23 October 2016

CP-news 2016.10.22 @CristPolit


BEAKING: Fox News Just Confirmed Obama Rigged Election With 4 Million Illegal Votes

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Standard Redneck
conservativedailypost.com - Voting is a great right to have in the United States. It is so sacred that military veterans have put their lives on the line to make sure that we still have this right in the country. People take ...

4 examples of Democrat voter fraud over the years

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fireandreamitchell.com - Do you need examples of voter fraud in this country that help Democrats? In the videos released by James O’Keefe, the Clinton hack bragged about how Democrats have been using voter fraud for 50 yea...

Ingraham: #NeverTrump Republicans Are ‘Effectively Advancing’ Clinton’s ‘Abortion Regime’

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mediaite.com - Laura Ingraham, one of Donald Trump‘s biggest fans in the conservative media, is now declaring that all the pro-life #NeverTrump Republicans who are resisting and fighting Trump are basically just ...

Trump-driven divide will consume GOP long after the election

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washingtonpost.com - LAS VEGAS — The third and final debate Wednesday marked the beginning of the end of a presidential race that most Republican leaders cannot wait to forget. But the party’s Donald Trump-driven divis...

CNE acata ilegalmente decisión de cinco tribunales regionales chavistas y suspende el revocatorio

factormm.com - El CNE señaló que fue notificado por los tribunales regionales sobre la anulación de la primera etapa de recolección de firmas y esto tienen como consecuencia la paralización de la siguiente etapa ...

Earthquake Faults Around San Francisco Are Dangerously Interconnected

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gizmodo.com - Geologists have discovered that two deadly faults beneath San Francisco—the Hayward and Rodgers Creek faults—may be linked. Should one slip, it could trigger the other fault to collapse as well, ca...

Voters say corporate media bias is tilting election, not Russia

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fireandreamitchell.com - So is Russia “tilting” the election like the media and Democrats would like the rubes to believe? If you ask the voters, it’s not Russia that’s titling the 2016 election, it’s the corporate media w...

Midwest universities offer to train students in leftist activism, better protesting - The College Fix

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The College Fix
thecollegefix.com - Some Chicago-area universities are sponsoring training in political activism this fall – but it appears to be tilted towards progressive causes only. The administration at Northwestern University i...

'Unborn Lives Matter' Flyer Censored by DePaul » BarbWire.com

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barbwire.com - The DePaul College Republicans chapter has been censored yet again, this time over promotional flyers proclaiming that “Unborn Lives Matter.” According to University President Rev. Dennis H. Holtsc...

WikiLeaks - The Podesta Emails

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wikileaks.org - How to contact WikiLeaks? What is Tor? Tips for Sources After Submitting This key's fingerprint is A04C 5E09 ED02 B328 03EB 6116 93ED 732E 9231 8DBA -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- mQQNBFUoCGg...


Cristianismo e Política + Christianity and Politics + União multi-denominacional (evangélicos, católicos, etc) em defesa dos valores cristãos e da democracia

Hillary Clinton Wrong About Forced Abortions in China, Woman in August Forced to Abort at 8 Months | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - In the Presidential debate against Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton made the following statement: I’ve been to countries where governments either forced women to have abortions, like they used to do i...

Authorities Reportedly Warn Election Officials About Russian Hackers Faking Fraud

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foxnews.com - U.S. intelligence and law enforcement authorities reportedly have expressed concern that Russian-backed hackers could try to undermine the upcoming presidential elections by posting documents purpo...
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Gleisi confirma que pediu varredura da Polícia Legislativa em suas residências

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Wellington Melo
infomoney.com.br - SÃO PAULO - A senadora Gleisi Hoffmann (PT-PR) divulgou nota admitindo ter pedido à Polícia Legislativa do Senado para fazer verificação e varredura em suas residências em Brasília e Curitiba.  Por...


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neusa andrade moro
br2pontos.com - A Polícia Federal prendeu nesta sexta-feira, 21, quatro policiais legislativos do Senado suspeitos de atrapalhar investigações da Operação Lava Jato. Segundo as investigações, eles são suspeitos de...
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¡Y LO SABE EL MUNDO! Felipe González: Maduro ha convertido a Venezuela en una tiranía

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maduradas.com - El expresidente del Gobierno español Felipe González dijo hoy que la decisión del CNE de posponer la marcha hacia el proceso revocatorio es una manifestación del deseo del presidente Nicolás Maduro...

Gretchen Carlson to testify before Congress

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thehill.com - Former Fox News host Gretchen Carlson, who left the network amid allegations of sexual harassment against former network chairman and CEO Roger Ailes, has revealed she will testify before Congress ...
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Late-term abortion: Does it happen in America?

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Kerri Kupec
liveactionnews.org - In the final presidential debate of 2016, late-term abortion became a fiery topic with the candidates arguing over whether, in late-term, partial-birth abortion, a doctor could “take the baby and r...

EXCLUSIVE: Amazing Healing Miracle at Agbenoxoe in Ghana, Africa

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catholicnews.live - Richmond Anthony Akamah My name is Richmond Anthony Akamah of Holy Spirit Catholic Church Ho SSNIT flats. I was hit by a car on the 13th of August, 2016, where I sustained various degrees of injuri...
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