17 June 2014

Cristianismo & Política 16.06.2014 @CristPolit

Cristianismo & Politica

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Arte & Entretenimento

La procesión de los legionarios en Hospitalet, en el punto de mira del nacionalismo - Libertad Digital

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libertaddigital.com - La procesión de los legionarios en Hospitalet, en el punto de mira del nacionalismo Las autoridades catalanas pretenden que el Arzobispado prohíba esta procesión que vulnera los principios del proc...

Dozens Killed as Militants Attack Kenyan Town - NYTimes.com

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Ann Coulter
nytimes.com - NAIROBI, Kenya — At least 48 people were killed after dozens of militants attacked a Kenyan coastal town overnight, targeting a police station and two hotels, officials said Monday. The attacks beg...

Mesmo “escondida” na tribuna Dilma é vaiada pela torcida

Partilhado por
Silas Malafaia
verdadegospel.com - Durante a festa de abertura da Copa do Mundo o público presente na Arena Corinthians, em São Paulo, iniciou um coro com xingamentos e insultos a presidente Dilma Rousseff , que estava presente nas ...

Putting on the Brave Face

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John Piper
desiringgod.org - Coaching tee ball is hard. And not just because it’s like herding a pack of wet cats. Or because five-year-olds generally prefer digging in the dirt to fielding grounders. Or because twenty minutes...

Pétition des opposants au mariage homosexuel : la justice pourrait contraindre le Conseil économique, social et environnemental à donner son avis sur la loi

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La Manif Pour Tous
atlantico.fr - Le Conseil économique et social (Cese) pourrait bien être amené à devoir recevoir la pétition des opposants au mariage pour tous déposée en février 2013 et jugée irrecevable en février 2013 par Jea...

Today at desiringGod.org

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John Piper
us2.campaign-archive2.com - Coaching tee ball is hard. And not just because it’s like herding a pack of wet cats. Or because five-year-olds generally prefer digging in the dirt to fielding grounders. Or because twenty minutes...


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cem.org.mx - I Reyes 21, 1-16: “Apedrearon a Nabot hasta que murió” Salmo 5: “Señor, atiende a mis gemidos” San Mateo 5, 38-42: “Yo les digo que no hagan resistencia al hombre malo” Quizás si leemos la primera ...

Diocese de Jundiaí – Universidades católicas buscam mais qualidade

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Diocese de Jundiai
dj.org.br - Das mais de 2,4 mil Instituições de Ensino Superior no Brasil (IES), ao menos 200 têm relação com a Igreja Católica e integram a Associação Nacional de Educação Católica (ANEC), que no mês de maio,...

Confira os dez países mais hostis aos cristãos

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Igreja da Lagoinha
lagoinha.com - De acordo com o Portas Abertas, 100 milhões de cristãos são perseguidos Anualmente, o Portas Abertas apresenta a classificação de perseguição religiosa em um “ranking” de 50 países. De acordo com a...

Nossa Missão é Evangelizar

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TV Cancao Nova
tv.cancaonova.com - Um programa que oferece reflexões aos que acompanham a programação da TV Canção Nova. Tem como base das meditações a Palavra de Deus e a Doutrina Católica. As pregações transmitidas são reprises de...

Supreme Court Rules Pro-Life Group Can Defend Its Free Speech Rights

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lifenews.com - by Steven Ertelt | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 6/16/14 10:27 AM The Supreme Court has ruled in favor of a pro-life women’s group in a case regarding whether it has a First Amendment right to ex...

Pobres pagam os danos dos corruptos, diz Papa em homilia

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Com. Canção Nova
papa.cancaonova.com - Na Missa de hoje, Francisco falou do pecado da corrupção e destacou o serviço como único caminho para vencer esse pecado A corrupção dos poderosos acaba sendo paga pelos pobres, os quais, pela ganâ...

Love and God’s Providence

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Alan Lee Keyes
loyaltoliberty.com - Of course, there is no logic or reason for our confidence in God’s plan of salvation unless we accept that the Word of God, by which we are becoming such as we are, arises from the benevolent will ...

Obamacare blocks patients paying for treatment

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David Limbaugh
mobile.wnd.com - A new report by the Robert Powell Center for Medical Ethics at National Right to Life warns that one of the Obamacare provisions that ex-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Americans would discover if ...
Arte & Entretenimento

O curioso caso da “elite branca” pobre, negra e “moreninha” contra Dilma “Rodrigues” e o governo do PT. E o troféu Glória Kalil da esquerda vai para…

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Felipe Moura Brasil
veja.abril.com.br - Enquanto ninguém condena por racismo aqueles militantes que acusam a “elite branca de São Paulo” disso e daquilo após o grito de “Ei, Dilma, VTNC”, fica a pergunta aos fiscais de melanina da arquib...

Papa Francisco a líder anglicano: Grandes santos muestran que los cristianos tenemos una raíz común

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - VATICANO, 16 Jun. 14 / 11:25 am (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- El Papa Francisco tuvo este lunes el encuentro con el Arzobispo de Canterbury y líder de la Iglesia anglicana, Justin Welby, de visita en el Va...

Lula ressuscita a teoria do ódio para que seu partido possa odiar à vontade; o lobo está com sede de sangue. Ou: Apedeuta não vê um calo na mão há 42 anos!

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Reinaldo Azevedo
veja.abril.com.br - A simples hipótese de perderem o “osso” faz com que o Partido dominante apele ainda mais. Não é difícil imaginar que o quadro eleitoral é ainda pior do que aquele pintado pelos institutos de pesqui...

I Am in the Same Week of Pregnancy as My Birthmom, Who Tried to Abort Me

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lifenews.com - by Melissa Ohden | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 6/16/14 12:54 PM There are so many milestones met during pregnancy that women celebrate and cherish:  from receiving the positive pregnancy test r...

Catholic.net - Sexualidad y Bioética

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es.catholic.net - En las precedentes reflexiones sobre el capítulo 5 de la Carta a los Efesios (21-33) hemos llamado especialmente la atención sobre la analogía de la relación que existe entre Cristo y la Iglesia, y...

The Briefing 06-16-14 – AlbertMohler.com

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albertmohler.com - 1) Breakdown of nation of Iraq reminder of human inability to prevent catastrophe Why the rivalry between ISIS and al-Qaeda may lead to attacks on America, Washington Post (David Ignatius) Rebels’ ...

Just Peachy (first take) - Sound Shore Media

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Eric Jonas Swensson
soundshoremedia.com - Just Peachy (first take) Share this: Email Twitter Facebook Google Tumblr LinkedIn StumbleUpon Digg Reddit Pinterest This entry was posted in Photography and tagged flowers, new rochelle, photo, ph...

Edições Loyola

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Pe. Joãozinho, SCJ
loyola.com.br - Politica de Privacidade e Segurança Edições Loyola sempre construiu sua imagem baseada na proteção e no respeito aos direitos de seus consumidores. Dessa forma, apresentamos aqui nossa Política de ...

The Bible Experiment by Rebel Storytellers — Kickstarter

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kickstarter.com - A huge surprise for us was that only half of the audience from that first show had heard Joe tell stories before. Since the event, the question we have been asked over and over from people is, "Whe...

Magno Malta aparece em pesquisa presidencial; Pr. Silas comenta

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Verdade Gospel
verdadegospel.com - Pela primeira vez, Magno Malta foi incluindo na pesquisa eleitoral para a Presidência da República. No levantamento feito pelo Datafolha, divulgado na última sexta-feira (6), na ‘Folha de S. Paulo’...

Está chegando! DT na Europa!

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Diante do Trono
diantedotrono.com - O Ministério de Louvor Diante do Trono estará em turnê pela Europa nos próximos dias. Entre os dias 20 de junho a 5 de julho de 2014, o grupo estará em países como Alemanha, Bélgica, França, Finlân...

Starbucks Offers Free Tuition For Employees

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barbwire.com - Often stereotyped as the destination for college graduates who can’t find more remunerative employment, Starbucks will offer thousands of its employees free tuition through a collaborative endeavor...

Populorum Progressio aprova projetos para América Latina

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Canção Nova Notícias
noticias.cancaonova.com - A Fundação aprovou 125 projetos voltados para a formação de crianças e jovens na América Latina e Caribe A Sala de Imprensa da Santa Sé publicou, nesta segunda-feira, 16, um relatório sobre encontr...

Crivella fala dos efeitos do aquecimento global na Baixada Fluminense. - Blog

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Marcelo Crivella
marcelocrivella.com.br - O SR. MARCELO CRIVELLA (Bloco/PRB – RJ. Pela ordem. Sem revisão do orador.) – Sr. Presidente, muito agradecido. Srªs e Srs. telespectadores da TV Senado, ouvintes da Rádio Senado, Srs. Senadores, S...
Arte & Entretenimento

Catholic.net - ¿Hay un Evangelio para cristianos de segunda clase?

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es.catholic.net - ¿Hay un Evangelio para cristianos de segunda clase? La predicación de Cristo fue tajante, como una espada de doble filo. Su palabra fue simplemente “sí, sí, no, no”, y nada más. Por eso pidió un he...


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Comunidade Shalom
blog.comshalom.org - Deus nos santifica vindo residir em nossa alma. Deus produz um organismo sobrenatural na alma. Ele se doa a nós inteiramente a fim de que vivamos nele, por Ele e com Ele, assumindo a vida de Jesus....

Podcasts - Portal - Rede Católica de Rádios

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CNBB Nacional
rcr.org.br - Podcasts Boletim CNBB - 16.06.14 - Representantes da Pastoral dos Nômades reúnem-se com papa Francisco Fórum Mudanças Climáticas e Justiça Social - O Futebol e a vida no Planeta Especial Copa do Mu...
Arte & Entretenimento

Paz na terra - Gospel Prime

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Gospel Prime
artigos.gospelprime.com.br -  “Glória a Deus no mais alto dos céus e na terra paz aos homens”  (Lucas 2.14).  Atualmente existe um apelo universal para que haja paz na terra, inúmeros congressos e campanhas são realizados cons...

Papa Francisco denuncia: La corrupción política y eclesiástica la pagan los pobres

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - VATICANO, 16 Jun. 14 / 09:46 am (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- Durante la Misa matutina celebrada en la Casa Santa Marta, el Papa Francisco criticó a los corruptos políticos, económicos y eclesiásticos que ...

St. Barnabas, Son of Encouragement

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archlou.org - At the annual spring meeting of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, held this year in New Orleans, I gave the following homily last Wednesday (June 9) in St. Louis Cathedral on the fe...

Santos se reelege na Colômbia, e negociação com narcoterroristas vai, então, continuar; população de áreas onde as Farc atuam votou contra acordo

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Reinaldo Azevedo
veja.abril.com.br - Bom, primeiro temos que entender que o Santos, fabricou um tema, fabricou uma certa politica, pra se distanciar do Uribe, por que a paz, mantendo a politica de Uribe, seria necessariamente pedida, ...

Extremistas islâmicos divulgam execução de milhares em rede social

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Verdade Gospel
verdadegospel.com - Militantes do Estado Islâmico do Iraque e da Síria (Isis) divulgaram neste domingo (15) no Twitter ter matado 1.700 soldados iraquianos e publicaram imagens na internet do assassinato em massa. Lei...

The Hillary Tapes | Washington Free Beacon

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Drew McKissick
freebeacon.com - BY: Alana Goodman Follow @alanagoodman June 15, 2014 10:07 pm Newly discovered audio recordings of Hillary Clinton from the early 1980s include the former first lady’s frank and detailed assessment...

Copa do Mundo no Twitter - Infográfico - VEJA.com

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veja.abril.com.br - O bicampeonato mundial conquistado no Japão impõe um passeio de volta ao tempo para compreender a euforia pela inédita conquista. Pede-se, a rigor, um olhar nostálgico ao avesso, para o triste 2 de...

Obama Opens Borders to Mexican Gang Members

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barbwire.com - Matt Drudge had the above headline as his top story at the Drudge Report for over a day, linking to this Washington Times report: Border agent laments gang members entering U.S.: ‘Why are we lettin...

Planned Parenthood Tells Legislators It Supports Sex-Selection Abortions

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lifenews.com - by Steven Ertelt | Sacramento, CA | LifeNews.com | 6/16/14 12:17 PM The Planned Parenthood abortion business has come under fire from pro-lifers over the years for refusing to speak out against sex...

Torcedores do Japão dão show de educação e limpam estádio após jogo

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JB Carvalho
globoesporte.globo.com - A derrota para a Costa do Marfim, por 2 a 1, na estreia da Copa do Mundo, neste último sábado, não deixou os torcedores japoneses contentes. Apesar disso, a torcida nipônica deu um show de educação...

"Quem paga a corrupção dos ricos são sempre os pobres", diz Francisco na missa

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Felipe Aquino
pt.radiovaticana.va - Cidade do Vaticano (RV) – A corrupção dos poderosos acaba sendo “paga pelos pobres”, que por causa da avidez dos outros, ficam sem aquilo de que têm necessidade e direito. Foi o que disse o Papa Fr...
Arte & Entretenimento

Homenagem de pesar pelo falecimento do Prof. Geraldo Di Biasi, criador da Fundação Educacional Rosemar Pimentel. - Blog

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Marcelo Crivella
marcelocrivella.com.br - O SR. MARCELO CRIVELLA (Bloco/PRB – RJ. Como Líder. Sem revisão do orador.) – Muito obrigado, Presidente.  Senhores telespectadores da TV Senado, senhores ouvintes da Rádio Senado, senhoras e senho...

