24 October 2016

Extra 2016.10.23 all @CristPolit


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Hillary Clinton Tops Middle East Forum's 'Islamist Money List' - Breitbart

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breitbart.com - According to the Middle East Forum, their list tracks political donations from “from individuals who subscribe to the same Islamic supremacism as Khomeini, Bin Laden, and ISIS.” Clinton has receive...

WikiLeaks - The Podesta Emails

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Paul Joseph Watson
wikileaks.org - How to contact WikiLeaks? What is Tor? Tips for Sources After Submitting This key's fingerprint is A04C 5E09 ED02 B328 03EB 6116 93ED 732E 9231 8DBA -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- mQQNBFUoCGg...

Limpando pichações abortistas

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Eduardo Bolsonaro
reaconaria.org - No dia 15 de outubro, um pequeno grupo de cidadãos de Campinas se reuniu para uma tarefa de limpeza: apagar pichações que ensinavam a fazer um aborto. Leiam o relato de Gabriel Vince, que organizou...

Mídia Sem Máscara - A Última Palavra

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Edson Camargo
midiasemmascara.org - Escrito por Jeffrey Nyquist | 20 Outubro 2016 Artigos - Cultura Não queremos admitir que estamos fracos. Queremos continuar na ocupação agradável de negar a força da Rússia, e os preparativos milit...

VEJA chega ao fundo do poço ao comparar Crivella com Cunha na véspera da eleição carioca | Rodrigo Constantino

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Rodrigo Constantino
rodrigoconstantino.com - Nem os socialistas devem ter acreditado. Acostumados a demonizar a revista VEJA, de “direita”, devem ter levado um susto ao ver a capa da edição desta semana que circula apenas no Rio. É Marcelo Cr...

Colégio Pedro II: o colégio dos absurdos

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Gidalti Alencar
istoe.com.br - A menina de 8 anos deixou a sala de aula, na sexta feira 14, e se deparou com a frase estampada num cartaz pregado no saguão da escola que fazia uma ode à violência: “Morte ao Latifúndio: terra par...

PSOL apóia Nicolás Maduro e vai à Venezuela acompanhar eleição presidencial

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Marco Feliciano
psol50.org.br - Partido lançou nota em que declara solidariedade ao povo venezuelano e apoio à candidatura de Maduro, por expressar a continuidade dos valores da Revolução Socialista Bolivariana   O presidente nac...

Americans United for Life | Planned Parenthood Turns 100

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Sarah Torre
aul.org - As Planned Parenthood celebrates its 100th birthday, proudly proclaiming its role in making sure that millions do not live to celebrate their own births, Americans United for Life is launching a ca...

Tribunales de siete estados ordenan suspensión del revocatorio contra Maduro

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Salomão Carvalho
lapatilla.com - El gobernador del estado Trujillo (noroeste), el chavista Henry Rangel Silva, informó hoy de que un tribunal de esa entidad dictó también una medida contra el proceso que impulsa la oposición venez...

Estudantes se mobilizam e impedem ocupação de colégio no sul do Paraná

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g1.globo.com - Alunos de São Mateus do Sul, no sul do Paraná, contrários ao movimento Ocupa Paraná, impediram a ocupação do Colégio Estadual São Mateus, na quinta-feira (20). Eles decidiram, por maioria, que não ...

Cardinal Chirps Back at Clinton's Non-Apology » BarbWire.com

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Matt Barber
barbwire.com - Hillary Clinton may not be Catholic, but she’s certainly hearing from plenty of them in the wake of her campaign’s email scandal. A week after top officials were caught in the nets of the latest Wi...
Arte & Entretenimento

Americans are more afraid of clowns than climate change, terrorism, and ... death

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Bryan Fischer
vox.com - In 2016, we’ve seen hundreds of mass shootings. We’ve watched the gap between rich and poor Americans widen. We’ve witnessed the fulminant rise of Donald Trump, whose nomination left Vox editor in ...

UN Official: Deporting Extremist Migrants Contravenes Refugee Convention

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Voice of Europe
breitbart.com - In a speech slamming national governments for their reticence over open borders, the UN official responsible for reporting on counter-terrorism, Ben Emmerson QC, is set to single out the UK for set...

CALAIS AT WAR: police resort to tear gas at stone-throwing migrants

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Voice of Europe
express.co.uk - Express. Home of the Daily and Sunday Express. Find us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Check us on Google+ Subscribe to our rss feed Daily Horoscope Our Apps Top 10 Our Paper Paper Archive HOME Ne...

Find Out What Immigration Growth Looks Like in Your State

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Severe Conservative
dailysignal.com - There are more immigrants living in the United States than ever before. The foreign-born are more likely to come from China and India—often equipped with skills and a higher education—than Mexico. ...

Former Prosecutor: The Clintons Are So Corrupt, Everything ‘They Touch Turns To Molten Lead’ [VIDEO]

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Voice of Europe
dailycaller.com - Pithy former federal prosecutor Joe diGenova believes the recent Project Veritas video by James O’Keefe featuring DNC contractors explaining their dirty practices to foment violence at Trump events...

Is Georgia turning blue?

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Severe Conservative
thehill.com - Donald TrumpDonald TrumpTrump son: Talk like father's leaked 2005 tapes 'a fact of life' Schilling lashes out: 'I'm apparently an anti-Semite' for asking questions Toomey: 'No reason' Trump support...

Por telefone, PM salva a vida de bebê engasgado em Itaperuna

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oglobo.globo.com - ITAPERUNA — Quando a sargento Elizângela Vieira saiu de sua casa em direção ao 29º BPM, em Itaperuna, na região Noroeste do Rio de Janeiro, seus três filhos ainda estavam dormindo. Sem acordá-los, ...

Billionaire George Soros spent $33MILLION bankrolling Ferguson demonstrators to create 'echo chamber' and drive national protests

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Truth Offends
dailymail.co.uk - Liberal billionaire George Soros donated $33million to social justice organizations which helped turn events in Ferguson from a local protest into a national flashpoint. The handouts, revealed in t...

Don’t Blame Never Trump

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Severe Conservative
nationalreview.com - No one can accuse Kellyanne Conway of complacency. She is already preparing for post-election recriminations. Donald Trump’s campaign manager has recently cited Hillary Clinton’s financial advantag...
Arte & Entretenimento

Heaven and Hell: How to Explain God’s Love AND Justice to Kids

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crossexamined.org - Lately, my two daughters (ages 6 and 4) have been arguing incessantly every morning. It’s the first thing I hear every day, echoing from down the hall: “No, you’re the meanest in the world!” The ot...
Arte & Entretenimento

Connecticut School the Latest to Cancel Halloween Celebrations

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Severe Conservative
gma.yahoo.com - An elementary school in Connecticut has decided to eliminate Halloween celebrations this year, citing the “safety and exclusion of students.” The principal of Lillie B. Haynes elementary school in ...

Schilling lashes out: 'I'm apparently an anti-Semite' for asking questions

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Severe Conservative
thehill.com - Former baseball star Curt Schilling on Friday lashed out at the reaction to an interview earlier in the day where he pressed a CNN anchor to explain why Jews vote Democratic.Schilling defended his ...

Did Jesus Commend Faith That Is Blind?

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crossexamined.org - You don’t have to read much of Cold-Case Christianity to realize I’m an evidentialist. The title usually gives it away. As a result, my inbox is filled with email from people who want to convince m...

Ecco come vennero in luce i trascorsi fascisti di Dario Fo – di Michele Majno

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Kattoliko Pensiero
riscossacristiana.it - Il primo a parlare di Dario Fo volontario nella Repubblica fascista di Mussolini fu Giorgio Pisanò. Ne fece il nome nella sua opera in tre volumi “Storia della guerra civile in Italia”, uscita per ...

Madre Teresa: "Mamme, dateli a me quei bambini che volete sopprimere nel grembo"

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Kattoliko Pensiero
allaquerciadimamre.it - L’11 dicembre 1979, madre Teresa (oggi Santa Teresa di Calcutta), ricevette il premio Nobel per la pace, un riconoscimento per il suo servizio per e con i poveri, per il tempo speso con quelli che ...

Devolvam o que é do Estado! - ISTOÉ Independente

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ツ Josiel Dias ®
istoe.com.br - A costumados a confundir o patrimônio público com suas posses privadas, agora os ex-presidentes petistas Lula e Dilma Rousseff receberão um ultimato para devolver ao Estado, em menos de três meses,...

Trump leading right now in two new national polls... - The Right Scoop

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Severe Conservative
therightscoop.com - There are two national polls that show Trump with a lead today and I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention them. Just as in 2012, the bulk of the polls were saying one thing and election day showed they ...

Premios a la disidencia

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actuall.com - El sábado pasado se entregaron los premios Hazte Oír en Madrid. Fue, una vez más, una noche emocionante en la que todos nos sentimos reconfortados y unidos en la defensa de unos cuantos principios,...

French police: - We can not even protect ourselves

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Voice of Europe
speisa.com - For the fifth day in a row French police are protesting in the streets. They fear for their own safety after a year of France being in a state of emergency due to Islamic terrorism. President Holla...

Asia Bibi se enfrenta a 700 abogados paquistaníes que trabajan gratis para lograr condenas por blasfemia

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actuall.com - Un grupo de 700 abogados paquistaníes trabaja de forma gratuita para conseguir condenas a prisión y penas de muerte en casos de blasfemia contra el islam, apoyándose en una controvertida ley usada ...

