25 September 2016

Cristianismo & Politica 2016.09.24 wo @CristPolit

Cristianismo & Politica


Obama Kept Military Out of the Loop on Cash Payments to Iran

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Truth Offends
bloomberg.com - One might think President Barack Obama would have asked his top military officials to weigh in on his administration's  decision in January to send $400 million in cash to Iran. After all, Iran is ...

FBI found political 'pressure' surrounded treatment of Benghazi emails

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Truth Offends
washingtonexaminer.com - State Department officials engaged in a coordinated effort to manage the political fallout from the discovery of emails related to Benghazi among Hillary Clinton's records in 2015, according to a 1...

Dalai Lama Says Refugees Should Go Home

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Voice of Europe
ibtimes.com - Americans who believe the U.S. should not accept refugees from Syria and the Middle East have an unlikely ally: the Dalai Lama. The 14th Dalai Lama, the head of the Tibetan Buddhist monks and one o...

5 top Clinton pardons: Where are they now?

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Truth Offends
thehornnews.com - Former President Bill Clinton’s final days in office were widely criticized after he issued a staggering amount of last-minute pardons. In total, Clinton’s 450 presidential pardons dwarfed his pred...

Fantasy Islam vs. Reality Islamic Terrorism » Liberty Alliance

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Voice of Europe
libertyalliance.com - Obama is inviting Islam into America to fundamentally transform the Land of the Free into the Home of the Jihad.  Obama sees Islam as the next civil rights movement, but they are the next civil war...

Yes, #BlackLivesMatter Is About Hate

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Truth Offends
theothermccain.com - “With Election Day only weeks away, it is possible the chaos in the Tarheel State is part of a left-wing get-out-the-vote effort to foment unrest in the state’s black communities. . . . “Riots, of ...

Five Reasons Why Europe Wants Trump to Become Next US President

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Voice of Europe
sputniknews.com - While prominent European policymakers are raising alarm about the possibility of US Republican nominee Donald Trump's victory, "to some on the Continent, Trump presents a once-in-a-generation oppor...

El Patriarca caldeo denuncia el uso de la cultura digital para crear controversias en la Iglesia

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infocatolica.com - (Fides) En lugar de exaltar, a priori, la red digital como algo positivo, el Patriarca ha observado que los medios sociales se han convertido en un instrumento privilegiado para alimentar controver...

Libertad para criticar el Islam

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CitizenGO es
citizengo.org - ULTIMA HORA (20 de septiembre) Nuestra campaña en Actuall Una reciente sentencia condena a un conferenciante austríaco por criticar la moral de Mahoma ante un auditorio de apenas 30 personas. ¿Se a...

“Leader” of the Bautzen Invaders - The New Observer

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Voice of Europe
newobserveronline.com - The African invader identified by police as the “leader” of the nonwhite gangs responsible for the nightly attacks upon Germans in the town of Bautzen, has been revealed in photographs as an AK-47-...

Farrakhan to Obama: Let Trump Do Want He Wants, You Failed Inner City Blacks - Breitbart

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Females for Trump
breitbart.com - Sunday at the Men’s Day program hosted at Union Temple Baptist Church in Washington, DC, Nation of Islam leader Minister Louis Farrakhan said to President Barack Obama, “Your people are suffering a...

Hunt On For Gunman Who Killed 3 Women, Injured 2 Others At Washington Mall

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foxnews.com - Police were searching late Friday for a gunman who killed three women and injured two other people at a Washington state mall before fleeing the area. Washington State Patrol spokesman Sgt. Mark Fr...

The Immunized Five: Meet The People Covering For Hillary

dailycaller.com - The Justice Department has granted immunity to a grand total of five individuals involved in the Hillary Clinton email scandal. On Friday, the FBI, in response to a subpoena, gave the House Oversig...

Open Letter To Congress

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Dr. Marty Fox
kazmierskireport.wordpress.com - I realize that you are all corrupt, and are indebted to special interest groups and donors, however, this does not allow for your inaction in addressing treasonous activity, regardless of the posit...

As debaters, Trump and Clinton both have strengths and weaknesses

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Valentinos ORPHANOS
yahoo.com - Washington (AFP) - Neither Hillary Clinton nor Donald Trump is the clear favorite as the two major-party candidates for the White House go head-to-head in their crucial first debate Monday. If Clin...

