20 June 2014

Cristianismo & Politica 19.06.2014 @CristPolit

Cristianismo & Politica

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Bolsonaro Presidente | Pr.SalomaoCarvalho's Blog

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prsalomaocarvalho.wordpress.com - Excelente “Vídeo de Apoio” de iniciativa livre dos milhões de brasileiros que clamam por um presidente da República Federativa do Brasil como o Deputado Jair Messias Bolsonaro, PP. Clamamos aos cor...


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suzi gayer
tradicionalissima.blogspot.com - segunda-feira, 23 de setembro de 2013 A ESTRATÉGIA DAS TESOURAS Onde está a oposição no Brasil? Esse é um ponto de interrogação para muitas pessoas. A resposta mais comum é a de que o PT "tomou con...

Catholic.net - "Matrimonio" homosexual. Los niños tienen derecho a una familia y a un matrimonio normal

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es.catholic.net - "Matrimonio" homosexual. Los niños tienen derecho a una familia y a un matrimonio normal Desde hace un tiempo los medios de opinión se esfuerzan en deslegitimar cualquier intento de oponerse por ra...

Ignacio Arsuaga en Washington, para participar este jueves en la #March4Marriage

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hazteoir.org - Intensa agenda del presidente de HO en EE.UU. La II Marcha por el Matrimonio 2014, organizada por la National Organization for Marriage, encarna la defensa ciudadana de esta institución social, com...

Catholic.net - Homosexualidad: el derecho a tener un padre y una madre

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es.catholic.net - Homosexualidad: el derecho a tener un padre y una madre Los defensores del matrimonio homosexual creen que lo único que los niños necesitan de verdad es amor. Basándose en dicha suposición, concluy...

Gates abortion funding drop met with praise, caution :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

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Catholic News Agency
catholicnewsagency.com - Washington D.C., Jun 17, 2014 / 05:20 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- Although Melinda Gates' recent announcement that her charitable group will axe abortion funding has drawn praise, concern remains over mon...

Duck Dynasty Producer on Phil Robertson: ‘I Know How He Treats People,’ Gays – ‘Treats Them Like Family’

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cnsnews.com - (CNSNews.com) – While Duck Dynasty patriarch Phil Robertson is a Bible-thumping Christian who publicly denounces homosexual behavior, among other things he views as sinful, he treats people – gays ...

Olhar Digital: Pré-candidato à Presidência tenta bloquear buscas na internet

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olhardigital.uol.com.br - A Justiça negou um pedido do senador Aécio Neves, que queria obrigar buscadores a bloquear resultados de buscas relacionados à sua pessoa. Pré-candidato à Presidência pelo PSDB, Aécio tem o nome vi...

Perú: Activista amenaza con quemar Congreso si no se aprueba “matrimonio” gay

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - LIMA, 18 Jun. 14 / 06:45 pm (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- Gabriela Zavaleta, activista de la organización Unión Civil Ya, que promueve la aprobación del proyecto de “unión civil” homosexual –develado como ...

Open Letter to Congress: Why We’re Marching for Marriage

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Human Life Intnl
hli.org - Today I am joining thousands of my fellow Americans from across the country in Washington, D.C. for the national March for Marriage. You may not understand why so many thousands of “Main Street” Am...
Arte & Entretenimento

Marriage, Family, Faith Up Front in Washington

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Heritage Foundation
dailysignal.com - Kelsey Harkness is a news producer at The Daily Signal.

Olavo de Carvalho: Assassinos da inteligência - 17/06/2014 - Opinião - Folha de S.Paulo

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folha.uol.com.br - Pensar, até um burro pensa. O que distingue a espécie humana é sua capacidade de confrontar o pensado com o conjunto dos conhecimentos disponíveis e regular o curso do pensamento pela escala de cre...

Até Gilberto Carvalho admite: não foi só a “elite branca” que xingou Dilma. “A coisa desceu.”

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Felipe Moura Brasil
veja.abril.com.br - “Me permitam, pessoal, no Itaquerão não tinha só elite branca não. Não fui pro jogo, mas [es]tive no Itaquerão, ao lado, numa escola acompanhando as movimentações, fui e voltei de metrô. Não tinha ...

CARTA ABERTA EM APOIO AO #ForaDilma E LEVE O PT JUNTO, @brazilnocorrupt ao @DepBolsonaro @VEJA links is on JustCoz!

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aecio flavio
justcoz.org - CARTA ABERTA EM APOIO AO #ForaDilma E LEVE O PT JUNTO, @brazilnocorrupt ao @DepBolsonaro @VEJA links Ilustríssimo Sr. @DepBolsonaro @VEJA o desespero do PT, por intermédio da carta caPiTal, a qual ...

Dilma garante: o que foi prometido para a Copa foi cumprido. Até sua maior parceira, a Fifa, não concorda. Trem-bala, obras de mobilidade, reformas nos aeroportos, iniciativa privada bancando os R$ 30 bilhões do Mundial. Nada virou realidade... – Blog do Cosme Rímoli – R7

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jilmar oliveira moco
esportes.r7.com - O que está acontecendo e um desrespeito a vida humana, assédio moral coletivo, sentimos vergonha, e o nosso Governo quer se sentir plenamente satisfeito, ri de nós, a população não está satisfeita....

El crucifijo no perjudica la salud

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hazteoir.org - Cristo molesta. Su imagen en la cruz puede causar infecciones, graves enfermedades, serios problemas de salud. Eso dice Compromís, una coalición formada por nacionalistas y comunistas que exige la ...

Às moscas: parlamentares decidem entrar em férias para ver a Copa do Mundo

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verdadegospel.com - Início da Copa do Mundo, as festas de São João e o decreto bolivariano da presidente Dilma Rousseff. Essas foram as justificativas usadas pelo presidente da Casa, Henrique Eduardo Alves (PMDB-RN), ...

Laurence Rossignol épinglée par l’UFC-Que Choisir - Région - Le Courrier picard

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La Manif Pour Tous
courrier-picard.fr - À ceux qui pensent que la sexualité est une équation à plusieurs inconnues. » Des guides à destination des étudiants comme celui-là, Laurence Rossignol affirme en avoir rédigé de nombreux. La Compi...

Aleister Crowley: Beast 666 - Hell's Bells 2

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Julio Severo
barbwire.com - “… perhaps the greatest documentary on any subject ever! Lives will change.” Ray Comfort – Internationally renowned author and evangelist “…Movie Guide’s highest rating!”  Dr. Ted Baehr, Christian ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Folha Política: Coronel afirmou, um mês antes de ser assassinado, que Lula mandou matar dois sindicalistas; veja vídeo

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Ihamma Lins
folhapolitica.org - quarta-feira, 18 de junho de 2014 Coronel afirmou, um mês antes de ser assassinado, que Lula mandou matar dois sindicalistas; veja vídeo Imagem: Daniel Marenco/Folhapress Em seu depoimento, prestad...

Boehner Releases Immigration Principles (Updated)

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Ann Coulter
blogs.rollcall.com - By Daniel Newhauser Posted at 4:25 p.m. on Jan. 30 Updated 6:13 p.m. | CAMBRIDGE, Md. – Speaker John A. Boehner of Ohio released his long-awaited immigration overhaul principles Thursday afternoon,...


Partilhado por
aecio flavio
justcoz.org - Ilustríssimo Sr. @DepBolsonaro @VEJA o desespero do PT, por intermédio da carta caPiTal, a qual é um folhetim governista, que tenta desqualificar a "Operação Sete de Setembro", com o artigo O desfi...

Sheriff Arpaio Is Sued For Enforcing Identify Theft Laws

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Ann Coulter
sweetness-light.com - (Reuters) – Immigration rights groups in a lawsuit filed on Wednesday accused Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio of overstepping his bounds as a local official by using anti-identity theft laws to target u...

Blog do Coronel: Visivelmente transtornado em função dos resultados das pesquisas e das manifestações populares, Lula aposta na divisão do país e diz que há "uma campanha de ódio contra o PT".

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cleyton vedana
coturnonoturno.blogspot.com - PT desanimado com a queda de Dilma das pesquisas e as vaias da população, além dos 3% de Alexandre Padilha para o governo de São Paulo, apela para um discurso de ódio, tentando dividir o país. O PT...

Armados e seguros | Maldade Destilada – o blog de Flavio Quintela

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maldadedestilada.wordpress.com - Imagine que você fosse um presidente ou primeiro-ministro de um país. Imagine também que você quisesse proteger seu poder e de seus sucessores de possíveis levantes e revoluções vindos da população...

#SOS #CANTAREIRA: #FAB ataca #SerradaCantareira (#Mairiporã/ SP/ #BRASIL) ÁREA DE PRESERVAÇÃO AMBIENTAL:TRÁFEGO AÉREO ININTERRUPTO RUÍDO EXCESSIVO #GRUairport Danos #meioambiente, à #fauna e à #flora : Petição Pública Brasil

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Luiz de Oliveira
peticaopublica.com.br - #SOS #CANTAREIRA: #FAB ataca #SerradaCantareira (#Mairiporã/ SP/ #BRASIL) ÁREA DE PRESERVAÇÃO AMBIENTAL:TRÁFEGO AÉREO ININTERRUPTO RUÍDO EXCESSIVO #GRUairport Danos #meioambiente, à #fauna e à #flo...

Dilma é xingada após festa de abertura no Itaquerão - Yahoo Esporte Interativo

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br.esporteinterativo.yahoo.com - Logo após o término da cerimônia de abertura de Copa do Mundo, a presidente Dilma Rousseff foi xingada por uma parte dos torcedores presentes nas arquibancadas do Itaquerão, estádio na capital paul...


