24 October 2016

CP-news 2016.10.23 all @CristPolit


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Hillary Clinton Tops Middle East Forum's 'Islamist Money List' - Breitbart

breitbart.com - According to the Middle East Forum, their list tracks political donations from “from individuals who subscribe to the same Islamic supremacism as Khomeini, Bin Laden, and ISIS.” Clinton has receive...

WIKILEAKS: Hillary Got $12 Million for Clinton Charity As Quid Pro Quo For Morocco Meeting

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Zoiúdo do Brasil
dailycaller.com - Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton arranged a $12 million donation from Moroccan King Mohammed VI to her family’s charity in 2014 in return for the Clinton Global Initiative hosting its inte...

Articles: Bergdahl Court Martial also Indicts Obama

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americanthinker.com - The decision to refer the case of Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl to a general court martial on charges of desertion by Gen. Robert B. Abrams, the head of Army Forces Command at Ft. Bragg, N.C., shows there...

Foto de Crivella fichado pode ter sido prática equivocada da Polícia Civil, dizem especialistas

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Silas Malafaia
oglobo.globo.com - RIO - A foto que estampa a capa da edição da revista “Veja” deste fim de semana, que mostra o candidato à prefeitura do Rio Marcelo Crivella (PRB) fichado pela 9ª DP (Catete) em 1990, pode ter sido...

‘Slaughter Donald for Putin bromance’: #Podesta15 emails reveal ISIS strategy diversion for Clinton

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This is Why Trump
rt.com - The exchange of emails between Clinton campaign chair John Podesta and Clinton ally and columnist Brent Budowski was among the batch of around 1,000 emails from Podesta’s account released by WikiLe...

Report: Facebook Employees Wanted to Censor 'Hate Speech' from Trump, 'Threatened to Quit' - Breitbart

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Breitbart News
breitbart.com - The posts in question related to Donald Trump’s comments about a proposed ban on Muslim immigration to the U.S., which they said violated the site’s community standards, arguing the company had dou...

Trump lays out policies for first 100 days of White House

nypost.com - Donald Trump delivered the “closing argument” to the presidential election Saturday in historic Gettysburg, Pa. on Saturday, invoking President Abraham Lincoln as he vowed to unite a “divided” coun...

"Não podemos fazer do Brasil a casa da mãe Joana", diz Bolsonaro sobre imigração de venezuelanos e haitianos

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Getúlio Santana
infomoney.com.br - SÃO PAULO - "O Brasil é a nossa casa. Aqui não pode entrar qualquer um não. Já basta os cubanos legalizados aqui entre aspas, fantasiados de Mais Médicos. Nós não podemos fazer do Brasil a casa da ...

Freixo vai divulgar carta dizendo que o PSOL não é o PSOL: onde já vi isso antes? | Rodrigo Constantino

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Rodrigo Constantino
rodrigoconstantino.com - O candidato do PSOL a prefeito do Rio, Marcelo Freixo, divulgará na próxima segunda-feira, primeiro dia da última semana de campanha, uma carta aberta para tentar desfazer a imagem de radicalismo d...

La niña a la que desearon la muerte por ser hija de un guardia civil canta el himno del cuerpo

okdiario.com - Un tal Alex Morera le deseó a esta pequeña pelirroja de tres añitos que “reventara” porque es “hija de un hijoputa terrorista” agente de la Guardia Civil. Pero la poca humanidad de quien así se exp...

Over 1000 MISSING emails between Hillary Clinton and General Petraeus!

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bizpacreview.com - Newly released files from the FBI show that about 1,000 emails between Hillary Clinton and Gen. David Petraeus were missing from the files that were provided to the State Department. The missing em...

Muslims Invade Christian Town And Make The People Miserable, But Now It Is Finally Liberated

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shoebat.com - In 2014, ISIS terrorists invaded the ancient Christian town of Bartella, in Iraq. In one report from that time it says: Three other nearby villages were also attacked overnight and Thursday, local ...

Exército apreende armas e prende três na fronteira

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Cesar Gomes
progresso.com.br - A 9ª Região Militar realizou, nos dias 19 e 20 de outubro, por meio do Serviço de Fiscalização de Produtos Controlados (SFPC/9) e com o apoio de órgãos de segurança pública e agências governamentai...

WikiLeaks - Hillary Clinton Email Archive

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wikileaks.org - How to contact WikiLeaks? What is Tor? Tips for Sources After Submitting This key's fingerprint is A04C 5E09 ED02 B328 03EB 6116 93ED 732E 9231 8DBA -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- mQQNBFUoCGg...

How a Volcano in Japan Halted an Earthquake

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livescience.com - Mount Aso, one of the most active volcanoes in Japan, recently helped to stop a powerful earthquake before it subsided on its own, researchers discovered. When a 7.1-magnitude quake struck Kumamoto...

Toffoli admite conversas com Delcídio, mas apenas sobre reforma política - 27/11/2015 - Poder - Folha de S.Paulo

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miguel itamar
folha.uol.com.br - O ministro do STF (Supremo Tribunal Federal) Dias Toffoli admitiu que teve encontros com o senador Delcídio do Amaral (PT-MS), preso nesta quarta (25), mas disse que as conversas tiveram como tema ...

O que leva uma pessoa a defender bandidos? Corrupção do PT assassinou milhões de brasileiros

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Helio Antunes G
imprensaviva.com - O cineasta José Padilha escreveu um artigo interessante em sua coluna do jornal O GLOBO deste domingo, no qual afirma que "Tem muita gente na esquerda brasileira que preza a honestidade intelectual...

Trump senior adviser has Johnstown in his veins, believes city's 'best days are ahead'

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Linda Suhler, Ph.D.
tribdem.com - Stephen Miller heard stories from his grandparents of the glory days of Johnstown, when steel ruled and businesses flourished. As Donald Trump's national policy director and senior campaign adviser...

Wikileaks: Podesta Daughter Got His Shares in Putin-Linked Joule

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breitbart.com - “Full transfer request, with Megan’s signature attached,” Podesta’s assistant Eryn Sepp wrote to him. A January 3, 2014 letter revealed that Podesta designated his daughter’s Dublin, California res...

7 Times Nate Silver Was Hilariously Wrong About Donald Trump

dailycaller.com - It’s been a rough election cycle for forecasting guru Nate Silver and his website FiveThirtyEight. Silver became a household name after he almost perfectly predicted the results of the 2008 and 201...

Decano da força-tarefa diz que projeto de abuso de autoridade acaba com Lava Jato

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Ivo Marcelino
politica.estadao.com.br - O procurador regional da República Carlos Fernando dos Santos Lima faz um alerta: “a aprovação da lei de abuso de autoridade pode significar o fim da Operação Lava Jato”. Mais experiente dos invest...

More Clinton classified email emerges in State Department document dump

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Don Mashak
washingtontimes.com - The State Department released another batch of emails from former Secretary Hillary Clinton’s secret email server Friday and at least one of them is a new message not released before, but which con...

Así secuestró, torturó y mató ETA a mi abuelo

okdiario.com - A mi abuelo, Javier Ybarra, lo secuestró ETA y después lo asesinó. Eso hace mella en la vida de una persona y de una familia. Los terroristas o te matan o te hacen más fuerte en tus principios y co...

A Perfect Storm: Interventions – Closing the survival gap

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RNR Kentucky
mdedge.com - Editor’s Note: This is the fourth installment of a five-part monthly series that will discuss the biologic, genomic, and health system factors that contribute to the racial survival disparity in br...
Meio Ambiente

AT&T compra Time Warner por mais de US$ 80 bilhões, dizem fontes - Economia - Estadão

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Caesar Octavianus
economia.estadao.com.br - A AT&T, gigante de telefonia dos Estados Unidos, fechou um acordo para comprar a Time Warner por mais de US$ 80 bilhões, segundo fonte familiarizada ao assunto. O negócio criará a maior companhia d...
Arte & Entretenimento

A stranger's selfless gift leads to love

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cbsnews.com - FRANKFORT, Ill. -- There are always a lot of people to thank on a wedding day, but the bride-to-be at a church outside Chicago had one person to thank over all others: a total stranger who made it ...

Wheelchair Bound Teenager Puts National Anthem Protesters to Shame By Standing For American Flag (VIRAL PHOTO)

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thegatewaypundit.com - A Florida teenager confined to a wheelchair due to spina bifida recently put Colin Kaepernick and all the other American National Anthem protesters to shame by lifting himself out of his chair to h...


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How to Hack an Election in 7 Minutes

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Don Mashak
politico.com - When Princeton professor Andrew Appel decided to hack into a voting machine, he didn’t try to mimic the Russian attackers who hacked into the Democratic National Committee's database last month. He...

Isso tem que acabar: 16 dos 27 partidos da Câmara somam apenas 68 dos 513 deputados

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Helio Antunes G
apyus.com - Há teóricos políticos que veem no pluripartidarismo o motor maior da corrupção. E o Brasil, que andou quebrando vários recordes negativos, parece empenhando em provar que há sentido na afirmação. A...

Obama Admin. Is Spending $75 Million Securing MEXICO'S Southern Border

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dailycaller.com - President Barack Obama has slammed Donald Trump’s proposal to make Mexico pay for a border wall, but his own administration is spending $75 million for border security on Mexico’s southern border. ...

“No al Operativo Aprender”: los maestros contra los exámenes

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claudia marullo
clarin.com - El volante dice: “Si sos docente, no evalúes. Si sos padre, no permitas que evalúen a tus hijos. Si sos alumno, no tenés obligación de rendir”. El título es “No al Operativo Aprender”. Entre patéti...

