14 June 2014

LiberdadeDeExpressao 13.06.2014 @livrexpress

LiberdadeDeExpressao News

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A abertura da Copa e os fiscais de melanina

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reaconaria.org - A abertura da Copa do Mundo em São Paulo trouxe à tona os instintos de uma categoria de pessoas muito peculiar: a dos fiscais de melanina. Atuaram com rigor na observação do público presente ao est...

Árbitros e jogadores foram contatados para manipularem jogos da Copa, diz Fifa - ESPN.com.br

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espn.uol.com.br - De acordo com Mutschke, as partidas passíveis de manipulação são aqueles com algo em jogo, como os duelos finais da fase de grupos. "Não estamos esperando que as pessoas que manipulam viajem para o...

Operários de Belo Monte pagam sexo com vale-alimentação - 13/06/2014 - Cotidiano - Folha de S.Paulo

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folha.uol.com.br - A cada início de mês, o pagamento dos operários da obra da hidrelétrica de Belo Monte, no Pará, provoca um boom nos serviços de prostituição de Altamira (a 900 km de Belém), estimulando inclusive a...
Meio Ambiente

Comparing Brazilian states with countries: Brazil's closest matches

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Juliano Marconi
economist.com - Which countries match the GDP and population of Brazil's states? Audio and Video content on Economist.com requires a browser that can handle iFrames. AS FOOTBALLERS and fans descend on Brazil for t...

LIBERTATUM: O psiquiatra Lyle Rossiter nos comprova que o esquerdismo é uma doença mental

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libertatum.blogspot.com - Liberal Mind traz o primeiro exame profundo da loucura política mais relevante em nosso tempo: os esforços da esquerda radical para regular as pessoas desde o berço até o túmulo. Para salvar-nos de...

Por que o Mineirão se tornou um mico para o contribuinte - ÉPOCA

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Roberta C.M.Oliveira
epoca.globo.com - Do alto, o novo Mineirão, com sua cobertura polvilhada de branco e suas casquinhas de concreto, parece a maior broa de padaria já produzida em Belo Horizonte. Dentro, haja recheio. Há 62.160 cadeir...

Vote Hoje

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votehoje.com.br - Inserir código de segurança: Insira o código de segurança que aparece em vermelho à esquerda. Urna Online de Votos Para Presidência da República no Brasil - Ano 2014 Para confirmar sua decisão, pre...

ESPNDeportes Fifa.World La hinchada brasileña insultó a Dilma Rousseff antes del partido inaugural

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m.espn.go.com - SAO PAULO -- Una multitud presente en el estadio de Sao Paulo insultó a la presidenta brasileña, Dilma Rousseff, momentos antes del comienzo del partido que ha inaugurado el Mundial de fútbol. "Ei,...

Congresso reage e dá prazo para Dilma revogar decreto antidemocrático

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Luiz de Oliveira
verdadegospel.com - A mobilização que começou nas bancadas de oposição se espalhou pelos partidos governistas, e o Congresso Nacional decidiu reagir ao Decreto 8.243/2014, assinado pela presidente Dilma Rousseff. A me...

Técnico da Croácia dispara contra a arbitragem: 'Se continuar assim, vai virar um circo' - Jornal O Globo

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oglobo.globo.com - SÃO PAULO — A arbitragem do japonês Yuichi Nishimura foi um dos pontos mais discutidos na partida entre Brasil e Croácia, pela abertura da Copa do Mundo. O técnico croata Niko Kovac foi incisivo: p...

Um Professor Liberal no Ensino Público - Instituto Liberal

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institutoliberal.org.br - O relato pessoal de um professor de História da prefeitura de São Paulo que revela o caos e o domínio esquerdista na educação pública brasileira Sou professor concursado. Funcionário público. Tenho...

Dilma é xingada após festa de abertura no Itaquerão - Yahoo Esporte Interativo

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br.esporteinterativo.yahoo.com - Logo após o término da cerimônia de abertura de Copa do Mundo, a presidente Dilma Rousseff foi xingada por uma parte dos torcedores presentes nas arquibancadas do Itaquerão, estádio na capital paul...

Jornais estrangeiros destacam "roubo" e Neymar em vitória do Brasil - Notícias - UOL Copa do Mundo 2014

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Lucas L. Costa Beber
copadomundo.uol.com.br - A atenção totalmente voltada ao Brasil pelos países rivais já está clara nesta Copa do Mundo, logo na primeira partida da Copa do Mundo. O jornal Olé, principal veículo esportivo da Argentina, e o ...


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webpostagem.com.br - BOLSONARO PEITA O PP SOBRE APOIO À DILMULA E DISSE QUE SABE O PORQUE MAS NÃO PODE FALAR!!! :P Ele exigiu que seu partido se explique o porquê desse apoio à reeleição de Dilma e disse que essa roupa...

Com a chegada de estrangeiros, turismo sexual já ocorre às claras no calçadão da Av. Beira-Mar

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tribunadoceara.uol.com.br - “Tem plata? Tem plata?” É a senha no calçadão da Avenida Beira-Mar. Se o gringo diz que sim, lá se vão eles. Com a chegada dos torcedores de Uruguai e Costa Rica para o primeiro jogo da Copa do Mun...


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m.facebook.com - Vicente Sena Totus Tuus Mariae Os Militares não estão vigiando as fronteiras proque Lula os ordenou a sair, o exército esta sob as ordens do governo, ele só pode agir contra o governo se o povo bra...

Às moscas: parlamentares decidem entrar em férias para ver a Copa do Mundo

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verdadegospel.com - Início da Copa do Mundo, as festas de São João e o decreto bolivariano da presidente Dilma Rousseff. Essas foram as justificativas usadas pelo presidente da Casa, Henrique Eduardo Alves (PMDB-RN), ...

ISTOÉ Independente - Brasil

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Getúlio Santana
istoe.com.br - Coube ao marqueteiro João Santana, que há poucas semanas insistia em profetizar uma acachapante vitória da presidenta Dilma Rousseff sobre “os anões da oposição” ainda no primeiro turno da disputa ...


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Getúlio Santana
justcoz.org - Ilustríssimo Sr. @DepBolsonaro @VEJA o desespero do PT, por intermédio da carta caPiTal, a qual é um folhetim governista, que tenta desqualificar a "Operação Sete de Setembro", com o artigo O desfi...

José Maria Marin: 'Só uma fatalidade nos tira o título’ - Jornal O Globo

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O Pesadelo do Brasíl
oglobo.globo.com - SÃO PAULO - No fim da tarde do último sábado, o presidente da CBF, José Maria Marin, 82 anos, recebeu o GLOBO em seu apartamento, no bairro paulistano dos Jardins, para falar que o título do Mundia...

Papai, deixa eu protestar, mas não esqueça minha mesada e a mensalidade da escola! 

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Alex Campos JBFM
brasilpost.com.br - Em meio à repressão violenta da Polícia Militar de São Paulo aos princípios de protestos e a ataques de black blocs na zona leste da cidade, uma cena captada pela Globo News chamou a atenção e caiu...

Dilma, sobre vaias e xingamentos: 'Não vou me intimidar' - Brasil - Notícia - VEJA.com

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Marisa Cruz
veja.abril.com.br - Dilma Rousseff durante reunião do Conselho de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social, no Palácio do Planalto, em Brasília (Reuters) A presidente Dilma Rousseff falou nesta sexta-feira a respeito das va...

» NPR Guest: Illegal Aliens Are “War Refugees” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

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infowars.com - On a recent broadcast of NPR’s “On Point,” show host Tom Ashbrook was joined by immigration activists who suggested that all the youth immigrants illegally entering the U.S. in record numbers are r...

» Saudi Arabia, Sunni Caliphate, NATO Run Secret Terror Army in Iraq and Syria Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

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infowars.com - The Salafist horde currently making its way to Baghdad from northern Iraq is a secret and specialized army of terrorists funded, armed and supported by Saudi Arabia, the Sunni caliphate of Iraq and...

Lois Lerner's Emails Are to Obama as the Missing Watergate Audio Was to Nixon

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Truth Tweeter
redstate.com - Lois Lerner’s emails are gone. Her hard drive crashed and the IRS wants us to believe a scenario that they would never believe if it happened to you. They claim her emails are not salvageable. Ther...

Dilma vai a Pernambuco e inaugura outra obra inacabada - 13/06/2014 - Poder - Folha de S.Paulo

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folha.uol.com.br - A presidente Dilma Rousseff voltará hoje (13) a inaugurar obras inacabadas para a Copa, como já fez no Rio, em Salvador e em Brasília. Desta vez, no Recife, Dilma corta a fita de apenas um trecho d...

Blog do Coronel: "Presidência é destino".

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coturnonoturno.blogspot.com - "Não sei o que o destino me reserva. Mas o que posso garantir aos meus companheiros, minhas companheiras, aos amigos de São João Del Rei, de toda a minha terra, é que farei essa caminhada com a mes...

Radikal newspaper to stop print edition on June 21

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Index on Censorship
mediafreedom.ushahidi.com -   Loss of Employment   Employer/publisher/colleague(s)   Journalist   Female   Male   Verified Reports

Blogger covering court case faced with interim injunction

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Index on Censorship
mediafreedom.ushahidi.com - 00:40 Jun 13 2014 Cologne, Regierungsbezirk Köln, North Rhine-Westphalia, 50667-51149, Germany, European Union   Legal Measure   Corporation/large company   Blogger/citizen journalist   Female   Ve...

