28 September 2016

NO-PC 27.09.2016 @livrexpress


The NO-PC Daily

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Carlos Bolsonaro
familiabolsonaro.blogspot.com – A FAMÍLIA B0LSONARO, eu falo com letras grande para não deixar duvidas, vamos em frente na defesa de nosso querido BRASIL. Avante guerreiros de fé.ResponderExcluir Respostas Estamos juntos sempre…..

‘É muito grave unir bandidos com o Estado’, diz ex-presidente colombiano – 26/09/2016 – Mundo – Folha de S.Paulo

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Nação Mestiça
folha.uol.com.br – A poucos quilômetros do centro histórico de Cartagena, onde a festa da paz tinha lugar, o ex-presidente Álvaro Uribe, 64, montou seu “bunker” de campanha pelo “não” ao acordo de paz, num hotel cinc…

Lula só na Suíça tem R$ 52 milhões e todos os bens bloqueados

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brasilverdeamarelo.com – Como um ex presidente com salário mensal de R$ 13.000,00 (Treze mil reais), tem mais de R$ 52 milhões (cinquenta e dois milhões) de Reais em apenas uma conta na Suíça? E essa conta é a que foi desc…

É claro que Temer não demitiu o ministro da Justiça. Ainda bem! Demitir por quê? | VEJA.com

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lucia Helena Vips
veja.abril.com.br – Pois é… Petistas e colunistas de esquerda estão pedindo a cabeça do ministro da Justiça, Alexandre de Moraes, porque este teria vazado que uma nova fase da Operação Lava Jato estava para ser deflag…

Most snap polls show Trump winning the debate by a landslide

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dailymail.co.uk – CNN awarded Hillary Clinton an overwhelming victory in the first presidential debate – but most snap polls show Trump emerged victorious.  Trump and Clinton tangled over the economy, her use of a p…

Rand Paul attacks the Clintons for putting ‘a generation of black men in prison’

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I Hate The Media
uk.businessinsider.com – Presidential candidate and Sen. Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) blasted former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Monday over her husband’s record on criminal justice reform.  According to The Hill, the …
Arte & Entretenimento

Transgender Identities Are Not Always Permanent

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Ryan T. Anderson
thepublicdiscourse.com – All too abruptly, another bright life has ended. Alexis Arquette (formerly Robert Arquette), a transgender performer and activist, returned to living as a man before his death on September 11, 2016…

There’s only one candidate that can make a difference this election

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Chauvinist Pigs
sovereignman.com – I used to watch wrestling when I was a kid… I come from the age of Hulk Hogan, Ultimate Warrior, and Randy “Macho Man” Savage. Huddling close to the television each weekend, my friends and I would …
Arte & Entretenimento

Who Killed Conservatism? Conservatives Did. » BarbWire.com

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Matt Barber
barbwire.com – Conservatism is dead. And among the dwindling number of conservative adherents, some are wondering who killed it. The answer is quite simple: conservatives killed conservatism. The fading voices of…

A reforma do Ensino Médio não podia mais esperar

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educacao.estadao.com.br – Não é preciso ser especialista em Educação para saber que há muito tempo precisávamos reformar o Ensino Médio de nosso país. Qualquer pai e mãe de jovens entre 15 a 17 anos que frequentam as escola…

Detienen en Brasil a Antonio Palocci, otro exministro clave de Lula y Rousseff

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Getúlio Santana
es.noticias.yahoo.com – La policía brasileña detuvo el lunes al exministro de Hacienda Antonio Palocci, hombre clave de los gobiernos de Lula da Silva y Dilma Rousseff, por sospechas de multimillonarias operaciones ilícit…

Gleisi Hoffmann e Paulo Bernardo viram réus no STF – 27/09/2016 – Poder – Folha de S.Paulo

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folha.uol.com.br – A segunda turma do STF (Supremo Tribunal Federal) acolheu nesta terça-feira a denúncia contra a senadora Gleisi Hoffmann e o marido dela, o ex-ministro Paulo Bernardo. Com isso, o casal se tornou r…

Watch Hillary Claim That Zero Americans Died In Libya

thefederalist.com – During NBC’s Commander in Chief forum Wednesday, as Hillary Clinton defended her decisions regarding military intervention she claimed no Americans died in Libya. She must have forgotten the four A…

Hillary Gets Off Scot Free On Emails, Clinton Foundation Scandals

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I Hate The Media
dailycaller.com – Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton got a pass on both the email and Clinton Foundation scandals that have plagued her campaign in the first presidential debate Monday night. Moderator Lester Holt d…

Liberal Lester Holt and Hillary Tag Team Trump; E-Mails Barely Mentioned

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Peter LaBarbera
newsbusters.org – Debate moderator Lester Holt repeatedly challenged Donald Trump during Monday night’s highly anticipated debate, but refrained from going after Hillary Clinton in the same aggressive manner. Holt a…

Swedish police lose control amid refugee crisis as number of ‘no-go zones’ rises to 55

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Truth Offends
rt.com – Dubbed “no-go zones” in some media reports, there are now 55 areas in Swedish cities, where the police have significant problems in tackling crime. They are divided into three categories depending …

Hillary Clinton Campaign Manager Admits 2008 Birther Link

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breitbart.com – Doyle made the admission on Twitter, as she responded to former George W. Bush spokesman Ari Fleischer. Fleischer said that Clinton’s staff had spread the rumor. Doyle said that was a “lie” — but a…

Barack Obama says Hillary Clinton leaked Somali photo

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Truth Offends
nydailynews.com – The Democratic White House race detoured into name-calling and accusations of “fear-mongering” Monday as Hillary Clinton scrambled to save her teetering campaign from annihilation. The increasingly…

WikiLeaks – Search the DNC email database

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Red Pill Philosophy
wikileaks.org – How to contact WikiLeaks? What is Tor? Tips for Sources After Submitting This key’s fingerprint is A04C 5E09 ED02 B328 03EB 6116 93ED 732E 9231 8DBA —–BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK—– mQQNBFUoCGg…

Muslims sue Sterling Heights after city rejected mosque

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Roger Olivieri
freep.com – The leaders of an Islamic center filed a lawsuit Wednesday against Sterling Heights after the city last year rejected their plans to build a mosque that was strongly opposed by many residents. And …


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oantagonista.com – Roberto Teixeira, advogado de Lula, entrou definitivamente na Lava Jato. Os investigadores descobriram que Antonio Palocci participou, com Marcelo Odebrecht e Roberto Teixeira, da reunião que trato…

Parenting Magazine Warns ‘Blond, Cheerful’ Families Dangerous, Likely Right Wing

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Truth Offends
breitbart.com – Depicted with illustrations featuring solely blonde women and children, the report says ordinary parents must take action against right-wing families and make clear that their ideology has no place…

No New Crowleys!

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Truth Offends
kausfiles.com – 5 Facts Not to Check: Like many Clinton supporters, Nicholas Kristof of the New York Times wants the press to fact-check Trump (and presumably Clinton), calling out “lies.” But even he admits that,…

Copa Libertadores 2017: de febrero a noviembre – Deportes – ABC Color

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Al Weez
abc.com.py – La decisión fue adoptada para “armonizar los calendarios de competencias con los torneos locales de cada país”, según un comunicado de la organización. La modificación implica pasar de un promedio …

Ao contrário do senso comum, quem vota é que não pode reclamar

Partilhado por
Al Weez
rothbardbrasil.com – Se você, assim como eu, não acredita em soluções pela via política, tenho a certeza de que, em algum momento, ao discutir política, você já se deparou com um interlocutor que, peito estufado e ar s…

Chapter 4: The Human Kind

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answersingenesis.org – It’s been many, many years since my wife and I heeded God’s call to come to the Americas to expand the creation ministry of Answers in Genesis. It started as a whim of faith, working out of the tru…

For the Bible Tells Me So: Biblical Authority Denied … Again – AlbertMohler.com

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albertmohler.com – “Jesus loves me — this I know, for the Bible tells me so.” This is a childish error? Evangelical Christianity has a big problem, says Andy Stanley, and that problem is a reliance on the Bible that …

Donald Trump Was 100% Correct: Crime Is Rising In The U.S.

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Ben Shapiro
thefederalist.com – Last June, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump made a simple, easy-to-verify claim, and the so-called fact-checkers lost their minds over it. What was his shocking claim? “Crime is risin…

Sistema previdenciário é desigual | Míriam Leitão – O Globo

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blogs.oglobo.globo.com – O sistema de aposentadorias e pensões no Brasil tem vários defeitos, e um deles é que o modelo é muito desigual. Para mudar a previdência não basta uma reforma pontual, são necessárias várias mudan…

Nuevo caso de gerontofobia en Podemos: ¿Por qué odian a las personas mayores?

