27 October 2016

Extra 2016.10.26 all @CristPolit


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Life Worthy of Life: Down Syndrome, Equality, and My Son Silas

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Ryan T. Anderson
thepublicdiscourse.com - October is National Down Syndrome Awareness month. This annual month of awareness, sponsored by the National Down Syndrome Society, celebrates the beautiful diversity of life and the abilities of a...

Obama administration confirms double-digit premium hikes

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Truth Offends
bigstory.ap.org - WASHINGTON (AP) — Premiums will go up sharply next year under President Barack Obama's health care law, and many consumers will be down to just one insurer, the administration confirmed Monday. Tha...

Relator prevê mais de 370 votos a favor da PEC do Teto - ISTOÉ Independente

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ツ Josiel Dias ®
istoe.com.br - O relator da PEC do Teto na Câmara dos Deputados, Darcísio Perondi (PMDB-RS), previu nesta terça-feira, 25, que o governo conseguirá mais de 370 votos a favor da medida que restringe o aumento dos ...

Alguns pontos sobre as invasões em escolas

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reaconaria.org - [Conteúdo postado originalmente no twitter, logo após a divulgação da morte de um rapaz em uma escola invadida, e adaptado para este post] As invasões nas escolas geram ambientes propícios ao crime...

WikiLeaks - The Podesta Emails

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Paul Joseph Watson
wikileaks.org - How to contact WikiLeaks? What is Tor? Tips for Sources After Submitting This key's fingerprint is A04C 5E09 ED02 B328 03EB 6116 93ED 732E 9231 8DBA -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- mQQNBFUoCGg...

Getting Past The Allure of Communism... Once Again » REGATED

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Henry Makow
regated.com - Dear millennials, please stop embracing the ideological appeal of Communism. You’re being selfish and crazy. We live in increasingly hard times that demand a rollback of government policy, resurgen...

Resenha do livro “Jardim das Aflições”, de Olavo de Carvalho

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Olavo de Carvalho
musicauniversal.radiovox.org - NOTAS DE LEITURA: O JARDIM DAS AFLIÇÕES, de OLAVO DE CARVALHO No início de 2015 fomos surpreendidos pela Vide Editorial, chefiada pelo competentíssimo Editor Sílvio Grimaldo, com o lançamento da 3....

Os desocupados que "ocupam" as escolas não passam de milícias fascistas invasoras - ILISP

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ilisp.org - Uma minoria de ditos estudantes paranaenses invadem, à revelia da vontade da maioria dos alunos, bens públicos – no caso, escolas – para aplicarem seu próprio currículo escolar. Aulas de “Parkour” ...

Agressão a deputada em meio à campanha eleitoral leva Assembleia a suspender sessão

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Wambert Di Lorenzo
correiodopovo.com.br - A Assembleia Legislativa registrou nesta terça-feira a quarta suspensão consecutiva de sessão plenária por conta de solicitação de parlamentares ou de falta de quórum. Há seis matérias trancando a ...

Shadowbanned into Submission!

flatoutunconstitutional.com - What does this mean?  I have been completely censored.  People at Twitter apparently don’t like what I have to say.  I primarily tweet and debate only two major topics.  The U.S. Constitution, whic...

Democratic Pollster: Surveys with Clinton Way Ahead Are Distorted

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Olavo de Carvalho
lifezette.com - Democratic pollster Pat Caddell says some of the polling he is seeing is biased and overweighted against Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump. “I’ve never seen the polls so out of whack,” s...

Is the Association between General Cognitive Ability and Violent Crime Caused by Family-Level Confounders?

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Wagner Clemente Soto
ncbi.nlm.nih.gov - In psychology and epidemiology, the within-pair coefficients from sibling comparisons such as the between-within model or co-twin control designs have often been described as adjusted for shared fa...

Democrats Could Be Prosecuted for Trump Rally Violence

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Olavo de Carvalho
lifezette.com - Undercover videos, released this week by conservative activist group Project Veritas, show Democratic operatives conspiring to incite violence at Trump rallies — and may be enough to warrant a fede...

Palocci pede suspeição de Moro em processo da Lava Jato | VEJA.com

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ツ Josiel Dias ®
veja.abril.com.br - O ex-ministro da Fazenda e da Casa Civil Antonio Palocci e o seu assessor Branislav Kontic, o Brani, ambos presos em Curitiba pela Operação Lava Jato, pediram ao juiz federal Sergio Moro sua suspei...

A inutilidade do ECA e dos Conselhos Tutelares frente às invasões de escolas - ILISP

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ilisp.org - O Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (ECA), em seu artigo 1°, deixa claro que dispõe sobre a proteção integral à criança e ao adolescente. No Brasil, há diversas medidas similares. Um menor de id...

Early Voting Suggests Tight Race In Key States Despite Clinton Camp Boast

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Ciro Sanches Zibordi
foxnews.com - Hillary Clinton’s campaign is touting some “eye-popping” advantages in early voting, in an apparent effort to energize Democratic voters, but preliminary figures suggest the race remains tighter th...

Obama Lied About Hillary’s Private Server, Wikileaks Email Proves

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Henry Makow
infowars.com - President Obama lied when he told the American people he was unaware of Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server, new emails obtained by Wikileaks confirm. The revelations come in the latest...

Morte na escola ocupada: sem responsáveis? – Senso Incomum

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sensoincomum.org - A notícia de que um jovem foi assassinado com uma facada dentro de uma das chamadas “ocupações” de escolas contra a PEC 241, em um colégio em Curitiba, não exatamente chocou o Brasil: trata-se do q...

How Obamacare Forces You to Subsidize Plans That Cover Elective Abortion

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Sarah Torre
dailysignal.com - Throughout debate and final passage of Obamacare, the president and liberal allies in Congress assured the American people that the expansive healthcare law would not fund elective abortions. “[U]n...

FBI No. 2 pressured to resign over McAuliffe donations to wife

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Truth Offends
washingtonexaminer.com - The FBI's second in command is facing pressure over donations Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, a top Clinton ally, made to the official's wife who was running an uphill battle against a popular conse...

Carl Anderson: In battle for Mosul, don't forget persecuted groups

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catholicnewsagency.com - New Haven, Conn., Oct 24, 2016 / 04:04 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- The battle to free Mosul from the hands of ISIS must be accompanied by concrete efforts to support the groups that have been targeted by ...

Procuradores ligam ira de Renan a ‘defesa de privilégios descabidos’

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ツ Josiel Dias ®
politica.estadao.com.br - Os procuradores da República atribuem a ira do presidente do Congresso Renan Calheiros (PMDB-AL) contra o juiz federal da Operação Métis à ‘defesa de privilégios descabidos’. Em nota divulgada nest...

Esquerda delinquente gerou crise - 22/10/2016 - Ronaldo Caiado - Colunistas - Folha de S.Paulo

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ツ Josiel Dias ®
folha.uol.com.br - A esquerda, PT à frente, não se cansa de plagiar a si mesma, colocando-se sempre na contramão de qualquer iniciativa que tenha como meta sanear e dar racionalidade à economia. Assim como, no passad...

Hillary Clinton, The Podesta Group And The Saudi Regime: A Fatal Menage A Trois

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huffingtonpost.com - If I told you that Democratic Party lobbyist Tony Podesta, whose brother John Podesta chairs Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign, is a registered foreign agent on the Saudi government's payroll...

Assembleia de Minas discute autorização para abertura de processo contra Pimentel

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Gidalti Alencar
oglobo.globo.com - BELO HORIZONTE - A Assembleia Legislativa de Minas Gerais iniciou nesta terça-feira a discussão se autoriza ou não o Superior Tribunal de Justiça (STJ) a processar o governador do estado, Fernando ...

Clinton Criminals: Bill and Hillary’s Friends Keep Being Investigated, Convicted, Jailed

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Truth Offends
heatst.com - Last week, Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane resigned after being convicted on nine felony counts, including obstruction of justice, perjury and leaking grand jury testimony to the media ...

"A mi hija la quieren dejar sin colegio por ser cristiana"

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CitizenGO es
hazteoir.org - "Nos castigan por ser cristianos y nos amenazan con retirarnos el concierto educativo si no asumimos una ideología que afirma cosas contrarias a nuestros fundamentos más íntimos". Esta es la carta ...

Adolescentes serviam como 'ingresso' em festa de pedofilia, diz MP

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Ciro Sanches Zibordi
g1.globo.com - A denúncia do Ministério Público de Birigui (SP) sobre uma rede de pedofilia que envolve moradores de várias cidades da região de Araçatuba (SP) mostra que vários suspeitos chegaram a promover fest...

With just one place to worship, Somalia is a dangerous place for Christians

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catholicnewsagency.com - Djibouti, Djibouti, Oct 25, 2016 / 12:03 am (Aid to the Church in Need).- “Even if work has to be done silently, it is better to be here than not be here.” These are the words of Bishop Giorgio Ber...

