23 October 2016

Extra 2016.10.22 @CristPolit


Clinton Press Secretary Caught on Camera Planting Softball Question With Reporter

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Paul Joseph Watson
infowars.com - Underscoring Donald Trump’s charge that the media is rigged, video footage shows Hillary Clinton’s traveling press secretary Nick Merrill appearing to type a softball question for NBC reporter Andr...

Scandal? What Scandal?

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weeklystandard.com - On March 5, 2015, John Podesta, former White House chief of staff and longtime Clinton family confidant, received an email from his daughter. “I'm heading back to NY tonight. Any chance you're stay...

Ibope: Crivella tem 61% e Freixo, 39% dos votos válidos

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Thiago Furtado
noticias.r7.com - Pesquisa Ibope divulgada na noite desta quinta-feira (20) mostra o candidato do PRB à Prefeitura do Rio de Janeiro, Marcelo Crivella, com 61% dos votos válidos, enquanto o candidato do PSOL, Marcel...

Planned Parenthood praises Hillary’s ‘fierce passion’ in defending late-term abortion

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lifesitenews.com - October 20, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – “I was on my feet” as Hillary Clinton “proudly” defended America’s largest abortion company and the “right” to late-term abortion, the executive vice president of ...

Pais ocupam escola em Porto Alegre para desocupá-la de militantes e liberar o estudo | Rodrigo Constantino

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Rodrigo Constantino
rodrigoconstantino.com - Um grupo de pais tentou, na manhã desta quarta-feira, dar fim à ocupação do Colégio Estadual Paula Soares, no centro de Porto Alegre. A instituição permanece ocupada após acordo entre governo do Es...

Freixo vai divulgar carta dizendo que o PSOL não é o PSOL: onde já vi isso antes? | Rodrigo Constantino

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Rodrigo Constantino
rodrigoconstantino.com - O candidato do PSOL a prefeito do Rio, Marcelo Freixo, divulgará na próxima segunda-feira, primeiro dia da última semana de campanha, uma carta aberta para tentar desfazer a imagem de radicalismo d...


Cristianismo e Política + Christianity and Politics + União multi-denominacional (evangélicos, católicos, etc) em defesa dos valores cristãos e da democracia

O PT nunca foi tão marxista | Rodrigo Constantino

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Rodrigo Constantino
rodrigoconstantino.com - A invenção da imprensa trouxe facilidades e dificuldades ao conhecimento objetivo dos fatos históricos. Com ela, multiplicou-se tanto o acesso à informação quanto à desinformação. Desde então, a me...

Bolsa Família é “compra de voto institucionalizada”, diz Mendes | EXAME.com - Negócios, economia, tecnologia e carreira

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Gidalti Alencar
exame.abril.com.br - São Paulo – O ministro do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) e presidente do Tribunal Superior Eleitoral (TSE), Gilmar Mendes, criticou na manhã desta sexta-feira, 21, o programa Bolsa Família como for...
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Norway: Hundreds of Muslim migrants had mobiles with images of executions, severed heads and dead children: police

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Wagner Clemente Soto
themuslimissue.wordpress.com - Hundreds of migrants arriving in Norway had mobile phones containing images of executions, severed heads and dead children, police reveal By Imogen Calderwood For Mailonline Published: 20:43, 14 De...

Exposing Hillary’s Concealed Transparencies! » BarbWire.com

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barbwire.com - For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known. -Luke 2:2 I can absolutely say, without reserve, that Hillary Rodham Clinton is a fraud from the top ...
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Dangerous Target Transgender Policy Exposed Women to Predators

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barbwire.com - Faith and Freedom with Liberty Counsel’s Mat Staver and Holly Meade, and BarbWire’s Matt Barber… An 11-minute weekday radio program discussing hot topics in the area of religious liberty, the sanct...

Exclusive: Poll shows many Georgians unfazed by Trump's lewd audio - zpolitics

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Severe Conservative
zpolitics.com - A new poll conducted exclusively for zpolitics has confirmed that Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is staying ahead in Georgia, though his lead over Hillary Clinton is a narrow one. T...
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Twitter Support Caught in Web of Deception!

flatoutunconstitutional.com - Watch Twitter Support admit I’m censored (Shadowbanned) and have broken no rules!  Amazing e-mails from Twitter!  Twitter Support offers multiple explanations for why my tweets are not showing up t...

Is It Love If I Don’t Feel It?

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desiringgod.org - Pastor John, here’s a good question we get all the time — and worth addressing often. This comes in from a listener named Jacqueline: “Hello Pastor John! I have a follow up question to episode 897....
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Los Centros de Internamiento de Extranjeros, la anécdota elevada a categoría

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actuall.com - El espisodio de esta semana en el Centro de Internamiento de Extranjeros (CIE) de Aluche es una anécdota de la categoría España. La izquierda ‘progre’ lo califica de ‘Guantánamo’ y pide su supresió...

Um neocon brasileiro?

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Julio Severo

Glenn Beck diz que eleger Hillary Clinton “é uma escolha moral e ética”

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Julio Severo

Família Bush: falsos conservadores

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Julio Severo

Trump, Obama, Hillary e OTAN

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Julio Severo

Nasa confirma catástrofe no Brasil e faz alerta para últimos dias…

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† Ricardo Cruz †
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Shadowbanned into Submission!

flatoutunconstitutional.com - What does this mean?  I have been completely censored.  People at Twitter apparently don’t like what I have to say.  I primarily tweet and debate only two major topics.  The U.S. Constitution, whic...

Latest Email Leaks: Lynch Tied to Soros, Reporters Fund Clinton and Obama Clamps Down on Julian Assange! » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty

John Podesta Wasn't 'Hacked,' He Fell For An Email Phishing Scam

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Paul Joseph Watson

Los gemelos que luchan por la vida incluso antes de nacer

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Pandora, don’t expose children to graphic content!

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