25 October 2016

LibExp 2016.10.24 all @livrexpress


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Lula, um mero vagabundo, gangrenou a democracia brasileira com a corrupção, diz Prêmio Nobel

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Luigi Sass Comin
imprensaviva.com - Após 35 anos de existência, o Partido dos Trabalhadores começa a ser melhor compreendido pela população. Na medida em que seus fundadores e líderes influentes foram abandonando o partido, em razão ...

Lava Jato agora está no encalço de Renan Calheiros (PMDB) e as propinas multi-milionárias

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Ezequias Neto
folhacentrosul.com.br - Tudo leva a crer que o coroné Renan Calheiros (PMDB) pode ser o próximo a ir pro pau. Claro, não será fácil. Como Cunha, Renan tem muito político na mão por causa do rabo preso, entre eles, o própr...

New Podesta Email Exposes Dem Playbook For Rigging Polls Through "Oversamples"

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Chuck Woolery
zerohedge.com - Earlier this morning we wrote about the obvious sampling bias in the latest ABC / Washington Post poll that showed a 12-point national advantage for Hillary.  Like many of the recent polls from Reu...

WikiLeaks - The Podesta Emails

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The #FreeRicky Tree
wikileaks.org - How to contact WikiLeaks? What is Tor? Tips for Sources After Submitting This key's fingerprint is A04C 5E09 ED02 B328 03EB 6116 93ED 732E 9231 8DBA -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- mQQNBFUoCGg...

Former Haitian Senate President Calls Clintons "Common Thieves Who Should Be In Jail"

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zerohedge.com - Despite repeatedly bragging about all the good work the Clinton Foundation did to help Haiti recover from the devastating 2010 earthquake, at least one Haitian, former Senate President Bernard Sans...

Liberal Submission: Protect Islam, Defame Christianity

gatestoneinstitute.org - The world's biggest shopping portal, Amazon, sells many Halloween costumes. One of the novelties in 2016 has been the "Sexy Burka", the typical obscurantist cloak that the Taliban and the Islamic S...

Defend the Donald Blogger

stopthesteal.org - Donald J. Trump is under attack. He’s under-attack from the biased liberal media, the multinational corporations, the Washington-New York insiders, the lobbyists and special interests, and particul...

WIKILEAKS BOMBSHELL: Yet Another Bill Clinton Mistress, Dubbed 'Energizer Bunny'...

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Steven Crowder
louderwithcrowder.com - It’s clear Bill Clinton doesn’t want his wife to win (see CLASSY: Bill Clinton Calls Trump Supporters ‘Rednecks’ and Video: Bill Clinton Smiles as Heckled ‘You’re a RAPIST’). Hell, can you blame hi...

Here Are Al Gore Sex Assault Allegations The Media Covered Up

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I Hate The Media
dailycaller.com - The New York Times and Washington Post have morphed into the personal Facebook pages of random women making unsubstantiated allegations against Donald Trump. So maybe they should at least finally q...

Stanford University Confirms Democratic Election Fraud

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Off Grid Capital
yournewswire.com - A bombshell study released by Stanford University confirms evidence of election fraud during the 2016 Democratic Party primaries.  According to a paper released this week entitled, “Are we witnessi...

A secreta Maçonaria se revela na eleição - Política - Estadão

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Sergio Gonçalves
politica.estadao.com.br - Um prédio comercial no centro da cidade de São Paulo, ocupado por escritórios de advocacia, administradoras de imóveis e clínicas oftalmológicas, seria a fachada perfeita para uma sociedade secreta...

Media now hyperventilating because Trump said 'bad hombres'

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caintv.com - It's not their main anti-Trump debate storyline, of course. That's the whole Trump-won't-accept-the-election-result nonsense, and we'll get to that posthaste. But you need more than one trivial was...

Hillary campaigns at early voting location - in violation of NC law? - The American Mirror

theamericanmirror.com - Hillary Clinton campaigned at an early voting location on Sunday in Raleigh, North Carolina, in a potential violation of electioneering laws. Clinton was “mobbed” at the early voting location at Ch...

Reportan que grupos violentos robaron una cámara de Globovisión durante sesión de la AN

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Ivo Marcelino
lapatilla.com - Usuarios de Twitter reportaron que integrantes de grupos violentos despojaron de sus pertenencias al equipo de periodistas de Globovisión, durante la sesión extraordinaria de la Asamblea Nacional d...

Socialistas espanhóis abrem caminho para governo conservador

oglobo.globo.com - RIO – O Partido Socialista Operário Espanhol (PSOE) vai se abster no processo de instalação de um novo Gabinete no país, abrindo caminho para a instalação de um governo do rival conservador Partido...

Con lo que gasta Carmena en la exposición porno y sacrílega, se podría alimentar a 18.000 personas

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actuall.com - La exposición sacrílega y pornográfica que se expone en el palacio de Cibeles, con el consentimiento de la alcaldesa podemita, Manuela Carmena, ha costado a los madrileños unos 60.000 euros, según ...

Resenha do livro “Jardim das Aflições”, de Olavo de Carvalho

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Olavo de Carvalho
musicauniversal.radiovox.org - NOTAS DE LEITURA: O JARDIM DAS AFLIÇÕES, de OLAVO DE CARVALHO No início de 2015 fomos surpreendidos pela Vide Editorial, chefiada pelo competentíssimo Editor Sílvio Grimaldo, com o lançamento da 3....

Former Prosecutor: The Clintons Are So Corrupt, Everything ‘They Touch Turns To Molten Lead’ [VIDEO]

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Daily News
dailycaller.com - Pithy former federal prosecutor Joe diGenova believes the recent Project Veritas video by James O’Keefe featuring DNC contractors explaining their dirty practices to foment violence at Trump events...

Catholic Church Paid $79 MILLION By Obama Administration To Force Migrant Invasion • Now The End Begins

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Lorence Hud
nowtheendbegins.com - RG – Not entirely sure what you are getting at but thank you for providing the opportunity to reply. Thanks Scott for the update. The point is – when will people become responsible? Reminds me of t...
Arte & Entretenimento

Trump 'Banned' in West Hollywood; Fans Rally Anyway - Breitbart

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Breitbart News
breitbart.com - “Donald Trump is [King] Cyrus in the Bible,” Ramos said. “Understand who Cyrus is in the Bible then maybe your minds will change and want to vote for Trump and not Hillary Clinton.” Asked by Breitb...

Prominent evangelical theologian explains why he’s changing his tune and endorsing Donald Trump

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bizpacreview.com - Prominent evangelical theologian Wayne Grudem, like many other conservatives, has been struggling with his conscience this political season. Although he originally voiced support for the Republican...

La familia del piloto que perdió la calle por la de Paco Gandía reivindica su memoria

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sevilla.abc.es - Familiares de Sebastián Recasens Méndez-Queipo de Llano han realizado un llamamiento para reivindicar la figura y la memoria de este sevillano que murió torturado y fusilado a los 21 años de edad, ...
Meio Ambiente

Animais achados nas ruas de MG viram 'modelos' para serem adotados

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@Brasil de todos
g1.globo.com - A foto acima do gatinho vestido com beca de formatura é mais uma das várias feitas pela fotógrafa e publicitária Marcela Pena, que realiza ensaios e promove adoção de animais há cinco anos. Através...

Trump urges supporters to vote in GOP Congress

cnn.com - Story highlights Donald Trump is touting Republican down-ballot candidates He says GOP majorities in Congress are necessary to enact his agenda Naples, Florida (CNN)Donald Trump on Sunday linked th...

Rescatar la patria potestad que nos arrebataron

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Dania Acevedo
14ymedio.com - En los primeros años de la Revolución cubana se vivió uno de los capítulos más tristes de nuestra historia, la llamada "Operación Pedro Pan". Miles de padres enviaron a sus hijos al extranjero para...

Historias de Alsasua

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(((LaVerdadOfende ن
okdiario.com - Alsasua es un pequeño municipio navarro, de poco más de 7.000 habitantes, ubicado en el valle de la Burunda, a menos de 6 kilómetros de la provincia de Guipúzcoa, los mismos que les separan de la d...

Manifestantes entregam 1,6 milhão de assinaturas pela queda de Renan Calheiros

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oglobo.globo.com - BRASÍLIA – Cerca de 25 manifestantes se reuniram em frente ao gramado do Senado nesta quarta-feira, com banners e faixas pedindo a saída do senador Renan Calheiros (PMDB-AL) durante a entrega simbó...

The U.S. isn’t one of the top 10 most free countries in the world, study says

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Off Grid Capital
mcclatchydc.com - With costly healthcare, a stereotype of obesity and a culture of creatively fatty foods, “healthy” probably isn’t the first word that comes to mind when you think of the United States. But accordin...

Truque simples pode deixar viagem mais barata no Uber

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O Federal 🇧🇷
olhardigital.uol.com.br - Que tal conseguir economizar algum dinheiro nas suas corridas de Uber? Um truque simples e que não exige qualquer aplicativo adicional ou conhecimento em programação pode fazer isso por você. O Olh...

Silicon Valley all-in for Hillary Clinton

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Off Grid Capital
yahoo.com - San Francisco (AFP) - Silicon Valley, the hub of the US tech industry, is traditionally a Democratic political stronghold. But that has perhaps never more been more true than in this election year,...

Haitian Leader BLASTS Hillary Directly For Stealing Billions In Aid Money From Desperate Haitian People ⋆ US Herald

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The Santa Party 💰
usherald.com - Americans are a generous people – never more so than when helping those who have been hit with devastating natural disasters and left homeless, hungry and hurting. When earthquakes or tsunamis wipe...

