26 October 2016

LiberdadeDeExpressao 2016.10.25 all @livrexpress

LiberdadeDeExpressao News

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Video: Hillary Clinton Approved Robert Creamer Plan Directly

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Pursuing Jesus
breitbart.com - Last week, O’Keefe produced video showing Creamer, the co-founder of the Democracy Partners consulting group, and his colleague, Scott Foval, discussing their past and present efforts to incite vio...

'Head Space': How Hillary Clinton's Inner Circle Tiptoes Around Her Health Issues - Breitbart

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breitbart.com - Monday’s new batch of emails revealed a new thread, flagged by The American Mirror, showing that Clinton’s state of mind worried Podesta enough to reach out to the campaign’s Communications Directo...

Juízes dizem que Renan pensa que está ‘acima da lei’

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politica.estadao.com.br - Os juízes federais declararam nesta segunda-feira, 24, que o senador Renan Calheiros (PMDB/AL) ‘pensa que está acima da lei’. Os magistrados, por meio da Associação dos Juízes Federais, reagiram ao...

ALERT: If You See A "Smartmatic" Voting Machine At The Polls, Here's What You MUST Do...

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Deplorable Nancy ن
thetruthdivision.com - (DC) Smartmatic is a U.K.-based voting technology company that’s has provided voting technology in 16 states including battleground zones like Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylv...

Sting video: Hillary PERSONALLY ordered illegal campaign coordination

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Pursuing Jesus
dailymail.co.uk - Hillary Clinton personally ordered a consultant to use a nonprofit group to troll the Trump campaign with a 'Donald Duck' mascot, according to the Democratic operatives who say they arranged it wit...

CONFIRMED: Early Voting Data Shows Trump Lead - Ignore Trolls Who Say Otherwise


How to report voter fraud - Crash Course.

freedomworks.org - Voter fraud is a contentious issue of late; liberals swear it is a myth propagated by evil racist conservatives. We know better. Most on the right are aware of the voter fraud issue but many have l...

Report: Clinton's Campaign Cash is 20% Royal Saudi Money - CounterJihad

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counterjihad.com - A report from Jordan’s Petra News Agency quoted Saudi Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman claiming that the Saudi government was funding fully one-fifth of Hillary Clinton’s campaign for Presid...

LEAKED CLINTON DOCUMENTS: Discourage Trump Supporters with Crap Polls (Updated)

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Deplorable Nancy ن
thegatewaypundit.com - We all knew the corrupt media polls were BS. Now thanks to Wikileaks we know our assumptions were correct. The media was working with Hillary Clinton to release bogus weighted polls that show Hilla...

7 ataques políticos que a campanha de Crivella deveria usar após a baixaria da dobradinha Veja/Freixo

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ceticismopolitico.com - A melhor parte de alguns ataques exagerados na guerra política é que eles habilitam sua resposta mais assertiva. Daí perdemos o pudor de avançar nos ataques. Como a Revista Veja levou a campanha de...

WikiLeaks: Hillary Clinton’s Rothschild Sweetheart Deal Exposed

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Rhonda Kazmierski
yournewswire.com - Everybody knows Hillary Clinton is the Wall St. candidate. Leaked speech transcripts exposed her stroking the financial fat cats, telling them what they wanted to hear, and assuring them that she w...
Arte & Entretenimento

Boy, seven, 'living life entirely as a girl' removed from mother's ...

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Christian Concern
dailymail.co.uk - A seven-year-old boy who was "living life entirely as a girl" has been removed from his mother's care following a ruling by a High Court judge. Mr Justice Hayden said the woman had caused her son "...

La familia del piloto que perdió la calle por la de Paco Gandía reivindica su memoria

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sevilla.abc.es - Familiares de Sebastián Recasens Méndez-Queipo de Llano han realizado un llamamiento para reivindicar la figura y la memoria de este sevillano que murió torturado y fusilado a los 21 años de edad, ...
Arte & Entretenimento

'Don't go there!' Black Trump supporter lays the smack down on Clinton backer in FIERY debate

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bizpacreview.com - The mood wasn’t too friendly on “Fox & Friends” Monday when a black Donald Trump supporter and a black Hillary Clinton supporter squared off. After condescendingly laughing at pro-Trump Brunell Don...

ARTIGO – Por que eu, brasileiro, sou um conservador | VEJA.com

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Hudson Santana
veja.abril.com.br - [* Este texto de apresentação me abriu portas nos Estados Unidos e finalmente posso publicá-lo neste blog. Ei-lo, pois.] Eu nasci no Rio de Janeiro, no Brasil, e me descobri um conservador. Eis alg...

Wikileaks: Soros Memo Accused Obama of Fueling Radical Islam to Push TPP - Breitbart

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breitbart.com - Podesta received an email in March 2016 from Soros spokesperson Michael Vachon. “I have attached a memo on TPP and Malaysia, as it may come up when you see George and Alex [Soros, George’s son],” h...

Yellen seen resisting pressure to resign if Trump wins election

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The Daily PR
chicagotribune.com - Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen will resist pressure to step down should Donald Trump be elected president next month. That's the firm conviction of people who've known and worked with her over ...

Concern Grows Over Soros-Linked Voting Machines

lifezette.com - Concern is growing over revelations that voting machines in a significant number of states will be controlled by a company tied directly to billionaire leftist George Soros and his personal quest t...

For Republicans Abandoning Donald Trump, Obama Has a Message: ‘Too Late’

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Jeffrey Levin
nytimes.com - NORTH LAS VEGAS, Nev. — President Obama on Sunday savaged Representative Joe Heck, Republican of Nevada, for failing to reject Donald J. Trump earlier in the presidential race, seeking to tarnish M...

Open Border Activists Now Regret Trying to Help Refugees Integrate!

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Deplorable Nancy ن
constitution.com - A left-wing club in Germany has made the “difficult” decision to end its integration efforts with refugees after sexual assaults turned women away. Conne Island has been the cultural center for the...

FBI Covered for Hillary

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newsmax.com - Is it worth impairing the reputation of the FBI and the Department of Justice to save Hillary Clinton from a deserved criminal prosecution by playing word games? What has become of the rule of law ...

Baby elephant 'rescues' her favorite human

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Edmilson Papo 10
cnn.com - Story highlights Baby elephant tries to save man who helps care for her She shares a special bond with him (CNN)We can all agree it's basically a dream situation to be rescued by a baby elephant, e...

#StopSoros: Dominion Voting Systems • /r/The_Donald

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Rhonda Kazmierski
reddit.com - George Soros has ties to Smartmatic electronic voting machines, which are used in 16 states. The mods have pinned the #StopSoros campaign at the top of the subreddit, with the goal being to contact...
Arte & Entretenimento

Chronicles of MAGA, Episode IV: Tuscaloosa, Al. – Back to School at the University of Alabama

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loneconservative.com - As I flew home from Boston, my vacation might have been over, but my MAGA hat adventure was just beginning. This train is supermassive and moving at relativistic speeds. There are no brakes. Sittin...

PF liga codinome 'amigo' em planilhas da Lava Jato a Lula

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g1.globo.com - A Polícia Federal (PF) ligou os codinomes "amigo", "amigo de meu pai" e "amigo de EO" em planilhas de pagamentos ilícitos apreendidas durante a Operação Lava Jato ao ex-presidente Luiz Inácio Lula ...

Media now hyperventilating because Trump said 'bad hombres'

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caintv.com - It's not their main anti-Trump debate storyline, of course. That's the whole Trump-won't-accept-the-election-result nonsense, and we'll get to that posthaste. But you need more than one trivial was...

18 Former Acorn Workers Have Been Convicted Or Admitted Guilt In Election Fraud

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Deplorable Nancy ن
foxnews.com - The scandal-plagued ACORN may no longer exist, but its tarnished legacy lives on in court, as the activist group and its former employees face criminal punishment. So far this year, at least 18 for...

Undecided, Third-Party Leaners Are Breaking Hard For Hillary Clinton In The Homestretch

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Jeffrey Levin
politicususa.com - A new poll shows that undecided and third party leaning voters are breaking hard for Hillary Clinton as the clock winds down on the 2016 campaign. According to CNN, Clinton inching very close to 50...

Moro recebe denúncia contra ex-prefeito de Campinas e outras cinco pessoas - ISTOÉ Independente

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Cristiane S.
istoe.com.br - O juiz federal Sérgio Moro, responsável pela Operação Lava Jato na primeira instância, recebeu uma denúncia contra o ex-prefeito de Campinas (SP), Helio de Oliveira Santos, também conhecido como Dr...

Bob Woodward on Clinton Foundation: "It Is Corrupt" And Clinton Didn't Answer The Questions

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Deplorable Milo🐸
realclearpolitics.com - Veteran journalist Bob Woodward tells the Fox News Sunday panel that the Clinton Foundation is "corrupt" and that Hillary Clinton has not answered for it. CHRIS WALLACE, FOX NEWS SUNDAY: Then there...

Diretor afastado da Polícia do Senado diz que cumpria ordens

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oglobo.globo.com - BRASÍLIA — Diretor afastado da Polícia Legislativa do Senado, Pedro Araújo afirmou, em depoimento à Polícia Federal, nesta segunda-feira, que mandou fazer varreduras em endereços de senadores e ex-...

