18 June 2014

LiberdadeDeExpressao 17.06.2014 @livrexpress

LiberdadeDeExpressao News

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Jair Bolsonaro :”Espero que brevemente estes estádios que vão ficar ociosos sirvam de presídios para muitos políticos”

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revoltabrasil.com.br - Publicado por Revolta Brasil em 16 junho, as 13 : 04 PM Print Em discurso no dia 11 de junho no plenário da câmara, Bolsonaro falou da convenção de seu partido PP, que deve acontecer no próximo dia...


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veja.abril.com.br - O “Embolsa Família” nada mais é do que um mecanismo criado por este partido, o que ajudar a maquiar um desvio gigantesco de dinheiro público. Brasil, o unico pais em que se divulga o valor de um VO...

José Maria Marin: 'Só uma fatalidade nos tira o título’ - Jornal O Globo

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oglobo.globo.com - SÃO PAULO - No fim da tarde do último sábado, o presidente da CBF, José Maria Marin, 82 anos, recebeu o GLOBO em seu apartamento, no bairro paulistano dos Jardins, para falar que o título do Mundia...


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suzi gayer
aluizioamorim.blogspot.com - Isso, a longo prazo tem 2 objetivos: a) desmoralizar as Forças Armadas, aparelhando através de militâncias politicamente corretas, em razão das mulheres serem biologicamente diferentes dos homens v...

LIBERTATUM: O psiquiatra Lyle Rossiter nos comprova que o esquerdismo é uma doença mental

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suzi gayer
libertatum.blogspot.com - Liberal Mind traz o primeiro exame profundo da loucura política mais relevante em nosso tempo: os esforços da esquerda radical para regular as pessoas desde o berço até o túmulo. Para salvar-nos de...

Seis partidos ainda precisam indicar candidatos à Presidência até dia 30 - Notícias - Política

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suzi gayer
noticias.uol.com.br - Pelo menos seis partidos ainda precisam definir, até o dia 30, os candidatos aos cargos de presidente e vice-presidente da República ou que nomes vão defender no pleito de outubro. No fim de junho,...


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cristinabenevides.wordpress.com - Celso Daniel era muito teimoso e gostava de fazer as coisas do jeito dele, o que desagradava aos dirigentes do nosso partido (PT). Quando o Celso Daniel interviu no funcionamento da “Máfia dos Tran...

Dilma é xingada após festa de abertura no Itaquerão - Yahoo Esporte Interativo

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br.esporteinterativo.yahoo.com - Logo após o término da cerimônia de abertura de Copa do Mundo, a presidente Dilma Rousseff foi xingada por uma parte dos torcedores presentes nas arquibancadas do Itaquerão, estádio na capital paul...

Na Copa, Biden e Dilma trocam figurinhas sobre espionagem

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Reinaldo Azevedo
veja.abril.com.br - Por Marcela Mattos, na VEJA.com: Em sua primeira visita ao Brasil desde a rusga entre os governos Dilma Rousseff e Barack Obama em relação aos programas de vigilância dos Estados Unidos, o vice-pre...

Estado, pobreza e prosperidade - Portal Libertarianismo

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Libertarianismo +
libertarianismo.org - Neste artigo vou deixar registrada minha crítica geral às intervenções estatais, que acredito que pode ser usada para condenar qualquer intervenção estatal. A intenção é que funcione como uma espéc...

Globo News - Dilma Rousseff é recebida com vaias em formatura do Pronatec na Paraíba

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Blog Olho na Mira
g1.globo.com - A presidente Dilma Rousseff foi recebida com vaias na entrada da casa de shows Forrock, em João Pessoa (PB), onde participou da formatura de 1,4 mil alunos do Programa Nacional de Acesso ao Ensino ...

The late, great USA

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WND News
wnd.com - Cast your vote now. All answers are stored anonymously.

Aratu Online

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aratuonline.com.br - Turistas são alvos de ladrões no Pelourinho Com o aumento do fluxo de estrangeiro, no local, por conta da Copa, as ações de bandidos aumentam. Izadora Florentino

What Does a President Have to do to Get Impeached?

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barbwire.com - The U.S. Constitution provides for the removal of a sitting president through impeachment because our founders knew that all men have a propensity for evil. The first president to be impeached was ...

Europe Bans American Apples - NWO Stop

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NWO Stop
nwostop.com - Too toxic to eat. read full article blog comments powered by Disqus < Prev   Next >

Plans to expand scope of license-plate readers alarm privacy advocates

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cironline.org - Denise Green had just dropped off her sister at the 24th Street Mission BART station after picking her up from the hospital. Green, who was driving a 1992 red Lexus, noticed a San Francisco police ...

Julio Severo: Cristianismo fake: revista gospel se diz preocupada com “heresias” na internet e dá destaque para pseudo-especialista em “apologética”

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Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - A CH, quase que soltando fogos de artifício, disse sobre a medida ditatorial de impor o “casamento” gay no Brasil: “É o casamento gay, finalmente, sendo reconhecido, após uma batalha ideológica tra...

Doc Who Locked Woman in His Office After Failed Abortion Sentenced to Five Years in Prison

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Bryan Longworth
lifenews.com - by Cheryl Sullenger | Valdosta, GA | LifeNews.com | 6/17/14 3:55 PM Georgia abortionist Charles Rossman pled guilty this morning to the charge of criminal abortion. He was sentenced to a total of t...

Criacionismo: Cientistas descobrem oceano dentro da Terra

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Michelson Borges
criacionismo.com.br - segunda-feira, junho 16, 2014 Cientistas descobrem oceano dentro da Terra Três vezes mais água Pesquisadores descobriram, após décadas de estudos, que um vasto reservatório de água – suficiente par...

Aécio fica na frente de Dilma e Campos entre eleitores que conhecem os 3 - Política - Política

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Salomão Carvalho
fernandorodrigues.blogosfera.uol.com.br - Grupo ainda é pequeno: só 20% conhecem os 3 concorrentes, diz Datafolha Este é apenas um exercício para ajudar a compreender como o cenário sucessório ainda é volúvel. Quando se isolam na pesquisa ...

President Obama Remarks DNC Fundraiser | Video

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c-span.org - President Obama spoke at a Democratic National Committee (DNC) LGBT fundraiser in New York City. Javascript must be enabled in order to access C-SPAN videos. *The transcript for this program was co...

Ayudemos a Europa a reencontrar sus raíces cristianas, pide el Papa Francisco

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - VATICANO, 17 Jun. 14 / 05:38 am (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- El Papa Francisco agradeció este domingo a la Comunidad de San Egidio la acogida que brinda a los migrantes, los “nuevos europeos” que llegan l...

Rafael Ramírez: Venezuela evalúa aumentar suministro de petróleo hacia EEUU

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noticias24carabobo.com - (Valencia, 16 de junio. Noticias24 Carabobo) Con el propósito de recuperar participación de mercado perdido durante la década pasada, el ministro de Petróleo, Rafael Ramírez anunció que el Gobierno...

Arne Duncan: Jindal Just Being A Politician On Common Core

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barbwire.com - Secretary of Education Arne Duncan has hit back at Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, saying the governor’s newfound opposition to Common Core s is built purely on political opportunism. In an appearance...

Segunda Tela - Band.com.br

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band.uol.com.br - O novo aplicativo da Band é uma evolução do app de segunda tela da emissora. Mais completa, a ferramenta reúne programação, vídeos, transmissões ao vivo e área de segunda tela para interação com os...

Aécio supera Dilma entre eleitores que conhecem os candidatos, mostra Datafolha - Imprensa, Notícias - PSDB - Partido da Social Democracia Brasileira

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Mara Kramer
psdb.org.br - O candidato à Presidência da República e presidente nacional do PSDB, senador Aécio Neves, supera a presidente Dilma Rousseff em intenções de votos no Datafolha entre eleitores que afirmam conhecer...

Aceprensa | El Tribunal de Estrasburgo avala el cese de un profesor de religión en España

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aceprensa.com - El debatido asunto de algunos profesores de Religión en España a los que la Iglesia no les renueva el contrato porque su testimonio de vida es contrario a las enseñanzas de la Iglesia que deben tra...

Radicalização eleitoral durante a Copa revive padrão Fla-Flu - | Observatório da Imprensa

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observatoriodaimprensa.com.br - Os insultos à presidente da República neutralizaram todas as emoções provocadas pelo hino nacional cantado à capela por 60 mil torcedores na abertura da Copa. Civismo sem civilidade é escárnio, fra...

Candidatura de Bolsonaro sepultada. Partido Progressista confirmará essa semana apoio ao PT de DILMA.

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sociedademilitar.com.br - Muita gente diz que o Partido Progressista, se confirmar a decisão de permanecer com o PT, em solenidade esperada para essa semana, perderá a melhor oportunidade de sua existência. Com toda certeza...

Cuba: Carromero llama a la ONU investigar muerte de Oswaldo Payá y Harold Cepero

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - LA HABANA, 17 Jun. 14 / 09:07 pm (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- Ángel Carromero, el dirigente de la rama juvenil del Partido Popular (España), afirmó que si el Gobierno cubano no tiene nada que ocultar, deb...

Las noticias más importantes: 17 de junio

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - LIMA, 17 Jun. 14 / 06:08 pm (ACI).- ACI Prensa presenta un video con las noticias más importantes de hoy, 17 de junio de 2014, en el que podrá repasar rápidamente las noticias más importantes del d...

