23 October 2016

Cristianismo & Politica 2016.10.22 all @CristPolit

Cristianismo & Politica

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Trump and Clinton carry campaign barbs into New York charity dinner

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reuters.com - NEW YORK Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Hillary Clinton took their acrimonious presidential contest to a charity dinner, where Trump drew boos from the well-heeled audience when his jokes vee...

VEJA chega ao fundo do poço ao comparar Crivella com Cunha na véspera da eleição carioca | Rodrigo Constantino

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Rodrigo Constantino
rodrigoconstantino.com - Nem os socialistas devem ter acreditado. Acostumados a demonizar a revista VEJA, de “direita”, devem ter levado um susto ao ver a capa da edição desta semana que circula apenas no Rio. É Marcelo Cr...

WikiLeaks - The Podesta Emails

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Paul Joseph Watson
wikileaks.org - How to contact WikiLeaks? What is Tor? Tips for Sources After Submitting This key's fingerprint is A04C 5E09 ED02 B328 03EB 6116 93ED 732E 9231 8DBA -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- mQQNBFUoCGg...

BREAKING – Election FRAUD Lawsuit Just Filed Against Hillary

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angrypatriotmovement.com - Hillary Clinton just got smacked with a major lawsuit… and the timing for her could not be worse. James O’Keefe of Project Veritas is filing a formal complaint against the DNC and Hillary Clinton, ...

Billionaire George Soros spent $33MILLION bankrolling Ferguson demonstrators to create 'echo chamber' and drive national protests

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Truth Offends
dailymail.co.uk - Liberal billionaire George Soros donated $33million to social justice organizations which helped turn events in Ferguson from a local protest into a national flashpoint. The handouts, revealed in t...

Devolvam o que é do Estado! - ISTOÉ Independente

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ツ Josiel Dias ®
istoe.com.br - A costumados a confundir o patrimônio público com suas posses privadas, agora os ex-presidentes petistas Lula e Dilma Rousseff receberão um ultimato para devolver ao Estado, em menos de três meses,...

Jogo de asfixia: não é brincadeira

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Proj Mais Um Moro
epoca.globo.com - É difícil descrever a agonia de encontrar um filho desmaiado dentro de casa. A família de Gustavo Riveiros Detter, de 13 anos, deparou com cena ainda pior na noite de sábado, dia 15 de outubro dest...

As Obama Ridicules Trump Over Voter Fraud, He Warned Of ‘Rigged Elections’ In 2008 [VIDEO]

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dailycaller.com - President Barack Obama said this week “no serious person” would believe the presidential election could be rigged. The President, at a joint press conference with Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renz...
Arte & Entretenimento

Americans are more afraid of clowns than climate change, terrorism, and ... death

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Bryan Fischer
vox.com - In 2016, we’ve seen hundreds of mass shootings. We’ve watched the gap between rich and poor Americans widen. We’ve witnessed the fulminant rise of Donald Trump, whose nomination left Vox editor in ...

Forever Trump: Diehard supporters’ rallying cry

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Wellington Moura
timesofisrael.com - JOHNSTOWN, Pennsylvania (AFP) — Pundits and pollsters say the bottom may be falling out of Donald Trump’s White House run, but diehard supporters in the western Pennsylvania city of Johnstown stron...

Asia Bibi se enfrenta a 700 abogados paquistaníes que trabajan gratis para lograr condenas por blasfemia

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actuall.com - Un grupo de 700 abogados paquistaníes trabaja de forma gratuita para conseguir condenas a prisión y penas de muerte en casos de blasfemia contra el islam, apoyándose en una controvertida ley usada ...

Trump leading right now in two new national polls... - The Right Scoop

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Severe Conservative
therightscoop.com - There are two national polls that show Trump with a lead today and I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention them. Just as in 2012, the bulk of the polls were saying one thing and election day showed they ...
Arte & Entretenimento

The Tale of Two Hillarys’ – And One Donald Trump » BarbWire.com

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barbwire.com - Daily dumps of emails from WikiLeaks have provided us with an unfolding story that could aptly be titled – “The Tale of Two Hillarys.” The public Hillary supports Israel, loves Americans, did not k...

Is Georgia turning blue?

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Severe Conservative
thehill.com - Donald TrumpDonald TrumpTrump son: Talk like father's leaked 2005 tapes 'a fact of life' Schilling lashes out: 'I'm apparently an anti-Semite' for asking questions Toomey: 'No reason' Trump support...

Americans United for Life | Planned Parenthood Turns 100

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Sarah Torre
aul.org - As Planned Parenthood celebrates its 100th birthday, proudly proclaiming its role in making sure that millions do not live to celebrate their own births, Americans United for Life is launching a ca...
Arte & Entretenimento

Heaven and Hell: How to Explain God’s Love AND Justice to Kids

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crossexamined.org - Lately, my two daughters (ages 6 and 4) have been arguing incessantly every morning. It’s the first thing I hear every day, echoing from down the hall: “No, you’re the meanest in the world!” The ot...

Schilling lashes out: 'I'm apparently an anti-Semite' for asking questions

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Severe Conservative
thehill.com - Former baseball star Curt Schilling on Friday lashed out at the reaction to an interview earlier in the day where he pressed a CNN anchor to explain why Jews vote Democratic.Schilling defended his ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Connecticut School the Latest to Cancel Halloween Celebrations

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Severe Conservative
gma.yahoo.com - An elementary school in Connecticut has decided to eliminate Halloween celebrations this year, citing the “safety and exclusion of students.” The principal of Lillie B. Haynes elementary school in ...

Madre Teresa: "Mamme, dateli a me quei bambini che volete sopprimere nel grembo"

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Kattoliko Pensiero
allaquerciadimamre.it - L’11 dicembre 1979, madre Teresa (oggi Santa Teresa di Calcutta), ricevette il premio Nobel per la pace, un riconoscimento per il suo servizio per e con i poveri, per il tempo speso con quelli che ...

Ecco come vennero in luce i trascorsi fascisti di Dario Fo – di Michele Majno

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Kattoliko Pensiero
riscossacristiana.it - Il primo a parlare di Dario Fo volontario nella Repubblica fascista di Mussolini fu Giorgio Pisanò. Ne fece il nome nella sua opera in tre volumi “Storia della guerra civile in Italia”, uscita per ...

WikiLeaks: Clinton Foundation Paid Women Less Than Men

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Felipe Moura Brasil
lifezette.com - The Clinton Foundation in 2011 employed more women than men but paid them less, on average, according to a salary schedule included in an email released Friday by WikiLeaks. A foundation employee e...

UN Official: Deporting Extremist Migrants Contravenes Refugee Convention

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Voice of Europe
breitbart.com - In a speech slamming national governments for their reticence over open borders, the UN official responsible for reporting on counter-terrorism, Ben Emmerson QC, is set to single out the UK for set...

Clinton to Apologize to Cardinal Dolan and Catholics? Nah.

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Kattoliko Pensiero
ncregister.com - There have been some awful things said about Catholics recently from a number of people in the Hillary Clinton campaign. You might have heard about them. But then again you might not have if you're...

Premios a la disidencia

actuall.com - El sábado pasado se entregaron los premios Hazte Oír en Madrid. Fue, una vez más, una noche emocionante en la que todos nos sentimos reconfortados y unidos en la defensa de unos cuantos principios,...

1,000 Clinton-Petraeus Emails Missing From Records Sent To State, Fbi Files Show

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Linda Suhler, Ph.D.
foxnews.com - Roughly 1,000 emails between Hillary Clinton and Gen. David Petraeus were thought to be missing from the 30,000 emails provided by Clinton’s team to the State Department in December 2014, according...

'All of these liars will be sued': Trump on claims of sexual misconduct

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Press 2 For English
usatoday.com - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump cautioned supporters on Friday that if they didn't win the election come November, they would "lose the country." "This is it, folks. This is it," he ...

Project Veritas Exposé Could Force Donna Brazile Resignation – RevoRepublic

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revorepublic.com - Hillary Clinton‘s pal Donna Brazile may be forced to resign as interim chair of the Democratic National Committee, says Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe. O’Keefe plans to release explosive new...

