproved Debate Question » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - Hindsight is making more and more clear that Hillary’s outrageously rigged campaign is dependent – heavily dependent – on control over the media. Nearly every question she has been asked during the...

Estudiantes cristianos en Kirkuk, a Actuall: "El Estado Islámico está al final de nuestra calle"

actuall.com - Hiba es una estudiante cristiana de rito católico caldeo que ha tenido la suerte de no encontrarse en la ciudad iraquí de Kirkuk en el momento en que el Estado Islámico, el terrorífico Daesh, trata...

Prepare for a sexism ‘tsunami’

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David Shestokas
lockerroom.johnlocke.org - Heather Wilhelm warns at National Review Online that we’ll soon be hearing a lot more complaints about sexism, thanks to the Hillary Clinton campaign for president. Say what you will about Donald T...

30 Reasons in 30 Days to Vote for Donald Trump – #18 Hillary's Attack on Second Amendment

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All American Girl
thegatewaypundit.com - As we count down to the November 8th election, we will list 30 reasons in 30 days to vote for Donald Trump for President of the US. Reason #18 – Hillary’s Attack on the 2nd Amendment In June of thi...

Anger among French police grows as Hollande vows talks

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Voice of Europe
thelocal.fr - Hundreds of police took to the streets of Paris for a fourth night of demonstrations calling for reinforcements and stiffer penalties following a string of attacks on officers. Protests also took p...

PT comemora prisão de Cunha, mas aponta lado negativo - ISTOÉ Independente

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istoe.com.br - Líderes do PT comemoraram na quarta-feira, 19, a possibilidade de que a prisão do ex-presidente da Câmara e deputado cassado Eduardo Cunha (PMDB-RJ) esteja atrelada a uma delação premiada que provo...

Cunha na cadeia, o horror do frango esbranquiçado, o habeas corpus inútil, a preventiva e a delação premiada | VEJA.com

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Reinaldo Azevedo
veja.abril.com.br - Ficar encarcerado deve ser horrível. Mas sempre pode haver um livro para distraí-lo, num ambiente, como é a carceragem da Polícia Federal de Curitiba, certamente seguro. Está longe do conforto a qu...

Mais de mil muçulmanos serão batizados no Oriente Médio, África e Ásia

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Marco Feliciano
noticias.revivaltimes.com.br - Segundo relatório do ministério “Bibles For Mideast” (Bíblias para o Oriente Médio), mais de mil muçulmanos estão se preparando para o batismo em Jesus Cristo, dando início a caminhada na fé em doz...

Un chico le puso una pistola en la cabeza y dijo a Natalia: te voy a matar; hoy, él reza por ella

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religionenlibertad.com - Este domingo se celebra el Domund, una fecha importante para poner en valor la importante labor que desarrollan los miles de misioneros que hay repartidos en el mundo. Muchos de ellos se juegan la ...

Os 30 anos do Complexo J

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Foco Cristão
musica.gospelprime.com.br - Banda foi um dos principais nomes do rock cristão brasileiro entre as décadas de 1980 e 1990 Em 1986, o Complexo J dava início à sua trajetória. O grupo, formado na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, lançou...
Arte & Entretenimento

Connecticut school bans Halloween over 'increasing societal safety concerns'

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Paul Joseph Watson
eagnews.org - NIANTIC, Conn. – Students at Lillie B. Haynes Elementary School can kiss Halloween goodbye. Principal Melissa DeLoreto canceled the school’s annual Halloween traditions in a letter to parents yeste...

EU report: ISIS plotting chemical attack in Europe – 150 cases of nuclear trafficking reported annually

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themuslimissue.wordpress.com - The EU has no excuses to make. They’ve known the threat of terrorism for plenty of years now, and should have closed the borders and banned Muslims from immigrating. They have done the opposite. Th...

Antidepressants Can Do More Harm Than Good – We Must Kick the Habit

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Heat Street
heatst.com - Our nationwide addiction to antidepressants has put us on a slippery slope. Record numbers of people are turning to “happy pills” to lift their spirits – in England alone the number of prescription...

