27 October 2016

LiberdadeDeExpressao 2016.10.26 all @livrexpress

LiberdadeDeExpressao News

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Early Voting Suggests Tight Race In Key States Despite Clinton Camp Boast

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Deplorable Milo🐸
foxnews.com - Hillary Clinton’s campaign is touting some “eye-popping” advantages in early voting, in an apparent effort to energize Democratic voters, but preliminary figures suggest the race remains tighter th...

Texans Shatter Turnout Records in First Day of Voting

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Linda Suhler, Ph.D.
breitbart.com - “I was shocked,” Harris County Clerk Stan Stanart told Breitbart Texas Monday night. “We prepared for a large turnout by increasing polling locations and the number of machines in key locations, bu...

Ohio GOP head splits with Kasich, announces support for Trump

washingtonexaminer.com - Ohio Republican Party Chairman Matt Borges has decided to cast his ballot for Donald Trump on Nov. 8 after publicly feuding with the GOP nominee's campaign this month. Borges was cut off from the T...

Doctora Mármol de León: Un colombiano no puede dirigir nuestras FAN

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lapatilla.com - La doctora Blanca Rosa Mármol de León, entregó ayer una carta a la Asamblea Nacional, en su condición de Magistrada Emérita del Tribunal Supremo de Justicia, con el fin de “darle mi apoyo a la soli...

Alucinada, presidente da UBES diz que “o MBL foi o responsável pela morte de aluno no Paraná”

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Raphael Panichi .'.
jornalivre.com - A presidente da União Brasileira dos Estudantes Secundaristas Camila Lanes publicou um vídeo em que aparece alucinada disparando acusações sobre o homicídio de um aluno em uma das escolas invadias ...

‘We Need to Clean This Up’: More Evidence Obama Lied about Hillary’s Private E-mails

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nationalreview.com - There was panic in Camp Clinton when President Obama falsely told the public he had not known about then-Secretary Hillary Clinton’s use of private e-mail until he heard about it “through news repo...

O Antagonista - A reforma laranja

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Braulio Barini Jr
oantagonista.com - O relatório da PF sobre seus rendimentos revelou que Lilian Arbex pagou mais de 280 mil reais na reforma do apartamento que Jonas Suassuna lhe deu de presente. Ela é mulher de Fernando Bittar, o la...

Vaqueiros ocupam Esplanada em ato contra proibição de vaquejadas

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Congresso P㋡dre
g1.globo.com - Vaqueiros e trabalhadores de vaquejadas ocuparam a Esplanada dos Ministérios, na área central de Brasília, na manhã desta terça-feira (25) para protestar contra a decisão do Supremo Tribunal Federa...

Amy Schumer Goes Topless In Effort To Get Clinton Elected

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dailycaller.com - Amy Schumer stripped down to nothing but her underwear in effort to get Hillary Clinton elected. The 35-year-old comedian shared a surprising photo on her Instagram account going completely topless...

How the Elites Blew Up the World

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Rhonda Kazmierski
lifezette.com - “We should be more than worried. Neither America nor the world can afford a lurch into Trumpian isolationism,” wrote Philip Stevens in the Financial Times on Sept. 21. Everyone from the New York Ti...

Swedish govt in “panic” after ISIS letters give 3 days to convert to Islam or be decapitated

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Getúlio Santana
jihadwatch.org - “In the name of Allah, the merciful, full of grace. You who are not believers will be decapitated in three days in your own house; we will bomb your rotten corpses afterwards. You must choose betwe...

How Your Internet-Enabled Device Could Be Hijacked for Cyber-Attacks

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Paulo Sa Elias
abcnews.go.com - Your internet-linked baby monitor may be participating in a major cyber-attack, and you don’t even know it. While experts have been warning for some time that the proliferation of devices that make...

Report: Clinton ordered operative to troll Trump with duck

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thehill.com - Democratic nominee Hillary ClintonHillary Rodham ClintonNational poll: Clinton clings to 5-point lead over Trump War over polls intensifies Buzz builds about Michelle's future MORE personally OK’d ...

Hillary’s 33,000 emails might not be ‘missing’ after all

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nypost.com - For months now, we’ve been told that Hillary Clinton’s 33,000 missing emails were permanently erased and destroyed beyond recovery. But newly released FBI notes strongly suggest they still exist in...

Bill Clinton Puts The Final Nail In The GOP's Coffin After Trump Obamacare Flub

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Jeffrey Levin
politicususa.com - Bill Clinton showed the difference between professionals and amateurs by offering a rousing defense of the ACA after Donald Trump completely flubbed on Obamacare. While campaigning in North Carolin...

Beware the slow version of the new iPhone

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Paulo Sa Elias
money.cnn.com - Some iPhone 7s use a Qualcomm modem, while others have an Intel modem. That distinction could make a difference in how fast an iPhone 7 Plus can send messages and load your favorite app. A new repo...

New Project Veritas video: NY Democrat election commissioner admits massive voter fraud

caintv.com - You know that non-existent voter fraud that the left is always claiming is a non-concern because it doesn't exist at all except in the imaginations of paranoid, racist right-wingers? Yeah, about th...

Deonísio da Silva: As algemas da submissão voluntária | VEJA.com

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Myrian Dauer ن
veja.abril.com.br - O que a História ainda está por mostrar é o par de algemas de submissão voluntária com que tantos intelectuais brasileiros — sim, existe a espécie, e a maioria lê muito pouco —  prenderam a si mesm...

SHOCK: 15-Year-Old Document Explodes on Hillary... 21 Children Died

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conservativetribune.com - It has been suggested that Democrat presidential nominee Hillary Clinton is perfectly OK with people dying if it furthers a particular agenda or serves to protect her own vested interests. By way o...

Donald Trump is the right pick for President of the United States, here is why

blogs.timesofisrael.com - The U.S. Presidential elections are coming to a close. I will give it my last attempted to state why I personally feel to show why Donald Trump is the candidate to vote for. It has been a tough ele...

Nearly All Of Silicon Valley’s Political Dollars Are Going To Hillary Clinton

fivethirtyeight.com - Aditya Agarwal, the newly promoted chief technology officer of Dropbox, the cloud storage company, will vote in his first U.S. election on Nov. 8. Though he’s worked for U.S. tech companies for yea...

Obama Withheld from Congress Another Secret Side Deal with the Iranians

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Lorence Hud
nationalreview.com - Veteran Associated Press IAEA reporter George Jahn made news yesterday by revealing a secret agreement to the July 2015 nuclear deal with Iran (the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, or JCPOA). Th...
Arte & Entretenimento

Tila Tequila changes her Twitter to show her next to Trump wearing a swastika

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mirror.co.uk - She was booted off Celebrity Big Brother after bosses found out about her extremist views. But that didn't stop the beauty from changing her entire Twitter profile this week, to show her stood next...

Delação de Marcelo Odebrecht pode colocar modelo político em xeque, e isso é bom! | Rodrigo Constantino

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Tereza Cristina
rodrigoconstantino.com - Está fechado o acordo entre Marcelo Odebrecht e os procuradores da Operação Lava-Jato para que o empreiteiro possa fazer sua delação premiada, informou ao GLOBO uma pessoa vinculada às investigaçõe...

Red Alert! U.S. Miltary Preparing for Secret Drills and Martial Law After Elections | Alternative

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Lorence Hud
beforeitsnews.com - Scores of Terrorists Killed in Syrian Army Attack East of Damascus Syrian Army troops and popular forces repelled an attack by terrorists in Jobar in Eastern Ghouta, leaving dozens of militants dea...

Os dossiês que levarão Renan Calheiros para a cadeia

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cristalvox.com - O Cristalvox escreveu hoje pela manhã que Renan Calheiros “conspira” contra o Estado democrático de Direito. Agora à tarde, o Antagonista informa que “foram colocados tubos” em Renan. Ele não dorme...

The Killing Pool - Mighty Oaks Warrior Programs

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Linda Suhler, Ph.D.
mightyoaksprograms.org - The work I am privileged to do at Mighty Oaks Warrior Programs allows me to see the heart of our Military Warriors, understand why they served, and what the cost of freedom means to them.  I think ...

Procuradoria diz que Cachoeira ‘alugou’ com propina mandato de ex-deputado tucano

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Tereza Cristina
politica.estadao.com.br - O Ministério Público Federal em Goiás, pelo Núcleo de Combate à Corrupção, denunciou à Justiça o contraventor Carlos Augusto de Almeida Ramos, o ‘Carlinhos Cachoeira’, e o ex-deputado federal Carlo...

Joe Arpaio on the ropes as illegal immigrants join fight to oust ‘America’s toughest sheriff’

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washingtontimes.com - PHOENIX — Maricruz Ramirez can’t even vote, but she’s doing everything she can to get others to turn out on Election Day to defeat Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio. An illegal immigrant from Mexi...

Hillary’s ‘open borders’ means yet more disease in U.S.

mobile.wnd.com - In normal times, presidential candidates in most countries make campaign promises to protect their citizens and ensure security and national sovereignty for their homelands. The 2016 election in th...

À CPI da Rouanet delegados da PF reforçam omissão do MinC em fraudes - 25/10/2016 - Ilustrada - Folha de S.Paulo

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Chega de Impostos!
folha.uol.com.br - Investigados pela Operação Boca Livre, os desvios de R$ 180 milhões em projetos aprovados na Lei Rouanet foram possíveis devido à omissão do Ministério da Cultura. Esta é a conclusão de Rodrigo de ...