Em benefício de milhões de pessoas, torço para que os feitos de Nicolelis, um dia, estejam à altura de sua capacidade de gerar notícia

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Roger Rocha Moreira
veja.abril.com.br - Caro “Professor” Reinaldo (desculpe as aspas,mas,sem mesmo saber se vc é PROFESSOR,me CERTIFICO que V. Senhoria agiu,agora,como dos MELHORES): O “feito” desse famigerado (atenção para o real sentid...

Segunda Tela - Band.com.br

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band.uol.com.br - O novo aplicativo da Band é uma evolução do app de segunda tela da emissora. Mais completa, a ferramenta reúne programação, vídeos, transmissões ao vivo e área de segunda tela para interação com os...

Steve Coogan joins Index on Censorship as patron - Index on Censorship

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Index on Censorship
indexoncensorship.org - Index on Censorship, an international organisation that promotes and defends the right to freedom of expression, is delighted to announce that comedian, writer and actor Steve Coogan is joining as ...

Dilma de Caracas - 13/06/2014 - Reinaldo Azevedo - Colunistas - Folha de S.Paulo

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Reinaldo Azevedo
folha.uol.com.br - Com alguma impaciência, noto que há certos analistas com muita opinião e nenhuma memória. É claro que se pode ter uma sem outra. E outra sem uma. Memória sem opinião é banco de dados. Opinião sem m...

Tor Is For Everyone: Why You Should Use Tor

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eff.org - EFF recently kicked off our second Tor Challenge, an initiative to strengthen the Tor network for online anonymity and improve one of the best free privacy tools in existence. The campaign—which we...

19 June: BEATING RETREAT - Digital Freedom in Turkey, Russia and Azerbaijan - Index on Censorship

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Index on Censorship
indexoncensorship.org - “Whenever we’ll have to choose between excessive regulation and protection of online freedom, we’ll definitely opt for freedom”  Vladimir Putin, 1999 Since Putin said this, 3 days before becoming P...

G1 - 'Rosto tampado não é manifestação', diz pai que tirou filho de protesto - notícias em São Paulo

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Nublado Ventania
g1.globo.com - O funcionário público Osvaldo Ruz Baldi disse, em entrevista exclusiva à GloboNews, que tirou o filho de uma manifestação contra a Copa em São Paulo por ser contra o uso de máscaras em protestos e ...

'Não vou me deixar perturbar por ofensas verbais', diz Dilma sobre vaias - 13/06/2014 - Poder - Folha de S.Paulo

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Roger Rocha Moreira
folha.uol.com.br - A presidente Dilma Rousseff respondeu nesta sexta-feira (13) às vaias que ouviu nesta quinta na abertura da Copa do Mundo, no Itaquerão. Ela evocou lembranças da ditadura e do período em que foi to...

» Establishment Media Ramps Up Iraq Intervention Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

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Alex Jones
infowars.com - The corporate media in the United States is now calling for re-intervention in Iraq following the success of a former al-Qaeda affiliate in taking over the northwestern part of the country. CNN, fo...

Governo Dilma agradece com multa, acreditem!, a ação de Alckmin para manter o Metrô em funcionamento e a Radial Leste desobstruída! A vaia e o xingamento não vêm de graça!

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Reinaldo Azevedo
veja.abril.com.br - Chega a ser asqueroso, mas é verdade. O governo Dilma, por intermédio do Ministério do Trabalho em São Paulo, cumpriu a ameaça e decidiu mesmo aplicar uma multa no Metrô por ter demitido 42 pessoas...

A cara de pau de Juca Kfouri e da escória petista da mídia esportiva « Ceticismo Político

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Direita S/SE
lucianoayan.com - A hipocrisia dos petistas é tão grande, mas tão grande que sempre deixamos escapar alguns traços de mendacidade do discurso deles enquanto fazemos investigações de fraudes intelectuais. Como bem le...

'O País está cansado de solidariedade seletiva', diz Alckmin sobre Lula - São Paulo - Estadão

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Rachel Sheherazade
sao-paulo.estadao.com.br - SÃO PAULO - O governador de São Paulo, Geraldo Alckmin (PSDB), afirmou nesta quarta-feira, 12, que o País “está cansado de impunidade, hipocrisia e solidariedade seletiva”. A afirmação foi feita um...

‘Estamos órfãos do direito de resposta’ - | Observatório da Imprensa | Observatório da Imprensa - Você nunca mais vai ler jornal do mesmo jeito

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observatoriodaimprensa.com.br - O Conselho Federal da Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil (OAB) instituiu uma Comissão Especial de Defesa da Liberdade de Expressão, vinculada à direção da entidade, que foi empossada em Brasília na segu...

El 90 por ciento de mujeres dedicadas a la prostitución logran dejarla en países donde ésta se prohíbe

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - NAVARRA, 13 Jun. 14 / 07:26 pm (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- Estudios demuestran que en los países donde existen leyes que prohíben la prostitución, hasta el 90 por ciento de las mujeres afectadas ha logra...

» Watch Alex Jones Show Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

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Alex Jones
infowars.com - On this explosive Thursday, June 12 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex breaks down the current illegal immigration crisis as thousands of Central American children are lured to the U.S. by the de...

Na Baixada, Crivella recebe o apoio de vereadores - Blog

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Marcelo Crivella
marcelocrivella.com.br - O senador e pré-candidato Marcelo Crivella se reuniu, nesta sexta-feira (13), com vereadores e lideranças da Baixada na Câmara de Vereadores de Japeri. Crivella recebeu as demandas e reivindicações...

Hillary Clinton: Speaking my mind ‘liberating’ - POLITICO.com

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Jeffrey Levin
politico.com - Hillary Clinton said Friday that she’s “totally done” curbing her speech for political reasons and finds her new perspective “liberating,” following a week of bruising headlines over missteps in he...

Why you should use Slideshare for Marketing and PR

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community.paper.li - A few weeks back in one of our Tweet Chats on Visual Storytelling with Ekaterina Walter, Ekaterina dropped a statistic that has kept me thinking ever since: “In the age of “infobesity” and with an ...

Bermuda: Kicking Off the World Cup · Global Voices

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Global Voices
globalvoicesonline.org - See all those languages up there? We translate Global Voices stories to make the world's citizen media available to everyone. Breezeblog is thrilled that the World Cup is finally here – and makes a...

IRS: Lois Lerner emails “Lost”

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Drew McKissick
sharylattkisson.com - The IRS “lost” former IRS manager Lois Lerner’s emails to and from other IRS employees sent between January of 2009 and April of 2011 due to a ‘computer crash.’ That’s according to the House Ways a...

Painel Brasil TV - Crédito de carbono e a Rio +20

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Painel Brasil TV
painelbrasil.tv - Privatização Combate ao Tráfico Copa do Mundo Redes Sociais Aviso Prévio Brasil presídios Nacional raça Importação lixo Ministério Esporte Diversidade Osteoporose Exame Ensino Médio Holanda humanos...

Papa: encontro com líder mórmon e pastor para discutir unidade cristã

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Assembleia de Deus
noticias.gospelmais.com.br - O papa Francisco realizou recentemente um encontro ecumênico com lideranças mórmons e evangélicas no Vaticano, com o propósito de debater a possibilidade de diminuição da distância entre as diferen...

Portal A TARDE - Arena das Dunas é reprovada pelo Corpo de Bombeiros

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Marisa Cruz
atarde.uol.com.br - A arena das Dunas, em Natal (RN), não foi liberada pelo Corpo de Bombeiros. A partida entre México e Camarões está marcada para esta sexta-feira, 13, às 13h, no estádio, mas na inspeção feita na úl...

‘Don’t take 1 of ours. We’ll do something about it’

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WND News
wnd.com - A team of bikers plans to rally Saturday at the Southwest border in support of a U.S. Marine in custody in Mexico and to deliver a message to the world. “We’re proclaiming that the occupant of the ...

Jamaica: 32 Teams…Who Will Win the World Cup? · Global Voices

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Global Voices
globalvoicesonline.org - See all those languages up there? We translate Global Voices stories to make the world's citizen media available to everyone. Jamaipanese blogs about his favourite teams at this year's World Cup: h...

BREAKING: ISIS-Linked Jihadist Group Takes Credit For Kidnapping Three Israeli Teens Including American Citizen In West Bank…

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Drew McKissick
weaselzippers.us - No doubt at least partially inspired by Obama’s deal with the Taliban for Bergdahl. Update to this story. An Islamic extremist group called Dawlat al-Islam has reportedly claimed responsibility for...

Kathleen Willey blasts Hillary’s ‘dead broke’ claim

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WND News
wnd.com - Kathleen Willey, a Democrat activist who with her husband, Ed, founded Virginians for Clinton and helped send Bill and Hillary to the White House in 1992, is blasting Hillary Clinton’s recent claim...

O Brasil é maior do que a sua imprensa | Blogs OI | Observatório da Imprensa - Você nunca mais vai ler jornal do mesmo jeito

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observatoriodaimprensa.com.br - Parece frase de efeito ou afirmação de político em véspera de eleição, mas é verdade. A gente se dá conta disso ao ler o noticiário sobre a situação econômica do país, quando ora vemos dados e prog...

Salam, Brazil: Muslim Football Fans and FIFA World Cup · Global Voices

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Global Voices
globalvoicesonline.org - See all those languages up there? We translate Global Voices stories to make the world's citizen media available to everyone. Colombian United Arab Emirates-based Marcelino Torrecilla describes [es...

Intelligentzia ligada ao PT apóia as FARC

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Fusca Brasil
epochtimes.com.br - Em 24/08/2003, Raul Reyes, então número dois das Forças Revolucionárias Colombianas (FARC), concedeu entrevista ao jornal Folha de São Paulo. Na entrevista, afirma que presidiu reuniões do Foro de ...