Foster mother discovered ’12-year-old Afghan refugee orphan’ was a 21-year-old jihadi: ‘I’ll kill you and I know where your children are’

themuslimissue.wordpress.com - A woman opened her heart and her door to a 12-year-old boy who had fled the horrors of war in Afghanistan after losing his parents – or so she thought. In reality, not only was the boy in her care,...

Renan recebeu R$ 5,5 milhões em dinheiro vivo de propina do Petrolão, diz delator

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republicadecuritibaonline.com - De acordo com o delator Felipe Parente, o presidente do Senado, Renan Calheiros e o senador Jader Barbalho (PMDB-PA) receberam valor de R$ 5,5 milhões em propina do Petrolão, entre 2004 e 2006. Par...

Oil prices drop as Iraq says doesn't want to join OPEC cut

reuters.com - SINGAPORE Oil prices fell early on Monday as Iraq said it wanted to be exempt from any deal by producer cartel OPEC to cut production to prop up the market, and as U.S. drillers stepped up work. In...

Wikileaks: Podesta Daughter Got His Shares in Putin-Linked Joule

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breitbart.com - “Full transfer request, with Megan’s signature attached,” Podesta’s assistant Eryn Sepp wrote to him. A January 3, 2014 letter revealed that Podesta designated his daughter’s Dublin, California res...

Baby elephant 'rescues' her favorite human

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Edmilson Papo 10
cnn.com - Story highlights Baby elephant tries to save man who helps care for her She shares a special bond with him (CNN)We can all agree it's basically a dream situation to be rescued by a baby elephant, e...

Freixo vai ao Maracanã e ouve gritos de apoio e xingamentos

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oglobo.globo.com - RIO - Candidato do PSOL a prefeito do Rio e rubro-negro, Marcelo Freixo resolveu testar sua popularidade junto à torcida do Flamengo com um ato de campanha no entorno do Maracanã na tarde deste dom...

Hospitales licitan equipo que sólo vende empresa de la hermana de ministra de Salud

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ciperchile.cl - En el marco de su plan de formación de especialistas, el ministerio que dirige Carmen Castillo está impulsando una Red de Simulación Clínica en distintas ciudades. Se usó a la ex Posta como piloto ...

The Flight 93 Election

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Deplorable Milo🐸
claremont.org - 2016 is the Flight 93 election: charge the cockpit or you die. You may die anyway. You—or the leader of your party—may make it into the cockpit and not know how to fly or land the plane. There are ...

[Urgente] Informações dão conta que LULA poderá ser preso amanha na 25º Operação Lava-Jato | Pensa Brasil

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Paulo De Boni
pensabrasil.com - Planalto, PT, Instituto e advogados de Lula entram com habeas corpus no STF contra decisão de Mendes URGENTE, informações dão conta que ex-presidente poderá ser preso na 25º Operação Lava-jato. Os ...

WikiLeaks, political hacks and the US election - Al Jazeera English

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aljazeera.com - WikiLeaks has made public thousands of leaked emails from the Clinton presidential campaign. Much of it confirms what many already suspected: that Clinton's view on banking regulations differs depe...

The Italian Mafia and ISIS: Friends, Enemies or Frenemies? - CounterJihad

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counterjihad.com - What happens when Italian organized crime meets Islamic terrorism? Let’s just say in their quest for world domination ISIS doesn’t want to leave any stone unturned. ISIS and the Italian mafia have ...

Finland plans to expel 20,000 Merkel Muslims who arrived in 2015

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Dave Jones
themuslimissue.wordpress.com - Finland has joined Sweden in announcing plans to repatriate tens of thousands of migrants whose asylum requests will likely be rejected. The two Nordic countries are both struggling to cope with wi...

Magic Bullet: Rush and Caller Reveal How 'Clinton Cash' Uranium Revelation Turns Democrats into Trump Voters - Breitbart

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Off Grid Capital
breitbart.com - “These WikiLeaks dumps are documenting practically everything that Schweizer wrote,” Limbaugh said. “Everything in Schweizer’s book — we didn’t need it documented, we knew it was true.” “That book ...

Texas voter fraud concerns prompt hotline offering $5,000 reward for tips

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Off Grid Capital
star-telegram.com - As more and more Texans turn to mail-in ballots to cast their votes in presidential elections, concerns continue to grow over how secure the process is. The ballots — geared to make it possible for...

Clinton Charity Got Up To $56 Million From Nations That Are Anti-Women, Gays

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dailycaller.com - The Clinton Foundation would have to return as much as $56 million in donations from Islamic countries that sanction abuse of women and gays, if it did as Republican nominee Donald Trump suggested ...

Forbes: Paul Ryan to be Boehner'd during lame duck?

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dailykos.com - So, it was about 13 months ago that the tea party wing of the House gave John Boehner an ultimatum: Either resign the Speakership or we’ll file a motion to vacate the chair. This morning, writing a...

VIDEO : White House Press Secretary Issues Dumb Warning to Those Watching Project Veritas Videos

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truthfeed.com - In addition to the steady flood of hacked emails released by WikiLeaks from Democrat presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, John Podesta, a series of videos from Project Veritas ...

Natal Luz de Gramado Serras Gaúchas 2016

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Hotel Sky - Gramado
noticias.terra.com.br - Uma temporada mágica de Natal, com mais de 500 apresentações entre shows, desfiles, paradas, concertos, teatro, música e muito mais, fique por dentro do maior espetáculo natalino do mundo. O famoso...

Hillary's Supreme Court court would rule for over three decades

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Deplorable Milo🐸
washingtonexaminer.com - With the next president poised to pick which side controls the evenly split U.S. Supreme Court, a two-term victory by Hillary Rodham Clinton would assure that liberals would run the judicial branch...

Renan critica declarações de ministro da Justiça sobre prisão de agentes

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Ezequias Neto
oglobo.globo.com - BRASÍLIA — Três dias depois da prisão de quatro agentes da Polícia Legislativa do Senado, na sexta-feira, o presidente da Casa, Renan Calheiros (PMDB-AL), continua irritado com declarações do minis...

If Hillary Packs the Supreme Court, Democracy is Dead. We Should Give it a Decent Burial. | The Stream

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stream.org - If you want a young person to have a hopeful, patriotic view of the U.S. government, you probably shouldn’t set his first trip to Washington, D.C. on the anniversary of Roe v. Wade. As I wrote back...

Peace Activist Khurram Parvez’s Illegal Detention in Kashmir Valley May Be Proof He’s “Doing Something Right” · Global Voices

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Global Voices
globalvoices.org - “Peace!” – a word (of salutation) from a Lord Most Merciful! This Quranic phrase, from Surah Yasin, 36:58, was the first of many bonding discussions that I have had with Khurram Parvez, my long-tim...

TRIBUNA DA INTERNET Lulopetismo tentou fazer uma geração acreditar em roubo filantrópico e altruísta | TRIBUNA DA INTERNET

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tribunadainternet.com.br - A pior herança que o lulopetismo deixou para a minha geração foi a personificação da democracia em um líder popular criado por uma engenhosa e bilionária máquina de comunicação. A geração de meados...

WIKILEAKS : It Wasn’t “THE RUSSIANS” who Hacked Podesta, he LOST his Damn Cell Phone 

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truthfeed.com - In a DESPERATE attempt to spin the Wikileaks EMAIL NIGHTMARE, the Clinton campaign is attempting to weave this absurd narrative that the “EVIL RUSSIANS” are controlling the 2016 election by hacking...

Everything You Need to Know About Hillary Clinton

abcnews.go.com - What she used to do: Clinton has an impressive resume: secretary of state, two-term senator, 2008 presidential candidate -- and, of course, first lady. What she does now:  Clinton has spent her tim...

Saiba quais são os 25 aplicativos para smartphones mais usados nos EUA

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O Federal 🇧🇷
tecnologia.uol.com.br - A empresa comScore divulgou uma lista dos 25 aplicativos mais utilizados nos Estados Unidos. O Google é responsável por cinco dos aplicativos na lista, que não traz o WhatsApp. O Facebook ficou em ...

La ciudad de Nueva York prohíbe alquilar apartamentos menos de un mes

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periodistadigital.com - Nueva York aprobó este viernes fuertes multas para sus habitantes que anuncien alquileres de apartamentos enteros por menos de un mes, asestando un duro golpe a Airbnb en uno de sus mayores mercado...

Venezuela en dictadura

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Pepe Gonzalez
elindependiente.com - Como lo ha explicado muy bien el secretario de la Organización de Estados Americanos (OEA), Luis Almagro, ya no es posible usar eufemismos en el caso de Venezuela, este país pasó de ser una “democr...

Junqueras es usuario privado del hospital que quiere nacionalizar

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(((LaVerdadOfende ن
cronicaglobal.elespanol.com - “El presidente de ERC, Oriol Junqueras, y su mujer, Neus Bramona, fueron padres ayer de una niña que se llama Joana. El nacimiento tuvo lugar en el Hospital General de Catalunya y la niña midió 50 ...

The best and worst states to start a business

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gobankingrates.com - Many Americans dream of starting a business and — despite recent economic downturns — they continue to pursue this dream more than ever. In fact, the number of new business establishments in the U....

El Pancetas se enzarza en Twitter con ¡Pérez Reverte!

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okdiario.com - Una sorprendente pugna dialéctica ha arreciado en la red social Twitter, inédita habida cuenta de las, en principio, profundas diferencias que separan a sus protagonistas: el escritor, periodista y...

