25 May 2014

LiberdadeDeExpressao 23.05.2014 @livrexpress

LiberdadeDeExpressao News

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#AcordaBrasil!: #BOMBA! Bolsonaro quer ser Vice de Aécio Neves, se não for candidato a Presidente

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Carlos Parrini
blogdoparrini.blogspot.com - sexta-feira, 23 de maio de 2014 #BOMBA! Bolsonaro quer ser Vice de Aécio Neves, se não for candidato a Presidente Se isso acontecer, vai embolar o meio de campo pois o povo culto simpatiza com a ca...

Marisa Lobo tem registro de psicóloga cassado por demonstrar sua fé nas redes sociais.

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lucassouzapublicidade.com.br - O Conselho Regional de Psicologia (CRP) do Paraná decidiu cassar o registro profissional da psicóloga cristã, Dra. Marisa Lobo, pré-candidata a deputada federal pelo Partido Social Cristão. O julga...

PSDB – Partido da Social Democracia Brasileira

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psdb.org.br - Rio de Janeiro - O presidente nacional do PSDB e pré-candidato à Presidência da República, senador Aécio Neves (MG), defendeu nesta quinta-feira (22) uma nova etapa de desenvolvimento social para a...

#AcordaBrasil!: Marco Civil: Sensura ou Direito Digital?

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Carlos Parrini
blogdoparrini.blogspot.com - Tudo o que precisa saber sobre a lei do marco civil que regula a internet no Brasil. Entra em vigor hoje, o marco civil da internet, lei que assegura os direitos digitais. E quais impactos para usu...

As revelações do arquivo secreto de Paulo Roberto Costa - ÉPOCA

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Otto Von Cifüder
epoca.globo.com - No dia 20 de março, a Polícia Federal apreendeu dezenas de papéis e 36 pen drives no apartamento do ex-diretor da Petrobras Paulo Roberto Costa, no Rio de Janeiro. Ele fora o mais poderoso executiv...

Economia do País está cambaleante, mas inquilinos do Palácio do Planalto agarram-se à soberba

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Direita S/SE
ucho.info - Quebra-cabeça – Por mais que possa parecer insistência do ucho.info, é impossível deixar de noticiar fatos sobre a crise econômica que chacoalha o Brasil, mas que a presidente da República e seus a...


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aluizioamorim.blogspot.com - sexta-feira, maio 23, 2014 MIAMI DECLARA "NO GRATA" A CÚPULA DA GLOBOVISIÓN, A TELEVISÃO CONTROLADA POR TRÊS EMPRESÁRIOS CAPACHOS DA DITADURA CHAVISTA. Os empresários chavistas Gorrín, Cordero e Pe...

Ato em defesa da Petrobrás mobilizará São Paulo nesta terça (27)

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Marisa Cruz
sjsp.org.br - Get free downloads for Internet Explorer 7, including recommended updates as they become available. To download Internet Explorer 7 in the language of your choice, please visit the Internet Explore...

Catecismo da Igreja Católica

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Catecismo da Igreja
ask.fm - Irmãos, há um ateu do meu grupo de corrida, que infelizmente persegue cristãos é incrível, ele usa as mídias sociais para propagar a palavra contra a existência de Deus, gostaria de saber de vcs, a...

No Chile, abrir empresa demora 11 minutos - Jornal O Globo

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Direita Brasil
oglobo.globo.com - RIO - Onze minutos. Esse é o tempo máximo gasto por um empresário chileno para preencher um formulário eletrônico, incluir sua assinatura digital e a dos sócios, e criar uma empresa. Se estiver no ...

GV Face: People Powered Flood Relief in Serbia · Global Voices

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Global Voices
globalvoicesonline.org - Join this Live Google Hangout on Friday, May 22 (3:30pm GMT/UTC) The homes of tens of thousands of people are under water after massive flooding in Serbia. Government ineptitude has left people to ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Pastor defende pastor | Radar on-line - Lauro Jardim - VEJA.com

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Silas Malafaia
veja.abril.com.br - Em 2013 jornais recifenses noticiaram, e houve ampla repercussão nacional, sobre crianças mourejando no Canal do Arruda. A imagem daquelas crianças era a atualização do homem-gabiru: raquíticos, pe...