U.S. Archbishop: Beware of Tim Kaine, a ‘Cafeteria Catholic’

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Standard Redneck
breitbart.com - In a stinging column in his diocesan newspaper, The Leaven, Kansas City Archbishop Joseph Naumann said that it was “painful” to listen to Senator Kaine repeat “the same tired and contorted reasonin...

BRICS – MarcoFeliciano

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Marco Feliciano
marcofeliciano.com.br - Quero parabenizar o Presidente Michel Temer pela representação do Brasil nessa viagem internacional, pela Índia, onde representou o Brasil perante a reunião dos Brics, ou seja, os cinco países emer...

2º Político com Maior Audiência no Facebook – MarcoFeliciano

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Marco Feliciano
marcofeliciano.com.br - É com inestimável alegria que venho comentar sobre a recente publicação da Plataforma Social Bakers (https://www.socialbakers.com/)  que enumera as personalidades políticas de maior influência ness...

John Podesta Wasn't 'Hacked,' He Fell For An Email Phishing Scam

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Paul Joseph Watson
informationliberation.com - John Podesta Wasn't 'Hacked,' He Fell For An Email Phishing ScamChris Menahan InformationLiberation Oct. 20, 2016 Popular FACT CHECK: Hillary Said 90% of Clinton Foundation Donations go to Charity....
Arte & Entretenimento

2,000 Seattle teachers wear ‘Black Lives Matter’ shirts to class

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Paul Joseph Watson
seattletimes.com - About 2,000 Seattle educators wore Black Lives Matter shirts at their schools Wednesday to call for racial equity in education. Schools across the district held “Black Lives Matter at School” ralli...
Arte & Entretenimento

Cakes, Brexit, and country music: We chat with Morrissey

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Paul Joseph Watson
fasterlouder.junkee.com - Thirty-five years into his musical existence – 28 of which as a solo performer – Morrissey is a lot of things to a lot of people. Icon. Poet. Pin-up. Author. Provocateur. Wordsmith. Dude who wrote ...

U.S. Foreign Policy ‘Elite’ Eagerly Await an Expansion of Overseas Wars Under Hillary Clinton

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Paul Joseph Watson
libertyblitzkrieg.com - Your average American Hillary Clinton supporter will smugly head to the polls on November 8th, entirely self-assured of his or her vital role in the defeat of fascism in these United States. It won...

Hillary Clinton Says Abortions are Needed But Abortion is Never Necessary to Save the Life of the Mother | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - Pro-abortion Democrat Hillary Clinton made a false appeal to compassion during Tuesday night’s presidential debate when she said she supports late-term abortions in cases that protect a woman’s lif...

Dismemberment Abortions Tear Babies Limb From Limb, Hillary Clinton Calls That "a Scare Tactic" | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - Dream last night’s presidential debate, pro-abortion presidential candidate Hillary Clinton denied the brutality of abortion. She called Donald Trump’s statement that she favors ripping unborn babi...

Federal Judge Stops Mississippi From Defunding Planned Parenthood Abortion Business | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - On Thursday, a federal judge sided with the Planned Parenthood abortion business and blocked a Mississippi law the governor signed earlier this year that would prohibit taxpayer funding for the abo...

Debate Proves Hillary Clinton Really Does Support Abortion All the Way Up to Birth | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - As you would expect from a first-rate journalist, Fox News’ Chris Wallace held the candidates’ feet to the fire in last night’s third and final presidential debate. From the pro-life perspective, i...
Arte & Entretenimento

Pro-Abortion Actress Scarlett Johansson Calls Abortion a “Human Rights Issue” | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - Actress Scarlett Johansson couldn’t be more right that abortion is a “human rights issue,” but her position has a giant, fatal flaw. In her opinion, abortion should be accepted as a “human right” f...
Arte & Entretenimento

Mom’s Hope of Making Son With Down Syndrome a Model Goes Viral | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - Fifteen-month-old Asher Nash’s adorable smile has become an internet sensation. The Atlanta Journal Constitution reports Asher’s popularity began with a casting call for child models for OshKosh B’...

Hillary Clinton Repeatedly Misled Americans on Abortion During the Debate, Here's the Truth | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - Misleading statements about abortion characterized Hillary Clinton’s discussion of the topic during the third presidential debate. “In displaying her undying loyalty to the Abortion Cartel, Clinton...