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actuall.com – Podemos ha vuelto a arremeter contra las personas mayores. La secretaria de Análisis Político de Podemos, Carolina Bescansa, ha dicho este martes que los propios datos atestiguan que los votantes d…

Lula: ‘Não posso aceitar que um menino procurador diga que montei uma quadrilha’ – Política – Estadão

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politica.estadao.com.br – RIO – Em discurso durante comício da candidata do PCdoB à Prefeitura do Rio, Jandira Feghali, na noite desta segunda-feira (26), o ex-presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) não mencionou a prisã…

Libertad para criticar el Islam

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CitizenGO es
citizengo.org – ULTIMA HORA (20 de septiembre) Nuestra campaña en Actuall Una reciente sentencia condena a un conferenciante austríaco por criticar la moral de Mahoma ante un auditorio de apenas 30 personas. ¿Se a…

STF manda provas contra Gleisi para as mão de Moro

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cesarweis.com – O ministro Teori Zavascki, do Supremo Tribunal Federal, autorizou o compartilhamento com a força-tarefa da Operação Lava Jato – equipe de procuradores que investiga, na primeira instância, o esquem…

Setor de RH do PT sempre tem substitutos para esquemas | VEJA.com

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Felipe Moura Brasil
veja.abril.com.br – – Advogados de petistas continuam querendo que polícia mande “save the date” antes de prendê-los. Querem analisar se vão comparecer ou não. – Polícia passou “500 anos” (linguagem do PT) prendendo s…

Educadores debatem ‘Escola sem Partido’ | TV Estadão Online | Notícias da TV

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tv.estadao.com.br – PORTAL DO ASSINANTE Classificados ANUNCIE Tudo Acervo Fotos Vídeos Áudios Infográficos especiais OPINIÃO POLÍTICA Broadcast Político Eleições Estadão Dados Colunas Blogs Ao Vivo Últimas ECONOMIA Br…

The PS4 Pro price, release date, specs – everything you need to know

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Oswaldo Portella Jr
gamesradar.com – The PS4 Pro will be out on November the 10th 2016.   At the moment there’s only a basic console option to buy:  PS4 Pro, controller and wires. However, expect to see plenty of retail bundles closer…

4. U.S. military action against ISIS, policy toward terrorism

people-press.org – A majority of the public (62%) continues to approve of the U.S. military campaign against Islamic militants in Iraq and Syria; fewer (33%) say they disapprove. Support for U.S. military action in I…

Blogs petistas atacam PSOL e mostram o enfraquecimento da extrema-esquerda carioca

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jornalivre.com – A peleja entre comunistas na corrida eleitoral do Rio de Janeiro tem rendido faíscas, mas pode até virar um incêndio. PSOL e PCdoB estão agindo quase como inimigos, coisa que outrora não se via. No…

Caso de cinegrafista Santiago vai a julgamento no STJ

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Tupiniquim do Sul
oglobo.globo.com – RIO – O Superior Tribunal de Justiça vai julgar, na tarde desta terça-feira, o processo sobre a morte do cinegrafista da TV Bandeirantes Santiago de Andrade, atingido por um rojão disparado por man…

The FBI Report that destroys Hillary on crime, police, and race relations

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I Hate The Media
conservativereview.com – Yesterday, the FBI released new data compiled from over 15,000 law enforcement agencies throughout the country (covering a population of 305 million) showing that the murder rate increased by 11.8 …

How To Survive A Black Lives Matter Riot

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Chauvinist Pigs
returnofkings.com – As we move into the fall of 2016, violent confrontations between black men and police of varied ethnicities continue to occur and be televised on national news, inevitably followed by the Black Liv…

Ministro da Justiça tem de provar que não vazou Lava Jato a pedido de Temer

br.noticias.yahoo.com – – O delegado da Polícia Federal Igor Romário de Paula leu na manhã desta segunda-feira 26 uma nota oficial em que afirma que a corporação não divulga informações para quem não está envolvido direta…

Roberto Freire – Lula no banco dos réus

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diariodopoder.com.br – O recebimento, pelo juiz Sérgio Moro, da denúncia apresentada pelo Ministério Público Federal contra o ex-presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, que se torna réu pela segunda vez na Operação Lava Ja…

Rigged: CNN Poll Claiming Hillary Won the Debate Sampled 41% Democrats Compared to 26% Republicans

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Paul Joseph Watson
infowars.com – A CNN/ORC poll released shortly after last night’s debate found that Hillary Clinton scored a clear victory over her rival Donald Trump. One problem – the survey sample included 41% Democrats compa…

Mais de 60% dos recursos federais destinados ao saneamento são inutilizados

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Tupiniquim do Sul
contasabertas.com.br – Quando se trata de aplicações do governo federal, o saneamento básico aparece como uma das últimas prioridades. Levantamento do Contas Abertas mostra que nos últimos 16 anos mais de 60% dos recurso…

Lava Jato apura contatos de Odebrecht com Palocci desde 2004 | EXAME.com

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Tupiniquim do Sul
exame.abril.com.br – São Paulo – Um conjunto de mensagens de e-mail reunidas pela Polícia Federal no pedido de prisão do ex-ministro Antonio Palocci, alvo central da 35ª fase da Operação Lava Jato, deflagrada nesta seg…
Meio Ambiente

Uso regular de maconha diminui o tamanho do cérebro, diz pesquisa | VEJA.com

Partilhado por
Félix Maier
veja.abril.com.br – Fumar maconha por mais de seis anos pode causar anormalidades no funcionamento e na estrutura do cérebro. O efeito, porém, depende da idade em que a pessoa começou a fumar a droga. Essa é a conclus…

Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia

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Chauvinist Pigs
geopolitics.co – Note: The history of the Khazarians, specifically the Khazarian Mafia (KM), the World’s largest Organized Crime Syndicate that the Khazarian oligarchy morphed into by their deployment of Babylonian…

Card. Parolin: “la laicità ha bisogno della fede”

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Kattoliko Pensiero
allaquerciadimamre.it – In Colombia si volta pagina: dopo anni di negoziati è stato firmato lo storico accordo di pace tra il governo e i guerriglieri delle FARC. Ieri l’Unione Europea aveva tolto l’organizzazione dalla ‘…
Meio Ambiente

A dura realidade da aviação naval de asa-fixa da US Navy

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Getúlio Santana
naval.com.br – A Aviação Naval da Marinha dos EUA enfrenta uma situação difícil devido ao esforço global de guerra ao terror: 3 em cada 4 caças “legacy” F/A-18 Hornet estão inoperantes. Atualmente 150 jatos Horne…
Meio Ambiente

Hillary e moderador fazem dobradinha contra Trump em debate marcado por banalidades | VEJA.com

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Tereza Cristina
veja.abril.com.br – Eis alguns dos melhores momentos do debate presidencial americano da NBC, seguidos da minha cobertura em tuitadas feita em tempo real. Who do you think won? Here are just a few highlights from the …

Grading Hillary Clinton’s Tax Plan

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thefiscaltimes.com – While Republican Donald Trump and others in the presidential sweepstakes went big and bold with their tax and spending plans this year, Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Rodham Clinton op…

Thousands of Saudis sign petition to end male guardianship of women

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Voice of Europe
theguardian.com – Thousands of Saudis have signed an online petition calling for the government to abolish the country’s guardianship system, which prevents women from engaging in fundamental tasks without the permi…

A amante de Lula recebia “mesada de 50 mil” da OAS

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Félix Maier
cristalvox.com – Quem não conhece a  história ” não tão secreta” de Rosemary Noronha, ex-chefe do escritório presidencial em São Paulo e do ex-presidente Lula?  Eram “amantes”  nas “barbas” da primeira dama Marisa …

Grupo recolhe jornal EXTRA para esconder denúncia contra candidato a vereador de São Gonçalo; leia a reportagem na íntegra

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Tupiniquim do Sul
extra.globo.com – Nesta madrugada, um grupo de 30 homens esteve em pontos de distribuição do jornal Extra para recolher o suplemento São Gonçalo, que trazia na capa denuncia do Ministério Publico Federal contra o ex…

When Did Donald Trump Become A Racist?

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Blind Side Report
blindsidereport.blogspot.com – How did everyone know Trump was a racist before me. I tweeted this thought last night and everyone told me I wasn’t paying attention. Where were these people? How was this racist monster allowed to…

Planned Parenthood is Working Hand in Hand With China’s Population Control Officials | LifeNews.com

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Heritage Foundation
lifenews.com – China’s One Child Policy turns 36 this week (September 25). Reggie Littlejohn, President of Women’s Rights Without Frontiers, stated, “The One Child Policy has been responsible for hundreds of mill…

Prisão de Palocci provoca reação imediata no Congresso

g1.globo.com – A prisão do ex-ministro Palocci repercutiu imediatamente no Congresso. Aliados do governo Temer disseram que a prisão do ex-ministro petista é grave e que as acusações têm que ser apuradas. “O Palo…

Edições Digitais – O Globo

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oglobo.globo.com – Confira o material publicado nas páginas do Globo reunido em livros sobre temas de importância histórica. Da visita do Papa Francisco ao Brasil às manifestações que tomaram as ruas do país, confira…

“It’s Parkinson’s Disease” #HillarysHealth WikiLeaks Document

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BrazilPolitiks News
therealstrategy.com – Emails released by Wikileaks show that Hillary Clinton looked into a drug used to treat sleepiness and Parkinson’s Disease after she apparently began suffering from “decision fatigue” back in 2011….

