22 October 2016

CP 2016.10.21 @CristPolit


Freixo vai divulgar carta dizendo que o PSOL não é o PSOL: onde já vi isso antes? | Rodrigo Constantino

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Rodrigo Constantino
rodrigoconstantino.com - O candidato do PSOL a prefeito do Rio, Marcelo Freixo, divulgará na próxima segunda-feira, primeiro dia da última semana de campanha, uma carta aberta para tentar desfazer a imagem de radicalismo d...

O PT nunca foi tão marxista | Rodrigo Constantino

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Rodrigo Constantino
rodrigoconstantino.com - A invenção da imprensa trouxe facilidades e dificuldades ao conhecimento objetivo dos fatos históricos. Com ela, multiplicou-se tanto o acesso à informação quanto à desinformação. Desde então, a me...

A Globo acertou: “regulação de mídia” é censura pura e simples

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Lula na Cadeia
ceticismopolitico.com - Ao final deste post vocês verão um vídeo bem enfezadinho – e repleto de legendas de propaganda petista indignadas – atacando a cena de uma novela da Globo. Mas o que me interessa aqui não é o esper...

Jean Wyllys é condenado por ofender procuradora e terá que pagar indenização R$ 40 mil

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Lula na Cadeia
manchette.com.br - O deputado federal Jean Wyllys (PSol-RJ) foi condenado pelo Tribunal de Justiça do DF a pagar uma indenização de R$ 40 mil por ter ofendido uma procuradora do Distrito Federal nas redes sociais. O ...

Moro diz que projeto de abuso de poder é ‘atentado à magistratura’

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Lula na Cadeia
politica.estadao.com.br - Um dia depois de prender o deputado cassado Eduardo Cunha (PMDB/RJ), o juiz federal Sérgio Moro, dos processos da Operação Lava Jato em primeiro grau, atacou nesta quinta-feira, 20, o texto do proj...

Cabral admite que mulher recebeu anel de presente de Cavendish - Política - Estadão

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ADHT - Defesa Hetero
politica.estadao.com.br - RIO - O ex-governador do Rio Sérgio Cabral Filho (PMDB) admitiu nesta quinta, 21, que sua mulher, Adriana Ancelmo, recebeu um anel de presente do empreiteiro Fernando Cavendish, dono da Delta Const...

Clinton Press Secretary Caught on Camera Planting Softball Question With Reporter

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Paul Joseph Watson
infowars.com - Underscoring Donald Trump’s charge that the media is rigged, video footage shows Hillary Clinton’s traveling press secretary Nick Merrill appearing to type a softball question for NBC reporter Andr...

Ibope: Crivella tem 61% e Freixo, 39% dos votos válidos

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Thiago Furtado
noticias.r7.com - Pesquisa Ibope divulgada na noite desta quinta-feira (20) mostra o candidato do PRB à Prefeitura do Rio de Janeiro, Marcelo Crivella, com 61% dos votos válidos, enquanto o candidato do PSOL, Marcel...

1 Peter 4:10: Your Gifts Are Meant for Others

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desiringgod.org - Birthday gifts have your name on them because they are meant for you. In this message, Pastor John shows that God’s new-birth gift has your name on it but is meant for others. Cross-referencing and...


Cristianismo e Política + Christianity and Politics + União multi-denominacional (evangélicos, católicos, etc) em defesa dos valores cristãos e da democracia

Abedin Implicated Clinton In Foundation Trade-Off With Morocco Amid $12 Million Commitment

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foxnews.com - Just hours after Hillary Clinton dodged a question at the final presidential debate about charges of "pay to play" at the Clinton Foundation, a new batch of WikiLeaks emails surfaced with stunning ...

Norway: Hundreds of Muslim migrants had mobiles with images of executions, severed heads and dead children: police

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Wagner Clemente Soto
themuslimissue.wordpress.com - Hundreds of migrants arriving in Norway had mobile phones containing images of executions, severed heads and dead children, police reveal By Imogen Calderwood For Mailonline Published: 20:43, 14 De...
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Bolsa Família é “compra de voto institucionalizada”, diz Mendes | EXAME.com - Negócios, economia, tecnologia e carreira

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Gidalti Alencar
exame.abril.com.br - São Paulo – O ministro do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) e presidente do Tribunal Superior Eleitoral (TSE), Gilmar Mendes, criticou na manhã desta sexta-feira, 21, o programa Bolsa Família como for...

Planned Parenthood: 100 años, 100 atrocidades e ilegalidades contra los no nacidos y sus madres

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Derecho a Vivir
actuall.com - Planned Parenthood afirma estar de celebración. Margaret Sanger comenzó abriendo una pequeña clínica en Brooklyn, pero ahora, cien años después se ha convertido en el abortorio más grande del mundo...
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Support Dr. Peterson against totalitarian political correctness!

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citizengo.org - Dr. Jordan B. Peterson, a psychology professor at the University of Toronto, is refusing to use "transgender pronouns." And for that offense, he may risk jail time! Sign the petition to support Dr....

Survey Shows Voters Getting Stressed Out By Election 2016

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Chauvinist Pigs
sanfrancisco.cbslocal.com - WALNUT CREEK (CBS SF) — New evidence shows that Campaign 2016 is having an emotional impact on people, stressing many out and, in some cases, even ruining relationships. The fighting and acrimoniou...
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To the Animals | The Institute for Creation Research

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icr.org - “Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise: Which having no guide, overseer, or ruler, Provideth her meat in the summer, and gathereth her food in the harvest.” (Proverbs 6:6-8) ...

A woman smeared 30 cars with peanut butter to protest against Donald Trump

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«Me incorporaría hasta con muletas»

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Madridista Orgulloso

A fresh twist for New York's skyline

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The slum in Millionaire's Row

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Eric Clementino

Seeing is believing: documentary photography from Francis Bacon to 9/11

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Etienne Arsenault
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Woman Backtracks on Assault Claim After O'Keefe Video - Breitbart

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Sandra ن
breitbart.com - 69-year-old Sharon Teeter of Asheville now says it is possible that 73-year-old Richard L. Campbell merely touched her accidentally, as his attorney had claimed all along. Originally, Harris told l...

30 Reasons in 30 Days to Vote for Donald Trump – #18 Hillary's Attack on Second Amendment

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All American Girl
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