ARTIGO – Por que eu, brasileiro, sou um conservador | VEJA.com

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Cleyton Bertoncello
veja.abril.com.br - [* Este texto me abriu portas nos Estados Unidos e finalmente posso publicá-lo neste blog. Ei-lo, pois.] Eu nasci no Rio de Janeiro, no Brasil, e me descobri um conservador. Eis algumas razões pela...

Esto fue lo que Ramos Allup respondió a las declaraciones de Padrino López

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Cuba Opinión
el-nacional.com - 17:14 pm  25 de Octubre de 2016 • Caracas (Venezuela) Capriles: Si la Unidad se destruye tendremos a este gobierno para siempre Estudiantes de LUZ protestaron para exigir revocatorio contra Nicolás...

One GOP woman wonders why the men in her party won’t defend her

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washingtonpost.com - Conservative commentator Amanda Carpenter's vocal criticism of Donald Trump has made her a target online. She talks about her experience, and her anger at Trump's supporters within the Republican p...

Official: Us Goal To Take In 110,000 Refugees In Coming Year

foxnews.com - WASHINGTON –  The United States will strive to take in 110,000 refugees from around the world in the coming year, a senior Obama administration official said Wednesday, in what would be a nearly 30...

María Corina Machado: Es Inconcebible el diálogo con Samper y Zapatero. El diálogo solo puede ser con un fin: acordar salida del régimen este año

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venezuelapresente.tk - María Corina Machado fijó posición acerca del diálogo entre sectores de la Mesa de la Unidad Democrática y el gobierno de Nicolás Maduro: A continuación, mi opinión sobre supuesto #Diálogo: Ésta no...
Arte & Entretenimento

Couple who fostered child refugees warn the UK is being exploited

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dailymail.co.uk - A foster couple yesterday declared that they had been ‘horrified’ for years about grown men masquerading as child refugees. Sarah and Giles, who have fostered dozens of child asylum seekers, said s...

Katie Pavlich - Obamacare Architect: Yeah, We Lied to The "Stupid" American People to Get It Passed

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townhall.com - Meet Jonathan Gruber, a professor at MIT and an architect of Obamacare. During a panel event last year about how the legislation passed, turning over a sixth of the U.S. economy to the government, ...

Hillary Clinton Adviser: She Doesn’t “Know What Planet We Are All Living In” - Freedom Outpost

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JC Shannon
freedomoutpost.com - In recent months, the health and mentality of Hillary Clinton has come under scrutiny and rightly so. Now, in leaked emails, Wikileaks has provided yet another reason why she should not be in offic...

Trump hits hard at 'Obamacare' after gloomy report

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Lorence Hud
apnews.com - DORAL, Florida (AP) — Hoping for a potent late-campaign issue against Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump declared Tuesday that "Obamacare is just blowing up" after the government projected sharp cost in...

Gene Simmons: "AC/DC é minha banda preferida"

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Digestivo Cultural
whiplash.net - Por João Renato Alves, Fonte: Blender Enviar correções  |  Comentários:   |  O baixista e vocalista do KISS, Gene Simmons, falou em agosto de 2006 com o site Blender.com. Seguem trechos da entrevis...

NYT: Refugees Pose Overwhelming Challenge to Europe's Police - CounterJihad

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counterjihad.com - The New York Times has a story highlighting the problems facing European police agencies.  It turns on a particular case out of Germany, one in which a refugee turned terrorist without the European...

MRC Study: Documenting TV’s Twelve Weeks of Trump Bashing

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newsbusters.org - In the twelve weeks since the party conventions concluded in late July, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has received significantly more broadcast network news coverage than his Democra...

‘Gilmore Girls’: Sete detalhes do trailer que merecem atenção | VEJA.com

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Helio Antunes G
veja.abril.com.br - Toda a nostalgia de Gilmore Girls explodiu na internet nesta terça-feira, quando o primeiro trailer oficial do retorno da série foi divulgado pela Netflix. Os principais personagens da série, que f...

Meet The Man Who Can Expose "The Real Hillary Clinton Scandal"

zerohedge.com - We have written frequently about the internal Clinton Foundation power struggle between Chelsea Clinton and Doug Band over the previous couple of weeks (see here, here and here).  It all started ba...

GOTCHA! George Soros Gets Hacked By DC Leaks - His Plotting Is Exposed | John Hawkins' Right Wing News

rightwingnews.com - Looks like the hackers (maybe Russian, maybe not) have struck again. This time they’ve outed some insider information about far left, anti-American billionaire and revolution funder George Soros. A...

Lula incomunicável após eleições. Réu na Lava Jato, humilhado, derrotado e vaiado em sua própria cidade, petista se esconde

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imprensaviva.com - O ex-presidente Lula viveu neste domingo um dos dias mais emblemáticos de sua vida. Vaiado enquanto votava numa seção eleitoral de São Bernardo do Campo, cidade do ABC paulista onde vive há mais de...

PROOF OF MASSIVE FBI NEGLIGENCE / COVER-UP - condensed (from 8/pol/) • /r/The_Donald

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reddit.com - https://nypost.com/2016/10/25/hillarys-33000-emails-might-not-be-missing-after-all/ It is possible to get the 33k emails without a 400lb man, but the FBI are deliberately not doing their job. Combe...

O "pacifista" Freixo, além de defender os black blocs, já agrediu fotógrafo no enterro do irmão | Rodrigo Constantino

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Marcos Torres
rodrigoconstantino.com - O deputado Marcelo Freixo (PSOL), candidato à Prefeitura do Rio, agrediu há dez anos um fotógrafo durante o enterro de seu irmão. O caso chegou a ser registrado na polícia, mas não gerou uma ação p...

Governo já alcançou 76% da meta de reduzir cargos comissionados - Economia - Estadão

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economia.estadao.com.br - O ministro do Planejamento, Dyogo Oliveira, demonstrou confiança de que o governo federal conseguirá cumprir a meta de redução de 4.300 cargos na administração pública até o fim de 2016. "Reafirmam...

C.I.A. Links Top Clinton Donor, George Soros, to Terrorist Bombing (Videos) - Nevo News

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nevo.news - When it comes to George Soros, it’s probably safe to assume well informed people around the globe fall into one of two camps. There are those who come from a socialist, or a communist background, a...

‘Oposição tem o Legislativo e as ruas’, diz historiadora venezuelana

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Marcelo Delfino
oglobo.globo.com - BUENOS AIRES - A historiadora Margarita López Maya, da Universidade Central da Venezuela, adverte que o presidente Nicolás Maduro é impopular, mas tem, por enquanto, o respaldo das Forças Armadas e...

Harvard Researchers Print World’s First Heart-on-a-Chip

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Paulo Sa Elias
gizmodo.com - Scientists may soon be able to conduct experiments on hearts without needing once-living tissue and muscle from animals. In a new study published today in Nature Materials, Harvard University resea...

ALERT: If You See This Tag on Your Voting Machine, Do This Immediately

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conservativetribune.com - Voters don’t typically think much about the voting machines they’re using, but this election season, what kind of voting machine used might end up being critical in how the election turns out. That...

Assista ao filme "O Grito Silencioso"

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padrepauloricardo.org - Atualmente, quando se fala em aborto poucas pessoas têm em suas mentes a real dimensão de seu significado, não imaginam como ele acontece ou quais são as técnicas utilizadas. O filme "O Grito Silen...
Meio Ambiente

Whales: majesty of the deep must be protected

theage.com.au - The 88 countries of the International Whaling Commission have gathered in Slovenia for the organisation's first major summit since Japan, in defiance of a ruling by the international court, once ag...

Freda “Hillary Means MURDER and MAYHEM!”

truthfeed.com - The tales of bodies lying in the wake of the Clinton’s brutish march through the political landscape are either true crime stories or American folklore. We may never know what happened to Vince Fos...

Entidades da magistratura repudiam “graves declarações” de Renan sobre juiz de primeira instância

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Luiz Lailo
congressoemfoco.uol.com.br - Para Renan, o Senado não pode se submeter a determinações legais de um “juizeco” – no caso, o juiz da 10ª Vara Federal de Brasília, Vallisney de Souza Oliveira, responsável pela ação denominada Ope...

Gabriel Rufián, el neofascismo y la necedad

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(((LaVerdadOfende ن
cronicaglobal.elespanol.com - Por más que nos acostumbremos a escuchar astracanadas de diferente signo, siempre poseemos un mínimo espacio para el asombro. Así ocurre con las intervenciones del portavoz parlamentario de Esquerr...

Review: Trump's Plan to Drain the Swamp Would Greatly Reduce Corruption in DC | People's Pundit Daily

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peoplespunditdaily.com - In Gettysburg on Saturday, Donald Trump laid his “contract with the America voter,” a plan vowing to “drain the swamp” of corruption in Washington, D.C. A review of the bold proposal by People’s Pu...

AT&T Live From "The 50th Annual CMA Awards"

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Martin Wangstad
360wisenews.com - 360WiseNews 10/25/2016 AT&T* is giving Country Music fans a front row seat at “The 50th Annual CMA Awards” red carpet. AUDIENCE® Network presents an exclusive look at the “AT&T CMA Awards Red Carpe...

Pentagon Approves U.N. Use Of Force Against American Civilians - Freedom Outpost

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Lorence Hud
freedomoutpost.com - But… But… the folks at the “fact checking sites” said these were all being shipped overseas…. Then again, they never did have an answer for why there were guys with helmets and construction gear in...