Kansas Late-Term Abortionist Closes PAC After Breaking Election Laws

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lifenews.com - by Cheryl Sullenger | Wichita, KS | LifeNews.com | 6/16/14 1:20 PM As a result of complaints filed by Operation Rescue, a Political Action Committee with financial ties to a Wichita abortion clinic...
Arte & Entretenimento

Quatro momentos de Lula provam que um grosseirão sem cura agora se fantasia de doutor honoris causa em boas maneiras

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Marcus Vinicius
veja.abril.com.br - Aconselhado pelo medo de vaia a manter distância do estádio bilionário que concebeu em parceria com a Odebrecht, Lula acompanhou pela TV a goleada sonora imposta a Dilma Rousseff, durante o jogo co...

Pope’s World Mission Day Message: Humanity Needs Christ | Daily News

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N. Catholic Register
ncregister.com - VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis' message for World Mission Day 2014 focuses on the continuing need for all Christians to proclaim the Gospel with joy to the many who have not heard of Christ’s saving w...
Arte & Entretenimento

Catholic.net - Ojo por ojo, diente por diente

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es.catholic.net - Ojo por ojo, diente por diente Del santo Evangelio según san Mateo 5, 38-42 En aquel tiempo, dijo Jesús a sus discípulos: Habéis oído que se dijo: Ojo por ojo y diente por diente. Pues yo os digo: ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Eucaristia: Deus deseja permanecer entre os homens

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Comunidade Shalom
comshalom.org - A Eucaristia é “fonte e ápice de toda a vida cristã” (LG,11).“Os demais sacramentos, assim como todos os ministérios eclesiásticos e tarefas apostólicas, se ligam à sagrada Eucaristia e a ela se or...

Americans giving up on Congress

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WND News
wnd.com - (MSNBC) Congress received its lowest rating ever during a midterm year as less than a quarter of Americans currently approve of their leaders’ performances. Sixteen percent of the public supports t...

Pope appeals for peace in Iraq, announces plans to visit Albania | The Compass – Official Newspaper of the Diocese of Green BayThe Compass – Official Newspaper of the Diocese of Green Bay

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thecompassnews.org - VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis expressed his fears over increasing violence in Iraq and prayed for peace, security and reconciliation in the country. He also announced he would be visiting Albania Sep...

Político cristiano asesinado por uno de sus guardaespaldas en Pakistán

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - ROMA, 16 Jun. 14 / 11:20 am (ACI).- El líder cristiano Hendry Masih, Parlamentario de Baluchistán, fue asesinado el sábado 14 de junio por uno de sus guardaespaldas en Quetta, la capital provincial...

HHS to probe up to two million ObamaCare enrollees for subsidy eligibility « Hot Air

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Drew McKissick
hotair.com - So much for that victory lap from Barack Obama over having signed up eight million people into ObamaCare. Even while Obama himself lauded the achievement, insurers warned that 20% of those sign-ups...
Arte & Entretenimento

Coragem: o segredo para uma vida vitoriosa | Verdade Gospel - Portal gospel de notícias do Brasil

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Verdade Gospel
verdadegospel.com - Quando um ser humano perde dinheiro, perdeu muito; quando perde um amigo, perdeu mais; mas, quando perde a coragem, perdeu tudo! Para ter êxito na vida, o ser humano necessita desenvolver qualidade...

Abortions in the U.K. Fall to Their Lowest Level in 16 Years

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lifenews.com - by Cora Sherlock | London, England | LifeNews.com | 6/16/14 11:43 AM As expected, the most recent Report on abortion statistics from the British Department of Health has provoked comments from a nu...

Crivella presta homenagem aos 70 anos da Rádio Bandeirantes. - Blog

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Marcelo Crivella
marcelocrivella.com.br - O SR. MARCELO CRIVELLA (Bloco/PRB – RJ. Pronuncia o seguinte discurso. Sem revisão do orador.) – Sr. Presidente, Srªs e Srs. Senadores, senhores telespectadores da TV Senado, ouvintes da Rádio Sena...

A Man-Hating Pagan Feminist Becomes Catholic, Holy Communion as a Matter of Life and Death and More! | Daily News

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N. Catholic Register
ncregister.com - Copyright © 2014 EWTN News, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction of material from this website without written permission is strictly prohibited. Accessed from

Editora Central Gospel

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editoracentralgospel.com.br - Editora Central Gospel - Loja Virtual, desde 2007 - Todos os direitos reservados Preços e condições de pagamento exclusivos para compras via Internet. Ofertas válidas até o término de nossos estoqu...
Arte & Entretenimento

Catholic.net - Violencia real, violencia virtual

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es.catholic.net - Violencia real, violencia virtual Desde hace unos años, la opinión pública está recibiendo cada vez con más frecuencia un mensaje de alarma sobre la violencia visual que están recibiendo los niños ...

God’s Forever Family: The Jesus People Movement in America | TGC

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thegospelcoalition.org - Larry Eskridge. God’s Forever Family: The Jesus People Movement in America. New York: Oxford, 2013. 386 pp. $35.00. This book is the first serious, scholarly account of the Jesus Movement, which pe...

Chicago murders top Afghanistan death toll

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WND News
wnd.com - The death toll by murder in Chicago over the past decade is greater than the number of American forces who have died in Afghanistan since the beginning of Operation Enduring Freedom, according to a...

USCCB Subcommittee Approves over $4.6 Million in Grants to the Church in Latin America

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usccb.org - WASHINGTON—At their meeting on June 9, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ (USCCB) Subcommittee on the Church in Latin America approved funding for 112 projects, totaling over $1.7 million. Th...
Arte & Entretenimento

"O silêncio protege o pedófilo" - 15/06/2014 - Rede Social - Colunistas - Folha de S.Paulo

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Myrian Rios
folha.uol.com.br - Há seis anos, Marcelo Ribeiro, 48, revelou à mulher Renata Daud, 36, ter sido abusado sexualmente dos 9 aos 16 anos pelo maestro do coral da Igreja Católica de sua cidade natal, em Minas, e depois ...

Agressão física encabeça violência contra a mulher

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Sérgio Pavarini
pavablog.com - Quase metade dos atendimentos no SUS são por espancamento Se até os 14 anos meninas e adolescentes são vítimas principalmente de violência sexual, a partir dos 15 anos de idade é a agressão física ...

[VIDEO] Obispos de Chile animan a su selección en el Mundial FIFA Brasil 2014

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - SANTIAGO, 16 Jun. 14 / 11:07 am (ACI).- Los obispos de la Conferencia Episcopal de Chile también se suman a las muestras de apoyo para la selección nacional de fútbol de ese país, que disputa la Co...

Nigéria é uma das ‘igrejas perseguidas’ da Copa do Mundo; entenda

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Verdade Gospel
verdadegospel.com - Não importa se são bons de bola. Em alguns países que participarão da Copa do Mundo os cristãos são perseguidos por sua fé. Conheça-os ao longo dessa semana e torça por eles em oração! Constitucion...
Arte & Entretenimento

Criacionismo: Em defesa da beleza: o papel das artes na vida humana

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Michelson Borges
criacionismo.com.br - quinta-feira, junho 12, 2014 Em defesa da beleza: o papel das artes na vida humana "O Nascimento de Vênus" Em um mundo trágico, rodeado por desgraças, um verdadeiro “vale de lágrimas”, a busca do b...
Arte & Entretenimento

Taco Mexicano - Receitas

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redevida.com.br - Em uma frigideira, de preferência de boca larga, refogue a cebola, o alho, os pimentões, e frite a carne moída. Quando ela estiver com a cocção desejada coloque o extrato de tomate e depois o feijã...

News » Wisconsin Right to Life

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wrtl.org - A project of Heartbeat International, is a state-of-the-art helpline that employs trained phone consultants who are available 24/7 to assist women in crisis and to directly connect them to local pr...

NCRegister | God’s Love Makes Us One

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N. Catholic Register
ncregister.com - Sunday, June 15, is the Solemnity of the Holy Trinity.   The readings remind us that God is head over heels in love with mankind. But this should be no surprise: God’s love is the overpowering, def...

Watching This Young Man With a Disability Get a Job Over the Phone Will Fill You With Joy (VIDEO)

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The Christian Post
christianpost.com - As job prospects appear to be no more promising than before recession, watching someone get a job is heartening. But seeing Nick, a young man with a disability, get a job offer over the phone is ju...

Clube da Evangelização

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Clube Evangelização
clube.cancaonova.com - Monsenhor Jonas Abib nos diz: “A Canção Nova é uma graça, e graça é acontecimento que vem do céu.” E assim, nos dias de hoje, milhares de pessoas podem fazer parte dessa família, que vive pelos ens...

Five Things Every Christian Needs to Grow — Free eBook by Nathan W. Bingham

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ligonier.org - Until the end of June, Reformation Trust is giving away the ebook edition of R.C. Sproul’s Five Things Every Christian Needs to Grow. People need to maintain a diet of nutritious foods if their bod...
Arte & Entretenimento

O futebol explicado por Bento XVI

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Comunidade Shalom
comshalom.org - Antes da Copa do Mundo de 1986, foi publicado um texto do então cardeal Joseph Ratzinger, com o título: “Busquem as coisas do alto”. O texto foi escrito em resposta à seguinte pergunta: “Por que es...

Gunmen spare Muslims during Kenya slaughter

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WND News
wnd.com - NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) — Dozens of extremists attacked a Kenyan coastal town for hours, killing those who couldn’t answer questions about Islam and those who didn’t know the Somali language, officials...

Read: Ask the Beasts

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US Catholic magazine
uscatholic.org - In the often contentious relationship between science and theology, few issues have stirred as much controversy as the theory of evolution. Into this breach comes Elizabeth Johnson’s most recent bo...
Arte & Entretenimento

O logo vermelho da Copa | Rodrigo Constantino - VEJA.com

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Rodrigo Constantino
veja.abril.com.br - Os petistas simularam uma indignação com as vaias e xingamentos na abertura da Copa, que seria uma prova de que as “elites” não respeitam nem a instituição da Presidência ali representada pela figu...

Pope appeals for peace in Iraq, announces trip to Albania - Catholic Courier

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Catholic Courier
catholiccourier.com - VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- Pope Francis expressed his fears over increasing violence in Iraq and prayed for peace, security and reconciliation in the country. He also announced he would be visiting Alba...

Priests' letter to nuncio denounces Venice, Fla., bishop

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ncronline.org - A group of 10 priests in the diocese of Venice, Fla., describing what they said had become an "intolerable" situation, took the highly unusual step earlier this year of composing a letter severely ...

Así logra vivir su fe un católico español en la fundamentalista Arabia Saudí - ReL

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Religión en Libertad
religionenlibertad.com - Arabia Saudí encabeza junto a Corea del Norte todas las clasificaciones de los países en los que se da una mayor persecución a los cristianos. Sin embargo, mientras que en la dictadura estalinista ...

The Catholic Review > Home > Pope: Corruption is easiest ‘sin at fingertips’ of anyone with power

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L'Osservatore Romano
catholicreview.org - Pope: Corruption is easiest ‘sin at fingertips’ of anyone with power June 16, 2014 VATICAN CITY - For everyone who has any kind of authority over others, the one sin “at your fingertips” is the sin...
Arte & Entretenimento

Schumacher sai do estado de coma e deixa o hospital, afirma porta-voz

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Sérgio Pavarini
pavablog.com - Ex-piloto estava internado após sofrer acidente enquanto esquiava O ex-piloto alemão de Fórmula-1 Michael Schumacher, 45 anos, “não está mais em estado de coma” e deixou o hospital da cidade de Gre...

Monday of the Eleventh Week in Ordinary Time

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usccb.org - Reading 1 1 kgs 21:1-16 Naboth the Jezreelite had a vineyard in Jezreel next to the palace of Ahab, king of Samaria. Ahab said to Naboth, “Give me your vineyard to be my vegetable garden, since it ...

Little Girl Kicked Out of KFC Restaurant Over Scars on Her Face From Dog Attack

Partilhado por
lifenews.com - by Steven Ertelt | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 6/16/14 11:15 AM At LifeNews over the years we have profiled a number of cases of how disabled or disfigured people are terribly treated in societ...

Francisco tras el ángelus, reza paz y la reconciliación en IraqEcclesia Digital

Partilhado por
Ecclesia Digital
revistaecclesia.com - El Papa Francisco tras el ángelus, reza por la paz y la reconciliación en Iraq Al finalizar la oración mariana del Ángelus, el Santo Padre mostró su preocupación por los dramáticos acontecimientos ...

Parejas homosexuales dañan de por vida a niños adoptados, advierte científico

Partilhado por
ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - MÉXICO D.F., 16 Jun. 14 / 07:11 am (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- El Dr. Fernando Pliego, científico social de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), aseguró que estudios realizados en 13 países...

Rick Warren: Pastors May Have to Go to Jail in Defense of Religious Liberty (Video Interview)

Partilhado por
The Christian Post
christianpost.com - BALTIMORE — With religious liberty under assault on multiple fronts, there may come a point in which pastors have to go to jail to defend their freedom, Pastor Rick Warren told The Christian Post. ...

2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil™: Germany-Portugal - Overview - FIFA.com

Partilhado por
Fr. George Mabura
fifa.com - FIFA.com is giving away prizes daily during the 2014 FIFA World Cup! Join us for exclusive contests and games and you could win countless incredible prizes including a Kia Soul, official kick-off b...

Arizona Diamondbacks Pitcher Shares Father’s Day Reflections | Daily News

Partilhado por
N. Catholic Register
ncregister.com - The Arizona Diamondbacks have gotten off to a slow start this season, with a disappointing record of 29-40 as of June 12. However, left-handed pitcher Joe Thatcher is not letting those early result...