Living is Resisting

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J. Carlos
womanfromyemen.blogspot.com - "To rich people it must seem that the ordinary little people -- perhaps because their lives are more rarefied, deprived of the oxygen of money and savoir-faire --  experience human emotions with le...

State Dept. Says It Warned About bin Laden in 1996

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nytimes.com - Several former senior officials in the Clinton administration did not return phone calls this week seeking comment on the newly declassified documents. Adam Ereli, a spokesman for the State Departm...

Wildlife meeting weighs how to save endangered species

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Valentinos ORPHANOS
yahoo.com - Johannesburg (AFP) - Thousands of conservationists and government officials open talks in Johannesburg on Saturday to thrash out regulating international trade in elephant ivory, rhino horn and hun...

Hungarian Government to Use Immigration Referendum to Warn Citizens of 'EU Stealth'

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Caesar Octavianus
breitbart.com - At a meeting at the Hungarian Permanent Representation in Brussels, Hungarian government spokesman Zoltán Kovács revealed that the referendum question, to be put to the Hungarian people on October ...

La verdadera cara de Planned Parenthood: un aborto cada 97 segundos

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CitizenGO es
actuall.com - Durante años Planned Parenthood ha tratado de limpiar su imagen afirmando que, de todos los servicios que ofrecen en sus centros, sólo un 3 por ciento está relacionado con el aborto. Sin embargo, u...

Syrian government makes Aleppo advance in major attack

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uk.reuters.com - BEIRUT The Syrian army and militia allies seized high ground north of Aleppo on Saturday, tightening a siege of the city's rebel-held east while warplanes bombed it relentlessly in a Russian-backed...

Turkey's Erdogan calls Syria cease-fire a 'stillborn baby'

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nbcnews.com - NEW YORK — The Syrian government was behind the attack on a U.N. aid convoy that shattered a fragile cease-fire earlier this week, Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan told MSNBC. "The killer re...

Montenegrin admits smuggling arms to Paris ahead of November attacks | News | DW.COM | 23.09.2016

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dw.com - The Montenegrin man, named by prosecutors only as Vlatko V. in line with Germany's privacy laws, went on trial in the southern city of Munich on Friday charged with intending to smuggle weapons to ...

Le pape a rencontré les victimes de l’attentat de Nice

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la-croix.com - Des victimes de l’attentat de Nice et leurs familles ont été reçues en audience par le pape François, samedi 24 septembre. Le pape François a reçu en audience, samedi 24 septembre, des victimes de ...

Lavrov: Gli Stati Uniti hanno chiesto scusa ad Assad per l'attacco all'Esercito siriano

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lantidiplomatico.it - Gli Stati Unitisi sono scusati con il presidente siriano Bashar al-Assad, per il bombardamento aereo sulle postazioni dell'esercito siriano. Lo ha riferito il ministro degli Esteri russo, Sergei La...

Syria conflict Air strikes leave Aleppo “without water”

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J. Carlos
reportuk.org - Intensified attacks on the Syrian city of Aleppo have left nearly two million people without water, the UN says. The UN children”s agency says fierce strikes on Friday prevented repairs to a damage...

Seattle-Area Mall Shooting That Killed 5 Shows 'No Evidence' of Terrorism: FBI

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abcnews.go.com - The FBI said Saturday that there is no indication of a terrorism link in a shooting at a Seattle-area mall that killed 5. "We have no indication this was a terrorism act," an assistant special agen...

Thousands of African migrants coming to U.S. through Mexico

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Voice of Europe
desertsun.com - Mengue Miere Justine had $20 when she left her native Cameroon and boarded a boat set for Brazil. In South America, Justine saved $1,200 working as a meat packer near the coast before embarking on ...

Lo llaman ‘la fiesta de la democracia’ pero cada vez tiene más parecido con esto otro

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Elentir ن
outono.net - Este domingo los españoles residentes en Galicia y el País Vasco estamos llamados a las urnas para elegir a nuestros representantes en los respectivos parlamentos autonómicos. Reconozco que me sien...