Wikileaks email: Obama Administration "scared" Chief Justice Roberts into Obamacare decision

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#MAGA 🐸 Colleen
conventionofstates.com - Sometimes the feds collude to increase their own power. Other times they intimidate different branches of government to assert control over the American people. The report from the Sean Hannity Sho...

WikiLeaks: Podesta and Left-Wing Activist Plot ‘Catholic Spring’

lifezette.com - A newly leaked email shows Hillary Clinton’s current campaign chairman John Podesta and a Left-wing activist casually discussing fomenting “revolution” in the Catholic Church. “There needs to be a ...

Hillary Ally Gave $$$ to Wife of FBI Agent on Email Probe, Nets Censor

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JC Shannon
newsbusters.org - Democratic Governor Terry McAullife’s PAC donated almost $500,000 to the wife of an FBI agent leading the probe into Hillary Clinton’s e-mail scandal. This stunning revelation, despite being report...

Profesores decretan paro de 24 horas para participar en La Toma de Venezuela

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Cuba Opinión
informe21.com - Los profesores acordaron solicitar al Consejo Directivo, que se reunirá esta tarde en sesión extraordinaria, la “suspensión de todas las actividades el día 26 de octubre, para concurrir todos los m...

BREAKING: Early Votes Pour in, Indicate Game-Changing Trend

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O. Bula Escobar
conservativetribune.com - Early voting for the presidential election has begun, and the numbers might not be exactly what Democrats expected. In fact, it’s just the opposite of what they’ve been predicting all along. So far...

Warren: Nasty Women Marching Nasty Feet to Vote Against Trump

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newsmax.com - Sen. Elizabeth Warren lashed out at Donald Trump's attitude toward women, attacking him for suggesting "a mouthful of Tic Tacs" gives him permission to "force himself on any woman within groping di...

Election Update: Where Are The Undecided Voters?

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fivethirtyeight.com - Want these election updates emailed to you right when they’re published? Sign up here. Every new poll seems to provide support for one of two impressions of the race: one in which Hillary Clinton i...

New Reuters Poll Shows That 70% Of Republicans Think The Election Is Rigged

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zerohedge.com - This morning, Julian Assange offered a chilling and succinct assessment of the 2016 U.S. election, namely, that there is, in fact, no election but rather just an illusion of democracy that has been...

Polícia do Paraná diz que estudante de ocupação em Curitiba foi assassinado

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Olhar Crítico
educacao.uol.com.br - Portão de entrada do Colégio Safel, em Curitiba, onde um adolescente foi morto nesta segunda-feira (24) A Polícia Civil do Paraná confirmou no começo da noite desta segunda-feira (24) que a morte d...
Meio Ambiente

‘O Mestre dos Gênios’: um grande filme baseado num grande livro sobre grandes pessoas

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Digestivo Cultural
cultura.estadao.com.br - Em tempos de Mostra, tudo o que o cinéfilo quer em São Paulo é ver filmes complicados sobre relações difíceis numa língua ininteligível aos nossos ouvidos: o que é ótimo. Mas acaba de entrar em car...
Arte & Entretenimento

The Media Must Be Dismantled In Order For Freedom To Survive

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Chauvinist Pigs
returnofkings.com - There is an evil wind blowing through America and the world, and the source of the hot air is the media—in all its forms. The news media is rightfully railed on from many corners for its outrageous...

Fight Against Subsidies for Illegal Immigrants Heads to Court

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dailysignal.com - The next front in the battle over in-state tuition rates for illegal immigrants will play out in a California appeals court on Nov. 3 in a lawsuit brought by Judicial Watch on behalf of California ...

FAB publica aviso de convocação para 450 vagas de nível superior 

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zh.clicrbs.com.br - A Força Aérea Brasileira (FAB) publicou nesta segunda-feira dois avisos de convocação para 450 vagas de nível superior: um para as especialidades de Magistério (Ensino Médio e Ensino Superior) e ou...

Obamacare premiums to soar 22% on average

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money.cnn.com - The price hike is the latest blow to Obamacare. Insurers are raising prices and downsizing their presence on the exchanges as they try to stem losses from sicker-than-anticipated customers. Enrollm...

Cinzas de católicos não podem ser espalhadas, diz Vaticano

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Chega de Impostos!
oglobo.globo.com - VATICANO — O Vaticano divulgou novas orientações para católicos que desejam ter seu corpos cremados após a morte. Segundo a Igreja, suas cinzas não podem ser espalhadas, divididas ou mesmo mantidas...

Janot acusa Collor por 30 crimes de corrupção

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politica.estadao.com.br - O ex-presidente Fernando Collor de Melo (PTC-AL) é acusado pela Procuradoria-Geral da República de ter recebido ao menos R$ 29 milhões em propinas entre 2010 e 2014 referentes a dois contratos da B...

MIT: traditional incandescent light bulbs, reinvented, may make a comeback

wattsupwiththat.com - Researchers combine the warm look of traditional light bulbs with 21st-century energy efficiency Traditional light bulbs, thought to be well on their way to oblivion, may receive a reprieve thanks ...

Cármen Lúcia recusa encontro com Michel Temer e Renan Calheiros

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Subeida Vips
fernandorodrigues.blogosfera.uol.com.br - A presidente do Supremo Tribunal Federal, Cármen Lúcia, recusou encontrar-se com o presidente Michel Temer e o presidente do Senado, Renan Calheiros, amanhã (26.out), às 11h, no Palácio do Planalto...
Meio Ambiente

El genoma del tardígrado desvela un escudo contra los rayos X

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agroalimentando.com - El genoma de un tipo de oso de agua (Ramazzottius variornatus), un pequeño animal acuático del grupo de los tardígrados, ha sido secuenciado en un nuevo estudio que se publica en Nature Communicati...

WikiLeaks Emails Allegedly Show Clinton Camp Consultant Considering 'Swift Boat'-Style Attack on Trump

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Deplorable Nancy ن
abcnews.go.com - The anti-secrecy website WikiLeaks posted today an email exchange that it claims shows top Hillary Clinton campaign staff discussing a "swift boat project" aimed at Donald Trump. “I know you can’t ...

Governo do Paraná estuda pedir ilegalidade da greve dos professores na Justiça

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gazetadopovo.com.br - Diante da decisão dos professores da rede estadual de ensino de permanecerem em greve, o governo do Paraná não descarta pedir à Justiça que declare a ilegalidade da paralisação. Segundo o governado...

Is Britain Destroying its Military to Appease Enemies?

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gatestoneinstitute.org - Last week General Lord Richards, former Chief of the Defence Staff and the UK's most senior military officer, made an extraordinary allegation. Speaking on the BBC, he said that elements of the Bri...

Clinton Campaign Admits Making False Claims Against Trump

infowars.com - The Hillary Clinton campaign was working with a public relations firm to intentionally launch false personal attacks against Donald Trump to deceive the public, according to emails released by Wiki...
Arte & Entretenimento

Top Media Reporter Hints Murdochs Could Tap CNN's Zucker to Run Fox News - Breitbart

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breitbart.com - Wolff explains in a column at the Hollywood Reporter: With Bewkes gone, his heir apparent, John Martin is likely to be out too, with the betting for the new Time Warner chief on Peter Chernin, the ...

No hay recursos para las elecciones pero sí para los viajes de Maduro - Venezuela al Día

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venezuelaaldia.com - El cinismo de Gobierno de Nicolás Maduro, definitivamente no tiene límite, mientras voceros del chavismo y del propio Consejo Nacional Electoral argumentan la falta de recursos para realizar las el...

BREAKING: White House Responds On If They Knew About Hillary's Emails...

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youngcons.com - This week, we told you that WikiLeaks caught President Obama emailing Hillary on her private email address. Which is a huge problem because Obama specifically told us that he found out about her un...

‘Refugee’ Involved in Brutal Gang Rape of Swedish Woman Set Free

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Getúlio Santana
infowars.com - UPDATE: Facebook Censors Story About ‘Refugee’ Raping Swedish Woman A north African migrant who participated in the brutal gang rape of a Swedish woman in Stockholm earlier this year has been set f...

Haddad sanciona lei que regulamenta ponto de travestis e transexuais em São Paulo | Joselito Müller

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Joselito Müller
joselitomuller.com - Uma medida ousada e inédita foi anunciada na imprensa brasileira esta semana, dividindo opiniões de especialistas em mobilidade urbana e rufianismo. A prefeitura de São Paulo, por meio do seu atual...

Vatican: No more scattering of cremation ashes

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yahoo.com - VATICAN CITY (AP) — The Vatican on Tuesday published guidelines for Catholics who want to be cremated, saying their remains cannot be scattered, divvied up or kept at home but rather stored in a sa...

Renan confirma varredura em gabinete e residência de Eduardo Cunha

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jconline.ne10.uol.com.br - O presidente do Senado, Renan Calheiros (PMDB-AL), confirmou que a Polícia Legislativa do Senado realizou varredura no gabinete e residência oficial da Câmara dos Deputados durante o mandato do dep...

Policiais do Senado começam a delatar parlamentares. Renan diz que tem “ódio” da PF

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republicadecuritibaonline.com - Não foi apenas o policial legislativo Paulo Igor Bosco de Silva que denunciou à Polícia Federal (PF) a atuação da Polícia do Senado para tentar obstruir investigações contra parlamentares. Outros a...