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m.facebook.com - Vicente Sena Totus Tuus Mariae Os Militares não estão vigiando as fronteiras proque Lula os ordenou a sair, o exército esta sob as ordens do governo, ele só pode agir contra o governo se o povo bra...

Eucaristia e Caridade

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Arquidiocese do Rio
radiocatedral.com.br - "Neste dia 19 de Junho, celebraremos a solenidade de “Corpus Christi”. A expressão latina “Corpus Christi” tão utilizada nesta ocasião significa Corpo de Cristo. É uma festa que celebra a presença ...

Folha de S.Paulo - Poder - CGU vê ágio de 8.691% em remédios para índios - 10/03/2014

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folha.uol.com.br - Controladoria aponta irregularidades em compras do Ministério da Saúde Medicamentos de valor maior teriam sido adquiridos por meio de cartões corporativos do governo federal Remédios comprados pelo...
Arte & Entretenimento

Folha do Povo: Artista que imita Dilma tem show interrompido e é expulso por políticos, povo reage e se revolta; veja

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suzi gayer
folhadopovo.com - segunda-feira, 16 de junho de 2014 Artista que imita Dilma tem show interrompido e é expulso por políticos, povo reage e se revolta; veja Imagem: Reprodução/Youtube O artista Gustavo Mendes, famoso...

Suíça bloqueia US$ 23 mi de ex-diretor da Petrobras e US$ 5 mi de doleiro - 11/06/2014 - Poder - Folha de S.Paulo

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folha.uol.com.br - A Suíça bloqueou US$ 23 milhões (R$ 51,3 milhões) em contas que são atribuídas ao ex-diretor da Petrobras Paulo Roberto Costa e a seus familiares, segundo informação do Ministério Público daquele p...

¿Qué está pasando con Planned Parenthood?

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Derecho a Vivir
arguments.es - Planned Parenthood -la mayor organización estadounidense no gubernamental de planificación familiar- ha cerrado recientemente tres de sus oficinas en Clackamas y Gresham (Oregón) y la oficina de Sa...

Mundial FIFA Brasil 2014 debe recordar que la persona no vale por el dinero, expresa Obispo

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - SANTIAGO, 19 Jun. 14 / 03:28 am (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- El Secretario General de la Conferencia Episcopal Chilena (CECh), Mons. Ignacio Ducasse, expresó su deseo de que el mundial de fútbol que se di...

Colômbia - Fanzine underground

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Portas Abertas
underground.org.br - Rebeldes de guerrilhas e grupos paramilitares controlam várias regiões. Nestas áreas, cartéis de drogas e grupos armados fazem o que querem. Cristãos que se opõem às atividades rebeldes se tornam a...

Página Não Encontrada - Campo Grande News

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Ministério Jovem BRA
campograndenews.com.br - A página que você está tentando acessar não existe ou foi movida temporariamente. O link desta página está quebrado.

The Deep Joy of Self-Denial

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The Reformed Hub
desiringgod.org - Jesus gives us commands — “demands,” we might call them. They are words issued to us from his comprehensive authority in all of heaven and earth, all linked together in some way, forming a beautifu...

Who Is God? A Google Hangout on God's Attributes with Steven Lawson: June 25 at 4pm ET by Nathan W. Bingham

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The Reformed Hub
ligonier.org - As we seek to leverage new technology for the advancement of God’s Kingdom, we regularly host live Google Hangouts with Christian leaders. On June 25 at 4pm ET, we’ll be joined by Ligonier Teaching...
Arte & Entretenimento

C. H. SPURGEON: Como a Palavra nos Influencia - C. H. Spurgeon

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Charles H. Spurgeon
charleshaddonspurgeon.com - Aquele que é guiado pelo Espírito Santo a servir a Deus é incitado, portanto, a um zelo, um fervor, e a um sacrifício de si mesmo ao qual nada mais poderia incitá-lo. Se vocês estão familiarizados ...

Michelle Pushes For Amnesty At New Citizens Ceremony

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Ann Coulter
sweetness-light.com - WASHINGTON (AP) — Michelle Obama turned a flag-waving swearing-in ceremony for 50 new American citizens Wednesday into a platform to call for action on the long-bogged-down issue of immigration. Wh...

Sunday Worship: What's On My Bookshelves - Reformation21 Blog

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The Reformed Hub
reformation21.org - Sunday worship is a sensitive issue. Advocates of the regulative and normative principles of worship each have a lens through which they look to subscribe to certain principles about worship. Which...
Arte & Entretenimento

“Você é uma testemunha de Cristo”, questiona Capochim na abertura da Conferência ES

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Igreja da Lagoinha
lagoinha.com - A atividade reuniu, nesta manhã, pessoas sedentas pela Palavra, poder e agir de Deus Em meio a um momento de muito clamor pelo Brasil, pelo seu povo, pela sua igreja e pelo derramar do Espírito San...
Arte & Entretenimento

Papa Francisco celebra Santa Missa de Corpus Christi

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TV Cancao Nova
tv.cancaonova.com - Santo Padre preside Celebração Eucarística e conduz procissão na Solenidade do Santíssimo Corpo e Sangue de Cristo. Nesta quinta-feira, 19 de junho, a TV Canção Nova prepara um dia inteiro com mome...

Oklahoma Tea Party leaders not on board with T.W. Shannon

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Ann Coulter
newsok.com - Leaders of Oklahoma Tea Party organizations ripped U.S. Senate candidate T.W. Shannon on Friday and said national leaders like Sarah Palin and U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz had endorsed Shannon without consul...

Much needed clarity on sanctification - Reformation21 Blog

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The Reformed Hub
reformation21.org - Much needed clarity on sanctification On Wednesday of General Assembly, the Gospel Reformation Network sponsored a luncheon with Derek Thomas as the featured speaker. His subject was sanctification...

Bill O’Reilly Disses His Fellow Fox Newsers - The Daily Beast

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David Limbaugh
thedailybeast.com - Bill O’Reilly must feel pretty secure about his standing with his colleagues at Fox News, or else he’s past caring. Answering a question from fellow Foxer Geraldo Rivera—does the right-leaning netw...

Sex-selection abortion and infanticide: Planned Parenthood's outrageous statements

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Live Action News
liveactionnews.org - Planned Parenthood never runs out of ways to shock conscientious Americans. Every Live Action investigation of the corrupt, government-funded organization adds insult to injury for the American tax...
Arte & Entretenimento

Grupo ACI y EWTN se fusionan en histórico acuerdo

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - IRONDALE, 19 Jun. 14 / 11:32 am (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- Hoy 19 de junio, solemnidad del Corpus Christi, el Grupo ACI, integrado por ACI Prensa, Catholic News Agency y ACI Digital, anuncia oficialment...

Gallup: Congress Least Popular Thing Ever

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barbwire.com - Taxes, spiders, North Korea, it doesn’t matter. If you can name it, it’s probably more popular than the United States Congress. Only 7 percent of Americans have “a great deal” or “quite a lot” of c...

Catholic News Agency, ACI Group merging into EWTN :: EWTN News

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ewtnnews.com - In one of the biggest developments in Catholic media history, Catholic News Agency and the Eternal Word Television Network announced Thursday that the two media outlets are merging. The partnership...
Arte & Entretenimento

Catholic.net - Preguntas Frecuentes sobre la Fe Católica

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es.catholic.net - Preguntas Frecuentes sobre la Fe Católica ¿Por qué la Misa es los Domingos? Jesús resucitó el primer día de la semana, al día siguiente del sabbat (sábado). Por eso los cristianos nos reunimos ese ...

The Briefing 06-19-14 – AlbertMohler.com

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albertmohler.com - 1) World Cup popularity evidence of democratizing effect of soccer Why is the World Cup so popular?, Christian Science Monitor (Matthew Clark) 2) Heart, rather than parental pressure, foundation of...

DEACE: The GOP Establishment ‘endorses’ Ted Cruz 2016 - Washington Times

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David Limbaugh
washingtontimes.com - Texas Sen. Ted Cruz is the Republican establishment’s man in 2016. No, really, you read that right. I haven’t gone crazy, and Cruz hasn’t gone Colonel Kurtz, like so many other conservatives we sen...

Alertan a católicos sobre sacerdote cismático que hace “misas de sanación” en La Plata

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - LA PLATA, 19 Jun. 14 / 11:58 am (ACI).- Ante la consulta de numerosos fieles sobre una presunta “misa de sanación”, el Arzobispado de La Plata (Argentina), explicó que el sacerdote Carlos Manuel Sa...

Hickenlooper Banned High-Capacity Magazines Because A Staffer Promised He Would

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barbwire.com - Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper admitted to a group of elected sheriffs that he only signed a highly controversial bill limiting the size of ammunition magazines because one of his staff members pr...
Arte & Entretenimento

Catholic.net - “La familia siempre: desafíos y esperanza” será el tema de Congreso Católicos y Vida Pública

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es.catholic.net - “La familia siempre: desafíos y esperanza” será el tema de Congreso Católicos y Vida Pública MADRID, 11 Jun. 14 “La familia siempre: desafíos y esperanza”, será el tema del 16° Congreso Católicos y...

Jahi McMath, Once Declared Dead, May be Responding

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lifenews.com - by Wesley J. Smith | Sacramento, CA | LifeNews.com | 6/19/14 12:07 PM A news story reports that Jahi McMath, declared dead by the State of California, is being maintained at a Catholic hospital in ...

