24 October 2016

CP 2016.10.23 all @CristPolit


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Fear of Crime Soars After Year of Migrant Attacks in Germany

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Voice of Europe
breitbart.com - The new statistics collected in Germany by pollster YouGov show fear of being a victim of crime in particular public spaces is surging, with women more likely to be afraid than men. Standing out am...

La historia de la sonrisa de un bebé prematuro que está conquistando medio mundo

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actuall.com - La sonrisa llena de vitalidad amplia, simpática, y cautivadora de Freya Vinje, acompañada por dos ojos que parecen destinados a vibrar con cada color y con cada silueta, está atrapando a todo el qu...

Manifestantes trocam provocações em atos simultâneos na Paulista

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noticias.uol.com.br - A avenida Paulista, em São Paulo, foi palco de dois atos simultâneos neste domingo (23) marcados para o mesmo local, o vão livre do Masp (Museu de Arte de São Paulo). As manifestações culminaram em...
Arte & Entretenimento

WikiLeaks: Disney CEO Bob Iger, ABC News have cozy relationship with Hillary Clinton and her campaign

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Christie 🇺🇸
conservativereview.com - WikiLeaks emails revelations from Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman John Podesta show that not only is there a deep connection with the media — reporters, opinion writers, and news anchors — but ...

This Is How WaPo's Latest Poll Gave Hillary A 12 Point Advantage Over Trump

zerohedge.com - Those waking up to read the news this morning will undoubtedly be "shocked" by the latest ABC / Washington Post goal seeking report (aka "poll") that shows Hillary opening up a 12-point lead with l...

China’s plan to organize its society relies on ‘big data’ to rate everyone

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Paul Joseph Watson
washingtonpost.com - BEIJING — Imagine a world where an authoritarian government monitors everything you do, amasses huge amounts of data on almost every interaction you make, and awards you a single score that measure...

St. John Paul II, the Heroic Pope | Word on Fire

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Kattoliko Pensiero
wordonfire.org - As all of his biographers remind us, Karol Wojtyla came of age at one of the darkest moments of the twentieth century. When he was 19 years old and just commencing his university career, the Nazis ...

McMullin: Republicans 'putting party ahead of principle'

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Severe Conservative
thehill.com - Independent presidential candidate Evan McMullin said early Sunday that top Republican leaders are "putting party ahead of principle" in this election. "The reality is that the vast majority of Rep...
Arte & Entretenimento

Twitter Support Caught in Web of Deception!

flatoutunconstitutional.com - Watch Twitter Support admit I’m censored (Shadowbanned) and have broken no rules!  Amazing e-mails from Twitter!  Twitter Support offers multiple explanations for why my tweets are not showing up t...

Homem de Soros na Smartmatic controla eleições americanas

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tercalivre.com - O grupo Smartmatic, que desenvolve os programas de computadores usados nas urnas eletrônicas das eleições de vários estados americanos e nas eleições brasileiras, já foi alvo de questionamento tant...

Jean Wyllys perde na Justiça batalha que travava com o Facebook

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conjur.com.br - O deputado federal Jean Wyllys (Psol-RJ) perdeu uma batalha na Justiça que travava com o Facebook. A 4ª Turma Cível do Tribunal de Justiça do Distrito Federal entendeu, ao analisar uma apelação do ...

Shadowbanned into Submission!

flatoutunconstitutional.com - What does this mean?  I have been completely censored.  People at Twitter apparently don’t like what I have to say.  I primarily tweet and debate only two major topics.  The U.S. Constitution, whic...

PSOL apóia Nicolás Maduro e vai à Venezuela acompanhar eleição presidencial

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Marco Feliciano
psol50.org.br - Partido lançou nota em que declara solidariedade ao povo venezuelano e apoio à candidatura de Maduro, por expressar a continuidade dos valores da Revolução Socialista Bolivariana   O presidente nac...

Revista Veja mergulha no esgoto para dar uma força a Marcelo Freixo

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reaconaria.org - A maior parte das pessoas que acessou redes sociais neste sábado já deve ter visto alguma referência à capa da revista Veja em que se alardeia a descoberta de uma foto que Crivella escondia por ano...

TRIBUNA DA INTERNET Era só o que faltava, Renan Calheiros ainda insiste em tentar abafar a Lava Jato | TRIBUNA DA INTERNET

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tribunadainternet.com.br - Marina Dias, Daniel Carvalho e Gustavo Uribe Folha Aliados do presidente do Senado, Renan Calheiros (PMDB-AL), decidiram fazer uma ofensiva contra o Judiciário após a deflagração da Operação Métis,...

Limpando pichações abortistas

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Eduardo Bolsonaro
reaconaria.org - No dia 15 de outubro, um pequeno grupo de cidadãos de Campinas se reuniu para uma tarefa de limpeza: apagar pichações que ensinavam a fazer um aborto. Leiam o relato de Gabriel Vince, que organizou...

Articles: Mosque Uses Lawsuit to Abolish Zoning Power of Small California Community

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Severe Conservative
americanthinker.com - In a small rural area of Santa Clara County California lies a geographically unique area of land called San Martin, close to, but not of, Silicon Valley. In 1981 the Board of Supervisors establishe...

Las asociaciones provida reclaman no dar "ni un paso atrás" en la Ley de Protección a la Maternidad

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actuall.com - Las asociaciones Foro Valenciano de la Familia, provida Valencia, Torrent Sí a la Vida y Fundación +Vida se han concentrado este sábado en el Parterre de Valencia para reclamar que no se dé “ni un ...

Teaching Intolerance: How Columbia University Feminists Suppress Dissent

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Truth Offends
theothermccain.com - Feminism Is a Totalitarian Movement to Destroy Civilization as We Know It, and nowhere is this more evident than in the youth indoctrination centers known as university campuses. The more elite the...

<i>New York Times</i> Pushes Suicide by Starvation

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evolutionnews.org - If there is any aspect of the culture of death not supported and promoted by the New York Times, I haven't seen it. Now, Paula Span, the Gray (Ashen?) Lady's "The New Old Age" columnist, pushes sui...

Abortion supporters trash memorial for the unborn at Marquette University

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lifesitenews.com - MILWAUKEE, Wisconsin, October 18, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – Pro-abortion backers trashed an approved pro-life display at Marquette University last week, bragging about it on social media and garnering ...

Holywins: Celebrar la santidad y no el día de las brujas

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actuall.com - Hace ocho años comenzó en la diócesis de Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, (España) Holywins, una divertida iniciativa que anima a los más pequeños a vestirse de sus santos preferidos y a recordar en ese ...

Former Prosecutor: The Clintons Are So Corrupt, Everything ‘They Touch Turns To Molten Lead’ [VIDEO]

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Emerson de Oliveira
dailycaller.com - Pithy former federal prosecutor Joe diGenova believes the recent Project Veritas video by James O’Keefe featuring DNC contractors explaining their dirty practices to foment violence at Trump events...

More than 700 Christians Attacked by Muslims…in German Refugee Camps

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Creeping Sharia
creepingsharia.wordpress.com - Source: 743 Christian Refugees, Converts Attacked by Muslims in German Camps, Persecution Report Finds Persecution watchdog group Open Doors has found that at least 743 Christian refugees living in...

BREAKING: Fraudulent Clinton Votes Discovered By The “Tens Of Thousands”

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Deplorable ((Faith))
endingthefed.com - According to sources, Randall Prince, a Columbus-area electrical worker, was doing a routine check of his companies wiring and electrical systems when he stumbled across approximately one dozen bla...

Stunning Numbers: Trump Averages 6,700 per Rally, Hillary Averages 380 per Rally

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Deplorable Fred
thegatewaypundit.com - Nobody Likes Hillary. Donald Trump joked at the Alfred E. Smith dinner on Thursday night that the 1000 people at the dinner were Hillary’s largest crowd of the season. This was a joke but there is ...

Eduardo Bolsonaro apresenta projeto de lei que criminaliza o comunismo

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tercalivre.com - O deputado federal Eduardo Bolsonaro PSC-SP protocolou na tarde de hoje, 23 de maio de 2016, um projeto de lei na Câmara dos Deputados que representa uma mais do que simbólica demanda para os brasi...

Con lo que gasta Carmena en la exposición porno y sacrílega, se podría alimentar a 18.000 personas

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actuall.com - La exposición sacrílega y pornográfica que se expone en el palacio de Cibeles, con el consentimiento de la alcaldesa podemita, Manuela Carmena, ha costado a los madrileños unos 60.000 euros, según ...

La ONU quiere imponer educación sexual a niñas a partir de los diez años

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actuall.com - La ONU acaba de publicar el informe sobre el estado de la población mundial 2016 para concluir que es fundamental que se implante la educación sexual en todos los países como materia curricular y s...

Uribe en Miami: Colombia abría la puerta al castrochavismo con el acuerdo de paz

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Samuel Peixoto \7
elnuevoherald.com - El ex presidente colombiano Álvaro Uribe explicó en Doral el domingo que se opuso a los acuerdos de paz con las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionaras de Colombia (FARC), negociados en La Habana, porque de...

Why is the American Left so violent?

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Linda Suhler, Ph.D.
washingtonexaminer.com - After a North Carolina GOP office was firebombed last week, the media stood up to denounce violence coming from the American Left. Ha ha, no of course they didn't. They continued to blame Republica...