VIDEO: Hillary Clinton's eye problems return at Cleveland rally - The American Mirror

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Paul Joseph Watson
theamericanmirror.com - Several instances of her eyes not appearing to be acting in sync happened again during a rally in Cleveland, Ohio on Friday evening. Her left eye seemed to turn more than her right while she strain...

Edições Digitais - O Globo

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ツ Josiel Dias ®
oglobo.globo.com - Confira o material publicado nas páginas do Globo reunido em livros sobre temas de importância histórica. Da visita do Papa Francisco ao Brasil às manifestações que tomaram as ruas do país, confira...

The real agenda behind gay anti-bullying clubs in your school

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Redeeming Rainbow
lifesitenews.com - WALTHAM, Massachusetts September 6, 2011 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Back in the early 1990’s most people in North America would have doubted there would ever come a day when the homosexual agenda would b...

Bake Us a Cake, or Else!

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Redeeming Rainbow
nationalreview.com - For years now, a central argument of those in favor of same-sex marriage has been that all Americans should be free to live and love how they choose. But does that freedom require the government to...

Clinton Vs. Trump: IBD/TIPP Presidential Election Tracking Poll

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Severe Conservative
investors.com - The IBD/TIPP poll — a collaboration between Investor's Business Daily (IBD) and TechnoMetrica Market Intelligence (TIPP) — has been the most accurate poll in recent presidential elections. The late...

Pope in Sweden could break ground on inter-communion, bishop says

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Kattoliko Pensiero
cruxnow.com - To describe English bishop William Kenney as an “auxiliary of Birmingham” doesn’t capture the depth and range of his longstanding roles in pan-European church bodies — for two terms, for example, h...
Arte & Entretenimento

The Price I’ve Paid for Opposing Donald Trump

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Severe Conservative
nationalreview.com - I distinctly remember the first time I saw a picture of my then-seven-year-old daughter’s face in a gas chamber. It was the evening of September 17, 2015. I had just posted a short item to the Corn...

Obama Blames ‘Far-Right Media’ for ‘Pumping Out All Kinds of Crazy Toxic Stuff’ - Breitbart

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Paul Joseph Watson
breitbart.com - “Trump didn’t come out of nowhere now,” Obama said during a campaign speech in Miami. “For years, Republican politicians and far-right media outlets had just been pumping out all kinds of toxic, cr...


Partilhado por
Portas Abertas
portasabertas.org.br - Em 2015, a nação se preparava para sediar as primeiras eleições livres em 25 anos, que aconteceram em novembro com a vitória da oposição. Durante as campanhas presidenciais, o exército continuou at...

Richard Branson: Trump focused on 'destroying' those who didn't help him

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Severe Conservative
thehill.com - Billionaire Richard Branson claims Republican presidential nominee Donald TrumpDonald TrumpBreitbart escalates war on Paul Ryan Is Georgia turning blue? Trump to lay out first 100 days in Gettysbur...

BREAKING – Election FRAUD Lawsuit Just Filed Against Hillary

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angrypatriotmovement.com - Hillary Clinton just got smacked with a major lawsuit… and the timing for her could not be worse. James O’Keefe of Project Veritas is filing a formal complaint against the DNC and Hillary Clinton, ...


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citizengo.org - We are facing the worst international threat to the family and to the health and morals of our children in the history of the United Nations—one that will affect our nations directly, and which req...
Arte & Entretenimento

The Beautiful Life of a Boy Named Peter

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adflegal.org - It was my husband’s turn to pick something to watch on TV one recent Sunday evening. Instead of the second presidential debate (thank goodness), he chose a documentary that he had recorded—Graduati...

'Rigged' Debates? Questions Arise Again Over Lighted Screen At Hillary's Podium

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Paul Joseph Watson
zerohedge.com - After the first debate, numerous videos surfaced alleging that Hillary was using some sort of teleprompter built into her podium to assist with answering questions or to offset whatever medical con...

Merkel Party MP Outraged as Cologne Sex Attacks Wiped from Record

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Voice of Europe
breitbart.com - Of the 500 attacks which were filed in detail with the police, only 17 appear in the Police Crime Statistics (PKS) — the best known and most often cited police statistics — and those that do appear...

NO al aborto en El Salvador

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CitizenGO es
citizengo.org - ULTIMA HORA (18 de octubre) OPINION. Salvadoreños apasionados por la vida y su derecho ULTIMA HORA (17 de octubre) VIDEO: La feminista Ima Girola se muestra sorprendida por el cambio del gobierno y...

Los estudiantes cristianos de Kirkuk, obligados de nuevo a huir del Estado Islámico

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actuall.com - Decenas de estudiantes cristianos del programa especial impulsado por la archidiócesis de Kirkuk en Irak ha logrado salir de la ciudad que está siendo objeto de una ofensiva del Estado Islámico, en...
Meio Ambiente

Terceira Guerra Mundial? Obama está levando o mundo para mais perto desse pesadelo

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Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - Terceira Guerra Mundial? Obama está levando o mundo para mais perto desse pesadelo Enquanto a grande imprensa mundial está dedicando sua atenção quase que exclusiva à eleição presidencial nos Estad...

Deus resiste aos soberbos

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Padre Paulo Ricardo
padrepauloricardo.org - Evangelho de Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo segundo São Lucas (Lc 18, 9-14) Neste domingo, com a parábola do fariseu e do publicano, Nosso Senhor quer precaver-nos contra o orgulho, que é a raiz de todo...
Meio Ambiente

A máquina de guerra e destruição de Hillary Clinton

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Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - A máquina de guerra e destruição de Hillary Clinton Não há dúvida de que Hillary Clinton é a candidata de Wall Street, que é a espinhal dorsal do sistema financeiro americano. Ela é também a candid...
Arte & Entretenimento

Pro-Life Video of the Day: Twins Saved From Abortion at Planned Parenthood | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - Rebecca Rizzi, 24, decided to make an appointment for an abortion at the Planned Parenthood in Tempe, Arizona. “I just felt I had to do it,” she said. When she arrived, she walked past a group of p...

Jorge Ramos: "The Future of this Country Will be Composed Solely by Minorities," It's "Beautiful"

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Paul Joseph Watson
informationliberation.com - Jorge Ramos: "The Future of this Country Will be Composed Solely by Minorities," It's "Beautiful"Chris Menahan InformationLiberation Oct. 22, 2016 Univision anchor Jorge Ramos said an ongoing "Lati...

Pregnant Janet Jackson spotted in full Islamic dress

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Voice of Europe
mirror.co.uk - Singer Janet Jackson was this week spotted in public for the first time since announcing her pregnancy - wear full Islamic dress. The star is believed to have become a Muslim after marrying Qatari ...

Police crowd Notre Dame square protesting France’s 11-month state of emergency

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Voice of Europe
rt.com - Policemen got together in front of the Notre-Dame cathedral in Paris singing La Marseillaise, the country’s national anthem, while applauding every police siren passing nearby. The officers complai...

Ring Wing Watch: The Left and Atheists Are Watching…

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Julio Severo
barbwire.com - Right Wing Watch, a major American socialist group, has “exposed” me yesterday, again, to its U.S. leftist audience for politically incorrect views. Matt Barber’s BarbWire website posted a story on...

C. Peter Wagner, Pioneer in the Apostolic Movement and Pioneering Fighter Against Theology of Integral Mission, Goes on to Glory

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Julio Severo
lastdayswatchman.blogspot.com - Saturday, October 22, 2016 C. Peter Wagner, Pioneer in the Apostolic Movement and Pioneering Fighter Against Theology of Integral Mission, Goes on to Glory C. Peter Wagner, Pioneer in the Apostolic...

Why doesn’t Clarence Thomas get his due? He’s a black man who challenged liberal orthodoxy.

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Ryan T. Anderson
washingtonpost.com - Justice Clarence Thomas speaks at his alma mater, College of the Holy Cross, in Worcester, Mass., in 2012. (Michael Dwyer/AP) Sunday is the 25th anniversary of Clarence Thomas being sworn in as an ...

Election 2016 and Rev. Mark Creech’s Evangelical Voter Appeal

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Matt Barber
barbwire.com - The following is the manuscript from Rev. Creech’s video (featured below) about this year’s Presidential election… This year’s Presidential election presents a quandary for many Christian conservat...

From Muslim to Christian: The Atlantic Sensitive Look at Berlin Community

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barbwire.com - When you share lentils and rice pilaf with people; when you attend church with them and talk to their pastor; when you pay a follow-up visit weeks later; you naturally convey a more intimate feel f...
Arte & Entretenimento

After Prophetically Cursing America, Glenn Beck Repents » BarbWire.com

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barbwire.com - Glenn Beck needed to repent for cursing our nation. I’m grateful that he did. The Mormon media prophet said earlier this week: “Persecution is coming. The only way to it is to humble ourselves and ...

Partisan Outrage and Moral Hypocrisy » BarbWire.com

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barbwire.com - There is little reasoning to be had with those who have bought into the utopian facade of the statist. They are at their core part of a movement sold on shallow emotion, reverse stereotypes and sof...