Christian Family Beaten and Forcefully Evicted from Home in Pakistan « Persecution News

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persecution.org - A Christian pastor and his family were beaten and forcefully evicted from their home in Farooqabad, Pakistan. According to reports, the dispute originated over the ownership of the home. According ...

Estudar antes de falar

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Olavo de Carvalho
olavodecarvalho.org - O caminho mais curto para a destruição da democracia é fomentar o banditismo por meio da cultura e tentar controlá-lo, em seguida, pelo desarmamento civil.  A esquerda nacional tem trilhado coerent...

The Reality of Late-Term Abortion Procedures

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Sarah Torre
lozierinstitute.org - *To view as PDF: On Point – The Reality of Late-Term Abortion Procedures Of interest to the medical, moral, sociological, and political issues surrounding late-term abortion is the question of why ...

Situação de Lula muda de patamar na Lava Jato

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ツ Josiel Dias ®
josiasdesouza.blogosfera.uol.com.br - Segundo a crença dos devotos do PT, Lula não tem muito a dizer sobre os momentos mais constrangedores de sua passagem pelo poder porque ele não sabia da devassidão que vicejava ao seu redor. A julg...

Justice for Asia Bibi - The Express Tribune

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tribune.com.pk - They say justice delayed is justice denied. In Asia Bibi’s case perhaps delaying of a sentence may turn out to be a better deal for her. She was arrested for her faith. We all know the story by now...

Trump launches nightly Facebook show to skirt ‘media filter’

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Roberto Torrecilhas
timesofisrael.com - Donald Trump’s campaign has launched a nightly show on Facebook Live aiming to bypass “the media filter,” as White House hopefuls sprint the final leg of a caustic race. Broadcasting from New York’...

Petrobras quer construir 100% de plataforma de Libra no exterior

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ADHT - Defesa Hetero
oglobo.globo.com - RIO - O campo de Libra, no pré-sal da Bacia de Santos, é motivo de impasse entre a Agência Nacional do Petróleo (ANP) e o consórcio responsável pela área, liderado pela Petrobras, ao lado de Total,...

A Call to Millennials: It's Up to Us to Change Culture | The Stream

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stream.org - Millennials have more potential for solving America’s problems than any political candidate does. As America plunges toward Election Day, it’s evident that people of all political affiliations are ...

North Carolina Senate: Where Do Richard Burr and Deborah Ross Stand on Abortion? | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - Every election year, National Right to Life publishes downloadable comparison flyers about the various Senate candidates. The downloadable version for North Carolina’s “Where do the Senate Candidat...

Doctors And Nurses In OUTRAGE, Truth About Clinton Abortion Plan Just Surfaced

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Thiago Furtado
nworeport.me - Hillary Rodham Clinton stated at the final presidential debate, opposite of Republican Presidential Candidate, Donald J. Trump, that she is going to enforce the right for women to have late-term ab...

Back-to-Back Attacks on Christians Leave Community Devastated

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cbn.com - Christians in a northern Nigerian town are still in shock after Muslim Fulani herdsman killed more than 40 believers. The attack happened three weeks after a similar assault occurred.    According ...

Wow: Hillary Clinton Just Got Some Brutal News From Home - Trump Thrilled...

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Henry Makow
westernjournalism.com - Voters who have known the Clintons the longest seem to like Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton the least, according to a new poll. A poll of Arkansas voters released Monday shows Rep...

Presidente do STF rebate Renan: 'Onde um juiz é destratado, eu também sou' - ISTOÉ Independente

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ツ Josiel Dias ®
istoe.com.br - A presidente do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF), ministra Cármen Lúcia, rebateu as críticas do presidente do Senado, Renan Calheiros (PMDB-AL), ao juiz Vallisney de Souza Oliveira, da 10ª Vara da Ju...

Support Dr. Peterson against totalitarian political correctness!

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citizengo.org - Dr. Jordan B. Peterson, a psychology professor at the University of Toronto, is refusing to use "transgender pronouns." And for that offense, he may risk jail time! Sign the petition to support Dr....

Los centros educativos piden afrontar el acoso escolar "con decisión"

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HO Jóvenes
valenciaplaza.com - BILBAO, (EP). Titulares de medio millar de centros educativos privados del Estado han defendido la necesidad de afrontar "con decisión" el problema del acoso escolar, "de modo que todos los centros...

The WikiLeaks Wrap-Up - Saving Our Future

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savingourfuture.com - Months before WikiLeaks began the drip of emails currently being published from email accounts of various members of Hillary Clinton’s campaign staff and Leftmedia enablers, a Rasmussen poll reveal...

Arquidiocese de São Sebastião do Rio de Janeiro – Nota de esclarecimento

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humanitatis.net - A Arquidiocese de São Sebastião do Rio de Janeiro, diante da manifestação pública de alguns membros do clero e do laicato, esclarece que não autorizou ninguém a falar em seu nome, nem dos padres, t...

Meet The Man Who Can Expose "The Real Hillary Clinton Scandal"

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Orlando Braga
zerohedge.com - We have written frequently about the internal Clinton Foundation power struggle between Chelsea Clinton and Doug Band over the previous couple of weeks (see here, here and here).  It all started ba...

Em celebração, Brilhante Ustra é chamado de herói que lutou pela paz - 17/10/2016 - Poder - Folha de S.Paulo

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Cinéfilo Realista
folha.uol.com.br - Cerca de 300 pessoas participaram no início da noite deste sábado (15), em Brasília, de missa que, entre outros motivos, relembrou um ano da morte do coronel Carlos Alberto Brilhante Ustra, um dos ...

Avaaz no Brasil: a serviço do PT e dos globalistas - O. C.

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Eduardo Bolsonaro
observatorioconservador.com.br - Algumas poucas certezas e muita desinformação. É com isso que se depara quem se propõe a responder a pergunta “o que é a Avaaz?” A Avaaz é uma organização internacional, com atuação em algumas deze...

EUA nomeiam primeiro embaixador mundial da agenda homossexual

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Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - EUA nomeiam primeiro embaixador mundial da agenda homossexual Comentário de Peter LaBarbera: Gente, se aprendemos algo de Barack Obama, é que não existe limite para seus favorecimentos às paixões i...

Justice Is Served... with an Ethics Complaint

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frc.org - Upholding the Constitution used to be a requirement of U.S. judges. In Alabama, it's a liability. Americans watched in disbelief as the Left went after Chief Justice Roy Moore with a vengeance, rec...

MRC Study: Documenting TV’s Twelve Weeks of Trump Bashing

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Olavo de Carvalho
newsbusters.org - In the twelve weeks since the party conventions concluded in late July, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has received significantly more broadcast network news coverage than his Democra...

Clinton-Controlled Daily Beast Labels Hillary Health Questions a “Hoax”

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Paul Joseph Watson
infowars.com - The leftist media is beginning to get nervous about suspicions regarding Hillary Clinton’s health. The Clinton-controlled Daily Beast published hit pieces targeting yours truly and Mike Cernovich –...
Arte & Entretenimento

'I'm Not Ashamed' Filmmakers May Sue Google for Banning Film's YouTube Trailer for Nearly a Year

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christianpost.com - The producer for the movie "I'm Not Ashamed," starring "Duck Dynasty" star Sadie Robertson, is accusing Google of having an anti-Christian bias in its decision to remove the film's trailer from You...

Commissioner Avramopoulos: 60,000 Illegal Migrants Trapped in Greece

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Voice of Europe
greece.greekreporter.com - European Commissioner for migration issues Dimitris Avramopoulos said that even though the number of migrants and refugees arriving in Europe has dropped, there are 60,000 illegal migrants trapped ...

Trump Filing Lawsuit Against Clinton Over Organized DNC Violence

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Henry Makow
yournewswire.com - Donald Trump is filing a lawsuit against Hillary Clinton and the operatives caught on video admitting they were paid by the Democratic National Committee to incite violence at his rallies. Undercov...

Vatican, Argentine church to open 'dirty war' archives

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Julio Severo
bigstory.ap.org - VATICAN CITY (AP) — The Vatican and Argentina's bishops have finished cataloguing their archives from the country's "dirty war" and will soon make them available to victims and their relatives who ...

God has been our rock in this hard time, Ashers tell Sky News - The Christian Institute

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Christian Institute
christian.org.uk - Daniel and Amy McArthur have spoken of their faith in God and His steadfastness during the high-profile legal action against Ashers Baking Company. In an interview with Sky News, the owners of the ...

Elentir: Clinton ordenó reventar mítines de Trump

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Kattoliko Pensiero
actuall.com - Apenas faltan dos semanas para las elecciones en Estados Unidos que enfrentarán a Hillary Clinton y a Donald Trump. La campaña ha sido sucia, en ocasiones muy sucia, debido en gran medida a que la ...
Meio Ambiente

DSTs estão mais fortes e podem originar superbactérias

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Michelson Borges
criacionismo.com.br - Tudo depende desta frágil proteção? Pegar uma DST (Doença Sexualmente Transmissível) nunca esteve na lista de desejos de ninguém, mas também não costumava causar grandes preocupações. Agora, isso d...