The Funeral of the Oslo Accords

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gatestoneinstitute.org - The death of former Israeli President Shimon Peres led to a wave of almost unanimous tributes. Representatives from 75 countries came to Jerusalem to attend the funeral. Palestinian Authority (PA) ...

Trump: I 'Like' Obamacare's Individual Mandate

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weeklystandard.com - The most unpopular part of Obamacare now has a champion in the Republican presidential field. Via the Right Scoop, Donald Trump was asked on Thursday night by CNN's Anderson Cooper, "If…there's no ...

How Donald Trump helped Democrats pass Obamacare

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washingtonpost.com - In the announcement speech for his presidential campaign, Donald Trump railed against Obamacare. “We have a disaster called the big lie: Obamacare,” Trump declared. “I would repeal and replace the ...

Parlamento venezuelano aprova início de processo político contra Maduro

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noticias.uol.com.br - Deputados da oposição levantam a mão ao votar a favor da abertura de processo político contra o presidente Nicolás Maduro, durante sessão na Assembleia Nacional, em Caracas, na Venezuela A Assemble...

Estado islâmico cobra taxa de até US$ 500 para deixar iraquianos fugirem

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em.com.br - Estado islâmico cobra taxa de até US$ 500 para deixar iraquianos fugirem Crianças não conseguem escapar nem pagando, já que são mantidas reféns e forçadas a estudar a doutrina da milícia [{'id_foto...

Navy Secretary Embarks On ‘Thank You’ Tour To Laud His Own Accomplishments Of Diversity And Inclusion

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dailycaller.com - As part of a “thank you” tour to wrap up his time in the Obama administration, Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus lauded his own social engineering accomplishments Wednesday in front of Marines at Cam...

Podesta Kept Up With Former Investment Firm Employer While at White House

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Rafael Kafka
freebeacon.com - BY: Lachlan Markay Follow @lachlan October 25, 2016 5:00 am Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman met and corresponded on multiple occasions in his capacity as a top White House adviser with a previo...

ALERT: Obamacare Death Panels Here NOW; Look at This...

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Rhonda Kazmierski
thefederalistpapers.org - A terminally ill woman in California had coverage for her chemotherapy treatment denied by her insurance company, but they’ll gladly pay for her to commit suicide. The new California law permits ph...

Is State Department Protecting Hillary's Presidential Bid?

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Janie Johnson
investors.com - Election 2016: The State Department is dragging its feet with unusual delays in releasing records pertaining to presidential contender Hillary Clinton's tenure as secretary of state. Some requests ...

Polícia Federal encontra 500 milhões nas contas do homem apontado como laranja de Lula

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Não Haverá Trégua
cesarweis.com - Assim como na Gol Mídia, todo o dinheiro que entrou nas contas da Editora Gol saiu em seguida. O laudo da Polícia Federal mostra que, entre 2004 e 2016, passou pela empresa de Jonas Suassuna meio b...

‘Her instincts can be terrible’: WikiLeaks reveals fears and frustrations inside Clinton world

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Daily News
washingtonpost.com - On the day the news broke that Hillary Clinton had used a private email account as secretary of state, the man who would soon be named to chair her presidential campaign fired off a note of distres...

‘calibration Error’ Changes Gop Votes To Dem In Illinois County

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Deplorable Milo🐸
foxnews.com - CHICAGO — Early voting in Illinois got off to a rocky start Monday, as votes being cast for Republican candidates were transformed into votes for Democrats. Republican state representative candidat...

Inside Donald Trump’s One-Stop Parties: Attendees Recall Cocaine and Very Young Models

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thedailybeast.com - The morals of Donald J. Trump, as a longtime model lover and then a modeling agency owner, were forged in another era, one in which young girls were used as a sort of currency between men doing bus...

Conselho Tutelar de Londrina vira comitê comunista, rasga o ECA, incentiva invasão e impede acesso de país a escolas invadidas | VEJA.com

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ligado no Brasil
veja.abril.com.br - Um absurdo sem paralelo está em curso em Londrina — na verdade, em todo o Estado do Paraná. Mas, nessa cidade, a coisa assumiu dimensão inalcançada. O Conselho Tutelar, um órgão criado para protege...

Amigo é coisa pra se ganhar. Coluna Carlos Brickmann - Chumbo Gordo

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Denise Mello
chumbogordo.com.br - AMIGO É COISA PRA SE GANHAR COLUNA CARLOS BRICKMANN Edição dos jornais de Quarta-feira, 26 de outubro de 2016 E onde se guarda um amigo? “No lado esquerdo do peito”, ensinam Milton Nascimento e Fer...

Kathleen Kane, Former Pennsylvania Attorney General, Is Sentenced to Prison

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nytimes.com - NORRISTOWN, Pa. — The brief, unlikely political career of Kathleen G. Kane, Pennsylvania’s brightest rising star when she was elected attorney general less than four years ago, came to a humiliatin...

Politico, Megyn Kelly Rush Out Fabricated Narrative to Attack Breitbart News - Breitbart

breitbart.com - In a headline out on Monday evening, Gold presented Breitbart News’s cutting edge journalism as somehow “coordination” of activities with a source. “Breitbart coordinated with liberal activist and ...

8 perguntas que você precisa saber responder antes de sair por aí falando da PEC dos gastos

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spotniks.com - Há exatos dois anos, vitoriosa na eleição mais disputada no país desde a redemocratização, a ex-presidente Dilma Rousseff recebeu de Lula apenas um conselho sobre o que fazer com a economia em seu ...

Nets Silent on Perjury Sentencing of Democrat Attorney General

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newsbusters.org - The “Big Three” networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) continued their marathon of covering up Democratic scandals and controversies, Monday, by failing to report the prison sentencing of a former Democratic...

From Calais to chaos: UK’s immigration deception exposed

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rt.com - The job of the liberal media is to label as 'evil' anyone who has any questions and to grease the wheels of the incoming traffic. Things are easy for me. I have never believed in democracy. I know ...

LEAKED: Obama Team Kept List of Muslims For Top Jobs, Excluded Non-Muslims

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dailycaller.com - The newest batch of John Podesta’s hacked emails released by Wikileaks shows Obama’s transition team kept lists of Muslim and Asian candidates for jobs in the administration. According to an email ...

DOJ Warns Efforts to Stop 2016 Voter Fraud Could 'Violate' Federal Law

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Janet Orendorff
breitbart.com - Upon first blush, what may appear to be a middling warning that voter fraud and abuse will not be tolerated by federal law enforcement also casts a shadow over various lawful election activities wi...

Three killings which left a Border community reeling

irishtimes.com - Early one Sunday morning in 1972, Robin Bell set off for the family farm a few miles up the road in Newtownbutler, Co Fermanagh with his father Sidney and brother Richard. The three Protestant men ...

Juízes federais de Brasília manifestam “profunda indignação e repulsa” a Renan Calheiros

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Joao Emidio
novosegundo.com - Os Juízes Federais da Seção Judiciária do Distrito Federal (SJDF) vêm a público manifestar  profunda indignação e repulsa às declarações do Presidente do Senado Federal, Renan Calheiros, que se ref...

Montesquieu comanda o cangaço

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politica.estadao.com.br - Na sexta-feira 21 de outubro, cumprindo ordens do juiz Vallisney de Souza Oliveira, da 10ª Vara Criminal Federal de Brasília, a pedido do Ministério Público Federal (MPF), agentes da Polícia Federa...

Pagamento de promoções e progressões vai beneficiar 2.438 servidores da saúde

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Luisa Maria Resende
aen.pr.gov.br - FUNCIONALISMO Pagamento de promoções e progressões vai beneficiar 2.438 servidores da saúde Imprimir Recomendar Compartilhe Facebook Twitter PDF Inicial Voltar Previsto para o ano que vem, o pagame...

Wow: Hillary Clinton Just Got Some Brutal News From Home - Trump Thrilled...

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westernjournalism.com - Voters who have known the Clintons the longest seem to like Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton the least, according to a new poll. A poll of Arkansas voters released Monday shows Rep...

What Do You Really Know About Natural Gas? (Paid Post by Chevron From NYTimes.com)

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Political Cow
paidpost.nytimes.com - What Do You Really Know About Natural Gas? Discover the role this cleaner-burning fossil fuel plays in everyday life. The United States is the world’s number one producer of natural gas, but many A...

Meirelles espera aprovação da PEC do teto até o fim de novembro

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oglobo.globo.com - BRASÍLIA - O ministro da Fazenda, Henrique Meirelles, disse acreditar que a proposta de emenda constitucional (PEC) 241 seja aprovada definitivamente ainda nesta terça-feira pela Câmara dos Deputad...


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diosuniversal.com - La supuesta existencia de demonios es un concepto importante en muchas religiones modernas y tradiciones ocultistas. En algunas culturas actuales, los demonios son aún temidos por la superstición p...

Putin has outplayed a bumbling West in Syria

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middleeasteye.net - On 3 October with the wider world absorbed in other matters, something quite remarkable happened in Syria. Russia deployed the S-300 air defence system to its naval base in Tartus, the final piece ...

Se você não apoiar o “casamento” gay, você não merece um emprego

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Thiago Furtado
juliosevero.blogspot.com - Respondendo ao Thiago, ao Eloy Fernando Campana, e ao Jabesmar A. Guimarães, Usando um tom carregado para me expressar, eu diria o seguinte: do jeito que o pecado já dominou o mundo, muitas pessoas...

