11 June 2014

Cristianismo & Politica 10.06.2014 @CristPolit

Cristianismo & Politica

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Cartão Vermelho não é para a Copa, diz secretário-geral da CNBB

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Padre Paulinho
noticias.cancaonova.com - Dom Leonardo comenta folder sobre a Copa do Mundo distribuído pela Pastoral do Turismo da CNBB Kelen Galvan Da redação, com colaboração de Felipe Rodrigues “A CNBB não está dando um cartão vermelho...

Index calls on Brazil to take the lead in digital rights - Index on Censorship

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Index on Censorship
indexoncensorship.org - Ahead of the World Cup, Index on Censorship’s new policy paper Brazil: A new global internet referee? (PDF: [English] | [Portuguese]) explores the challenges and threats to online freedom of expres...

- Eventos Canção Nova

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cancaonova.com - Neste dia 12 de junho, a Comunidade Canção Nova, realiza em sua sede, na cidade de Cachoeira Paulista (SP), a Quinta-feira de Adoração ao Santíssimo Sacramento. O evento acontece, a partir das 9h, ...

Sagrado Coração de Jesus 2014

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Ricardo Sá
blog.cancaonova.com - De 20 a 22 de Junho do acampamento Sagrado Coração de Jesus como tema: “Meu coração se compadece de ti”  “O coração aberto de Jesus Cristo é o lugar no qual podemos nos achegar com toda a nossa con...

The Benefits of Beating Cantor …

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Ann Coulter
dailycaller.com - Bottom-Up Bipartisanship? Yesterday Dave Brat, the conservative economics professor who is challenging Majority Leader Eric Cantor in today’s primary, sent out what I assume will be his final pitch...

Projeto de lei de Roberto de Lucena isenta remédios de impostos sociais - Roberto de Lucena - Deputado FederalRoberto de Lucena – Deputado Federal

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Roberto de Lucena
robertodelucena.com.br - O deputado federal Roberto de Lucena (PV-SP) apresentou o projeto de lei, PL-7687/2014, que isenta medicamentos da contribuição dos impostos sociais (PIS/Pasep e Cofins), com o objetivo de reduzir ...
Arte & Entretenimento

¿Sufren los fetos cuando los abortan? Un vídeo de Vida Prenatal recuerda el grito silencioso

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Derecho a Vivir
profesionalesetica.org - Mientras el Gobierno se decide a impulsar la prometida reforma de la Ley Aído, el debate sobre esta terrible lacra que nos cuesta más de 100.00 vidas al año parece haber pasado a un segundo plano. ...

'They kept going until I lost consciousness'. The reality of rape as a weapon of war

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Christian Today
christiantoday.com - 20-year-old Moses was crying as he tried to tell his story. He knew he was going to find it difficult so he had asked his pastor to pray for us first before our conversation. We were in Uganda, whe...

How Are Women Saved Through Childbearing?

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John Piper
desiringgod.org - What did Paul mean when he said in 1 Timothy 2:15, “Yet she [woman] will be saved through childbearing — if they continue in faith and love and holiness, with self-control”? Henry Alford’s interpre...

Why is Heaven Forever? - Reformation21 Blog

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The Reformed Hub
reformation21.org - In a previous post I asked, How do you know that Christ loves you? Pastors and Christians need to do better than just assume this truth. I gave a trinitarian grounding for why Christ must love his ...

Insurgents seize Iraqi city of Mosul as troops flee - The Washington Post

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Ann Coulter
washingtonpost.com - BEIRUT — Insurgents seized control early Tuesday of most of the northern Iraqi city of Mosul, including the provincial government headquarters, offering a powerful demonstration of the mounting thr...


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Carlos Parrini
cadernodeeducacao.com.br - “… Os pais fazem dos filhos, involuntariamente, algo semelhante a eles, a isso denominam 'educação', nenhuma mãe duvida, no fundo do coração, que ao ter seu filho, pariu uma propriedade; nenhum pai...
Arte & Entretenimento

Plugged In - Online Community - Focus on the Family Community

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Focus on the Family
community.focusonthefamily.com - Actress Gwyneth Paltrow stepped in it pretty badly a couple of weeks ago, triggering the wrath of many online commentators. And paradoxically, the misstep happened when Paltrow was trying to make a...

Cantor opponent: Vote for Cantor a 'vote for open borders'

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Ann Coulter
dailycaller.com - House Majority Leader Rep. Eric Cantor’s GOP congressional opponent Dave Brat declared that a vote for Cantor is “a vote for open borders and lower wages” on the eve of their Tuesday Virginia seven...

The Study Committee on Insider Movements Minority Report - Concrete or Abstract? - Reformation21

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The Reformed Hub
reformation21.org - Editors' Note: This week, in conjunction with the Jennings/Garner debate, we will be featuring a number of articles on the Insider Movement. While this issue is before the General Assembly of the P...
Arte & Entretenimento

Grupo CanZion - Christine D'Clario presenta el tema, «Padre mío»

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Christine D'Clario
canzion.com - Christine D’Clario estrena esta semana la canción «Padre mío», una exquisita balada y un tema de adoración que proclama la gloria de Dios y una completa dependencia en la provisión y el amor eterno...
Arte & Entretenimento

TV Ao Vivo | TV Canção Nova

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TV Cancao Nova
tv.cancaonova.com - Adquira em DVD os programas Sorrindo pra Vida e O Amor Vencerá Adquira os produtos da Nova Identidade Visual da TV Canção Nova Comentários

Cloward-Piven at the border

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Ann Coulter
humanevents.com - Back in the Sixties, Marxists Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven came up with a great strategy for overloading and collapsing democratic welfare states, paving the way for socialist tyranny.  Ba...
Arte & Entretenimento

A obediência a Virgem Maria e os tesouros da graça de Deus

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Com. Canção Nova
blog.cancaonova.com - A submissão e a obediência a Virgem Maria nos alcança os tesouros e as maravilhas de Deus. No Céu, Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo continua a ser filho da Santíssima Virgem Maria, por isso, conserva a “s...

Paulo Roberto Costa, ex-diretor investigado, afirma à CPI: ‘Petrobras não era casa de negócios’

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Reinaldo Azevedo
veja.abril.com.br - Como esperado, Paulo Roberto nega ter havido superfaturamento na construção de Abreu e Lima. A obra, que tinha um custo inicial estipulado em 2,5 bilhões de dólares, deve ser concluída por um total...

Advocates Plan Common Core Counteroffensive

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barbwire.com - Proponents of Common Core are launching an ambitious new plan to defend the multi-state education standards, educational leaders announced Tuesday morning. Higher education leaders are forming a ne...

Republican Leaders Urge Latino Evangelicals Not To See 'One Outlier' As Voice Of Party

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Ann Coulter
huffingtonpost.com - WASHINGTON -- House Republican leaders reassured Latino evangelicals on Wednesday that they are committed to immigration reform and a majority of their conference is, too -- even if vocal opponents...
Arte & Entretenimento

O ícone de Nossa Senhora do Perpétuo Socorro

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Com. Canção Nova
blog.cancaonova.com - O admirável ícone de Nossa Senhora do Perpétuo Socorro eu seu significado para a piedade cristã. O quadro de Nossa Senhora do Perpétuo Socorro é um ícone oriental de beleza e significado admiráveis...

The Purposes of God by Nathan W. Bingham

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The Reformed Hub
ligonier.org - Here’s an excerpt from The Purposes of God, R.C. Sproul’s contribution to the June issue of Tabletalk: “Why?” This simple question is loaded with assumptions about what philosophers call “teleology...

My Son Was Killed in an Abortion: Now All I Have Left is Prayer and Pain

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lifenews.com - by Phil McCombs | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 6/10/14 1:11 PM This year’s March for Life in which 45,000 abortion opponents picketed the Supreme Court, didn’t have the emotional impact on me th...

Catholic.net - Los tres �primeros principios� de todo educador que se precie

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es.catholic.net - Tomás Melendo Catedrático de Filosofía (Metafísica) Director de los Estudios Universitarios en Ciencias para la Familia Universidad de Málaga Comentarios al autor: tmelendo@masterenfamilias.com www...
Arte & Entretenimento

1º Dia da Quarentena do Jejum de Jesus

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Edir Macedo
bispomacedo.com.br - Vai, faze tudo quanto está no teu coração, porque o SENHOR é contigo" 2 Samuel 7.3 Essas foram as palavras ditas a Davi quando ele quis construir um Templo para Deus. Deus é Quem efetua tanto o que...
Arte & Entretenimento

Joven pro-vida golpeado por oponerse al aborto: Jesús no se bajó de la cruz a pesar de agresiones

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - WASHINGTON D.C., 10 Jun. 14 / 08:18 am (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- Ke’Ontai, un joven pro-vida de 17 años, fue golpeado en un parque mientras repartía folletos con el mensaje “El aborto no es justicia so...

Justiça bloqueia contas do sindicato dos metroviários de São Paulo

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Reinaldo Azevedo
veja.abril.com.br - O Tribunal Regional do Trabalho da 2ª Região determinou nesta terça-feira o bloqueio das contas bancárias dos sindicatos dos Metroviários e dos Engenheiros para assegurar o pagamento das multas imp...
Meio Ambiente

Green Journos Seeing Red Over EPA’s Climate Rule Roll-Out

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barbwire.com - Environmental journalists are angry with the Environmental Protection Agency over its roll-out of major regulations on carbon dioxide emissions from power plants. Reporters slammed the agency over ...
Arte & Entretenimento

As bênçãos que sustentam o casamento – Parte 2 | Verdade Gospel - Portal gospel de notícias do Brasil

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Verdade Gospel
verdadegospel.com - Resista às tentações, pois um dia elas voltarão como bênçãos  (Ludwig Plateau). Todos nós queremos que as bênçãos do Senhor nos acompanhem o tempo todo. Oramos por isso, insistimos em alcançá-las e...

