24 October 2016

Cristianismo & Politica 2016.10.23 @CristPolit

Cristianismo & Politica

Revista Veja mergulha no esgoto para dar uma força a Marcelo Freixo

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reaconaria.org - A maior parte das pessoas que acessou redes sociais neste sábado já deve ter visto alguma referência à capa da revista Veja em que se alardeia a descoberta de uma foto que Crivella escondia por ano...

Marcelo Freixo quer aplicar no Rio de Janeiro ideias que já deram bem errado na Venezuela | Implicante.Org

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implicante.org - Fernando Schüler fez o que todo eleitor carioca deveria fazer: leu o programa dos candidatos a prefeito. Para a Época, detalhou as impressões que teve a respeito das ideias de Marcelo Freixo. O Imp...

Delator revela como Renan e seu grupo receberam R$ 5,5 milhões do petrolão

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Carlos Bolsonaro
epoca.globo.com - Na badalada Rua Farme de Amoedo, na Zona Sul do Rio de Janeiro, funcionou até 2007 o restaurante Chez Pierre, no anexo do Hotel Ipanema Plaza. Ali, diante de um cardápio que reunia 102 pratos, Feli...

Las asociaciones provida reclaman no dar "ni un paso atrás" en la Ley de Protección a la Maternidad

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actuall.com - Las asociaciones Foro Valenciano de la Familia, provida Valencia, Torrent Sí a la Vida y Fundación +Vida se han concentrado este sábado en el Parterre de Valencia para reclamar que no se dé “ni un ...

Colégio Pedro II: o colégio dos absurdos

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Gidalti Alencar
istoe.com.br - A menina de 8 anos deixou a sala de aula, na sexta feira 14, e se deparou com a frase estampada num cartaz pregado no saguão da escola que fazia uma ode à violência: “Morte ao Latifúndio: terra par...

BREAKING : Clinton Foundation Schemed with Big Pharma to Keep the Price of Aids Drugs High

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Ladies For Trump
truthfeed.com - When the Clintons are questioned about the obvious sketchiness of their foundation, they routinely cite AIDS work. But the AIDS work is carried out by CHAI (“Clinton Health Access Initiative”), a s...

This Is How WaPo's Latest Poll Gave Hillary A 12 Point Advantage Over Trump

zerohedge.com - Those waking up to read the news this morning will undoubtedly be "shocked" by the latest ABC / Washington Post goal seeking report (aka "poll") that shows Hillary opening up a 12-point lead with l...


Cristianismo e Política + Christianity and Politics + União multi-denominacional (evangélicos, católicos, etc) em defesa dos valores cristãos e da democracia

Limpando pichações abortistas

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Eduardo Bolsonaro
reaconaria.org - No dia 15 de outubro, um pequeno grupo de cidadãos de Campinas se reuniu para uma tarefa de limpeza: apagar pichações que ensinavam a fazer um aborto. Leiam o relato de Gabriel Vince, que organizou...

Por telefone, PM salva a vida de bebê engasgado em Itaperuna

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oglobo.globo.com - ITAPERUNA — Quando a sargento Elizângela Vieira saiu de sua casa em direção ao 29º BPM, em Itaperuna, na região Noroeste do Rio de Janeiro, seus três filhos ainda estavam dormindo. Sem acordá-los, ...
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French police: - We can not even protect ourselves

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Voice of Europe
speisa.com - For the fifth day in a row French police are protesting in the streets. They fear for their own safety after a year of France being in a state of emergency due to Islamic terrorism. President Holla...

Former Prosecutor: The Clintons Are So Corrupt, Everything ‘They Touch Turns To Molten Lead’ [VIDEO]

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Voice of Europe
dailycaller.com - Pithy former federal prosecutor Joe diGenova believes the recent Project Veritas video by James O’Keefe featuring DNC contractors explaining their dirty practices to foment violence at Trump events...
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Tribunales de siete estados ordenan suspensión del revocatorio contra Maduro

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Salomão Carvalho
lapatilla.com - El gobernador del estado Trujillo (noroeste), el chavista Henry Rangel Silva, informó hoy de que un tribunal de esa entidad dictó también una medida contra el proceso que impulsa la oposición venez...

Find Out What Immigration Growth Looks Like in Your State

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Severe Conservative
dailysignal.com - There are more immigrants living in the United States than ever before. The foreign-born are more likely to come from China and India—often equipped with skills and a higher education—than Mexico. ...
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Obama Released 52K Illegal Alien Kids Into the US in FY2016

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Deplorable Nancy ن
mrctv.org - Anyone remember when Jeh Johnson vowed that our borders weren’t open to illegal immigration, or when President Obama promised that anyone who recently crossed into the U.S. from Mexico wouldn't be ...

Una filosofia per ripristinare il rapporto fra fede e ragione

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#JeSuisAsiaBibi ن
lanuovabq.it - La capacità di attenzione di uno scolaro medio, dicono gli insegnanti, è sempre più scarsa. Lo è anche quella degli adulti, che al massimo riescono ad approfondire fugacemente le notizie di sport, ...
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Watch! Democrats’ black ops exposed

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Deplorable ((Faith))
mobile.wnd.com - Editor’s Note: Be aware of offensive language throughout video and in quotes from video. A Democratic operative has been captured on video revealing his agents and cohorts are “starting anarchy” by...

Trump's 'Gettysburg address' makes closing argument as race heats up

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Donald Trump’s closing argument is battle cry against Hillary Clinton’s corruption

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Greenfield: A Frightening Preview of Hillary’s America

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Enabler Hillary’s Actions Speak Louder Than Trump’s Words (Guest Post)

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Pat Peters, Ph.D.
Mais #maga →

Hillary Clinton: Architect of failure

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Don Mashak
washingtonexaminer.com - My experience in decision-making has shown that patterns are tough to break. In the military we study an opponent looking for gaps, flaws, or weaknesses that can be exploited. Successful leaders at...

Abedin Implicated Clinton In Foundation Trade-Off With Morocco Amid $12 Million Commitment

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Luciano Marques

BREAKING: WikiLeaks Reveals Putin OWNS Podesta

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Don Mashak

FNC's Wallace to Clinton Campaign Mgr Mook: You Didn't Care When Trump's Taxes Returns Were Stolen - Breitbart

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Linda Suhler, Ph.D.
Mais #draintheswamp →



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