24 October 2016

Cristianismo & Politica 2016.10.23 all @CristPolit

Cristianismo & Politica

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Revista Veja mergulha no esgoto para dar uma força a Marcelo Freixo

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reaconaria.org - A maior parte das pessoas que acessou redes sociais neste sábado já deve ter visto alguma referência à capa da revista Veja em que se alardeia a descoberta de uma foto que Crivella escondia por ano...

Marcelo Freixo quer aplicar no Rio de Janeiro ideias que já deram bem errado na Venezuela | Implicante.Org

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implicante.org - Fernando Schüler fez o que todo eleitor carioca deveria fazer: leu o programa dos candidatos a prefeito. Para a Época, detalhou as impressões que teve a respeito das ideias de Marcelo Freixo. O Imp...

Delator revela como Renan e seu grupo receberam R$ 5,5 milhões do petrolão

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Carlos Bolsonaro
epoca.globo.com - Na badalada Rua Farme de Amoedo, na Zona Sul do Rio de Janeiro, funcionou até 2007 o restaurante Chez Pierre, no anexo do Hotel Ipanema Plaza. Ali, diante de um cardápio que reunia 102 pratos, Feli...

Las asociaciones provida reclaman no dar "ni un paso atrás" en la Ley de Protección a la Maternidad

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actuall.com - Las asociaciones Foro Valenciano de la Familia, provida Valencia, Torrent Sí a la Vida y Fundación +Vida se han concentrado este sábado en el Parterre de Valencia para reclamar que no se dé “ni un ...

Colégio Pedro II: o colégio dos absurdos

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Gidalti Alencar
istoe.com.br - A menina de 8 anos deixou a sala de aula, na sexta feira 14, e se deparou com a frase estampada num cartaz pregado no saguão da escola que fazia uma ode à violência: “Morte ao Latifúndio: terra par...

BREAKING : Clinton Foundation Schemed with Big Pharma to Keep the Price of Aids Drugs High

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Ladies For Trump
truthfeed.com - When the Clintons are questioned about the obvious sketchiness of their foundation, they routinely cite AIDS work. But the AIDS work is carried out by CHAI (“Clinton Health Access Initiative”), a s...

This Is How WaPo's Latest Poll Gave Hillary A 12 Point Advantage Over Trump

zerohedge.com - Those waking up to read the news this morning will undoubtedly be "shocked" by the latest ABC / Washington Post goal seeking report (aka "poll") that shows Hillary opening up a 12-point lead with l...

Tribunales de siete estados ordenan suspensión del revocatorio contra Maduro

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Salomão Carvalho
lapatilla.com - El gobernador del estado Trujillo (noroeste), el chavista Henry Rangel Silva, informó hoy de que un tribunal de esa entidad dictó también una medida contra el proceso que impulsa la oposición venez...

French police: - We can not even protect ourselves

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Voice of Europe
speisa.com - For the fifth day in a row French police are protesting in the streets. They fear for their own safety after a year of France being in a state of emergency due to Islamic terrorism. President Holla...

Find Out What Immigration Growth Looks Like in Your State

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Severe Conservative
dailysignal.com - There are more immigrants living in the United States than ever before. The foreign-born are more likely to come from China and India—often equipped with skills and a higher education—than Mexico. ...

Former Prosecutor: The Clintons Are So Corrupt, Everything ‘They Touch Turns To Molten Lead’ [VIDEO]

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Voice of Europe
dailycaller.com - Pithy former federal prosecutor Joe diGenova believes the recent Project Veritas video by James O’Keefe featuring DNC contractors explaining their dirty practices to foment violence at Trump events...

Planned Parenthood CEO: My Proudest Moment is Forcing Christians to Pay for Abortion Drugs | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards seems to jump at every chance she gets to do an interview with a journalist who will flatter her abortion work. In her latest interview, Richards revealed her...

Limpando pichações abortistas

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Eduardo Bolsonaro
reaconaria.org - No dia 15 de outubro, um pequeno grupo de cidadãos de Campinas se reuniu para uma tarefa de limpeza: apagar pichações que ensinavam a fazer um aborto. Leiam o relato de Gabriel Vince, que organizou...

St. John Paul II, the Heroic Pope | Word on Fire

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Kattoliko Pensiero
wordonfire.org - As all of his biographers remind us, Karol Wojtyla came of age at one of the darkest moments of the twentieth century. When he was 19 years old and just commencing his university career, the Nazis ...

Por telefone, PM salva a vida de bebê engasgado em Itaperuna

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oglobo.globo.com - ITAPERUNA — Quando a sargento Elizângela Vieira saiu de sua casa em direção ao 29º BPM, em Itaperuna, na região Noroeste do Rio de Janeiro, seus três filhos ainda estavam dormindo. Sem acordá-los, ...

Shadowbanned into Submission!

flatoutunconstitutional.com - What does this mean?  I have been completely censored.  People at Twitter apparently don’t like what I have to say.  I primarily tweet and debate only two major topics.  The U.S. Constitution, whic...

China’s plan to organize its society relies on ‘big data’ to rate everyone

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Paul Joseph Watson
washingtonpost.com - BEIJING — Imagine a world where an authoritarian government monitors everything you do, amasses huge amounts of data on almost every interaction you make, and awards you a single score that measure...

McMullin: Republicans 'putting party ahead of principle'

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Severe Conservative
thehill.com - Independent presidential candidate Evan McMullin said early Sunday that top Republican leaders are "putting party ahead of principle" in this election. "The reality is that the vast majority of Rep...

Mídia Sem Máscara - A Última Palavra

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Edson Camargo
midiasemmascara.org - Escrito por Jeffrey Nyquist | 20 Outubro 2016 Artigos - Cultura Não queremos admitir que estamos fracos. Queremos continuar na ocupação agradável de negar a força da Rússia, e os preparativos milit...

Did Jesus Commend Faith That Is Blind?

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crossexamined.org - You don’t have to read much of Cold-Case Christianity to realize I’m an evidentialist. The title usually gives it away. As a result, my inbox is filled with email from people who want to convince m...

Holywins: Celebrar la santidad y no el día de las brujas

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actuall.com - Hace ocho años comenzó en la diócesis de Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, (España) Holywins, una divertida iniciativa que anima a los más pequeños a vestirse de sus santos preferidos y a recordar en ese ...

La historia de la sonrisa de un bebé prematuro que está conquistando medio mundo

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actuall.com - La sonrisa llena de vitalidad amplia, simpática, y cautivadora de Freya Vinje, acompañada por dos ojos que parecen destinados a vibrar con cada color y con cada silueta, está atrapando a todo el qu...

Stunning Numbers: Trump Averages 6,700 per Rally, Hillary Averages 380 per Rally

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Deplorable Fred
thegatewaypundit.com - Nobody Likes Hillary. Donald Trump joked at the Alfred E. Smith dinner on Thursday night that the 1000 people at the dinner were Hillary’s largest crowd of the season. This was a joke but there is ...

NSA Whistleblower: US Intelligence Worker Likely Behind DNC Leaks, Not Russia

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Dykstra Dame
theantimedia.org - (ANTIMEDIA) During the third and last presidential debate between Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Hillary Clinton, debate moderator Chris Wallace pulled a quote from a speech Clinton had given...

Lei de abuso pode ser o fim da Lava Jato, diz procurador | EXAME.com - Negócios, economia, tecnologia e carreira

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Gilmar Costa
exame.abril.com.br - São Paulo – Uma lei que está em discussão no Congresso pode ameaçar a Operação Lava Jato e outras investigações que envolvam o crime do colarinho branco. É o que diz o procurador da República Carlo...

Economia brasileira: vai melhorar (e já está melhorando)

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istoe.com.br - Na quarta-feira 19, o Brasil começou oficialmente a sair do fundo do poço. Depois de 4 anos sem o registro de uma única queda, o Banco Central anunciou o corte de 0,25 ponto percentual da taxa bási...

Pais ocupam escola em Porto Alegre para desocupá-la de militantes e liberar o estudo | Rodrigo Constantino

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Rodrigo Constantino
rodrigoconstantino.com - Um grupo de pais tentou, na manhã desta quarta-feira, dar fim à ocupação do Colégio Estadual Paula Soares, no centro de Porto Alegre. A instituição permanece ocupada após acordo entre governo do Es...

Freixo vai divulgar carta dizendo que o PSOL não é o PSOL: onde já vi isso antes? | Rodrigo Constantino

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Rodrigo Constantino
rodrigoconstantino.com - O candidato do PSOL a prefeito do Rio, Marcelo Freixo, divulgará na próxima segunda-feira, primeiro dia da última semana de campanha, uma carta aberta para tentar desfazer a imagem de radicalismo d...

HERE IT IS=> Detailed List of Top Wikileaks Podesta Emails (Update 11)

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thegatewaypundit.com - Below is a detailed list of noteworthy Podesta emails recently released by WikiLeaks – (New items highlighted in blue) Hillary Clinton Dreams of ‘Open Trade and Open Borders’ Hillary Admits Saudi A...
Meio Ambiente

AT&T compra Time Warner por mais de US$ 80 bilhões, dizem fontes - Economia - Estadão

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Caesar Octavianus
economia.estadao.com.br - A AT&T, gigante de telefonia dos Estados Unidos, fechou um acordo para comprar a Time Warner por mais de US$ 80 bilhões, segundo fonte familiarizada ao assunto. O negócio criará a maior companhia d...