Clintons So ‘Broke’ They Had To Steal WH Furniture

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Ann Coulter
sweetness-light.com - Some more sordid details about the Clinton’s sordid wealth circa 2001, via William Jacobson at Legal Insurrection: It was not a “Hard Choice” for Hillary simply to have told the truth about the vas...

Catholic.net - ¿Deben los padres inmiscuirse o inhibirse en la vida de sus hijos, jóvenes o adultos?

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es.catholic.net - ¿Deben los padres inmiscuirse o inhibirse en la vida de sus hijos, jóvenes o adultos? ¿Deben los padres inmiscuirse o inhibirse en la vida de sus hijos, jóvenes o adultos? ESCUELA PARA PADRES • 5 P...
Arte & Entretenimento

Os graves riscos do aborto "legal e seguro"

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Comunidade Shalom
comshalom.org - A morte de Lakisha Wilson, uma jovem de 22 anos, mostrou novamente que a indústria do aborto não só acaba com a vida das crianças no ventre, mas também coloca em grave perigo a vida das mães que se...

Planned Parenthood Spending Millions to Keep Senate in Pro-Abortion Harry Reid's Hands

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lifenews.com - by Steven Ertelt | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 6/10/14 12:00 PM If you are a pro-life voter and not yet engaged in the battle to win control of the U.S. Senate from the pro-abortion activists w...

CNBB participa de encontro bíblico-catequético na Argentina

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CNBB Nacional
cnbb.org.br - O assessor da Comissão Episcopal Pastoral para a Animação Bíblico-Catequética da Conferência Nacional dos bispos do Brasil (CNBB), padre Décio José Walker, participou, na Argentina, do IX Encontro ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Êxodo 17 - Bíblia Narrada (vídeo)

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Gospel Prime
videos.gospelprime.com.br - Ouvir “Êxodo 17″ da Bíblia Narrada por Cid Moreira.
Arte & Entretenimento

Aprenda a ouvir e a obedecer a Deus | Verdade Gospel - Portal gospel de notícias do Brasil

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Verdade Gospel
verdadegospel.com - Se forem humildes e me obedecerem, vocês comerão das coisas boas que a terra produz (Is 1.19 NTLH) Começamos uma nova etapa em nossa história. Mais um ano em que devemos continuar nossa trajetória ...

Government Report: Get A STEM Degree, Dummy!

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barbwire.com - A new report from the Government Accountability Office says that almost all job growth in the United States over the past decade has come from so-called STEM fields, and college students seem to be...

Argentina appoints new secretary of 'national thought' - Telegraph

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Drew McKissick
telegraph.co.uk - The 56-year-old trained philosopher is a member of a circle of intellectuals close to Kirchner, whose term ends in 2015. "It's pathetic and deplorable to designate a strategic secretary for nationa...

Francisco pede orações por vítimas de violência sexual em guerras

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Felipe Aquino
pt.radiovaticana.va - Cidade do Vaticano (RV) – “Rezemos por todas as vítimas de violência sexual em situações de conflito e por aqueles que combatem esse crime”. Nesta terça-feira, o Papa Francisco pede orações no Twit...

Woman Who Posted Video of Her Abortion and Ultrasound Picture of “My Baby” Regrets Her Abortion

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lifenews.com - by Steven Ertelt | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 6/9/14 1:17 PM Last month, LifeNews spotlighted the story of a young woman who posted a video of her abortion records and an ultrasound picture of...

What to Say to the Bible Christian, Hope During Difficult Times, Adultery Remains Adultery and More! | Daily News

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N. Catholic Register
ncregister.com - Copyright © 2014 EWTN News, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction of material from this website without written permission is strictly prohibited. Accessed from

Kansas Court Plays Politics Over License of Abortionist Who Broke the Law

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lifenews.com - by Kathy Ostrowski | Topeka, KS | LifeNews.com | 6/10/14 1:35 PM A rotten district court ruling is too hot to handle and the proper court of review doesn’t want to deal with it. Guess why? The revo...

Campus Christian Groups Should Be Allowed to Remain Christian

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motherjones.com - I think I'm over the stomach bug that laid me up this weekend, so let's get back to this blogging thing. Today, the New York Times informs me that university Christian groups are losing official re...

La Unión Europea y líderes religiosos piden liberar a la cristiana condenada a morir en Sudán

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infocatolica.com - (EFE/InfoCatólica) Barroso, el presidente del Consejo, Herman Van Rompuy, y el vicepresidente del Parlamento Europeo (PE) László Surján se reunieron hoy en Bruselas con diecinueve altos cargos de l...

My Life on Bitcoin: Sex, Drugs, and Toasters

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Ann Coulter
gq.com - I bought a Bitcoin. How could I not? I'd been hearing about it for years, which isn't to say I remotely understood what it was. What I did know was more than enough to lure me in: that it was being...

Impuestos: ¿Castigo o necesidad?

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Yoani Sánchez
14ymedio.com - El pasado 30 de abril cerró la segunda campaña de declaración jurada sobre los ingresos personales en Cuba. Después de casi medio siglo sin pagar impuestos, los cubanos empezaron 2013 enfrentándose...

Illegal immigration: how 'humanitarian crisis' on border could hurt Obama (+video) - CSMonitor.com

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Drew McKissick
csmonitor.com - Two weeks ago, the Obama administration was poised again to take executive action in an election year to ease deportations of undocumented immigrants. Today, that plan may be increasingly fraught w...

CPI no Senado ouvirá 'homem-bomba' da Petrobras nesta terça-feira

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Verdade Gospel
verdadegospel.com - A Comissão Parlamentar de Inquérito (CPI) da Petrobras no Senado agendou para esta terça-feira (10) o depoimento de um personagem central nos recentes escândalos da estatal: Paulo Roberto Costa, di...

Not Exactly Light Summer Reading: Will America Summon the Will to Correct Course?

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barbwire.com - If you’re still putting together your summer reading list here are a couple of books to add in case you haven’t gotten to them yet: Mark Steyn’s “America Alone” and “After America” are well worth y...

Dilma consagra a violência como método de reivindicação e cede às chantagens do MTST. É a institucionalização da desordem! Movimento suspende protestos durante a Copa. Mais um mandato, e esta senhora leva o país para o buraco

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Paulo Devechi
veja.abril.com.br - Prezado Reinaldo, é isso mesmo que a dona Dilma, o Lula, o PT e todos os partidos de esquerda querem: levar o país ao caos total para depois apresentar a solução (deles) para o problema criado por ...

‘Alleged Trojan Horse plot has nothing to do with faith schools’

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The Catholic Herald
catholicherald.co.uk - The alleged ‘Trojan Horse’ plot involving a number of schools in Birmingham is not connected to faith schools, the Catholic Education Service (CES) has said. “Many people are confusing extremism wi...

U.N. deplores 'gruesome' rape, murder of teenage girls in India :: EWTN News

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ewtnnews.com - United Nations secretary-general Ban Ki-moon has decried the rape and murder of two Indian teens, stating that the crime is inhumane, and has condemned the government as being dismissive. “In just ...

Dorms Allow Moms to Finish College | Daily News

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N. Catholic Register
ncregister.com - The all-women's College of St. Mary in Omaha, Neb., has something rare. With a recent $10-million investment in additional dorms for single mothers and their children, the college is among a very f...
Arte & Entretenimento

Por que namorar? Quando namorar? Como ter um namoro cristão?

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Comunidade Shalom
comshalom.org - Se existe algo que mexe como coração de um jovem que começa a descobrir a sua afetividade e a sua sexualidade, é o desejo de namorar. Cantada em verso e prosa, esta fase da vida faz parte do desenv...
Arte & Entretenimento

Sobre "Por tantos". Con mis disculpas a la conferencia episcopal

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infocatolica.com - Me extrañaba esa metedura de pata de la conferencia episcopal. Pero cuando uno ve que en Religión Digital, siendo lo que es, se anuncian instituciones como Foessa Manos Unidas, la Pontificia de Sal...

Ministério Jovem também vai a campo com a missão “Com Jesus na Copa”

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rccbrasil.org.br - A bola rola para a Copa do Mundo de Futebol da Fifa e os jovens da Renovação Carismática Católica não ficarão na torcida, mas com a torcida em abordagens diretas no anúncio querigmático do Evangelh...

The Changing Face of Africa

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Compassion Intl
compassion.com - After finishing his morning chores, 9-year-old James rushes out the door for school. In the afternoons he and his friends play soccer, then he heads home. James’ home is in Kenya’s Kibera, the larg...

Jeb Bush Says He's Too Poor to Run for President

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newrepublic.com - If you truly want to understand the disconnect between the rich and everyone else, or politicians and everyone else, look no further than page 116 of Mark Halperin and John Heilemann's Game Change ...

El mundial de fútbol será en Cuba, también

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Yoani Sánchez
14ymedio.com - En estos días, todo es diferente. La gente solo habla de quién ganará la próxima copa del mundo de fútbol. Que si España, Alemania, Brasil, Francia, y demás países. Es la pregunta que más se hace p...