UFF vai apurar denúncia de festa com ritual satânico, drogas e orgias

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José Arimatéia
g1.globo.com - A reitoria da Universidade Federal Fluminense, em Rio das Ostras, na Região dos Lagos do Rio, anunciou nesta sexta-feira (30), que vai abrir sindicância urgente para investigar denúncias sobre uso ...

Advogado de Cunha vê delação premiada como opção

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ADHT - Defesa Hetero
noticias.uol.com.br - Marlus Arns acompanha a mulher de Cunha, Claudia Cruz, que foi visitá-lo na prisão O advogado do ex-presidente da Câmara e deputado cassado Eduardo Cunha (PMDB-RJ) Marlus Arns afirmou ontem ver a d...

Goiás: Padre que impediu aborto legal é condenado pela Justiça - Brasil - iG

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Paulo Fernando
ultimosegundo.ig.com.br - O Superior Tribunal de Justiça condenou o padre Luiz Carlos Lodi da Cruz, de Goiás, a pagar indenização por danos morais no valor de R$ 60 mil a uma mulher por tê-la impedido de realizar um aborto ...

La Iglesia recomienda la sepultura de los difuntos y da normativas sobre la cremación

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Forum Libertas
forumlibertas.com - Se ha presentado en la Oficina de Prensa de la Santa Sede la Instrucción de la Congregación para la Doctrina de la Fe Ad resurgendum cum Christo, acerca de la sepultura de los difuntos y la conserv...
Arte & Entretenimento

What It’s Like to Date Your Dad

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Redeeming Rainbow
nymag.com - In the late ‘80s, the founder of a support group for adopted children who had recently reconnected with their biological relatives coined the term “Genetic Sexual Attraction” (GSA) to describe the ...
Meio Ambiente

Paradoxo da carne: O que você realmente está comendo?

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Michelson Borges
criacionismo.com.br - Avessos por natureza O processo de comer carne parece envolver um aspecto psicológico mais complexo do que se imaginava. Garantindo de antemão não ser vegetariano, Jonas Kunst, da Universidade de O...

Descoberta arqueológica confirma história da Bíblia

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Michelson Borges
criacionismo.com.br - Mais uma evidência histórica Quem já leu a Bíblia provavelmente conhece a narrativa do rei Ezequias. Segundo conta a história do Livro Sagrado, ele reinou em uma cidade histórica e baniu dela todas...

Why military chaplains need the Russell Amendment

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thehill.com - This week, the House Rules Committee will consider the so-called Russell Amendment to this year’s National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), a provision that would apply the religious exemption of ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Michael Moore: Trump’s Election Will be the Biggest “F**k You” in History

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Henry Makow
infowars.com - During a speech for his new one-man stage performance Trumpland, Michael Moore remarked that the election of Donald Trump will be the “biggest f**k you in history” to the elites that have ruined th...

Cristãos refugiados são atacados

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Portas Abertas
portasabertas.org.br - As eleições presidenciais na República Centro-Africana, realizadas em fevereiro desse ano, deveriam marcar o fim dos conflitos entre muçulmanos e cristãos no país. Dois candidatos cristãos disputar...

Financial Times: Evangélicos do Brasil estão empurrando a política para a Direita

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Foco Cristão
juliosevero.blogspot.com - Financial Times: Evangélicos do Brasil estão empurrando a política para a Direita Uma recente reportagem do jornal britânico Financial Times (FT) disse com precisão que os evangélicos do Brasil est...
Arte & Entretenimento

Reticent Danish Queen Rethinks Islamic Integration

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Voice of Europe
sputniknews.com - "We probably thought that this kind of thing would happen by itself. If you walked the streets of Copenhagen, drank the municipal tap water and took the local bus, you would probably become a Dane ...

The Hypocrisy, Lawlessness and Violence of the Anti-Gun Left » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - It’s been said many times.  Those who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. This is certainly true of the anti-gun Left, who have a habit of doing the very things they accuse others of doing...

O’Reilly is right: We have no moral authority if we don’t protect the preborn

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lifesitenews.com - October 24, 2016 (LiveActionNews) -- Fox News Channel host Bill O’Reilly of The O’Reilly Factor addressed Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton’s stance in favor of late-term abortion from Wednesday n...

A statue of Luther in the Vatican and a new papal definition of ‘lukewarm’

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lifesitenews.com - October 25, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) — Pope Francis will travel to Lund, Sweden, next week to assist in the launch of a yearlong commemoration of the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther’s nailing of his ...

Pope Emeritus Benedict reiterates call for priests to ‘face East’

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lifesitenews.com - October 24, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) — Pope Benedict XVI endorsed the reorientation of the priest toward the East in Mass as an ecumenical instrument, saying: “In the liturgy’s orientation to the East, ...

Insurers Rock Enroll on Obamacare

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frc.org - The president promised that his health care law would grow on us. Well, something's growing all right -- the system's premiums! When enrollment starts for the new coverage period on November 1, pol...

Hillary and the Fall of a Once Great Nation » BarbWire.com

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barbwire.com - With only days to go to the general election all the debates are finished and the cloud is about to clear away – or is it? The essence of each candidate has been boiled down and analyzed in every c...

Netherlands considers removing restrictions on assisted death

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lifesitenews.com - October 24, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) — Legalizing assisted suicide for people who are not suffering from terminal illness is under discussion in the Netherlands. Last week, Netherlands Health Minister E...

O futuro dos cristãos no Iraque

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Evangélicos do Rio
portasabertas.org.br - Nem todos os cristãos que fugiram de Mossul, na ocasião em que o Estado Islâmico invadiu a cidade, estão dispostos a retornar às suas casas. A dúvida surge quando eles pensam nos dois anos em que e...

Everything is Russia’s fault! Obama admin warns Russian hacks may fake election fraud!

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Henry Makow
fellowshipoftheminds.com - The Obama administration has a new all-purpose bogeyman: Russia. On Oct. 7, the U.S. government identified the Russia government as the hacker of those embarrassing Hillary, DNC, and Podesta emails...

Recordar é viver: o arrastão de Freixo | Rodrigo Constantino

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Rodrigo Constantino
rodrigoconstantino.com - Como a memória do brasileiro, especialmente do carioca, é curta, vamos ajudar no resgate dela. Lembram quando ocorreram sucessivos arrastões nas praias cariocas, com aquelas imagens chocantes de de...

Federal Judge Overturns Obama's Unconstitutional Gun Ban » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - In the following video, Gary Franchi from the Next News Network discusses a recent article written by Sierra Marlee for Right Wing News. As we all know, Obama has a very disturbing history of attem...

To Keep And Bear Arms: What And Why » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - As an author, columnist, radio talk show host, and pastor who is outspoken in my support of the Second Amendment, I often receive inquiries from people asking for my personal preferences regarding ...

A Charismatic Response to “The Growing Crisis Behind Brazil’s Evangelical Success Story”

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Julio Severo
lastdayswatchman.blogspot.com - A Charismatic Response to “The Growing Crisis Behind Brazil’s Evangelical Success Story” Julio Severo addresses misconceptions and missed targets on article by Brazilian Presbyterian theologian In ...

'The Purge: Election Year': Horror Film Presents Plot to Take the WH

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Julio Severo
barbwire.com - The storyline of the horror film “The Purge: Election Year,” released this year, was set in the White House as Senator Charlene Roan (actress Elizabeth Mitchell) is running for President of the Uni...

Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton's Ever Intensifying War on Faith

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Matt Barber
barbwire.com - Our founding fathers understood that only a just and moral people were capable of the liberties that flow from limited government. In their view, our liberty would depend upon our faithfulness to a...

THE WIKILEAKS LIST: At Least 65 MSM Reporters Were Meeting with and/or Coordinating Offline with Top Hillary Advisors

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Olavo de Carvalho
thegatewaypundit.com - A few of the “journalists” meeting offline with Hillary advisers Thanks to Wikileaks we now know that at least 65 mainstream reporters were working closely with the Clinton campaign this election y...

Michigan Township Defies Feds: 'Will Not Actively Participate in the Refugee Resettlement Program' - Breitbart

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Paul Joseph Watson
breitbart.com - The resolution stated: “[T]he Charter Township of Waterford will not actively participate in the Refugee Resettlement Program until the Program has been significantly reformed, and until it has bee...

A teoria do pai ausente vai muito além de uma simples brincadeira | Rodrigo Constantino

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Franscô Amorim
rodrigoconstantino.com - Por Ricardo Bordin, publicado pelo Instituto Liberal Tudo começou com uma constatação inequívoca do perfil no Twitter “Editora Humanas”: praticamente toda pessoa que publicava posts manifestando po...

Christian Forces Triumphantly Erect Crosses Atop Churches Retaken from ISIS, Ring Church Bells

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gospelherald.com - In a powerful display of triumph over evil, Iraqi forces erected a cross atop St. Barbara Church in Karemlash, a predominantly Christian town less than 18 miles southeast of Mosul, after liberating...