President Obama Destroys Darrell Issa for Pretending to Have Worked With Him on Issues

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Jeffrey Levin
politicususa.com - President Barack Obama laid into Darrell Issa’s attempt to campaign as somebody who cooperated with Obama on the issues, actually having the audacity to send out brochures with Obama’s photo on the...

WikiLeaks CONFIRMS Hillary Sold Weapons to ISIS... Then Drops Another BOMBSHELL! Breaking News

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thepoliticalinsider.com - Mary ~ How is a person supposed to ‘fact-check’ information such as this, when the majority of our current administration AND CONGRESS are corrupted, covering up these illegal actions? Do you serio...

Manifestantes entregam 1,6 milhão de assinaturas pela queda de Renan Calheiros

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oglobo.globo.com - BRASÍLIA – Cerca de 25 manifestantes se reuniram em frente ao gramado do Senado nesta quarta-feira, com banners e faixas pedindo a saída do senador Renan Calheiros (PMDB-AL) durante a entrega simbó...

Defend the Donald Blogger

stopthesteal.org - Donald J. Trump is under attack. He’s under-attack from the biased liberal media, the multinational corporations, the Washington-New York insiders, the lobbyists and special interests, and particul...

Resenha do livro “Jardim das Aflições”, de Olavo de Carvalho

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Carlos Pereira
musicauniversal.radiovox.org - NOTAS DE LEITURA: O JARDIM DAS AFLIÇÕES, de OLAVO DE CARVALHO No início de 2015 fomos surpreendidos pela Vide Editorial, chefiada pelo competentíssimo Editor Sílvio Grimaldo, com o lançamento da 3....

Twitter Wrecks WSJ Reporter Who Thanked Podesta For Hosting ‘Team Clinton’ Dinner

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dailycaller.com - An email published by WikiLeaks on Sunday shows Wall Street Journal White House correspondent Colleen Nelson thanking Hillary Clinton aide John Podesta for having her over for dinner. In the email,...

O voto improvisado

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politica.estadao.com.br - Quanto mais distante o eleitor está dos candidatos a prefeito, mais volátil é a eleição. Quanto mais dependente da televisão é a campanha, maior a chance de haver mudanças repentinas e decisivas na...
Meio Ambiente

Por um outubro rosa feminista – Blogueiras Feministas

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blogueirasfeministas.com - Texto de Silvia Badim para as Blogueiras Feministas. Sim, câncer de mama é um assunto de mulheres. E a abordagem desse tema, a meu ver, deveria ser uma abordagem feminista. Nós, feministas, falamos...

A robbery suspect sued after an officer’s kick broke his jaw. Does the lawsuit have merit?

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Cynthia Kelly
washingtonpost.com - Allentown, Pa., police officers pointed their guns at Hector Medina-Pena and yelled a flurry of commands. “Get your f—ing hands up,” an officer screamed twice at the robbery suspect, the scene reco...

Embraer vai pagar US$ 206 milhões para encerrar investigação sobre corrupção - Economia - Estadão

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Mara N Machado
economia.estadao.com.br - A Embraer chegou nesta segunda-feira, 24, a um acordo com autoridades de Brasil e Estados Unidos para encerrar uma investigação de corrupção, pagando US$ 206 milhões para virar a página sobre evidê...

Early voting numbers promising for Clinton in battleground states

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Nick Pappas
cnn.com - The best news Trump is in Iowa. So far, 38,280 more Democrats than Republicans have voted. It's a narrower advantage than 2012, when Democrats outpaced GOP voters by 53,719 at this point. The numbe...
Meio Ambiente

Greenpeace, others sought US intervention after action by India: Wikileaks

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hindustantimes.com - Environmental groups such as Greenpeace and other international NGOs working in India had sought US government intervention after their funding came under increased scrutiny of the Modi government,...

Primeiro santuário de elefantes na América Latina abre as portas no Brasil

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Félix Maier
oglobo.globo.com - SÃO PAULO- Exploradas em circos por cerca de 40 anos, as elefantas asiáticas Maia e Guida ganharam o papel principal no primeiro santuário criado para essa espécie na América Latina. Aberto recente...

Director Of Wikileaks Found Dead – The Real Strategy

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therealstrategy.com - New casualty of cruel ambition to be US president, the Clinton body count is going up. Director of WikiLeaks, her biggest enemy besides Trump, is found dead today! WikiLeaks director and founder of...

O pato Daniel fez seu primeiro voo e encantou os passageiros - Emais - Estadão

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emais.estadao.com.br - Imagine que você está sentado num avião, tranquilo, quando olha para o corredor e se depara com um passageiro inusitado. Não, não estamos falando de uma personalidade um uma duquesa, o passageiro e...

Eduardo Cunha pede liberdade

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Luisa Maria Resende
politica.estadao.com.br - Cinco dias depois de ser preso na Operação Lava Jato, o ex-presidente da Câmara Eduardo Cunha (PMDB-RJ), por meio de seus advogados, entrou com pedido de liminar em habeas corpus nesta segunda-feir...

EXCLUSIVE: An Inside Look At An Opulent Clinton Foundation ‘Site Visit’

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dailycaller.com - Former President Bill Clinton and 11 wealthy Clinton Foundation donors generously served meals to 250 underprivileged children July 16, 2014, at the Akshaya Patra kitchen in Jaipur, India, as TV ca...

Prominent evangelical theologian explains why he’s changing his tune and endorsing Donald Trump

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bizpacreview.com - Prominent evangelical theologian Wayne Grudem, like many other conservatives, has been struggling with his conscience this political season. Although he originally voiced support for the Republican...

Banned from the bookies - BBC News

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bbc.co.uk - Bookmakers are "refusing to take bets" from successful gamblers. Some clients have told the BBC they've had their betting accounts closed or their bets "restricted" following wins. Bookmakers say t...

Obamacare premiums to soar 25% on average

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money.cnn.com - The price hike is the latest blow to Obamacare. Insurers are raising prices and downsizing their presence on the exchanges as they try to stem losses from sicker-than-anticipated customers. Enrollm...

Clinton’s WikiLeaks strategy: Doubt, delay, distract

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mcclatchydc.com - The emails are full of potential damage for Hillary Clinton. She weighed the political implications of policies. She is close to Wall Street. Her aides gathered information to discredit a woman who...

Top Adviser On Clinton Wall Street Speeches: 'It's Pretty Bad'

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Deplorable Nancy ن
foxnews.com - A veteran and trusted Hillary Clinton adviser ripped the Democratic presidential nominee after seeing transcripts of post-State Department speeches Clinton gave discussing Wall Street, ObamaCare an...

After The James O’Keefe October Surprise Video, Judge Jeanine Pirro Says ‘Indict Them In 3 Seconds’

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Linda Suhler, Ph.D.
inquisitr.com - Judge Jeanine Pirro claims that if she was still a district attorney, she would go forward with indictment “in three seconds” of the purported Democrat operatives who allegedly incited violence at ...

Project Veritas video: Democratic operative says Hillary Clinton wanted ‘Donald Duck’ to stalk Trump

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Pursuing Jesus
washingtontimes.com - Democrat Hillary Clinton gave the go-ahead for outside groups to have Republican Donald Trump stalked by operatives in Donald Duck costumes in a possible violation of federal election law, accordin...

Inadimplência das empresas cresce 12% em setembro, diz SPC Brasil

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Congresso P㋡dre
g1.globo.com - O número de empresas inadimplentes voltou a crescer setembro, de acordo com indicador do Serviço de Proteção ao Crédito (SPC Brasil) e da Confederação Nacional de Dirigentes Lojistas (CNDL). Em rel...

Moro cobra do Congresso posição sobre lado em relação a combate à corrupção

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Proj Mais Um Moro
zh.clicrbs.com.br - O juiz federal Sergio Moro, responsável pelos processos da Operação Lava-Jato em Curitiba, defendeu as 10 Medidas Contra à Corrupção e cobrou do Congresso Nacional uma posição sobre de que lado est...

REAGE PARANÁ – Morre um jovem em escola invadida do Estado; o sangue no chão é o retrato da política feita pelos comunistas do Estado | VEJA.com

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veja.abril.com.br - Um jovem morreu num dos estabelecimentos de ensino invadidos do Paraná, a Escola Santa Felicidade, de Curitiba. As fotos deste post estão publicadas na página eletrônica da Massa News. Foi vítima, ...

Marcelo Freixo quer aplicar no Rio de Janeiro ideias que já deram bem errado na Venezuela | Implicante.Org

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implicante.org - Fernando Schüler fez o que todo eleitor carioca deveria fazer: leu o programa dos candidatos a prefeito. Para a Época, detalhou as impressões que teve a respeito das ideias de Marcelo Freixo. O Imp...

Hillary Clinton’s looming turnout problem

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Linda Suhler, Ph.D.
washingtonpost.com - It's hackneyed and it is true: The outcome of the 2016 election will hinge on turnout. I legitimately hate to say that because it's such a cop-out. You're on a campaign that's probably going to los...

12-yo Muslim Immigrant Turns Out to be 21-yo Muslim Terrorist | The Black Sphere with Kevin Jackson | TheBlackSphere.net

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Rhonda Kazmierski
theblacksphere.net - There is no way to vet Muslims fleeing Muslim countries. The notion of Muslims are “fleeing” Muslim countries should be warning enough. Even radical Muslims claim to be peaceful, as long as you are...