Hillary’s Plot Against America

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True Pundit
truepundit.com - Recent news and leaks make it clear that a plot is afoot. A smoking gun has been found. Republicans are committing political malpractice by not making it clear they are the last line of defense. Ob...

Delação à vista - Política - Estadão

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Wellington Melo
politica.estadao.com.br - Cunha emergiu em 1989, surfando no velho PRN e na campanha de Fernando Collor de Mello. Eleito Collor, foi presidente da Telerj, onde foi acusado de... fraudes em licitações e contratos. Já no tamb...

Como a Polícia Legislativa de Renan sabotava as investigações da PF

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Proj Mais Um Moro
epoca.globo.com - Reforçada por José Sarney e Renan Calheiros na última década e alvo de incontáveis acusações de arbitrariedades, a Polícia Legislativa do Senado foi alvo de uma operação da Polícia Federal na últim...

Stop blaming Russia and Wikileaks for damaging Hillary's relationship with progressives! Blame her. • /r/StillSandersForPres

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Dykstra Dame
reddit.com - I was doing my usual Googling for new articles, chuckling as I usually do at the blatant pro-Hillary propaganda splattered all over the search results page, when I came across this cringe-worthy he...

Em sabatina, Iris defende plano de mobilidade : Iris Rezende 15 – Prefeito de Goiânia

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Reinaldo Cruz
iris15.com.br - O candidato à prefeitura de Goiânia pela Coligação Experiência e Confiança, Iris Rezende (PMDB), defendeu um plano de mobilidade urbana durante sabatina promovida pelo jornal O Popular, nesta quint...

Dem operative out after video claims to show plot to stir violence at Trump rallies

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usatoday.com - James O'Keefe attends a news conference at the National Press Club in Washington.  (Photo: Haraz N. Ghanbari, AP) A political operative contracted by the Democratic National Committee stepped down ...

Operador do PMDB relata como recolheu dinheiro sujo em nome de Renan e Jader

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Proj Mais Um Moro
epoca.globo.com - Na badalada Rua Farme de Amoedo, na Zona Sul do Rio de Janeiro, funcionou até 2007 o restaurante Chez Pierre, no anexo do Hotel Ipanema Plaza. Ali, diante de um cardápio que reunia 102 pratos, Feli...

Clinton Admin Feared Internet's Ability to Democraticize News 3 Years Before Drudge Bombshell - Breitbart

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breitbart.com - The infamous 1995 “conspiracy commerce memo” tried to demonize and discredit alternative media outlets on the right to mainstream media organizations and D.C. establishment figures.  The memo notes...


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Helio Antunes G
oantagonista.com - O MPF em Curitiba explica que os repasses de propina somaram R$ 34 milhões e tiveram origem em diferentes contratos para construção de plataformas de exploração do pré-sal. "Em 26 de julho 2012 o C...

Pais de alunos rompem cadeado e entram em escola ocupada no centro de Porto Alegre

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..:[ Roger Spire ]:.
zh.clicrbs.com.br - Um grupo de pais tentou, na manhã desta quarta-feira, dar fim à ocupação do Colégio Estadual Paula Soares, no centro de Porto Alegre. A instituição permanece ocupada após acordo entre governo do Es...

Lula, Renan Calheiros e outros 66 políticos são alvos do maior inquérito da Lava Jato | Implicante.Org

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implicante.org - Segundo o procurador-geral da República, eles formam “uma mesma organização criminosa, com alinhamento, de forma horizontal, de núcleos políticos diversa” e, unidos, cometeram crimes contra a estru...

Caso de periodista Ignacio Gutiérrez echaría por tierra defensa del ministro de Justicia

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Mario Uac Temuco
biobiochile.cl - Un nuevo antecedente complica al recién nombrado ministro de Justicia, Jaime Campos. Ayer negó de manera tajante tener una relación profesional con el abogado de Morpho, sin embargo, sí han trabaja...

'Cowards' Write 'Kill All Police, Kill James Craig' On Side Of Detroit Building

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detroit.cbslocal.com - DETROIT (WWJ) — Detroit Police Chief James Craig addressed a personal threat to his life on Friday afternoon. Craig spoke to reporters in response a graffiti message found in the area of W. State F...

Juiz americano lamenta a própria decisão com "resultado mais trágico possível"

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Tereza Cristina
conjur.com.br - O juiz Michael Hensley, de Madison (Indiana, EUA) passou uma semana e meia “ruminando” sobre decisões juridicamente corretas que têm desfechos errados. No final, divulgou uma declaração pública ped...

Don’t Blame Never Trump

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Severe Conservative
nationalreview.com - No one can accuse Kellyanne Conway of complacency. She is already preparing for post-election recriminations. Donald Trump’s campaign manager has recently cited Hillary Clinton’s financial advantag...

"É preciso ter medo da caneta do juiz", diz ministro da Transparência

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Ihamma Lins
conjur.com.br - Para o ministro da Transparência, Fiscalização e Controladoria-Geral da União, Torquato Jardim, “é preciso ter medo da caneta do juiz” para que crimes deixem de ser cometidos. Segundo ele, isso não...

Farc se preagruparán en 26 zonas del país para mantener cese al fuego

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O. Bula Escobar
elheraldo.co - El ministro de Defensa, Luis Carlos Villegas, confirmó que el presidente Santos expidió el decreto presidencial 1647 en el cual se estipula el preagrupamiento de las tropas de las Farc en 26 zonas ...

Traficante Beira-Mar é condenado a 30 anos por homicídio - Brasil - iG

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Ivo Marcelino
ultimosegundo.ig.com.br - O traficante Luiz Fernando da Costa, o Fernandinho Beira-Mar, foi condenado pelo Conselho de Sentença do 2° Tribunal do Júri da Capital, do Tribunal de Justiça do Rio de Janeiro (TJRJ), no crime de...

The Rich Don't Pay Tax! …Or Do They

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Janie Johnson
therichdontpaytax.com - Wealthy taxpayers anticipate Trump presidency. (Hover over image to view at full size.) Wealthy taxpayers anticipate Trump presidency. (This frame may be scrolled if it doesn’t fit your browser win...

Clinton Vs. Trump: IBD/TIPP Presidential Election Tracking Poll

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Severe Conservative
investors.com - The IBD/TIPP poll — a collaboration between Investor's Business Daily (IBD) and TechnoMetrica Market Intelligence (TIPP) — has been the most accurate poll in recent presidential elections. The late...

Edições Digitais - O Globo

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ツ Josiel Dias ®
oglobo.globo.com - Confira o material publicado nas páginas do Globo reunido em livros sobre temas de importância histórica. Da visita do Papa Francisco ao Brasil às manifestações que tomaram as ruas do país, confira...

Delator diz que Renan e Jader receberam R$ 5,5 milhões em propina, segundo ‘Época’

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ツ Josiel Dias ®
oglobo.globo.com - RIO — Em delação premiada, o “homem da mala do PMDB” Felipe Parente, afirma ter repassado R$ 5,5 milhões em propina ao atual presidente do Senado, Renan Calheiros (PMDB-AL), e ao senador Jader Barb...

Pope in Sweden could break ground on inter-communion, bishop says

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Kattoliko Pensiero
cruxnow.com - To describe English bishop William Kenney as an “auxiliary of Birmingham” doesn’t capture the depth and range of his longstanding roles in pan-European church bodies — for two terms, for example, h...

Obama Blames ‘Far-Right Media’ for ‘Pumping Out All Kinds of Crazy Toxic Stuff’ - Breitbart

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Paul Joseph Watson
breitbart.com - “Trump didn’t come out of nowhere now,” Obama said during a campaign speech in Miami. “For years, Republican politicians and far-right media outlets had just been pumping out all kinds of toxic, cr...


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Portas Abertas
portasabertas.org.br - Em 2015, a nação se preparava para sediar as primeiras eleições livres em 25 anos, que aconteceram em novembro com a vitória da oposição. Durante as campanhas presidenciais, o exército continuou at...