Prestanombre y narcotraficante, de los más ricos del mundo por tercera vez

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O. Bula Escobar
guadalupelizarraga.blogspot.com - México está en guerra. Los muertos siguen en aumento. La violación de derechos humanos por parte de policías y militares no termina. El norte se ha convertido en un río de sangre donde sus habitant...

Fox News NEW electoral map: Trump loses in a landslide - The Right Scoop

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therightscoop.com - Fox News is obviously in the tank for Hillary because they’re lying and using this stupid thing called “math” to try to “prove” that Trump is losing in a landslide. New @FoxNews electoral map: @Hil...

You Have To See These Beautiful Natural Sights In Australia - Travel + Vacation

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travelplusvacation.com - The Land Down Under is full of natural wonders. From islands over scorching red deserts to rainforests; all of those and more make the world’s largest island and the smallest continent of Australia...


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republicadosbananas.com.br - Mêo Dêos! O mundo está cheio de idiotas! Como foi que ficamos tão bestas?! Quantas vezes você escutou isso na mesa do boteco ou leu no Facebook, esse boteco sem mesa? Duzentas? Mil? Um milhão setec...

Cármen Lúcia não caiu na armadilha de Renan, que fez exigências a Michel Temer, que falou sozinho

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ucho.info - Quando o UCHO.INFO afirmou, na edição desta terça-feira (25), que o governo de Michel Temer está de joelhos diante do presidente do Senado, Renan Calheiros (PMDB-AL), não o fez por mera especulação...

Situação de Lula muda de patamar na Lava Jato

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josiasdesouza.blogosfera.uol.com.br - Segundo a crença dos devotos do PT, Lula não tem muito a dizer sobre os momentos mais constrangedores de sua passagem pelo poder porque ele não sabia da devassidão que vicejava ao seu redor. A julg...
Meio Ambiente

Tradição exportadora coloca Paraná como líder do País em sete produtos

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Luisa Maria Resende
aen.pr.gov.br - COMÉRCIO EXTERIOR Tradição exportadora coloca Paraná como líder do País em sete produtos Imprimir Recomendar Compartilhe Facebook Twitter PDF Inicial Voltar O Paraná liderou, nos primeiros nove mes...

In some Texas counties, long lines complicate early voting

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texastribune.org - Avoiding long lines on Election Day is supposed to be one of the benefits of voting early, but on the first official day to cast ballots in Texas some parts of the state reported long waits — somet...

Moro: O Congresso precisa “mostrar de que lado está” no combate à corrupção

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J. B. de Araujo
republicadecuritibaonline.com - O juiz federal Sergio Moro disse nesta segunda-feira (24) que a aprovação das Dez Medidas Contra a Corrupção pelo Congresso Nacional será uma sinalização importante dos parlamentares contra a corru...

Is Darwinian evolution an idea whose time has come and gone?

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Roxana Rojas Carreno
lifesitenews.com - SEATTLE, Washington, October 25, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) — Twenty years ago, Lehigh University biochemistry professor Michael Behe exploded an intellectual bomb in the pathway of evolutionary thinking ...


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cronicasdeundesempleado.wordpress.com - Weber estratifica las clases sociales en base a una estructura tridimensional, formado por el poder económico, la influencia política y el prestigio social. Marx en cambio hacia la misma segregació...

Ballot troubles: Long lines, vote-changing machines reported amid record-breaking early turnout

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Janet Orendorff
rt.com - The November presidential election will be the first without federal protections under the Voting Rights Act, with 14 states creating laws requiring voter ID. Early voting has begun in several stat...
Meio Ambiente

Dívida pública chega a R$ 3 trilhões; primeira vez na história - Home - iG

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J. B. de Araujo
economia.ig.com.br - A Dívida Pública Federal, que inclui o endividamento interno e externo, teve aumento de 3,1%, em termos nominais, passando de R$ 2,955 trilhões em agosto para R$ 3,047 trilhões em setembro. Os dado...

EE.UU. confiscará USD 11 000 millones a corruptos venezolanos

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elcomercio.com - Será la mayor confiscación en la historia de Estados Unidos. La agencia de noticias Bloomberg lanzó la ‘bomba’ informativa, este martes 25 de octubre de 2016. La publicación asegura que fiscales fe...

Farruko y Silvestre Dangond juntos en "Ya no me duele más" - iPauta.Com

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ipauta.com - El cantante y compositor colombiano Silvestre Dangond da otro paso en su carrera hacia su internacionalización al firmar un contrato en exclusiva con Sony Music Latin. Este logro coincide con su es...

Richa entra na briga, diz que Ney Leprevost é oportunista e chama Ratinho e Sciarra às falas

Partilhado por
Luisa Maria Resende
fabiocampana.com.br - Alvo de ataques de Ney Leprevost (PSD) nos últimos dias, o governador Beto Richa (PSDB) decidiu quebrar o silêncio e chamou o deputado estadual de demagogo e oportunista. Ele revelou que, em troca ...

Crivella afirma que reportagens sobre ele são 'coisas de patife e vagabundo' - 25/10/2016 - Poder - Folha de S.Paulo

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folha.uol.com.br - O senador Marcelo Crivella (PRB), candidato à Prefeitura do Rio, fez duros ataques à imprensa nesta segunda-feira (24) em sabatina do SBT Rio. Ele criticou o jornal "O Globo" e a revista "Veja" que...

Donald Trump walked off a 1990 CNN interview when asked tough questions about his casino

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money.cnn.com - It's something Trump has done before. In a 1990 CNN interview reviewed by CNN's KFile, Trump walked off an interview when reporter Charles Feldman pressed him on questions over the financial stabil...

Britain Must Resist Sharia Law Warns Pakistan-Born Evangelical Bishop

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Christian Concern
christiantoday.com - A leading evangelical bishop has warned that a Government inquiry into Sharia law in Britain is "deeply flawed" and will fail.  Dr Michael Nazir-Ali, former Bishop of Rochester who now leads the Ox...

Movimiento Rastafari

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diosuniversal.com - El Movimiento Ratafari surgió en los comienzos de los años 1930 en los barrios marginales de Kingston, Ate, Jamaica y en los sectores rurales adyacentes, siendo la visión social y cultural de Marcu...

Evan McMullin not interested in stopping Hillary Clinton

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fireandreamitchell.com - Evan McMullin is the paid shill by Erick Erickson, Bill Kristol and other GOP establishment hacks to try and steal Utah because he’s a Mormon like Romney. Beyond Utah, Evan McMullin is of no signif...

¡Desnudos! Tremendo lío se formó por un retrato de Pepe Mujica y su esposa

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Cuba Opinión
epmundo.com - En Uruguay, las redes sociales y los medios de comunicación estallaron esta semana por la polémica desatada, luego que una galería de arte retirara de la vista pública una pintura en las que aparec...

Swedish Seniors Kicked Out of Retirement Home to Make Way for Muslim Migrants

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Janet Orendorff
frontpagemag.com - The left likes to pretend that its bleeding heart philanthropy means that its activists are caring people. The truth is that its activists disguise their sadistic cruelty under humanitarian colors....

Fraction Magic – Part 1: Votes are being counted as fractions instead of as whole numbers

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blackboxvoting.org - This report summarizes the results of our review of the GEMS election management system, which counts approximately 25 percent of all votes in the United States. The results of this study demonstra...

Life Worthy of Life: Down Syndrome, Equality, and My Son Silas

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Public Discourse
thepublicdiscourse.com - October is National Down Syndrome Awareness month. This annual month of awareness, sponsored by the National Down Syndrome Society, celebrates the beautiful diversity of life and the abilities of a...

Renan Calheiros teme acordo de delação do diretor da Polícia do Senado, preso durante a Operação Métis, da PF

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Ivani Basso
imprensaviva.com - O presidente do Senado, Renan Calheiros, está desesperado diante da possibilidade de que seu pau-mandado, o diretor da Polícia do Senado, Pedro Ricardo Araújo Carvalho, detido em outra operação, ba...
Meio Ambiente

Copel completa 62 anos como melhor empresa de energia da América Latina

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Luisa Maria Resende
aen.pr.gov.br - RECONHECIMENTO INTERNACIONAL Copel completa 62 anos como melhor empresa de energia da América Latina Imprimir Recomendar Compartilhe Facebook Twitter PDF Inicial Voltar A Copel (Companhia Paranaens...
Arte & Entretenimento

Tom Hayden, famed anti-Vietnam War activist, dies

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cnn.com - Hayden, born in 1939 in Detroit, first started publishing stories as a journalist during his teenage years. In 1960, Hayden interviewed Martin Luther King Jr. during a protest of the Democratic Nat...

Consumidor por Equiparação ou Bystander

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Tereza Cristina
oblogdowerneck.blogspot.com - Há vários tipos de nomenclatura para o consumidor, mas afinal, quem é a figura do Consumidor por Equiparação ou Bystander? Muitas vezes não estamos diretamente envolvidos em uma relação de consumo,...

CIES, un mal menor

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(((LaVerdadOfende ن
mediterraneodigital.com - Puede que los Centros de Internamiento de Extranjeros no sean la solución más justa y adecuada para la retención de ciudadanos que se encuentran ilegalmente en España. El "experimento" es una soluc...

Capriles acusa a Zapatero de usar a la oposición en su beneficio

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(((LaVerdadOfende ن
e01-elmundo.uecdn.es - Capriles mostró su disgusto ante el llamado a Diálogo Nacional y apostó por las protestas, que comienzan el miércoles con la llamada Toma de Venzuela Un 'milagro' papal abre un diálogo nacional en ...