When Will Liberals Answer For Obamacare's Failures?

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thefederalist.com - There’s been a lot of discussion about conservative media’s culpability in creating unrealistic expectations and warped priorities among Republican voters. In many cases, it’s a reasonable critique...
Arte & Entretenimento

The Gender Debate: It's Elementary!

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frc.org - By the third grade, most kids haven't taken biology -- so we shouldn't be surprised that they don't understand their own! Still, some schools seem all too eager to let children redefine their reali...

Trump’s Powerful Attack on the Corporate Media » BarbWire.com

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Matt Barber
barbwire.com - Left-wing media critics I have debated over the years have repeatedly bashed the slanted “corporate media.” But now that a Republican presidential candidate has taken up this charge, with concrete ...

Hillary and Democrats Work with Foreigners to Overthrow the U.S. » BarbWire.com

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Matt Barber
barbwire.com - Hillary Clinton and the Democrats are at war with America. Their war includes violence and lawlessness. Their lawlessness includes allying with foreigners to overthrow the U.S. On Sunday, I wrote a...

Trump on the Stump » BarbWire.com

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Matt Barber
barbwire.com - It’s difficult to imagine a time in our nation’s history when Americans were more divided than they were during the Civil War. With the United States on the brink of near-extinction, and brother fi...

Youths launched a PETROL BOMB at Petra Ecclestone's Chelsea mansion

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Voice of Europe
dailymail.co.uk - This is the dramatic moment a petrol bomb was lobbed at the £20million mansion of model and socialite Petra Stunt, daughter of billionaire Bernie Ecclestone. CCTV cameras catch the bottle smashing ...

Fraudsters tried to auction two HOUSES after stealing victims' mail

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Voice of Europe
dailymail.co.uk - Fraudsters tried to steal two houses worth £800,000 by intercepting their victims' mail to hijack their identities but were caught out when a millionaire's daughter saw his house on Rightmove. Saee...

'Ibiza jihadis': Two Muslim preachers arrested on Spanish party island for Isis support

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Voice of Europe
ibtimes.co.uk - Two Muslim preachers have been arrested on the resort island of Ibiza on suspicion of supporting the Islamic State (Isis/Daesh) terrorist group and inciting violent jihad. The imams, aged 31 and 35...

Top University Stole Millions From Taxpayers By Faking Global Warming Research

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Olavo de Carvalho
dailycaller.com - A global warming research center at the London School of Economics got millions of dollars from UK taxpayers by taking credit for research it didn’t perform, an investigation by The Daily Mail reve...

Muçulmanos destroem igrejas e matam ao menos 40 cristãos na Nigéria

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Marco Feliciano
noticias.revivaltimes.com.br - Ao menos 40 cristãos foram mortos após um ataque brutal da seita islâmica Fulani contra uma comunidade cristã no estado de Kaduna, na Nigéria. A comunidade Godogodo foi invadido no último sábado (1...

Prêmios do Obamacare devem subir 25% em 2017 segundo o próprio governo | Rodrigo Constantino

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Rodrigo Constantino
rodrigoconstantino.com - O custo do seguro de saúde pelo Obamacare deve subir 25% em 2017, diz o próprio governo americano. Um em cada cinco consumidores só serão capazes de “escolher” planos de uma única seguradora. Como ...

Paul Craig Roberts: “Putin’s Nukes Could Wipe Out Entire American East Coast” In Minutes » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - Suffice to say, though children are at play, this is not a game. Those who have been toying with outright war against Russia, and an escalation of the conflict in Syria, are putting the lives of al...

NO Jail Time for Muslim Migrant Who DUMPED BABY in Road » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - This is now becoming the norm. Just yesterday, I reported on a Muslim migrant who anally raped a 10-year-old boy and had his conviction overturned because “he didn’t know the boy didn’t want to be ...
Arte & Entretenimento

UK parents accused of ‘neglect’ for refusing daughter’s request to be treated like a boy

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lifesitenews.com - UNITED KINGDOM, October 36, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – The parents of a 14-year-old girl are horrified that social workers are accusing them of neglect and fear that she could be taken from them in Nove...

Obama’s Unwillingness to Name the Problem Makes the Battle Against Islam Harder to Win » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - The brilliant Bill Whittle has a message for Obama, and the President isn’t going to like it. In an important new video, Whittle attempts to explain why it’s important for the President to specific...

Churches should ignore threats to be silent during election

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lifesitenews.com - October 25, 2016 (LC) –  Pastors and churches should ignore hollow threats to be silent regarding biblical and moral issues that are relevant to this election. Once again, like a broken record, Bar...

When Asked about Undercover Videos, Hillary Walks Out on Press Conference » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - For anyone who has heard about, but not yet had a chance to learn the details about the undercover operation produced by James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas about the inner workings of the Democrat Par...
Arte & Entretenimento

3 American Journalists Die within 24 Hours – One Immediately After Interviewing Edward Snowden » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - In an incredibly strange coincidence, four journalists from several mainstream media outlets dropped dead within 24 hours of each other. NBC, CBS and the New York Times lost three members of their ...
Meio Ambiente

De cada quatro mortes de câncer nos EUA, uma está ligada ao fumo

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† Ricardo Cruz †
juliosevero.blogspot.com - Nos anos 1950, o médico austríaco Ernst Wynder, judeu fugitivo do holocausto e radicado nos EUA, conduziu o primeiro estudo elaborado sob rigorosas condições científicas a fim de determinar os efei...

BREAKING: Judge reaffirms nationwide ban on Obama transgender school bathroom policy

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lifesitenews.com - WICHITA FALLS, Texas, October 19, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) — A federal judge has stopped President Obama's policy forcing public schools to allow boys in the girls' locker room. U.S. District Court Judg...

Sweden Bans Christmas Street Lights; To Avoid Offending Muslim Migrants?

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Paul Joseph Watson
infowars.com - Towns across Sweden have banned Christmas street lights in the name of “security,” but the real reason is almost certainly because the country has completely capitulated to Islam after importing co...

Tom Hanks Pushes False Overpopulation Claim: "The World Will Have Too Many People" | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - On Monday’s Today, NBC’s Savannah Guthrie and Tom Hanks boosted the supposed crisis of overpopulation, which is part of the plot of the actor’s new movie, Inferno. Guthrie touted “Malthusian theory...

Pior do que o camaleão é a jararaca: Daniel Aarão Reis quer Freixo (e também o comunismo) | Rodrigo Constantino

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Rodrigo Constantino
rodrigoconstantino.com - Em sua coluna de hoje no GLOBO, em destaque no site do jornal, o “historiador” Daniel Aarão Reis saiu uma vez mais em defesa escancarada do socialista Freixo, atacando o outro Marcelo, o Crivella, ...

Esquerda tem as mãos sujas de sangue no caso do estudante morto durante ocupação | Rodrigo Constantino

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Rodrigo Constantino
rodrigoconstantino.com - Uma “ocupação” de escola. Drogas sintéticas sendo consumidas por adolescentes rebeldes. Uma faca. E um assassinato. Poderia ser o roteiro de um filme, mas foi o que aconteceu numa escola “ocupada” ...

Os soviets do PSOL. Ou: O preço da democracia é a eterna vigilância | Rodrigo Constantino

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Rodrigo Constantino
rodrigoconstantino.com - Os sovietes (conselhos) surgiram entre os revolucionários russos de 1905 e, em 1917, se consolidaram como órgãos do poder no Estado comunista. No dizer atribuído a Lênin, eram “expressão da criação...

Padres transformam shopping em um grande confessionário

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Evangélicos do Rio
noticias.gospelprime.com.br - Ação também levou 360 sacerdotes para penitenciárias Para os católicos, a confissão dos pecados a um sacerdote é um dos sete sacramentos. Segundo o Catecismo, artigo 1446, serviria para restaurar “...

STJ condena padre por barrar aborto por meio de habeas corpus | VEJA.com

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ツ Josiel Dias ®
veja.abril.com.br - Em decisão unânime, o Superior Tribunal de Justiça (STJ) condenou o padre Luiz Carlos Lodi da Cruz a pagar 60.000 reais de indenização por interromper um aborto legal. O caso ocorreu em 2005, no in...

O IMBECIL JUVENIL | Blog do Percival Puggina

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Denise Abreu
puggina.org - (Publicado originalmente no Jornal da Tarde, em 03/09/98) Já acreditei em muitas mentiras, mas há uma à qual sempre fui imune: aquela que celebra a juventude como uma época de rebeldia, de independ...

Preso por 6 anos, pastor clama: "Cristão, compreendam o valor de sua fé"

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Foco Cristão
noticias.gospelprime.com.br - Behnam Irani estava preso no Irã, acusado de atentar contra a segurança nacional Dia 17 de outubro, o pastor Behnam Irani foi libertado da violenta prisão Ghezel Hesar, na cidade de Karaj. Ele pass...
Meio Ambiente

Resenha: Ressuscita - Damares

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Foco Cristão
musica.gospelprime.com.br - Single mantém maturidade de Damares exposta no álbum O Maior Troféu, de 2013 Desde que lançou o hit “Sabor de Mel” em 2008 a cantora paranaense Damares é atacada, por parte do segmento evangélico, ...