Richard Branson: Trump focused on 'destroying' those who didn't help him

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Severe Conservative
thehill.com - Billionaire Richard Branson claims Republican presidential nominee Donald TrumpDonald TrumpBreitbart escalates war on Paul Ryan Is Georgia turning blue? Trump to lay out first 100 days in Gettysbur...

VIDEO: Hillary Clinton's eye problems return at Cleveland rally - The American Mirror

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Paul Joseph Watson
theamericanmirror.com - Several instances of her eyes not appearing to be acting in sync happened again during a rally in Cleveland, Ohio on Friday evening. Her left eye seemed to turn more than her right while she strain...

NO al aborto en El Salvador

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CitizenGO es
citizengo.org - ULTIMA HORA (18 de octubre) OPINION. Salvadoreños apasionados por la vida y su derecho ULTIMA HORA (17 de octubre) VIDEO: La feminista Ima Girola se muestra sorprendida por el cambio del gobierno y...

Los estudiantes cristianos de Kirkuk, obligados de nuevo a huir del Estado Islámico

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actuall.com - Decenas de estudiantes cristianos del programa especial impulsado por la archidiócesis de Kirkuk en Irak ha logrado salir de la ciudad que está siendo objeto de una ofensiva del Estado Islámico, en...
Meio Ambiente

Terceira Guerra Mundial? Obama está levando o mundo para mais perto desse pesadelo

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Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - Terceira Guerra Mundial? Obama está levando o mundo para mais perto desse pesadelo Enquanto a grande imprensa mundial está dedicando sua atenção quase que exclusiva à eleição presidencial nos Estad...

Trump and Reagan: The Borking of Donald Trump, Part 2 » BarbWire.com

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Matt Barber
barbwire.com - Many of the people announcing an intention to vote for Donald Trump are adding a disclaimer to distance themselves from his unsavory comments or actions of the past. I’m not going to do that. In my...

The grace of Steve Bartman: Lovable losers, Wrigley Field and one of the Cubs greatest fans

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Justin Taylor
erlc.com - You might not remember the Steve Bartman incident that took place on October 14, 2003, at Wrigley Field as the Chicago Cubs took on the Florida Marlins in the National League Championship Series. I...

Por que de repente Globo, Veja e quetais decidiram fechar com o Freixo - Blog do Rovai

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revistaforum.com.br - Não se iludam os amigos descolados do PSoL e muito menos os mais raivosos. Globo, Veja e quetais não estão apoiando de forma descarada Marcelo Freixo para a prefeitura do Rio de Janeiro por conta d...
Arte & Entretenimento

Pro-Life Video of the Day: Twins Saved From Abortion at Planned Parenthood | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - Rebecca Rizzi, 24, decided to make an appointment for an abortion at the Planned Parenthood in Tempe, Arizona. “I just felt I had to do it,” she said. When she arrived, she walked past a group of p...

Police crowd Notre Dame square protesting France’s 11-month state of emergency

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Voice of Europe
rt.com - Policemen got together in front of the Notre-Dame cathedral in Paris singing La Marseillaise, the country’s national anthem, while applauding every police siren passing nearby. The officers complai...

Ring Wing Watch: The Left and Atheists Are Watching…

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Julio Severo
barbwire.com - Right Wing Watch, a major American socialist group, has “exposed” me yesterday, again, to its U.S. leftist audience for politically incorrect views. Matt Barber’s BarbWire website posted a story on...

C. Peter Wagner, Pioneer in the Apostolic Movement and Pioneering Fighter Against Theology of Integral Mission, Goes on to Glory

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Julio Severo
lastdayswatchman.blogspot.com - Saturday, October 22, 2016 C. Peter Wagner, Pioneer in the Apostolic Movement and Pioneering Fighter Against Theology of Integral Mission, Goes on to Glory C. Peter Wagner, Pioneer in the Apostolic...

Companhias aéreas no Brasil proíbem Samsung Galaxy Note 7 em aviões - 21/10/2016 - Mercado - Folha de S.Paulo

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Revista VOTO
folha.uol.com.br - Companhias aéreas que operam Brasil proibiram embarque de passageiros com Samsung Galaxy Note 7, após série de acidentes com o aparelho pelo mundo. No início de outubro, as empresas permitiam esses...
Arte & Entretenimento

After Prophetically Cursing America, Glenn Beck Repents » BarbWire.com

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barbwire.com - Glenn Beck needed to repent for cursing our nation. I’m grateful that he did. The Mormon media prophet said earlier this week: “Persecution is coming. The only way to it is to humble ourselves and ...

Trump or Clinton? The Only Thing You Need to Know on November 8 » BarbWire.com

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Matt Barber
barbwire.com - Wednesday’s night’s debate between presidential candidates Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton was enormously clarifying for voters. Regardless of the position you take on abortion, you found out all ...

Election 2016 and Rev. Mark Creech’s Evangelical Voter Appeal

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Matt Barber
barbwire.com - The following is the manuscript from Rev. Creech’s video (featured below) about this year’s Presidential election… This year’s Presidential election presents a quandary for many Christian conservat...

From Muslim to Christian: The Atlantic Sensitive Look at Berlin Community

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barbwire.com - When you share lentils and rice pilaf with people; when you attend church with them and talk to their pastor; when you pay a follow-up visit weeks later; you naturally convey a more intimate feel f...

The Crucifixion of Judge Roy Moore » BarbWire.com

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barbwire.com - Under the “progressive” leadership of Barack Obama and his like-minded “social justice” warriors throughout all levels of government, we have entered an era of lawlessness unprecedented in American...

Como o Facebook pode ser uma armadilha para a castidade?

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Padre Paulo Ricardo
padrepauloricardo.org - Escondendo grandes perigos por trás de coisas aparentemente pequenas e sem importância, o demônio, como quem semeia joio no meio do trigo (cf. Mt 13, 25), sabe servir-se das realidades humanas para...

Deus resiste aos soberbos

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Padre Paulo Ricardo
padrepauloricardo.org - Evangelho de Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo segundo São Lucas (Lc 18, 9-14) Neste domingo, com a parábola do fariseu e do publicano, Nosso Senhor quer precaver-nos contra o orgulho, que é a raiz de todo...

Is God Sending a New Curse on the Sodomite Community? » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - While the sexual revolutionaries taunt us of their political victories in gaining more “freedom,” more “budget,” and more “money” as the means to promote their perverse agendas, here comes God and ...
Meio Ambiente

Afinal, a Segunda Vinda de Cristo será em um abrir e fechar de olhos ou todo olho o verá?

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Marco Feliciano
marcofeliciano.com.br - A Segunda Vinda de Cristo é o evento mais aguardado pela Igreja e a doutrina mais importante do Novo Testamento. Nele, este fato é mencionado 318 vezes, tendo sido abordado pelos diversos escritore...

"Demônio" fala de salvação na Igreja Universal e diz que não seria infiel no dízimo

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Evangélicos do Rio
noticias.gospelprime.com.br - Bispo entrevista mulher endemoninhada que faz revelação surpreendente Uma postagem do bispo Edir Macedo em seu blog  dividiu opiniões na internet. Durante uma sessão de descarrego, prática comum na...

Lateral do Santos quer virar missionário

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Evangélicos do Rio
noticias.gospelprime.com.br - Victor Ferraz é filho de um casal de missionários evangélicos A imagem de jogadores apontando para o céu após fazer um gol ou agradecendo a Deus nas entrevistas quando sua equipe ganha já não são n...

Gospel Fair é cancelada

Partilhado por
Foco Cristão
musica.gospelprime.com.br - Em nota, organização afirma que a terceira edição não ocorreu por "problemas administrativos" A feira Gospel Fair, realizada na cidade de Goiânia desde o ano de 2014, teve sua terceira edição cance...

O último desejo de São João Paulo II

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Padre Paulo Ricardo
padrepauloricardo.org - Há exatos 10 anos, a Congregação para o Culto Divino, seguindo as disposições do então papa João Paulo II, publicava a Instrução Redemptionis Sacramentum[1]. O documento tinha por objetivo esclarec...

