24 September 2016

LibExp 2016.09.23 @livrexpress


Six heroic ways to disrupt campus safe spaces this fall - The College Fix

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All American Girl
thecollegefix.com - Dear Conservative, Republican and Libertarian students, Are you tired of leftist tripe shoved down your throats all year long? Do you want to fight back? This year, let’s get down to business! Let’...

The "Coming Out" of Christian Professors on Secular Campuses

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thepoachedegg.net - For years, Christian professors who teach at secular universities have been pressured to keep a closet kind of faith. The waves of political correctness and subtle or overt bias against Christians ...

Mike Pence Throws Down: Charlotte Protesters Have 'No Right to Engage in Violence Against Our Citizens or Our Police' - Breitbart

breitbart.com - Pence started out his address with his standard stump speech saying that Donald Trump is “a doer in a game usually reserved for talkers.” Pence added that Trump “tells it like it is” and refuses to...

"Vou ser daltônico: não quero saber a cor da pele da pessoa", diz Flavio Bolsonaro | Rodrigo Constantino

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Rodrigo Constantino
rodrigoconstantino.com - O candidato Flavio Bolsonaro, do PSC-RJ, se saiu muito bem na entrevista ao GLOBO, apesar das cascas de banana jogadas. O viés esquerdista já fica claro nas perguntas, na chamada e nos parênteses. ...


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Rico Basco ☜═㋡
rplib.com.br - A decisão do STF de tornar Bolsonaro réu por injúria e apologia ao estupro trouxe de volta aos holofotes a fatídica polêmica ocorrida em 2008 e transmitida pela Rede TV. Quem por acaso estava assis...

Por que nem direita, nem esquerda querem Flávia Piovesan na Secretaria de Direitos Humanos - Sempre Família

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Félix Maier
semprefamilia.com.br - A nomeação da procuradora e professora da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC-SP) Flávia Piovesan para a Secretaria de Direitos Humanos tem sido alvo de duras críticas tanto da milit...

Valério disse a Moro que o PT usa jornalistas e até o Ministério Público contra adversários

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Pelego Golpista X9
implicante.org - E deu como exemplo desse uso o próprio caso de Sérgio Moro, difamado em peso pela militância A Máquina Petista de Moer Reputações não é uma lenda inventada por antipetistas, mas algo que de fato er...

A máquina de “comprar votos” chamada BOLSA FAMÍLIA!

cristalvox.com - “Vamos ter de investigar, mas indica que está havendo fraude, diz o Ministro Presidente do TSE, Gilmar Mendes! O Tribunal Superior Eleitoral (TSE) divulgou hoje (22) que o valor de doações eleitora...

Email Shows Federal Immigration Bosses In Ot Push To Swear In New Citizens 'Due To Election'

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foxnews.com - An internal Obama administration email shows immigration officials may be literally working overtime to swear in as many new “citizen voters” as possible before the Nov. 8 presidential election, a ...

Não temos boa matemática, mas temos "alunxs" de saia | Rodrigo Constantino

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Rodrigo Constantino
rodrigoconstantino.com - Após a controvérsia dos meninos de saia no Pedro II, eis que o colégio não se deu por satisfeito e veio com mais uma revolucionária, importantíssima e incrível inovação: os alunos não são mais alun...

Arquivo X: “companheiros” já dramatizam a prisão de Mantega na tentativa de desqualificar ação da PF

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ucho.info - Como sempre acontece quando “companheiros” enfrentam situações de dificuldade no rastro de escândalos de corrupção, o PT já começa a dramatizar a prisão de Guido Mantega, ex-ministro da Fazenda, na...

Em meio a polêmica com Mantega, Celso de Mello diz que CPP permite prisão em qualquer lugar - JOTA

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Rafa Kafka
jota.uol.com.br - A prisão do ex-ministro Guido Mantega, o mais longevo da história à frente da pasta da Fazenda, provocou um novo embate entre petistas e a força-tarefa da Lava Jato e levantou dúvida sobre possívei...


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Nizetti Soares
oantagonista.com - O MPF em Curitiba explica que os repasses de propina somaram R$ 34 milhões e tiveram origem em diferentes contratos para construção de plataformas de exploração do pré-sal. "Em 26 de julho 2012 o C...

Palmer Luckey: The Facebook Billionaire Secretly Funding Trump’s Meme Machine

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thedailybeast.com - A Silicon Valley titan is putting money behind an unofficial Donald Trump group dedicated to “shitposting” and circulating Internet memes maligning Hillary Clinton. Oculus founder Palmer Luckey fin...


liberdade de expressão; livre comunicação; free speech; libertad de expresión; contra censura; against censorship; liberdade religiosa; religious freedom

Lula apela ao sentimentalismo barato e a internet não perdoa; confira as melhores respostas

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Pelego Golpista X9
implicante.org - Se até mesmo em sua terra natal o ex-presidente (e agora réu na Lava Jato) Lula não faz mais sucesso, imagine no resto do país, não é mesmo? Pois ele deu das suas recentemente e mandou um post alta...

Students testify of $16.5 million ‘Clinton U’ scam

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samanta persotti
wnd.com - NEW YORK –After reporting Bill Clinton was paid $16.5 million to promote a for-profit university that has come to be known as “Clinton U,” many former students have told WND stories, often in heart...
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Man Promises More Violence in Charlotte, But He's With Group Far Scarier Than BLM

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Bill Periman
conservativetribune.com - A major spokesperson with Louis Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam has come under fire after calling for continuing violence in the city of Charlotte. According to Fox News, strife-torn Charlotte has alre...

Obama Kept Military Out of the Loop on Cash Payments to Iran

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Linda Suhler, Ph.D.
bloomberg.com - One might think President Barack Obama would have asked his top military officials to weigh in on his administration's  decision in January to send $400 million in cash to Iran. After all, Iran is ...
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Trump crashing the Internet with 30 million followers, billions of views

washingtonexaminer.com - In just a year, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump and his close-knit family and team of social media warriors have shattered Internet records, collecting over 30 million followers and ...

Trump’s slimy, shameless approach to philanthropy

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washingtonpost.com - WHERE DID Donald Trump get the harebrained idea that he will get Mexico to pay for a new border wall? Or his boast that he will make Arab states pay for refugee safe zones in Syria? Perhaps from th...
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Obama’s policies keep economy from growing

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Severe Conservative
washingtontimes.com - America is in trouble. Economically, politically, socially, racially and institutionally. The Federal Reserve flatly refused this week for the umpteenth time to hike interest rates because of the s...

Trump Socks It to Mexico, Does the Unthinkable to Their Money

conservativetribune.com - GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump’s campaign is causing a stir not only in the United States but also outside the country. According to Breitbart, the Mexican peso’s exchange rate has dramatica...
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Charlotte Mayor Signs Midnight Curfew Order On Third Night Of Protests

newyork.cbslocal.com - CHARLOTTE, N.C. (CBSNewYork/AP) — Protesters massed on Charlotte’s streets for a third night Thursday in the latest sign of mounting pressure for police to release video that could resolve wildly d...

Dangerous Plans Hatched by Obama and UN for Refugee Resettlement

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All American Girl
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Yahoo reportedly to confirm massive data breach

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I Hate The Media
computerworld.com - Following reports that Yahoo will confirm a data breach that affects hundreds of millions of accounts, some users reported Thursday on Twitter and elsewhere that they were prompted to change their ...

Charlotte, Baltimore, Ferguson and Islamic terror – Obama’s legacy

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Cancellations are coming for millions more

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HighHorse Deplorable

Doctor Just Dropped Bombshell About Hillary's Abnormal Eye Movements

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Western Journalism
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