25 September 2016

Cristianismo & Politica 2016.09.24 @CristPolit

Cristianismo & Politica

A propina do homem da mala de Renan - ISTOÉ Independente

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istoe.com.br - O lobista Milton Lyra é conhecido nos subterrâneos do poder em Brasília como o operador e homem da mala do presidente do Senado, Renan Calheiros (AL). Em 1º de julho, sua casa e empresas foram revi...

Paulo Bernardo e Gleisi Hoffmann: sr. Propina e sra. Caixa Dois | VEJA.com

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Ricardo Motoki
veja.abril.com.br - Paulo Bernardo e Gleisi Hoffmann são casados há duas décadas. Ela, senadora da República, foi ­ministra-chefe da Casa Civil de Dilma Rousseff. Ele foi ministro do Planejamento no governo Lula e min...

Italy: ‘Muslims, Atheists’ Blast Christian TV News Anchor for Wearing Crucifix

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breitbart.com - Marina Nalesso, a well-known news anchor on the State-owned Tg1 television news show, wore a crucifix around her neck several times last week while on the air, a choice that Silvio Viale, a leftist...

Exército assume obras abandonadas pelo Governo comunista do PT

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Pr. Liomar 🇧🇷
brasilverdeamarelo.com - A Operação Lava Jato identificou o maior esquema de corrupção já registrado na história do Brasil, engendrado com a participação direta de políticos, empresários e estatais. A sangria de dinheiro p...

Leaked Email Exposes Obama’s Underhanded Plan to Steal the Election for Hillary

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Veterans For Trump
truthfeed.com - This is completely disgusting. Obama is working overtime to “work the system” using this unethical, partisan scam.  They are also doing thing in such sloppy fashion, illegals that are set to be DEP...


Cristianismo e Política + Christianity and Politics + União multi-denominacional (evangélicos, católicos, etc) em defesa dos valores cristãos e da democracia

As gravações que comprovam a fraude de R$ 2 bi na Funcef - ISTOÉ Independente

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istoe.com.br - Operação greenfield Segundo os procuradores, o núcleo político da organização criminosa influenciava os diretores dos fundos de pensão Aparelhados pelos partidos políticos durante a era petista, os...

Desacato à autoridade vai virar regra no caso Lula? - ISTOÉ Independente

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Gidalti Alencar
istoe.com.br - ATAQUES AO JUDICIÁRIO – Na última semana Lula zombou dos investigadores do Petrolão “Fico ofendido por ter a vida futucada por uns meninos do Ministério Público Federal” Lula, na quarta-feira 21 “D...
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Obama Kept Military Out of the Loop on Cash Payments to Iran

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Truth Offends
bloomberg.com - One might think President Barack Obama would have asked his top military officials to weigh in on his administration's  decision in January to send $400 million in cash to Iran. After all, Iran is ...

FBI found political 'pressure' surrounded treatment of Benghazi emails

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Truth Offends
washingtonexaminer.com - State Department officials engaged in a coordinated effort to manage the political fallout from the discovery of emails related to Benghazi among Hillary Clinton's records in 2015, according to a 1...
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The Seven Broken Guardrails of Democracy

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Severe Conservative
theatlantic.com - A long time ago, more than 20 years in fact, the Wall Street Journal published a powerful, eloquent editorial, simply headlined: “No Guardrails.” In our time, the United States suffers every day of...

Cruz: Yeah, I'll Vote for Trump

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Severe Conservative
nationalreview.com - After publicly spurning Donald Trump from the stage of the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ted Cruz said Friday that he would make good on his vow to support the Republican nominee and...
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Trump could be First in History to Win all 50 States according to Linguistic Genius

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nevo.news - Admit it. Donald Trump is a volcano in a forest of Ronson lighters. You’re not going to stop him. He may carry all 50 states. The awareness of Trump’s invincibility is dawning slowly for several re...

That Time Comedy Central Debunked Gun Free Zones (Video) - Saving Our Future

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savingourfuture.com - This morning I spoke at a Second Amendment rally on the steps of the Oregon state Capitol. The importance of the Second Amendment is worth defending. The Left operates from a naïve worldview: someh...
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"Cerremos la Dator": HazteOir.org reúne a más de cien personas en una vigilia frente al abortorio

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CitizenGO es
actuall.com - En la tarde de este jueves HazteOir.org ha reunido más de un centenar de personas para celebrar una vigilia por la vida ante la clínica Dator de Madrid, lugar en el que se practican miles de aborto...

Moncloa pide a los barones que actúen por «el interés general»

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Diego #EspañaUnida

The Mood in the Room

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Mike Cernovich

La delirante transición de Podemos: de la BBC a 'Radio Carmena'

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Elentir ن

Modko Modkat Minimalist Top Entry Cat Litter Box Review | KittyClysm*

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A Guide to Cold Emailing

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State Dept. Says It Warned About bin Laden in 1996

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nytimes.com - Several former senior officials in the Clinton administration did not return phone calls this week seeking comment on the newly declassified documents. Adam Ereli, a spokesman for the State Departm...

Hillary Just Made The Ultimate Desperation Move, Turned Against Obama In Big Way

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Severe Conservative

Trump Just Revealed 10 Possible Supreme Court Picks... 1 Shock Name Says 1,000 Words

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Severe Conservative

Trump Picks Up Endorsements Of Nine House Chairmen

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HighHorse Deplorable
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Mídia Sem Máscara - Freud: "Pacientes são lixo"

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Mídia Sem Máscara
midiasemmascara.org - Escrito por Ricardo Hashimoto | 23 Setembro 2016 Artigos - Cultura No dia 23 de setembro de 1939, Sigmund Freud prestou contas a Deus. A julgar pelos seus detratores, a conversa foi longa. Quando o...

Mídia Sem Máscara - Editoras ocidentais se subjugam ao Islã

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Mídia Sem Máscara

Mídia Sem Máscara - Homenagem aos procuradores federais da Lava Jato

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Mídia Sem Máscara
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