Virginia State Health Board Puts Women’s Lives and Health at Risk by Lowing Abortion Standards | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - The Virginia State Board of Health weakened state abortion facility regulations on Monday in a move that abortion activists celebrated. In 2011, the state adopted new abortion clinic regulations in...

Black Pastor: Pro-Abortion "Hillary Clinton as President Will be an Unmitigated Disaster for Our Country" | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - Four years ago Bishop E.W. Jackson released an explosive video, seen by millions, compelling black voters – especially Christians – to abandon the Democratic Party. In a new video released this wee...
Meio Ambiente

Como estudar a Bíblia e entendê-la mais facilmente

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Marco Feliciano
marcofeliciano.com.br - Interessado em conhecer algumas técnicas que podem ser facilmente aplicadas para o estudo da Bíblia e sua melhor compreensão do texto sagrado? Se você respondeu sim, é porque já está convencido do ...

Presas por evangelizar na Etiópia, adolescentes cantam e oram na prisão

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Marco Feliciano
noticias.revivaltimes.com.br - A etiópia ocupa a 18ª posição entre os países mais opressores contra o cristianismo, segundo relatório do Portas Abertas, a perseguição na Etiópia se origina de diversas fontes: religiosa, política...
Meio Ambiente

Billy Graham afirma que Bíblia mostra que Jesus está acima da religião

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Marco Feliciano
noticias.revivaltimes.com.br - Aos 97 anos, Billy Graham, fundador da Associação Evangelística Billy Graham, tem se dedicado a responder dúvidas feitas por pessoas que acompanham o seu ministério. Em resposta a uma pergunta sobr...

Editor of Austria's Largest Paper Charged with 'Hate Speech' over Migrant Article

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Paul Joseph Watson
breitbart.com - On 25 October 2015, Christoph Biro wrote of the masses of migrants who were travelling through the Styrian countryside and remarked on the assaults and property damage committed by migrants, report...

Could Hillary start a World War? Sure as hell she could – and here’s how

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Paul Joseph Watson
independent.co.uk - Like Donald Trump or not – and I like him no more than, well, Hillary Clinton– there is one thing he might be good for. Peace. A small matter, I know, when set against his serial (alleged), philand...

Hispanic Pastor: Hillary Clinton's Pro-Abortion Position Worse Than Donald Trump's Border Wall | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - The Rev. Samuel Rodriguez urged his fellow Hispanics in America to consider Hillary Clinton’s radical pro-abortion position before voting in November. Rodriguez, a strong pro-life advocate in the H...
Arte & Entretenimento

Washington Post Calls Pro-Abortion Claim That 1 in 3 Women Have an Abortion Totally “Inaccurate” | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - The Washington Post fact checker has debunked another common abortion myth. Last year, the liberal newspaper exposed Planned Parenthood’s false claim that abortions make up 3 percent of its service...

Cecile Richards: Vote Against Donald Trump, He "Vowed to Defund Planned Parenthood” | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - Planned Parenthood is anxious to see Donald Trump lose. The abortion chain’s CEO Cecile Richards has been traveling across the country to campaign for pro-abortion Democrat Hillary Clinton and to w...

18,000 Babies Die in 3rd-Trimester Abortions Every Year in the United States | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - Abortion activists say late-term abortions are rare in the United States and only performed in serious medical circumstances. But in doing so, they are denying data and personal accounts from their...

Botched Late-Term Abortion Dismembers a Baby and Ripped Up a Woman's Womb Almost Killing Her | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - Topic of late-term abortions is in the headlines due to rabid support from Democrat Hillary Clinton, who denies babies are “ripped from the womb” during late-term abortions, as her opponent, Donald...

Planned Parenthood's Long History of Hiding Sexual Abuse | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - A story LifeNews ran yesterday featuring a pro-life activist upset at the way Planned Parenthood promoted a legitimate video urging girls not to hide cases of abuse has created controversy. Sadly, ...

Hillary Clinton is Lying, Late-Term Abortions are Rampant in the United States | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - Hillary Clinton claimed during the presidential debate last week that late-term abortions don’t occur within the United States, and the liberal media was right there to back her up. But Operation R...
Arte & Entretenimento

Her Baby Was Only Going to Live for a Few Hours After Birth, So She Aborted Her | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - Abortion activists are outraged after Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump exposed the horrific nature of late-term abortions during the Wednesday night debate. Most Americans agree with ...
Arte & Entretenimento

In Defending Abortion, Hillary Clinton Denies The Life Of Miscarried Children | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - Does a child’s life have worth only when a mother says it does? If you posed that question about a child outside the womb, people would say it is ridiculous; of course a child is a valuable human b...

Vem aí a 8ª Escola de Líderes, que será no Rio de Janeiro; inscreva-se já! • Verdade Gospel - Portal gospel de notícias do Brasil

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Verdade Gospel
verdadegospel.com - A organização da Escola de Líderes da Associação Vitória em Cristo transferiu a 8ª edição da Eslavec para a cidade do Rio de Janeiro, conforme explica o pastor Silas Malafaia no vídeo acima. O even...

STF: Ministro diz que é preciso 'por limites' a prisões preventivas da Lava Jato • Verdade Gospel - Portal gospel de notícias do Brasil

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Verdade Gospel
verdadegospel.com - O ministro do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) Gilmar Mendes criticou nesta terça-feira (24), em São Paulo, o que chamou de “excessos” na Operação Lava Jato e disse que é preciso estabelecer limites ...

Delação de Marcelo Odebrecht pode colocar modelo político em xeque, e isso é bom! | Rodrigo Constantino

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Rodrigo Constantino
rodrigoconstantino.com - Está fechado o acordo entre Marcelo Odebrecht e os procuradores da Operação Lava-Jato para que o empreiteiro possa fazer sua delação premiada, informou ao GLOBO uma pessoa vinculada às investigaçõe...
Meio Ambiente

Quando a ciência está a serviço da vida humana: bebê nasce duas vezes ao ser operado fora do útero | Rodrigo Constantino

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Rodrigo Constantino
rodrigoconstantino.com - Considero o aborto um tema bem cabeludo, daqueles que costumam produzir muitos extremismos. Tenho poucos textos sobre o assunto, pois preferi sempre manter uma distância cautelosa, absorvendo os ar...

Donald Trump acusado de assédio sexual: de novo? | Rodrigo Constantino

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Rodrigo Constantino
rodrigoconstantino.com - Por Thiago Kistenmacher, publicado pelo Instituto Liberal Não é de hoje que o candidato a presidente dos EUA é acusado de assediar sexualmente alguma mulher. O interessante aqui é a data da divulga...

Editorial do Estadão coloca os pingos nos is no caso da Petrobras | Rodrigo Constantino

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Rodrigo Constantino
rodrigoconstantino.com - Por João Luiz Mauad, publicado pelo Instituto Liberal Ontem critiquei duramente algumas manchetes do jornal Estado de São Paulo, tanto na primeira página da versão impressa quanto no portal de notí...

Iraqi family ask ECJ to help them stay in Austria

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Voice of Europe
thelocal.at - The deadline for the family of four to leave Austria was on Monday 24th October, but they stayed. The community says they are very well integrated and it’s not right that they should have to move t...

No Justice in the Netherlands

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Voice of Europe
gatestoneinstitute.org - A court in The Hague decided on October 14 that the charges of hate speech against Dutch politician Geert Wilders, for statements he made in March 2014 at a political rally, are admissible in a cou...

Major fire engulfs troubled Calais ‘Jungle’ camp (PHOTOS, VIDEOS)

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Voice of Europe
rt.com - READ MORE: Calais ‘Jungle’ camp demolition resumes after night of violence (VIDEOS) Chaos in the Calais camp resumed overnight, after demolition works restarted on Tuesday afternoon. Migrants oppos...

BREAKING: 'Imminent ISIS attack' tip-off sparks dawn raids across Germany

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Voice of Europe
express.co.uk - Express. Home of the Daily and Sunday Express. Find us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Check us on Google+ Subscribe to our rss feed Daily Horoscope Our Apps Top 10 Our Paper Paper Archive HOME Ne...

Crivella não comparece a entrevistas marcadas no RJTV e no G1

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g1.globo.com - O candidato do PRB à Prefeitura do Rio, Marcelo Crivella, não compareceu a duas entrevistas marcadas para a noite desta terça-feira (25), uma no RJTV e outra no G1. No RJTV 2ª edição, Crivella seri...

Exposing Hillary’s Concealed Transparencies! » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known. -Luke 2:2 I can absolutely say, without reserve, that Hillary Rodham Clinton is a fraud from the top ...

Are You Designated As A “Super Gun Owner” And Will You Soon Be Targeted For Disarmament? » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - Isoroku Yamamoto was the fleet admiral of the Japanese Imperial Navy during World War II and was reportedly quoted as saying that you cannot invade the mainland of the United States because “there ...