Obama Warned of 'Rigged Elections' Back in 2008

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Pat Peters, Ph.D.
mrctv.org - At a campaign rally for Hillary Clinton on Thursday in Miami Gardens, Fla., President Obama condemned Donald Trump’s “rigged election” claims, describing these remarks as “dangerous.” “When you try...

My dad, retired police sergeant of 29 years, wrote and asked me to share this. • /r/The_Donald

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reddit.com - Ever since Donald Trump announced his candidacy for president on June 16, 2015, people have been asking this question. Trump is not a Liberal or Conservative, He’s a Pragmatist. (Definition: A prag...

Pentagon Approves U.N. Use Of Force Against American Civilians - Freedom Outpost

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Lorence Hud
freedomoutpost.com - But… But… the folks at the “fact checking sites” said these were all being shipped overseas…. Then again, they never did have an answer for why there were guys with helmets and construction gear in...

Doce países OEA muestran preocupación por suspensión de revocatorio de Maduro

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Chile sin comunistas
noticiasrcn.com - Doce países miembros de la Organización de Estados Americanos (OEA) expresaron su "profunda preocupación" por la suspensión del proceso revocatorio del Gobierno del presidente Nicolás Maduro y pidi...

Caixa repassou R$ 350 milhões à Odebrecht para fechar conta do Itaquerão - Esportes - Estadão

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esportes.estadao.com.br - A Caixa Econômica Federal realizou uma transferência em segredo de cerca de R$ 350 milhões à Odebrecht, em 2014, para suprir os custos a construção da Arena Corinthians, em Itaquera. Segundo a Folh...

O socialismo clássico já foi rechaçado; o inimigo agora é outro

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mises.org.br - O século XX testemunhou o surgimento, a expansão e o fim do mais trágico experimento da história humana: o socialismo.  O experimento resultou em significativas perdas humanas, destruição de econom...
Meio Ambiente

Politico Reporter Admits He's a 'Hack' for Clinton Campaign In Leaked E-mails

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newsbusters.org - In a leaked e-mail from Wikileaks late last week, Politico’s chief political correspondent Glenn Thrush was caught groveling before Hillary Clinton chairman John Podesta, trying to gain his “approv...

HERE'S THIS LIST OF REPUBLICANS Running For Re-election In 2016 Who Won't Support Trump » 100percentfedUp.com

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100percentfedup.com - Here is the list of Republicans who won’t support Trump. The candidates highlighted in blue are in close races in their states. Hmmm….I wonder how many of these politicians wouldn’t be in close rac...

Catholic Church Paid $79 MILLION By Obama Administration To Force Migrant Invasion • Now The End Begins

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Lorence Hud
nowtheendbegins.com - RG – Not entirely sure what you are getting at but thank you for providing the opportunity to reply. Thanks Scott for the update. The point is – when will people become responsible? Reminds me of t...

Doctor: Hillary memory lapses present national security crisis

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Deplorable ((Faith))
mobile.wnd.com - NEW YORK – A physician who believes Hillary Clinton is suffering a serious neurological disease that should disqualify her from being president suggests Hillary’s history of memory and recall diffi...

La derrota de ETA es una mentira

actuall.com - Han pasado cinco años en los que, con honrosas excepciones, todos los poderes fácticos nacionales e internacionales han amasado el mantra, absoluto e infalible según su parecer, de que ETA ha sido ...

PF conclui perícia financeira e patrimonial de filhos de Lula | VEJA.com

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Rosa Lev
veja.abril.com.br - A Polícia Federal concluiu a perícia financeira e patrimonial de Luís Cláudio Lula da Silva e Fábio Luís Lula da Silva, o Lulinha, ambos filhos do ex-presidente Lula. O departamento técnico da PF a...

'Rigged' Debates? Questions Arise Again Over Lighted Screen At Hillary's Podium

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Deplorable Patriot
zerohedge.com - After the first debate, numerous videos surfaced alleging that Hillary was using some sort of teleprompter built into her podium to assist with answering questions or to offset whatever medical con...

Red Alert! U.S. Miltary Preparing for Secret Drills and Martial Law After Elections | Alternative

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Lorence Hud
beforeitsnews.com - The post RED ALERT! U.S. Miltary Preparing For Secret Drills & Martial Law After Elections appeared first on Kev Baker Show. The Woo Crew on Freaky Friday discuss the leaked information of an upcom...

Illegals seeking asylum up 900%, get cash, welfare, school loans

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Dr. Marty Fox
washingtonexaminer.com - The number of illegals seeking asylum to gain easy access to the United States has jumped 900 percent in less than 10 years, greatly expanding the immigration population receiving Social Security b...

Trump Unveils 100 Day ‘Contract with the American Voter’

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lifezette.com - Donald Trump delivered his “contract with the American voter” on Saturday, outlining a “100 day action plan to make America great again.” Speaking in Gettysburg, PA, the site of the bloodiest battl...

Donna Brazile Gets Epic Live Beat Down from Megyn Kelly (Dems Inciting Violence At Trump Rallies and Rigged Debate) - MILO

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Pat Peters, Ph.D.
milo.yiannopoulos.net - DNC interim Chairwoman Donna Brazile had a rough interview with Megyn Kelly. She denied giving debate questions to the Hillary Clinton campaign in advance of a Town Hall debate with Bernie Sanders,...

Hillary Clinton: Architect of failure

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This is Why Trump
washingtonexaminer.com - My experience in decision-making has shown that patterns are tough to break. In the military we study an opponent looking for gaps, flaws, or weaknesses that can be exploited. Successful leaders at...

Clinton Campaign Chairman Calls Blacks “Never-do-Wells”!

dcclothesline.com - If not for liberal Julian Assange and his government accountability group, this entire election would only be about the many mistakes made by Donald Trump. However, thanks to Assange and WikiLeaks,...

Taliban Activist Who Met With Clinton in Pakistan Promotes Hatred of Jews - CounterJihad

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counterjihad.com - In a little-known diplomatic mission to Pakistan, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton met with a vocal Taliban supporter Orya Maqbool Jan, who has been caught on video bashing Jews and callin...

‘calibration Error’ Changes Gop Votes To Dem In Illinois County

foxnews.com - CHICAGO — Early voting in Illinois got off to a rocky start Monday, as votes being cast for Republican candidates were transformed into votes for Democrats. Republican state representative candidat...

10,000 California veterans ordered to pay back enlistment bonuses

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Dr. Marty Fox
nydailynews.com - Nearly 10,000 California veterans must pay back hefty reenlistment bonuses they earned a decade ago when they signed up to fight in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Pentagon has ordered.    Many of the Ca...

The Latest Subject Of A James O'Keefe Sting Wants The Full Videos Released

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Cathy O'Dell Town
huffingtonpost.com - But like much of what Project Veritas produces, it’s not clear whether or to what extent the content was manipulated before it made its way to YouTube. It’s also tough to tell how significant the v...

Watch! Democrats’ black ops exposed

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Deplorable ((Faith))
mobile.wnd.com - Editor’s Note: Be aware of offensive language throughout video and in quotes from video. A Democratic operative has been captured on video revealing his agents and cohorts are “starting anarchy” by...

BUSTED: Anti-"White Boys" Corrupt DNC Head @DonnaBrazile Had 18-Year Affair With Friend's Married White Father - GotNews

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Mike Cernovich
bit.ly - Democratic National Committee head Donna Brazile had an 18-year affair with a friend’s married white father, despite her feminist and anti-“white boys” rhetoric, according to an anonymous source wi...

Gaddafi's last words as he begged for mercy: 'What did I do to you?'

bients.com - As National Transitional Council fighters fought their way into Sirte, radio intercepts spoke of ‘an asset’ in the besieged city. But no one knew until the final moments that the deposed dictator w...

James Comey and Loretta Lynch Should Be Impeached for Whitewashing Clinton’s Crimes

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bients.com - Just when one thinks the cavalier cabal of Clinton and her cronies has exhausted all manner of corruption, yet another outrage surfaces, implicating even more people. The bombshell this week is tha...

Lo que sobra en Alsasua no es la Guardia Civil: lo que sobra es la gentuza proetarra

outono.net - Ayer el PSOE, Geroa Bai (la marca navarra del PNV) y Goazen Altsasu (la marca local de Podemos) firmaron una declaración institucional en la que hacen gala de la más repugnante equidistancia. Frent...

Senado rasgou a Constituição com chancela de Lewandowski, diz especialista

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Helio Antunes G
politica.estadao.com.br - O Senado, em uma manobra regimental, chancelada pelo presidente do Supremo Tribunal Federal, Ricardo Lewandowski, rasgou a Constituição ao fracionar o julgamento do impeachment, mediante o expedien...

Sérgio Moro destruiu em poucos meses a farsa que Lula e o PT levaram décadas para construir

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Rosa Lev
imprensaviva.com - A ascensão de Lula e do PT ao poder no Brasil não é um fenômeno recente e também não ficou barato. Ao contrário do que muitos imaginam, o PT não surgiu nos movimentos sindicais do ABC, mas sim nos ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Former Arkansas Reporter Accuses Bill Of Sexually Assaulting Her Three Times [VIDEO]

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Dykstra Dame
dailycaller.com - Leslie Milwee, a former news reporter with KLMN-TV in Arkansas, accused Bill Clinton of sexually assaulting her three times in a studio editing room in 1980. According to Breitbart, Milwee — then k...