Oh, No, Virginia: There Is No Such Thing As Voter Fraud

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Janet Orendorff
frontpagemag.com - Democrats tell us all the time: there is no such thing as voter fraud. Show them the evidence – such as this report from the Public Interest Legal Foundation that found more than 1,000 non-citizens...

Pais ocupam escola em Porto Alegre para desocupá-la de militantes e liberar o estudo | Rodrigo Constantino

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Raphael Panichi .'.
rodrigoconstantino.com - Um grupo de pais tentou, na manhã desta quarta-feira, dar fim à ocupação do Colégio Estadual Paula Soares, no centro de Porto Alegre. A instituição permanece ocupada após acordo entre governo do Es...

A subversão comunista no Brasil - Avança Brasil Maçons

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avancabrasil.site - A subversão comunista foi implantada em larga escala no Brasil. Novo livro de Graça Salgueiro sobre o Foro de São Paulo, a ser lançado pela editora Observatório Latino, irá jogar luz sobre essas e ...

Trump to Tallahassee: 'In 14 Days We Are Going to Win the State of Florida' - Breitbart

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All American Girl
breitbart.com - Despite some polls suggesting otherwise, Trump insisted he would win the state of Florida on Election Day. “In 14 days we are going to win the state of Florida and we are going to win back the Whit...

Artistas de esquerda subestimaram o poder e a vontade do povo. Chico fugiu para Paris, Jô Soares endireitou e o resto se calou

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imprensaviva.com - O mundo da voltas e muitas situações acabam se adequando à realidade. Muitos artistas começam a admitir que foi um erro desnecessário e confirma o arrependimento por terem se exposto da forma tão p...

Clinton's IT official, one of five with immunity, just pleaded the fifth to more than 90 questions

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bizpacreview.com - A former State Department IT aide, who was one of at least five people granted immunity from President Obama’s Justice Department, invoked his Fifth Amendment rights more than 90 times during a dep...

Clinton Charity Got Up To $56 Million From Nations That Are Anti-Women, Gays

dailycaller.com - The Clinton Foundation would have to return as much as $56 million in donations from Islamic countries that sanction abuse of women and gays, if it did as Republican nominee Donald Trump suggested ...

Policial legislativo pede ao STF anulação de operação no Senado

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PT Nunca Mais
oglobo.globo.com - BRASÍLIA — O policial legislativo Antônio Tavares dos Santos Neto pediu ao Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) a anulação da Operação Métis, que o levou à prisão na última sexta-feira. Segundo ele, a op...

PEC 241 – Se você é contra a PEC 241, você é contra o Brasil.

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pec241afavordobrasil.com.br - E tem uma única pessoa capaz de mudar essa situação: você. Nas próximas linhas vou lhe explicar exatamente como. E também por que a aprovação da PEC do Teto de Gastos Públicos é uma etapa fundament...

Inimigos do Brasil querem acabar com a melhor coisa que aconteceu no país nas últimas décadas: A Operação Lava Jato

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imprensaviva.com - O presidente do Senado, Renan Calheiros e outros senadores são alvos de vários inquéritos na Justiça por envolvimento no esquema criminoso que vitimou a Petrobras estão desesperados e dispostos a t...

'2 Broke Girls' Mocks Baptism as Waterboarding, God as Santa Claus

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newsbusters.org - In last week’s season opener of CBS’s 2 Broke Girls, Sophie (Jennifer Coolidge) and Oleg (Jonathan Kite) welcomed baby Barbara into the world. This week’s episode, “And the Godmama Drama,” features...

Carl Anderson: In battle for Mosul, don't forget persecuted groups

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Catholic News Agency
catholicnewsagency.com - New Haven, Conn., Oct 24, 2016 / 04:04 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- The battle to free Mosul from the hands of ISIS must be accompanied by concrete efforts to support the groups that have been targeted by ...

Early Voters From Amarillo Are Saying Their Votes Were Changed On the Ballot

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kissfm969.com - It’s what most voters fear when they go in to fill out their ballots. UPDATE 9 a.m: Potter County Judge Nancy Tanner released a statement this morning. It said, “There is nothing wrong with any of ...

Dia mantiene estable su beneficio en 107,5 millones hasta septiembre y eleva sus ventas en España un 2%

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europapress.es - El Grupo Dia logró un beneficio neto atribuido de 107,5 millones de euros durante los nueve primeros meses del año, un 0,3% más que en el mismo periodo de 2015, al tiempo que las ventas brutas en E...

Crivella não comparece a entrevistas marcadas no RJTV e no G1

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g1.globo.com - O candidato do PRB à Prefeitura do Rio, Marcelo Crivella, não compareceu a duas entrevistas marcadas para a noite desta terça-feira (25), uma no RJTV e outra no G1. No RJTV 2ª edição, Crivella seri...

Hillary Clinton is Lying, Late-Term Abortions are Rampant in the United States | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - Hillary Clinton claimed during the presidential debate last week that late-term abortions don’t occur within the United States, and the liberal media was right there to back her up. But Operation R...

Emails Suggest Hillary Is In Deep With Teachers Unions

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dailycaller.com - Several leaked emails included in the massive WikiLeaks dump of John Podesta’s inbox suggests Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton is firmly in the camp of teachers unions, to the detriment of educat...

Sheriffs rip Obama silence on murdered police, say he backs 'those that kill us'

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The truth is …
washingtonexaminer.com - Despite a 300 percent surge in the shooting deaths of police this year, President Obama has done little to signal his regret, leading law enforcement to charge that he is condoning the slayings. "H...

Michigan Township Defies Feds: 'Will Not Actively Participate in the Refugee Resettlement Program' - Breitbart

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Paul Joseph Watson
breitbart.com - The resolution stated: “[T]he Charter Township of Waterford will not actively participate in the Refugee Resettlement Program until the Program has been significantly reformed, and until it has bee...

Vejam o que disse, hoje, Renan Calheiros. - Blog do Villa

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Raphael Panichi .'.

American Psycho: Sex, Lies, Murder & Election 2016 – The Real Strategy

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Count Dracula
therealstrategy.com - “I have all the characteristics of a human being: blood, flesh, skin, hair; but not a single, clear, identifiable emotion, except for greed and disgust. Something horrible is happening inside of me...

¡ATENCIÓN! Reportan ocho estudiantes heridos durante protesta en la ULA (+Video)

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El PoliTwico
maduradas.com - A través de la red social Twitter se difundió que la acción desmedida de la policía regional de Mérida habría dejado ocho jóvenes heridos de la Universidad de Los Andes en esa ciudad, quienes prote...

Apple's annual profits fall for first time in 15 years as iPhone sales decline

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theguardian.com - Apple has reported its first decline in annual sales and profit in 15 years. The Silicon Valley company, which had bounced back from near bankruptcy in 1997 to become the world’s most valuable comp...

CCW Classes | Concealed Carry Laws & Weapons Permits

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Conservative News
survivallife.com - The short answer is no. It is only good in 28 states that I’ll reveal in a moment. See, you’re going to be applying for a Virginia CCW. The state of Virginia passed a law – §18.2-308 (G) (7) – that...

Patria o vida

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(((LaVerdadOfende ن
elmundo.es - El jueves, la casa en silencio, la noche avanzada, acabé de leer Patria, de Fernando Aramburu. Casualidad, pensé, secándome las lágrimas; justo el día en que se cumplen cinco años del alto el fuego...

You like Science, the Arts, Philosophy, Mathematics, and Western Civilization? The Christian Church Says “You’re Welcome.” – Dean's World

deanesmay.com - If you’re a big fan of Science, of Art, Philosophy, Mathematics, or History of Western Civilization, you can thank the Catholic Church. If you’re counting the more recent centuries, you can also in...

Why The Blue States Should Vote For Trump

Partilhado por
Bill Periman
crowsnestpolitics.com - The Alex Jones team over at InfoWars.com has produced a video that I personally believe every American should watch before voting. Do yourself a favor and invest 11 minutes in our nation. Share thi...

Filme sobre guru conservador Olavo de Carvalho quer abraçar a direita

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cinema.uol.com.br - A direita já tem seu "Aquarius". Enquanto o filme protagonizado por Sonia Braga perdia a chance de representar o Brasil no Oscar, na esteira de sua posição contra o governo de Michel Temer, uma out...

Conselho de Ética tenta mais uma vez votar ação contra Bolsonaro - Política - iG

Partilhado por
Wilson Chan
ultimosegundo.ig.com.br - O Conselho de Ética da Câmara dos Deputados se reúne nesta terça-feira (25) para votar os pareceres preliminares sobre processos contra os deputados Jean Wyllys (PSOL-RJ), Jair Bolsonaro (PSC-RJ) e...

Trump afirma que, será um defensor dos cristãos no mundo

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noticias.gospelmais.com.br - O pré-candidato republicano à presidência dos Estados Unidos Donald Trump afirmou no último sábado, 19 de setembro, que se eleito, vai se dedicar a defender os cristãos e tentar influenciar a forma...