O nome da baderna é Dilma - 23/05/2014 - Reinaldo Azevedo - Colunistas - Folha de S.Paulo

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Reinaldo Azevedo
folha.uol.com.br - O PT é um partido da ordem. Ocupa postos-chave na administração que lhe conferem a responsabilidade de manter em funcionamento a sociedade do contrato. Ocorre que esse partido tem a ambição de ser ...
Arte & Entretenimento


Partilhado por
Roger Rocha Moreira
m.facebook.com - Alzira Perez recado aos comunistas de plantão!...engraçado esse vídeos é um resumo de tantos que tem espalhados por ai..."valeu o esforço", mas tentar provar a realidade um ativista petista é como ...

Violência como epidemia - | Observatório da Imprensa | Observatório da Imprensa - Você nunca mais vai ler jornal do mesmo jeito

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observatoriodaimprensa.com.br - Aos poucos, a mídia vai deixando transparecer a preocupação de grande parte da sociedade com a violência, que há muito tempo assumiu foros de epidemia no país. Não é um exagero: a palavra “epidemia...

» Ukraine Fascists Threaten Presidential Candidate Handpicked by Globalists Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

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Alex Jones
infowars.com - Presidential candidate Petro Poroshenko will be watched carefully by Maidan commander Andrei Veremiyenko and the Independence square “defenders” if he is elected. If Poroshenko does not engage in “...

Vocação - Wiki Canção Nova

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Com. Canção Nova
wiki.cancaonova.com - Seja para constituir família, viver exclusivamente para Deus ou para doar a vida por uma missão, todos os cristãos possuem uma vocação. Ela é o chamado do Pai, cuja finalidade é a realização plena ...

A agenda alienante da imprensa | Blogs OI | Observatório da Imprensa - Você nunca mais vai ler jornal do mesmo jeito

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observatoriodaimprensa.com.br - Se alguém parar um minuto para pensar, se dará conta que a agenda de temas que a imprensa nos impõe é paranoica e desvinculada da realidade em que vivemos. Somos levados a discutir sobre temas que ...


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Richard Bejah CFP®
richardbejah.com - How to be HAPPY :- Be curious How to be HAPPY :- Be mindful How to be HAPPY :- Be part a part of something bigger than yourself How to be HAPPY :- Be spontaneous How to be HAPPY :- Be yourself, how...
Arte & Entretenimento

Acampamento Fortes na Tribulação - Eventos Canção Nova

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Com. Canção Nova
cancaonova.com - De 23 a 25 de maio a Comunidade Canção Nova vai promover o Acampamento "Fortes na Tribulação", que terá como tema: "Com esperança vencerás a tribulação". Inspirado no livro do padre Fabrício Andrad...

WikiLeaks statement on the mass recording of Afghan telephone calls by the NSA

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wikileaks.org - The National Security Agency has been recording and storing nearly all the domestic (and international) phone calls from two or more target countries as of 2013. Both the Washington Post and The In...

Boas histórias sobre perdas bilionárias - | Observatório da Imprensa | Observatório da Imprensa - Você nunca mais vai ler jornal do mesmo jeito

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observatoriodaimprensa.com.br - Refinarias de petróleo são caras em todo o mundo, mas no Brasil o problema é especial. Em nenhum outro país se gasta mais de 1 bilhão sem tirar do papel qualquer coisa parecida com um equipamento i...

Las noticias más importantes: 23 de mayo

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - LIMA , 23 May. 14 / 07:13 pm (ACI).- ACI Prensa presenta un video con las noticias más importantes de hoy, 23 de mayo de 2014, en el que podrá repasar rápidamente las noticias más importantes del d...

Vocal Colorado Sheriff Snared In Sex-For-Promotion Scandal

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barbwire.com - A Colorado sheriff with growing popularity in the Republican Party is accused of promoting three subordinate workers with whom he allegedly had sexual relationships, according to an explosive inves...

Aborto legal em tabela do SUS garante recursos adequados, diz ministro - Política - Hoje Em Dia

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Pe. Joãozinho, SCJ
hojeemdia.com.br - A inclusão do aborto legal na tabela de remuneração do Sistema Único de Saúde foi feita para garantir o financiamento adequado do procedimento e para atender recomendações do Supremo Tribunal Feder...