PT já começa o trabalho “joga pedra no Skaf”

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Reinaldo Azevedo
veja.abril.com.br - Que aliado o quê! O PT já avança contra Paulo Skaf, do PMDB, que aparece em segundo lugar na disputa pelo governo do Estado, na faixa dos 20% — o tucano Geraldo Alckmin transita na dos 40%. O petis...

Islam is a Contagion that Must Be Quarantined

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barbwire.com - I, speaking strictly for myself and for no one else, have argued that perhaps the time has come to suspend Islamic immigration into the United States. The reason is certainly not that all Muslims a...

Tajikistan Detains Man On Charges Of Foreign Spying

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Global Voices
rferl.org - Tajikistan's State Committee for National Security (KDAM) says Aleksandr Sodikov, a Tajik citizen from Canada, has been detained on charges of spying for an unnamed country. Sodikov, 51, has been l...

[VIDEO] Hizo el gol más rápido de Brasil 2014 y con una señal de la cruz lo dedicó a su hermana fallecida

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - RÍO DE JANEIRO, 17 Jun. 14 / 05:50 pm (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- Clint Dempsey, capitán de la selección de Estados Unidos, convirtió el gol más rápido del Mundial Brasil 2014, y en un conmovedor gesto s...

Our War in Iraq Will Be Won by Iran

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barbwire.com - The good news is under the leadership of President Barack Hussein Obama, this nation’s global stature has increased dramatically. President Obama previously told Iran’s terrorist-supporting regime ...

CNBB não vetará discussão do tema do aborto durante as eleições

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Felipe Aquino
painel.blogfolha.uol.com.br - De novo o aborto Apesar da mudança de ares inspirada pelo papa Francisco, a igreja católica deve voltar a levantar o tema do aborto na campanha presidencial. A CNBB (Conferência Nacional dos Bispos...

Troica petista lidera “manifesto de juristas” em defesa de decreto de Dilma; agora tenho 100% de certeza sobre seu caráter golpista e bolivariano

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Marisa Cruz
veja.abril.com.br - Reinaldão, em reforço ao seu entendimento posto outra opinião com enfoque em outras inconstitucionalidades: Não é erro de digitação. O título deveria ser “O Decreto 8243”. Mas como ele aparenta ser...

Lula já é milionário e ainda recebe 'gordas' aposentadorias

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folhacentrosul.com.br - Lula recebe duas aposentadorias que juntas somam R$ 9 mil (uma por invalidez e outra por ser anistiado político). Ademais, por ser presidente de honra do PT ele recebe cerca de R$ 13 Mil por mês do...

The Big Idea Behind Cantor's Fall

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barbwire.com - Everyone has a theory about why Tea Party upstart Dave Brat soundly beat Republican Majority Leader Eric Cantor in Virginia’s 7th Congressional District primary last Tuesday. I have one, and it’s a...

8 arrested in ISIS cell led by ex-Gitmo detainee

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WND News
wnd.com - (AGENCE RANCE-PRESSE) — Madrid – Spanish police arrested eight people in pre-dawn raids in Madrid on Monday against a jihadist recruitment network led by a former Guantanamo Bay inmate, the governm...

Obama Follows Polls in Foreign Policy but Public Turns Against Him - Michael Barone - Page 1

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townhall.com - Polls show that most Americans want the United States to withdraw from Afghanistan. Barack Obama has announced that the bulk of U.S. forces will withdraw from Afghanistan during his term in office,...

Residents force feds to scrap plan to house illegals at Virginia college - Washington Times

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Drew McKissick
washingtontimes.com - The Obama administration Monday abruptly halted plans to shelter some of the children surging across the border at a defunct college in rural Virginia, as the White House has continued to see its e...

The Great Cartoons of Charles Barsotti (1933-2014) : The New Yorker

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Edson Aran
newyorker.com - Charlie Barsotti, one of the great cartoonists, died today. Charlie drew close to fourteen hundred cartoons for The New Yorker over the years, beginning in the nineteen-sixties and continuing right...

Va. man pulled over in funeral procession, misses burial - WTOP Mobile

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Resist Tyranny
wtop.com - WASHINGTON - A Virginia man is furious after he was pulled over in Alexandria while driving in a funeral procession. He missed his great grandmother's burial because of the delay, his family says. ...

tmi.me - JamesPillsbury: Geez , I only

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tmi.me - Geez , I only wanted 550k. lol«@AppSame Dear IRS since your computers crashed you lost my $10,000,000 tax return just send it to me Trust me I would never Lie to you» 2014-06-18

New USCCB social development director aims to fight poverty :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

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Catholic News Agency
catholicnewsagency.com - Colorado Springs, Colo., Jun 17, 2014 / 07:53 pm (CNA).- The U.S. bishops have named Mark Rohlena, head of Catholic Charities of Central Colorado, to direct the Office of Domestic Social Developmen...

Citizens thwart plan to shelter illegals

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WND News
wnd.com - (WASHINGTON TIMES) The Obama administration Monday abruptly halted plans to shelter some of the children surging across the border at a defunct college in rural Virginia, as the White House has con...

How to Read the Bible - A Three Step Plan

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Taylor Marshall
taylormarshall.com - How do you read the Bible? Today is the feast day of Saint Jerome, who once quipped, “Ignorance of  Scripture is ignorance of Christ.” It’s a running joke that if you want to find a Bible verse, yo...

Ignacio Arsuaga en Washington, para participar el 19 de junio en la #March4Marriage

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hazteoir.org - La II Marcha de EE.UU.por el Matrimonio 2014, organizada por la National Organization for Marriage, es la segunda a nivel nacional en defensa de la institución social, como unión exclusiva entre un...

The bishops of King Stephen’s reign

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medievalists.net - Abstract: Traditionally, the bishops who held office during the civil war which dominated King Stephen’s reign (1135-1154) have been considered weak and ineffective, able neither to bring peace bet...

The Standing to Sue Obama - WSJ

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Drew McKissick
online.wsj.com - President Obama is setting a dangerous precedent by suspending his enforcement of laws on health care, immigration, drugs, banking and so much else, but the courts may soon be asked to throw a brus...

James Rosen to State Department: Why’d it take nearly two years to arrest a Benghazi suspect who wasn’t hiding? « Hot Air

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Truth Tweeter
hotair.com - Via the Free Beacon, make sure to read Ed’s post earlier to understand just how openly Khattala, the jihadi nabbed by U.S. forces over the weekend, has been living in Libya since the Benghazi attac...

IRS Has Lost More E-mails . . .

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Resist Tyranny
m.nationalreview.com - If Lerner is the central figure in the scandal — Oversight Committee chairman Darrell Issa said Monday evening he believes she was the senior-most official involved — Flax may be an important auxil...

Why Progressives Will Underwrite Obama’s Impeachment

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barbwire.com - Obama will NOT complete his 2nd term as President. First, for Obama’s repeated lies, coverup and abandonment of two heroic Navy SEALs, leaving both to die on the Benghazi battlefield on 9/11/2012, ...


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Marisa Cruz
blog-se.com.br - Os R$ 8 bilhões gastos com a construção dos estádios para a Copa do Mundo equivalem ao dobro do investido pelo governo federal em Saúde em 2013 e é maior que valor de investimentos em Educação no a...

Interlinear Translations of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales

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sites.fas.harvard.edu - The translations of the prose tales are somewhat different. An interlinear translation is supplied for the Melibee, but the interlinear form is rather awkward and at times distracting, and many rea...

The Geoffrey Chaucer Website Homepage

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sites.fas.harvard.edu - This site provides materials for Harvard University's Chaucer classes in the Core Program, the English Department, and the Division of Continuing Education. (Others of course are welcome to use it....


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citizengo.org - ULTIMA HORA (12 de junio) Impactante video: 100 latigazos por usar pantalones en Sudán ULTIMA HORA (8 de junio) VIDEO. Hermano de Meriam (en árabe subtitulado al inglés): "Debe ser ejecutada" ULTIM...

Macedonian contributor attacked over contribution to Freedom House report

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Index on Censorship
mediafreedom.ushahidi.com - 15:17 Jun 17 2014 Skopje, Municipality of Centar, City of Skopje, Skopje Region, 1000, Macedonia   Defamation/Discredit   Another media   Journalist   Other   Female   Verified Reports

Acciones de Ecuador han disuadido persecución de EEUU, dice Assange al cumplir dos años de asilo

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telegrafo.com.ec - El fundador de WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, destacó que las acciones de protección de Ecuador han disuadido la persecución en su contra por denunciar violaciones de los derechos humanos por parte de ...

Majority: Bergdahl swap deserves impeachment

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Truth Tweeter
wnd.com - Editor’s note: This is another in a series of “WND/WENZEL POLLS” conducted exclusively for WND by the public-opinion research and media consulting company Wenzel Strategies. America is less safe un...

Blog do Coronel: Vice de Aécio será conhecido dia 30.

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coturnonoturno.blogspot.com - Aécio Neves, candidato tucano à Presidência da República, afirmou nesta terça-feira (17) que o vice de sua chapa será definido no próximo dia 30, uma segunda-feira. "Estou dizendo pela primeira vez...