Bélgica: La eutanasia aumenta un 700% en 11 años - Aleteia

Partilhado por
Derecho a Vivir
aleteia.org - En 2013, en Bélgica, 1.816 personas murieron por medio de la eutanasia. Le Soir destacó los números evidenciando un aumento del 26,8%, en relación al año pasado. En este país se cuentan 150 casos d...

Pope Francis: Europe is tired, must be rejuvenated :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

Partilhado por
Catholic News Agency
catholicnewsagency.com - Rome, Italy, Jun 15, 2014 / 03:30 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- In a visit to a community dedicated to serving the poor and needy, Pope Francis warned of the poverty of Europe which faces a declining birthr...

My Top 5 Books for College Students

Partilhado por
Christianity Today
christianitytoday.com - Gregory Thornbury is president of The King's College in New York City. Thornbury previously taught philosophy at Union University, and is author of Recovering Classic Evangelicalism: Applying the W...
Arte & Entretenimento

Oração de Adoração à Santíssima Trindade

Partilhado por
Comunidade Shalom
comshalom.org - Nós vos adoramos, ó Pai eterno, com toda a corte celestial, por nosso Deus e Senhor, e vos damos infinitas graças em nome da Santíssima Virgem, vossa Filha muito amada, por todos os dons e privilég...

Confira o movimento no Santuário Nacional nesse fim de semana, 14 e 15 - A12

Partilhado por
Santuario Nacional
a12.com - Redação A12, 16 de Junho de 2014 às 08h21. Atualizada em 16 de Junho de 2014 às 08h37.


Partilhado por
Church of England
churchofengland.org - Our Church of England in 140 Characters - an exciting new project from the Church of England. The Church of England has launched a year long project on Twitter to tell the story of the Church of En...

Igreja transmite jogos da Copa em telões e atrai jovens para cultos

Partilhado por
noticias.gospelmais.com.br - O interesse pela Copa do Mundo pode fazer a frequência dos cultos cair, e prevendo isso, uma igreja evangélica decidiu unir o útil ao agradável e passou a transmitir os jogos no templo. A Igreja Sa...

Leniência com “movimentos sociais” ameaça propriedade privada

Partilhado por
Rodrigo Constantino
veja.abril.com.br - Mayara Vivian, aquela líder do Movimento Passe Livre que teve seus quinze minutos de fama em 2013, quando eclodiram as manifestações de rua, disse na ocasião que uma das metas do grupo era lutar co...
Arte & Entretenimento

Luís Pereira e Sílvio Pera: Tolerância intolerante - 15/06/2014 - Opinião - Folha de S.Paulo

Partilhado por
Nivaldo Cordeiro
folha.uol.com.br - Você é machista! Ao ouvir essa acusação, um professor de história sentiu o golpe. Ele abordava o período colonial e a situação de inferioridade da mulher naquela sociedade patriarcal. A base era o ...

Pope: Corruption is easiest 'sin at fingertips' of anyone with power - Catholic Courier

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Catholic Courier
catholiccourier.com - VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- For everyone who has any kind of authority over others, the one sin "at your fingertips" is the sin of corruption, Pope Francis said. And "the martyrs of corruption" -- those ...

Archbishop Kurtz on bishops' meeting, Francis, family synod

Partilhado por
ncronline.org - A key question for the nation’s Catholic bishops, says their president: How can they encourage one another in their ministry while respecting different leadership roles? Louisville, Ky., Archbishop...

EN DIRECTO: El Papa Francisco inaugura el Congreso Diocesano de Roma

Partilhado por
romereports.com - 10 junio, 2014. El Papa apoya a través de un tuit una campaña para denunciar el uso de la violencia sexual como arma de guerra. En estos días se celebra una cumbre en Londres para condenar esta prá...

Político cristiano asesinado por uno de sus guardaespaldas en Pakistán

Partilhado por
ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - ROMA, 16 Jun. 14 / 11:20 am (ACI).- El líder cristiano Hendry Masih, Parlamentario de Baluchistán, fue asesinado el sábado 14 de junio por uno de sus guardaespaldas en Quetta, la capital provincial...

HHS to probe up to two million ObamaCare enrollees for subsidy eligibility « Hot Air

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Drew McKissick
hotair.com - So much for that victory lap from Barack Obama over having signed up eight million people into ObamaCare. Even while Obama himself lauded the achievement, insurers warned that 20% of those sign-ups...
Arte & Entretenimento

Coragem: o segredo para uma vida vitoriosa | Verdade Gospel - Portal gospel de notícias do Brasil

Partilhado por
Verdade Gospel
verdadegospel.com - Quando um ser humano perde dinheiro, perdeu muito; quando perde um amigo, perdeu mais; mas, quando perde a coragem, perdeu tudo! Para ter êxito na vida, o ser humano necessita desenvolver qualidade...

Abortions in the U.K. Fall to Their Lowest Level in 16 Years

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lifenews.com - by Cora Sherlock | London, England | LifeNews.com | 6/16/14 11:43 AM As expected, the most recent Report on abortion statistics from the British Department of Health has provoked comments from a nu...

Crivella presta homenagem aos 70 anos da Rádio Bandeirantes. - Blog

Partilhado por
Marcelo Crivella
marcelocrivella.com.br - O SR. MARCELO CRIVELLA (Bloco/PRB – RJ. Pronuncia o seguinte discurso. Sem revisão do orador.) – Sr. Presidente, Srªs e Srs. Senadores, senhores telespectadores da TV Senado, ouvintes da Rádio Sena...

A Man-Hating Pagan Feminist Becomes Catholic, Holy Communion as a Matter of Life and Death and More! | Daily News

Partilhado por
N. Catholic Register
ncregister.com - Copyright © 2014 EWTN News, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction of material from this website without written permission is strictly prohibited. Accessed from

Editora Central Gospel

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editoracentralgospel.com.br - Editora Central Gospel - Loja Virtual, desde 2007 - Todos os direitos reservados Preços e condições de pagamento exclusivos para compras via Internet. Ofertas válidas até o término de nossos estoqu...
Arte & Entretenimento

Catholic.net - Violencia real, violencia virtual

Partilhado por
es.catholic.net - Violencia real, violencia virtual Desde hace unos años, la opinión pública está recibiendo cada vez con más frecuencia un mensaje de alarma sobre la violencia visual que están recibiendo los niños ...

God’s Forever Family: The Jesus People Movement in America | TGC

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thegospelcoalition.org - Larry Eskridge. God’s Forever Family: The Jesus People Movement in America. New York: Oxford, 2013. 386 pp. $35.00. This book is the first serious, scholarly account of the Jesus Movement, which pe...

Chicago murders top Afghanistan death toll

Partilhado por
WND News
wnd.com - The death toll by murder in Chicago over the past decade is greater than the number of American forces who have died in Afghanistan since the beginning of Operation Enduring Freedom, according to a...

USCCB Subcommittee Approves over $4.6 Million in Grants to the Church in Latin America

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usccb.org - WASHINGTON—At their meeting on June 9, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ (USCCB) Subcommittee on the Church in Latin America approved funding for 112 projects, totaling over $1.7 million. Th...
Arte & Entretenimento

"O silêncio protege o pedófilo" - 15/06/2014 - Rede Social - Colunistas - Folha de S.Paulo

Partilhado por
Myrian Rios
folha.uol.com.br - Há seis anos, Marcelo Ribeiro, 48, revelou à mulher Renata Daud, 36, ter sido abusado sexualmente dos 9 aos 16 anos pelo maestro do coral da Igreja Católica de sua cidade natal, em Minas, e depois ...

Agressão física encabeça violência contra a mulher

Partilhado por
Sérgio Pavarini
pavablog.com - Quase metade dos atendimentos no SUS são por espancamento Se até os 14 anos meninas e adolescentes são vítimas principalmente de violência sexual, a partir dos 15 anos de idade é a agressão física ...

[VIDEO] Obispos de Chile animan a su selección en el Mundial FIFA Brasil 2014

Partilhado por
ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - SANTIAGO, 16 Jun. 14 / 11:07 am (ACI).- Los obispos de la Conferencia Episcopal de Chile también se suman a las muestras de apoyo para la selección nacional de fútbol de ese país, que disputa la Co...

Nigéria é uma das ‘igrejas perseguidas’ da Copa do Mundo; entenda

Partilhado por
Verdade Gospel
verdadegospel.com - Não importa se são bons de bola. Em alguns países que participarão da Copa do Mundo os cristãos são perseguidos por sua fé. Conheça-os ao longo dessa semana e torça por eles em oração! Constitucion...
Arte & Entretenimento

Criacionismo: Em defesa da beleza: o papel das artes na vida humana

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Michelson Borges
criacionismo.com.br - quinta-feira, junho 12, 2014 Em defesa da beleza: o papel das artes na vida humana "O Nascimento de Vênus" Em um mundo trágico, rodeado por desgraças, um verdadeiro “vale de lágrimas”, a busca do b...
Arte & Entretenimento

Taco Mexicano - Receitas

Partilhado por
redevida.com.br - Em uma frigideira, de preferência de boca larga, refogue a cebola, o alho, os pimentões, e frite a carne moída. Quando ela estiver com a cocção desejada coloque o extrato de tomate e depois o feijã...

News » Wisconsin Right to Life

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wrtl.org - A project of Heartbeat International, is a state-of-the-art helpline that employs trained phone consultants who are available 24/7 to assist women in crisis and to directly connect them to local pr...

NCRegister | God’s Love Makes Us One

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N. Catholic Register
ncregister.com - Sunday, June 15, is the Solemnity of the Holy Trinity.   The readings remind us that God is head over heels in love with mankind. But this should be no surprise: God’s love is the overpowering, def...

Watching This Young Man With a Disability Get a Job Over the Phone Will Fill You With Joy (VIDEO)

Partilhado por
The Christian Post
christianpost.com - As job prospects appear to be no more promising than before recession, watching someone get a job is heartening. But seeing Nick, a young man with a disability, get a job offer over the phone is ju...

Clube da Evangelização

Partilhado por
Clube Evangelização
clube.cancaonova.com - Monsenhor Jonas Abib nos diz: “A Canção Nova é uma graça, e graça é acontecimento que vem do céu.” E assim, nos dias de hoje, milhares de pessoas podem fazer parte dessa família, que vive pelos ens...

Five Things Every Christian Needs to Grow — Free eBook by Nathan W. Bingham

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ligonier.org - Until the end of June, Reformation Trust is giving away the ebook edition of R.C. Sproul’s Five Things Every Christian Needs to Grow. People need to maintain a diet of nutritious foods if their bod...
Arte & Entretenimento

O futebol explicado por Bento XVI

Partilhado por
Comunidade Shalom
comshalom.org - Antes da Copa do Mundo de 1986, foi publicado um texto do então cardeal Joseph Ratzinger, com o título: “Busquem as coisas do alto”. O texto foi escrito em resposta à seguinte pergunta: “Por que es...

Gunmen spare Muslims during Kenya slaughter

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WND News
wnd.com - NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) — Dozens of extremists attacked a Kenyan coastal town for hours, killing those who couldn’t answer questions about Islam and those who didn’t know the Somali language, officials...

Read: Ask the Beasts

Partilhado por
US Catholic magazine
uscatholic.org - In the often contentious relationship between science and theology, few issues have stirred as much controversy as the theory of evolution. Into this breach comes Elizabeth Johnson’s most recent bo...
Arte & Entretenimento

O logo vermelho da Copa | Rodrigo Constantino - VEJA.com

Partilhado por
Rodrigo Constantino
veja.abril.com.br - Os petistas simularam uma indignação com as vaias e xingamentos na abertura da Copa, que seria uma prova de que as “elites” não respeitam nem a instituição da Presidência ali representada pela figu...

Pope appeals for peace in Iraq, announces trip to Albania - Catholic Courier

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Catholic Courier
catholiccourier.com - VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- Pope Francis expressed his fears over increasing violence in Iraq and prayed for peace, security and reconciliation in the country. He also announced he would be visiting Alba...

Priests' letter to nuncio denounces Venice, Fla., bishop

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ncronline.org - A group of 10 priests in the diocese of Venice, Fla., describing what they said had become an "intolerable" situation, took the highly unusual step earlier this year of composing a letter severely ...

Así logra vivir su fe un católico español en la fundamentalista Arabia Saudí - ReL

Partilhado por
Religión en Libertad
religionenlibertad.com - Arabia Saudí encabeza junto a Corea del Norte todas las clasificaciones de los países en los que se da una mayor persecución a los cristianos. Sin embargo, mientras que en la dictadura estalinista ...

The Catholic Review > Home > Pope: Corruption is easiest ‘sin at fingertips’ of anyone with power

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L'Osservatore Romano
catholicreview.org - Pope: Corruption is easiest ‘sin at fingertips’ of anyone with power June 16, 2014 VATICAN CITY - For everyone who has any kind of authority over others, the one sin “at your fingertips” is the sin...
Arte & Entretenimento

Schumacher sai do estado de coma e deixa o hospital, afirma porta-voz

Partilhado por
Sérgio Pavarini
pavablog.com - Ex-piloto estava internado após sofrer acidente enquanto esquiava O ex-piloto alemão de Fórmula-1 Michael Schumacher, 45 anos, “não está mais em estado de coma” e deixou o hospital da cidade de Gre...

Monday of the Eleventh Week in Ordinary Time

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usccb.org - Reading 1 1 kgs 21:1-16 Naboth the Jezreelite had a vineyard in Jezreel next to the palace of Ahab, king of Samaria. Ahab said to Naboth, “Give me your vineyard to be my vegetable garden, since it ...