Para a PF, atuação de Palocci na Lava Jato era maior do que a de Dirceu

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Cesar Gomes
jornalivre.com – Segundo os investigadores da força-tarefa da Operação Lava Jato, não há dúvidas sobre o papel desempenhando pelo ex-ministro petista Antonio Palocci no esquema criminoso operado pelo Partido dos Tr…

Anistia para caixa dois livraria cúpula do poder sob a mira da Lava Jato

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Socorro Coelho
congressoemfoco.uol.com.br – Entre os beneficiários em potencial da interpretação elástica do texto estão os três ex-tesoureiros do PT presos, o ministro-chefe da Casa Civil, Eliseu Padilha, o das Relações Institucionais, Gedd…

EGO PROBLEM: After Early Success, Insecure, Defensive Trump Collapses

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dailywire.com – After last night, one simple truth is obvious to anyone with eyes and a functioning prefrontal cortex: Donald Trump’s ego is the greatest danger to his candidacy, and it always was. Going into the …

Ex-ministro Antonio Palocci é preso em nova fase da Operação Lava Jato

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Tereza Cristina
noticias.uol.com.br – O ex-ministro Antonio Palocci (PT) foi preso em São Paulo nesta segunda-feira (26) durante a 35ª fase da Operação Lava Jato, batizada de “Omertà”. Segundo a Polícia Federal (PF), ele “atuou de form…

Editorial do Estadão: A Lava Jato fica e a tigrada passa | VEJA.com

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Tereza Cristina
veja.abril.com.br – Questionar eventuais equívocos e excessos de uma operação ampla e complexa como a investigação da corrupção generalizada no governo é uma obrigação dos cidadãos conscientes. A mídia tem feito isso,…
Arte & Entretenimento

| TV HISTÓRIA | Dívidas milionárias, morte e Donald Trump: os segredos da série Um Maluco no Pedaço

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tvhistoria.com.br – 1 – Originalmente chamado The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, o seriado estreou no dia 1º de setembro de 1990, na emissora norte-americana NBC. Foram 148 episódios ao longo de 6 temporadas, com o último c…

Ex-secretária de Petrópolis usou verbas da Saúde para pagar festas, segundo MPF

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Tereza Cristina
oglobo.globo.com – RIO – Acusada de desviar recursos da área de saúde de Petrópolis, na Região Serrana do Rio, a ex-secretária municipal de Saúde do município, Aparecida Barbosa da Silva, virou alvo de mais uma ação …

Sindicato dos bancários volta a negociar com bancos nesta terça

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lucia Helena Vips
oglobo.globo.com – SÃO PAULO – Depois de três semanas de greve dos bancários, os bancos concordaram em voltar a negociar com a categoria. Nesta terça-feira, o Comando Nacional dos Bancários e a Federação Nacional dos…

A ‘pasta rosa’ de Marisa Letícia e a propina para Lula | VEJA.com

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Br45il No Corrupt
veja.abril.com.br – Peritos da Polícia Federal reuniram uma avalanche de evidências para caracterizar a relação cada vez mais nebulosa entre o ex-presidente Lula e o Grupo Odebrecht. Relatório da PF que embasou a 35ª …

UK: Muslim convert from Islam to Christianity attacked with pickaxe

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Getúlio Santana
themuslimissue.wordpress.com – We have published several stories about Mr Hussain in TMI. The fact that the British authorities have done NOTHING to help him stay safe during all this time is truly revolting and says it all what…

Procurador sobre Lula: ‘natural que pessoas investigadas reajam’

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Socorro Coelho
oglobo.globo.com – SÃO PAULO — Horas depois de o ex-presidente Lula classificar de pirotecnia a denúncia formulada pela Lava-Jato, o procurador do MP de Curitiba, Deltan Dallagnoll, considerou natural a reação em rel…

Dados os números, Dória já está com um pé da Prefeitura de São Paulo: em 1 mês, cresceu 25 pontos no Datafolha | VEJA.com

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Salomão Carvalho
veja.abril.com.br – Se a pesquisa Ibope divulgada ontem já era positiva para o tucano João Dória, a do Datafolha, publicada pela Folha na edição desta terça, consegue ser ainda melhor. O primeiro instituto conferiu 28…

Peritos do INSS farão horas extras em varredura no auxílio-doença – Economia – Estadão

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lucia Helena Vips
economia.estadao.com.br – SÃO PAULO – Médicos do INSS vão trabalhar em jornadas extras – fora do expediente normal – na força-tarefa do instituto que vai fazer uma varredura nos beneficiários do auxílio-doença. O secretário…

Grazziotin faz campanha para candidata presa por tráfico: ‘Jovem talentosa’ | VEJA.com

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Lucas Medeiros
veja.abril.com.br – Notabilizada como uma das mais aguerridas defensoras de Dilma Rousseff durante o processo de impeachment, a senadora Vanessa Grazziotin (PCdoB) agora volta aos holofotes após encampar a candidatura…

Casal testemunha história de fé e confiança em Deus.

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Cruzeirense Golfista
clube.cancaonova.com – Com dois anos de casados, no coração de Andréia e Enrico, brotou o desejo de aumentar a família. O que no pensamento do casal seria algo rápido passou-se meses e a tão desejada gravidez não acontec…

STF deve julgar nesta terça-feira denúncia da Lava Jato contra Gleisi Hoffmann

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Salomão Carvalho
cbncuritiba.com – A 2ª Turma do Supremo Tribunal Federal deve julgar nesta terça-feira a denúncia contra a senadora Gleisi Hoffmann, do PT. Ela foi acusada no âmbito da Lava Jato por corrupção e lavagem de dinheiro….

Janot defende que Bumlai continue preso na Lava-Jato

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lucia Helena Vips
oglobo.globo.com – BRASÍLIA – O procurador-geral da República, Rodrigo Janot, enviou parecer ao Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) recomendando que o pecuarista José Carlos Bumlai continue preso por tempo indeterminado p…

Crivella sela acordo com Lindbergh e diz que Dilma não precisa de ‘palanque hermafrodita’

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oglobo.globo.com – RIO – O candidato derrotado do PT ao governo do Rio, senador Lindbergh Farias, oficializou na tarde desta quarta-feira na Associação Comercial, no Centro, o apoio no segundo turno ao senador Marcel…

Comércio do Catete é obrigado a fechar as portas após morte de Fat Family

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Socorro Coelho
jb.com.br – O comércio na Rua do Catete, na zona sul do Rio de Janeiro, foi fechado no início da tarde desta segunda-feira (26) após ordens de traficantes de drogas em retaliação pela morte do foragido Nicolas…

“O Brasil não vai mais precisar ficar falando mal dos EUA”, diz especialista

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lucia Helena Vips
infomoney.com.br – SÃO PAULO – O impeachment de Dilma Rousseff e a subsequente efetivação de Michel Temer na presidência da República trouxeram uma nova direção para a política externa brasileira, com uma maior dispo…


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nivea pagnano
dagobah.com.br – A autocrítica que o PT já começou a fazer para continuar na senda antidemocrática 1 – Erramos quando não tomamos a decisão de impor o controle social da mídia. Agora não é mais possível segurar as …

Temos confiança na economia do Brasil, diz presidente da Coca-Cola Femsa

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lucia Helena Vips
planalto.gov.br – O presidente da República, Michel Temer, recebeu nesta segunda-feira (26) os presidentes da Coca-Cola Femsa, John Santa María Otazúa, e da Coca-Cola Brasil, Henrique Braun. Os executivos vieram apr…

Justiça acha R$ 4.447,55 nas contas de Mantega

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Br45il No Corrupt
politica.estadao.com.br – Bloqueio determinado pelo juiz federal Sérgio Moro, na Operação Arquivo X, 34ª fase da Lava Jato, achou R$ 4.447,55 em quatro contas bancárias do ex-ministro da Fazenda Guido Mantega (Governo Dilma…

Arrestan en Brasil a ex ministro por Petrobras | Sexenio

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Tereza Cristina
Sexenio.com.mx – El ex ministro Antonio Palocci, considerado uno de los hombres más influyentes durante las administraciones de Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva y Dilma Rousseff, fue detenido este día en la ciudad de Sao …

Maior reservatório do agreste pernambucano entra em colapso | EXAME.com

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exame.abril.com.br – Recife – O maior reservatório de água do agreste de Pernambuco entrou em colapso ontem (27). Depois de operar por dez meses com o volume morto, o nível de água na Barragem de Jucazinho, no municípi…

Maior pedido de bloqueio da história da Lava-Jato já está com o Banco Central | VEJA.com

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Tereza Cristina
veja.abril.com.br – O sistema judicial do Banco Central, o chamado BacenJud, está desde as 12h26 com o “recibo de protocolamento de bloqueio de valores”. O documento é necessário para que os bancos sejam avisados para…

Interceptações mostram como agiam a organização criminosa de Lula e o Cartel das Empreiteiras

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folhacentrosul.com.br – Interceptações de E-mails, ligações e mensagens de celular, mostram como Lula, e seus soldados: Dilma, Palocci, Mantega, Zé Dirceu, Vaccari Neto, André Vargas e outros, juntos do Cartel das Empreit…

De R$ 6 mil a R$ 1 milhão, propina na Odebrecht passava por dezenas de códigos

Partilhado por
Br45il No Corrupt
epoca.globo.com – Lampadinha, shark, barba negra e serrote. Para descobrir os beneficiários do sofisticado esquema de pagamento de propina da Odebrecht, a Polícia Federal terá de desvendar uma série de códigos de ob…

Prisão de Palocci abre vísceras podres do PT, Cadê os artistas e intelectuais cúmplices da bandidagem?