The Crucifixion of Judge Roy Moore » BarbWire.com

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barbwire.com - Under the “progressive” leadership of Barack Obama and his like-minded “social justice” warriors throughout all levels of government, we have entered an era of lawlessness unprecedented in American...
Arte & Entretenimento

I Was Conceived in Rape But I Didn't Deserve Death in Abortion | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - Because of the circumstances concerning my conception–by RAPE–I, and all those who will be conceived in the same manner have been marked for death by a great number of people. We are called the “de...

Como o Facebook pode ser uma armadilha para a castidade?

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Padre Paulo Ricardo
padrepauloricardo.org - Escondendo grandes perigos por trás de coisas aparentemente pequenas e sem importância, o demônio, como quem semeia joio no meio do trigo (cf. Mt 13, 25), sabe servir-se das realidades humanas para...

Não dê um smartphone ao seu filho

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Padre Paulo Ricardo
padrepauloricardo.org - Por Jonathon van Maren | Depois de passar quatro dias em um encontro de combate à exploração sexual, na cidade de Houston, no Texas, minha mente está exausta. Assistimos a palestras sobre neurociên...

Crivella merecia a capa da Veja? - Diário do Rio de Janeiro

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diariodorio.com - Ontem veio a notícia de que Marcelo Crivella (PRB) seria capa da Veja em uma matéria que trataria de sua prisão nos anos 90. A matéria trataria desse tema, mas não dava dicas do que teria sido. Ent...

Is God Sending a New Curse on the Sodomite Community? » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - While the sexual revolutionaries taunt us of their political victories in gaining more “freedom,” more “budget,” and more “money” as the means to promote their perverse agendas, here comes God and ...

Italian cardinal issues guidelines upholding Catholic tradition on Communion

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lifesitenews.com - ROME, Italy, October 17, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – The implementation of Amoris Laetitia has varied drastically according to interpretation of bishops, as evidenced by the reaction to the document thro...

Pro-aborts are furious at this Planned Parenthood parody by The Onion

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lifesitenews.com - For some, it's a horror beyond belief -- not that Planned Parenthood dismembers unborn babies and sells their body parts, but that pop culture might turn against the abortion industry for it. For s...

If you’re on the fence about your vote, this pastor clarifies how the very future of America is at stake

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lifesitenews.com - September 30, 2016 (CharismaNews) -- I have been asked "the question" so many times regarding Trump or Hillary. By way of background, I have followed every national convention—Republican and Democr...
Arte & Entretenimento

Scarlett Johansson: Support Planned Parenthood because ‘thankfully’ they do abortions

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lifesitenews.com - LOS ANGELES, October 18, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – Actress Scarlett Johansson used her speaking slot at Variety magazine’s “Power of Women” event to praise the nation’s largest abortion provider and de...

Feminismo, mentiras y barbarie

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actuall.com - La dogmática progresista lleva no menos de doscientos años buscando en las sociedades pre cristianas o no cristianas un mundo mejor, en el que estuviera presente todo aquello que faculta la plena r...

Converter ou morrer

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Paulo Teixeira RJ
portasabertas.org.br - Segundo estatísticas atuais, metade dos cristãos que restaram no Iraque (cerca de 250 mil) estão vivendo deslocados. Um deles é Amer*, que nasceu e viveu em Mossul antes da invasão do Estado Islâmi...
Meio Ambiente

Afinal, a Segunda Vinda de Cristo será em um abrir e fechar de olhos ou todo olho o verá?

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Marco Feliciano
marcofeliciano.com.br - A Segunda Vinda de Cristo é o evento mais aguardado pela Igreja e a doutrina mais importante do Novo Testamento. Nele, este fato é mencionado 318 vezes, tendo sido abordado pelos diversos escritore...

Recordações de martírio em uma era de terrorismo

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Padre Paulo Ricardo
padrepauloricardo.org - Por Matthew B. Rose — A parte mais dramática de ser católico reside na vocação de estarmos sempre preparados para o martírio. Ainda que nem todos estejamos marcados para realmente morrer por ódio à...
Arte & Entretenimento

Told Baby Would Die, Mom Rejects Abortion: "No Way I Was Terminating My Baby" | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - Rachel Collins’ water broke at 20 weeks during her pregnancy and her doctors advised her that an abortion would be the best option. Physicians at Sutton Coldfield’s Good Hope Hospital who advised h...

BREAKING: One dead, three injured after triple blast in Japanese tourist city

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Voice of Europe
express.co.uk - Express. Home of the Daily and Sunday Express. Find us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Check us on Google+ Subscribe to our rss feed Daily Horoscope Our Apps Top 10 Our Paper Paper Archive HOME Ne...

Abortion Doc: "Extracting a Fetus, Piece By Piece, Was Bad For My Sleep" | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - In a 1994 editorial in the Los Angeles Times, an abortionist named Dr. George Flesh wrote about how he left the abortion business. Many former abortionists and clinic workers describe an “aha momen...

Parents Reject Doctor's Advice to Abort Baby With Birth Defects | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - Adeline Raymond defied the odds. She was given a one-in-ten chance of surviving her birth, not by her doctors, but by statistics. If it were up to some of her doctors, Adeline wouldn’t have made it...

ONU indicará "advogado global" da causa LGBT

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Evangélicos do Rio
noticias.gospelprime.com.br - Especialistas acreditam que “agenda gay” nunca teve tanta força nas Nações Unidas Após a decisão da Organização dos Estados Americanos (OEA) de atuar junto aos países membros para “o combate às vio...

"Cristãos matam pessoas e bebem seu sangue", divulga governo norte-coreano

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Evangélicos do Rio
noticias.gospelprime.com.br - Mulher que fugiu do regime comunista revela campanha de difamação contra a Igreja O cristianismo é ilegal na Coreia do Norte. O país ocupa o primeiro lugar na lista de perseguição publicada anualme...

Marcelo Crivella desmente imprensa e diz que nunca foi preso

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Evangélicos do Rio
noticias.gospelprime.com.br - Silas Malafaia classifica campanha da mídia contra senador como “perseguição religiosa” A revista Veja desta semana preparou uma edição com capa e conteúdo diferenciado que só irá circular no Rio d...

Lateral do Santos quer virar missionário

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Evangélicos do Rio
noticias.gospelprime.com.br - Victor Ferraz é filho de um casal de missionários evangélicos A imagem de jogadores apontando para o céu após fazer um gol ou agradecendo a Deus nas entrevistas quando sua equipe ganha já não são n...

"Demônio" fala de salvação na Igreja Universal e diz que não seria infiel no dízimo

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Evangélicos do Rio
noticias.gospelprime.com.br - Bispo entrevista mulher endemoninhada que faz revelação surpreendente Uma postagem do bispo Edir Macedo em seu blog  dividiu opiniões na internet. Durante uma sessão de descarrego, prática comum na...

Gospel Fair é cancelada

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Foco Cristão
musica.gospelprime.com.br - Em nota, organização afirma que a terceira edição não ocorreu por "problemas administrativos" A feira Gospel Fair, realizada na cidade de Goiânia desde o ano de 2014, teve sua terceira edição cance...

Quando Padre Paulo Ricardo cruzou o meu caminho

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Padre Paulo Ricardo
padrepauloricardo.org - O testemunho que vai abaixo é de uma aluna do nosso site, que mora na Itália. Em poucas linhas ela conta, com muita franqueza e bom humor, como foi a "descarada interferência" do Padre Paulo Ricard...

O último desejo de São João Paulo II

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Padre Paulo Ricardo
padrepauloricardo.org - Há exatos 10 anos, a Congregação para o Culto Divino, seguindo as disposições do então papa João Paulo II, publicava a Instrução Redemptionis Sacramentum[1]. O documento tinha por objetivo esclarec...
Arte & Entretenimento

Baby Zion, Diagnosed With Trisomy 18, Lived 10 Days But Will be Remembered Forever | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - So often when a baby is diagnosed with a condition like Trisomy 18, doctors will encourage parents to consider an abortion. But Robbyn and Josh Blick, when they found out their baby had the conditi...

Family Cares for Son in Coma for 31 Years Before Dying | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - This story is important because it shows a vivid contrast between two approaches dealing with severe human disability–one based on the equality/sanctity of life, and the other a utilitarian “qualit...

Donald Trump: "I Am Pro-Life and I Will be Appointing Pro-Life Judges" to the Supreme Court | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - During tonight’s presidential debate Donald Trump made it very clear that he will appoint pro-life justices to the Supreme Court who would be likely to overturn the Roe versus Wade decision that ha...
Arte & Entretenimento

Choosing Life and Beating the Odds: Accepting Down Syndrome | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - When my husband and I found out we were having another baby, it was a surprise. Our son Ben was only six months old at the time and Matt was preparing to leave for another deployment. He won’t be h...

Baby Born With Brain Outside Her Skull Thrives After Parents Reject Abortion | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - Faith Martin was born with a birth defect called a cystic hygroma. Some abortion advocates are quick to dehumanize babies with this or similar conditions, calling them less than human and saying th...
Arte & Entretenimento

Abortionist Hid Ultrasound From Patient, But Her Friend Saw It And Was Haunted Forever | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - On January 9, Slate came out with an article about a study that was published in Obstetrics & Gynecology which addressed the question of whether or not women who viewed ultrasounds at abortion clin...