Little Girl Kicked Out of KFC Restaurant Over Scars on Her Face From Dog Attack

Partilhado por
lifenews.com - by Steven Ertelt | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 6/16/14 11:15 AM At LifeNews over the years we have profiled a number of cases of how disabled or disfigured people are terribly treated in societ...

Francisco tras el ángelus, reza paz y la reconciliación en IraqEcclesia Digital

Partilhado por
Ecclesia Digital
revistaecclesia.com - El Papa Francisco tras el ángelus, reza por la paz y la reconciliación en Iraq Al finalizar la oración mariana del Ángelus, el Santo Padre mostró su preocupación por los dramáticos acontecimientos ...

Parejas homosexuales dañan de por vida a niños adoptados, advierte científico

Partilhado por
ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - MÉXICO D.F., 16 Jun. 14 / 07:11 am (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- El Dr. Fernando Pliego, científico social de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), aseguró que estudios realizados en 13 países...

Rick Warren: Pastors May Have to Go to Jail in Defense of Religious Liberty (Video Interview)

Partilhado por
The Christian Post
christianpost.com - BALTIMORE — With religious liberty under assault on multiple fronts, there may come a point in which pastors have to go to jail to defend their freedom, Pastor Rick Warren told The Christian Post. ...

2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil™: Germany-Portugal - Overview - FIFA.com

Partilhado por
Fr. George Mabura
fifa.com - FIFA.com is giving away prizes daily during the 2014 FIFA World Cup! Join us for exclusive contests and games and you could win countless incredible prizes including a Kia Soul, official kick-off b...

Arizona Diamondbacks Pitcher Shares Father’s Day Reflections | Daily News

Partilhado por
N. Catholic Register
ncregister.com - The Arizona Diamondbacks have gotten off to a slow start this season, with a disappointing record of 29-40 as of June 12. However, left-handed pitcher Joe Thatcher is not letting those early result...

Bélgica: La eutanasia aumenta un 700% en 11 años - Aleteia

Partilhado por
Derecho a Vivir
aleteia.org - En 2013, en Bélgica, 1.816 personas murieron por medio de la eutanasia. Le Soir destacó los números evidenciando un aumento del 26,8%, en relación al año pasado. En este país se cuentan 150 casos d...

Pope Francis: Europe is tired, must be rejuvenated :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

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Catholic News Agency
catholicnewsagency.com - Rome, Italy, Jun 15, 2014 / 03:30 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- In a visit to a community dedicated to serving the poor and needy, Pope Francis warned of the poverty of Europe which faces a declining birthr...

My Top 5 Books for College Students

Partilhado por
Christianity Today
christianitytoday.com - Gregory Thornbury is president of The King's College in New York City. Thornbury previously taught philosophy at Union University, and is author of Recovering Classic Evangelicalism: Applying the W...
Arte & Entretenimento

Oração de Adoração à Santíssima Trindade

Partilhado por
Comunidade Shalom
comshalom.org - Nós vos adoramos, ó Pai eterno, com toda a corte celestial, por nosso Deus e Senhor, e vos damos infinitas graças em nome da Santíssima Virgem, vossa Filha muito amada, por todos os dons e privilég...

Confira o movimento no Santuário Nacional nesse fim de semana, 14 e 15 - A12

Partilhado por
Santuario Nacional
a12.com - Redação A12, 16 de Junho de 2014 às 08h21. Atualizada em 16 de Junho de 2014 às 08h37.


Partilhado por
Church of England
churchofengland.org - Our Church of England in 140 Characters - an exciting new project from the Church of England. The Church of England has launched a year long project on Twitter to tell the story of the Church of En...

Igreja transmite jogos da Copa em telões e atrai jovens para cultos

Partilhado por
noticias.gospelmais.com.br - O interesse pela Copa do Mundo pode fazer a frequência dos cultos cair, e prevendo isso, uma igreja evangélica decidiu unir o útil ao agradável e passou a transmitir os jogos no templo. A Igreja Sa...

Leniência com “movimentos sociais” ameaça propriedade privada

Partilhado por
Rodrigo Constantino
veja.abril.com.br - Mayara Vivian, aquela líder do Movimento Passe Livre que teve seus quinze minutos de fama em 2013, quando eclodiram as manifestações de rua, disse na ocasião que uma das metas do grupo era lutar co...
Arte & Entretenimento

Luís Pereira e Sílvio Pera: Tolerância intolerante - 15/06/2014 - Opinião - Folha de S.Paulo

Partilhado por
Nivaldo Cordeiro
folha.uol.com.br - Você é machista! Ao ouvir essa acusação, um professor de história sentiu o golpe. Ele abordava o período colonial e a situação de inferioridade da mulher naquela sociedade patriarcal. A base era o ...

Pope: Corruption is easiest 'sin at fingertips' of anyone with power - Catholic Courier

Partilhado por
Catholic Courier
catholiccourier.com - VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- For everyone who has any kind of authority over others, the one sin "at your fingertips" is the sin of corruption, Pope Francis said. And "the martyrs of corruption" -- those ...

Archbishop Kurtz on bishops' meeting, Francis, family synod

Partilhado por
ncronline.org - A key question for the nation’s Catholic bishops, says their president: How can they encourage one another in their ministry while respecting different leadership roles? Louisville, Ky., Archbishop...

EN DIRECTO: El Papa Francisco inaugura el Congreso Diocesano de Roma

Partilhado por
romereports.com - 10 junio, 2014. El Papa apoya a través de un tuit una campaña para denunciar el uso de la violencia sexual como arma de guerra. En estos días se celebra una cumbre en Londres para condenar esta prá...

La pétition de la Manif pour tous en débat

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La Manif Pour Tous
la-croix.com - Pour la Manif pour tous, c’est un « coup de théâtre » et « un signal positif pour la démocratie ». Lundi, l’organisation contestait devant le tribunal administratif de Paris la décision du Conseil ...

Lula radicaliza discurso e preocupa o setor empresarial - 15/06/2014 - Poder - Folha de S.Paulo

Partilhado por
Alexandre Gonçalves
folha.uol.com.br - Aliado do ex-presidente Lula, o empresariado já começa a ficar preocupado com o tom mais radical do discurso do petista nos últimos eventos em defesa da presidente Dilma Rousseff. Lula tem criticad...
Arte & Entretenimento

Nós também somos órfãos : Blog Mundo Cristão

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Mundo Cristão
blogmundocristao.com.br - Na escola de um pequeno vilarejo, havia uma menina que sempre chegava antes do horário. Ela ajudava a professora a deixar a sala preparada para o dia. Também ficava até mais tarde, limpando a lousa...

US Amphibious Warship With 550 Marines Enters Persian Gulf

Partilhado por
Angelica Saldaña
zerohedge.com - Following the arrival of the US aircraft carrier CVN-77, the ironically named George H.W. Bush, in the Persian Gulf, another US warship, LPD-19, the USS Mesa Verde also entered the Persian Gulf mom...

Pope Francis and Archbishop Welby discuss ways of working for unity

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N. Catholic Register
news.va - (Vatican Radio) Pope Francis met on Monday with the Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby, saying he hoped their meeting would serve to “strengthen further our bonds of friendship and our ...

World stock market subdued as investors await Fed

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cnsnews.com - LONDON (AP) — World stock markets were subdued on Monday as the turmoil in Iraq dampened sentiment and investors held back ahead of the Federal Reserve's monthly policy meeting later in the week. O...

WORLD | The shell game | Andrée Seu Peterson

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WORLD News Group
worldmag.com - Last week’s announcement that the U.S. economy reached a milestone in May, restoring job losses to December 2007 levels (yippee!), reminds me of an incident from my son’s childhood. I had left him ...

G1 - Navio com 3.600 mexicanos atraca em Fortaleza para acompanhar jogo - notícias em Ceará

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g1.globo.com - Um transatlântico com 27 mil metros quadrados atracou em Fortaleza às 5h desta segunda-feira (16). A embarcação foi fretada por 3.600 mexicanos para acompanhar os jogos da seleção do México na Copa...
Arte & Entretenimento

The Gaslight Anthem Have Announced a New Album

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relevantmagazine.com - New Jersey's consistently terrific rock and roll quartet The Gaslight Anthem have announced their follow-up to 2012's Handwritten. It's called Get Hurt and it'll land on August 19. At this point, a...

How My Unborn Son Saved His Mother's Life 

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American Life League
huffingtonpost.com - This story was written and performed by Byron Sanders for the live, storytelling show Oral Fixation (An Obsession With True Life Tales) at Hamon Hall in the Winspear Opera House in Dallas, TX on Oc...
Arte & Entretenimento

Radio America

Partilhado por
blog.cancaonova.com -  “Um dia inesquecível, cheio da graça de Deus”, É assim que a maioria dos participantes descrevem o II Kairós Canção Nova Abraça São Paulo, evento que aconteceu neste Domingo dia 15, no Ginásio do ...


Partilhado por
Focus on the Family
shop.focusonthefamily.ca - You have answered God’s call to welcome home a child. Focus on the Family Canada has selected and approved the following parenting resources to help you create a nurturing and stable environment fo...

University Faculty for Life » Blog Archive » UFL Scholarly Achievement Award

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uffl.org - One of the highlights of the UFL Life and Learning Conference every June is the Scholarly Achievement Award in Creative Writing, Literary Criticism, or Research given to talented undergraduate and ...

Senator: Obama thinks he’s ‘above the law’

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WND News
wnd.com - President Obama feels he is “above the law” and has made a “habit” of violating the Constitution and U.S. law, Sen. Jim Inhofe, R-Okla., charged in a radio interview Sunday. Inhofe made those accus...
Arte & Entretenimento

21 y 22 de junio: Ven a Tordesillas (Valladolid), y celebra el aniversario de CIDEVIDA

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hazteoir.org - El Centro Internacional para la Defensa de la Vida Humana te invita a festejar un año más de intensa labor al servicio del derecho a la vida.  El 'día grande' será el domingo 21, pero ya el sábado ...

Actualidad - Alpedrete y Arroyomolinos contarán con dos nuevos centros de salud

Partilhado por
PP de Madrid
madrid.org - Además, sólo en el último año, los centros de salud de la Comunidad realizaron más de 50 millones de consultas, lo que supone más de 137.000 al día y dos millones de consultas más que el año anteri...
Arte & Entretenimento

Os Cristãos e os Desafios Contemporâneos

Partilhado por
ultimato.com.br - A MAIOR E MAIS ABRANGENTE OBRA DE JOHN STOTT. Os Cristãos e os Desafios Contemporâneos é uma leitura essencial para a compreensão das razões e das possibilidades de envolvimento dos cristãos com as...

O papa anuncia que viajará à Albânia no dia 21 de setembro

Partilhado por
Zenit Portugues
zenit.org - Depois do ângelus deste domingo, 15 de junho, na Praça de São Pedro, o papa fez o seguinte pronunciamento: Estou acompanhando com grande preocupação os acontecimentos destes últimos dias no Iraque....

Full Text of Pope Francis’ Interview with ‘La Vanguardia’ | Daily News

Partilhado por
ncregister.com - VATICAN CITY — In an interview granted with Spanish-language magazine La Vanguardia on June 9, Pope Francis lauded Pius XII for his efforts in saving Jews, discussed Orthodox-Catholic relations, as...

How Did the IRS Lose Lois Lerner's IRS Emails?

Partilhado por
Heritage Foundation
dailysignal.com - Lerner, former director of the IRS division that processed tax-exempt applications, has repeatedly clashed with Congress over her involvement in the targeting scandal. Under her watch, tea party gr...

Kenya Terror Attack: Gunmen Killed Christians, Spared Muslims

Partilhado por
cnsnews.com - NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) — Dozens of extremists attacked a Kenyan coastal town for hours, killing those who weren't Muslim and those who didn't know the Somali language, officials and witnesses said Mon...

This School’s Prom Theme Reveals How Truly Pathetic Public Education Has Become

Partilhado por
By Common Consent
westernjournalism.com - Teachers unions claim their demands for continuously increasing salaries and perks are based only in their desire to better educate America’s next generation. While most would agree that exceptiona...

TravelByDrone reúne paisagens filmadas por drones em várias partes do mundo - Link Estadão – Cultura Digital - Estadao.com.br

Partilhado por
Rodrigo Coppe C
blogs.estadao.com.br - Filmes com Monumento ás Bandeiras, em SP, e geleiras da Antártida são destaques de plataforma SÃO PAULO – O “ponto de vista” dos drones tende a ficar cada vez mais comum, à medida em que se popular...
Arte & Entretenimento

Progressive Films Falter While Faith-Based Movies Score

Partilhado por
Big Hollywood
breitbart.com - Adding to the troubles is the success of the pro-military themed Captain America: The Winter Soldier and Lone Survivor, which are quite the contrast from the film industry's earlier works. As Sense...

Mexican drug war opens doors for Christ - Mission Network News

Partilhado por
Mission Network News
mnnonline.org - Mexico (MNN) — Drug cartels are known for violence and death. However, their presence can also result in Gospel growth. Case-in-point: San Pedro, Mexico. According to the U.S. Council on Foreign Re...

Christians And The Disneyfication of Great Art « Phil Cooke Phil Cooke

Partilhado por
philcooke.com - Kathleen and I are teaching at a media conference in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Since we’re culture hounds, one night we went out to see a performance of the Tango. The dance was born during the 1890...

