21 June 2014

Cristianismo & Politica 20.06.2014 @CristPolit

Cristianismo & Politica

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Señores del lobby gay: Amenazar con actos terroristas no es broma - Blog de ACI Prensa

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - Gabriela Zavaleta, activista del lobby gay en Perú, recientemente amenazó con quemar el Congreso en caso este no apruebe el mal llamado “matrimonio” gay. Lo hizo a través de su cuenta en Twitter, d...
Arte & Entretenimento

El lobby gay reconoce que ha lanzado la campaña de censura contra Richard Cohen “sin haber leído el libro”

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hazteoir.org - LibrosLibres reclama a COLEGAS «un poco de seriedad, respeto y responsabilidad» ante acciones que cercenan la libertad de expresión. El lobby gay amenaza: «Les garantizo que Richard Cohen no va a v...

Julio Severo: Magno Malta critica aprovação da Lei Anti-Palmada

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Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - O Senhor Jesus, na Sua Palavra, disse com todas as letras: "É impossível o escândalo não vir ao homem, mas ai do homem por quem o escândalo vem" (Lucas 17:1) Quando o senador Magno Malta dá apoio a...

«El aborto es el asesinato silencioso de millones», denuncia el sociólogo agnóstico Pedro Godoy - ReL

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Religión en Libertad
religionenlibertad.com - El sociólogo e historiador chileno Pedro Godoy, que se define como agnóstico, ha querido refutar a los que proponen el aborto como una mejora social y acusan de cerrazón religiosa a todos aquellos ...

Top UK judge: 'Law may discriminate against Christians'

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Christian Today
christiantoday.com - The UK's most senior female judge has admitted that the law may be discriminatory against Christians, highlighting the case of the Christian B&B owners who were condemned for turning away a gay cou...


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Jose Americo Ramalho
veja.abril.com.br - Não é segredo para ninguém que certo tipo de militância não precisa de palavras explícitas para agir. O sr. Cantalice está pondo em risco a segurança de profissionais da imprensa. Talvez queira ist...


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Everton lima
tradicionalissima.blogspot.com - segunda-feira, 23 de setembro de 2013 A ESTRATÉGIA DAS TESOURAS Onde está a oposição no Brasil? Esse é um ponto de interrogação para muitas pessoas. A resposta mais comum é a de que o PT "tomou con...
Arte & Entretenimento

O Conti do Vigário – Entrevista com “falso” Felipão gera “Erramos” no Globo e na Folha. Mario Sergio Conti, catador de errinhos no livro “Dirceu”, comeu barriga de novo!

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Samuel M de Araujo
veja.abril.com.br - Mario Sergio Conti, para quem não sabe, é aquele jornalista que descreveu em detalhes o enterro da arquiteta Lúcia Carvalho na revista Piauí, cuja edição seguinte – imagine – trouxe uma cartinha da...

Portal A TARDE - Dilma vem a Salvador inaugurar o metrô

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ronaldo adriano
atarde.uol.com.br - A presidente Dilma Rousseff chega em Salvador nesta quarta-feira, 11, para inaugurar oficialmente o metrô. Ela vai se reunir com o governador Jaques Wagner e vão fazer o percorrer os 7,3 km entre a...

Gov. Huckabee at Marriage March: 'We will not bow our knees to Nebuchadnezzar!'

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Matt Barber
barbwire.com - Is the American majority’s will to defend natural marriage against the rainbow of perverse counterfeits dead? Has America become a Judiciocracy ruled by a bevy of black-robed autocrats? Not if you ...

Dilma garante: o que foi prometido para a Copa foi cumprido. Até sua maior parceira, a Fifa, não concorda. Trem-bala, obras de mobilidade, reformas nos aeroportos, iniciativa privada bancando os R$ 30 bilhões do Mundial. Nada virou realidade... – Blog do Cosme Rímoli – R7

Partilhado por
ronaldo adriano
esportes.r7.com - O que está acontecendo e um desrespeito a vida humana, assédio moral coletivo, sentimos vergonha, e o nosso Governo quer se sentir plenamente satisfeito, ri de nós, a população não está satisfeita....

March For Marriage

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nomblog.com - We are now just two days away from the historic 2014 March for Marriage! I hope you've been able to make your plans to join us in the nation's capital as we rally and march with marriage leaders an...

F5 - televisão - Globo se irrita com notícia de que seleção brasileira assiste a jogos da Copa pela Band - 19/06/2014

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f5.folha.uol.com.br - A Globo não digeriu bem a notícia de que a seleção brasileira e sua comissão técnica estão acompanhando os jogos da Copa pela Band. Doeu mais ainda quando José Luiz Datena, do "Brasil Urgente" (Ban...

Congresso 'Fogo para o Brasil' está com inscrições abertas; participe!

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Verdade Gospel
verdadegospel.com - A cidade do Rio de Janeiro está prestes a receber, pela primeira vez, o Congresso Pentecostal Brasileiro Fogo para o Brasil, que acontecerá entre os dias 29 de julho e 01 de agosto, na sede da Asse...

Confira os selecionados para a primeira Missão Jovem na Amazônia - Jovens Conectados – Comissão Episcopal Pastoral para a Juventude CNBB

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Jovens Conectados
jovensconectados.org.br - A primeira Missão Jovem na Amazônia, organizada pelas Comissões Episcopais para a Juventude, Amazônia, Ação Missionária, Missão Continental e Pontifícias Obras Missionárias (POM) selecionaram joven...

Dominion e The Leftovers mostram o Apocalipse na TV

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Foco Cristão
cinema.gospelprime.com.br - Séries que exploram temática sobrenatural parecem estar em alta Estreou nesta semana no canal SyFy a série Dominion, criada por Vaun Wilmott (Sons of Anarchy) e Scott Stewart. É uma espécie de cont...

T.W. Shannon talks Oklahoma primary race | On Air Videos

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Sarah Palin
video.foxnews.com - Jun. 19, 2014 - 4:25 - Conservative underdog seeking Republican nomination for Senate

Vanilda Bordieri e Elaine de Jesus gravam clipe da música "Enche-nos"

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Foco Cristão
musica.gospelprime.com.br - O vídeo foi divulgado esta semana no canal da Musile Records no Youtube As cantoras Vanilda Bordieri e Elaine de Jesus gravaram juntas o vídeo clipe da canção “Enche-nos” que faz parte do CD “Pra D...

Amb. Diego Arria says Venezuelan government aims to 'neutralize' opponents

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Diego E. Arria
america.aljazeera.com - A former UN Security Council president discusses why he is facing arrest in his home country of Venezuela

Radio America

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blog.cancaonova.com -  “Um dia inesquecível, cheio da graça de Deus”, É assim que a maioria dos participantes descrevem o II Kairós Canção Nova Abraça São Paulo, evento que aconteceu neste Domingo dia 15, no Ginásio do ...
Meio Ambiente

Cientistas descobrem oceano subterrâneo gigantesco

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Foco Cristão
noticias.gospelprime.com.br - Cientista cristão afirma que texto bíblico faz referência ao assunto Geofísicos da Northwestern University e da Universidade do Novo México afirmaram ter descoberto um imenso reservatório de água a...

Cory Gardner: Women should be able to buy the pill without a prescription - The Denver Post

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denverpost.com - The least loved institution in America today is the U.S. Senate, and one of the reasons it is reviled is a zero-sum approach to women's medical care. It's time we changed that and adopt modern poli...

El Gobierno nigeriano dice que la mayoría de las niñas siguen en poder de Boko Haram - ABC.es

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abc.es - El drama de las niñas desaparecidas en Nigeria, continúa. Un total de 219 de las muchachas que secuestró el grupo islamista Boko Haram el pasado abril en el noreste de Nigeria siguen en paradero de...

Maryland County Must Pay $375,000 for Attempting to Shut Down Pregnancy Centers

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Susan B Anthony List
lifenews.com - by Alliance Defending Freedom | Greenbelt, MD | LifeNews.com | 6/18/14 5:10 PM A Maryland county paid $375,000 in attorneys’ fees, costs, and nominal damages this week after a court battle won by a...

“Precisamos permitir que o Espírito Santo opere em nossas vidas”, orienta Jammal

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Igreja da Lagoinha
lagoinha.com - “Se queremos vê as obras do Senhor, temos que nos fundamentar na Palavra e permitir o fluir o Espírito Santo”, destaca o conferencista Pelo fim da prostituição e do desemprego no Brasil foram algun...

Ecumenical and Inter-Church Relations - Reformed Forum

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The Reformed Hub
reformedforum.org - Mark Bube and Kurt Vetterli speak today about ecumenism and inter-church relations. Mark Bube, general secretary of foreign missions in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, plays an important part in ...

Health experts: Diseases at border becoming ‘crisis’

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WND News
wnd.com - Health professionals are warning of a “humanitarian crisis” festering in Texas and Arizona as a result of unchecked border crossings of illegal-immigrant children into border communities. Cramped c...

Ignacio Arsuaga, en la #March4Marriage: EE.UU., en pie por el matrimonio y la familia

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hazteoir.org - Ciudadanos y líderes profamilia mundiales se manifestaron este jueves en Washington, en defensa de la realidad del matrimonio frente a los ataques ideológicos que niegan su realidad como unión esta...

$5 Friday: Heaven, Church History, & Preaching by Nathan W. Bingham

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The Reformed Hub
ligonier.org - It’s time for our weekly $5 Friday sale. This week’s resources cover such topics as heaven, church history, preaching, the doctrines of grace, God’s providence, the New Testament, Christology, the ...