Palavra ao jovem: a complementaridade entre o moço e o velho | Rodrigo Constantino

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Rodrigo Constantino
rodrigoconstantino.com - A palavra que o mais velho deve ao moço, será que ele, hoje, sabe dizê-la de modo a ser ouvido com simpatia e, além disso, entendido? Acredito que sim. E direi mais, embora a afirmação surpreenda: ...

O anel de Cabral e a promiscuidade entre o poder e os empresários no capitalismo de compadres | Rodrigo Constantino

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Rodrigo Constantino
rodrigoconstantino.com - Não sei quanto ao leitor, mas se alguém, um empresário, qualquer outro homem dá de presente para a minha mulher uma joia super valiosa, eu deixo meu lado mais medieval vir à tona e desafio o sujeit...

Syria warns it will ‘down Turkish planes next time,’ calls bombing of Kurds ‘flagrant aggression’

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Voice of Europe
rt.com - In a statement, the Syrian Defense Ministry accused Turkey of “flagrant aggression, which targeted innocent citizens,” saying that it considers it “a dangerous development that could escalate the s...

Polícia Legislativa teria ajudado Sarney, Collor, Gleisi e Lobão - 24Brasil

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24 Brasil
24brasil.com - (Atualizada às 11 horas) Os senadores Fernando Collor (PTC-AL), Gleisi Hoffmann (PT-PR) e Edison Lobão (PMDB-MA), além do ex-presidente do Senado e da República José Sarney, são os supostos benefic...

Minneapolis: Muslims Riot, Throw Rocks at Police in Rage Over HBO Series on Jihad Recruitment » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - Hollywood could never be accused of being brave in covering the jihad threat. Because they don’t. Post 9/11, consider the almost non-existent offerings of Hollywood productions where jihad is even ...

Democrat & Republican Sheriffs Agree: Arm Yourselves Against Islamic Jihadists! » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - Well, it looks like it has taken several Islamic attacks before some of these liberals have awakened to reality, but I’m glad they are at least sounding the clarion call to Americans against the Ob...
Arte & Entretenimento

Amber Cornwell is One of Millions of Reasons Bradlee Dean’s Message is needed among America’s Youth » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - Bradlee Dean is known for taking his message of the history of America and the Word of God into America’s public indoctrination centers (public schools). However, there may be many that question th...

Corrupting One's Self is the Ultimate Morality in the Pursuit of Utopia » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - As we draw closer to the day that many of us hope will end the outright assault on liberty, I can’t help but feel our nation will never be the same again. It is unfortunate that far too many of us ...
Arte & Entretenimento

The Hard Reality of Collapse: “You Will Eventually Be Responsible For Healing The Sick And Treating Wounds” » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - Should we ever be presented with a situation wherein the system as we have come to know it collapses, the one thing we can be certain of is that we will be faced with a variety of life-threatening ...

Trump Resists Pledge To “Absolutely Accept” Election Results… But Why Should Anyone Accept Fraud? » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - A lot of people think that Donald Trump is about to lose the election – and many of them are hoping that’s exactly what happens. But what they are worried about is the possibility that his talk of ...

Desperate to Cling to Power: If Trump Upsets Election, “Martial Law Could Follow” » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - Simply put, the stakes are very high for this election. Whether he is a farce, or a force to be reckoned with, Donald Trump has shaken the foundations of the establishment. So far in 2016, we have ...

They Know What Comes Next: Russian Citizens Are “Stocking Up On Essentials In Case Of War” » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - The United States isn’t the only place where you’ll find citizens concerned with a rapidly deteriorating geo-political landscape and the real possibility of another World War. According to a report...
Meio Ambiente

Cliven Bundy Case: Defendants Accuse Govt of Altering BLM Video Evidence » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - In the latest news out of Las Vegas, Nevada concerning the Cliven Bundy case, in which numerous defendants’ freedom and liberty itself is at stake, the defendants have claimed that the DC governmen...

When Gun Control Kills » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - Anniversaries are usually a time for celebration. But that won’t be the case for the Bowne family this year. Last June, Carol Bowne was murdered outside her New Jersey home by a violent felon who h...

Welcome to the Banana Republic Politics » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - One of the things that have made America so fruitful and stable for so long is the fact that America was a land of laws. No matter what was at stake, we were a country that played fair when it came...