It’s Kelly Ayotte for US Senate

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nashuatelegraph.com - When Kelly Ayotte ran for the U.S. Senate in 2010, she campaigned on her public service career and ability to work with both parties. In doing so, she won the anti-establishment vote wave that over...

New WikiLeaks Emails And Why Donald Trump Has A Point When He Says The Media Is Biased

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inquisitr.com - WikiLeaks published a new batch of emails on Saturday showing more evidence of a cozy relationship between the Clinton campaign and members of the media. In the 15th installment of released emails ...

Trump lays out policies for first 100 days of White House

nypost.com - Donald Trump delivered the “closing argument” to the presidential election Saturday in historic Gettysburg, Pa. on Saturday, invoking President Abraham Lincoln as he vowed to unite a “divided” coun...

U.S. Embassy in Beirut hit by massive car bomb - Oct 23, 1983 - HISTORY.com

history.com - On this day, a suicide bomber drives a truck filled with 2,000 pounds of explosives into a U.S. Marine Corps barracks at the Beirut International Airport. The explosion killed 220 Marines, 18 sailo...

Trump prepares for Gettysburg address unveiling first-100-days agenda

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Linda Suhler, Ph.D.
dailymail.co.uk - Donald Trump will plant a flag on hallowed ground Saturday morning by laying out near the Gettysburg National Battlefield what he would do in his first 100 days as President of the United States. T...

OKDIARIO se consolida como el segundo diario nativo que más se lee desde el móvil

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Madridista Orgulloso
okdiario.com - La tendencia de los lectores en Internet es cada vez más clara y contundente, el crecimiento de usuarios en móviles crece día a día y está desplazando a los ordenadores de sobremesa como los reyes ...

Así secuestró, torturó y mató ETA a mi abuelo

okdiario.com - A mi abuelo, Javier Ybarra, lo secuestró ETA y después lo asesinó. Eso hace mella en la vida de una persona y de una familia. Los terroristas o te matan o te hacen más fuerte en tus principios y co...

WikiLeaks - Hillary Clinton Email Archive

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Dr. Marty Fox
wikileaks.org - How to contact WikiLeaks? What is Tor? Tips for Sources After Submitting This key's fingerprint is A04C 5E09 ED02 B328 03EB 6116 93ED 732E 9231 8DBA -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- mQQNBFUoCGg...

WikiLeaks urges supporters to 'stop taking down the US internet'

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thehill.com - The site WikiLeaks asked its “supporters” on Friday to stop taking down the internet in the U.S. following a massive distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack that disrupted a number of major sit...

Doctor: Hillary memory lapses present national security crisis

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Deplorable ((Faith))
mobile.wnd.com - NEW YORK – A physician who believes Hillary Clinton is suffering a serious neurological disease that should disqualify her from being president suggests Hillary’s history of memory and recall diffi...

Gaddafi's last words as he begged for mercy: 'What did I do to you?'

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Don Mashak
bients.com - As National Transitional Council fighters fought their way into Sirte, radio intercepts spoke of ‘an asset’ in the besieged city. But no one knew until the final moments that the deposed dictator w...

Obama Released 52K Illegal Alien Kids Into the US in FY2016

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Deplorable Nancy ن
mrctv.org - Anyone remember when Jeh Johnson vowed that our borders weren’t open to illegal immigration, or when President Obama promised that anyone who recently crossed into the U.S. from Mexico wouldn't be ...

Lo que sobra en Alsasua no es la Guardia Civil: lo que sobra es la gentuza proetarra

outono.net - Ayer el PSOE, Geroa Bai (la marca navarra del PNV) y Goazen Altsasu (la marca local de Podemos) firmaron una declaración institucional en la que hacen gala de la más repugnante equidistancia. Frent...

How to Hack an Election in 7 Minutes

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Don Mashak
politico.com - When Princeton professor Andrew Appel decided to hack into a voting machine, he didn’t try to mimic the Russian attackers who hacked into the Democratic National Committee's database last month. He...

Obama Warned of 'Rigged Elections' Back in 2008

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Pat Peters, Ph.D.
mrctv.org - At a campaign rally for Hillary Clinton on Thursday in Miami Gardens, Fla., President Obama condemned Donald Trump’s “rigged election” claims, describing these remarks as “dangerous.” “When you try...

Donna Brazile Gets Epic Live Beat Down from Megyn Kelly (Dems Inciting Violence At Trump Rallies and Rigged Debate) - MILO

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Pat Peters, Ph.D.
milo.yiannopoulos.net - DNC interim Chairwoman Donna Brazile had a rough interview with Megyn Kelly. She denied giving debate questions to the Hillary Clinton campaign in advance of a Town Hall debate with Bernie Sanders,...

How a Volcano in Japan Halted an Earthquake

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livescience.com - Mount Aso, one of the most active volcanoes in Japan, recently helped to stop a powerful earthquake before it subsided on its own, researchers discovered. When a 7.1-magnitude quake struck Kumamoto...

Blog: Obama purged military of those who sought victory

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Don Mashak
americanthinker.com - It was not hyperbole when GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump said that under President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the U.S. military had been "reduced to rubble" and left floun...

10,000 California veterans ordered to pay back enlistment bonuses

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Dr. Marty Fox
nydailynews.com - Nearly 10,000 California veterans must pay back hefty reenlistment bonuses they earned a decade ago when they signed up to fight in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Pentagon has ordered.    Many of the Ca...

Watch! Democrats’ black ops exposed

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Deplorable ((Faith))
mobile.wnd.com - Editor’s Note: Be aware of offensive language throughout video and in quotes from video. A Democratic operative has been captured on video revealing his agents and cohorts are “starting anarchy” by...

WIKILEAKS : Snooty Hillary Camp Calls Bernie and 2nd Amendment Supporters “GUN NUTS”

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truthfeed.com - The Hillary campaign has so much contempt for middle-class America, Bernie Sanders, and his supporters. They hate pretty much everyone who is not elite, like them. I read these emails daily and am ...

Clinton Campaign Chairman Calls Blacks “Never-do-Wells”!

dcclothesline.com - If not for liberal Julian Assange and his government accountability group, this entire election would only be about the many mistakes made by Donald Trump. However, thanks to Assange and WikiLeaks,...

More Clinton classified email emerges in State Department document dump

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Don Mashak
washingtontimes.com - The State Department released another batch of emails from former Secretary Hillary Clinton’s secret email server Friday and at least one of them is a new message not released before, but which con...

La niña a la que desearon la muerte por ser hija de un guardia civil canta el himno del cuerpo

okdiario.com - Un tal Alex Morera le deseó a esta pequeña pelirroja de tres añitos que “reventara” porque es “hija de un hijoputa terrorista” agente de la Guardia Civil. Pero la poca humanidad de quien así se exp...

#StopSoros #StopSmartmatic #DrainTheSwamp - Pastebin.com

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Don Mashak
pastebin.com - #StopSoros and his Smartmatic Voting Machines from stealing the election! ======================================================================== (More info HERE: https://www.reddit.com/r/The_Dona...

Hillary Attacks Christians For Saying THIS In Tweet About Pope ⋆ US Herald

usherald.com - Recently a sort of 'revelation' has come to light as part of another WikiLeaks data dump showing that some of Hillary's top campaign staffers are not big fans of Catholics and evangelical Christian...

Guidon poll finds students support Johnson over Trump; 44% say they consider themselves Independent

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Terry Baker
thenorwichguidon.org - With the 2016 presidential election closing in fast, politics have become a common part of daily conversation. Strong opinions seem to be dividing the world of social media and the mainstream media...

Trump's 'Gettysburg address' makes closing argument as race heats up

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dailymail.co.uk - Donald Trump planted a flag on hallowed ground Saturday morning by laying out near the Gettysburg National Battlefield what he would do in his first 100 days as President of the United States. Tout...
Arte & Entretenimento

BLM, Cops, and NFL Ratings

whoobazoo.com - BLM, Cops, and NFL Ratings Posted by: Anthony Arnold in Law, Protest, Racism, Sports October 19, 2016 0 26 Views author best-selling black comedian Conservative entertainment FOX News GOP humor Kev...

Breaking: James O’Keefe’s Life In Danger - Liberty News Now

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libertynewsnow.com - We’ve all heard of the rumored “Clinton Body Count”, but now James O’Keefe is taking action incase he is the next target. For Hillary and the DNC, Julian Assange and James O’Keefe have done irrever...

The Latest Subject Of A James O'Keefe Sting Wants The Full Videos Released

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Cathy O'Dell Town
huffingtonpost.com - But like much of what Project Veritas produces, it’s not clear whether or to what extent the content was manipulated before it made its way to YouTube. It’s also tough to tell how significant the v...

A mathematician may have uncovered widespread election fraud, and Kansas is trying to silence her

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Texas ValleyGirl
americablog.com - Kansas loves them some voter fraud hysteria. From going to the Supreme Court to try and make doubly-sure that non-citizens can’t vote in their elections to setting up a voter fraud website where ci...

Confessions of an Anonymous Urban Trump supporter

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subverse.net - editor’s note: Subverse welcomes all political ideologies in its op-ed section. This article does not represent the political position of the company. Having grown up in a major city I can’t help b...

Why blacks should abandon the Democratic Party

washingtontimes.com - Unnoticed by the mainstream media, which prefers showier displays of political protest, there is a quiet revolution going on in the African-American community. Confronted by a problematic candidate...

Os jovens cada vez mais repudiam o esquerdismo; e o principal motivo disso é muito claro | Implicante.Org

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implicante.org - Recentemente, tratei das razões que fazem o povo mais pobre odiar o esquerdismo. Em essência, é porque o esquerdismo os odeia; ou a seus costumes, hábitos e afins. Hoje, porém, falo dos jovens. Sim...