Obama: 'We have not had a major scandal'

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I Hate The Media
washingtonexaminer.com - President Obama claimed Sunday that his administration has not experienced any "major scandal" during his nearly eight years in office, despite constant protests from conservatives that he is swimm...

Donald Trump Rally Breaks Elton John’s Attendance Record At River City Arena

donaldtrumpnews.co - Americans seem to be hungry to Make America Great Again as they fill up venues again and again for billionaire presidential candidate Donald Trump, and the Baton Rouge River Center in Baton Rouge, ...

TYT's Jimmy Dore: Democrats Are Restarting The Cold War To Hide From WikiLeaks

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Pursuing Jesus
realclearpolitics.com - Jimmy Dore, host of 'Aggressive Progressives' on 'The Young Turks' network, says he is disappointed to see the Democratic Party using Russia as a scapegoat for the information revealed by WikiLeaks...
Meio Ambiente

Don't let Monsanto and Whole Foods kill GMO labeling in the Senate - Take a stand for Vermont!

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action.fooddemocracynow.org - Right now we’re being betrayed in Washington D.C. by a group of donation-hungry Senators and a handful of corrupt corporate organic companies that have just brokered an outrageous deal behind our b...

Trump Jr.: My Father's New 'Contract With America' an 'Amazing Idea'

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Deplorable Nancy ن
insider.foxnews.com - O'Malley: 'Lincoln Rolled Over in Grave' With 'Fascist Threat' Trump in Gettysburg Pirro: '2 Systems of Justice in US' -- 'One For Americans, One For Clinton' MUST-SEE: Benjamin Hall Takes an Exclu...

Con lo que gasta Carmena en la exposición porno y sacrílega, se podría alimentar a 18.000 personas

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actuall.com - La exposición sacrílega y pornográfica que se expone en el palacio de Cibeles, con el consentimiento de la alcaldesa podemita, Manuela Carmena, ha costado a los madrileños unos 60.000 euros, según ...

Justiça determina reintegração de posse de dezenas de escolas do PR

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g1.globo.com - A Justiça determinou nesta segunda-feira (24) a reintegração de posse de pelo menos 27 de escolas estaduais ocupadas por estudantes, sendo 21 em Ponta Grossa, na região dos Campos Gerais do Paraná,...

STJD suspende organizadas do Corinthians e interdita parte da arena - Esportes - Estadão

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esportes.estadao.com.br - A confusão ocorrida domingo nas arquibancadas do Maracanã pode custar caro para o Corinthians e sua torcida. O presidente do Superior Tribunal de Justiça Desportiva (STJD), Ronaldo Placente, deferi...

Agente afirma que Polícia do Senado cumpriu 'missão secreta' para Sarney - 24/10/2016 - Poder - Folha de S.Paulo

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folha.uol.com.br - O servidor responsável pela denúncia que desencadeou a ação da Polícia Federal no Senado na última sexta (21) afirma que a polícia legislativa realizou uma missão "secreta" no escritório de José Sa...

GALLUP POLL : American Trust in the News Media Falls to Lowest Level in History

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The Paper
truthfeed.com - When I watch the news I want the facts from all avenue. If your going to talk about negatives its on both sides. Let us decide who we like. But the media pushes who they want us to like. As if we c...

Renan recebeu R$ 5,5 milhões em dinheiro vivo de propina do Petrolão, diz delator

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republicadecuritibaonline.com - De acordo com o delator Felipe Parente, o presidente do Senado, Renan Calheiros e o senador Jader Barbalho (PMDB-PA) receberam valor de R$ 5,5 milhões em propina do Petrolão, entre 2004 e 2006. Par...

Foster mother discovered ’12-year-old Afghan refugee orphan’ was a 21-year-old jihadi: ‘I’ll kill you and I know where your children are’

themuslimissue.wordpress.com - A woman opened her heart and her door to a 12-year-old boy who had fled the horrors of war in Afghanistan after losing his parents – or so she thought. In reality, not only was the boy in her care,...

Estado do Rio quer retirar Organizações Sociais das UPAs

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Congresso P㋡dre
extra.globo.com - O secretário estadual de Saúde, Luiz Antônio de Souza Teixeira Júnior, propôs ao governo retirar as Organizações Sociais (OSs) da administração das Unidades de Pronto Atendimento (UPAs). Pelo novo ...

TRIBUNA DA INTERNET Lulopetismo tentou fazer uma geração acreditar em roubo filantrópico e altruísta | TRIBUNA DA INTERNET

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tribunadainternet.com.br - A pior herança que o lulopetismo deixou para a minha geração foi a personificação da democracia em um líder popular criado por uma engenhosa e bilionária máquina de comunicação. A geração de meados...

WIKILEAKS : It Wasn’t “THE RUSSIANS” who Hacked Podesta, he LOST his Damn Cell Phone 

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truthfeed.com - In a DESPERATE attempt to spin the Wikileaks EMAIL NIGHTMARE, the Clinton campaign is attempting to weave this absurd narrative that the “EVIL RUSSIANS” are controlling the 2016 election by hacking...

Trump slams ObamaCare after premium hikes announced

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Linda Suhler, Ph.D.
thehill.com - Donald TrumpDonald TrumpTrump rally roars at media in Tampa Trump slams ObamaCare after premium hikes announced Actor Ethan Hawke slams Trump’s ‘fascist behavior’ MORE jumped Monday on an announcem...

A notícia que Freixo esconde há 10 anos: agressão à repórter repercute na Internet

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radarnews.us - A matéria já está publicada na Folha, conforme abaixo: “O deputado Marcelo Freixo (PSOL), c... A matéria já está publicada na Folha, conforme abaixo: “O deputado Marcelo Freixo (PSOL), candidato à ...

Everything You Need to Know About Hillary Clinton

abcnews.go.com - What she used to do: Clinton has an impressive resume: secretary of state, two-term senator, 2008 presidential candidate -- and, of course, first lady. What she does now:  Clinton has spent her tim...

Pelosi defends her infamous health care remark

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washingtonpost.com - “But we have to pass the [health care] bill so that you can find out what’s in it....” For Republicans and conservatives, nothing exemplifies government overreach and arrogance more than those 16 w...

“En Venezuela están todas las condiciones para aplicar la cláusula democrática”

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Schmidt Max
infovzla.net - El gobierno venezolano ha recibido “la condena de las naciones de América” porque “en Venezuela no se están respetando los derechos humanos” El presidente Mauricio Macri afirmó este lunes que “en e...

La ciudad de Nueva York prohíbe alquilar apartamentos menos de un mes

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periodistadigital.com - Nueva York aprobó este viernes fuertes multas para sus habitantes que anuncien alquileres de apartamentos enteros por menos de un mes, asestando un duro golpe a Airbnb en uno de sus mayores mercado...

Monica Moura entrega caixa dois de Gleisi Hoffmann ao Ministério Público Federal

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Ivo Marcelino
portalweb7.com - Monica Moura, mulher do marqueteiro das estrelas petistas, entregou a senadora Gleisi Helena Hoffmann (PT-PR) de bandeja para o Ministério Público Federal no contexto do acordo de colaboração premi...

What the news media can learn from librarians

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Alec Duarte
cjr.org - We can all agree it’s been a rough season for the news media. Hostile political crowds, accusations of slander, and struggles with what Guardian editor Katharine Viner has called the “waning power ...

Junqueras es usuario privado del hospital que quiere nacionalizar

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(((LaVerdadOfende ن
cronicaglobal.elespanol.com - “El presidente de ERC, Oriol Junqueras, y su mujer, Neus Bramona, fueron padres ayer de una niña que se llama Joana. El nacimiento tuvo lugar en el Hospital General de Catalunya y la niña midió 50 ...

US Elections: members of the military want online voting

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βranco Pussy Jr.
elections.smartmatic.com - There is a debate surrounding the voting of military personnel abroad during the upcoming US presidential elections. Currently, members of the military receive their ballots in several ways. In som...

Claudia Leitte terá que devolver R$ 1,2 milhão à Lei Rouanet: primeiramente, por que ganhou? | Implicante.Org

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implicante.org - A prestação de contas foi reprovada. Além de passar três anos impedida de inscrever novos projetos, Claudia Leitte terá que devolver R$ 1.274.129,88 para os cofres do Fundo Nacional de Cultura, val...

El Pancetas se enzarza en Twitter con ¡Pérez Reverte!

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okdiario.com - Una sorprendente pugna dialéctica ha arreciado en la red social Twitter, inédita habida cuenta de las, en principio, profundas diferencias que separan a sus protagonistas: el escritor, periodista y...

The best and worst states to start a business

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gobankingrates.com - Many Americans dream of starting a business and — despite recent economic downturns — they continue to pursue this dream more than ever. In fact, the number of new business establishments in the U....

New Bombshell, This Is The End For Her: Hillary Disclosed Classified Secrets To Foreign Leaders For Cash! - World Politicus

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worldpoliticus.com - The leaked e-mails from WikiLeaks revealed that Hillary Clinton shared classified information with some Canadian businessman about the investigation and the killing of Osama Bin Laden, according to...
Meio Ambiente

Como os futuros livros de história lembrarão a guerra da Síria? - BBC Brasil

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bbc.com - Recentemente, um parlamentar britânico comparou o bombardeio russo a um comboio da ONU na cidade de Aleppo, na Síria, aos ataques nazistas na Espanha durante os anos 1930. Andrew Mitchell, do Parti...
Meio Ambiente

RS pode perder R$ 30 bilhões em investimentos de energia

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zh.clicrbs.com.br - Decisões recentes do governo federal colocam em risco investimentos na área de energia com potencial de alcançar R$ 30 bilhões nos próximos anos no Rio Grande do Sul e mobilizam empreendedores e Pi...