But I Thought There Weren’t Any Weapons of Mass Destruction… « Commentary Magazine

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David Limbaugh
dc-web1.commentarymagazine.com - The latest bad news from Iraq now includes the reports that ISIS have captured one of Saddam Hussein’s chemical-weapons facilities at Al Muthanna 45 miles north of Baghdad. Naturally this has cause...
Arte & Entretenimento

Gender Confusion and Revolution

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Truth Offends
barbwire.com - The National Post in Canada is reporting on a recent controversial school board decision in Vancouver to accommodate the desires of gender-confused students and their parents. This accommodation in...

Papa Francisco exhorta a no ceder a la legalización de las drogas

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - VATICANO, 20 Jun. 14 / 11:55 am (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- “La droga es un mal y ante el mal no se puede ceder ni tener compromisos”, expresó este viernes el Papa Francisco a los participantes de la 31°...
Arte & Entretenimento

O Nacional-Socialismo Petista - 20/06/2014 - Reinaldo Azevedo - Colunistas - Folha de S.Paulo

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Yuri Vieira
folha.uol.com.br - Sim, eu estava perplexo com o "Dilma, vai tomate cru"! Pensava: "O que aconteceu com o povo cordial dos que não leram Sérgio Buarque de Holanda e dizem que o nosso povo é cordial?". Muitos cronista...
Meio Ambiente

NATO: Russian Agents Support UK Anti-fracking Groups

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barbwire.com - Russian agents are supporting the anti-hydraulic fracturing movement in the United Kingdom, according to NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen. “I have met allies who can report that Russia,...
Arte & Entretenimento

MSNBC Host: Pro-Lifers are "Violent," Put Abortion Backers' "Physical Safety" at Risk

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lifenews.com - by Steven Ertelt | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 6/20/14 1:07 PM Thursday afternoon’s The Cycle plugged the recently released “abortion rom-com” Obvious Child by interviewing the film’s screenwri...

Salesians back more humane solutions for asylum seekers in Italy :: EWTN News

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ewtnnews.com - Two Salesian groups in Italy launched an initiative Friday to coordinate their activities for immigrants, many of whom are refugees, both in Italy and in their home countries. The June 20 launch da...

Obamacare showing signs of ‘financial death spiral’

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WND News
wnd.com - A new Department of Health and Human Services, or HHS, report designed to show Obamacare is increasing access and lowering health costs may actually provide evidence that the program could be in th...

Catholic.net - La Iglesia hoy

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es.catholic.net - Jesús nos pide tener el corazón libre de dinero, vanidad y poder. Lo ha recordado el papa Francisco en la homilía de esta mañana en la Casa Santa Marta. El Santo Padre ha indicado que las verdadera...

One-ton shark headed to Texas coast - CNN.com

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cnn.com - (CNN) -- At 14 feet long and 2,300 pounds, it's only fitting that Katharine is heading for the land where everything is bigger. This massive great white shark was most recently spotted 100 miles of...

The Redskins Brouhaha Has Nothing To Do With Native Americans - David Limbaugh - Page 1

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David Limbaugh
townhall.com - Do you think leftists are the slightest bit troubled by the public's overwhelming opposition to their crusade to force the Washington Redskins to change their name? That was rhetorical; I give you ...

Declaran inocente a Obispo chileno que fue acusado de abusos sexuales

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - SANTIAGO, 20 Jun. 14 / 10:43 am (ACI).- Tras una exhaustiva investigación, la Congregación para la Doctrina de la Fe en el Vaticano, se estableció que las acusaciones de abusos sexuales contra el O...
Arte & Entretenimento

Single Moms: The New Twist on Inequality

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barbwire.com - In pre-modern times, the disparity in men’s and women’s higher education opportunities was often defended by the view that women’s education would be wasted because they’d end up “just being mother...
Arte & Entretenimento

Miracle Twins Could Have Died Before Birth, But This Happened

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lifenews.com - by Steven Ertelt | Philadelphia, PA | LifeNews.com | 6/20/14 12:36 PM Miracle twins Mackenzie and Anna were born at 24 weeks of pregnancy, but they almost didn’t make it here. Shortly after the twi...

Papa diz "não" a qualquer tipo de droga e "sim" à vida

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Canção Nova Notícias
papa.cancaonova.com - Santo Padre falou aos participantes da reunião anual antidroga, reiterando seu “sim” à vida O Papa Francisco recebeu em audiência nesta sexta-feira, 20, os participantes da 31ª edição da Conferênci...

Archbishop Cordileone calls for a 'civilization of truth and love' :: EWTN News

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ewtnnews.com - Kicking off the “March for Marriage” on June 19, Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordileone of San Francisco invoked the witness of the early Christians to call for families rooted in “truth and love.” “Le...

Crivella reivindica recursos orçamentários para a área de saúde do Rio. - Blog

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Marcelo Crivella
marcelocrivella.com.br - O SR. MARCELO CRIVELLA (Bloco/PL – RJ. Pronuncia o seguinte discurso. Sem revisão do orador.) – Sr. Presidente, Srªs e Srs. Senadores, mais uma vez, venho à tribuna do Senado e vejo aqui o Senador ...

Catholic.net - Mártires Ingleses

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es.catholic.net - Mártires Ingleses MártiresFueron hombres y mujeres, clérigos y laicos que dieron su vida por la fe entre los años 1535 y 1679 en Inglaterra. Ya habían surgido dificultades entre el trono inglés y l...

PSB de Campos decide apoiar o petista Lindbergh Farias ao governo do Rio - 20/06/2014 - Poder - Folha de S.Paulo

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Marcus Vinicius
folha.uol.com.br - O PSB-RJ decidiu nesta sexta-feira (20) apoiar o senador Lindbergh Farias (PT) na disputa pelo governo do Rio. A decisão ocorre um dia depois do deputado Miro Teixeira (PROS), que tinha apoio forma...

The Briefing 06-20-14 – AlbertMohler.com

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albertmohler.com - 1) PC(USA) affirms same-sex marriage, repudiating Scripture as membership declines Presbyterians vote to allow gay marriage, Religion News Service (Lauren Markoe) Presbyterian Church U.S.A. votes t...
Meio Ambiente

Manaus, missão para todos os povos

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Comunidade Shalom
comshalom.org - “Os discípulos haviam passado a noite inteira a pescar sem nenhum sucesso. Jesus apareceu e mandou-lhes jogar as redes à direita. Obedeceram e recolheram tantos peixes que suas redes se rompiam e n...

Friday Is for Freebies: Autopsy of a Deceased Church - ThomRainer.com

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Thom Rainer
thomrainer.com - This month, my giveaways are featuring my new book, Autopsy of a Deceased Church. For more than twenty-five years, I’ve helped churches grow, reverse the trends of decline, and autopsied those that...
Meio Ambiente

Sancta Missa - Solene Vigília Pascal do ano B - Agência Motus Liturgicus

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Movimento Litúrgico
movimentoliturgico.org - Caríssimos irmãos e irmãs, o folheto “Sancta Missa” mudou e para melhor. Como os missais para fiéis da Forma Ordinária do Rito Romano, ele tornou-se fixo. Assim, teremos uma sequência de santas mis...

ONU: número de refugiados é o maior desde a Segunda Guerra Mundial - BBC Brasil - Notícias

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Pe. Joãozinho, SCJ
bbc.co.uk - O número de pessoas forçadas a deixar suas casas devido a guerras ou perseguição superou a marca de 50 milhões em 2013 pela primeira vez desde a Segunda Guerra Mundial, informou a agência de refugi...

The Altar and the Door - Casting Crowns (vídeo)

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Gospel Prime
videos.gospelprime.com.br - Ouvir a canção “The Altar and the Door” do  álbum “The Altar and the Door” da banda Casting Crowns

[VIDEO] ¿A qué edad debería jubilarse un sacerdote? Uno de 84 años contesta

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - LOS ÁNGELES, 20 Jun. 14 / 10:07 am (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- A pesar de tener 84 años, y de estar “jubilado” desde hace 14, el P. Jerry Smith ha mantenido su fuerte actividad apostólica en el Arzobispa...

USCCB Chairmen Concerned about Reported Executive Order

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usccb.org - WASHINGTON—The Chairman for the Subcommittee for the Promotion and Defense of Marriage, Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone of San Francisco, the Chairman of the Committee on Domestic Justice and Human...
Meio Ambiente

Michelle Malkin | » Obama declares large areas of Pacific off limits so divers can retrieve his sunken approval rating

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Drew McKissick
michellemalkin.com - With things going to hell on land, the Obama administration has been forced to shift the focus to water. Nearly four years ago, Michelle wrote about the oncoming “stealth Obama ocean grab.” These d...

Cristianismo deve inspirar políticos a trabalharem pela melhoria de vida das pessoas, diz primeiro-ministro britânico

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Holofote Net Cristão
holofote.net - Um discurso inusitado do primeiro-ministro britânico convocou os cristãos a usarem os princípios do Evangelho como forma de inspiração da classe política em seu país, de forma que a mensagem bíblic...

A Igreja Perseguida e o Dia Mundial do Refugiado

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Portas Abertas
portasabertas.org.br - Em 2003, havia um milhão de cristãos no Iraque, hoje existem menos de 345 mil. Recentemente, outras centenas de famílias cristãs foram obrigadas a fugir devido à violência. A crescente influência d...

São Gonçalo tem maior tapete de sal da América Latina

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Canção Nova Notícias
noticias.cancaonova.com - No Rio de Janeiro, a cada ano, a cidade de São Gonçalo se destaca na Festa de Corpus Christi. No município é confeccionado o maior tapete de sal da América Latina.