No internet? No problem! Comedian shouts news to web-deprived Assange (VIDEO)

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rt.com - How to cope with news deprivation if your internet access has been cut? Well, if you’re WikiLeaks co-founder Assange, stuck in the Ecuadorian embassy in London, all you need is a Canadian comedian ...

Illegals seeking asylum up 900%, get cash, welfare, school loans

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Dr. Marty Fox
washingtonexaminer.com - The number of illegals seeking asylum to gain easy access to the United States has jumped 900 percent in less than 10 years, greatly expanding the immigration population receiving Social Security b...

No fue una protesta estudiantil

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Jose y Melvis
elespanol.com - En mis años universitarios sólo participé en una protesta estudiantil. Fue en Estados Unidos, cuando ya estaba a punto de licenciarme. La Universidad había concedido un doctorado honoris causa a un...

Anthem singer kneels midcourt at Heat-76ers

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Deplorable Milo🐸
espn.com - MIAMI -- A woman performing the national anthem before an NBA preseason game in Miami on Friday night did so while kneeling at midcourt, and opening her jacket to show a shirt with the phrase "Blac...

La derrota de ETA es una mentira

actuall.com - Han pasado cinco años en los que, con honrosas excepciones, todos los poderes fácticos nacionales e internacionales han amasado el mantra, absoluto e infalible según su parecer, de que ETA ha sido ...

7 Times Nate Silver Was Hilariously Wrong About Donald Trump

dailycaller.com - It’s been a rough election cycle for forecasting guru Nate Silver and his website FiveThirtyEight. Silver became a household name after he almost perfectly predicted the results of the 2008 and 201...

Parlamentares apresentaram 7,8 mil emendas ao Orçamento de 2017, em um total de R$ 96,6 bilhões - Política - Estadão

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Caesar Octavianus
politica.estadao.com.br - Os 513 deputados e 81 senadores apresentaram 7.834 emendas à proposta de Orçamento da União de 2017, que totalizam R$ 96,6 bilhões. O prazo para a apresentação das emendas se encerrou na última qui...

Hillary Clinton: Architect of failure

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Don Mashak
washingtonexaminer.com - My experience in decision-making has shown that patterns are tough to break. In the military we study an opponent looking for gaps, flaws, or weaknesses that can be exploited. Successful leaders at...

Here's a pre-election novena to Mary, patroness of the US

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N. Catholic Register
catholicnewsagency.com - Washington D.C., Oct 19, 2016 / 12:21 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- With the Nov. 8 election approaching, the Knights of Columbus have released a novena addressed to Mary, the Immaculate Conception, who is ...

Read Donald Trump's Contract With The American Voter (FULL TEXT)

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thegatewaypundit.com - In his speech in Gettysburg, Donald Trump laid out the plan he will pursue during his first 100 days in office. The plan is called the Donald J. Trump Contract With The American Voter. Here’s the f...


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kickstarter.com - The video game, cards, and figures can each be enjoyed independently of the others, but when played together your experience will be extra-awesome! PlayFusion is an employee-owned, indie game devel...

Donald Trump’s closing argument is battle cry against Hillary Clinton’s corruption

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washingtontimes.com - Donald Trump called on voters Saturday to help him defeat a “totally rigged system,” delivering a speech billed as the closing argument for his presidential campaign that became a battle cry agains...

Em carreata, Iris percorre bairros da região Leste : Iris Rezende 15 – Prefeito de Goiânia

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Reinaldo Cruz
iris15.com.br - Os candidatos à Prefeitura de Goiânia pela Coligação Experiência e Confiança, Iris Rezende (PMDB) e Major Araújo (PRP), estiveram na região Leste de Goiânia neste sábado, 22. A agenda de campanha c...

U.S. Helps Muslims, not Christians

gatestoneinstitute.org - As the Muslim persecution of Christians continues to reach critical proportions around the world (see report below), the average American shows much more concern than the current administration. So...
Meio Ambiente

Desconocidos quemaron un bus de acercamiento para las elecciones en Ercilla | soytemuco.cl

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soychile.cl - Suscríbete al newsletter NUEVO Deportes Videos Fotos soychile soyarica soyiquique soycalama soyantofagasta soycopiapó soyvalparaíso soyquillota soysanantonio soychillán soysancarlos soytomé soytalc...

En busca de la belleza.

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lechuzaworld.tumblr.com - sommerlanding 22 746 notas immersedbynature ha reblogueado esto desde sommerlanding fra-goes-fit ha reblogueado esto desde sommerlanding A itsmainstreamtobemainstream le gusta esto borschy ha reblo...

Greenfield: A Frightening Preview of Hillary’s America

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truthrevolt.org - Hillary Clinton, of all people, summed up this debate and this election best. “What kind of country are we going to be?” The Evita of Arkansas is a compulsive liar who has never told the truth in h...

Miles de opositoras marchan contra la suspensión del revocatorio

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Madridista Orgulloso
gaceta.es - Mujeres opositoras venezolanas marcharon este sábado en Caracas para rechazar la suspensión del referendo revocatorio presidencial y para exigir a la Asamblea Nacional (AN, Parlamento), de mayoría ...

Mujeres Resteadas tomaron las calles por la libertad de Venezuela (Fotos) - Venezuela al Día

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Joao Carlos Santos
venezuelaaldia.com - “¡Venezuela, resteada (valiente), será liberada!”, gritan miles de mujeres que marchan este sábado en Caracas en protesta por la suspensión del proceso de referendo revocatorio contra el presidente...

Novo diretor da Veja é um petista infiltrado. Publicou matéria falsa para favorecer Lula, de quem é simpatizante

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imprensaviva.com - O novo diretor editorial da revista Veja, André Petry, é reconhecido no meio jornalístico como um "simpatizante" de carteirinha do PT. Na edição desta semana, a revista publicou um artigo falso, ga...
Meio Ambiente

El 49 por ciento de los expulsados de los CIE este año tenían antecedentes penales

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Jose y Melvis
abc.es - «El 18 de octubre pasadas las 20.30, tras la cena, cuando los internos iban a subir a sus habitaciones unas 63 personas, todas argelinas salvo un marroquí, se negaron a hacerlo. El grupo arrancó cu...

Enabler Hillary’s Actions Speak Louder Than Trump’s Words (Guest Post)

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Pat Peters, Ph.D.
floppingaces.net -   The mistake that can be made in reaction to the 2005 Trump audio of The Donald talking locker roon trash in the crudest terms is to compare it to the actual escapades of one William Jefferson Cli...
Arte & Entretenimento

Articles: Where is the Coverage of Juanita Broaddrick?

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Pat Peters, Ph.D.
americanthinker.com - The liberal media feeding frenzy about a quarter-century-old alleged marital rape involving GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump, and former wife Ivana, has a fury that was strangely absent when...

Los cuatro estilos de aprendizaje o el por qué algunos leen los manuales y otros no

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Carolus Aurelius
elpais.com - Hay personas que se leen hasta la letra pequeña de los manuales mientras que otros se lanzan a pulsar todos los mandos para ver qué ocurre. No es ni bueno ni malo. Simplemente, nos da pistas de nue...

8 Things We Learned About Huma Abedin from WikiLeaks' Hacked Emails

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Pat Peters, Ph.D.
ijr.com - Huma Abedin has been a bit of an enigma since she became the effective “right-hand woman” of Hillary Clinton. She has been at Hillary's side for years, through thick and thin. The traveling chief o...

Maduro opponents march after Venezuela referendum sunk

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B.D. Mowell
reuters.com - CARACAS Led by women dressed in white, several thousand Venezuelans marched through Caracas on Saturday in the first of what the opposition hopes will be escalating protests against the quashing of...

NEVERCREW's murals highlight our effect on the natural world

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designboom.com - on first inspection, it’s not always clear what the bigger picture is behind the vast and colorful murals that swiss-based street art team NEVERCREW have become famous for. gargantuan whales, tower...

What we know about the Dyn cyber attack

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euronews.com - The cyber attack that took down US sites from Twitter and Spotify to CNN, Yelp and the New York Times on Friday was notable for its sheer size but also the fact that it employed internet connected ...

Articles: Mosque Uses Lawsuit to Abolish Zoning Power of Small California Community

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Severe Conservative
americanthinker.com - In a small rural area of Santa Clara County California lies a geographically unique area of land called San Martin, close to, but not of, Silicon Valley. In 1981 the Board of Supervisors establishe...

Cómo una foto le cambió la vida a un adolescente paquistaní

Partilhado por
Javier Bátiz
animalpolitico.com - A un atractivo “chai wala” (vendedor de té callejero) paquistaní le cambió la vida de la noche a la mañana luego de que su retrato invadió la internet. Arshad Khan, de 18 años, fue fotografiado por...

Crise venezuelana atinge o ápice com a suspensão do revogatório

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Gilmar Costa
poncheverde.blogspot.com - A suspensão do processo de referendo revogatório contra o presidente Nicolás Maduro marca o ponto mais alto da crise venezuelana, que começou em 2014, com a queda nos preços do petróleo e a consequ...

Yet Another Media-Hyped Rape Accusation Is Debunked

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Everyday American
returnofkings.com - It all started during the night of October 15th, 2016, in Québec city, Canada. Two young black men intruded in a student housing facility, knocked on doors, and allegedly sexually assaulted a few f...