New York Times Wants Nursing Homes to Starve Patients to Death "Without Asking Permission" | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - If there is any aspect of the culture of death not supported and promoted by the New York Times, I haven’t seen it. Now, Paula Span, the Gray (Ashen?) Lady’s “The New Old Age” columnist pushes suic...

How Can Tim Kaine be "Personally Pro-Life" If he Supports Abortion for Everyone Else? | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - There has been a lot of talk recently of politicians like Vice-Presidential candidate Tim Kaine who claim to be “personally pro-life.” While they say they do not support abortion personally, mainly...

Nurse Sees Baby Survive Failed Abortion, Left to Die at Hospital | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - “There are other people who are haunted by abortion, too.  Nurses and doctors.” No sooner had the woman in the crowd after a recent event quietly spoken these words to me, when the tears began to f...

Miracle Premature Baby Doctors Said Would Not Survive Defies the Odds, Look at Her Now | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - Macey Micklethwaite is thriving at her home in the UK eight months after doctors predicted the tiny preemie would not survive. Macey was born after just 25 weeks in the womb, weighing 1.2 pounds, a...

Donald Trump Was Right: Here are Five Places People Can get a 9-Month Abortion Now | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - Since this week’s Presidential Debate, which sparked a national conversation on the matter of late-term abortions, we have been inundated with requests for information about late-term abortion faci...

Congress Must De-Fund Planned Parenthood Immediately

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gopetition.com - Target: United States Congress Region: United States of America Website: www.LifeNews.com A shocking new expose’ video has caught Planned Parenthood’s top doctor describing how the abortion busines...

Miracle Baby Was Born Twice: Removed From the Womb to Correct Tumor Then Returned | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - Modern medical technology is doing wonderful things to help save babies’ lives before they are born. Recently, doctors in Texas saved an unborn baby girl from a life-threatening tumor by performing...

St. Louis Planned Parenthood Botches Its 61st Abortion in 7 Years | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - The Coalition for Life St. Louis is reporting that an ambulance was seen at the Planned Parenthood abortion facility in St. Louis, Missouri, on Wednesday, October 19, 2016. This represents the 61st...

What Every Pro-Lifer Needs to Know About The Girl Scouts' Link to Planned Parenthood | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - Is there really a connection between the abortion industry and the Girl Scouts? It’s heart-breaking and, for some, despite the mounting evidence, impossible to believe.  After all, who wants to ack...

Pastor é libertado após seis anos de prisão

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Portas Abertas
portasabertas.org.br - No dia 17 de outubro, Behnam Irani foi libertado após passar seis anos na prisão por causa de sua fé em Cristo. Entre as várias acusações estão “ação contra a segurança nacional”, “criação de uma r...

British Politician says Russia has NOTHING to do with the DNC Email Leaks! » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - Former British Ambassador Craig Murray is an ally and friend of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and he visited Assange in the Ecuadorian Embassy on Wednesday to discuss his ongoing plight. What Mu...

Exposing Hillary’s Concealed Transparencies! » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known. -Luke 2:2 I can absolutely say, without reserve, that Hillary Rodham Clinton is a fraud from the top ...

Bible Removed from VA Clinic After Veteran Complains "Our Government Is Secular" » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - I imagine it was a frantic scene. The Veteran Affairs staff was running around in a panic. In a fright over the possible presence of an illegal substance in their building. Much like the scene in M...

WW3 Has Begun, And It Is Digital: “New World Hackers” Claim Cyber Attack That Took Down Major Sites » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - Get ready – it seems that this will be an October Surprise to remember. The Internet is under attack through the United States and UK… and there is every reason to think that more is coming. Report...

Massive Cyberattack Hits America – Will Russia Take Down The Entire Internet If We Go To War? » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - We just learned a very important lesson about how exceedingly vulnerable our Internet truly is. On Friday, three massive waves of cyberattacks took down some of the biggest websites on the entire I...

Unrest and Martial Law? Leaked Military Drill Anticipates “No Rule of Law” After Election Results » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - This tip came through the back channels; its implications are astounding. If there is any truth to it, the 2016 election could be a kick-off for total tyranny. According to an unnamed source – who ...

If Donald Trump Wins The Election, It Will Be The Biggest Miracle In U.S. Political History » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - Are we about to see the largest election day miracle of all time?  Because as I will show in this article, that is precisely what it is going to take in order for Donald Trump to win.  Before I go ...
Arte & Entretenimento

The sexual predators that aren’t looking for one-night stands

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lifesitenews.com - October 17, 2012 (thePublicDiscourse.com) - Value depends on scarcity. In the world of human reproduction, the most valuable entity is the fertile female—specifically, her eggs and womb. The fierce...

bobama@ameritech.com: Wikileaks releases first batch Obama emails – Lists for Cabinet/Deputy/Secretary level positions — Arab/Muslim Americans, African Americans, Native Americans…. » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - Wikileaks has released the first set of Obama emails. Yes, that’s how badly compromised our intel and cyber security is under this administration. Not to mention Hillary’s basement server. Perhaps ...

Trump Resists Pledge To “Absolutely Accept” Election Results… But Why Should Anyone Accept Fraud? » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - A lot of people think that Donald Trump is about to lose the election – and many of them are hoping that’s exactly what happens. But what they are worried about is the possibility that his talk of ...

BREAKING: Judge reaffirms nationwide ban on Obama transgender school bathroom policy

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lifesitenews.com - WICHITA FALLS, Texas, October 19, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) — A federal judge has stopped President Obama's policy forcing public schools to allow boys in the girls' locker room. U.S. District Court Judg...

Desperate to Cling to Power: If Trump Upsets Election, “Martial Law Could Follow” » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - Simply put, the stakes are very high for this election. Whether he is a farce, or a force to be reckoned with, Donald Trump has shaken the foundations of the establishment. So far in 2016, we have ...

2016: The Year The Coup Is Complete? » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - For all intents and purposes, the American people lost control of their government with the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in 1963. With the exception of Ronald Reagan, every President ...

Minneapolis: Muslims Riot, Throw Rocks at Police in Rage Over HBO Series on Jihad Recruitment » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - Hollywood could never be accused of being brave in covering the jihad threat. Because they don’t. Post 9/11, consider the almost non-existent offerings of Hollywood productions where jihad is even ...

Security Agent: Hillary Clinton Compromised Way More Than Just Emails » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - A former unnamed female member of Hillary Clinton‘s security detail is now on record as saying Clinton frequently and “blatantly” disregarded State Department and diplomatic protocols. The release ...

Corrupting One's Self is the Ultimate Morality in the Pursuit of Utopia » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - As we draw closer to the day that many of us hope will end the outright assault on liberty, I can’t help but feel our nation will never be the same again. It is unfortunate that far too many of us ...

Welcome to the Banana Republic Politics » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - One of the things that have made America so fruitful and stable for so long is the fact that America was a land of laws. No matter what was at stake, we were a country that played fair when it came...

2016 and the Future of the Supreme Court

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thepublicdiscourse.com - Rarely does a newly elected president of the United States have an open seat on the Supreme Court for which to make a nomination. The 2016 presidential election may therefore be the closest that Un...

Not so 'strong': Planned Parenthood pushes idea that women need abortion to succeed

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liveactionnews.org - This week, Planned Parenthood proudly celebrated its 100 years of existence since being founded by Margaret Sanger, a hardcore proponent of eugenics. On a Thunderclap site, Planned Parenthood, whic...

Warren Buffett has donated $1.3 billion to pro-abortion groups since 2003

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lifesitenews.com - OMAHA, Nebraska, October 14, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – Multibillionaire Warren Buffett gave $215 million to abortion groups in 2015 funnelled through the Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation and more than...

Stop Disney-themed Hard-core Porn Now

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citizengo.org - Please join us along with our petition partner Enough Is Enough in urging Disney to take aggressive action to stop Disney themed hard-core porn sites. This is a serious issue. Online pornographers ...


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aluizioamorim.blogspot.com - sábado, outubro 22, 2016 CONGRESSO MANTINHA UM VERDADEIRO ARSENAL DE ESPIONAGEM. POLÍCIA SUSPEITA QUE FORAM VAZADAS INFORMAÇOES SIGILOSAS DA LAVA JATO. Agentes da Polícia Federal apreenderam divers...