Mick Mulvaney's Summer Of Apostasy

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Ann Coulter
breitbart.com - Helping guide a secretive effort to informally gauge support for legislative action on the issue before August are two expected names: Reps. Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL) and Paul Ryan (R-WI). But joini...

Juntos, Deputada Estadual Myrian Rios e Deputado Federal Leonardo Picciani, acompanham Ação Social na Ilha do Governador - Myrian Rios

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Myrian Rios
myrianrios.com.br - A Deputada Estadual Myrian Rios se reuniu com os desabrigados do prédio da Oi, na Paróquia Nossa Senhora do Loreto, situada na Ilha do Governador. Deste encontro, nasceu um desejo. Os desabrigados ...

Portal Mídia@Mais | Polícia para quem precisa

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midiaamais.com.br - Enquanto brasileiros comuns morrem nos cruzamentos e vielas escuras, ninguém se importa. Mas a situação muda de figura quando um turista é assassinado. A precaução tomada pelos governos é aumentar ...

Morning Catholic must-reads: 10/06/14

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The Catholic Herald
catholicherald.co.uk - Pope Francis has sent a message of support to a global summit seeking to end sexual violence in war (Nigel Baker). The Pope will visit Sri Lanka on January 13-15, according to local media reports. ...

Twitcom - Crie e participe de comunidades e grupos no Twitter

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Julio Cesar ✞ ©
twitcom.com.br - Para concluir sua inscrição, digite seu email para confirmação. Um email foi enviado, confirme clicando no link de validação. Houver tweets nos nests que sigo Alguém entrar nos nests que sigo Algué...

When Your Child Has Problems |Blogs

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N. Catholic Register
ncregister.com - Jennifer Fitz has written a sane and compassionate post for Christian parents who think their children may be transgendered. She makes a distinction among three scenarios.  First is the child who a...

Dedication to Catholic Education

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American Catholic
blog.americancatholic.org - Today’s guest blogger is Nick Luken, a second-year student at The Ohio State University, majoring in English and minoring in professional writing. Nick graduated from Roger Bacon, a Franciscan high...
Arte & Entretenimento

Sometimes We Forget Who Fathers Really Are - Let This Heartwarming Ad Remind You (VIDEO)

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The Christian Post
christianpost.com - According to this Dove ad, only 20% of dads see fathers portrayed in the media as being responsible for their child's emotional well-being. To more accurately represent fathers, the heartwarming ad...
Arte & Entretenimento

Un amigo de Lolo - ¿Dejamos entrar a Dios en nuestra vida?

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infocatolica.com - Yo soy amigo de Lolo. Manuel Lozano Garrido, Beato de la Iglesia católica y periodista vivió su fe desde un punto de vista gozoso como sólo pueden hacerlo los grandes. Y la vivió en el dolor que le...

Liturgia do dia: Um convite à confiança em Deus

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Comunidade Shalom
comshalom.org - “A vasilha de farinha não acabará e a jarra de azeite não diminuirá, até o dia em que o Senhor enviar a chuva sobre a face da terra.” 1Rs 17,14 A liturgia de hoje nos convida à confiança na Providê...

U.N. deplores 'gruesome' rape, murder of teenage girls in India :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

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Catholic News Agency
catholicnewsagency.com - Vatican City, Jun 10, 2014 / 08:10 am (CNA/EWTN News).- United Nations secretary-general Ban Ki-moon has decried the rape and murder of two Indian teens, stating that the crime is inhumane, and has...

This is your brain on faith

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US Catholic magazine
uscatholic.org - It seems clear by this point that some spiritual experiences can be observed in the brain. But is it possible to use what scientists are learning about the brain to actually improve our spiritual l...

Annulment fees eliminated in Cleveland Diocese - Catholic Courier

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Catholic Courier
catholiccourier.com - WASHINGTON (CNS) -- Couples seeking a marriage annulment in the Diocese of Cleveland no longer have to pay a fee for the service. Under a plan announced by Bishop Richard G. Lennon June 4, all fees...

Igrejas cristãs perseguidas na China: onde estão os defensores das minorias?

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Rodrigo Constantino
veja.abril.com.br - Quer arranhar um progressista e ver sua hipocrisia sangrar? Basta cobrar dele uma reação contra a perseguição que os cristãos sofrem em vários países islâmicos ou comunistas. O duplo padrão moral v...
Arte & Entretenimento

Ancla insular

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Yoani Sánchez
vocescubanas.com - “Apenas leo sobre Cubalandia, no hay noticias de interés, solo represión, colas, hambre, promesas”… Es la respuesta de una amiga de Alicante que a veces comenta la realidad insular en su blog. La a...

Planned Parenthood statement prompts offer of Bible donation

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The Catholic Sun
angelusnews.com - A pro-life legal group has responded to claims that Scripture is silent on the topic of abortion by offering to donate free Bibles to every Planned Parenthood clinic across the nation. “Planned Par...

Social Canção Nova

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Deus Proverá
social.cancaonova.com - O Progen- Projeto Geração Nova está completando 10 anos nesse mês de junho. Desde 2004, o Progen desenvolve um trabalho  de transformação social junto a  população de Cachoeira Paulista-SP. O PROGE...
Arte & Entretenimento

Voltemos Ao Evangelho | O que é teologia sistemática e por que ela é importante?

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Voltemos Evangelho
voltemosaoevangelho.com - Uma importante parte da minha tarefa como professor de teologia sistemática para alunos da Reformation Bible College, familiarizá-los com a gramática das nossas conversas teológicas. Sou chamado a ...

St. Louis Archbishop Carlson said he’s not sure he knew sexual abuse was a crime

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ncronline.org - Archbishop Robert J. Carlson claimed to be uncertain that he knew sexual abuse of a child by a priest constituted a crime when he was auxiliary bishop in the archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis...

92% of Babies With Down Syndrome in England Are Killed in Abortions

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lifenews.com - by Cora Sherlock | London, England | LifeNews.com | 6/10/14 10:14 AM In the latest controversy surrounding abortion law in the UK, a report for the British Department of Health has revealed that 50...
Arte & Entretenimento

A los 18 años del asesinato de los monjes de Argelia: «Claro que hay que perdonar, Dios lo pide» - ReL

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Religión en Libertad
religionenlibertad.com - El 30 de mayo de 1996 fueron asesinados por fundamentalistas islámicos los monjes cistercienses de Thibirine en Argelia. Este viernes se cumplen 18 años de esos sucesos. El semanario Alfa y Omega h...


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Myrian Rios
citizengo.org - A lei Cavalo de Tróia, sancionada pela presidente Dilma no ano passado, legaliza o aborto no Brasil (em qualquer caso) por meio da manipulação da linguagem. Aprovada com a desculpa de servir à prot...
Arte & Entretenimento

Dejado en evidencia, el líder de 'Podemos' dice que fue a un acto con el Príncipe y Blesa "obligado"

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hazteoir.org - Quien ya se ve presidiendo el Gobierno dice que por lo que no pasó fue por «vestir de etiqueta». REDACCIÓN HO.- El líder de Podemos, Pablo Iglesias, ha asegurado este martes que asistió «obligado» ...

Formação - Arquidiocese de São Sebastião do Rio de Janeiro - ArqRio

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Arquidiocese do Rio
arqrio.org - Em Destaque Liturgia Diaria 11º Plano de Pastoral de Conjunto Ano Arquidiocesano da Caridade - 2014 Ano da Fé Bispos Auxiliares Caridade Social Espiritualidade Família e Vida Folheto da Missa Homil...

So. Baptists Elect Arkansas Megachurch Pastor Ronnie Floyd as President

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The Christian Post
christianpost.com - BALTIMORE, Md. – Southern Baptists elected Arkansas Pastor Ronnie Floyd on Tuesday to be the new president of the nation's largest Protestant denomination. Floyd was elected by messengers during th...

Comentario sonoro la Santísima Trinidad (15-6-2014)Ecclesia Digital

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Ecclesia Digital
revistaecclesia.com - Orar con el Evangelio: comentario sonoro la Santísima Trinidad (15-6-2014) Madre general Congregación Celadoras del Reinado del Corazón de Jesús.

Busca : Loja Virtual

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loja.cancaonova.com - Preços e condições exclusivos para a Loja Virtual Canção Nova (loja.cancaonova.com), válidos por tempo determinado e/ou enquanto durarem os estoques, podendo sofrer alterações sem prévia notificaçã...

Leaked Images Reveal Children Warehoused in Crowded U.S. Cells, Border Patrol Overwhelmed

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Ann Coulter
breitbart.com - Leaked Images Reveal Children Warehoused in Crowded U.S. Cells, Border Patrol Overwhelmed HOUSTON, Texas — Breitbart Texas obtained internal federal government photos depicting the conditions of fo...

Church Grows at Faster Rate than World Population, Beauty and Bible Interpretation and Much More! | Daily News

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N. Catholic Register
ncregister.com - Copyright © 2014 EWTN News, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction of material from this website without written permission is strictly prohibited. Accessed from

Obama May Free Cuban Spies and Terrorists

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barbwire.com - Just a few blocks from the White House, in the basement of a black Baptist church, the chief of the Cuban Interests Section plotted with former terrorists and members of the communist Workers World...

Os patetas autoritários do sindicalismo doidivanas: espero que o governo de SP não recue e demita muito mais se delinquência continuar. Ou: Comecei a contagem regressiva para surgir um pateta federal

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Paulo Devechi
veja.abril.com.br - Trato daqui a pouco das considerações que fez o ministro Gilmar Mendes sobre a infiltração do crime organizado no processo eleitoral, conforme o prometido. Quero voltar à greve da minoria dos metro...

