18 June 2014

Cristianismo & Política 17.06.2014 @CristPolit

Cristianismo & Politica

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PT lança ofensiva contra jornalistas. Episódio da semana: Cantalice no país das armadilhas

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Felipe Moura Brasil
veja.abril.com.br - Alberto Cantalice, vice-presidente nacional do PT e coordenador das Redes Sociais do partido, escreve coisas como “diurtunamente”, “o repúdio (…) demonstram” e “a maioria (…) abominam”; usa vírgula...

Olavo de Carvalho: Assassinos da inteligência - 17/06/2014 - Opinião - Folha de S.Paulo

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Ihamma Lins
folha.uol.com.br - Pensar, até um burro pensa. O que distingue a espécie humana é sua capacidade de confrontar o pensado com o conjunto dos conhecimentos disponíveis e regular o curso do pensamento pela escala de cre...

Papa guiará procissão durante festa de Corpus Christi

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Padre Paulinho
papa.cancaonova.com - A procissão acontece tradicionalmetne após a missa que celebra o Corpo de Cristo Na próxima quinta-feira, 19, Solenidade do Santíssimo Corpo e Sangue de Cristo, o Santo Padre presidirá a Missa na B...

Crianças que vivem em lares de casais homossexuais enfrentam mais riscos

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Comunidade Shalom
comshalom.org - O Dr. Fernando Pliego, cientista social da Universidade Nacional Autônoma do México (UNAM), assegurou que estudos realizados em 13 países apontam a que as crianças que vivem em lares de casais homo...

Dilma é xingada pela torcida; Pr. Silas comenta | Verdade Gospel - Portal gospel de notícias do Brasil

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Silas Malafaia
verdadegospel.com - Durante a festa de abertura da Copa do Mundo o público presente na Arena Corinthians, em São Paulo, iniciou um coro com xingamentos e insultos a presidente Dilma Rousseff, que estava presente nas t...

Coming soon: Europe after the Berlin Wall - Index on Censorship

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Index on Censorship
indexoncensorship.org - In the summer issue of Index on Censorship magazine, we include a special report: Brick by brick, freedom 25 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall. As Europe prepares for the anniversary of the w...

Luzia Santiago » Blog Archive » Em Deus felicidade enfim

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Kátia Bertunes
luziasantiago.com - “O Senhor é o meu pastor, nada me falta” (Salmo 23,1). É preciso ter um coração agradecido a Deus por todos os benefícios que o Senhor tem para cada um em particular. No início deste dia, esteja at...

Pastor preso foi agredido e levado a local desconhecido

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Paulo Teixeira do RJ
portasabertas.org.br - Companheiros de prisão relataram que o pastor Behnam Irani sofreu espancamentos por oficiais da inteligência. No dia 7 de junho, Irani foi convocado para comparecer perante o chefe de um tribunal r...

Diocese de Jundiaí – Vamos celebrar!

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Diocese de Jundiai
dj.org.br - Celebramos nesta semana, na quinta-feira, 19 de junho, a Festa de Corpus Christi, o Corpo de Cristo que foi doado para o perdão dos nossos pecados. Portanto, é tempo de celebrar e testemunhar nossa...

Nude activists chain themselves to main altar of Madrid cathedral | News

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Nick Donnelly
staging.lifesitenews.com - MADRID -- On June 13, two self-described “sextremists” from the radical feminist group FEMEN chained themselves to the Cathedral of the Almudena in Madrid, Spain. The two women walked into the Cath...

[VIDEO] Sacerdote sobreviviente de ataque y asesinato en EEUU: He perdonado a mi agresor

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - PHOENIX, 17 Jun. 14 / 12:16 pm (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- El P. Joseph Terra, de 56 años sobreviviente del ataque y robo en el que fue asesinado el P. Kenneth Walker, de 29, la noche del 11 de junio en ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Regresa la inquisición LGTB, tratando de boicotear de nuevo la venta de un libro sobre la homosexualidad

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hazteoir.org - La editorial LibrosLibres denuncia una nueva campaña de COLEGAS para cercenar la libertad de expresión e impedir la libre circulación de otro de sus libros, esta vez Hijos gays, padres heterosexual...

Julio Severo: Cristianismo fake: revista gospel se diz preocupada com “heresias” na internet e dá destaque para pseudo-especialista em “apologética”

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Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - A CH, quase que soltando fogos de artifício, disse sobre a medida ditatorial de impor o “casamento” gay no Brasil: “É o casamento gay, finalmente, sendo reconhecido, após uma batalha ideológica tra...

Pro-Life Florida Governor Just Signed Strong Abortion Restrictions Into Law

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Derecho a Vivir
charismanews.com - Florida Gov. Rick Scott signed legislation on Friday barring late-term abortions in cases where doctors determine an unborn child could survive outside the womb, in a move critics say further chips...
Arte & Entretenimento

Eduque seus filhos com valores

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Com. Canção Nova
formacao.cancaonova.com - É um comportamento muito comum das famílias criar expectativas em torno do futuro dos filhos. O sonho e a necessidade dos pais de vê-los na Universidade, bem sucedidos e felizes, acabam por neglige...

The Catholic Review > Home > Pope: Corruption is easiest ‘sin at fingertips’ of anyone with power

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L'Osservatore Romano
catholicreview.org - Pope: Corruption is easiest ‘sin at fingertips’ of anyone with power June 16, 2014 VATICAN CITY - For everyone who has any kind of authority over others, the one sin “at your fingertips” is the sin...
Arte & Entretenimento


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cem.org.mx - Homilía de S.E.R. Mons. Christophe Pierre Nuncio Apostólico en México Queridas hermanas y hermanos, “Han oído que se dijo: Ojo por ojo, diente por diente. Pero yo les digo...”  Cuando vemos, querid...

Cantora Adrielle Lopes fala da sua participação no Hallel 2014 - Notícias - Hallel Paracatu 2014 - Não tenha medo, tenha fé

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Adrielle Lopes
hallelparacatu.com.br - Notícias Cantora Adrielle Lopes fala da sua participação no Hallel 2014 Publicado em 16 jun 18h28 ( Atualizado em 16 jun 18h29 )

Acervo Fluminense: Gana 1 x 2 Estados Unidos

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Flu eternamente !
acervofluminense.blogspot.com - Os Estados Unidos estrearam com uma vitória por 2 a 1 na Copa do Mundo após um jogo eletrizante contra Gana, na Arena das Dunas, em Natal. Os gols americanos foram marcados por Dempsey logo na prim...


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cem.org.mx - Hay un hecho histórico que no debe silenciarse. El Papa y los líderes de Israel y Palestina se reunieron para rezar por la paz. En los mensajes de esa jornada encontramos las claves de la paz. Veam...

2014 Annual Convention in Ft Myers | Florida Federation of Young Republicans

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Ann Coulter
ffyr.org - Come to the FFYR Annual Convention in Downtown Fort Myers! The schedule and more details will be posted soon. We will be staying at the Hotel Indigo Ft Myers Downtown River District If you would li...

No Book Like the Bible

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John Piper
desiringgod.org - We believe the most effective way to make everyone everywhere truly, deeply, lastingly happy is to teach them to meet God in his word. This September, John Piper will be launching an initiative ins...

tmi.me - BrianCHouston: RT @CFCnews: D

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Brian Houston
tmi.me - RT @CFCnews: DAVID LUIZ DEPARTS: David Luiz has today completed his transfer to Paris Saint-Germain... http://t.co/jkFHtpni6I // Heartbroken!! 2014-06-17

G1 - Copa em São Paulo

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Padre Paulinho
g1.globo.com - Acompanhe como está a torcida na cidade nesta terça

Fique por dentro da programação completa do ConfraJovem 2014

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Igreja da Lagoinha
lagoinha.com - Para ter acesso ao local do evento, a IBL disponibilizará ônibus que transportará os participantes O ConfraJovem, que tem como tema “Loucos pelo Espírito Santo”, acontecerá entre os dias 19 e 21 de...

Papa Francisco celebra Santa Missa de Corpus Christi

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TV Cancao Nova
tv.cancaonova.com - Santo Padre preside Celebração Eucarística e conduz procissão na Solenidade do Santíssimo Corpo e Sangue de Cristo. Nesta quinta-feira, 19 de junho, a TV Canção Nova prepara um dia inteiro com mome...

Brasil x México: diferenças no campo e semelhanças na oração

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Igreja da Lagoinha
lagoinha.com - Brasil e México podem ser duas nações adversárias no jogo de hoje, 17, mas ambas devem andam de mãos dadas quando o assunto é oração. Os países latino americanos vivem sérias dificuldades sociais e...

Oferta de turismo sexual aumenta nas cidades-sede do Mundial - Jornal O Globo

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Alexandre Gonçalves
oglobo.globo.com - RIO E FORTALEZA — Além da bola rolando em campo, as cidades-sede da Copa do Mundo estão assistindo a uma outra disputa: a de prostitutas por clientes estrangeiros. O assédio de garotas de programa ...

Está chegando! DT na Europa!

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Diante do Trono
diantedotrono.com - O Ministério de Louvor Diante do Trono estará em turnê pela Europa nos próximos dias. Entre os dias 20 de junho a 5 de julho de 2014, o grupo estará em países como Alemanha, Bélgica, França, Finlân...
Meio Ambiente

Electricity Rationing, Blackouts A Reality For Millions Watching World Cup

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barbwire.com - For millions of soccer fans around the world, being able to watch their country play in the World Cup is a luxury: People in poor countries have to suffer through rolling blackouts and electricity ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Bênçãos de uma família

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Com. Canção Nova
blog.cancaonova.com - Eu nasci numa família de nove irmãos. Perto da minha casa, morava um tio, que tinha quinze filhos. Um pouco mais longe, morava o senhor Guatura com seus 24 filhos e mais um adotivo. Era assim há un...