Partilhado por
vilmar carneiro
imprensaviva.com – Existe algo que precisa ser esclarecido de uma vez por todas: os ditos intelectuais, artistas e jornalistas simpatizantes do PT sabem muito bem que em sua estratégia interna, o partido prevê o uso …

Inacreditável: blog petista pede arrego para Temer para Lula não ser punido no escândalo do acervo

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Tereza Cristina
jornalivre.com – As palavras que vocês lerão a seguir foram escritas por Tereza Cruvinel – fundadora e ex-presidente da EBC, e atual colunista do Brasil 247 – onde ela pede para que Michel Temer não dê sequência à …

Temer acerta permanência de ministro da Justiça – 27/09/2016 – Poder – Folha de S.Paulo

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folha.uol.com.br – Após reunião nesta terça-feira (27) pela manhã, o presidente Michel Temer ratificou sua decisão de manter o ministro da Justiça, Alexandre de Moraes, no cargo depois de suas declarações polêmicas n…

Militares e eleições. Bolsonaro declara apoio a candidatos e Presidente do CLUBE MILITAR declara seu voto em vídeo divulgado nas redes sociais – Revista Sociedade Militar

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sociedademilitar.com.br – Militares e eleições. Bolsonaro declara apoio a candidatos e Presidente do CLUBE MILITAR declara seu voto em vídeo divulgado nas redes sociais Pesquisa recente divulgada no GLOBO diz que a Câmara M…

Omertà: prisão do “braço direito” de Palocci coloca a ex-petista Marta Suplicy em alerta

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Cesar Gomes
ucho.info – A prisão de Antonio Palocci Filho na esteira da Operação Omertà, 35ª fase da Operação Lava-Jato, acendeu a luz vermelha na cúpula petista, pois o ex-ministro (Fazenda e Casa Civil), segundo as inve…

Turma do STF autoriza quebra de sigilo da mulher de Waldir Maranhão

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g1.globo.com – Por maioria, a Primeira Turma do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) autorizou nesta terça-feira (20) a quebra de sigilo bancário de Elizabeth Azevedo Cardoso, mulher do vice-presidente da Câmara, Waldi…

SIAD: Danish border control is a joke

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Voice of Europe
speisa.com – Cars that disappeared at high speed and a marked path were among the night’s observations as SIAD patrolled along the border Saturday night. The Danish Islam critical group SIAD is expressing stron…

Así torturaba el Estado Islámico en sus cárceles para niños

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CitizenGO es
elmundo.es – “A unos niños les aplicaban descargas eléctricas; a otros les colgaban boca abajo y les golpeaban como si fueran boxeadores” “Nos levantaban a las cinco de la mañana a rezar y nos daban una ducha d…

Em ato com sindicalistas, Doria defende projeto Escola Sem Partido – Política – Estadão

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Beatriz kicis
politica.estadao.com.br – O candidato do PSDB à Prefeitura de São Paulo, João Doria, defendeu nessa terça-feira, 27, o projeto Escola Sem Partido, que defende a “neutralidade política” no ensino. “Defendo o Eescola Sem Part…

ISIS Sells Women ‘for Just $10, or 10 Cigarettes’

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Getúlio Santana
nbcnews.com – KHANKE CAMP, Iraq — The grandmother lifted her face to heaven and let out a high wail. “I pray for this hell to end,” the 64-year-old said before crumpling onto the floor of her hut. Kimy Hassan Sa…

PT tinha ‘conta-corrente’ com a Odebrecht, diz PF | VEJA.com

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Socorro Coelho
veja.abril.com.br – O Partido dos Trabalhadores mantinha uma “verdadeira conta-corrente” com a Odebrecht, por meio da qual eram pagas propinas a integrantes da legenda, informou nesta segunda-feira a Polícia Federal d…

CPI da Assembléia vai devassar o governo Tarso Genro através das operações do Badesul

Partilhado por
Tupiniquim do Sul
polibiobraga.blogspot.com – Os deputados Gabriel Souza e Marlon Santos anunciaram, esta tarde, que pedirão uma CPI para o Badesul. A CPI revelará as entranhas dos empréstimos inexplicáveis que o Badesul concedeu no governo de…

Trump publicará su declaración de impuestos si Clinton divulga sus correos – A Todo Momento

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Getúlio Santana
atodomomento.com – El candidato presidencial republicano, Donald Trump, se comprometió a publicar su declaración de impuestos contra la voluntad de sus abogados pero solo si su rival, la demócrata Hillary Clinton, di…

KU bars gorillas from jungle-theme decoration due to ‘masculine image’

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campusreform.org – An RA at the University of Kansas was advised against incorporating an image of a gorilla into a jungle-themed floor decoration because the animal apparently represents “a very masculine image.” In…

Britain’s youngest rapist: 11yo pleads guilty to 15 sex attacks, 3 assaults

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Voice of Europe
rt.com – The boy was allegedly discovered sexually attacking the nine-year-old after the victim’s mother heard strange noises over a baby monitor. The victim said the older boy, now aged 12, raped him every…

The best debate takes come from inside the bar

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Roger Olivieri
nypost.com – YOUNGSTOWN, Pa. – Ken Reed sat down at main bar of the Tin Lizzy tavern with two things in mind, to dig into the tavern’s oversized cheese steak and watch the presidential debate. “I am hungry and …
Arte & Entretenimento

Francesco apre la porta anche a chi non ha l’abito nuziale. Ma che ne dice il Padrone di casa?

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Kattoliko Pensiero
magister.blogautore.espresso.repubblica.it – Ricevo e pubblico. L’autrice della prima lettera è una consacrata nella vita eremitica. L’autore della seconda è un rinomato avvocato penalista del foro di Napoli, socio fondatore di Alleanza catto…

California police chiefs come out against gun control ballot measure

Partilhado por
I Hate The Media
guns.com – The California Police Chiefs Association has joined other groups in opposition to Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom’s Prop. 63 “Safety for All” voter initiative. Newsom, who is currently running to replace Gov…

22 Statistics That Prove That The American Dream Is Being Systematically Destroyed – TruthTheory

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Chauvinist Pigs
truththeory.com – by Michael Snyder, Contributor The American Dream is being systematically destroyed right in front of our eyes and most Americans don’t even realize what is happening. In the old days, if you were …
Meio Ambiente

A Free-Market Alternative to the Farm Bill

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Heritage Foundation
dailysignal.com – During the last farm bill debate in 2013 and 2014, The Heritage Foundation was frequently asked what a free-market alternative to the farm bill would look like. We were listening, and we have just …

“Vemos isso o tempo todo, Angelina Jolie abusa das leis de família para ficar com guarda exclusiva.” « Rachel Ruttenberg

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Contrapondo Idéias
7uvw.xyz – – Rachel Ruttenberg, advogada estadunidense, Diretora Executiva do Centro de Defesa da Família de Chicago, EUA, 2016. Se ralhar com seus filhos é abuso infantil, motivos para o divórcio e guarda ex…

Padilha é o cara!

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Edmilson Papo 10
ossamisakamori.blogspot.com – Cada dia que passa, cresce o espaço político do ministro chefe da Casa Civil, Eliseu Padilha, PMDB/RS. Neste início do mandato efetivo do presidente Temer, há trombadas públicas entre os membros do…

“Homem divorciado: alienado dos filhos, pagando a casa da esposa, e morando com outros homens.” « Lauren Libbert

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Contrapondo Idéias
7uvw.xyz – Acordar mais uma vez na sala de caixa stark agora ele ligou para casa, Paul Adams foi forçado a contemplar as ruínas de sua vida. Seu casamento de dez anos tinha acabado. Sua única filha querida De…

Muslim immigrant gets 20 years for sending ISIS a ‘kill list’ of US military members

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creepingsharia.wordpress.com – Well-vetted. Source: Ardit Ferizi, hacker who aided Islamic State, sentenced for helping terror group with ‘kill list’ – Washington Times A 20-year-old computer science student from Kosovo describe…

Students Are Free to Participate in “See You at the Pole”

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adflegal.org – On Wednesday, September 28, students from across the country, and across the globe, will participate in the annual See You at the Pole (SYATP) event. Gathering around the flagpole before school, st…

NCAA magnifies hypocrisy in decision to move events from NC

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adflegal.org – News Release NCAA magnifies hypocrisy in decision to move events from NC The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Legal Counsel Kellie Fiedorek regarding the NCAA’s decis…

The Trickle-Down Lie

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Thomas Sowell
nationalreview.com – New York’s new mayor, Bill de Blasio, in his inaugural speech, denounced people “on the far right” who “continue to preach the virtue of trickle-down economics.” According to Mayor de Blasio, “They…

Operação gera mal-estar para acordo de delação com Odebrecht – 27/09/2016 – Poder – Folha de S.Paulo

Partilhado por
Cesar Gomes
folha.uol.com.br – Deflagrada nesta segunda (26), a 35ª fase da Lava Jato, que foi capitaneada pela Polícia Federal, criou um mal-estar entre a Odebrecht e os procuradores da República que participam da operação. Ele…

Sérgio Moro vai condenar Lula por seus crimes. Entenda por que o juiz é o homem certo para a tarefa

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imprensaviva.com – Há poucos dias, o Imprensa Livre publicou um artigo que merece ser revisto por aqueles que já leram, ao meso tempo que pode ser muito relevante para os que ainda não leram. A matéria traça um paral…

Lobos da ONU (Concentração na IBAB “Igreja Batista da Àgua Branca” de Ed Renê Kivitz)

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vilmar carneiro
pastordanielbatista.com – Os participantes em oração pela igreja brasileira: Durvalina Barreto Bezerra do Betel Brasileiro no microfone Este sistema está aparelhado por diversos grupos interligados. Repleta de organismos, i…

Apartamento alugado por Palocci é de laranjas, diz Veja – Agência Estado

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Tereza Cristina
veja.abril.com.br – São Paulo – Um dia depois de ir à TV para explicar o aumento expressivo de seu patrimônio, o ministro-chefe da Casa Civil, Antonio Palocci, é alvo de nova denúncia de negócio suspeito. Reportagem n…