Dorms for single moms hailed as vital pro-life effort :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

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Catholic News Agency
catholicnewsagency.com - Omaha, Neb., Jun 10, 2014 / 04:01 am (CNA/EWTN News).- The all-women's College of St. Mary in Omaha, Neb. has something rare. With a recent $10 million investment in additional dorms for single mot...

The Reality of Ruth and Billy Graham

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Christianity Today
christianitytoday.com - The marriage of Ruth and Billy Graham presents certain challenges to any writer who would portray it. How to write about a couple so beloved by evangelicals without slipping into hagiography? How t...

The Flesh and Blood Church Challenge - Flesh and Blood

Partilhado por
Church of England
fleshandblood.org - In just one year, over 30,000 churches received information about fleshandblood and across the UK denominations, organisations and festivals took part in raising the profile of donation, mobilising...
Arte & Entretenimento

Marcha para Jesus do Rio de Janeiro ultrapassa São Paulo em público

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noticias.gospelmais.com.br - A Marcha para Jesus do Rio de Janeiro tornou-se a maior do mundo em 2014, após reunir mais de 600 mil fiéis no centro da cidade. Antes, o evento com mais participantes era o de São Paulo, que por m...

A única coisa que o socialismo não consegue racionar é a prostituição

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Rodrigo Constantino
veja.abril.com.br - Em Cuba nenhuma criança dorme na rua, diz o slogan socialista. Por outro lado, várias se prostituem em troca de um prato de comida. O socialismo é assim mesmo, sempre e em todo lugar: prateleiras v...

Millions of children will stay trapped in poverty despite government strategy say UK experts

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Christian Today
christiantoday.com - Following publication of the government's strategy to end child poverty, experts have warned that the measures are inadequate to lift the millions of children who currently struggle in low-income h...

El Papa cancela su agenda por segundo día consecutivo

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romereports.com - 10 junio, 2014. El Papa apoya a través de un tuit una campaña para denunciar el uso de la violencia sexual como arma de guerra. En estos días se celebra una cumbre en Londres para condenar esta prá...
Arte & Entretenimento

«La maternidad es la mejor resistencia contra la tecnocracia», dice el filósofo Hadjad - ReL

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Religión en Libertad
religionenlibertad.com - Con ocasión de la fiesta de la madre (que en Francia se ha celebrado el domingo pasado), el filósofo Fabrice Hadjadj nos recuerda por qué conviene más que nunca celebrar la maternidad, último espac...

Ida de adolescentes para supletivo ‘melhora’ escola

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Sérgio Pavarini
livrosepessoas.com - O número de adolescentes cursando o antigo supletivo, modalidade de ensino mais rápida destinada a alunos atrasados, cresceu entre 2007 e 2013, na contramão do ocorrido nas outras faixas etárias. A...

Angelina Jolie e governo britânico propõem ações em evento sobre violência sexual - Geral - Estadão

Partilhado por
Myrian Rios
estadao.com.br - A atriz Angelina Jolie e o secretário britânico de Relações Exteriores, William Hague, prometeram nesta terça-feira ações práticas na primeira reunião mundial para acabar com a violência sexual em ...

Los padres del Colegio Chesterton insisten en denunciar la discriminación

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hazteoir.org - El Ayuntamiento madrileño de Meco (PP) negó en un tuit a HO y a los padres que la exclusión de Infantil en becas de libros al centro fuera discriminatoria, porque el criterio adjudicación las limit...

Opus Dei - Así es la App de Álvaro del Portillo

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Opus Dei (España)
opusdei.org - La beatificación de Álvaro del Portillo ya cuenta con una App gratuita para iOS y Android.

VIDEO: How Our Marine Jailed in Mexico Saved a Life

Partilhado por
Janie Johnson
gretawire.foxnewsinsider.com - Watch our interview with Brad Meister, a friend of Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi, from tonight’s ON THE RECORD and weigh in!

Meriam Ibrahim's Brother-in-Law: Brutal Pre-Execution Flogging Will "Take Her Skin Off"

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lifenews.com - by Anne Garboczi Evans | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 6/10/14 10:45 AM Meriam Ibrahim is a twenty-seven year old Sudanese doctor. Her husband, Daniel Wani, is an American citizen and New Hampshi...
Arte & Entretenimento

CDs > Músicos Canção Nova > CD Faça - se : Loja Virtual

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loja.cancaonova.com - Uma sonoridade brasileira, uma voz doce e cheia de personalidade. Letras que expressam confiança total em Deus e com uma essência Mariana. Uma musicalidade alegre e serena, que nasce de um coração ...

— Birmingham, the BHA, Religious Education and Church Schools

Partilhado por
Church Times
cofecomms.tumblr.com - The publication of the OFSTED report into 21 schools in Birmingham linked to the so called “Trojan Horse” affair led to a flurry of tweets and comment from the British Humanist Association (BHA) ye...

Deadly Boko Haram Bombings Catalyze Peaceful Dialogue Between Christian, Muslim Students

Partilhado por
The Christian Post
christianpost.com - Following bombings which killed more than 100 Nigerians in late May, Christian groups have reached out to Muslims in an effort to reconcile the estranged communities. The Rev. Gideon Para-Mallam, r...
Arte & Entretenimento

Hillsong: No Other Name

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Evangelical Alliance
easilyfound.it - No Other Name is this year's highly anticipated annual Hillsong Worship album release, with 11 original songs perfect for individual and congregational worship. The album’s standout songs include t...
Arte & Entretenimento

Testimonio de vida de una no nacida, sobreviviendo a un accidente por el que murió su madre

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Derecho a Vivir
hazteoir.org - Enorme fue la sorpresa y ejemplar la reacción de la madre de familia que, viniendo del funeral de su propia progenitora, auxilió a las víctimas de un siniestro de tráfico en Texas (EEUU): entre ell...

Cranmer: Humanists hijack 'Trojan Horse' saga to denigrate faith schools

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Archbishop Cranmer
archbishop-cranmer.blogspot.co.uk - The so-called 'Trojan Horse' plot by extremist Muslims to infiltrate a number of Birmingham's schools is fraught with accusations, counter-accusations, recriminations and complexities. On the one h...
Arte & Entretenimento

Ignatius Press Novels | Walker Percy Gets Conferenced

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Ignatius Insight
ipnovels.com - They were turning people away over at Rod Dreher’s moderately sized Walker Percy conference in St. Francisville, Louisiana. Which may come as a surprise to anyone who didn’t know there was any sort...

Don’t Believe The Hype About Trade Deficits. Here’s The Real Story

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Heritage Foundation
dailysignal.com - Fortunately, many reports have started to accurately reflect the positive relationship between trade deficits and economic growth. For example, according to a Reuters report last year: “In another ...

El Papa visitará Sri Lanka del 13 al 15 de enero, después Filipinas - Vatican Insider

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vaticaninsider.lastampa.it - Faltaba solo la fecha, y el cardenal Malcolm Ranjith, arzobispo de Colombo, ha sido el encargado en anunciarla: Francisco visitará Sri Lanza del 13 al 15 de enero del próximo año, en una de las eta...

America Has a New Owner and It Ain’t George Soros

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barbwire.com - This has been a very big news week with lots of stories to draw us away. Gwyneth Paltrow says water has feelings, Charlize Theron compares “Press intrusion” to rape! Why do we give place to these m...

Anti-homeless studs have been around for years and are part of a wider problem, say experts

Partilhado por
Christian Today
christiantoday.com - Pictures of 'anti-homeless studs' went viral over the weekend, causing a furore on Twitter. The images, originally posted by Andrew Horton of World View Media, provoked a discussion about the most ...

Big danger: Gun-free zones

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WND News
wnd.com - WASHINGTON — He may have been outgunned, but he certainly wasn’t ungunned, and his actions, the experts agree, probably saved hundreds, maybe even a thousand lives. Now St. James Massacre hero Char...
Arte & Entretenimento

"El Espíritu Santo nos enseña el camino" Papa Francisco - Primeros Cristianos

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primeroscristianos.com - "No hay sitio para cristianos mudos" El Papa Francisco celebró el domingo por la mañana la Misa de Pentecostés. Durante su homilía en la Basílica de San Pedro, Francisco reflexionó sobre los dones ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Índios deixam costumes tradicionais e viram evangélicos em aldeia, no AP

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Sérgio Pavarini
pavablog.com - A aldeia Kumenê, que fica na reserva Uaçá, em Oiapoque, a 590 quilômetros de Macapá, é uma das mais isoladas comunidades indígenas no extremo norte do país. Para chegar a tribo da etnia Palikuré é ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Opus Dei - Preguntas al Vicepostulador de la Causa

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Opus Dei (España)
opusdei.es - 1. ¿Por qué Mons. Álvaro del Portillo es candidato a la beatificación? ¿Qué ha hecho? De entre todos los millones de santos que hay en el cielo, el Espíritu Santo escoge algunos de ellos para ser p...
Arte & Entretenimento

Editora Mundo Cristão - Livro: A mulher dos sonhos de seu marido - Sharon Jaynes

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Mundo Cristão
mundocristao.com.br - Assim como as mulheres sonham com seu príncipe encantado, os homens também têm sonhos ao nosso respeito. E com seu marido não é diferente. Provavelmente ele, ao contrário de você, não passou horas ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Presentación del libro "Compromiso y Liderazgo" on Livestream

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new.livestream.com - HazteOir.org acaba de editar el libro "Compromiso y Liderazgo", traducción de la obra "Dedication & Lidership" del exdirigente del partido comunista británico Douglas Hyde. El autor explica cómo lo...