"I Didn't Expect Him to Be So Big:" Ultrasound Saves Unborn Baby From Abortion

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lifenews.com - by Online for Life | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 6/20/14 11:49 AM When “Bethany’s” pregnancy test came back positive, her first thought was to terminate the pregnancy. Just 22 years old and in ...

Their “Rescuing Hug” Stunned the World, Now the Twins Are All Grown Up

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lifenews.com - by Steven Ertelt | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 6/20/14 1:32 PM When preemie twins Brielle and Kyrie Jackson were born, doctors weren’t sure they’d make it, until a smart nurse placed the girls ...

Crivella parabeniza o Exército brasileiro pela adesão ao mutirão pela qualidade de atendimento médico no Rio. - Blog

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Marcelo Crivella
marcelocrivella.com.br - O SR. MARCELO CRIVELLA (Bloco/PL – RJ. Como Líder. Pronuncia o seguinte discurso. Sem revisão do orador.) – Srª Presidente, Srªs e Srs. Senadores, meu Senador do Rio de Janeiro, Saturnino Braga, ve...

Marriage Breakdown Threatens Society, Religious Leaders Stress | Daily News

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N. Catholic Register
ncregister.com - WASHINGTON — The redefinition of marriage and movement from its focus on children affects not only families but also entire communities and all of society, religious leaders warn. “People see marri...
Arte & Entretenimento

Catholic.net - El Respeto a la Intimidad de la Persona según Pio XII

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es.catholic.net - El Respeto a la Intimidad de la Persona según Pio XII Introducción 1. Llegados del mundo entero para participar en número impresionante en el XIII Congreso de la Asociación Internacional de Psicolo...

CDs > Músicos Canção Nova > CD Faça-se : Loja Virtual

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Marcio Todeschini
loja.cancaonova.com - Uma sonoridade brasileira, uma voz doce e cheia de personalidade. Letras que expressam confiança total em Deus e com uma essência Mariana. Esse é o clima de Faça-se, novo CD da cantora Juliana de P...

Novo bispo-auxiliar da Arquidiocese de Salvador preside missa no Shalom

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Comunidade Shalom
comshalom.org - Neste domingo, (15) a missão do Shalom em Salvador recebeu em seu Centro de Evangelização o novo bispo auxiliar da Arquidiocese de Salvador, dom Estevam Santos. O religioso nasceu em Vitória da Con...


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Wellington Jardim
blog.cancaonova.com - Foi com sentimento de tristeza que recebi a notícia sobre a renúncia do nosso amado Papa Bento XVI, para mim uma referência de Fé e de trabalhador incansável. Senti que o meu coração precisava sile...

Professor fatura US$ 4 mi na web e vira celebridade na Coreia do Sul

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Sérgio Pavarini
livrosepessoas.com - Kim Ki-hoon subiu a um estrelato que existe em poucos outros lugares fora da Coreia do Sul. Como professor de inglês mais bem pago do país, se tornou uma celebridade. No ano passado, faturou cerca ...
Arte & Entretenimento

The Comfort Zone: Words of Comfort: Seeming Contradictions

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Ray Comfort
onthebox.us - Words of Comfort: Seeming Contradictions The Bible has many seeming contradictions within its pages. For example, the four Gospels give four differing accounts as to what was written on the sign th...

Obamacare: State Dems’ Worst Nightmare

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Drew McKissick
nationalreview.com - As the bad news about Obamacare’s federal operations keeps on coming, it’s worth keeping in mind that the law is a mess at the state level as well. The big question will be whether the failures wil...


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World Vision
wvi.org - As violence escalated in South Sudan, more and more children are witnesses or victims of attacks. In the United Nations base in Malakal, where World Vision is providing relief services, children re...
Meio Ambiente

Tribuna especial - 19 anos da REDEVIDA - Tribuna Independente

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redevida.com.br - Nesta noite de sexta, o Tribuna será transmitido ao vivo. Em comemoração aos 19 anos da REDEVIDA de Televisão, a presença de Maria Alcina e grandes estrelas de nosso elenco, como Danny Pink, Padre ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Veja como foi a Festa de Corpus Christi na Diocese de Roma

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Canção Nova Notícias
noticias.cancaonova.com - A Igreja Católica celebrou quinta-feira, 19, a Festa de Corpus Christi. Em Roma, o Papa Francisco presidiu Missa na Praça da Basílica São João de Latrão e disse que o Corpo de Cristo é o pão dos úl...

Bosnian school seeks to strengthen interethnic relations :: EWTN News

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ewtnnews.com - A Catholic school founded in Sarajevo, Bosnia during the country’s recent war has made it their goal to teach children to embrace ethnic differences, without letting them hinder interpersonal relat...

Crivella se preocupação com o crescimento do índice de desemprego no Brasil. - Blog

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Marcelo Crivella
marcelocrivella.com.br - O SR. MARCELO CRIVELLA (Bloco/PL – RJ. Como Líder. Sem revisão do orador.) – Sr. Presidente, Srs. Senadores, subiu o desemprego. A notícia mais triste que podíamos ter antes da Páscoa. Aliás, já pr...

National Catholic RegisterSubscription Form

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N. Catholic Register
sfsdata.com - Click here for more information on the National Catholic Register. For Customer Service questions, please visit your customer account page or call 1-800-421-3230. US subscriptions: please allow 3-4...

O Ministério de Música | Shalom Catholic Community

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Comunidade Shalom
comshalom.org -  A música é um grande ministério capaz de realizar a união entre o sonho e a realidade, a razão e a emoção. É capaz de tocar as áreas mais profundas do coração do homem, enfim, ela é certamente, ob...

What was the First Major Church Dispute? A guest blog by Derwin Gray | The Exchange

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Ed Stetzer
christianitytoday.com - Derwin L. Gray is the founding and lead Pastor of Transformation Church, a multi-ethnic, multi-generational, mission-shaped community with two campuses in South Carolina (Indian Land and Rock Hill)...

RCC RJ realiza I Congresso de Profetas no estado

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rccbrasil.org.br - A RCC do estado do Rio de Janeiro motiva a todos os carismáticos a participarem do I Congresso de Profetas do Rio de Janeiro, nos dias 12, 13 e 14 de setembro. Será um grande encontro de avivamento...
Meio Ambiente

Leo's most important role yet? DiCaprio pledges $7 million to ocean conservation projects : TreeHugger

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Pleasure Ellis
treehugger.com - Thru my foundation today I'm pledging $7 million to ocean conservation projects over the next 2 years. #OurOcean2014 Check out his great speech at the Our Oceans event, which includes his own obser...

Rape victim: Hillary Clinton “took me through hell” by defending my attacker « Hot Air Headlines

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Drew McKissick
hotair.com - This is something many rape victims say. The problem is that it isn’t a reasonable complaint if you’re accusing someone of a felony. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty. Which means she’s not ...

La libertades religiosa y educativa ya no valen en Canadá porque “los tiempos han cambiado”

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hazteoir.org - Los abogados de la Columbia Británica dejan sin efecto la decisión de su Colegio que acreditaba a la Facultad de Derecho de la TWU. Y es que la defensa del matrimonio y de la heterosexualidad de es...

Advierten de “escala masiva” y poca cobertura de persecución contra cristianos

Partilhado por
ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - WASHINGTON D.C., 20 Jun. 14 / 04:16 am (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- La revista estadounidense The Weekly Standard advirtió recientemente sobre la “persecución contemporánea de cristianos”, asegurando que ...
Meio Ambiente

Criacionismo - Gazeta do Povo dá espaço a biólogo criacionista

Partilhado por
Michelson Borges
criacionismo.educacaoadventista.org.br - Deu no blog Tubo de Ensaio, do Marcio Campos (exemplo raro de bom jornalismo): “Uma das coisas que eu percebi no debate sobre o ensino do criacionismo nas escolas confessionais era que praticamente...
Arte & Entretenimento

Parabéns REDEVIDA! - Escolhas da Vida

Partilhado por
redevida.com.br - O Escolhas da Vida desta sexta-feira, 20, está especial. A REDEVIDA completa 19 anos de muito amor às famílias do Brasil. Por isso, Dalcides Biscalquin vai fazer todo o programa em agradecimento e ...

What We're Reading This Summer

Partilhado por
Sovereign Grace
sovereigngraceministries.org - Tomorrow is the first day of Summer. This time of year is a great opportunity to get outside, enjoy God’s creation, and work through your piles of books. As one who enjoys recommendations from othe...

Jerusalém: cristãos celebram Corpus Christi no Santo Sepulcro

Partilhado por
Canção Nova Notícias
noticias.cancaonova.com - A Festa de Corpus Christi, em Jerusalém, foi celebrada na Basílica do Santo Sepulcro, lugar da Ressurreição de Jesus. Após a Missa, houve procissão com o Santíssimo Sacramento ao redor do Sepulcro ...

March for Life President: ‘All Issues Are Women’s Issues’ | Daily News

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N. Catholic Register
ncregister.com - WASHINGTON — Limiting “women’s issues” to a woman’s potential to be a mother — as well as trying to deny that potential — does not empower women, a panel told members of Congress and their staff on...

Crivella associa a chacina ocorrida no Rio às desigualdades socioeconômicas do país. - Blog

Partilhado por
Marcelo Crivella
marcelocrivella.com.br - O SR. MARCELO CRIVELLA (Bloco/PL – RJ. Como Líder. Sem revisão do orador.) – Sr. Presidente, Srªs e Srs. Senadores, caríssimos telespectadores da TV Senado e ouvintes da Rádio Senado, ocupo a tribu...
Arte & Entretenimento

Spanish Actress and Model Olalla Oliveros Quits Entertainment Industry to Become a Nun, 'He Asked if I will Follow Him, and I Could Not Refuse' : BC News : breathecast

Partilhado por
The Christian Post
breathecast.com - Spanish actress and model, Olalla Oliveros, is giving up her success in the entertainment business and moving into ministry as she has announced her plan to become a nun. An "earthquake" was caused...