Voters to decide legality of physician-assisted suicide in Colorado

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lifesitenews.com - October 24, 2016 (Daily Signal) -- Colorado could become the sixth state to make physician-assisted suicide legal when voters go the polls next month. “Doctor-assisted suicide is sold as a personal...

Time Magazine's Tyrants of The Year » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - “It has been in every age that it has been the tyrant, the oppressor and the exploiter, who has wrapped himself in the cloak of patriotism, or religion, or both, to deceive and overawe the People.”...

Romania has the second most abortions in the world and Hillary accused us of ‘forcing women to give birth’?

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lifesitenews.com - October 24, 2016 (FamilyNews) -- In the third televised debate of the US presidential campaign, the whole world could hear Hillary Clinton talking about abortion and the need for women to be legall...

Ridicule: Man's Most Potent Weapon Indeed » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - Many people are expecting major changes in the event Donald Trump should win the presidency. While it is imperative that Hillary Clinton not be given a four year stint at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, ...

Leaked Emails Show Hillary Ready to Write Executive Orders for Her Donors » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - Well, we know Hillary Clinton is about as corrupt as they come. We know she is lawless. Now, we see from a thread of emails leaked by Wikileaks that it appears that she is willing to sign illegal e...

Trump Makes “Contract with the American Voter” for 28 Things He Will Act on the First 100 Days in Office » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - In a similar manner to what the GOP did with its “Contract with America,” Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has put forward a “Contract with the American Voter” of 28 things he plans t...

Belfast bakers lose appeal in discrimination case after refusing to bake ‘gay marriage’ cake

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lifesitenews.com - BELFAST, Northern Ireland, October 25, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – Defeated but undeterred, Belfast baker Daniel McArthur stood in front of  the British Court of Appeal building and asserted that the Equ...

A Bigger Mass Murder Than Orlando Took Place at the Hands of the US Central Government » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - The media has dubbed the Orlando shooting as the largest mass shooting in US history. However, is that really true or is it propaganda? The reality is that a greater mass murder took place in Ameri...

Muslim Doctor Places IED Explosives Under Ground to Slaughter Americans, then Gets Shot After Trying to Murder Police » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - Scant coverage has been given to the story of doctor Mark Samir Sawaf. He was an LPCC Psychotherapist in Kentucky. This was his public image. His private life was more sinister than you can imagine...

Six Facts That Disprove Everything Liberals Say About Gun Control » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - Earlier this week, Judicial Watch came out with the information that one of the guns used in the November 13, 2015 Paris terrorist attacks came from Phoenix, Arizona where the Obama administration ...

How to election-proof the Culture of Life

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lifesitenews.com - October 25, 2016 (Pregnancy Help News) -- “Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God. They collapse and fall, but we rise and stand upright.” Psalm 20:...

If You Want to See The God of Moses, Then Do What Moses Did! » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - “A barracks is meant to be a place where real soldiers were fed and equipped for war, not a place to settle down in or a comfortable snuggery in which to enjoy ourselves. I hope that if ever, they,...

Six year old sets half-marathon record while raising money for crisis pregnancy center

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lifesitenews.com - October 24, 2013 (LiveActionNews) - TheBlaze recently reported on the story of a remarkable girl, Keelan Glass, who is just six years old and the youngest person to complete a half-marathon, doing ...

Irish archbishop refuses to define family, opening door to confusion

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lifesitenews.com - DUBLIN, Ireland, October 25, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) — We must not “allow ourselves to be become entangled in trying to produce definitions of the family” because different cultural values mean family ...

Unsurprising: Study Shows Criminals Don’t Buy Their Guns Legally » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - For all of the talk from the anti-gun communists in this country, who want to infringe on the rights of the people to keep and bear arms by pushing unlawful regulations and restrictions, this study...

Hillary supports abortion ‘at 9 months’: Trump doubles down in new interview

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lifesitenews.com - October 25, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – In a new interview, Donald Trump doubled down on his criticism of Hillary Clinton for supporting late-term abortion. “According to the rules of Hillary, you can ta...

Abortion supporters return to streets in Poland to protest pro-life laws

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lifesitenews.com - WARSAW, Poland, October 24, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) — Radical feminists and lesbians continue to protest in Poland despite the government’s recent decision to abandon a proposed abortion ban. On Sunday...

No Fly No Buy, Association of Ideas, and the Silencing of Opposition » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - On Friday, September 23rd, at the Cascade Mall in Burlington Washington, there was yet another mass shooting incident where at least four people were killed. The main stream media, in an attempt to...

Teen rushed to hospital after Portland late-term abortion center loses power

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lifesitenews.com - October 25, 2016 (Operation Rescue)– As smoke billowed from an accidental gas explosion a few blocks away, an ambulance arrived at a late-term abortion facility in Portland, Oregon, to transport a ...

Five Places Where You Can Get a 9th Month Abortion NOW! » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - Since this week’s Presidential Debate, which sparked a national conversation on the matter of late-term abortions, we have been inundated with requests for information about late-term abortion faci...

Private Police: Mercenaries for the American Police State » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - “Corporate America is using police forces as their mercenaries.”—Ray Lewis, Retired Philadelphia Police Captain It’s one thing to know and exercise your rights when a police officer pulls you over,...

Pelosi Says She Wants Gun-Control For the Children » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - It is no surprise that the left is trying to get as many of their policies in place that they can. It is not only expedient, it is also practical. There is a chance that they will not have an oppor...

Woman Identified Who Was Found Dead after Abortion » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - Battle Creek, MI – Operation Rescue has released the name of the woman who was found dead just days after an abortion on July 4, 2016. The woman’s identity was discovered by long-time Michigan pro-...

The Bible or The Bayonet » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - “Men, in a word, must necessarily be controlled either by a power within them or by a power without them; either by the Word of God or by the strong arm of man; either by the Bible or by the bayone...

Famed Watergate Reporter and Retired Federal Prosecutor Agree – Hillary Clinton is Corrupt! » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - One has to wonder if people inside the Hillary Clinton campaign and in the Clinton Foundation are starting to get worried that their protectors in the Obama administration can continue to protect t...

Detroit Has Gone From Being The Greatest Manufacturing City In The World To A Global Joke » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - In 1960, the city of Detroit was the greatest manufacturing city that the world had ever seen.  Nearly two million people lived there, and it had the highest per capita income in the United States....

Muslim International Student CUTS THROAT of Female Student, Gets Put in Chokehold by Heroic Canadian Boy » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - UPDATE:  “The girl attacked at UBC was found by XXXXXXX’s daughter. It was a Saudi student who had postings on his Facebook of decapitation. He was trying to cut her head off.” The enemedia is not ...

Democrat & Republican Sheriffs Agree: Arm Yourselves Against Islamic Jihadists! » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - Well, it looks like it has taken several Islamic attacks before some of these liberals have awakened to reality, but I’m glad they are at least sounding the clarion call to Americans against the Ob...

Italy Shuts Down Illegal Mosques – Muslims Lose Their Minds! » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - The fact that the anti-christ religion of Muhammad, Islam, is allowed to be practiced in Western countries is a testimony to the weakness of the Christianity that prevails in those lands. That fact...

All Signs Point to a Coming UN Police Action to Seize American Guns » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - Any military intelligence officer will tell you that even the smallest thing could mark the coming of a major event. There is a video going viral that should concern every American who hopes to ret...
Arte & Entretenimento

Pastor Gets Beat As His Wife Shoots Armed Robber » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - A Philadelphia pastor was being beaten by an armed robber when his wife pulled out a gun and shot the armed man who was attempting to rob her and her family. The Pastor, his wife and 12-year-old so...

Hillary’s fraud: Just tip of the iceberg

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The Sons of Liberty
wnd.com - “For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known.” – Luke 2:2 I can absolutely say, without reserve, that Hillary Rodham Clinton is a fraud from the t...
Arte & Entretenimento

‘His quality of life is better than maybe all of ours’: viral video shows joy of Down Syndrome

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lifesitenews.com - October 25, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – A touching video showing the joy of raising a child with Down Syndrome has reached millions of people during Down Syndrome Awareness Month. In the video, Oakley Pe...
Arte & Entretenimento

Another Action Movie Star Speaks Out Against Gun Ownership » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - If anyone has heard Matt Damon speak about his view of the world, this is not going to take you by surprise. There are few people in the world farther left of reality than Damon. But one cannot hel...

Obama’s Muslim Homeland Security Adviser Demands National Gun Registry » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - The Obama administration has been riddled with Muslims who are anti-American in their views in key national security positions. Now, Cairo-born Gamal Abdel-Hafiz, who immigrated to the States in 19...

Government Now Targeting Gunsmiths with Enormous Fees in Latest Gun Prohibition Measure » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - The Second Amendment was written to restrict government. It was never written to restrict the people or a business in any way, shape or form. However, though the right to keep and bear arms has his...