Obama Withheld from Congress Another Secret Side Deal with the Iranians

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Lorence Hud
nationalreview.com - Veteran Associated Press IAEA reporter George Jahn made news yesterday by revealing a secret agreement to the July 2015 nuclear deal with Iran (the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, or JCPOA). Th...

Trump isn't always wrong on foreign policy: Column

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Deplorable Nancy ن
usatoday.com - One of the more unusual topics of this very unusual election year has been the hitherto uncontroversial issue of the U.S. commitment to NATO. Last month, in his characteristically blunt fashion, Re...

Netanyahu thanks Italian PM for comments against UNESCO vote - Israel News - Haaretz.com

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haaretz.com - Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu thanked on Saturday Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi for his comments against a resolution passed by UNESCO on Jerusalem. On Friday, Renzi assailed the anti-Isr...

Parlamentares apresentaram 7,8 mil emendas ao Orçamento de 2017, em um total de R$ 96,6 bilhões - Política - Estadão

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Caesar Octavianus
politica.estadao.com.br - Os 513 deputados e 81 senadores apresentaram 7.834 emendas à proposta de Orçamento da União de 2017, que totalizam R$ 96,6 bilhões. O prazo para a apresentação das emendas se encerrou na última qui...

Lava-Jato mapeia transações suspeitas de filhos de Lula | VEJA.com

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Rosa Lev
veja.abril.com.br - Os novos laudos anexados pela Operação Lava-Jato ao inquérito que investiga a compra do sítio usado pelo ex-presidente Lula em Atibaia revelam uma intrincada teia de operações financeiras entre emp...

Hillary Attacks Christians For Saying THIS In Tweet About Pope ⋆ US Herald

usherald.com - Recently a sort of 'revelation' has come to light as part of another WikiLeaks data dump showing that some of Hillary's top campaign staffers are not big fans of Catholics and evangelical Christian...

BREAKING: Trump Moves To File Charges Against Clinton!

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conservativedailypost.com - When Donald Trump launched his presidential campaign over a year ago, the media barely batted an eye. They all believed he was only trying to boost his business. As time went on, he began to win de...

WikiLeaks urges supporters to 'stop taking down the US internet'

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thehill.com - The site WikiLeaks asked its “supporters” on Friday to stop taking down the internet in the U.S. following a massive distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack that disrupted a number of major sit...

NC judge convicted of trying to bribe federal agent with Bud Light

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newsobserver.com - Wayne County Judge Arnold O. Jones II, who went to trial this week on charges that he tried to bribe a federal agent with two cases of Bud Light to get text messages from his wife’s phone, was conv...

Blog: Obama purged military of those who sought victory

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Don Mashak
americanthinker.com - It was not hyperbole when GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump said that under President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the U.S. military had been "reduced to rubble" and left floun...

‘Processos judiciais têm que ser públicos’, defende Sérgio Moro

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politica.estadao.com.br - O juiz federal Sérgio Moro, da Operação Lava Jato, em Curitiba, defendeu, em palestra, que dar publicidade a processos que envolvem crimes na administração pública é um “mandamento constitucional” ...

Knew it: Look who BRAGGED about rigging elections in 2008… - Allen B. West - AllenBWest.com

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Dr. Lynn J Anderson
allenbwest.com - After James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas videos showed how the Democrat Party is engaged in highly organized voter registration fraud, it was very difficult to listen to Hillary Clinton in Wednesday’s...

WikiLeaks poisons Hillary’s relationship with left

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politico.com - LAS VEGAS — Donald Trump is pointing to a stream of hacked emails as proof that Hillary Clinton would be a compromised president, but a surprising number of progressives are drawing similar conclus...

#StopSoros #StopSmartmatic #DrainTheSwamp - Pastebin.com

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Don Mashak
pastebin.com - #StopSoros and his Smartmatic Voting Machines from stealing the election! ======================================================================== (More info HERE: https://www.reddit.com/r/The_Dona...

A Passion to Die For

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unashamedculture.com - In WWll, 20-year-old, Hiroo Onodo, was suddenly called upon to join the Japanese army. The months that followed involved vigorous training, as he specialized in military intelligence for the Imperi...
Meio Ambiente

¡No a la ley de aborto! afirma grupo de los 33 mineros rescatados en Chile

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jaqueline Q.
aciprensa.com - SANTIAGO , 13 Oct. 16 / 02:16 pm (ACI).- “Como mineros rescatados, no deseamos que se atente contra la vida ni que se promulguen leyes que no permitan el derecho a vivir y a existir en Chile. Decim...

Singer Reveals ‘Black Lives Matter’ Shirt, Kneels During National Anthem

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Chauvinist Pigs
huffingtonpost.com - A singer knelt while performing the national anthem at a Miami Heat basketball game on Friday and opened her jacket to reveal a shirt that read “Black Lives Matter,” a variation on a protest that h...

Pondé: “Quem diz que não existe pregação socialista nas escolas mente ou é desinformado”

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jornalivre.com - O filósofo e cientista político Luiz Felipe Pondé atacou os que negam a existência de doutrinação política de viés esquerdista nas escolas e universidades brasileiras. Em sua coluna na Folha, o pro...


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kickstarter.com - The video game, cards, and figures can each be enjoyed independently of the others, but when played together your experience will be extra-awesome! PlayFusion is an employee-owned, indie game devel...

Joe Biden Disgraces The Vice Presidency By Threatening To Physically Assault Trump

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Press 2 For English
pollhype.com - All of Washington is threatened by Mr. Trump’s success and some politicians are beginning to lash out like jealous school children. Vice President Joe Biden made an unprofessional risky comment abo...

Breitbart News Claims Paul Ryan Wants To Elect Clinton And Shares Her “Globalist Worldview”

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Texas ValleyGirl
mediamatters.org - Breitbart News accused House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) of conducting a “months-long campaign” to elect Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. The attack echoes Republican presidential nomi...

Moving vans more powerful than ballot boxes: Column

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F Bret
usatoday.com - Americans will soon get a chance to vote at the ballot box. But too little attention has been paid to their declining opportunities to vote with their feet. If we want to expand freedom and opportu...

Chemical Weapons, Clintons And Cash

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bients.com - As Egyptian democracy protesters massed in the streets of Cairo in 2011, provoking a bloody crackdown from the authoritarian regime of Hosni Mubarak, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton present...

Miles de opositoras marchan contra la suspensión del revocatorio

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Madridista Orgulloso
gaceta.es - Mujeres opositoras venezolanas marcharon este sábado en Caracas para rechazar la suspensión del referendo revocatorio presidencial y para exigir a la Asamblea Nacional (AN, Parlamento), de mayoría ...

Porteño funcionario de Amnistía en Suecia: Como chilenos Nos da vergüenza la candidatura de DJ Méndez

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anin.cl - Patrik Perla Klickmann, de esta forma se identifica en las redes sociales este porteño avecindado hace cuatro décadas en Suecia, oriundo de Cerro Alegre, que pese a estar nacionalizado, vuelve a me...

Vítima de estupro coletivo volta a ser molestada | Cidades | band.com.br

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noticias.band.uol.com.br - As polícias Civil e Militar abriram procedimentos para investigar a conduta de seus agentes ao atenderem um caso de estupro coletivo de uma mulher de 34 anos. A vítima foi conduzida à delegacia ao ...

Mujeres Resteadas tomaron las calles por la libertad de Venezuela (Fotos) - Venezuela al Día

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Joao Carlos Santos
venezuelaaldia.com - “¡Venezuela, resteada (valiente), será liberada!”, gritan miles de mujeres que marchan este sábado en Caracas en protesta por la suspensión del proceso de referendo revocatorio contra el presidente...

Chilean President Michelle Bachelet Is More Unpopular Than Ever

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telesurtv.net - The approval rating of Chile’s president, Michelle Bachelet, is at its lowest level ever with only 19 percent of those surveyed saying they support her, according to a poll published on Friday. REL...

BREAKING : Clinton Foundation Schemed with Big Pharma to Keep the Price of Aids Drugs High

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Ladies For Trump
truthfeed.com - When the Clintons are questioned about the obvious sketchiness of their foundation, they routinely cite AIDS work. But the AIDS work is carried out by CHAI (“Clinton Health Access Initiative”), a s...

Enabler Hillary’s Actions Speak Louder Than Trump’s Words (Guest Post)

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Pat Peters, Ph.D.
floppingaces.net -   The mistake that can be made in reaction to the 2005 Trump audio of The Donald talking locker roon trash in the crudest terms is to compare it to the actual escapades of one William Jefferson Cli...

ONG ligada ao PSOL e a Marcelo Freixo fica com 69% do dinheiro arrecadado para a família de Amarildo. Para quê? Para “projetos ainda indefinidos”. Ah, bom!!! | VEJA.com

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mita guimaraes
veja.abril.com.br - A história que vocês vão ler é do balacobaco. Volto depois. Por Gabriel Castro, na VEJA.com: Desde julho do ano passado, o pedreiro Amarildo Dias de Souza é o símbolo máximo da luta contra a ação d...

8 Things We Learned About Huma Abedin from WikiLeaks' Hacked Emails

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Pat Peters, Ph.D.
ijr.com - Huma Abedin has been a bit of an enigma since she became the effective “right-hand woman” of Hillary Clinton. She has been at Hillary's side for years, through thick and thin. The traveling chief o...

Los cuatro estilos de aprendizaje o el por qué algunos leen los manuales y otros no

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Carolus Aurelius
elpais.com - Hay personas que se leen hasta la letra pequeña de los manuales mientras que otros se lanzan a pulsar todos los mandos para ver qué ocurre. No es ni bueno ni malo. Simplemente, nos da pistas de nue...