The New Yorker Endorses Hillary Clinton

Partilhado por
Dykstra Dame
newyorker.com - On November 8th, barring some astonishment, the people of the United States will, after two hundred and forty years, send a woman to the White House. The election of Hillary Clinton is an event tha...
Arte & Entretenimento

1981 High School Football Team Photo Leaves Little Doubt that Michelle Obama Was Born Michael Robinson

Partilhado por
Pat Peters, Ph.D.
mooglemeow.blogspot.com - [Editor's Note: August 15, 2014: A google search revealed that Michelle was first outed (as a man) in a story posted on June 30, 2011 by Matthew Glosser at a web site called Christwire.org. I've re...

Data Reveals Women Overwhelmingly Choose Lower-Paying College Majors - Breitbart

Partilhado por
Linda Suhler, Ph.D.
breitbart.com - The research, conducted by AEI scholar Mark J. Perry who is a professor at the University of Michigan in Flint, argues that any gap in earnings between American men and women are the result of the ...

Papa Francisco: É tempo de coragem e de proclamar o amor de Deus!

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Arquidiocese de SP
acidigital.com - VATICANO, 23 Out. 16 / 12:00 pm (ACI).- O Papa Francisco presidiu a Oração do Ângelus neste domingo diante de 50.000 pessoas e falou a respeito da segunda leitura de São Paulo a Timóteo e sobre a n...

Articles: Bergdahl Court Martial also Indicts Obama

Partilhado por
Pat Peters, Ph.D.
americanthinker.com - The decision to refer the case of Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl to a general court martial on charges of desertion by Gen. Robert B. Abrams, the head of Army Forces Command at Ft. Bragg, N.C., shows there...

Here’s Cryptographic Proof That Donna Brazile Is Wrong, Wikileaks Emails Are Real

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The Daily Caller
dailycaller.com - Cryptographic signatures demonstrate that Democratic National Committee Chairman Donna Brazile is wrong when she suggests the Wikileaks emails were altered and that she did not send an email tippin...

En España hubo un genocidio anticatólico que debería ser reconocido de forma oficial

Partilhado por
Elentir ن
outono.net - Hoy Tarragona ha acogido la beatificación de 522 mártires católicos que murieron asesinados durante la Guerra Civil Española. A pesar de las mentiras que vienen lanzando algunos, este acto tiene co...

Una filosofia per ripristinare il rapporto fra fede e ragione

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#JeSuisAsiaBibi ن
lanuovabq.it - La capacità di attenzione di uno scolaro medio, dicono gli insegnanti, è sempre più scarsa. Lo è anche quella degli adulti, che al massimo riescono ad approfondire fugacemente le notizie di sport, ...

Hypocrite Elijah Cummings Conspired With IRS

Partilhado por
Pat Peters, Ph.D.
investors.com - Corruption: New IRS emails released by a congressional panel show staff working for the Democratic ranking member communicated with the IRS multiple times in 2012 and 2013 about a voter-fraud preve...

Iraq Rejects Turkish Bid to Participate in Mosul Fight

thetruth24.net - Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi has formally rejected a bid from Turkey to participate in the military push to retake the northern Iraqi city of Mosul from Islamic State extremists. Abadi, spe...

French cheer police, reviving Charlie spirit

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B.D. Mowell
yahoo.com - Paris (AFP) - Angry French police have taken to the streets for five nights in a row -- and Parisians have started to cheer them on, reviving scenes last seen following the Charlie Hebdo attacks in...


Partilhado por
Don Mashak
viralliberty.com - VIA| WikiLeaks couldn’t have made it clearer in a series of tweets on Thursday – the US election for the President of the United States is rigged. The establishment have selected their President an...

Tech Giants' Artificial Intelligence Monopoly Possibly the Most Dangerous in History

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This is Why Trump
activistpost.com - In a race to corner the artificial intelligence market, the world’s largest tech companies are in a frenzy to buy out smaller AI companies at an alarming rate, heading toward what could potentially...

The steep cost of Common Core

Partilhado por
Don Mashak
washingtontimes.com - Anew study reaffirms what conservatives have been saying about the Common Core State Standards all along: They’re a giant waste of taxpayers’ money. The study, titled “Smart Money? Philanthropic an...

How Crowdfunding Opened Doors and Follow-on Funding for a Healthy Food Market

Partilhado por
Don Mashak
locavesting.com - On a busy stretch of Southwest Los Angeles known as the El Salvador Community Corridor, the cheery green and orange facade of With Love Market & Cafe stands out like a beacon. Since it opened last ...

MGRC - Job Center::Governmental Relations Job Opportunities:Goff Public Seeking Lobbyist/Account Executive

Partilhado por
Don Mashak
mgrc.memberclicks.net -  MGRC - Job Center : Governmental Relations Job Opportunities Board Index Welcome Guest       Subject : Goff Public Seeking Lobbyist/Account Executive.. 10/20/2016 01:15:02 PM  MGRC Administrator P...

Criminalidade sofisticada, poderosa, diz procurador sobre contrainteligência

Partilhado por
Joao Carlos Santos
brasilsoberanoelivre.blogspot.com - Para Frederico Paiva, do MPF, policiais legislativos que agiram contra a Lava Jato tinham 'plena consciência da ilicitude de seus atos'  Policiais Legislativos embaçaram a Lava Jato, sustenta o MPF...

Acosan a juristas independientes de Cubalex

Partilhado por
Jose y Melvis
martinoticias.com - El Centro de Información Legal Cubalex, una entidad independiente de consultoría y asesoría jurídica, denunció el acoso del régimen contra varios de sus clientes semanas después de que la oficina d...

Newt Gingrich: Gore, Trump and Liberal Hypocrisy

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truthfeed.com - The media is beside itself that Wednesday night, in the final presidential debate, Donald Trump said he would wait until the election actually occurs to judge whether or not it was carried out fair...

Eduardo Bolsonaro apresenta projeto de lei que criminaliza o comunismo

Partilhado por
tercalivre.com - O deputado federal Eduardo Bolsonaro PSC-SP protocolou na tarde de hoje, 23 de maio de 2016, um projeto de lei na Câmara dos Deputados que representa uma mais do que simbólica demanda para os brasi...

Homem de Soros na Smartmatic controla eleições americanas

Partilhado por
Terça Livre
tercalivre.com - O grupo Smartmatic, que desenvolve os programas de computadores usados nas urnas eletrônicas das eleições de vários estados americanos e nas eleições brasileiras, já foi alvo de questionamento tant...

30 Reasons in 30 Days to Vote for Donald Trump – #16 Trump – The Law & Order Candidate

Partilhado por
Getúlio Santana
thegatewaypundit.com - As we count down to the November 8th election, we will list 30 reasons in 30 days to vote for Donald Trump for President of the US. Reason #16 – Trump – The Law & Order Candidate ‘Black Lives Matte...

Breitbart Radio Exclusive–Rep. Blackburn: Hillary Clinton’s Russian ‘Pay-to-Play’ Uranium Scheme Top Example of Her Corruption - Breitbart

breitbart.com - “They’re the ones who have been dealing with the Russians,” said Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R.-Tenn.) to Breitbart Radio host Matthew Boyle in a live interview on the SiriusXM Patriot Channel 125 progr...

Estudantes se mobilizam e impedem ocupação de colégio no sul do Paraná

Partilhado por
André BK Fotos
g1.globo.com - Alunos de São Mateus do Sul, no sul do Paraná, contrários ao movimento Ocupa Paraná, impediram a ocupação do Colégio Estadual São Mateus, na quinta-feira (20). Eles decidiram, por maioria, que não ...

“Hackers do bem” projetam software para investigar gastos de deputados

Partilhado por
Gilmar Costa
rota2014.blogspot.com - Um projeto de “hackers do bem” pretende criar um software capaz de monitorar os gastos dos deputados federais com a chamada “verba indenizatória”. O valor utilizado por parlamentares com alimentaçã...

First Calais children with no UK links arrive in UK

Partilhado por
Ray Elliott
news.sky.com - The refugees were among the latest wave of around 70 new young arrivals to cross the Channel under the provisions of the Dubs amendment. It followed a change to the Immigration Act which meant Brit...

How to Treat a Lady On the Internet – Since Some of You Need Instructions

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Chauvinist Pigs
everydayfeminism.com - Originally published on Medium and republished here with the author’s permission. (Content Note: harassment, mentions of sexual and physical violence) The following is a good guide for how to treat...

Review of MAGA Mindset: The Best (and Worst) Book About The Ascent of Trump - Thumotic

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Mike Cernovich
thumotic.com - Mike Cernovich’s MAGA Mindset: Making YOU and America Great Again is the best book you can read about Donald Trump’s rise from Joke Candidate to Imminent God Emperor in the 2016 American election. ...

Dems Leave Room As Benghazi Mom Says Obama, Hillary Lied

Partilhado por
Pat Peters, Ph.D.
investors.com - Benghazi-gate: Democrats couldn't share the grief of a mom who was lied to in front of her son's casket or a grieving father who wonders why the general who could have mounted a rescue was relieved...

Refrescándole la memoria a Pablo Iglesias sobre libertad de expresión y universidad

Partilhado por
Elentir ن
outono.net - Anteayer el líder de Podemos apoyó el ataque contra la libertad de expresión de varias decenas de matones de ultraizquierda en la UAM, calificándolo de “síntoma de salud democrática”. Pablo Iglesia...


Partilhado por
Franscô Amorim
truthfeed.com - Conservative Christian support for Donald Trump has become something of a scandal of late. But no matter how odious the Republican nominee’s faults may be, religious believers must not be fooled — ...