St. John Paul II Relic to Tour East Coast | Daily News

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ncregister.com - BOSTON — A relic of St. John Paul II will begin a tour of the U.S. in Boston on Saturday, giving the Catholic faithful in several major cities the chance to venerate one of the Church’s newest sain...
Arte & Entretenimento

Corpus Christi: Jesus é o único alimento que sacia nossa alma

Partilhado por
rccbrasil.org.br - Na tarde desta quinta-feira (19), Papa Francisco presidiu a celebração da Solenidade do Santíssimo Corpo e Sangue de Cristo, na Basílica Papal de São João Latrão, em Roma. Confira, na íntegra, a ho...
Arte & Entretenimento

Papa: "Dinheiro, vaidade e poder acorrentam nossos corações"

Partilhado por
Comunidade Shalom
comshalom.org - “Jesus nos pede para manter o coração livre de dinheiro, vaidade e poder”. Foi o que disse o Papa Francisco na missa celebrada na manhã desta sexta-feira 20, na capela de sua residência, na Casa Sa...

Archbishop Cordileone calls for a 'civilization of truth and love' :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

Partilhado por
Catholic News Agency
catholicnewsagency.com - Washington D.C., Jun 20, 2014 / 10:55 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Kicking off the “March for Marriage” on June 19, Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordileone of San Francisco invoked the witness of the early Chri...
Meio Ambiente

Homelessness can't be solved with spikes and signs

Partilhado por
US Catholic magazine
uscatholic.org - In my daily commute to Chicago’s Loop, the sights and sounds become routine. Leaving my apartment at nearly the same time every day, I see the same people on the train platform with me to catch the...

Fundação de Bill Gates se recusa a financiar o aborto

Partilhado por
Bíblia Católica
bit.ly - “Garantir a gravidez segura e saudável é um enfoque que funciona e salva vidas. (…) O tema do aborto deve ser tratado separadamente”: foi assim que Melinda Gates, esposa do milionário fundador da M...

Pope on Corpus Christi: Jesus in the Eucharist gives life, love - Catholic Courier

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Catholic Courier
catholiccourier.com - ROME (CNS) -- Jesus is the living bread that can satisfy a person's deepest yearnings, Pope Francis said on the feast of the Body and Blood of Christ. "Besides physical hunger, people have another ...

The future of executive order banning LGBT discrimination by federal contractors

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ncronline.org - As the U.S. bishops begin their Fortnight for Freedom, the White House is drafting an executive order to ban discrimination against gays by federal contractors, which will give the bishops heartbur...

Fue niño pobre, emigrante y budista: fundó una orden católica que hoy atiende pobres en 8 países - ReL

Partilhado por
Religión en Libertad
religionenlibertad.com - A sus 74 años, el padre Richard Ho Lung, jamaicano de origen chino, mantiene una salud y actividad envidiable, pero por su edad acaba de renunciar a la dirección de la congregación que él fundó en ...

Friday Is for Freebies: Autopsy of a Deceased Church - ThomRainer.com

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Thom Rainer
thomrainer.com - This month, my giveaways are featuring my new book, Autopsy of a Deceased Church. For more than twenty-five years, I’ve helped churches grow, reverse the trends of decline, and autopsied those that...
Meio Ambiente

Sancta Missa - Solene Vigília Pascal do ano B - Agência Motus Liturgicus

Partilhado por
Movimento Litúrgico
movimentoliturgico.org - Caríssimos irmãos e irmãs, o folheto “Sancta Missa” mudou e para melhor. Como os missais para fiéis da Forma Ordinária do Rito Romano, ele tornou-se fixo. Assim, teremos uma sequência de santas mis...

ONU: número de refugiados é o maior desde a Segunda Guerra Mundial - BBC Brasil - Notícias

Partilhado por
Pe. Joãozinho, SCJ
bbc.co.uk - O número de pessoas forçadas a deixar suas casas devido a guerras ou perseguição superou a marca de 50 milhões em 2013 pela primeira vez desde a Segunda Guerra Mundial, informou a agência de refugi...

The Altar and the Door - Casting Crowns (vídeo)

Partilhado por
Gospel Prime
videos.gospelprime.com.br - Ouvir a canção “The Altar and the Door” do  álbum “The Altar and the Door” da banda Casting Crowns

[VIDEO] ¿A qué edad debería jubilarse un sacerdote? Uno de 84 años contesta

Partilhado por
ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - LOS ÁNGELES, 20 Jun. 14 / 10:07 am (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- A pesar de tener 84 años, y de estar “jubilado” desde hace 14, el P. Jerry Smith ha mantenido su fuerte actividad apostólica en el Arzobispa...

USCCB Chairmen Concerned about Reported Executive Order

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usccb.org - WASHINGTON—The Chairman for the Subcommittee for the Promotion and Defense of Marriage, Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone of San Francisco, the Chairman of the Committee on Domestic Justice and Human...
Meio Ambiente

Michelle Malkin | » Obama declares large areas of Pacific off limits so divers can retrieve his sunken approval rating

Partilhado por
Drew McKissick
michellemalkin.com - With things going to hell on land, the Obama administration has been forced to shift the focus to water. Nearly four years ago, Michelle wrote about the oncoming “stealth Obama ocean grab.” These d...

Cristianismo deve inspirar políticos a trabalharem pela melhoria de vida das pessoas, diz primeiro-ministro britânico

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Holofote Net Cristão
holofote.net - Um discurso inusitado do primeiro-ministro britânico convocou os cristãos a usarem os princípios do Evangelho como forma de inspiração da classe política em seu país, de forma que a mensagem bíblic...

A Igreja Perseguida e o Dia Mundial do Refugiado

Partilhado por
Portas Abertas
portasabertas.org.br - Em 2003, havia um milhão de cristãos no Iraque, hoje existem menos de 345 mil. Recentemente, outras centenas de famílias cristãs foram obrigadas a fugir devido à violência. A crescente influência d...

São Gonçalo tem maior tapete de sal da América Latina

Partilhado por
Canção Nova Notícias
noticias.cancaonova.com - No Rio de Janeiro, a cada ano, a cidade de São Gonçalo se destaca na Festa de Corpus Christi. No município é confeccionado o maior tapete de sal da América Latina.

"I Didn't Expect Him to Be So Big:" Ultrasound Saves Unborn Baby From Abortion

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lifenews.com - by Online for Life | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 6/20/14 11:49 AM When “Bethany’s” pregnancy test came back positive, her first thought was to terminate the pregnancy. Just 22 years old and in ...

Their “Rescuing Hug” Stunned the World, Now the Twins Are All Grown Up

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lifenews.com - by Steven Ertelt | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 6/20/14 1:32 PM When preemie twins Brielle and Kyrie Jackson were born, doctors weren’t sure they’d make it, until a smart nurse placed the girls ...

Crivella parabeniza o Exército brasileiro pela adesão ao mutirão pela qualidade de atendimento médico no Rio. - Blog

Partilhado por
Marcelo Crivella
marcelocrivella.com.br - O SR. MARCELO CRIVELLA (Bloco/PL – RJ. Como Líder. Pronuncia o seguinte discurso. Sem revisão do orador.) – Srª Presidente, Srªs e Srs. Senadores, meu Senador do Rio de Janeiro, Saturnino Braga, ve...

Marriage Breakdown Threatens Society, Religious Leaders Stress | Daily News

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N. Catholic Register
ncregister.com - WASHINGTON — The redefinition of marriage and movement from its focus on children affects not only families but also entire communities and all of society, religious leaders warn. “People see marri...
Arte & Entretenimento

Catholic.net - El Respeto a la Intimidad de la Persona según Pio XII

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es.catholic.net - El Respeto a la Intimidad de la Persona según Pio XII Introducción 1. Llegados del mundo entero para participar en número impresionante en el XIII Congreso de la Asociación Internacional de Psicolo...

CDs > Músicos Canção Nova > CD Faça-se : Loja Virtual

Partilhado por
Marcio Todeschini
loja.cancaonova.com - Uma sonoridade brasileira, uma voz doce e cheia de personalidade. Letras que expressam confiança total em Deus e com uma essência Mariana. Esse é o clima de Faça-se, novo CD da cantora Juliana de P...

Novo bispo-auxiliar da Arquidiocese de Salvador preside missa no Shalom

Partilhado por
Comunidade Shalom
comshalom.org - Neste domingo, (15) a missão do Shalom em Salvador recebeu em seu Centro de Evangelização o novo bispo auxiliar da Arquidiocese de Salvador, dom Estevam Santos. O religioso nasceu em Vitória da Con...


Partilhado por
Wellington Jardim
blog.cancaonova.com - Foi com sentimento de tristeza que recebi a notícia sobre a renúncia do nosso amado Papa Bento XVI, para mim uma referência de Fé e de trabalhador incansável. Senti que o meu coração precisava sile...

Professor fatura US$ 4 mi na web e vira celebridade na Coreia do Sul

Partilhado por
Sérgio Pavarini
livrosepessoas.com - Kim Ki-hoon subiu a um estrelato que existe em poucos outros lugares fora da Coreia do Sul. Como professor de inglês mais bem pago do país, se tornou uma celebridade. No ano passado, faturou cerca ...
Arte & Entretenimento

The Comfort Zone: Words of Comfort: Seeming Contradictions

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Ray Comfort
onthebox.us - Words of Comfort: Seeming Contradictions The Bible has many seeming contradictions within its pages. For example, the four Gospels give four differing accounts as to what was written on the sign th...