‘O modo de fazer jornalismo era uma indústria de distribuição’ - | Observatório da Imprensa

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observatoriodaimprensa.com.br - Uma das mais importantes questões do jornalismo atualmente é: como será o seu futuro? Esse foi o mote da palestra Jornalismo Pós-Industrial, que teve as participações de Carlos Eduardo Lins da Silv...

The REAL Definition of Authentic Leadership

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Steve Keating CSE
stevekeating.me - I write and speak often on the topic of “Authentic Leadership” and I have a clear understanding of what that means …. to me. As it turns out however, not everyone has the same understanding. In fac...

Obispo chileno: Defensa de vida y familia es irrenunciable más allá de “ordenamiento jurídico”

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - SANTIAGO, 23 May. 14 / 06:52 pm (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- En medio del debate que se instaló en Chile sobre la despenalización del aborto y leyes anti familia, Mons. Galo Fernández, nuevo Obispo Auxili...

Pollster: Fracking Fight Could Doom Democrats In Colorado

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barbwire.com - A prominent Denver pollster said an anticipated and highly controversial ballot measure allowing local communities to ban fracking could spell doom for Democrats in November. The measure is being f...
Meio Ambiente

Unipolar world is coming to an end, Putin says

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Paul Joseph Watson
vestnikkavkaza.net - President of Russia Vladimir Putin stated at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum that the unipolar model of the world has failed; and today it is obvious to everybody, including those w...

Muere una religiosa de 69 años salvajemente golpeada: se investiga si fue sólo un robo común - ReL

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Religión en Libertad
religionenlibertad.com - La hermana Juliana Lim, de 69 años, de la Congregación del Niño Jesús, murió este jueves 22 de mayo después de una violenta agresión sufrida el 14 de mayo en Seremban, un pueblo cerca de Kuala Lump...

Dilma oferece jantar no Alvorada a representantes do agronegócio - Jornal O Globo

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Pe. Joãozinho, SCJ
oglobo.globo.com - BRASÍLIA - A presidente Dilma Rousseff ofereceu, nesta sexta-feira, um jantar para representantes do agronegócio, setor que tem restrições à ação do governo federal. Cerca de 40 empresários rurais,...

Copa: ‘Eles estão roubando vocês!’ - Reproduzido da Agência Pública, 8/5/2014 | Observatório da Imprensa

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observatoriodaimprensa.com.br - Em livro recém-lançado no Brasil, o jornalista britânico Andrew Jennings desnuda farsa de ingressos da Copa e avisa: os brasileiros estão pagando por uma Copa que só trará lucro para Fifa e patroci...

Russia’s Hashtag Activism in Ukraine · Global Voices

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Global Voices
globalvoicesonline.org - “Hashtag activism” has grown to be a major feature of political discussions on Twitter. While many pundits question the effectiveness of these online movements, even belittling them as “armchair ac...

Patriarca ortodoxo griego reza en el Santo Sepulcro horas antes del encuentro con el Papa

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - JERUSALÉN, 23 May. 14 / 04:42 pm (ACI/Europa Press).- El Patriarca de la Iglesia Ortodoxa Griega Bartolomé I ha rezado este viernes en el Santo Sepulcro de Jerusalén, unas horas antes del encuentro...

Clinton's Keystone headache - Andrew Restuccia and Maggie Haberman - POLITICO.com

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Jeffrey Levin
politico.com - The Keystone XL pipeline is becoming another potential 2016 headache for Hillary Clinton. Clinton is keeping her silence for now on the proposed oil pipeline, a project that has split her party, po...

Drew McKissick Newsletter Signup

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Drew McKissick
drewmckissick.com - I’m a conservative political strategist and activist with over twenty-five years of experience in grassroots politics and a passion for teaching other conservatives how the system works and how to ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Catequese com o Papa Francisco - 21/05/14

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Com. Canção Nova
papa.cancaonova.com - CATEQUESE Praça São Pedro – Vaticano Quarta-feira, 21 de maio de 2014 Hoje gostaria de destacar outro dom do Espírito Santo, o dom da ciência. Quando se fala de ciência, o pensamento vai imediatame...
Arte & Entretenimento

La adopción de una niña con Síndrome de Down

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infocatolica.com - (ACI/InfoCatólica) Andy, de origen filipino, y Lara, de origen peruano, decidieron adoptar un niño con problemas especiales y cumplieron este propósito a través de la plataforma «Christian Homes an...