Sen. Lindsey Graham: The Next 9/11 Is Coming from Iraq

Partilhado por
cnsnews.com - “According to our own national-- director of National Intelligence, FBI director, the next 9/11 is coming from here,” Graham said. “I think it’s inevitable. The seeds of 9/11s are being planted all...

48 Kenyans Dead: Witness: Gunmen Killed Christians - ABC News

Partilhado por
Catholic Pulse
abcnews.go.com - Dozens of extremists attacked a Kenyan coastal town for hours, killing those who weren't Muslim and those who didn't know the Somali language, officials and witnesses said Monday. At least 48 peopl...

IMF Slashes US Growth Expectations; Pushes Higher Minimum Wage, Removing Tax Loopholes & Fiscal Stimulus

Partilhado por
Angelica Saldaña
zerohedge.com - Who could have seen that coming? The IMF has slashed US growth expectations for 2014 from 2.8% to 2.0% (with 2015 hockey-sticking back to 3.0%). The IMF also warned the Fed should be "mindful of fi...

WORLD | Chasing dreams | Andrée Seu Peterson

Partilhado por
WORLD News Group
worldmag.com - Now that we’re heading toward the All-Star game, here’s a quick quiz: Who wrote the unofficial anthem of America’s favorite pastime, “Take Me Out to the Ballgame”? (A) A 1920s Brooklyn Dodgers fan;...

Editora Mundo Cristão - Livro: 1Coríntios - Série Lições de Vida - Max Lucado

Partilhado por
Mundo Cristão
mundocristao.com.br - Paulo se dirige a uma igreja em crise: sectarismo, desunião, imoralidade sexual, heresias... Mas esta carta é mais que uma lista de pecados; é um exemplo de paciência. Paulo se dirige a esses crist...

48 Kenyans Were Killed by Gunmen at a World Cup Party

Partilhado por
relevantmagazine.com - At least 48 people at a World Cup viewing party in Mpeketoni, Kenya were killed by gunmen, who were reportedly targeting non-Muslims and non Somali-speakers. From the AP: "They came to our house at...
Arte & Entretenimento

CDs > Músicos Canção Nova > CD O som que vem de Deus – Instrumental : Loja Virtual

Partilhado por
loja.cancaonova.com - “Sempre temos que agradecer a Deus por mais uma vitória. Deus é o maestro de todas as melodias e arranjos.” Com estilo instrumental este é o terceiro CD da carreira de Sapo, nele contém novos arran...

Claim that Gates Foundation Does Not Fund Abortion “An Outright Deception”

Partilhado por
American Life League
hli.org - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 13, 2014 – CONTACT: Adam Cassandra – 540-622-5230 – acassandra@hli.org FRONT ROYAL, Virginia – Human Life International (HLI) President Father Shenan J. Boquet called the...

The Signs Your Business Writing Stinks (And 11 Solutions) - Forbes

Partilhado por
Scott Williams
forbes.com - Hype, hyperbole and hard-sell. Wasted words. Jargon and puffery. They’re the bane of the PR world, and now these nefarious tactics have become notorious in online business as well.  Today my friend...

Help and Hope for Stepfamilies I - Focus on the Family Daily - Canada

Partilhado por
Focus on the Family
focusonthefamily.com - Counselor Ron Deal describes some of the unique challenges facing stepfamilies and provides encouragement and practical advice to couples in a remarriage relationship. Get Web-exclusives, resources...

Brazil: Towards an internet "bill of rights" - Index on Censorship

Partilhado por
Index on Censorship
indexoncensorship.org - When it comes to the free expression, Brazil is a conundrum. On the one hand it is among the top requesters to Google and other internet firms for content takedowns. On the other hand, Brazil has p...

Brazil cops shoot live rounds during Cup protests - Yahoo News

Partilhado por
Antônio Carlos Costa
news.yahoo.com - RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — A Brazilian police officer can be seen on an Associated Press video firing what appears to be a live pistol round at anti-World Cup protesters Sunday near Rio de Janeiro's Mar...

Pope Francis: investors must link profit to solidarity

Partilhado por
N. Catholic Register
news.va - (Vatican Radio)  Pope Francis on Monday expressed appreciation for a Conference on ethical investment pointing out that the world of finance must serve the interests of peoples and the common good ...

Obama ignored general's pleas to keep American forces in Iraq - Washington Times

Partilhado por
Peter LaBarbera
washingtontimes.com - The last American commander in Iraq recommended to the Obama administration that 23,000 U.S. troops remain to cement the victory, but no deal was ever reached with Baghdad, and all combat forces we...

What's in a name?

Partilhado por
Our Sunday Visitor
osv.com - My beautiful, devout wife and I celebrated our 13th anniversary last week. It was a joyous occasion, and we marked the event in proper fashion: We spent it at the softball diamond, swatting away mo...
Arte & Entretenimento

Tempestade em alto mar

Partilhado por
ultimato.com.br - Por Calebe Ribeiro A onda e o mar viviam sempre juntos Havia um profundo equilíbrio entre os dois Uma serena paz, um oceano de amor A onda amava o mar e o mar amava a onda Eles viviam juntos, não s...

La izquierda y derecha eslovaca dice que: «El matrimonio es la unión única entre hombre y mujer» - ReL

Partilhado por
religionenlibertad.com - La propuesta nació de una unión peculiar entre el partido gobernante Dirección-Socialdemocracia (Smer SD) (Smer-Sociálna Demokracia) y el partido opositor Movimiento Democrático Cristiano (KDH) y h...

Pope Francis appeals for peace in Iraq, announces plans to visit Albania - The Arlington Catholic Herald

Partilhado por
Arl Catholic Herald
catholicherald.com - VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Pope Francis expressed his fears over increasing violence in Iraq and prayed for peace, security and reconciliation in the country. He also announced he would be visiting Alban...
Arte & Entretenimento

Bote esperança em vossa vidas

Partilhado por
† Adailton Batista †
blog.cancaonova.com - «Bote esperança» e todos os seus dias serão iluminados e o seu horizonte já não será escuro, mas luminoso.” Papa Francisco Na homilia da missa de acolhida dos jovens da JMJ Rio 2013 o Papa Francisc...
Arte & Entretenimento

Arautos Granja Viana

Partilhado por
Arautos do Evangelho
arautosgranjaviana.blog.arautos.org - “Happy ending!” Quantos de nós nunca ouviu esta famosa frase, presente no final de tantos filmes? Tão difundida, e tão apreciada, que em boa parte dos casos se tem ideia de que a vida, por mais con...
Meio Ambiente

The Soviet Navy's Massive Lun-Class Ektranoplan Decaying by the Caspian Sea

Partilhado por
urbanghostsmedia.com - It may look like a seaplane or hydrofoil, but this massive Lun-class ektranoplan is actually a ground effect vehicle (GEV), designed to skim across the surface of the water at five metres. The craf...

How the Conversation About Women Can Go On - Neylan McBaine

Partilhado por
By Common Consent
neylanmcbaine.com - The feelings are still raw and confused, but over the weekend I tried – and I’m sure I’m not alone – to make more sense of why Kate Kelly, the founder of Ordain Women, has been requested to appear ...

What's Great About Dads, in Your Words and Photos

Partilhado por
Heritage Foundation
dailysignal.com - Charisse O. lost her father June 28, 2013, so it will be her first Father’s Day without him. ‘He was my hero. He was a high school teacher and coach and loved it. He worked very hard and was the fi...

Yuri Vieira, keepcalm-anddontpanic: thinksquad: ...

Partilhado por
Yuri Vieira
yurivs.tumblr.com - Notes: 177488 / Há 4 dias  from darksilenceinsuburbia (originally from thinksquad)

La pétition de la Manif pour tous en débat

Partilhado por
La Manif Pour Tous
la-croix.com - Pour la Manif pour tous, c’est un « coup de théâtre » et « un signal positif pour la démocratie ». Lundi, l’organisation contestait devant le tribunal administratif de Paris la décision du Conseil ...

Lula radicaliza discurso e preocupa o setor empresarial - 15/06/2014 - Poder - Folha de S.Paulo

Partilhado por
Alexandre Gonçalves
folha.uol.com.br - Aliado do ex-presidente Lula, o empresariado já começa a ficar preocupado com o tom mais radical do discurso do petista nos últimos eventos em defesa da presidente Dilma Rousseff. Lula tem criticad...
Arte & Entretenimento

Nós também somos órfãos : Blog Mundo Cristão

Partilhado por
Mundo Cristão
blogmundocristao.com.br - Na escola de um pequeno vilarejo, havia uma menina que sempre chegava antes do horário. Ela ajudava a professora a deixar a sala preparada para o dia. Também ficava até mais tarde, limpando a lousa...

US Amphibious Warship With 550 Marines Enters Persian Gulf

Partilhado por
Angelica Saldaña
zerohedge.com - Following the arrival of the US aircraft carrier CVN-77, the ironically named George H.W. Bush, in the Persian Gulf, another US warship, LPD-19, the USS Mesa Verde also entered the Persian Gulf mom...

Pope Francis and Archbishop Welby discuss ways of working for unity

Partilhado por
N. Catholic Register
news.va - (Vatican Radio) Pope Francis met on Monday with the Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby, saying he hoped their meeting would serve to “strengthen further our bonds of friendship and our ...

World stock market subdued as investors await Fed

Partilhado por
cnsnews.com - LONDON (AP) — World stock markets were subdued on Monday as the turmoil in Iraq dampened sentiment and investors held back ahead of the Federal Reserve's monthly policy meeting later in the week. O...

WORLD | The shell game | Andrée Seu Peterson

Partilhado por
WORLD News Group
worldmag.com - Last week’s announcement that the U.S. economy reached a milestone in May, restoring job losses to December 2007 levels (yippee!), reminds me of an incident from my son’s childhood. I had left him ...

G1 - Navio com 3.600 mexicanos atraca em Fortaleza para acompanhar jogo - notícias em Ceará

Partilhado por
g1.globo.com - Um transatlântico com 27 mil metros quadrados atracou em Fortaleza às 5h desta segunda-feira (16). A embarcação foi fretada por 3.600 mexicanos para acompanhar os jogos da seleção do México na Copa...
Arte & Entretenimento

The Gaslight Anthem Have Announced a New Album

Partilhado por
relevantmagazine.com - New Jersey's consistently terrific rock and roll quartet The Gaslight Anthem have announced their follow-up to 2012's Handwritten. It's called Get Hurt and it'll land on August 19. At this point, a...

How My Unborn Son Saved His Mother's Life 

Partilhado por
American Life League
huffingtonpost.com - This story was written and performed by Byron Sanders for the live, storytelling show Oral Fixation (An Obsession With True Life Tales) at Hamon Hall in the Winspear Opera House in Dallas, TX on Oc...
Arte & Entretenimento

Radio America

Partilhado por
blog.cancaonova.com -  “Um dia inesquecível, cheio da graça de Deus”, É assim que a maioria dos participantes descrevem o II Kairós Canção Nova Abraça São Paulo, evento que aconteceu neste Domingo dia 15, no Ginásio do ...


Partilhado por
Focus on the Family
shop.focusonthefamily.ca - You have answered God’s call to welcome home a child. Focus on the Family Canada has selected and approved the following parenting resources to help you create a nurturing and stable environment fo...

University Faculty for Life » Blog Archive » UFL Scholarly Achievement Award

Partilhado por
uffl.org - One of the highlights of the UFL Life and Learning Conference every June is the Scholarly Achievement Award in Creative Writing, Literary Criticism, or Research given to talented undergraduate and ...

Senator: Obama thinks he’s ‘above the law’

Partilhado por
WND News
wnd.com - President Obama feels he is “above the law” and has made a “habit” of violating the Constitution and U.S. law, Sen. Jim Inhofe, R-Okla., charged in a radio interview Sunday. Inhofe made those accus...
Arte & Entretenimento

21 y 22 de junio: Ven a Tordesillas (Valladolid), y celebra el aniversario de CIDEVIDA

Partilhado por
hazteoir.org - El Centro Internacional para la Defensa de la Vida Humana te invita a festejar un año más de intensa labor al servicio del derecho a la vida.  El 'día grande' será el domingo 21, pero ya el sábado ...

Actualidad - Alpedrete y Arroyomolinos contarán con dos nuevos centros de salud

Partilhado por
PP de Madrid
madrid.org - Además, sólo en el último año, los centros de salud de la Comunidad realizaron más de 50 millones de consultas, lo que supone más de 137.000 al día y dos millones de consultas más que el año anteri...
Arte & Entretenimento

Os Cristãos e os Desafios Contemporâneos

Partilhado por
ultimato.com.br - A MAIOR E MAIS ABRANGENTE OBRA DE JOHN STOTT. Os Cristãos e os Desafios Contemporâneos é uma leitura essencial para a compreensão das razões e das possibilidades de envolvimento dos cristãos com as...

O papa anuncia que viajará à Albânia no dia 21 de setembro

Partilhado por
Zenit Portugues
zenit.org - Depois do ângelus deste domingo, 15 de junho, na Praça de São Pedro, o papa fez o seguinte pronunciamento: Estou acompanhando com grande preocupação os acontecimentos destes últimos dias no Iraque....

Full Text of Pope Francis’ Interview with ‘La Vanguardia’ | Daily News

Partilhado por
ncregister.com - VATICAN CITY — In an interview granted with Spanish-language magazine La Vanguardia on June 9, Pope Francis lauded Pius XII for his efforts in saving Jews, discussed Orthodox-Catholic relations, as...

How Did the IRS Lose Lois Lerner's IRS Emails?

Partilhado por
Heritage Foundation
dailysignal.com - Lerner, former director of the IRS division that processed tax-exempt applications, has repeatedly clashed with Congress over her involvement in the targeting scandal. Under her watch, tea party gr...