List of Sanctuary cities

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Rhonda Kazmierski
apsanlaw.com - Apsan Law Offices, LLC. practices in the areas of Immigration & Citizenship throughout New York and New Jersey in communities including Essex County, Union County, Passaic County, Hudson County, Mo...
Meio Ambiente

Como os futuros livros de história lembrarão a guerra da Síria? - BBC Brasil

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bbc.com - Recentemente, um parlamentar britânico comparou o bombardeio russo a um comboio da ONU na cidade de Aleppo, na Síria, aos ataques nazistas na Espanha durante os anos 1930. Andrew Mitchell, do Parti...

Santa Fe no pudo ganar de local pero continúa dentro de los ocho

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elespectador.com - A Independiente Santa Fe  solo le queda la Liga como objetivo este semestre. Por eso necesita mantenerse en los ocho para contar con la posibilidad de pelear por la novena estrella de su historia, ...
Meio Ambiente

En disputa, negocio millonario de la sal

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informador.com.mx - GUADALAJARA, JALISCO (22/OCT/2016).- La Comisión Federal de Competencia Económica (Cofece) publicó el extracto del acuerdo para el inicio de la investigación por denuncia por la posible realización...

Los nuevos “turistas” que están llegando a Venezuela

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O. Bula Escobar
estadodeisrael.com - Vía Twitter En el marco de una conferencia con los medios de prensa comunitarios, entre los que estaba la Agencia Judía de Noticias (AJN), Ilán Sztulman embajador del Estado de Israel en Argentina ...

Trump's ethics plan: 5 problems with his vow to 'drain the swamp'

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Off Grid Capital
nj.com - WASHINGTON — Donald Trump began his quest for the Republican presidential nomination talking about the influence of campaign donations. He's ending it discussing the influence of lobbyists. Trump h...

Vladimir Gessen: Extraña silencio del alto mando militar

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informe21.com - El poder civil, básicamente se expresa en el Parlamento, donde el pueblo soberano, delega su legítima representación y vocería a través del voto directo y secreto. La voz del pueblo, en ausencia de...

Articles: Three Strikes and You're Out, Hillary

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americanthinker.com - Under the three strikes law, your third felony puts you in prison for the rest of your life. Hillary Clinton has yet to be officially charged with a felony. However, with investigations by that cha...

Princeton Study: U.S. No Longer An Actual Democracy

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prince.org - Asking "[w]ho really rules?" researchers Martin Gilens and Benjamin I. Page argue that over the past few decades America's political system has slowly transformed from a democracy into an oligarchy...

WATCH: 'Where Is The FBI?' - Gingrich Calls For ACTION, Says O'Keefe Video Shows Deliberate Effort To Intimidate Voters ⋆ US Herald

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usherald.com - After two undercover videos showing Democrat funded operatives talking about how they systematically disrupt Trump rallies with violence and engage in voter fraud Newt Gingrich is asking one obviou...

Piden a Kuczynsky impulsar en OEA Carta Democrática en Venezuela

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Cuba Opinión
diariocontraste.com - Un grupo de dirigentes políticos venezolanos actualmente asilados en Perú, solicitaron al Presidente de ese país Pedro Pablo Kuzcysnki evalúe impulsar en el seno de la OEA la inmediata aplicación d...

Wikileaks: Hillary Clinton Had Gun Control Supporters Planted In Town Hall Audience - Breitbart

breitbart.com - The town hall occurred on October 5, 2015; just four days after a man opened fire on Umpqua Community College campus in Oregon. In the email thread, dated October 4, 2015, a “speech draft” was pass...

Asamblea Nacional reveló verdadera nacionalidad de madre de Maduro

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Ivo Marcelino
el-nacional.com - 12:40 pm  23 de Octubre de 2016 • Caracas (Venezuela) Le aplastaron la cabeza con una piedra para robarlo en Maracaibo Venezolanos mendigan en los semáforos de Brasil Tania Díaz calificó sesión esp...

The International Forecaster How the Government Uses the Banks to Choke Off Legal Businesses

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theinternationalforecaster.com - Dear Consumer, Our biometric detection division has confirmed that you participated in the protests at last month's coronation of Hillary Clinton as Supreme Leader of the United States for Life. Yo...

Juiz "louco" por fazer a máquina do Judiciário funcionar - Espaço Vital

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Alex P
espacovital.com.br - O polêmico caso do juiz Fernando Cordioli Garcia, afastado pelo TJ de Santa Catarina por supostas irregularidades - que teriam sido praticadas enquanto ele era magistrado na comarca de Otacílio Cos...

Abortion Worker: It Would "Torment My Soul" to See Babies' "Tiny Crushed Bodies" | LifeNews.com

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Marcelo Castro
lifenews.com - In 2006, Destiny Image Publishers published a book by author Cheryl Chew called Make Me Your Choice. This powerful pro-life book tells moving stories of post-abortion women who suffered from guilt ...

Being Single Is Now a Disability, According to the World Health Organization

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The #FreeRicky Tree
gizmodo.com - According to the Telegraph, the World Health Organization will change its definition of disabilities to classify people without a sexual partner as “infertile.” The controversial new classification...

An Urgent Message to the NRA's 5 Million Members

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I Hate The Media
nratv.com - I've spent my entire adult life fighting for the Second Amendment, and I've got the scars to prove it. The media and many in the political class have reserved some of their most vicious, nasty insu...

Homem de Soros na Smartmatic controla eleições americanas

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tercalivre.com - O grupo Smartmatic, que desenvolve os programas de computadores usados nas urnas eletrônicas das eleições de vários estados americanos e nas eleições brasileiras, já foi alvo de questionamento tant...

Toronto Islamist: “It is certainly possible to apply Shariah in the North American society”

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Getúlio Santana
creepingsharia.wordpress.com - Source: “It is certainly possible to apply Shariah in the North American society” – CIJNews English  h/t Jihad Watch Taha Ghayyur, a Toronto Muslim activist and a board member of DawaNet, believes ...

He's With Her: Inside Paul Ryan's Months-Long Campaign to Elect Hillary Clinton President - Breitbart

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Getúlio Santana
breitbart.com - “Maybe not,” Trump told Good Morning America on Tuesday. “Because maybe he wants to run in four years… or maybe he doesn’t know how to win. I mean, who can really know?” Trump said. The view that R...

Parlamento da Venezuela convoca rebelião popular contra golpe

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valor.com.br - SÃO PAULO  -  O Legislativo da Venezuela, de maioria opositora, convocou uma “rebelião popular” no país e a pressão da comunidade internacional neste domingo (23), ao denunciar a ocorrência de um "...

Antiga fábrica de Schindler vai virar memorial do Holocausto | Mundo | DW.COM | 21.10.2016

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dw.com - A antiga fábrica do empresário Oskar Schindler (1908-1974) na cidade tcheca de Brnenec será convertida num novo memorial do Holocausto, confirmou nesta sexta-feira (21/10) a Fundação Oskar Schindle...

"Eu quero falar, eu vou falar": o que há por trás da fala bombástica de Cunha aos advogados?

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infomoney.com.br - SÃO PAULO - O mundo político teve nesta manhã mais um motivo para se preocupar. Preso na última quarta-feira no âmbito da Operação Lava Jato, o ex-presidente da Câmara e deputado cassado Eduardo Cu...

“Hackers do bem” projetam software para investigar gastos de deputados

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contasabertas.com.br - Um projeto de “hackers do bem” pretende criar um software capaz de monitorar os gastos dos deputados federais com a chamada “verba indenizatória”. O valor utilizado por parlamentares com alimentaçã...

De onde vêm as palavras: Cobra que perdeu o veneno | VEJA.com

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veja.abril.com.br - Jararacas e cascavéis se tornam inofensivas, distribuindo dentadas inócuas, humilhadas e furiosas na consciência da própria fragilidade”, escreveu Luís Da Câmara Cascudo (1898-1986), acrescentando:...

Eduardo Bolsonaro apresenta projeto de lei que criminaliza o comunismo

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tercalivre.com - O deputado federal Eduardo Bolsonaro PSC-SP protocolou na tarde de hoje, 23 de maio de 2016, um projeto de lei na Câmara dos Deputados que representa uma mais do que simbólica demanda para os brasi...

Winston Churchill: as lições do grande estadista

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istoe.com.br - Em 1961, Winston Churchill (1874-1965) pediu ao filho Randolph que escrevesse sua biografia oficial. A tarefa só seria concluída quarenta anos depois, pelas mãos do historiador Martin Gilbert, auto...

Stunning Numbers: Trump Averages 6,700 per Rally, Hillary Averages 380 per Rally

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Getúlio Santana
thegatewaypundit.com - Nobody Likes Hillary. Donald Trump joked at the Alfred E. Smith dinner on Thursday night that the 1000 people at the dinner were Hillary’s largest crowd of the season. This was a joke but there is ...

REVEALED: 1,000+ Migrants Brawl, Rape, Sexually Assault, And Steal At ONE German Train Station On New Year's Eve

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Getúlio Santana
breitbart.com - The sordid details of the horrifying sexual assaults and attacks made against ordinary Germans by large gangs of migrants in Cologne in the early hours of Friday morning are just now emerging. Far ...

Os jovens cada vez mais repudiam o esquerdismo; e o principal motivo disso é muito claro | Implicante.Org

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implicante.org - Recentemente, tratei das razões que fazem o povo mais pobre odiar o esquerdismo. Em essência, é porque o esquerdismo os odeia; ou a seus costumes, hábitos e afins. Hoje, porém, falo dos jovens. Sim...