Donald Trump is Missing the Real Danger of Election Rigging » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - Over the last week, members of the establishment press have seethed with mock outrage over accusations by Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and his running mate, Gov. Mike Pence, that th...

Feminists admit at UN: ‘Post-abortion care’ was always just code for abortion advocacy

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lifesitenews.com - October 20, 2016 (C-Fam) – A leading consortium of reproductive health advocates announced its intention to drop “post-abortion care” from its title and to begin campaigning for “comprehensive abor...

The Clinton Plan to Destroy Alt-Right Media Involves War with Russia » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - This title is not hyperbole, Hillary Clinton, the Democrats and the Obama administration are so desperate to silence alternative news sources inside the U.S., they are even willing to go to war wit...

The Hypocrisy, Lawlessness and Violence of the Anti-Gun Left » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - It’s been said many times.  Those who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. This is certainly true of the anti-gun Left, who have a habit of doing the very things they accuse others of doing...

New Obama Executive Order Hints At Devastating Space Event: “Could Disable Large Portions Of The Electrical Power Grid… Cause Cascading Failures” » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - Once considered a fringe conspiracy theory, it appears that the Obama administration is now actively preparing for a massive solar event that could wipe out life as we have come to know it. Space w...
Arte & Entretenimento

Planned Parenthood praises Hillary’s ‘fierce passion’ in defending late-term abortion

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lifesitenews.com - October 20, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – “I was on my feet” as Hillary Clinton “proudly” defended America’s largest abortion company and the “right” to late-term abortion, the executive vice president of ...

What to Do to Prepare for Financial Collapse: “Get Out of Debt. Store. Prep. Cash. Gold.” » Sons of Liberty Media

Partilhado por
The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - Mass unemployment. Loss of income. Heavy dependence on assistance. And the biggest strain on the system we can imagine. The United States is once again brought to the brink of collapse. Regardless ...

Maine: The Second Amendment is Your Gun Permit! » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - In an amazing and perhaps a bit surprising win for freedom, the legislators in the deeply purple state of Maine have just passed a bill that would abolish the need for concealed carry permits and a...

All Signs Point to a Coming UN Police Action to Seize American Guns » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - Any military intelligence officer will tell you that even the smallest thing could mark the coming of a major event. There is a video going viral that should concern every American who hopes to ret...

America: You Will Go Insane Because Of What Your Eyes Will See » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - A cloud of madness is descending on America, and most of us are completely unprepared for the chaos that will be unleashed during the months ahead.  This morning, I was reading through Deuteronomy ...

Which Items Will Disappear First During A Major National Emergency? » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - One day in the not too distant future, a major emergency will strike this nation, and that will set off a round of hoarding unlike anything we have ever seen before.  Just think about what happens ...

Baton Rouge, Nice, Dallas, Orlando – A Dark And Distressing Time Has Descended Upon The Civilized World » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - Does it not seem as though events are starting to accelerate significantly?  Since I warned that something “had shifted” and that things had “suddenly become more serious,” we have seen the worst m...

Strategic Relocation: Have You Prepared A Place Of Refuge For Your Family? » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - The world sits on the cusp of paradigm-shifting changes. We may not know the exact timing of events, but we know the trend, and it’s not looking good for peace and stability. In fact, uncertainty a...

Archbishop Chaput urges bishops to embrace Catholic identity in face of ‘secular meltdown’

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lifesitenews.com - October 20, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – American Catholics must rediscover their distinct identity and separate themselves from a culture increasingly at odds with the faith, Philadelphia Archbishop Char...

Greensboro, NC Residents Sheepishly Turn in Their Guns at Police Request » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - The attack in Paris, France perpetrated by Islamic terrorists has captured the attention of everyone worldwide. It’s a sign of things to come under the “forced” illegal alien invasion of Muslims by...

Em solenidade, Sóstenes afirma que a maior bandeira da sociedade brasileira é a família

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Sóstenes Cavalcante
sostenescavalcante.com.br - Neste dia 21 de outubro é celebrado o Dia Nacional de Valorização da Família. A Câmara dos Deputados realizou, nesta quinta-feira (20), uma Sessão Solene em comemoração à data. O evento foi em aten...