Três dos quatro policiais presos no Senado já foram soltos - Brasil - iG

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ultimosegundo.ig.com.br - A Polícia Federal (PF) já soltou três dos quatro policiais legislativos presos nesta sexta-feira (21) durante a Operação Métis. O único que permanece na Superintendência da PF em Brasília é Pedro R...

NEVERCREW's murals highlight our effect on the natural world

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designboom.com - on first inspection, it’s not always clear what the bigger picture is behind the vast and colorful murals that swiss-based street art team NEVERCREW have become famous for. gargantuan whales, tower...

What we know about the Dyn cyber attack

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euronews.com - The cyber attack that took down US sites from Twitter and Spotify to CNN, Yelp and the New York Times on Friday was notable for its sheer size but also the fact that it employed internet connected ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Articles: Where is the Coverage of Juanita Broaddrick?

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Pat Peters, Ph.D.
americanthinker.com - The liberal media feeding frenzy about a quarter-century-old alleged marital rape involving GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump, and former wife Ivana, has a fury that was strangely absent when...

Itaú lucra, sonega e conspira

Partilhado por
Rosa Lev
conversaafiada.com.br - Por Altamiro Borges Na semana passada, a Receita Federal autuou em R$ 18,7 bilhões o banco Itaú por sonegação fiscal. A maracutaia contábil ocorreu no processo de fusão com o Unibanco, em 2008. O ó...

Articles: Mosque Uses Lawsuit to Abolish Zoning Power of Small California Community

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Severe Conservative
americanthinker.com - In a small rural area of Santa Clara County California lies a geographically unique area of land called San Martin, close to, but not of, Silicon Valley. In 1981 the Board of Supervisors establishe...

Graves y muy importantes preocupaciones de miembros de la Reserva Activa frente a acuerdo con FARC

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O. Bula Escobar
thaniavega.co - Señores Generales Jorge Enrique Mora Rangel Ex Comandante de las Fuerzas Militares de Colombia. Oscar Naranjo Trujillo Ex Director General de la Policía Nacional. Javier Flórez Aristizabal Comandan...

Punições a juízes no Brasil são "deboche à sociedade", diz presidente da OAB

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rota2014.blogspot.com - O presidente nacional da OAB (Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil),  Cláudio Lamachia, criticou duramente as penas previstas para juízes que cometem atos ilegais no Brasil. Em entrevista aoUOL, ele disse...
Arte & Entretenimento

1981 High School Football Team Photo Leaves Little Doubt that Michelle Obama Was Born Michael Robinson

Partilhado por
Pat Peters, Ph.D.
mooglemeow.blogspot.com - [Editor's Note: August 15, 2014: A google search revealed that Michelle was first outed (as a man) in a story posted on June 30, 2011 by Matthew Glosser at a web site called Christwire.org. I've re...

Trump hits a HOME RUN in Gettysburg! - I Love My Freedom

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We Need Trump
ilovemyfreedom.org - Trump stole the show in Pennsylvania with his plan for achievements in his first 100 days as President of the United States. Here are some of his best moments: 1. We will REPEAL AND REPLACE Obamaca...

En España hubo un genocidio anticatólico que debería ser reconocido de forma oficial

Partilhado por
Elentir ن
outono.net - Hoy Tarragona ha acogido la beatificación de 522 mártires católicos que murieron asesinados durante la Guerra Civil Española. A pesar de las mentiras que vienen lanzando algunos, este acto tiene co...

JUSTIÇA - Itaú perde ação contra cliente acreano

Partilhado por
Rosa Lev
acreaovivo.com - Ao julgar procedente em parte o pedido contido do reclamante João Padilha Sanches, no processo nº 0000060-38.2015.8.01.0003, o Juizado Especial Cível da Comarca de Brasiléia condenou o Banco Itaú B...

Una filosofia per ripristinare il rapporto fra fede e ragione

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#JeSuisAsiaBibi ن
lanuovabq.it - La capacità di attenzione di uno scolaro medio, dicono gli insegnanti, è sempre più scarsa. Lo è anche quella degli adulti, che al massimo riescono ad approfondire fugacemente le notizie di sport, ...

Laudo da PF aponta ‘padrão elevado de despesas’ de dono do sítio atribuído a Lula

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politica.estadao.com.br - Ao rastrear as movimentações financeiras e o patrimônio do empresário Jonas Suassuna, responsável pela compra do sítio em Atibaia frequentado pelo ex-presidente Lula e sua família e que recebeu ref...

Iraq Rejects Turkish Bid to Participate in Mosul Fight

thetruth24.net - Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi has formally rejected a bid from Turkey to participate in the military push to retake the northern Iraqi city of Mosul from Islamic State extremists. Abadi, spe...

Hypocrite Elijah Cummings Conspired With IRS

Partilhado por
Pat Peters, Ph.D.
investors.com - Corruption: New IRS emails released by a congressional panel show staff working for the Democratic ranking member communicated with the IRS multiple times in 2012 and 2013 about a voter-fraud preve...

Tech Giants' Artificial Intelligence Monopoly Possibly the Most Dangerous in History

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This is Why Trump
activistpost.com - In a race to corner the artificial intelligence market, the world’s largest tech companies are in a frenzy to buy out smaller AI companies at an alarming rate, heading toward what could potentially...


Partilhado por
Don Mashak
viralliberty.com - VIA| WikiLeaks couldn’t have made it clearer in a series of tweets on Thursday – the US election for the President of the United States is rigged. The establishment have selected their President an...

Marcelo Freixo quer aplicar no Rio de Janeiro ideias que já deram bem errado na Venezuela | Implicante.Org

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Rodrigo Möller
implicante.org - Fernando Schüler fez o que todo eleitor carioca deveria fazer: leu o programa dos candidatos a prefeito. Para a Época, detalhou as impressões que teve a respeito das ideias de Marcelo Freixo. O Imp...

How Crowdfunding Opened Doors and Follow-on Funding for a Healthy Food Market

Partilhado por
Don Mashak
locavesting.com - On a busy stretch of Southwest Los Angeles known as the El Salvador Community Corridor, the cheery green and orange facade of With Love Market & Cafe stands out like a beacon. Since it opened last ...

FARC concentrating troops while Colombia military moving into rebel territory: UN

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colombiareports.com - Colombia’s FARC guerrilla group is concentrating its approximately 6,600 fighters in coordination with the United Nations while waiting for a resumption of a stranded peace process, according to th...

The steep cost of Common Core

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Don Mashak
washingtontimes.com - Anew study reaffirms what conservatives have been saying about the Common Core State Standards all along: They’re a giant waste of taxpayers’ money. The study, titled “Smart Money? Philanthropic an...

Better health. Better living. | Hopegrown

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hopegrown.org - By now you've heard the benefits of a daily green smoothie touted countless times... BUT, have you heard about the amazing healing properties of a CANNABIS smoothie yet? We’re not talking about can...

MGRC - Job Center::Governmental Relations Job Opportunities:Goff Public Seeking Lobbyist/Account Executive

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Don Mashak
mgrc.memberclicks.net -  MGRC - Job Center : Governmental Relations Job Opportunities Board Index Welcome Guest       Subject : Goff Public Seeking Lobbyist/Account Executive.. 10/20/2016 01:15:02 PM  MGRC Administrator P...

Walter Benjamin: The Origin of German Tragic Drama

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livia soares
thebrooklyninstitute.com - Best known for his philosophical fragments, art criticism, and unfinished works, Walter Benjamin published only one major academic monograph in his lifetime, The Origin of German Tragic Drama. In t...

Criminalidade sofisticada, poderosa, diz procurador sobre contrainteligência

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Joao Carlos Santos
brasilsoberanoelivre.blogspot.com - Para Frederico Paiva, do MPF, policiais legislativos que agiram contra a Lava Jato tinham 'plena consciência da ilicitude de seus atos'  Policiais Legislativos embaçaram a Lava Jato, sustenta o MPF...

TRIBUNA DA INTERNET Lula e Dilma têm 120 dias para devolver os 711 bens da União que usurparam | TRIBUNA DA INTERNET

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Tereza Cristina
tribunadainternet.com.br - Acostumados a confundir o patrimônio público com suas posses privadas, agora os ex-presidentes petistas Lula e Dilma Rousseff receberão um ultimato para devolver ao Estado, em menos de três meses, ...

Pesquisador lança livro que aponta o Rio como território de Atlântida | VEJA Rio

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Marcelo Delfino
vejario.abril.com.br - Os fãs de teorias que envolvem mistério, esoterismo e alienígenas vão adorar. O pesquisador Leonardo Leite acaba de lançar o livro Eram os Deuses Cariocas? (Conquista Editora) em que delineia a hip...

Cunha movimentou na Bovespa R$ 25 milhões

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otempo.com.br - No período em que é acusado de se beneficiar dos desvios de recursos da Petrobrás, segundo investigações da Operação Lava Jato, o ex-presidente da Câmara e deputado cassado Eduardo Cunha (PMDB) mov...

Woman attacked by snake after it tried to bite her Aldi chicken

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J. Carlos
reportuk.org - A mum-of-two has described how she was bitten by a snake after it attempted to grab chicken she bought from Aldi.  Patricia Bullock, 57, was left in agony after the snake sunk its teeth in to her c...