Cranmer: Short-sighted Hague downplays ISIS threat to UK

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Archbishop Cranmer
archbishop-cranmer.blogspot.co.uk - Foreign Secretary William Hague informed Parliament this week: "..we estimate the number of UK-linked individuals fighting in Syria to include approximately 400 British nationals and other UK-linke...

Paraphilia of the Day: Voyeurism

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barbwire.com - Before going any further, let me extend my heartfelt appreciation to everyone, left or right, angry or not, who are helping to bring more attention to this website and our paraphilia series. I can’...

Telecomunicaciones: De monopolio a cartel - El Financiero

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Juan Carlos Hidalgo
elfinancierocr.com - George Stigler, Premio Nobel de Economía en 1982, fue el gran pensador detrás de la "Teoría Económica de la Regulación", mejor conocida como "captura regulatoria", que establece que cada vez que ex...

Petistas reciclam slogan e dizem que ‘esperança vai vencer o ódio’ - Política - Estadão

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Paulo De Boni
politica.estadao.com.br -  Após os xingamentos dirigidos à presidente Dilma Rousseff na abertura da Copa do Mundo e as declarações do tucano Aécio Neves segundo as quais “um tsunami vai varrer” o PT do governo, o ex-preside...

Albanian TV crew attacked during police raid

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Index on Censorship
mediafreedom.ushahidi.com - 15:03 Jun 17 2014 Gjirokastra, Gjirokastër, Gjirokaster, Albania   Attack to Property   Underworld/Criminal Organisation   Cameraman   Journalist   Other   Verified Reports

Really Child Of God?

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tearstojoyministries.org -   I would like to talk about something tonight that is really quite simple, yet why is it so complicated! Some of you might think this topic is quite silly! While others of you might think this is ...

Depoimento de Pizzolato denuncia que Lula favoreceu criminosos italianos

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Fitzcarraldo Çilva
revoltabrasil.com.br - Lula teria usado de sua influência política para negociar extração de madeira na Amazônia e facilitar outras negociações com ‘mafiosos italianos’. O Ministério Público da Itália interrogou no fim d...

Missionários religiosos aproveitam Copa no Brasil para falar de Deus

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Missões Nacionais
otempo.com.br - O grito de gol que emociona, um lance do craque que arranca suspiros nas arquibancadas, torcedores comemorando uma vitória, chorando pela derrota ou agradecendo a Deus pela oportunidade de particip...

No One Else Cares? CBS: 'Republicans' Warning of Future '9/11-Like Terror Plot'

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newsbusters.org - Following the insulting trend of tagging every objection or concern raised about Obama administration policy and conduct as exclusively the province of Republicans and conservatives to an outrageou...

Barroso é o novo relator dos casos do mensalão - Política - Estadão

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Fitzcarraldo Çilva
politica.estadao.com.br - Brasília - O ministro do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF), Luís Roberto Barroso, é o novo relator do processo do mensalão. Ele assumiu a relatoria após o decisão do presidente da Corte, Joaquim Barbo...

Blog do Coronel: Corrupção: os efeitos sobre o PT serão devastadores em 2014.

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coturnonoturno.blogspot.com - Nas eleições de 2010, o PT entoou o mantra de que ninguém pode ser considerado culpado antes da sentença transitar em julgado. E a segunda vacina dos petistas saía da boca de Lula, que dizia que o ...

Deadly diseases crossing border with illegals

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wnd.com - A flood of illegals has massively surged at our southwestern borders. The economic impact of medical care, education and incarceration for illegals forced on taxpayers is bankrupting Arizona. Why a...

Página ‘Vai ter bofe’ reúne os jogadores mais gatos da Copa do Mundo de 2014 - Jornal O Globo

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Anna Celico
oglobo.globo.com - RIO - Com a Copa do Mundo ainda em sua fase inicial, a internet é tomada de assalto por sites que fazem graça com os acontecimentos do Mundial. O mais novo deles é o tumblr “Vai ter bofe”, que list...

Ser revolucionário, ser governista - Portal Libertarianismo

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Libertarianismo +
libertarianismo.org - Publicado em 25 de fevereiro de 2014 | por Erick Vasconcelos [Publicado originalmente no Estadão recentemente publicou alguns artigos que falavam sobre as circunstâncias políticas da época. Um dele...

Mantega confirma 'pacote de bondades' para empresários - Economia - Estadão

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economia.estadao.com.br - BRASÍLIA - O governo deve anunciar um pacote de medidas para estimular a economia nesta quarta-feira, 18. O ministro da Fazenda, Guido Mantega, confirmou o anúncio mas recusou-se a adiantar detalhe...

Conta de luz da RGE ficará 22,77% mais cara

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Marisa Cruz
wp.clicrbs.com.br - As contas de luz de clientes da RGE ficarão, em média, 22,77% mais caras. O reajuste foi aprovado nesta terça-feira pela Agencia Nacional de Energia Elétrica (Aneel). Entra em vigor na quinta-feira...

The repugnant Section 66A of India’s Information Technology Act - Index on Censorship

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Index on Censorship
indexoncensorship.org - Repealing the blatantly arbitrary law is the only way to protect and uphold the freedom of expression. How does one gauge if some online communication, especially a tweet or a Facebook post, is “of...

The solution to everything: slavery to the State - NWO Stop

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NWO Stop
nwostop.com - Government and mega-corporations work hand in hand. read full article blog comments powered by Disqus < Prev   Next >

'Hardball' Ignores Audio of Hillary Laughing As She Recounts Defense of Child Rapist; Matthews & Co. Spin Book Tour Instead

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newsbusters.org - Earlier today, Washington Post columnist Melinda Henneberger favorably retweeted a story by NewsBusters alumna and Washington Free Beacon contributor Alana Goodman regarding newly-discovered audiot...

Conselho de Comunicação Social pode ser regulamentado no Congresso - Portal IMPRENSA

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portalimprensa.com.br - O Conselho de Comunicação Social voltará a ser discutido em breve no Congresso. Colocado em pauta para o dia 1°de julho, o órgão que analisa as matérias do Poder Legislativo referentes à comunicaçã...

Actualidad - Financiadas 1.500 pymes madrileñas con 111 millones a través de Avalmadrid

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PP de Madrid
madrid.org - Ello supuso un incremento de la actividad de Avalmadrid del 20%. El número de socios también se incrementó en 2013, situándose en 8.981, mientras que el riesgo vivo alcanzó los 487 millones. En cua...

Blog do Coronel: Tentativa desesperada: Lula espalha ódio e baixaria para impedir derrocada do PT.

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coturnonoturno.blogspot.com - terça-feira, 17 de junho de 2014 Tentativa desesperada: Lula espalha ódio e baixaria para impedir derrocada do PT. Editorial do Estadão, intitulado "Desespero, ódio e baixaria", publicado hoje: "No...

Chinese church's fightback fails to stop cross removal - Telegraph

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telegraph.co.uk - “The worshippers were threatened that if they resisted, their church would be demolished just like Sanjiang,” he said. Photographs sent to The Telegraph show a crane winching a large red cross from...

* Católicos que assumem sua fé de forma pública e estão na Copa 2014, no Brasil.

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blog.comshalom.org - * Católicos que assumem sua fé de forma pública e estão na Copa 2014, no Brasil. Posts relacionados: * Cresce o número de atentados contra os católicos nos EUA * Brasil: existe “vida” depois da Cop...

Jornal Nacional - PSC lança Pastor Everaldo como candidato à Presidência da República

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Blog EveraldoPereira
g1.globo.com - Em São Paulo, o Partido Social Cristão (PSC) lançou a candidatura do pastor Everaldo Pereira à Presidência da República. Everaldo Pereira prometeu diminuir o número de ministérios e os gastos públi...

Olavo de Carvalho: Assassinos da inteligência - 17/06/2014 - Opinião - Folha de S.Paulo

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Nivaldo Cordeiro
folha.uol.com.br - Pensar, até um burro pensa. O que distingue a espécie humana é sua capacidade de confrontar o pensado com o conjunto dos conhecimentos disponíveis e regular o curso do pensamento pela escala de cre...

The latest in scientific research: There is no gay gene

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Bryan Fischer
onenewsnow.com - If homosexuality is biologically determined, then the rest of us don't have much choice but to accept it as a sad and unfortunate reality. But if homosexual conduct is ultimately a matter of choice...

El "populismo pontificio" y 16 respuestas más sobre Francisco, el papa - MDZ Online

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Andrés Beltramo A.
mdzol.com - Si alguien podia captar rápida y certeramente quién es, quién era y quién será Jorge Bergoglio, el papa Francisco, esa persona tenía que ser un periodista que  habitualmente camina en la búsqueda d...

CBS Uses Father of California Shooting Victim to Push Gun Control

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mrc.org - CBS Evening News seems to have shifted from merely reporting the news to becoming an advocate. On Tuesday, June 17, fill-in host Jeff Glor introduced a segment on gun control that sounded more like...

Catholics, Islam, and Straight Thinking

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barbwire.com - Although I am not a Catholic, I admire many of them. And one of my favorite contemporary Catholic thinkers is William Kilpatrick. He has penned numerous important books and articles, and today he i...

Seis Paradoxos sobre Liberdade - Liberzone

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liberzone.com.br - Assim, se Joãozinho prefere sorvete de chocolate ao de morango podemos achar três classes de determinantes nesse “ato de livre escolha”: Joãozinho é  um homo sapiens, portanto muito suscetível a re...