Obamacare: State Dems’ Worst Nightmare

Partilhado por
Drew McKissick
nationalreview.com - As the bad news about Obamacare’s federal operations keeps on coming, it’s worth keeping in mind that the law is a mess at the state level as well. The big question will be whether the failures wil...


Partilhado por
World Vision
wvi.org - As violence escalated in South Sudan, more and more children are witnesses or victims of attacks. In the United Nations base in Malakal, where World Vision is providing relief services, children re...
Meio Ambiente

Tribuna especial - 19 anos da REDEVIDA - Tribuna Independente

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redevida.com.br - Nesta noite de sexta, o Tribuna será transmitido ao vivo. Em comemoração aos 19 anos da REDEVIDA de Televisão, a presença de Maria Alcina e grandes estrelas de nosso elenco, como Danny Pink, Padre ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Veja como foi a Festa de Corpus Christi na Diocese de Roma

Partilhado por
Canção Nova Notícias
noticias.cancaonova.com - A Igreja Católica celebrou quinta-feira, 19, a Festa de Corpus Christi. Em Roma, o Papa Francisco presidiu Missa na Praça da Basílica São João de Latrão e disse que o Corpo de Cristo é o pão dos úl...

Bosnian school seeks to strengthen interethnic relations :: EWTN News

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ewtnnews.com - A Catholic school founded in Sarajevo, Bosnia during the country’s recent war has made it their goal to teach children to embrace ethnic differences, without letting them hinder interpersonal relat...

Crivella se preocupação com o crescimento do índice de desemprego no Brasil. - Blog

Partilhado por
Marcelo Crivella
marcelocrivella.com.br - O SR. MARCELO CRIVELLA (Bloco/PL – RJ. Como Líder. Sem revisão do orador.) – Sr. Presidente, Srs. Senadores, subiu o desemprego. A notícia mais triste que podíamos ter antes da Páscoa. Aliás, já pr...

National Catholic RegisterSubscription Form

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N. Catholic Register
sfsdata.com - Click here for more information on the National Catholic Register. For Customer Service questions, please visit your customer account page or call 1-800-421-3230. US subscriptions: please allow 3-4...

O Ministério de Música | Shalom Catholic Community

Partilhado por
Comunidade Shalom
comshalom.org -  A música é um grande ministério capaz de realizar a união entre o sonho e a realidade, a razão e a emoção. É capaz de tocar as áreas mais profundas do coração do homem, enfim, ela é certamente, ob...

What was the First Major Church Dispute? A guest blog by Derwin Gray | The Exchange

Partilhado por
Ed Stetzer
christianitytoday.com - Derwin L. Gray is the founding and lead Pastor of Transformation Church, a multi-ethnic, multi-generational, mission-shaped community with two campuses in South Carolina (Indian Land and Rock Hill)...

RCC RJ realiza I Congresso de Profetas no estado

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rccbrasil.org.br - A RCC do estado do Rio de Janeiro motiva a todos os carismáticos a participarem do I Congresso de Profetas do Rio de Janeiro, nos dias 12, 13 e 14 de setembro. Será um grande encontro de avivamento...
Meio Ambiente

Leo's most important role yet? DiCaprio pledges $7 million to ocean conservation projects : TreeHugger

Partilhado por
Pleasure Ellis
treehugger.com - Thru my foundation today I'm pledging $7 million to ocean conservation projects over the next 2 years. #OurOcean2014 Check out his great speech at the Our Oceans event, which includes his own obser...

Rape victim: Hillary Clinton “took me through hell” by defending my attacker « Hot Air Headlines

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Drew McKissick
hotair.com - This is something many rape victims say. The problem is that it isn’t a reasonable complaint if you’re accusing someone of a felony. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty. Which means she’s not ...

La libertades religiosa y educativa ya no valen en Canadá porque “los tiempos han cambiado”

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hazteoir.org - Los abogados de la Columbia Británica dejan sin efecto la decisión de su Colegio que acreditaba a la Facultad de Derecho de la TWU. Y es que la defensa del matrimonio y de la heterosexualidad de es...

Advierten de “escala masiva” y poca cobertura de persecución contra cristianos

Partilhado por
ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - WASHINGTON D.C., 20 Jun. 14 / 04:16 am (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- La revista estadounidense The Weekly Standard advirtió recientemente sobre la “persecución contemporánea de cristianos”, asegurando que ...
Meio Ambiente

Criacionismo - Gazeta do Povo dá espaço a biólogo criacionista

Partilhado por
Michelson Borges
criacionismo.educacaoadventista.org.br - Deu no blog Tubo de Ensaio, do Marcio Campos (exemplo raro de bom jornalismo): “Uma das coisas que eu percebi no debate sobre o ensino do criacionismo nas escolas confessionais era que praticamente...
Arte & Entretenimento

Parabéns REDEVIDA! - Escolhas da Vida

Partilhado por
redevida.com.br - O Escolhas da Vida desta sexta-feira, 20, está especial. A REDEVIDA completa 19 anos de muito amor às famílias do Brasil. Por isso, Dalcides Biscalquin vai fazer todo o programa em agradecimento e ...

What We're Reading This Summer

Partilhado por
Sovereign Grace
sovereigngraceministries.org - Tomorrow is the first day of Summer. This time of year is a great opportunity to get outside, enjoy God’s creation, and work through your piles of books. As one who enjoys recommendations from othe...

Jerusalém: cristãos celebram Corpus Christi no Santo Sepulcro

Partilhado por
Canção Nova Notícias
noticias.cancaonova.com - A Festa de Corpus Christi, em Jerusalém, foi celebrada na Basílica do Santo Sepulcro, lugar da Ressurreição de Jesus. Após a Missa, houve procissão com o Santíssimo Sacramento ao redor do Sepulcro ...

March for Life President: ‘All Issues Are Women’s Issues’ | Daily News

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N. Catholic Register
ncregister.com - WASHINGTON — Limiting “women’s issues” to a woman’s potential to be a mother — as well as trying to deny that potential — does not empower women, a panel told members of Congress and their staff on...

Crivella associa a chacina ocorrida no Rio às desigualdades socioeconômicas do país. - Blog

Partilhado por
Marcelo Crivella
marcelocrivella.com.br - O SR. MARCELO CRIVELLA (Bloco/PL – RJ. Como Líder. Sem revisão do orador.) – Sr. Presidente, Srªs e Srs. Senadores, caríssimos telespectadores da TV Senado e ouvintes da Rádio Senado, ocupo a tribu...
Arte & Entretenimento

Spanish Actress and Model Olalla Oliveros Quits Entertainment Industry to Become a Nun, 'He Asked if I will Follow Him, and I Could Not Refuse' : BC News : breathecast

Partilhado por
The Christian Post
breathecast.com - Spanish actress and model, Olalla Oliveros, is giving up her success in the entertainment business and moving into ministry as she has announced her plan to become a nun. An "earthquake" was caused...

St. John Paul II Relic to Tour East Coast | Daily News

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ncregister.com - BOSTON — A relic of St. John Paul II will begin a tour of the U.S. in Boston on Saturday, giving the Catholic faithful in several major cities the chance to venerate one of the Church’s newest sain...
Arte & Entretenimento

Corpus Christi: Jesus é o único alimento que sacia nossa alma

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rccbrasil.org.br - Na tarde desta quinta-feira (19), Papa Francisco presidiu a celebração da Solenidade do Santíssimo Corpo e Sangue de Cristo, na Basílica Papal de São João Latrão, em Roma. Confira, na íntegra, a ho...
Arte & Entretenimento

Papa: "Dinheiro, vaidade e poder acorrentam nossos corações"

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Comunidade Shalom
comshalom.org - “Jesus nos pede para manter o coração livre de dinheiro, vaidade e poder”. Foi o que disse o Papa Francisco na missa celebrada na manhã desta sexta-feira 20, na capela de sua residência, na Casa Sa...

Archbishop Cordileone calls for a 'civilization of truth and love' :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

Partilhado por
Catholic News Agency
catholicnewsagency.com - Washington D.C., Jun 20, 2014 / 10:55 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Kicking off the “March for Marriage” on June 19, Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordileone of San Francisco invoked the witness of the early Chri...
Meio Ambiente

Homelessness can't be solved with spikes and signs

Partilhado por
US Catholic magazine
uscatholic.org - In my daily commute to Chicago’s Loop, the sights and sounds become routine. Leaving my apartment at nearly the same time every day, I see the same people on the train platform with me to catch the...

Fundação de Bill Gates se recusa a financiar o aborto

Partilhado por
Bíblia Católica
bit.ly - “Garantir a gravidez segura e saudável é um enfoque que funciona e salva vidas. (…) O tema do aborto deve ser tratado separadamente”: foi assim que Melinda Gates, esposa do milionário fundador da M...

Pope on Corpus Christi: Jesus in the Eucharist gives life, love - Catholic Courier

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Catholic Courier
catholiccourier.com - ROME (CNS) -- Jesus is the living bread that can satisfy a person's deepest yearnings, Pope Francis said on the feast of the Body and Blood of Christ. "Besides physical hunger, people have another ...

The future of executive order banning LGBT discrimination by federal contractors

Partilhado por
ncronline.org - As the U.S. bishops begin their Fortnight for Freedom, the White House is drafting an executive order to ban discrimination against gays by federal contractors, which will give the bishops heartbur...

Fue niño pobre, emigrante y budista: fundó una orden católica que hoy atiende pobres en 8 países - ReL

Partilhado por
Religión en Libertad
religionenlibertad.com - A sus 74 años, el padre Richard Ho Lung, jamaicano de origen chino, mantiene una salud y actividad envidiable, pero por su edad acaba de renunciar a la dirección de la congregación que él fundó en ...