Caminhada "Passos de Anchieta" revive trajeto realizado pelo Santo

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Comunidade Shalom
comshalom.org - Aproximadamente 4 mil pessoas são aguardadas pelos organizadores na 17ª edição da caminhada “Os Passos de Anchieta” deste ano. O evento inicia nesta quinta-feira, 19, e terá duração de 4 dias, perc...
Arte & Entretenimento

Meu Abrigo - Regis Danese (vídeo)

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Gospel Prime
videos.gospelprime.com.br - Ouvir a canção “Meu Abrigo” do  álbum “Família” do cantor Regis Danese.

How to Cut Through the Clutter and Communicate a Clear Message

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Drew McKissick
drewmckissick.com - When you’re trying to have an impact on pretty much anything in politics it usually involves a need to communicate a clear message, whether to a group of people or to the media – or sometimes both....

Child migrants may be refugees seeking asylum, experts say :: EWTN News

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ewtnnews.com - Two migration experts have said that many unaccompanied child immigrants to the U.S. from Mexico and Central America could qualify as refugees fleeing violence, and thus be granted asylum. Rick Jon...

Planned Parenthood Tries to Overturn Pro-Life Iowa Law Protecting Women's Health

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lifenews.com - by Cheryl Sullenger | Des Moines, IA | LifeNews.com | 6/19/14 1:14 PM Polk County Judge Jeffery Farrell is currently considering a suit brought by Planned Parenthood of the Heartland against the Io...

Leading Catholic News Outlets Join the EWTN Global Catholic Network | Daily News

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N. Catholic Register
ncregister.com - IRONDALE, Ala. — EWTN Global Catholic Network has taken another giant step forward in bringing news with a fully Catholic perspective to an expanding audience. This June, Denver-based Catholic News...

Walk in God’s Law | ChristianObserver.org

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The Reformed Hub
christianobserver.org - “And now, Israel, what does the LORD your God require of you, but to fear the LORD your God, to walk in all his ways….” Deuteronomy 10:12 It’s easy to take that verb “walk” for granted. The New Tes...
Arte & Entretenimento

¾ de milenio de la fiesta del Corpus Christi, gracias a una mujer

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infocatolica.com - Hace 750 años, el 11 de agosto de 1264, el papa Urbano IV instituyó la fiesta del Corpus Christi para toda la Iglesia. Aunque no fue reconocida en todas las iglesias latinas hasta que Juan XXII, du...

IPMA - 014

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ipma.pt - Informa-se que no gráfico de anomalias só estão representados os valores anuais nos anos em que não houve nenhuma falha mensal, isto é, nos anos com 12 valores médios mensais; Nos anos em que não s...

The GOP Establishment ‘Endorses’ Ted Cruz 2016

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barbwire.com - Texas Sen. Ted Cruz is the Republican establishment’s man in 2016. No, really, you read that right. I haven’t gone crazy, and Cruz hasn’t gone Colonel Kurtz, like so many other conservatives we sen...

Pesquisa: ter televisão no quarto melhora a vida sexual

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Sérgio Pavarini
pavablog.com - Uma recente pesquisa revelou que casais que têm uma televisão no quarto tem vida sexual mais intensa que aqueles que não possuem. Pelo menos, no Reino Unido. A pesquisa com 2.431 britânicos feita p...
Meio Ambiente

24 Things the Media Claim Were Caused by ‘Global Warming’

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Drew McKissick
dailysignal.com - What has been called the dangerous, more expensive, more uncertain future of climate change may in fact just be climate, which always changes.  Nevertheless, the Obama administration wants to imple...
Arte & Entretenimento

Conheça os significados da rosa azul - Jornal da Vida

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redevida.com.br - Jornal da Vida Conheça os significados da rosa azul A rosa azul encanta pela sua beleza e exuberância. Ela não existe naturalmente, mas é obtida por variações genéticas ou criada artificialmente po...

Martyrs and youth the focus of Pope’s visit to South Korea

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The Catholic Herald
catholicherald.co.uk - The Pope will beatify 124 Korean martyrs and attend a festival for young Asian Catholics during his four-day visit to South Korea later this year, the Vatican has announced. Pope Francis will also ...

EWTN to Appeal After ‘Troubling’ HHS Mandate Ruling | Daily News

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N. Catholic Register
ncregister.com - IRONDALE, Ala. — The EWTN Global Catholic Network has announced that it will appeal a June 17 ruling that would require it to facilitate products and procedures that go against Church teaching. “We...
Arte & Entretenimento

Liturgia | Quarta-feira – 11ª semana do Tempo Comum – Ano A

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Comunidade Shalom
comshalom.org - Gregório João Barbarigo nasceu em Veneza, no dia 16 de setembro de 1625, numa família rica da aristocracia italiana. Aos quatro anos de idade ficou órfão de mãe, sendo educado pelo pai, que encamin...

La archidiócesis de Buenos Aires cambia la procesión del Corpus para no coincidir con un partido de Argentina en el mundial de fútbol

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infocatolica.com - (Aica) «Pan de los hijos, pan de la misericordia», será el lema de la celebración del Corpus Christi en la Plaza de Mayo, que será el viernes 20 de junio. La celebración eucarística, prevista para ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Do nascer ao pôr do sol

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rccbrasil.org.br - “Como o Mistério é muito grande e seu valor é infinito, prolonga-se no Culto Eucarístico fora da Missa o louvor a Deus e a oração fervorosa. Este é o sentido da presença do Senhor no Tabernáculo de...

How to Maintain Pastoral Zeal While Avoiding Pastoral Burnout

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thegospelcoalition.org - How can burnout be a problem in ministry when Christ Himself encouraged His followers to give up everything for the sake of the Gospel? Christopher Ash explains that there is a vital difference bet...

Apple just obsoleted the Mac and nobody noticed

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Bob Kauflin
cultofmac.com - With iOS 8 and OS X Yosemite, Apple is finally showing us its idea of how we’ll compute in the future. Perhaps not surprisingly, this pristine vision of our computing destiny — unveiled after years...
Arte & Entretenimento

Japoneses criam livro sobre gravidez que cresce junto com a barriga da mãe

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Sérgio Pavarini
livrosepessoas.com - Uma invenção desenvolvida pela agência Dentsu Nagoya vem chamando a atenção: um livro sobre gravidez que cresce junto com a barriga da mãe. Ao contrário do que parece, o “Mother Book” é um livro im...

Is Marriage In America On the Rocks?

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barbwire.com - June, long the most popular month of weddings, is a good time to ask: How strong is marriage today? In the pop culture, marriage is weak. Songs often extol illicit sex or denigrate marriage. There’...

Cotton Hits Pryor for Waffling on Late-Term Abortion Bill

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weeklystandard.com - Pryor's constitutional concerns sound like more of an excuse than a reason for not supporting the bill. Just three years before Pryor voted for the 2003 partial-birth abortion ban, the Supreme Cour...
Arte & Entretenimento

Pra Você - Oficina G3 (vídeo)

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Gospel Prime
videos.gospelprime.com.br - Ouvir a canção “Pra Você” do  álbum “Humanos” da banda Oficina G3

Patent Office Rules Against Redskins, Cancels Trademark

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Drew McKissick
deadspin.com - The Trademark Trial and Appeal Board of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office ruled today in Blackhorse v. Pro-Football Inc., a suit brought by a group of Native Americans seeking to have the Washin...
Arte & Entretenimento

Papa Francisco nombra obispos para Ecuador, Colombia y EEUU

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - VATICANO, 19 Jun. 14 / 11:05 am (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- La Santa Sede informó que el Papa Francisco nombró a Mons. Segundo René Coba como nuevo Obispo ordinario militar para Ecuador, al P. Luis Ramír...

Lançado livro com 200 respostas sobre criacionismo e evolucionismo - Noticias - Adventistas

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Michelson Borges
noticias.adventistas.org - Brasília, DF … [ASN] Os dinossauros, célebres animais motivo de comentários e discussões científicas e religiosas, foram extintos no dilúvio bíblico ou não? Essa e outras questões intrigantes agora...

The Great Calling

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Sovereign Grace
sovereigngraceministries.org - Read Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 of this series on Encouragement to Evangelize. What happens in your soul when a fellow Christian mentions the word “evangelism?” Let me tell you what often happens i...

Graffiti artist Pure Evil ‘related to seven saints’

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The Catholic Herald
catholicherald.co.uk - A graffiti artist who says he is a descendant of seven Catholic saints has described St Thomas More as an “absolute hero”. Charles Uzzell-Edwards, who is known professionally as Pure Evil and claim...
Arte & Entretenimento

What This Cat Does When His Soldier Returns Home Will Warm Your Heart (VIDEO)

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The Christian Post
christianpost.com - If you think dogs are the only pets who get excited about seeing their long gone owners, meet this loving cat named Finn the Ragdoll. When soldier Nick makes his homecoming, it's Finn – and not Nic...

Catholic Marketing Network coming up!

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American Catholic
blog.americancatholic.org - The Catholic Marketing Network will hold its 2014 International Trade Show in Chicago on July 29th – August 1st. “We’re very excited about returning to Chicago,” said CMN President Alan Napleton. “...
Arte & Entretenimento

El P. Léocir Pessini, nuevo Superior General de los Camilos

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infocatolica.com - (Camilos.es/InfoCatólica) Con la elección del nuevo Superior General, la Orden de los Religiosos Camilos quiere dejar atrás los tristes acontecimientos conocidos que han afectado a la Orden en los ...