Robert Jeffress Needs to Repent or Resign

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Severe Conservative
theresurgent.com - In July, Robert Jeffress said he supported Trump in the primaries because “I just didn’t think that Ted Cruz was electable.” He said of Donald Trump, “I believed that he was the only one who was el...

Megyn Kelly hits Donna Brazile on feeding Clinton debate question

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The #FreeRicky Tree
washingtonexaminer.com - Interim Democratic National Committee chair Donna Brazile accused Megyn Kelly of "persecution" Wednesday evening when the Fox News anchor asked Brazile about an email, published by WikiLeaks, that ...

Marchezan45 Prefeito

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Getúlio Santana
marchezanprefeito.com.br - Porto alegre precisa se reinventar, sem perder nunca sua essência e sua história. Nossas semelhanças são maiores que as nossas diferenças. É necessário deixar de lado interesses políticos, ideologi...

China’s plan to organize its society relies on ‘big data’ to rate everyone

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Paul Joseph Watson
washingtonpost.com - BEIJING — Imagine a world where an authoritarian government monitors everything you do, amasses huge amounts of data on almost every interaction you make, and awards you a single score that measure...

Nigeria: Muslims murder over 40 Christians, burn down their houses

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jihadwatch.org - “The attackers were in the hundreds and were well armed. Some of them wore army uniforms, while others wore police uniforms. Some of them exchanged gunfire with the few soldiers stationed at the po...

St. John Paul II, the Heroic Pope | Word on Fire

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Kattoliko Pensiero
wordonfire.org - As all of his biographers remind us, Karol Wojtyla came of age at one of the darkest moments of the twentieth century. When he was 19 years old and just commencing his university career, the Nazis ...

Tricolor goleia e está nas quartas de final do Paulistão Sub-20

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Al Weez
saopaulofc.net - O São Paulo reencontrou o Santo André na tarde deste sábado (22), desta vez em Cotia, pela segunda partida das oitavas de final do Campeonato Paulista Sub-20. Após vencer fora de casa por 2 a 1, o ...

Arena Corinthians foi presente para Lula, diz Emílio Odebrecht

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infomoney.com.br - SÃO PAULO - Emílio Odebrecht, presidente do conselho de administração da empresa que leva o seu sobrenome, disse em acordo de delação que a Arena Corinthians, conhecida como Itaquerão, teria sido c...

Police crowd Notre Dame square as protest gathers momentum across France

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Henry Makow
rt.com - Policemen got together in front of the Notre-Dame cathedral in Paris singing La Marseillaise, the country’s national anthem, while applauding every police siren passing nearby. The officers complai...

María Corina Machado pide a la AN iniciar la destitución de Nicolás Maduro

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Rafa Kafka
eluniversal.com - Caracas.- Desde una concentración en la autopista Francisco Fajardo, María Corina Machado, fundadora del movimiento político Vente Venezuela y co-fundadora de la asociación civil Súmate, dijo que h...

Calais migrants clash with police, get teargassed ahead of camp’s final dismantling (VIDEO)

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Oswaldo Portella Jr
rt.com - People from the Jungle threw stones at police on Saturday night and early Sunday morning, AFP reported. Law enforcement responded with tear gas. The clashes came before the scheduled demolition of ...

Un escrache en la universidad - Los enigmas del 11M

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Elentir ن
blogs.libertaddigital.com - A las 11:15 de la mañana del 2 de noviembre de 1933, el catedrático de matemáticas Edmund Landau abrió la puerta de su despacho en la Universidad de Göttingen para dirigirse al salón donde debía im...

Log Cabin Republicans board votes against endorsing Trump

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I Hate The Media
politico.com - The group narrowly voted on Tuesday to “withhold” an endorsement of Donald Trump, according to Gregory Angelo, the organization’s president. | Getty The board of the nation’s largest group of LGBT ...

Report: Up to 1,000 emails between Clinton, David Patraeus missing from records sent to State Dept.

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I Hate The Media
theblaze.com - Newly released FBI investigation files reveal that as many as 1,000 emails between former secretary of state Hillary Clinton and Gen. David Patraeus were missing from the batch of 30,000 that Clint...

Jean Wyllys perde na Justiça batalha que travava com o Facebook

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conjur.com.br - O deputado federal Jean Wyllys (Psol-RJ) perdeu uma batalha na Justiça que travava com o Facebook. A 4ª Turma Cível do Tribunal de Justiça do Distrito Federal entendeu, ao analisar uma apelação do ...

ONU alerta para crimes de proporções históricas em Aleppo | Mundo | DW.COM | 21.10.2016

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dw.com - O alto comissário da Organização das Nações Unidas para os Direitos Humanos, Zeid Ra'ad al-Hussein, afirmou nesta sexta-feira (21/10) que o cerco e bombardeio da zona leste de Aleppo constituem "cr...

McMullin: Republicans 'putting party ahead of principle'

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Severe Conservative
thehill.com - Independent presidential candidate Evan McMullin said early Sunday that top Republican leaders are "putting party ahead of principle" in this election. "The reality is that the vast majority of Rep...

San Juan Pablo II: Un Papa que nos enseñó a ser santos

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Kattoliko Pensiero
catholic-link.com - Fue el 16 de octubre de 1978, cuando los cardenales reunidos en Cónclave eligieron a Karol Wojtyła como Sumo Pontífice de la Iglesia Católica. San Juan Pablo II como hoy lo conocemos, se dedicó a e...

Como o alcoolismo quase matou Phil Collins

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g1.globo.com - Sentado em uma suíte espaçosa em um luxuoso hotel em Londres, Phil Collins está devorando um prato de batatas fritas. "Depois você pode me trazer uma taça de vinho branco, por favor?", pede o músic...

A república das Marcelas, o reino das princesas e o sonho das meninas - 23/10/2016 - Colunistas - Folha de S.Paulo

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folha.uol.com.br - "Marcela amou-me durante 15 meses e 11 contos de reis, nada menos." Esta Marcela foi a paixão de juventude de Brás Cubas, o personagem-síntese do Brasil. Mas o nome também evoca outra Marcela, cont...

Catar anuncia pela 1ª vez morte de funcionário em obra de estádio para Copa - Esportes - Estadão

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Pedro B. Griese
esportes.estadao.com.br - A organização da Copa do Mundo do Catar anunciou neste domingo a morte de um operário que trabalhava nas obras de uma das arenas construídas para a competição de 2022. Esta é a primeira vez que o C...

Report: 743 Christians Attacked by Muslims in Refugee Camps

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Getúlio Santana
themuslimissue.wordpress.com - By Amanda Prestigiacomo DailyWire, October 21, 2016 A new report published by Christian advocacy group Open Doors Germany is uncovering the country’s glaring inability or refusal to protect the rel...

Curt Schilling Joins Breitbart

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The #FreeRicky Tree
nymag.com - With it is looking increasingly unlikely Donald Trump will be heading to the White House, the prospect that he will partner with his campaign CEO, Breitbart Executive Chairman Steve Bannon, to laun...

Nova York restringe atuação da Airbnb

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brasil.elpais.com - Andrew Cuomo não fez por esperar. Nesta sexta-feira, o governador de Nova York, Andrew Cuomo, assinou a lei que aumenta em todo o Estado as punições aos usuários de serviços de moradia compartilhad...

Exclusive: Inside Isis' Extensive Tunnel System

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foxnews.com - NORTHERN IRAQ –  It’s been six days since the offensive to retake Mosul began, and the going has been slow as ISIS fighters and snipers, seemingly immune to airstrikes, continue to pop up in towns ...

Wikileaks Reveals Hillary Campaign Working With ‘VERY Friendly and Malleable Reporters’

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Getúlio Santana
thegatewaypundit.com - Judging by the media’s behavior in this election, describing a member of the press as ‘VERY friendly and malleable’ means it could be just about any of them. WikiLeaks reveals Clinton camp’s work w...

Stolen Elections? It Has Happened and Could Happen Again - Breitbart

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Getúlio Santana
breitbart.com - Nixon chose to not challenge the election–but not because of lack of evidence. He let it go because he feared it would tear the country apart. Well, that was then and this is now. Barack Obama and ...

The Walking Dead: E se a série fosse interpretada por rockstars?

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whiplash.net - Por João Paulo Andrade, Fonte: Loudwire Enviar correções  |  Comentários:   |  A curiosíssima galeria de personagens parecidos com rockstars foi montada pelo site Loudwire. Rick Grimes e Corey Tayl...

Moody's eleva rating e perspectiva da nota da Petrobras; ação atinge máxima do dia

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infomoney.com.br - ©2000-2016 InfoMoney. Todos os direitos reservados. InfoMoney preza a qualidade da informação e atesta a apuração de todo o conteúdo produzido por sua equipe, ressaltando, no entanto, que não faz q...

Social Justice Summit at White House: "I Want a Muslim Refugee for President"

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Getúlio Santana
frontpagemag.com - Move over Hillary. Time to make way for a Muslim refugee president. Yes, another one. The George Washington University social justice summit, a revolutionary brainstorming session where Starbucks b...

Huma: Hillary Must Attend Muslim Event or Lose $12 Mil

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Getúlio Santana
frontpagemag.com - While our politicians spend us trillions into debt, their own asking price is a lot lower. Here's how Clintonworld scrambled to grab $12 million for their slush fund from a Muslim monarch. Hillary ...

OBAMA’S AMERICA : Austin, Texas Ad Urges Illegals to Get a “Sugar Daddy”

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Getúlio Santana
truthfeed.com - A dating site recently put up a billboard in South Austin that urges women in the country illegally to “get a sugar daddy” and avoid deportation. The site, arrangementfinders.com, advertises itself...