This Beautiful Girl is Helping End the Stigma Associated With Down Syndrome

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lifenews.com - by Josh Brahm | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 6/17/14 12:30 PM Michelle Clark will never forget the first time she took her daughter Mara out for the first time. Mara was born with Down syndrome,...
Arte & Entretenimento

Catholic.net - Junio: Mes del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

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es.catholic.net - Explicación de la fiesta La imagen del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús nos recuerda el núcleo central de nuestra fe: todo lo que Dios nos ama con su Corazón y todo lo que nosotros, por tanto, le debemos a...

The Briefing 06-17-14 – AlbertMohler.com

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albertmohler.com - 1) Polarization of U.S. exposes deep significance of worldview Political Polarization in the American Public, Pew Research Center In polarized United States, we live as we vote, Washington Post (Da...
Meio Ambiente

‘Greenest’ World Cup In History To Emit 2.7 Million Tons Of CO2

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barbwire.com - Brazil and FIFA have promised that this year’s World Cup tournament will be the “greenest” ever. But is that true? With 3 billion viewers around the world and more than 500,000 fans attending the g...

Corpus Christi na Canção Nova deve reunir 7 mil fiéis

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Canção Nova Notícias
noticias.cancaonova.com - Haverá procissão, palestras e show musical. O arcebispo emérito de São Paulo, cardeal Dom Claudio Hummes, celebrará missa às 17h Da Redação, com Assessoria de Imprensa Canção Nova A Festa de “Corpu...

She Managed a Planned Parenthood Abortion Clinic But Quit When This Happened

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lifenews.com - by Matt Yonke | Des Moines, IA | LifeNews.com | 6/17/14 11:59 AM Sometimes the path God gives us to walk leads us places we never imagined we could go. That’s exactly the kind of story you’ll hear ...

Catholic.net - Siete nuevos principios —y una clave— para educar aceptablemente

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es.catholic.net - Tomás Melendo Catedrático de Filosofía (Metafísica) Director de los Estudios Universitarios en Ciencias para la Familia Universidad de Málaga tmelendo@masterenfamilias.com www.edufamilia.com
Arte & Entretenimento

Deus se lembra - Eyshila (vídeo)

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Gospel Prime
videos.gospelprime.com.br - Assistir ao show com a canção “Deus se lembra” do  álbum “Até Tocar o Céu” da cantora Eyshila

Nuevo ataque de extremistas musulmanes en Kenia deja 9 muertos

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - , 17 Jun. 14 / 10:20 am (ACI).- “Anoche al menos 9 personas han muerto y, según noticias por confirmar, algunas mujeres y niños podrían haber sido tomadas también como rehenes en el asalto perpetra...

Tuesday of the Eleventh Week in Ordinary Time

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usccb.org - Reading 1 1 kgs 21:17-29 After the death of Naboth the LORD said to Elijah the Tishbite: “Start down to meet Ahab, king of Israel, who rules in Samaria. He will be in the vineyard of Naboth, of whi...

The Standing to Sue Obama - WSJ

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Drew McKissick
online.wsj.com - President Obama is setting a dangerous precedent by suspending his enforcement of laws on health care, immigration, drugs, banking and so much else, but the courts may soon be asked to throw a brus...

High School Grad Boldly Defies Illegal Order not to Mention God During Speech

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barbwire.com - Courageous High school salutatorian Brooks Hamby was unconstitutionally told not to mention his Christian faith during his graduation speech by school officials in the Brawley Union School District...

Universal chama políticos para abertura de templo - Política - Estadão

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Ponto e Basta
politica.estadao.com.br - A Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus (Iurd) prepara um evento político para 17 dias antes do início da campanha eleitoral na TV. Seus dirigentes querem reunir a presidente Dilma Rousseff (PT), os 27...

Does Pope Francis Support Conscious Evolution, Who Died and Made You Pope and Much More! | Daily News

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ncregister.com - Copyright © 2014 EWTN News, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction of material from this website without written permission is strictly prohibited. Accessed from

Will The Supreme Court Protect Hobby Lobby From the HHS Mandate?

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lifenews.com - by Steven Ertelt | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 6/17/14 1:01 PM The Supreme Court decision in the monumental Hobby Lobby case against the abortion mandate in Obamacare is expected either this we...

Baby Got Backstory |Blogs

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N. Catholic Register
ncregister.com - Rehabbing the villain! It's all the rage, and the latest iteration is Maleficent, which Steve Graydanus fisks here. I think this trend signifies two things. First, it caters to people's desire to f...
Arte & Entretenimento

Catholic.net - Ismael, Santo

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es.catholic.net - Ismael, Santo MártirEtimológicamente significa “Dios escucha”. Viene de la lengua hebrea. Esta primavera es visible donde el espíritu de misericordia aparece para humanizar nuestro corazón por la c...
Arte & Entretenimento

São Ranieri de Pisa | Shalom Catholic Community

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Comunidade Shalom
comshalom.org - A cidade de Pisa era, nos séculos XI e XII, um importante pólo comercial marítimo da Itália, que contribuía também no combate aos piratas sarracenos. Assim, paralelamente, ao burburinho dos negócio...

8 arrested in ISIS cell led by ex-Gitmo detainee

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WND News
wnd.com - (AGENCE RANCE-PRESSE) — Madrid – Spanish police arrested eight people in pre-dawn raids in Madrid on Monday against a jihadist recruitment network led by a former Guantanamo Bay inmate, the governm...

No habrá audiencias generales con el Papa Francisco en el mes de julio

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - VATICANO, 17 Jun. 14 / 01:30 am (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- La Oficina de Prensa de la Santa Sede dio a conocer que en el mes de julio no se llevarán a cabo las audiencias generales de los días miércoles...

The Dog Ate My E-Mails, for Two Years

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Drew McKissick
nationalreview.com - Who knew that the Obama administration had a penchant for black humor? Earlier this year, in February, President Obama told Bill O’Reilly during an interview on Fox News that there was “not even a ...
Arte & Entretenimento

5 belos momentos que marcaram a Copa 2014 (até agora)

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Sérgio Pavarini
pavablog.com - Em meio a protestos e muita bagunça, tá tendo muita Copa! E com menos de uma semana, a Copa do Mundo Brasil 2014 está provando que é a Copa da Copas, trazendo diversas imagens engraçadas e belos mo...


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justcoz.org - Ilustríssimo Sr. @DepBolsonaro @VEJA o desespero do PT, por intermédio da carta caPiTal, a qual é um folhetim governista, que tenta desqualificar a "Operação Sete de Setembro", com o artigo O desfi...

Archbishop Welby meets Vatican cricket team ahead of historic match

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The Catholic Herald
catholicherald.co.uk - During his visit to the Vatican earlier this week, the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby met members of St Peter’s Cricket Club, the team of Catholic priests and seminarians who will play a Chu...

Arizona Community Mourns, Remembers Slain Priest | Daily News

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N. Catholic Register
ncregister.com - PHOENIX — The 105-degree heat did not deter parishioners and friends of Father Kenneth Walker from packing St. Catherine of Siena Church in Phoenix to standing-room only for his Requiem Mass Monday...

Inculturação: avanço na evangelização em João Pessoa

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Comunidade Shalom
comshalom.org - Para conhecer mais a cultura e a história da terra para onde foram enviados, missionários da Comunidade de Vida da Comunidade Católica Shalom, em João Pessoa, participaram de um tour pelos principa...
Arte & Entretenimento

A propósito de Miley Cyrus

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infocatolica.com - InfoCatólica nos cuenta que la cantante pop juvenil Miley Cyrus visitó privadamente la Basílica de la Sagrada Familia, situación que naturalmente me produjo rechazo en primera instancia, por tratar...

“It’s For the Kids”

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Compassion Intl
blog.compassion.com - By Web Team | Categories: Child Sponsorship, Multimedia The children in our lives bring great joy. They challenge us to be better people and to try the things we swore we’d never try. So why do we ...

Russell Moore weighs in on Hobby Lobby's China dealings

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jonathanmerritt.religionnews.com - Today at The Week, I published a column titled, “Stop calling Hobby Lobby a Christian business” in which I discuss the ethical implications of their business dealings with China. “Every time you bu...

Citizens thwart plan to shelter illegals

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WND News
wnd.com - (WASHINGTON TIMES) The Obama administration Monday abruptly halted plans to shelter some of the children surging across the border at a defunct college in rural Virginia, as the White House has con...

Border agent laments Mexican gang members entering U.S.: 'Why are we letting him in here?' - Washington Times

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Drew McKissick
washingtontimes.com - Border Patrol officials are swamped by the number of minors crossing illegally into the United States and frustrated that they can’t turn away known Mexican gang members. Chris Cabrera, vice presid...

Los ciudadanos reciben a Felipe VI y piden que defienda vida, familia y libertades

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hazteoir.org - “Quiero manifestarle mi más calurosa felicitación por su reciente proclamación como Rey de España y expresarle mi firme esperanza de que S.M. sabrá regir los destinos de nuestro país con sabiduría y...
Arte & Entretenimento

De jugador de rugby a sacerdote católico

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - VALLADOLID, 17 Jun. 14 / 12:17 am (ACI/Europa Press).- El exjugador de rugby del Club Deportivo 'El Salvador' Alfonso Alonso Lasheras ha sido ordenado sacerdote este sábado 14 de junio por el presi...