Disputa presidencial já tem nome de Levy Fidelix confirmado nas eleições de 2014 - PRTB - Partido Renovador Trabalhista Brasileiro

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Levy Fidelix
prtb.org.br - Domingo, 15 de junho a convenção do PRTB oficializou a candidatura de Levy Fidelix. A candidatura vai ter o apoio do Partido Militar Brasileiro (PMB), de Marcos Pontes, primeiro astronauta brasilei...

Gifts for the College Student

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Dawn (USMC Mom)
squidoo.com - Traveling home in an airport is a breeze as the the laptop compartment of this backpack is accessible from the side for easy access. Throw in a pair of clothes and you have an overnight travel carr...

Doctors’ freedom of conscience is under attack, but it’s worth fighting for

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Catholic News Live
lifesitenews.com - I have previously highlighted the case of two Glasgow midwives who were disciplined by their NHS Trust for refusing to participate in abortion. Their Trust was found to be in the wrong by the Scott...

Ukraine-Russia Near "Serious Conflict" Following Explosion In Largest European Gas Transit Pipeline

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Henry Makow
informationclearinghouse.info - Witnesses say flames are reaching 200 metres high. Gazprom shares are tumbling on the news (as should European stocks) and Russia's Foreign Affairs Committee Chief Aleksei Pushkov warned relations ...

House Oversight Subpoenas Lois Lerner’s IRS Computer Hard Drive

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cnsnews.com - (CNSNews.com) – Because the IRS told Congress late last Friday that former IRS official Lois Lerner’s computer had apparently crashed and her emails from January 2009 to April 2011 were now lost, t...

Pro-Bono Lawyers: Most Unaccompanied Border Children Eligible for Amnesty

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Bryan Fischer
breitbart.com - Under the authority of the Homeland Security Act, the federal government transfers custody of illegal immigrant children who are apprehended alone at our borders to the Department of Health and Hum...

Twin tornadoes tear through Nebraska town; 2 dead - CNN.com

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Ayesha Shaikh
cnn.com - Pilger, Nebraska (CNN) -- Becky Hauf had always been told her little town of Pilger, Nebraska, would never see a tornado. Too close to the Elkhorn River, the folklore went. The rare twin tornadoes ...


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Brasil Cristão
brasilcristao.org - Conforme vossa benevolência em nos ajudar com a criação do Dia Estadual Contra o Preconceito e Discriminação ao Cristianismo elaborei um modelo de propositura, ainda sendo analisado pelos colaborad...

PMDB dissidente mantém influência na Caixa Econômica - Política - Estadão

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Roberta C.M.Oliveira
politica.estadao.com.br - Murilo Rodrigues Alves e Victor Martins - O Estado de S. Paulo Brasília - A presidente Dilma Rousseff decidiu agradar a ala dissidente do PMDB uma semana após o grupo impor uma vitória apertada pel...

Chamado de “pitbull do conservadorismo”, Reinaldo Azevedo vai processar petista

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portal.comunique-se.com.br - Em artigo publicado nessa segunda-feira, 16, no site do PT, o vice-presidente do partido, Alberto Cantalice, criticou a postura dos “pitbulls do conservadorismo” da mídia brasileira, que debocham d...

Exteriores alerta a los españoles en Brasil que tienen prohibido manifestarse

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elconfidencialdigital.com - Los aficionados españoles que viajen al Mundial de Brasil deberán estar alerta si pretenden participar en alguna concentración de protesta callejera: no está permitido por las autoridades del país ...

Obispos colombianos felicitan al presidente Santos por reelección

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Enlace Católico.com
enlacecatolico.com - Monseñor Julio César Vidal Ortiz, obispo de la Diócesis de Cúcuta, felicitó a los colombianos por ejercer su derecho al voto y deseó lo mejor al presidente reelecto Juan Manuel Santo: "Deseamos que...

The Brutal Logic of a Self-Seeking Empire - Is Open-Ended Chaos the Desired US-Israeli Aim in the Middle East?

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Henry Makow
informationclearinghouse.info - a) Obama is to blame for this for having removed US troops in compliance with the 2008 Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) negotiated and signed by Bush. b) Obama is “man enough” to putatively resolv...
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Catholic News Live
lifesitenews.com - VALDOSTA, GA -- Georgia abortionist Charles Rossman pled guilty this morning to the charge of criminal abortion. He was sentenced to a total of ten years with five to be served in prison and the re...

NYC jury picked for ex-hedge fund owner's brother

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cnsnews.com - NEW YORK (AP) — A jury was chosen Tuesday for the insider trading trial of the brother of an imprisoned onetime billionaire hedge fund founder. Opening statements were scheduled for Wednesday in th...

Martirio en Kenia: «Mi esposo dijo que éramos cristianos y le dispararon en la cabeza»

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hazteoir.org - Fundamentalistas islámicos vinculados a Al Qaeda siembran el terror en un pequeño pueblo costero del país africano, asesinando a medio centenar cristianos, y asolando todo a su paso. REDACCIÓN HO.-...

Lawyer on Supreme Court hunger strike against social media firings - Yahoo News

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Scott Williams
news.yahoo.com - WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Reclining on a beach chair outside the U.S. Supreme Court, Delaware lawyer Brian Zulberti doesn't look like a man on a do-or-die mission to transform Internet privacy. But ev...

Supreme Court to Rule on Obamacare Abortion Mandate, Presidential Power, More

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barbwire.com - It’s the busy season at the Supreme Court. In the next two weeks, they will decide on 17 cases they’ve considered for months, including whether you have free speech outside an abortion clinic, whet...

-= Let's Pray =-

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Bryan Fischer
afa.net - Never before in the history of our country has America faced a moral crisis like the one before us today. The foundations of our government are crumbling right before our eyes. Our churches are aba...

Comedy Nights' Going Off Air Upsets Shraddha Kapoor And Sidharth Malhotra! - Oneindia Entertainment

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Ayesha Shaikh
entertainment.oneindia.in - Sidharth Malhotra and Shraddha Kapoor are upset that Kapil Sharma's popular show Comedy Nights with Kapil will soon go off air. Shraddha, who has never been on Comedy Nights..., hopes that soon she...

Aécio já lidera entre os eleitores que conhecem bem os candidatos. Em SP tem o dobro de votos de Dilma e Campos!

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Nariz Gelado
construindopensamentos.wordpress.com - Tem umas notícias que a gente lê e entende por que Lula jogou no lixo a fantasia “paz e amor” criada pelo Duda Mendonça e tá aí, despejando raiva pra todo lado. Vejam (íntegra aqui): Este é apenas ...

E se o futebol fosse estatizado? - Liberzone

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liberzone.com.br - O empolgante jogo desta terça-feira à tarde marcou o início daquele que, de acordo com o Ministério do Esporte, promete ser o Torneio Nacional mais acirrado desde a completa estatização do Sistema ...

Senadores trabalharão três dias em junho e deputados, quatro durante o recesso - Jornal O Globo

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Roberta C.M.Oliveira
oglobo.globo.com - BRASÍLIA — Desde a semana passada não há sessões de votações no Senado e na Câmara dos Deputados. A perspectiva é que os deputados e senadores só retomem os trabalhos em julho. Até mesmo o calendár...

SparklyPrettyBriiiight | Weekend pop art: Lesa Lehtimäki’s brilliant photo-realistic LEGO homage to Star Wars

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Karen Woodham
sparklyprettybriiiight.com - If you’re thinking that LEGO is still just for kids, you may want to check out the impressive work of Finnish photographer Lesa Lehtimäki a.k.a. Avanaut on Flickr, which proves that big kids can ha...

Nave capaz de viajar à velocidade da luz começa ser projetada - CdB

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Correio do Brasil
correiodobrasil.com.br - O designer Mark Rademaker e o cientista da NASA Harold White apresentaram, neste sábado, o projeto de uma nave espacial capaz de transportar pessoas pelo universo a uma velocidade superior à da luz...

Fundación Ratzinger anuncia congreso en la U. Bolivariana de Medellín

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Enlace Católico.com
enlacecatolico.com - La Fundación vaticana, Joseph Ratzinger – Benedicto XVI, presentó hoy en la sala de prensa de la Santa Sede, un congreso que se realizará en la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana de Medellín, con e...

Newtown victim families could each receive $281,000 from donated funds - CNN.com

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Henry Makow
cnn.com - (CNN) -- The families of the 26 Newtown school shooting victims each would receive $281,000 from donated funds under a proposal introduced at a public hearing in Newtown. Under the proposal, additi...

‘Duck Dynasty’ nephew makes bid for Congress, platform ‘begins with God’

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Catholic News Live
lifesitenews.com - WEST MONROE, LA – The "Duck Dynasty" family may soon be in the chambers of Congress. Emphasizing that his "basic platform … begins with God," the nephew of "Duck Dynasty" patriarch Phil Robertson h...

Flashback: Koskinen Has Hard Time Saying If IRS Will Hand Over All Lerner's Emails

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cnsnews.com - (CNSNews.com) - Almost three months ago, Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) repeatedly asked IRS Commissioner John Koskinen if he would deliver "all of Lois Lerner's emails" to the House Oversight and Go...

God Redacted from High School Graduation Speech - Todd Starnes - Page 1

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townhall.com - Brooks Hamby never wanted to be a rabble-rouser. He just wanted to thank Jesus in his high school graduation speech. But the Brawley Union School District in Brawley, Calif., said the references to...