Proposta de Kaefer deduz integralmente gastos com educação no IR - Imprensa, Notícias - PSDB - Partido da Social Democracia Brasileira

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psdb.org.br - Brasília (DF) – Além dos altos gastos com impostos, muitos brasileiros ainda precisam desembolsar recursos para ter uma boa educação. Porém, na hora de fazer a declaração de Imposto de Renda, ficar...


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Assembleia de Deus
procon.rj.gov.br - Procon Estadual multa nove filiais do supermercado que patrocina a Seleção Brasileira A Secretaria de Estado de Proteção e Defesa do Consumidor (Seprocon), por meio do Procon Estadual, realizou nes...

Russia Is Doing It – Russia Is Actually Abandoning The Dollar

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Fifa proíbe bombeiros de fazer última vistoria e Arena das Dunas não tem laudo de liberação - Jornal O Globo

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Marisa Cruz
oglobo.globo.com - NATAL - A Arena das Dunas, palco de México x Camarões, às 13h desta sexta-feira, não foi liberada pelo Corpo de Bombeiros do Rio Grande do Norte. O tenente Christiano Couceiro, responsável pela vis...

Pai retira filho de protesto em SP; assista - 13/06/2014 - TV Folha - Multimídia - Folha de S.Paulo

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folha.uol.com.br - Uma cena inusitada chamou a atenção de quem protestava nesta quinta-feira (12) perto da estação Carrão do metrô, na zona leste de São Paulo. Um pai tentava retirar o filho da manifestação pelo braç...

Why isn’t air power lighting these guys up?

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WND News
wnd.com - No one seems to know what to do as al-Qaida masses an irregular Black Flag army and heads toward Baghdad for a final showdown. When the bad guys come out of the shadows, out of their holes, out of ...

#002: Three Tips to Increase Your Passion for Life [Podcast]

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Taylor Marshall
taylormarshall.com - Do you have passion for Christ? Are you passionate about your faith? Are you passionate about your marriage? Are you passionate about your family? Are you passionate about your occupation? If you d...

A Handbook for Protesters During the World Cup in Brazil · Global Voices

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Global Voices
globalvoicesonline.org - As the 2014 World Cup begins in Brazil, protests against FIFA's interventions and the Brazilian government's spending are taking place all over the country, especially in eight of the 12 host citie...

Haja zelo | Augusto Nunes - VEJA.com

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Augusto Nunes
veja.abril.com.br - Graça Foster, presidente da Petrobras, durante depoimento na CPMI, ensinando que foi por excesso de zelo que o preço da refinaria em Pernambuco saltou de R$ 2,5 bilhões para R$ 18,5 bilhões.

Os lucrativos negócios da filha do ex-diretor da Petrobras - ÉPOCA

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Alexandre Gonçalves
epoca.globo.com - Na terça-feira, no depoimento que deu à CPI da Petrobras, Paulo Roberto Costa – o executivo acusado de liderar um dos maiores esquemas de corrupção já descobertos na estatal – debochou do país. Sor...

Which Game of Thrones House Do You Belong in?

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medievalists.net - The Historical Inspiration for the Red Wedding of ‘Game of Thrones’

Globo News - GloboNews Eleições: Renata Lo Prete entrevista Aécio Neves

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Yasha Gallazzi
g1.globo.com - No primeiro programa especial GloboNews Eleições com os principais candidatos à presidência da República, a jornalista Renata Lo Prete entrevista Aécio Neves, do PSDB. O senador de 54 anos, que ter...

Nova técnica chinesa para melhorar o desempenho sexual: pôr fogo “nas partes”

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Sérgio Pavarini
pavablog.com - Chineses estão experimentando um tipo de massagem diferente: com toalhas flamejantes em suas partes íntimas. Eles dizem que isso melhora o desempenho sexual. A massagem, apelidada de “Viagra chinês...

G1 - 'Não vou me deixar perturbar por agressões verbais', diz Dilma - notícias em Política

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Julio Cesar Camerini
g1.globo.com - Um dia após ser hostilizada por torcedores na Arena Corinthians, na abertura da Copa do Mundo, a presidente Dilma Rousseff afirmou nesta sexta-feira (13) que não irá se deixar "abater" por agressõe...

Olá, mundo! | Portal Informado

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Piadas Fail
portalinformado.com - Bem-vindo ao WordPress. Esse é o seu primeiro post. Edite-o ou exclua-o, e então comece a publicar! Olá, Isto é um comentário. Para excluir um comentário, faça o login e veja os comentários de post...

Comcast is turning your Xfinity router into a public Wi-Fi hotspot [Updated] - TechBlog

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Matthew Warner
blog.chron.com - Update: Comcast has turned on the first 50,000 residential hotspots. Some time on Tuesday afternoon, about 50,000 Comcast Internet customers in Houston will become part of a massive public Wi-Fi ho...

IRS: Lois Lerner's Emails to Outside Agencies Are Gone

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Resist Tyranny
breitbart.com - House Committee on Ways and Means chairman Dave Camp revealed today that he has been informed by the IRS that Lois Lerner's emails between Jan. 2009 and April 2011 have been lost "due to a supposed...

Sarah Palin: Obama Exploiting Illegal Immigrant Kids for Political Agenda

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breitbart.com - Palin said Obama, in particular, "has orchestrated this newest 'crisis' in order to overload the system with the intention of 'fixing' the problems his own policies create – by fiat, and that infam...

Funcionários do Fifa Fan Fest Rio são flagrados rodando as catracas na abertura da Copa

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Paulo Devechi
extra.globo.com - Quando deixava o Fifa Fan Fest Rio, na praia de Copacabana, no meio do segundo tempo do jogo de abertura da Copa do Mundo entre Brasil e Croácia, a fotógrafa Paula Kossatz se deparou com uma cena e...

Forensic experts attempt to reconstruct face of St. Anthony :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

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Catholic News Agency
catholicnewsagency.com - Rome, Italy, Jun 13, 2014 / 02:35 am (CNA/EWTN News).- The University of St. Anthony of Padua’s Anthropology Museum, together with a team of international forensic researchers, have attempted to re...

2014 Virginia election: Jack Trammell, a Democrat, looks to replace Eric Cantor in Virginia - POLITICO.com

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Jeffrey Levin
politico.com - MINERAL, Va. – When Jack Trammell told Virginia Democrats he’d be willing to run for the House seat held by the GOP’s Eric Cantor, local party leaders were relieved. For a while, the only person wh...

Bombs away

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WND News
wnd.com - Cast your vote now. All answers are stored anonymously. Should U.S. use air power to wipe out Iraq's terrorist army?

Sick: These People Are Demanding That Walmart Stop Giving Money To Charity

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Western Journalism
westernjournalism.com - As the heirs of many successful entrepreneurs are wont to do, Sam Walton’s make generous donations with their family’s fortune. For example, Wal-Mart (WMT) announced last week that it would distrib...

The George Bailey Syndrome: Why Parents Get Discouraged and How They Can Find Joy

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Taylor Marshall
taylormarshall.com - Remember that scene from It’s a Wonderful Life where George Bailey loses it in his home? George: You call this a happy family? Why do we have to have all these kids? Janie, will you stop playing th...

Estádio do PSV lota de holandeses para ver o jogo contra a Espanha - Placar

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arq pedrinho2
placar.abril.com.br - Na reedição da final da última Copa do Mundo, Holanda vence a Espanha, por 5 x 1. Os torcedores holandeses acreditavam tanto na seleção, que lotaram o estádio de um clube local, o PSV Eindhoven.

Last Days Watchman: Alabama Supreme Court Opinion Rules that “Child” Includes “Unborn Child”

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Julio Severo
lastdayswatchman.blogspot.com - Friday, April 18, 2014 Alabama Supreme Court Opinion Rules that “Child” Includes “Unborn Child” Alabama Supreme Court Opinion Rules that “Child” Includes “Unborn Child” Commentary by Julio Severo: ...

The Vikings and their Filed Teeth

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medievalists.net -    On the display at the British Museum is the remains of a Viking male who was beheaded about 1000 years ago. Along with 50 other individuals this man was killed and buried in a mass grave in Dors...

Google Chrome Users, Terra Incognita Brings Serendipity and Curiosity to Your Browsing · Global Voices

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Global Voices
globalvoicesonline.org - An Airport Siege in Pakistan. Protests in Venezuela. Girls Kidnapped in Nigeria.  Are you frustrated with the selective background information you have on these places, because of the nature of the...

Thad Cochran Doesn't Know that Eric Cantor Lost His Primary

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Resist Tyranny
breitbart.com - During the interview, the reporter behind the camera asks Cochran if he would like to comment on the results of the race. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Cochran said. “What happened in V...

Support Raúl Labrador as House Majority Leader - Freedomworks Action Center

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secure.freedomworks.org - Raúl Labrador (ID-1) is running to be House Majority Leader and he is the perfect choice for constitutional conservatives looking to shake up Washington. With a 92% lifetime score on the FreedomWor...

11 Terrifying New Laws ISIS Will Impose On Its Iraq Caliphate

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Archbishop Cranmer
huffingtonpost.co.uk - On Iraq's Western border, the masked jihadists of ISIS have been quite literally bulldozing the border of a new Islamic state, merging the Iraqi areas they now control with rebel areas in Syria. Go...

Tas e Gentili propagaram insulto a Dilma

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brasil247.com - 247 - Os humoristas e apresentadores de TV Marcelo Tas (do CQC, na Band) e Danilo Gentili (do The Noite, no SBT) foram os grandes propagadores de imagens e textos nas redes sociais sobre as vaias e...