Criacionismo: Como descobrir a verdade

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Michelson Borges
criacionismo.com.br - quinta-feira, junho 12, 2014 Como descobrir a verdade Quem procura sinceramente, encontra A verdade – todos estamos atrás dela. Encontrá-la nem sempre é fácil, porém. Ainda assim, existem maneiras ...

Fighting Fear

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Sovereign Grace
sovereigngraceministries.org - Last night, I lost a battle at fighting fear. There is an ongoing situation in my life that moment by moment forces me to either choose fear or faith. And for a short period of time, I forgot God a...
Arte & Entretenimento

Casal perde chance de ver Holanda e Espanha após confundir Salvador com El Salvador

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Sérgio Pavarini
pavablog.com - Australianos ficaram decepcionados ao perceberam que as passagens estavam erradas Na tarde de sexta-feira (13), a Fonte Nova, em Salvador, recebeu um dos jogos mais esperados da primeira fase da Co...

Iraq’s implosion is another disaster for Christians in the Middle East

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The Catholic Herald
catholicherald.co.uk - When I was a student in Rome, doing research for my doctorate, I was friendly with an Iraqi Catholic from Mosul, whom I will call Luigi. This was just before the US-led invasion that toppled Saddam...

Archbishop Gänswein: Thread of Diplomacy Links Popes Francis and Benedict | Daily News

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N. Catholic Register
ncregister.com - ROME — The prefect of the papal household and personal secretary to Benedict XVI recounted how the current and previous popes are connected by their diplomacy during apostolic journeys. Archbishop ...

Clube da Evangelização

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Clube Evangelização
clube.cancaonova.com - Em virtude de problemas técnicos não disponibilizaremos o áudio do "Sorrindo pra Vida". Você também encontra o áudio completo do programa "Sorrindo pra Vida" na Loja Canção Nova e também pelo telef...

Vaticano: 1.8 millones de dólares para América Latina

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infocatolica.com - Credo. Retrato interior del cardenal Juan Sandoval Iñiguez Para comprar desde España y Europa: libreriacoletti.it Credo. Retrato interior del cardenal Juan Sandoval Iñiguez.- Líder religioso indisc...

New York archdiocese receives three new auxiliary bishops :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

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Catholic News Agency
catholicnewsagency.com - New York City, N.Y., Jun 16, 2014 / 02:03 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- Pope Francis on Saturday appointed three auxiliary bishops for the Archdiocese of New York, including one priest who ministered at Gro...

India to have 519 million mobile internet users by FY18: Morgan Stanley - The Times of India

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Pleasure Ellis
timesofindia.indiatimes.com - NEW DELHI: Driven by falling handset prices and rise in smartphone penetration, data subscribers in India are likely to grow an average 25% every year to reach 519 million by 2018 fiscal, a report ...

Assassinos da inteligência: o analfabetismo funcional como instrumento de doutrinação ideológica

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Rodrigo Constantino
veja.abril.com.br - Uma pessoa exposta a constantes estímulos contraditórios pode acabar vítima de profunda dissonância cognitiva. É a própria capacidade de raciocinar que sai afetada neste processo, quando alguém – e...

Perguntar ofende? Porque os defensores públicos estavam de prontidão para atender "Black Blocks"

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Rodini Netto
rodininetto.com.br - Não há como não suspeitar… a ação da polícia foi de "não ação"… os defensores públicos do Estado, pagos por cada cidadão paranaense, já estavam de prontidão na delegacia para atender aos "neo-terro...

Agencies scrambling to care for unaccompanied minor migrants - Catholic Courier

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Catholic Courier
catholiccourier.com - WASHINGTON (CNS) -- As the federal government struggles to care for an unexpected influx of children caught trying to cross the border without a parent or guardian, dioceses and social service agen...

Priestly connections

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The Catholic Sun
catholicsun.org - It’s ordination season: that time of year when Catholic media reporters get to meet the newest class of men ready to devote their entire lives to serving others along their journey toward heaven. I...

Archbishop Fiorenza: “Bishops have a lot to learn from Pope Francis.”

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faithinpubliclife.org - Pope Francis makes it clear that he is opposed to abortion, but that can’t be the only thing we talk about. What he said early on in his papacy struck the heart of people who make abortion the whol...

America, Myanmar and religious freedom: No hands clapping

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Open Doors USA
economist.com - SOMETIMES the two American agencies which are mandated to watch and promote religious freedom have arguments over how harshly to scold a country that offends. But some recent developments in Myanma...

Sovereign Grace Resource Highlights: The Seven Shared Values of Sovereign Grace Churches by Craig Cabaniss

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Sovereign Grace
sovereigngraceministries.org - Note: This is the first post in a series on Sovereign Grace’s Key Resources. Over the upcoming weeks, members of the Leadership Team will share why they commend each other’s resources to you. We pr...

Brasileiro sofre para interpretar até bula

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Sérgio Pavarini
livrosepessoas.com - Índice de Letramento Científico mostra falta de domínio sobre conceitos básicos Decifrar contraindicações de remédios é uma tarefa tão difícil que o consultor de vendas Sérgio Brant costuma jogar a...

[VIDEO] Más de dos millones de personas vieron entrevista del Papa Francisco con canal de televisión

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - MADRID, 16 Jun. 14 / 07:09 pm (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- La entrevista que el periodista Henrique Cymerman realizó al Papa Francisco –y que publicó en el diario La Vanguardia-, fue vista el pasado domin...

El crucifijo no perjudica la salud

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hazteoir.org - Cristo molesta. Su imagen en la cruz puede causar infecciones, graves enfermedades, serios problemas de salud. Eso dice Compromís, una coalición formada por nacionalistas y comunistas que exige la ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Father Catches Home Run Ball Bare-Handed While Holding Baby, Walks Off Like It's Nothing (VIDEO)

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The Christian Post
christianpost.com - At the Giants-Rockies game at AT&T Park in San Francisco, one fan pulled off what might be the smoothest move in the history of Father's Day. Rockies shortstop Troy Tulowitzki smashes a home run to...

Democrat Party Chair: Bill Banning Abortion Up to Birth is "Extreme"

Partilhado por
lifenews.com - by Steven Ertelt | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 6/17/13 3:00 PM The House of Representatives will vote tomorrow on a bill that bans abortions nationally starting at 20 weeks of pregnancy, includ...

Pope condemns corruption in politics, business and Church

Partilhado por
N. Catholic Register
news.va - (Vatican Radio) Pope Francis on Tuesday returned to theme of corruption in the Church and in society, saying those who commit this crime must beg for God’s forgiveness. Speaking at Mass in the chap...
Arte & Entretenimento

Juanjo Romero: 'Centenario de Julián Marías y la cuestión del aborto'

Partilhado por
Derecho a Vivir
hazteoir.org - Hoy se cumplen cien años del nacimiento del insigne pensador español (17.VI.1914–15.XII.2005), católico sin complejos. En su valiosa aportación destaca su firme defensa del derecho a la vida, como ...
Arte & Entretenimento

A entrevista do Papa Francisco na íntegra

Partilhado por
Pe. Demétrio Gomes
sicnoticias.sapo.pt - A primeira grande entrevista televisiva concedida pelo Papa Francisco é um exclusivo SIC. Durante mais de uma hora o correspondente da SIC, Henrique Cymerman, conversou com o papa sobre os problema...
Arte & Entretenimento

Más de dos millones doscientas mil personas vieron en España la entrevista al Papa en Cuatro

Partilhado por
infocatolica.com - 11,6% de audiencia, cuarto programa más visto en Prime time La entrevista que el periodista Henrique Cymerman realizó al Papa Francisco y que, tras ser publicada en papel por La Vanguardia, fue emi...

To Publish a Predator | Her.meneutics

Partilhado por
Christianity Today
christianitytoday.com - In 1958, Vladimir Nabokov rocked America's sleepy, conservative culture with the publication of Lolita, the story of a middle-aged scholar obsessed with a 12-year-old girl. Lolita is perhaps the mo...

Obama VA in Fresno blocks Fox News : Fire Andrea Mitchell!

Partilhado por
fireandreamitchell.com - Not only does Obama’s VA deny veterans life safing medical care, they also censor the programs veterans could watch while at the VA by blocking Fox News in Fresno! Veterans are outraged after a KMP...
Arte & Entretenimento

Sugestão para a “elite” que vai ver o Brasil em Fortaleza hoje

Partilhado por
Rodrigo Constantino
veja.abril.com.br - Leandro Narloch deu uma ótima sugestão de canto para a torcida brasileira no jogo de hoje. Sem palavrão, para que a esquerda hipócrita não possa simular uma indignação moralista bastante seletiva. ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Lenno Maia finaliza produção do álbum “O Sanfoneiro de Jesus”

Partilhado por
musica.gospelmais.com.br - O cantor Lenno Maia finalizou a produção de seu novo álbum, “O Sanfoneiro de Jesus”, que será distribuído pela Sony Music. Na última sexta-feira, 13 de junho, o cantor apresentou o resultado dos tr...

Deadly diseases crossing border with illegals

Partilhado por
WND News
wnd.com - A flood of illegals has massively surged at our southwestern borders. The economic impact of medical care, education and incarceration for illegals forced on taxpayers is bankrupting Arizona. Why a...