Painel Brasil TV - Teste Genexpert

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Painel Brasil TV
painelbrasil.tv - O Teste Genexpert é um teste bastante recente, ele foi endorsado pela Organização Mundial da Saúde após validação mundial, acerca de menos de 2 anos. Ele é usado para o diagnóstico da tuberculose d...

Pelosi drops brand-new whopper with VA blame

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WND News
wnd.com - WASHINGTON — House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., is blaming former President George W. Bush for the Veterans Administration scandal, but, according to the VA’s own numbers, she has the fa...

These Egyptians Say No to Mandatory Military Service · Global Voices

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Global Voices
globalvoicesonline.org - Egyptians have been posting their support for activists supporting a campaign to end mandatory military service or conscription in Egypt.  Most Egyptian men between the ages of 18 and 30 years have...

50 senators to NFL: Change Redskins' racist name

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Drew McKissick
bigstory.ap.org - WASHINGTON (AP) — Half the U.S. Senate urged NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell on Thursday to change the Washington Redskins' name, saying it is a racist slur and the time is ripe to replace it. In on...

Los horarios de transmisión en vivo del viaje del Papa Francisco a Tierra Santa

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - LIMA, 23 May. 14 / 04:35 pm (ACI).- Del 24 al 26 de mayo nuestros lectores podrán seguir en nuestro sitio web las transmisiones en vivo y en directo con comentarios en español, el viaje del Papa Fr...

Prophecy of the Seventy Weeks – Part 2

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aheartforgod.org - “‘Seventy weeks have been decreed for your people and your holy city, to finish the transgression, to make an end of sin, to make atonement for iniquity, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to s...

Doce de Pimenta conquista paladares - Jornal da Vida

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redevida.com.br - Jornal da Vida Doce de Pimenta conquista paladares O doce de pimenta elaborado pela empresária Queila de Moraes, no interior paulista, tem conquistado os paladares mais variados. A pimenta utilizad...

I, Too, Will Stand Up for Tiananmen - NYTimes.com

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John Perry Barlow
nytimes.com - SYDNEY, Australia — On May 6 three of my friends were arrested in Beijing on suspicion of “picking quarrels and provoking trouble.” They are Xu Youyu, a scholar and former researcher at the Chinese...
Arte & Entretenimento

Briguei com meu amigo! O que fazer?

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Com. Canção Nova
formacao.cancaonova.com - Muitos processos de amizade sofrem rompimentos ao longo da vida. Muitos são os motivos que desencadeiam esses rompimentos; desde uma simples palavra mal interpretada até uma complexa traição de con...
Arte & Entretenimento

Labrador rouba os flashes no Tapete Vermelho do Festival de Cannes - cultura - cinema - Estadão

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Myrian Rios
estadao.com.br - Uma mistura de labrador de nome Body ganhou a Palma Canina durante o Festival de Cannes nesta sexta-feira, 23, como parte de sua brilhante atuação segundo críticos e amantes de cachorro. Body é a e...

Pointing fingers

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WND News
wnd.com - Cast your vote now. All answers are stored anonymously.
Arte & Entretenimento

El próximo 7 de junio, Premios HO: la excelencia de los valores

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hazteoir.org - Los premiados: Oswaldo Payá (a título póstumo), Carlos Cuesta, Francisco José Contreras, José Luis Restán, Monseñor Fernando Sebastián y Luis Chiva. Reserva ya tu entrada. Los Premios se concederán...

UW-Whitewater professor sues student over postings - Yahoo News

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Resist Tyranny
news.yahoo.com - WHITEWATER, Wis. (AP) — A University of Wisconsin-Whitewater professor is suing a former graduate student who posted online comments and videos that the teacher considers defamatory. Anthony Llewel...

Órdenes de captura emitidas por las autoridades de Guatemala para varios líderes pro-vida

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infocatolica.com - (ACI/InfoCatólica) Tras el allanamiento de centros de atención a la mujer embarazada y las órdenes de captura emitidas por las autoridades de Guatemala para varios de sus líderes, el Dr. Estuardo C...
Arte & Entretenimento

DVD 'Meus Segredos' - Ziza Fernandes

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Myrian Rios
partilhe.org - A proposta é que toda a renda do DVD 'Meus Segredos' seja revertida à Fazenda da Esperança. Se nosso financiamento colaborativo alcançar 100% da sua meta, a gravação do DVD deverá ocorrer entre os ...