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aluizioamorim.blogspot.com - sábado, outubro 22, 2016 O HOMEM-BOMBA QUE PODE DERRUBAR A REPÚBLICA A operação da Polícia Federal, com agentes fortemente armados e com os rostos cobertos,  que  conduziu o ex-deputado Eduardo Cun...

Índio bissexual invoca demônios na Casa Branca

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Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - Índio bissexual invoca demônios na Casa Branca Na Reunião da Comunidade Bissexual na Casa Branca que ocorreu em 26 de setembro para honrar a “Semana da Consciência Bissexual,” um dos palestrantes i...

Feminismo, mentiras y barbarie

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actuall.com - La dogmática progresista lleva no menos de doscientos años buscando en las sociedades pre cristianas o no cristianas un mundo mejor, en el que estuviera presente todo aquello que faculta la plena r...

Blog: Ridiculously easy: How hackers took down the internet on Friday

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Bryan Fischer
americanthinker.com - If you live on the East Coast, you probably suffered some sort of internet slow down yesterday. That's because of a Distributed Denial of Service attack (DDoS) carried out by, as yet, unknown party...

A Esquerda e os ateus estão vigiando…

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Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - 14 de outubro de 2016 A Esquerda e os ateus estão vigiando… A Esquerda e os ateus estão vigiando… O Observatório da Direita (em inglês, Right Wing Watch), uma grande organização socialista dos EUA,...

Brian Kilmeade: How Thomas Jefferson Abandoned Diplomacy And Changed Us History

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Bryan Fischer
foxnews.com - In 1786, Thomas Jefferson, then a minister to the French government of Louis XVI, had a concern more intimidating than anything else he’d faced before: the threat of pirates off the coast of North ...
Meio Ambiente

Um neocon brasileiro?

Partilhado por
Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - Um neocon brasileiro? A melhor explicação sobre as intenções dos neocons foi dada pelo escritor conservador Michael Savage, que disse: “Os neocons… fazem muito dinheiro em cima de conflitos militar...

Trump se encontrará com Putin antes de sua posse

Partilhado por
Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - Trump se encontrará com Putin antes de sua posse Numa entrevista na segunda-feira com Michael Savage, apresentador de programa de rádio, o candidato presidencial republicano Donald Trump disse que ...

Pintado, diputado provida laminado del PP por Rajoy, premiado por la Revista Misión

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actuall.com - El próximo martes 25 de octubre tendrá lugar la entrega de los VI Premios Revista Misión a la Familia 2016 en la Universidad Francisco de Vitoria, en Madrid. Entre los premiados, destaca Ángel Pint...

NRA-ILA | Hillary Clinton: "Reasonable" to Require Guns to be Unusable at Home

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Bryan Fischer
nraila.org - Hillary Clinton is lying … again. The candidate who claimed politicians “need both a public and a private position” on policy issues demonstrated that tendency Wednesday night in the final presiden...

“Casamento” gay: Um herói no Alabama

Partilhado por
Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - “Casamento” gay: Um herói no Alabama Roy Moore, juiz que preside o Supremo Tribunal do Alabama, nos EUA, construiu sua carreira sendo leal à Constituição dos EUA e à Constituição de Deus, a Bíblia,...
Meio Ambiente

C. Peter Wagner, pioneiro do movimento apostólico moderno e pioneiro combatente da TMI, parte para o céu

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Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - 22 de outubro de 2016 C. Peter Wagner, pioneiro do movimento apostólico moderno e pioneiro combatente da TMI, parte para o céu C. Peter Wagner, pioneiro do movimento apostólico moderno e pioneiro c...
Meio Ambiente

Trump, Obama, Hillary e OTAN

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Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - Trump, Obama, Hillary e OTAN Recentes manchetes importantes mostram o contraste entre Donald Trump e Barack Obama em suas posturas sobre a OTAN: DailyMail: “Trump acusado de colocar em perigo o fut...

Soros-Connected Company Has Provided Voting Technology In 16 States

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Bryan Fischer
dailycaller.com - Smartmatic, a U.K.-based voting technology company with deep ties to George Soros, has provided voting technology in 16 states including battleground zones like Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Michigan...
Meio Ambiente

Família Bush: falsos conservadores

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Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - Família Bush: falsos conservadores Um dos piores erros que Ronald Reagan fez foi nomear George H.W. Bush como seu vice em 1980. Os EUA ainda estão pagando o preço por isso hoje — 36 anos depois. Pa...
Meio Ambiente

Glenn Beck diz que eleger Hillary Clinton “é uma escolha moral e ética”

Partilhado por
Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - Glenn Beck diz que eleger Hillary Clinton “é uma escolha moral e ética” O fundador do site Blaze, o mórmon Glenn Beck, que é muito popular entre conservadores americanos, no sábado passado exortou ...

Olavo de Carvalho e seus absurdos sobre Trump e a Rússia

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Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - Olavo de Carvalho e seus absurdos sobre Trump e a Rússia Olavo de Carvalho, um brasileiro famoso por defender o revisionismo da Inquisição, que torturava e matava judeus e evangélicos, disse dias a...

Clinton lawyer may have exposed entire server to China

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Bryan Fischer
washingtonexaminer.com - Hillary Clinton's lawyer may have allowed hackers to obtain all of the former secretary of state's emails by reviewing the contents of her private server on a laptop tied to Chinese cyberspies, a H...

“Num governo Trump, Israel terá um amigo verdadeiro, leal e permanente”

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Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - 16 de outubro de 2016 “Num governo Trump, Israel terá um amigo verdadeiro, leal e permanente” “Num governo Trump, Israel terá um amigo verdadeiro, leal e permanente” Comentário de Julio Severo: O x...

Monseñor Osoro: "La familia es el mejor antídoto contra la ideología de género"

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CitizenGO es
actuall.com - El vicepresidente de la Conferencia Episcopal Española, monseñor Carlos Osoro, ha sido elegido por el Papa Francisco cardenal, por lo que pasará a formar parte del círculo más estrecho del Santo Pa...
Meio Ambiente

O antimarxismo estridente de Hitler

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Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - O antimarxismo estridente de Hitler Antissemitismo e a luta nazista contra o marxismo soviético Como é que foi possível uma Alemanha majoritariamente cristã ser enganada pela ideologia nazista? O R...

FFRF files brief against prayerful Texas school board - Freedom From Religion Foundation

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Bryan Fischer
ffrf.org - The Freedom From Religion Foundation has filed an amicus brief in the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals against a school board's practice of starting every meeting with a prayer. The Birdville Inde...

ONU nomeia primeiro investigador de “discriminação” LGBT

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Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - ONU nomeia primeiro investigador de “discriminação” LGBT O Conselho de Direitos Humanos da ONU nomeou Vitit Muntarbhorn da Tailândia como o primeiro investigador da ONU encarregado de investigar po...

CAUGHT ON TAPE: UN bans skeptical journalists from climate summit for holding views not ‘particulary helpful’

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Bryan Fischer
climatedepot.com - UN official Nick Nuttall on why conservative media outlet is being banned: 'I don't see what they are actually reporting as being particularly helpful."  Even establishment & warmist CBC was having...

Jorge Ramos: "The Future of this Country Will be Composed Solely by Minorities," It's "Beautiful"

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Paul Joseph Watson
informationliberation.com - Jorge Ramos: "The Future of this Country Will be Composed Solely by Minorities," It's "Beautiful"Chris Menahan InformationLiberation Oct. 22, 2016 Univision anchor Jorge Ramos said an ongoing "Lati...

Clinton tops 2015-16 JIHAD DONORS list

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Pamela Geller
pamelageller.com - Pay for play — you know that these savages get in return. America. Of course Hamas Congressman Hakim Muhammad, aka Keith Ellison, is number 2. “Clinton tops 2015-16 Islamist money list,” By: World ...
Arte & Entretenimento

There are way too many coincidences in assaults on Trump

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The truth is …
mcclatchydc.com - A few things you’re unlikely to read elsewhere: Donald Trump’s presidential candidacy – and Americans’ ability to choose their next leader – is being destroyed by a sequence of events way too well ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Bridget Kelly: Christie Knew About GWB Lane Closures A Month Ahead Of Time

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Severe Conservative
talkingpointsmemo.com - Christie has long maintained that he knew nothing about the lane closures that brought traffic in the town of Fort Lee, New Jersey to a days-long standstill until he read about them in the press in...