Líder senil do MBL surta com saldo negativo e agride bancários no Paraná

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esmaelmorais.com.br - A maré não está para peixe nem para os grã-finos de Curitiba, pois, conforme vídeo que circula nas redes sociais, o empresário Percy Tiemann surtou ao saber que seu saldo estaria negativo. Sobrou p...

Em crise, USP vai vender sete imóveis em SP para arrecadar $ 15 milhões - Educação - Estadão

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educacao.estadao.com.br - SÃO PAULO - A Universidade de São Paulo (USP) informou que abriu concorrência pública para a venda de sete imóveis localizados na capital, dois deles em Itaquera, dois na Cidade Líder, um na Vila M...

BREAKING : Clinton Foundation Schemed with Big Pharma to Keep the Price of Aids Drugs High

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truthfeed.com - When the Clintons are questioned about the obvious sketchiness of their foundation, they routinely cite AIDS work. But the AIDS work is carried out by CHAI (“Clinton Health Access Initiative”), a s...

New WikiLeaks Emails And Why Donald Trump Has A Point When He Says The Media Is Biased

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inquisitr.com - WikiLeaks published a new batch of emails on Saturday showing more evidence of a cozy relationship between the Clinton campaign and members of the media. In the 15th installment of released emails ...

Un grupo de chavistas asalta el Parlamento de Venezuela

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internacional.elpais.com - Grupos chavistas han tomado por asalto la sede del Parlamento venezolano mientras se desarrollaba una sesión especial para discutir un juicio político contra el presidente Nicolás Maduro. El vicepr...

Fake Websites, Fake Polls, Fake News, Fake Leaks: The Desperate Maneuvers of the Losing Clinton Campaign - The Washington Standard

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Getúlio Santana
thewashingtonstandard.com - Yes, Virginia, there really IS a poll fairy skewing the polls in favor of Hillary Clinton. Yesterday, I wrote about a brand new leak that had come my way. I read through the first 5 pages, confirme...

No fue una protesta estudiantil

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Jose y Melvis
elespanol.com - En mis años universitarios sólo participé en una protesta estudiantil. Fue en Estados Unidos, cuando ya estaba a punto de licenciarme. La Universidad había concedido un doctorado honoris causa a un...
Meio Ambiente

Brexit: 4 meses após plebiscito, britânicos ainda não sabem como será a vida fora da União Europeia - BBC Brasil

Partilhado por
Paulo Roberto Rocha
bbc.com - O Reino Unido surpreendeu o mundo ao decidir sair da União Europeia, em um plebiscito realizado em junho, mas passados quatro meses, muitas perguntas ainda permanecem sem reposta e pouco se sabe so...

SURPRISE! Hillary Tops The List Of Top Ten Recipients Of Islamic Money In 2015/2016

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Getúlio Santana
americanlookout.com - If you believe that campaign contributions don’t come with strings attached, you’re living in a delusional alternate universe. A big part of Donald Trump’s appeal is that his campaign is largely se...

Editorial: For U.S. House, Mills in the 8th District; in the 2nd, clear choices for voters

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Don Mashak
twincities.com - In the race that’s both Minnesota’s most-watched and most-expensive, Republican Stewart Mills should go to Washington. With perspective honed on Main Street and a commitment to stand up to Washingt...

Presidente Maduro llegó a Catar para seguir promoviendo precios petroleros estables - Ciudad CCS

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Hugo Cabezas
ciudadccs.info - El presidente de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, llegó este domingo a Catar como parte de la gira internacional por países miembros de la Organización de Países Exportadores ...

Estudantes fazem dia nacional em defesa da educação nesta segunda

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redebrasilatual.com.br - São Paulo – Estudantes de diversas cidades do país fazem amanhã (24) o dia nacional em defesa da educação, data em que deve ser votada na Câmara dos Deputados a Proposta de Emenda à Constituição (P...

Donna Brazile Complains She’s Being ‘Persecuted’ Over Leak To Clinton Campaign [VIDEO]

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Kayte 4 TRUMP!
dailycaller.com - Democratic National Committee chairwoman Donna Brazile complained during an interview on Wednesday that she is being “persecuted” by being asked questions about leaking a town hall question to the ...

EDITORIAL: Donald Trump for president

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Donald J. Trump
reviewjournal.com - More and more Americans express frustration and disillusionment today with the political institutions that govern the nation. They clamor for an alternative to the incestuous and pernicious atmosph...

Adventist Review Online | Adventist Breakfast Cereal Expands in China

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Adventist Record
adventistreview.org - By Tracey Bridcutt, South Pacific Adventist Record Months after an unexpected plug by a popular Chinese television show sent demand for Weet-Bix soaring, the Seventh-day Adventist Church-owned prod...

Obama will bypass Congress, seek U.N. resolution on nuclear testing

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Lorence Hud
washingtonpost.com - President Obama (Pool photo by Chris Kleponis/European Pressphoto Agency) President Obama has decided to seek a new United Nations Security Council resolution that would call for an end to nuclear ...

U.S. Embassy in Beirut hit by massive car bomb - Oct 23, 1983 - HISTORY.com

history.com - On this day, a suicide bomber drives a truck filled with 2,000 pounds of explosives into a U.S. Marine Corps barracks at the Beirut International Airport. The explosion killed 220 Marines, 18 sailo...
Arte & Entretenimento

BLM, Cops, and NFL Ratings

whoobazoo.com - BLM, Cops, and NFL Ratings Posted by: Anthony Arnold in Law, Protest, Racism, Sports October 19, 2016 0 26 Views author best-selling black comedian Conservative entertainment FOX News GOP humor Kev...

WikiLeaks: Clinton Foundation Paid Women Less Than Men

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Deplorable ((Faith))
lifezette.com - The Clinton Foundation in 2011 employed more women than men but paid them less, on average, according to a salary schedule included in an email released Friday by WikiLeaks. A foundation employee e...

It’s Kelly Ayotte for US Senate

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nashuatelegraph.com - When Kelly Ayotte ran for the U.S. Senate in 2010, she campaigned on her public service career and ability to work with both parties. In doing so, she won the anti-establishment vote wave that over...

'Clinton using anti-Russia red-baiting not seen since days of McCarthyism'

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Dykstra Dame
rt.com - The whistleblowing website Wikileaks has released a new batch of emails from the account of Hillary Clinton's campaign chief shedding light on why her team has been focusing so heavily on Russian P...
Arte & Entretenimento

HERE IT IS=> List of Debunked Groper Allegations by Corrupt Media Against Donald Trump

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thegatewaypundit.com - The Democrat-media complex carpet bombed Donald Trump with several alleged groping stories this week from several women. The media clearly did not fact check these stories. They ran the stories no ...

Muslim Persecution of Christians, June 2016

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Cristina Laila
creepingsharia.wordpress.com - At the height of one of the worst months for Christians under Islam—as documented in the report below—both the U.S. government and American “mainstream” media continued to ignore the plight of Chri...

Obama Warned of 'Rigged Elections' Back in 2008

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mrctv.org - At a campaign rally for Hillary Clinton on Thursday in Miami Gardens, Fla., President Obama condemned Donald Trump’s “rigged election” claims, describing these remarks as “dangerous.” “When you try...

L'Europa trema: la polizia francese vuole giustizia

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#JeSuisAsiaBibi ن
ilblogdilameduck.blogspot.com - Oggi che è domenica, invece di rilassarsi e non scrivere oppure al massimo trattare argomenti di alleggerimento, tocca fare informazione, ovvero riempire quel vuoto cosmico che viene lasciato appos...

Hillary campaigns at early voting location - in violation of NC law? - The American Mirror

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theamericanmirror.com - Hillary Clinton campaigned at an early voting location on Sunday in Raleigh, North Carolina, in a potential violation of electioneering laws. Clinton was “mobbed” at the early voting location at Ch...

Leaked Soros Memo Exposes Obama's Secret TPP Negotiations; Hillary "Flip-Flopping"

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Days To Trump
zerohedge.com - In addition to providing a glimpse into the internal, and often confrontational, dialogue that took place within the Clinton campaign on topics raning from Hillary's email server, to coordination a...


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Deplorable ((Faith))
m.facebook.com - Bill Scott after investigating Hillary Clinton's background, I decided that in this election, we're all basically voting for the lesser of two evils. Trump is that lesser of the two. Surprising as ...

Comparato: EUA querem a cabeça do Lula

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conversaafiada.com.br - Comparato diz que EUA têm influência no processo de exclusão política de Lula Alta aprovação de Lula e sua origem proletária, além de seu protagonismo da lei do pré-sal e na criação dos Brics, preo...

Illegal Immigrant Child Molester Flees Guatemala for U.S., Goes on Molestation Spree

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Getúlio Santana
informationliberation.com - Illegal Immigrant Child Molester Flees Guatemala for U.S., Goes on Molestation SpreeChris Menahan InformationLiberation Oct. 21, 2016 Popular FACT CHECK: Hillary Said 90% of Clinton Foundation Dona...

WIKILEAKS : Snooty Hillary Camp Calls Bernie and 2nd Amendment Supporters “GUN NUTS”

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truthfeed.com - The Hillary campaign has so much contempt for middle-class America, Bernie Sanders, and his supporters. They hate pretty much everyone who is not elite, like them. I read these emails daily and am ...