St. Louis Planned Parenthood Botches Its 61st Abortion in 7 Years | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - The Coalition for Life St. Louis is reporting that an ambulance was seen at the Planned Parenthood abortion facility in St. Louis, Missouri, on Wednesday, October 19, 2016. This represents the 61st...

Planned Parenthood Now Does One-Third of All Abortions in the U.S. | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - The Guttmacher Institute, a pro-abortion research group, made headlines this week with a media release and report saying that, in 2011, national abortions decreased to their lowest point since 1973...

Donald Trump Was Right: Here are Five Places People Can get a 9-Month Abortion Now | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - Since this week’s Presidential Debate, which sparked a national conversation on the matter of late-term abortions, we have been inundated with requests for information about late-term abortion faci...
Arte & Entretenimento

There is No Justification for Aborting Babies With Down Syndrome | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - An anonymous blogger shared her story last week about receiving a prenatal diagnosis of Down syndrome and choosing to then have an abortion because of the diagnosis. It’s not surprising – it happen...

Hillary Clinton Celebrates Planned Parenthood's 100th Birthday and Its 7 Million Abortions | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - Yesterday, the Planned Parenthood abortion business marked 100 years of existence. From its days of pushing eugenics views under Margaret Sanger to its history as an abortion business over the last...
Arte & Entretenimento

I Can't Undo My Mistake: A Post-Abortive Woman's Letter | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - The following unsigned letter was received by a priest friend of mine following a pro-life homily. Her message is a powerful one that deserves to be heard by and shared with all young women and par...

Hillary Clinton Defends Killing Babies in Partial-Birth Abortions: “Government Shouldn’t Step In” | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - Tonight, during the presidential debate, pro-abortion presidential candidate Hillary Clinton defended partial birth abortions on babies late in pregnancy. She said that she didn’t think the governm...

Congress Must De-Fund Planned Parenthood Immediately

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gopetition.com - Target: United States Congress Region: United States of America Website: www.LifeNews.com A shocking new expose’ video has caught Planned Parenthood’s top doctor describing how the abortion busines...

Doctors Save Baby's Life, Use 3-D Printer to "Print" Him a New Airway | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - Doctors at the University of Michigan have saved a baby’s life using the marvels of modern technology to “print” the child a new airway using a goundbreaking 3-D printer to restore his breathing. F...
Arte & Entretenimento

Incredible Speech Given to the Drumbeat of 3,315 Babies Aborted Daily in America | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - A new video provides what is possibly the most unique perspective on the approximately 3,315 lives taken every day by abortion in America thus far. The video, Listen to the Beat, from ProLiferation...

New York Times Wants Nursing Homes to Starve Patients to Death "Without Asking Permission" | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - If there is any aspect of the culture of death not supported and promoted by the New York Times, I haven’t seen it. Now, Paula Span, the Gray (Ashen?) Lady’s “The New Old Age” columnist pushes suic...

Doc Delivers Baby Still in Amniotic Sac, Would Abortion be OK? | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - A Greek doctor posted this incredible picture on his Facebook page of a baby he delivered. And as you can see… it was no ordinary delivery. The baby was delivered via c-section, but was still insid...
Arte & Entretenimento

Baby Celeste Only Lived 22 Weeks But Her Impact Will Last a Lifetime | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - Meet Celeste. Her name means “Heavenly”. This was a fitting and perfect name for a child born at 22 weeks weighing one pound, one ounce. About a month ago, Corinna began experiencing contractions a...

This Country Will Soon Let Women Pregnant With Twins Abort Their "Extra" Babies, Even if Healthy | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - Norway may become the next “abortion tourism” spot for women who are carrying twins. This week, the Norwegian Ministry of Health ruled that foreign women pregnant with twins or greater multiples ca...

What Every Pro-Lifer Needs to Know About The Girl Scouts' Link to Planned Parenthood | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - Is there really a connection between the abortion industry and the Girl Scouts? It’s heart-breaking and, for some, despite the mounting evidence, impossible to believe.  After all, who wants to ack...
Arte & Entretenimento

18 Years Ago She Gave Birth to Septuplets. You’ll be Surprised to See What They Look Like Now | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - In Nov. 19, 1997, the McCaughey Family made world history when their septuplets were born alive and healthy in Des Moines, Iowa. Kenny and Bobbi McCaughey’s four boys and three girls became the fir...
Arte & Entretenimento

Young Woman Once Orphaned Overcomes Disability to Become a Mother | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - Telma Weiss has a Cinderella story with a twist. It doesn’t involve a wicked stepmother, evil stepsisters, or a pumpkin that turns into a carriage. It’s the true story of a beautiful orphan girl wh...

Planned Parenthood CEO: My Proudest Moment is Forcing Christians to Pay for Abortion Drugs | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards seems to jump at every chance she gets to do an interview with a journalist who will flatter her abortion work. In her latest interview, Richards revealed her...

How Can Tim Kaine be "Personally Pro-Life" If he Supports Abortion for Everyone Else? | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - There has been a lot of talk recently of politicians like Vice-Presidential candidate Tim Kaine who claim to be “personally pro-life.” While they say they do not support abortion personally, mainly...

Medical Miracle: "Ghost Baby" Born Without 80 Percent of Her Blood | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - Jennifer Juarez felt her baby stop kicking just three weeks before her baby was due. Her gut told her she should get to a hospital right away and she’s now very glad she followed her intuition. Tha...

Letter From 12-Week-Old Unborn Baby: Please Don't Abort Me | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - In late January, a friend and supporter of HLI America was asked by pro-life leaders in New York State to write a letter that would accompany a replica of a 10-12 week old baby in the womb. With th...

Miracle Baby Was Born Twice: Removed From the Womb to Correct Tumor Then Returned | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - Modern medical technology is doing wonderful things to help save babies’ lives before they are born. Recently, doctors in Texas saved an unborn baby girl from a life-threatening tumor by performing...

Miracle Premature Baby Doctors Said Would Not Survive Defies the Odds, Look at Her Now | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - Macey Micklethwaite is thriving at her home in the UK eight months after doctors predicted the tiny preemie would not survive. Macey was born after just 25 weeks in the womb, weighing 1.2 pounds, a...

Baby Saved From Late-Term Abortion When Car Dies on the Way to the Clinic | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - Anyone involved in the pro-life movement has seen a myriad of reasons why women change their mind about having an abortion. But this may be the first time a couple considering an abortion have chan...

Nurse Sees Baby Survive Failed Abortion, Left to Die at Hospital | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - “There are other people who are haunted by abortion, too.  Nurses and doctors.” No sooner had the woman in the crowd after a recent event quietly spoken these words to me, when the tears began to f...

Luís Martin, o “pai incomparável” de Santa Teresinha

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Padre Paulo Ricardo
padrepauloricardo.org - Durante a cerimônia de beatificação de São Luís e Santa Zélia Martin, pais de Santa Teresinha do Menino Jesus, o Cardeal Saraiva Martins, lendo a carta do Papa Francisco, descreveu os dois como "le...

Aprenda a rezar

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Padre Paulo Ricardo
padrepauloricardo.org - Como fazer para rezar? Trata-se de uma dúvida comum. Os próprios discípulos de Nosso Senhor pediram que Ele lhes ensinasse como fazê-lo [1]. Importa, antes, ter em mente que crescer na vida de oraç...

EU refugee policy doesn’t help either Lesbos or Europe – island mayor to RT

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Voice of Europe
rt.com - Speaking to RT, Spyros Galinos said that the flow of asylum seekers has been slowed thanks to a new agreement with Turkey, but this has not solved the problem of asylum seekers who are already ther...

Pastor é libertado após seis anos de prisão

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Portas Abertas
portasabertas.org.br - No dia 17 de outubro, Behnam Irani foi libertado após passar seis anos na prisão por causa de sua fé em Cristo. Entre as várias acusações estão “ação contra a segurança nacional”, “criação de uma r...

Thousands of Muslims protest outside the Colosseum in Rome

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Voice of Europe
dailymail.co.uk - Thousands of Muslims gathered outside Rome's Colosseum to protest the closure of mosques and other places of worship in the Italian capital. The group gathered outside the iconic ancient Roman buil...

Investigative Reporter James O’Keefe Ahead of Release of Next Expose on Democrat Vote Rigging and Fraud: “Anything Happens to Me…” » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” -John Adams Sadly those words have fallen on many deaf ears. Yet, men like...

Obama DHS Busts Sodomite Prostitution Website Offices – But Is it to Punish Them or Exonerate Them? » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - Who could have seen this coming? President Obama sent out the enforcers from the Department of Homeland Security to crack down on adult, consensual sodomy. Perhaps hard to believe, but true. Federa...
Arte & Entretenimento

The sexual predators that aren’t looking for one-night stands

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lifesitenews.com - October 17, 2012 (thePublicDiscourse.com) - Value depends on scarcity. In the world of human reproduction, the most valuable entity is the fertile female—specifically, her eggs and womb. The fierce...

2016 Presidential Candidate Tom Hoefling: The American People Can Crush This Corrupt Political Generation Like A Bug! » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - I have long struggled with what I was going to do come November 8th. I knew that there was no way that I could vote for Hillary Clinton. Besides the circus surrounding her emails and the apparent e...

Education: One Area You Can Take Back Liberty Without Washington’s Help » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - Many of us recognize that we are losing our liberties in America. However, many of us don’t understand why. We naively think it only has to do with those currently in power in the federal governmen...