Wisconsin Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz Closes Fifth Clinic After Losing Tax Funding

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lifenews.com - by Steven Ertelt | Madison, WI | LifeNews.com | 6/19/14 3:21 PM The Planned Parenthood abortion business in Wisconsin has had to close another clinic — the fifth since the state decided to yank its...

What's at Stake in Mississippi's U.S. Senate Race

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Heritage Foundation
dailysignal.com - Steve Wilson is a reporter for Watchdog.org, a national network of investigative reporters covering waste, fraud and abuse in government. Watchdog.org is a project of the nonprofit Franklin Center ...

A fresh look at a valuable gift - By Tony Magliano

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Catholic News Agency
catholicnewsagency.com - Catholic social teaching is unfortunately the church’s best kept secret. But because it directly addresses the world’s most pressing social justice and peace issues, Catholic social teaching instea...

JovemX - Tudo para Cristo, tudo por Ele!

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jovemx.com - Após lançar recentemente o clipe da canção "Há esperança", a dupla André e Felipe disponibilizou para o público o clipe da música "Chorar pra quê?". As duas canções fazem parte do CD "Paz & Amor", ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Vídeo Vanilda Bordieri – Enche-nos

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videos.gospelmais.com.br - Ministração de Vanilda Bordieri com a música ” Enche-nos “. Receba nossos melhores vídeos gospel em seu email grátis! Mais de 29 mil recebem!

Turning a dismal former Planned Parenthood clinic “into a place of light and laughter”

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Right to Life
nationalrighttolifenews.org - Never in my experience have I ever encountered a better example of what Natalie Gross of the Lubbock Avalanche Journal calls “repurposing.” In place of two Lubbock, Texas-area Planned Parenthood cl...

Como ir para o inferno? - Parte 1 - padrepauloricardo.org

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Padre Paulo Ricardo
padrepauloricardo.org - Atenção: Os comentários devem ser respeitosos e relacionados estritamente ao assunto do post. Toda polêmica será prontamente banida. Todos os comentários são de inteira responsabilidade de seus aut...

El Papa Francisco se reúne con el Gran Maestre la Orden de Malta

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romereports.com - 20 de junio, 2014. La Comisión Teológica Internacional ha publicado un nuevo documento para explicar el papel del sensus fidei en la Iglesia. Este término se utiliza para describir cómo un pueblo p...

Free Stuff Fridays

Partilhado por
The Reformed Hub
challies.com - This week’s Free Stuff Fridays is sponsored by our friends at CBD Reformed. As they always do, they are offering 5 great prizes, each of which will contain 3 books. This week’s winners will all rec...

La Luz que hay en ti

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Un Curso De Milagros
spreaker.com - Clases en directo desde el Miracles Healing Center. Lunes 8:00am Ramon 2:00pm Mafer 4:00pm Astrid Martes 2:00pm Mafer Miercoles 8:00am Maria Torres 1:00pm Angela 2:00pm Mafer Jueves 8:00am Ricard 1...

Fernanda Ferro lança EP "Amor Revelado"

Partilhado por
O Verbo
musica.gospelprime.com.br - As 5 faixas estão disponíveis no iTunes, Rdio e ONEprm A cantora Fernanda Ferro está lançando o EP “Amor Revelado’, seu primeiro trabalho solo. Moradora da cidade de Tubarão, Santa Catarina, Fernan...
Arte & Entretenimento

Concurso Cultural Literário (73)

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Mundo Cristão
livrosepessoas.com - A busca por Deus pode se revelar uma jornada frustrante quando nos sujeitamos a padrões inalcançáveis de santidade. Erroneamente, costumamos mirar os diversos personagens bíblicos como modelos de p...

Ogier Buchi | Com Opinião!

Partilhado por
Paulo EduardoMartins

Palestinians Celebrate ISIS Death March Through Iraq

Partilhado por
Angelica Saldaña
thegatewaypundit.com - While much of the world has watched in horror as ISIS terrorists launched their new Caliphate and posted their Jihad porn on YouTube and Twitter – In Gaza they’re dancing in the streets and handing...

Colorado guv hurls F-bomb at sheriffs

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WND News
wnd.com - (USA TODAY) Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper offered an awkward apology and some colorful language to some of his fiercest rivals on the issue of gun control: Colorado’s sheriffs. The governor’s mea...

WORLD | Ted Cruz: Living by faith is ‘the American tradition’ | Ryan Hill

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WORLD News Group
worldmag.com - During World War II, a German U-Boat pummeled the USS Dorchester with torpedoes as it rounded the tip of Greenland. With horror, men onboard the American ship realized they outnumbered the life jac...

Call for more action to combat modern slavery

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C of E Newspaper
churchnewspaper.com - The Bishop of Derby has welcomed the Government’s Modern Slavery Bill, but called for it to go further. Bishop Alastair Redfern, who served on the Joint Select Committee examining the bill, said th...

Foot-Washing | Peter J. Leithart

Partilhado por
First Things
firstthings.com - Adriaan Vlok was minister of law and order in South Africa during the apartheid years. As the New Republic reports, he is making amends in a dramatic way. He recently visited one of his victims, Fr...
Arte & Entretenimento

Live 14 (Primeiro dia)

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Gospel no Divã
marcus-melo.com - Banda Live Conferência Live 14 (Missão Praia da Costa – Vila Velha/ES) Fotos: Marcus Melo e Luana Breder

Da beleza exterior para a beleza interior

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ultimato.com.br - Não procure ficar bonita usando enfeites, penteados exagerados, joias ou vestidos caros. (1Pe 3.3) Uma crente que mal tem o que comer e o que vestir não frequenta salões de beleza, não usa joias ne...

irmaos.com - Notícias

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irmaos.com - A Campanha “Bola na Rede”, da RENAS (Rede Evangélica Nacional de Ação Social), quer chamar a atenção para o alto risco de exploração sexual de crianças e adolescentes devido o aumento de turistas n...

Corpus Christi Procession Winds through the Streets of Rome – Xt3 Library

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WYD English
xt3.com - Home  |  Contact Us  |  Terms & Conditions  |  Accessibility Policy  |  Privacy Policy  |  Further Information Copyright © 2014 The Trustees of the Roman Catholic Church for the Archdiocese of Sydney

'Constrangida' com invasão, Fifa quer segurança reforçada - Esporte - Notícia - VEJA.com

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veja.abril.com.br - A Fifa classifica de “constrangedor” o episódio da invasão do Maracanã por torcedores chilenos sem ingresso, na tarde de quarta-feira, pouco antes da partida entre Chile e Espanha. Eles invadiram o...

C-SPAN Radio Live Stream

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Susan B Anthony List
c-span.org - Live TV Radio Update Required To play the media you will need to either update your browser to a recent version or update your Flash plugin.
Arte & Entretenimento

'Maleficent' and Disney's Glorification of Evil: Critics Believe Film 'Wants to Mess Us Up'; Favors the 'Demon' (VIDEO) : Movies : breathecast

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The Christian Post
breathecast.com - Disney is getting heat from some media outlets and evangelical Christians about their glorification of evil, in their latest movie "Maleficent". Many sites that study occult messages have pegged Ma...

Fifa teme manipulação de resultado em Camarões e Brasil - Esportes - Estadão

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Blog Olho na Mira
esportes.estadao.com.br - Jamil Chade e Marcio Dolzan - O Estado de S. Paulo O jogo entre Brasil e Camarões é considerado como de "alto risco" pela Fifa por conta da manipulação de resultados. O time africano já está descla...

How to Tell If Your Small Church Is Strategic Or Stuck

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Lawrence W. Wilson
newsmallchurch.com - What if Small Churches aren’t a problem to be fixed, but are part of a strategy God wants to use? How many of us have even considered that possibility? And if it is possible, shouldn’t we know that...

Mother of Benghazi Victim: 'Tell Me the Truth'

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Heritage Foundation
dailysignal.com - Natalie Johnson is a member of the Young Leaders Program at The Heritage Foundation.
Arte & Entretenimento

Is Fast Times at Ridgemont High a pro-abortion movie? « Hot Air

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Live Action News
hotair.com - One of the pet topics on MSNBC’s The Cycle recently has been the film Obvious Child. The new movie centers on the story of one woman who accidentally conceives after a one-night stand and decides t...

Chuck Todd: Public Is Telling Obama ‘Your Presidency Is Over’ In New NBC Poll

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Right to Life
nationalrighttolifenews.org - Appearing on Wednesday’s NBC Today, chief White House correspondent and political director Chuck Todd reported on the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll showing President Obama’s poll numbers...

Retrocesso – coluna na Veja impressa

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Direita Brasil
veja.abril.com.br - Segue um trecho de minha coluna na Veja impressa desta semana. Para ler na íntegra, basta se tornar assinante aqui.
Arte & Entretenimento

Um Ganho que é Uma Grande Perda - Estudos Bíblicos

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estudos.gospelmais.com.br - Se alguém indagasse a um pastor fiel ao seu ofício de anunciar a Cristo, se não seria melhor apresentar uma doutrina mais ajustada ao gosto das pessoas, de maneira a ter congregações mais concorrid...

St John Paul II relic to tour East Coast, starting in Boston :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

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Catholic News Agency
catholicnewsagency.com - Boston, Mass., Jun 20, 2014 / 12:03 am (CNA/EWTN News).- A relic of St. John Paul II will begin a tour of the U.S. in Boston on Saturday, giving the Catholic faithful in several major cities the ch...
Arte & Entretenimento

New & Notable Books (June)

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The Reformed Hub
challies.com - I am in the unique and enjoyable position of receiving copies of most of the latest and greatest Christian books. Over the past couple of weeks I’ve received boxes of them and, in sorting through t...

