25 October 2016

Frequentes 2016.10.24 @livrexpress

The Frequentes Daily

Understanding Hillary Clinton's Email Scandal

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ijr.com - The core issue regarding the conduct of Hillary Clinton is her blatant disregard for the national security rules, regulations, and laws governing the secure use and handling of classified informati...

Trump 'Banned' in West Hollywood; Fans Rally Anyway - Breitbart

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Breitbart News
breitbart.com - “Donald Trump is [King] Cyrus in the Bible,” Ramos said. “Understand who Cyrus is in the Bible then maybe your minds will change and want to vote for Trump and not Hillary Clinton.” Asked by Breitb...

BREAKING: Rampaging migrant mob storms asylum support offices on Greek island of Lesbos

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Voice of Europe
express.co.uk - Express. Home of the Daily and Sunday Express. Find us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Check us on Google+ Subscribe to our rss feed Daily Horoscope Our Apps Top 10 Our Paper Paper Archive HOME Ne...

Eduardo Bolsonaro apresenta projeto de lei que criminaliza o comunismo

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tercalivre.com - O deputado federal Eduardo Bolsonaro PSC-SP protocolou na tarde de hoje, 23 de maio de 2016, um projeto de lei na Câmara dos Deputados que representa uma mais do que simbólica demanda para os brasi...

Freixo tenta explorar capa de revista "golpista" e tiro sai pela culatra: comparar restituição de propriedade a ato de milícia?! | Rodrigo Constantino

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rodrigoconstantino.com - Os veículos de imprensa VEJA e GLOBO continuam com sua campanha contra Marcelo Crivella e a favor de Marcelo Freixo. Devem achar que um socialista defensor dos black blocs é melhor e mais controláv...

Foto de Crivella fichado pode ter sido prática equivocada da Polícia Civil, dizem especialistas

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Rosa Lev
oglobo.globo.com - RIO - A foto que estampa a capa da edição da revista “Veja” deste fim de semana, que mostra o candidato à prefeitura do Rio Marcelo Crivella (PRB) fichado pela 9ª DP (Catete) em 1990, pode ter sido...

WikiLeaks - The Podesta Emails

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wikileaks.org - Washington Post story From:brentbbi@webtv.net To: john.podesta@gmail.com, roy.spence@gsdm.com Date: 2015-09-07 13:12 Subject: Washington Post story As I expected it took 24 hours for the Post to pi...


liberdade de expressão; livre comunicação; free speech; libertad de expresión; contra censura; against censorship; liberdade religiosa; religious freedom

Nota do editor

Este é um jornal gerado automaticamente pelo Paper.li a partir de links postados ou retuitados pelas pessoas incluídas na lista http://twitter.com/livrexpress/frequentes Liberdade de Expressão - Free Speech http://liberdadedeexpressao.multiply.com

Economista liberal vira conselheira do socialista Freixo - Política - Estadão

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politica.estadao.com.br - RIO - Economista de linha ortodoxa formada pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio (PUC-Rio), um dos centros do pensamento liberal no Brasil, a ex-secretária municipal de Fazenda do Rio Eduard...

Ministério Público apura fraudes na cota parlamentar - Política - Estadão

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politica.estadao.com.br - O Ministério Público Federal investiga suspeita de desvios da cota parlamentar de pelo menos 30 deputados e alguns que já perderam o mandato. Além do salário, da verba de gabinete e do auxílio-mora...
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Calais migrants clash with police, get teargassed ahead of camp’s final dismantling (VIDEO)

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Oswaldo Portella Jr
rt.com - People from the Jungle threw stones at police on Saturday night and early Sunday morning, AFP reported. Law enforcement responded with tear gas. The clashes came before the scheduled demolition of ...

Nigeria: Muslims murder over 40 Christians, burn down their houses

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jihadwatch.org - “The attackers were in the hundreds and were well armed. Some of them wore army uniforms, while others wore police uniforms. Some of them exchanged gunfire with the few soldiers stationed at the po...
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Professor Who Predicted Last Five Elections Says Trump Has 87% Chance of Winning

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Paul Joseph Watson
infowars.com - Political science professor Helmut Norpoth, who has accurately called the results of the last five presidential elections, still asserts that Donald Trump has an 87% chance of defeating Hillary Cli...

MANUEL MALAVER: Maduro, el dictador que salió corriendo

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Cuba Opinión
reportero24.com - ■ Aunque los dictadores son cobardes por naturaleza, a la mayoría les encanta aparecer echando músculos, haciendo el papel de valientes, tirándoselas de arrogantes, ni más ni menos que, como en aqu...
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Alerta: si ve esto en su habitación del hotel, salga ahora y llame las autoridades. Observe en este vídeo las razones.

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Cuba Opinión
alimentacionconsalud.info - Alerta: Si ve esto en su habitación del hotel, salga ahora y llame las autoridades. Observe en este vídeo las razones. Naturalmente, un gancho para la ropa no debe causar ningún alboroto, ¿Verdad? ...

Baby elephant 'rescues' her favorite human

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Joga Bosta no Xico
cnn.com - Story highlights Baby elephant tries to save man who helps care for her She shares a special bond with him (CNN)We can all agree it's basically a dream situation to be rescued by a baby elephant, e...
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