11 September 2016

Extra 2016.09.10 @CristPolit


Aborto: Psiquiatra describe las graves consecuencias en la mujer

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aciprensa.com - REDACCIÓN CENTRAL, 01 Sep. 16 / 06:02 pm (ACI).- Ernesto Yoldi, médico psiquiatra y terapeuta familiar argentino, advirtió que el aborto “trae muchas consecuencias, entre ellas el estrés postraumát...

Petista não estuda história do Brasil. Estuda cartilha marxista-leninista-lulo-petista.

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ADHT - Defesa Hetero
imprensaviva.com - Em tempos de redes sociais e o domínio dos dispositivos portáteis, o trânsito da informação limitada a um número reduzido de caracteres significa o sacrifício de nuances bastante sutis. A economia ...

Seahawks players may expand national anthem protest Sunday vs Dolphins

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Wagner Clemente Soto
komonews.com - RENTON -- The Seattle Seahawks hope to make a statement in their season-opening matchup versus the Miami Dolphins on Sunday. But some of the players might make a statement before the game even star...

Saudi Arabia Has Funded 20% Of Hillary's Presidential Campaign, Saudi Crown Prince Claims

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zerohedge.com - In what may be the pinnacle of hypocrisy, moments ago Hillary Clinton, while speaking live on national security and addressing the Orlando shooting took some time from her constant bashing of the S...

Soviet documents ‘show Abbas was KGB agent’; Fatah decries ‘smear campaign’

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Olavo de Carvalho
timesofisrael.com - Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas was a Soviet spy in Damascus in the 1980s, Israel’s Channel 1 television reported Wednesday, citing information it said was included in an archive smug...


Cristianismo e Política + Christianity and Politics + União multi-denominacional (evangélicos, católicos, etc) em defesa dos valores cristãos e da democracia

Governo quer abafar a Lava Jato, diz AGU demitido | VEJA.com

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ツ Josiel Dias ®
veja.abril.com.br - Demitido por telefone pelo presidente Michel Temer na sexta-feira passada, o advogado-geral da União, Fábio Medina Osório, resolveu quebrar o protocolo. Em vez de anunciar a saída com elogios a que...

Senado se posiciona contra aborto para grávidas com zika

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Paulo Fernando
oglobo.globo.com - BRASÍLIA - Em documento entregue ao Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF), o Senado se posicionou contra a liberação do aborto para mulheres grávidas infectadas com o vírus zika. Segundo os advogados do S...
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The Death of the Grown-Up | Diana West > Home - Did US Choose War over Qaddafi's Abdication?

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Truth Offends
dianawest.net - Written by: Diana West Friday, April 25, 2014 3:59 AM  DVIDS/US Navy photo by Fireman Roderick Eubanks: Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Barry launches a Tomahawk missile in support...

Más de 100.000 personas toman las calles de Santiago de Chile contra el proyecto abortista de Bachelet

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actuall.com - Este sábado 3 de septiembre, más de 100 mil personas se manifestaron por la defensa de la vida y en rechazo al proyecto de aborto en Chile, en el evento “Celebración por la Vida” que reunió por pri...
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Assange: "The son of a bitch is me" - statement on the sentencing hearing of US journalist Barrett Brown

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Truth Offends
wikileaks.org - Nothing so well describes the surreal universe that has enveloped the United States as yesterday’s sentencing hearing of Barrett Brown. Barrett has been jailed without trial for over two years now....

National Pro-Life Group Endorses Donald Trump, Calls Hillary Clinton a Pro-Abortion Extremist | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - The National Right to Life Committee PAC today issued its support for Donald Trump for president, saying he has promised to appoint the kind of judges who would be more likely to overturn Roe v. Wa...
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