Undercover Video: Hillary Clinton Delegate Explains Her Deceptive Propaganda to Ban Guns » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - In a video released by James O’Keefe and Project Veritas in association with Infowars, O’Keefe gets exclusive footage of a Hillary Clinton alternate delegate explaining the propaganda that Clinton ...

"Refugee Resettlement" and the 2016 Election » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - On Thursday, October 27 at 1:30 PM, we will be joined for a conference call by Anne Corcoran, keeper of the informative blog, Refugee Resettlement Watch(RRW), briefly by U.S. Congressman Dave Brat ...

Supreme Court: Second Amendment Protects all Bearable Arms! » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - In the first case before the Supreme Court following Justice Antonin Scalia’s untimely and mysterious death, the court threw out the decision of a Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court regarding the...

Have the Colts Gotten Tough on their Players About National Anthem? » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - There is one thing that stands out in our country: there is no longer any respect for the people that pay us. We have lost respect for those in authority over us. We think that we can do as we wish...

AR-15 Ammunition Ban: The New Obama Backdoor Gun Control Move » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - So the Obama administration can’t get what it wants in place by taking things head on, as demonstrated in the delicious defeat it faced following the Sandy Hook incident and subsequent pretended le...

Com PEC 241, Risco Brasil cai 26,47% em cinco meses

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Sóstenes Cavalcante
brasil.gov.br - O CDS é um acordo entre duas partes: de um lado, uma instituição financeira compra proteção para a sua carteira de crédito; do outro, uma seguradora ou outra instituição vende essa proteção. Se uma...
Arte & Entretenimento

Thousands of Christians From Around the World Gather in New York City for Movement Day

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christianpost.com - NEW YORK — Thousands of Christians from cities representing more than 90 countries around the world gathered in New York City Tuesday for the opening of the Movement Day Global Cities conference wh...

Abortion Is Not The Answer For People With Heart Defects, Like Me

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thefederalist.com - The New York Times published an op-ed on Friday in the wake of the presidential debate, a woman’s testimony of having a late-term abortion. Meredith Isaksen’s son was diagnosed with a congenital he...
Arte & Entretenimento

The Beautiful Life of a Boy Named Peter

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adflegal.org - It was my husband’s turn to pick something to watch on TV one recent Sunday evening. Instead of the second presidential debate (thank goodness), he chose a documentary that he had recorded—Graduati...

Pro-life student leader is helping pregnant and parenting students on campus

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liveactionnews.org - (Students for Life of America) – I was setting up a tabling event for Students for Life at my school, the University of New Mexico, during Welcome Back Week in August when I got a call from the Ass...

Massachusetts Moves to Regulate Church Belief and Operation

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adflegal.org - In July of this year, the Massachusetts Legislature added “gender identity” as a protected class to the state’s public accommodations laws and directed the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimi...

Franklin Graham Reveals Something Terrifying, Puts Out Major Call For Prayer

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westernjournalism.com - Rev. Franklin Graham on Monday reminded America’s Christians that in an election where the media cannot be trusted, they must instead be led by “prayerful consideration.” “The media bias is incredi...

Planned Parenthood club launched at a public high school

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liveactionnews.org - Last month while many high school students attended the first meeting of year for the drama club or pep club, a group of public high school students in Virginia attended the meeting of a Planned Pa...

Court reaffirms rights of local schools to protect student privacy in locker rooms

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adflegal.org - News Release Court reaffirms rights of local schools to protect student privacy in locker rooms Related Case: State of Texas v. United States of America The following quote may be attributed to All...
Arte & Entretenimento

Canada’s Controversial Bill 28 Removes “Mother” and “Father”

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citizengo.org - A new bill, introduced in Ontario on September 29th, subjugates the natural family to the transgender agenda. The bill—misleadingly called the “All Families Are Equal Act”—is moving extremely fast....


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aluizioamorim.blogspot.com - A famosa "PEC do teto de gastos" foi aprovada na Câmara dos Deputados e segue agora para o Senado. Trata-se de uma medida salvacionista já que a bandalha do PT raspou o fundo do tacho.  A grande mí...

‘Politically motivated’ claims against Alabama judge tossed

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wnd.com - A complaint that had been filed against Alabama Supreme Court Justice Tom Parker by the domestic terror-linked Southern Poverty Law Center has been dismissed by the state’s Judicial Inquiry Commiss...

Court: Govt bureaucrats have no business deciding whether Iowa church activities are religious

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adflegal.org - News Release Court: Govt bureaucrats have no business deciding whether Iowa church activities are religious ADF attorneys represent congregation that sued against state law that attempts to control...

Toowoomba, una ciudad libre de pornografía para defender a la familia

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actuall.com - Los ministros cristianos y líderes de la ciudad de Toowoomba (Australia) han decidido emprender juntos una campaña para combatir la violencia contra las mujeres, y por ello, han comenzado por elimi...

Ashers verdict: ‘Equality laws need to change before more damage is done’

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Christian Institute
newsletter.co.uk - The Presbyterian Church in Ireland has said judgment on the Ashers case will have major repercussions for business owners in Northern Ireland. Convener of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland’s Counc...
Meio Ambiente

Um neocon brasileiro?

Partilhado por
Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - Um neocon brasileiro? A melhor explicação sobre as intenções dos neocons foi dada pelo escritor conservador Michael Savage, que disse: “Os neocons… fazem muito dinheiro em cima de conflitos militar...

NATO Continues to Prepare for War with Russia

Partilhado por
Henry Makow
thetruthseeker.co.uk - NATO uses any pretext to accuse Russia of harboring aggressive intentions. It has raised ballyhoo over the recent deployment of Iskander short-range surface-to-surface ballistic missiles to the Kal...
Meio Ambiente

Trump, Obama, Hillary e OTAN

Partilhado por
Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - Trump, Obama, Hillary e OTAN Recentes manchetes importantes mostram o contraste entre Donald Trump e Barack Obama em suas posturas sobre a OTAN: DailyMail: “Trump acusado de colocar em perigo o fut...
Arte & Entretenimento

It’s Still the Media, Stupid!

Partilhado por
Henry Makow
antoniusaquinas.com - The US Presidential campaign has demonstrated once again that the mainstream mass media is still the dominant force and arbitrator of political events and if it is successful in pushing the Wicked ...

Financial Times: Brazil’s Evangelicals Push Politics to the Right

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Julio Severo
lastdayswatchman.blogspot.com - Financial Times: Brazil’s Evangelicals Push Politics to the Right A recent report from the British newspaper Financial Times (FT) accurately said that Brazil’s evangelicals are pushing politics to ...

Padre de Anápolis que impediu mulher de fazer aborto é condenado pelo STJ

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Julio Severo
portal6.com.br - Em decisão unânime, divulgada nesta segunda-feira (24), a Terceira Turma do Superior Tribunal de Justiça (STJ) condenou um padre de Anápolis a pagar indenização de danos morais no valor de R$ 60 mi...

Uma nova Reforma para contra-atacar as grandes portas do inferno?

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Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - A educação familiar é, sem dúvida, a que forma o caráter do verdadeiro homem. É dentro do lar (juntamente com a família) que a pessoa se torna um bom cidadão. Só que o Estado quer usurpar este dire...

Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie e seu professor marxista

Partilhado por
Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - A teologia Calvinista ensina que o verdadeiro cristão deve seguir na santificação. Infelizmente porém, há muito calvinistas que nem conhecem suas confissões, como muita coisa que se lê nos comentár...
Arte & Entretenimento

Annie Apple: DV is a nightmare, John Mara. This is my story.

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si.com - "He admitted to us he'd abused his wife in the past. What's a little unclear is the extent of that." – Giants owner John Mara on kicker Josh Brown When you fall in love it's supposed to be a wonder...

O que é um conservador evangélico?

Partilhado por
Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - O que é um conservador evangélico? Um breve guia multitemático para ajudar o evangélico num ativismo conservador de orientação judaico-cristã A natureza de um conservador evangélico pode se estende...

Ataque de un grupo islamista a una academia policial en Pakistán: al menos 62 muertos

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CitizenGO es
infobae.com - Al menos 62 personas murieron el martes y más de cien resultaron heridas en el ataque contra un centro de entrenamiento de la Policía en la ciudad de Quetta, en el oeste de Pakistán, informaron fue...

ONU nomeia primeiro investigador de “discriminação” LGBT

Partilhado por
Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - ONU nomeia primeiro investigador de “discriminação” LGBT O Conselho de Direitos Humanos da ONU nomeou Vitit Muntarbhorn da Tailândia como o primeiro investigador da ONU encarregado de investigar po...

Carmena propone la eliminación de símbolos religiosos en Madrid

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actuall.com - El Ayuntamiento de Madrid tiene previsto aprobar en noviembre un borrador sobre “derechos humanos” que contempla, entre otras cuestiones, la eliminación de los símbolos religiosos de los espacios p...