Catholic News Agency, ACI Group merging into EWTN :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

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Catholic News Agency
catholicnewsagency.com - Irondale, Ala., Jun 19, 2014 / 10:32 am (CNA/EWTN News).- In one of the biggest developments in Catholic media history, Catholic News Agency and the Eternal Word Television Network announced Thursd...

Estatísticos da USP e UFSCar preveem hexa do Brasil contra a Argentina

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Sérgio Pavarini
pavablog.com - Na última Copa, o grupo de pesquisadores acertou que Espanha e Holanda seriam finalistas – e, adivinha? Eles também haviam dito que os espanhóis seriam campeões No dia 13 de julho, o Maracanã vai s...

A lista do PT: partido apela para táticas cada vez mais autoritárias

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Rodrigo Constantino
veja.abril.com.br - Que o PT não tem nenhum apreço pelo convívio democrático com as divergências qualquer um já sabe – ou deveria saber. Mas o partido vem apelando cada vez mais, fruto do desespero com a crescente rej...

Is Pope Francis sick, or just taking a summer break?

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US Catholic magazine
uscatholic.org - VATICAN CITY (RNS) Pope Francis’ abrupt decision to cancel his popular morning Mass and general audiences for the month of July has provoked fresh speculation about the health of the 77-year-old po...
Arte & Entretenimento

A história de Corpus Christi - www.padrejonas.com

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Deus Proverá
cancaonova.com - "A festa de Corpus Christi nasceu de um milagre", disse monsenhor Jonas Abib A festa de Corpus Christi nasceu de um milagre acontecido na cidade de Bolsena, na Itália. Um sacerdote chamado Pedro de...

A World Cup with a different goal

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The Catholic Sun
osv.com - The 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil began on June 12, and it’s difficult for anyone to ignore the excitement surrounding the event as friends and neighbors rally around their favorite teams and playe...

GOP Majority Leader Candidate Kevin McCarthy: My Years In the Trenches With Him

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barbwire.com - Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-California) has had a meteoric rise in politics and by early indications, will be the next Majority Leader in the U.S. House of Representatives. I had the privilege of knowin...
Arte & Entretenimento

Lleno de medallas comunistas, músico estrella del régimen, se bautiza católico a los 87 años - ReL

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Religión en Libertad
religionenlibertad.com - "Es una inmensa felicidad al final de mi vida", dice a sus 87 años Tô Hai, famoso compositor vietnamita, militante comunista y revolucionario desde los 22 años, aunque hace 5 que se desencantó defi...

Partner with us

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ccef.org - CCEF is a ministry. God arranges his kingdom so that ministry depends upon his people. It is part of how Christ ensures that we remain accountable to other Christians with whom we share a vision fo...

Who Will Stop the Criminal Barack Obama?

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Truth Offends
barbwire.com - Barack Obama (or whatever his name is) and his administration have become so blatantly lawless that non-zombie Americans are more furious than ever that no one in power will move to hold him and hi...
Arte & Entretenimento

El beato cura Brochero será proclamado patrono de su puebloEcclesia Digital

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Ecclesia Digital
revistaecclesia.com - El beato cura Brochero será proclamado patrono de su pueblo Desde el próximo domingo 29 de junio, la parroquia y santuario de Nuestra Señora del Tránsito llevará por nombre “Nuestra Señora del Trán...
Arte & Entretenimento

Destiny's Child Reunion: Watch Beyoncé, Kelly Rowland Praise Jesus With Michelle Williams in 'Say Yes' (VIDEO)

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The Christian Post
christianpost.com - Don't call it a comeback, but Destiny's Child members Beyoncé Knowles, Kelly Rowland and Michelle Williams reunited to sing the gospel tune "Say Yes" for Williams' upcoming Christian-themed album, ...

Archbishop Listeki and Common Core-tesy |Blogs

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N. Catholic Register
ncregister.com - If the implementation of Common Core in the schools of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee is not enough to make you think twice about sending your kids to Catholic school there, Archbishop Listecki's res...

Child migrants may be refugees seeking asylum, experts say :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

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Catholic News Agency
catholicnewsagency.com - Washington D.C., Jun 19, 2014 / 10:24 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Two migration experts have said that many unaccompanied child immigrants to the U.S. from Mexico and Central America could qualify as refu...
Arte & Entretenimento

El obispo de Oruro asegura que el robo en la Catedral de su diócesis es un atentado a la fe católica

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infocatolica.com - «Los ladrones buscan también ofender a la Iglesia» El robo perpetrado la madrugada del domingo a la parroquia de Nuestra Señora de la Asunción La Catedral, más allá del daño económico, es un atenta...

The places they'll go: Nuns working on the margins

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US Catholic magazine
uscatholic.org - It takes nerves of steel to stand in your doorway and tell rebel soldiers waving guns that no, the woman they are seeking is most certainly not in the room behind you, when in fact she is hiding a ...

Video shows cop killing handcuffed man

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WND News
wnd.com - (EL PASO TIMES) An El Paso police officer pulled his Taser stun gun after he drew his handgun and fatally shot a handcuffed prisoner at the Downtown Jail last year, according to security camera foo...

São Paulo vai distribuir 2 mil minhocários para compostagem do lixo

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Sérgio Pavarini
pavablog.com - Equipamento, dividido em três caixas de plástico, transforma resíduos orgânicos em adubo A Prefeitura de São Paulo lançou nesta segunda-feira, 16, um projeto para a distribuição de 2 mil composteir...

Underreported survey responses for synod on the family a valuable tool for Vatican

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ncronline.org - Last week, Archbishop Joseph Kurtz of Louisville, Ky., president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, reported on survey responses from U.S. dioceses in preparation for October's first sessi...

Phoenix police arrest murder suspect hours before requiem Mass

Partilhado por
Pepe de Brantuas
catholicsun.org - Clergy, religious and laity jammed into St. Catherine of Siena Parish for a standing-room-only requiem Mass for Fr. Kenneth Walker June 16. The 28-year-old priest was murdered June 11 in an inciden...

Mother's Shocking Deathbed Confession to Her Son: He Was Conceived in Rape

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lifenews.com - by Rebecca Downs | London, England | LifeNews.com | 6/19/14 11:09 AM Jonathan Husbands had always felt different during his life, as his step-father wasn’t very loving towards him and because he “s...

Opus Dei - El prodigio de la Sagrada Eucaristía

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Opus Dei (España)
opusdei.org - “La centralidad de la fiesta del Corpus constituye una invitación urgente a mejorar nuestra devoción eucarística. Esmerémonos (…) en la preparación de un día tan grande, y esforcémonos en prolongar...

The Collapsing Obama Doctrine

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barbwire.com - Everyone else is excerpting it so I don’t think BarbWire should miss out. The title above belongs to an article in the Wall Street Journal written by former Vice President Dick Cheney and his daugh...

Uganda TV station banned after showing president asleep in parliament | World news

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Index on Censorship
theguardian.com - A television station in Uganda has been banned from covering presidential events after it broadcast images which it said showed president Yoweri Museveni snoozing in parliament. Dennis Katungi, the...

Francisco promoverá paz y reconciliación Corea Norte Corea SurEcclesia Digital

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Ecclesia Digital
revistaecclesia.com - El Papa Francisco promoverá la paz y reconciliación entre Corea del Norte y Corea del Sur La Oficina de prensa de la Santa Sede hizo público el programa del próximo viaje internacional del Papa Fra...

Defrocked Methodist Pastor Who Officiated Son's Same-Sex Wedding to Appeal Punishment

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The Christian Post
christianpost.com - Defrocked United Methodist Church pastor Frank Schaefer, who went against doctrine and officiated his son's same-sex wedding, has said that he will argue before a church panel on Friday that his pu...

Role: Editor

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Evangelical Alliance
eauk.org - Salary: £30 - £32,000 p.a. depending on experience + non-contributory pension and other benefits Managing the Alliance's editorial team and its online and print media output, you will be an experie...

“Hospital del Papa” logra curación definitiva de leucemia y otros males con células madre adultas

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - ROMA, 18 Jun. 14 / 08:16 pm (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- El Hospital Pediátrico Bambino Gesù de Roma, más conocido como el “Hospital del Papa”, ha utilizado por primera vez en el mundo una técnica a parti...

A good week for Christianity within the walls of Parliament « God and Politics in the UK

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Archbishop Cranmer
godandpoliticsuk.org - “The church is not an NGO with lots of old buildings. It is the Church of God, rejoicing in the realities of cultural diversity in a way never known before: global, cross-bearing, confident and wel...

Babies as Teachers |Blogs

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N. Catholic Register
ncregister.com - The director of my kids’ school recently thanked me for doing some carpooling. It’s easy for me, since I have a big van and spend my afternoons driving anyway. But she made a point of telling me sh...

Americans don't trust Hillary Clinton according to NBC leftist poll : Fire Andrea Mitchell!

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fireandreamitchell.com - Even when you have a leftist biased NBC poll, Americans still don’t trust the Butcher of Benghazi Hillary Clinton. Today, 38% of voters say she is “honest and straightforward,” compared with 40% wh...
Arte & Entretenimento

De discursos y discursos

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infocatolica.com - El discurso de S.M. Felipe VI, nuevo rey de España, me ha recordado a algo ocurrido hace unos días en Estados Unidos. Como saben los lectores, por allá es costumbre que, en la ceremonia de graduaci...

Deadly diseases crossing border with illegals

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Gianna Jessen
mobile.wnd.com - A flood of illegals has massively surged at our southwestern borders. The economic impact of medical care, education and incarceration for illegals forced on taxpayers is bankrupting Arizona. Why a...
Arte & Entretenimento

DIVERSIDADE DE ASSUNTOS Fé,Familia,política e muito mais...