Teens learn about immigration reform efforts by volunteering across the border - Catholic Courier

Partilhado por
Catholic Courier
catholiccourier.com - NOGALES, Mexico (CNS) -- In a soup kitchen just across the U.S. border, Nicole Davison sat down at a table lined with men. There was a clatter of plates as the guests who were served dinner help cl...

Phoenix police arrest murder, assault suspect hours before requiem Mass

Partilhado por
The Catholic Sun
catholicsun.org - Clergy, religious and laity jammed into St. Catherine of Sienna Parish for a standing-room-only requiem Mass for Fr. Kenneth Walker June 16. The 28-year-old priest was murdered June 11 in an incide...

San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone Defends His Plans To Speak At Anti-Gay Rally

Partilhado por
huffingtonpost.com - San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone has come under fire from a wide swath of groups for his decision to speak at the March for Marriage on Thursday in Washington D.C., but he's not backin...

Francisco: Si los corruptos no se convierten, “los perros del infierno beberán su sangre”

Partilhado por
romereports.com - 10 junio, 2014. El Papa apoya a través de un tuit una campaña para denunciar el uso de la violencia sexual como arma de guerra. En estos días se celebra una cumbre en Londres para condenar esta prá...

Zach Dasher, nephew of Phil Robertson of 'Duck Dynasty', running for Louisiana congressional seat

Partilhado por
Christian Today
christiantoday.com - A relative of "Duck Dynasty" star Phil Robertson may end up on Capitol Hill come this November. Zach Dasher, Robertson's nephew, announced Monday that he will run for Louisiana's 5th Congressional ...

War on Poverty Destroyed Fatherhood & Black Family, Poverty

Partilhado por
Sanctity of Life
bryanlongworth.com - In Genesis 2:18-24, we see that God created families to have one father and one mother however. Could it be that God knew what environment would best facilitate raising children? Could it be that c...

No habrá audiencias generales con el Papa Francisco en el mes de julio

Partilhado por
ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - VATICANO, 17 Jun. 14 / 01:30 am (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- La Oficina de Prensa de la Santa Sede dio a conocer que en el mes de julio no se llevarán a cabo las audiencias generales de los días miércoles...

The Dog Ate My E-Mails, for Two Years

Partilhado por
Drew McKissick
nationalreview.com - Who knew that the Obama administration had a penchant for black humor? Earlier this year, in February, President Obama told Bill O’Reilly during an interview on Fox News that there was “not even a ...
Arte & Entretenimento

5 belos momentos que marcaram a Copa 2014 (até agora)

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Sérgio Pavarini
pavablog.com - Em meio a protestos e muita bagunça, tá tendo muita Copa! E com menos de uma semana, a Copa do Mundo Brasil 2014 está provando que é a Copa da Copas, trazendo diversas imagens engraçadas e belos mo...


Partilhado por
justcoz.org - Ilustríssimo Sr. @DepBolsonaro @VEJA o desespero do PT, por intermédio da carta caPiTal, a qual é um folhetim governista, que tenta desqualificar a "Operação Sete de Setembro", com o artigo O desfi...

Archbishop Welby meets Vatican cricket team ahead of historic match

Partilhado por
The Catholic Herald
catholicherald.co.uk - During his visit to the Vatican earlier this week, the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby met members of St Peter’s Cricket Club, the team of Catholic priests and seminarians who will play a Chu...

Arizona Community Mourns, Remembers Slain Priest | Daily News

Partilhado por
N. Catholic Register
ncregister.com - PHOENIX — The 105-degree heat did not deter parishioners and friends of Father Kenneth Walker from packing St. Catherine of Siena Church in Phoenix to standing-room only for his Requiem Mass Monday...

Inculturação: avanço na evangelização em João Pessoa

Partilhado por
Comunidade Shalom
comshalom.org - Para conhecer mais a cultura e a história da terra para onde foram enviados, missionários da Comunidade de Vida da Comunidade Católica Shalom, em João Pessoa, participaram de um tour pelos principa...
Arte & Entretenimento

A propósito de Miley Cyrus

Partilhado por
infocatolica.com - InfoCatólica nos cuenta que la cantante pop juvenil Miley Cyrus visitó privadamente la Basílica de la Sagrada Familia, situación que naturalmente me produjo rechazo en primera instancia, por tratar...

“It’s For the Kids”

Partilhado por
Compassion Intl
blog.compassion.com - By Web Team | Categories: Child Sponsorship, Multimedia The children in our lives bring great joy. They challenge us to be better people and to try the things we swore we’d never try. So why do we ...

Russell Moore weighs in on Hobby Lobby's China dealings

Partilhado por
jonathanmerritt.religionnews.com - Today at The Week, I published a column titled, “Stop calling Hobby Lobby a Christian business” in which I discuss the ethical implications of their business dealings with China. “Every time you bu...

Citizens thwart plan to shelter illegals

Partilhado por
WND News
wnd.com - (WASHINGTON TIMES) The Obama administration Monday abruptly halted plans to shelter some of the children surging across the border at a defunct college in rural Virginia, as the White House has con...

Border agent laments Mexican gang members entering U.S.: 'Why are we letting him in here?' - Washington Times

Partilhado por
Drew McKissick
washingtontimes.com - Border Patrol officials are swamped by the number of minors crossing illegally into the United States and frustrated that they can’t turn away known Mexican gang members. Chris Cabrera, vice presid...

Los ciudadanos reciben a Felipe VI y piden que defienda vida, familia y libertades

Partilhado por
hazteoir.org - “Quiero manifestarle mi más calurosa felicitación por su reciente proclamación como Rey de España y expresarle mi firme esperanza de que S.M. sabrá regir los destinos de nuestro país con sabiduría y...
Arte & Entretenimento

De jugador de rugby a sacerdote católico

Partilhado por
ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - VALLADOLID, 17 Jun. 14 / 12:17 am (ACI/Europa Press).- El exjugador de rugby del Club Deportivo 'El Salvador' Alfonso Alonso Lasheras ha sido ordenado sacerdote este sábado 14 de junio por el presi...

Criacionismo: Como descobrir a verdade

Partilhado por
Michelson Borges
criacionismo.com.br - quinta-feira, junho 12, 2014 Como descobrir a verdade Quem procura sinceramente, encontra A verdade – todos estamos atrás dela. Encontrá-la nem sempre é fácil, porém. Ainda assim, existem maneiras ...

Fighting Fear

Partilhado por
Sovereign Grace
sovereigngraceministries.org - Last night, I lost a battle at fighting fear. There is an ongoing situation in my life that moment by moment forces me to either choose fear or faith. And for a short period of time, I forgot God a...
Arte & Entretenimento

Casal perde chance de ver Holanda e Espanha após confundir Salvador com El Salvador

Partilhado por
Sérgio Pavarini
pavablog.com - Australianos ficaram decepcionados ao perceberam que as passagens estavam erradas Na tarde de sexta-feira (13), a Fonte Nova, em Salvador, recebeu um dos jogos mais esperados da primeira fase da Co...

Iraq’s implosion is another disaster for Christians in the Middle East

Partilhado por
The Catholic Herald
catholicherald.co.uk - When I was a student in Rome, doing research for my doctorate, I was friendly with an Iraqi Catholic from Mosul, whom I will call Luigi. This was just before the US-led invasion that toppled Saddam...

Archbishop Gänswein: Thread of Diplomacy Links Popes Francis and Benedict | Daily News

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N. Catholic Register
ncregister.com - ROME — The prefect of the papal household and personal secretary to Benedict XVI recounted how the current and previous popes are connected by their diplomacy during apostolic journeys. Archbishop ...

Clube da Evangelização

Partilhado por
Clube Evangelização
clube.cancaonova.com - Em virtude de problemas técnicos não disponibilizaremos o áudio do "Sorrindo pra Vida". Você também encontra o áudio completo do programa "Sorrindo pra Vida" na Loja Canção Nova e também pelo telef...

Vaticano: 1.8 millones de dólares para América Latina

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infocatolica.com - Credo. Retrato interior del cardenal Juan Sandoval Iñiguez Para comprar desde España y Europa: libreriacoletti.it Credo. Retrato interior del cardenal Juan Sandoval Iñiguez.- Líder religioso indisc...

New York archdiocese receives three new auxiliary bishops :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

Partilhado por
Catholic News Agency
catholicnewsagency.com - New York City, N.Y., Jun 16, 2014 / 02:03 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- Pope Francis on Saturday appointed three auxiliary bishops for the Archdiocese of New York, including one priest who ministered at Gro...

India to have 519 million mobile internet users by FY18: Morgan Stanley - The Times of India

Partilhado por
Pleasure Ellis
timesofindia.indiatimes.com - NEW DELHI: Driven by falling handset prices and rise in smartphone penetration, data subscribers in India are likely to grow an average 25% every year to reach 519 million by 2018 fiscal, a report ...

Assassinos da inteligência: o analfabetismo funcional como instrumento de doutrinação ideológica

Partilhado por
Rodrigo Constantino
veja.abril.com.br - Uma pessoa exposta a constantes estímulos contraditórios pode acabar vítima de profunda dissonância cognitiva. É a própria capacidade de raciocinar que sai afetada neste processo, quando alguém – e...

Perguntar ofende? Porque os defensores públicos estavam de prontidão para atender "Black Blocks"

Partilhado por
Rodini Netto
rodininetto.com.br - Não há como não suspeitar… a ação da polícia foi de "não ação"… os defensores públicos do Estado, pagos por cada cidadão paranaense, já estavam de prontidão na delegacia para atender aos "neo-terro...