Retired abortionist: Killing a baby is like removing cancer cells

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lifesitenews.com - TOPEKA, Kansas, October 22, 2015 (LifeSiteNews) – A retired abortionist who brags about doing some of America's first abortions has compared unborn children to cancer cells. According to a quote tw...

DOJ Refuses to Charge EPA Employee Who Caused Gold King Mine Disaster » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - As usual, the Obama Department of Justice refuses to bring criminal charges against real criminals, and the latest example is that of an Environmental Protection Agency employee who caused the Gold...

bobama@ameritech.com: Wikileaks releases first batch Obama emails – Lists for Cabinet/Deputy/Secretary level positions — Arab/Muslim Americans, African Americans, Native Americans…. » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - Wikileaks has released the first set of Obama emails. Yes, that’s how badly compromised our intel and cyber security is under this administration. Not to mention Hillary’s basement server. Perhaps ...

Here’s 5 Wikileaks Revelations that Should have Tanked the Clinton Campaign » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - The fact that Hillary Clinton is still in the race, or even began to be in the race, for the White House is a testimony of the corruption in the Congress, the FBI, Homeland Security and the current...

Bible Removed from VA Clinic After Veteran Complains "Our Government Is Secular" » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - I imagine it was a frantic scene. The Veteran Affairs staff was running around in a panic. In a fright over the possible presence of an illegal substance in their building. Much like the scene in M...

American Journalist’s “Conspiracy Theories” about Syria Proven as Fact 2 Years after she was killed » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - Nearly a year ago, Luke Rudkowski of We Are Change reminded us that it had been a year since journalist for Press TV Serena Shim was apparently murdered for exposing the Turkish government’s assist...

2016: The Year The Coup Is Complete? » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - For all intents and purposes, the American people lost control of their government with the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in 1963. With the exception of Ronald Reagan, every President ...

Jesus on the Care of the Elderly – Social Security is not the Answer » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - Thursday was Thanksgiving, a time when traditionally families come together for a meal and hopefully to enjoy one another’s company. However, some financial analysts are predicting a war, here on t...

BREAKING: Judge reaffirms nationwide ban on Obama transgender school bathroom policy

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lifesitenews.com - WICHITA FALLS, Texas, October 19, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) — A federal judge has stopped President Obama's policy forcing public schools to allow boys in the girls' locker room. U.S. District Court Judg...

Mídia Sem Máscara - China: orações são proibidas em hospitais

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Mídia Sem Máscara
midiasemmascara.org - Escrito por Luis Dufaur | 21 Outubro 2016 Notícias Faltantes - Perseguição Anticristã Na província oriental de Zhejiang o furor do comunismo contra a fé cristã não cessa. Após iniciar a ofensiva co...

British Politician says Russia has NOTHING to do with the DNC Email Leaks! » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - Former British Ambassador Craig Murray is an ally and friend of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and he visited Assange in the Ecuadorian Embassy on Wednesday to discuss his ongoing plight. What Mu...

If Donald Trump Wins The Election, It Will Be The Biggest Miracle In U.S. Political History » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - Are we about to see the largest election day miracle of all time?  Because as I will show in this article, that is precisely what it is going to take in order for Donald Trump to win.  Before I go ...

‘Fact-check’ of Hillary Clinton’s support for day-of-birth abortions shows bias, sloppy reasoning

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lifesitenews.com - February 18, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – During the February 6 GOP debate, Sen. Marco Rubio, R-FL, said that Hillary Clinton "believes that all abortions should be legal, even on the due date of that unb...

Security Agent: Hillary Clinton Compromised Way More Than Just Emails » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - A former unnamed female member of Hillary Clinton‘s security detail is now on record as saying Clinton frequently and “blatantly” disregarded State Department and diplomatic protocols. The release ...

WW3 Has Begun, And It Is Digital: “New World Hackers” Claim Cyber Attack That Took Down Major Sites » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - Get ready – it seems that this will be an October Surprise to remember. The Internet is under attack through the United States and UK… and there is every reason to think that more is coming. Report...

Massive Cyberattack Hits America – Will Russia Take Down The Entire Internet If We Go To War? » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - We just learned a very important lesson about how exceedingly vulnerable our Internet truly is. On Friday, three massive waves of cyberattacks took down some of the biggest websites on the entire I...

BREAKING: U of T tells prof to stop fighting transgender pronouns, but he won’t back down

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lifesitenews.com - TORONTO, October 19, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – University of Toronto psychology professor Jordan Peterson told LifeSiteNews Wednesday night he has no intention of obeying a directive in the University ...

France’s Marine Le Pen Promises to Ban Religious Clothing and Symbols, including Christian Ones, to Fight Islam » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - France’s presidential frontrunner, Marine Le Pen of the anti-Islam Front National Party took a strong stand back in 2015 when she said the European Union’s Muslim Invasion was comparable to the Bar...

Catholic university blasts ‘Unborn Lives Matter’ posters as ‘bigotry,’ bans them on campus

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lifesitenews.com - CHICAGO, Illinois, October 18, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – College Republicans at DePaul University were prohibited by the university president from displaying posters on campus advertising their group w...

Sharia Patrols in Europe: Creating the Eurabian Caliphate » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - “Fears of ‘Sharia Police’ and Islamic State support in German city after wave of refugees” By Simon Osborne, The Express, Aug 13, 2016 OFFICIALS in the German port of Hamburg are monitoring reports...

Unrest and Martial Law? Leaked Military Drill Anticipates “No Rule of Law” After Election Results » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - This tip came through the back channels; its implications are astounding. If there is any truth to it, the 2016 election could be a kick-off for total tyranny. According to an unnamed source – who ...

Foto de Crivella fichado pode ter sido prática equivocada da Polícia Civil, dizem especialistas

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Silas Malafaia
oglobo.globo.com - RIO - A foto que estampa a capa da edição da revista “Veja” deste fim de semana, que mostra o candidato à prefeitura do Rio Marcelo Crivella (PRB) fichado pela 9ª DP (Catete) em 1990, pode ter sido...

Not so 'strong': Planned Parenthood pushes idea that women need abortion to succeed

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liveactionnews.org - This week, Planned Parenthood proudly celebrated its 100 years of existence since being founded by Margaret Sanger, a hardcore proponent of eugenics. On a Thunderclap site, Planned Parenthood, whic...

Stop Disney-themed Hard-core Porn Now

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citizengo.org - Please join us along with our petition partner Enough Is Enough in urging Disney to take aggressive action to stop Disney themed hard-core porn sites. This is a serious issue. Online pornographers ...


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aluizioamorim.blogspot.com - sábado, outubro 22, 2016 O HOMEM-BOMBA QUE PODE DERRUBAR A REPÚBLICA A operação da Polícia Federal, com agentes fortemente armados e com os rostos cobertos,  que  conduziu o ex-deputado Eduardo Cun...

ADF, pro-life groups to HHS: New rule is administration’s parting gift to Big Abortion

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adflegal.org - News Release ADF, pro-life groups to HHS: New rule is administration’s parting gift to Big Abortion ADF, Susan B. Anthony List, Charlotte Lozier Institute file comments on proposed rule that would ...

10 Things Planned Parenthood Accomplished in 100 Years

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adflegal.org - On October 16, Planned Parenthood officially turned 100 years old. So what does 100 years in business look like for the abortion giant? A short list of Planned Parenthood's "accomplishments" over t...

Some Questions For The NCAA

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adflegal.org - Dear NCAA Officials, I note your decision of September 12 to withdraw all of your leagues’ championship events from North Carolina during the 2016-17 school year, based on your conviction that rece...

Viewpoint Discrimination is Ruining Our Society

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adflegal.org - “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” You may have heard this rhyme as a child. Perhaps your parents or a teacher calmly reminded you that even though another child ...


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aluizioamorim.blogspot.com - sábado, outubro 22, 2016 CONGRESSO MANTINHA UM VERDADEIRO ARSENAL DE ESPIONAGEM. POLÍCIA SUSPEITA QUE FORAM VAZADAS INFORMAÇOES SIGILOSAS DA LAVA JATO. Agentes da Polícia Federal apreenderam divers...

Social Conservatives’ Legal Juggernaut

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bna.com - Oct. 5 — Alan Sears has been on the front lines for some of the most polarizing legal issues of our time, including same-sex marriage and bathroom access for transgender individuals. Alliance Defen...

Warren Buffett has donated $1.3 billion to pro-abortion groups since 2003

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lifesitenews.com - OMAHA, Nebraska, October 14, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – Multibillionaire Warren Buffett gave $215 million to abortion groups in 2015 funnelled through the Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation and more than...


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aluizioamorim.blogspot.com - domingo, outubro 23, 2016 OS REGRESSISTAS Ainda não aconteceu o segundo turno das eleições municipais, porém, o fato mais marcante desse pleito já indicou a acachapante, a humilhante, a estrondosa ...

Symposium: Meet the faces of free speech and religious freedom

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adflegal.org - News Release Symposium: Meet the faces of free speech and religious freedom   WHO:  Creative professionals who are clients of Alliance Defending Freedom WHAT:  “American Culture on Appeal” symposiu...

Why Thousands of People Joined Together to Take a Bold Stand for Privacy

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adflegal.org - Having been deeply involved for several years in the battle over privacy in locker rooms and restrooms in our nation’s schools, there is one thing about our opponents that has impressed me: they ar...

