23 September 2016

Frequentes 2016.09.22 @livrexpress

The Frequentes Daily

Como o socialismo destruiu a indústria petrolífera da Venezuela e a fez importar dos EUA - ILISP

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Rafa Kafka
ilisp.org - Uma plataforma de petróleo parada por semanas porque uma simples peça não teve reposição. Outra atacada por gangues armadas que roubaram tudo o que podiam. Petroleiros que recebem tão pouco que mal...

MP prevê ensino médio de 1.400 h/ano, menos disciplinas e curso 50% opcional - Educação - Estadão

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educacao.estadao.com.br - O governo Michel Temer divulga nesta quinta-feira, 22, a maior mudança da educação brasileira em 20 anos, desde a criação da Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação. Com o desempenho ruim dos alunos ...

BREAKING: Dashcam Video Shows #KeithScott Coming Toward Officers With Gun In Hand - Breaking911

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breaking911.com - [UPDATE: According to WSOC Channel 9, citing sources, the dash camera video shows Keith Scott getting out car, coming toward officers with gun in his hand.] Police in North Carolina shot and killed...

Saudis Puzzled By Sept 11 Legislation, Blame Israel: "Mossad Must Have Done This"

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F Bret
zerohedge.com - As Congress considers a bill that would allow the families of 9/11 victims to sue Saudia Arabia, Crown Prince Mohammad bin Nayef told the United Nations General Assembly that he's "puzzled" by the ...

Terrified Liberals Want to CALL OFF THE DEBATES

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truthfeed.com - As Hillary’s campaign descends into the dark abyss of political insignificance, the liberals are freaking out and looking for an excuse to “call off the debates.” As a matter of fact, the liberal l...

‘Surprise That Will End Trump’: Globalists Registering 8 Million ‘Global Citizens’ To Vote Hillary

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Voice of Europe
breitbart.com - The initiative was launched in London in the United Kingdom on Wednesday by ‘Avaaz’, a registered U.S. charity and one the world’s largest and most powerful activist groups linked to globalist bill...

Dem Donor Pulled in $270M in Government Contracts Under Obama

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freebeacon.com - BY: Joe Schoffstall Follow @JoeSchoffstall September 21, 2016 4:59 am The company of a prominent Democratic donor has pulled in more than $270 million worth of government contracts under President ...


liberdade de expressão; livre comunicação; free speech; libertad de expresión; contra censura; against censorship; liberdade religiosa; religious freedom

Nota do editor

Este é um jornal gerado automaticamente pelo Paper.li a partir de links postados ou retuitados pelas pessoas incluídas na lista http://twitter.com/livrexpress/frequentes Liberdade de Expressão - Free Speech http://liberdadedeexpressao.multiply.com

ANÁLISE – É falso que um terço dos brasileiros culpa mulheres por estupros sofridos | VEJA.com

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Enoli lara
veja.abril.com.br - Em 1º de junho, publiquei aqui a compilação “Estupro, cultura e culpa – Vamos desmontar as farsas“, reunindo meus textos sobre os referidos temas, incluindo o desmascaramento da famigerada pesquisa...

Eike e Monica Moura ligaram Mantega ao esquema

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Rosa Lev
oglobo.globo.com - SÃO PAULO — O ex-presidente do Conselho de Administração da OSX Eike Batista prestou um depoimento à força-farefa da Lava-Jato e disse ter feito um depósito de US$ 2,3 milhões no exterior para as c...
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In Venezuelan hospital, newborns in cardboard boxes

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cnn.com - Authorities are investigating, according to the government official who runs the institute that oversees the Barcelona hospital and others across the country. "We in no way justify the actions take...

Poll: Almost 60 Percent Of Americans Feel Special Deals Were Done With Clinton Foundation Donors

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townhall.com - Politico reports that Bill Clinton will deliver a strong defense of the Clinton Foundation’s work, as he plans his exit from the nonprofit. The power couple has said the foundation wouldn’t accept ...
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Watch This New Black Republican Activist Outreach Message; This Is What I've Wanted To See!

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newsninja2012.com - My friend Leah LeVelle is making her presence known withing the Republican Party. Just a few months ago she was hired by the GOP to take part in its strategic initiatives team to reach more minorit...

Alberta gvmt launches investigation of Christian schools for refusing gay clubs

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lifesitenews.com - EDMONTON, Alberta, September 21, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – Alberta’s New Democratic Party government has launched an inquiry into two private Christian schools whose board refuses to comply with govern...
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Violencia: la epidemia que azota a América Latina

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Wellington Moura
mundo.sputniknews.com - "Esta situación en América Latina tiene un rasgo particular. Somos una región que ha tenido muy pocos conflictos armados entre Estados. No estamos acostumbrados a ese tipo de violencia. Somos un co...

Brasil terá maior queda entre grandes economias, diz órgão da ONU | VEJA.com

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veja.abril.com.br - O Brasil terá, em 2016, a maior contração entre as grandes economias do mundo, e a queda deve continuar em 2017. Relatório publicado na quarta-feira, pela Conferência da ONU para o Comércio e Desen...
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Colégio Pedro II extingue distinção de uniforme por gênero

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oglobo.globo.com - RIO- O Colégio Pedro II extinguiu a distinção do uniforme escolar por gênero, conforme antecipou a coluna de Ancelmo Gois na edição desta segunda-feira do GLOBO. Antes, a escola estabelecia as peça...
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