Bake Us a Cake, or Else!

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Redeeming Rainbow
nationalreview.com - For years now, a central argument of those in favor of same-sex marriage has been that all Americans should be free to live and love how they choose. But does that freedom require the government to...

San Giovanni da Capestrano: "nella battaglia invocate il nome di Gesù"

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Kattoliko Pensiero
allaquerciadimamre.it - Giovanni nacque il 24 giugno 1386 a Capestrano non lontano da L’Aquila, nell’Abruzzo. I suoi genitori erano di nobili origini. La prima istruzione l’ebbe in famiglia da uno speciale pedagogo. E anc...
Arte & Entretenimento


Partilhado por
Kattoliko Pensiero
marcotosatti.com - Sappiamo tutti che cosa pensa, e talvolta dice, senza mezzi termini, il Pontefice sulla famiglia, quella formata da un uomo e una donna, e sulle ideologie che vorrebbero rovesciare e modificare que...

The real agenda behind gay anti-bullying clubs in your school

Partilhado por
Redeeming Rainbow
lifesitenews.com - WALTHAM, Massachusetts September 6, 2011 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Back in the early 1990’s most people in North America would have doubted there would ever come a day when the homosexual agenda would b...

Religious voters turning away from Trump

Partilhado por
Severe Conservative
religionnews.com - (RNS) Over the past two decades, the biggest story in religious voting patterns has been the emergence of the so-called God gap — the tendency of religious voters regardless of affiliation to prefe...

‘Deixa eu em liberdade’, implora Dirceu a Moro

Partilhado por
lucia Helena Vips
politica.estadao.com.br - O ex-ministro José Dirceu (Casa Civil/Governo Lula) fez um apelo dramático ao juiz federal Sérgio Moro, nesta sexta-feira, 21. Ele pediu liberdade. Já condenado a 20 anos e três meses de reclusão p...

Policial da contrainteligência diz que desconfiava de ordens do Senado e teve medo de ser confundido com ‘espião’

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politica.estadao.com.br - O policial legislativo Geraldo César de Deus Oliveira, preso nesta sexta-feira, 21, na Operação Métis, sob acusação de integrar um grupo do Senado que armou esquema de contrainteligência para blind...

Mujeres de Carabobo rechazan la suspensión del 20% de manifestación de voluntades | El Pitazo

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elpitazo.com - “Mujeres Resteadas” de Carabobo indicaron que se mantendrán en la calles hasta que se logre restablecer el hilo constitucional en el país Por: Ruth Lara Castillo | El Pitazo – Carabobo Valencia.- E...

Como o alcoolismo quase matou Phil Collins

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g1.globo.com - Sentado em uma suíte espaçosa em um luxuoso hotel em Londres, Phil Collins está devorando um prato de batatas fritas. "Depois você pode me trazer uma taça de vinho branco, por favor?", pede o músic...

Report: 743 Christians Attacked by Muslims in Refugee Camps

Partilhado por
Getúlio Santana
themuslimissue.wordpress.com - By Amanda Prestigiacomo DailyWire, October 21, 2016 A new report published by Christian advocacy group Open Doors Germany is uncovering the country’s glaring inability or refusal to protect the rel...

He's With Her: Inside Paul Ryan's Months-Long Campaign to Elect Hillary Clinton President - Breitbart

Partilhado por
Getúlio Santana
breitbart.com - “Maybe not,” Trump told Good Morning America on Tuesday. “Because maybe he wants to run in four years… or maybe he doesn’t know how to win. I mean, who can really know?” Trump said. The view that R...

Manifestantes entregam 1,6 milhão de assinaturas pela queda de Renan Calheiros

Partilhado por
Cesar Gomes
oglobo.globo.com - BRASÍLIA – Cerca de 25 manifestantes se reuniram em frente ao gramado do Senado nesta quarta-feira, com banners e faixas pedindo a saída do senador Renan Calheiros (PMDB-AL) durante a entrega simbó...
Meio Ambiente

Especialistas contestam pesquisas que apontam vitória certa para Hillary - 22/10/2016 - Mundo - Folha de S.Paulo

Partilhado por
Tereza Cristina
folha.uol.com.br - "Hillary Clinton provavelmente vai ser a próxima presidente" dos EUA. A previsão foi feita por Nate Silver, o guru das estatísticas eleitorais, na quinta (20), um dia após o último debate eleitoral...

No, Hillary, 17 U.S. Intelligence Agencies Did Not Say Russia Hacked Dem E-mails

Partilhado por
Lucas Medeiros
nationalreview.com - Hillary Clinton in last night’s presidential debate tried to avoid talking about the substance of the damaging WikiLeaks disclosures of DNC and Clinton campaign officials by claiming 17 U.S. intell...

Abedin Implicated Clinton In Foundation Trade-Off With Morocco Amid $12 Million Commitment

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Luciano Marques
foxnews.com - Just hours after Hillary Clinton dodged a question at the final presidential debate about charges of "pay to play" at the Clinton Foundation, a new batch of WikiLeaks emails surfaced with stunning ...

Hillary Clinton Tops Middle East Forum's 'Islamist Money List' - Breitbart

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breitbart.com - According to the Middle East Forum, their list tracks political donations from “from individuals who subscribe to the same Islamic supremacism as Khomeini, Bin Laden, and ISIS.” Clinton has receive...

Wikileaks Reveals Hillary Campaign Working With ‘VERY Friendly and Malleable Reporters’

Partilhado por
Getúlio Santana
thegatewaypundit.com - Judging by the media’s behavior in this election, describing a member of the press as ‘VERY friendly and malleable’ means it could be just about any of them. WikiLeaks reveals Clinton camp’s work w...

PSOL apóia Nicolás Maduro e vai à Venezuela acompanhar eleição presidencial

Partilhado por
Marco Feliciano
psol50.org.br - Partido lançou nota em que declara solidariedade ao povo venezuelano e apoio à candidatura de Maduro, por expressar a continuidade dos valores da Revolução Socialista Bolivariana   O presidente nac...

Donald Trump Promises Change in Gettysburg Speech: 'Has to Come from Outside Our Very Broken System' - Breitbart

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BrazilPolitiks News
breitbart.com - “President Lincoln served at at time of division like we’ve never seen before. It is my hope that we can look at his example to heal the divisions we are living through right now,” Trump stated, no...

Toronto Islamist: “It is certainly possible to apply Shariah in the North American society”

Partilhado por
Getúlio Santana
creepingsharia.wordpress.com - Source: “It is certainly possible to apply Shariah in the North American society” – CIJNews English  h/t Jihad Watch Taha Ghayyur, a Toronto Muslim activist and a board member of DawaNet, believes ...

Social Justice Summit at White House: "I Want a Muslim Refugee for President"

Partilhado por
Getúlio Santana
frontpagemag.com - Move over Hillary. Time to make way for a Muslim refugee president. Yes, another one. The George Washington University social justice summit, a revolutionary brainstorming session where Starbucks b...

Huma: Hillary Must Attend Muslim Event or Lose $12 Mil

Partilhado por
Getúlio Santana
frontpagemag.com - While our politicians spend us trillions into debt, their own asking price is a lot lower. Here's how Clintonworld scrambled to grab $12 million for their slush fund from a Muslim monarch. Hillary ...

OBAMA’S AMERICA : Austin, Texas Ad Urges Illegals to Get a “Sugar Daddy”

Partilhado por
Getúlio Santana
truthfeed.com - A dating site recently put up a billboard in South Austin that urges women in the country illegally to “get a sugar daddy” and avoid deportation. The site, arrangementfinders.com, advertises itself...

Internet Disruption Linked to Hillary and Election?

Partilhado por
Getúlio Santana
constitution.com - If you were on the Internet on Friday, and you most likely were, you may have noticed some of your favorite sites being glitchy, slow or even entirely unavailable. That’s apparently because hackers...
Meio Ambiente

Prêmio ‘Wildlife Photographer of the Year’, 2016 | VEJA.com

Partilhado por
Getúlio Santana
veja.abril.com.br - Prêmio ‘Wildlife Photographer of the Year’, 2016 Confira as vencedoras do prêmio que escolhe as melhores imagens de vida selvagem pelo mundo, do Museu de História Natural de Londres zoom_out_map 1/...

22 indiciados pelo maior crime ambiental da história do Brasil, com a barragem da 'Samarco/Vale'

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folhacentrosul.com.br - Quando pagarão o que devem ao povo de MG, já que vivem dando calotes? REVEJA: Samarco/Vale dão calote de R$ 1 milhão em famílias atingidas pela lama tóxica REVEJA: STJ suspende 'acordo de R$ 20 bil...

Austria: Muslim migrant who raped 10-year-old boy has conviction overturned

Partilhado por
Getúlio Santana
jihadwatch.org - He might not have known that the boy was saying no, you see. This kind of legalistic twaddle — always in favor of Muslim migrants, never at their expense — heralds the demise of Europe and the West...

Presidente do Corinthians fraudou ata de reunião da arena que favorecia Odebrecht

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epoca.globo.com - No fim da tarde de 6 de fevereiro, um sábado, Roberto de Andrade saiu vitorioso na eleição para presidente do Corinthians. De camisa polo azul-clara e com adesivo "Roberto Presidente" colado no pei...

Clinton, Trump Rooted In Battlegrounds Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia With Time Expiring

Partilhado por
Getúlio Santana
foxnews.com - The campaigns for Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton on Saturday hunkered down in the handful of states that will likely decide their presidential race -- with Trump again improvising in Pennsylvania...