BTG perde R$ 6 bi na Bolsa com escândalo e "tira" R$ 14 bi de Itaú, BB e Bradesco

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Rosa Lev
infomoney.com.br - SÃO PAULO - Como era de se esperar antes mesmo do início dos negócios, as units do BTG Pactual (BBTG11) tiveram um dia para se esquecer nesta quarta-feira (25). Os ativos desabaram 21,01%, fechando...

45,000 Christians Who Fled Iraq Now Face Persecution in Turkey; U.S. Churches Urged 'To Wake Up' to the Crisis

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Cristina Laila
christiantoday.com - When thousands of Christians fled Iraq to escape the brutality of Islamist extremists who have occupied their land, they must have thought that a better life free from the shackles of fear and bond...

Esquerda delinquente gerou crise - 22/10/2016 - Ronaldo Caiado - Colunistas - Folha de S.Paulo

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Nivaldo Cordeiro
folha.uol.com.br - A esquerda, PT à frente, não se cansa de plagiar a si mesma, colocando-se sempre na contramão de qualquer iniciativa que tenha como meta sanear e dar racionalidade à economia. Assim como, no passad...

Obama Released 52K Illegal Alien Kids Into the US in FY2016

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RNR Kentucky
mrctv.org - Anyone remember when Jeh Johnson vowed that our borders weren’t open to illegal immigration, or when President Obama promised that anyone who recently crossed into the U.S. from Mexico wouldn't be ...

Trump diz que vai processar mulheres que o acusaram de assédio - 22/10/2016 - Mundo - Folha de S.Paulo

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Marcio Trevisano
folha.uol.com.br - O candidato republicano à presidência dos Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, disse neste sábado (22) que, depois das eleições, vai processar todas as mulheres que o acusaram de assédio sexual e outros c...

Colégio Pedro II: o colégio dos absurdos

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istoe.com.br - A menina de 8 anos deixou a sala de aula, na sexta feira 14, e se deparou com a frase estampada num cartaz pregado no saguão da escola que fazia uma ode à violência: “Morte ao Latifúndio: terra par...

22 de octubre: Celebramos a San Juan Pablo II, el Papa de la familia

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Francisco Junco Nava
aciprensa.com - REDACCIÓN CENTRAL, 22 Oct. 15 / 12:02 am (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- Hoy la Iglesia Católica celebra la fiesta de San Juan Pablo II, el Papa peregrino que viajó por el mundo y que resaltó que "el matrimo...

Dems Leave Room As Benghazi Mom Says Obama, Hillary Lied

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Pat Peters, Ph.D.
investors.com - Benghazi-gate: Democrats couldn't share the grief of a mom who was lied to in front of her son's casket or a grieving father who wonders why the general who could have mounted a rescue was relieved...

First Calais children with no UK links arrive in UK

Partilhado por
Ray Elliott
news.sky.com - The refugees were among the latest wave of around 70 new young arrivals to cross the Channel under the provisions of the Dubs amendment. It followed a change to the Immigration Act which meant Brit...

Refrescándole la memoria a Pablo Iglesias sobre libertad de expresión y universidad

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Elentir ن
outono.net - Anteayer el líder de Podemos apoyó el ataque contra la libertad de expresión de varias decenas de matones de ultraizquierda en la UAM, calificándolo de “síntoma de salud democrática”. Pablo Iglesia...

How to Treat a Lady On the Internet – Since Some of You Need Instructions

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Chauvinist Pigs
everydayfeminism.com - Originally published on Medium and republished here with the author’s permission. (Content Note: harassment, mentions of sexual and physical violence) The following is a good guide for how to treat...

Clinton Lied To FBI: Pagliano & Clinton Emails Prove It – The Real Strategy

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Count Dracula
therealstrategy.com - Clinton’s October 13 Sworn Statement: She ‘Does not Recall’ Communicating with Pagliano about Emails (Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch today released new State Department documents, which were unco...

Unborn Lives Matter Movement Shut Down At University – The Real Strategy

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Truth A Tron Gold
therealstrategy.com - According to Inside Higher Ed, DePaul University President Dennis H. Holtschneiderordered the College Republicans to redesign their pro-life poster out of concerns that it “provokes the Black Lives...

Estudantes se mobilizam e impedem ocupação de colégio no sul do Paraná

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g1.globo.com - Alunos de São Mateus do Sul, no sul do Paraná, contrários ao movimento Ocupa Paraná, impediram a ocupação do Colégio Estadual São Mateus, na quinta-feira (20). Eles decidiram, por maioria, que não ...

O'Reilly is right: We have no moral authority if we don't protect the preborn

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Live Action News
liveactionnews.org - Fox News Channel host Bill O’Reilly of The O’Reilly Factor addressed Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton’s stance in favor of late-term abortion from Wednesday night’s debate. In his Talking Points ...

Bus campaigning for Hillary Clinton dumps sewage on Gwinnett County street

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The truth is …
11alive.com - LAWRENCEVILLE, Ga. -- Hazmat crews in Gwinnett County were called to clean up waste left behind by a Democratic National Committee bus. According to a Lawrenceville Police Department report, office...

A trajetória medíocre de Dilma. Uma biografia repleta de mentiras e derrotas

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manchette.com.br - A trajetória da ex-presidente Dilma Rousseff pode ser narrada sob vários ângulos diferentes, dependendo da perspectiva do narrador. Embora a petista sempre tenha tentado realçar sua biografia atrav...

‘Fui eu que entreguei o processo aos repórteres’, diz Crivella sobre reportagem da ‘Veja’

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oglobo.globo.com - RIO - O candidato à prefeitura do Rio, Marcelo Crivella (PRB), minimizou a reportagem de capa da revista “Veja” em que aparece uma foto do político fichado na 9° delegacia (Catete), em 1990. Crivel...
Arte & Entretenimento

WOW: What Trump Did to Ex-Wife When She Was Too Sick to Watch Daughter

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Deplorable Vlad
conservativetribune.com - The liberal mainstream media has been working overtime to smear GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump with spurious accusations and a tape they dug up from 11 years ago with some lewd comments. Wha...

Confrontos sangrentos marcam o fim do cessar-fogo em Alepo - Politica Site

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miguel itamar
politicasite.com - Confrontos pesados foram relatados na cidade síria sitiada de Aleppo depois de um cessar-fogo de três dias terminou no sábado. O cessar-fogo unilateral foi anunciada na semana passada pela Rússia, ...

Formação de candidatos vira tema de segundo turno em Curitiba. Leprevost é administrador formado por correspondência

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Aninha Rocha
cesarweis.com - Num segundo turno ainda morno e com adversários improváveis, a formação acadêmica dos candidatos à Prefeitura de Curitiba virou tema de campanha e de ataques. O deputado Ney Leprevost (PSD), que co...

Trump Says He Would Block At&T-Time Warner Deal

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foxbusiness.com - Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump said he wouldn't approve a proposed merger between AT&T Inc. and Time Warner Inc., citing his opposition of further consolidation in the media industry....

1775 Peyton Randolph Dies. President of Continental Congress.

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Don Mashak
politibrew.com - 10-22-16 1:07 PM EST: "After years of poor health, Peyton Randolph, former president of the Continental Congress, dies on this day in 1775 at the age of 54. Born in 1721 to a prominent and influent...

North Dakota Police ‘Out Of Control’ In Crackdown On Dakota Access Pipeline Protests

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Don Mashak
mintpressnews.com - STANDING ROCK SIOUX RESERVATION, North Dakota — As reports of police abuse at Dakota Access Pipeline protests accumulate, a civil liberties NGO warns that activists’ constitutional rights are under...

MIT SHASS: News - 2016 - Election Insights - Research-based perspectives from MIT

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shass.mit.edu - Twelve research-based perspectives The 2016 presidential election has brought to the fore a number of political, economic, and cultural issues that scholars in the MIT School of Humanities, Arts, a...

BREAKING: WikiLeaks Reveals Putin OWNS Podesta

Partilhado por
Don Mashak
thefederalistpapers.org - Democrat presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and her campaign have tried to deflect from the damning inside information revealed about them in the WikiLeaks email releases by claiming that GOP nom...

Todo Dia Com Paz: A Despedida do Mestre

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apaz.com.br -  Não se turbe o vosso coração? Na casa de meu Pai há muitas moradas? vou preparar-vos lugar. E, se eu for e vos preparar lugar, virei outra vez e vos levarei para mim mesmo, para que, onde eu estiv...

List of Reasons Johnson and Johnson CEO Alex Gorsky Should Immediately Resign

Partilhado por
Don Mashak
johnsonandtoxin.com - Welcome <3 Which is more important to YOU? Money or Lives?   Homeless and quite literally starving on the streets of the United States, help from everyone who can is desperately needed to continue ...

Eletrobras prepara leilões de imóveis e terrenos para gerar caixa

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Vitor Vieira
poncheverde.blogspot.com - O novo presidente da Eletrobras encomendou a todas subsidiárias da maior empresa elétrica do Brasil um levantamento sobre prédios, salas e terrenos de propriedade da companhia que atualmente não sã...

Julian Assange Gets Sweet Revenge After Hillary Cuts His Internet

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Don Mashak
madworldnews.com - With just a little over 2 weeks before the presidential election, Hillary Clinton is pulling out all the stops to keep Julian Assange’s mouth shut. With no success at actually killing him, her mini...

PCC, o cartel do ‘Narcosul’ - Opinião - Estadão

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Ivo Marcelino
opiniao.estadao.com.br - Ao longo das últimas décadas o Primeiro Comando da Capital (PCC) converteu-se no cartel do “Narcosul”. Nascido da reação contra o massacre do Carandiru (1992), o PCC já domina a maior parte dos pre...