Pope Francis in the Holy Land :: Catholic News Agency

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Catholic News Agency
catholicnewsagency.com - Read the reason why this motto was especially selected for the Pope’s visit Read the latest breaking news about Pope Francis’ pilgrimage to the Holy Land Review the historic sites from Christ’s lif...

Why Confess Sins to a Man? (Blanquette de Veau vs Burrito Supreme)

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Taylor Marshall
taylormarshall.com - First of all, congratulations & blessings on your reception into full communion of the Catholic Church and your first confession!! Throughout all of salvation history, grace has been mediated throu...

Russian Digital Sovereignty Is Here and, Yes, It Includes Schoolgirls · Global Voices

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Global Voices
globalvoicesonline.org - Russia’s new state-sponsored Internet search engine is now in beta testing, and users are finding that it produces some curious results. Sputnik.ru, the Kremlin’s answer to foreign sites like Googl...

O cafetão do caos: chacoalhando as árvores para colher os frutos… podres!

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Rodrigo Constantino
veja.abril.com.br - O PT sempre se vendeu, aos mais pobres, como o partido Robin Hood, que iria acabar com a “exploração” dos mais ricos e buscar a “justiça social”. Aos mais ricos, porém, o partido se vende como a ga...

Denuncian la interesada caza de brujas contra las organizaciones provida en Guatemala

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hazteoir.org - Tras el allanamiento de centros de atención a la mujer embarazada y de la oficina del Obispo de Escuintla, Mons. Víctor Hugo Palma, así como de las órdenes de captura contra 20 líderes provida. Ent...

Cáritas Europa insta al próximo Parlamento Europeo a cumplir compromisos para acabar con la pobreza

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - MADRID, 23 May. 14 / 04:02 am (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- Ante las próximas elecciones europeas, los miembros de la Conferencia Regional de Cáritas Europa aprobaron una declaración en la que piden que lo...
Arte & Entretenimento

Federico: "Montoro está pagando con el dinero de todos los españoles a los que les agreden" - Libertad Digital Televisión

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Libertad Digital TV
tv.libertaddigital.com - "El ministro de Hacienda, es decir, el que nos trinca a todos el dinero para pagar el separatismo catalán, ha sido brutalmente agredido por una horda de agitadores y algunos presuntos, no sé si fot...

Confesiones en Israel del Rabino amigo del papa Francisco

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religionconfidencial.com - En primer lugar, como ya hemos informado en esta crónica de Religión Confidencial, el primer líder judío en la historia que formará parte de un séquito papal –y precisamente en un viaje a Tierra Sa...

EH Bildu, proaborto y contra la Iglesia

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religionconfidencial.com - En un acto político de la formación frente al Arzobispado de Pamplona en contra de la política educativa y a favor del aborto,  los candidatos de EH Bildu a las elecciones europeas Josu Juaristi y ...

Suit: Teachers turned sisters into death cultists

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Resist Tyranny
usatoday.com - The girls at Connecticut's Avon High School were learning more than just Spanish in their Spanish classes, according to a lawsuit filed by one family. The parents, identified only as John and Jane ...

Sin crucifijos ni pancartas: El “no al aborto” de un marxista agnóstico

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Derecho a Vivir
chileb.cl - Muchas veces se sostiene que aquellos que manifiestan estar a favor de la vida y abiertamente contra el aborto, fundarían su juicio en sus creencias religiosas. Que este debate se trata al final de...

México: La presión de los ciudadanos impide la legalización del aborto en un estado

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infocatolica.com - (Aleteia/InfoCatólica) La iniciativa del gobernador no se incluyó en el orden del día, por lo que no se presentó ni debatió el dictamen, pese a que fue la última sesión del periodo ordinario de ses...

Ceará ultrapassa marca de meio milhão de inscritos no Enem - Cidade - Diário do Nordeste

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Myrian Rios
diariodonordeste.verdesmares.com.br - Mesmo com as inscrições para o Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio (Enem) 2014 sendo encerradas somente às 23h59 desta sexta-feira (23), o Ceará já bateu o recorde de inscrições na prova. Com 534.329 al...

Pope reportedly displeased by sumptuous canonization banquet :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

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Catholic News Agency
catholicnewsagency.com - Vatican City, May 23, 2014 / 01:24 am (CNA/EWTN News).- A Vatican official has revealed that Pope Francis was displeased by an extravagant banquet at a Vatican office during the recent canonization...