Partilhado por
Terça Livre
tercalivre.com - AS COTAS VARIAM DE R$ 30 MIL (DF) A R$ 45 MIL (RORAIMA) O Ministério Público Federal investiga suspeita de desvios da cota parlamentar de pelo menos 30 deputados e alguns que já perderam o mandato....

Projeto de lei que exige cadastro para acesso à internet avança no Congresso

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noticias.bol.uol.com.br - Projeto de lei restringiria acesso de usuários sem cadastro ou menores de idade Autoria do deputado pastor Franklin (PP-MG), o projeto de lei 2.390/2015 em tramitação na Câmara, pretende controlar ...

Sindicato petista Cpers decidiu pedir o impeachment do peemedebista José Ivo Sartori nesta segunda-feira

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Tupiniquim do Sul
poncheverde.blogspot.com - O Cpers (Centro dos Professores do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul), o maior sindicato petista do sul do País, anunciou que na segunda-feira ingressará na Assembléia Legislativa com o pedido de impeach...

TRIBUNA DA INTERNET Lula e Dilma têm 120 dias para devolver os 711 bens da União que usurparam | TRIBUNA DA INTERNET

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Tereza Cristina
tribunadainternet.com.br - Acostumados a confundir o patrimônio público com suas posses privadas, agora os ex-presidentes petistas Lula e Dilma Rousseff receberão um ultimato para devolver ao Estado, em menos de três meses, ...

Assessor de Freixo é condenado com base na Lei Maria da Penha | VEJA.com

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vilmar carneiro
veja.abril.com.br - Mais um caso de violência contra a mulher que vem à tona na eleição do Rio de Janeiro. Assessor parlamentar de Marcelo Freixo (PSOL) até 1º de agosto, Valdinei Medina da Silva, o Dinei, foi condena...

Las fotos más impactantes de la marcha de las mujeres

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lapatilla.com - Miles de venezolanos marcharon el sábado en Caracas para exigir el respeto a la Constitución y en rechazo a la suspensión temporal del proceso para activar un referéndum revocatorio contra el presi...

Justiça determina desocupação de escolas

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itribuna.com.br - A juíza Luzia Terezinha Grasso Ferreira deferiu o pedido de liminar de Interdito Proibitório a favor dos pais que se mantiveram por uma semana em frente ao Colégio Marechal Rondon, de Campo Mourão ...

Cunha pretende revelar o preço do PMDB de Temer para apoiar Dilma nas eleições

Partilhado por
Tereza Cristina
epoca.globo.com - >> Trecho da reportagem de capa de ÉPOCA desta semana: Faltavam 16 dias para o segundo turno das eleições de 2014 quando Eduardo Cunha enviou uma mensagem, em tom de ordem, ao presidente da OAS, Lé...

Governo Temer se junta a muçulmanos contra Israel

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noticias.gospelprime.com.br - Voto na UNESCO e acordo dos BRICS revelam nova mudança de posição Durante os 13 anos de governo petista, tanto Lula quanto Dilma mostraram seu viés antissemita, aprovando medidas contra Israel. Iss...

Por que Hillary é um perigo real para os EUA? Leia.

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nivea pagnano
oretrogrado.com.br - O maior desertor soviético, general Ion Mihai Pacepa, explica porque Hillary Clinton não pode ser presidente Nota do editor do WND: o general Ion Mihai Pacepa é o mais alto oficial de inteligência ...

Estado Islâmico obriga famílias a irem a Mossul para usá-las como escudos humanos - Internacional - Estadão

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vilmar carneiro
internacional.estadao.com.br - GENEBRA - O grupo jihadista Estado Islâmico (EI) está obrigando moradores da periferia de Mossul a se transferirem para a cidade com o objetivo de utilizá-los como escudos humanos, frente ao avanço...

UAE: 9,751 domestic workers abscond from their ‘sponsors’

Partilhado por
Getúlio Santana
themuslimissue.wordpress.com - This is only half of the story which is trying to down play the situation of the slaves working in muslim homes. Passports confiscated on arrival by their employers to prevent them from leaving, th...
Meio Ambiente

Cientistas britânicos podem ter encontrado a cura para o HIV | EXAME.com - Negócios, economia, tecnologia e carreira

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Luiz de Oliveira
exame.abril.com.br - São Paulo – A cura do HIV pode estar mais próxima do que a ciência imaginava. Cientistas britânicos afirmam que um de seus pacientes não apresentou nenhum sinal do vírus após passar por um tratamen...

Relatos da Segunda Guerra – O Herói em Silêncio

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segundaguerra.net - Em um ato de coragem o soldado Arnon Correa teve muito sangue frio, coragem e heroicidade para aguentar a dor em silencio e esperar durante horas o socorro em campo de batalha após ser ferido no ro...

Nepotismo cruzado, no caso de Freixo, é poesia e virtude, certo? Ou: Atos indecorosos! | VEJA.com

Partilhado por
vilmar carneiro
veja.abril.com.br - Ah, mas eu estou cada vez mais interessado no senso muito particular de moralidade do deputado estadual Marcelo Freixo (PSOL-RJ), aquele flagrado numa estranha e suspeita proximidade com os black b...
Meio Ambiente

Bonito oferece uma série de atrações que só ela tem

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Helio Antunes G
hojeemdia.com.br - Com a chegada da primavera, uma boa opção de turismo interno é Bonito, no Mato Grosso do Sul, quando a temperatura local fica bem agradável para que o visitante usufrua de todas as opções turística...

Islam’s Will to Power

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Voice of Europe
frontpagemag.com - Of Egyptian Coptic parents and fluent in Arabic, Raymond Ibrahim is among those scholars and commentators who, like Robert Spencer and David Horowitz, is not afraid of calling a spade a spade. In t...

'Rigged' Debates? Questions Arise Again Over Lighted Screen At Hillary's Podium

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Paul Joseph Watson
zerohedge.com - After the first debate, numerous videos surfaced alleging that Hillary was using some sort of teleprompter built into her podium to assist with answering questions or to offset whatever medical con...
Arte & Entretenimento

The Beautiful Life of a Boy Named Peter

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adflegal.org - It was my husband’s turn to pick something to watch on TV one recent Sunday evening. Instead of the second presidential debate (thank goodness), he chose a documentary that he had recorded—Graduati...


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citizengo.org - We are facing the worst international threat to the family and to the health and morals of our children in the history of the United Nations—one that will affect our nations directly, and which req...

Puigedemont premia a un filólogo que dice que el catalán y el aragonés se hablaban antes de Cristo

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actuall.com - El Gobierno catalán ha concedido la Cruz de San Jorge al controvertido filólogo barcelonés Artur Quintana quien sostiene que el aragonés y el catalán se hablan desde hace 2.200 años en Aragón, esto...

Merkel Party MP Outraged as Cologne Sex Attacks Wiped from Record

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Voice of Europe
breitbart.com - Of the 500 attacks which were filed in detail with the police, only 17 appear in the Police Crime Statistics (PKS) — the best known and most often cited police statistics — and those that do appear...

‘Fui eu que entreguei o processo aos repórteres’, diz Crivella sobre reportagem da ‘Veja’

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oglobo.globo.com - RIO - O candidato à prefeitura do Rio, Marcelo Crivella (PRB), minimizou a reportagem de capa da revista “Veja” em que aparece uma foto do político fichado na 9° delegacia (Catete), em 1990. Crivel...

A trajetória medíocre de Dilma. Uma biografia repleta de mentiras e derrotas

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manchette.com.br - A trajetória da ex-presidente Dilma Rousseff pode ser narrada sob vários ângulos diferentes, dependendo da perspectiva do narrador. Embora a petista sempre tenha tentado realçar sua biografia atrav...
Meio Ambiente

A máquina de guerra e destruição de Hillary Clinton

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Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - A máquina de guerra e destruição de Hillary Clinton Não há dúvida de que Hillary Clinton é a candidata de Wall Street, que é a espinhal dorsal do sistema financeiro americano. Ela é também a candid...

Islamist Expert: Give Syrians Their Own City in Germany

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Voice of Europe
breitbart.com - Expert on Salafism and Green party member Kurt Edler is proposing a radical idea on how the German government should handle the integration of Syrians and other migrants into German society. Mr. Ed...

Pregnant Janet Jackson spotted in full Islamic dress

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Voice of Europe
mirror.co.uk - Singer Janet Jackson was this week spotted in public for the first time since announcing her pregnancy - wear full Islamic dress. The star is believed to have become a Muslim after marrying Qatari ...

La Russia si schiera contro il dominio bancario dei Rothschild

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#JeSuisAsiaBibi ن
controinformazione.info - La guerra è la continuazione della politica con altri mezzi”. Carl von Clausewitz (teorico militare prussiano e generale) Possiamo dedurre, al di là della citazione di cui sopra di Von Clausewitz, ...

12 segredos para um relacionamento feliz

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miguel itamar
incrivel.club - Todos conhecemos ao menos duas pessoas que foram feitas uma para a outra. São almas gêmeas, que nutrem respeito e amor mútuos. O carinho entre eles é como o vinho: fortalece com o passar do tempo, ...

Escolha de dirigentes dos órgãos reguladores será mais rígida

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Gilmar Costa
rota2014.blogspot.com - Lu Aiko Otta - O Estado de São Paulo Indicado terá de ter, entre outras exigências, experiência de pelo menos dez anos na área a ser regulada Em fevereiro de 2009, o então presidente Luiz Inácio Lu...