Guidon poll finds students support Johnson over Trump; 44% say they consider themselves Independent

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Terry Baker
thenorwichguidon.org - With the 2016 presidential election closing in fast, politics have become a common part of daily conversation. Strong opinions seem to be dividing the world of social media and the mainstream media...

WikiLeaks: Bill Clinton's Top Aide on Foundation Conflicts of Interests: I Could Name '500 Different Examples'

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Deplorable Milo🐸
breitbart.com - “I signed a conflict of interest policy as a board member of cgi,” Band wrote in a November 2015 email to John Podesta. Referring to Bill Clinton as “wjc,” Band wrote, “Oddly, wjc does not have to ...

Sting Video Purports To Show Democrats Describing How To Commit Voter Fraud

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Czechs for Trump
npr.org - As Donald Trump warns about the prospect of a "rigged" presidential election, he's getting some help from a conservative activist group. Project Veritas, which has carried out several damaging vide...

The U.S. isn’t one of the top 10 most free countries in the world, study says

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Off Grid Capital
mcclatchydc.com - With costly healthcare, a stereotype of obesity and a culture of creatively fatty foods, “healthy” probably isn’t the first word that comes to mind when you think of the United States. But accordin...

Obama Buys $4.9 Seaside Mansion in Non-Extradition Country of Dubai - The Last Great Stand

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Deplorable ((Faith))
thelastgreatstand.com - In the video presented below, YouTuber Bill Still confirms an earlier post of mine titled, Admiral Fired For Leaking Obama Bought Mansion in Non-Extradition Country, when Bill reports that accordin...

Capitã Marvel dá lugar a Mãe da Síria

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blogs.estadao.com.br - Os tempos mudam e os heróis também. A Marvel, sempre atenta ao mundo, percebeu isso rapidamente e abriu um novo espaço para um super-herói no seu universo: a Mãe de Madaya! Madaya é uma cidade Síri...

Trump is headed for a win, says professor who has predicted 30 years of presidential outcomes correctly

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Deplorable ((Faith))
washingtonpost.com - Allan Lichtman, a distinguished professor of history at American University, created his "13 Keys to the White House" more than 30 years ago—and he's ready to predict who will win in 2016. (Peter S...

Anthem singer kneels midcourt at Heat-76ers

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Deplorable Milo🐸
espn.com - MIAMI -- A woman performing the national anthem before an NBA preseason game in Miami on Friday night did so while kneeling at midcourt, and opening her jacket to show a shirt with the phrase "Blac...

Greve na Scania por reposição de 9,62% chega a uma semana. Empresa oferece 5%

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redebrasilatual.com.br - São Paulo – A greve na fábrica da Scania em São Bernardo do Campo, no ABC paulista, completa uma semana amanhã (24). O conjunto de 3.300 trabalhadores quer a reposição integral da inflação acumulad...

SUNY Professor: Trump Now Has 87% Chance of Winning – Tea Party Journal.com

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Christie 🇺🇸
teapartyjournal.com - Syracuse professor Helmut Norpoth doubled down on his election prediction this week – and that was before the third and final debate. Norpoth now says Trump has an 87% chance of winning election! N...

“The First Duty is To Remember” – Muslim jihad kills 241 U.S. Marines October 23, 1983

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creepingsharia.wordpress.com - Excerpts from the Beirut Veterans of America blog: You see, on every October 23rd a candlelight service is held at the Beirut memorial in Jacksonville North Carolina. It starts promptly at 6 Am and...

UN Backs Secret Obama Takeover of Police

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Lorence Hud
lifezette.com - “The Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice has provided oversight and recommendations for improvement of police services in a number of cities with consent decrees. This is one of the ...

Como o alcoolismo quase matou Phil Collins

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Gilmar Costa
g1.globo.com - Sentado em uma suíte espaçosa em um luxuoso hotel em Londres, Phil Collins está devorando um prato de batatas fritas. "Depois você pode me trazer uma taça de vinho branco, por favor?", pede o músic...

Ministério Público apura fraudes na cota parlamentar - Política - Estadão

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politica.estadao.com.br - O Ministério Público Federal investiga suspeita de desvios da cota parlamentar de pelo menos 30 deputados e alguns que já perderam o mandato. Além do salário, da verba de gabinete e do auxílio-mora...

Gingrich: 'Of course' we can afford to have president with split personality

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Tim Gradous
thehill.com - Former Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) on Sunday defended Donald TrumpDonald TrumpLots of (just) talk about "draining the swamp" Karl Rove: 'I dont see' Trump winning the election Texas becomes tossu...

Dilma têm 120 dias para devolver 144 objetos que roubou dos Palácios do Planalto e da Alvorada

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imprensaviva.com - A ex-presidente Dilma rousseff têm 120 dias para restituir ao governo os 144 objetos que levou dos Palácios do Planalto e da Alvorada que pertenciam ao acervo da Presidência da República. A petista...

Goldman Sachs CEO Blankfein supports Hillary Clinton for president

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Linda Suhler, Ph.D.
dailymail.co.uk - The head of a major Wall Street investment firm is declaring his support for Hillary Clinton. Lloyd Blankfein, the CEO of Goldman Sachs, praised Clinton on Sunday even though he said earlier this y...
Arte & Entretenimento

Dear Liberals: If You Actually Cared About People, You Wouldn't Be Liberal...

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Chris Coon
louderwithcrowder.com - Here’s the thing about the metaphor “bleeding heart” that no one has told you. A bleeding heart is useless. It’s gushing blood all over everywhere, not pumping it to where it’s needed. So while it ...

Breaking: James O’Keefe’s Life In Danger - Liberty News Now

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libertynewsnow.com - We’ve all heard of the rumored “Clinton Body Count”, but now James O’Keefe is taking action incase he is the next target. For Hillary and the DNC, Julian Assange and James O’Keefe have done irrever...

Trump's 'Gettysburg address' makes closing argument as race heats up

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Deplorable Nancy ن
dailymail.co.uk - Donald Trump planted a flag on hallowed ground Saturday morning by laying out near the Gettysburg National Battlefield what he would do in his first 100 days as President of the United States. Tout...

Planned Parenthood CEO: My Proudest Moment is Forcing Christians to Pay for Abortion Drugs | LifeNews.com

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Deplorable Nancy ن
lifenews.com - Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards seems to jump at every chance she gets to do an interview with a journalist who will flatter her abortion work. In her latest interview, Richards revealed her...

Confessions of an Anonymous Urban Trump supporter

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subverse.net - editor’s note: Subverse welcomes all political ideologies in its op-ed section. This article does not represent the political position of the company. Having grown up in a major city I can’t help b...
Meio Ambiente

MinC cobra R$ 1,2 milhão e diz que Claudia Leitte descumpriu Lei Rouanet

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Paulo Roberto Rocha
g1.globo.com - O Ministério da Cultura (MinC) exige que Claudia Leitte devolva R$ 1,2 milhão aos cofres públicos, e alega que sua produtora usou esta verba para uma turnê através da Lei Rouanet, mas não cumpriu r...

NSA Whistleblower: US Intelligence Worker Likely Behind DNC Leaks, Not Russia

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Dykstra Dame
theantimedia.org - (ANTIMEDIA) During the third and last presidential debate between Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Hillary Clinton, debate moderator Chris Wallace pulled a quote from a speech Clinton had given...

Maybe Trump really is Nebuchadnezzar after all

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conservativereview.com - It turns out those Christian leaders comparing Donald Trump to Nebuchadnezzar from the Bible were right after all. Just not in the way they intended. In similar fashion, this appears to be exactly ...

Presidente Maduro continúa gira relámpago en el Estado de Qatar

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Hugo Cabezas
mre.gov.ve - Caracas, 23 de octubre de 2016.-El Presidente Constitucional de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro Moros, arribó este domingo al Aeropuerto Internacional de Hamad, del Estado de ...

Will Rick Nolan answer questions on his extreme record tonight? - National Republican Congressional Committee www.nrcc.org

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Don Mashak
nrcc.org - Rick Nolan will have another opportunity to demonstrate how out of touch he is with 8th District voters at tonight’s debate, airing at 6:00PM (CT) on KSTP. Here are a few questions for Nolan to ans...

$770,000,000 In Taxpayer Money Obama Just Paid to Renovate Overseas Mosques [VIDEO]

Partilhado por
Carmine Zozzora
joeforamerica.com - Seven hundred and seventy million dollars. That’s right, Barack Obama, John Kerry, and Hillary Clinton conspired together to send nearly $1 billion to the Middle East to renovate mosques. The Unite...

Read Donald Trump's Contract With The American Voter (FULL TEXT)

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thegatewaypundit.com - In his speech in Gettysburg, Donald Trump laid out the plan he will pursue during his first 100 days in office. The plan is called the Donald J. Trump Contract With The American Voter. Here’s the f...

Renan defende varreduras da Polícia Legislativa e demonstra que foro privilegiado tem que acabar

Partilhado por
Cesar Gomes
folhapolitica.org - Imagem: Reprodução / Redes Sociais O presidente do Senado, Renan Calheiros (PMDB-AL), divulgou nota em que defende a legalidade de varreduras realizadas pela Polícia Legislativa da Casa. Na manhã d...

How Many Millennials Think Bush Killed More Than Stalin

dailysignal.com - The Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation released its first “Annual Report on U.S. Attitudes Towards Socialism” Monday. The survey showed a distinct generation gap regarding beliefs about socia...