Aceprensa | Copa Mundial de la FIFA Brasil 2014

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aceprensa.com - Cualquier fan de la saga de videojuegos FIFA puede dar fe de que “todo FIFA merece la pena”. Esta afirmación tan rápida y directa puede producir estupor a los que son ajenos a la franquicia, pero t...

Criacionismo: Como descobrir a verdade

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Michelson Borges
criacionismo.com.br - quinta-feira, junho 12, 2014 Como descobrir a verdade Quem procura sinceramente, encontra A verdade – todos estamos atrás dela. Encontrá-la nem sempre é fácil, porém. Ainda assim, existem maneiras ...

‘Stadium of Exception’: Brazilian Police Arrest Anti-Cup Activists · Global Voices

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Global Voices
globalvoicesonline.org - Collective Midia Ninja denounces [pt] that activists against the World Cup are being arrested in the city of Rio de Janeiro one day before the kick-off of the matches. These arrests are meant to pr...

Lib Lawyer Papantonio: GOP Rhetoric Was 'Place of Origin' for Murder of Las Vegas Cops

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newsbusters.org - He brands himself, ever so immodestly, as "America's Lawyer" -- though conservative Americans would be well advised to seek legal counsel elsewhere. More accurately, he is "Liberal Americans' Unhin...

49 Reasons The Spanish World Cup Team Is Definitively The Hottest World Cup Team

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buzzfeed.com - Dear every other nation in the World Cup: GET ON SPAIN’S LEVEL. Tagged:world cup, marry me all of spain, spain, worldcup Hey! This video may have privacy restrictions. Ensure that it is publicly vi...

Cranmer: "The Christian centre of Iraq has been totally ransacked"

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Archbishop Cranmer
archbishop-cranmer.blogspot.co.uk - A plea from Canon Andrew White, Vicar of Baghdad: Dear Friends, Things are so bad now in Iraq, the worst they have ever been. The Islamic terrorists have taken control of the whole of Mosul which i...

Vaia é resposta à arrogância de Dilma, diz Aécio Neves - 13/06/2014 - Poder - Folha de S.Paulo

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Marcos Matias
folha.uol.com.br - O senador Aécio Neves (MG), pré-candidato do PSDB à Presidência, disse nesta sexta-feira (13) que a presidente Dilma Rousseff governa com "mau humor" e "arrogância" e que as vaias e xingamentos que...

Advierten amenaza por "difuminar la libertad" de los medios en Venezuela - Nacional y Política

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Un Mundo Sin Mordaza
eluniversal.com - Guadalajara (México).-La libertad de prensa en América Latina está en riesgo por las presiones de Gobiernos y la polarización política, dijo hoy en México el filósofo hispano-colombiano Jesús Martí...

Fifa afirma que árbitros e jogadores foram contatados para manipular jogos da Copa - Copa do Mundo 2014 - BOL Notícias

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João Paulo M.
noticias.bol.uol.com.br - 28.mai.2014 - Uche celebra seu gol, o 2° da Nigéria no empate com a Escócia. A Fifa suspeita de manipulação no resultado da partida Ralf Mutschke, chefe de segurança da Fifa, revelou nesta quinta-f...

WORLD | California students win in teacher tenure fight | Emily Scheie

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WORLD News Group
worldmag.com - In California, teacher tenure has become a case of students’ civil rights. In Vergara v. State of California, Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Rolf Treu ruled this week in favor of nine stud...

Not a Story: Red States Dominate Government's 2013 GDP Growth Report

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newsbusters.org - On Tuesday, the Associated Press carried a regional story about the status of North Dakota's planting season. Readers will be pleased to know that 93 percent, 78 percent, and 92 percent of the stat...

Willian Corrêa, do "Jornal da Cultura", fala sobre os desafios do telejornalismo - Portal IMPRENSA

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portalimprensa.com.br - O "IMPRENSA na TV" desta sexta-feira (13/6) recebeu o jornalista Willian Corrêa, apresentador do "Jornal da Cultura", da TV Cultura. Com 30 anos de carreira e passagens pelos principais veículos de...

A Copa que não saiu do papel - Brasil - Notícia - VEJA.com

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Mara Kramer
veja.abril.com.br - Estação do VLT em frente ao Aeroporto Internacional Marechal Rondon em Cuiabá (MT) (Felipe Frazão/Veja.com) Com uma cerimônia morna, o Brasil abriu na tarde desta quinta-feira a Copa do Mundo 2014 ...

How Obama lost Iraq | Warrior Intel

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Resist Tyranny
briankolfage.com - Iraq’s slide back into chaos has its roots in 2011 when the last U.S. soldiers left the country.  The Obama Administration and the government of Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki had been engage...

Ingraham: Establishment GOP Should Heed Brat's Victory Over Cantor

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newsmax.com - Establishment Republicans should heed Tuesday's primary loss by House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, radio talk show host Laura Ingraham said. Political newcomer Dave Brat, an economics professor, wo...

Provea: Van de represión masiva a la selectiva

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Un Mundo Sin Mordaza
el-nacional.com - Desde hace 15 años el gobierno usa la justicia para acallar la disidencia. La acusación de magnicidio, citación en el Sebin y la Fiscalía, y las órdenes de captura a través de la Interpol, buscan i...

Dilma, sobre vaias e xingamentos: “Não vou me intimidar”

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veja.abril.com.br - “Participação popular e facções – ROBERTO ROMANO O ESTADO DE S.PAULO – 13/06 Com os conselhos populares pretendidos pelo governo, pela enésima vez a Presidência da República legisla e usa a mão fel...

Como fazer uma boa confissão - padrepauloricardo.org

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Padre Paulo Ricardo
padrepauloricardo.org - Na luta contra o pecado, uma das grandes armas de auxílio do cristão é o sacramento da Penitência. Quando, por infelicidade, o homem cai no abismo do pecado, é por meio da Confissão que ele se reco...

STOP Campaigns of Disinformation at the UN, Bring Justice to Rwanda!

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citizengo.org - The exhibit “Kwibuka20: Memory, Unity, & Renewal in Rwanda After the Genocide” presently on display within your department at the United Nations Headquarters represents a shameful manipulation of s...

Você sabe como o Papa Francisco quer ser lembrado?

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Bíblia Católica
bit.ly - MADRI, 13 Jun. 14 / 10:35 am (ACI).- Na entrevista que concedeu ao jornal espanhol La Vanguardia e que foi publicada nesta sexta-feira, 13 de junho, o Papa Francisco comenta como quer ser recordado...

¿Qué sucede con nuestro Esequibo? (AUDIO)

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noticiasdevenezuela.org - .post-footer { margin: .75em 0; color:$sidebarcolor; text-transform:uppercase; letter-spacing:.1em; font: $postfooterfont; line-height: 1.4em; padding:36px 4px 2px 4px; background: url(ur-de-la-ima...

LifeSiteNews Mobile | European court reaffirms the right to autonomy of religious organizations

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Catholic News Live
lifesitenews.com - June 13, 2014 (Turtle Bay and Beyond) - On June 12, 2014, the European Court of Human Rights pronounced a judgement on the important case, Fernández-Martínez v. Spain (no 56030/07). Adopted by a ve...

Conservative Leaders Want Cantor’s Replacement To Go On Offense

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cnsnews.com - Cantor announced Wednesday that he will resign as majority leader, a post he has held since 2002, by the end of July. “You want someone who can unite Ronald Reagan’s three legs of the conservative ...

WORLD | Protein vibration and God’s perfect timing | Dick Peterson

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WORLD News Group
worldmag.com - Research scientists at the University of Glasgow, Scotland, have discovered a “highly unexpected” link between physics and biology in the protein molecule that optimizes efficiency in these crucial...

Gaúchos, pernambucanos e maranhenses recebem a mensagem do Partido Social Cristão

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Blog EveraldoPereira
blogdoeveraldo.com.br - O fechamento de palanques estaduais para nossa pré-candidatura à Presidência da República, entrevistas aos principais órgãos de imprensa regionais e nacionais e o recebimento de manifestações de ap...

Pro-life blog buzz 6-13-14 - Jill Stanek

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jillstanek.com - Violations will be deleted and you may be banned. Threats will be immediately reported to authorities. Following these rules will make everyone's experience visiting JillStanek.com better. Our volu...

Star Trek Warp Drive Could Really Enable Interstellar Travel 

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truthisscary.com - Continuing the theme of Star Trek tech becoming a reality, NASA scientist Dr. Harold White has designed a model, the ISX Enterprise, using a space-time bending Alcubierre drive, which is not dissim...

Conteúdo mais leve é aposta do jornalismo esportivo para os próximos anos - Portal IMPRENSA

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portalimprensa.com.br - O jornalismo esportivo vive dias de transição. Na área em que sempre foi comum tratar com seriedade todas as questões envolvendo o sentimento do torcedor, há inovações que apontam para um novo esti...

ABC Ignores Its Own Journalist Hounding Carney on Obama's 'Accomplishments' in Iraq

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newsbusters.org - Thursday's World News on ABC led with the rapid advance of an Islamist group into the heart of Iraq, but glossed over how correspondent Jonathan Karl grilled outgoing White House Press Secretary Ja...

As 14 Maiores Lambanças Econômicas da História do Brasil - Liberzone

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liberzone.com.br - Quando Ruy Barbosa, um crítico da política de Ouro Preto, tomou à frente do Ministério da Fazenda, a moeda nacional começou a perder valor por conta do golpe de estado, o que ocasionou uma forte ev...

Nevada Republican Could Become Nation's First Transgender State Legislator

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huffingtonpost.com - A transgender woman clinched the Republican nomination to represent a Nevada Assembly seat in a race that could have national implications. Lauren Scott, the executive director of Equality Nevada, ...