Agencies scrambling to care for unaccompanied minor migrants - Catholic Courier

Partilhado por
Catholic Courier
catholiccourier.com - WASHINGTON (CNS) -- As the federal government struggles to care for an unexpected influx of children caught trying to cross the border without a parent or guardian, dioceses and social service agen...

Priestly connections

Partilhado por
The Catholic Sun
catholicsun.org - It’s ordination season: that time of year when Catholic media reporters get to meet the newest class of men ready to devote their entire lives to serving others along their journey toward heaven. I...

Archbishop Fiorenza: “Bishops have a lot to learn from Pope Francis.”

Partilhado por
faithinpubliclife.org - Pope Francis makes it clear that he is opposed to abortion, but that can’t be the only thing we talk about. What he said early on in his papacy struck the heart of people who make abortion the whol...

America, Myanmar and religious freedom: No hands clapping

Partilhado por
Open Doors USA
economist.com - SOMETIMES the two American agencies which are mandated to watch and promote religious freedom have arguments over how harshly to scold a country that offends. But some recent developments in Myanma...

Sovereign Grace Resource Highlights: The Seven Shared Values of Sovereign Grace Churches by Craig Cabaniss

Partilhado por
Sovereign Grace
sovereigngraceministries.org - Note: This is the first post in a series on Sovereign Grace’s Key Resources. Over the upcoming weeks, members of the Leadership Team will share why they commend each other’s resources to you. We pr...

Brasileiro sofre para interpretar até bula

Partilhado por
Sérgio Pavarini
livrosepessoas.com - Índice de Letramento Científico mostra falta de domínio sobre conceitos básicos Decifrar contraindicações de remédios é uma tarefa tão difícil que o consultor de vendas Sérgio Brant costuma jogar a...

[VIDEO] Más de dos millones de personas vieron entrevista del Papa Francisco con canal de televisión

Partilhado por
ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - MADRID, 16 Jun. 14 / 07:09 pm (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- La entrevista que el periodista Henrique Cymerman realizó al Papa Francisco –y que publicó en el diario La Vanguardia-, fue vista el pasado domin...

El crucifijo no perjudica la salud

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hazteoir.org - Cristo molesta. Su imagen en la cruz puede causar infecciones, graves enfermedades, serios problemas de salud. Eso dice Compromís, una coalición formada por nacionalistas y comunistas que exige la ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Father Catches Home Run Ball Bare-Handed While Holding Baby, Walks Off Like It's Nothing (VIDEO)

Partilhado por
The Christian Post
christianpost.com - At the Giants-Rockies game at AT&T Park in San Francisco, one fan pulled off what might be the smoothest move in the history of Father's Day. Rockies shortstop Troy Tulowitzki smashes a home run to...

Democrat Party Chair: Bill Banning Abortion Up to Birth is "Extreme"

Partilhado por
lifenews.com - by Steven Ertelt | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 6/17/13 3:00 PM The House of Representatives will vote tomorrow on a bill that bans abortions nationally starting at 20 weeks of pregnancy, includ...

Pope condemns corruption in politics, business and Church

Partilhado por
N. Catholic Register
news.va - (Vatican Radio) Pope Francis on Tuesday returned to theme of corruption in the Church and in society, saying those who commit this crime must beg for God’s forgiveness. Speaking at Mass in the chap...
Arte & Entretenimento

Juanjo Romero: 'Centenario de Julián Marías y la cuestión del aborto'

Partilhado por
Derecho a Vivir
hazteoir.org - Hoy se cumplen cien años del nacimiento del insigne pensador español (17.VI.1914–15.XII.2005), católico sin complejos. En su valiosa aportación destaca su firme defensa del derecho a la vida, como ...
Arte & Entretenimento

A entrevista do Papa Francisco na íntegra

Partilhado por
Pe. Demétrio Gomes
sicnoticias.sapo.pt - A primeira grande entrevista televisiva concedida pelo Papa Francisco é um exclusivo SIC. Durante mais de uma hora o correspondente da SIC, Henrique Cymerman, conversou com o papa sobre os problema...
Arte & Entretenimento

Más de dos millones doscientas mil personas vieron en España la entrevista al Papa en Cuatro

Partilhado por
infocatolica.com - 11,6% de audiencia, cuarto programa más visto en Prime time La entrevista que el periodista Henrique Cymerman realizó al Papa Francisco y que, tras ser publicada en papel por La Vanguardia, fue emi...

To Publish a Predator | Her.meneutics

Partilhado por
Christianity Today
christianitytoday.com - In 1958, Vladimir Nabokov rocked America's sleepy, conservative culture with the publication of Lolita, the story of a middle-aged scholar obsessed with a 12-year-old girl. Lolita is perhaps the mo...

Obama VA in Fresno blocks Fox News : Fire Andrea Mitchell!

Partilhado por
fireandreamitchell.com - Not only does Obama’s VA deny veterans life safing medical care, they also censor the programs veterans could watch while at the VA by blocking Fox News in Fresno! Veterans are outraged after a KMP...
Arte & Entretenimento

Sugestão para a “elite” que vai ver o Brasil em Fortaleza hoje

Partilhado por
Rodrigo Constantino
veja.abril.com.br - Leandro Narloch deu uma ótima sugestão de canto para a torcida brasileira no jogo de hoje. Sem palavrão, para que a esquerda hipócrita não possa simular uma indignação moralista bastante seletiva. ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Lenno Maia finaliza produção do álbum “O Sanfoneiro de Jesus”

Partilhado por
musica.gospelmais.com.br - O cantor Lenno Maia finalizou a produção de seu novo álbum, “O Sanfoneiro de Jesus”, que será distribuído pela Sony Music. Na última sexta-feira, 13 de junho, o cantor apresentou o resultado dos tr...

Deadly diseases crossing border with illegals

Partilhado por
WND News
wnd.com - A flood of illegals has massively surged at our southwestern borders. The economic impact of medical care, education and incarceration for illegals forced on taxpayers is bankrupting Arizona. Why a...

Teens learn about immigration reform efforts by volunteering across the border - Catholic Courier

Partilhado por
Catholic Courier
catholiccourier.com - NOGALES, Mexico (CNS) -- In a soup kitchen just across the U.S. border, Nicole Davison sat down at a table lined with men. There was a clatter of plates as the guests who were served dinner help cl...

Phoenix police arrest murder, assault suspect hours before requiem Mass

Partilhado por
The Catholic Sun
catholicsun.org - Clergy, religious and laity jammed into St. Catherine of Sienna Parish for a standing-room-only requiem Mass for Fr. Kenneth Walker June 16. The 28-year-old priest was murdered June 11 in an incide...

San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone Defends His Plans To Speak At Anti-Gay Rally

Partilhado por
huffingtonpost.com - San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone has come under fire from a wide swath of groups for his decision to speak at the March for Marriage on Thursday in Washington D.C., but he's not backin...

Francisco: Si los corruptos no se convierten, “los perros del infierno beberán su sangre”

Partilhado por
romereports.com - 10 junio, 2014. El Papa apoya a través de un tuit una campaña para denunciar el uso de la violencia sexual como arma de guerra. En estos días se celebra una cumbre en Londres para condenar esta prá...

Zach Dasher, nephew of Phil Robertson of 'Duck Dynasty', running for Louisiana congressional seat

Partilhado por
Christian Today
christiantoday.com - A relative of "Duck Dynasty" star Phil Robertson may end up on Capitol Hill come this November. Zach Dasher, Robertson's nephew, announced Monday that he will run for Louisiana's 5th Congressional ...

War on Poverty Destroyed Fatherhood & Black Family, Poverty

Partilhado por
Sanctity of Life
bryanlongworth.com - In Genesis 2:18-24, we see that God created families to have one father and one mother however. Could it be that God knew what environment would best facilitate raising children? Could it be that c...

A toque de caixa, PT protocola projeto para atender MTST - São Paulo - Estadão

Partilhado por
Fitzcarraldo Çilva
sao-paulo.estadao.com.br - SÃO PAULO - Menos de 24 horas após anunciar que a bancada do PT iria elaborar um novo projeto de lei para contemplar os interesses do Movimento dos Trabalhadores Sem-Teto (MTST), a proposta já foi ...

Ealing Half Marathon 2014 - Tearfund

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tearfund.org - Get your running shoes on and join Team Tearfund! Tearfund have spaces in the Ealing Half Marathon 2014 and you are just a few clicks away from getting your hands on one. The Ealing Half Marathon 2...

‘Cosmo’ Political Editor: ‘We've Become...A Country Of Have And Have-Nots When It Comes To Abortion’

Partilhado por
Live Action News
newsbusters.org - MSNBC is known for its promotion of abortion and “abortion rights” and on Monday, June 16 its afternoon program The Cycle showed just how over-the-top its activism is. “The Cyclists” played host to...

“Fighting for the full arc of human life from conception until natural death”

Partilhado por
Right to Life
nationalrighttolifenews.org - Editor’s note. The following are the prepared remarks of pro-life Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott delivered last summer to the National Right to Life Convention in Dallas. We’re reprinting them ...

La Manif Pour Tous - La pétition de la Manif pour tous en débat

Partilhado por
La Manif Pour Tous
lamanifpourtous.fr - "Le rapporteur public du tribunal administratif de Paris a requis l’annulation du délibéré du Cese qui avait rejeté, le 26 février 2013, la pétition citoyenne demandant son avis sur la loi Taubira ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Catequesis básica sobre sanación interior, 3 de 3

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fraynelson.com - [Guía sobre la sanación interior, con énfasis sobre la famlia. Enseñanzas en una reunión de Pequeñas Comunidades de la Parroquia de San Juan de Ávila, en Bogotá.] * ¿Cómo podemos acercarnos de un m...