Global Call to Protect Life in Spain

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citizengo.org - Stand with the citizens of Spain in their fight to defend the sanctity of life! Sign our global petition to send a clear message to the Prime Minister of Spain, Mariano Rajoy, that life is precious...

“Cuando se disfraza de testigos a los imputados para interrogarlos”

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Diego E. Arria
lapatilla.com - La nueva modalidad del régimen en complicidad con el Ministerio Publico, al mejor estilo de un grupo de delincuencia organizada, es disfrazar a los imputados de testigos con la única intención de s...

ISIS releases recruitment video featuring three young British extremists

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Angelica Saldaña
dailymail.co.uk - A chilling recruitment video featuring young British jihadists encouraging Muslims in the West to join them in Iraq and Syria has purportedly been released by ISIS. The 13-minute video is professio...
Meio Ambiente

Missing man sought after Colorado house explosion

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cnsnews.com - DENVER (AP) — Investigators are searching for a man in the rubble of a suburban Denver house that was leveled by an unexplained explosion. Officials said crews were concentrating Friday on an area ...

WORLD | U.S. lawmakers try to reignite outrage over kidnapped schoolgirls | Ryan Hill

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WORLD News Group
worldmag.com - WASHINGTON—Last weekend, several members of Congress met a Nigerian woman who was forced to watch as terrorists decapitated her husband. The murderers then slit her throat and arms, but not fatally...

What You Don't Know About Refugees

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relevantmagazine.com - He spoke softly in English with a slight accent. He told me his name was Sammy and when I asked if he was Syrian, he offered a wry smile. “I was Syrian, but now I’m just a refugee.” We were sitting...
Arte & Entretenimento

Edmund Burke and Ourselves | Maureen Mullarkey

Partilhado por
First Things
firstthings.com - Burke, the Great Orator. Illustration from Pictures of English History (published 1850). Edmund Burke was the greatest Parliamentary speaker during the reign of George III. He was a passionate defe...

Closed: Planned Parenthood Facility to Shut its Doors Following ‘The Pill Kills’ Vigil

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American Life League
all.org - Washington, DC----“As the American public becomes more aware of Planned Parenthood’s real operations, the organization has no choice but to close down its facilities,” said Judie Brown, president o...

Generation Wall: Young, free and Polish - Index on Censorship

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Index on Censorship
indexoncensorship.org - Our latest issue of Index on Censorship magazine includes a look at “Generation Wall” – the young people who grew up in a free eastern Europe.  Tymoteusz Chajdas, 23, from Poland, is one of our con...
Arte & Entretenimento

Clube da Evangelização

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clube.cancaonova.com - Vamos torcer juntos pelo Brasil e evangelizar com a Canção Nova. Afinal, um grande evento acontece em nosso país e ele nos inspira a unir, reunir e resgatar ainda mais pessoas para Jesus, pois quem...
Arte & Entretenimento

Vital Signs: On Fortune Tellers

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vitalsignsblog.blogspot.com - On Fortune Tellers I once had an interesting discussion after being asked by a non-Christian friend about fortune telling. I told him that I could get a higher percentage of predictions picking wee...

ISIS, Inc. – Jihadists Attract Investors, Fighters With Annual Reports & Glossy PR 

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truthisscary.com - The notorious ISIS, which has been slicing through Iraq moving closer to Baghdad, behaves like a big corporation, issuing press releases to create an image of a well-structured, disciplined and eff...

UN Family Rights Caucus, una coalición para la protección y promoción de la familia natural en la ONU

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profesionalesetica.org - Esta semana Profesionales por la Ética ha formalizado su adhesión a UN Family Rights Caucus, una iniciativa internacional cuya misión es proteger y promocionar la familia como “elemento natural y f...
Meio Ambiente

Concurso Cultural Literário (70)

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livrosepessoas.com - Perseguida ao longo do Mar Real e aterrorizada pela memória dos que se foram, Alina Starkov tenta levar uma vida normal com Maly em uma terra desconhecida, enquanto mantém em segredo sua identidade...

Homilia do papa na Casa Santa Marta: um euro a mais pode nos dar a felicidade?

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Zenit Portugues
zenit.org - Jesus nos pede um coração livre de dinheiro, vaidade e poder, recordou o papa Francisco na homilia desta manhã na Casa Santa Marta. O Santo Padre indicou que as verdadeiras riquezas são as que torn...

Fortnight for Freedom yard signs available

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Catholic Telegraph
thecatholictelegraph.com - A limited number of Fortnight for Freedom yard signs are available from The Catholic Telegraph at 100 East 8th Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202. Signs cost $5 and a minimum order of 10 is required. O...

ISTOÉ Independente - Copa 2014

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istoe.com.br - Nos seus 110 anos de existência, jamais a Fifa e seus principais dirigentes iniciaram uma Copa do Mundo tão pressionados quanto a desta edição no Brasil. Tanto a entidade quanto seu principal repre...
Arte & Entretenimento

Where's the Casey Anthony Outrage When it Comes to Abortion?

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lifenews.com - by Mike Strain | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 6/20/11 4:43 PM The Casey Anthony trial has managed to keep the attention of millions of people, and rightfully so. I am a little bit late to hear a...

Planned Parenthood Tells Lawmakers to Kill Pro-Life Measures

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Live Action News
liveactionnews.org - California Planned Parenthood affiliates launched an alert to members of the state legislature, urging lawmakers to kill all pro-life measures, including amendments that would ban sex-selective abo...

Eucharist is the 'bread of love', Pope says on Corpus Christi :: EWTN News

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ewtnnews.com - During Mass for the feast of Corpus Christi, Pope Francis exhorted the faithful to avoid the “false bread” of the world, and to remember that God’s food truly satisfies. “To live the experience of ...

Three months later “stillborn baby” thriving

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Right to Life
nationalrighttolifenews.org - Good news—indeed, great news—is always welcomed, even if we learn about it after the fact. Back on March 8, Robin Cyr was about to deliver her full-term baby. But the baby got wedged in the birth c...

PMDB lança Renan para o governo e apoia Collor ao Senado : Diário do Poder

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Alexandre Gonçalves
diariodopoder.com.br - O deputado  Renan Filho foi confirmado candidato ao governo de Alagoas, durante convenção do partido, nesta quinta (19), em Maceió. A candidatura foi lançada em evento com a presença dos senadores ...

Marriage stabilizing for society, activists proclaim :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

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catholicnewsagency.com - Washington D.C., Jun 19, 2014 / 02:48 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- Political leaders told crowds at the March for Marriage to not be afraid to speak the truth about marriage and the unique and essential ro...

Video del día - Una Historia de Compensación

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Un Curso De Milagros
themasterteacher.tv - Una Historia de Compensación Referencias Lecturas Compartir Descargar Pedir DVD Título: Una Historia de Compensación Serie: Serie “Activación de la Sanación de Células Madre” Duración: 60:46 min Nú...

Van Gogh Museum - Friday Night at the Van Gogh Museum

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Judy Rey Wasserman
vangoghmuseum.nl - In collaboration with Desso, the Van Gogh Museum organizes a design competition, inviting designers to express their ideas about Vincent van Gogh and the Van Gogh Museum by designing a unique carpe...

Associação Vitória em Cristo

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Samuel Malafaia
vitoriaemcristo.org - AVEC PATROCINA PROJETO QUE PROMOVE A JUSTIÇA SOCIAL A Associação Vitória em Cristo contribui financeiramente para a manutenção dos projetos que a ONG Comunidade S8 realiza. Fundada em 1976, em São ...

Zé Roberto diz que sonha com união do corpo de Cristo no Brasil

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noticias.gospelmais.com.br - O jogador Zé Roberto externou o desejo de ver a igreja unida no Brasil para que o país seja reconhecido como uma nação justa. Volante consagrado no futebol e com passagens vitoriosas por alguns dos...

Refugees in Ukraine: the real problem and the real solution - Mission Network News

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Mission Network News
mnnonline.org - Ukraine (MNN) — The refugee crisis in western Ukraine is overlooked by the world partly because of the more violent statistics of Iraq, Syria, and Nigeria. According to Wally Kulakoff of Russian Mi...

Do You Flow in 1 of These 7 Motivational Gifts of the Spirit?

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charismamag.com - "Having gifts (faculties, talents, qualities) that differ according to the grace given us, let us use them: [He whose gift is] prophecy, [let him prophesy] according to the proportion of his faith;...
Arte & Entretenimento

BH Interview: Adam Baldwin's 'The Last Ship' Salutes America as a 'Force for Good'

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Big Hollywood
breitbart.com - What sealed the deal for the Firefly and Chuck alum was spending time with members of the U.S. Navy. “Any chance I get to work in military-based activities ... I jump at,” Baldwin says. The Last Sh...

Boehner to Obama: Send National Guard to the Southern Border

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cnsnews.com - "Our country is facing a national security and humanitarian crisis along our southern border," House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) wrote to the president on Friday. "The policies of your administra...

Iraqi forces ready push after Obama offers advisers

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Catholic Pulse
reuters.com - BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraqi forces were massing north of Baghdad on Friday, aiming to strike back at Sunni Islamists whose drive toward the capital prompted the United States to send military adviser...

WORLD | I’ve been to the mountain top | Warren Cole Smith

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WORLD News Group
worldmag.com - PIKE’S PEAK, Colo.—Every trip comes to an end, and sometimes before it’s over. At least that’s what John Steinbeck said in his road-trip classic Travels with Charley. He said long trips reach that ...