Alabama se rebela contra el matrimonio homosexual

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agencialavoz.blogspot.com - EE.UU.-(AGENCIALAVOZ) Once condados cierran sus departamentos de licencias matrimoniales y el máximo juez estatal es suspendido por desafiar la legalización en Estados Unidos. Una hoja de papel peg...

Massachusetts Moves to Regulate Church Belief and Operation

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adflegal.org - In July of this year, the Massachusetts Legislature added “gender identity” as a protected class to the state’s public accommodations laws and directed the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimi...

Reports of ‘three-parent babies’ multiply

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nature.com - A baby boy conceived using a controversial technique that mixes DNA from three people seems to be healthy, according to a hotly anticipated talk by the leader of the team that created the child. Jo...

Pandora, don’t expose children to graphic content!

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citizengo.org - Currently, the Internet radio provider called Pandora indiscriminately subjects listeners to graphic, explicit, inappropriate advertising content no matter what kind of music the user is listening ...

Los cristianos sí estamos en guerra con la comunidad LGBTI

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agencialavoz.blogspot.com - Por: Alejandro Ortiz COLOMBIA.-(AGENCIALAVOZ) “El pasado 10 de agosto mostramos en las marchas por la familia el poder que tenemos. Fuimos capaces de sacar a Gina Parody y de hacer ganar el NO” Com...

IRAQ Anti-Isis Iraqis marked and executed in Mosul

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asianews.it - Mosul (AsiaNews) – When Isis (or Daesh) was rising to power in Syria and Iraq ì the letter "N" (Arabic word for "Nasrani", Nazarene) appeared on the homes of Christians to be exterminated or forcib...

Los gemelos que luchan por la vida incluso antes de nacer

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agencialavoz.blogspot.com - Pocas semanas después de conocer que estaban esperando gemelos, los médicos advirtieron al matrimonio Mclntire que el pequeño Mason tenía un agujero oval en el corazón y que presentaba algunas anom...

Evangélicos abren la ola conservadora en la región

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agencialavoz.blogspot.com - Se oponen al aborto, al matrimonio homosexual o a legalizar la marihuana: la creciente influencia de las iglesias evangélicas en Latinoamérica abre puertas a tendencias conservadoras y se refleja e...

Alerta! El Club de Satán podría llegar a la escuela de su hijo pronto

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agencialavoz.blogspot.com - EE.UU.-(AGENCIALAVOZ) Lilith Starr, una abogada del diablo en todo sentido, se apura para el comienzo de su Club de Satanás, una actividad que realizan después de la escuela.Como fundadora del Temp...

3 Recent Examples of Planned Parenthood’s Abortion Cronyism at Work in U.S. Politics

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adflegal.org - Election season seems to bring out the worst in Planned Parenthood as their political arm lobbies support for pro-abortion policies and politicians. This year seems to be particularly bad following...

Fact-Checking 7 Claims in Obama's Obamacare Speech

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dailysignal.com - In a speech before Miami Dade College students in Miami, Florida, on Thursday, President Barack Obama spoke about some of the successes of the Affordable Care Act, as well as what he would like to ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Noruega permite a mujeres extranjeras abortar a uno de sus gemelos

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agencialavoz.blogspot.com - Las mujeres europeas embarazadas de gemelos que vivan en países donde la "reducción selectiva" -abortar a uno o más bebés en caso de embarazo múltiple- no está permitida, ahora podrán hacerlo en No...

Better to Give than to Receive: Catholicism and the Enlightenment

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Ryan T. Anderson
thepublicdiscourse.com - In The Blue Cross by G.K. Chesterton, the good, although somewhat simple, Father Brown easily identifies a famous thief, Flambeau, despite his disguise of clerical garb. Flambeau cannot comprehend ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Religious Freedom? A Judge Bans a Jewish Ritual in California

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Ryan T. Anderson
nationalreview.com - ‘That should not happen in America,” exclaimed a left-leaning friend of mine upon hearing that a federal judge had prohibited some Jewish Californians from engaging in a ritual that Jews have perfo...

Laura Ingraham accuses ‘Never Trump’ conservatives of supporting partial-birth abortion

Partilhado por
Tim Gradous
theblaze.com - Talk radio host Laura Ingraham accused “Never Trump” conservatives of supporting partial-birth abortion during an interview on Fox News early Thursday morning following the presidential debate. Ing...