"Não podemos fazer do Brasil a casa da mãe Joana", diz Bolsonaro sobre imigração de venezuelanos e haitianos

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Eduardo Bolsonaro
infomoney.com.br - SÃO PAULO - "O Brasil é a nossa casa. Aqui não pode entrar qualquer um não. Já basta os cubanos legalizados aqui entre aspas, fantasiados de Mais Médicos. Nós não podemos fazer do Brasil a casa da ...

Conferência mundial de educação em casa na Rússia

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Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - Conferência mundial de educação em casa na Rússia Comentário de Julio Severo: A Associação de Defesa Legal da Educação em Casa, a maior organização de educação em casa do mundo, estará realizando u...

La historia de la sonrisa de un bebé prematuro que está conquistando medio mundo

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actuall.com - La sonrisa llena de vitalidad amplia, simpática, y cautivadora de Freya Vinje, acompañada por dos ojos que parecen destinados a vibrar con cada color y con cada silueta, está atrapando a todo el qu...

Se os imigrantes brasileiros nos EUA são acusados de “porcos,” por que culpar Trump?

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Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - Se os imigrantes brasileiros nos EUA são acusados de “porcos,” por que culpar Trump? Os brasileiros, principalmente seus imigrantes nos Estados Unidos, estão recebendo (e furiosamente espalhando) u...

Arzobispo de Erbil: "La acción militar no basta ante la pesadilla que viven los cristianos” en Irak

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actuall.com - El Arzobispo caldeo católico de Erbil en Irak, monseñor Bashar Warda, afirmó que “la acción militar no pondrá fin a la pesadilla” que los cristianos “han  estado viviendo durante los dos últimos do...

A Esquerda e os ateus estão vigiando…

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Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - 14 de outubro de 2016 A Esquerda e os ateus estão vigiando… A Esquerda e os ateus estão vigiando… O Observatório da Direita (em inglês, Right Wing Watch), uma grande organização socialista dos EUA,...

Trump se encontrará com Putin antes de sua posse

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Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - Trump se encontrará com Putin antes de sua posse Numa entrevista na segunda-feira com Michael Savage, apresentador de programa de rádio, o candidato presidencial republicano Donald Trump disse que ...

Soros-Connected Company Has Provided Voting Technology In 16 States

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Bryan Fischer
dailycaller.com - Smartmatic, a U.K.-based voting technology company with deep ties to George Soros, has provided voting technology in 16 states including battleground zones like Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Michigan...

CAUGHT ON TAPE: UN bans skeptical journalists from climate summit for holding views not ‘particulary helpful’

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Bryan Fischer
climatedepot.com - UN official Nick Nuttall on why conservative media outlet is being banned: 'I don't see what they are actually reporting as being particularly helpful."  Even establishment & warmist CBC was having...

Brian Kilmeade: How Thomas Jefferson Abandoned Diplomacy And Changed Us History

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Bryan Fischer
foxnews.com - In 1786, Thomas Jefferson, then a minister to the French government of Louis XVI, had a concern more intimidating than anything else he’d faced before: the threat of pirates off the coast of North ...

New Climate-Friendlier Coolant Has a Catch: It’s Flammable

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Bryan Fischer
nytimes.com - But Dr. Singh’s new coolant is also controversial, with critics questioning its safety and viewing it as the latest attempt by large chemical companies to play the regulatory system to their advant...
Meio Ambiente

O antimarxismo estridente de Hitler

Partilhado por
Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - O antimarxismo estridente de Hitler Antissemitismo e a luta nazista contra o marxismo soviético Como é que foi possível uma Alemanha majoritariamente cristã ser enganada pela ideologia nazista? O R...

Ronald Reagan: um exemplo cristão contra o comunismo

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Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - 23 de setembro de 2016 Ronald Reagan: um exemplo cristão contra o comunismo Ronald Reagan: um exemplo cristão contra o comunismo Jesus disse: “Eu, porém, vos digo: Amai a vossos inimigos, bendizei ...

Wikileaks Leak: Hillary Clinton’s Ties to Globalists and Bohemian Grove

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Fim dos Tempos
independentsentinel.com - Editor’s Note: The Wikileaks emails show that Hillary has ties to the most powerful globalists in the world – the Rothschilds. Some believe one email proves she has occult ties. The Sentinel believ...

Pintado, diputado provida laminado del PP por Rajoy, premiado por la Revista Misión

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actuall.com - El próximo martes 25 de octubre tendrá lugar la entrega de los VI Premios Revista Misión a la Familia 2016 en la Universidad Francisco de Vitoria, en Madrid. Entre los premiados, destaca Ángel Pint...

Conseil d’État : Crèches dans les lieux publics oui… mais… - L'observatoire de la Christianophobie

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Obs Christianophobie
christianophobie.fr - […] Le rapporteur public du Conseil d’État a recommandé vendredi [21 octobre] d’autoriser, sous conditions, l’installation de crèches de Noël dans les bâtiments administratifs, au nom du principe d...

Con lo que gasta Carmena en la exposición porno y sacrílega, se podría alimentar a 18.000 personas

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actuall.com - La exposición sacrílega y pornográfica que se expone en el palacio de Cibeles, con el consentimiento de la alcaldesa podemita, Manuela Carmena, ha costado a los madrileños unos 60.000 euros, según ...

Juan Pablo II, el Papa que hablaba de sexo

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actuall.com - Uno de las grandes aportaciones del Papa Wojtyla (1920-2005) fue el redescubrimiento del sexo. Durante siglos, determinados eclesiásticos transmitían la idea equivocada de que todo era pecado y de ...

FFRF files brief against prayerful Texas school board - Freedom From Religion Foundation

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Bryan Fischer
ffrf.org - The Freedom From Religion Foundation has filed an amicus brief in the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals against a school board's practice of starting every meeting with a prayer. The Birdville Inde...
Meio Ambiente

Dr. Wayne Grudem: “Se os americanos não gostam de Hillary e Trump, então eles deveriam votar em…”

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Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - 21 de outubro de 2016 Dr. Wayne Grudem: “Se os americanos não gostam de Hillary e Trump, então eles deveriam votar em…” Dr. Wayne Grudem: “Se os americanos não gostam de Hillary e Trump, então eles...
Meio Ambiente

Por que os evangélicos preferem Donald Trump a Hillary Clinton?

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Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - Por que os evangélicos preferem Donald Trump a Hillary Clinton? Estão aparecendo rachaduras no apoio evangélico a Donald Trump desde o vazamento de um vídeo contendo comentários vulgares dele sobre...

Ángela Pellicciari: “Lutero puso el primer eslabón del pensamiento antisemita de Hitler"

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actuall.com - Adelantándose un año al centenario de que Martín Lutero clavara sus famosas tesis contra el Papa y la Iglesia católica en la iglesia del palacio de Wittemberg en octubre de 1517, la editorial Voz d...

Blog: Ridiculously easy: How hackers took down the internet on Friday

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Bryan Fischer
americanthinker.com - If you live on the East Coast, you probably suffered some sort of internet slow down yesterday. That's because of a Distributed Denial of Service attack (DDoS) carried out by, as yet, unknown party...

David y Goliat: cuando la pequeña Soledad Torres Acosta se enfrentó a un Papa joven y fuerte

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actuall.com - Realmente no compiten entre ellas, ni por fechas de lanzamiento, ni por modo inicial de difusión, “Luz de Soledad” se estrena en cines el 21 de octubre, “The Young Pope” en una plataforma televisiv...
Meio Ambiente

C. Peter Wagner, pioneiro do movimento apostólico moderno e pioneiro combatente da TMI, parte para o céu

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Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - 22 de outubro de 2016 C. Peter Wagner, pioneiro do movimento apostólico moderno e pioneiro combatente da TMI, parte para o céu C. Peter Wagner, pioneiro do movimento apostólico moderno e pioneiro c...

After Several Homicides DC Police Chief Meets With Rattled Community

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Bryan Fischer
dailycaller.com - In the wake of several violent crimes and homicides, Washington, D.C. police chief Peter Newsham met with rattled residents in Ward 4 Thursday. Residents gathered with Newsham and members of the Me...

Liberdade cristã nos EUA, Rússia, Israel e Brasil

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Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - Liberdade cristã nos EUA, Rússia, Israel e Brasil Embora fossem majoritariamente evangélicos em sua origem, os EUA não privilegiam hoje o evangelicalismo e o governo americano claramente o desfavor...

Monseñor Osoro: "La familia es el mejor antídoto contra la ideología de género"

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CitizenGO es
actuall.com - El vicepresidente de la Conferencia Episcopal Española, monseñor Carlos Osoro, ha sido elegido por el Papa Francisco cardenal, por lo que pasará a formar parte del círculo más estrecho del Santo Pa...

“Num governo Trump, Israel terá um amigo verdadeiro, leal e permanente”

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Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - 16 de outubro de 2016 “Num governo Trump, Israel terá um amigo verdadeiro, leal e permanente” “Num governo Trump, Israel terá um amigo verdadeiro, leal e permanente” Comentário de Julio Severo: O x...

NRA-ILA | Hillary Clinton: "Reasonable" to Require Guns to be Unusable at Home

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Bryan Fischer
nraila.org - Hillary Clinton is lying … again. The candidate who claimed politicians “need both a public and a private position” on policy issues demonstrated that tendency Wednesday night in the final presiden...