Kenya Terror Attack: Gunmen Killed Christians, Spared Muslims

Partilhado por
cnsnews.com - NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) — Dozens of extremists attacked a Kenyan coastal town for hours, killing those who weren't Muslim and those who didn't know the Somali language, officials and witnesses said Mon...

This School’s Prom Theme Reveals How Truly Pathetic Public Education Has Become

Partilhado por
By Common Consent
westernjournalism.com - Teachers unions claim their demands for continuously increasing salaries and perks are based only in their desire to better educate America’s next generation. While most would agree that exceptiona...

TravelByDrone reúne paisagens filmadas por drones em várias partes do mundo - Link Estadão – Cultura Digital - Estadao.com.br

Partilhado por
Rodrigo Coppe C
blogs.estadao.com.br - Filmes com Monumento ás Bandeiras, em SP, e geleiras da Antártida são destaques de plataforma SÃO PAULO – O “ponto de vista” dos drones tende a ficar cada vez mais comum, à medida em que se popular...
Arte & Entretenimento

Progressive Films Falter While Faith-Based Movies Score

Partilhado por
Big Hollywood
breitbart.com - Adding to the troubles is the success of the pro-military themed Captain America: The Winter Soldier and Lone Survivor, which are quite the contrast from the film industry's earlier works. As Sense...

Mexican drug war opens doors for Christ - Mission Network News

Partilhado por
Mission Network News
mnnonline.org - Mexico (MNN) — Drug cartels are known for violence and death. However, their presence can also result in Gospel growth. Case-in-point: San Pedro, Mexico. According to the U.S. Council on Foreign Re...

Christians And The Disneyfication of Great Art « Phil Cooke Phil Cooke

Partilhado por
philcooke.com - Kathleen and I are teaching at a media conference in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Since we’re culture hounds, one night we went out to see a performance of the Tango. The dance was born during the 1890...

Sen. Lindsey Graham: The Next 9/11 Is Coming from Iraq

Partilhado por
cnsnews.com - “According to our own national-- director of National Intelligence, FBI director, the next 9/11 is coming from here,” Graham said. “I think it’s inevitable. The seeds of 9/11s are being planted all...

48 Kenyans Dead: Witness: Gunmen Killed Christians - ABC News

Partilhado por
Catholic Pulse
abcnews.go.com - Dozens of extremists attacked a Kenyan coastal town for hours, killing those who weren't Muslim and those who didn't know the Somali language, officials and witnesses said Monday. At least 48 peopl...

IMF Slashes US Growth Expectations; Pushes Higher Minimum Wage, Removing Tax Loopholes & Fiscal Stimulus

Partilhado por
Angelica Saldaña
zerohedge.com - Who could have seen that coming? The IMF has slashed US growth expectations for 2014 from 2.8% to 2.0% (with 2015 hockey-sticking back to 3.0%). The IMF also warned the Fed should be "mindful of fi...

WORLD | Chasing dreams | Andrée Seu Peterson

Partilhado por
WORLD News Group
worldmag.com - Now that we’re heading toward the All-Star game, here’s a quick quiz: Who wrote the unofficial anthem of America’s favorite pastime, “Take Me Out to the Ballgame”? (A) A 1920s Brooklyn Dodgers fan;...

Editora Mundo Cristão - Livro: 1Coríntios - Série Lições de Vida - Max Lucado

Partilhado por
Mundo Cristão
mundocristao.com.br - Paulo se dirige a uma igreja em crise: sectarismo, desunião, imoralidade sexual, heresias... Mas esta carta é mais que uma lista de pecados; é um exemplo de paciência. Paulo se dirige a esses crist...

48 Kenyans Were Killed by Gunmen at a World Cup Party

Partilhado por
relevantmagazine.com - At least 48 people at a World Cup viewing party in Mpeketoni, Kenya were killed by gunmen, who were reportedly targeting non-Muslims and non Somali-speakers. From the AP: "They came to our house at...
Arte & Entretenimento

CDs > Músicos Canção Nova > CD O som que vem de Deus – Instrumental : Loja Virtual

Partilhado por
loja.cancaonova.com - “Sempre temos que agradecer a Deus por mais uma vitória. Deus é o maestro de todas as melodias e arranjos.” Com estilo instrumental este é o terceiro CD da carreira de Sapo, nele contém novos arran...

Claim that Gates Foundation Does Not Fund Abortion “An Outright Deception”

Partilhado por
American Life League
hli.org - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 13, 2014 – CONTACT: Adam Cassandra – 540-622-5230 – acassandra@hli.org FRONT ROYAL, Virginia – Human Life International (HLI) President Father Shenan J. Boquet called the...

The Signs Your Business Writing Stinks (And 11 Solutions) - Forbes

Partilhado por
Scott Williams
forbes.com - Hype, hyperbole and hard-sell. Wasted words. Jargon and puffery. They’re the bane of the PR world, and now these nefarious tactics have become notorious in online business as well.  Today my friend...

Help and Hope for Stepfamilies I - Focus on the Family Daily - Canada

Partilhado por
Focus on the Family
focusonthefamily.com - Counselor Ron Deal describes some of the unique challenges facing stepfamilies and provides encouragement and practical advice to couples in a remarriage relationship. Get Web-exclusives, resources...

Brazil: Towards an internet "bill of rights" - Index on Censorship

Partilhado por
Index on Censorship
indexoncensorship.org - When it comes to the free expression, Brazil is a conundrum. On the one hand it is among the top requesters to Google and other internet firms for content takedowns. On the other hand, Brazil has p...

Brazil cops shoot live rounds during Cup protests - Yahoo News

Partilhado por
Antônio Carlos Costa
news.yahoo.com - RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — A Brazilian police officer can be seen on an Associated Press video firing what appears to be a live pistol round at anti-World Cup protesters Sunday near Rio de Janeiro's Mar...

Pope Francis: investors must link profit to solidarity

Partilhado por
N. Catholic Register
news.va - (Vatican Radio)  Pope Francis on Monday expressed appreciation for a Conference on ethical investment pointing out that the world of finance must serve the interests of peoples and the common good ...

Obama ignored general's pleas to keep American forces in Iraq - Washington Times

Partilhado por
Peter LaBarbera
washingtontimes.com - The last American commander in Iraq recommended to the Obama administration that 23,000 U.S. troops remain to cement the victory, but no deal was ever reached with Baghdad, and all combat forces we...

What's in a name?

Partilhado por
Our Sunday Visitor
osv.com - My beautiful, devout wife and I celebrated our 13th anniversary last week. It was a joyous occasion, and we marked the event in proper fashion: We spent it at the softball diamond, swatting away mo...
Arte & Entretenimento

Tempestade em alto mar

Partilhado por
ultimato.com.br - Por Calebe Ribeiro A onda e o mar viviam sempre juntos Havia um profundo equilíbrio entre os dois Uma serena paz, um oceano de amor A onda amava o mar e o mar amava a onda Eles viviam juntos, não s...

La izquierda y derecha eslovaca dice que: «El matrimonio es la unión única entre hombre y mujer» - ReL

Partilhado por
religionenlibertad.com - La propuesta nació de una unión peculiar entre el partido gobernante Dirección-Socialdemocracia (Smer SD) (Smer-Sociálna Demokracia) y el partido opositor Movimiento Democrático Cristiano (KDH) y h...

Pope Francis appeals for peace in Iraq, announces plans to visit Albania - The Arlington Catholic Herald

Partilhado por
Arl Catholic Herald
catholicherald.com - VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Pope Francis expressed his fears over increasing violence in Iraq and prayed for peace, security and reconciliation in the country. He also announced he would be visiting Alban...
Arte & Entretenimento

Bote esperança em vossa vidas

Partilhado por
† Adailton Batista †
blog.cancaonova.com - «Bote esperança» e todos os seus dias serão iluminados e o seu horizonte já não será escuro, mas luminoso.” Papa Francisco Na homilia da missa de acolhida dos jovens da JMJ Rio 2013 o Papa Francisc...
Arte & Entretenimento

Arautos Granja Viana

Partilhado por
Arautos do Evangelho
arautosgranjaviana.blog.arautos.org - “Happy ending!” Quantos de nós nunca ouviu esta famosa frase, presente no final de tantos filmes? Tão difundida, e tão apreciada, que em boa parte dos casos se tem ideia de que a vida, por mais con...
Meio Ambiente

The Soviet Navy's Massive Lun-Class Ektranoplan Decaying by the Caspian Sea

Partilhado por
urbanghostsmedia.com - It may look like a seaplane or hydrofoil, but this massive Lun-class ektranoplan is actually a ground effect vehicle (GEV), designed to skim across the surface of the water at five metres. The craf...

How the Conversation About Women Can Go On - Neylan McBaine

Partilhado por
By Common Consent
neylanmcbaine.com - The feelings are still raw and confused, but over the weekend I tried – and I’m sure I’m not alone – to make more sense of why Kate Kelly, the founder of Ordain Women, has been requested to appear ...

What's Great About Dads, in Your Words and Photos

Partilhado por
Heritage Foundation
dailysignal.com - Charisse O. lost her father June 28, 2013, so it will be her first Father’s Day without him. ‘He was my hero. He was a high school teacher and coach and loved it. He worked very hard and was the fi...

Yuri Vieira, keepcalm-anddontpanic: thinksquad: ...

Partilhado por
Yuri Vieira
yurivs.tumblr.com - Notes: 177488 / Há 4 dias  from darksilenceinsuburbia (originally from thinksquad)

La pétition de la Manif pour tous en débat

Partilhado por
La Manif Pour Tous
la-croix.com - Pour la Manif pour tous, c’est un « coup de théâtre » et « un signal positif pour la démocratie ». Lundi, l’organisation contestait devant le tribunal administratif de Paris la décision du Conseil ...

Lula radicaliza discurso e preocupa o setor empresarial - 15/06/2014 - Poder - Folha de S.Paulo

Partilhado por
Alexandre Gonçalves
folha.uol.com.br - Aliado do ex-presidente Lula, o empresariado já começa a ficar preocupado com o tom mais radical do discurso do petista nos últimos eventos em defesa da presidente Dilma Rousseff. Lula tem criticad...
Arte & Entretenimento

Nós também somos órfãos : Blog Mundo Cristão

Partilhado por
Mundo Cristão
blogmundocristao.com.br - Na escola de um pequeno vilarejo, havia uma menina que sempre chegava antes do horário. Ela ajudava a professora a deixar a sala preparada para o dia. Também ficava até mais tarde, limpando a lousa...

US Amphibious Warship With 550 Marines Enters Persian Gulf

Partilhado por
Angelica Saldaña
zerohedge.com - Following the arrival of the US aircraft carrier CVN-77, the ironically named George H.W. Bush, in the Persian Gulf, another US warship, LPD-19, the USS Mesa Verde also entered the Persian Gulf mom...

Pope Francis and Archbishop Welby discuss ways of working for unity

Partilhado por
N. Catholic Register
news.va - (Vatican Radio) Pope Francis met on Monday with the Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby, saying he hoped their meeting would serve to “strengthen further our bonds of friendship and our ...

World stock market subdued as investors await Fed

Partilhado por
cnsnews.com - LONDON (AP) — World stock markets were subdued on Monday as the turmoil in Iraq dampened sentiment and investors held back ahead of the Federal Reserve's monthly policy meeting later in the week. O...

WORLD | The shell game | Andrée Seu Peterson

Partilhado por
WORLD News Group
worldmag.com - Last week’s announcement that the U.S. economy reached a milestone in May, restoring job losses to December 2007 levels (yippee!), reminds me of an incident from my son’s childhood. I had left him ...

G1 - Navio com 3.600 mexicanos atraca em Fortaleza para acompanhar jogo - notícias em Ceará

Partilhado por
g1.globo.com - Um transatlântico com 27 mil metros quadrados atracou em Fortaleza às 5h desta segunda-feira (16). A embarcação foi fretada por 3.600 mexicanos para acompanhar os jogos da seleção do México na Copa...
Arte & Entretenimento

The Gaslight Anthem Have Announced a New Album

Partilhado por
relevantmagazine.com - New Jersey's consistently terrific rock and roll quartet The Gaslight Anthem have announced their follow-up to 2012's Handwritten. It's called Get Hurt and it'll land on August 19. At this point, a...

How My Unborn Son Saved His Mother's Life 

Partilhado por
American Life League
huffingtonpost.com - This story was written and performed by Byron Sanders for the live, storytelling show Oral Fixation (An Obsession With True Life Tales) at Hamon Hall in the Winspear Opera House in Dallas, TX on Oc...
Arte & Entretenimento

Radio America

Partilhado por
blog.cancaonova.com -  “Um dia inesquecível, cheio da graça de Deus”, É assim que a maioria dos participantes descrevem o II Kairós Canção Nova Abraça São Paulo, evento que aconteceu neste Domingo dia 15, no Ginásio do ...


Partilhado por
Focus on the Family
shop.focusonthefamily.ca - You have answered God’s call to welcome home a child. Focus on the Family Canada has selected and approved the following parenting resources to help you create a nurturing and stable environment fo...

University Faculty for Life » Blog Archive » UFL Scholarly Achievement Award

Partilhado por
uffl.org - One of the highlights of the UFL Life and Learning Conference every June is the Scholarly Achievement Award in Creative Writing, Literary Criticism, or Research given to talented undergraduate and ...