Disputa de poder - MERVAL PEREIRA

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Ivo Marcelino
avaranda.blogspot.com - O Globo - 23/10 O episódio da prisão de membros da Polícia Legislativa do Senado acusados de estarem agindo para obstruir as investigações sobre senadores envolvidos na Lava-Jato é a explicitação d...

Como Eduardo Cunha começou na política? Impedindo Silvio Santos de ser presidente o Brasil | Implicante.Org

Partilhado por
Gilmar Costa
implicante.org - Hoje, todo mundo já sabe que Eduardo Cunha ingressou na política quando foi indicado por PC Farias para a presidência da Telerj, a estatal telefônica do Rio de Janeiro. Mas poucos se perguntam o mo...

Dayton Misfires in Misleading Attack on MNsure Critics - American Experiment

Partilhado por
Don Mashak
americanexperiment.org - Gov. Mark Dayton may regret his unusually blunt and candid assessment that “the reality is the Affordable Care Act is no longer affordable to increasing numbers of people.” It’s true, of course, bu...

12 segredos para um relacionamento feliz

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miguel itamar
incrivel.club - Todos conhecemos ao menos duas pessoas que foram feitas uma para a outra. São almas gêmeas, que nutrem respeito e amor mútuos. O carinho entre eles é como o vinho: fortalece com o passar do tempo, ...
Meio Ambiente

A máquina de guerra e destruição de Hillary Clinton

Partilhado por
Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - A máquina de guerra e destruição de Hillary Clinton Não há dúvida de que Hillary Clinton é a candidata de Wall Street, que é a espinhal dorsal do sistema financeiro americano. Ela é também a candid...

Canada: Trudeau meets with Muslim leader who allows for wife-beating

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Robert Spencer
jihadwatch.org - “If the woman continues in a rebellion only then you are allowed to punish her, not that at every little thing you slap her or you pick up the stick…” Would Trudeau meet with any other leader of an...
Arte & Entretenimento

Wikileaks: Clinton Donors Say America 'Obviously Not a Democracy' - Breitbart

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Pat Peters, Ph.D.
breitbart.com - James Sandler, who is on the board of directors of The Sandler Foundation which gives regularly to Democrat Party causes, sent an email to his father Herbert Sandler with a link to an article of a ...

WIKILEAKS: Clinton Campaign Scrambled to Defend Huma from Muslim Brotherhood Accusations

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Heat Street
heatst.com - Hillary Clinton’s campaign team scrambled to mount a preemptive defense of Huma Abedin, the candidate’s longtime “body woman” and confidante, according to emails published by WikiLeaks on Saturday....

Lula quer desmoralizar o Brasil - Opinião - Estadão

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opiniao.estadao.com.br - O herói faz agora o papel de vítima e é assim que doravante se apresentará na grande encenação para o público, daqui e do exterior, na qual o pérfido antagonista é a Justiça brasileira. Réu até ago...

Which countries have the largest immigrant populations?

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weforum.org - Luxembourg has the highest immigrant population of OECD countries, according to data compiled by the organisation. The OECD gathered the data as part of its Indicators of Immigrant Integration 2015...

Dilma reafirma que 'assinou sem ler' a compra de Pasadena

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Conservadores Cariri
folhapolitica.org - Imagem: Dida Sampaio / Estadão A ex-presidente Dilma enviou uma nota em resposta a um texto da Coluna do Estadão, que afirmava que as investigações sobre Pasadena se aproximam cada vez mais dela. N...

‘Sun’s Heartbeat’ Indicates ICE AGE COMING SOON – The Real Strategy

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American Patriot
therealstrategy.com - With 97% accuracy, a Russian scientist is able to predict the earth is entering into an ICE AGE. Solar cycles have been known in the scientific community for quite a while, but recently Valentina Z...
Meio Ambiente

Cristãos de 90 países vão a Jerusalém demonstrar apoio a Israel

Partilhado por
Folha Cristã
noticias.gospelprime.com.br - Uma semana após a decisão da UNESCO de negar “qualquer ligação” dos judeus com o monte do Templo, milhares de cristãos, vindos de mais de 90 nações, chegaram a Jerusalém para celebrar o Sucot, tamb...

Palavra, Som e Poder Lado B é o novo trabalho da Discopraise

Partilhado por
Folha Cristã
musica.gospelprime.com.br - Disco traz inéditas, regravações de sucessos da música evangélica e até viola caipira Em 2014, a banda brasiliense Discopraise comemorou sua carreira com o álbum ao vivo Palavra, Som e Poder, lança...

Converter ou morrer

Partilhado por
Folha Cristã
portasabertas.org.br - Segundo estatísticas atuais, metade dos cristãos que restaram no Iraque (cerca de 250 mil) estão vivendo deslocados. Um deles é Amer*, que nasceu e viveu em Mossul antes da invasão do Estado Islâmi...

Petrobras adota paridade internacional de preços dos combustíveis (PPI), reduz preço da gasolina e do diesel. Dilma, Lula e o PT se calam

Partilhado por
manchette.com.br - A Petrobras rompeu hoje (14) com uma das políticas mais cruéis contra o consumidor implantada pelos governos do PT e anunciou a redução do preço da gasolina em 3,2% em suas refinarias, a partir da ...

Mais de dez mil magistrados recebem salários superiores ao teto

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oglobo.globo.com - BRASÍLIA - Três de cada quatro juízes brasileiros receberam remunerações acima do teto constitucional, revela levantamento feito pelo GLOBO analisando as últimas folhas salariais dos 13.790 magistr...

El mea culpa de Bachelet: “Hemos sido sacudidos por el conocimiento de malas prácticas por parte de líderes políticos”

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elmostrador.cl - A solo un día de las elecciones municipales, la Presidenta Bachelet reconoció algunas de las razones que, según anticipa, podrían explicar los resultados de los comicios. "Hemos sido sacudidos por ...

Empreiteiras dizem que prefeitura mandou paralisar diversas obras

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oglobo.globo.com - RIO — No apagar das luzes do primeiro turno eleitoral, a prefeitura teria determinado, na maior parte das vezes informalmente por meio de seus fiscais, que dezenas de obras na cidade parassem, sem ...

'Rigged' Message Gains Steam, Donald Trump Catching Up to Hillary Clinton in Latest Reuters Poll - Breitbart

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Breitbart News
breitbart.com - “Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump gained on his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton among American voters this week, cutting her lead nearly in half, according to Reuters/Ipsos polling r...

Donald Trump: "I Am Pro-Life and I Will be Appointing Pro-Life Judges" to the Supreme Court | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - During tonight’s presidential debate Donald Trump made it very clear that he will appoint pro-life justices to the Supreme Court who would be likely to overturn the Roe versus Wade decision that ha...
Arte & Entretenimento

Young Woman Once Orphaned Overcomes Disability to Become a Mother | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - Telma Weiss has a Cinderella story with a twist. It doesn’t involve a wicked stepmother, evil stepsisters, or a pumpkin that turns into a carriage. It’s the true story of a beautiful orphan girl wh...

TRUMP'S GETTYSBURG ADDRESS: Unveils First-100-Days Agenda - 'The Kind of Change That Only Arrives Once in a Lifetime' - Girls Just Wanna Have Guns

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girlsjustwannahaveguns.com - Trump gave a hard hitting speech near the Gettysburg National Battlefield this morning. He detailed what he will do in the first 100 days of his presidency. Check out the details below. Donald Trum...

Mosul civilians and children tortured with hammers by US-backed Iraqi “liberators”

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Robert Spencer
jihadwatch.org - As I have pointed out many times, the Obama-backed Syrian “rebels” are not Jeffersonian Democrats. They are jihadis as much as the Islamic State is. They’re just competitors: they want the Islamic ...

Hacia un envejecimiento preocupante: en 15 años, uno de cada cuatro españoles tendrá más de 65

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forumlibertas.com - Las proyecciones del futuro demográfico de España dibujan un escenario muy oscuro para los próximos 15 años, con un progresivo envejecimiento de la población: en 2031, uno de cada cuatro españoles ...

Emails reveal Hillary’s shocking pay-for-play scheme

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The truth is …
nypost.com - Hillary Clinton put the State Department up for sale, with top aides pulling strings and doing favors for fat-cat donors to the Clinton Foundation — including a shady billionaire, according to smok...

Que Dios les perdone. No saben lo que hacen, dijo al besar la bala que le hirió

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forumlibertas.com - De los 13 mártires beatificados que murieron el 23 de octubre de 1936, el grupo más numeroso es el de los seis pasionistas de Daimiel (dos sacerdotes y cuatro hermanos) fusilados en Manzanares (Ciu...

GOP and Tech Leaders Hold Secret Meeting to Stop Trump

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The truth is …
thewrap.com - Silicon Valley may be a bastion of liberals, but the threat of a Donald Trump presidency had some of technology’s biggest names meeting behind closed doors with members of the Republican elite. App...

John McAfee: 'Iran hacked the DNC, and North Korea hacked DYN'

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Deplorable Fred
csoonline.com - Who hacked  the Democratic National Committee (DNC)? John McAfee -- in an email exchange and follow up phone call just moments ago -- said sources within the Dark Web suggest it was Iran, and he ab...

Why Russia and China Fear America's Seawolf-Class Submarines

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B.D. Mowell
nationalinterest.org - The Seawolf-class submarines were envisioned as the best submarines ever built. Designed to succeed the Los Angeles–class attack submarines and maintain America’s edge in the underwater domain, the...