RJ tem 115 policiais mortos e 556 feridos somente este ano

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Luciane Lazzarin
g1.globo.com - De janeiro a outubro deste ano, 556 policiais ficaram feridos e 115 foram mortos no estado do Rio de Janeiro, como mostrou o Bom Dia Rio desta segunda-feira (24). Os dados foram apresentados no dia...

Allen West: Obama just handed Hillary a HUGE stinking mess

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Deplorable Nancy ن
allenwestrepublic.com - There are several key maxims when it comes to the prosecution of combat operations. The first is “no plan survives first contact.” The second is, “the enemy always has a vote.” During last Wednesda...

Expo Noivas traz cabines fotográficas, robô e até espelho mágico - Enfim Sós

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Cristiane S.
enfimsos.blogfolha.uol.com.br - Dez minutos para as 14h e uma fila de casais e de meninas acompanhadas de mães e amigas e se formava em um dos pavilhões do Expo Center Norte, em SP, no último sábado (22). Lá dentro, mais de uma c...

Congress knew for at least two years about Pentagon efforts to take back bonuses from veterans

latimes.com - The California National Guard told the state’s members of Congress two years ago that the Pentagon was trying to claw back reenlistment bonuses from thousands of soldiers, and even offered a propos...
Arte & Entretenimento

Kirk Cameron's 'Revive Us' Will Re-Air to Bring America Back to God

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cbn.com - Movie theaters across the country hosted the first time of worship and prayer as part of the live event, "Revive Us 2016" on Oct. 18. Now it will air again on Monday, Oct. 24.  Tens of thousands of...

¡POR FALTA DE INSUMOS! 5 mil niños en lista de espera para ser operados en Cardiológico Infantil

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Félix Maier
noticiasenlasredes.com - Niños con padecimientos cardiológicos no están siendo atendidos debidamente, vulnerando sus derechos fundamentales Un promedio de cinco mil niños, con diversas patologías cardiológicas, permanecen ...

Military Warns Chinese Computer Gear Poses Cyber Spy Threat

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Deplorable Nancy ن
freebeacon.com - BY: Bill Gertz Follow @BillGertz October 24, 2016 5:00 am The Pentagon’s Joint Staff recently warned against using equipment made by China’s Lenovo computer manufacturer amid concerns about cyber s...

Will Pakistan Wrongly Sentence Another Christian to Death for Blasphemy? « Persecution News

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persecution.org - Another member of Pakistan's Christian community was charged with blasphemy after he was accused of liking a Facebook post Muslims found offensive. According to reports, there is evidence that Nabe...

IPCA-15 fecha no menor nível para outubro desde 2009

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brasil.gov.br - A prévia da inflação oficial, o Índice de Preços ao Consumidor Amplo – 15 (IPCA-15), fechou outubro em 0,19% – a menor taxa para o mês desde 2009, quando bateu em 0,18%. Alimentação e bebidas, arti...
Meio Ambiente

A teoria do valor-trabalho ainda assombra a humanidade e segue causando estragos

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SFL Brasil
mises.org.br - Qual o tempo de trabalho embutido nesta escultura? Quanto você pagaria por ela? Por que muitos alunos acreditam merecer notas boas por um trabalho (escolar ou acadêmico) em que gastaram muito tempo...

Precisamos falar sobre PEC 241

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Myrian Dauer ن
raphaelchaia.com.br - Toda a polêmica da reforma do Ensino Médio parece que caiu no esquecimento com a nova proposta de emenda constitucional que visa a adoção de um limite de gastos do governo nos próximos 20 anos, a P...

PA Sentences Ex-AG Kathleen Kane 10-23 Months in Jail - Breitbart

breitbart.com - Kane was also sentenced to eight years of probation by a Montgomery County judge who said Kane’s ego drove her to take down enemies and break the law. Judge Wendy Demchick-Alloy said Kane assumed a...

Renan acusa PF de ter usado 'métodos fascistas' e vai ao STF defender prerrogativas do Senado - Política - Estadão

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Abutre Golpista X9
politica.estadao.com.br - BRASÍLIA - O presidente do Senado, Renan Calheiros (PMDB-AL), acusou a Polícia Federal de ter se valido de "métodos fascistas" nunca adotados sequer na "ditadura" na operação que levou a prisão na ...

Danem-se os fatos! Ou: Estadão escorrega feio em manchete sobre Petrobras e Lava-Jato | Rodrigo Constantino

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rodrigoconstantino.com - Por João Luiz Mauad, publicado pelo Instituto Liberal O Jornal Estado de São Paulo estampa a seguinte manchete em sua primeira página, nesta segunda feira: Com alta nas ações, Petrobras começa a su...

Renan ameaça o judiciário e desafia o STF

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cristalvox.com - Renan ataca: “Um juizeco de primeira instância não pode atentar contra um poder”… E o medo? . ..  “Se a cada dia um juiz de primeira instância concede uma medida excepcional, nós estaremos nos aviz...
Meio Ambiente

Governo do Acre vai privatizar gestão de estatal pioneira de preservativos - 24/07/2016 - Mercado - Folha de S.Paulo

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Marcel van Hattem
folha.uol.com.br - Uma fábrica estatal de preservativos masculinos no Acre, concebida para ser a única do país a usar látex de seringueiras nativas, caminha para ter a gestão privatizada pelo governador petista Tião ...

Dilma têm 120 dias para devolver 144 objetos que roubou dos Palácios do Planalto e da Alvorada

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Joao Emidio
imprensaviva.com - A ex-presidente Dilma rousseff têm 120 dias para restituir ao governo os 144 objetos que levou dos Palácios do Planalto e da Alvorada que pertenciam ao acervo da Presidência da República. A petista...

Podesta Slams Sanders’ Health Plan, ‘We Live In A Leftie Universe’

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samanta persotti
dailycaller.com - Chairman of the Clinton 2016 campaign John Podesta harshly rejected Sen. Bernie Sanders’ health plan, and decried the progressive Democratic base, in an e-mail released Monday through WikiLeaks. “N...

Rose é entrevistada no MSTV

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Sergio Gonçalves
g1.globo.com - A candidata do PSDB à prefeitura de Campo Grande, Rose Modesto, foi entrevistada ao vivo nesta segunda-feira (24) no MSTV pela apresentadora Lucimar Lescano. Rose foi questionada, entre outros assu...

Obispo de Rieti: 'De las tragedias siempre nos podemos levantar'

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gaceta.es - Han pasado casi dos meses del devastador terremoto que destrozó gran parte del centro de Italia, en particular las ciudades de Amatrice, Accumoli y Arquata del Tronto. A pesar de que gran parte de ...

Jerusalén, eternamente judía

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Félix Maier
diariolasamericas.com - Hace algo más de tres mil años un audaz rey, pastor trocado en militar, tomó un monte enclavado en el centro de su país. La conquista de la elevación, conocida como Sión, era una muestra más de la ...
Arte & Entretenimento

National Park Service's persistent culture of sexual harassment - The Free Range Report

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Survivor Medicine
freerangereport.com - Jon Jarvis, who will retire from the park service in January after a 40-year career, was called before Congress in June after a report confirming sexual harassment and a hostile work environment at...

Professor é espancado em invasão de universidade pública no Paraná

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Proj Mais Um Moro
jornalivre.com - As imagens a seguir, veiculadas pelo Instituto Liberal do Paraná e pelo portal Implicante são fortes, e mostram mais um grave episódio de agressão em uma das invasões de escolas e universidades pro...

Clampdown looms for "crack cocaine" gambling machines

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mirror.co.uk - Ministers today paved the way for a crackdown on high-stakes gaming machines. The Government is launching a snap review on the impact fixed odds betting terminals - described as the crack cocaine o...
Arte & Entretenimento

Trump Launching His Own TV Channel... And It's Happening Tonight! | John Hawkins' Right Wing News

rightwingnews.com - Looks like Trump TV is now a reality. It’s something I have said was coming since this whole campaign cycle started. I’m far from alone on that prediction. Nightly campaign coverage starts tonight ...

Professor Who Predicted Last Five Elections Says Trump Has 87% Chance of Winning

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Paul Joseph Watson
infowars.com - Political science professor Helmut Norpoth, who has accurately called the results of the last five presidential elections, still asserts that Donald Trump has an 87% chance of defeating Hillary Cli...

Support C4SS with Kevin Carson’s “Organization Theory: A Libertarian Perspective”

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c4ss.org - C4SS has teamed up with the Distro of the Libertarian Left. The Distro produces and distribute zines and booklets on anarchism, market anarchist theory, counter-economics, and other movements for l...

Ato contra a PEC 241 acaba em confronto em Porto Alegre

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zh.clicrbs.com.br - Aos menos três grupos realizaram ato contra a PEC 241 na noite desta segunda-feira em Porto Alegre. O evento, que teve início por volta das 18h30min, percorreu diversas vias da região central, até ...

¿Qué hay que ver y hacer en Margarita, la Perla del Caribe? | GrandesMedios.com

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grandesmedios.com - Situada en pleno mar Caribe, esta isla pertenece a la República Bolivariana de Venezuela, y se encuentra a 35 minutos de vuelo de la capital del País y a 2 horas en ferri desde Puerto la Cruz o el ...