Meet Ben & Jerry's New 'SNL'-Themed Ice Cream Flavors

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relevantmagazine.com - Any chance Ben & Jerry's has to make a new ice cream flavor is all right by us. Seriously, those guys could announce they were making a C-SPAN flavor and we'd be there opening day to buy a hundred ...

Theology of Sport | Peter J. Leithart

Partilhado por
First Things
firstthings.com - No sooner do I lay down Robert Ellis’s The Games People Play (which I’ve discussed here, here, and here) than Lincoln Harvey’s A Brief Theology of Sport arrives in the mail. Long invisible, theolog...

Humiliation, revenge and those nasty "bumps" in the road - Benghazi :: :: Hyscience

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hyscience.com - « Mom of U.S. Marine Held In Mexico Still Hasn't Heard From White House Or State Department | Main Steve at Cry and Howl in his post "It's time to impeach Barack Obama" suggested that even if it (i...
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Catholic Chronicle
myemail.constantcontact.com - Maumee St. Joseph launches project to rebuild church in Philippines Inside the Santo Nino church in Tanauan, a city just south of Tacloban on the island of Leyte in the Philippines, children sing t...

Iran Doles Out Prison Sentences to Tech Bloggers, or 'Enemy Cyber Activists'

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Index on Censorship
mashable.com - Iran has sentenced a group of tech bloggers to a combined 36 years in prison for espionage and working with foreign media. A court sentenced the group, who all worked for the tech gadgets site Nare...
Arte & Entretenimento

Concurso Cultural Literário (74)

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livrosepessoas.com - A garota chamada Estrela. Ela é tão mágica quanto o céu do deserto. É tão estranha quanto seu rato de estimação. É tão misteriosa quanto seu próprio nome. Com um simples sorriso, ela cativa totalme...

Major-league evangelization

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Our Sunday Visitor
osv.com - Mike Sweeney rounded third base many times during his career as a Major League Baseball All-Star, but on his faith journey, he’s also come home to a deeper understanding of his Catholic faith. Now ...

LaBarbera, Whatcott Plead Not Guilty to Canadian ‘Mischief’ Charge Stemming from University of Regina Protest » Americans for Truth

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Peter LaBarbera
americansfortruth.com - Folks, my friend Bill Whatcott and I have entered a Not Guilty plea to the charge of “mischief” leveled against us at the instigation of left-leaning University of Regina officials who didn’t like ...

John Stott no barquinho

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ultimato.com.br - O site Memorial John Stott oferece gratuitamente alguns arquivos em áudio de sermões pregados pelo teólogo e pastor John Stott. Infelizmente, estão somente em inglês, mas aqueles que conseguem ler ...
Meio Ambiente

Frases do Dado

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Dado Moura
frasesdodado.tumblr.com - Neste espaço você encontrará algumas frases publicadas nos meus artigos. Você também pode contribuir enviando aquelas citações que durante a leitura, considerou importantes. Acesse: Dado Moura em o...

The Archdiocese of Chicago

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Catholic New World
archchicago.org - Chicago, IL (June 20, 2014) – An opening Mass will be held on Saturday, June 21 at 5:15 p.m. at Holy Name Cathedral, State and Superior Streets in Chicago, to mark the beginning of Fortnight for Fr...
Arte & Entretenimento

No te quedes sin 'Compromiso y Liderazgo': ya en tu Tienda HO

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hazteoir.org - El exdirigente comunista británico Douglas Hyde se convirtió al catolicismo y puso todos sus conocimientos al servicio de la Iglesia y de la evangelización: ¿Pueden ayudar algo las técnicas comunis...

Disposal of religious items - The Arlington Catholic Herald

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Arl Catholic Herald
catholicherald.com - Q: I understand that objects of devotion that have been blessed (such as palm branches, rosaries, crucifixes, etc.) should never be simply discarded in the trash, but should be disposed of by buryi...

Mother's Shocking Deathbed Confession to Her Son: He Was Conceived in Rape

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Live Action News
lifenews.com - by Rebecca Downs | London, England | LifeNews.com | 6/19/14 11:09 AM Jonathan Husbands had always felt different during his life, as his step-father wasn’t very loving towards him and because he “s...

Meritocracia tropical — CartaCapital

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cartacapital.com.br - Depois de algum tempo submerso, o debate da meritocracia voltou à superfície. No mundo corporativo, executivos flertam novamente com o tema, ansiosos por superar práticas anacrônicas e “mudar a cul...

Bishop of Derby takes part in debate on the future of the House of Lords

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lordsspiritual.wordpress.com - “…we need a different kind of representation of the people besides that of MPs and those who vote for them. We need a supplementary system of representation that represents networks, groups, cultur...

Hi I'm Luis Suárez | Mormon

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By Common Consent
mormon.org - Jesus Christ is the literal Son of God. His birth, life, death, and resurrection fulfilled the many prophecies contained in the scriptures concerning the coming of a Savior. He was the Creator, He ...


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Arautos do Evangelho
montesclaros.blog.arautos.org - No último dia 8 de junho, dia de São José de Anchieta — em que a Igreja o comemorou pela primeira vez — um entusiasmado grupo de 120 pessoas consagrou-se a Jesus pelas mãos de Maria, conforme o mét...

What if Jahi McMath is Alive?

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Right to Life
nationalrighttolifenews.org - A news story reports that Jahi McMath, declared dead by the State of California, is being maintained at a Catholic hospital in New Jersey. More, that she may be becoming responsive. From the San Jo...

The Brain Death Debate: Can a Dead Human Being Go Through Puberty? - Truth and Charity Forum

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Human Life Intnl
truthandcharityforum.org - Traditionally, the presence or absence of organismal integration has been used to discern the presence or absence of human life. This is the criterion endorsed both by Pope St. John Paul II and by ...

Iraqi insurgency creates disaster - Mission Network News

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Mission Network News
mnnonline.org - Iraq (ODM) — In 2003, there were a million Iraqi Christians. Today, there are less than 345,000… and hundreds more have been forced to flee due to the violence. The rising influence of radical Isla...

Un Curso de Milagros - Lección del día

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Un Curso De Milagros
acimi.com - Wa.r5.In/1 Ahora iniciamos otro repaso. Esta vez estamos listos para poner mas de nuestra parte y dedicar más tiempo a nuestro empeño. Reconocemos que nos estamos preparando para un nuevo nivel de ...

Arzobispo de San Francisco recuerda que la verdad del matrimonio es hermosa y debe compartirse

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - NUEVA ORLEANS, 19 Jun. 14 / 06:13 pm (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- El presidente del Subcomité para la Promoción y Defensa del Matrimonio de la Conferencia de Obispos Católicos de Estados Unidos, Mons. Sal...

Spain's Felipe VI promises a 'renewed monarchy' as he is sworn in as king | World news

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Catholic Pulse
theguardian.com - As King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia stepped out on the balcony of Madrid's royal palace, they were greeted by roaring cheers from below. The pair waved warmly; he, a multilingual royal who has spen...

Israeli troops kill Palestinian in arrest raids

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cnsnews.com - RAMALLAH, West Bank (AP) — Israeli soldiers killed a 13-year-old Palestinian in clashes during West Bank raids Friday, hospital officials said, as a search for three Israeli teens feared abducted i...

Ohio Bus Driver's Claim That Bible Protected Body From Gunshot Wounds Is a Lie, Police Say

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The Christian Post
christianpost.com - An Ohio bus driver's claim that his Bible blocked two bullets from entering his chest in an assault back in February is "not accurate," Dayton police report. Rickey Wagoner, a 49-year-old driver fo...

Pope Francis Is Not Cool With Weed Legalization

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relevantmagazine.com - In a blow to people everywhere who'd come to think of the Pope as being sort of like that uncle who let you do whatever you want, Pope Francis strongly condemned the legalization of marijuana in a ...

Diocese de Jundiaí – Palavra do Pastor – 22/06/2014

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Diocese de Jundiai
dj.org.br - Palavra do Pastor – 22/06/2014 Fábio Campos 20 de junho de 2014 0

WORLD | New virus slams Caribbean, threatens Florida | Lynde Langdon

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WORLD News Group
worldmag.com - A mosquito-borne virus that causes debilitating joint pain has nearly saturated the Caribbean and threatens to spread to Florida. The non-fatal virus, called chikungunya or CHIK-V, has infected peo...
Meio Ambiente

Libertad o libertinaje

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Enlace Católico.com
enlacecatolico.com - ¿Sabemos de verdad que lo es la libertad? ¿Sabemos dónde radica? ¿Cómo se consigue? Como muchas veces no lo sabemos nos creemos libres cuando vivimos  encadenados en el libertinaje y cuando no se r...

Don’t Joke About Sports | Stephen H. Webb

Partilhado por
First Things
firstthings.com - Sports are what men talk about when they really want to talk. Or at least that seems to be the case for many men, whose emotional lives are played out on big screen TVs and twenty-four hour media c...

Numa entrevista no PARÁ, reafirmamos as prioridades do PSC

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Blog EveraldoPereira
blogdoeveraldo.com.br - Com a homologação da pré-candidatura do Partido Social Cristão, continuamos nossa agenda de viagens pelo Brasil. Neste feriado de 19 de junho, estamos em Belém do Pará. Pela manhã, acompanhado do d...

Saints and Social Justice: A Guide to Changing the World

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Our Sunday Visitor
osv.com - The value of human life. The call to family and community. Serving the poor. The rights of workers. Care for creation. The church has always taught certain undeniable truths that can and should aff...


Cristianismo e Política + Christianity and Politics + União multi-denominacional (evangélicos, católicos, etc) em defesa dos valores cristãos e da democracia



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