Mcmullin Surging In Utah: Indy Candidate's Plan For Electoral College Chaos

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Severe Conservative
foxnews.com - Amid the raucous final phase of the presidential battle between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, independent candidate Evan McMullin has quietly crept into contention in the overlooked state of Ut...

3º Fórum Liberdade & Democracia: Um Engodo Libertário Esquerdista

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criticanacional.wordpress.com - Um evento promovido por libertários e que vai ser realizado nesse sábado em São Paulo, o chamado 3º Fórum Liberdade e Democracia, tem chamado a atenção pelo tom ambíguo de seus propósitos. A começa...

Dirceu pede a Sérgio Moro que o coloque em liberdade, mas juiz nega

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Paulo Fernando
g1.globo.com - O ex-ministro José Dirceu, preso na Operação Lava Jato, pediu ao juiz Sérgio Moro que o coloque em liberdade. Nesta sexta-feira (21), Dirceu prestou um novo depoimento ao magistrado e negou as acus...
Arte & Entretenimento

Il vescovo di Anversa: "Benedire in chiesa le unioni gay, i divorziati ed i conviventi"

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Kattoliko Pensiero
lafedequotidiana.it - Mons. Johan Bonny, vescovo di Anversa (Belgio), ha suggerito di creare “un rito alternativo” che consenta la benedizione in Chiesa delle coppie omosessuali, dei divorziati risposati e dei convivent...

16 Year-Old German Boy Stabbed to Death by Refugee While Sitting With Girlfriend by Water

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Perigo Islamico
thegatewaypundit.com - A 16 year-old German boy was stabbed to death by a refugee while sitting by the water with his girlfriend. 16 Year old German boy just found stabbed to death. By a refugee in Germany in front of hi...
Arte & Entretenimento

Buttiglione traduce papa Francesco. Ma dal Cile un filosofo lo boccia

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Kattoliko Pensiero
magister.blogautore.espresso.repubblica.it - Ricevo e pubblico. L'autore, nato e cresciuto in Venezuela, emigrato in Cile, filosofo, insegna nella Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile e dirige il Centro de Estudios Tomistas della Universi...

O Anselmo Borges e a imanentização do éschatos

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Orlando Braga
espectivas.wordpress.com - Convidar o Anselmo Borges para falar de “utopia” é a mesma coisa que convidar um obeso para falar de culinária, ou um convidar um “junkie” a falar sobre o consumo de drogas. “As utopias têm duas fu...

Clinton Lectured State Dept. Staff On Cybersecurity In 2010 Video

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Severe Conservative
foxnews.com - Despite conducting her own government business through a personal “homebrew” server while secretary of state, Hillary Clinton is seen in a newly obtained video lecturing her staff of their “special...

Roger Scruton sobre Slavoj Žižek: O Príncipe Palhaço da Revolução (Parte 2)

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Carlos Araújo
cultura.estadao.com.br - O Estado da Arte dá continuidade à publicação do ensaio do filósofo britânico Roger Scruton que avalia o fenômeno do stalinismo pop-psicanalítico de Slavoj Žižek. O texto foi publicado originalment...

San Giovanni Paolo II, la profezia sulla famiglia che nella Chiesa non trova più ascolto

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Kattoliko Pensiero
lanuovabq.it - «In questo servizio al Popolo di Dio, san Giovanni Paolo II è stato il Papa della famiglia. Così lui stesso, una volta, disse che avrebbe voluto essere ricordato, come il Papa della famiglia. Mi pi...

«Me he sentido amenazado, calumniado, pero nunca he tenido tentación de abandonar»

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Kattoliko Pensiero
abc.es - Muchos salieron con menos de 20 años de sus casas con poco más que una mochila pero muchas ganas de ayudar. ¿Su fuerza? convertir al mundo «una gran familia humana» y hacer de todo para que sus «he...

Jean Wyllys pede prisão de professora cristã que se recusou a ensinar cartilha do KIT GAY

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Ana Zus
jornaldopais.com.br - O KIT GAY JÁ CHEGOU NAS ESCOLAS PRIVADAS. O livro didático “Menino Brinca de Boneca?” citado acima foi adotado pelo Ministério da Educação como referência para alfabetização de nossas crianças (até...

Laudo da PF aponta 'incompatibilidade' patrimonial de filho de Lula - ISTOÉ Independente

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ツ Josiel Dias ®
istoe.com.br - Laudo da Polícia Federal, com informações da Receita, apontam que a variação patrimonial de Luís Cláudio Lula da Silva, filho do ex-presidente da República Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, é “formalmente...
Meio Ambiente

Carne e Espírito

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Foco Cristão
adiberj.org - “O que nasce da carne é carne, mas o que nasce do Espírito é espírito. Não se surpreenda pelo fato de eu ter dito: É necessário que vocês nasçam de novo.”  (João 3.6-7) Quem somos nós? Esta pergunt...

McMullin surge threatens to squeeze Trump's already narrow path to victory

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Severe Conservative
cnn.com - "People like to say that Utah is a Republican state or a deep red state. I say it's a principled conservative state," McMullin said in an interview Friday in his Salt Lake City campaign headquarter...

Indian doctor accused of crimes, becomes president of World Medical Association

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Kattoliko Pensiero
persecution.in - NEW DELHI, 22 Oct 2016, The World Medical Association (WMA), the top medical-ethics body, on Friday installed an Indian doctor facing corruption charges as its president, despite controversy surrou...

Igreja Batista é atacada por muçulmanos e 40 cristãos são mortos na Nigéria

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Foco Cristão
adiberj.org - Homens armados (provavelmente membros de tribos Fulani) invadiram Godogodo no estado de Kaduna, Nigéria – um assentamento predominantemente cristão – no último sábado (15). O incidente ocorreu após...

NEW GALAXY POLL for AMF: Reframes the same-sex 'marriage' debate - Australian Marriage

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Redeeming Rainbow
australianmarriage.org - Society is faced with an inescapable choice.Same-sex 'marriage' forces us to choose between giving priority to: Faced with this choice, Australians overwhelmingly give priority to the rights of the...

La CEI aderisce alla Marcia dei radicali. Si chiama tradimento. Se Bagnasco è un uomo, si dimetta – di Paolo Deotto

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Kattoliko Pensiero
riscossacristiana.it - C’è ben poco da dire, i fatti parlano da soli. I radicali annunciano gioiosamente che la CEI aderisce alla “Marcia per la Giustizia, l’Amnistia, la Libertà”, intitolata a Marco Pannella e Papa Fran...

Fidel Castro é mais rico que a rainha Elizabeth, segundo a Forbes. Velho decrépito, matou, esfolou e explorou toda uma nação para a própria riqueza... - peloamordeDeus.com

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José Arimatéia
peloamordedeus.com - O presidente Fidel Castro, com uma fortuna de 900 milhões de dólares, é o chefe de Estado não-monárquico mais rico do mundo, ficando à frente das rainhas da Inglaterra e da Holanda, segundo estimat...
Meio Ambiente

Falácias marxistas: a teoria da mais valia e a exploração da classe trabalhadora - Instituto Liberal

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José Arimatéia
institutoliberal.org.br - Em todos os modos de produção que existiram – exceto no comunismo primitivo –, as sociedades sempre se dividiram em duas classes: os dominantes e os dominados. Com a divisão de classes, surge a exp...
Arte & Entretenimento

Non ci va l’elogio funerario se obbliga alla smemoratezza. Perciò a Fo quel che è di Fo

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Kattoliko Pensiero
tempi.it - Articolo tratto dal numero di Tempi in edicola (vai alla pagina degli abbonamenti) – Inutile. Boris ha cercato di deviare lo sguardo da Dario Fo. Gli interessa ancora quest’uomo. Le sue giullarate,...