A growing conflict over voting rights is playing out in Georgia, where the presidential race is tightening

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Deplorable Nancy ن
washingtonpost.com - A growing conflict over voting rights and ballot access is playing out in Georgia, where civil rights activists are trading accusations with Republican elected officials and where the stakes have r...

‘All disguised as a duck’: Video shows illegal collaboration between Clinton, DNC over mascot

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Janet Orendorff
rt.com - The third ‘Rigging the Election’ video, published on Monday, looks into the “back room dealings of Democratic politics,” focused on “prohibited communications” between the campaign, the Democratic ...

Grupo de Aécio intervém na campanha de BH

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josiasdesouza.blogosfera.uol.com.br - O risco de derrota levou o grupo de Aécio Neves a intervir na campanha de João Leite. Candidato do PSDB à prefeitura de Belo Horizonte, Leite foi ultrapassado nas pesquisas pelo rival Alexandre Kal...

Arzobispado de Piura Reflexiones sobre recientes acontecimientos que afectan a la Vida y a la Familia en el Perú

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facebook.com - Luego de un cordial saludo les escribo estas líneas como Pastor de la Iglesia en Piura y Tumbes, pero igualmente a partir de la mirada que me permiten los varios años de servicio a la Iglesia en el...
Meio Ambiente

Sudario de Turín

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diosuniversal.com - Con el permiso de Humberto de Saboya, dueño de la reliquia en aquella fecha, fue nombrada una comisión de estudio en 1973. Esta comisión, básicamente semejante a otra que se había limitado a examin...

Entrevistas de agentes deixam ainda mais claro o absurdo da ação da PF no Senado | VEJA.com

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Ivo Marcelino
veja.abril.com.br - Ai, ai… A coisa é mesmo do balacobaco! Vejo na Internet uma reportagem levada ao ar pelo “Fantástico”, neste domingo, sobre a operação realizada pela PF, que resultou na prisão do diretor da Políci...

Adolescente confessa ter matado jovem de 16 anos no Paraná dentro de escola invadida por comunistas e drogados

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Vitor Vieira
poncheverde.blogspot.com - As polícias Civil e Militar do Paraná prenderam no fim da tarde desta segunda-feira um adolescente de 17 anos que confessou ter matado Lucas Eduardo Araújo Lopes, de 16 anos, no colégio estadual Sa...

Igreja Universal é condenada a pagar R$ 300 mil por estupro de menor

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Joao Emidio
brasilverdeamarelo.com - A Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus foi condenada pela Justiça do Tocantins a pagar R$ 300 mil, em danos morais, por estupro de menor de idade. O estupro de vulnerável, segundo a Justiça, foi comet...

Police departments hiring immigrants as officers

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usatoday.com - Law enforcement agencies struggling to fill their ranks or connect with their increasingly diverse populations are turning to immigrants to fill the gap. Most agencies in the country require office...

O milagre das cartas pode baixar o preço dos três manuscritos que Lula desenhou em 70 anos | VEJA.com

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Tereza Cristina
veja.abril.com.br - Em julho de 2010, deslumbrado com pesquisas que conferiam ao presidente da República o título de campeão mundial de popularidade, Luis Fernando Verissimo tornou a mostrar-se um mestre na arte de es...


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diosuniversal.com - Según una teoría, 322 es un número que indica que es el segundo capítulo de la sociedad secreta alemana, los Illuminati de Baviera. Tal organización de los Illuminati se prohibió, junto con otras s...

Lula pede na Justiça até a certidão de casamento de Sérgio Moro para tentar escapar do juiz federal

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Joao Emidio
imprensaviva.com - O ex-presidente Lula tem apelado de todas as formas para justificar seu pedido de suspeição contra as autoridades que o investigam, como o juiz Sérgio Moro e o desembargador João Pedro Gebran Neto,...

Explosivo: Juízes Federais LACRAM Renan com nota DURÍSSIMA!

Partilhado por
Alex Queiroz
cristalvox.com - O Cristalvox recomenda uma leitura pacienciosa.  A nota da Associação  do Juízes Brasileiros fala por si… A Associação dos Juízes Federais do Brasil (Ajufe) vem a público manifestar repúdio veement...

ACLU bullies school for ‘frightening message’ after it held successful patriotic rally honoring police

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bizpacreview.com - It appears that even honoring our first responders at all is now deemed a microaggression of some sort. That is what we learned when social justice warriors began to complain after a New Jersey hig...

Breitbart coordinated with liberal activist and organizer who disrupted GOP primary campaign events

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Nick Pappas
politico.com - A liberal activist and organizer coordinated with reporters from the conservative news site Breitbart during the primaries to cover his disruptions of events for candidates such as Sen. Marco Rubio...

Defesa truculenta que Renan Calheiros faz da Polícia do Senado sugere algo estranho nos bastidores

Partilhado por
ucho.info - Investigado na Operação Lava-Jato e alvo de dez inquéritos no Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) no âmbito do Petrolão, o senador Renan Calheiros (PMDB-AL) não poderia ter outra reação no caso da Opera...

Muslim Facebook Employees Demanded Deletion of Trump Posts

frontpagemag.com - When you find yourself running into trouble with your Facebook account, remember these are some of the people making the crucial decisions about your account. Facebook rejected complaints from empl...

Seek God Wholeheartedly — And You Will Find Him | The Stream

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The Stream
stream.org - “You will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart.” “Truth is so secure in these times, and falsehood so established,” said 17th-century philosopher Blaise Pascal, “that unless we ...

Terminally Ill Woman's Insurance Company Will Pay for Her Assisted Suicide, But Not for Chemo | LifeNews.com

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All American Girl
lifenews.com - The Washington Times reported that the California Assisted-suicide law prompted an insurance company to deny coverage to a terminally ill California woman. Bradford Richardson, from the Washington ...

A vote for Hillary Clinton means a surge of abortions

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Matt Barber
washingtontimes.com - While Democrats perpetually circle the wagons, Republicans engage a perpetual circular firing squad. The same holds true for many evangelicals. Democrats and secularists count on it. Full disclosur...

New York Times pushes suicide by starvation

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lifesitenews.com - October 24, 2016 (National Review) -- If there is any aspect of the culture of death not supported and promoted by the New York Times, I haven’t seen it. Now, Paula Span, the Gray (Ashen?) Lady’s “...
Arte & Entretenimento

Can Christians Vote For Trump In Good Conscience?

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dailycaller.com - There was recently released audio of Trump speaking of kissing or groping women, presumably in an unwelcome way.  Several Christian pastors have spoken against voting for Trump, on the basis that C...

Câmara tenta votar ações contra Wyllys e Bolsonaro nesta terça-feira - ClickPB

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clickpb.com.br - O Conselho de Ética se reúne nesta terça-feira (25) para tentar votar pareceres preliminares relativos a processos contra os deputados Jean Wyllys (Psol-RJ), Jair Bolsonaro (PSC-RJ) e Laerte Bessa ...
Meio Ambiente


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shalom-israel-shalom.blogspot.com - Neste últimos 8 anos Jerusalém tem sido visitada pelos mais importantes líderes políticos mundiais, num esforço até agora inútil para trazer a paz à região. Desde Bush em 2008 a Angela Merkel, nas ...

Scientists Discover New Lenses That Can See Invisible Entities – The Real Strategy

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Truth A Tron Gold
therealstrategy.com - A new incredible lens has been discovered by scientists who say through its use, we can observe “entities” or “anomalies,” on our terrestrial plane as well as in space. Thunder Energies Corp says t...

WATCH: Sharpton Struggles Against Project Veritas Videos, Voter Fraud

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newsbusters.org - Tax dodger and riot starter Al Sharpton had a bone to pick with GOP nominee Donald Trump, on his MSNBC Sunday show Politics Nation, for playing coy with accepting the outcome of the election. Sharp...

Symposium: Meet the faces of free speech and religious freedom

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adflegal.org - News Release Symposium: Meet the faces of free speech and religious freedom   WHO:  Creative professionals who are clients of Alliance Defending Freedom WHAT:  “American Culture on Appeal” symposiu...

EDITORIAL: Donald Trump for president

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reviewjournal.com - More and more Americans express frustration and disillusionment today with the political institutions that govern the nation. They clamor for an alternative to the incestuous and pernicious atmosph...

Trustbusting: Trump Vows to 'Break Up The New Media Conglomerate Oligopolies' - Breitbart

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Breitbart News
breitbart.com - “Over a hundred years ago, a pro-business Teddy Roosevelt busted up more than 40 oil, railroad, steel and other ‘trusts’ that were wielding their rapacious monopoly power to gouge consumers and int...


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Otávio Antônio
otaviosaleitao.com.br - RECEPÇÃO AO DEPUTADO JAIR BOLSONARO NO AEROPORTO DE CONGONHAS VIROU COMÍCIO E TEVE ATÉ FAIXA PRESIDENCIAL O vídeo acima está bombando nas redes sociais. Uma ruidosa recepção dos fãs do deputado Jai...

'Educadores precisam ser formados à luz da agenda LGBT', diz Freixo – Holofote Notícias

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† Ricardo Cruz †
holofote.net - A esquerda aos poucos vai mudando a sociedade sem que ela perceba, e isto começa pelas crianças e adolescentes Em um vídeo divulgado no Youtube (assista mais abaixo) no canal do pastor Silas Malafa...