Missa conclui festividades em honra a Frei Galvão

noticias.cancaonova.com - O Santuário Arquidiocesano de Frei Galvão em Guaratinguetá (SP) celebrou nesta terça-feira, 25, uma Missa em honra ao primeiro santo brasileiro, Santo Antônio de Sant’Anna Galvão, festejado hoje pe...
Arte & Entretenimento

Un exorcista imparte catequesis en Cosmopolitan sobre el peligro de Satanás: «No es una metáfora»

religionenlibertad.com - El cine y la literatura están plagados de alusiones a Satanás. Incluso los exorcismos son muy recurrentes en estos géneros. Sin embargo, están anclados en la ficción y no en la realidad. La gran ma...

Dólar aproxima-se de R$ 3,10 e fecha no menor valor desde julho de 2015 - ISTOÉ Independente

Partilhado por
Ezequias Neto
istoe.com.br - Em queda pelo segundo dia seguido, a moeda norte-americana voltou a fechar no menor valor em quase 16 meses. O dólar comercial encerrou esta terça-feira (25) vendido a R$ 3,106, com queda de R$ 0,0...
Arte & Entretenimento

LOOK: The 1 Person Hillary Just Invited To Rally Is Raising Eyebrows

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Western Journalism
westernjournalism.com - Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, who has upbraided Republican Donald Trump for actions and comments towards women Trump denied having made, will be fundraising soon with a celebrity...
Arte & Entretenimento

Arnold Schwarzenegger Just Made A Major 2016 Election Announcement

Partilhado por
Western Journalism
westernjournalism.com - Hollywood legend and former California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger knows that his foreign birth disqualifies him from being president. “If I’d been born in America, I would’ve run” in the 2016 presi...

What If I Told You That There Were 600 MILLION Guns In The U.S.?

Partilhado por
All American Girl
bearingarms.com - One thing that I’ve learned at Bearing Arms is that the “conventional wisdom” is almost always wrong, and sometimes grossly so. For example, while there is no definitive way to account for all the ...
Arte & Entretenimento

UK parents accused of ‘neglect’ for refusing daughter’s request to be treated like a boy

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lifesitenews.com - UNITED KINGDOM, October 36, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – The parents of a 14-year-old girl are horrified that social workers are accusing them of neglect and fear that she could be taken from them in Nove...

Papa abre caminho para diálogo político na Venezuela; oposição vê manobra de Nicolás Maduro

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Inst.Ser Fundamentos
ucho.info - A Santa Sé anunciou para o próximo domingo (30) o início do diálogo entre a oposição e o governo do tiranete Nicolás Maduro, em meio ao acirramento da crise política na Venezuela. O caminho para as...

Preocupado com a aprovação de medidas econômicas, governo aceita ser refém de Renan Calheiros

Partilhado por
José Mendes
ucho.info - A política brasileira chegou a nível tão impressionante de degradação, que o governo do presidente Michel Temer já se colocou de joelho diante do senador Renan Calheiros (PMDB-AL), que em qualquer ...

Estradas mineiras ganham mais 21 radares controladores de velocidade nesta terça-feira

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Ricardo Carlini
em.com.br - Estradas mineiras ganham mais 21 radares controladores de velocidade nesta terça-feira Os equipamentos já estavam instalados nas rodovias, mas funcionavam de caráter educativo. A partir desta terça...

‘Sun’s Heartbeat’ Indicates ICE AGE COMING SOON – The Real Strategy

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Truth A Tron Gold
therealstrategy.com - With 97% accuracy, a Russian scientist is able to predict the earth is entering into an ICE AGE. Solar cycles have been known in the scientific community for quite a while, but recently Valentina Z...

Google/Amazon To "Echo" Everything & Everyone In Your Home To NSA – The Real Strategy

Partilhado por
Count Dracula
therealstrategy.com - Google Home (GH) is always listening to everything that goes on inside your home. It’s like paying the NSA, sorry I meant Google, $129.00 to bug your home. Click here & here to find out about Googl...

Trump's incredible shrinking map

Partilhado por
Algernon Fross
politico.com - Six of the 11 battleground states are now in Hillary Clinton's pocket. By Steven Shepard and Charlie Mahtesian In June, POLITICO identified 11 key battleground states — totaling 146 electoral votes...

Módulo do airbag do passageiro é alvo de recall no novo Fiat Uno

Partilhado por
Ricardo Carlini
estadodeminas.vrum.com.br - Risco de rompimento Módulo do airbag do passageiro é alvo de recall no novo Fiat Uno Em caso de colisão, o alojamento do inflador do airbag do passageiro do novo Fiat Uno ano/modelo 2015/2016 pode ...

A Couple's 8-Year Fight Against Government to Get Back Their Property

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Heritage Foundation
dailysignal.com - For eight years, Michiganders Gerald and Royetta Ostipow have been fighting the seizure and forfeiture of hundreds of thousands of dollars’ worth of their property. Last month they prevailed when a...

Russia’s Missile Deployment Adds to NATO’s Worries in the Baltic

Partilhado por
Heritage Foundation
dailysignal.com - In an extremely worrying development for NATO, Russia earlier this month deployed several nuclear-capable Iskander mobile ballistic missile launchers in the Kaliningrad region. The location is a sm...
Meio Ambiente

Observatório da Imprensa prorroga campanha de crowdfunding - Observatório da Imprensa - Você nunca mais vai ler jornal do mesmo jeito

observatoriodaimprensa.com.br - Muito obrigado a todos vocês, leitores e colaboradores, que ao longo dos últimos dois meses, fizeram a campanha O Observatório precisa de você, a mais bem sucedida entre todas as lançadas recenteme...

Coalition troops now reported within a just few miles of Mosul

Partilhado por
Jeffrey Levin
dailykos.com - Unlike other violent extremists, which either hold no real estate or exist solely in small patches under the protection of a sponsor like Iran, ISIS takes and holds territory. They run their domain...

'Not Wanted': Black applicants turned down for Trump housing speak out

Partilhado por
Jeffrey Levin
nbcnews.com - In 1973, New York City school teacher Annette Gandy Fortt was looking for a decent place to live. A listing for an apartment in a building owned by Donald Trump's father, Fred, caught her eye — but...

Hillary Clinton Just Outsmarted Donald Trump And The Republican Party In Florida

Partilhado por
Jeffrey Levin
politicususa.com - Hillary Clinton did something small, but very smart in Florida on Tuesday. She held her campaign rally across the street from an early voting polling place, so that her supporters can leave the ral...
Meio Ambiente

What a liberal sociologist learned from spending five years in Trump's America

Partilhado por
Jeffrey Levin
vox.com - Five years ago, right as the Tea Party was becoming a major force in American politics, Arlie Russell Hochschild realized she didn’t really know any conservative Republicans. Ensconced in her liber...

Unraveling GOP Throws Millions At Senate Races To Avoid Looming Down-Ballot Disaster

Partilhado por
Jeffrey Levin
politicususa.com - As Donald Trump continues to drag down Republican Senate candidates across the country, the party just made a last-ditch attempt not to save their nominee, but to save their majority in the upper c...

How to Construct Your Local Event Strategy with SEO

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Larry Kim
semrush.com - Do you have an event that you need to promote online? If you own a local business, optimizing your rankings in the search engines is a never-ending procedure. Google incessantly apprises its algori...
Meio Ambiente

Como os pássaros conseguem dormir em pleno voo sem cair?

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Sérgio Pavarini
pavablog.com - Muitas aves voam centenas de quilômetros sem tocar a terra. E só conseguem isso porque conseguem dormir em pleno voo. Mas como elas conseguem fazer isso? Essa questão gerou dúvidas durante décadas ...

Nondenominational Christianity

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Dr. Justin Imel, Sr.
drjustinimelsr.com - Before 1948, there were 172 missionaries in Palestine, representing that many different Christian groups. An Anglican bishop therefore said, “Divided Christendom is a source of weakness in the West...

The Moral Decline of America

Partilhado por
Dr. Justin Imel, Sr.
drjustinimelsr.com - Homosexual marriage. Abortion. Immoral TV shows. Police brutality. Bombings. Riots. Divorce. Cohabitation. Many are deeply distresses about the moral decline of America. The reasoning is that our n...
Arte & Entretenimento

The Old Testament and the Christian

Partilhado por
Dr. Justin Imel, Sr.
drjustinimelsr.com - I’ve known many Christians who did not wish to study the Old Testament. When I was much younger, I was teaching from Exodus and a gentleman told me, “Justin, you need to quit teaching from the Old ...

Ten Senate seats most likely to flip in November elections

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Algernon Fross
thehill.com - Republicans face an uphill road to keeping their Senate majority in the November election. They must fight to protect 24 GOP-held seats, while the Democrats have to worry about only 10. Sen. Mark K...

Creating Strong Passwords

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ssd.eff.org - Because remembering many different passwords is difficult, people often reuse a small number of passwords across many different accounts, sites, and services. Today, users are constantly being aske...

Newly-Released Documents Show Hollywood Influenced the Copyright Office’s Comments on Set-Top Boxes

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eff.org - In the current debate over cable set-top box competition, content and cable industries worked together to oppose regulation that could potentially weaken their control over personal TV hardware and...

Could Hillary start a World War? Sure as hell she could – and here’s how

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Paul Joseph Watson
independent.co.uk - Like Donald Trump or not – and I like him no more than, well, Hillary Clinton– there is one thing he might be good for. Peace. A small matter, I know, when set against his serial (alleged), philand...

With just one place to worship, Somalia is a dangerous place for Christians

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Catholic News Agency
catholicnewsagency.com - Djibouti, Djibouti, Oct 25, 2016 / 12:03 am (Aid to the Church in Need).- “Even if work has to be done silently, it is better to be here than not be here.” These are the words of Bishop Giorgio Ber...