John 1:5 New International Version

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Bobby Gruenewald
bible.com - Biblica provides accurate, readable translations of Scripture. We offer free study tools and community reading experiences to help you engage God’s Word. NIV® Copyright 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® 5The ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Radio America

Partilhado por
blog.cancaonova.com - O Tríduo Pascal nos convida a fixar os olhos no olhar de Jesus A Igreja Católica vive nestes dias a sua maior celebração dentro de calendário litúrgico, que é o Tríduo Pascal que culmina na grande ...

LIFE Worship: Dance Again

Partilhado por
Evangelical Alliance
easilyfound.it - LIFE Worship is the worship team of LIFE Church UK. Dance Again was recorded live at LIFE Church Bradford in November 2013 and captures the journey and passion of the Church's journey with God over...

El Grupo Popular impulsa una reforma de la Ley Electoral que perfecciona el sistema democrático en la Comunidad - Partido Popular – Asamblea de Madrid

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PP de Madrid
ppasambleamadrid.es - El portavoz del Grupo Popular en la Asamblea de Madrid, Iñigo Henríquez de Luna, presentó hoy la propuesta del Grupo Parlamentario Popular para la reforma de la Ley Electoral de la Comunidad de Mad...

See the Epic Wedding Photos This Couple Got as a Raging Wildfire Headed Straight for Them (PHOTOS)

Partilhado por
The Christian Post
christianpost.com - April Hartley and Michael Wolber were about to marry at picturesque Rock Springs Ranch in Oregon when some unique wedding crashers showed up: firefighters who warned them that the Two Bulls wildfir...

You Can Bring Christ to the World

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Catholic Exchange
catholicexchange.com - If you should happen to be single and neither a cleric nor a religious, are not without your specific vocation — your God-given vocation! It is indeed unfortunate that the idea of a divine vocation...

Mãos Dadas « De mãos dadas com os que promovem vida plena para todas as crianças.

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ultimato.com.br - Em 2014, milhões de turistas circularão pelo país por ocasião da Copa do Mundo de Futebol. Será uma festa global e milhares de comunidades espalhadas pelo mundo se conectarão virtualmente para desf...

News Briefs/Rss | Catholic World Report - Global Church news and views

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Ignatius Insight
catholicworldreport.com - Madison, Wis., Jun 10, 2014 / 04:59 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Bishop Robert C. Morlino of Madison said he was “deeply saddened” by a federal ruling that Wisconsin law must recognize “gay marriage,” warn...

Uncover Obamacare – Over One Million Low Income Americans Will Pay ObamaCare Fine

Partilhado por
Heritage Foundation
uncoverobamacare.com - Candidate Obama was elected on the promise of never increasing the tax burden for the poorest of Americans, yet the president’s historic health care law not only increases the tax burden across the...

Campanha pelos 66 anos da SBB

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sbb.com.br - No dia 10 de junho, a Sociedade Bíblica do Brasil (SBB) completa 66 anos de atividades dedicadas à difusão das Sagradas Escrituras e de sua mensagem a todas as pessoas. Por seu empenho, a SBB vem c...

The Most Powerful Pro-Life Father's Day Video You’ve Ever Seen

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lifenews.com - by Steven Ertelt | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 6/9/14 3:08 PM It’s not even Father’s Day yet and we have what we think is the most pro-life Father’s Day video we’ve ever seen. Every so often a ...

Pro-choice activists have hard time condemning sex selection abortions

Partilhado por
Right to Life
nationalrighttolifenews.org - Editor’s note. This first appeared at Ms. Terzo’s blog. Abortion rights groups are put in a difficult position by sex-selection abortions. They have said for years that a woman’s decision to abort ...
Arte & Entretenimento

La lucha de un perro para no abandonar la cama de su amo - 24 Horas - Televisión Nacional de Chile

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24horas.cl - Sobre todo en invierno, dejar la cama a todos nos cuenta, pero ¿cómo será para un perro 'levantarse'? Por lo menos, ahora sabremos como lo hacer 'Thor', un Gran Danés al que sus amos tratan por tod...

El Vaticano convoca un día de estudio sobre Pío X para conmemorar los 100 años de su muerte

Partilhado por
romereports.com - 25 de mayo de 2014. Nada más llegar a Tel Aviv, Francisco ha condenado el asesinato de tres personas en Bruselas, mientras visitaban el Museo Judío. "Con el corazon lleno de dolor, pienso en quiene...

Cristãos retomam "língua de Jesus" em vila de Israel

Partilhado por
O Verbo
noticias.gospelprime.com.br - Os maronitas vivem no norte do país e não se afirmam como 'árabes', mas sim como 'arameus' Pequenas comunidades ao redor do Oriente Médio ainda falam o aramaico, a mesma língua que Jesus falava. Al...

Editora Mundo Cristão - Livro: Atos - Série Lições de Vida - Max Lucado

Partilhado por
Mundo Cristão
mundocristao.com.br - Histórias de homens que estiveram face a face com Deus e sentaram-se aos pés do Rei ressuscitado. No meio deles habita um fogo que não é encontrado na terra. Cristo lhes ensinou. O Pai os perdoou. ...

Marriage Takes a Beating - Crisis Magazine

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Crisis Magazine
crisismagazine.com - Traditional marriage has been taking quite a beating ever since the U.S. Supreme Court, in its Windsor case handed down in June 2013, ruled that same-sex unions must be considered true marriages wh...
Arte & Entretenimento

WORLD | About a Boy | Emily Belz

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WORLD News Group
worldmag.com - In NBC’s About a Boy, 30-something bachelor Will (David Walton) is wealthy after composing a hit Christmas song: He impulsively buys a $500 margarita machine, hosts parties in the afternoon when ev...

Interfaith Services and the Demon-God Allah

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barbwire.com - Interfaith services with Christians praying alongside Muslim imams have become trendy as of late, with one taking place over the weekend in the Vatican itself. Occasionally even evangelical preache...

Piketty’s Un-Democratic Proposal | First Thoughts

Partilhado por
First Things
firstthings.com - I’ve finished Capital in the Twenty-First Century. Once again, I want to report the pleasure this book gave. Piketty’s historical approach has helped me achieve a bit more clarity about the economi...

Dorms for single moms hailed as vital pro-life effort :: EWTN News

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ewtnnews.com - The all-women's College of St. Mary in Omaha, Neb. has something rare. With a recent $10 million investment in additional dorms for single mothers and their children, the college is among a very fe...
Arte & Entretenimento

Jesus can't be boring - 26/05/2014 - Luiz Felipe Ponde - Colunistas - Folha de S.Paulo

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Cristianismo Hoje
folha.uol.com.br - Não, o título deste texto não é uma citação, apenas uma expressão que em inglês soa melhor. Se formos falar "Jesus não pode encher o saco" ou "Jesus não pode entediar", isso não capta o sentido con...

A community Bible experience

Partilhado por
Evangelical Alliance
eauk.org - The Evangelical Alliance. A company limited by guarantee Registered in England & Wales No. 123448. Registered Charity No England and Wales: 212325, Scotland: SC040576. Registered Office: 176 Copenh...

Madrid es la Comunidad española con mayor tasa de empleo femenino | Madrid

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PP de Madrid
elmundo.es - La Comunidad de Madrid tiene la tasa de empleo femenino más alta de España (el 45,74%, con un total de 1.255.200 mujeres trabajando), lo que la sitúa 6,3 puntos por encima de la media nacional, en ...
Arte & Entretenimento

JovemX - Tudo para Cristo, tudo por Ele!

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jovemx.com - Jogador Bernard, um dos 23 jogadores que vão representar o Brasil na Copa do Mundo, revelou sua fé em Deus ao depositar confiança no Senhor para encontrar a sua futura mulher. Em entrevista ao Ego,...

J.D. Greear to Pastors: Don't Grow Churches, But Gospel Warriors

Partilhado por
The Christian Post
christianpost.com - BALTIMORE, Md. – Summit Church Pastor J.D. Greear said Monday that U.S. churches are failing because their structure is oriented towards uplifting gifted pastors rather than cultivating disciple-ma...

SEXED - Live Action's Undercover Investigation into Planned Parenthood's Sex-ed

Partilhado por
Susan B Anthony List
sba-list.org - In classrooms and advertising across the country, Planned Parenthood styles themselves the "sex experts" for teenagers. So teenagers turn to Planned Parenthood for sex advice and eventually, if the...
Arte & Entretenimento

News Briefs/Rss | Catholic World Report - Global Church news and views

Partilhado por
Ignatius Insight
catholicworldreport.com - Rome, Italy, Jun 9, 2014 / 04:53 pm (CNA).- Speaking to reporters for the first time after her victory on The Voice Italy, Sister Cristina Scuccia said that she now plans to return to the two prior...

Big Airlines Fight to Cancel Cheap International Travel

Partilhado por
Heritage Foundation
dailysignal.com - The airline’s spokesman added: “It’s ironic that elected officials in a country where capitalism and the free market are celebrated are not making a decision based on the facts that show how we are...

BBC News - Woman: 'The effect of rape is with me on a daily basis'

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bbc.co.uk - A four-day summit on how to end sexual violence during war is taking place in London. One of the women who will be there has told the BBC how she was sexually abused after fleeing Rwanda. 'Stephani...