César Vidal: “La ideología de género sería marginal de no ser impuesta de forma totalitaria”

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Kattoliko Pensiero
actuall.com - Doctor en Historia, escritor y periodista, César Vidal es todo un ejemplo de eso que se llama enciclopedia andante. Es capaz de encontrar el dato cultural más exótico echando mano de su ‘borgiana’ ...

Ángel Briz, capellán militar en Irak: «Si vienen los de Daesh saco mi ametralladora, el Rosario»

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Kattoliko Pensiero
religionenlibertad.com - Irak es sinónimo de guerra. Allí Estado Islámico ha sembrado el terror durante años. Ahora los propios iraquíes ayudados por una coalición internacional intenta derrotar a los islamistas y restable...

This heroic prelate would have been made cardinal under any other pope

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Orlando Braga
lifesitenews.com - October 21, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) — The recent announcement of a consistory of Cardinals in November seems to seal the deal: Archbishop André-Joseph Léonard, the heroically faithful former archbishop...
Arte & Entretenimento

transgender lies

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Severe Conservative
gendertrender.wordpress.com - Transgender Activists always dismiss the realistic concerns that women have about allowing males into spaces that are sex segregated for female privacy from male predators. Such as restrooms, locke...

The Big List of bathroom attacks

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Severe Conservative
mobile.wnd.com - President Obama has used his bully pulpit in the past few weeks to tell North Carolina and the rest of the nation that men who say they are women must be allowed to share bathrooms and showers with...

Os segredos de Cunha - ISTOÉ Independente

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ツ Josiel Dias ®
istoe.com.br - Familiarizado com os segredos mais recônditos de políticos dos mais diversos matizes, o ex-deputado Eduardo Cunha (PMDB-RJ) estremece o poder. Desde que foi preso na última quarta-feira 19, ele tor...

Feds Confirm Atlanta VA Retaliated Against Whistleblower For Exposing Misuse Of Tax Dollars

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The Daily Caller
dailycaller.com - The Atlanta Veterans Affairs medical center targeted a whistleblower for exposing rampant misuse of taxpayer funds by management, according to a new Wednesday report from a federal whistleblower pr...

Unborn Lives Matter Movement Shut Down At University – The Real Strategy

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Colleen Crawford
therealstrategy.com - According to Inside Higher Ed, DePaul University President Dennis H. Holtschneiderordered the College Republicans to redesign their pro-life poster out of concerns that it “provokes the Black Lives...

In Gettysburg, Trump Says He Can Bring The 'Change' To End ‘Rigged’ System

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foxnews.com - Donald Trump on Saturday used historic Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, as the setting to make a closing argument for his Republican presidential campaign, telling Americans that Washington and Wall Stree...

Gullible Christians are helping to kill America

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mariomurilloministries.wordpress.com - Satan’s masterstroke of deceiving, dividing and diluting Christians in America is now paying off.  He has fooled gullible Christians into helping kill America. Millions of believers are blind to th...

7 shocking quotes by Planned Parenthood's founder

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Live Action
liveactionnews.org - As the founder of America’s largest abortion chain, Margaret Sanger’s ideology for Planned Parenthood was cemented in eugenics, the belief and practice that aims to eliminate certain groups of peop...

Mexico Court Wants El Chapo To Cross The Border, Legally

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dailycaller.com - A Mexican federal judge has ruled Friday against Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman, making it more likely the drug lord is extradited to the U.S. in 2017. The Sinaloa Cartel boss has been fighting against ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Trust God with the Weight of Your Cross

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lifezette.com - Are you feeling crushed under the weight of your cross? Don’t know if you can withstand the pressure of all that you have been asked to do? Have you stumbled? Fallen — maybe more than once? You are...
Arte & Entretenimento

The Price I’ve Paid for Opposing Donald Trump

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Severe Conservative
nationalreview.com - I distinctly remember the first time I saw a picture of my then-seven-year-old daughter’s face in a gas chamber. It was the evening of September 17, 2015. I had just posted a short item to the Corn...

VIDEO: Presidente Kuczynski consagra el Perú al Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - REDACCIÓN CENTRAL, 21 Oct. 16 / 01:29 pm (ACI).- En el Desayuno Nacional de Oración celebrado este viernes 21 de octubre, el Presidente de Perú, Pedro Pablo Kuczynski, consagró al país, a su famili...

Atlexa is the modular backpack that doubles as workout gear

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Digital Trends
digitaltrends.com - Backpacks. Besides holding your stuff, what are they good for? That’s the question the creators of the Atlexa Backpack posed when setting out to develop their invention — the first modular backpack...

HTC Bolt May See Worldwide Release As HTC 10 Evo | Androidheadlines.com

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androidheadlines.com - We have seen many rumours of a new, unreleased HTC device, the HTC Bolt, including how the device may be based around the Qualcomm Snapdragon 810 chipset, how it may or may not have a headphone soc...
Arte & Entretenimento

Parable Of The Friend At Midnight

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aheartforgod.org - In Luke chapter 11, verses 5-8, Jesus tells the story… “Suppose one of you shall have a friend, and shall go to him at midnight and say to him, ‘Friend, lend me three loaves; 6 for a friend of mine...

Inside Chelsea Clinton's $10m 'luxury fortress' that stretches over an entire New York City block - and has one full-time doorman to just four units

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Janie Johnson
dailymail.co.uk - Chelsea Clinton's new $10million pad is New York's longest apartment - stretching an entire block from 26th Street to 27th Street off Madison Avenue. Described as 'a luxury fortress' with one full-...
Arte & Entretenimento

La Thaïlande chante son deuil à son roi décédé

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TopGyn Notícias
topgyn.com.br - Une foule estimée à plus de 150 000 personnes s’est rassemblée samedi sur la place Sanam Luang, aux abords du Grand palais de Bangkok, pour entonner l’hymne royal en l’honneur du souverain Bhumibol...
Arte & Entretenimento

KFC not ruling out legal action over offensive not so finger-lickin' 'Hillary special' buttons

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All American Girl
bizpacreview.com - Feathers were ruffled at Kentucky Fried Chicken over presidential campaign merchandise that compared Hillary Clinton to a meal at the restaurant. An anti-Hillary Clinton pin caused a stir when it m...

La increíble debilidad de las FARC

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Haie ✈
semana.com - “Maskirova”. Así se llama la táctica rusa de maniobras militares engañosas, que fue utilizada con inmenso éxito por la Unión Soviética contra la Alemania Nazi en la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Consiste...

Instapundit » Blog Archive » DISPATCHES FROM THE EDUCATION APOCALYPSE. Mark Steyn on a college president inventing the hate crime…

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pjmedia.com - DISPATCHES FROM THE EDUCATION APOCALYPSE. Mark Steyn on a college president inventing the hate crime of racial facials: Disciplined? For what? [Beverly Kopper, President of the University of Wiscon...
Meio Ambiente

Alimentação no verão

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Rede Nutrição
nutricaoemfoco.com - Na estação do verão a grande maioria das pessoas estão no período de férias escolares e profissionais, e muitas delas viajam alterando assim, seus hábitos alimentares. Mas como será que deve ser a ...

30 Reasons in 30 Days to Vote for Donald Trump – #17 Trump’s America First Trade Strategy

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Everyday American
thegatewaypundit.com - As we count down to the November 8th election, we will list 30 reasons in 30 days to vote for Donald Trump for President of the US. Reason #17 – Trump’s America First Trade Strategy For years the m...

Is Your Giving Doing More Harm Than Good?

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Christian Today
christiantoday.com - Every time I go to my local supermarket there seems to be somebody collecting money for another children's cancer charity I have never heard of. Although I have no qualms about supporting families ...

Tom Wright: Church Must Reclaim Its Prophetic Role In Society

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Christian Today
christiantoday.com - Tom Wright made his name as a theologian with his groundbreaking work on Paul. His New Testament study – especially his call for Christians to read what the Bible actually has to say about heaven –...