Lula volta a se comparar a Jesus no Rio, e insinua candidatura a 2018

Partilhado por
Cesar Gomes
eleicoes.uol.com.br – O ex-presidente Lula em comício da deputada federal Jandira Feghali (PCdoB), candidata a prefeita do Rio de Janeiro O ex-presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva voltou a comparar a sua trajetória de v…

Immigration influx means Austria’s social spending to jump 35% from 2014 – report

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Voice of Europe
rt.com – The magazine cites research commissioned by the city of Vienna and conducted by the Austrian Institute of Economic Research. The study said that two-thirds of social welfare recipients depended on …


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familiabolsonaro.blogspot.com – GUARDA MUNICIPAL ARMADA NA CIDADE DO RIO DE JANEIRO: – O Vereador carioca Carlos Bolsonaro, junto com os colegas, colheram assinaturas e apresentaram Projeto de Emenda à Lei Orgânica 29/2015, segui…

El partido de Carmena condena pintadas contra una mezquita tras apoyar el asalto a una capilla

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Blogs HO
outono.net – El ataque a una mezquita en el distrito madrileño de Tetuán ha demostrado la doble vara de medir de Ahora Madrid ante los actos de violencia e intolerancia contra las distintas religiones. Condenan…

Top Cardinal Sounds Alarm Over Emigration Crisis Out of Italy

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Voice of Europe
breitbart.com – In his state-of-the-Italian-Church address Monday before his fellow bishops, Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco tied the high levels of Italian emigration to an ongoing economic crisis that has dried up the …

The NCAA Isn’t a Moral Arbiter—Nor Should It Be

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wsj.com – The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) has gotten ahead of its member universities and its own constitutional principles. On Sept. 12, the association pulled all 2016-17 national-champ…

Billions wiped off FTSE as Merkel rules out rescue at Deutsche Bank 

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Henry Makow
dailymail.co.uk – Billions were wiped off stock markets around the world yesterday amid mounting fears over the future of Germany’s biggest bank. Companies in the FTSE 100 index saw £23billion wiped off their value …

ISIS, a new and deadlier enemy

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Voice of Europe
washingtontimes.com – On the evening of May 2, 2011, America had a chance at closure. We had lost thousands of our fellow Americans nine years earlier on that beautifully sunny September morning, and thousands more of o…

The Percentage Of Working Age Men That Do Not Have A Job Is Similar To The Great Depression

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Henry Makow
theeconomiccollapseblog.com – Why are so many men in their prime working years unemployed?  The Obama administration would have us believe that unemployment is low in this country, but that is not true at all.  In fact, one aut…

Grand Chief Stewart Phillip turns down invitation to participate in Black Rod Ceremony with Prince William

Partilhado por
Henry Makow
straight.com – One of B.C.’s most influential First Nations leaders will not be at a ceremony with Prince William to protest the way Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Premier Christy Clark are dealing with indige…

Prisões na véspera e no dia da eleição

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Paula Rosiska
jus.com.br – Na semana da eleição, embora o Código Eleitoral só permita a prisão em flagrante delito, a prisão em virtude de sentença criminal condenatória por crime inafiançável e a prisão por desrespeito a sa…

2016 Will it Bring Multiple False Flags, Gun Confiscations, Dissident Roundups, Financial Collapse and Martial Law? » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com – I absolutely loathe Facebook. When I go on Facebook to post something, it is a personally nauseating and revolting experience. It is something I liken to walking through a cesspool of filth and squ…

Late term abortionist calls children she aborts ‘babies’ in new interview

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lifesitenews.com – September 25, 2013 (LiveActionNews) – On June 27, 2013, Live Action ran a story about late-term abortionist Shelley Sella and the allegations of infanticide leveled against her by clinic worker Tin…

IT’S OFFICIAL: Brexit Britain WILL thrive out of EU as our economy SURGES ahead

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Voice of Europe
express.co.uk – Investment bank UBS, which was not part of the Treasury survey, also raised its forecasts as “the economy is proving resilient”. Dean Turner, an economist in the bank’s chief investment office, sai…

Invading Islamic “Reformation” in Luther’s Germany

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Julio Severo
lastdayswatchman.blogspot.com – Ask Thomas Jefferson who studied the Noble Quran before he wrote the US Constitution. About 9 million Muslims have made America their new Homeland and we have the Constitutional rights of Freedom o…

Los principales medios mexicanos intentan ocultar el éxito de la Marcha por la Familia

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actuall.com – Si fuera por la cobertura que los medios de comunicación mexicanos dieron a la Marcha Por la Familia que tuvo lugar el pasado sábado 24 en México, parecería que el evento fue irrelevante. Sin embar…

Temer tem o dever de expulsar Cesare Battisti do Brasil

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sulconnection.com.br – POR WALTER P. FILHO O ex-presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva endossou o refúgio político concedido ao assassino e terrorista Cesare Battisti, cujo ato foi do ex-ministro da Justiça, senhor Tarso G…

Quem diria? Joaquim Barbosa ganhou apartamento de graça em Miami, diz jornal dos EUA

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Tereza Cristina
jornaldopais.com.br – Quando a imprensa do Brasil descobriu que o ex-presidente do STF Joaquim Barbosa havia comprado um apartamento em Miami em 2012, foi-lhe perguntado quanto ele tinha pago. O problema? Na Flórida, as…

Vermont Alliance for Ethical Healthcare v. Hoser – Alliance Defending Freedom

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adfmedia.org – Vermont Alliance for Ethical Healthcare v. Hoser Monday, September 26, 2016 Description:  The Vermont Board of Medical Practice and Office of Professional Regulation are reading the state’s assiste…

Viewpoint Discrimination is Ruining Our Society

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adflegal.org – “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” You may have heard this rhyme as a child. Perhaps your parents or a teacher calmly reminded you that even though another child …

60 per cent of Australians wouldn’t want a relative to marry a Muslim

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Voice of Europe
dailymail.co.uk – A new survey has revealed that 60 per cent of Australians would not want a member of their family to marry a Muslim. The research, which is part of an ongoing Deakin University study into attitudes…

Court records show Keith Scott’s wife filed for restraining order

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Paul Joseph Watson
wsoctv.com – CHARLOTTE, N.C. – Police said that Keith Scott did have a loaded gun when Charlotte-Mecklenburg police officer Brentley Vinson shot and killed him last week, and on Monday, sources told Channel 9 t…

6 Conservative Positions Trump Abandoned In The Debate

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Ben Shapiro
dailywire.com – So, remember when conservative beacons assured us that Donald Trump was a real conservative? Last night, at the first presidential debate, Donald Trump mirrored the leftist agenda on everything fro…

Modelo de Notificação Extrajudicial: arma das famílias contra a doutrinação nas escolas

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Jair Bolsonaro
escolasempartido.org – Uma das formas de prevenir o abuso da liberdade de ensinar por parte do professor do seu filho é notificá-lo extrajudicialmente para que ele se abstenha de adotar certas condutas em sala de aula. P…

Os sócios do estado e seus dividendos | Rodrigo Constantino

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Rodrigo Constantino
rodrigoconstantino.com – Minutos após as tenebrosas revelações da força-tarefa da Lava Jato sobre as atividades do companheiro Antônio Palocci, o PT descobriu que escandaloso, mesmo, é o ministro Alexandre de Moraes que mo…

Sheriff David Clarke Warns of Obama’s “Gun Confiscation Mission” » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com – Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke has opened up about the recent gun control push by the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) and Obama’s talks regarding an Australian-style gun…

Undercover Video: Hillary Clinton Delegate Explains Her Deceptive Propaganda to Ban Guns » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com – In a video released by James O’Keefe and Project Veritas in association with Infowars, O’Keefe gets exclusive footage of a Hillary Clinton alternate delegate explaining the propaganda that Clinton …

Vatican to U.N.: No sustainable development without ‘absolute respect for life’ in ‘all its stages’

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lifesitenews.com – NEW YORK, September 26, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) — A Vatican representative told the U.N. last week that for any development to be truly “sustainable,” it must be founded on an “authentic and absolute” …

3 Reasons Why Obamacare Is Bad for Millennials

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Heritage Foundation
dailysignal.com – For many millennials, the fear of entering the “real world” is looming. We are preparing to face the financial challenges, often feeling like we are starting the trek up Mount Everest. Many of us a…

Motivos para NÃO ser Bolsonaro2018, por Daiane Santos*

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Nicolau Neto
negronicolau.blogspot.com – Ao fim de um golpimpeachment da (ex)presidenta Dilma Rousseff e o início de muitas manifestações protagonizadas pelo povo brasileiro (e quando digo POVO, é ele mesmo, viu?!) contra a presidência do…

Dia Mundial Sem Carro: que tal um dia com transporte público decente? | Rodrigo Constantino

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Rodrigo Constantino
rodrigoconstantino.com – Por Ricardo Bordin, publicado pelo Instituto Liberal Uma única vez, apenas uma, eu gostaria que todas as pessoas atendessem ao clamor dessa campanha, e deixassem os carros em casa na hora de ir ao …

Tribunal hears that police threatened to close Burton mosque

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Voice of Europe
burtonmail.co.uk – Police threatened to close down a Burton mosque due to rising tensions, an employment tribunal has been told. Nottingham Tribunal Court is hearing a case in which former Burton Imam Hafeez Ur Rehma…

João Dória tem “mitado” bastante e merece ser o próximo prefeito de SP | Rodrigo Constantino

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Rodrigo Constantino
rodrigoconstantino.com – João Dória é um empresário de sucesso. Isso é algo imperdoável para um típico petista. Fosse ladrão, traficante, assassino ou até pedófilo, tudo bem, mas empresário bem-sucedido é algo que o PT não…

Por que a Igreja permite a veneração das relíquias?