¡Y LO SABE EL MUNDO! Felipe González: Maduro ha convertido a Venezuela en una tiranía

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maduradas.com - El expresidente del Gobierno español Felipe González dijo hoy que la decisión del CNE de posponer la marcha hacia el proceso revocatorio es una manifestación del deseo del presidente Nicolás Maduro...

Paraguay: libro blanco de defunciones para los no nacidos

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CitizenGO es
citizengo.org - El pasado 12 de octubre los diputados Olga Ferreira (Independiente-Capital), y José María Ibáñez (ANR-Central), presentaron un proyecto de ley para que los no nacidos también aparezcan en el Regist...

Suiza donó 242.600 euros a una red de ONG en Colombia para que promoviesen el 'Sí'

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actuall.com - El ministro de asuntos exteriores suizo, Didier Burkhalter, tendrá que comparecer en una audiencia privada en el parlamento de su país para explicar porque Suiza donó 242.600 euros de dinero públic...
Meio Ambiente

Um neocon brasileiro?

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Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - Um neocon brasileiro? A melhor explicação sobre as intenções dos neocons foi dada pelo escritor conservador Michael Savage, que disse: “Os neocons… fazem muito dinheiro em cima de conflitos militar...

“Casamento” gay: Um herói no Alabama

Partilhado por
Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - “Casamento” gay: Um herói no Alabama Roy Moore, juiz que preside o Supremo Tribunal do Alabama, nos EUA, construiu sua carreira sendo leal à Constituição dos EUA e à Constituição de Deus, a Bíblia,...

IRAK Iraquíes anti-Isis marcados y ejecutados en Mosul

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CitizenGO es
asianews.it - Mosul (AsiaNews) - Cuando comenzó a aparecer Isis (o Daesh) en Siria e Irak aparecía la letra "N" (Inicio de la palabra árabe "Nasrani", Nazareno) con el que las casas de los cristianos fueron marc...

Conferência mundial de educação em casa na Rússia

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Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - Conferência mundial de educação em casa na Rússia Comentário de Julio Severo: A Associação de Defesa Legal da Educação em Casa, a maior organização de educação em casa do mundo, estará realizando u...

Liberdade cristã nos EUA, Rússia, Israel e Brasil

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Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - Liberdade cristã nos EUA, Rússia, Israel e Brasil Embora fossem majoritariamente evangélicos em sua origem, os EUA não privilegiam hoje o evangelicalismo e o governo americano claramente o desfavor...

Índio bissexual invoca demônios na Casa Branca

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Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - Índio bissexual invoca demônios na Casa Branca Na Reunião da Comunidade Bissexual na Casa Branca que ocorreu em 26 de setembro para honrar a “Semana da Consciência Bissexual,” um dos palestrantes i...

Se os imigrantes brasileiros nos EUA são acusados de “porcos,” por que culpar Trump?

Partilhado por
Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - Se os imigrantes brasileiros nos EUA são acusados de “porcos,” por que culpar Trump? Os brasileiros, principalmente seus imigrantes nos Estados Unidos, estão recebendo (e furiosamente espalhando) u...

A Esquerda e os ateus estão vigiando…

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Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - 14 de outubro de 2016 A Esquerda e os ateus estão vigiando… A Esquerda e os ateus estão vigiando… O Observatório da Direita (em inglês, Right Wing Watch), uma grande organização socialista dos EUA,...

El Padre Jens: “El cristianismo siempre ha permanecido y no va a desaparecer”

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CitizenGO es
actuall.com - Huyó de Siria ante el terror del Estado Islámico y acabó instalándose en Irak acogiendo a 200 refugiados, que como él intentaban escapar de las garras del IS. El testimonio del padre Jens Petzold e...

Trump se encontrará com Putin antes de sua posse

Partilhado por
Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - Trump se encontrará com Putin antes de sua posse Numa entrevista na segunda-feira com Michael Savage, apresentador de programa de rádio, o candidato presidencial republicano Donald Trump disse que ...


Cristianismo e Política + Christianity and Politics + União multi-denominacional (evangélicos, católicos, etc) em defesa dos valores cristãos e da democracia




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