Someone is Literally Trying to Take Down the Internet Right Now

Partilhado por
Johnny Blaze
therealstrategy.com - On Friday morning, a large-scale hack of an internet domain hosting provider took prominent websites including Netflix, Amazon, Reddit, Twitter, and Vox offline. Though many of the websites have si...

U.S. Helps Muslims, not Christians

gatestoneinstitute.org - As the Muslim persecution of Christians continues to reach critical proportions around the world (see report below), the average American shows much more concern than the current administration. So...

Exhibit of rare Qur’ans in DC seeks to give Americans “a different image of Islam”

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Deplorable ((Faith))
jihadwatch.org - “At this time in our history in our country, it’s so important that we do this, so that knowledge rather than ignorance shall prevail.” So an exhibit of rare old Qur’ans is going to promote “knowle...

A Contra Revolução de 1964

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averdadesufocada.com - Meu nome é Elvio Rabenschlag. Moro em Santa Maria-RS e sou professor aposentado da UFSM e tenho 76 anos. Conheço a Glaucia, colega de universidade assim como conheci o irmão mais novo do Coronel Us...

Deus resiste aos soberbos

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Padre Paulo Ricardo
padrepauloricardo.org - Evangelho de Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo segundo São Lucas (Lc 18, 9-14) Neste domingo, com a parábola do fariseu e do publicano, Nosso Senhor quer precaver-nos contra o orgulho, que é a raiz de todo...

Classic lib tactic: ‘Accuse the victim of what you do’

wnd.com - Shocking reports revealed Muslim Brotherhood, ISIS and Boko Haram fighters in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and Africa beheading, kidnapping, enslaving and displacing millions of Christians, Kurds and o...

Vengeful Trump Suggests He'll Go After Hillary if He Wins | RedState

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Tim Gradous
redstate.com - Seriously, you won’t find many who are more enraged than me at the blatant cronyism that has kept Hillary Clinton, perhaps the most corrupt, coldblooded, ruthless politician in the history of our n...

No, God Doesn't Want You to Vote for Donald Trump

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Tim Gradous
nationalreview.com - Yesterday Christian writer Eric Metaxas took to Facebook to explain a tweet (now deleted) that, said “Evan McMullin is a good man, but in this election he is a fig-leaf, there to assuage the consci...

If you’re on the fence about your vote, this pastor clarifies how the very future of America is at stake

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lifesitenews.com - September 30, 2016 (CharismaNews) -- I have been asked "the question" so many times regarding Trump or Hillary. By way of background, I have followed every national convention—Republican and Democr...

‘Politically motivated’ claims against Alabama judge tossed

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Tim Gradous
wnd.com - A complaint that had been filed against Alabama Supreme Court Justice Tom Parker by the domestic terror-linked Southern Poverty Law Center has been dismissed by the state’s Judicial Inquiry Commiss...

El viaje de Liliana

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Opus Dei (España)
reportajes-opusdei.org - POR AQUELLAS FECHAS VINO A VERNOS un sacerdote amigo, de Ceuta, donde habíamos pasado una temporada por trabajo de José María, y nos dejó un video de la Virgen. Empecé a verlo. Una noche a las dos ...

Blog: What’s going on with the polls?

americanthinker.com - Something funny is happening in the major national polling department of this presidential race and no one’s talking about it. First, somehow the narrative seems to be developing that the polls sho...

‘Massive’ Cyber Attack Hits U.S. Servers, Affects Twitter, Reddit and More – The Real Strategy

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Truth A Tron Gold
therealstrategy.com - Update, 1:19 p.m. PDT: Dyn has posted the following update on its website: Our engineers are continuing to investigate and mitigate several attacks aimed against the Dyn Managed DNS infrastructure....
Arte & Entretenimento

Broadcast Listings

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Joel Osteen
joelosteen.com -    Image Viewer      Content Editor   Sunday 7:00pm CT Monday 11:00pm CT Thursday 7:30pm CT All times listed both ET & PT unless otherwise noted.    Broadcast   Date TV Station Broadcast Time Local...

How Motivating Is Your Company's Purpose?

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Sean Gardner
fastcoexist.com - Increasingly, the business world has embraced the need to have a purpose, to engage employees, make acclaimed marketing, and drive business results. As a result, many companies have expressed a pur...

Everything you need to know about Ultra HD Blu-ray

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Digital Trends
digitaltrends.com - In the year 2000, we began ditching our VHS tapes for DVDs. In 2006, Blu-ray brought high-definition video to flat-screen TVs everywhere. Now we’ve taken another step forward with the arrival of Ul...

Diego Arria: We condemned Khadafy for terrorism; why not Putin?

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Diego E. Arria
nydailynews.com - Muammar Khadafy and Vladimir Putin are two of the worst tyrants of the modern age, and both have been the subject of international efforts to stop their bad behavior. The similarities between the t...

This Lawsuit Isn't the Answer for Detroit Students

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Heritage Foundation
dailysignal.com - Detroit school students, represented by the Los Angeles-based public interest firm Public Counsel, filed suit last month against the state of Michigan, claiming a legal right to literacy based on t...

Felony Charges for Out-of-State Cans?

Partilhado por
Heritage Foundation
dailysignal.com - Founding Father James Madison wrote in the Federalist Papers that “It will be of little avail to the people, that the laws are made by men of their own choice, if the laws be so voluminous that the...

In 2015, the Government Employed Over 277,000 Regulators

Partilhado por
Heritage Foundation
dailysignal.com - Want to work in a field that has more than quadrupled in size since 1960? Consider being a regulator for the federal government. Even during the last recession, the regulatory agencies were hiring....

Hillary Clinton Told FBI She Could Not Remember State Department Briefings After Brain Injury - Breitbart

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Breitbart News
breitbart.com - According to the documents — which detail the FBI’s now-closed investigation into Clinton’s use of a private email server during her tenure at the State Department — Clinton told investigators duri...

Após irritação de Renan, Temer discute operação com ministro da Justiça - 22/10/2016 - Poder - Folha de S.Paulo

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Sérgio Pavarini
folha.uol.com.br - O presidente Michel Temer se reuniu na manhã deste sábado (22) com o ministro Alexandre de Moraes (Justiça) para discutir a deflagração na sexta-feira (21) da Operação Métis, que prendeu quatro pol...

Foster mum's horror after 12-year-old refugee revealed to be 21-year-old Jihadi

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Paul Joseph Watson
thesun.co.uk - A FOSTER mum who took in a child refugee has told of her horror after discovering he was a 21-year-old jihadi. Kind-hearted Rosie welcomed Jamal into her family after social workers said he was a 1...

Goldman CEO Blankfein ‘Supportive’ of Clinton for Pragmatism

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bloomberg.com - Lloyd Blankfein, chief executive officer of Goldman Sachs Group Inc., has shied away from publicly backing a presidential candidate this year, saying his support could harm that person’s chances. Y...

Why Several Native Americans Are Suing the Mormon Church for Sexual Abuse

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theatlantic.com - Native Americans who were part of a little-known Mormon program from 1947 to the mid-1990s share much of the same story. Year after year, missionaries or other members of the Church of Jesus-Christ...

Microsoft Shares Hits An All-Time High, Courtesy Cloud Computing; Surpasses Its 1999 Record With A Surge Of 5%

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scienceworldreport.com - Microsoft shares hit an all-time high this Friday and closed with a surge of 5 per cent in early trading. It surpassed it records since 1999 supported by the frenzy triggered due to its growth in i...
Arte & Entretenimento

‘She didn’t have credibility anymore’: The moment Rolling Stone’s U-Va. rape story unraveled

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washingtonpost.com - CHARLOTTESVILLE — In emotional testimony in the federal courthouse here Saturday, former Rolling Stone writer Sabrina Rubin Erdely told the jury about the phone call that led her to realize that th...

Rise early and boost your performance and results.

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Carthage Buckley
coachingpositiveperformance.com - I have, at many stages in my life, been somebody who enjoys a good lie in. Even though I wake early, I have at times struggled to rise early. I have always liked the feeling of chilling out in my b...

Productivity through small positive actions - getting it done

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Carthage Buckley
coachingpositiveperformance.com - One of the biggest deterrents to setting up an effective productivity system is the size of the task involved. There can be a lot of work involved in setting up an effective productivity system but...

Express your gratitude - Coaching Powerful Productivity

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Carthage Buckley
coachingpowerfulproductivity.com - If you receive something you really love, would you let the person who gave it to you know that you loved it or; that you would like more? I am sure that you were taught that it is good manners to ...

How to stay productive throughout the day

Partilhado por
Carthage Buckley
coachingpositiveperformance.com - I am naturally lazy. I will never make any attempt to deny that. I enjoy being lazy and while most people would argue that laziness is a bad thing; I will always argue that it is possible to be laz...

8 Tips for improved focus - Increased productivity, better results.

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Carthage Buckley
coachingpositiveperformance.com - In the world of time management and productivity, a lot of attention is placed on increasing efficiency. People assume that by getting more done, they are going to achieve more of the results they ...

What We Get Wrong About Love Languages

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relevantmagazine.com - You know who I'm talking about, and your church probably includes one or two: the "casserole lady" who always brings food to the hurting, nourishment to the weary, comfort to the downcast. She’s fi...

Is Homosexuality a Sin?

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aheartforgod.org - Dictionary.com defines sin as “transgression of divine law.” And then it goes on to cite “the sin of Adam” as an example. Many of us know what Adam’s sin was. God had warned Adam not to eat from th...