EUA traem militares que protegeram Brasil de ameaça comunista

Partilhado por
Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - EUA traem militares que protegeram Brasil de ameaça comunista Henry Kissinger certa vez disse: “Neste mundo é muitas vezes perigoso ser inimigo dos Estados Unidos, mas ser amigo é fatal.” Autoridad...
Meio Ambiente

Família Bush: falsos conservadores

Partilhado por
Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - Família Bush: falsos conservadores Um dos piores erros que Ronald Reagan fez foi nomear George H.W. Bush como seu vice em 1980. Os EUA ainda estão pagando o preço por isso hoje — 36 anos depois. Pa...

Detienen en La Rioja a un marroquí acusado de adoctrinamiento y enaltecimiento del IS

Partilhado por
actuall.com - Agentes de la Jefatura de Información de la Guardia Civil y del Grupo de Información de la Comandancia de Navarra han detenido este miércoles en la localidad de Calahorra (La Rioja), a un individuo...

Quieren promover la perversión sexual en Arequipa, y ¡en un local de la Municipalidad Provincial!

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CitizenGO es
citizengo.org - Quieren promover la perversión sexual en Arequipa, y ¡en un local de la Municipalidad Provincial! Es un absoluto escándalo que NO podemos permitir. Psicoune, autodenominado Instituto Superior de es...

First Transgender Soldiers Seek Formal Army Recognition

Partilhado por
Henry Makow
abcnews.go.com - Within weeks of the Pentagon allowing transgender service members to serve openly, Army officials said 10 soldiers have formally asked to be recognized as their new, preferred gender. The small num...

¿Qué es ser francés (o español)?

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actuall.com - Nos referíamos en un artículo anterior a las vacilaciones de los intelectuales europeos frente al inocultable resurgir del nacionalismo. El libro de Alain Finkielkraut La identidad desdichada es un...

Democratic Party Operative Robert Creamer Used Terror to Wage War on Honesty

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Henry Makow
observer.com - Let’s be blunt: Democratic Party operative Robert Creamer used terror to wage war on honesty. Until forced to resign his post as a “consultant” with a Democratic Party-aligned organization named Am...

Top university helped secure £9million of YOUR money

Partilhado por
Henry Makow
dailymail.co.uk - One of the world's leading institutes for researching the impact of global warming has repeatedly claimed credit for work done by rivals – and used it to win millions from the taxpayer. An investig...
Arte & Entretenimento

Jared Fogle's ex-wife is suing Subway, alleging that it ignored complaints about his sexual interest in children

Partilhado por
Henry Makow
finance.yahoo.com - The ex-wife of former Subway spokesman Jared Fogle is suing the fast-food chain, alleging that the company has known about Fogle's sexual interest in children since 2004 but never did anything to a...

SteveLendmanBlog: NGOs Supporting America's Imperial Ruthlessness in Syria

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Henry Makow
sjlendman.blogspot.fr - NGOs Supporting America’s Imperial Ruthlessness in Syria NGOs listed below support US-led imperial ruthlessness to topple Assad and destroy Syrian sovereign independence. How else to explain their ...

Se você não apoiar o “casamento” gay, você não merece um emprego

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Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - Respondendo ao Thiago, ao Eloy Fernando Campana, e ao Jabesmar A. Guimarães, Usando um tom carregado para me expressar, eu diria o seguinte: do jeito que o pecado já dominou o mundo, muitas pessoas...

Colin Powell is voting for Hillary instead of the 'unqualified' Trump

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Julio Severo
dailymail.co.uk - Colin Powell has announced he is voting for Hillary Clinton in two weeks, while also condemning Donald Trump. The former secretary of state said he is supporting Clinton while speaking at a busines...
Arte & Entretenimento

Lo último que necesitamos las mujeres es a Wonder Woman como modelo

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actuall.com - El nombramiento lo anunció la organización internacional en una ceremonia a la que asistieron la actriz que interpretaba al personaje de comic en una serie de televisión de los setenta, Lynda Carte...

A premonição “magistral” de René Guénon?

Partilhado por
Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - A premonição “magistral” de René Guénon? Um alerta aos evangélicos para evitar as contaminações da Nova Era Católicos me enviaram comentários sobre meu artigo “Portal Conservador ou Católico? EUA s...

La última campaña '40 días por la vida' en EE UU logra que tres abortistas renuncien a su trabajo

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actuall.com - La última campaña ‘40 días por la vida’ en Estados Unidos está dando resultados memorables. En el estado de Iowa, tres trabajadores de un abortorio local han dimitido después de haber hablando larg...

Espina bífida, hidrocefalia y 2% de masa cerebral: así venció al aborto Noah

Partilhado por
actuall.com - Sólo habían pasado tres meses desde que la británica Shelly Wall se había quedado embarazada cuando los médicos le dijeron que lo mejor que podía hacer por su hijo era abortar. Ella y su marido Rob...

What Happens to the GOP on Nov. 9?

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Bryan Fischer
afa.net - The Republican Party has taken a direct hit amidships during this election season and the only question now is whether the vessel can - or should - be saved.  Dramatic changes in our political land...

Ícones Cristãos da Propaganda da Teologida da Libertação Palestina: Sabeel e Desmond Tutu

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Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - Ícones Cristãos da Propaganda da Teologida da Libertação Palestina: Sabeel e Desmond Tutu Uma abominável campanha global travada por um poderoso lobby cristão está se empenhado em influenciar a Igr...

Nivelados em Nome de Deus?

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Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - Nivelados em Nome de Deus? Comentário de Julio Severo: Bráulia Ribeiro, cuja estranha “postura pró-homossexualismo” foi denunciada no Blog Julio Severo em 2009, confronta declaração de Ariovaldo Ra...

Human Rights Watch pidió una "fuerte presión internacional" en Venezuela por la crisis humanitaria

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CitizenGO es
infobae.com - La organización Human Rights Watch (HRW) urgió a que haya una "fuerte presión internacional", en particular de la región, para que el Gobierno del presidente Nicolás Maduro tome "medidas inmediatas...

Camino a la extinción

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actuall.com - El reciente informe del Instituto Nacional de Estadística titulado “Proyecciones de población 2016-2066” nos advierte de que, si continúa la tendencia actual, España perderá más de cinco millones d...

Poll: Over Half of Clinton Supporters Will Not Accept Trump as a ‘Legitimate President’

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Bryan Fischer
mrctv.org - Even though Hillary Clinton called Donald Trump’s refusal to admit he'll accept November's election results “horrifying,” a little more than half of Clinton’s supporters claim they will not accept ...

AT&T profits by helping US government 'spy' on citizens with program

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Julio Severo
dailymail.co.uk - AT&T is earning millions from taxpayers by secretly helping the government and its law enforcement organs crack cases by providing information on trillions of telephone calls. The existence of the ...

A sober day for freedom of conscience: Ashers win in court of public opinion - The Christian Institute

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Christian Institute
christian.org.uk - Newspapers across the political spectrum have recognised the serious implications of yesterday’s ruling on Ashers Baking Company. In the wake of the judgment, The Guardian and The Telegraph both is...

Rajoy, contrato en precario

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actuall.com - Editado por V. Gago y el equipo de Actuall. Ojalá sea útil y fiable para ti.  Si te parece interesante este boletín, envíaselo a tus colegas y amigos. Pueden suscribirse aquí y recibirlo directamen...

Space war, Vatican knowledge of extraterrestrials revealed in Podesta emails

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Henry Makow
rt.com - “Because the War in Space race is heating up, I felt you should be aware of several factors as you and I schedule our Skype talk,” Mitchell, who died in February, tells Podesta in the mails from 20...
Meio Ambiente

PayPal coloca escritor cristão na lista negra

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Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - PayPal coloca escritor cristão na lista negra Ativista da internet aconselha amigos a procurar outro jeito de sustentar seu ministério “Relaxe”, diz o site do PayPal. “Envie pagamentos aos amigos e...

Laicistas, EH Bildu e IU y el lobby LGTB se unen para eliminar la religión de las aulas

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actuall.com - Más de 30 colectivos y organizaciones se han unido para exigir en el Congreso de los Diputados que se apruebe una Proposición No de Ley por la que se establezca el laicismo en los colegios. Se trat...

91% of U.S. media coverage hostile to Trump

Partilhado por
Julio Severo
mobile.wnd.com - Donald Trump has made no secret that he thinks the American media is in the pocket of Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton. The Guardian of London on Tuesday cited Trump’s statements that the media...

O problema da redação do Enem não é o tema, é o formato

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José Arimatéia
medium.com - O tema da redação do Enem é irrelevante. É o formato da prova, a despeito de qualquer tema, que é concebido para estupidificar os alunos e transformá-los em militantes chorões imbuídos da crença de...

La vera storia delle Crociate

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Kattoliko Pensiero
documentazione.info - Le crociate sono ormai un prototipo di orrore della storia Gli equivoci sulle Crociate sono fin troppo comuni. Vengono ritratte come una serie di guerre sante contro l'Islam, generalmente lanciate ...


Cristianismo e Política + Christianity and Politics + União multi-denominacional (evangélicos, católicos, etc) em defesa dos valores cristãos e da democracia




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