Saudi offer to build 200 mosques in Germany for Syrian migrants

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Getúlio Santana
dailymail.co.uk - Conservative politicians in Germany have attacked an offer from Saudi Arabia to build 200 mosques in the country for the 'spiritual needs' of the Syrian refugees arriving daily in their thousands. ...

Entrevistas de agentes deixam ainda mais claro o absurdo da ação da PF no Senado | VEJA.com

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Reinaldo Azevedo
veja.abril.com.br - Ai, ai… A coisa é mesmo do balacobaco! Vejo na Internet uma reportagem levada ao ar pelo “Fantástico”, neste domingo, sobre a operação realizada pela PF, que resultou na prisão do diretor da Políci...
Meio Ambiente

Hangar 110: comunicado oficial sobre encerramento das atividades

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whiplash.net - Por Bruce William, Fonte: Hangar 110 Enviar correções  |  Comentários:   |  O Hangar 110 postou via facebook um comunicado oficial sobre o encerramento de suas atividades, confira abaixo. Decidimos...

What if Trump’s goal is really a Clinton victory?

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Rodrigo Veleda
mcclatchydc.com - Donald Trump, you may have noticed, has proved to be an, uh, unorthodox presidential candidate. That served the celebrity well in real estate, on TV and in a record primary field of 17 Republican c...

U.S. Helps Muslims, not Christians

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Getúlio Santana
gatestoneinstitute.org - As the Muslim persecution of Christians continues to reach critical proportions around the world (see report below), the average American shows much more concern than the current administration. So...

Asylum seeker raped virgin twice as she walked home from night out

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Getúlio Santana
thesun.co.uk - AN asylum seeker who raped a young virgin twice as she walked to her boyfriend’s house has been jailed for ten years. Mebrehtom Abrha, from Eritrea, shoved his victim to the ground, ripped her dres...

30 Reasons in 30 Days to Vote for Donald Trump – #16 Trump – The Law & Order Candidate

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Getúlio Santana
thegatewaypundit.com - As we count down to the November 8th election, we will list 30 reasons in 30 days to vote for Donald Trump for President of the US. Reason #16 – Trump – The Law & Order Candidate ‘Black Lives Matte...

US Intelligence Officer: “Every Single Terrorist Attack In US Was A False Flag Attack”

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Chauvinist Pigs
collective-evolution.com - Apart from documents that have outlined supposed terrorist threats, like Al-Qaeda, and their connection to US intelligence agencies, like the CIA, there are a number of whistleblowers that have com...

Isso é uma vergonha: 120 dias para Lula e Dilma devolver o que “afanaram” dos Palácios do Planalto e Alvorada

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cristalvox.com - Devolvam o que é do Estado!  Lula e Dilma têm 120 dias para restituir ao governo centenas de presentes oficiais que estão em seu poder, mas que deveriam integrar o patrimônio da União. Enfim, os be...

The Left In Power: Clinton to Obama

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Getúlio Santana
frontpagemag.com - Below is Lloyd Billingsley's review of David Horowitz's new book, The Left in Power: Clinton to Obama, which is volume 7 of The Black Book of the American Left, a multi-volume collection of David H...

This Is How WaPo's Latest Poll Gave Hillary A 12 Point Advantage Over Trump

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I Hate The Media
zerohedge.com - Those waking up to read the news this morning will undoubtedly be "shocked" by the latest ABC / Washington Post goal seeking report (aka "poll") that shows Hillary opening up a 12-point lead with l...
Arte & Entretenimento

Religious Liberty at Risk: California Judge Bans Jewish Ritual

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Ben Shapiro
dailywire.com - For as long as I can remember, the day before Yom Kippur involved the Jewish practice of Kapparot, a sacrificial form of atoning for one’s sins. Here’s how Kapparot typically done: you buy a chicke...

Assessor de Marcelo Freixo é condenado em caso de agressão à ex-mulher - ISTOÉ Independente

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istoe.com.br - Valdinei Medina da Silva, o Dinei, ex-assessor parlamentar do candidato à Prefeitura do Rio de Janeiro pelo PSOL, Marcelo Freixo, foi condenado em julho de 2016 com base na Lei Maria da Penha por a...

Turquia prende mais de 35 mil após tentativa de golpe | Mundo | DW.COM | 23.10.2016

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dw.com - Depois da tentativa de golpe de estado contra o governo do presidente Recep Tayyip Erdogan, em 15 de julho último na Turquia, mais de 35 mil pessoas foram presas e 82 mil outras foram investigadas,...

Clinton, Trump Rooted In Battlegrounds Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia With Time Expiring

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Getúlio Santana
foxnews.com - The campaigns for Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton on Saturday hunkered down in the handful of states that will likely decide their presidential race -- with Trump again improvising in Pennsylvania...

Sede da PF suspende emissão de passaportes em SP

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infomoney.com.br - ©2000-2016 InfoMoney. Todos os direitos reservados. InfoMoney preza a qualidade da informação e atesta a apuração de todo o conteúdo produzido por sua equipe, ressaltando, no entanto, que não faz q...

¿Cómo responderías a estas 5 preguntas de la entrevista para entrar en la Universidad de Oxford? - BBC Mundo

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Paulo Kramer
bbc.com - La Universidad de Oxford, una de las más prestigiosas del mundo, ha abierto el plazo para recibir solicitudes de ingreso este año. Además de las solicitudes y sus declaraciones de interés, para ent...


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psaab.com.br - Muito já disse e muito já se falou sobre os motivos que levaram o prefeito eleito João Dória, do PSDB, a despachar de vez o petismo da cidade de São Paulo, infligindo aos adeptos de Lula uma humilh...

<i>New York Times</i> Pushes Suicide by Starvation

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evolutionnews.org - If there is any aspect of the culture of death not supported and promoted by the New York Times, I haven't seen it. Now, Paula Span, the Gray (Ashen?) Lady's "The New Old Age" columnist, pushes sui...

Why Evolutionary Theory Cannot Survive Itself

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thepoachedegg.net - Editor's note: ENV is pleased to share the following excerpt from Nancy Pearcey's new book, Finding Truth: Five Principles for Unmasking Atheism, Secularism, and Other God Substitutes. A Fellow of ...

Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe donated $467,500 to campaign of wife of senior FBI official who oversaw Clinton email probe

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fireandreamitchell.com - Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe is a Clinton goon and as corrupt as it gets. So it should be no surprise that McAuliffe donated $467,500 to campaign of state senate campaign of the wife of an FBI off...

Teaching Intolerance: How Columbia University Feminists Suppress Dissent

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Truth Offends
theothermccain.com - Feminism Is a Totalitarian Movement to Destroy Civilization as We Know It, and nowhere is this more evident than in the youth indoctrination centers known as university campuses. The more elite the...

Why the Supreme Court is the Most Important Issue for Voters | The Stream

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Severe Conservative
stream.org - During this supercharged election season, where every news cycle brings salacious distractions from the mainstream media, voters tend to focus on the candidates instead of their policies. But wheth...

Reduto da vergonha: Câmara tem 24 servidores por vereador e 93,5% não fizeram concurso - Blog do Nélio

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Getúlio Santana
blogdonelio.com.br - Mais cheia que ônibus do transporte coletivo urbano no horário de pico, a Câmara de Campo Grande tem, atualmente, 24 servidores para cada um dos 29 vereadores, conforme consta no portal de transpar...

Saiba por que alguns policiais da escolta da Lava Jato aparecem mascarados

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samanta persotti
noticias.uol.com.br - Eduardo Cunha é levado ao IML de Curitiba por policiais usando balaclava Como é de praxe nas fases da Operação Lava Jato, a prisão preventiva do ex-deputado Eduardo Cunha (PMDB-RJ) na quarta-feira ...
Arte & Entretenimento

National Park Service's persistent culture of sexual harassment - The Free Range Report

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Survivor Medicine
freerangereport.com - Jon Jarvis, who will retire from the park service in January after a 40-year career, was called before Congress in June after a report confirming sexual harassment and a hostile work environment at...

Uma segunda-feira “quentíssima” em Brasília, e a DELAÇÃO mais rápida da Lava Jato… De Eduardo Cunha!

Partilhado por
Rosa Lev
cristalvox.com - É certo que todas as atenções  dos brasileiros se voltarão para Brasília, nesta segunda-feira, dia 24 de outubro. Nem mesmo a eleição de segundo turno, marcada para o próximo domingo,  em dezenas d...
Meio Ambiente

Do six people die for every kilo of cocaine? - BBC News

Partilhado por
The Deplorable
bbc.com - The Netflix drama, Narcos, about the infamous Colombian drug trafficker Pablo Escobar, cites a shocking statistic on the human cost of the drugs trade. But is it true? Agent Steve Murphy is in an a...

La careta se la puso un liderazgo errático

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Cuba Opinión
diariolasamericas.com - Particularmente considero erróneo ahora, después que el mundo entero ha visto patear la voluntad de todo un pueblo para poner término al espantoso sistema castrochavista de manera constitucional y ...

Obispo de Rieti: 'De las tragedias siempre nos podemos levantar'

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gaceta.es - Han pasado casi dos meses del devastador terremoto que destrozó gran parte del centro de Italia, en particular las ciudades de Amatrice, Accumoli y Arquata del Tronto. A pesar de que gran parte de ...

Eliana Calmon: Os partidos são casas de negócios

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Rosa Lev
istoe.com.br - Primeira mulher no Superior Tribunal de Justiça e famosa por acusar a existência de “bandidos de toga” quando ocupou por dois anos o cargo de corregedora nacional do Conselho Nacional de Justiça, a...