In less than 3 weeks.

Partilhado por
Live Action News
nationalrighttolifenews.org - Register today for this 3-day national meeting of the pro-life grassroots. It is the best place to learn, grow, and get energized to take a stand for life! The Convention offers pro-life activists ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Miss USA 2014: Stunning Miss Indiana Mekayla Diehl's Normal Body Applauded on Twitter During Swimsuit Competition

Partilhado por
eonline.com - Think it's hard to tell 20 beauty queens apart? How about 20 beauty queens wearing the exact same white bikini? During tonight's Miss USA 2014 competition taking place in Baton Rouge, La., it was M...

Presidentes palestino e israelense rezam pela paz com o papa

Partilhado por
O Verbo
noticias.gospelprime.com.br - Depois do culto ecumênico os líderes religiosos e políticos deram as mãos e plantaram uma árvore simbolizando a paz O papa Francisco, o presidente de Israel, Shimon Peres, e o presidente da Autorid...

Michael Gove and the Trojan Horse: Faith groups are still essential for education

Partilhado por
Christian Today
christiantoday.com - It's the story that so many secularists have been waiting for. The story that proves Islam is a dangerous threat to British society. The story that vindicates the view that faith groups, of any sha...

Hundreds of Christian Women Abducted, Forced to Embrace Islam Each Year

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charismanews.com - A Pakistani Muslim nongovernmental organization says that every year between 100 to 700 Christian women, "usually between the ages of 12 and 25 are abducted, converted to Islam, and married to the ...

Ala rebelde do PMDB faz campanha contra aliança com PT - Política - Estadão

Partilhado por
Ihamma Lins
politica.estadao.com.br - Brasília - Teve início na manhã desta terça-feira, 11, a convenção do PMDB nacional do PMDB, que decide se mantém ou não a aliança com o PT para a disputa presidencial. A ala rebelde da legenda apr...

Editora Mundo Cristão - Livro: Diga sim com convicção - Miguel Uchôa

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Mundo Cristão
mundocristao.com.br - As estatísticas mostram índices alarmantes de divórcio entre cristãos e não cristãos. Os gabinetes pastorais e os consultórios especializados em terapia de casais vivem lotados de pessoas que exper...

Boehner: Taliban Deal Has 'Made Americans Less Safe'

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cnsnews.com - (CNSNews.com) - The Obama administration's deal to swap Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl for five Taliban detainees has "made Americans less safe," House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) said at a Tuesday morn...

WORLD | Fake followers | Daniel James Devine

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WORLD News Group
worldmag.com - Twitter, the social media platform where users compose messages of 140 characters or less, now hosts an impressive 1 billion user accounts. Whether half that many people are actually using the serv...

Por que a Igreja incomoda o Mundo?

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blog.comshalom.org - Estava pensando nesse dias o porquê do mundo ter tanta resistência a Igreja e, de forma especial nestes tempos a mídia ser a porta voz dessa insatisfação, que é quase geral. Quero partilhar algumas...

After Bergdahl Briefing, Senators Still Doubtful on Prisoner Swap - NYTimes.com

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The Brazilian Post
nytimes.com - WASHINGTON — Senators emerged from a classified, closed-door briefing on the release of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl on Tuesday seemingly less convinced than ever about the wisdom of swapping five high-level...

UK pledges more support for victims of sexual violence in war - Press releases - GOV.UK

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C of E Newspaper
gov.uk - Britain will provide new assistance to help victims of sexual violence in developing countries rebuild their lives through a new commitment from the Department for International Development. Announ...

Wildfire Creates Epic Wedding Photo Backdrop

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relevantmagazine.com - Just moments before April Hartley was scheduled to walk down the aisle to marry Michael Wolber, firefighters stormed the ceremony. They notified the wedding party that the Oregon ranch where the ce...

Rest to Work or Work to Rest? | First Thoughts

Partilhado por
First Things
firstthings.com - The N.C.A.A. has taken an image-beating in recent years. Angry critics of its alleged exploitation of student athletes have been relentless in their attacks on both the institution and its leadersh...

The Family Project

Partilhado por
Focus on the Family
thefamilyproject.ca - The breakdown of the family has made an impact on virtually every segment of society. Divorce, abuse, abandonment, addictions, poverty – all of these can be tied to the disintegration of the family...

Partido Social Cristão - Pastor Everaldo recebe apoio do ex-jogador Washington em Caxias do Sul

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Blog EveraldoPereira
psc.org.br - O Pastor Everaldo, pré-candidato do PSC à Presidência da República, recebeu, no sábado (7), em Caxias do Sul (RS), o apoio do ex-jogador Washington (PDT) nas próximas eleições. Além dele, liderança...

Either you have a border or you don’t

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WND News
wnd.com - This isn’t some Howard Finch moment from the 1976 movie “Network,” where I’m going to tell you to raise your window and yell, “I’m as mad as hell, and I’m not going to take this anymore!” We’re way...

Reflexiones para la Santísima Trinidad (15-6-2014)Ecclesia Digital

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Ecclesia Digital
revistaecclesia.com - Reflexiones para la Santísima Trinidad (15-6-2014) Madre general Congregación Celadoras del Reinado del Corazón de Jesús.
Arte & Entretenimento

Cardenal Sebastián ensalza labor de HazteOír "que trabaja por el bien de la Iglesia y de la humanidad"

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Ignacio Arsuaga
aciprensa.com - MADRID, 10 Jun. 14 / 03:25 am (ACI/Europa Press).- El Cardenal Fernando Sebastián ensalzó este fin de semana la labor de la plataforma HazteOír, "que trabaja por el bien de la Iglesia y de la Human...

Thru the Bible with Dr J Vernon McGee

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Evangelical Alliance
easilyfound.it - See this advert online at: http://eafnd.it/1u0Rs86 or scan this QR Code. The Evangelical Alliance does not store any of the above data

"Hora da Vida" 2014 propõe celebrar a dignidade da pessoa humana

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Zenit Portugues
zenit.org - Em sua 4ª edição, o subsídio “Hora da Vida” é convite à sociedade para a celebração da Semana Nacional da Vida, de 1º a 7 de outubro, e Dia do Nascituro, comemorado na quarta-feira, 8.  Trata-se de...

The Promise of Free Enterprise (VIDEO)

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barbwire.com - Built into the foundation of free enterprise is a promise. It’s a promise that no other economic system offers. This promise has a great deal to do with your sense of well-being, that is, your happ...


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esvcsummit.com - Within this public programme you can view the breadth of interesting, thought-provoking activities happening at the Global Summit Fringe, an integral part of the Global Summit to End Sexual Violenc...

Children are innocent and faultless - once they're born

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Live Action News
liveactionnews.org - This timely political cartoon illustrates a major hypocrisy that all too many in America subscribe to: faultless, innocent children ought to be defended in all cases – as long as they are breathing...

Obama’s Enforcer: Eric Holder’s Justice Department

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Heritage Foundation
dailysignal.com - This has meant that while Barack Obama and his attorney general have publicly tried to “maintain the veneer of respect for legal processes,” they have in reality worked to “stretch or break the rul...

These 3 Things, Not Government, Will Eliminate Poverty, Social Justice Advocate Jim Wallis Says

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The Christian Post
christianpost.com - "If you think about it those are not liberal or conservative ideas," Wallis, president of the Christian social justice advocacy group Sojourners, told The Christian Post. "They ought to be things t...

Abortionist Injures Two Women in Botched Abortions on the Same Day

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lifenews.com - by Cheryl Sullenger | Port Charlotte, FL | LifeNews.com | 6/9/14 3:50 PM An ambulance as called to the Venice Women’s Health Center in Port Charlotte, Florida, last week to transport an abortion pa...

A La Carte (June 10)

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The Reformed Hub
challies.com - I am a follower of Jesus Christ, a husband to Aileen and a father to three young children. I worship and serve as a pastor at Grace Fellowship Church in Toronto, Ontario, and am a co-founder of Cru...
Arte & Entretenimento

Concurso Cultural Literário (70)

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livrosepessoas.com - Perseguida ao longo do Mar Real e aterrorizada pela memória dos que se foram, Alina Starkov tenta levar uma vida normal com Maly em uma terra desconhecida, enquanto mantém em segredo sua identidade...

Why Collect Fine Art Prints?

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Judy Rey Wasserman
ungravenimage.com - Fine art prints offer an entry point into real art collecting. Art collecting can be rewarding financially, esthetically, socially and even spiritually. An artist’s fine art prints should always be...
Arte & Entretenimento

Concurso Cultural Literário (66)

Partilhado por
mob de leitura
livrosepessoas.com - Kelley Winslow está vivendo seu sonho. Aos 17 anos de idade, ela se muda para Nova York e começa a trabalhar em uma companhia de teatro. Ela ainda é, claro, apenas uma assistente e eventual substit...

False Charges Impede Pro-Life Sidewalk Counselor's Free Speech Rights - Christian Newswire

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christiannewswire.com - Thomas More Society Appeals Bogus Personal Protective Order Contact: Tom Ciesielka, 312-422-1333, tc@tcpr.net DETROIT, Mich., June 10, 2014 /Christian Newswire/ -- The Chicago-based Thomas More Soc...

Haggai Institute equips Chakwera for political evangelism

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Mission Network News
mnnonline.org - Malawi (MNN) — Political leaders in Malawi are giving new meaning to the term “frenemies” — a term combining “friends” and “enemies” that can refer to either an enemy pretending to be a friend or s...