Charles Finney: O homem que redefiniu o caráter dos Estados Unidos

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Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - Charles Finney: O homem que redefiniu o caráter dos Estados Unidos Dos muitos pregadores corajosos, mas muitas vezes esquecidos, que cruzaram as regiões selvagens dos EUA, nenhum deles teve um impa...
Meio Ambiente

Imigração: Uma arma de destruição cultural em massa nas mãos de esquerdistas

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Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - Imigração: Uma arma de destruição cultural em massa nas mãos de esquerdistas É um fato que os conservadores nos Estados Unidos estão perdendo a guerra cultural por meio de uma imigração em massa fa...
Meio Ambiente

Vladimir Putin publicamente acusado pelo governo dos EUA de conspiração para interferir na eleição presidencial contra Hillary Clinton e seu partido

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Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - Vladimir Putin publicamente acusado pelo governo dos EUA de conspiração para interferir na eleição presidencial contra Hillary Clinton e seu partido O governo dos EUA pela primeira vez na sexta-fei...

O Anselmo Borges e a imanentização do éschatos

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Orlando Braga
espectivas.wordpress.com - Convidar o Anselmo Borges para falar de “utopia” é a mesma coisa que convidar um obeso para falar de culinária, ou um convidar um “junkie” a falar sobre o consumo de drogas. “As utopias têm duas fu...

Homosexuality Has No Genetic Cause » BarbWire.com

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Redeeming Rainbow
barbwire.com - A genetic cause for homosexuality is not scientifically possible. A homosexuality gene, if it existed, would quickly die out. However, it gradually becomes clear that liberals and progressives are ...


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Católicos Rib Preto
catolicosribeiraopreto.com - Domine, filia mea modo defuncta est: sed veni, impone manum tuam super em et vivet – “Senhor, nesta hora acaba de expirar minha filha; mas vem, impõe sobre ela a tua mão, e viverá” (Mat. 9, 18). Su...

La CEI aderisce alla Marcia dei radicali. Si chiama tradimento. Se Bagnasco è un uomo, si dimetta – di Paolo Deotto

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Kattoliko Pensiero
riscossacristiana.it - C’è ben poco da dire, i fatti parlano da soli. I radicali annunciano gioiosamente che la CEI aderisce alla “Marcia per la Giustizia, l’Amnistia, la Libertà”, intitolata a Marco Pannella e Papa Fran...
Arte & Entretenimento

Two Gay Men Used Russian Surrogate Mother to Create Boy for Sex Abuse Ring

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Redeeming Rainbow
theothermccain.com - Peter Truong and Mark Newton with their 5-year-old sex toy, 2010 What could possibly go wrong? In July 2010, two men — their names given only as Mark and Peter — were the subjects of an Australian ...

Ángel Briz, capellán militar en Irak: «Si vienen los de Daesh saco mi ametralladora, el Rosario»

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Kattoliko Pensiero
religionenlibertad.com - Irak es sinónimo de guerra. Allí Estado Islámico ha sembrado el terror durante años. Ahora los propios iraquíes ayudados por una coalición internacional intenta derrotar a los islamistas y restable...

Conheça: Aristóteles

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Emerson de Oliveira
dissensaoetreplica.wordpress.com - O filósofo Aristóteles dispensa qualquer apresentação, mas não uma introdução ou auxílio em seu pensamento. Enrico Berti é um dos seus principais comentadores contemporâneos. Um livro muito bom par...

3º Fórum Liberdade & Democracia: Um Engodo Libertário Esquerdista

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criticanacional.wordpress.com - Um evento promovido por libertários e que vai ser realizado nesse sábado em São Paulo, o chamado 3º Fórum Liberdade e Democracia, tem chamado a atenção pelo tom ambíguo de seus propósitos. A começa...

Wikileaks reveals how Dems got Chief Justice Roberts to FOLD on Obamacare - The Right Scoop

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Severe Conservative
therightscoop.com - Emails from Wikileaks reveal how Democrats got Chief Roberts to fold on Obamacare. He wasn’t blackmailed, he wasn’t threatened. He was just… persuaded. This week’s leaks show Hillary Clinton ally N...

Mcmullin Surging In Utah: Indy Candidate's Plan For Electoral College Chaos

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Severe Conservative
foxnews.com - Amid the raucous final phase of the presidential battle between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, independent candidate Evan McMullin has quietly crept into contention in the overlooked state of Ut...

Failure to Bone Is Now a Disability, According to the World Health Organization

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Severe Conservative
gizmodo.com - According to the Telegraph, the World Health Organization will change its definition of disabilities to classify people without a sexual partner as “infertile.” The controversial new classification...

Thousands of California soldiers forced to repay enlistment bonuses a decade after going to war

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Severe Conservative
latimes.com - Short of troops to fight in Iraq and Afghanistan a decade ago, the California National Guard enticed thousands of soldiers with bonuses of $15,000 or more to reenlist and go to war. Now the Pentago...

Judicial Commission Tosses Out ‘Politically Motivated’ SPLC Complaint Against Alabama Justice Tom Parker » Americans for Truth

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Peter LaBarbera
americansfortruth.com - The following is excerpted from an article in WND.com published today: By Bob Unruh, WND.com, 10-22-16 A complaint that had been filed against Alabama Supreme Court Justice Tom Parker by the domest...
Meio Ambiente

Veja como funciona a doutrinação na educação cubana...Os comunistas Brasileiros copiaram deles!

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ADHT - Defesa Hetero
defesa-hetero.blogspot.com - 18 imagens que mostram como funciona a doutrinação na educação cubana A educação cubana é um dos trunfos que vira e mexe rondam a retórica dos defensores do seu modelo econômico como uma das melhor...

Os segredos de Cunha - ISTOÉ Independente

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ツ Josiel Dias ®
istoe.com.br - Familiarizado com os segredos mais recônditos de políticos dos mais diversos matizes, o ex-deputado Eduardo Cunha (PMDB-RJ) estremece o poder. Desde que foi preso na última quarta-feira 19, ele tor...

Dirceu pede a Sérgio Moro que o coloque em liberdade, mas juiz nega

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Paulo Fernando
g1.globo.com - O ex-ministro José Dirceu, preso na Operação Lava Jato, pediu ao juiz Sérgio Moro que o coloque em liberdade. Nesta sexta-feira (21), Dirceu prestou um novo depoimento ao magistrado e negou as acus...

San Giovanni Paolo II, la profezia sulla famiglia che nella Chiesa non trova più ascolto

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Kattoliko Pensiero
lanuovabq.it - «In questo servizio al Popolo di Dio, san Giovanni Paolo II è stato il Papa della famiglia. Così lui stesso, una volta, disse che avrebbe voluto essere ricordato, come il Papa della famiglia. Mi pi...

Igreja Batista é atacada por muçulmanos e 40 cristãos são mortos na Nigéria

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Foco Cristão
adiberj.org - Homens armados (provavelmente membros de tribos Fulani) invadiram Godogodo no estado de Kaduna, Nigéria – um assentamento predominantemente cristão – no último sábado (15). O incidente ocorreu após...

Pro-Homosexual Booklet to Be Distributed to All 16,000 US School Districts

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Redeeming Rainbow
lifesitenews.com - By Hillary White   US, February 21, 2008 (LifeSiteNews.com) - At the same time that news has come out that the Toronto Catholic School board has refused to participate in pro-homosexual activities,...
Arte & Entretenimento

Bridget Kelly: Christie Knew About GWB Lane Closures A Month Ahead Of Time

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Severe Conservative
talkingpointsmemo.com - Christie has long maintained that he knew nothing about the lane closures that brought traffic in the town of Fort Lee, New Jersey to a days-long standstill until he read about them in the press in...

NEW GALAXY POLL for AMF: Reframes the same-sex 'marriage' debate - Australian Marriage

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Redeeming Rainbow
australianmarriage.org - Society is faced with an inescapable choice.Same-sex 'marriage' forces us to choose between giving priority to: Faced with this choice, Australians overwhelmingly give priority to the rights of the...

The Big List of bathroom attacks

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Severe Conservative
mobile.wnd.com - President Obama has used his bully pulpit in the past few weeks to tell North Carolina and the rest of the nation that men who say they are women must be allowed to share bathrooms and showers with...

Bernie tem razão: Os Estados Unidos deviam ser mais parecidos com a Suécia, mas não da maneira que ele pensa — parte 1

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tradutoresdedireita.org - Bernie Sanders acredita que os Estados Unidos deveriam se espelhar no modelo sueco e no dos países escandinavos para ”descobrir o que eles fizeram pela sua classe trabalhadora”. O senador de Vermon...

César Vidal: “La ideología de género sería marginal de no ser impuesta de forma totalitaria”

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Kattoliko Pensiero
actuall.com - Doctor en Historia, escritor y periodista, César Vidal es todo un ejemplo de eso que se llama enciclopedia andante. Es capaz de encontrar el dato cultural más exótico echando mano de su ‘borgiana’ ...

Grávida de gêmeos? Agora Noruega permite escolher qual vive e qual morre

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Blog Contra o Aborto
acidigital.com - MADRI, 20 Out. 16 / 06:00 pm (ACI/Actuall).- As mulheres grávidas de gêmeos que vivam em algum país da Europa onde o aborto seja ilegal ou onde as leis de aborto seletivo sejam muito restritivas, p...