Luis Emilio Rondón: Abandono del cargo presidencial puede ser decretado por la AN

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Cuba Opinión
noticiaaldia.com - El diputado a la Asamblea Nacional, Luis Emilio Rondón, señaló que el legislativo puede declarar abandono del cargo presidencial, como lo establece la Carta Magna, por no cumplir con sus obligacion...

Os catedráticos em bandalheiras - Opinião - Estadão

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Abrahão Cavalcante
opiniao.estadao.com.br - A luta contra a corrupção, que tem na Lava Jato seu símbolo mais vistoso, é uma luta dos brasileiros em geral. Não é possível pensar num país melhor sem acabar com a roubalheira, punir exemplarment...

Campaign manager: Trump would be willing to do another debate

thehill.com - Donald TrumpDonald TrumpObama in Nevada: 'Heck no' to Trump, Joe Heck Trump in 2012: 'I don't believe in' deporting many illegal immigrants Clinton promotes early voting in North Carolina swing MOR...

Uribe pide respaldo de EEUU al No en fallido acuerdo con las FARC

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Cuba Opinión
diariolasamericas.com - MIAMI.- El expresidente y senador colombiano Álvaro Uribe Vélez pidió el apoyo de Estados Unidos para que se respete el "No" del plebiscito en su país, que derivó en una revisión del contenido del ...

De “La Tumba” a El Helicoide: Trasladaron a Lorent Saleh y Gabriel Vallés

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Cuba Opinión
el-nacional.com - 21:18 pm  23 de Octubre de 2016 • Caracas (Venezuela) Leones sacaron las garras y volvieron a hundir al Magallanes Trump se solidariza "con el pueblo de Venezuela que ama la libertad” Simpatizantes...

¿Qué nos hace más felices: tener tiempo o tener dinero?

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manuel rueda
nytimes.com - Si te dieran a elegir entre más tiempo o más dinero, ¿cuál opción escogerías? Si se tratara de unas vacaciones en la playa, seguramente pagarías por un vuelo directo para estar un par de horas más ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Boy, seven, 'living life entirely as a girl' removed from mother's ...

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Christian Concern
dailymail.co.uk - A seven-year-old boy who was "living life entirely as a girl" has been removed from his mother's care following a ruling by a High Court judge. Mr Justice Hayden said the woman had caused her son "...

UAE: 9,751 domestic workers abscond from their ‘sponsors’

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Getúlio Santana
themuslimissue.wordpress.com - This is only half of the story which is trying to down play the situation of the slaves working in muslim homes. Passports confiscated on arrival by their employers to prevent them from leaving, th...

Russell Kirk: The Politics of Prudence - The Imaginative Conservative

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Paulo Kramer
theimaginativeconservative.org - Kirk’s intent in this book clearly is to provide both the rising generation and the general reader with guidance and encouragement in their quest for spiritual sustenance in the wasteland that is t...

Passo a passo de como criar uma ditadura com o voto “em lista fechada”

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ceticismopolitico.com - Vamos ao tutorial. (Obviamente é um tutorial para a extrema-esquerda, que bolou esse passo a passo) Primeiro, tente retornar ao poder em 2018, com um Ciro Gomes da vida. Não é fácil. Pense talvez e...

Poor Whites Will Be Further Disenfranchised Under Hillary | BarelyABlog

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The #FreeRicky Tree
barelyablog.com - “Disenfranchisement Of Poor Whites Under Hillary” is the new column, now on  Townhall.com,  America’s “top source for conservative commentary.” An excerpt: “Strengthening families” is big in Hillar...

HAPPENING NOW: Muslims Protesting, Chanting 'Allah Akbar' Outside Historic Sites

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thefederalistpapers.org - Thousands of Muslims chose the Roman Colosseum – a historic site of Christian persecution and martyrdom – to stage a protest after Italian authorities cracked down on mosques they believed were pro...

Obama Blames ‘Far-Right Media’ for ‘Pumping Out All Kinds of Crazy Toxic Stuff’ - Breitbart

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Bryan Fischer
breitbart.com - “Trump didn’t come out of nowhere now,” Obama said during a campaign speech in Miami. “For years, Republican politicians and far-right media outlets had just been pumping out all kinds of toxic, cr...

A casa caiu | Opinião e Notícia

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opiniaoenoticia.com.br - Romero Jucá, Fernando Collor, Renan Calheiros, Edison Lobão, Gleisi Hoffmann — todos alvos da Lava Jato — pediram e tiveram seus gabinetes e residências visitados pela Polícia Legislativa em varred...

PT pode apoiar nome do PMDB para presidir o Senado - 23/10/2016 - Poder - Folha de S.Paulo

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Martô Straight Edge
folha.uol.com.br - Com aval do Planalto para substituir Renan Calheiros (PMDB-AL) na presidência do Senado, Eunício Oliveira (PMDB-CE) tem buscado todas as forças da Casa para garantir unanimidade em torno de sua can...

WIKILEAKS: Have You Been Compromised? Rumors Swirl As Election Approaches #JulianAssange @Wikileaks - GotNews

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Red Pill Philosophy
bit.ly - Written by Pax Dickinson, CTO of WeSearchr, ex-CTO of Business Insider. It’s now been just over a week since the Ecuadorian Consulate revoked Julian Assange’s internet access, following the leak of...

Alsasua contra los derechos civiles

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Elentir ن
cronicasdeunmundofeliz.com - En un pueblo de Navarra cuatro personas tomaban algo en un bar y varias docenas de abertzales les dieron una paliza que los mandó al hospital. Este es el resumen de la historia, a partir de ahí cad...

La ONU quiere imponer educación sexual a niñas a partir de los diez años

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actuall.com - La ONU acaba de publicar el informe sobre el estado de la población mundial 2016 para concluir que es fundamental que se implante la educación sexual en todos los países como materia curricular y s...

Whites walk out when professor informs all humans descend from Africa

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The #FreeRicky Tree
atlantadailyworld.com - White students began walking out of Dr. R. Jon McGee’s Cultural Anthropology class at Texas State University when the professor informed them the lecture on race after the professor spoke about the...

Polícia do Senado não pode investigar crimes, distribui crachás à imprensa e cuida de senadores. Qual utilidade?

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Getúlio Santana
republicadecuritibaonline.com - A Polícia Legislativa do Senado cresceu na estrutura organizacional do órgão ao longo das décadas e hoje é coordenada diretamente pela Presidência da Casa, o senador Renan Calheiros. É um efetivo d...

Margaret Sanger: "We Want to Exterminate the Negro Population." Her Wish is Coming True | LifeNews.com

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Steven Ertelt
lifenews.com - If you listen very carefully to the coffin of Margaret Sanger you would hear absolutely nothing. Assuredly, she’s not rolling over in her grave that black and Hispanic babies are far more likely to...

Trump’s tax plan set to help American small businesses -

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mondaymondaynetwork.com - Not much is also said about the presidential candidates plans for the tax system. The New York Times revealed Donald Trump’s business acumen.  And gave information on our general tax system when it...

Sunday’s March for Marriage in Paris was so huge it shocked the organizers

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lifesitenews.com - PARIS, October 18, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – The “Manif pour tous” has done it again. On Sunday, the French capital was once again the meeting place for tens of thousands of peaceful but determined dem...

Alexander Solzhenitsyn: The Courage to be a Christian - The Imaginative Conservative

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Kattoliko Pensiero
theimaginativeconservative.org - In these dark days in which the power of secular fundamentalism appears to be on the rise and in which religious freedom seems to be imperiled, it is easy for Christians to become despondent. The c...

Pare de chamar os outros de fascistas. Você nem sabe o que essa palavra quer dizer.

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spotniks.com - Fascismo é provavelmente um dos conceitos mais repetidos e pouco compreendidos da história dos dicionários políticos. Veja você mesmo. Quantas vezes você ouviu essa expressão nos últimos meses? Eu ...
Arte & Entretenimento


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Kattoliko Pensiero
marcotosatti.com - Sappiamo tutti che cosa pensa, e talvolta dice, senza mezzi termini, il Pontefice sulla famiglia, quella formata da un uomo e una donna, e sulle ideologie che vorrebbero rovesciare e modificare que...

Re: Why Do Black People Commit More Crime?

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The #FreeRicky Tree
thealternativehypothesis.org - (If you would rather listen/watch the video presentation of this, it can be found here.) The YouTube user “Sargon of Akkad” has recently made a video entitled “Why Do Black People Commit More Crime...

This Day in History... Republicans Pass Anti-KKK Act - Outlawing Democratic Terrorist Groups

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thegatewaypundit.com - A BRIEF HISTORY OF AMERICAN “MAJOR PARTIES” and the “Two-Party” System in the United States by RICHARD E. BERG-ANDERSSON TheGreenPapers.com Staff May 21, 2001 Most historical literature refers to t...

Esquerda delinquente gerou crise - 22/10/2016 - Ronaldo Caiado - Colunistas - Folha de S.Paulo

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Paulo Kramer
folha.uol.com.br - A esquerda, PT à frente, não se cansa de plagiar a si mesma, colocando-se sempre na contramão de qualquer iniciativa que tenha como meta sanear e dar racionalidade à economia. Assim como, no passad...

Trump Unveils 100 Day ‘Contract with the American Voter’

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lifezette.com - Donald Trump delivered his “contract with the American voter” on Saturday, outlining a “100 day action plan to make America great again.” Speaking in Gettysburg, PA, the site of the bloodiest battl...

Last Night’s Presidential Debate: A Warning to the Foreign Policy Establishment

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nationalinterest.org - In the third and final presidential debate of the campaign Trump and Clinton clashed again over immigration, ISIS, and Syria. Sort of. Unfortunately for foreign policy wonks there wasn’t much new t...