US businesses ramped up job searches in April

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cnsnews.com - WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. companies advertised more jobs in April than in any month in six and a half years, a possible harbinger of strong hiring in the months ahead. Employers posted nearly 4.5 mill...
Arte & Entretenimento

Uma imagem que diz tudo !

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blog.comshalom.org - Sem dúvida que a imagem da “escadinha” é muito bonita! Sou de uma familia muito numerosa, e apesar de meu núcleo familiar ser apenas de 4 pessoas, sempre sonhei em ter muitos filhos, motivado por t...

20 best business books this summer - Holy Kaw!

Partilhado por
Scott Williams
holykaw.alltop.com - Richard Feloni, Business Insider has compiled a list of the 20 best business books to read this summer and it starts out with Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner, the authors of the hit “Freakon...
Arte & Entretenimento

Report: Police Are Responding to Reports of Gunfire at an Oregon High School

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relevantmagazine.com - This week we talk to folktronica mastermind (and bearded wonder) Crowder about his new album, Neon Steeple. Plus, an unexpected guest calls in, we recap the week's news and entertainment, read your...

Go On Then. Google ‘Grumble’

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C of E Newspaper
churchnewspaper.com - I’m a most unusual oldster. Not in terms of talent or success – have always been a failure even at being a failure – but because I’m always happy. The usual septuagenarian stance is to rehearse mor...

Cardinal Ranjith: Pope to Visit Sri Lanka January 13-15

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Zenit English
zenit.org - Sri Lankan media is reporting that Pope Francis will visit the country from January 13 to 15 next year. The reports say Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith, the Archbishop of Colombo, confirmed the news on Mo...

El Papa visitará Sri Lanka del 13 al 15 de enero, después Filipinas

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Enlace Católico.com
enlacecatolico.com - El presidente de Sri Lanka, Mahinda Rajapaksa, puntualiza el comunicado oficial de la presidencia: “El pasado mes de agosto escribí al Papa Francisco extendiendo la invitación para que visitara Sri...
Arte & Entretenimento

HazteOir.org muestra su satisfacción al desestimarse una demanda contra la asociación

Partilhado por
Ignacio Arsuaga
hazteoir.org - Esta acción legal se utilizó para tratar de deteriorar la imagen y la labor de HazteOir.org. REDACCIÓN HO.- El Juzgado de Primera Instancia nº 45 de Madrid ha fallado a favor de HazteOir.org en la ...

San Fernando quiere recuperar su plaza tras ser embargada | Madrid

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PP de Madrid
ccaa.elpais.com - La plaza de España de San Fernando de Henares y su subsuelo dejaron de pertenecer a los vecinos en 2008. El Ayuntamiento aportó el terreno municipal de este bien de interés cultural (10.827 metros ...

Surprising allies battle for-profit surrogacy

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Our Sunday Visitor
osv.com - “Never the twain shall meet” can rightly stand as the motto of public debate in America for the last 20 years, with opposing sides to nearly every issue hunkering down without cooperation or compro...

Ação foursquare no #CNabraçaSP

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† Adailton Batista †
blog.cancaonova.com - Usuários do foursquare terão 15% de desconto na compra dos produtos. Os participantes do II Canção Nova Abraça São Paulo que possui perfil na rede social foursquare poderão ter 20% de desconto na c...

Below the breadline

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Evangelical Alliance
eauk.org - The Evangelical Alliance. A company limited by guarantee Registered in England & Wales No. 123448. Registered Charity No England and Wales: 212325, Scotland: SC040576. Registered Office: 176 Copenh...

Our Parishes on Pinterest

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Arl Catholic Herald
pinterest.com - Come on in! Join Pinterest today...it only takes like a second or so. The Diocese of Arlington has 68 parishes in 21 counties. Get to know them here. ‘A complex of Catholicism’: Queen of Apostles, ...

‘Gun-free’ restaurant chain becomes easy target

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WND News
wnd.com - Seems like robbers just don’t pay attention to what their victims want. For the fourth time in the few weeks since Jack in the Box restaurant chain officials asked that their customers disarm thems...

Faith schools don't teach religious extremism, they help stamp it out - Comment - Voices - The Independent

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independent.co.uk - The thrust of their contention - that the OFSTED report showed the damage done by the presence of faith schools in the education system – is a shaky attempt to build one of the BHA’s long held aims...

Por volta de 15 mil fiéis celebram os 150 anos da Diocese de Zacatecas no México

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Arautos do Evangelho
gaudiumpress.org - Zacatecas - México (Segunda-feira, 09-06-2014, Gaudium Press) "Damos graças a Deus Pai que concedeu aos filhos destas terras poder ser, por meio do batismo, parte viva da grande família de Deus que...
Arte & Entretenimento

Vídeos de Bandas e Cantores - Música Gospel :: Gospel Music Café

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gospelmusiccafe.com - A - E A B C D E F - J F G H I J K - O K L M N O P - T P Q R S T U - Z U V W X Y Z 0 - 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 HOME ARTISTAS VÍDEOS NOTÍCIAS SHOP ENTREVISTAS EVENTOS FESTIVAL CAFÉPAGE Login Jakeline V...

God’s Design for the Family - Truth and Charity Forum

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Human Life Intnl
truthandcharityforum.org - In His great wisdom, God has created the human family as the first school to form the minds, hearts, souls, and consciences of children. In God’s plan, a child needs both a mother and a father, not...

Did this Student Receive a Bad Grade Because She Cited Heritage?

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Heritage Foundation
dailysignal.com - “Last semester, I took a public policy class with a professor who often let her left-leaning views leak into her lectures while assuring us she would keep her personal bias a secret. A large portio...

Think Before You Post

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The Reformed Hub
thegospelcoalition.org - I have been blogging—almost every day, normally 5 or 6 days a week—for five and a half years. I never imagined this would be a significant part of my ministry. I never thought many people would rea...

UN “Include the Family!” Campaign!

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citizengo.org - The United Nations Family Rights Caucus is urgently requesting your support of our "Include the Family UN petition!" The UN is ignoring its obligation to protect the family as called for in the Uni...

Christians taken captive in Slovyansk - Mission Network News

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Mission Network News
mnnonline.org - Ukraine (MNN) — Russian separatists are holding three believers captive in eastern Ukraine. They kidnapped the Christians from a church in Slovyansk on Sunday, says Russian Ministries. Some of the ...

23 GOPers, 55 Dems Confirm HHS Secretary Who Will Force Christians to Act Against Faith

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cnsnews.com - (CNSNews.com) - Twenty-three Senate Republicans joined 55 Democrats last Thursday to confirm Sylvia Mathews Burwell to replace Kathleen Sebelius as secretary of Health and Human Services. Burwell w...
Arte & Entretenimento

Erotização da moda infantil

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blog.comshalom.org - Um fato que preocupa pais, educadores e a sociedade em geral é a infância cada vez mais curta. É cada vez mais comuns ver meninas na faixa de 7 a 11 anos agindo como verdadeiras moças, ganhar brinq...
Arte & Entretenimento

Benedict Cumberbatch and Tom Hardy Are in the Running to Play Doctor Strange

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relevantmagazine.com - It looks like it’s coming down to a battle between Bane and Sherlock. According to Deadline, Benedict Cumberbatch and Tom Hardy are currently the favorites to star in Scott Derrickson’s upcoming bi...

Karachi Catholics Pray to St. Anthony for Peace

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Zenit English
zenit.org - As another fierce gun battle is reported close to Karachi airport Tuesday morning, Catholics in the city are praying to St. Anthony that the Lord bring peace and harmony to their nation.  "In momen...

Anti-suicide chaplains in desperate need of funding

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Christian Today
christiantoday.com - The award-winning Beachy Head chaplaincy team is facing the prospect of having to close its doors if it doesn't find extra funding soon. Aiding in the rescue of those who come to commit suicide on ...

5 Lessons In The Heroic Act That Stopped The Seattle School Shooter

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barbwire.com - Editor’s note: There’s a good chance that many Americans missed the following news report since the old and liberal media doesn’t like to give these kinds of stories too much attention. Fortunately...

Holder Impeachment Sought by THOUSANDS!

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papamiket.com - Eric Holder made history in 2009 as the first African-American U.S. attorney general. If Rep. Paul Gosar has his way, Holder can add another first to his bio: the first sitting cabinet secretary to...

Harvard Confirms It Has Book Bound In Human Flesh 

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truthisscary.com - A few weeks ago we ran a story about Harvard University’s library containing books bound in human flesh. Scientists at Harvard have now confirmed the report for at least one volume, Arsène Houssaye...

Cleveland Diocese ends fees for marriage annulments, dispensations | The Compass – Official Newspaper of the Diocese of Green BayThe Compass – Official Newspaper of the Diocese of Green Bay

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The Compass GreenBay
thecompassnews.org - WASHINGTON — Couples seeking a marriage annulment in the Diocese of Cleveland no longer have to pay a fee for the service. Under a plan announced by Bishop Richard G. Lennon June 4, all fees in ann...
Arte & Entretenimento

Obispado de Alcalá de Henares: Transexualidad y Esperanza

Partilhado por
Ignacio Arsuaga
obispadoalcala.org - Según la filosofía de género (gender), «el sexo ya no es un dato originario de la naturaleza, que el hombre debe aceptar y llenar personalmente de sentido (...). El hombre niega tener una naturalez...
Arte & Entretenimento

São Eduardo Poppe | ZENIT - O mundo visto de Roma

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Zenit Portugues
zenit.org - Na cidade de Temsche, na Bélgica, nasceu Eduardo João Maria Poppe no dia 18 de dezembro de 1890. Vindo de família simples e muito cristã, o jovem era o terceiro de onze filhos. Desde cedo foi educa...