Economia brasileira: vai melhorar (e já está melhorando)

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Brasil sem PT
istoe.com.br - Na quarta-feira 19, o Brasil começou oficialmente a sair do fundo do poço. Depois de 4 anos sem o registro de uma única queda, o Banco Central anunciou o corte de 0,25 ponto percentual da taxa bási...

En busca de la belleza.

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lechuzaworld.tumblr.com - sommerlanding 22 746 notas immersedbynature ha reblogueado esto desde sommerlanding fra-goes-fit ha reblogueado esto desde sommerlanding A itsmainstreamtobemainstream le gusta esto borschy ha reblo...

Greenfield: A Frightening Preview of Hillary’s America

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Deplorable Nancy ن
truthrevolt.org - Hillary Clinton, of all people, summed up this debate and this election best. “What kind of country are we going to be?” The Evita of Arkansas is a compulsive liar who has never told the truth in h...

Novo diretor da Veja é um petista infiltrado. Publicou matéria falsa para favorecer Lula, de quem é simpatizante

Partilhado por
neusa andrade moro
imprensaviva.com - O novo diretor editorial da revista Veja, André Petry, é reconhecido no meio jornalístico como um "simpatizante" de carteirinha do PT. Na edição desta semana, a revista publicou um artigo falso, ga...
Meio Ambiente

El 49 por ciento de los expulsados de los CIE este año tenían antecedentes penales

Partilhado por
Jose y Melvis
abc.es - «El 18 de octubre pasadas las 20.30, tras la cena, cuando los internos iban a subir a sus habitaciones unas 63 personas, todas argelinas salvo un marroquí, se negaron a hacerlo. El grupo arrancó cu...

Maduro opponents march after Venezuela referendum sunk

Partilhado por
B.D. Mowell
reuters.com - CARACAS Led by women dressed in white, several thousand Venezuelans marched through Caracas on Saturday in the first of what the opposition hopes will be escalating protests against the quashing of...

Manifestantes entregam 1,6 milhão de assinaturas pela queda de Renan Calheiros

Partilhado por
Getúlio Santana
oglobo.globo.com - BRASÍLIA – Cerca de 25 manifestantes se reuniram em frente ao gramado do Senado nesta quarta-feira, com banners e faixas pedindo a saída do senador Renan Calheiros (PMDB-AL) durante a entrega simbó...

Cómo una foto le cambió la vida a un adolescente paquistaní

Partilhado por
Javier Bátiz
animalpolitico.com - A un atractivo “chai wala” (vendedor de té callejero) paquistaní le cambió la vida de la noche a la mañana luego de que su retrato invadió la internet. Arshad Khan, de 18 años, fue fotografiado por...

Obama se somete a una "entrevista de trabajo" antes de abandonar la Casa Blanca

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rpp.pe - El programa de la CBS The Late Show contó con el presidente de Estados Unidos, Barack Obama, para llevar a cabo una divertida broma que simulaba cómo sería una entrevista de trabajo del futuro exma...

The New Yorker Endorses Hillary Clinton

Partilhado por
Dykstra Dame
newyorker.com - On November 8th, barring some astonishment, the people of the United States will, after two hundred and forty years, send a woman to the White House. The election of Hillary Clinton is an event tha...

Crise venezuelana atinge o ápice com a suspensão do revogatório

Partilhado por
Gilmar Costa
poncheverde.blogspot.com - A suspensão do processo de referendo revogatório contra o presidente Nicolás Maduro marca o ponto mais alto da crise venezuelana, que começou em 2014, com a queda nos preços do petróleo e a consequ...

Após sequência de apoios a Hillary, jornal de Las Vegas endossa Trump - 23/10/2016 - Mundo - Folha de S.Paulo

Partilhado por
neusa andrade moro
folha.uol.com.br - Depois de grandes veículos como "The New York Times" e "Vogue" anunciarem apoio à democrata Hillary Clinton, o candidato republicano na corrida à Casa Branca, Donald Trump, recebeu neste final de s...

Yet Another Media-Hyped Rape Accusation Is Debunked

Partilhado por
Everyday American
returnofkings.com - It all started during the night of October 15th, 2016, in Québec city, Canada. Two young black men intruded in a student housing facility, knocked on doors, and allegedly sexually assaulted a few f...

Data Reveals Women Overwhelmingly Choose Lower-Paying College Majors - Breitbart

Partilhado por
Linda Suhler, Ph.D.
breitbart.com - The research, conducted by AEI scholar Mark J. Perry who is a professor at the University of Michigan in Flint, argues that any gap in earnings between American men and women are the result of the ...

Papa Francisco: É tempo de coragem e de proclamar o amor de Deus!

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Arquidiocese de SP
acidigital.com - VATICANO, 23 Out. 16 / 12:00 pm (ACI).- O Papa Francisco presidiu a Oração do Ângelus neste domingo diante de 50.000 pessoas e falou a respeito da segunda leitura de São Paulo a Timóteo e sobre a n...

PHOTO From Hillary’s Childhood Surfaces – Proves She’s Been Lying All Along!

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Deplorable ((Faith))
joeforamerica.com - The Democratic nominee wants to convince the public that she’s “just like you and me,” which is a bit like expecting your teenager to continue believing in Santa Claus after they’ve already caught ...

Mar del Plata: impulsan un proyecto que regula el ingreso de mascotas a los balnearios - 23.10.2016 - LA NACION

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Getúlio Santana
lanacion.com.ar - La concejal radical de Mar del Plata, Cristina Coria, impulsa un proyecto que establece un marco normativo para los balnearios que aceptan el ingreso de mascotas a las playas. La iniciativa será de...

French cheer police, reviving Charlie spirit

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B.D. Mowell
yahoo.com - Paris (AFP) - Angry French police have taken to the streets for five nights in a row -- and Parisians have started to cheer them on, reviving scenes last seen following the Charlie Hebdo attacks in...

12 países manifiestan "preocupación" por suspención del revocatorio

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Cuba Opinión
epmundo.com - 12 países de las Américas manifestaron su preocupación por la suspensión del referendo revocatorio en Venezuela e instaron al gobierno de Caracas a hallar vías de diálogo para superar la crisis, se...

Baby born just days after legal abortion limit shares cuddle with dad

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dailymail.co.uk - This is the touching moment little survivor has her first ever cuddle with her father who almost died in a traffic accident weeks earlier. Tiny Macey Micklethwaite was barely the size of his hand w...

List of Hillary Tax Hikes

atr.org - Six years after it was signed into law, Obamacare is failing. Insurers are hiking premiums or leaving Obamacare marketplaces because they cannot make any money. Taxpayer financed co-ops are collaps...

Conocer . . .

Partilhado por
Daniel Fernandes
mariamatermisericordiae.blogspot.com - LOS DIEZ MANDAMIENTOS En el Antiguo Testamento Dios entregó los Diez Mandamientos a Moisés en el Sinaí para ayudar a su pueblo escogidos a cumplir la ley divina. Jesucristo, en la ley evangélica, c...

New Podesta Email Exposes Dem Playbook For Rigging Polls Through "Oversamples"

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zerohedge.com - Earlier this morning we wrote about the obvious sampling bias in the latest ABC / Washington Post poll that showed a 12-point national advantage for Hillary.  Like many of the recent polls from Reu...

Here’s what voter fraud looks like in 23 states

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wnd.com - Here’s What Voter Fraud Looks Like In 23 States By Justin Caruso Reprinted with permission of the Daily Caller News Foundation Republican candidate Donald Trump is making accusations that the elect...

Newt Gingrich: Gore, Trump and Liberal Hypocrisy

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truthfeed.com - The media is beside itself that Wednesday night, in the final presidential debate, Donald Trump said he would wait until the election actually occurs to judge whether or not it was carried out fair...

The Little-Known Company That Enables Worldwide Mass Surveillance

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theintercept.com - It was a powerful piece of technology created for an important customer. The Medusa system, named after the mythical Greek monster with snakes instead of hair, had one main purpose: to vacuum up va...

Acosan a juristas independientes de Cubalex

Partilhado por
Jose y Melvis
martinoticias.com - El Centro de Información Legal Cubalex, una entidad independiente de consultoría y asesoría jurídica, denunció el acoso del régimen contra varios de sus clientes semanas después de que la oficina d...

Sunday’s March for Marriage in Paris was so huge it shocked the organizers

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lifesitenews.com - PARIS, October 18, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – The “Manif pour tous” has done it again. On Sunday, the French capital was once again the meeting place for tens of thousands of peaceful but determined dem...

Milo Yiannopoulos appearance at NYU scrapped due to 'security concerns' - The College Fix

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The College Fix
thecollegefix.com - The ‘ol “security concerns” excuse has popped up again, this time regarding an appearance by conservative provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos at New York University. The Wall Street Journal reports that ...
Arte & Entretenimento


Partilhado por
Kattoliko Pensiero
marcotosatti.com - Sappiamo tutti che cosa pensa, e talvolta dice, senza mezzi termini, il Pontefice sulla famiglia, quella formata da un uomo e una donna, e sulle ideologie che vorrebbero rovesciare e modificare que...

Understanding Hillary Clinton's Email Scandal

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Emerson de Oliveira
ijr.com - The core issue regarding the conduct of Hillary Clinton is her blatant disregard for the national security rules, regulations, and laws governing the secure use and handling of classified informati...