Lula pede na Justiça até a certidão de casamento de Sérgio Moro para tentar escapar do juiz federal

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Joao Emidio
imprensaviva.com - O ex-presidente Lula tem apelado de todas as formas para justificar seu pedido de suspeição contra as autoridades que o investigam, como o juiz Sérgio Moro e o desembargador João Pedro Gebran Neto,...


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diosuniversal.com - Según una teoría, 322 es un número que indica que es el segundo capítulo de la sociedad secreta alemana, los Illuminati de Baviera. Tal organización de los Illuminati se prohibió, junto con otras s...

Ex-deputado e ex-presidiário fala sobre ação do PSOL e proteção a criminosos de alta periculosidade

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Rosa Lev
amigosdadireita.blogspot.fr - Ex-deputado e ex-presidiário fala sobre ação do PSOL e proteção a criminosos de alta periculosidade. Deputado que cumpriu pena diz que esquerda dá aos criminosos uma espécie de auto-justificação, u...

Alvaro Noboa presenta candidatura a presidencia de Ecuador

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prensa-latina.cu - Alvaro Noboa presenta candidatura a presidencia de Ecuador 23 de octubre de 2016, 19:30Quito, 23 oct (PL) Tras cinco fallidos intentos de alcanzar la presidencia de Ecuador, el abogado y empresario...

You Can Love and Trust Yourself With Food - arccasa.com

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f cesar albuq beta
arccasa.com - This month I would like to share my L.I.V.E.T. I created this as an alternative to dieting, so you can be empowered to eat in a positive way instead. By learning to listen to your body instead of y...
Meio Ambiente

Sudario de Turín

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diosuniversal.com - Con el permiso de Humberto de Saboya, dueño de la reliquia en aquella fecha, fue nombrada una comisión de estudio en 1973. Esta comisión, básicamente semejante a otra que se había limitado a examin...

¿Qué hay que ver y hacer en Margarita, la Perla del Caribe? | GrandesMedios.com

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grandesmedios.com - Situada en pleno mar Caribe, esta isla pertenece a la República Bolivariana de Venezuela, y se encuentra a 35 minutos de vuelo de la capital del País y a 2 horas en ferri desde Puerto la Cruz o el ...

Matrimonios incomparables

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diosuniversal.com - El matrimonio religioso se define como la unión cuya estructura esencial viene exigida por los dogmas de la religión que se practique, y no por la atracción humana. El amor no juega un papel fundam...

Germany's Secret Islamic Horror: How Blind Elites Are Destroying A Once-Great Nation

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breitbart.com - The news from Cologne shocked Europe, though the incidents were at first covered up to protect migrants. Police reports show that more than 2,000 men were involved in the sexual assaults. Only 120 ...
Arte & Entretenimento

¡Quiero ser premio nobel!, por Carlos Dorado

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Ivo Marcelino
runrun.es - Pero viendo a Bob Dylan, que siempre lo reconocí como un excelente cantautor americano, y creador de canciones inolvidables (pero muy lejos de llegar a la categoría de escritor); yo también, tendrí...

Grupo de Aécio intervém na campanha de BH

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josiasdesouza.blogosfera.uol.com.br - O risco de derrota levou o grupo de Aécio Neves a intervir na campanha de João Leite. Candidato do PSDB à prefeitura de Belo Horizonte, Leite foi ultrapassado nas pesquisas pelo rival Alexandre Kal...
Arte & Entretenimento

Click here to support A Home for the Sears Family by Danielle Black Agyeman

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The Deplorable
crowdrise.com - Let me tell you about a very special family. It starts with two devoted parents who would give you the shirt off of their back. Kate and Mike are a hard-working, loving couple who had two children ...

Procurador-Geral da República, Rodrigo Janot, manda um recado para o ex-presidente: Lula, você vai ser preso

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bbth cruz
imprensaviva.com - O Procurador-Geral da República Rodrigo Janot concedeu uma entrevista ao portal Jota neste fim de semana, na qual deixou claro que a Lava Jato persegue o objetivo de combater a corrupção no país de...

Top British General Warns of Nuclear War With Russia; “The End of Life as We Know It”

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Getúlio Santana
infowars.com - Senior British army officer and former deputy supreme allied commander Europe Gen. Sir Richard Shirreff warns that NATO faces “nuclear war with Russia in Europe,” and that America is already techni...

Modelo chilena sufre crisis nerviosa a mitad de un vuelo e intenta abrir la puerta del avión

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Cuba Opinión
dosnoticia.com - Modelo chilena sufre crisis nerviosa a mitad de un vuelo e intenta abrir la puerta del avión Los medios informativos de Chile aseguran que los hechos ocurrieron cuando el piloto del avión le pide a...

Hillary Clinton Leaving State Department in Disgrace

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RightOn BkwdCatholic
theiowarepublican.com - Three and a half months after a terrorist attack in Benghazi killed four Americans, including our U.S. ambassador, the pile of deceit, lies and cover-ups from our government continues to build. Com...

Why Can't Hillary Clinton Stop Lying?

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The truth is …
theatlantic.com - On Sunday, the former secretary of state told FOX News’ Chris Wallace that FBI Director James Comey cleared her of misleading the public about her rogue email server at the state department: “Direc...

Despite Nobel Peace Prize, Obama’s Presidency Defined by Constant War

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news.antiwar.com - In his 2008 campaign, Barack Obama was, if not particularly ideologically committed, quickly branded as the comparatively antiwar candidate. It wasn’t a hard case to make, with Sen. John McCain (R ...

Puigedemont premia a un filólogo que dice que el catalán y el aragonés se hablaban antes de Cristo

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actuall.com - El Gobierno catalán ha concedido la Cruz de San Jorge al controvertido filólogo barcelonés Artur Quintana quien sostiene que el aragonés y el catalán se hablan desde hace 2.200 años en Aragón, esto...

Militante gay ensina educação sexual em faculdade evangélica

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Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - Em se tratando de faculdade evangélica, a ocorrência registrada no artigo é um flagrante de traição ao Evangelho. Pode-se alegar que a faculdade é administrativamente separada das igrejas mantenedo...

'CETA is a TTIP in Disguise': The Canada-EU Trade Deal is a US Hegemonic Project

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Henry Makow
globalresearch.ca - Belgium’s region Wallonia has dealt a severe blow to European Union’s hopes to sign a free trade deal with Canada. The region’s President-Minister said he would not support the Comprehensive Econom...

Caçador: PM inicia fiscalização de som alto em carros

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Getúlio Santana
cacador.net - 23/10/2016 14:40 - #EuCurtoSom&CarroBaixo Se eu ligo um som é pra mim ouvir, não os outros! eu sei que tem muito boy, aii com som alto 24hrs mais tem a galera também que curte um som na madrugada c...

Cristianos en Kirkuk: "Los hombres del Estado Islámico se sentaron sobre las camas en las que nos escondíamos"

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actuall.com - Los estudiantes cristianos huidos de Kirkuk con motivo del ataque perpetrado por el Estado Islámico en las últimas horas siguen trasladando los pormenores de su odisea para poder escapar. Ahora que...

Unborn Babies Feel Anger and Joy, Psychotherapist's Study Says | LifeNews.com

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Steven Ertelt
lifenews.com - They are happy. They are angry. They are fearful. They like music. And already, they like sweet treats. In fact, babies in utero experience a wide range of sensory input at a much earlier stage of ...

POLÍCIA PARTICULAR | Blog do Percival Puggina

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puggina.org -   Os equipamentos de rastreamento de escutas telefônicas também executavam as escutas, e a atuação da Polícia Legislativa fora do Senado, protegendo as casas particulares dos senadores em Brasília ...
Arte & Entretenimento

WATCH – Trump Fans Release EPIC New Video to Make Trump President, It’s Going VIRAL!

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endingthefed.com - The newest Donald Trump video, created by his die-hard, patriotic, and passionate supporters, surpasses the meaning of the word “epic.” It is brutally honest in its depiction of what is actually go...

WOW! CATHOLIC PRIEST: Voting For Hillary "Jeopardizes Your Spiritual Well-Being" And They "Should Not Receive Holy Communion" [VIDEO] » 100percentfedUp.com

100percentfedup.com - “One Party Favors Open Borders, The Other Party Favors Law And Order” “A priest is not only protected by the First Amendment, at least for now, he is also bound by the 5th Commandment, ‘Thou shalt ...
Meio Ambiente

Up to 70 young migrants to go from the Jungle to tiny Devon village 

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Voice of Europe
dailymail.co.uk - As many as 70 unaccompanied migrant children are being sent to an isolated village. Locals in Great Torrington, which has a population of less than 6,000, are said to be concerned about the influx ...

Mídia Sem Máscara - As duas globalizações

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Mídia Sem Máscara
midiasemmascara.org - Escrito por Nivaldo Cordeiro | 23 Outubro 2016 Artigos - Globalismo O globalismo político exige o sacrifício das particularidades culturais e políticas dos povos que hoje estão sob o abrigo de seus...
Meio Ambiente

“12 Horas Para Sobreviver — O Ano da Eleição”: Filme de terror apresenta conspiração para tomar a Casa Branca

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Foco Cristão
juliosevero.blogspot.com - “12 Horas Para Sobreviver — O Ano da Eleição”: Filme de terror apresenta conspiração para tomar a Casa Branca O enredo do filme de terror “12 Horas Para Sobreviver — O Ano da Eleição,” lançado nest...