Talkin' Bout My Generation? Cultural References in Marketing

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Jeffrey Levin
gianfagnamarketing.com - “Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain,” I heard a marketing consultant say in a recent meeting. I knew he was quoting the scene from The Wizard of Oz when Toto pulls back the curtain to ...

Why Is Ranveer Singh Excited About Dil Dhadakne Do? - Oneindia Entertainment

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Ayesha Shaikh
entertainment.oneindia.in - Ranveer Singh will soon be seen in the upcoming film Dil Dhaakne Do but the most exciting part of the film for the actor is getting the chance to work with veteran actor Anil Kapoor. The film Dil D...

This animated map shows U.S. tweet volume before and after USMNT game-winner - SBNation.com

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sbnation.com - In order to provide our users with a better overall experience, we ask for more information from Facebook when using it to login so that we can learn more about our audience and provide you with th...

Seleção para em goleiro mexicano e empate decepciona torcida cearense

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Portal Guiame
guiame.com.br - O Brasil só havia, até esta terça-feira, disputado partidas de Copa em casa no chamado "eixo Rio-SP". Até que finalmente o Nordeste, mais especificamente Fortaleza, teve a chance de assistir in loc...

Luis Barroso é o novo relator dos casos do mensalão - Política - Estadão

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Roberta C.M.Oliveira
politica.estadao.com.br - O ministro Luis Roberto Barroso, do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF), é o novo relator do processo do mensalão. O presidente do STF, Joaquim Barbosa, deixou o caso nesta terça-feira, 17. Barbosa argu...

Expectativa da polícia para o jogo do Brasil é de tranquilidade em Fortaleza - Jornal Correio do Brasil

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Correio do Brasil
correiodobrasil.com.br - Fortaleza não alterou esquema de segurança montado há meses para garantir tranquilidade à população e aos turistas em todo o período do Mundial. Segundo o tenente-coronel Fernando Albano, porta-voz...

America and Israel – Two Nations Joined at the Heart

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barbwire.com - In researching a recent commentary on the Battle of Concord and Memorial Day, I was again struck by the colonial affinity for names from the Jewish Bible. Among the first Americans to fall at Conco...

A2 Hosting Review – The Need For Speed

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John Paul Aguiar
johnpaulaguiar.com - For the past couple months I have been looking into getting faster, more reliable hosting for this site and my other sites. Today I am talking about A2 Hosting and what I think about their SSD styl...

'Somos os brasileiros esquecidos', diz desabrigado após deslizamentos no RN - 17/06/2014 - Poder - Folha de S.Paulo

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Pr.Roberto Luiz
folha.uol.com.br - A festa estava preparada para o segundo jogo do Brasil na Copa. Bastaria repetir nesta terça-feira (17) o churrasco com cerveja, parentes e amigos reunidos na casa em torno da piscina de plástico. ...

David Duke Downplays Jewish-Khazar Connection - henrymakow.com

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Henry Makow
henrymakow.com - FYI Duke is a govt agent recruited after faltering in his political career in Louisiana. He is the second recent and similar 'anti-semite' to attack and attempt to undermine the Khazar claims. The ...

Latin American nations reject gay agenda at international assembly

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Catholic News Live
lifesitenews.com - ASUNCION, Paraguay -- In what local media are calling a “clear and numerous response,” many Latin American countries rejected recommendations to approve same-sex unions during the Organization of A...

Founder of child porn site gets 30 years in prison

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cnsnews.com - NEWARK, N.J. (AP) — A Ukrainian man who founded and operated an international child sexual abuse website has been sentenced in New Jersey to 30 years in prison. The sentencing in federal court Tues...

MSNBC Liberal Has 70-Second Field Day with Hillary’s Bomb of a Book, Disastrous Tour, Bad Interviews

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ijreview.com - Last week, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton released her book “Hard Choices.” However, an over 600 page memoir detailing Hillary’s time at the State Department isn’t selling copies in the ...

Don't speak at hateful anti-gay rally

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Jeffrey Levin
act.faithfulamerica.org - Why is one of the nation's most prominent Catholic archbishops scheduled to speak at a virulently anti-gay rally? San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone is appearing at the upcoming "March f...

Living in the Hood Now a Disease - Tom O'Halloran

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✪Tom O'Halloran✪
tomohalloran.com - Living in the ‘hood now a disease, says CDC: ‘Hood Disease’ caused by urban stress. ANOTHER New Disease all in the interest of medicating Americans.  Add to that: Affluenza, Shift Worker Sleep Diso...

Até protesto anti-Copa termina para ver empate entre Brasil e México - Jornal Correio do Brasil

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Correio do Brasil
correiodobrasil.com.br - 17/6/2014 19:09 Por Redação, com ABr e ACSs - de Fortaleza Em dia de empate na Arena Castelão, em Fortaleza, o grito de gol ficou preso na garganta de milhões brasileiros, inclusive dos manifestant...

The Customer is NOT Always Right

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John Paul Aguiar
steamfeed.com - Everyone at some time or another has worked on the service side of the business – trying to manage the client’s expectations while, many times, acquiescing to their demands, just to make them happy...

Women's Health: Black Soybean Ragout

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Chantel Martiromo
thetruestoriesstories.blogspot.com - Place soy oil, garlic, salt, cayenne pepper and cumin into food processor. Process until a paste forms. Add ½ cup tomato juice, garlic paste, tomatoes and onions. Sauté for 5 minutes. Add remaining...

Pablo Pineda pide respeto al derecho a la vida de las personas con Síndrome de Down

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hazteoir.org - "Me da pena que se niegue el derecho a la vida a una persona por tener Síndrome de Down, pues tenemos mucho que aportar a la sociedad: alegría, optimismo, ternura y un sinfín de valores positivos",...

Dia do segundo jogo da Seleção Brasileira na Copa terá festa nas 12 cidades-sede

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Painel Brasil TV
copa2014.gov.br - No dia do segundo jogo da Seleção Brasileira na Copa do Mundo, diante do México, a partir das 16h, em Fortaleza (CE), as Fan Fests da FIFA vão movimentar mais uma vez as 12 cidades-sede. Além da tr...

Where did the issue of health data exchange disappear to? - Data

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Terry Kinder
strata.oreilly.com - On the first morning of the biggest conference on data in health care–the Health Datapalooza in Washington, DC–newspapers reported a bill allowing the Department of Veterans Affairs to outsource mo...

fácil de entender

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blasfemias.net - Há por aí um certo desconsolo com o “sucesso” da recuperação económica portuguesa, ao ponto do anterior ministro das finanças, Vítor Gaspar, se mostrar muito preocupado com a taxa de desemprego que...

IRS Targets Pro-Lifers, Conveniently Loses Emails to Hold It Accountable

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lifenews.com - by Tony Perkins | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 6/17/14 2:35 PM For the Obama administration, the Year of the Computer Glitch just produced the most convenient one of all. Click here to sign up f...

Novena for a Rebirth of Chastity and Purity July 18 - 26, 2014

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The Catholic Spirit
catholichotdish.com - Join the Marriage, Family and Life Office in praying a novena for chastity and purity in the world. We will begin this novena on Friday, July 18, 2014 in preparation for the USCCB’s NFP Awareness W...

Kyle J. Norton Health Tips for Better Living and Living Health: Duodenitis Prevention - The Antioxidants

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Kyle J.Norton
kylejnorton.blogspot.com - Duodenitis is defined as a condition of inflammation in the lining of the duodenum, the first section of the small intestine.  Antioxidant to prevent Duodenitis The aim of antioxidants is to enhanc...

I Was the Lion… | A Heart For God

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aheartforgod.org - “I was the lion who forced you to join with Aravis. I was the cat who comforted you among the houses of the dead. I was the lion who drove the jackals from you while you slept. I was the lion who g...

PT lança ofensiva contra jornalistas. Episódio da semana: Cantalice no país das armadilhas

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Wenderson Batista
veja.abril.com.br - Alberto Cantalice, vice-presidente nacional do PT e coordenador das Redes Sociais do partido, escreve coisas como “diurtunamente”, “o repúdio (…) demonstram” e “a maioria (…) abominam”; usa vírgula...

Mike Rowe's photo "My producer today is a guy from England. He sounds like I imagine Winston Churchill did after a few…" on WhoSay

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Ahh! Photography
whosay.com - My producer today is a guy from England. He sounds like I imagine Winston Churchill did after a few bottles of Champagne. http://www.whosay.com/l/Bas8AI1 Embed 34s

ConJur - TSE rejeita representação do PSDB contra propaganda com Dilma

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Paulo Devechi
conjur.com.br - O Tribunal Superior Eleitoral rejeitou na última segunda-feira (16/6) uma representação do PSDB contra o PT e a presidente Dilma Rousseff por suposto desvio de finalidade de propaganda partidária. ...

Tense Times As Supreme Court Could Rule In Favor Of Hobby Lobby's Attempt To Rule By Religion

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Jeffrey Levin
politicususa.com - During the 2012 Republican presidential primary and general election campaign, Americans learned from various Republicans claiming Christianity informed their policy positions that “lying for the l...

Universidad ElCato-Fundación Para el Progreso

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Pablo Sánchez Somana
elcato.org - La Universidad ElCato-Fundación Para el Progreso tiene cupo para 60 jóvenes de América Latina y España. Descarga y llena el formulario de solicitud y envíalo a elcato@cato.org. De ser seleccionado ...