The real agenda behind gay anti-bullying clubs in your school

Partilhado por
Redeeming Rainbow
lifesitenews.com - WALTHAM, Massachusetts September 6, 2011 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Back in the early 1990’s most people in North America would have doubted there would ever come a day when the homosexual agenda would b...

Religious voters turning away from Trump

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Severe Conservative
religionnews.com - (RNS) Over the past two decades, the biggest story in religious voting patterns has been the emergence of the so-called God gap — the tendency of religious voters regardless of affiliation to prefe...

Bake Us a Cake, or Else!

Partilhado por
Redeeming Rainbow
nationalreview.com - For years now, a central argument of those in favor of same-sex marriage has been that all Americans should be free to live and love how they choose. But does that freedom require the government to...

San Giovanni da Capestrano: "nella battaglia invocate il nome di Gesù"

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Kattoliko Pensiero
allaquerciadimamre.it - Giovanni nacque il 24 giugno 1386 a Capestrano non lontano da L’Aquila, nell’Abruzzo. I suoi genitori erano di nobili origini. La prima istruzione l’ebbe in famiglia da uno speciale pedagogo. E anc...

Breitbart Radio Exclusive–Rep. Blackburn: Hillary Clinton’s Russian ‘Pay-to-Play’ Uranium Scheme Top Example of Her Corruption - Breitbart

breitbart.com - “They’re the ones who have been dealing with the Russians,” said Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R.-Tenn.) to Breitbart Radio host Matthew Boyle in a live interview on the SiriusXM Patriot Channel 125 progr...

Review of MAGA Mindset: The Best (and Worst) Book About The Ascent of Trump - Thumotic

Partilhado por
Mike Cernovich
thumotic.com - Mike Cernovich’s MAGA Mindset: Making YOU and America Great Again is the best book you can read about Donald Trump’s rise from Joke Candidate to Imminent God Emperor in the 2016 American election. ...

“Hackers do bem” projetam software para investigar gastos de deputados

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Gilmar Costa
rota2014.blogspot.com - Um projeto de “hackers do bem” pretende criar um software capaz de monitorar os gastos dos deputados federais com a chamada “verba indenizatória”. O valor utilizado por parlamentares com alimentaçã...

Politifact: 'Mostly False' That Clinton Wanted 'Open Borders'

Partilhado por
James Forshee
breitbart.com - Trump made the claim during the third presidential debate. When Clinton denied the charge, moderator Chris Wallace asked her about a speech that she gave to a Brazilian bank in which she stated: “M...

Asylum seeker raped virgin twice as she walked home from night out

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thesun.co.uk - AN asylum seeker who raped a young virgin twice as she walked to her boyfriend’s house has been jailed for ten years. Mebrehtom Abrha, from Eritrea, shoved his victim to the ground, ripped her dres...
Meio Ambiente

Bonito oferece uma série de atrações que só ela tem

Partilhado por
Helio Antunes G
hojeemdia.com.br - Com a chegada da primavera, uma boa opção de turismo interno é Bonito, no Mato Grosso do Sul, quando a temperatura local fica bem agradável para que o visitante usufrua de todas as opções turística...

Islam’s Will to Power

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Voice of Europe
frontpagemag.com - Of Egyptian Coptic parents and fluent in Arabic, Raymond Ibrahim is among those scholars and commentators who, like Robert Spencer and David Horowitz, is not afraid of calling a spade a spade. In t...
Arte & Entretenimento

The Beautiful Life of a Boy Named Peter

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adflegal.org - It was my husband’s turn to pick something to watch on TV one recent Sunday evening. Instead of the second presidential debate (thank goodness), he chose a documentary that he had recorded—Graduati...


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aluizioamorim.blogspot.com - O vídeo acima está bombando nas redes sociais. Uma ruidosa recepção dos fãs do deputado Jair Bolsonaro neste sábado no Aeroporto de Congonhas, em São Paulo, transformou-se num verdadeiro comício re...

Cristianos en Kirkuk: "Los hombres del Estado Islámico se sentaron sobre las camas en las que nos escondíamos"

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actuall.com - Los estudiantes cristianos huidos de Kirkuk con motivo del ataque perpetrado por el Estado Islámico en las últimas horas siguen trasladando los pormenores de su odisea para poder escapar. Ahora que...

ONU nomeia primeiro investigador de “discriminação” LGBT

Partilhado por
Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - ONU nomeia primeiro investigador de “discriminação” LGBT O Conselho de Direitos Humanos da ONU nomeou Vitit Muntarbhorn da Tailândia como o primeiro investigador da ONU encarregado de investigar po...

Militante gay ensina educação sexual em faculdade evangélica

Partilhado por
Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - Em se tratando de faculdade evangélica, a ocorrência registrada no artigo é um flagrante de traição ao Evangelho. Pode-se alegar que a faculdade é administrativamente separada das igrejas mantenedo...

Puigedemont premia a un filólogo que dice que el catalán y el aragonés se hablaban antes de Cristo

Partilhado por
actuall.com - El Gobierno catalán ha concedido la Cruz de San Jorge al controvertido filólogo barcelonés Artur Quintana quien sostiene que el aragonés y el catalán se hablan desde hace 2.200 años en Aragón, esto...

Merkel Party MP Outraged as Cologne Sex Attacks Wiped from Record

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Voice of Europe
breitbart.com - Of the 500 attacks which were filed in detail with the police, only 17 appear in the Police Crime Statistics (PKS) — the best known and most often cited police statistics — and those that do appear...

France to allow Baby Jesus in Town Halls this Christmas

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Henry Makow
thelocal.fr - It's now an annual row in fiercely secular France: Should Christmas nativity scenes be on show in public buildings like Town Halls, where the wearing of religious symbols is banned? This year the r...


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truthfeed.com - Conservative Christian support for Donald Trump has become something of a scandal of late. But no matter how odious the Republican nominee’s faults may be, religious believers must not be fooled — ...

Islamist Expert: Give Syrians Their Own City in Germany

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Voice of Europe
breitbart.com - Expert on Salafism and Green party member Kurt Edler is proposing a radical idea on how the German government should handle the integration of Syrians and other migrants into German society. Mr. Ed...

Conservative Russians Give Moral Lesson to Facebook’s Homosexual Propaganda

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Last Days Watchman
lastdayswatchman.blogspot.com - Conservative Russians Give Moral Lesson to Facebook’s Homosexual Propaganda In celebration of the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling favoring homosexual “marriage” last week, Facebook launched an app call...

Pro-Family Cannibalism?

Partilhado por
Julio Severo
lastdayswatchman.blogspot.com - Tuesday, August 11, 2015 Pro-Family Cannibalism? Pro-Family Cannibalism? C-Fam has been doing a nice work of exposing pro-abortion and pro-sodomy activities, groups and individuals around the world...

Olavo de Carvalho and the Inquisition

Partilhado por
Last Days Watchman
lastdayswatchman.blogspot.com - Olavo de Carvalho and the Inquisition The Inquisition is a myth and legend, insists Brazilian philosopher Olavo de Carvalho, who said today, “Without the black legend of the Inquisition, Protestant...

José Serra acredita que, com a PEC dos Gastos, o BNDES poderá ter uma atuação mais expansiva

Partilhado por
Ihamma Lins
poncheverde.blogspot.com - Durante encerramento de evento sobre infraestrutura em São Paulo, no início da noite de sexta-feira, o ministro das Relações Exteriores, José Serra, disse que, com a aprovação da PEC do teto dos ga...

U.N. goes all-in for unlimited migration

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Cristina Laila
mobile.wnd.com - The United Nations has cooked up a “New Urban Agenda” coming soon to a city near you. It was unveiled this week in Quito, Ecuador, at the so-called Habitat III conference. And part of the plan, ent...

Por que os católicos não comem carne às sextas-feiras?

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Padre Paulo Ricardo
padrepauloricardo.org - Muitos haverão de estranhar a pergunta, pois, aparentemente, caiu em completo desuso a proibição de se comer carne na sexta-feira. No entanto, pela legislação atual da Igreja, essa determinação ain...

Advogado de Dirceu avisa que seu cliente morre na cadeia mas não faz delação

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Rosa Lev
revoltabrasil.com.br - Parece que o que muitos esperam não deve acontecer, pelo menos, segundo o advogado Roberto Podval, que representa José Dirceu. Podval já avisou que seu cliente não vai contribuir nas investigações ...

Odebrecht teria construído Itaquerão como presente para Lula | VEJA.com

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Não Haverá Trégua
veja.abril.com.br - O envolvimento do estádio do Corinthians com a construtora Odebrecht, responsável pela obra, acaba de ganhar novo capítulo polêmico neste domingo. A empresa, alvo da Operação Lava Jato da Polícia F...

In six new sanctuary states, Americans put at risk

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James Forshee
thehill.com - Fifteen months ago in sanctuary city San Francisco, Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez, a five-time deported alien, and seven-time convicted felon, shot and killed 32-year-old Kate Steinle in broad dayli...

¡IMPACTANTES! Las FOTOS del asalto chavista a la Asamblea Nacional que dan la vuelta al mundo

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Paulo do Valqueire
maduradas.com - Grupos chavistas irrumpieron este domingo en el hemiciclo del Parlamento e interrumpieron el debate sobre la suspensión del referendo revocatorio contra el presidente Nicolás Maduro. No está claro ...