@Diego_Arria: “Este régimen es muy conocido por la Interpol”

Partilhado por
Diego E. Arria
6topoderweb.com - Share the post “@Diego_Arria: “Este régimen es muy conocido por la Interpol”” Caracas, 12 de junio de 2014.- El exembajador de Venezuela ante la ONU, Diego Arria, aseguró que  ”nunca me presentaría...
Arte & Entretenimento

Vencer ou Vem ser – um chamado para a vida : Blog Mundo Cristão

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Mundo Cristão
blogmundocristao.com.br - Nós gostamos dessa ideia de que nascemos para vencer. Histórias de superação nos encantam. Um discurso que fale de vitórias na vida nos atrai. Entretanto, quais vitórias, ou, do que se fala quando ...

Ukraine Says Gas Pipeline Explosion "Probably Terrorist Attack"

Partilhado por
Angelica Saldaña
zerohedge.com - Just minutes after claiming the 'explosion' at "The Brotherhood" pipeline in Ukraine was not an explosion but a 'fire', Ukraine's interior minister Arsen Avakov has stated that: Of course, the ques...

Flashback: Koskinen Has Hard Time Saying If IRS Will Hand Over All Lerner's Emails

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cnsnews.com - (CNSNews.com) - Almost three months ago, Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) repeatedly asked IRS Commissioner John Koskinen if he would deliver "all of Lois Lerner's emails" to the House Oversight and Go...

A Man-Hating Pagan Feminist Becomes Catholic, Holy Communion as a Matter of Life and Death and More! | Daily News

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N. Catholic Register
ncregister.com - Copyright © 2014 EWTN News, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction of material from this website without written permission is strictly prohibited. Accessed from

WORLD | Midday Roundup: Twin twisters take out Nebraska town | Leigh Jones

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WORLD News Group
worldmag.com - Destructive duo. Rare twin tornados spun out of the skies over Nebraska last night, destroying much of the town of Pilger. The twisters killed two people, injured dozens, and destroyed homes and bu...

Dilma é vaiada por torcedores no Rio - Política - Estadão

Partilhado por
politica.estadao.com.br - Aviso: Os comentários são de responsabilidade de seus autores e não representam a opinião do Estadão. É vetada a inserção de comentários que violem a lei, a moral e os bons costumes ou violem direi...

170 U.S. Troops Sent to Secure U.S. Embassy In Iraq

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relevantmagazine.com - Last night, at least 48 Sunni militants were killed in or around Baghdad as a full-on sectarian war threatens to descend on the fragile nation. Some 170 armed U.S. troops have been deployed to prot...

Gratitude | Peter J. Leithart

Partilhado por
First Things
firstthings.com - You can hear Beeson Divinity School Dean Timothy George interview me about Gratitude: An Intellectual History on the Beeson podcast.

L'observatoire de la Christianophobie | Égypte : 550 jeunes chrétiennes enlevées par des musulmans

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Kattoliko Pensiero
christianophobie.fr - L’opinion mondiale, en tout celle à qui il reste encore du sens commun, a été révulsée par l’enlèvement, le 14 avril dernier, de près de 300 lycéennes nigérianes, la plupart chrétiennes, à Chibok p...
Arte & Entretenimento

Radio America

Partilhado por
blog.cancaonova.com -  “Um dia inesquecível, cheio da graça de Deus”, É assim que a maioria dos participantes descrevem o II Kairós Canção Nova Abraça São Paulo, evento que aconteceu neste Domingo dia 15, no Ginásio do ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Iggy Azalea | Fancy | Track Review

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Focus on the Family
pluggedin.com - Every year at least one tune is unofficially dubbed the official Song of the Summer. It's a rather ephemeral award music critics dreamed up to give people something to argue about through the dog d...

PT quer golpe do Plebiscito sobre sistema político

Partilhado por
Salomão Carvalho
prsalomaocarvalho.wordpress.com - Sob o título “PT mobiliza a sociedade em favor de Plebiscito Popular”, o governo bolivariano e ditador de Dilma Rousseff e Lula quer outro golpe na democracia brasileira! Desta vez na Constituição ...

Vivificat!: Archbishop of San Francisco responds to March for Marriage critics

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vivificat1.blogspot.com - Archbishop of San Francisco responds to March for Marriage critics Brethren, Peace be with you! The Most Reverend Salvatore Cordileone, Archbishop of San Francisco, has responded to the requests by...

Os Cristãos e a Democracia

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Cristianismo Hoje
democraciaja.wordpress.com - Postado no dezembro 21, 2012. Arquivado em: Cidadania, Educação, Ideologias, Todos, Voto | Nas arrumações (“destralhamento”) de final de ano, encontrei este artigo do Robinson Cavalcanti, de 1979. ...

Michelle O: Parents make lousy school lunches

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WND News
wnd.com - (BREITBART) In an interview with MSN.com, First Lady Michelle Obama explained she used to struggle to feed her kids right—even though she received an education from Harvard and Princeton. “Before c...

Menino baleado na Cidade de Deus é sepultado no Cemitério de Jacarepaguá - Rio - O Dia

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Antônio Carlos Costa
odia.ig.com.br - Rio - Cerca de 100 pessoas compareceram na manhã desta terça-feira ao sepultamento do menino Lucas Farias Canuto, de 13 anos, no Cemitério de Jacarepaguá. Consternados, todos lamentavam a morte do ...

madrid.org - Comunidad de Madrid

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PP de Madrid
madrid.org - Mariño visita a los participantes del programa de parados de colaboración social en Paracuellos del Jarama La consejera de Empleo, Turismo y Cultura, Ana Isabel Mariño, acompañada por el alcalde de...

Planned Parenthood Tells Legislators It Supports Sex-Selection Abortions

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Live Action
lifenews.com - by Steven Ertelt | Sacramento, CA | LifeNews.com | 6/16/14 12:17 PM The Planned Parenthood abortion business has come under fire from pro-lifers over the years for refusing to speak out against sex...
Arte & Entretenimento

Deus em Questão | Editora Ultimato

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ultimato.com.br - Grande parte dos maiores pensadores já se confrontou com a questão crucial de acreditar ou não em Deus. O século 20 produziu dois homens que, de forma brilhante, cada qual à sua maneira, levantaram...

In 'Right To Lie' Case, SBA List Told Truth On Abortion Funding

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Susan B Anthony List
thefederalist.com - In short, this was not a case about SBA List’s “right to lie” because SBA List’s statement that Obamacare permits abortion funding with taxpayer dollars is demonstrably and unequivocally true. The ...

The Reason You’re Failing at Making Converts

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Lawrence W. Wilson
lawrencewilson.com - People need a place to belong before they are willing to believe. For most of my life, I have thought about disciple making in exactly the opposite way. First, I thought, people must come to accept...

JovemX - Tudo para Cristo, tudo por Ele!

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jovemx.com - Durante a abertura da Copa do Mundo, na última quinta-feira (12) a presidenta Dilma Rousseff foi xingada pelos torcedores que gritaram, em coro, alguns palavrões. A notícia foi comentada por divers...

NYC mayor hires strategist who led Planned Parenthood attack on Komen

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Live Action News
lifesitenews.com - NEW YORK CITY, June 16, 2014 (LifeSiteNews.com) – New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio has hired the woman who orchestrated Planned Parenthood's scorched earth media attack on the Susan G. Komen Foun...

Hillary Clinton, gaffes, and the list of all-purpose excuses

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Right to Life
nationalrighttolifenews.org - I meant to comment about pro-abortion Hillary Clinton last week, thought better of it (it’s a LONG ways to 2016), then decided a few words would be in order. As you probably no doubt already know, ...

Catholic.net - Podcast (Podcast del P. José Antonio Fortea)

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podcast.catholic.net - Un podcast es un grupo de archivos de audio que permiten al usuario suscribirse mediante un archivo XML El podcast se puede escuchar en cualquier momento desde su computadora o en un reproductor po...

Official Loving The Body Of Christ Template Post – By Common Consent, a Mormon Blog

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By Common Consent
bycommonconsent.com - As part of an on-going effort to introduce more efficiency to the bloggernacle, below is a template for your next Kate Kelly blog post. Thank me by donating here. You’ll feel better–I promise. I am...
Arte & Entretenimento

Hollywood Playbook: Tuesday's Top 5 Stories

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Big Hollywood
breitbart.com - Netflix just added the full  "Breaking Bad" series, "Smurfs 2," and "Ghostbusters2" to their Ultra HD 4K streaming service.  Doesn't this seem like overkill as far as picture quality? Who needs Ult...

30 Days of Prayer - June 28-July 27 - Mission Network News

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Mission Network News
mnnonline.org - As Christians, we don’t celebrate Ramadan. Ramadan is June 28-July 27. It’s Islam’s holiest month: a period of 30 days in which Muslims emphasize fasting and prayer in order to make themselves more...

The Powerful Promises of Living in Agreement

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charismamag.com - 1) Unity brings down all walls and releases peace. "For He Himself is our peace, who has made both one, and has broken down the middle wall of separation" (Eph. 2:14). 2) Unity forges a new humanit...

Founder of child porn site gets 30 years in prison

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cnsnews.com - NEWARK, N.J. (AP) — A Ukrainian man who founded and operated an international child sexual abuse website has been sentenced in New Jersey to 30 years in prison. The sentencing in federal court Tues...