Pope Francis News

Partilhado por
Our Sunday Visitor
osv.com - Our Sunday Visitor is your resource for the latest on Pope Francis. Check out the stream below for Pope Francis-related articles, and follow on Twitter: Follow Our Sunday Visitor (@OSV), Catholic N...

Bulgaria, the Decline in Media Freedom

Partilhado por
Index on Censorship
balcanicaucaso.org - Many international organizations have indicated a constant and forceful decline in freedom of the press in Bulgaria in recent years. Do you agree with this assessment? It is hard not to agree with ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Convidados falam sobre o namoro cristão

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† Adailton Batista †
tv.cancaonova.com - Programa aborda o namoro cristão apresentando os desafios e benefícios desse relacionamento. Com o clima de romantismo trazido pela semana dos namorados, o programa Trocando Ideias desta terça-feir...

Mídia Sem Máscara - Dilma quer saber quais foram as falhas da Copa. Nós mostramos.

Partilhado por
Direita Brasil
midiasemmascara.org - Façamos um exercício similar ao que propus acima. Digamos que você queria fazer concorrência aos pipoqueiros do centro da cidade abrindo uma barraca que venda um produto ligeiramente mais caro: cav...
Arte & Entretenimento

Curiosidade sobre os Anjos | Editora Cléofas - Prof. Felipe Aquino

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Editora Cléofas
cleofas.com.br - No combate não lutamos sozinhos. Lemos em Apocalipse 12: “Miguel e seus anjos combateram contra o dragão” (12,7). Quando criou os anjos, Deus os fez livres e, assim, eles tiveram de passar por uma ...

Pope Francis continues rest due to 'a minor indisposition' :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

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New Advent
catholicnewsagency.com - Vatican City, Jun 10, 2014 / 07:18 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Following the cancellation of his public commitments yesterday morning due to tiredness, Pope Francis has decided to continue his rest today ...

A spontaneous papacy - The Arlington Catholic Herald

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Arl Catholic Herald
catholicherald.com - Spontaneity that reflects good-heartedness is a highly attractive trait, but the spontaneity of self-indulgence is reckless and often cruel. Spontaneity of either kind can cause confusion and disma...

Chaplains to state schools could help stamp out extremism – bishop - Telegraph

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telegraph.co.uk - Speaking about a new Church of England-sponsored academy in east London, within his diocese, Bishop Cottrell said: “It is impossible to understand and inhabit the modern world – especially in East ...

What does the Bible say about abortion?

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Live Action News
liveactionnews.org - I know, some of you may be reading this and not realize that it was ever even a debate.  And some of you may not care what the Bible has to say about anything.  But I find it absolutely bizarre tha...
Arte & Entretenimento

Professores católicos estão entre os melhores da Escócia

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Arautos do Evangelho
gaudiumpress.org - Glascow - Escócia (Segunda-feira, 09-06-2014, Gaudium Press) Os Prêmios Escoceses à Educação 2014 tem um sabor católico. Uma de suas três finalistas, Gillian Campbell-Thow, leciona em um colégio ca...
Arte & Entretenimento

Programa visita Papa Francisco a Cassano All´Jonio (Italia)Ecclesia Digital

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Ecclesia Digital
revistaecclesia.com - Programa de la visita del Papa Francisco a Cassano All´Jonio (Italia) La Oficina de Prensa de la Santa Sede ha publicado hoy el programa de la visita pastoral que el Papa Francisco efectuará el pró...

Pakistan Taliban wage deadly campaign - Mission Network News

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Mission Network News
mnnonline.org - Pakistan (MNN) — Sunday’s airport attack is just the beginning, warns the Pakistani Taliban. The group took responsibility for a vicious overnight assault that left 29 dead and shattered what was l...

Cristãos retomam `língua de Jesus´ em vila de Israel - CPADNews

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cpadnews.com.br - Pequenas comunidades ao redor do Oriente Médio ainda falam o aramaico, a mesma língua que Jesus falava. Além de alguns povoados na Síria e no Líbano, há em Israel os maronitas, um ramo do cristiani...

Report: Nigeria Is No. 1 in Violence Against Christians

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charismanews.com - The World Watch List (WWL) Research team of Open Doors International has released a Top 10 Violence List of countries in which Christians have experienced the most violent incidents for their faith...

IRS Sent Sensitive Info of Tax-Exempt Groups to FBI Before 2010 Elections

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cnsnews.com - (CNSNews.com) -- The IRS sent a 1.1-million page database containing legally protected taxpayer information of tax-exempt organizations to the FBI several weeks before the 2010 midterm elections, a...

Erotização de nossos filhos

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blog.comshalom.org - Neste mês de abril tive a oportunidade de ler reportagens de capa de duas revistas de circulação nacional tratando de temas similares.A Pedofilia e a Erotização das crianças..(Veja e Isto é) Embora...


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Que país é este ?
marciogarciarj.com.br - A matéria foi publicada no Blog do Garotinho (Link). Primeiro, surgiu a denúncia do Ministério Público (MP) contra o Secretário de Segurança Pública de improbidade administrativa e de superfaturame...
Arte & Entretenimento

Seek You First - EP

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relevantmagazine.com - Seek You First is the debut worship EP from Jordan and Kristin Rippy. It was recorded in Redding, California with Bethel Music producer Gabriel Wilson and features six original songs written for co...

IRS caught red-handed breaking law

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WND News
wnd.com - WASHINGTON — The IRS appears to have been caught red-handed breaking federal law in its zeal to criminally prosecute conservatives for their political activities. The House Oversight Committee has ...

Vatican, China Might Reopen Dialogue

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Zenit English
zenit.org - The Vatican is preparing to re-engage in official dialogue with China for the first time in several years, possibly within the year, according to some sources. These sources, cited by the Hong Kong...

The Compass: June 10, 2014: Pope Francis balances a basketball...

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The Compass GreenBay
thecompassnews.tumblr.com - June 10, 2014: Pope Francis balances a basketball during a special audience for members of CSI (Italian sport centers) in St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican June 7. (CNS photo| Max Rossi, Reuters)

What should motivate our goodness?

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Ocean of Grace
reformedquotes.com - By showing us what moves God, the Bible also shows what should motivate our goodness. Jesus commends the one leper who returns to give him thanks. The commendation teaches us not only the importanc...
Arte & Entretenimento

Ordenan 47 sacerdotes en Guadalajara, Jalisco, México

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Enlace Católico.com
enlacecatolico.com - Bernardo Sergio Hernández Barboza. FLN. 10 de octubre de 1968, La Barca, Jal. PO. Santa Mónica, La Barca. P. Señor Cura Pedro del Toro Farías. L. “¿Cómo le pagaré al Señor todo el bien que me ha he...

Untangling the Catholic Web

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Our Sunday Visitor
osv.com - When I first discovered Catholic websites — a few years after converting — it was like a fire was ignited underneath me. It didn’t take me long after that to jump in with both hands on my keyboard....
Arte & Entretenimento

Honrem seus pastores

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Portal Guiame
guiame.com.br - E as primícias de todos os primeiros frutos de tudo, e toda a oblação de tudo, de todas as vossas oblações, serão dos sacerdotes; também as primeiras das vossas massas dareis ao sacerdote, para que...

Concerning the obsession for photos during Liturgies – A Consideration of a Liturgical and Pastoral Problem « Archdiocese of Washington

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New Advent
blog.adw.org - Consider the scene. The Bishop has taken his place at the entrance to the sanctuary. He is prepared to confirm some twenty young people. It is a sacred moment; a Sacrament is to be conferred. The p...

Priesthood ordination filled with sacred, simple moments - The Arlington Catholic Herald

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Arl Catholic Herald
catholicherald.com - The Mass of ordination June 7 overflowed with moments of sacredness and humanness. As Arlington Bishop Paul S. Loverde laid his hands on the deacons and recited the prayer of consecration, six men ...

Lords Hansard text for 09 Jun 2014 (pt 0001)

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publications.parliament.uk - To ask Her Majesty’s Government what steps they have taken to reduce levels of violence against women. Lord Ahmad of Wimbledon (Con): My Lords, the Government are strongly committed to tackling vio...

Index report: Can Brazil be the global referee for internet freedom? - Index on Censorship

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Index on Censorship
indexoncensorship.org - World Cup host country Brazil has the potential to become an influential, global leader in digital rights — but that will depend on key decisions taken in the coming months, Index on Censorship say...
Arte & Entretenimento

Sem o Espírito Santo a Igreja é uma simples organização

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Arautos do Evangelho
gaudiumpress.org - Belém - Pará - (Segunda-feira, 09-06-2014, Gaudium Press) - Dom Alberto Taveira, Arcebispo Metropolitano de Belém do Pará, escreveu a propósito das comemorações de Pentecostes, a vinda do Divino Es...

Radical Latino-Americano em campo no Uruguai - CPADNews

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cpadnews.com.br - Os jovens da nona turma do Radical Latino-Americano já estão em campo no Uruguai, um dos quatro países que receberam equipes deste projeto de Missões Mundiais. São cinco jovens nesse campo: Edgar B...


Cristianismo e Política + Christianity and Politics + União multi-denominacional (evangélicos, católicos, etc) em defesa dos valores cristãos e da democracia



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