Prophetic blogging

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Julio Severo
lastdayswatchman.blogspot.com - Prophetic blogging Blogs as tools to express the voice of God’s Kingdom A few days ago I received a message from a visitor who recently became acquainted with my blog: Last Tuesday (26/April/2011) ...

Pro-Family Cannibalism?

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Julio Severo
lastdayswatchman.blogspot.com - Tuesday, August 11, 2015 Pro-Family Cannibalism? Pro-Family Cannibalism? C-Fam has been doing a nice work of exposing pro-abortion and pro-sodomy activities, groups and individuals around the world...

20 fascinantes tatuajes que de seguro no ves muy a menudo

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cocreta.com - Los tatuajes para muchos es un arte, es  una forma de expresar lo que sienten o desean recordar y llevar  en su cuerpo de manera ingeniosa y única. Asombrosos e increíbles pueden ser los tatuajes, ...

To Avoid Vote-Counting Fraud, Use Paper Ballots | RealClearPolitics

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realclearpolitics.com - It's 2016 and the county is facing one of the most contentious and in some ways historical elections in our history. The first woman could be elected president. Her opponent is a businessman with n...

Khoudia diop: diosa de la melanina

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Edén de Cínicos
cocreta.com - El intrincado mundo de la moda nunca ha sido indiferente a las bellezas más exóticas, prueba de ello, es el rotundo éxito que han tenido en décadas pasadas mujeres como Naomi Campbell, sin embargo,...
Arte & Entretenimento

Morrissey says Brexit result was 'magnificent' - NME

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nme.com - Morrissey has described the result of the UK’s EU referendum as “magnificent” in a new interview, also labelling coverage of the Clinton-Trump Presidential election in the US as “grotesquely stupid...

Insurance denied her chemo treatment. But it covered drugs for suicide.

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liveactionnews.org - (CNA/EWTN News) – Stephanie Packer cherishes every moment with her husband and four children. Living with a terminal illness in Orange, California, her goal is “to do everything I can to have one m...

Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps and More of Obama's Iranian Lies

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barbwire.com - Senator Obama opposed naming Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps a terror group even while it was closely involved in organizing attacks against American soldiers in Iraq. Then, as part of his dirty d...

Wayne's World: Dr. Grudem Urges Christians to Vote Issues » BarbWire.com

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barbwire.com - No one understands the internal struggle of Christians in this election better than theologian Dr. Wayne Grudem. Like many of us as evangelicals who have sought to integrate our faith with our publ...

IBD: Donald Trump to win the election

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Voice of Europe
speisa.com - The Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is about to win the US presidential election. At least according to the latest opinion poll from Investor's Business Daily (IBD). The IBD/TIPP pol...

ISIS militants 'WILL launch terror attacks on Britain'

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Voice of Europe
dailymail.co.uk - ISIS will launch terror attacks on Britain once the jihadis are forced from their stronghold in Mosul in Iraq, a government minister has warned.   International Development minister Rory Stewart sa...
Meio Ambiente


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shalom-israel-shalom.blogspot.com - Neste últimos 8 anos Jerusalém tem sido visitada pelos mais importantes líderes políticos mundiais, num esforço até agora inútil para trazer a paz à região. Desde Bush em 2008 a Angela Merkel, nas ...

Scientists Discover New Lenses That Can See Invisible Entities – The Real Strategy

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Count Dracula
therealstrategy.com - A new incredible lens has been discovered by scientists who say through its use, we can observe “entities” or “anomalies,” on our terrestrial plane as well as in space. Thunder Energies Corp says t...

O "policial gato" que prendeu Cunha desperta paixões e expõe hipocrisia dos "progressistas" | Rodrigo Constantino

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Rodrigo Constantino
rodrigoconstantino.com - Hoje em dia apenas mulheres, homossexuais, negros e outras “minorias” podem expressar a sua opinião e os seus desejos sexuais. Já homens brancos e heterossexuais tem o direito de ficar em silêncio ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Baby born without skull baffles doctors: parents refused to abort

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lifesitenews.com - October 8, 2015 (MercatorNet) -- Baby photos are always a winner on Facebook, but there is one infant whose pictures are melting the hearts of hundreds of thousands as his story spreads through the...

Hillary’s abortion debate sounded more pro-life than she realized

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lifesitenews.com - LAS VEGAS, Nevada, October 20, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – If abortion doesn’t kill a baby, then why did Hillary Clinton last night say pregnancy involves “mothers” and late-term abortion is often a “hea...
Arte & Entretenimento

Film star Liam Neeson releases creepy anti-Catholic ad targeting Ireland’s pro-life law

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lifesitenews.com - DUBLIN, October 22, 2015 (LifeSiteNews) -- Irish-born film star Liam Neeson has narrated a pro-abortion video for Amnesty International that claims the Catholic Church is the sinister force behind ...

Venha estudar conosco "Os Evangelhos Sinóticos"!

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Padre Paulo Ricardo
padrepauloricardo.org - Acabam de ser publicadas em nosso site a 6.ª e a 7.ª aula de nosso curso Aprenda a Ler a Bíblia. Depois de uma breve introdução às Sagradas Escrituras, Padre Paulo Ricardo passa a abordar, a partir...

La niña de 8 años apaleada en Baleares te pide ayuda

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hazteoir.org - Esta es la carta que nos escribe Melissa, la hermana de la niña de 8 años hospitalizada tras recibir una brutal paliza en el patio del colegio Anselm Turmeda de Palma de Mallorca por parte de un gr...

NYU Cancels Milo Yiannopoulos, Feared ‘Attacks’ on Islamic and Gay Students

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All American Girl
reason.com - New York University will not allow the College Republicans to bring Milo Yiannopoulos to campus because the venue for his speech was located near the Islamic and LGBTQ Centers, and students who bel...

EDITORIAL: Donald Trump for president

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reviewjournal.com - More and more Americans express frustration and disillusionment today with the political institutions that govern the nation. They clamor for an alternative to the incestuous and pernicious atmosph...

James O’Keefe’s Next October Surprise: Conservative Filmmaker Dropped Hints About Video Of Hillary Clinton ‘Demeaning And Disparaging’ Black People

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Paul Joseph Watson
inquisitr.com - James O’Keefe is promising another October surprise on Monday that could sink Hillary Clinton, with the embattled filmmaker releasing what could be the video he promised would show Clinton “demeani...

Obama Administration May Break the Law to Save Obamacare

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Heritage Foundation
dailysignal.com - President Barack Obama’s signature health care law is failing and his administration will go to seemingly any length to prop it up. You know the famous quote from “Animal Farm” that “all animals ar...

The So-Called 'Wage Gap' Is Going Down

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Heritage Foundation
dailysignal.com - Time to change those outdated signs, ladies. It’s no longer the case that “women only make 77 cents on the dollar compared to men.” According to this year’s annual Census Bureau report, the incompl...

Within Generation, Our Debt Will Cost Typical Family $12,000

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Heritage Foundation
dailysignal.com - When confronted in the final presidential debate with the assertion that each of their plans would increase the national debt, the candidates denied it by saying either economic growth or higher ta...

A Couple's 8-Year Fight Against Government to Get Back Their Property

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Heritage Foundation
dailysignal.com - For eight years, Michiganders Gerald and Royetta Ostipow have been fighting the seizure and forfeiture of hundreds of thousands of dollars’ worth of their property. Last month they prevailed when a...

Watch: Clinton Campaign Spokesman Squirms, Stumbles addressing Wikileaks Pay-for-Play Evidence

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Paul Joseph Watson
infowars.com - Clinton campaign spokesman Robby Mook on Sunday had a hard time answering questions over damning new email leaks showing a $12 million donation from the King of Morocco to the Clinton Foundation ju...

Fear of Crime Soars After Year of Migrant Attacks in Germany

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Paul Joseph Watson
breitbart.com - The new statistics collected in Germany by pollster YouGov show fear of being a victim of crime in particular public spaces is surging, with women more likely to be afraid than men. Standing out am...

Foster mum's horror after 12-year-old refugee revealed to be 21-year-old Jihadi

Partilhado por
Paul Joseph Watson
thesun.co.uk - A FOSTER mum who took in a child refugee has told of her horror after discovering he was a 21-year-old jihadi. Kind-hearted Rosie welcomed Jamal into her family after social workers said he was a 1...

OBAMA 2008 FLASHBACK: 'People in Power Rig Elections!'

Partilhado por
Steven Crowder
louderwithcrowder.com - You know how saying an election could be ‘rigged’ is the worst thing you can say ever but only if you’re a Republican? Here’s Barack Obama saying it in 2008. What a racial dogwhsitler that guy was!...

Liberal Students Get Absolutely Owned By Comedian

Partilhado por
Steven Crowder
louderwithcrowder.com - Our own Steven Crowder headed to the University of Massachusetts (UMass) yesterday to co-panel an event called “The Triggering” with Christina Hoff Sommers and Milo Yiannopoulos. Steven had hopes o...

College Football Star Says He Raped Woman As Payback for ‘400 Years of Slavery’...

Partilhado por
Steven Crowder
louderwithcrowder.com - I will give you all the money in my pockets right now if this isn’t one of the most racist things you’ve ever read, also the most disgusting, vile, and evil things. A football player violently rape...

Even Clinton Foundation Lawyers Thought The Non-Profit Was Shady Too

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Everyday American
weaselzippers.us - If you ask your average conservative commentator, the Clinton Foundation is nothing more than a $100 billion dollar “slush fund” that serves only for the glorification and enrichment of the former ...


liberdade de expressão; livre comunicação; free speech; libertad de expresión; contra censura; against censorship; liberdade religiosa; religious freedom




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