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Que país é este ?
somosfilhosdoaltissimo.blogspot.com - Os Erros do Passado Inevitáveis erros , ás vezes nossos , ás vezes de outros , quanto martírio por coisas insignificantes , quanta indiferença por coisas tão importantes . Quando nós erramos, não d...

Endorse a United Nations resolution on human rights and the internet - Index on Censorship

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Index on Censorship
indexoncensorship.org - The following is a transcript of a joint oral statement, led by ARTICLE 19 and supported by several IFEX members, that was read aloud today, 19 June 2014, at the 26th UN Human Rights Council sessio...

Esta tarde, el Corpus en Roma, con FranciscoEcclesia Digital

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Ecclesia Digital
revistaecclesia.com - Esta tarde, el Corpus en Roma, con misa y procesión presididas por el Papa Francisco La Solemnidad del Corpus Christi ha menguado la actividad de este jueves del Santo Padre Francisco que ha quedad...

Fact check: Pro-choice sites make false statements in Susan B. Anthony List case

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Live Action
liveactionnews.org - Pro-aborts know all too well that repeating a lie at every possible opportunity is the key to passing it off as truth, which is why, in response to the Susan B. Anthony List’s recent Supreme Court ...


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PP de Madrid
m.facebook.com - Cuando en la Transición el PCE aceptó la monarquía, porque de lo que se trataba era de democracia o dictadura, sabían que la República iba a dividir de nuevo a los españoles, un hecho que sucedió y...

HBO Greenlights New Series 'God Save Texas' About Lone Star Politics

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The Christian Post
christianpost.com - Related Love and Hip Hop Atlanta Cast Net Worth: Benzino, Stevie J, Waka Flocka Top List'Game of Thrones' Finale: Director Says Shocking Death Will 'Dramatically' Alter Next Season, Promises 'Madne...

The Miracle of Fulton J. Sheen

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Catholic Exchange
catholicexchange.com - God has friends in places little connected with Him in the public mind. Would you believe an American proposed for official sainthood whose prime time television show brought him an emmy — for talk...
Arte & Entretenimento

Vencer ou Vem ser – um chamado para a vida

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ultimato.com.br - Nós gostamos dessa ideia de que nascemos para vencer. Histórias de superação nos encantam. Um discurso que fale de vitórias na vida nos atrai. Entretanto, quais vitórias, ou, do que se fala quando ...

What is ISIS? | Tony Blair Faith Foundation

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Archbishop Cranmer
tonyblairfaithfoundation.org - The successive victories of the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) over the Iraqi army over the past two weeks have been shocking. The city of Mosul was abandoned by a force fifteen times tha...
Arte & Entretenimento

Sociedade Bíblica do Brasil - SBB

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sbb.org.br - Junho de 2014 D S T Q Q S S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30           A morte de Absalão (2) 2Samuel 18.9-18 De repente, Absalão se encontrou com al...


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cem.org.mx - Hoy celebramos la fiesta de la solidaridad de Dios con nosotros, quien nos enseña a ser solidarios con los demás: Corpus Christi, Cuerpo y Sangre de Cristo. Jesús, enviado por el Padre, lleva a ple...

Des manifestant.e.s de la «Manif pour tous» poursuivent l’État pour faute lourde

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La Manif Pour Tous
yagg.com - Quatre personnes ayant manifesté aux côtés de la «Manif pour tous» en avril 2013 poursuivent aujourd’hui l’État pour faute lourde. Arrêtées pour violences avec arme sur personnes dépositaires de l’...

Abortions in Tennessee lack safeguards

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Right to Life
nationalrighttolifenews.org - The debate regarding abortion has always been an emotional and highly charged discussion. The people of Tennessee are not served well, however, by opinion pieces such as “Abortion amendment bad new...

Obama relies on Soros funded Center for American Progress for Iraq directions : Fire Andrea Mitchell!

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fireandreamitchell.com - George Soros is pulling Obama’s strings on Iraq. Obama doesn’t listen to his generals or anything. Instead, he is relying on far left, Soros funded Center for american progress for help on what to ...

EWTN apela fallo que la obligaría a someterse a mandato abortista de Obama sobre seguros médicos

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - IRONDALE, 18 Jun. 14 / 05:37 pm (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- EWTN, la cadena católica televisiva más grande del mundo, anunció su decisión de apelar el fallo de un juez que la obligaría a someterse al man...
Arte & Entretenimento

¿El regreso de la esclavitud? –1

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infocatolica.com - Reseña del libro: Hilaire Belloc, El Estado Servil, La Espiga de Oro, Buenos Aires, 1945; traducción de la tercera edición del original inglés: The Servile State. La primera edición de The Servile ...


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Geremias Couto
veja.abril.com.br - Não é segredo para ninguém que certo tipo de militância não precisa de palavras explícitas para agir. O sr. Cantalice está pondo em risco a segurança de profissionais da imprensa. Talvez queira ist...

Thanks to Barack Obama – Al-Qaeda Controls More Territory Than Anytime in History

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Angelica Saldaña
thegatewaypundit.com - ISIS, formerly known as Al-Qaeda in Iraq, had an uptick in activity in 2006. But by 2008, after the Bush surge, Al-Qaeda was largely defeated in Iraq. Via the Institute for the Study of War. But th...

TheBlaze Radio Network

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WND News
player.listenlive.co - The Worldwide Services of TheBlaze Radio Network. Featuring Glenn Beck, Pat & Stu, Buck Sexton, Doc Thompson, Jay Severin, S.E. Cupp, Will Cain, Chris Salcedo & more! The Next Generation of Talk Ra...

WORLD | To eat good fruit | Andrée Seu Peterson

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WORLD News Group
worldmag.com - It’s summertime, and time for fruit. People are squeezing mangoes and thumping watermelons to test their edibleness. The Bible has advice on how to get the best fruit: “Tell the righteous that it s...

NGO With Close Ties to Hungarian Governent Will 'Monitor' Media Attacks

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Index on Censorship
mediafreedom.ushahidi.com - 08:54 Jun 18 2014 Budapest, Central Hungary, Hungary   Defamation/Discredit   Article/Work was framed in a misleading way   Other   Other   Verified Reports

Two posts: – Assistant Director of Music/Bass Section Leader

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C of E Newspaper
religiousjobsite.com - Two posts: – Assistant Director of Music/Bass Section Leader Required from September 2014 1. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF MUSIC (6 hours per week,Sundays only). First rate organist, pianist and choir trai...

Rightly Dividing the Wrong Side of History | Betsy Childs

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First Things
firstthings.com - I grew up in a place that is best known for being on the wrong side of history. If you know anything about Birmingham, Alabama you know about its tragic history of racial oppression that culminated...

Heridas de Cristo, heridas de los pobres, Lluís Martínez SistachEcclesia Digital

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Ecclesia Digital
revistaecclesia.com - Heridas de Cristo, heridas de los pobres, por Lluís Martínez Sistach, cardenal arzobispo de Barcelona La fiesta del Corpus Christi, que celebramos este domingo, fue instituida hace siglos para test...

PSC fecha aliança no Amazonas

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Blog EveraldoPereira
blogdoeveraldo.com.br - Após reunirmos mais de 5 mil pessoas na convenção nacional do sábado (13/6), em São Paulo capital, para homologação de nossa pré-candidatura, continuamos a fechar alianças pelos estados, abrindo fr...

'Pastores devem ir para cadeia' se for preciso, em prol da liberdade religiosa, diz pastor Rick Warren, Christian News

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Cristianismo Hoje
portugues.christianpost.com - Para firmar a gravidade da situação atual, onde cristãos são cada vez mais impedidos de abordar sobre sua fé, Warren comparou a luta como a do histórico pastor e ativista Martin Luther King, Jr, qu...
Arte & Entretenimento

Corpus Christi | Ultimatoonline

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ultimato.com.br - Ainda não há artigos publicados na seção "Palavra do leitor" em resposta a este texto.

Is soccer finally becoming a major spectator sport in the U.S.?

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commdiginews.com - CHARLOTTE, NC, June 19, 2014 – Suddenly, soccer has become the hottest sports topic in America. But is it really the glorious new love affair the media is attempting to say it is? Ratings for the U...

SBA List Candidate Fund Endorses Thom Tillis for U.S. Senate

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Susan B Anthony List
sba-list.org - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: June 19, 2014 Contact: Mallory Quigley, mquigley@sba-list.org, 202-223-8073 WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today the Susan B. Anthony List Candidate Fund, a national pro-life political a...

Steve Scalise, Running for Majority Whip, Gets Lift From Fellow Southerners - NYTimes.com

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The Brazilian Post
nytimes.com - WASHINGTON — A victory on Thursday by Representative Steve Scalise of Louisiana in the race to become the No. 3 Republican in the House would cap a rapid rise through his party’s ranks since he won...
Arte & Entretenimento

Cutting Federal Spending, One Portrait at a Time

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Heritage Foundation
dailysignal.com - Former Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez calls out to audience members as he stands by his official portrait after it was unveiled at a ceremony at the Commerce Department in Washington. (Photo: ...

No Child Taken - We want to see 50,000 vulnerable children protected - Tearfund

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tearfund.org - Trafficking is the fastest growing crime in the world, ravaging the lives of 1.2 million children across the world every year. That number is set to rise, unless we stop it in its tracks. The good ...