Last Days Watchman: Media Firestorm as Rick Perry Compares Homosexuality to Alcoholism

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Last Days Watchman
lastdayswatchman.blogspot.com - Friday, June 13, 2014 Media Firestorm as Rick Perry Compares Homosexuality to Alcoholism Media Firestorm as Rick Perry Compares Homosexuality to Alcoholism Texas Governor Rick Perry has caused a fi...

Lula decide assistir a Brasil x Croácia longe do Itaquerão - Jornal O Globo

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oglobo.globo.com - SÃO PAULO - Principal articulador da construção do estádio Itaquerão em São Paulo, o ex-presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva decidiu não comparecer nesta quinta-feira ao jogo de abertura da Copa da...

LifeSiteNews Mobile | Survey: 80% of dads say media portrayals of fatherhood wrong

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Catholic News Live
lifesitenews.com - Well this is a pleasant surprise: the media incorrectly depict fathers, according to today’s dads – and, for once, the media agree. Just in time for Father’s Day, soap brand Dove hired Edelman Berl...

Video: Iraq crisis: army deserter speaks out - Telegraph

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Henry Makow
telegraph.co.uk - The developments indicate that the Iraqi government no longer feels able to rely on its forces, amid the deteriorating security situation that every day more closely resembles a sectarian civil war...

Army: Bergdahl 'looked good' after returning to US

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cnsnews.com - SAN ANTONIO (AP) — In the moments after Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl arrived back in the United States following five years of captivity by the Taliban in Afghanistan, he was nervous but "looked good" a...

El crucifijo no perjudica la salud

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hazteoir.org - Cristo molesta. Su imagen en la cruz puede causar infecciones, graves enfermedades, serios problemas de salud. Eso dice Compromís, una coalición formada por nacionalistas y comunistas que exige la ...

Cayenne pepper can relieve pain, boost metabolism and more 

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truthisscary.com - The cayenne pepper is the hot chili pepper of the Capsicum annuum plant, which is native to northern South America and southern North America. A nightshade fruit that is related to the bell pepper,...

"Globo Esporte" lança página com áudios e memes das frases de Galvão Bueno - Portal IMPRENSA

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portalimprensa.com.br - Os famosos bordões do narrador Galvão Bueno agora também podem ser escutados fora das transmissões da Copa do Mundo. O site do programa "Globo Esporte" acaba de colocar no ar a "Galvãoteca", página...

Obama says no combat troops to Iraq; U.S. weighs airstrikes - CNN.com

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Ayesha Shaikh
cnn.com - Washington (CNN) -- No troops to Iraq, but other options are being considered. That was President Barack Obama's message Friday in response to the lightning advance by Sunni militant fighters in Ir...

NPR Star Shocker: Ten Needling Terry Gross Questions on Gays Cause Hillary to Snap 'You're Playing With My Words'

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newsbusters.org - NPR star Terry Gross has been an aggressive defender of Hillary Clinton on her Fresh Air show on the taxpayer-funded airwaves. So it was a bit shocking to witness her pressing and pounding the form...

'Pautas&Notas': Ações voltadas à Copa e novidades em veículos impressos

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portal.comunique-se.com.br - "Garota da Voz" estreia na Rádio Globo Renata Silveira (foto/divulgação) faz sua primeira transmissão, com exclusividade para o site da Rádio Globo, como narradora esportiva. Após vencer o concurso...

Former Border Patrol Agents: Illegal Immigration Crisis "Contrived”

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Henry Makow
thenewamerican.com - Thousands of illegal immigrants are flooding across the border into Texas and other border states every day, but two things distinguish this wave from earlier illegal immigration waves.  First, Hon...

Hamilton city council asks federal and provincial gvmts to ban abortion-victim images in campaigns

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Catholic News Live
lifesitenews.com - HAMILTON, Ontario, June 13, 2014 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Hamilton city council passed a motion Wednesday to ask the federal and provincial governments to enact legislation that would ban the use of im...

Philly region braces for potential rail strike

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cnsnews.com - PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Workers, employers and travelers in the Philadelphia area were making contingency plans as they braced for a threatened rail strike that could add to the region's summer transpo...

AdF.ly - shrink your URLs and get paid!

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us.tuit.hol.es - You are about to be redirected. In order to reach your destination link, please click to stay on the page and then click our Skip Ad button.

Generals Defend Common Core

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Julio Severo
barbwire.com - As another state debates whether to withdraw from the controversial Common Core multi-state education standards, input is coming from a surprising source: the military. In North Carolina, where a b...

"Siggi Hacker" Charged With Multiple Fraud And Theft Counts

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grapevine.is - Sigurður Ingi Þórðarson, also known as “Siggi Hacker”, will tomorrow arrive in Reykjanes District Court to face charges of embezzlement, fraud, and theft adding up to about 30 million ISK. DV repor...

Harrolds.Blogspot.com: o'illegal -o'naive Utopian Dream: Make U.S. A 3rd World Country, Open Doors Wide

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harrolds.blogspot.com - "The American Republic will endure, until politicians realize they can bribe the people with their own money." -- Alexis de Tocqueville [Alexis Charles Henri Maurice Clerel, le Comte de Tocqueville...

12 Numbers About The Global Financial Ponzi Scheme That Should Be Burned Into Your Brain 

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truthisscary.com - The numbers that you are about to see are likely to shock you.  They prove that the global financial Ponzi scheme is far more extensive than most people would ever dare to imagine.  As you will see...

After Nargis, Uday Chopra Plays The 'Just Friends' Card! - Oneindia Entertainment

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Ayesha Shaikh
entertainment.oneindia.in - After actress Nargis Fakhri recently denied dating Uday Chopra, now the latter also is singing in the same tune. Although, Nargis Fakhri and Uday Chopra have always been rumoured to be in a relatio...

Tamron Hall Worries New Iraq Woes Will Drive Americans to Blame Obama

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newsbusters.org - As city after city in northern Iraq falls to deadly Islamist extremist militias pressing onward to Baghdad, questions are now being raised about the wisdom of the United States’ swift exit from the...

El Mundial de fútbol, tema de conversación del Papa con los obispos de América Latina

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Enlace Católico.com
enlacecatolico.com - Francisco mantuvo un encuentro con el consejo de administración de la Fundación Populorum Progressio. Trabajan de cerca con comunidades indígenas de América Latina. El Papa tuvo un detalle con uno ...

Interpol pede atenção à PF para combinação de resultados na Copa

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Nariz Gelado
noticias.portalvox.com - A pedido da Interpol (polícia internacional), a Policia Federal está de olho na “combinação” de resultados durante a Copa do Mundo. Policiais, em especial os que acompanham os times em ônibus e hot...

8 coisas que não te contaram na escola sobre a Crise de 29 - Liberzone

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liberzone.com.br - Resultado: de 1921-29 a oferta de moeda aumentou em US$ 28 bilhões, um incremento de 62% num espaço de 8 anos. Isso representa uma média anual de 7,7% de aumento, um grau respeitável de inflação. O...

Além de comentarista, Ronaldo vira entrevistador da Globo na Copa

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portal.comunique-se.com.br - Após a partida de estreia da Seleção Brasileira na Copa do Mundo, disputada nessa quinta-feira, 12, o ex-jogador Ronaldo, maior artilheiro de todos os Mundiais, entrevistou Neymar e Oscar, destaque...

HRH Prog Announces First Batch of the Bands • Blazing Minds

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Karen Woodham
blazingminds.co.uk - After two momentous years, Europe’s biggest residential Prog Festival is pleased to announce its first batch of bands. First up are Folk Rock heroes Steeleye Span and the multi-talented Mostly Autu...

Já tem Copa, apesar da Folha! - Jornal Correio do Brasil

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Correio do Brasil
correiodobrasil.com.br - 13/6/2014 13:02 Por Altamiro Borges - de São Paulo A Folha bem que tentou, mas não conseguiu melar a Copa do Mundo no Brasil. Com o seu complexo de vira-lata e a sua visão neo liberal de negação do...

A Reader's Misgivings about Alex Jones - henrymakow.com

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Henry Makow
henrymakow.com - Alex Jones is the internet version of Rush Limbaugh. His followers are not really "truthers" as much as they are a conspiracy version of the controlled Tea Party Movement. The Occupy Wall Street pr...

Dilma é hostilizada durante abertura da Copa do Mundo em São Paulo - CPADNews

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cpadnews.com.br - A presidente Dilma Rousseff foi hostilizada durante a abertura da Copa do Mundo em São Paulo nesta quinta-feira (12). Xingamentos contra a presidente foram ouvidos em dois momentos antes da partida...

German man dies in Grand Canyon kayaking accident

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cnsnews.com - GRAND CANYON NATIONAL PARK, Ariz. (AP) — A German tourist on a commercial river trip at Grand Canyon National Park died after his kayak flipped over and he was unable to right himself, officials sa...

What to do when forced to perform ‘gay weddings’

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Matt Barber
wnd.com - Churches in Denmark are now compelled, by law, to host same-sex “weddings.” Tyranny’s appetite is insatiable. The secular-left’s hunger for power and control over its detractors can never be satisf...

First lady vows to fight for school lunch nutrition 'until the bitter end'

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thehill.com - First lady Michelle Obama encouraged parents Thursday to fight with her "until the bitter end" to preserve tougher new school lunch standards that House Republicans are working to roll back. "It's ...

Hillary Clinton: The Fresh Air Interview : NPR

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npr.org - Copyright ©2014 NPR. For personal, noncommercial use only. See Terms of Use. For other uses, prior permission required. This is FRESH AIR. I'm Terry Gross. Hillary Clinton is on her book tour. One ...