Cinco trapalhadas empresariais que renderam prejuízos de milhões - Home - iG

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Congresso P㋡dre
economia.ig.com.br - Aos 12 anos, José Javier não leu muito bem os tediosos termos e condições do YouTube. Foi assim que ele contraiu uma dívida de mais de US$ 110 mil (R$ 352 mil) com o portal de vídeos. O menino espa...

Justiça do DF confirma condenação da TIM em R$ 1 milhão por dano moral - reclamao.com

Partilhado por
Rosa Lev
reclamao.com - Ação decorre de denúncia de publicidade enganosa de internet ilimitada. Consumidores que pagaram um complemento para que a velocidade fosse restabelecida serão reembolsados do valor pago a mais, co...

Ministério da Saúde lança ação nacional de combate à sífilis

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Proj Mais Um Moro
aids.gov.br - O Ministério da Saúde contará com o apoio das sociedades médica e civil para combater a sífilis no Brasil. Nesta quinta-feira (20/10), durante a Reunião Ordinária da Comissão Intergestores Triparti...

Officials Plead Guilty In New York Voter Fraud Case

foxnews.com - A total of four Democratic officials and political operatives have now pleaded guilty to voter fraud-related felony charges in an alleged scheme to steal a New York election.  The latest guilty ple...

Itaú é líder em reclamações no Procon; veja lista completa | EXAME.com - Negócios, economia, tecnologia e carreira

Partilhado por
Rosa Lev
exame.abril.com.br - São Paulo – Aproveitando a semana do consumidor, a  Fundação de Proteção e Defesa do Consumidor (Procon) divulga a lista das 50 empresas mais reclamadas no órgão em 2012. Apesar da supremacia do se...

EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: Immigration Officials Erect 15ft Fence to Hide ‘Child’ Migrants

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James Forshee
breitbart.com - The giant barrier appeared overnight, 24 hours after the migrants began arriving with blankets over their heads. It was unveiled on the same day the first ‘child migrant’ was proven, with hard evid...

Punições a juízes no Brasil são "deboche à sociedade", diz presidente da OAB

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noticias.uol.com.br - O presidente nacional da OAB (Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil),  Cláudio Lamachia, criticou duramente as penas previstas para juízes que cometem atos ilegais no Brasil. Em entrevista ao UOL, ele diss...

Escolha de dirigentes dos órgãos reguladores será mais rígida

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Gilmar Costa
rota2014.blogspot.com - Lu Aiko Otta - O Estado de São Paulo Indicado terá de ter, entre outras exigências, experiência de pelo menos dez anos na área a ser regulada Em fevereiro de 2009, o então presidente Luiz Inácio Lu...

FNC's Wallace to Clinton Campaign Mgr Mook: You Didn't Care When Trump's Taxes Returns Were Stolen - Breitbart

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Breitbart News
breitbart.com - On this weekend’s broadcast of  “Fox News Sunday,” host Chis Wallace shocked Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook when after Mook repeatedly tried to dismiss ...

5 Things to Know about the New Johnson Amendment Fix

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adflegal.org - Yesterday, Rep. Steve Scalise and Rep. Jody Hice introduced a bill in the House of Representatives called the Free Speech Fairness Act. The bill is aimed at fixing the Johnson Amendment, a 1954 add...

No Trump in Women’s Dressing Rooms, but Males in General Are Okay?

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adflegal.org - This week, Buzzfeed published an article titled, “Teen Beauty Queens Say Trump Walked In On Them Changing.” The article quotes four former contestants of the Miss Teen USA pageant in 1997 who claim...

Insurance denied her chemo treatment. But it covered drugs for suicide.

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liveactionnews.org - (CNA/EWTN News) – Stephanie Packer cherishes every moment with her husband and four children. Living with a terminal illness in Orange, California, her goal is “to do everything I can to have one m...

Wayne's World: Dr. Grudem Urges Christians to Vote Issues » BarbWire.com

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barbwire.com - No one understands the internal struggle of Christians in this election better than theologian Dr. Wayne Grudem. Like many of us as evangelicals who have sought to integrate our faith with our publ...

Hillary and Progressives Are at War » BarbWire.com

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Matt Barber
barbwire.com - Hillary Clinton, the Democratic Party, and progressives are national security threats. No one can legitimately deny this any longer. They will become even more dangerous as they grab more power, wi...

Partisan Outrage and Moral Hypocrisy » BarbWire.com

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barbwire.com - There is little reasoning to be had with those who have bought into the utopian facade of the statist. They are at their core part of a movement sold on shallow emotion, reverse stereotypes and sof...

Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps and More of Obama's Iranian Lies

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barbwire.com - Senator Obama opposed naming Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps a terror group even while it was closely involved in organizing attacks against American soldiers in Iraq. Then, as part of his dirty d...

WW3 Has Begun, and It Is Digital: 'New World Hackers' Claim Cyber Attack That Took Down Major Sites » BarbWire.com

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barbwire.com - Get ready – it seems that this will be an October Surprise to remember. The Internet is under attack through the United States and UK… and there is every reason to think that more is coming. Report...

Cardinal Chirps Back at Clinton's Non-Apology » BarbWire.com

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Matt Barber
barbwire.com - Hillary Clinton may not be Catholic, but she’s certainly hearing from plenty of them in the wake of her campaign’s email scandal. A week after top officials were caught in the nets of the latest Wi...

The Greatest Grandmother? Turkish Woman Counts More than 430 Descendants

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Voice of Europe
sputniknews.com - Sahe Tayurak has been married three times, and has two children from her first marriage and five from her second. She lives with her youngest son Cemal Tayurak and his family in the Alipasa region ...

ISIS militants 'WILL launch terror attacks on Britain'

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Voice of Europe
dailymail.co.uk - ISIS will launch terror attacks on Britain once the jihadis are forced from their stronghold in Mosul in Iraq, a government minister has warned.   International Development minister Rory Stewart sa...

Não dê um smartphone ao seu filho

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Padre Paulo Ricardo
padrepauloricardo.org - Por Jonathon van Maren | Depois de passar quatro dias em um encontro de combate à exploração sexual, na cidade de Houston, no Texas, minha mente está exausta. Assistimos a palestras sobre neurociên...

Crivella merecia a capa da Veja? - Diário do Rio de Janeiro

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diariodorio.com - Ontem veio a notícia de que Marcelo Crivella (PRB) seria capa da Veja em uma matéria que trataria de sua prisão nos anos 90. A matéria trataria desse tema, mas não dava dicas do que teria sido. Ent...

Girl Told She Wouldn't Live Past Two Defies the Odds, Now She's 16 | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - Demi-Leigh Mahon has a condition so rare that doctors named it after and some doctors might have suggested she consider an abortion. Now, Demi-Leigh is 16. Her lungs and heart failed to develop pro...

O "policial gato" que prendeu Cunha desperta paixões e expõe hipocrisia dos "progressistas" | Rodrigo Constantino

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Rodrigo Constantino
rodrigoconstantino.com - Hoje em dia apenas mulheres, homossexuais, negros e outras “minorias” podem expressar a sua opinião e os seus desejos sexuais. Já homens brancos e heterossexuais tem o direito de ficar em silêncio ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Scarlett Johansson: Support Planned Parenthood because ‘thankfully’ they do abortions

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lifesitenews.com - LOS ANGELES, October 18, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – Actress Scarlett Johansson used her speaking slot at Variety magazine’s “Power of Women” event to praise the nation’s largest abortion provider and de...

We Don’t Need More Laws – We Need Good Men that will Do what They Say They’re Gonna Do » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - Sons of Liberty Radio show host Bradlee Dean is no stranger to controversy because of his stand for the truth. On Monday, Dean told his audience that America didn’t need any more laws, but rather d...

In “seismic shift” Pope appoints very liberal Cupich and 2 more U.S. progressives among 17 new cardinals

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lifesitenews.com - October 9, 2016 (LifeSiteNews)—On Sunday, Pope Francis announced that Chicago Archbishop Blase Cupich will be appointed a cardinal on November 19. The move is alarming pro-life, pro-family, and tra...

Pro-aborts are furious at this Planned Parenthood parody by The Onion

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lifesitenews.com - For some, it's a horror beyond belief -- not that Planned Parenthood dismembers unborn babies and sells their body parts, but that pop culture might turn against the abortion industry for it. For s...
Arte & Entretenimento

Film star Liam Neeson releases creepy anti-Catholic ad targeting Ireland’s pro-life law

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lifesitenews.com - DUBLIN, October 22, 2015 (LifeSiteNews) -- Irish-born film star Liam Neeson has narrated a pro-abortion video for Amnesty International that claims the Catholic Church is the sinister force behind ...

Catholic school forcing erotic sex-ed on children has a horrifying history of sex abuse

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lifesitenews.com - URGENT: Sign a petition urging the Diocese of Nashville to respect parental rights! Click here. NASHVILLE, Tennessee, October 19, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) -- Three mental health professionals are warnin...

Converter ou morrer

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Paulo Teixeira RJ
portasabertas.org.br - Segundo estatísticas atuais, metade dos cristãos que restaram no Iraque (cerca de 250 mil) estão vivendo deslocados. Um deles é Amer*, que nasceu e viveu em Mossul antes da invasão do Estado Islâmi...