Chile: las primeras medidas de Bachelet.

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Juanjo Romero
vidainteligente.es - Posted by Jorge on Jun 16, 2014 in América, cultura de la vida - cultura de la muerte, política | 0 comments Acabado el mandato de Sebastián Piñera, las elecciones presidenciales chilenas han lleva...

How to Become a Synergistic Leader — Do Lead Book

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Greg Wilson
doleadbook.com - Being an effective leader means transcending your default leadership style. Download the first chapter of Do Lead for free here and get started on your leadership transformation today. 

Justina Pelletier released to her parents’ custody tomorrow

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Catholic News Live
lifesitenews.com - BOSTON, MA, June 17, 2014 (LifeSiteNews.com) – After more than a year and a national campaign that engaged the forces of talk radio and the internet, Justina Pelletier is going home tomorrow. Judge...
Meio Ambiente

Dukeville concerns over coal ash: 5 things to know

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cnsnews.com - In the wake of a Feb. 2 coal ash spill near Eden, North Carolina, another town in the state is re-examining the possible effects of living near a coal ash dump. Residents living in some 150 homes n...

Sheriff Joe: ‘Border Patrol Too Busy Changing Diapers’ To Go After Illegals - Tom O'Halloran

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✪Tom O'Halloran✪
tomohalloran.com - Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio blasted the Obama Administration on Monday, saying the Border Patrol is too busy babysitting to actually do their jobs. “The Border Patrol is too busy changing di...

America Must Return to Her Moral and Spiritual Foundations

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barbwire.com - Mathew D. Staver is Chairman and Founder of Liberty Counsel®, an international nonprofit litigation, education, and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of lif...

O que fazer para combater a “Mendicância Infantil”??

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Controle Social
controlesocialdesarandi.com.br - Elaboramos então um plano de trabalho envolvendo o Conselho Tutelar, o Grupo TUMM e a Prefeitura de Mococa. Decidimos que era necessária uma ampla divulgação à população local de que este trabalho ...

Women Health - Vaginal Infections: All About Women Health - Vaginal Infections

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Chantel Martiromo
womenhealth-vaginalinfections.blogspot.com - All About Women Health - Vaginal Infections How to Prevent Vaginal Infections by Keeping the Place Dry By Karlhans Che Recommended Reading 12 Hour Cure For Yeast Infection. Permanently Banish Yeast...

Após renúncia teatral de Barbosa, relatoria da AP 470 vai para Luís Roberto Barroso - Jornal Correio do Brasil

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Correio do Brasil
correiodobrasil.com.br - O ministro Luís Roberto Barroso, do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF), foi escolhido nesta terça-feira como novo relator da Ação Penal 470, o processo que ficou conhecido como ‘mensalão’. O processo f...

Atenção às alterações do trânsito e horários do comércio antes do jogo - Cidades DF - Correio Braziliense

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Painel Brasil TV
correiobraziliense.com.br - Para comentar essa notícia entre com seu e-mail e senha Caso você não tenha cadastro, Clique aqui e faça seu cadastro gratuito. Esqueci minha senha » Termos de uso

Sem subestimar | Radar on-line - Lauro Jardim - VEJA.com

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Mara Kramer
veja.abril.com.br - O governo acompanhará de lupa a reunião da CPI mista da Petrobras marcada para quarta-feira. As lideranças de Câmara e Senado já foram alertadas para não marcarem bobeira e caírem de no erro de con...

US Captures The Banghazi Killings Mastermind (And Scapegoat): Meet Ahmed Abu Khatallah

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Terry Kinder
zerohedge.com - With Hillary Clinton still plagued by relentless confrontations about her role in the Benghazi fiasco, which apparently are "making a difference", and certainly distracting from Obama's otherwise i...

Plato “Philosophy begins in wonder.” — Philosophical Quotes

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Philosophers quotes
philosophical-quotes.com - Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *

275 Soldados estadounidenses a Iraq

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Wellington Moura
voanoticias.com - El anuncio lo hizo el presidente Barack Obama y su función no implica operaciones militares. Pero el hecho ha levantado controversia y evidencia la profundidad del dilema que enfrenta el gobierno e...

9 Weird Photography Tricks That Actually Work! -

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improvephotography.com - Sometimes I feel like I spend so much time reading photography tricks and tips online that I never see anything new anymore.  So, I set out to make this useful collection of some weird and cool pho...

Terrorist Leader in Benghazi Attacks Apprehended, Possibly En Route to U.S.

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Accuracy In Media
aim.org - WASHINGTON — The U.S. said that it had captured the suspected ringleader and terrorist mastermind of the disastrous attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya. The attack killed the U.S. ambas...

Will The Supreme Court Protect Hobby Lobby From the HHS Mandate?

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lifenews.com - by Steven Ertelt | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 6/17/14 1:01 PM The Supreme Court decision in the monumental Hobby Lobby case against the abortion mandate in Obamacare is expected either this we...

Pequeña Compañia F : Amapola (Boleros)

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Leonardo Cuellar.
shazam.com - Available on iPhone & iPod Touch, iPad, Android, Windows, Windows 8 and Blackberry.

Kyle J. Norton Health Tips for Better Living and Living Health: Descriptive Study of Educated African American Women Successful at Weight-Loss Maintenance

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Kyle J.Norton
kylejnorton.blogspot.com - In the study od Interventions to address obesity and weight loss maintenance among African Americans, found that Of 3,414 individuals screened, 1,280 were eligible and completed surveys. Ninety-per...

How to Be Born Again (in 30 seconds)

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aheartforgod.org - Mike Campagna (affectionately known by some as Pastor Mike) is making the most of web technologies to encourage disciples. A self-proclaimed “twitterholic,” one twitter follower describes him as th...

Open-Carry Activists Return to Target With Assault Rifles

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Algernon Fross
motherjones.com - On Saturday in the Dallas suburb of Irving, a group of men armed with semi-automatic rifles gathered in a parking lot outside a Target store for a demonstration led by the group Open Carry Texas, w...

The Putrid Pulitzers that Please Putin - Tom O'Halloran

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✪Tom O'Halloran✪
tomohalloran.com - If anything proved beyond doubt that the Pulitzer Prizes are a self-congratulatory display whereby the media pat each other on the back and share in the congratulations, it was the coverage of the ...

GOP leaders mum as Obama grants special rights to gay, transgender employees

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Catholic News Live
lifesitenews.com - WASHINGTON, D.C., June 17, 2014 (LifeSiteNews.com) – As President Obama prepares to issue an executive order adding homosexuality and transgender status as a protected class for the employees of fe...
Meio Ambiente

Kerry Wants 10% of World's Oceans Off-Limits to Human Activity

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cnsnews.com - (CNSNews.com) - With all that's happening in the world, Secretary of State John Kerry spent part of Monday addressing "the threats facing the ocean." "Today less than 2 percent of our ocean is cons...

PS acusa Rui Rio de ter deixado demasiado lucro na Câmara - ZAP

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zap.aeiou.pt - O PS considera que o resultado positivo de 23,6 milhões de euros, obtido pela Câmara Municipal do Porto em 2013, mostra que “Rui Rio não foi tão bom gestor como isso, porque podia ter feito mais pe...

Google cria doodle inspirado em favelas do Rio de Janeiro - Terra Brasil

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Danilo Simões
tecnologia.terra.com.br - Na noite desta terça-feira, o Google publicou um doodle em homenagem às favelas brasileiras. A animação do logotipo da empresa ganhou uma favela colorida, com a letra “L” imitando uma pessoa jogand...

Women's Health: Cheesy Potato Skins

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Chantel Martiromo
thetruestoriesstories.blogspot.com -   Posted by Chantel Martiromo   Recipe by Quick and easy family favorites (by Vickie and JoAnn) Make a meal out of this by adding your favorite meat.... barbecue pork, ham and chicken are all good ...

Luka Modric preparó el Mundial en Medjugorje

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religionconfidencial.com - Equipo nacional de fútbol de Croacia se preparó en Medjugorje antes del partido clasificatorio para la Copa Mundial contra Escocia el 7 de junio. Entre el 27 de mayo al 2 de junio, el equipo nacion...

Blog do Coronel: Presidente do PT mente no twitter sobre Mais Médicos.

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Adeus #Petralhas
coturnonoturno.blogspot.com - O presidente do PT, Rui Falcão, acaba de postar uma tremenda mentira no twitter. Veja acima. Quando vamos para a reportagem no site do espertalhão, está escrito: É uma grande mentira. Os primeiros ...

Autumn 2014 'My Happy Dish' Recipe Contest

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Sweet Paul Magazine
sweetpaulmag.com - Paul “Sweet Paul” Lowe is guided by his grandmother, Mormor’s, motto: “fullkommenhet er kjedelig” -- “perfection is boring”. Born in Oslo, his Mormor and Great Auntie Gunnvor instilled in him a lov...

Bishop Morlino: Marriage is First "Domino" of Civilization

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nomblog.com - Most Rev. Robert C. Morlino, Bishop of Madison, Wisconsin, said he is "deeply saddened" by a federal judge's recent judicial activism against Wisconsin's marriage amendment.  Bishop Morlino promise...