Chicago Competes Against Itself for Site of Obama Presidential Library - NYTimes.com

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Jeffrey Levin
nytimes.com - CHICAGO — The tussle over the location of President Obama’s future presidential library seems to have come down to a debate over various places he has lived, including this city, New York City and ...


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truthisscary.com - Kevin W Reese Talks Protein Myth, The 3 D's, Cannabis and the Health Conspiracy w/ TIS

It's A Myth That GOP Is Party Of The Wealthy - Investors.com

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news.investors.com - Free Speech: Right after the Supreme Court's decision to lift limits on campaign contributions, Democrats and their left-wing supporters assaulted the decision as a boon to Republicans, "the party ...

Pictures: Bobby Jasoos Promotions On Entertainment Ke Liye...With Vidya Balan, Dia Mirza, Farah...! - Oneindia Entertainment

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Ayesha Shaikh
entertainment.oneindia.in - Upcoming detective film Bobby Jasoos' lead actress Vidya Balan and producer Dia Mirza joined Sony's Entertainment Ke Liye Kuch Bhi Karega family members Farah Khan, Anu Malik, Krushna Abhishek and ...

Com torcida a favor e gol de Valdívia, Chile vence a Austrália por 3 x 1

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Portal Guiame
guiame.com.br - A seleção do Chile estreou com o pé direito na Copa do Mundo e deu um passo importante para avançar às oitavas de final do Mundial. Empurrado pelos torcedores, que eram maioria e até cantaram o hin...

Cumbre anti violencia sexual en conflictos, intervino el Card. Nichols

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Enlace Católico.com
enlacecatolico.com - Concluye hoy en Londres la cumbre de cuatro días contra la violencia sexual en los conflictos, que cuenta con la participación de ministros de 132 países y que este viernes verá las intervenciones ...

L.A. Columnist Rips Sawyer for Speech-Fee Query to Hillary: 'If Not Exactly Stupid, Pretty Ridiculous'

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newsbusters.org - Diane Sawyer’s surprisingly challenging interview with Hillary Clinton makes some media elitists hopping mad. At the Los Angeles Times, columnist Meghan Daum began: “It's open season on Hillary Rod...

Estadão apresenta jornalista como novo diretor de projetos especiais

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portal.comunique-se.com.br - Impresso mantido pelo Grupo Estado, o Estadão está cada vez mais focado em ações que vão além do conteúdo em papel. Seguindo essa tendência, o jornal anunciou ao mercado e à imprensa a contratação ...

Militantes sunitas ocupam mais duas cidades no Iraque - Jornal Correio do Brasil

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Correio do Brasil
correiodobrasil.com.br - Militantes islamistas no Iraque tomaram mais duas cidades nesta sexta-feira, aumentando as áreas sobre seu controle no país e intensificando os temores de uma ofensiva contra Bagdá. Os islamistas s...

Social Media: 6 Things It Can’t Do For You

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John Paul Aguiar
johnpaulaguiar.com - Posted by John Paul Aguiar in Pop Posts, social media We all know how great Social media is for your blog or business, and I’m a big SM believer and it is a big part of my success online. But it’s ...

Violência obriga cristãos a deixarem cidade do Iraque - CPADNews

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cpadnews.com.br - Ore pelas centenas de famílias cristãs que fugiram da cidade de Mosul, no Iraque, no início da manhã do dia 10 de junho. Muitos cristãos foram para o norte do país, na região curda, relativamente s...


Partilhado por
Henry Makow
english.farsnews.com - Amir Abdollahian's remarks came after the American newspaper, the Wall Street Journal, in a report claimed that Tehran has sent two elite units of its Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) to Iraq...

Dilma "perdoa, mas não esquece" ofensas na abertura da Copa - Notícias - UOL Copa do Mundo 2014

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Pr.Roberto Luiz
copadomundo.uol.com.br - A presidente Dilma Rousseff afirmou que perdoa as agressões que sofreu durante a partida da seleção contra a Croácia, mas que isso "não significa esquecer". Depois de receber uma rosa do presidente...

Just Watch How Georgetown University Students React When Asked to Donate to the ‘Hillary Clinton Fund for Dead Broke Politicians’ | Video

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theblaze.com - Former First Lady Hillary Clinton recently revealed that she and her husband were “dead broke” when they left the White House. Her claim — which was significantly undercut by the fact that she rece...
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Catholic News Live
lifesitenews.com - WASHINGTON, D.C., June 13, 2014 (LifeSiteNews.com) – While New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo's abortion expansion bill remains mired in legislative inaction, pro-life laws have advanced in Florida and Lou...

600 Sexual Assaults of Public School Students, 100 Never Reported to Police

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cnsnews.com - Principals disclosed in the survey that they reported only 500 of the 600 rapes or attempted rapes that occurred in their schools that year, a dramatic change from the previous four years. Between ...


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Richard Bejah CFP®
richardbejah.com - Set some time aside to create your bucket list and stop putting off your dreams for “someday” The best way to get the most out of life is to look upon it as a magnificent adventure. This list is a ...

Sem-teto invadem edifício residencial em São Paulo - Agência Estado - UOL Notícias

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Nublado Ventania
noticias.uol.com.br - Manifestantes sem-teto ocupam prédio da rua Pamplona, nas imediações da avenida Paulista Enquanto acontecia a abertura da Copa do Mundo em Itaquera, na zona leste da cidade, um grupo de cerca de 20...

Obamacare And The CBO — No Longer ‘Giddy’

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rightwingnews.com - How critical to the passage of Obamacare was the 2010 “score” given the legislation by the Congressional Budget Office? Recall the President’s signature legislation barely passed, and squeaked by a...

FBI Visiting Gun Shops to Investigate “People Talking About Big Government” - Tom O'Halloran

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✪Tom O'Halloran✪
tomohalloran.com - The same FBI that reportedly ignored Russian and Saudi intelligence warnings about the Tsarnaev brothers — the Boston Marathon jihadists — and refused to question anyone at their radical mosque, is...

Air Jordan 11 Retro Low 'Infrared23' - Release Date. Nike.com

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Hollywood Dub
nike.com - The Air Jordan 11 Retro Low ‘Infrared23’ continues the legacy, with a black patent leather and mesh upper that is sleek and bold. Hits of Infrared23 can be found on the herringbone on the outsole a...

Ordem Pública reboca veículos e multa mijões na Zona Sul e Norte - Jornal Correio do Brasil

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Correio do Brasil
correiodobrasil.com.br - 13/6/2014 12:42 Por Redação, com ARN - do Rio de Janeiro Agentes da Secretaria Municipal de Ordem Pública (Seop), com apoio de guardas municipais, realizaram, uma ação de ordenamento na estreia do ...

'SBT Brasil' ganha revezamento entre Carlos Nascimento e Joseval Peixoto

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portal.comunique-se.com.br - A bancada do 'SBT Brasil' ganhou novidades nesta semana. O telespectador que acompanha o jornalístico pode ver na apresentação de segunda-feira (9), terça-feira (10) e quarta-feira (11), o jornalis...

Women's Health: Gut bacterial metabolism of the soy isoflavone daidzein

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Chantel Martiromo
thetruestoriesstories.blogspot.com - Gut bacterial metabolism of the soy isoflavone daidzein Posted by Chantel M. Contributed by US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health  In the study of Gut bacterial metabolism o...


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terrywmanning.blogspot.com -      Just a short Blog tonight. As I watch all the different events occurring in our country, mostly...hell just about everything, I wonder where sanity has gone. A president out to destroy America...

Famílias de vítimas do voo MH370 ganham pagamentos de US$ 50 mil - CPADNews

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cpadnews.com.br - Famílias de passageiros do avião desaparecido do voo MH370 da Malaysia Airlines começaram a receber indenizações pelas perdas de entes queridos. Seis famílias malaias e uma chinesa receberam pagame...

Five Ways to Increase Your Sales | Sales Training Seminars, Workshops & Keynotes by Don Cooper, The Sales Heretic™

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Steve Keating CSE
doncooper.com - Every salesperson, business owner and CEO wants to increase their sales. The question is how to do it? Listen to my appearance on Breakthrough Business Strategies Radio with Michele Price. In this ...

Congressman: Enough is Enough, Time to De-Fund Planned Parenthood

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lifenews.com - by Steven Ertelt | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 6/13/14 2:40 PM The expose’ catching the Planned Parenthood abortion business telling a teenager to have S&M sex is another reason to yank its tax...

Navigating an Office Without Formal Processes - Jessica Grose - Harvard Business Review

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Terry Kinder
blogs.hbr.org - You just changed jobs from a highly structured, corporate company to a much more casual environment. You may be finding that adjustment difficult. Maybe you’re wondering: Where is the meeting softw...

A Unção dos Enfermos perdoa os pecados? - padrepauloricardo.org

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Sonia da S Santos
padrepauloricardo.org - O sacramento da Unção dos Enfermos perdoa os pecados, mas como efeito secundário. O que é um efeito secundário? Imagine-se que alguém contrata uma empresa para construir o segundo andar de um prédi...

Protesto estatisticamente significativo

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blasfemias.net - A conceção1 da prova é a culpada pelos maus resultados, diz Lurdes Figueiral, presidente da Associação de Professores de Matemática. Aparentemente, para um professor de matemática, é possível calcu...

Kim Strassel: What Dave Brat Taught Conservatives - WSJ

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online.wsj.com - With Washington determined to take a lesson away from Dave Brat's rout of House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, let's make sure it's an enduring one. Let's talk "reform" conservatism. Yes, immigration...