Laudo da PF aponta 'incompatibilidade' patrimonial de filho de Lula - ISTOÉ Independente

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ツ Josiel Dias ®
istoe.com.br - Laudo da Polícia Federal, com informações da Receita, apontam que a variação patrimonial de Luís Cláudio Lula da Silva, filho do ex-presidente da República Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, é “formalmente...

Clinton Lectured State Dept. Staff On Cybersecurity In 2010 Video

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Severe Conservative
foxnews.com - Despite conducting her own government business through a personal “homebrew” server while secretary of state, Hillary Clinton is seen in a newly obtained video lecturing her staff of their “special...
Meio Ambiente

Falácias marxistas: a teoria da mais valia e a exploração da classe trabalhadora - Instituto Liberal

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José Arimatéia
institutoliberal.org.br - Em todos os modos de produção que existiram – exceto no comunismo primitivo –, as sociedades sempre se dividiram em duas classes: os dominantes e os dominados. Com a divisão de classes, surge a exp...

Indian doctor accused of crimes, becomes president of World Medical Association

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Kattoliko Pensiero
persecution.in - NEW DELHI, 22 Oct 2016, The World Medical Association (WMA), the top medical-ethics body, on Friday installed an Indian doctor facing corruption charges as its president, despite controversy surrou...

Blog Post – Why Should We Be Surprised?

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afaofpa.org - It’s been going on for weeks now — the public being subjected to ball players, and now cheerleaders, who refuse to stand for the National Anthem.  This all began with San Francisco 49ers quarterbac...
Arte & Entretenimento

What It’s Like to Date Your Dad

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Redeeming Rainbow
nymag.com - In the late ‘80s, the founder of a support group for adopted children who had recently reconnected with their biological relatives coined the term “Genetic Sexual Attraction” (GSA) to describe the ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Il vescovo di Anversa: "Benedire in chiesa le unioni gay, i divorziati ed i conviventi"

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Kattoliko Pensiero
lafedequotidiana.it - Mons. Johan Bonny, vescovo di Anversa (Belgio), ha suggerito di creare “un rito alternativo” che consenta la benedizione in Chiesa delle coppie omosessuali, dei divorziati risposati e dei convivent...

Homosexuals Throw Human Excrement At Christians, And Wipe Their Anuses With Pages Of The Bible

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Redeeming Rainbow
shoebat.com - When up to a thousand conservative Christian parents in Germany were protesting against a new pro-homosexual “sexual diversity” curriculum in their schools, homosexuals charged at them and thew hum...
Arte & Entretenimento

Buttiglione traduce papa Francesco. Ma dal Cile un filosofo lo boccia

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Kattoliko Pensiero
magister.blogautore.espresso.repubblica.it - Ricevo e pubblico. L'autore, nato e cresciuto in Venezuela, emigrato in Cile, filosofo, insegna nella Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile e dirige il Centro de Estudios Tomistas della Universi...
Meio Ambiente

Conheça: A ação afirmativa ao redor do mundo

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Emerson de Oliveira
dissensaoetreplica.wordpress.com - Thomas Sowell¹ nos traz um estudo empírico sobre o que realmente resulta das políticas de afirmação de grupos e esclarece algumas confusões conceituais em torno da discussão nesta obra em sua linha...
Arte & Entretenimento

TV Ad # 1: "Marriage Equality? What about Equality for the Child?" - Australian Marriage

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australianmarriage.org - Share Follow us PLEASE REMEMBER TO SHARE THIS VIDEO WITH ALL YOUR FRIENDS! URL: http://youtu.be/s80wL5al5NA The most effective slogan of the ‘same-sex marriage’ lobby is ‘marriage equality’. It sou...

LGBT activists: Marriage was never the ‘end game’

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Redeeming Rainbow
mobile.wnd.com - Now, the real fight begins, say leaders in the LGBT movement. And it won’t be for the faint of heart. So-called “marriage equality” is not the end-game, according to the activists. It’s merely a wi...
Arte & Entretenimento

Non ci va l’elogio funerario se obbliga alla smemoratezza. Perciò a Fo quel che è di Fo

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Kattoliko Pensiero
tempi.it - Articolo tratto dal numero di Tempi in edicola (vai alla pagina degli abbonamenti) – Inutile. Boris ha cercato di deviare lo sguardo da Dario Fo. Gli interessa ancora quest’uomo. Le sue giullarate,...

France: Muslim punches teacher, screams “There is only one master: Allah”

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Perigo Islamico
jihadwatch.org - “After Paul Langevin reprimanded one of the children in his class on Monday who was being disruptive and using bad language, two young men jumped out of their car screaming ‘Don’t you talk to her l...

16 Year-Old German Boy Stabbed to Death by Refugee While Sitting With Girlfriend by Water

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Perigo Islamico
thegatewaypundit.com - A 16 year-old German boy was stabbed to death by a refugee while sitting by the water with his girlfriend. 16 Year old German boy just found stabbed to death. By a refugee in Germany in front of hi...

Motim em centro de detenção de imigrantes em Espanha

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Perigo Islamico
jn.pt - Dezenas de migrantes de um centro de detenção da capital de Espanha iniciaram na terça-feira um motim, subindo para o telhado e partindo mobílias. "Não sabemos o número exato, 30 ou 40. Subiram par...

1,000 Clinton-Petraeus Emails Missing From Records Sent To State, Fbi Files Show

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Severe Conservative
foxnews.com - Roughly 1,000 emails between Hillary Clinton and Gen. David Petraeus were thought to be missing from the 30,000 emails provided by Clinton’s team to the State Department in December 2014, according...

Conheça: Conflito de visões

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Emerson de Oliveira
dissensaoetreplica.wordpress.com - Um trabalho que pode mostrar que as discussões não são mera confusão. Sowell vai contra a imagem comum que discussões políticas não fazem sentido, mesmo quando acirradas, ao contrário, quer que con...

This heroic prelate would have been made cardinal under any other pope

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Orlando Braga
lifesitenews.com - October 21, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) — The recent announcement of a consistory of Cardinals in November seems to seal the deal: Archbishop André-Joseph Léonard, the heroically faithful former archbishop...

Fidel Castro é mais rico que a rainha Elizabeth, segundo a Forbes. Velho decrépito, matou, esfolou e explorou toda uma nação para a própria riqueza... - peloamordeDeus.com

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José Arimatéia
peloamordedeus.com - O presidente Fidel Castro, com uma fortuna de 900 milhões de dólares, é o chefe de Estado não-monárquico mais rico do mundo, ficando à frente das rainhas da Inglaterra e da Holanda, segundo estimat...

El cardenal Timothy Dolan exige a Hillary Clinton una disculpa a los católicos

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actuall.com - Wikileaks dejó en evidencia la estrategia de Hillary Clinton, a través de su jefe de campaña, John Podesta, para hacer el mayor daño posible a la Iglesia católica. Podesta pretendía poner en marcha...

Lobbyist-bashing Trump was once a lobbyist

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Severe Conservative
politico.com - Donald Trump was registered to lobby on behalf of Trump Entertainment Resorts Holdings, the casino operator in which he was then a minority shareholder, and received $4,000 per month for the work. ...

Roger Scruton sobre Slavoj Žižek: O Príncipe Palhaço da Revolução (Parte 2)

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Carlos Araújo
cultura.estadao.com.br - O Estado da Arte dá continuidade à publicação do ensaio do filósofo britânico Roger Scruton que avalia o fenômeno do stalinismo pop-psicanalítico de Slavoj Žižek. O texto foi publicado originalment...

«Me he sentido amenazado, calumniado, pero nunca he tenido tentación de abandonar»

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Kattoliko Pensiero
abc.es - Muchos salieron con menos de 20 años de sus casas con poco más que una mochila pero muchas ganas de ayudar. ¿Su fuerza? convertir al mundo «una gran familia humana» y hacer de todo para que sus «he...

Boy, 11, jailed for four years for raping nine-year-old

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dailymail.co.uk - The youngest boy ever convicted of male rape in Britain had searched online for gay pornography, it emerged yesterday. The 11-year-old – who raped a boy of nine and sexually assaulted two others ag...

Trump seeks to keep groping claims out of Trump University suit

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Severe Conservative
politico.com - Donald Trump's legal team is asking U.S. District Court Judge Gonzalo Curiel to rule that lawyers and witnesses at the Trump University trial be prohibited from making any reference to "personal co...

Machado diz desconhecer pagamentos à campanha presidencial

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Denise Abreu
diariodopoder.com.br - Segundo o advogado do presidente Michel Temer, Gustavo Guedes, Machado reiterou desconhecer pagamentos para a campanha presidencial de 2014. “Nenhuma referência a 2014 e nenhuma novidade àquilo que...

Por que temos “isentões”?

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Emerson de Oliveira
dissensaoetreplica.wordpress.com - Inicie uma conversa sobre política implicando em sua enunciação do tópico uma visão conservadora-cristã. Mas prepare bem a conversa, faça a asserção de forma clara e seja preciso na afirmação ou cr...


Cristianismo e Política + Christianity and Politics + União multi-denominacional (evangélicos, católicos, etc) em defesa dos valores cristãos e da democracia




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