Carromero hablará en ONU sobre muerte de Oswaldo Payá y Harold Cepero

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Fidel Cerdo Ruz
martinoticias.com - El español Ángel Carromero intervendrá este martes ante el Consejo de Derechos Humanos de la ONU en Ginebra, donde se referirá a la muerte de los opositores cubanos Oswaldo Payá y Harold Cepero en ...

Bill And Hillary Clinton Support The Estate Tax... They Just Don't Want To Pay It

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Terry Kinder
zerohedge.com - I have been slowly educating my father on what's happening to the American people and country. He has just about fully woken up--thanks to an assist by the local gun and badge thugs and all the gun...

Polarizer Filters: What They Are & When They Can Be Used in Photography – PictureCorrect

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picturecorrect.com - There are few more important things that a nature photographer can do to improve his or her photography than becoming familiar with the use of the polarizing filter. What can a polarizing filter do...


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Accuracy In Media
aim.org - President Barack Obama bragged about killing Osama Bin-Laden, saying Al-Qaeda was virtually defeated, but maybe the gloating was out of place. “Osama Bin-Laden is dead, and Al-Qaeda is on the run,”...

Mantega anuncia medidas de apoio ao setor produtivo e novos estímulos à indústria - Jornal Correio do Brasil

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Correio do Brasil
correiodobrasil.com.br - O ministro da Fazenda, Guido Mantega, afirmou nesta terça-feira que o governo ainda está elaborando as novas medidas de estímulos, mas confirmou que serão divulgadas nas próximas horas. Mantega, ad...

Gaby Arellano: Ya salí del interrogatorio del Sebin, me encuentro bien

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lapatilla.com - La dirigente estudiantil, Gaby Arellano informó a través de su cuenta de Twitter su salida del interrogatorio que le fue hecho en la sede del Sebin. En horas de la tarde, cuando se dirigía al organ...

She Managed a Planned Parenthood Abortion Clinic But Quit When This Happened

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lifenews.com - by Matt Yonke | Des Moines, IA | LifeNews.com | 6/17/14 11:59 AM Sometimes the path God gives us to walk leads us places we never imagined we could go. That’s exactly the kind of story you’ll hear ...

This Is Not Your Average Trailer Home... And You Will Absolutely Fall In Love With It.

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viralspell.com - The tiny home you are about to see is called Skyline and it consists of one bedroom and one bathroom. The Skyline, as it is called, was designed by Eric Bohne, according to its listing, and has jus...

Kyle J. Norton Health Tips for Better Living and Living Health: Methods for voluntary weight loss and control

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Kyle J.Norton
kylejnorton.blogspot.com - In a study of "Methods for voluntary weight loss and control",  found that participants who remain in weight loss programs usually lose approximately 10% of their weight. However, one third to two ...

Get Back Up | A Heart For God

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aheartforgod.org - “For a righteous man falls seven times, and rises again.” (Proverbs 24:16a) My son, Michael, was 4 years old when he received his first bike. (That was a long time ago.) He did very well riding it ...

Social Media Tools Useful for Teaching English ESL TEFL

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Greg Wilson
mikesmithteacher.com - Has anyone any experience with these social media tools? While searching for web tools useful in teaching language, I stumbled across this very comprehensive article from some very respected social...

Toothy Grins Store: HydroFloss Oral Irrigator Versus ToiletTree Oral Irrigator

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David Snape
blog.toothygrinsstore.com - So, how does the Hydro Floss stack up against the ToiletTree Irrigator?  Here is what I can tell you.   A customer of mine called up and said that he had bought and returned two toilet trees.  He w...

BBC News - Dress code debate over schoolgirls 'distracting' boys

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The Daily PR
bbc.co.uk - Most students in the US do not have to wear school uniforms, but that doesn't mean there isn't a battle over what clothes are deemed appropriate to wear in the classroom Dress codes in most schools...

Kinsey Brief | StopTheKinseyInstitute.org

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Henry Makow
stopthekinseyinstitute.org - Download the PDF file:  BRIEF_The Kinsey Institute Exposed_A Warning to Parents and Governments_52014 5. Tor. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.torproject.org/ http://www.drjudithreisman.com/archi...

How Block Chain Technology Could Usher in Digital Democracy

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coindesk.com - In the digital age, it seems strange that people all around the world still use paper to vote. Of course, given bitcoin’s promise to remove paper from the financial system, many in the industry are...

Obama: 'Not Right' That It's Still Legal To Fire People For Being LGBT

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Jeffrey Levin
huffingtonpost.com - WASHINGTON -- President Barack Obama said Tuesday it's "wrong" that nearly 30 states allow employers to fire or harass someone solely because they are gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender, which i...

Only in Obama's world..... Liberal Logic 101... is ANYONE paying attention here?

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✪Tom O'Halloran✪
tomohalloran.com - Only in Obama’s world….. Liberal Logic 101… is ANYONE paying attention here? Follow VeronicaCoffin April 21, 2014 Post navigation « Previous Next » TPO's 30 second radio show promo http://tomohallo...

IRS: A Crushing Political Weapon - Tom O'Halloran

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✪Tom O'Halloran✪
tomohalloran.com - The IRS has been used as a “weapon” to target everyday Americans who work to better their communities through education and involvement in local politics. The intimidation is REAL and in this video...

Bolsa de bitcoin Mt Gox recebe proteção judicial contra falência nos EUA - Terra Brasil

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Danilo Simões
tecnologia.terra.com.br - A bolsa de bitcoin baseada em Tóquio e que entrou em colapso Mt Gox recebeu nesta terça-feira proteção judicial contra falência nos Estados Unidos, enquanto espera aprovação de um acordo com usuári...

Developing Leaders Online Free Gift

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Julie Kay
learningandleadership.com - If you want help in understanding how to bring out the best in people around you, especially those you suspect are on a different planet, here is a quick guide to do just that

The PJ Tatler » The Quote that Should End Hillary Clinton’s Political Career

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Truth Tweeter
pjmedia.com - Presumed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton held a staged townhall meeting on CNN today. CNN’s Christiane Amanpour made sure that CNN lived up to the “Clinton News Network” nickname that the ne...

Brasil x México: diferenças no campo e semelhanças na oração

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Foco Cristão
lagoinha.com - Brasil e México podem ser duas nações adversárias no jogo de hoje, 17, mas ambas devem andam de mãos dadas quando o assunto é oração. Os países latino americanos vivem sérias dificuldades sociais e...

Graduation Courage to Inspire!

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barbwire.com - California high school graduate Brooks Hamby is ready for the world ahead of him. I can tell that, from his graduation speech, where he stood for his convictions despite the school’s attempt to den...

Coward Republicans have the votes to impeach Obama but wouldn't : Fire Andrea Mitchell!

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fireandreamitchell.com - As Obama continues to ignore the Constitution and violate American law, Republicans sit idly by, playing with themselves letting Obama get away with violating the law. Pennsylvania RINO Lou Barlett...

Catholic.net - "I Regret My Abortion"

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catholic.net - Join the new media evangelization. Your tax-deductible gift allows Catholic.net to build a culture of life in our nation and throughout the world. Please help us promote the Church's new evangeliza...

Women's Health: Soy Ginger Salmon

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Chantel Martiromo
thetruestoriesstories.blogspot.com - Ovarian Cyst Miracle "...Traditional Chinese Medicine Differentiation of Underlined Causes Uniquely Designed to each Patient and Cure accordingly,..." Chantel M. Thursday, September 22, 2011 Soy Gi...

Folha Política: Após 10 anos, órgão federal só repatriou R$ 34 milhões ao Brasil

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Mara Kramer
folhapolitica.org - segunda-feira, 16 de junho de 2014 Após 10 anos, órgão federal só repatriou R$ 34 milhões ao Brasil Imagem: Divulgação O órgão federal criado para coordenar esforços de recuperação de dinheiro desv...

4 Tools that Measure Google+ Page Performance

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Carlos Parrini
socialmediaexaminer.com - The right tools make it easier to see if Google+ is a viable marketing platform for your business. In this article you’ll discover four tools to track the analytics behind Google+, identify your ke...

33 Uplifting Photos of Green Fields

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lightstalking.com - By Admin on 6 Aug 2011 in Cool Photos, Featured [ 4 Comments ] Business people love talking about “green fields” and “clear skies” and they have a point – how can you not feel a little better with ...

Obama order to grant special rights to gay, transgender employees of federal contractors

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Catholic News Live
lifesitenews.com - WASHINGTON, D.C., June 17, 2014 (LifeSiteNews.com) – President Obama will sign an executive order adding homosexuality and transgender status as a protected class for the employees of federal contr...

Now That Cup Of Coffee IS Like No Other. That's Seriously Creative And Totally Awesome.

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viralspell.com - So The Floating Mug is making a splash on the internet, and on KickStarter, and for very good reason. This cup is so awesome and it’s hard to believe that someone actually thought of making such a ...

Democrat Party Chair: Bill Banning Abortion Up to Birth is "Extreme"

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lifenews.com - by Steven Ertelt | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 6/17/13 3:00 PM The House of Representatives will vote tomorrow on a bill that bans abortions nationally starting at 20 weeks of pregnancy, includ...

Kyle J. Norton Health Tips for Better Living and Living Health: Diet To Conceive (Fertility Diet) - What Is Nutrients?

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Kyle J.Norton
kylejnorton.blogspot.com - Diet To Conceive (Fertility Diet) - What Is Nutrients? Fertility is a natural process to insure the survival of human species. Through natural selection, we produce many offspring when the reproduc...