Brazil: Digital access and inclusion - Index on Censorship

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Index on Censorship
indexoncensorship.org - This is the second in a series of articles based on the Index report: Brazil: A new global internet referee? Brazil is the world’s second-biggest user of both Facebook and Twitter, with already 65 ...

10 Mistakes People Make with Truth (plus 1 bonus)

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aheartforgod.org - 10 Mistakes People Make with Truth (plus 1 bonus): 1. Are afraid to speak it (due to political correctness, their fear of being ostracized by the church?). (John 9:18-23) 2. Refuse to believe the t...

Kyle J. Norton Health Tips for Better Living and Living Health: Pulmonary vascular disease: Pulmonary edema – The Misdiagnosis

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Kyle J.Norton
kylejnorton.blogspot.com - Pulmonary vascular disease is defined as a condition of blood flow to the lung’s artery is blocked suddenly due to a blood clot somewhere in the body, including pulmonary embolism, chronic thromboe...

Friday Talking Points -- Selenofriggatriskaidekaphobics Unite! 

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Jeffrey Levin
huffingtonpost.com - I have to begin this week by apologizing for the irreverent nature of that title, but then how often do you get a chance to coin a cool word like "selenofriggatriskaidekaphobia"? The proper answer ...

Isso não me enfraquece, afirma Dilma após vaias na abertura da Copa - Política - Estadão

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Alec Duarte
politica.estadao.com.br - Tânia Monteiro, Lilian Venturini e Daiene Cardoso - O Estado de S. Paulo Brasília - A presidente Dilma Rousseff afirmou nesta sexta-feira, 13, que as vaias e xingamentos não vão enfraquecê-la. "Pod...

Rick Perry: Our genes don’t determine our sexual behavior (video)

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Catholic News Live
lifesitenews.com - SAN FRANCISCO, CA, June 13, 2014 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Texas Gov. Rick Perry is facing withering criticism for a statement he made in San Francisco saying that, if scientists ever prove homosexualit...

Obama: Spending on Prisons Is 'Main Reason Tuition Has Gone Up'

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cnsnews.com - Pres. Obama says spending on "less productive" things "like prisons" is driving up tuition costs. In an interview discussing his plan to cap student loan repayments, Obama said: "The main reason th...

Quatro vezes hostilizada, apesar da blindagem

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Paulo Devechi
brasilsoberanoelivre.blogspot.com - Mesmo sem ser anunciada, sem discursar nem declarar aberto o Mundial, Dilma foi xingada por parte dos torcedores no Itaquerão. Petistas consideram o ato desrespeitoso, e a oposição destaca a rejeiç...

‘A nossa vitória será a nossa vingança’ declara Lula sobre vaias sofridas por Dilma - Jornal O Globo

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Yasha Gallazzi
oglobo.globo.com - RECIFE — Prevendo uma campanha eleitoral muito forte, o ex-presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva pediu aos militantes do PT que partam em defesa da presidente Dilma Rousseff diante de qualquer acusa...

A True Maverick For Colorado: Who’s Afraid Of Tom Tancredo?

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rightwingnews.com - Panicked liberals and crony Republican elitists agree: Tom Tancredo would be bad for their Big Government and Big Business rackets. That’s exactly why I support him in Colorado’s June 24 GOP primar...

Tata Motors executive Karl Slym dies in fall from Bangkok hotel

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✪Tom O'Halloran✪
obamasdeadbankers.com - MUMBAI — Karl Slym, managing director of India’s Tata Motors Ltd , died on Sunday after falling from a high floor of a hotel in Bangkok, the company said. Slym, 51, had attended a board meeting of ...

1.3 tons of cocaine found on Air France flight - CNN.com

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cnn.com - (CNN) -- There was something odd about the 30 suitcases that showed up on a flight from Venezuela. The colorful bags weren't registered to any of the passengers on the plane. When French officials ...

Women's Health: Soy and Urinary Incontinence

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Chantel Martiromo
thetruestoriesstories.blogspot.com - Posted by Chantel M. Contributed by US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health According to the study of "Dietary phytoestrogens maintain contractile responses to carbachol with ...

Painel Brasil TV - Embrapa participa do Plano Brasil sem Miséria

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Painel Brasil TV
painelbrasil.tv - Ensino Médio Importação lixo Ministério Privatização Combate ao Tráfico Aviso Prévio Código Florestal Diversidade Esporte raça Osteoporose Exame Copa do Mundo Redes Sociais Holanda Nacional Brasil ...

Leadership for the Ages – Part Two of Some

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Steve Keating CSE
stevekeating.me - In the first post of this series we looked at the one key characteristic that all leaders must have. They must have integrity. Without integrity they can try to lead every day of their lives and it...

Nancy Pelosi Calls Late-Term Abortions "Sacred Ground"

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lifenews.com - by Steven Ertelt | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 6/13/13 1:37 PM House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi put her foot in her mouth again today during a press conference, calling the battle to keep l...

Sartre “Fascism is not defined by the number of its victims, but by the way it kills them.” — Philosophical Quotes

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Philosophers quotes
philosophical-quotes.com - « Fascism is not defined by the number of its victims, but by the way it kills them. » Sartre Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *

Três argentinos já foram impedidos de ingressar no Brasil pelo RS, diz PF - CPADNews

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cpadnews.com.br - Três torcedores argentinos foram impedidos de ingressar no Brasil nesta quinta-feira (12) ao passarem por postos de fiscalização no Rio Grande do Sul, na fronteira entre os dois países, informou a ...

G1 - Dilma colhe 'o que plantou', diz Aécio sobre xingamentos à presidente - notícias em Eleições 2014 em Minas Gerais

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Mara Kramer
g1.globo.com - O pré-candidato do PSDB à Presidência da República, senador Aécio Neves, disse nesta sexta-feira (13), ao ser perguntado sobre os xingamentos contra Dilma Rousseff na abertura da Copa do Mundo, que...

International Federation of Accountants: Bitcoin Could Reshape Financial Ethics

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Terry Kinder
coindesk.com - A new essay from the CEO of the International Federation of Accountants, an organization that boasts more than 2.5 million accountants and 179 member-organizations among its ranks, suggests that th...

Captivating Portraits of Namibia's Fashionable Herero Tribe

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featureshoot.com - We recently spoke to London-based photographer Jim Naughten about his stunning portrait series of the Herero tribe members of Namibia. How did this series come about? What was your inspiration? “I ...

Thousands of Veterans Waiting for Health Care

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Accuracy In Media
aim.org - WASHINGTON — An internal report was released on Monday, detailing how about 100,000 veterans are having to endure long waits for health care appointments at Veterans Affairs facilities, with half o...

Il Tintoretto: The Creation of the Animals

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Art and the Bible
artbible.info - Standing behind their creator, the animals still have to wait for a day. The newly-created birds and fish show that this must be the fifth day, whereas (according to Genesis) the animals were not c...

Whatever Became of Barabbas? (Part 2)

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aheartforgod.org - Do you remember the story of Jesus and Barabbas? Barabbas was freed while Jesus was condemned in his place. It’s a picture of what Christ has done for us. We each are under the death penalty for ou...

Kyle J. Norton Health Tips for Better Living and Living Health: Overcome Infertility --What Exhibits Tubal Conditions To Cause Infertility

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Kyle J.Norton
kylejnorton.blogspot.com - Overcome Infertility --What Exhibits Tubal Conditions To Cause Infertility Infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse. It effects ...

It's Only Love-The Beatles(subtitulado) - The Beatles Video - The Best Collection of The Beatles Videos

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The Beatles Video
thebeatlesvideo.blogspot.com - Home > The Beatles > It's Only Love-The Beatles(subtitulado) It's Only Love-The Beatles(subtitulado) It's Only Love-The Beatles(subtitulado) ▼PAGINA DE FACEBOOK▼ http://www.facebook.com/TheBeatlesY...

ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

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catholicnewsagency.com - On June 13, Catholics honor the memory of the Franciscan priest St. Anthony of Padua. Although he is popularly invoked today by those who have trouble finding lost objects, he was known in his own ...

#BB4SP: Chuck Hagel Doesn't Know & He's Not Sure!

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barracudabrigade.blogspot.com - Chuck Hagel Doesn't Know & He's Not Sure! Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest

Senadores y diputados chilenos pedirán a Bachelet que su país no defienda el aborto ante la ONU

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CitizenGO es
infocatolica.com - (La Tercera/InfoCatólica) Ese día, Chile deberá intervenir en Ginebra, en el marco del Examen Periódico Universal de Derechos Humanos (EPU), mecanismo que pertenece al Consejo de DD.HH. de la ONU y...

Padre é afastado de igreja após abençoar casal gay em Goiânia - Brasil - O Dia

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Paulo Devechi
odia.ig.com.br - Goiânia - O padre César Garcia foi afastado de suas funções religiosas até a conclusão de um inquérito pela Igreja Católica após ter concedido bênção a um casal homossexual. O pároco foi comunicado...

Obama Visits Sioux Lands on a Trip Shadowed by Iraq - NYTimes.com

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Jeffrey Levin
nytimes.com - CANNON BALL, N.D. — Hours after adjourning a tense Oval Office meeting about the Iraq crisis, President Obama found himself on the ancestral lands of Chief Sitting Bull, taking part in a celebratio...

casadoalan | Aulas particulares inglês Curitiba, gramática inglesa

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Retweets for Writers
casadoalan.com - The creative impulse  (W. Somerset Maugham) Mrs Albert Forrester was fifty-seven years old when she wrote her best-selling book, The Achilles Statue. This book was a great success. The critics prai...