New Polls Suggest Trump Still in the Hunt

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lifezette.com - An IBD/TIPP Tracking poll released Sunday showed Trump leading Clinton by two percentage points in a four-way race and by one point in a two-way race. An LA Times/USC Tracking poll also released on...

Venha estudar conosco "Os Evangelhos Sinóticos"!

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Padre Paulo Ricardo
padrepauloricardo.org - Acabam de ser publicadas em nosso site a 6.ª e a 7.ª aula de nosso curso Aprenda a Ler a Bíblia. Depois de uma breve introdução às Sagradas Escrituras, Padre Paulo Ricardo passa a abordar, a partir...
Arte & Entretenimento

Told Baby Would Die, Mom Rejects Abortion: "No Way I Was Terminating My Baby" | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - Rachel Collins’ water broke at 20 weeks during her pregnancy and her doctors advised her that an abortion would be the best option. Physicians at Sutton Coldfield’s Good Hope Hospital who advised h...

BREAKING: One dead, three injured after triple blast in Japanese tourist city

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Voice of Europe
express.co.uk - Express. Home of the Daily and Sunday Express. Find us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Check us on Google+ Subscribe to our rss feed Daily Horoscope Our Apps Top 10 Our Paper Paper Archive HOME Ne...

Morgenthau Plan - Wikipedia

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en.wikipedia.org - The Morgenthau Plan (German: Morgenthau-Plan; pronounced [ˈmɔʁgəntaʊ ˌpla:n]), first proposed by United States Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morgenthau, Jr. in a memorandum entitled Suggested Pos...

VIRAL VIDEO: German Youth Deliver Powerful Anti-Refugee Message To Political Leaders: "We are ready for the Reconquista!" » 100percentfedUp.com

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100percentfedup.com - Reconquista, English Reconquest, in medieval Spain and Portugal, a series of campaigns by Christian states to recapture territory from the Muslims (Moors), who had occupied most of the Iberian Peni...

Parents Reject Doctor's Advice to Abort Baby With Birth Defects | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - Adeline Raymond defied the odds. She was given a one-in-ten chance of surviving her birth, not by her doctors, but by statistics. If it were up to some of her doctors, Adeline wouldn’t have made it...

You Can't Claim to be a Christian and Support Abortion | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - While it’s accurate to discuss abortion as “doctrine of demons,” for no power of God could ever endorse the killing of innocent children, the next phrase Paul writes here is disturbing because it’s...

ONU indicará "advogado global" da causa LGBT

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Evangélicos do Rio
noticias.gospelprime.com.br - Especialistas acreditam que “agenda gay” nunca teve tanta força nas Nações Unidas Após a decisão da Organização dos Estados Americanos (OEA) de atuar junto aos países membros para “o combate às vio...

Palavra, Som e Poder Lado B é o novo trabalho da Discopraise

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Evangélicos do Rio
musica.gospelprime.com.br - Disco traz inéditas, regravações de sucessos da música evangélica e até viola caipira Em 2014, a banda brasiliense Discopraise comemorou sua carreira com o álbum ao vivo Palavra, Som e Poder, lança...
Meio Ambiente

Cristãos de 90 países vão a Jerusalém demonstrar apoio a Israel

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Evangélicos do Rio
noticias.gospelprime.com.br - Uma semana após a decisão da UNESCO de negar “qualquer ligação” dos judeus com o monte do Templo, milhares de cristãos, vindos de mais de 90 nações, chegaram a Jerusalém para celebrar o Sucot, tamb...
Arte & Entretenimento

Greta Van Susteren Joins Trey Gowdy In Fight To Bring Down Hillary, Demands Answers After Leaked Emails Get Out

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ADHT - Defesa Hetero
donaldtrumpnews.co - America was saddened when Greta Van Susteren announced that she would be leaving Fox News. Now, Greta is making headlines once again after a leaked email showed that Hillary Clinton spokesman Phili...

Pastores protestam em Israel contra voto do Brasil na Unesco

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Evangélicos do Rio
noticias.gospelprime.com.br - Líderes foram para frente da Embaixada do Brasil em Tel Aviv Na quinta-feira (20/10), vários pastores evangélicos, acompanhado de um grupo de turistas vindos do Brasil fizeram uma manifestação em f...

Muçulmanos invadem as ruas de Roma para pedir mais mesquitas

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Evangélicos do Rio
noticias.gospelprime.com.br - Concentração foi em frente ao Coliseu, símbolo do martírio de cristãos Centenas de muçulmanos invadiram as ruas de Roma para pedir mais mesquitas. Eles reuniram-se na sexta-feira (21) para uma “ora...
Arte & Entretenimento

Baby Zion, Diagnosed With Trisomy 18, Lived 10 Days But Will be Remembered Forever | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - So often when a baby is diagnosed with a condition like Trisomy 18, doctors will encourage parents to consider an abortion. But Robbyn and Josh Blick, when they found out their baby had the conditi...

Woman Describes Abortion Drug Experience: Agonizing Pain, Massive Bleeding, Severe Depression | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - RU-486, the abortion pill, is offered to women who are less than nine weeks pregnant. When it first became available in the United States, pro-choice activists rejoiced. They believed that it would...
Arte & Entretenimento

Son is Born After Husband Keeps “Brain Dead” Pregnant Wife Alive to Give Birth | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - In a case that made international news, a son has been born to a husband who had been raising funds to cover his “brain dead” pregnant wife’s medical bills so his unborn son could be born. Dylan Be...

Margaret Sanger: "We Want to Exterminate the Negro Population." Her Wish is Coming True | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - If you listen very carefully to the coffin of Margaret Sanger you would hear absolutely nothing. Assuredly, she’s not rolling over in her grave that black and Hispanic babies are far more likely to...
Arte & Entretenimento

Ex-Abortion Biz Worker: I Had to Make Sure All The Baby's Parts Were There | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - A former abortion clinic worker, Ann, shared her story with ATTWN: “I grew up the oldest of four in a loving family in the midwest. My father is a retired MD, my mother was an RN,. I grew up feelin...

Charlotte Was Born at 24 Weeks When Abortion's Legal For Any Reason, Look at Her Now | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - Earlier this year, the Women Speak Out PAC, partner of the Susan B. Anthony List, (SBA) launched an ad exposing Sen. Kay Hagan’s (D-North Carolina) support for late-term abortion. SBA works to elec...
Arte & Entretenimento

Choosing Life and Beating the Odds: Accepting Down Syndrome | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - When my husband and I found out we were having another baby, it was a surprise. Our son Ben was only six months old at the time and Matt was preparing to leave for another deployment. He won’t be h...

Dismemberment Abortions Tear Babies Limb From Limb, Hillary Clinton Calls That "a Scare Tactic" | LifeNews.com

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Steven Ertelt
lifenews.com - Dream last night’s presidential debate, pro-abortion presidential candidate Hillary Clinton denied the brutality of abortion. She called Donald Trump’s statement that she favors ripping unborn babi...

James O’Keefe’s Next October Surprise: Conservative Filmmaker Dropped Hints About Video Of Hillary Clinton ‘Demeaning And Disparaging’ Black People

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Paul Joseph Watson
inquisitr.com - James O’Keefe is promising another October surprise on Monday that could sink Hillary Clinton, with the embattled filmmaker releasing what could be the video he promised would show Clinton “demeani...

Watch: Clinton Campaign Spokesman Squirms, Stumbles addressing Wikileaks Pay-for-Play Evidence

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Paul Joseph Watson
infowars.com - Clinton campaign spokesman Robby Mook on Sunday had a hard time answering questions over damning new email leaks showing a $12 million donation from the King of Morocco to the Clinton Foundation ju...
Arte & Entretenimento

Nine People You Should Know About Who Were Adopted | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - Adoption is all too rarely talked about as an option for pregnant women. Planned Parenthood and other such pro-abortion organizations seem to barely recognize its existence. And many people today h...

Hillary Clinton Says Abortions are Needed But Abortion is Never Necessary to Save the Life of the Mother | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - Pro-abortion Democrat Hillary Clinton made a false appeal to compassion during Tuesday night’s presidential debate when she said she supports late-term abortions in cases that protect a woman’s lif...

Baby Goes Home After Doc Says: "Abort Him, He Has No Chance" | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - Doctors told Jade Clarke that her unborn baby son had no chance of survival and that she should consider having an abortion. Now the little baby boy has made a recovery from the hospital and finall...

Democrat Legislator: A Colic, Crying Baby is a Good Reason for an Abortion | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - The Iowa House of Representatives passed a bill recently to ban telemed abortions — abortions done with the dangerous RU 486 drug where the abortion clinic prevents a woman from seeing the doctor i...
Arte & Entretenimento

There is No Justification for Aborting Babies With Down Syndrome | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - An anonymous blogger shared her story last week about receiving a prenatal diagnosis of Down syndrome and choosing to then have an abortion because of the diagnosis. It’s not surprising – it happen...

Woman Aborts 20-Week-Old Baby at Home, Police Describe Baby's "Sad Little Face" | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - An article in The New Republic described how Jennie Linn McCormack aborted her late term unborn baby with pills she purchased online. She did not want to pay for an abortion in a clinic, which cost...