Is the Gospel of Jesus Christ Too Good to be True?

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aheartforgod.org - “Even when we were dead in our transgressions, [God] made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved).” (Ephesians 2:5) While reading our own local newspaper my eye couldn’t help b...

Portal Mídia@Mais | “O juiz é nosso!” é grito de guerra da Copa da esculhambação

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midiaamais.com.br - Mas nada resume melhor o “clima” no Brasil que a torcida do time vencedor comemorando ajuda do juiz. Vai Brasil! (http://copadomundo.uol.com.br/noticias/redacao/2014/06/12/jornal-argentino-diz-que-...

Bélgica remonta y gana 2-1 a Argelia - Grupo Milenio

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Alberto Cárdenas E.
laaficion.milenio.com - La selección belga ganó este martes 2-1 a Argelia, tras remontar un gol en contra, en el primer partido del grupo H del Mundial de Brasil disputado en el estadio Mineirao de Belo Horizonte. El dela...

Conselhos de Assistência Social…DEVE ter Dotação Orçamentária…Sim!!!!

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Controle Social
controlesocialdesarandi.com.br - O art. 16 da Loas define que os conselhos da assistência social estão vinculados ao órgão gestor de assistência social, que deve prover a infraestrutura necessária ao seu funcionamento, garantindo ...

Create Powerful Content Based on Your Buyer Persona

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Greg Wilson
vasimpleservices.com - Content marketing is focused not on selling, but on simply communicating with customers and prospects. The idea is to inspire business and loyalty from buyers by delivering “consistent, ongoing val...
Meio Ambiente

Toothy Grins Store: Hydro Floss Oral Irrigator Shipping To Canada

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David Snape
blog.toothygrinsstore.com - We do ship our Hydro Floss Oral Irrigator to Canada.  However, shipping is not free to Canada as it is for our US customers.    When you enter a Canadian shipping address, you will automatically re...

Double Strawberry Cheesecake - Video - NYTimes.com

Partilhado por
Chuck Jones
nytimes.com - Melissa Clark makes a stunner of a dessert: a lighter, more flavorful double strawberry cheesecake made with goat cheese and red wine.

Translations of My hovercraft is full of eels in many languages

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omniglot.com - This phrase is used in a sketch about a badly translated English-Hungarian phrasebook from the British TV comedy show, Monty Python's Flying Circus. There's a video of the sketch on youtube and a t...

Region County City Church Pastor Life ProLife Personhood

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Sanctity of Life
bryanlongworth.com - I have a dream that one day all innocent human life will be protected by love and by law in Florida. For this to happen, we need your help to make the case for life in every region, every county, e...

Brasil ou Argentina? Adversários do futebol se confrontam em Bangladesh, a milhares de quilômetros da Copa do Mundo · Global Voices em Português

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Global Voices em PT
pt.globalvoicesonline.org - A Copa do Mundo 2014 estava para iniciar no Brasil, no último dia 12 de junho, e um entusiasmo frenético pela disputa já havia tomado conta de Bangladesh, como sempre ocorre a cada quatro anos.  Na...

BBC News - Georgia in first US execution since botched attempt

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The Daily PR
bbc.co.uk - The US state of Georgia is set to execute the first person in the US since a botched lethal injection in Texas in April. Marcus Wellons, who raped and killed a 15-year-old in 1989, is scheduled to ...

U.S. Says It Captured Suspected Leader of Benghazi Attack - NYTimes.com

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Cynthia Kelly
nytimes.com - CAIRO — American Special Operations forces have captured the suspected leader of the attack on the United States diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, in September 2012 and taken him out of that ...

Obamacare struggles, even where it’s succeeding - The Washington Post

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washingtonpost.com - Welcome to Health Reform Watch, Jason Millman's regular look at how the Affordable Care Act is changing the American health-care system — and being changed by it. You can reach Jason with questions...

Facebook desafia publicidade na TV com campanhas mais inteligentes - Terra Brasil

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Danilo Simões
tecnologia.terra.com.br - Sem os milhões de dólares necessários para pagar por um caro anúncio de TV do Super Bowl, o britânico Newcastle Brown Ale disparou uma enorme e diferente campanha nos Estados Unidos que jamais fari...

Mississippi RINO Thad Cochran: Obamacare 'an example of an important effort by the federal government' : Fire Andrea Mitchell!

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fireandreamitchell.com - Old crusty RINO loves ObamaCARE. He even admitted it to the Washington Post, saying that ObamaCARE ‘an example of an important effort by the federal government.’ Tell me, is Cochran a Republican? B...

JP Morgan lawyer killed by van while riding bike, 13th finance industry death

Partilhado por
✪Tom O'Halloran✪
obamasdeadbankers.com - JP Morgan attorney was killed after he was struck by a minivan while riding his bike, the 13th suspicious death to hit the industry since January COLUMBUS, OHIO — A high level JP Morgan bankruptcy ...
Meio Ambiente

Military Blimps Will Float In Aberdeen, Tracking Potential Threats « CBS Baltimore

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Doug Ray
baltimore.cbslocal.com - POEts: The Legendary, The Celebrity, The Local, The Controversial ABERDEEN, Md. (WJZ)—Soon, Maryland will be the home to a couple of new landmarks. Actually, sky-marks. As Mike Schuh reports, two l...

Blog do Coronel: Calote toma conta do Minha Casa, Minha Vida. Dilma não cobra inadimplentes para não perder votos nas eleições.

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Adeus #Petralhas
coturnonoturno.blogspot.com - Apesar da elevada inadimplência, o governo não está executando os beneficiários do Minha Casa, Minha Vida que têm renda mensal de até R$ 1,6 mil e estão atrasando o pagamento das prestações do prin...

Hillary Clinton Leaves Door Open On Marijuana Legalization

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Jeffrey Levin
huffingtonpost.com - Hillary Clinton said Tuesday she supports medical marijuana "for people who are in extreme medical conditions" and wants to "wait and see" how recreational pot works in Colorado and Washington stat...

Bacon Wrapped Jalapeno Peppers

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Dawn (USMC Mom)
food.squidoo.com - We avoid jalapenos like the plague. Hot bothers us so much that we only buy or make very mild salsa. BUT your recipe intrigues me. I (male) do most of the cooking and I like to experiment. The boss...


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Carlos Parrini
blogdoparrini.blogspot.com - terça-feira, 17 de junho de 2014 AMEAÇAS DA NARCODITADURA DO FORO DE SP Oucam esse boletim da Radio Vox onde os jornalistas comentam as ameacas do PETE aos principais jornalistas da oposicao e voce...

La policía investiga el uso de armas de fuego por agentes en Maracaná | Internacional

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internacional.elpais.com - La policía de Río de Janeiro aseguró este martes que investiga a dos agentes cazados en varios vídeos (entre ellos, uno de Associated Press) mientras usaban armas de fuego con munición real para di...

Breast Health: August 17- 2010 - All About Women Health - Breast Health

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Chantel Martiromo
breast-health-cure-writter.blogspot.com - August 17- 2010 - All About Women Health - Breast Health Benefits with Calcium on Breast Health - Are There Any Benefits with Calcium on Breast Health? By John Gibb Recommended Reading Cancer-Free ...

Short Cutting Your Success

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Michael Berry
blog.prosperyourmind.com - Housed in row after row of 8 foot by 15 foot steel black cabinets, the massive Blue Gene computer built by IBM covers a quarter acre of space at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California...

Hillary Clinton notes distance from Obama on Syria rebels

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reuters.com - Stops along the "Hard Choices" book tour.  Slideshow  WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Potential Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton pointed out her differences with President Barack Obama on T...

U.S. Supreme Court Reaffirms Visa Waiting Time Law

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Accuracy In Media
aim.org - About the author AIM Newswire The AIM Newswire is a collection of political, media and world news stories hand-picked by the AIM Staff. Opinions or bias expressed are not representative of Accuracy...

Sennheiser - Headphones & Headsets - Microphones - Integrated Systems

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Hollywood Dub
en-us.sennheiser.com - High-end dynamic speakers for superior bass driven stereo sound Full stereo sound with extraordinary rendition of detail Digital headphone system with automatic level control (ALC) Digital headphon...

Portal Mídia@Mais | Socialistas inovam de novo: agora faltam caixões na Venezuela

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midiaamais.com.br - E o Brasil só não virou uma outra Venezuela ainda porque as pessoas em geral teimam em não seguir as “recomendações” de petistas, movimentos sociais, professores universitários, jornalistas engajad...

Region County City Church Pastor Life ProLife Personhood

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Personhood Colorado
personhoodfl.com - I have a dream that one day all innocent human life will be protected by love and by law in Florida. For this to happen, we need to make the case for life in every region, every county, every city,...

Ohio Recommends Last Toledo Abortion Clinic be Shut Down for Breaking State Law

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lifenews.com - by Steven Ertelt | Columbus, OH | LifeNews.com | 6/17/14 10:55 AM Yesterday, an Ohio Department of Health hearing examiner ruled that Capital Care Network of Toledo be closed because it lacks a val...


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terrywmanning.blogspot.com -      Today is just a day of political smoke and mirrors by the Obama Administration, his lackey agencies such as the IRS and DOJ. Yeah, two years after Benghazi, they captured Ansar al-Sharia comma...


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