Critics of Congolese relief project got it wrong, CRS says

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Catholic News Agency
catholicnewsagency.com - Baltimore, Md., Oct 24, 2016 / 03:35 pm (CNA).- Catholic Relief Services says claims that it took part in contraceptive distribution as part of a Congolese aid project were based on a lack of clari...

Be 'men for others', not wrapped up in clericalism, Francis tells Jesuits

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Catholic News Agency
catholicnewsagency.com - Rome, Italy, Oct 24, 2016 / 10:52 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Bringing all people the lasting joy of the Church should be the focus of their service, Pope Francis told representatives of the Jesuits on Mo...

Syrian Refugees: Shifting From Crisis Response To Opportunity

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Free Syria Media Hub
huffingtonpost.ca - Welcoming over 30,000 Syrian refugees to Canada in the past year is a reflection of the shared values and generous spirit of Canadians and communities, businesses and governments across this countr...

Why the Idea of “Social Justice” is Anti-Christian (redux)

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aheartforgod.org - “‘But that slave went out and found one of his fellow slaves who owed him a hundred denarii; and he seized him and began to choke him, saying, “Pay back what you owe.”‘” (Matthew 18:28) There’s a l...
Arte & Entretenimento

The End of the World Has Already Come? (and the Single, Most Important Thing You Must Learn From It)

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aheartforgod.org - There’s a lot of talk about the world coming to an end in our day. Doomsday scenarios abound whether in the media or movies or via ministers in the pulpit. But I’d like to submit to you that the wo...

A self-driving truck just hauled 51,744 cans of Budweiser on a Colorado highway

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Esteban Eordogh
money.cnn.com - Otto, a startup Uber bought this summer, used one of its autonomous trucks to complete a 120-mile trek in Colorado, which the companies are calling the first commercial delivery using a self-drivin...

Celebra el día mundial de la pasta en Barquisimeto

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Esteban Eordogh
barquisimeto.com - Para fortuna de los que somos amantes de la pasta, desde 1995 se celebra el Día Mundial de la Pasta gracias a un grupo de fabricantes que quiso que este platillo fuese reconocido por el mundo. Desd...

Atraso de obras para conter rejeitos da tragédia de Mariana preocupa Ibama

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Ricardo Carlini
em.com.br - Atraso de obras para conter rejeitos da tragédia de Mariana preocupa Ibama Órgão ambiental também ressaltou falhas nos processos de recomposição do solo em vários pontos, ação importante para prend...
Meio Ambiente

Relatório mundial mostra que brasileiros vivem mais, mas depressão e ansiedade estão mais comuns

Partilhado por
Ricardo Carlini
uai.com.br - Clique na imagem para ampliá-la e saiba mais (foto: Valdo Virgo / CB / D.A Press) O brasileiro tem vivido mais. Porém, com complicações que atrapalham o bem-estar físico e psicológico. Depressão, a...

ALERT: These Battleground States Have Polling Machines Run By George Soros but.....

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O. Bula Escobar
newsninja2012.com - George Soros owns the SmartMatic voting machines in the US. These machines were used in Utah and controlled 80% of the votes. These are the same bi-directional voting machines used in the elections...

¡MEJOR CANTADO IMPOSIBLE! Gobierno escuchó al pueblo en Asambleas de Calle y le dieron “con el tobo” (+Video)

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El PoliTwico
maduradas.com - A través de una transmisión en el canal del Estado, un integrante de una comunidad del estado Zulia, le cantó al régimen y no precisamente bonito, sino todas las correcciones que su población consi...

Blunt Force Truth The Sentinels at the Southern Border – an Interview with Joe Adams – Episode 225

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Chuck Woolery
bluntforcetruth.com - Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 57:38 — 52.9MB) Subscribe: iTunes | Android | RSS On this episode of Blunt Force Truth, Chuck Woolery invites Col. Joe Adams of Project Bluelight, ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Supergirl Promotes ‘Alien Amnesty,’ Slams ‘America’s Xenophobic Right’

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newsbusters.org - When it was announced that former Wonder Woman Lynda Carter was playing President Olivia Marsdin on season two of Supergirl, I expected not-so-subtle references to a certain not-so-subtle (or hones...

CBS Hypes: Hillary ‘Calling on the Sisterhood to See Her Through’

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newsbusters.org - According to CBS This Morning’s Nancy Cordes on Tuesday, Hillary Clinton is “calling on the sisterhood” in the final weeks of the presidential election. The journalist used the loaded language whil...

ESEE Candiru Small Outdoor EDC Neck Knife Review

Partilhado por
MTJS Survival Blog
morethanjustsurviving.com - Traditionally speaking, ESEE Knives have been something like the voice of absolute reason in a market inundated with gimmicks and pseudo tactical nonsense. Over time, knife aficionados have come to...

Henry David Thoreau Quotes - Famous Quote

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famous-quote.net - Henry David Thoreau (1817 – 1862) was an American poet, author, philosopher, naturalist, abolitionist, tax resister, surveyor, transcendentalist and historian. “Walden” is one of his best-known wor...

Clinton confidante on email server

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dailymail.co.uk - A close confidante of Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman was convinced she 'wanted to get away with' keeping all her official emails on a private homebrew server, according to a stolen email relea...

Crise institucional opõe Congresso ao Supremo

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Congresso em Foco
congressoemfoco.uol.com.br - A crise institucional causada pela ação da Polícia Federal, deflagrada na última sexta-feira (21), que resultou na prisão de seguranças do Senado expôs o dilema do Legislativo sobre a extensão das ...

EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: Paula Jones Relives Bill Clinton’s Alleged Sexual Assault: ‘He Asked Me to Kiss It’

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breitbart.com - “And he sat down really fast and he dropped his pants,” she recalled, after being escorted to the hotel room by an armed state trooper. “And he was fondling himself. And he asked me to kiss it. Now...

Trump, Clinton In Dead Heat As Race Hits Final Two-Week Stretch — IBD/TIPP Poll

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investors.com - With the presidential election set to enter its final two weeks, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump find themselves in a near dead heat at 41% each in a four-way race, the latest IBD/TIPP presidentia...

Trump says Obama is 'caught up in the big lie' about Hillary's emails

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dailymail.co.uk - Donald Trump said Tuesday that new revelations from WikiLeaks establish that President Barack Obama is 'caught up in the big lie' surrounding the secret server that held all of Hillary Clinton's em...

Miami treehouse grandma Shawnee Chasser keeps up fight for home

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cbsnews.com - MIAMI - For a quarter century, Shawnee Chasser has lived in a treehouse not far from downtown Miami. The 65-year-old grandmother who once protested the Vietnam War and nuclear weapons says she hate...

Insider Stock Buying Drops To Lowest Level In Five Years

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zerohedge.com - Earlier this month we reported, using TrimTabs data, that perhaps as a result of ballooning corporate debt the value of stock buyback announcements from U.S. companies had slowed to its lowest leve...

Russia Is Quietly Winning The Middle East (And Nobody Is Talking About It)

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zerohedge.com - Submitted by James Holbrooks via TheAntiMedia.org, As fighting resumes in Aleppo following a brief ceasefire - and as Russia’s largest naval fleet to sail since the Cold War steams down the English...
Meio Ambiente

Mostra Internacional de Cinema de SP faz 40 anos e debate política

Partilhado por
portal.comunique-se.com.br - A 40ª edição da Mostra Internacional de Cinema de São Paulo, iniciada na noite da última quarta-feira, 19, fará homenagens - principalmente - a dois grandes diretores do cinema: o italiano Marco Be...

Top University Stole Millions From Taxpayers By Faking Global Warming Research

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Drew McKissick
dailycaller.com - A global warming research center at the London School of Economics got millions of dollars from UK taxpayers by taking credit for research it didn’t perform, an investigation by The Daily Mail reve...

As it was in the '60s, Bob Dylan’s truth-telling is needed today

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latimes.com - Bob Dylan’s Nobel Prize for literature is something even he could not have prophesied with his pen when we were young musicians together in Greenwich Village. I was astonished at the news, overjoye...

Trump right about Hanoi John McCain

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veteranstoday.com - It pains me to have to back Donald Trump (who dodged the draft during the Vietnam War for year after year) on John McCain but here is what Trump should have said: Some of us have seen the reports a...

Facebook Co-Founder Pledges Another $15 Million to Defeat Trump - Breitbart

breitbart.com - In an unprecedented move, Moskovitz, who has a personal wealth of $12.7 billion, pledged the money without any formal announcement, immediately making him one of the biggest ever Democratic Party d...

Allergic to “Capitalism”? Call It “Trade-Tested Permissionless Innovation” | Steven Horwitz

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fee.org - A recent survey of millennials reveals some results that should be of interest to those of us who care about free enterprise and the market economy. Slightly more 18-29 year olds (58% vs. 56%) had ...

Report: AT&T Being Paid by U.S. Government to Spy on Users - Breitbart

breitbart.com - A secret program named “Project Hemisphere” is run by AT&T and often used by law enforcement officials to search through trillions of phone call records and cellular data to locate a specific user....

Hillary Has Abnormal Eye Movements, Say Majority of Doctors Surveyed, Reports AAPS

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prnewswire.com - Videos are, however, circulating on the internet, from her rather brief and rare appearances in public, which are purported to show pathological eye movements. "These are quick, episodic, and incon...


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