Conselho de Ética vota parecer de Odorico Monteiro em desfavor do deputado Bolsonaro

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Liderança do Pros
prosnacamara.org.br - O relator, deputado Odorico Monteiro, sugere aceitar a denúncia. O Conselho de Ética e Decoro Parlamentar da Câmara reúne-se nesta terça-feira (25) para votar o parecer preliminar, do deputado Odor...

Beyond GeoEngineering-Leaked Emails-Vatican knows of Alien life & DARPA gives Air Force Outer Space technology

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thelibertybeacon.com - Not wanting to put The Liberty Beacon readers into a “tin foil hat” frame of mind with no corroborating evidence… and after consulting with other TLB project directors…  it made good sense to prese...

Nation’s top legal group sounds off on Lexi’s future

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All American Girl
wnd.com - The case of Lexi Page, the little girl with 1/64th Indian ancestry who was taken from potentially adoptive parents and sent to live with some relatives-by-marriage because that was what a tribe wit...

Someone is Literally Trying to Take Down the Internet Right Now

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Truth A Tron Gold
therealstrategy.com - On Friday morning, a large-scale hack of an internet domain hosting provider took prominent websites including Netflix, Amazon, Reddit, Twitter, and Vox offline. Though many of the websites have si...

The Truth About What Obama's Emails Are Telling Us – The Real Strategy

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Count Dracula
therealstrategy.com - >>Wikileaks Targets POTUS: First Batch of Obama Emails Hillary Clinton just received more incentive to deal harshly with self-exiled whistleblower Julian Assange when she makes it to the White Hous...

Senadores criticam pressa de Renan em projeto sobre abuso de autoridade

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oglobo.globo.com - BRASÍLIA — Não é bem-vista no Senado a disposição do presidente da Casa, Renan Calheiros (PMDB-AL), de apressar a tramitação do projeto de sua autoria que altera e torna mais rígida a lei sobre cri...

Clinton and Warren: Friends now, trouble ahead

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politico.com - MANCHESTER, N.H. — This could be the ending of a beautiful friendship. Hillary Clinton and Elizabeth Warren, dressed in matching jewel-toned pantsuits, touted each other’s virtues Monday on a crisp...

Want to aid vocations? Help reduce debt, Laboure Society says

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Catholic News Agency
catholicnewsagency.com - St. Paul, Minn., Oct 24, 2016 / 05:19 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- Personal and student debt can slow down or prevent prospective seminarians and aspirants to religious orders from pursuing their vocations...
Arte & Entretenimento

The Most Astute Analysis of American Politics in 2016? SNL’s “Black Jeopardy!” Sketch.

Partilhado por
Jeffrey Levin
slate.com - For the past year, political journalists across the ideological spectrum have worked to understand Donald Trump and his voters. What drove their frustration and anger? Why did they gravitate toward...
Meio Ambiente

Fruit Attraction cierra su octava edición con más de 58.000 participantes y 1.200 empresas

Partilhado por
abc.es - La Feria Internacional del Sector de Frutas y Hortalizas Fruit Attraction ha vuelto a cerrar sus puertas con un nuevo éxito de visitantes y empresas participantes en su octava edición y sus números...

Banco de España niega que ocultara al juez los correos que advertían sobre insolvencia de BFA-Bankia

Partilhado por
europapress.es - El Banco de España ha salido al paso de las informaciones que cuestionan el hecho de que el juez del caso "Bankia" le tuviera que reclamar, al no incluirse en un primer envío de documentación remit...
Meio Ambiente

El exfutbolista Raúl, embargado por 9,3 millones por una inversión fallida en renovables

Partilhado por
europapress.es - Una juez ha ordenado el embargo por 9,3 millones de euros de la empresa Europa Scar Sport SL, propiedad del exfutbolista del Real Madrid Raúl González Blanco y administrada por su madre, María Luis...

Jay Z is the latest celeb performing for Clinton in a battleground state

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Jeffrey Levin
nbcnews.com - Jay Z will hold a get-out-the-vote concert for Hillary Clinton in Ohio prior to Election Day, the Clinton campaign announced Monday. While there's no word on Beyoncé making an appearance, the rap s...

Vox Sentences: France bulldozes the most visible symbol of the EU’s migrant crisis

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Jeffrey Levin
vox.com - Vox Sentences is your daily digest for what's happening in the world, curated by Dara Lind and Dylan Matthews. Sign up for the Vox Sentences newsletter, delivered straight to your inbox Monday thro...

Obama Rants Against Trump: ‘We Can't Have That in the Oval Office’ - Breitbart

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Breitbart News
breitbart.com - “America is great. America can survive just about anything,” he said. “But what America cannot have for any prolonged period of time is … a fundamentally unserious person and somebody whose standar...

Huckabee: Clinton Camp Making Huge Mistake by Suggesting Election is Already Won

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Paul Joseph Watson
infowars.com - According to Mike Huckabee, Hillary Clinton’s campaign is making a huge mistake by signaling to voters that the presidential election is already won. During an appearance on Fox Business, the forme...

Cyber warfare: The new international warfront - News from Al Jazeera

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Free Syria Media Hub
aljazeera.com - Mesa, Arizona - To enter the Arizona Cyber Warfare range (AZCWR), a person must have a signed waiver, the consent from the strict private security firm that guards the facilities, and the fortitude...

Aliens, Dead Planets, a Spectacular Earth and the Gap Theory

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aheartforgod.org - We have interactive Sundays at our church. Once every month the congregation writes down questions on slips of paper. They are collected. And then the pastor answers the questions during his sermon...

This industry is freaking out over the Philippine president's anti-U.S. rhetoric

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Esteban Eordogh
money.cnn.com - His comments sent a shudder through industries that rely heavily on the U.S. market, particularly the big business of handling call center work and other tasks for American companies. Christina Con...

Clicks and bricks: How building is going digital - BBC News

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Esteban Eordogh
bbc.co.uk - Architects and construction companies have been able to "look around" computerised 3D models of their buildings for some time. But now they can actually feel what it's like to be right inside by we...

Blockchain bandits hit crypto start-ups - BBC News

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Esteban Eordogh
bbc.co.uk - In early September, developer Stephanie Kent watched the approach of Hurricane Hermine with growing trepidation. A hurricane making landfall is never welcome but it looked set to strike Ms Kent's h...

Goldman Sachs CEO on Hillary Clinton: 'Of course we engage' on policy

Partilhado por
Esteban Eordogh
money.cnn.com - CEO Lloyd Blankfein brushed off that criticism in an interview with Fareed Zakaria that aired Sunday on "GPS." "We're one of the larger banks," he said. "We have influence in the financial system. ...

New Anti-Airbnb Law Slaps Pricey Fines on NYC Hosts

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iwf.org - Innovation opponents won a big victory late last week when New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed into law a new anti-Airbnb bill. The legislation imposes heavy penalties for advertising online unit...

Arzobispo de Filadelfia: Sé como la Virgen María, golpea al demonio en la nariz

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - WASHINGTON DC , 24 Oct. 16 / 07:07 pm (ACI).- Los católicos deben mirar a María para ser parte de una religión que combate por la verdad, más que asimilar la cultura popular, señaló el Arzobispo de...

¿SE CONFESARÍA EL HOMBRE? Papa Francisco recibió a Nicolás Maduro en el Vaticano

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El PoliTwico
maduradas.com - Esta tarde, el papa Francisco sostuvo una reunión, en el Vaticano, con el presidente Nicolás Maduro, quien en su gira “relámpago” acudió a la Santa Sede en la que le fue enviada bendiciones a toda ...
Arte & Entretenimento

UN Climate-Change Censor Performs as Singing Space Pixie on YouTube

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newsbusters.org - Remember the haughtily officious spokesperson for the United Nations Climate Change Conference chronicled here in Newsbusters yesterday who wants to ban skeptical journalists from attending their m...

‘Trump is Making More and More Sense’

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lifezette.com - The results of the November election will affect American families for years to come — the stakes are high. As the candidates waged a bitter verbal war onstage last night during their third and fin...

News from The Associated Press

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hosted.ap.org - WASHINGTON (AP) -- Premiums will go up sharply next year under President Barack Obama's health care law, and many consumers will be down to just one insurer, the administration confirmed Monday. Th...

Wikileaks: Clinton Camp Crafted Fundraising Pitch, ‘She Will Lock In A Very Young Liberal Court for Many Decades to Come’

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cnsnews.com - (CNSNews.com) – Augie Ribeiro, an attorney and volunteer for the Clinton campaign, sent campaign chairman John Podesta a fundraising pitch idea saying, “If Hillary Clinton is elected President in 2...

Thousands of Soldiers Forced to Pay Back Years-Old Enlistment Bonuses

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cnsnews.com - Several years ago, the California National Guard awarded thousands of soldiers with bonuses to reenlist. The Pentagon is now requesting that money be returned. The LA Times reports, thousands of so...

NRA's LaPierre: 'Obama Attacked' Law-Abiding Gun Owners 'Harder Than He Attacked ISIS'

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cnsnews.com - Commenting on President Barack Obama's weak national security skills and attacks on the Second Amendment, NRA Executive Vice President and CEO Wayne LaPierre said that while radical Islamic terrori...