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Padre Paulo Ricardo
padrepauloricardo.org – Algumas pessoas ficam assustadas ao saberem que em pleno século XXI a Igreja Católica permite o culto das relíquias, ou seja, a veneração pelo corpo de santos falecidos ou mártires e que até mesmo …

Qual a missão dos anjos da guarda?

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Padre Paulo Ricardo
padrepauloricardo.org – A Igreja sempre acreditou na existência dos santos anjos da guarda, a partir do testemunho das próprias Sagradas Escrituras. Nosso Senhor, por exemplo, ao pedir que não se escandalizassem os pequen…

Charles Finney: O homem que redefiniu o caráter dos Estados Unidos

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Foco Cristão
juliosevero.blogspot.com – Charles Finney: O homem que redefiniu o caráter dos Estados Unidos Dos muitos pregadores corajosos, mas muitas vezes esquecidos, que cruzaram as regiões selvagens dos EUA, nenhum deles teve um impa…

Líder da Bancada da Chupeta é denunciada por Janot após amenizar crimes petistas em processo eleitoral | VEJA.com

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Felipe Moura Brasil
veja.abril.com.br – A Procuradoria-Geral da República denunciou na sexta-feira (6) ao STF a senadora Gleisi Hoffmann (PT-PR), líder da Bancada da Chupeta na comissão especial do impeachment, e o ex-ministro Paulo Bern…
Arte & Entretenimento

San Francisco vandals deface pro-life billboard featuring a newborn black baby: ‘Kill the Shrimp’

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lifesitenews.com – SAN FRANCISCO, September 27, 2012, (LifeSiteNews.com) – A pro-life billboard advertisement placed in San Francisco’s Bernal Heights neighborhood was taken down following numerous acts of vandalism …

Audit: US Aid to Syria Wrought With Fraud

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Heritage Foundation
dailysignal.com – U.S. tax dollars are going to relief agencies in Syria that are engaging in “bid-rigging and multiple bribery and kickback schemes” and the federal government has taken inadequate steps to prevent …

6 INSANE Things Hillary Said In Last Night’s Debate

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Ben Shapiro
dailywire.com – Thanks to all of the pyrotechnics at the first presidential debate on Monday night – and thanks to Donald Trump’s Chernobyl-style meltdown over his IRS records, his business history, his Iraq war p…

Taxpayers Are Paying Billions to Service the National Debt

Partilhado por
Heritage Foundation
dailysignal.com – This past spring, Netflix—the beloved online video streaming service—announced it would raise its monthly subscription fees. The first price hike in June cost between $1 and $2 per month. One consu…

GOP Senators Side With Democrats to Bail Out Union Pension

Partilhado por
Heritage Foundation
dailysignal.com – It’s not every day you see a significant portion of Republican senators supporting a taxpayer bailout—especially for a private union pension plan. But today, six of the 14 Republican members of the…

Zika Funding Might Result in Raise for Planned Parenthood, Despite GOP-Controlled Congress

Partilhado por
Heritage Foundation
dailysignal.com – Fears are mounting among some conservatives that under a Republican-controlled Congress, Planned Parenthood could soon be getting a raise. “I hope that pro-lifers will wake up and realize that we h…

What the Media, Academics Get Wrong on Crime Rate

Partilhado por
Heritage Foundation
dailysignal.com – Some are puzzled by the dishonesty, lack of character, and sheer stupidity of many people in the media. But seeing as most of them are college graduates, they don’t bear the full blame. They are ta…
Meio Ambiente

Utahns Fear Obama Will Heed Environmentalists, Not Them

Partilhado por
Heritage Foundation
dailysignal.com – This past Monday marked the 20th anniversary of President Bill Clinton using the Antiquities Act to create the 1.5 million-acre Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument in southern Utah. For mos…

More Guns Does Not Mean More Murders

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Heritage Foundation
dailysignal.com – According to proponents of gun control, more guns in America equals more murders and a more lawless society. Every time there is a mass killing involving guns, liberal politicians rush to call for …

Evidence-Based Fiscal Discipline: The Case for PART 2.0

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Heritage Foundation
heritage.org – September 27, 2016 | Backgrounder on Budget and Spending America’s debt is out of control, and Congress and recent Presidents have done little to decrease spending. The use of rigorous evidence in …

The So-Called ‘Wage Gap’ Is Going Down

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Heritage Foundation
dailysignal.com – Time to change those outdated signs, ladies. It’s no longer the case that “women only make 77 cents on the dollar compared to men.” According to this year’s annual Census Bureau report, the incompl…

The Misplaced Rage in Charlotte

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Heritage Foundation
nationalinterest.org – Violence and looting have erupted on the streets of Charlotte, N.C. Those involved have tried to justify this behavior by claiming it’s a natural response to white racism endemic to the city’s law …

A Couple’s 8-Year Fight Against Government to Get Back Their Property

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Heritage Foundation
dailysignal.com – For eight years, Michiganders Gerald and Royetta Ostipow have been fighting the seizure and forfeiture of hundreds of thousands of dollars’ worth of their property. Last month they prevailed when a…

Washington’s Farewell Address Foresaw the Danger of Factions

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Heritage Foundation
nationalreview.com – George Washington announced his permanent retreat from the world 220 years ago today. His “Farewell Address,” first drafted by Madison and later amended and expanded by Hamilton, was printed in nea…

Trade Has Been a Huge Boon to Michigan’s Manufacturing

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Heritage Foundation
dailysignal.com – In 2010, the Michigan economy was on the rocks—715,000 people were out of work, and the Great Lakes State’s gross domestic product had contracted by 7.6 percent by the time the recession ended. Tod…

Companies Are Raising Wages Without a Government Mandate

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Heritage Foundation
dailysignal.com – According to recent reports, companies are giving wide swaths of their workforces raises without the government dictating it. Some of the companies that have done this in recent weeks include McDon…

Homem ressuscita após oração de missionários e aldeões se convertem

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Marco Feliciano
noticias.revivaltimes.com.br – David Platt, presidente da Junta de Missões Mundiais dos Batistas do Sul, relatou o testemunho de missionários de uma aldeia remota no sudeste da Ásia, que afirmam ter orado por um homem morto na r…

Ibope: Geraldo Júlio tem dez pontos de vantagem em Recife | VEJA.com

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Reinaldo Azevedo
veja.abril.com.br – O Ibope divulgou nesta segunda-feira uma nova pesquisa com números da corrida eleitoral em Recife (PE). Encomendado pelo jornal Folha de Pernambuco e pela TV Globo, o levantamento mostra o prefeito…
Arte & Entretenimento

‘Gentle Giant’? New Report Reveals Keith Scott Threatened Wife With Gun…

Partilhado por
Steven Crowder
louderwithcrowder.com – The popular narrative in Charlotte (see CHARLOTTE: Man in ‘Free Hugs’ Shirt Hugs Cop. ‘Peaceful’ Protesters Berate Him… and Surprise! HUGE Percentage of Charlotte, NC Rioters? From Out of State…) i…

YouTube’s Heroes Program Empowers The Speech Police

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Paul Joseph Watson
thefederalist.com – YouTube has launched an Orwellian program for users to “moderate content.” For “YouTube Heroes,” volunteer contributors concerned about trollish or inappropriate content—or really anything they don…

Quais são as carícias permitidas no namoro?

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Padre Paulo Ricardo
padrepauloricardo.org – Se o sexo fora do casamento é pecado, até onde podem ir as carícias no namoro? Para compreender a delicadeza do tema, é preciso lembrar que nem sempre o oposto do amor é o ódio. Na teologia moral, …

You Can Bet that LeBron James Will Stand for the Flag

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townhall.com – With the 2016-17 NBA season just a month away, rumors are spreading that significant amounts of players will remain seated during the national anthem to protest the recent tensions between police a…

Ted Cruz: Yeah, I’ll Help Donald With Debate Prep, And Let Me Tell You Again Why I Endorsed Trump

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townhall.com – Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) was on The Hugh Hewitt Show earlier today, where the former presidential contender offered his thoughts about the debate and explain his endorsement of Donald Trump that caused…

Acordo de paz com as Farc celebra a impunidade | Rodrigo Constantino

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Rodrigo Constantino
rodrigoconstantino.com – Logo após uma tempestade que deixou algumas ruas do centro histórico de Cartagena semi-alagadas, teve início às 17h (19h em Brasília) a cerimônia de assinatura do tratado de paz entre o governo col…

Despite Assurances, Plans For an EU Army Are Moving Ahead At Full Speed

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Voice of Europe
breitbart.com – Perhaps some of those people who publicly stated that leave campaigners like myself who raised the issue of ever creeping collaboration on defence at an EU were ‘scaremongering’ should have been in…

Why ‘Infidel’ Women are Jihad’s Greatest Victims

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Voice of Europe
frontpagemag.com – Originally published by the Gatestone Institute.   Always harsh, Islamic law is still harsher for women. According to the Koran, men have “authority” over women and may beat them for disobedience (…

Limbaugh: Hilllary came off as ‘a witch with a capital B’

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WND News
wnd.com – As analysis continues to flow in concerning Monday night’s first presidential debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, radio host Rush Limbaugh had harsh words for the former U.S. secretary…

Trump scorches Hillary on ‘stamina’

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WND News
wnd.com – In an event that’s being hailed as “the debate of the century,” presidential candidates Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton faced off Monday in a “fight night” that many predicted could change the dir…

Trump holds back on Clintons’ mistreatment of women

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WND News
wnd.com – Ever since he started campaigning for president last year, Donald Trump has not been one to hold back. But near the end of Monday night’s first presidential debate, the Republican nominee strangely…

If looks could kill: Hillary’s beauty-queen ‘victim’ made threats

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WND News
wnd.com – Democrat presidential nominee Hillary Clinton on Monday night at the first presidential election debate told a touching story of a victimized beauty-pageant contestant with a zinger aimed at Republ…

Arrrggghhhh! Hillary wins Round 1

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WND News
wnd.com – I hate to say it, because I truly believe the election of Donald Trump is profoundly important for the future of the country, but Hillary cleaned his clock in the Great Debate. Now, how much sense …
Arte & Entretenimento

Is Charlotte our future?