Obama approval down to 41%, 54% no longer believe Obama can lead the country

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Right to Life
nationalrighttolifenews.org - Reading some recent polling data, the question could fairly be asked: Will President Obama’s approval ratings permanently sink into the 30s before at least 60% of the public no longer believes he i...


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citizengo.org - The US Census Bureau has purposely gone outside its mission statement to redefine the definition of family.   This upcoming September, the Census Bureau will officially release the 2013 American Co...

Justina Pelletier's Family Promises to Sue Massachusetts for Abducting Their Daughter

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lifenews.com - by Steven Ertelt | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 6/19/14 10:43 AM The family of Justina Pelletier, the teenage girl at the center of a national parental rights dispute, vows to pursue legal actio...

IRS required by law to print out emails for record-keeping

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Angelica Saldaña
dailycaller.com - The Internal Revenue Service is required by federal law to keep records of all agency emails and to print out hard copies of the emails to make sure they get saved in the event of a computer glitch...

The Obamacare contraception mandate and Hobby Lobby

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commdiginews.com - WASHINGTON, June 19, 2014 — In March, the Supreme Court heard arguments in two cases involving religious freedom and the Obamacare contraceptive mandate: Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc., and i...

WORLD | Midday Roundup: Justina Pelletier finally goes home | Lynde Langdon

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WORLD News Group
worldmag.com - There’s no place like home. A 16-year-old girl caught up in a tense custody case with the state of Massachusetts has reunited with her family. Justina Pelletier posted a video on her Facebook pages...

Wide agenda at summit

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C of E Newspaper
churchnewspaper.com - HUMAN TRAFFICKING and slavery were on the agenda when Archbishop Welby met Pope Francis in Rome on Monday. Although some commentators pointed to a shift of emphasis in ecumenism from debate on such...

A Guide to Living With Less

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relevantmagazine.com - Ours is a world of excess. We have hundreds of cable channels. Super-sized meals and buffets abound. We even have stores dedicated to selling things in large quantities. If there is anything our so...

Let the Children Play | Gregory Pine, O.P.

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First Things
firstthings.com - My childhood was a big mishmosh of amateur sporting ventures. There was baseball, basketball, football, hockey, golf, soapbox racing (in a Radio Flyer that often tipped), stickball, wiffle ball . ....
Arte & Entretenimento

Ni una sola referencia religiosa en el discurso de Felipe VI

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infocatolica.com - Felipe y Letizia parecen haber olvidado lo que dice el Libro de los Proverbios, 8, 15: "Por mí los Reyes reinan"... Discurso el del nuevo Rey altamente masónico: alusiones a la igualdad de géneros,...

Arzobispo de San Francisco responde a Nancy Pelosi: Sí iré a la Marcha pro Matrimonio

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - SAN FRANCISCO, 18 Jun. 14 / 11:23 am (ACI).- El Arzobispo de San Francisco (Estados Unidos) rechazó las críticas de un grupo de políticos, entre los cuales se encuentra la católica y promotora del ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Asamblea de fin de curso de Manos Unidas de PalenciaEcclesia Digital

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Ecclesia Digital
revistaecclesia.com - Asamblea de fin de curso de Manos Unidas de Palencia Durante la mañana de hoy se está celebrando en el Seminario Menor de Palencia a la Asamblea de fin de curso de los Voluntarios y Voluntarias de ...


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Antônio Carlos Costa
antonioccosta.com - 1. A Fifa vai obter nesta Copa o maior lucro da sua história. Fala-se em R$ 10 bilhões. Ninguém sabe quanto a entidade investirá no Brasil. Exigimos retorno que esteja à altura do lucro. 2. A Fifa ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Felipe VI, proclamado Rey de España: "Tenemos una gran nación: creamos en ella"

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Ignacio Arsuaga
hazteoir.org - "Una Monarquía renovada para un tiempo nuevo", señalaba en su discurso en el Congreso, donde ha jurado el cargo ante la Constitución y con ausencia de símbolos religiosos, tras haber recibido en Za...
Arte & Entretenimento

IMB - O mito do poder da Coca-Cola

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Direita Brasil
mises.org.br - Mas espere! Certamente, as pessoas podem decidir beber ou não beber. Não, não, diz a elite intelectual que constantemente nos avisa do "mito da escolha" no mercado. Nós somos governados por forças ...

5 Minutos de Como a Mídia Afeta as Mulheres

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Michelson Borges
socialfly.com.br - Nossa missão é espalhar histórias que valem a pena e fazem diferença. Curta nossa página no Facebook e veja diariamente coisas bacanas no seu feed.
Arte & Entretenimento

Engolidos Pela Cultura Pop

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ultimato.com.br - Ninguém está imune à influência da propaganda, das novas tecnologias, das celebridades, da literatura, enfim, da cultura da nossa época. No entanto, Engolidos Pela Cultura Pop aponta as diferenças ...

Rejeição à Lei Cavalo de Troia

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Zenit Portugues
zenit.org - O cavalo de Troia foi um artefato de madeira utilizado pelos gregos na guerra contra os troianos. Sim, incapazes de vencer seus rivais, os helenos criaram um grande equino de tábuas e disseram aos ...

Entenda o que é a ação DIA CONSAGRADO PELA MISSÃO da RCCSP

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Ministério Jovem BRA
rccsp.org.br - O presidente do Conselho Estadual da RCCSP, Rogerio Santos, explica a ação “Dia Consagrado pela Missão” que está acontecendo dentro do Estado de São Paulo nos meses de junho, julho e agosto. Assist...

Emily’s List misfires with attack ad on education funding cuts - The Washington Post

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Susan B Anthony List
washingtonpost.com - In a new ad, Emily's List goes after Republican Senate candidate from North Carolina Thom Tillis as part of their WOMEN VOTE! project. “Speaker Thom Tillis cut almost $500 million from education, c...

Central African Republic - Tearfund

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tearfund.org - Bitter conflict has left thousands dead and 560,000 people homeless in the Central African Republic (CAR), while 250,000 have fled to neighbouring countries. More than half the population, 2.5 mill...

Coward Republicans have the votes to impeach Obama but wouldn't : Fire Andrea Mitchell!

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fireandreamitchell.com - As Obama continues to ignore the Constitution and violate American law, Republicans sit idly by, playing with themselves letting Obama get away with violating the law. Pennsylvania RINO Lou Barlett...

School Bus Cameras Could Get You a Ticket

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Heritage Foundation
dailysignal.com - Kaitlyn Speer is a reporter for Watchdog.org, a national network of investigative reporters covering waste, fraud and abuse in government. Watchdog.org is a project of the nonprofit Franklin Center...


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cem.org.mx - 19 Junio (AUDIO) El Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo. Deuteronomio 8, 2-3. 14-16: “Te di un alimento que ni tú ni tus padres conocían” Salmo 147: “Bendito sea el Señor” I Corintios 10, 16-17: “El pa...

Kerry Urges Sudan: Respect Mariam Ibrahim's 'Freedom of Religion'

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cnsnews.com - (CNSNews.com) – Secretary of State John Kerry has issued a statement calling on the government of Sudan to respect the freedom of religion of Mariam Ibrahim, who was sentenced to death last month f...

Oui à la grève ! Mais pas sur ma ligne... / France Inter

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La Manif Pour Tous
franceinter.fr - Cela fait donc déjà huit jours que mes confrères usent de cette figure de style dans leurs journaux : « le mouvement social immobilise les trains »… Superbe antinomie, c’est presque aussi joli que ...

To the Church and to Ordain Women: Two Requests – By Common Consent, a Mormon Blog

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By Common Consent
bycommonconsent.com - As is now well known, the leader of the Ordain Women movement, Kate Kelly, has been called before a disciplinary council. There has been much speculation about what role the church’s senior leaders...

Gauge of US economy gains 0.5 percent in May

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cnsnews.com - WASHINGTON (AP) — A gauge designed to predict the economy's future health increased for a fourth month in May, providing further evidence that the economy is gaining strength after a harsh winter c...

Let This Audio Illusion Blow Your Mind

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relevantmagazine.com - At this point, optical illusions are as common as candy. OK Go just made a whole video out of them. But it's time to introduce yourself to "Audio Illusions," which will serve as another example of ...

World Cup activities 11-18s / Resource pages / Youth / Resources / Files / Media - CAFOD

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cafod.org.uk - Use this film with activity five to investigate how São Paulo is preparing for the World Cup and how its poorest communities are affected. Right click to download video. Once you've watched it, sig...

Leadership Principles for Families II - Focus on the Family Daily - Canada

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Focus on the Family
focusonthefamily.com - Business consultant Tim Irwin identifies and explains several principles that can help parents become more effective leaders of their children. Get Web-exclusives, resources, guest bios and more fo...

Numa entrevista no PARÁ, reafirmamos as prioridades do PSC

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Blog EveraldoPereira
blogdoeveraldo.com.br - Com a homologação da pré-candidatura do Partido Social Cristão, continuamos nossa agenda de viagens pelo Brasil. Neste feriado de 19 de junho, estamos em Belém do Pará. Pela manhã, acompanhado do d...

Frases do Dado

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Dado Moura
frasesdodado.tumblr.com - Neste espaço você encontrará algumas frases publicadas nos meus artigos. Você também pode contribuir enviando aquelas citações que durante a leitura, considerou importantes. Acesse: Dado Moura em o...

A light bulb went off - The Arlington Catholic Herald

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Arl Catholic Herald
catholicherald.com - This past winter, if you dug yourself out of your snowbound house and drove past St. Michael Church in Annandale, you might have seen Father Jerry J. Pokorsky, pastor, in his truck with a plow blad...