Hacker releases Clinton Foundation documents

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Don Mashak
washingtonexaminer.com - A hacker who claims to have infiltrated the Democratic National Committee's server posted documents on Tuesday he says came from the party's digital files. The hacker, who identified himself as "Gu...
Arte & Entretenimento


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sping.revistavirtual.info - Cris Lopes divulga filme sobre suicidio e excesso de consumo e fala de valorização da vida A atriz de cinema Cris Lopes está divulgando o filme que atuou sobre suicidio, AGS – Agence Générale du S…...

Lucas Valença nega ter infringido normas da Polícia Federal

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ego.globo.com - O policial federal Lucas Valença, que ficou conhecido pela alcunha de 'Hipster da Federal', falou sobre a possibilidade de responder processo administrativo na Polícia Federal por conceder entrevis...

We’re on the Brink of World War III - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com

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lewrockwell.com - Who has the major responsibility for creating the confrontation between the U.S. and Russia in Syria? How have these two major nuclear powers moved closer and closer to the brink of World War III? ...

Peter Thiel’s Politics Become a Deal-Killer in Silicon Valley

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bloomberg.com - The divisions over Peter Thiel and his support for Donald Trump are deepening in Silicon Valley. Dismay over the billionaire venture capitalist’s stance on the Republican candidate has been showing...
Arte & Entretenimento

Trump Opens McCains Treasonous Can of Worms

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veteranstoday.com - Over the weekend, “the Donald” backed down on his attacks on McCain, calling “Hanoi John” a “war hero.” However, Donald is not going to be able to close the can of worms he opened.  Today, McCain i...

Russian City Cuts Fuel to WWII Eternal Flame So Locals Won’t Cook on It · Global Voices

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Global Voices
globalvoices.org - Taganrog is a Russian port city located on the north shore of the Taganrog Bay, about 1,100 kilometers south of Moscow. Cities across the former Soviet Union have eternal flames honoring those who ...

What Mars Maps Got Right (and Wrong) Through Time

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Chuck Jones
news.nationalgeographic.com - Tracing the history of Mars maps is like taking a visual tour of how our thinking about the red planet has changed. Each new telescope and space mission brought about a leap in understanding that i...

KURTZ: Media Cast Donald Task As Mission Impossible - Tea Party News

teaparty.org - (Fox) – Is the press declaring the presidential race over? The tenor of the coverage certainly suggests that Donald Trump has no hope and Hillary Clinton is coasting to victory. Whether it’s the th...

It’s Not Just About Marijuana: Other Initiatives on the Ballot This November

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reason.com - There are 163 statewide ballot initiatives that have been or will be considered by voters in 2016. A big chunk of them (but not all) are on the November ballot. In some states like Alabama, Califor...

The CIA’s “Founding” of Al Qaeda Documented

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veteranstoday.com - (Editor’s Note:  The following article and interview have been suppressed by Google, now a “black-ops” contractor.  The background on US backing for the Chechen rebels totally debunks attempts to a...

Clinton Is a Threat to the 2nd Amendment—and the 1st

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reason.com - Donald Trump is a clear menace to our democratic form of government, the rule of law and my James Madison bobblehead. The teenage Ted Cruz could recite the entire Constitution from memory. Trump wo...

Scott Adams' Blog

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All American Girl
blog.dilbert.com - Posted October 23rd, 2016 @ 8:04pm in #Trump #Clinton If you find it annoying that you only have one legal vote, here’s how you can get a few more. It’s called persuasion. You can multiply the powe...

What the Founders Thought About the Value of a 'Classical' Education | Restoring Liberty

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All American Girl
joemiller.us - The generation that produced the U.S. Constitution lived at a time when liberal education was being rethought, redefined, stretched, and challenged. The Founders lined up on different sides of that...

VIDEO: Chris Wallace Grills Clinton Campaign Manager Over WikiLeaks

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All American Girl
conservativeoutfitters.com - New Items Mens Hoodies & Sweatshirts T-Shirts V-Neck Tees Tank Tops Kids Womens Hoodies & Sweatshirts T-Shirts V-Neck Tees Tank Tops Kids Lifestyle Everyday Carry (EDC) Watches & Watch Straps Sungl...

Clinton, Trump Camps Concede Nothing In Final Weeks, As Obamas Join Campaign Trail For Closing Arguments

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All American Girl
foxnews.com - The Clinton and Trump campaigns on Sunday agreed -- at least publicly -- on one issue, that their 2016 presidential contest remains close with 16 days before Election Day, as Clinton goes to a deep...

Rebranding: Kodak vuelve al logo que nunca debió haber cambiado

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Gabriel Castagnino
merca20.com - Internacional.- Si se analiza cómo le fue a Kodak entre 1996 y 2016, años en los que abandonó la “K” y el amarillo en su logo, parece ser una buena idea volver a las raíces, sólo con la idea de que...

HealthCare.gov Will Add ‘Simple Choice’ Plans in Effort to Improve Value

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Cynthia Kelly
nytimes.com - WASHINGTON — When the Affordable Care Act’s health insurance marketplace opens in two weeks, many consumers will have a new option for the law’s fourth open-enrollment period: standardized health p...
Arte & Entretenimento

Tim Burton is Right About Hollywood Media Bias - Acculturated

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All American Girl
acculturated.com - Think mainstream media bias is bad? Have you read the entertainment news today? The latest batch of WikiLeaks revelations show the cozy nature between some reporters and the Democratic party. You d...

In Defense of Chores - Acculturated

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All American Girl
acculturated.com - While scrolling down my timeline I saw this, an article that describes pictures of a six-year-old boy doing chores—cooking, cleaning, you know, normal stuff. But this particular album went viral be...

Hot take: Those NFL players taking a knee during the anthem were praying this whole time

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All American Girl
twitchy.com - It was back in August when San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick chose not to stand for the national anthem, kicking off a form of protest has, in a few cases, inspired even the person s...

How Obama's Post-Presidency Could Affect Your State Legislature | Restoring Liberty

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All American Girl
joemiller.us - During his final State of the Union address, President Barack Obama insisted that one means of ending the nation’s polarized political environment is changing how the states draw congressional and ...

Fox News Lands A Brutal, Clean Hit On The Clinton Campaign

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Patrick Matas
huffingtonpost.com - It is generally frowned upon for presidential candidates to be pumping foreign leaders for money, and her staff recognized it. And so they exchanged a series of contentious emails. On “Fox News Sun...

Wales players George North & Jamie Roberts clear to play Australia

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The Daily PR
bbc.co.uk - Wales will have England-based players George North and Jamie Roberts available to face Australia on 5 November after Premiership clubs agreed to a "one-off" change of policy. The game falls outside...

Policial do Senado aponta retaliações por se recusar a fazer varreduras

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Carlos Bolsonaro
politica.estadao.com.br - Além do policial legislativo Paulo Igor Bosco de Silva, que denunciou à Polícia Federal a atuação da Polícia do Senado para supostamente tentar obstruir investigações contra parlamentares, outros a...

Killing babies no different from abortion, experts say - Telegraph

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Patrick Matas
telegraph.co.uk - “We take ‘person’ to mean an individual who is capable of attributing to her own existence some (at least) basic value such that being deprived of this existence represents a loss to her.” As such ...
Arte & Entretenimento

US changes toddler screen time advice - BBC News

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The Daily PR
bbc.co.uk - The American Academy of Paediatrics (AAP) has announced new screen time guidelines for children aged up to two. It had recommended that children have no screen time before the age of two. But it no...

Justice Department Extorts Companies to Fund Left-Wing Activists

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breitbart.com - The report notes that while community organizing groups have been using aggressive, “terrorist” tactics for decades to force banks to provide funding for their operations, the Obama administration ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Star Wars: Episode VIII revelará la verdad acerca de los padres de Rey

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Edén de Cínicos
es.gizmodo.com - Uno de los mayores misterios en el mundo de Star Wars a partir de esa nueva trilogía que comenzó con The Force Awakens es quiénes son los padres de Rey, la protagonista de la historia. Y conoceremo...

Syria the Focal Point

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Terry Kinder
armstrongeconomics.com - QUESTION: Marty; You said Syria was the focal point for this ECM wave and the target for the beginning of World War III. I read you piece on Syria and the issue of religion rising from this single ...

NATO Continues To Prepare For War With Russia

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Terry Kinder
zerohedge.com - Submitted by Peter Korzun via Strategic-Culture.org, NATO uses any pretext to accuse Russia of harboring aggressive intentions. It has raised ballyhoo over the recent deployment of Iskander short-r...

Michael Moore attacks Trump supporters, calls them ‘legal terrorists’

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Dave Jones
theblaze.com - Liberals have taken turns this year attacking supporters of Republican nominee Donald Trump. First, Democrat Hillary Clinton labeled Trump supporters a “basket of deplorables.” Now, documentary fil...

Obama dumped on Christian Arabs while helping Muslims

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WND News
wnd.com - The latest WikiLeaks dump of John Podesta emails shows the Obama administration kept a list of high-profile Muslims it wanted to appoint to top administration jobs, sub-cabinet jobs and outside boa...