Letter Shows Michelle Obama Backing Partial-Birth Abortion | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - First Lady Michelle Obama has come under criticism before for a fundraising letter she wrote for her husband during his 2004 campaign for the U.S. Senate that has her defending partial-birth aborti...
Arte & Entretenimento

Young Woman Once Orphaned Overcomes Disability to Become a Mother | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - Telma Weiss has a Cinderella story with a twist. It doesn’t involve a wicked stepmother, evil stepsisters, or a pumpkin that turns into a carriage. It’s the true story of a beautiful orphan girl wh...

What if Arguments for Abortion Were Applied to Infants? | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - 1. Abortion costs money, and many poor people do not have the money to spare on abortion, especially in developing countries. Infanticide, on the other hand, is absolutely free. The procedure requi...

Teen Who Survived Botched Abortion Now a Successful Wrestler | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - Nik Hoot is part of an exclusive club. No, it’s not the wrestling club at his local high school, where he excels to the point of finishing as one of the top competitors in his weight class. No, the...
Arte & Entretenimento

After a Horribly Painful Abortion, The Doc Gave Her an Ultrasound Photo | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - I’m guessing that virtually all of you, like me, have never heard of tomorrow the mag. As best I can tell it’ll probably be a one-shot in the cyberspace dark, the kind produced by the self-absorbed...

Medical Miracle: "Ghost Baby" Born Without 80 Percent of Her Blood | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - Jennifer Juarez felt her baby stop kicking just three weeks before her baby was due. Her gut told her she should get to a hospital right away and she’s now very glad she followed her intuition. Tha...
Arte & Entretenimento

Women Defend Aborting Their Babies With Down Syndrome: "Having a 'Tard' is a Bummer for Life" | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - Rayna Rapp, a former abortion clinic worker, interviewed women getting genetic testing to find out if their babies would be disabled or have a genetic problem. Here are some things that people said...
Arte & Entretenimento

Baby Celeste Only Lived 22 Weeks But Her Impact Will Last a Lifetime | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - Meet Celeste. Her name means “Heavenly”. This was a fitting and perfect name for a child born at 22 weeks weighing one pound, one ounce. About a month ago, Corinna began experiencing contractions a...
Arte & Entretenimento

Mom Regrets Not Aborting Son With Down Syndrome: I Would’ve Killed Him if I Could | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - For the second time in two weeks, a mother has given a shocking and heartbreaking interview in which she admits she would have taken the life of her disabled son in an abortion if she had it to do ...

Hackers Release Shocking Planned Parenthood Videos: "We Can't Stop" Selling Baby Parts | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - Hackers have posted online today new footage of shocking Planned Parenthood that the Center for Medical Progress has not had a chance to release to the public but that have been provided to a Congr...

Baby Born With Large Facial Cleft Proves Life is Beautiful | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - On June 18, 2012 a baby boy named Dominic Pio was born into the world who, had he be given different parents, may never have been born at all. Mid-way through her pregnancy, Mary Gundrum would lear...
Arte & Entretenimento

I Can't Undo My Mistake: A Post-Abortive Woman's Letter | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - The following unsigned letter was received by a priest friend of mine following a pro-life homily. Her message is a powerful one that deserves to be heard by and shared with all young women and par...

Curso de História da Igreja Medieval

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Padre Paulo Ricardo
padrepauloricardo.org - Antes de ascender aos céus, Nosso Senhor pediu aos Apóstolos que fizessem discípulos entre todas as nações, ensinando-as a observar tudo o que Ele lhes tinha ordenado. Isso significava também impre...

Freixo tenta explorar capa de revista "golpista" e tiro sai pela culatra: comparar restituição de propriedade a ato de milícia?! | Rodrigo Constantino

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Rodrigo Constantino
rodrigoconstantino.com - Os veículos de imprensa VEJA e GLOBO continuam com sua campanha contra Marcelo Crivella e a favor de Marcelo Freixo. Devem achar que um socialista defensor dos black blocs é melhor e mais controláv...

EU refugee policy doesn’t help either Lesbos or Europe – island mayor to RT

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Voice of Europe
rt.com - Speaking to RT, Spyros Galinos said that the flow of asylum seekers has been slowed thanks to a new agreement with Turkey, but this has not solved the problem of asylum seekers who are already ther...

“The Shadow Government” at State Level Mentioned in Clinton FBI Files » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - So, for all you people out there who think that those of us who point out that there is a Shadow Government in place in the united States are “conspiracy theorists,” here’s a bit of conspiracy fact...

Jesus on the Care of the Elderly – Social Security is not the Answer » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - Thursday was Thanksgiving, a time when traditionally families come together for a meal and hopefully to enjoy one another’s company. However, some financial analysts are predicting a war, here on t...

Huma Abedin on Hillary Clinton: "She Created This Mess and She Knows It" » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - Well, it’s just a perfect day for being disappointed by your closest confidantes, I guess. The most recently exposed series of emails from WikiLeaks has uncovered some interesting (and probably a l...

Obama DHS Busts Sodomite Prostitution Website Offices – But Is it to Punish Them or Exonerate Them? » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - Who could have seen this coming? President Obama sent out the enforcers from the Department of Homeland Security to crack down on adult, consensual sodomy. Perhaps hard to believe, but true. Federa...

New Obama Executive Order Hints At Devastating Space Event: “Could Disable Large Portions Of The Electrical Power Grid… Cause Cascading Failures” » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - Once considered a fringe conspiracy theory, it appears that the Obama administration is now actively preparing for a massive solar event that could wipe out life as we have come to know it. Space w...

200,000 Take to the Streets of Paris to Protest Sodomy-Based “Marriage” » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - As sodomites and “Femen” activists attacked police, a crowd estimated at 200,000 filled the streets of Paris, France on Sunday to march against sodomy-based “marriage.” The movement, which has been...

Truthbomb from Rasmussen: More Americans Want Hillary Indicted Than Elected » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - A survey of 1,000 likely voters was conducted on October 18 and 19 by the polling company Rasmussen Reports. Voters were asked whether they agreed with the FBI’s decision not to file criminal charg...

2016 Presidential Candidate Tom Hoefling: The American People Can Crush This Corrupt Political Generation Like A Bug! » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - I have long struggled with what I was going to do come November 8th. I knew that there was no way that I could vote for Hillary Clinton. Besides the circus surrounding her emails and the apparent e...

Education: One Area You Can Take Back Liberty Without Washington’s Help » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - Many of us recognize that we are losing our liberties in America. However, many of us don’t understand why. We naively think it only has to do with those currently in power in the federal governmen...

Descoberta arqueológica confirma história da Bíblia

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Michelson Borges
criacionismo.com.br - Mais uma evidência histórica Quem já leu a Bíblia provavelmente conhece a narrativa do rei Ezequias. Segundo conta a história do Livro Sagrado, ele reinou em uma cidade histórica e baniu dela todas...

Olivia Wilde: I’m ‘literally about to have a baby,’ so vote for ‘reproductive rights’

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lifesitenews.com - October 14, 2016 (NewsBusters) -- This November, Olivia Wilde is casting her vote for “reproductive rights,” something she defines as a “basic human right.” In a YouTube video released Tuesday, the...

DOJ Refuses to Charge EPA Employee Who Caused Gold King Mine Disaster » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - As usual, the Obama Department of Justice refuses to bring criminal charges against real criminals, and the latest example is that of an Environmental Protection Agency employee who caused the Gold...

WikiLeaks: ‘Corrupt Ruling Power Factions’ Are Going To Win The Election » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - WikiLeaks suggested in several tweets Thursday that the 2016 election for president of the United States is rigged. In response to criticism from blogger Dan Gillmor that WikiLeaks recent leaks hav...

Paul Ryan’s Devious Support of Hillary » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - It is funny to watch. It is funny because this circus shows us just how connected the two parties really are when all is said and done. Paul Ryan acts as if he is taking the high ground in his deny...
Meio Ambiente

Universo tem dez vezes mais galáxias do que se cria

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Michelson Borges
criacionismo.com.br - Muito maior do que se pensava Um levantamento feito com dados recolhidos durante duas décadas pelo telescópio Hubble revelou que o Universo abriga dois trilhões de galáxias, dez vezes mais do que o...

Here’s 5 Wikileaks Revelations that Should have Tanked the Clinton Campaign » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - The fact that Hillary Clinton is still in the race, or even began to be in the race, for the White House is a testimony of the corruption in the Congress, the FBI, Homeland Security and the current...

Oklahoma Teacher to Students: "To be White is to be Racist, Period" (Video) » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - Oklahoma Teacher to Students: “To be White is to be Racist, Period” (Video) Published on: October 18, 2016 NORMAN, Okla. – There are startling accusations against a Norman teacher. A student said t...

BREAKING: U of T tells prof to stop fighting transgender pronouns, but he won’t back down

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lifesitenews.com - TORONTO, October 19, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – University of Toronto psychology professor Jordan Peterson told LifeSiteNews Wednesday night he has no intention of obeying a directive in the University ...

New Report By The FBI Reveals The State Department Coercing The FBI To Fraudulently Fake Documents To Help Hillary Clinton Win The Election » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - This is amazing and shows the collusion between Hillary Clinton and the State Department to aid Hillary through coercion. This should spread like wildfire in exposing the corruption. These new docu...


Cristianismo e Política + Christianity and Politics + União multi-denominacional (evangélicos, católicos, etc) em defesa dos valores cristãos e da democracia