Hillary had a ghostwriter, but Obama didn’t?

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WND News
wnd.com - With the debut of Hillary Clinton’s new book, “Hard Choices,” there has been much open speculation about who really wrote it. “Hillary Clinton’s Book Ghost Writer Revealed,” read one typically brea...

Secular Pro-Life Perspectives: Introducing the Equal Rights Institute

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Live Action News
blog.secularprolife.org - When you think of “the pro-life movement,” who do you picture? Do you think of a massive crowd with homemade picket signs shuffling through Washington DC in the snow (or San Francisco in the sun)? ...

Pro-marriage culture reduces inequality, professor says :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

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catholicnewsagency.com - New Orleans, La., Jun 18, 2014 / 04:00 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Church support for marriage among poor and middle class Americans can play a key role in combating income inequality and providing a good...

Apostasy: False Prophets, Teachers and Loyal Opposition

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By Common Consent
mormonwomenstand.com - As members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we follow modern day prophets and apostles. We believe that they are special witnesses of Jesus Christ. As such, it is their duty to b...

Felipe VI arrancará su reinado con las víctimas del terrorismo, en un acto oficial el sábado

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europapress.es -    El Rey Felipe VI arrancará su reinado acompañando a las víctimas del terrorismo, en un acto el próximo sábado en el Palacio de Zurbano de Madrid, que será su primer acto oficial como jefe de Est...

PMA : "Le sujet n'est pas clos". Ah ? Mme Rossignol, ce n'est pas ce que vous m'aviez dit - le Plus

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La Manif Pour Tous
leplus.nouvelobs.com - À l’occasion de la proposition de loi sur l’autorité parentale qui est examinée depuis lundi, vous avez déclaré à propos de la PMA : "Le sujet n'est pas clos (...) La question continuera d'être pos...

BLS: Americans--on Average--Sleep Twice as Many Hours as They Work

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cnsnews.com - (CNSNews.com) - On average, Americans spent about twice as many hours sleeping on weekdays in 2013 as they did working, according to the annual “American Time Use Survey” released today by the Bure...

Lay Chaplain, Bishop Ullathorne, Coventry :: Catholic Youth Ministry, News, Development, Programs

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catholicyouthwork.com - CatholicYouthWork.com » Forum » Jobs in Catholic Youth Ministry » Catholic Youth Ministry Jobs UK » Lay Chaplain, Bishop Ullathorne, Coventry Author Topic: Lay Chaplain, Bishop Ullathorne, Coventry...

20 Spurgeon Quotes That Show Why He Still Matters

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relevantmagazine.com - Obviously, there’s no sure way to quantify any preacher’s impact, but the numbers for Charles Spurgeon are telling. Known as the “Prince of Preachers,” the British Baptist pastor is estimated to ha...

Shocker: Seized Benghazi suspect worked for U.S.

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Angelica Saldaña
wnd.com - TEL AVIV – Benghazi suspect Ahmed Abu Khattallah, seized by the U.S. on Sunday, once served as a key conduit in an effort staged by the U.S. and Arab interests to aid insurgents fighting in Libya a...

WORLD | Iraqi troops who fled: ‘Death is more merciful’ | Michael Cochrane

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WORLD News Group
worldmag.com - Iraqi soldiers say they can hardly live with the shame of their rout under an onslaught of Islamic militants. Their commanders disappeared. Pleas for more ammunition went unanswered. Troops ran fro...

Tragic Compassion | Michael Scaperlanda

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First Things
firstthings.com - The Department of Homeland Security estimates that 90,000 unaccompanied minors will be apprehended attempting to enter the United States this year, up from 40,000 last year. DHS expects the number ...

Florida Officially Legalizes CBD for State’s Medical Marijuana Patients 

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truthisscary.com - As expected, Florida officially became America’s latest state to offer CBD-only cannabis to qualifying medical marijuana patients when Governor Rick Scott signed off on the “Charlotte’s Web” bill y...
Arte & Entretenimento

Concurso Cultural Literário (71)

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livrosepessoas.com - A pequena Raven tem um problema: de algum modo ela conseguiu se perder de seus pais e de seu lar. Em sua busca, ela se depara com um urso marrom (ou seria alaranjado?) que, apesar de rabugento, ace...
Arte & Entretenimento

Religiosos confeccionam tapetes de Corpus Christi no Paraná - fotos em Paraná - g1

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g1.globo.com - Fiéis acordaram cedo nesta quinta-feira (19) para preparar tapetes em todo o estado.

Whispers in the Loggia: Baltimore Gets the Berkshires: Charm City's Rozanski Tapped for Springfield, Mass.

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New Advent
whispersintheloggia.blogspot.fr - Just last month, a sixth-grade religion class at a Baltimore parochial school got a surprise guest teacher: Auxiliary Bishop Mitch Rozanski. What made the visit unusual, however, was how it came ab...

O Espirito Santo é a solução para o Brasil by Adailton Batista Silva

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† Adailton Batista †
mixcloud.com - Don't miss the next upload by Adailton Batista Silva! Join free & follow Adailton Batista Silva to be the first to hear it

Canadian reporter asks pro-choicers to “cut the crap”

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Live Action News
liveactionnews.org - It’s rare that a March for Life event makes it into the news. It’s even more rare, when the reporter is unapologetically and enthusiastically pro-life and the Toronto Sun gives her over 8 minutes t...

God Wants To Use All of Us by Greg Laurie - Blog - Think Eternity

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Think Eternity
thinke.org - Who is called to “go into all the world and preach the gospel?” If you are a Christian, you are! We are! Jesus said, “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name ...

A La Carte (June 19)

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The Reformed Hub
challies.com - It’s a good day for Kindle deals. Here we go: Know the Heretics and Know the Creeds and Councils by Justin Holcomb ($5.99); Visit the Sick, Prepare Them to Shepherd, and Conduct Gospel-Centered Fun...

Kroger 1Q results top Street; boosts outlook

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cnsnews.com - CINCINNATI (AP) — Kroger saw a 4 percent jump in first-quarter profit and the nation's biggest supermarket raised its earnings forecast for the year. Shares rose more than 5 percent in morning trad...

Pétition de la Manif pour Tous : faire toute la lumière sur ce déni de démocratie

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La Manif Pour Tous
lefigaro.fr - Philippe Brillault est maire du Chesnay et conseiller général des Yvelines. Il a été à l'origine de la pétition la pétition citoyenne adressée au CESE, Conseil Économique Social et Environnemental,...

WORLD | Do air traffic controllers need more sleep? | Rob Holmes

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WORLD News Group
worldmag.com - A government-sponsored report released last week said air traffic controllers are at great risk for fatigue and errors leading to accidents because of their work schedules.   Controllers routinely ...

Is this not he who rebukes?

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Ocean of Grace
reformedquotes.com - In the time of our trouble God causes us to see what an evil and bitter thing it is to grieve his good Spirit. When we are in the bitterness of our spirits, and want the Comforter, then we begin to...

Violet’s Life | Russell E. Saltzman

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First Things
firstthings.com - Sometimes in parish ministry there are encounters with parishioners that leave one simply gasping, frustrated beyond comprehension, and there is little in the pastoral toolkit to help either pastor...


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Antônio Carlos Costa
antonioccosta.com - Não estamos em campanha contra a Fifa. Julgamos injusta a forma como a Copa está sendo conduzida. Esse é o ponto. Mais de R$ 10 bilhões investidos na segurança dos jogos e construção dos estádios. ...

NYTimes: Why did two towns produce so many priests?

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New Advent
patheos.com - At least once a year, a major newsroom in the United States produces a big story about the OTHER Catholic crisis in this land, which is the declining number of men entering the priesthood (and wome...

[VIDEO] Hoy la Iglesia celebra Solemnidad del Corpus Christi

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - LIMA, 19 Jun. 14 / 12:01 am (ACI).- La Iglesia Católica celebra hoy la Solemnidad del Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo o Corpus Christi que conmemora la institución de la Sagrada Eucaristía. San Juan P...

No aquecimento: sentinelas prontos para entrar em campo na Copa FIFA 2014 | Renovação Carismática Católica

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Ministério Jovem BRA
rccrj.org.br - jun 19 • Notícias RCC • 82 Views • Nenhum Comentário A bola já começou a rolar no país do futebol e o Ministério Jovem da Renovação Carismática Católica (RCC) entra em campo nas cidades sede dos jo...

Apos derrota para o Chile, espanhois voltam a chamar brs de macacos :( - Blue Bus

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Cristiano Augusto
bluebus.com.br - Assim como já ocorrera após a derrota para a Holanda, na primeira rodada, em Salvador, diversos espanhóis foram ao Twitter para postar mensagens racistas dirigidas aos brasileiros – e, agora, també...
Arte & Entretenimento

Chelsea Handler to Host ‘Late Night Style’ Talk Show on Netflix - NYTimes.com

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The Brazilian Post
nytimes.com - A late-night talk show on Netflix? That is what the company announced Thursday as part of a deal with Chelsea Handler, the soon-to-exit star from the E! cable network. The idea could appear counter...

Damage, 1 injury after tornado hits small SD town

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cnsnews.com - WESSINGTON SPRINGS, S.D. (AP) — A tornado hit a small town in central South Dakota on Wednesday night, damaging homes, destroying several businesses and injuring one person, according to the Nation...

Our accomplishments remain insufficient

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Ocean of Grace
reformedquotes.com - The system of truth revealed in the Scriptures is not simply one straight line, but two; and no man will ever get a right view of the gospel until he knows how to look at the two lines at once. For...

