28 September 2016

LiberdadeDeExpressao 2016.09.27 @livrexpress

LiberdadeDeExpressao News


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Carlos Bolsonaro
familiabolsonaro.blogspot.com - A FAMÍLIA B0LSONARO, eu falo com letras grande para não deixar duvidas, vamos em frente na defesa de nosso querido BRASIL. Avante guerreiros de fé.ResponderExcluir Respostas Estamos juntos sempre.....

PF diz não ter avisado ministro da Justiça sobre nova fase da Lava-Jato

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Rosa Lev
oglobo.globo.com - SÃO PAULO - Numa evidente cisão entre a cúpula do Ministério da Justiça e a equipe da Polícia Federal de Curitiba, a nova fase da Operação Lava-Jato, que levou o ex-ministro Antonio Palocci para a ...

Faustão não sabe “porra nenhuma” da reforma do ensino médio, fala bobagem e desinforma os brasileiros | VEJA.com

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Brasil sem PT
veja.abril.com.br - O apresentador Fausto Silva tem um apelido: “Faustão”, que rimou com o seu “Domingão”. O aumentativo certamente deriva de seu corpo avantajado. A partir deste domingo, também designa a ligeireza tr...

Leaked FBI Data Reveal 7,700 Terrorist Encounters in USA in One Year; Border States Most Targeted

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breitbart.com - Some of the documents pertain to the entire U.S., while others focus specifically on the state of Arizona. The documents are labeled, “UNCLASSIFIED/LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE” and contain data from ...

Cuban Admits He Lied About Front Row Seat To Get Under Trump's Skin

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Linda Suhler, Ph.D.
newsninja2012.com - Well now we know that Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban is lockstep with Hillary Clinton in the lying department. Cuban now says he NEVER had a front row seat and has received death threats for him...


liberdade de expressão; livre comunicação; free speech; libertad de expresión; contra censura; against censorship; liberdade religiosa; religious freedom

Nota do editor

Este é um jornal gerado automaticamente pelo Paper.li a partir de links postados ou retuitados pelas pessoas que acompanhamos no Twitter. http://twitter.com/livrexpress Liberdade de Expressão - Free Speech http://liberdadedeexpressao.multiply.com

For some reason, Muslim supremacists can’t understand why the West hates them

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barenakedislam.com - A Muslim woman creates a photo series aimed at “changing for the better Americans’ perception of Islam.” Unfortunately, she thinks that showing Muslims lifting their asses to Allah in the most unli...

Eric Trump: ‘Hillary’s Been a Politician Longer Than I’ve Been Alive’

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Ricky Vaughn
insider.foxnews.com - Judge Jeanine to Trump: 'Be Yourself' at Debate, 'Your Opponent Can't Handle the Truth' 'Duck Dynasty''s 'Uncle Si' on How to Vet the Presidential Candidates Chuck Woolery Slams ‘Hollywood Marxists...
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Artistas Golpistas querem Dilma e a roubalheira do PT de volta. Canalhas traidores do povo

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Tereza Cristina
imprensaviva.com - Muitos artistas brasileiros não estão preocupados com as consequências devastadoras da corrupção e da roubalheira do PT para o país. Não estão absolutamente preocupados com os 12 milhões de chefes ...

Lula volta a se comparar a Jesus no Rio, e insinua candidatura a 2018

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eleicoes.uol.com.br - O ex-presidente Lula em comício da deputada federal Jandira Feghali (PCdoB), candidata a prefeita do Rio de Janeiro O ex-presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva voltou a comparar a sua trajetória de v...
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HEARING ADVISORY: House Judiciary Committee to Hold FBI Oversight Hearing - House Judiciary Committee

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Chauvinist Pigs
judiciary.house.gov - Director James Comey to testify and answer questions from committee members Washington, D.C. – On Wednesday, September 28, 2016 at 9:00 a.m., Director James Comey will testify before the House Judi...

The War On Guns: Your Guide To Fighting False Media Narratives And Anti-Second Amendment Rhetoric

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townhall.com - Dr. John Lott is the go-to expert when it comes to crime data and Second Amendment rights. His studies from the Crime Prevention Center have been cited in numerous pieces, including ones published ...
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Pictured: The baby born to a man who was a woman

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dailymail.co.uk - They are the couple who made history last year when the transgender 'father' fell pregnant by the trans 'mother'. And now, four months after giving birth to their first child, Fernando Machado - wh...

Carr: Media in a panic as Hillary Clinton is losing lead

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bostonherald.com - Actually, it’s worse than that. Donald Trump is pulling even! Donald Trump is pulling ahead! You know how sick Hillary Clinton looked being dragged into the van Sunday morning at Ground Zero? That’...
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Bloody weekend in NYC puts rising murder rate in spotlight

usatoday.com - A bloody weekend in New York that saw eight shooting deaths could signal that out-of-control gun violence may return to the city. The number of homicides is up slightly over last year, and if the t...

Armed and Black | B.K. Marcus

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