Senator: Obama thinks he’s ‘above the law’

Partilhado por
WND News
wnd.com - President Obama feels he is “above the law” and has made a “habit” of violating the Constitution and U.S. law, Sen. Jim Inhofe, R-Okla., charged in a radio interview Sunday. Inhofe made those accus...
Arte & Entretenimento

21 y 22 de junio: Ven a Tordesillas (Valladolid), y celebra el aniversario de CIDEVIDA

Partilhado por
hazteoir.org - El Centro Internacional para la Defensa de la Vida Humana te invita a festejar un año más de intensa labor al servicio del derecho a la vida.  El 'día grande' será el domingo 21, pero ya el sábado ...

Actualidad - Alpedrete y Arroyomolinos contarán con dos nuevos centros de salud

Partilhado por
PP de Madrid
madrid.org - Además, sólo en el último año, los centros de salud de la Comunidad realizaron más de 50 millones de consultas, lo que supone más de 137.000 al día y dos millones de consultas más que el año anteri...
Arte & Entretenimento

Os Cristãos e os Desafios Contemporâneos

Partilhado por
ultimato.com.br - A MAIOR E MAIS ABRANGENTE OBRA DE JOHN STOTT. Os Cristãos e os Desafios Contemporâneos é uma leitura essencial para a compreensão das razões e das possibilidades de envolvimento dos cristãos com as...

O papa anuncia que viajará à Albânia no dia 21 de setembro

Partilhado por
Zenit Portugues
zenit.org - Depois do ângelus deste domingo, 15 de junho, na Praça de São Pedro, o papa fez o seguinte pronunciamento: Estou acompanhando com grande preocupação os acontecimentos destes últimos dias no Iraque....

Full Text of Pope Francis’ Interview with ‘La Vanguardia’ | Daily News

Partilhado por
ncregister.com - VATICAN CITY — In an interview granted with Spanish-language magazine La Vanguardia on June 9, Pope Francis lauded Pius XII for his efforts in saving Jews, discussed Orthodox-Catholic relations, as...

How Did the IRS Lose Lois Lerner's IRS Emails?

Partilhado por
Heritage Foundation
dailysignal.com - Lerner, former director of the IRS division that processed tax-exempt applications, has repeatedly clashed with Congress over her involvement in the targeting scandal. Under her watch, tea party gr...

Kenya Terror Attack: Gunmen Killed Christians, Spared Muslims

Partilhado por
cnsnews.com - NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) — Dozens of extremists attacked a Kenyan coastal town for hours, killing those who weren't Muslim and those who didn't know the Somali language, officials and witnesses said Mon...

This School’s Prom Theme Reveals How Truly Pathetic Public Education Has Become

Partilhado por
By Common Consent
westernjournalism.com - Teachers unions claim their demands for continuously increasing salaries and perks are based only in their desire to better educate America’s next generation. While most would agree that exceptiona...

TravelByDrone reúne paisagens filmadas por drones em várias partes do mundo - Link Estadão – Cultura Digital - Estadao.com.br

Partilhado por
Rodrigo Coppe C
blogs.estadao.com.br - Filmes com Monumento ás Bandeiras, em SP, e geleiras da Antártida são destaques de plataforma SÃO PAULO – O “ponto de vista” dos drones tende a ficar cada vez mais comum, à medida em que se popular...
Arte & Entretenimento

Progressive Films Falter While Faith-Based Movies Score

Partilhado por
Big Hollywood
breitbart.com - Adding to the troubles is the success of the pro-military themed Captain America: The Winter Soldier and Lone Survivor, which are quite the contrast from the film industry's earlier works. As Sense...

Mexican drug war opens doors for Christ - Mission Network News

Partilhado por
Mission Network News
mnnonline.org - Mexico (MNN) — Drug cartels are known for violence and death. However, their presence can also result in Gospel growth. Case-in-point: San Pedro, Mexico. According to the U.S. Council on Foreign Re...

Christians And The Disneyfication of Great Art « Phil Cooke Phil Cooke

Partilhado por
philcooke.com - Kathleen and I are teaching at a media conference in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Since we’re culture hounds, one night we went out to see a performance of the Tango. The dance was born during the 1890...

Sen. Lindsey Graham: The Next 9/11 Is Coming from Iraq

Partilhado por
cnsnews.com - “According to our own national-- director of National Intelligence, FBI director, the next 9/11 is coming from here,” Graham said. “I think it’s inevitable. The seeds of 9/11s are being planted all...

48 Kenyans Dead: Witness: Gunmen Killed Christians - ABC News

Partilhado por
Catholic Pulse
abcnews.go.com - Dozens of extremists attacked a Kenyan coastal town for hours, killing those who weren't Muslim and those who didn't know the Somali language, officials and witnesses said Monday. At least 48 peopl...

IMF Slashes US Growth Expectations; Pushes Higher Minimum Wage, Removing Tax Loopholes & Fiscal Stimulus

Partilhado por
Angelica Saldaña
zerohedge.com - Who could have seen that coming? The IMF has slashed US growth expectations for 2014 from 2.8% to 2.0% (with 2015 hockey-sticking back to 3.0%). The IMF also warned the Fed should be "mindful of fi...

WORLD | Chasing dreams | Andrée Seu Peterson

Partilhado por
WORLD News Group
worldmag.com - Now that we’re heading toward the All-Star game, here’s a quick quiz: Who wrote the unofficial anthem of America’s favorite pastime, “Take Me Out to the Ballgame”? (A) A 1920s Brooklyn Dodgers fan;...

Editora Mundo Cristão - Livro: 1Coríntios - Série Lições de Vida - Max Lucado

Partilhado por
Mundo Cristão
mundocristao.com.br - Paulo se dirige a uma igreja em crise: sectarismo, desunião, imoralidade sexual, heresias... Mas esta carta é mais que uma lista de pecados; é um exemplo de paciência. Paulo se dirige a esses crist...

48 Kenyans Were Killed by Gunmen at a World Cup Party

Partilhado por
relevantmagazine.com - At least 48 people at a World Cup viewing party in Mpeketoni, Kenya were killed by gunmen, who were reportedly targeting non-Muslims and non Somali-speakers. From the AP: "They came to our house at...
Arte & Entretenimento

CDs > Músicos Canção Nova > CD O som que vem de Deus – Instrumental : Loja Virtual

Partilhado por
loja.cancaonova.com - “Sempre temos que agradecer a Deus por mais uma vitória. Deus é o maestro de todas as melodias e arranjos.” Com estilo instrumental este é o terceiro CD da carreira de Sapo, nele contém novos arran...

Claim that Gates Foundation Does Not Fund Abortion “An Outright Deception”

Partilhado por
American Life League
hli.org - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 13, 2014 – CONTACT: Adam Cassandra – 540-622-5230 – acassandra@hli.org FRONT ROYAL, Virginia – Human Life International (HLI) President Father Shenan J. Boquet called the...

The Signs Your Business Writing Stinks (And 11 Solutions) - Forbes

Partilhado por
Scott Williams
forbes.com - Hype, hyperbole and hard-sell. Wasted words. Jargon and puffery. They’re the bane of the PR world, and now these nefarious tactics have become notorious in online business as well.  Today my friend...

Help and Hope for Stepfamilies I - Focus on the Family Daily - Canada

Partilhado por
Focus on the Family
focusonthefamily.com - Counselor Ron Deal describes some of the unique challenges facing stepfamilies and provides encouragement and practical advice to couples in a remarriage relationship. Get Web-exclusives, resources...

Brazil: Towards an internet "bill of rights" - Index on Censorship

Partilhado por
Index on Censorship
indexoncensorship.org - When it comes to the free expression, Brazil is a conundrum. On the one hand it is among the top requesters to Google and other internet firms for content takedowns. On the other hand, Brazil has p...

Brazil cops shoot live rounds during Cup protests - Yahoo News

Partilhado por
Antônio Carlos Costa
news.yahoo.com - RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — A Brazilian police officer can be seen on an Associated Press video firing what appears to be a live pistol round at anti-World Cup protesters Sunday near Rio de Janeiro's Mar...

Pope Francis: investors must link profit to solidarity

Partilhado por
N. Catholic Register
news.va - (Vatican Radio)  Pope Francis on Monday expressed appreciation for a Conference on ethical investment pointing out that the world of finance must serve the interests of peoples and the common good ...

Obama ignored general's pleas to keep American forces in Iraq - Washington Times

Partilhado por
Peter LaBarbera
washingtontimes.com - The last American commander in Iraq recommended to the Obama administration that 23,000 U.S. troops remain to cement the victory, but no deal was ever reached with Baghdad, and all combat forces we...

What's in a name?

Partilhado por
Our Sunday Visitor
osv.com - My beautiful, devout wife and I celebrated our 13th anniversary last week. It was a joyous occasion, and we marked the event in proper fashion: We spent it at the softball diamond, swatting away mo...
Arte & Entretenimento

Tempestade em alto mar

Partilhado por
ultimato.com.br - Por Calebe Ribeiro A onda e o mar viviam sempre juntos Havia um profundo equilíbrio entre os dois Uma serena paz, um oceano de amor A onda amava o mar e o mar amava a onda Eles viviam juntos, não s...

La izquierda y derecha eslovaca dice que: «El matrimonio es la unión única entre hombre y mujer» - ReL

Partilhado por
religionenlibertad.com - La propuesta nació de una unión peculiar entre el partido gobernante Dirección-Socialdemocracia (Smer SD) (Smer-Sociálna Demokracia) y el partido opositor Movimiento Democrático Cristiano (KDH) y h...

Pope Francis appeals for peace in Iraq, announces plans to visit Albania - The Arlington Catholic Herald

Partilhado por
Arl Catholic Herald
catholicherald.com - VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Pope Francis expressed his fears over increasing violence in Iraq and prayed for peace, security and reconciliation in the country. He also announced he would be visiting Alban...
Arte & Entretenimento

Bote esperança em vossa vidas

Partilhado por
† Adailton Batista †
blog.cancaonova.com - «Bote esperança» e todos os seus dias serão iluminados e o seu horizonte já não será escuro, mas luminoso.” Papa Francisco Na homilia da missa de acolhida dos jovens da JMJ Rio 2013 o Papa Francisc...
Arte & Entretenimento

Arautos Granja Viana

Partilhado por
Arautos do Evangelho
arautosgranjaviana.blog.arautos.org - “Happy ending!” Quantos de nós nunca ouviu esta famosa frase, presente no final de tantos filmes? Tão difundida, e tão apreciada, que em boa parte dos casos se tem ideia de que a vida, por mais con...
Meio Ambiente

The Soviet Navy's Massive Lun-Class Ektranoplan Decaying by the Caspian Sea

Partilhado por
urbanghostsmedia.com - It may look like a seaplane or hydrofoil, but this massive Lun-class ektranoplan is actually a ground effect vehicle (GEV), designed to skim across the surface of the water at five metres. The craf...

How the Conversation About Women Can Go On - Neylan McBaine

Partilhado por
By Common Consent
neylanmcbaine.com - The feelings are still raw and confused, but over the weekend I tried – and I’m sure I’m not alone – to make more sense of why Kate Kelly, the founder of Ordain Women, has been requested to appear ...

What's Great About Dads, in Your Words and Photos

Partilhado por
Heritage Foundation
dailysignal.com - Charisse O. lost her father June 28, 2013, so it will be her first Father’s Day without him. ‘He was my hero. He was a high school teacher and coach and loved it. He worked very hard and was the fi...

Yuri Vieira, keepcalm-anddontpanic: thinksquad: ...

Partilhado por
Yuri Vieira
yurivs.tumblr.com - Notes: 177488 / Há 4 dias  from darksilenceinsuburbia (originally from thinksquad)

La pétition de la Manif pour tous en débat

Partilhado por
La Manif Pour Tous
la-croix.com - Pour la Manif pour tous, c’est un « coup de théâtre » et « un signal positif pour la démocratie ». Lundi, l’organisation contestait devant le tribunal administratif de Paris la décision du Conseil ...

Lula radicaliza discurso e preocupa o setor empresarial - 15/06/2014 - Poder - Folha de S.Paulo

Partilhado por
Alexandre Gonçalves
folha.uol.com.br - Aliado do ex-presidente Lula, o empresariado já começa a ficar preocupado com o tom mais radical do discurso do petista nos últimos eventos em defesa da presidente Dilma Rousseff. Lula tem criticad...
Arte & Entretenimento

Nós também somos órfãos : Blog Mundo Cristão

Partilhado por
Mundo Cristão
blogmundocristao.com.br - Na escola de um pequeno vilarejo, havia uma menina que sempre chegava antes do horário. Ela ajudava a professora a deixar a sala preparada para o dia. Também ficava até mais tarde, limpando a lousa...

US Amphibious Warship With 550 Marines Enters Persian Gulf

Partilhado por
Angelica Saldaña
zerohedge.com - Following the arrival of the US aircraft carrier CVN-77, the ironically named George H.W. Bush, in the Persian Gulf, another US warship, LPD-19, the USS Mesa Verde also entered the Persian Gulf mom...

Pope Francis and Archbishop Welby discuss ways of working for unity

Partilhado por
N. Catholic Register
news.va - (Vatican Radio) Pope Francis met on Monday with the Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby, saying he hoped their meeting would serve to “strengthen further our bonds of friendship and our ...

World stock market subdued as investors await Fed

Partilhado por
cnsnews.com - LONDON (AP) — World stock markets were subdued on Monday as the turmoil in Iraq dampened sentiment and investors held back ahead of the Federal Reserve's monthly policy meeting later in the week. O...

WORLD | The shell game | Andrée Seu Peterson

Partilhado por
WORLD News Group
worldmag.com - Last week’s announcement that the U.S. economy reached a milestone in May, restoring job losses to December 2007 levels (yippee!), reminds me of an incident from my son’s childhood. I had left him ...