Yonhapnews Agency - Mobile

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Angelica Saldaña
m.yna.co.kr -    North Korea's firing of ballistic missiles in March seems to have been aimed at testing if its midrange ones could target South Korea by skirting South Korean and U.S. interception systems, mili...

Farnborough Airport * Farnborough Aerospace Centre * INCEPTION * SIS CARROLL AIRCRAFT TRUST MI6 *** Most Dangerous Crime Syndicate Case - The Ferris Conspiracy Forum

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US Capitol Hill
paulviking.websitetoolbox.com - Sources have confirmed that the new explosive FBI Scotland Yard “cross-border” criminal “standard of proof” prosecution files contain forensic specimen exhibits of twenty eight forged and falsified...

WORLD | Feds open taxpayer-funded insurance to sex change surgery | Andrew Branch

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WORLD News Group
worldmag.com - Taxpayers could soon be paying for federal employees’ sex reassignment surgeries after the Office of Personnel Management lifted its ban on insurance coverage for the procedures. The June 13 direct...
Arte & Entretenimento

Criacionismo: E-mails que nos alegram (46)

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Michelson Borges
criacionismo.com.br - quarta-feira, junho 18, 2014 E-mails que nos alegram (46) “Olá, Michelson, tudo bem? Acompanho seu blog há cerca de um ano. Todos os dias vejo se tem coisa nova. Bom, hoje quero te contar o envolvi...

In Two Michigan Villages, a Higher Calling Is Often Heard - NYTimes.com

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New Advent
nytimes.com - FOWLER, Mich. — Aside for the mole grazing his right eyebrow, it is difficult to distinguish Gary Koenigsknecht from his identical twin, Todd, four minutes the elder. Growing up, the twins, now 26,...

TJ nega recurso do pastor Marcos Pereira

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gpsgospel.com.br - Nesta segunda-feira (16) o Tribunal de Justiça do Rio de Janeiro negou, por unanimidade, recurso apresentado pela defesa do pastor Marcos Pereira contra sentença, em 1ª instância. O recurso na 8ª C...

Lula isola Dilma de reunião da campanha e irrita presidente - Brasil - Notícia - VEJA.com

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Pr.Roberto Luiz
veja.abril.com.br - A presidente Dilma Rousseff e Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (AFP) Fiel escudeiro da presidente Dilma Rousseff e integrante do comando da campanha da petista à reeleição, o ex-chefe de Gabinete do Plana...

Watch How A Deaf-Blind Brazilian Follows Along With The World Cup

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lifenews.com - by Steven Ertelt | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 6/18/14 12:54 PM Let’s face it, most Americans are not following the World Cup action with the same level of intensity as our friends around the w...

Joint oral statement: The Internet and Human Rights

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Index on Censorship
cjfe.org - 26th Session Human Rights Council Item 3, General Debate ARTICLE 19 delivers this statement on behalf of 63 NGOs.* Two years ago this Council affirmed by consensus that “the same rights that people...

10 Reasons Why Handheld Devices Should Be Banned for Children Under the Age of 12 

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The Butterfly Circus
huffingtonpost.com - The American Academy of Pediatrics and the Canadian Society of Pediatrics state infants aged 0-2 years should not have any exposure to technology, 3-5 years be restricted to one hour per day, and 6...

Lust, Love and 7 Things You Need to Know About Temptation

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aheartforgod.org - “They were stoned, they were sawn in two, they were tempted.” (Hebrews 11:37a) Are you being tempted? Dictionary.com describes temptation as: “the act of tempting; enticement or allurement.” My Ope...

Território Eldorado :: Playlist :: Chico Buarque

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Paulo Devechi
territorioeldorado.limao.com.br - Os vários temas de um dos maiores compositores da nossa música.

Coordenador-geral do Tribunal de Contas do Paraná é preso acusado de receber propina

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Rodini Netto
rodininetto.com.br - Policiais do Gaeco recolheram documentos na sede do TCE – Foto: Danaê Bubalo/ Banda B O coordenador-geral do Tribunal de Contas do Paraná, Luiz Bernardo Dias Costa, foi preso na tarde desta quarta-...

That he might be able to find himself another paradise…

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Ocean of Grace
reformedquotes.com - Ah, believer, it is only heaven that is above all winds, storms, and tempests; God did not cast man out of paradise, that he might be able to find himself another paradise in this world. The world ...

Great victories - Dave Short - Every Christian - Good News - Across Earth

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Emerging Evangelists
emergingevangelists.com - Psalm 18:50  "He gives his king GREAT victories."   Psalm 66:3 "How awesome are your deeds! So great is your power..." GREAT:  Notable, remarkable, significant, extraordinary. Millions of young peo...

New creationism museum says Noah brought baby dinosaurs aboard the ark - Salon.com

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Ship of Fools
salon.com - There is now a pseudo-science creation museum in Boise, Idaho. The Northwest Science Museum, opened its doors to the public on Saturday, reports the Idaho Statesman. The museum’s goal: Portray a bi...

WH: 'Zero Emails' Between Lois Lerner and President's Office

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cnsnews.com - (CNSNews.com) - The Obama White House says it found "zero emails" between Lois Lerner and the president's office. Spokesman Jay Carney told reporters on Wednesday that in response to a request from...

LAPD Los Angeles Police “Pemberton Greenish Prosecution Files” * HEAT * CARROLL*TRUST * HEAT * FBI Los Angeles Trans-National Crime Syndicate Case - The Ferris Conspiracy Forum

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US Capitol Hill
paulviking.websitetoolbox.com - Register  |  Login  |  Search  |  Calendar  |  Chat   Ferris Conspiracy > Forums > LAPD Los Angeles Police “Pemberton Greenish Prosecution Files” * HEAT * CARROLL*TRUST * HEAT * FBI Los Angeles Tra...


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Paula Rosiska
veja.abril.com.br - XINGAMENTO CONTRA DILMA NÃO PARTIU SÓ DA ELITE BRANCA,DIZ GILBERTO CARVALHO . quarta-feira, 18 de junho de 2014 Blog do Coronel * “A água bateu na bunda do PT. Gilberto Carvalho está com medo do po...

Como conseguir recursos financeiros para sustentar um blog cristão? ~ União de Blogueiros Evangélicos

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UBE Blogs
ubeblogs.net - Se você é blogueiro cristão, sabe do que estou falando: pagar servidor de hospedagem, registro de domínios, serviços de design, sistema de distribuição de e-mail, licença de softwares, comprar equi...

Te Deum laudamus!: Outrage Addiction: Its harm on the spiritual life and on the mission of the Church

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New Advent
te-deum.blogspot.com - Outrage Addiction: Its harm on the spiritual life and on the mission of the Church Our main goal in this life should be to get to Heaven and take as many souls with us as possible.  We not only hav...

Ordenan prohibición de salida del país a María Corina Machado

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Venezuela Sin Miedo
notiespartano.com - El Tribunal 16 de Control del Área Metropolitana de Caracas dictó prohibición de salida del país a la ex diputada independiente María Corina Machado, quien declaró el pasado lunes en el Ministerio ...

5 Disastrous Obama Policy Decisions That Have Already Blown Up In His Face - John Hawkins - Page full

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Janie Johnson
townhall.com - The only reason liberalism survives is because there's usually a good bit of lag between when a policy is being implemented and the time when the American people get to see the results. If American...

'This is similar to the Nazi occupation of Europe', says Iraq chief as ISIS burn cigarettes under Sharia law

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Angelica Saldaña
dailymail.co.uk - The Iraqi government has likened the jihadist insurgency gripping the country to the Nazi occupation of Europe. Zuhair al-Nahar, a spokesman for Iraqi prime minister Nouri al-Maliki's Dawa party, s...

Garoto cria sistema que limpa metade do Pacífico em 10 anos - EXAME.com

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Cristiano Augusto
exame.abril.com.br - Boyan Slat: ele teve a ideia quando viu mais garrafas de plástico do que peixes ao mergulhar São Paulo - O rapaz da foto acima tem apenas 19 anos, mas é responsável por um plano ambicioso apoiado p...

WORLD | Completely personal | Marvin Olasky

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WORLD News Group
worldmag.com - This issue’s cover date is June 28, a date that should live in infamy. On June 28, 1914, an assassin killed Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand in the Balkan city of Sarajevo. That incident touched o...

Notable Voices: June 19, 2014 - ThomRainer.com

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Thom Rainer
thomrainer.com - 10 Tweetable Pieces of Advice for Pastors – Ron Edmondson I love Ron’s heart for pastors and the church. These tweetable nuggets are encouraging. Bitter Pills: 4 Unpleasantries that Make for Health...

Encontre a Paz | As Duas Ressurreições

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apaz.com.br - Vem a hora em que todos os que estão nos sepulcros ouvirão a sua voz. E os que fizeram o bem sairão para a ressurreição da vida; e os que fizeram o mal para a ressurreição da condenação O versículo...
Arte & Entretenimento

Portal TopGyn Home - O Portal para toda Família - Orquestra de Guitarras faz suas últimas apresentações nas Fábricas de Cultura

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TopGyn Notícias
topgyn.com.br - Unidades do Parque Belém e Itaim Paulistas receberam o concerto nos dias 20 e 27 de junho, respectivamente No próximo dia 20 de junho, a Orquestra de Guitarras Souza Lima se apresentará na Fábrica ...


Cristianismo e Política + Christianity and Politics + União multi-denominacional (evangélicos, católicos, etc) em defesa dos valores cristãos e da democracia



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