Disputa de poder - MERVAL PEREIRA

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Ivo Marcelino
avaranda.blogspot.com - O Globo - 23/10 O episódio da prisão de membros da Polícia Legislativa do Senado acusados de estarem agindo para obstruir as investigações sobre senadores envolvidos na Lava-Jato é a explicitação d...

Ministério da Saúde lança ação nacional de combate à sífilis

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Proj Mais Um Moro
aids.gov.br - O Ministério da Saúde contará com o apoio das sociedades médica e civil para combater a sífilis no Brasil. Nesta quinta-feira (20/10), durante a Reunião Ordinária da Comissão Intergestores Triparti...

List of Reasons Johnson and Johnson CEO Alex Gorsky Should Immediately Resign

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Don Mashak
johnsonandtoxin.com - Welcome <3 Which is more important to YOU? Money or Lives?   Homeless and quite literally starving on the streets of the United States, help from everyone who can is desperately needed to continue ...

Dayton Misfires in Misleading Attack on MNsure Critics - American Experiment

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Don Mashak
americanexperiment.org - Gov. Mark Dayton may regret his unusually blunt and candid assessment that “the reality is the Affordable Care Act is no longer affordable to increasing numbers of people.” It’s true, of course, bu...

1775 Peyton Randolph Dies. President of Continental Congress.

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Don Mashak
politibrew.com - 10-22-16 1:07 PM EST: "After years of poor health, Peyton Randolph, former president of the Continental Congress, dies on this day in 1775 at the age of 54. Born in 1721 to a prominent and influent...

BREAKING: WikiLeaks Reveals Putin OWNS Podesta

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Don Mashak
thefederalistpapers.org - Democrat presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and her campaign have tried to deflect from the damning inside information revealed about them in the WikiLeaks email releases by claiming that GOP nom...

Todo Dia Com Paz: A Despedida do Mestre

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apaz.com.br -  Não se turbe o vosso coração? Na casa de meu Pai há muitas moradas? vou preparar-vos lugar. E, se eu for e vos preparar lugar, virei outra vez e vos levarei para mim mesmo, para que, onde eu estiv...

Jornal: Caixa acudiu Odebrecht com R$ 350 milhões na Arena Corinthians

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Proj Mais Um Moro
espn.uol.com.br - A Odebrecht contou com um apoio de R$ 350 milhões da Caixa em uma operação sigilosa realizada em 2014 por conta de um rombo para a construção da Arena Corinthians. A informação foi publicada pelo j...

MIT SHASS: News - 2016 - Election Insights - Research-based perspectives from MIT

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shass.mit.edu - Twelve research-based perspectives The 2016 presidential election has brought to the fore a number of political, economic, and cultural issues that scholars in the MIT School of Humanities, Arts, a...

Justiça do DF confirma condenação da TIM em R$ 1 milhão por dano moral - reclamao.com

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Rosa Lev
reclamao.com - Ação decorre de denúncia de publicidade enganosa de internet ilimitada. Consumidores que pagaram um complemento para que a velocidade fosse restabelecida serão reembolsados do valor pago a mais, co...

Como Eduardo Cunha começou na política? Impedindo Silvio Santos de ser presidente o Brasil | Implicante.Org

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Gilmar Costa
implicante.org - Hoje, todo mundo já sabe que Eduardo Cunha ingressou na política quando foi indicado por PC Farias para a presidência da Telerj, a estatal telefônica do Rio de Janeiro. Mas poucos se perguntam o mo...

Punições a juízes no Brasil são "deboche à sociedade", diz presidente da OAB

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noticias.uol.com.br - O presidente nacional da OAB (Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil),  Cláudio Lamachia, criticou duramente as penas previstas para juízes que cometem atos ilegais no Brasil. Em entrevista ao UOL, ele diss...

North Dakota Police ‘Out Of Control’ In Crackdown On Dakota Access Pipeline Protests

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Don Mashak
mintpressnews.com - STANDING ROCK SIOUX RESERVATION, North Dakota — As reports of police abuse at Dakota Access Pipeline protests accumulate, a civil liberties NGO warns that activists’ constitutional rights are under...

Julian Assange Gets Sweet Revenge After Hillary Cuts His Internet

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Don Mashak
madworldnews.com - With just a little over 2 weeks before the presidential election, Hillary Clinton is pulling out all the stops to keep Julian Assange’s mouth shut. With no success at actually killing him, her mini...

Itaú é líder em reclamações no Procon; veja lista completa | EXAME.com - Negócios, economia, tecnologia e carreira

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Rosa Lev
exame.abril.com.br - São Paulo – Aproveitando a semana do consumidor, a  Fundação de Proteção e Defesa do Consumidor (Procon) divulga a lista das 50 empresas mais reclamadas no órgão em 2012. Apesar da supremacia do se...

Why doesn’t Clarence Thomas get his due? He’s a black man who challenged liberal orthodoxy.

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Ryan T. Anderson
washingtonpost.com - Justice Clarence Thomas speaks at his alma mater, College of the Holy Cross, in Worcester, Mass., in 2012. (Michael Dwyer/AP) Sunday is the 25th anniversary of Clarence Thomas being sworn in as an ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Ohio Pumpkin Show Voters Flock to Shake Hands with Pence as He Campaigns for Trump-Pence Ticket - Breitbart

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Deplorable Patriot
breitbart.com - Pence recognized the importance of the Buckeye state as he spoke from high atop a platform in the center of the festivities. Invoking the name of his running mate, Republican presidential nominee D...

Insurance denied her chemo treatment. But it covered drugs for suicide.

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liveactionnews.org - (CNA/EWTN News) – Stephanie Packer cherishes every moment with her husband and four children. Living with a terminal illness in Orange, California, her goal is “to do everything I can to have one m...

Wayne's World: Dr. Grudem Urges Christians to Vote Issues » BarbWire.com

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barbwire.com - No one understands the internal struggle of Christians in this election better than theologian Dr. Wayne Grudem. Like many of us as evangelicals who have sought to integrate our faith with our publ...

WW3 Has Begun, and It Is Digital: 'New World Hackers' Claim Cyber Attack That Took Down Major Sites » BarbWire.com

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barbwire.com - Get ready – it seems that this will be an October Surprise to remember. The Internet is under attack through the United States and UK… and there is every reason to think that more is coming. Report...

Partisan Outrage and Moral Hypocrisy » BarbWire.com

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barbwire.com - There is little reasoning to be had with those who have bought into the utopian facade of the statist. They are at their core part of a movement sold on shallow emotion, reverse stereotypes and sof...

Cardinal Chirps Back at Clinton's Non-Apology » BarbWire.com

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Matt Barber
barbwire.com - Hillary Clinton may not be Catholic, but she’s certainly hearing from plenty of them in the wake of her campaign’s email scandal. A week after top officials were caught in the nets of the latest Wi...

Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps and More of Obama's Iranian Lies

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barbwire.com - Senator Obama opposed naming Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps a terror group even while it was closely involved in organizing attacks against American soldiers in Iraq. Then, as part of his dirty d...

Hillary and Progressives Are at War » BarbWire.com

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Matt Barber
barbwire.com - Hillary Clinton, the Democratic Party, and progressives are national security threats. No one can legitimately deny this any longer. They will become even more dangerous as they grab more power, wi...
Arte & Entretenimento

I Was Conceived in Rape But I Didn't Deserve Death in Abortion | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - Because of the circumstances concerning my conception–by RAPE–I, and all those who will be conceived in the same manner have been marked for death by a great number of people. We are called the “de...

The Greatest Grandmother? Turkish Woman Counts More than 430 Descendants

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Voice of Europe
sputniknews.com - Sahe Tayurak has been married three times, and has two children from her first marriage and five from her second. She lives with her youngest son Cemal Tayurak and his family in the Alipasa region ...

CALAIS AT WAR: police resort to tear gas at stone-throwing migrants

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Voice of Europe
express.co.uk - Express. Home of the Daily and Sunday Express. Find us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Check us on Google+ Subscribe to our rss feed Daily Horoscope Our Apps Top 10 Our Paper Paper Archive HOME Ne...

Não dê um smartphone ao seu filho

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Padre Paulo Ricardo
padrepauloricardo.org - Por Jonathon van Maren | Depois de passar quatro dias em um encontro de combate à exploração sexual, na cidade de Houston, no Texas, minha mente está exausta. Assistimos a palestras sobre neurociên...
Arte & Entretenimento

Scarlett Johansson: Support Planned Parenthood because ‘thankfully’ they do abortions

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lifesitenews.com - LOS ANGELES, October 18, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – Actress Scarlett Johansson used her speaking slot at Variety magazine’s “Power of Women” event to praise the nation’s largest abortion provider and de...

Italian cardinal issues guidelines upholding Catholic tradition on Communion

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lifesitenews.com - ROME, Italy, October 17, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – The implementation of Amoris Laetitia has varied drastically according to interpretation of bishops, as evidenced by the reaction to the document thro...

If you’re on the fence about your vote, this pastor clarifies how the very future of America is at stake

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lifesitenews.com - September 30, 2016 (CharismaNews) -- I have been asked "the question" so many times regarding Trump or Hillary. By way of background, I have followed every national convention—Republican and Democr...

Pro-aborts are furious at this Planned Parenthood parody by The Onion

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lifesitenews.com - For some, it's a horror beyond belief -- not that Planned Parenthood dismembers unborn babies and sells their body parts, but that pop culture might turn against the abortion industry for it. For s...