We’re about to get a new photo of our planet taken every day from space

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Stop cutting costs
sciencealert.com - You might be used to peering down at your street on Google Maps, but what if those satellite photographs were completely up to date – maybe even just a few hours old? That's the plan of Japanese im...
Arte & Entretenimento

AT&T-Time Warner deal would create the nation's largest entertainment company and is already raising antitrust concerns

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Peter Davidson
latimes.com - As AT&T and Time Warner Inc. came closer to announcing an $80-billion merger on Saturday, questions were already emerging over whether the union would create an entertainment colossus with too much...
Meio Ambiente

V Conferência anunciada oficialmente no Vaticano - Bíblia Católica News

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Bíblia Católica
bibliacatolica.com.br - ROMA, 12 Jan. 07 (ACI) .- A V Conferência Geral do Episcopado Latino-americano e o Caribe, que se celebrará em Aparecida (Brasil) de 13 a 31 de maio de 2007, e que será inaugurada pelo Papa Bento X...

Hillary Clinton and the United Nations on the Same Open Borders Page - Breitbart

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breitbart.com - During the October 19 debate, GOP nominee Donald Trump noted that, in speeches she gave to high-dollar corporations, Hillary Clinton insisted she was for open borders. In a private, richly-paid spe...

DePaul University prohibits ‘Unborn Lives Matter’ posters on campus

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Everyday American
washingtontimes.com - The nation’s largest Catholic university told a group of pro-life students that it could not display posters reading “Unborn Lives Matter,” lest they provoke the Black Lives Matter movement. In a l...

‘Purge surge’: Obama fires another commander

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wnd.com - WASHINGTON – After multiple top generals described to WND what they regard as a full-scale “purge” of the U.S. military by the Obama administration, the commander of U.S. Army Garrison Japan was su...

President for Life: The Push Begins - Patriot Update

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patriotupdate.com - Did your anti-threat antenna fully extend the other day when Obama told Bawbaw Wawa of the State Propaganda Machine that he might just hang around DC for a few years after his term ends? He sounded...

‘Real Men Vote For Hillary' wasn't gonna fly with adult film star Jenna Jameson; watch her fend off haters

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bizpacreview.com - Former adult film actress Jenna Jameson is not overly impressed with the “real men” who vote for Hillary Clinton. Jameson, aka “The Queen of Porn,” responded to a meme Friday on Twitter, saying: “H...

Cristianos en Kirkuk: "Los hombres del Estado Islámico se sentaron sobre las camas en las que nos escondíamos"

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actuall.com - Los estudiantes cristianos huidos de Kirkuk con motivo del ataque perpetrado por el Estado Islámico en las últimas horas siguen trasladando los pormenores de su odisea para poder escapar. Ahora que...
Arte & Entretenimento

'They’re called boobs, Ed!' Fox Business anchor upstages both candidates, awesome tweets follow

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bizpacreview.com - With two presidential nominees and a room full of famous names and faces, one of the most talked about attendees at the Al Smith charity dinner in New York City turned out to be a Fox News anchor. ...

Univision’s Jorge Ramos declares America’s future will be comprised solely of minorities

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bizpacreview.com - Jorge Ramos, the Univision anchor famous for feuding with Donald Trump, declared the future of America to be for minorities only in a recent interview. Ramos, speaking to Larry King on RT, said, “T...

Leaked email reveals rampant practice of ‘oversampling’ polls, complete with 37-page ‘how to’ guide

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bizpacreview.com - Donald Trump, and his supporters, have been called conspiracy theorists for claiming the polls that show Hillary Clinton with a sizeable lead are rigged but now evidence from her own campaign sugge...

Democrats may hate Donald Trump, but they're terrified of Marco Rubio

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bizpacreview.com - The tone in the closing days of the 2016 election is an indication of how much Democrats hate GOP nominee Donald Trump, but it turns out they are terrified of Marco Rubio and the vast potential he ...

Ex-Clinton State Dept. IT Official Pleads The Fifth 90 Times

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dailycaller.com - Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s top information technology official at the Department of State pleaded the Fifth Amendment Monday — more than 90 times, according to the nonprofit govern...

Padres são investigados por pedirem votos a candidato católico

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Carlos Roberto, Pr.
pointrhema.com.br - Ação do MPE mira candidato derrotado e sete padres por abuso de poder religioso O cantor católico Tiago Silva será investigado após denúncia do Ministério Público Eleitoral que afirma que ele, como...

The Untapped Reservoir

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dailycaller.com - If this is a close election, which they’ve tended to be lately, every ballot will count. Trump is up against a built-in structure of voter irregularity on the Democrat side that is taken for grante...
Meio Ambiente

The EPA Knew Of Lead Contamination 7 Months Prior To Flint Crisis

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dailycaller.com - Just as the United States is recovering from the hangover of the third Presidential debate, the next “stiff one” from the boozy perception on reality that large bureaucracies perpetuate has just hi...

Church Pastor Beats Teenage Member To Death For Sinning, Pleads Guilty To Manslaughter

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dailycaller.com - The pastor of a cult-like group pled guilty last week to manslaughter after she beat two teenage boys (one to death) during a religious “counseling session.” Tiffanie Irwin, leader of The World of ...

WikiLeaks: Clinton Foundation pay recommendations kept huge pay gap for men, women

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bizpacreview.com - Pay levels recommended by Clinton Foundation CEO Bruce Lindsey for all of the organization’s employees created a pay gap twice as big for women as for men, according to a Daily Caller News Foundati...

Pope Benedict speaks: Abandoning truth is ‘lethal to faith’

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lifesitenews.com - On Tuesday, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI’s private secretary read out a speech written by the retired pope at the Pontifical Urbaniana University in Rome.  In it, Pope Benedict emphasizes that the mi...

Elizabeth Warren Rants Against Trump

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buzzfeed.com - MANCHESTER, N.H. — “You do know I could do this all day?” Sen. Elizabeth Warren stated the obvious on Monday afternoon as she held nothing back here during a campaign rally with Hillary Clinton, un...

Vanity Fair editor wants ‘retroactive abortions’ for Pence, pro-lifers

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lifesitenews.com - October 24, 2016 (NewsBusters) -- Vanity Fair magazine just ended its third annual "New Establishment Summit" in San Francisco, a three-day conclave bringing together "titans of technology, politic...

Liberal Billionaire Registers 1 Million New Millennial Voters To Oppose Trump

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dailycaller.com - Environmentalist billionaire Tom Steyer claims he registered more than 1 million new voters Monday who are committed to voting against Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump. The Democratic m...

GUEST ARTICLE - The Truth About Evan McMullin – And Why I Am So Disappointed in My Mormon Friends For Falling For This - by Stacy Stine

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conservativepath.blogspot.com - The Truth About Evan McMullin – And Why I Am So Disappointed in My Mormon Friends For Falling For This                 I challenge any Evan McMullin supporter to tell me what they knew about Evan M...

Are the Obamas, the Clintons and the Bushes going to seek refuge in Countries that don't Extradite to the US if Trump Wins? - The Washington Standard

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The Sons of Liberty
thewashingtonstandard.com - It appears Bill and Hillary Clinton are making plans to flee the country in the event Donald Trump wins this election. Reports are circulating that the Clintons have transferred 1.8 Billion dollars...

'NeverTrump' revenge: Judge orders all pro-Trump material removed from Phyllis Schlafly's Eagle Forum

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bizpacreview.com - Even weeks after her passing, conservative icon Phyllis Schlafly is suffering attacks from #NeverTrumpers and an activist judge. For what Schlafly’s son, Roger Schlafly, calls indecipherable reason...

As Florida Early Voting Begins, 99% More Latinos Have Already Voted Than In 2012

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buzzfeed.com - Hillary Clinton’s campaign is touting a substantial 99% increase in Latino voting in Florida compared to this point in 2012, with 133,000 Hispanics already casting their ballot in the state, as par...

SCOTUS Still Hasn’t Scheduled Some Of Its Biggest Cases

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dailycaller.com - The U.S. Supreme Court has yet to schedule oral arguments for three of the most high profile cases it will hear this term. The Court released its December schedule Friday, again declining to schedu...

Obama administration confirms double-digit premium hikes

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Drew McKissick
bigstory.ap.org - WASHINGTON (AP) — Premiums will go up sharply next year under President Barack Obama's health care law, and many consumers will be down to just one insurer, the administration confirmed Monday. Tha...

Sheriff Jim Wilson: Long-Range Shooting With The Defensive Handgun

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dailycaller.com - We know that most gunfights involving criminal attacks on armed citizens occur at close range. However, knowing that there are exceptions to every rule, we understand that this isn’t always the cas...

Custom Church Website for Encounter Church - REACHRIGHT

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reachrightstudios.com - We here at REACHRIGHT are so happy to announce that Encounter Church has a new custom church website.  Make sure to check it out. It was fun from beginning to end to work with Brock and Amanda at t...

Another Study Proves Water Used In Fracking Is Perfectly Safe

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dailycaller.com - Water used in hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, can be reused to water crops with no adverse effects, according to research published Monday by California government officials. Officials in the st...

Who Are You To Define Art? | Turley Talks

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Dr. Steve Turley
turleytalks.com - “It’s just so sad to see the state of the arts today; you know, with urinals as part of art exhibits.” I should have known better than to say things like this out loud. “What’s wrong with it?” my f...
Meio Ambiente

Fiat 124 Spider: a prueba un descapotable a buen precio

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El Mundo del Motor
autopista.es - En 1966 se presentaba el Fiat 124 Spider en el Salón de Turín, un roadster con motor delantero y propulsión a las ruedas traseras cuyo diseño estaba firmado por Pininfarina. 50 años después Fiat ha...


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