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aheartforgod.org - “‘But I will harden Pharoah’s heart that I may multiply My signs and My wonders in the land of Egypt.'” (Exodus 7:3) “‘But I will harden Pharoah’s heart.'” In other passages of the Escape from Egyp...
Arte & Entretenimento

10 Mistakes People Make with Sodom and Gomorrah (plus 1 bonus)

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aheartforgod.org - 10 Mistakes People Make with Sodom and Gomorrah (plus 1 bonus): 1. Dismiss the story as just a myth, fairy tale or allegory. 2. Overlook that Jesus Christ Himself confirmed the cities’ existence (“...
Arte & Entretenimento

Evil People, Dying to Self and 7 Responses When You’re Wronged

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aheartforgod.org - “‘But I say to you, do not resist an evil person; but whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also.'” (Matthew 5:39) A professor in Bible college once told my class (of future ...

CCW Weekend: The Myth Of The Gun Show Loophole

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The Daily Caller
dailycaller.com - One of the most often repeated gun myths is that of the gun show loophole. Numerous candidates for political office – on state and national levels – have railed against gun shows, pledged to do awa...
Arte & Entretenimento

Gwen Stefani Returning To ‘The Voice’ With Blake Shelton

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The Daily Caller
dailycaller.com - Gwen Stefani is coming back to “The Voice” alongside her boyfriend Blake Shelton. The 47-year-old singer will once again sit as a coach on the popular NBC music talent show. Stefani’s return will p...

Um doce para digerir

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Gabriel Chalita
gabrielchalita.com.br - Contou-me dos 3 filhos. Falou que agora cada um vivia as suas escolhas. Estavam apenas os dois em casa. Ela e o marido. Ela e o marido e os monstros das comparações. Diz o marido que não tem desejo...

Guitar Globalization

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reason.com - President Barack Obama has taken his Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) pitch on the road, hoping to rally support for the controversial trade deal. Meanwhile, ex–Rage Against the Machine guitarist To...
Arte & Entretenimento

sstephanjx’s Music Profile — Users at Last.fm

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Stephen Stephan
last.fm - Last.fmSearch Toggle navigation Live Music Events Features Subscribe Join Login Join Login A new version of Last.fm is available, to keep everything running smoothly, please reload the site. Steve ...

¿SUEÑO IMPOSIBLE? El “bombazo” de Esteban Gerbasi: "Maduro no regresa a Venezuela"

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El PoliTwico
maduradas.com - Los rumores de que el presidente Nicolás Maduro le tiene “miedo” al pueblo comienzan a cobrar fuerza. El cambio drástico que surgió debido a la suspensión de la recolección del 20% de voluntades, c...

Depois de 'Os Dez Mandamentos', Record vai produzir novela sobre o apocalipse

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Gilberto Ribeiro
f5.folha.uol.com.br - A Record tem bem definida a fila de suas próximas novelas bíblicas. Depois de "O Rico e o Lázaro", que estreia em fevereiro, virá "O Apocalipse", que, como próprio título sugere, acompanhará o fim ...

La Renovación Carismática

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es.catholic.net - *El Concilio impulsó la renovación de la Iglesia *Todo cristiano ha recibido muchos dones del Espíritu Santo *Los carismas son gracia del Espíritu para el bien de la Iglesia Cuando recientemente se...

Muslim Migrant Who Anally Raped 10-Year-Old Boy Has Conviction Overturned: ‘He Didn’t Know The Boy Didn’t Want to be Raped’

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Pamela Geller
pamelageller.com - A Muslim migrant who was convicted of raping a child at an Austrian pool has had his sentence overturned: “He didn’t know the boy didn’t want to be raped.” Do you mean in Muslim countries little bo...

Atividade Física – Yoga – Hot Indian girl…

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TopGyn Notícias
topgyn.com.br - Atividade Física – Yoga – La souplesse... Kino MacGregor est professeur de Yoga depuis quelques années. Spécialisée dans l'art de la relaxation, elle n'a également pas son pareil lorsqu'il s'a... A...

Humortadela – Cortando o barato

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TopGyn Notícias
topgyn.com.br - Mais uma piada do humortadela Inscreva-se OBRIGADO! Por favor, nos siga e compartilhe se gosta do nosso trabalho: Combate ao tabagismo – Humortadela Se gostou não se esqueça de clicar em gostei e f...

Atividade Física – Plataforma Vibratória -…

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TopGyn Notícias
topgyn.com.br - No site do Magazine Luiza você encontra tudo para praticar seu esporte favorito e para tornar seus momentos de lazer muito prazerosos! Confira! Atividade Física – Plataforma Vibratória -&#... Exerc...

Suplementação – Definição Muscular – Patrocínio…

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TopGyn Notícias
topgyn.com.br - E-mail para parcerias: exerciciosemcasa@hotmail.com 220mil inscritos e 45 milhões de visualizações! Obrigado a todos! Instagram: @faelrafiusks Para … Suplementação – Definição Muscular – T... QUER ...

La France veut des sanctions contre les responsables d’attaq…

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TopGyn Notícias
topgyn.com.br - Le ministre français des Affaires étrangères Jean-Marc Ayrault a proposé samedi au Conseil de sécurité de l’Onu de condamner l’emploi d’armes chimiques en Syrie et a appelé à introduire des sanctio...

Vigilantes do Peso (parte II)

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TopGyn Notícias
topgyn.com.br - Por favor, nos siga e compartilhe se gosta do nosso trabalho: Vigilantes TV | Apresentação Created by Vigilantes. Peso ideal Você sabe qual o seu peso ideal… Acesse Q48 http://dicasagora.besaba.com...

Biscoitos & Bolachas – Petit-Four de Chocolate

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TopGyn Notícias
topgyn.com.br - Biscoitos & Bolachas – Petit-Four de Chocolate ½ (chá) de fermento 1 (sopa) de açúcar 175 gramas de chocolate meio amargo picado 125 gramas de manteiga sem sal 140 gramas de farinha de trigo 1 ovo ...

Lutas – Nocautes – Nocaute provoca morte em luta

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TopGyn Notícias
topgyn.com.br - Lutas – Nocautes – PORRADA Só NOCAUTE ... http://www.orkut.com.br/Main#Profile?uid=12814009666096440064 msn : rick.b.r@hotmail.com. Lutas – Nocautes – Lutas do Filme Bang... Qualquer ANÚNCIO veicul...

Humor – Micos e gaves da TV Brasileira -…

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TopGyn Notícias
topgyn.com.br - Juntei algumas coisa que achei por aí. Muita gente faz coisas desnecessárias na frente das câmeras nós temos é que fazer piada mesmo. O vídeo ta com uma … Humor – Micos e gaves da TV Brasileira ̵.....

Lanches & Sanduiches – Sanduíche de Ricota e Rúcula

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TopGyn Notícias
topgyn.com.br - Lanches & Sanduiches – Sanduíche de Ricota e Rúcula ½ (chá) de leite desnatado 1 (chá) de alecrim 1 (chá) de azeite 100 gramas de ricota 1 cabeça de alho assado 1 prato de rúcula 1 pão ciabatta sal...

Error imperdonable. Occidente perdió todos sus objetivos en…

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TopGyn Notícias
topgyn.com.br - Moscú instó a Washington a reaccionar a los bombardeos de Hassadjek. Durante el ataque contra un pequeño pueblo cerca de Alepo fueron destruidas dos casas, seis personas murieron y cuatro resultaro...

Atividade Física – Garotas Fitnesse – #2…

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TopGyn Notícias
topgyn.com.br - Subscribe on MY FITNESS GIRLS for more fitness videos: http://goo.gl/HuIKDN + 250 Fitness Models Videos The most beautiful athletes and fitness models are … Atividade Física – Garotas Fitnesse – .....

Hold Your Breath! Scientists Say Temporary Oxygen Deprivatio…

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TopGyn Notícias
topgyn.com.br - Jet lag, that terrible state of travel-upended internal rhythms and wrecked sleep, has plagued transcontinental air passengers for decades. Now, scientists might have finally discovered a cure for ...

WikiLeaks: Big Donors Expect Hillary Clinton to ‘Tweak’ Poli…

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TopGyn Notícias
topgyn.com.br - WikiLeaks released the 15th batch of emails of Hillary Clinton’s campaign chair John Podesta October 22. The emails have allegedly been obtained from a hacked account and have been made public in a...
Arte & Entretenimento

Salma Hayek accuse Donald Trump de l’avoir draguée au té…

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TopGyn Notícias
topgyn.com.br - Dans une interview à la radio EI Show del Mandril, la star hollywoodienne Salma Hayek, 50 ans, a révélé que le candidat à la présidence américaine Donald Trump lui avait fait la cour de manière obs...

Pira Olímpica é Acesa – Olimpíadas Rio 2016

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TopGyn Notícias
topgyn.com.br - Tv Chinesa faz vídeo Polemico sobre Olimpíadas ... # Notícias Bizarras O vídeo é uma produção da TomoNews, um site chinês que faz animações a partir de notícias e que costuma posicionar seus videos...

Parlamentarios rusos instan a condenar los ataques de la coa…

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TopGyn Notícias
topgyn.com.br - Los aviones de la coalición de EEUU atacaron el viernes, el 21 de octubre, un cortejo fúnebre en Dakuk causando la muerte a decenas de civiles, según informó este sábado, el 22 de octubre, el Minis...


Cristianismo e Política + Christianity and Politics + União multi-denominacional (evangélicos, católicos, etc) em defesa dos valores cristãos e da democracia



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