Fights Over Tobacco Tax Hikes Heat Up Across US

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dailycaller.com - Initiatives seeking a large hike in the tobacco tax and a new tax on electronic cigarettes are sparking heated ballot fights in California and North Dakota. Proposition 56 in California would raise...
Arte & Entretenimento

‘Hamilton’ Confidential — Minus the High Ticket Prices

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lifezette.com - Fresh off his award-winning musical “In the Heights,” Lin-Manuel Miranda traveled to the White House in 2009. He was expected to perform something from his groundbreaking musical about three days i...

ONG e deputados britânicos pedem segurança e acompanhamento em Calais

brazil.shafaqna.com - ONG e deputados britânicos pedem segurança e acompanhamento em Calais A destruição da Selva , que acolhe entre 6400 e 8100 migrantes, inicia-se na segunda-feira e dura uma semana. Read on the origi...

Premiê do Iraque: Turquia não luta contra Daesh, tenta sim ganhar influência

brazil.shafaqna.com - Premiê do Iraque: Turquia não luta contra Daesh, tenta sim ganhar influência Brasília terá chuvas dentro da média histórica, diz Inmet - ebc Arsenal empata e fica ameaçado por Liverpool e Mancheste...

Crónica de una muerte anunciada: Tribunal en Holguín ratifica medida contra José Ramírez Pantoja. - Yusnaby Post

yusnaby.com - El Tribunal Municipal Popular de Holguín ratificó la expulsión del periodista cubano José Ramírez Pantoja de la Emisora Radio Holguín, el cuál ha sido condenado por el gremio de periodístico de la ...

Donald Trump To Lay Out Campaign’s Closing Argument, Plan for First 100 Days Of Administration, In Gettysburg - Breitbart

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Matt Locke
breitbart.com - The focus, Trump aides told reporters on a conference call, will be on what working-class and middle-class Americans need and want. The contrast that will set up, they say, is sharp when it comes t...

Massa comparte "la preocupación" de Stolbizer por demoras en causas de corrupción K

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Helio Antunes G
clarin.com - El diputado nacional Sergio Massa dijo hoy "compartir" la "preocupación" de su par Margarita Stolbizer por un posible parate en el avance de las causas de corrupción en la que se investiga a la ex ...

La historia de la periodista húngara y el refugiado sirio que terminó mal

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Helio Antunes G
clarin.com - Ella se hizo famosa por patear y hacerle una zancadilla a un refugiado sirio con su hijo en brazos, lanzándolos a los dos al suelo. Él cobró fama por la brutalidad de esa mujer enajenada, en fotos ...

‘calibration Error’ Changes Gop Votes To Dem In Illinois County

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Matt Locke
foxnews.com - CHICAGO — Early voting in Illinois got off to a rocky start Monday, as votes being cast for Republican candidates were transformed into votes for Democrats. Republican state representative candidat...

Com as chuvas, risco de dengue e Zika já preocupa a população

brazil.shafaqna.com - Com as chuvas, risco de dengue e Zika já preocupa a população Barra Mansa Mesmo com o resultado do último Levantamento de Índice Rápido para Aedes aegypti (LIRAa) em Barra Mansa ter sido de 0,3%, c...

5 Simple ways to stay focused on your goals

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Carthage Buckley
coachingpositiveperformance.com - Do you struggle with reaching your goals? The reality is that most people do struggle. When you set goals for yourself, you undoubtedly have the very best of intentions. You want to succeed with yo...

Clear mental clutter with a time management system

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Carthage Buckley
coachingpowerfulproductivity.com - There is only so much that you can physically do at any one time. You only have so much energy. Most people find that easy to accept. Unfortunately, most people don’t realise that the same is true ...

¡MADURO CONTRA LAS CUERDAS! 12 países manifestaron preocupación tras decisión del CNE

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maduradas.com - Luego de la suspensión del referendo revocatorio en Venezuela, 12 países del continente expresaron su preocupación por el país y exhortaron al régimen a encontrar vías de diálogo para superar la cr...

Prisão de Eduardo Cunha na "lava jato" foi destaque da semana

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conjur.com.br - Um mês depois de ter cassado o mandato de deputado federal, Eduardo Cunha (PMDB-RJ) foi preso em Brasília por determinação do juiz federal Sergio Moro. Ele é acusado de receber R$ 5 milhões de prop...

Eyes in the Sky — santa fe taos county news

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Band on the Run
santafetaoscountynews.com - Offshore fishing is as popular as ever and with the advent of larger, more seaworthy outboard-powered boats, the desire to catch tuna, billfish, sharks, kingfish and other pelagic species of gamefi...

Mike Pence On Benghazi: ‘Those Weren’t Four Guys, They Were Four American Heroes’ - Breitbart

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breitbart.com - Pence reminded the crowd that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told parents of the four fallen Americans that a filmmaker in the United States was responsible for the deaths, despite havin...
Arte & Entretenimento

I ragazzi di Radioimmaginaria avviano una redazione nella scuola di Acquasanta Terme

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L'Opinionista News
marchenews24.it - ACQUASANTA TERME (AP) – Loro il terremoto l’hanno già conosciuto, quello del 2012 in Emilia Romagna. Così i ragazzi di Radioimmaginaria, unica radio europea creata e gestita interamente da adolesce...

New Obama Terror Czar Will Target Conservatives, Christians

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Henry Makow
thenewamerican.com - The Obama administration's increasingly controversial Justice Department, in partnership with the ultra-leftist Southern Poverty Law Center, announced the creation of a new czar position to focus o...

SUNY Professer: Trump Now Has 87% Chance of Winning Election

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Henry Makow
thegatewaypundit.com - Syracuse professor Helmut Norpoth doubled down on his election prediction this week – and that was before the third and final debate. Norpoth now says Trump has an 87% chance of winning election! @...

The 20 reasons I dread the day Hillary walks into the White House

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Henry Makow
dailymail.co.uk - Hillary Clinton is now red-hot favourite to become the first female President of the United States. Virtually every poll has her with a commanding lead over Donald Trump. The polls might be as hope...

Pescara, D'Annunzio calcio: cambio al vertice della società

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L'Opinionista News
lopinionista.it - PESCARA – Cambio al vertice di una delle società di calcio giovanile più apprezzate della regione abruzzese, la D’Annunzio calcio. Il nuovo presidente del team biancorosso è Giovanni Mincarini, già...

Pirate radio risks death to fight ISIS

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cnn.com - "It was a way for us to break the siege by Daesh," Al Mawsily tells me in his office on this evening, using the Arabic term for ISIS. We have loyal listeners in an abnormal time and in an abnormal ...

Inquéritos sobre detenção de Crivella somem de arquivo da polícia, diz revista

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Oswaldo Portella Jr
diariodopoder.com.br - O caso foi revelado pela revista Veja, que obteve as fotos de Crivella feitas pela polícia. O inquérito, no entanto, não foi à frente e nem está nos arquivos da Polícia Civil: os registros foram en...
Meio Ambiente

13 formas de não ficar com a barriga inchada depois de comer

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br.vida-estilo.yahoo.com - É claro que as batatas fritas não são a mesma coisa sem ele, mas você sabia que o sal também pode causar inchaço? “Tente evitar alimentos ricos em sal. Além da infinidade de problemas de saúde que ...

BREAKING: Hillary LIED, 17 “INTEL AGENCIES” Have Not BLAMED RUSSIA for Cyber Attacks – The Real Strategy

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Truth A Tron Gold
therealstrategy.com - Every time she opens her mouth she lies – and it seems as though “debates” are one of her favorite places to lie because she knows that her media pals will let her get away with it. When Hillary sa...

Moraes diz que policiais presos do Senado extrapolaram sua competência  - Política - Estadão

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Carlos Bolsonaro
politica.estadao.com.br - BRASÍLIA - O ministro da Justiça, Alexandre Moraes, afirmou nesta sexta-feira, 21, que as investigações que levaram à prisão de policiais legislativos apontam que os servidores extrapolaram o limit...


Cristianismo e Política + Christianity and Politics + União multi-denominacional (evangélicos, católicos, etc) em defesa dos valores cristãos e da democracia




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