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WND News
wnd.com – Celebrating the racial diversity of the Charlotte protesters last week, William Barber II, chairman of the North Carolina NAACP, proudly proclaimed, “This is what democracy looks like.” Well, if Ba…

Clintons honor wife of a terrorist

Partilhado por
WND News
wnd.com – Last week, the Clinton Global Initiative honored Hanan al Hroub with a speaking slot at its annual meeting. She is the wife of a Palestinian Arab terrorist, Omar, who served 10 years in an Israeli …

The real reason for Charlotte riots

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WND News
wnd.com – The smoke and stench of destruction by blacks with no sense of moral propriety rising in the air over Charlotte-Mecklenburg, North Carolina, can be seen for miles. The images of the violence they h…

La archidiócesis de Granada forma a 33 personas para asesorar a mujeres que han abortado

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actuall.com – La Archidiócesis de Granada ha puesto en marcha en la provincia el Proyecto Raquel que llevará a 33 personas, que han sido formadas durante el curso 2015-2016, a distintos municipios de la provinci…
Meio Ambiente

Llama a El Corte Inglés y defiende la familia natural

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hazteoir.org – El Corte Inglés sigue mirando para otro lado a la espera de que amaine el temporal y nos cansemos de pedir lo obvio: que los niños tienen derecho a un padre y una madre, y que fomentar modelos alte…

Communist Democrats Demand Gun Confiscation: Background Checks are not Enough! » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com – The political winds continue to shift, and the Democrat Party seems to be growing ever more confident about their immediate future because they are getting ever more aggressive about infringing on …

Obama’s Iraqi Fast and Furious? – Over Half a Million Guns Lost by Pentagon in Iraq & Afghanistan » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com – In a new analysis report by Action on Armed Violence (AOAV), a UK-based watchdog group, the Pentagon has been unable to account for over half a million guns that were shipped to Iraq and Afghanista…

Have the Bushes Forgotten Who Elected Them? » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com – Oh boy. Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) is not happy with the recent Bush family leak about who the aging patriarch, George H.W. Bush, would be voting for in the upcoming election. The Washing…

As NYT Calls for Gun Confiscation, Majority of Its Readers Oppose Gun Ban » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com – Last week, the New York Times called for gun confiscation in an editorial that was posted for the first time in nearly one hundred years on its front page, but the majority of its readers and the c…

The Anti-Trump Violence is Anti-White Hate » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com – The children of Satan are unleashing hell on white Americans. In San Jose, California, Hispanic thugs spit on and beat Trump supporters, kicked and jumped on their cars, and burned their belongings…

More Government Bureaucrats With Guns Than U.S. Marines » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com – Writing for FreeBeacon.com, Elizabeth Harrington summarized a comprehensive report by a taxpayer watchdog group that chronicles the exponential increase in the militarization of police agencies in …

Slain US Marine to Father: We Heard Afghan Officers Raping Little Boys & We Weren’t allowed to do Anything » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com – Lance Cpl. Gregory Buckley Jr. was fatally shot in 2012. He was a United States Marine. However, before he was killed, he told his father that at night, he and his fellow soldiers had to sit and li…

What Guns? What Gold? Prepper Tips On “Hiding Your Guns in Plain Sight” » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com – There are endless places and ways to conceal, hide and stash your guns and other precious items. Who knows when the time would actually come when some jack-booted thug would beat down your door and…

WATCH: Rep. Trent Franks: Democratic platform on abortion is ‘true extremism’

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lifesitenews.com – WASHINGTON, D.C., September 26, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) — The Democratic party’s platform that supports taxpayer-funded abortion on demand throughout all nine months of pregnancy is “true extremism,” R…

A Spirit Of Violence Rises In America Following The Unveiling Of The ‘Harbinger Of Baal’ In New York » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com – Is it just a coincidence that we have seen violence erupt all over America since the unveiling of the arch that served as a gateway to the Temple of Baal in New York City on September 19th? First t…
Arte & Entretenimento

When You’ve Reached the End of Your Rope, Tie a Knot and Hang On! » Sons of Liberty Media

Partilhado por
The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com – The Bible says in Hebrews 11:1, “…faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” It is very difficult to walk and live a life of faith, especially when any evidence o…

New Jersey Archbishop Myers: Catholics who back gay ‘marriage’ should not receive Holy Communion

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lifesitenews.com – NEWARK, NJ, September 27, 2012 (LifeSiteNews.com) – On Tuesday Newark Archbishop John J. Myers released a pastoral letter calling on Catholics, especially Catholic politicians, who do not accept th…
Arte & Entretenimento

If God Doesn’t Punish America, He’ll Have to Apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah! » Sons of Liberty Media

Partilhado por
The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com – Billy Graham’s wife Ruth once said, “If God doesn’t punish America, He’ll have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah.” How right on she was.  When I look at the state of our nation, men “marrying” men…

Hillary “Hires Psychologists To Undermine Trump”… Just As CIA Does In Assessing Egos of Foreign Adversaries » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com – Hillary Clinton is preparing for the presidential debates in a unique way. She isn’t focusing on policy, talking points, or on warming up her notoriously cold and unapproachable personality in orde…

INCREDIBLE: FBI Interview with Hillary Clinton About Vince Foster’s Death Vanish from National Archives » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com – The Daily Mail exclusively reported that documents stored at the National Archives in College Park, Maryland, about Hillary Clinton’s involvement in the death of former White House counsel Vince Fo…

Megachuch pastor Joel Osteen dodges CNN questions on homosexuality

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lifesitenews.com – September 27, 2012 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Texas Megachurch Pastor Joel Osteen squirmed under a barrage of question about his beliefs on homosexuality during a discussion on CNN’s “Talking points with…

Once Again, the ATF usurps the Constitution to have Texas Man Indicted for selling over a Dozen Guns » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com – A Texas man has been indicted after selling 13 gungs to an undercover agent with the unconstitutional Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. Kevin Joseph Pacacha, 53, of Corpus Christi, was under…
Arte & Entretenimento

‘Harry Potter’ actress with dwarfism rejected abortion; her little miracle is now 2 1/2

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lifesitenews.com – September 26, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) — Although doctors advised his mother to abort him and he was not expected to survive more than a few hours, 2 1/2-year-old Nathan Phillips was the ring-bearer at …

What Obama’s education secretary got wrong about homeschoolers

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lifesitenews.com – September 26, 2016 (DailySignal) — Homeschooling has been growing in popularity in recent years, and now accounts for about 3.4 percent of the school-age population. That’s more than double the pe…
Arte & Entretenimento

Bradlee Dean — America’s First and Last Mistake

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The Sons of Liberty
newswithviews.com – “In many cases, no doubt, Americans do not want to be delivered from their sins (Matthew 1:21) they want to be delivered from God to remain in their sins and call it grace.” -Jeremiah 7:10 In Judge…

Honor Veterans and the Office of the President- IMPEACH! » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com – As I think about our nation’s veterans, I thought it appropriate to tell you about a radio station manager who approached me because I was calling out Obama’s corruption on the air. He admitted tha…
Arte & Entretenimento

Praying through the daily bad news

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lifesitenews.com – September 20, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) — “Daddy, those must be bad men if they would make a law like that,” my seven year old daughter told me one evening as we sat in our living room for our family pr…

Maxine Waters Believes Americans are Bigots for Opposing Sharia Law » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com – I confess I’ve been called a bigot for lots of things simply because I have a Christian worldview. I’ve been called it by atheists, homosexuals and Islamists, but they always use that because they …

The Hypocrisy, Lawlessness and Violence of the Anti-Gun Left » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com – It’s been said many times.  Those who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. This is certainly true of the anti-gun Left, who have a habit of doing the very things they accuse others of doing…

Venezuela Destroys Thousands of Guns: “Renewal Of Efforts To Disarm” Hungry, Angry Population » Sons of Liberty Media

Partilhado por
The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com – Conditions have already been set for society to come unglued. The rioting, looting, poaching and running to the border for food supplies that has already taken place demonstrates a people who are a…
Arte & Entretenimento

Red Alert

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lifesitenews.com – This is an extremely urgent message. With only 3 days remaining in our Fall campaign, we still have $124,095 left to raise to meet our absolute minimum goal. But first, we would like to extend a bi…

Hillary Clinton “Deliberately and Blatantly Lied” about Running Guns to Syria » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com – Former Texas Congressman and presidential candidate Dr. Ron Paul recently appeared on Russia Today (RT) to discuss the latest claims being made by WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. Earlier this wee…