Phoenix priest expected to make 'full recovery' after church attack - Los Angeles Times

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Catholic Pulse
latimes.com - A priest who was seriously hurt in an attack at a Catholic church in Phoenix that left another priest dead is expected to make a "full recovery," church officials said Sunday. Father Joseph Terra, ...

Baghdad's teens join fight after video of ISIS executing Iraqi soldiers emerges

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Angelica Saldaña
dailymail.co.uk - By Kieran Corcoran and Leon Watson and Simon Tomlinson and Martin Robinson Shocking video emerged today showing armed militant children - some no older than eight - proudly overseeing the execution...
Arte & Entretenimento

Concurso Cultural Literário (73)

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mob de leitura
livrosepessoas.com - A busca por Deus pode se revelar uma jornada frustrante quando nos sujeitamos a padrões inalcançáveis de santidade. Erroneamente, costumamos mirar os diversos personagens bíblicos como modelos de p...

WORLD | Susan B. Anthony List wins at the Supreme Court | Emily Belz

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WORLD News Group
worldmag.com - The end of the U.S. Supreme Court’s term nears as June draws to a close, and on Monday, the court issued an opinion on a free speech case as well as an order regarding a challenge to a public schoo...

This Local Reporter's Reaction to the Game Winning U.S. Goal Is Perfect

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relevantmagazine.com - In case you live life with earplugs, American hero John Brooks scored a late goal against Ghana in yesterday's World Cup match to propel the U.S. to a 2-1 victory. The nation rejoiced, but almost n...

Pope: We’ll all be winners if World Cup promotes peace and respect

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catholicherald.co.uk - Pope Francis has called on fans and competitors at this year’s World Cup to celebrate the event as an opportunity to promote dialogue, respect and peace. He also criticised all forms of discriminat...

Lawyer on Supreme Court hunger strike against social media firings - Yahoo News

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Scott Williams
news.yahoo.com - WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Reclining on a beach chair outside the U.S. Supreme Court, Delaware lawyer Brian Zulberti doesn't look like a man on a do-or-die mission to transform Internet privacy. But ev...

Four lies that fuel anxiety and depression in teens

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Focus on the Family
focusonthefamily.ca - If you discovered, quite by chance, that your normally trustworthy teen had been telling bold-faced lies, would you be shocked? Then ready yourself for this: if you have an anxious or depressed ado...

United Nations: Church's position on abortion is "torture"

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jillstanek.com - Violations will be deleted and you may be banned. Threats will be immediately reported to authorities. Following these rules will make everyone's experience visiting JillStanek.com better. Our volu...

Going overground: How dissident Polish media was tamed - Index on Censorship

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Index on Censorship
indexoncensorship.org - Poland had the largest alternative press on the eastern side of the Iron Curtain – and journalists couldn’t wait for the arrival of democracy. But after its heyday in the early 90s, the Polish medi...

Pope to visit Albania

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N. Catholic Register
news.va - (Vatican Radio) At his Angelus address on Sunday, Pope Francis announced that he will be visiting the city of Tirana in Albania on Sunday 21 September. “With this brief visit,” he said, “I want to ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Reforma 21 | Moças e rapazes solteiros podem ser apenas amigos?

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Editora Monergismo
reforma21.org - Semana passada estava muito feliz com um dos meus amigos solteiros, Roman, pois ele acredita ter encontrado a garota com quem deseja se casar. Naturalmente, estou feliz por ele e espero poder compa...

Portrait of young Catholics sobering but vital

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Our Sunday Visitor
osv.com - “Young Catholic America: Emerging Adults In, Out of, and Gone from the Church” is a fascinating but troubling book, for it paints a picture of young adults who are more inclined to abandon their Ca...

Attorney General Eric Holder’s Speech to Lambda Legal Urging Boy Scouts to Allow Adult Homosexual Scoutmasters » Americans for Truth

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Peter LaBarbera
americansfortruth.com - The following is the full text of Attorney General Eric Holder’s speech at a June 10 reception for the homosexual activist organization Lambda Legal. Excerpted at the top are Holder’s remarks advoc...

U.S. Says It Captured Suspected Leader of Benghazi Attack - NYTimes.com

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The Brazilian Post
nytimes.com - CAIRO — American Special Operations forces have captured the suspected leader of the attack on the United States diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, in September 2012 and taken him out of that ...

How to Read Scripture Aloud

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Lawrence W. Wilson
lawrencewilson.com - Most Christians never read the Bible outside of church. So when you have an opportunity to read Scripture aloud during a worship service, you are providing all the Scripture most people will hear t...

Roses and faith, intertwined - The Arlington Catholic Herald

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Arl Catholic Herald
catholicherald.com - Last week I returned to the Franciscan Monastery in Washington to interview Ben Hill, the monastery’s resident “rosarian,” about the spiritual and health benefits of volunteering with the garden gu...

American forces heading to Iraq

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WND News
wnd.com - WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama is notifying Congress that about 275 U.S. military personnel could deploy to Iraq. Obama says the forces are going to provide support and security for U.S. ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Washington Post Film Critic Says Pro-Abortion Romantic Comedy is the "Pro-Life Film of the Year"

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Live Action News
lifenews.com - by Tim Graham | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 6/16/14 9:19 AM After several tantrums about how movies with keep-the-baby messages spread “consoling fictions,” Washington Post film critic Ann Horn...

Jornalista Polibio Braga: O PT radicaliza porque não tem mais argumentos.

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Paulo De Boni
polibiobraga.blogspot.com - Como os estrangeiros nos vêem: uma cidade insignificante. Os europeus nos tratam um pouquinho melhor, mas sem o brilho das grandes metrópoles que tiveram o fascínio tropical e colonial como Rio, Sã...

IRS Commissioner Subpoenaed to Testify on 'Lost' Emails

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Heritage Foundation
dailysignal.com - Natalie Johnson is a member of the Young Leaders Program at The Heritage Foundation.
Arte & Entretenimento


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cem.org.mx - I Reyes 21, 17-19: “Has hecho pecar a Israel” Salmo 50: “Misericordia, Señor, hemos pecado” San Mateo 5, 43-48: “Amen a sus enemigos” “La venganza es dulce”, es un dicho que todos hemos escuchado y...

Report: Red Tape Costing U.S. Songwriters $2.3 Billion a Year

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Big Hollywood
breitbart.com - National Music Publishers’ Association estimates that red tape sets back songwriters about $2.3 billion a year in lost revenue--and that's only in the U.S. The NMPA’s report, in fact, follows by a ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Francisco: Si los corruptos no se convierten, “los perros del infierno beberán su sangre”

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Enlace Católico.com
enlacecatolico.com - "¡Son traidores los corruptos, mucho más! Lo primero, la definición de corrupto: uno que roba, uno que mata. La segunda cosa: ¿qué es lo que se les espera a los corruptos? Esta es la maldición de D...

Agency Aims to Regulate Map Aids in Vehicles - NYTimes.com

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Catholic Pulse
nytimes.com - Getting directions on the road from Google Maps and other smartphone apps is a popular alternative to the expensive navigation aids included in some cars. The apps are also a gray area when it come...
Arte & Entretenimento

Ainda tem | Radar on-line - Lauro Jardim - VEJA.com

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Paulo Devechi
veja.abril.com.br - Parece que este comitê não é de São Paulo….hotel 3*** em sampa por 150 paus é só os tais treme-treme….já morei em sampa há muito tempo atrás e conheço muito bem como funciona os pequenos hotéis esp...

Price Index for Meats, Poultry, Fish & Eggs Rockets to All-Time High

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cnsnews.com - (CNSNews.com) – The seasonally-adjusted price index for meats, poultry, fish, and eggs hit an all-time high in May, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). In January 1967, whe...

Starbucks Offers Free College Tuition to Thousands of Workers in Partnership With Arizona State University

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The Christian Post
christianpost.com - Thousands of Starbucks workers will now be able to get their college degrees for free thanks to a partnership between the coffee giant and Arizona State University (ASU) called the Starbucks Colleg...

Faith Isn’t About Finding Answers

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relevantmagazine.com - If you have a number of Christian friends in your Facebook network or Twitter feed, it’s not uncommon to regularly come across blog posts that are “in defense of” a certain principle, offer a rebut...

Ukraine-Russia Near "Serious Conflict" Following Gas Transit Pipeline Explosion

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Angelica Saldaña
zerohedge.com - With 2 Russian TV journalists killed in recent days and on the heels of Russia's cutting off Ukraine's gas supply for non-payment, Interfax is reporting that: Gazprom shares are tumbling on the new...

Diocese de Jundiaí – Excelso padroeiro Santo Antônio

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Diocese de Jundiai
dj.org.br - Fiéis da Paróquia Santo Antônio de Pádua do Engordadouro, em Jundiaí,  comemoraram seu padroeiro de 4 a 13 de Junho, com novena preparatória e missa solene. As celebrações contaram com a presidênci...

Leaning Inward: Struggling Mothers Find Hope, Support in Faith 

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Scott Williams
huffingtonpost.com - The woman in prison who prays to God, knowing she will soon be separated from her newborn child: "You know, I put this situation in your hands. I know everything gonna be alright." The woman living...

WORLD | Empty frigates | Janie B. Cheaney

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WORLD News Group
worldmag.com - Has this ever happened to you? You’re in the airport terminal waiting to board a flight, or perhaps you’ve just taken a seat on a city bus. Across from you sits a woman reading a book. You tilt you...