Cristina envió carta a la ONU por deuda soberana y criticó a Macri por acuerdo con buitres

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Marullo Claudia
tiemposur.com.ar - A la vez, la exjefe de Estado consideró que el líder del PRO "tiene una aceptación pasiva de las reglas de los grandes poderes internacionales".  "La capitulación de la República Argentina ante los...

Sudan bishop urges UN to intervene to save Christians facing death sentence

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christiantoday.com - A prominent Sudanese bishop has appealed for the international community to intervene to save the lives of pastors who are facing the death sentence in a court in Sudan. Bishop of Kadugli diocese, ...

Michael Jordan Breaks Silence On Charlotte Protest... Rioters Will Be FURIOUS

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Luciano Marques
conservativetribune.com - First, basketball legend Michael Jordan had the temerity to support law enforcement after they were the targets of violence earlier this year. Now, Jordan is in trouble again with the Black Lives M...

AWESOME! Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu called the UN a 'moral farce' right to its face

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conservativereview.com - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delivered a scathing, brutal condemnation of the United Nations in a speech before its General Assembly Thursday, referring to the intergovernmental body a...

More than Half of Germans Fear Islamisation of Their Country

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Voice of Europe
breitbart.com - The study, conducted by polling firm INSA Consulere for the Evangelical News Agency, found 57 per cent of Germans hold a negative few of Islam in their country, including 61 per cent of women. Less...

Hillary Just Made The Ultimate Desperation Move, Turned Against Obama In Big Way

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Severe Conservative
westernjournalism.com - As President Obama appears set to veto legislation that would allow 9/11 families to sue Saudi Arabia, Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton apparently disagrees with her former boss. According to Yah...

I punti deboli della Clinton e di Trump

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Kattoliko Pensiero
allaquerciadimamre.it - Hillary Rodham Clinton, segretario di Stato dal 2009 al 2013, descrisse l’Arabia Saudita come “base decisiva di supporto finanziario per Al Qaeda, i talebani, Lashkar-e-Taiba e altri gruppi terrori...

Swedish Police Admit Losing Control Of 55 No-Go Zones

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Voice of Europe
breitbart.com - According to a new report, crime rates are rising sharply in the no-go areas with police unable to react to crimes. Cases of thefts, sexual assaults, and gang violence are rising and Sweden’s top p...

Counter-Islamification Dutch MP Wilders Caught In 'Political Trial'

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Voice of Europe
breitbart.com - Wilders was appearing again before a top security court ahead of the start of his trial next month on charges of inciting racial hatred due to statements he made about Moroccans living in the Nethe...

2,000 teens radicalized by ISIS in France – report

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Voice of Europe
rt.com - Since the start of the year, security forces have identified 1,954 young men and women as Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) terrorist organization sympathizers, Le Figaro reported.  An unnamed...

Petition by Indian Americans to declare Pakistan as sponsor of terror - The Economic Times

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economictimes.indiatimes.com - WASHINGTON: The Indian-American community in the US has launched a White House petition to designate Pakistan a state sponsor of terrorism, days after a bill in this regard was tabled in the US Con...

Finding Europe Untenable, More Migrants Return To Their Home Countries

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Voice of Europe
npr.org - The International Organization for Migration says more people are opting to voluntarily return to their home countries, rather than staying in host countries as migrants. In a report released Frida...

Son of Major Islamic Cleric Leaks Info that Muslims Plan to Attack Random Christians at Malls with Chainsaws » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - According to the son of a major Islamic imam, the Islamic State and its supporters have planned to use chainsaws to murder Christians in a shopping center. Citing MEMRI.org, The Mirror reports: The...

Accusation of sexism within Merkel's party creates uproar

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Voice of Europe
thelocal.de - In an open letter published in magazine Edition F, titled "Why I can’t stay silent on the sexism in my party any more", Jenna Behrends accuses the CDU of “squandering its future.” The 26-year-old, ...

Benjamin Netanyahu apoia Trump, através de Putin

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Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - Benjamin Netanyahu apoia Trump, através de Putin Desde que Donald Trump disse que se Vladimir Putin o louva, ele devolveria o cumprimento, a indignação do Partido Republicano não tem cessado. Vladi...

Bias Alert: Media Rushes to Bury Key Fact in Charlotte Riots: Officer in Shooting Is Black

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Bryan Fischer
heatst.com - Violence again erupted overnight in Charlotte, North Carolina, following a police shooting that left an armed black man dead. But the national media is largely ignoring – or burying – a key fact ab...