El Papa advierte contra los secesionismos y la cultura de la muerte

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Luis Fernando Pérez
infocatolica.com - Sin el menor género de dudas, el papa Francisco es el pontífice que más entrevistas concede a los medios de comunicación. Puede que Benedicto XVI y San Juan Pablo II tuvieran un contacto más frecue...

Mensagem Edificante para Alma: Ataques a cristãos na Nigéria lidera lista de países que martirizam indivíduos cristãos

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Josiel Dias 【ツ】
josiel-dias.blogspot.com - Ataques a cristãos na Nigéria lidera lista de países que martirizam indivíduos cristãos Grupo lança lista de países onde cristãos sofrem ataques mais violentos à sua fé O grupo de vigilância Portas...

BBC News - #BBCtrending: Sandwiches, codes and salutes in Thailand

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The Daily PR
bbc.co.uk - What do sandwiches have to do with democracy? And why has the Hunger Games three-finger salute taken off in Thailand? There have been 12 coups in recent history in Thailand. But the latest - three ...

Melinda Gates’ claim to not fund abortion is ‘outright deception’: pro-life group

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Catholic News Live
lifesitenews.com - WASHINGTON, D.C., June 13, 2014 (LifeSiteNews.com) -- The claim by Melinda Gates, a Catholic, that the multi-billion dollar Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation does not fund abortion is "an outright ...

Rep. Duncan: House Will Not Do Anything On Immigration This Year

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cnsnews.com - (CNSNews.com) - Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-SC) says that "based on current events," the House will likely not take up immigration reform anytime soon. "I think immigration reform is a very broad term for ...

G1 - Ator de 'Far Cry 4' minimiza capa do game considerada racista - notícias em E3 2014

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Danilo Simões
g1.globo.com - O ator Troy Baker, que interpreta o vilão do game de tiro "Far Cry 4", minimizou durante a feira E3 2014 os comentários de que o game violento e polêmico é racista. Quando a capa do jogo foi divulg...

El Papa, presente en el mundial de fútbol

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religionconfidencial.com - En su cuenta oficial de Twitter ha deseado a todos disfrutar de este evento “con un espíritu de verdadera fraternidad” Además, el Papa ha asegurado en un video mensaje transmitido en cadena naciona...

Women's Health: Herbal Rosemary and Skin Aging

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Chantel Martiromo
thetruestoriesstories.blogspot.com - Herbal Rosemary and Skin Aging Posted by Chantel Martiromo  Skin aging is one of most visible process which occurs constantly in our skin organ. According to the Clinical Centre of Nis, certain pla...

Giveaway: Spanish Chorizo from Imperial

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Sweet Paul Magazine
sweetpaulmag.com - Imperial Chorizo is crafted in upstate New York by a team of Spanish entrepreneurs with over 30 years of experience in the European food and Spanish cured meats industries. The team carefully craft...

SUS perdeu 12,7 mil leitos enquanto rede privada ganhou 13,4 mil, diz CFM - Notícias - Saúde

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noticias.uol.com.br - Quase 13 mil leitos foram desativados na rede pública de saúde desde janeiro de 2010. Naquele mês, o SUS (Sistema Único de Saúde) contava com 361 mil leitos, número que, em julho deste ano, caiu pa...

Painel Brasil TV - Brasil Carinhoso

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Painel Brasil TV
painelbrasil.tv - Para acionar as legendas, passe o mouse sobre o vídeo e ative o botão CC. A Ação Brasil Carinhoso integra o Plano Brasil Sem Miséria, a fim de garantir que famílias com crianças e adolescentes entr...

Sartre: Life begins on the other side of despair. — Philosophical Quotes

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Philosophers quotes
philosophical-quotes.com - « Life begins on the other side of despair. » Sartre Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *

Marriage Debate Far From Over

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nomblog.com - Kenneth D. Whitehead recently wrote in Crisis Magazine that the marriage debate is far from over.  A court-imposed redefinition of marriage will not settle the debate, he wrote, nor will government...

#AcordaBrasil!: Orgulho gay nos esportes

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Carlos Parrini
blogdoparrini.blogspot.com - sexta-feira, 13 de junho de 2014 Orgulho gay nos esportes Orgulho gay nos esportes ...  Campanha pela diversidade no esporte motiva cidadão pelo Youtube...  Kobe Bryant, Neymar e muitos outros atle...

Taxi Drivers in Europe Protest Uber Car Service

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Accuracy In Media
aim.org - WASHINGTON — Uber, the service that has done well in the United States, is now seeing opposition in Europe. There were protests in major cities across Europe, ranging from London to Paris to Berlin...

Irak. El arzobispo de Mosul: 'los milicianos controlan la ciudad'

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Enlace Católico.com
enlacecatolico.com - El arzobispo caldeo de Mosul, Amel Shamon Nona indicó que “Ahora en Mosul los milicianos yihadistas controlan la ciudad y la situación está en calma. Pero no sabemos quienes son y lo que quieren ha...

Good News for Justina Pelletier: She May Finally Get to Go Home

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lifenews.com - by Mat Staver | Boston, MA | LifeNews.com | 6/13/14 1:45 PM In a dramatic reversal, the Massachusetts’ Department of Children and Families (DCF) has filed a motion with the courts agreeing with our...

Rajkummar Rao Thrilled To Be Part Of 'Revolution 2020' - Oneindia Entertainment

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Ayesha Shaikh
entertainment.oneindia.in - After being part of "Kai Po Che", an adaptation of Chetan Bhagat's bestseller "The 3 Mistakes of My Life", Rajkummar Rao is exciting about "Revolution 2020", which is another film based on the auth...

Defiant Hagel says: I took Bowe Bergdahl security risks 'damn seriously' | World news

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Terry Kinder
theguardian.com - US defense secretary Chuck Hagel forcefully rejected criticism for trading five Taliban leaders for army sergeant Bowe Bergdahl in a combative appearance before a congressional committee on Wednesd...

Here Are 12 Awesome 360° Aerial Views Of Great Cities Around The World. I'm In Love With #9.

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viralspell.com - I am so glad that technology now allows us to do such fantastic things. I’ve just stumbled on AirPano and had to share it with you. Its website describes AirPano as “a non-commercial project devote...

Irregularidad natural - Noticias de Arquitectura - Buscador de Arquitectura

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Esteban Eordogh
noticias.arq.com.mx - Ayudando a arquitectos y estudiantes a encontrar información desde 1998 El Buscador de Arquitectura se dedica a investigar, recopilar y clasificar la información sobre Arquitectura y Construcción d...

How a Super Power Disappears from the Final Act of History

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aheartforgod.org - The United States of America is conspicuously absent in Biblical prophecy. Pat Robertson in his book, The Secret Kingdom, suggests she is among those being referred to in Ezekiel, chapter 38, verse...

Torre Eiffel é fechada por greve dos funcionários do serviço de segurança - CPADNews

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cpadnews.com.br - A Torre Eiffel, monumento emblemático de Paris, foi fechada ao público nesta sexta-feira (13/6) por uma greve dos funcionários do serviço de segurança. A empresa que administra o monumento, a SETE,...

Kyle J. Norton Health Tips for Better Living and Living Health: Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOs) Diets

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Kyle J.Norton
kylejnorton.blogspot.com - Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOs) Diets By Kyle J. Norton Approximately half of women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOs) are either obese or overweight. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a co...

En el Mineirao Colombia cerró preparación para juego con Grecia

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Tomaz de Alvarenga
fcf.com.co - · El primer rival colombiano en Brasil 2014 será Grecia, en juego previsto por el grupo C en Belo Horizonte, estadio Mineirao, el sábado 14 de junio a la 1 de la tarde hora local. · Grecia llega a ...

The Beatles - And I Love Her - Subtitulado en español - The Beatles Video - The Best Collection of The Beatles Videos

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The Beatles Video
thebeatlesvideo.blogspot.com - Home > Most Popular, The Beatles > The Beatles - And I Love Her - Subtitulado en español The Beatles - And I Love Her - Subtitulado en español The Beatles - And I Love Her - Subtitulado en español ...

Politics: MSNBC: Iraq's collapse is a problem ...because people might think it's Obama's fault

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caintv.com - Maybe because it is? Nah, that can't be it. Nothing's his fault.  In the last few days, city after city has fallen to a massive army of Al Qaeda offshoot terrorists called ISIS. As the Daily Beast ...

Toothy Grins Store: Tea Tree Oil Sale

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David Snape
blog.toothygrinsstore.com - Everyone wants to save money.  And smart people know about the power of Tea Tree Oil.  Some really smart people want to save when they buy tea tree oil and want to get a high quality oil at the sam...

Escola Tiririca | Radar on-line - Lauro Jardim - VEJA.com

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Paulo De Boni
veja.abril.com.br - Tiririca chegou ao Congresso prometendo contar a seus eleitores o que faz um deputado federal. Teve quatro anos para aprender. Até agora, porém, não foi definido qual será o slogan da campanha à re...

Em SC, prefeitura vai dar desconto no IPTU para quem adotar animal abandonado - Blog da Redação

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Paulo Devechi
planetasustentavel.abril.com.br - A redação do PLANETA SUSTENTÁVEL é um encontro de pessoas envolvidas com um grande desafio: trabalhar a sustentabilidade como um tema urgente e transversal, tradutível em múltiplas linguagens, nece...

Twitcom - Crie e participe de comunidades e grupos no Twitter

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Carla Pola
twitcom.com.br - Para concluir sua inscrição, digite seu email para confirmação. Um email foi enviado, confirme clicando no link de validação. Houver tweets nos nests que sigo Alguém entrar nos nests que sigo Algué...


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