Government Now Targeting Gunsmiths with Enormous Fees in Latest Gun Prohibition Measure » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com – The Second Amendment was written to restrict government. It was never written to restrict the people or a business in any way, shape or form. However, though the right to keep and bear arms has his…

26 Incredible Facts About The Economy That Every American Should Know For The Trump-Clinton Debate » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com – Are you ready for the most anticipated presidential debate in decades?  It is being projected that Monday’s debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton could potentially break the all-time reco…

Mr. Obama, It’s Islam, not Guns! » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com – President Obama, as I predicted, did not mention the phrase “Islamic terrorism” once in his brief remarks in the wake of the Muslim massacre at the homosexual nightclub in Orlando. And just as pred…

Maryland’s new Unconstitutional Gun Confiscation Legislation Violates the 2nd & 5th Amendments » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com – Though they are touting new gun confiscation measures as “common sense solutions,” the reality is that Maryland Democrat Communists pushing Communism instead. New legislation that has been introduc…

Did You Know that Over 7700 Terrorists Were Encountered Trying to Enter the Country? » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com – If you were to ask the average American how many terrorists have been caught trying to sneak into the country, you would probably get a small response. The average American would not think that it …

Palocci é o mais petista dos petistas – Senso Incomum

sensoincomum.org – A imagem do PT é ainda integralmente ligada à figura popular de seu líder supremo, o ex-presidente Lula. É um erro de cálculo, de análise e de percepção fundamental: o maior exemplo do que é o PT é…

Nuevos reglamentos para controlar a los creyentes: grandes multas, burocracia, símbolos prohibidos

religionenlibertad.com – El gobierno chino está endureciendo mucho sus métodos para tener controladas las entidades religiosas, denuncia un análisis de Bernardo Cervellera, veterano periodista italiano especializado en Asi…

Cristo y la Iglesia, separados, se desfiguran; un Jesús que tú construyes no funciona, dice Blázquez

religionenlibertad.com – La Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos ha presentado una obra de envergadura: un magno Diccionario de Eclesiología de 1.664 páginas que recoge los principales temas de esta disciplina tal como se han …

<em>New York Times</em>: All the Opinions (about North Carolina’s Bathroom Law) That Are Unfit, They Print

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frcblog.com – A Facebook friend recently posted a meme that displayed some text upside down. The message was that you have an amazing talent if you are able to read the text when it is upside down and backwards …

India considers ban on commercial surrogacy – Sign here to support

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citizengo.org – The Government of India just released a draft bill which would ban all commercial surrogacy in the country. The bill – Surrogacy Regulation Bill, 2016 – aims to stop the unethical practice of surro…

How divorce and the ‘structure of family life’ can impact religious devotion

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deseretnews.com – Americans raised by divorced parents are less likely to be religiously affiliated later in life, according to a new survey from PRRI and Religion News Service. The poll found that 35 percent of peo…

This Preschool was Denied Access to a State Program Simply for Being Religious

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adflegal.org – Last month, the State of Missouri filed a brief in the U.S. Supreme Court admitting it singles out churches for discrimination based on their “religious status.” Now Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF…


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Primeiro debate entre Trump e Hillary: poderia ter sido um massacre, mas o republicano escorregou | Rodrigo Constantino

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Rodrigo Constantino
rodrigoconstantino.com – O debate nesta segunda entre o candidato republicano Donald Trump e a candidata democrata Hillary Clinton atraiu uma multidão de audiência, esperada em 100 milhões de pessoas, e foi uma oportunidad…
Meio Ambiente

Debates são shows para indecisos e Hillary levou o primeiro, analisa Alexandre Borges | Rodrigo Constantino

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Rodrigo Constantino
rodrigoconstantino.com – Hillary é corrupta, dissimulada e falsa como uma nota de três dólares. Se eleita, pode acabar definitivamente com a obra de Obama de desfigurar a América como conhecemos há dois séculos, especialme…

Qual o legado do governo Dilma? | Rodrigo Constantino

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Rodrigo Constantino
rodrigoconstantino.com – Por Luan Sperandio Teixeira, publicado pelo Instituto Liberal Tenho muita estima pela obra de Luís Fernando Veríssimo, inclusive tive a oportunidade de ler alguns de seus mais de 60 livros publicad…

Levy Fidelix é entrevistado pelo SPTV

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Levy Fidelix
g1.globo.com – O candidato à Prefeitura de São Paulo, Levy Fidelix (PRTB), falou sobre propostas de seu programa de governo ao repórter da TV Globo, Jean Raupp. A entrevista foi ao ar nesta terça-feira (27) duran…

La represión en constante incremento. Por José Daniel Ferrer García. Coordinador General de la UNPACU. | Unión Patriótica de Cuba

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unpacu.org – Hoy fueron detenidos otros tres activistas de nuestra organización y la policía política les ha comunicado que serán encarcelados por su activismo. Tres de los detenidos ayer continúan bajo arresto…

Como a política deu origem à corrupção na Petrobras

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Instituto Millenium
institutomillenium.org.br – Leia abaixo um trecho publicado pela revista “Exame” do livro “Petrobras — uma história de orgulho e vergonha”, da jornalista Roberta Paduan, lançado no final de agosto.  Em meados de 1989, o então…

Trump promete reconhecer Jerusalém como capital “unificada” de Israel

Partilhado por
Salomão Carvalho
noticias.gospelprime.com.br – Caso ele seja eleito, EUA pode mudar relação com Israel Enquanto Barack Obama vai à ONU fazer ameaças veladas a Israel, defendendo a independência da Palestina, Benjamin Netanyahu ganha apoio públi…

Termas in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil/Termas 4×4 – ISOC Wiki, the ultimate monger encyclopedia!

Partilhado por
Martô o Cabrunco 🐸
wiki.insearchofchicas.org – This Terma is great, it is by far the biggest Terma in Rio de Janeiro, it has 50 cabines (rooms) – L´Uomo and the others by comparison have about 12. The girls can be described best as having a “Ga…

‘I still have nightmares’: 13yo girl shot 5 times by Israeli soldiers speaks to RT

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Henry Makow
rt.com – Speaking to RT, 13-year-old Bara’a Owaisi said she had traveled to a West Bank checkpoint after dreaming about her aunt, who had been killed there. “She called to me saying, ‘I want to see you.’ So…

PressTV-Wahhabism even worse than Israel: Nasrallah

Partilhado por
Henry Makow
presstv.com – The head of the Lebanese resistance movement of Hezbollah says he considers the radical ideology of Wahhabism to be even more pernicious than the Israeli regime. Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah, the secret…
Meio Ambiente

91-year-old woman found dead inside home with over 50 cats

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I Hate The Media
kron4.com – HAMPTON, Va. (WAVY) — Fire investigators say they discovered more than 50 cats at a home on Fox Hill Road, where police say a 91-year-old woman was found dead Monday. Sgt. Matt Bond, with the Hampt…

Patrick Brown has betrayed and insulted sex-ed critics. He has to go.

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Henry Makow
lifesitenews.com – Sept. 21, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – So Progressive Conservative shape-shifter Patrick Brown has gone from pandering, in Chinese, to opponents of to the sex education curriculum, to grovelling in suppor…

Massive Mexico City pro-family march protests gay ‘marriage,’ gender ideology

Partilhado por
Henry Makow
lifesitenews.com – MEXICO CITY, September 26, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) — Hundreds of thousands of demonstrators marched through the heart of Mexico City on Saturday to protest a proposed constitutional amendment to create…

Dual Citizenship — Should we be worried?

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Henry Makow
viewzone.com – Someone wrote and asked me, “Why are there Israeli- but not Mexican-American Dual Nationals?” Well, here’s my take on this. I’d also like your views and opinions. Before I begin I’d like to day som…
Meio Ambiente

Três razões para conservadores votarem em Hillary Clinton | VEJA.com

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Leandro Narloch
veja.abril.com.br – A primeira razão é a prudência. “A prudência é a rainha das virtudes políticas”, dizia Edmund Burke, o pai do conservadorismo britânico. Enquanto revolucionários franceses se embriagavam com a idei…

Señor Presidente PPK: Detenga las medidas abortistas y pro LGTB de su gobierno

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CitizenGO es
citizengo.org – ultima hora (14 de septiembre) Nuestra campaña en ACIprensa ULTIMA HORA (14 de septiembre) El 65% de los peruanos rechazamos la unión civil Todos recordamos el video de la reunión del 7 de abril, 3…

Trump’s debate incompetence a slap in the face to his supporters

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Henry Makow
nypost.com – Hillary Clinton was boring and exceptionally well-prepared. Donald Trump was exciting but embarrassingly undisciplined. He began with his strongest argument — that the political class represented b…

Swedish church leaders oppose support for persecuted Christians

Partilhado por
Henry Makow
barnabasfund.org – Liberal Church leaders in Sweden have opposed an initiative aimed at showing support for persecuted Christians. After the murder of French priest Father Jacques Hamel by jihadists in July three Swe…


liberdade de expressão; livre comunicação; free speech; libertad de expresión; contra censura; against censorship; liberdade religiosa; religious freedom

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Este é um jornal gerado automaticamente pelo Paper.li a partir de links postados ou retuitados pelas pessoas incluídas na lista http://twitter.com/livrexpress/no-pc Contra a ditadura do politicamente correto. Against the dictatorship of political correctness. Liberdade de Expressão – Free Speech