Pro-life blog buzz 6-17-14 - Jill Stanek

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jillstanek.com - Violations will be deleted and you may be banned. Threats will be immediately reported to authorities. Following these rules will make everyone's experience visiting JillStanek.com better. Our volu...

Video: Today’s Earth & Space News- Etna Erupts, Mercury Conjunction, Solar Cycle 

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truthisscary.com - Daily News and Blogs Video: Today’s Earth & Space News- Etna Erupts, Mercury Conjunction, Solar Cycle Has the Dept. of Homeland Security Become America’s Standing Army? Mass Exodus of Children Flee...
Arte & Entretenimento

Por que devemos dialogar com quem odiamos?

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pavablog.com - Há algo na história do outro que eu preciso apreender, e isso só irá acontecer quando minhas conveniências ideológicas não atrapalharem. Mesmo que nada seja aproveitado, apenas o ato de se dispor a...

Veja a primeira entrevista especial na TV após homologação da candidatura à Presidência

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Blog EveraldoPereira
blogdoeveraldo.com.br - Clique e assista aqui a íntegra da entrevista concedida pelo Pastor Everaldo à Rede TV, logo depois da Convenção Nacional do PSC que oficializou sua candidatura à Presidência da República. Foi exib...

Photos From My Visit With the Dominican Nuns of Summit

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Our Sunday Visitor
patheos.com - I spent Saturday with the lovely, incredible, joyous, and Spirit-filled nuns of the Monastery of Our Lady of the Rosary in Summit, New Jersey. It was a rare gift not only being able to speak with S...

Why We Humblebrag About Being Busy - Greg McKeown - Harvard Business Review

Partilhado por
New Advent
blogs.hbr.org - We have a problem—and the odd thing is we not only know about it, we’re celebrating it. Just today, someone boasted to me that she was so busy she’s averaged four hours of sleep a night for the las...

Pablo Pineda pide respeto al derecho a la vida de las personas con Síndrome de Down

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hazteoir.org - "Me da pena que se niegue el derecho a la vida a una persona por tener Síndrome de Down, pues tenemos mucho que aportar a la sociedad: alegría, optimismo, ternura y un sinfín de valores positivos",...
Arte & Entretenimento

Carta del cardenal Rouco para el Corpus Christi 2014Ecclesia Digital

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Ecclesia Digital
revistaecclesia.com - Con motivo de la fiesta del Corpus Christi, Día de la Caridad, el cardenal Rouco escribe un carta pastoral en la que señala que “Hoy más que nunca el mundo necesita de nuestra fe, de nuestra palabr...

Supreme Court Rules in Favor of SBA List

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N. Catholic Register
sba-list.org - Contact: Mallory Quigley, mquigley@sba-list.org, 703-380-6674 SBA List President to Discuss Decision in Press Conference Call WASHINGTON, DC – This morning the U.S. Supreme Court, in a unanimous de...
Arte & Entretenimento

Francisco advierte del ritmo de vida frenético: ¿Tienes tiempo para tus hijos?

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Enlace Católico.com
enlacecatolico.com - "Cuando confieso a jóvenes matrimonios y me hablan de sus hijos siempre hago una pregunta: '¿Y tú tienes tiempo para jugar con tus hijos?'. Y muchas veces el padre me dice: 'Pero padre, yo cuando v...

The Message: The Reselling of President Obama (Hardcover) - Political Books 2014

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Political Books
political-books.com - The Message: The Reselling of President Obama (Hardcover) The Message: The Reselling of President Obama (Hardcover) By Richard Wolffe Buy new: $27.00 86 used and new from $0.46 Customer Rating: Fir...

Vice dos EUA se reúne com Dilma e Temer para buscar reaproximação - CPADNews

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cpadnews.com.br - Em visita ao Brasil para assistir a seleção norte-americana jogar na Copa do Mundo, o vice-presidente dos Estados Unidos, Joe Biden, se encontra nesta terça-feira (17) com a presidente Dilma Rousse...

Marines, Four US Warships Head Toward Iraq - ABC News

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Catholic Pulse
abcnews.go.com - About 100 Marines and Army troops were deployed to the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad today and four warships steamed towards Iraq as tensions rose due to the advance of a radical Islamic insurgency. The ...

Video Emerges from Last Night’s Controversial Heritage Benghazi Panel

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Heritage Foundation
mediaite.com - Video Emerges from Last Night’s Controversial Heritage Benghazi Panel by Andrew Kirell | 10:59 am, June 17th, 2014 video

Heritage’s ugly Benghazi panel - The Washington Post

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Heritage Foundation
washingtonpost.com - Representatives of prominent conservative groups converged on the Heritage Foundation on Monday afternoon for the umpteenth in a series of gatherings to draw attention to the Benghazi controversy. ...

Despite Warnings, District of Columbia On Track to Become Nation’s Pot Capital

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cnsnews.com - In a March 4 landmark vote, the D.C. Council voted 10 to 1 to eliminate all criminal penalties for possessing an ounce or less of marijuana and using the drug in private homes. Smoking pot in publi...

Ex-Navy captain: Avoid Iraq at all costs

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WND News
wnd.com - Retired U.S. Navy Capt. Chuck Nash says Iraq is simply turning into “a big mess,” and predicts a civil war between radical Sunni and Shiites will be very bad news for the U.S. no matter who wins, s...

Explosion on Urengoi-Pomary-Uzhgorod gas pipeline in Ukraine's Poltava region

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Angelica Saldaña
kyivpost.com - Web links to Kyiv Post material are allowed provided that they contain a URL hyperlink to the www.kyivpost.com material and a maximum 500-character extract of the story. Otherwise, all materials co...

She Drank Poison to Try to Kill Me in an Abortion, Thank God It Didn't Work

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lifenews.com - by David Hamilton | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 6/16/14 6:06 PM My story begins in the womb of a 14 year old girl in Florida in roughly May of 1966. An older boy in her neighborhood snuck her o...

Mass Exodus of Children Flee Mexico and Central America, U.S. Border Patrol Overwhelmed 

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truthisscary.com - According to a recent report, since October 47,000 children have entered into the U.S. illegally and alone. Moreover, it has also been reported that Border Patrol agents have been silenced over the...

Sizzling Summer Avon Bargains with $20 Order Free Shipping on June 17

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Ocean of Grace
avonbargains.com - Any 4 Naturals Products for only $10! (Save up to 70%) FREE Anew Clinical Skinvincible Mult-Shield Lotion trial size with select Anew purchase! SKIN SO SOFT Aqua Express 4-Piece Hydration Station (...

Overtures Committee Votes on 33 Overtures

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byFaith Online
byfaithonline.com - Yesterday, the Overtures Committee voted on 33 of the docket’s 52 overtures. The issues primarily dealt with were the overtures dealing with child protection, same-sex marriage, Insider Movements, ...

Russell Moore on Religious Freedom: Not Just a Politics Issue, but a Gospel, Mission of Christ Issue (Video Interview)

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The Christian Post
christianpost.com - BALTIMORE — Religious freedom is not only an issue for those who work in politics, it is an issue for all Christians because it is important for the mission of Christ, Russell Moore told The Christ...

Partido Social Cristão - PSC lança oficialmente Pastor Everaldo à Presidência da República

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Blog EveraldoPereira
psc.org.br - Em convenção nacional, realizada neste sábado (14), na Assembleia Legislativa de São Paulo, o  Partido Social Cristão aprovou o nome do Pastor Everaldo Pereira como o pré-candidato da legenda para ...

To President Obama, Iraq presents a unique and dangerous political situation

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commdiginews.com - WASHINGTON June 16, 2014 — ISIS, or the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (Levant, or greater Syria), is on a rapid push to destabilize Iraq and possibly capture Baghdad. The U.S. has deployed 100 ...

Folha do Povo: Artista imita Dilma sendo vaiada e é expulso por políticos, povo reage e se revolta; veja

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Paulo Devechi
folhadopovo.com - segunda-feira, 16 de junho de 2014 Artista imita Dilma sendo vaiada e é expulso por políticos, povo reage e se revolta; veja Imagem: Reprodução/Youtube O artista Gustavo Mendes, famoso por suas imi...

Clearing the air around marijuana use - Denver Catholic Register

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New Advent
denvercatholicregister.org -  A June 2014 article in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), written by researchers from the National Institute on Drug Abuse and the National Institutes of Health, points out that marijuana...
Arte & Entretenimento

Senadora norte-americana usa passagem bíblica para apoiar legalização da maconha

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Portal Guiame
guiame.com.br - Para a revolta de muitos cristãos, um senador de Oklahoma (EUA) usou recentemente uma escritura do livro de Gênesis (AT) para fazer sua reivindicação de que a maconha deveria ser legalizada no Esta...

19 June: Beating Retreat - Digital Freedom in Turkey, Russia and Azerbaijan - Index on Censorship

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Index on Censorship
indexoncensorship.org - “Whenever we’ll have to choose between excessive regulation and protection of online freedom, we’ll definitely opt for freedom”  Vladimir Putin, 1999 Since Putin said this, 3 days before becoming P...

Monster twin tornadoes strike Pilger, Nebraska | Earth

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Eric Jonas Swensson
earthsky.org - On June 16, 2014, a severe weather outbreak occurred across parts of the U.S. Midwest. Damaging winds, large hail, and tornadoes developed in the evening hours and produced over 400 storm reports. ...


Cristianismo e Política + Christianity and Politics + União multi-denominacional (evangélicos, católicos, etc) em defesa dos valores cristãos e da democracia



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