EU Must 'Ensure Liberalization' of Visas for Turkey or Face New Migrant Influx

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Voice of Europe
sputniknews.com - The interview came after Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan lashed out at the EU and the UN during his speech at a UN General Assembly session in New York earlier this week. He blamed them for ...

German anti-immigrant AfD gains record high support – poll

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Voice of Europe
rt.com - Nationwide public support for AfD has risen to 16 percent, beating the right-wing party’s previous May record of 15 percent, a DeutschlandTrend survey, conducted by market research company TNS Infr...

Benjamin Netanyahu Under Fire for Not Bowing Down to Mythical Idol Nelson Mandela

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Julio Severo
lastdayswatchman.blogspot.com - Benjamin Netanyahu Under Fire for Not Bowing Down to Mythical Idol Nelson Mandela The mainstream international media were chocked when Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Shimo...

EEUU acusa a gobierno de Maduro de ignorar voz de venezolanos

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Tereza Cristina
elnuevoherald.com - Estados Unidos aseguró este jueves que el anuncio de que el referendo revocatorio del mandato del presidente venezolano, Nicolás Maduro, no se celebrará este año impide que el pueblo decida sobre e...

Hillary Clinton Top Priority: Obama Attends Fundraiser, Ignores Terrorism – The Real Strategy

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Count Dracula
therealstrategy.com - President Obama attended a Clinton Fundraiser Sunday night instead of addressing the American people regarding the terror attacks in New Jersey and New York City. (WASHINGTON, D.C.) President Barac...

Why The Church Has Got To Start Caring About Persecuted Christians

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Christian Today
christiantoday.com - Statistically, the worst place in the world to be a Christian is in North Korea. It has topped persecution charity Open Doors' annual World Watch List of countries where Christians face the harshes...

Churches burned and members threatened with violence: The reality of being a Christian in Cuba

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christiantoday.com - Amid an escalating crackdown on churches in Cuba, a prominent pastor and religious freedom activist has warned that "the threat of physical violence... comes with the territory of being a Christian...

550,000 Rejected “Asylum Seekers” in Germany - The New Observer

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Voice of Europe
newobserveronline.com - There are over half a million rejected “asylum seekers” still living in Germany, despite receiving orders to leave the country—and almost all of them have been living there, “tolerated” by the gove...

Natural Law and the Legitimate Authority of the United States

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Shestokas 4 Ft Myers
shestokas.com - Government needs a basis to exercise authority over people. Citizens must accept government authority.  A government lacking acceptance of the people over whom it exercises authority will not endur...

American Horror Story: The Shameful Truth About the Government’s Secret Experiments » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - “Of all tyrannies a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robb...

Canadians, join our letter writing campaign against forcing doctors to euthanize patients

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lifesitenews.com - September 23, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) — The Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons has decided that physicians who refuse to participate in euthanasia or assisted suicide must refer their patients ...

Obama DOJ Complaint Against NYC bomber Scrubs References to Islamic State in Jihad Journal » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - What further proof do Americans need to show that Obama and his party of treason is aligned with the jihad force? Remember, Obama’s DoJ did the same thing with the Orlando nightclub jihadi’s transc...

Hillary Clinton's Plan to Make Americans Fund Abortions "is Right Out of Margaret Sanger's Playbook" | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton has extreme ambitions for abortion on demand in America. She wants to make it taxpayer funded and available until the day of birth — and she does not...

Unmasking George Soros and His Antagonism Toward Israel

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Tim Gradous
townhall.com - Billionaire George Soros generally does not hide the fact that he uses the considerable funds at his disposal to support his extremist, leftist ideals. So when he does hide something, it should rai...

Austria: ‘Sharia patrol’ savagely beat dad on the street because he was protecting his daughter

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themuslimissue.wordpress.com - A SELF-STYLED Sharia patrol group have been jailed for savagely beating a man trying to defended his daughter and wife. By Joey Millar PUBLISHED: 06:25, Tue, May 17, 2016 | The men were well-known ...


Cristianismo e Política + Christianity and Politics + União multi-denominacional (evangélicos, católicos, etc) em defesa dos valores cristãos e da democracia





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