We Don’t Need More Laws – We Need Good Men that will Do what They Say They’re Gonna Do » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - Sons of Liberty Radio show host Bradlee Dean is no stranger to controversy because of his stand for the truth. On Monday, Dean told his audience that America didn’t need any more laws, but rather d...

Maduro en el túnel del tiempo por Antonio Ecarri Bolívar - A Todo Momento

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Getúlio Santana
atodomomento.com - ¿Qué le harán creer los alabarderos, los adulantes de siempre al primer mandatario nacional para que llegue al extremo de violentar todo el ordenamiento jurídico nacional como si viviéramos en la j...

Maior gestora de bonds do mundo se empolga com "novo Brasil", mas aponta um grande risco

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Getúlio Santana
infomoney.com.br - A Pimco, maior gestora de bônus do mundo, com US$ 1,5 trilhão em ativos, divulgou nesta sexta-feira, 21, uma análise otimista sobre o Brasil, em que vê uma "reviravolta impressionante" na política ...

Ashura no Brasil: "morte aos tiranos"

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infielatento.blogspot.com - Grupo muçulmano xiíta do Centro Iman Hussein celebrou a Ashura com uma passeata no centro de São Paulo em 12-10-2016. A Ashura é o festival muçulmano xiíta que celebra a morte de Hussein, um neto d...

Formação de candidatos vira tema de segundo turno em Curitiba. Leprevost é administrador formado por correspondência

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Aninha Rocha
cesarweis.com - Num segundo turno ainda morno e com adversários improváveis, a formação acadêmica dos candidatos à Prefeitura de Curitiba virou tema de campanha e de ataques. O deputado Ney Leprevost (PSD), que co...

“La soberanía residía intransferiblemente en el pueblo” por Leandro Rodríguez - A Todo Momento

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Getúlio Santana
atodomomento.com - En Artículo 5 de la CRBV reza: “La soberanía reside intransferiblemente en el pueblo (…) Los órganos del Estado emanan de la soberanía popular y a ella están sometidos” ¡Falso!  Es falso porque nue...

Eliana Calmon: Os partidos são casas de negócios

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Tereza Cristina
istoe.com.br - Primeira mulher no Superior Tribunal de Justiça e famosa por acusar a existência de “bandidos de toga” quando ocupou por dois anos o cargo de corregedora nacional do Conselho Nacional de Justiça, a...

Voluntad Popular ante suspensión del referendo revocatorio - A Todo Momento

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Getúlio Santana
atodomomento.com - (Redacción A Todo Momento / Nota de Prensa) Hoy los venezolanos y el mundo hemos sido testigos una vez más de la aberración y perversión de los sistemas judicial y electoral venezolano, cuando en c...

Which countries have the largest immigrant populations?

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weforum.org - Luxembourg has the highest immigrant population of OECD countries, according to data compiled by the organisation. The OECD gathered the data as part of its Indicators of Immigrant Integration 2015...

Recordações de martírio em uma era de terrorismo

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Padre Paulo Ricardo
padrepauloricardo.org - Por Matthew B. Rose — A parte mais dramática de ser católico reside na vocação de estarmos sempre preparados para o martírio. Ainda que nem todos estejamos marcados para realmente morrer por ódio à...
Arte & Entretenimento

Told Baby Would Die, Mom Rejects Abortion: "No Way I Was Terminating My Baby" | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - Rachel Collins’ water broke at 20 weeks during her pregnancy and her doctors advised her that an abortion would be the best option. Physicians at Sutton Coldfield’s Good Hope Hospital who advised h...

FNC's Wallace to Clinton Campaign Mgr Mook: You Didn't Care When Trump's Taxes Returns Were Stolen - Breitbart

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Linda Suhler, Ph.D.
breitbart.com - On this weekend’s broadcast of  “Fox News Sunday,” host Chis Wallace shocked Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook when after Mook repeatedly tried to dismiss ...

BREAKING: One dead, three injured after triple blast in Japanese tourist city

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Voice of Europe
express.co.uk - Express. Home of the Daily and Sunday Express. Find us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Check us on Google+ Subscribe to our rss feed Daily Horoscope Our Apps Top 10 Our Paper Paper Archive HOME Ne...

Hillary Clinton: "We Need a Supreme Court That Will Stand Up" for Abortion | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - During tonight’s presidential debate, pro-abortion presidential candidate Hillary Clinton made it clear that she will not appoint a Justice to the nation’s Supreme Court who is not ardently in favo...

Abortion Doc: "Extracting a Fetus, Piece By Piece, Was Bad For My Sleep" | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - In a 1994 editorial in the Los Angeles Times, an abortionist named Dr. George Flesh wrote about how he left the abortion business. Many former abortionists and clinic workers describe an “aha momen...

Catholic Bishop Blasts Hillary Clinton for Calling Catholic Voters “Severely Backwards” | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - Archbishop Joseph E Kurtz of Louisville, Kentucky, President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, has released a statement blasting top campaign staffers for Hilary Clinton for bash...

Parents Reject Doctor's Advice to Abort Baby With Birth Defects | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - Adeline Raymond defied the odds. She was given a one-in-ten chance of surviving her birth, not by her doctors, but by statistics. If it were up to some of her doctors, Adeline wouldn’t have made it...

Marcelo Crivella desmente imprensa e diz que nunca foi preso

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Evangélicos do Rio
noticias.gospelprime.com.br - Silas Malafaia classifica campanha da mídia contra senador como “perseguição religiosa” A revista Veja desta semana preparou uma edição com capa e conteúdo diferenciado que só irá circular no Rio d...

ONU indicará "advogado global" da causa LGBT

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Evangélicos do Rio
noticias.gospelprime.com.br - Especialistas acreditam que “agenda gay” nunca teve tanta força nas Nações Unidas Após a decisão da Organização dos Estados Americanos (OEA) de atuar junto aos países membros para “o combate às vio...

Quando Padre Paulo Ricardo cruzou o meu caminho

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Padre Paulo Ricardo
padrepauloricardo.org - O testemunho que vai abaixo é de uma aluna do nosso site, que mora na Itália. Em poucas linhas ela conta, com muita franqueza e bom humor, como foi a "descarada interferência" do Padre Paulo Ricard...

Woman Describes Abortion Drug Experience: Agonizing Pain, Massive Bleeding, Severe Depression | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - RU-486, the abortion pill, is offered to women who are less than nine weeks pregnant. When it first became available in the United States, pro-choice activists rejoiced. They believed that it would...
Arte & Entretenimento

Baby Zion, Diagnosed With Trisomy 18, Lived 10 Days But Will be Remembered Forever | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - So often when a baby is diagnosed with a condition like Trisomy 18, doctors will encourage parents to consider an abortion. But Robbyn and Josh Blick, when they found out their baby had the conditi...
Arte & Entretenimento

Choosing Life and Beating the Odds: Accepting Down Syndrome | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - When my husband and I found out we were having another baby, it was a surprise. Our son Ben was only six months old at the time and Matt was preparing to leave for another deployment. He won’t be h...

Family Cares for Son in Coma for 31 Years Before Dying | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - This story is important because it shows a vivid contrast between two approaches dealing with severe human disability–one based on the equality/sanctity of life, and the other a utilitarian “qualit...

Donald Trump: "I Am Pro-Life and I Will be Appointing Pro-Life Judges" to the Supreme Court | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - During tonight’s presidential debate Donald Trump made it very clear that he will appoint pro-life justices to the Supreme Court who would be likely to overturn the Roe versus Wade decision that ha...
Meio Ambiente

Cristãos de 90 países vão a Jerusalém demonstrar apoio a Israel

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Folha Cristã
noticias.gospelprime.com.br - Uma semana após a decisão da UNESCO de negar “qualquer ligação” dos judeus com o monte do Templo, milhares de cristãos, vindos de mais de 90 nações, chegaram a Jerusalém para celebrar o Sucot, tamb...

Palavra, Som e Poder Lado B é o novo trabalho da Discopraise

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Folha Cristã
musica.gospelprime.com.br - Disco traz inéditas, regravações de sucessos da música evangélica e até viola caipira Em 2014, a banda brasiliense Discopraise comemorou sua carreira com o álbum ao vivo Palavra, Som e Poder, lança...
Arte & Entretenimento

Young Woman Once Orphaned Overcomes Disability to Become a Mother | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - Telma Weiss has a Cinderella story with a twist. It doesn’t involve a wicked stepmother, evil stepsisters, or a pumpkin that turns into a carriage. It’s the true story of a beautiful orphan girl wh...

This Country Will Soon Let Women Pregnant With Twins Abort Their "Extra" Babies, Even if Healthy | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - Norway may become the next “abortion tourism” spot for women who are carrying twins. This week, the Norwegian Ministry of Health ruled that foreign women pregnant with twins or greater multiples ca...

Baby Born With Brain Outside Her Skull Thrives After Parents Reject Abortion | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - Faith Martin was born with a birth defect called a cystic hygroma. Some abortion advocates are quick to dehumanize babies with this or similar conditions, calling them less than human and saying th...
Arte & Entretenimento

18 Years Ago She Gave Birth to Septuplets. You’ll be Surprised to See What They Look Like Now | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - In Nov. 19, 1997, the McCaughey Family made world history when their septuplets were born alive and healthy in Des Moines, Iowa. Kenny and Bobbi McCaughey’s four boys and three girls became the fir...


Cristianismo e Política + Christianity and Politics + União multi-denominacional (evangélicos, católicos, etc) em defesa dos valores cristãos e da democracia




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