G1 - Navio com 3.600 mexicanos atraca em Fortaleza para acompanhar jogo - notícias em Ceará

Partilhado por
g1.globo.com - Um transatlântico com 27 mil metros quadrados atracou em Fortaleza às 5h desta segunda-feira (16). A embarcação foi fretada por 3.600 mexicanos para acompanhar os jogos da seleção do México na Copa...
Arte & Entretenimento

The Gaslight Anthem Have Announced a New Album

Partilhado por
relevantmagazine.com - New Jersey's consistently terrific rock and roll quartet The Gaslight Anthem have announced their follow-up to 2012's Handwritten. It's called Get Hurt and it'll land on August 19. At this point, a...

How My Unborn Son Saved His Mother's Life 

Partilhado por
American Life League
huffingtonpost.com - This story was written and performed by Byron Sanders for the live, storytelling show Oral Fixation (An Obsession With True Life Tales) at Hamon Hall in the Winspear Opera House in Dallas, TX on Oc...
Arte & Entretenimento

Radio America

Partilhado por
blog.cancaonova.com -  “Um dia inesquecível, cheio da graça de Deus”, É assim que a maioria dos participantes descrevem o II Kairós Canção Nova Abraça São Paulo, evento que aconteceu neste Domingo dia 15, no Ginásio do ...


Partilhado por
Focus on the Family
shop.focusonthefamily.ca - You have answered God’s call to welcome home a child. Focus on the Family Canada has selected and approved the following parenting resources to help you create a nurturing and stable environment fo...

University Faculty for Life » Blog Archive » UFL Scholarly Achievement Award

Partilhado por
uffl.org - One of the highlights of the UFL Life and Learning Conference every June is the Scholarly Achievement Award in Creative Writing, Literary Criticism, or Research given to talented undergraduate and ...

Senator: Obama thinks he’s ‘above the law’

Partilhado por
WND News
wnd.com - President Obama feels he is “above the law” and has made a “habit” of violating the Constitution and U.S. law, Sen. Jim Inhofe, R-Okla., charged in a radio interview Sunday. Inhofe made those accus...
Arte & Entretenimento

21 y 22 de junio: Ven a Tordesillas (Valladolid), y celebra el aniversario de CIDEVIDA

Partilhado por
hazteoir.org - El Centro Internacional para la Defensa de la Vida Humana te invita a festejar un año más de intensa labor al servicio del derecho a la vida.  El 'día grande' será el domingo 21, pero ya el sábado ...

Actualidad - Alpedrete y Arroyomolinos contarán con dos nuevos centros de salud

Partilhado por
PP de Madrid
madrid.org - Además, sólo en el último año, los centros de salud de la Comunidad realizaron más de 50 millones de consultas, lo que supone más de 137.000 al día y dos millones de consultas más que el año anteri...
Arte & Entretenimento

Os Cristãos e os Desafios Contemporâneos

Partilhado por
ultimato.com.br - A MAIOR E MAIS ABRANGENTE OBRA DE JOHN STOTT. Os Cristãos e os Desafios Contemporâneos é uma leitura essencial para a compreensão das razões e das possibilidades de envolvimento dos cristãos com as...

O papa anuncia que viajará à Albânia no dia 21 de setembro

Partilhado por
Zenit Portugues
zenit.org - Depois do ângelus deste domingo, 15 de junho, na Praça de São Pedro, o papa fez o seguinte pronunciamento: Estou acompanhando com grande preocupação os acontecimentos destes últimos dias no Iraque....

Full Text of Pope Francis’ Interview with ‘La Vanguardia’ | Daily News

Partilhado por
ncregister.com - VATICAN CITY — In an interview granted with Spanish-language magazine La Vanguardia on June 9, Pope Francis lauded Pius XII for his efforts in saving Jews, discussed Orthodox-Catholic relations, as...

How Did the IRS Lose Lois Lerner's IRS Emails?

Partilhado por
Heritage Foundation
dailysignal.com - Lerner, former director of the IRS division that processed tax-exempt applications, has repeatedly clashed with Congress over her involvement in the targeting scandal. Under her watch, tea party gr...

Kenya Terror Attack: Gunmen Killed Christians, Spared Muslims

Partilhado por
cnsnews.com - NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) — Dozens of extremists attacked a Kenyan coastal town for hours, killing those who weren't Muslim and those who didn't know the Somali language, officials and witnesses said Mon...

This School’s Prom Theme Reveals How Truly Pathetic Public Education Has Become

Partilhado por
By Common Consent
westernjournalism.com - Teachers unions claim their demands for continuously increasing salaries and perks are based only in their desire to better educate America’s next generation. While most would agree that exceptiona...

TravelByDrone reúne paisagens filmadas por drones em várias partes do mundo - Link Estadão – Cultura Digital - Estadao.com.br

Partilhado por
Rodrigo Coppe C
blogs.estadao.com.br - Filmes com Monumento ás Bandeiras, em SP, e geleiras da Antártida são destaques de plataforma SÃO PAULO – O “ponto de vista” dos drones tende a ficar cada vez mais comum, à medida em que se popular...
Arte & Entretenimento

Progressive Films Falter While Faith-Based Movies Score

Partilhado por
Big Hollywood
breitbart.com - Adding to the troubles is the success of the pro-military themed Captain America: The Winter Soldier and Lone Survivor, which are quite the contrast from the film industry's earlier works. As Sense...

Mexican drug war opens doors for Christ - Mission Network News

Partilhado por
Mission Network News
mnnonline.org - Mexico (MNN) — Drug cartels are known for violence and death. However, their presence can also result in Gospel growth. Case-in-point: San Pedro, Mexico. According to the U.S. Council on Foreign Re...

Christians And The Disneyfication of Great Art « Phil Cooke Phil Cooke

Partilhado por
philcooke.com - Kathleen and I are teaching at a media conference in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Since we’re culture hounds, one night we went out to see a performance of the Tango. The dance was born during the 1890...

Sen. Lindsey Graham: The Next 9/11 Is Coming from Iraq

Partilhado por
cnsnews.com - “According to our own national-- director of National Intelligence, FBI director, the next 9/11 is coming from here,” Graham said. “I think it’s inevitable. The seeds of 9/11s are being planted all...

48 Kenyans Dead: Witness: Gunmen Killed Christians - ABC News

Partilhado por
Catholic Pulse
abcnews.go.com - Dozens of extremists attacked a Kenyan coastal town for hours, killing those who weren't Muslim and those who didn't know the Somali language, officials and witnesses said Monday. At least 48 peopl...

IMF Slashes US Growth Expectations; Pushes Higher Minimum Wage, Removing Tax Loopholes & Fiscal Stimulus

Partilhado por
Angelica Saldaña
zerohedge.com - Who could have seen that coming? The IMF has slashed US growth expectations for 2014 from 2.8% to 2.0% (with 2015 hockey-sticking back to 3.0%). The IMF also warned the Fed should be "mindful of fi...

WORLD | Chasing dreams | Andrée Seu Peterson

Partilhado por
WORLD News Group
worldmag.com - Now that we’re heading toward the All-Star game, here’s a quick quiz: Who wrote the unofficial anthem of America’s favorite pastime, “Take Me Out to the Ballgame”? (A) A 1920s Brooklyn Dodgers fan;...

Editora Mundo Cristão - Livro: 1Coríntios - Série Lições de Vida - Max Lucado

Partilhado por
Mundo Cristão
mundocristao.com.br - Paulo se dirige a uma igreja em crise: sectarismo, desunião, imoralidade sexual, heresias... Mas esta carta é mais que uma lista de pecados; é um exemplo de paciência. Paulo se dirige a esses crist...

48 Kenyans Were Killed by Gunmen at a World Cup Party

Partilhado por
relevantmagazine.com - At least 48 people at a World Cup viewing party in Mpeketoni, Kenya were killed by gunmen, who were reportedly targeting non-Muslims and non Somali-speakers. From the AP: "They came to our house at...
Arte & Entretenimento

CDs > Músicos Canção Nova > CD O som que vem de Deus – Instrumental : Loja Virtual

Partilhado por
loja.cancaonova.com - “Sempre temos que agradecer a Deus por mais uma vitória. Deus é o maestro de todas as melodias e arranjos.” Com estilo instrumental este é o terceiro CD da carreira de Sapo, nele contém novos arran...

Claim that Gates Foundation Does Not Fund Abortion “An Outright Deception”

Partilhado por
American Life League
hli.org - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 13, 2014 – CONTACT: Adam Cassandra – 540-622-5230 – acassandra@hli.org FRONT ROYAL, Virginia – Human Life International (HLI) President Father Shenan J. Boquet called the...

The Signs Your Business Writing Stinks (And 11 Solutions) - Forbes

Partilhado por
Scott Williams
forbes.com - Hype, hyperbole and hard-sell. Wasted words. Jargon and puffery. They’re the bane of the PR world, and now these nefarious tactics have become notorious in online business as well.  Today my friend...

Help and Hope for Stepfamilies I - Focus on the Family Daily - Canada

Partilhado por
Focus on the Family
focusonthefamily.com - Counselor Ron Deal describes some of the unique challenges facing stepfamilies and provides encouragement and practical advice to couples in a remarriage relationship. Get Web-exclusives, resources...

Brazil: Towards an internet "bill of rights" - Index on Censorship

Partilhado por
Index on Censorship
indexoncensorship.org - When it comes to the free expression, Brazil is a conundrum. On the one hand it is among the top requesters to Google and other internet firms for content takedowns. On the other hand, Brazil has p...

Brazil cops shoot live rounds during Cup protests - Yahoo News

Partilhado por
Antônio Carlos Costa
news.yahoo.com - RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — A Brazilian police officer can be seen on an Associated Press video firing what appears to be a live pistol round at anti-World Cup protesters Sunday near Rio de Janeiro's Mar...

Pope Francis: investors must link profit to solidarity

Partilhado por
N. Catholic Register
news.va - (Vatican Radio)  Pope Francis on Monday expressed appreciation for a Conference on ethical investment pointing out that the world of finance must serve the interests of peoples and the common good ...

Obama ignored general's pleas to keep American forces in Iraq - Washington Times

Partilhado por
Peter LaBarbera
washingtontimes.com - The last American commander in Iraq recommended to the Obama administration that 23,000 U.S. troops remain to cement the victory, but no deal was ever reached with Baghdad, and all combat forces we...

What's in a name?

Partilhado por
Our Sunday Visitor
osv.com - My beautiful, devout wife and I celebrated our 13th anniversary last week. It was a joyous occasion, and we marked the event in proper fashion: We spent it at the softball diamond, swatting away mo...
Arte & Entretenimento

Tempestade em alto mar

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ultimato.com.br - Por Calebe Ribeiro A onda e o mar viviam sempre juntos Havia um profundo equilíbrio entre os dois Uma serena paz, um oceano de amor A onda amava o mar e o mar amava a onda Eles viviam juntos, não s...

La izquierda y derecha eslovaca dice que: «El matrimonio es la unión única entre hombre y mujer» - ReL

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religionenlibertad.com - La propuesta nació de una unión peculiar entre el partido gobernante Dirección-Socialdemocracia (Smer SD) (Smer-Sociálna Demokracia) y el partido opositor Movimiento Democrático Cristiano (KDH) y h...

Pope Francis appeals for peace in Iraq, announces plans to visit Albania - The Arlington Catholic Herald

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Arl Catholic Herald
catholicherald.com - VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Pope Francis expressed his fears over increasing violence in Iraq and prayed for peace, security and reconciliation in the country. He also announced he would be visiting Alban...
Arte & Entretenimento

Bote esperança em vossa vidas

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† Adailton Batista †
blog.cancaonova.com - «Bote esperança» e todos os seus dias serão iluminados e o seu horizonte já não será escuro, mas luminoso.” Papa Francisco Na homilia da missa de acolhida dos jovens da JMJ Rio 2013 o Papa Francisc...
Arte & Entretenimento

Arautos Granja Viana

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Arautos do Evangelho
arautosgranjaviana.blog.arautos.org - “Happy ending!” Quantos de nós nunca ouviu esta famosa frase, presente no final de tantos filmes? Tão difundida, e tão apreciada, que em boa parte dos casos se tem ideia de que a vida, por mais con...
Meio Ambiente

The Soviet Navy's Massive Lun-Class Ektranoplan Decaying by the Caspian Sea

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urbanghostsmedia.com - It may look like a seaplane or hydrofoil, but this massive Lun-class ektranoplan is actually a ground effect vehicle (GEV), designed to skim across the surface of the water at five metres. The craf...

How the Conversation About Women Can Go On - Neylan McBaine

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By Common Consent
neylanmcbaine.com - The feelings are still raw and confused, but over the weekend I tried – and I’m sure I’m not alone – to make more sense of why Kate Kelly, the founder of Ordain Women, has been requested to appear ...

What's Great About Dads, in Your Words and Photos

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Heritage Foundation
dailysignal.com - Charisse O. lost her father June 28, 2013, so it will be her first Father’s Day without him. ‘He was my hero. He was a high school teacher and coach and loved it. He worked very hard and was the fi...

Yuri Vieira, keepcalm-anddontpanic: thinksquad: ...

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Yuri Vieira
yurivs.tumblr.com - Notes: 177488 / Há 4 dias  from darksilenceinsuburbia (originally from thinksquad)


Cristianismo e Política + Christianity and Politics + União multi-denominacional (evangélicos, católicos, etc) em defesa dos valores cristãos e da democracia



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