No ensino médio, Isadora Faber lança livro e comenta sobre nova escola

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Sérgio Pavarini
livrosepessoas.com - Mesmo em colégio particular, estudante continua com o ‘Diário de classe’. Para a catarinense, momento mais marcante foi reforma de antigo colégio. Agora no ensino médio, a criadora da página “Diári...

Museu da Criação revela fóssil dinossauro que teria morrido em dilúvio

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noticias.gospelmais.com.br - O Museu da Criação abriu uma nova exposição, que conta com um esqueleto de 30 metros de comprimento de um Allosaurus, que se assemelha a um Tyrannosaurus rex, e divulgou que as descobertas dos estu...

“Esto parece Eurovisión”. La peregrinación de la Guardia Civil al Santuario de Lourdes

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religionconfidencial.com - La peregrinación (vea aquí el programa) tuvo lugar entre los días 14 y 18 de mayo. Allí estuvieron un total 109 militares españoles, en su mayoría jóvenes, pertenecientes al Ejército de Tierra, Arm...

Cameroon’s President Blames Boko Haram for Attacking While Soldiers Are Asleep · Global Voices

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Global Voices
globalvoicesonline.org - On the night of May 16, 2014, members of the Nigerian militant Islamist group Boko Haram crossed over into neighboring Cameroon and attacked a Chinese Workers’ camp in Waza, killing one person and ...

Rechazada una moción de AGE para apoyar a 12 violentos, entre ellos un terrorista preso

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outono.net - El BNG, sus juventudes -Galicia Nova- y su sindicato afín, la CIG, se han manifestado hoy en apoyo de 12 violentos procesados por agredir a la Policía y Galicia Bilingüe en Santiago de Compostela e...

Index Young Writers / Artists Programme - Index on Censorship

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Index on Censorship
indexoncensorship.org - Index is looking for contributors under the age of 25 who want to explore free expression issues. Help us map the shifting boundaries of free speech in the digital age. We’re looking for videos, gi...

Folha Política: Ator Carlos Vereza se revolta com ameaça de morte de petista contra Joaquim Barbosa; veja vídeo

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Mara Kramer
folhapolitica.org - sábado, 17 de maio de 2014 Ator Carlos Vereza se revolta com ameaça de morte de petista contra Joaquim Barbosa; veja vídeo Imagem: Fernando Maia/UOL Em vídeo publicado e distribuído nas redes socia...
Arte & Entretenimento

El triángulo Letizia Ortiz-Jaime del Burgo-Telma Ortiz - Crónica Rosa - Libertad Digital Televisión

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Libertad Digital TV
tv.libertaddigital.com - En 'Es la Mañana de Federico' Beatriz Cortázar, Alaska y Carmen Jara comentan la vuelta de Telma Ortíz y Jaime del Burgo y el papel de la princesa en el matrimonio de su hermana.

Read convicted Illinois U.S. Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr.'s plan to pardon all criminals

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Resist Tyranny
blog.al.com - MONTGOMERY, Alabama – A changed man, absent the brashness and ego that characterize America's elite. "In their place is a man humbled by the error of his ways, and one who is fixed upon paying his ...

FLASHBACK: Obama modeled early health-care plan after VA

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Joseph Farah
wnd.com - Even when he was campaigning for Congress in 2000, President Obama unveiled a sweeping health-care plan that modeled aspects of the Veterans Administration’s medical system. As WND reported, eight ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Mensaje de apoyo del Papa a la labor del grupo de oración de 40 Días por la Vida en Reino Unido

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Derecho a Vivir
hazteoir.org - En un reciente mensaje escrito, el Papa transmite su aprecio por el ‘dedicado trabajo’ y el ‘compromiso’ de los grupos de oración provida que tienen presencia delante de los abortorios, rezando y d...

G1 - Deputado de MT preso em operação consegue a liberdade após três dias - notícias em Mato Grosso

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Marisa Cruz
g1.globo.com - O deputado estadual José Riva (PSD) conseguiu reverter a decisão que havia determinado a prisão dele e deve ser solto ainda nesta sexta-feira (23). Ele está preso desde terça-feira (20), no Complex...

México: Arzobispo anuncia ordenación récord de 48 sacerdotes solo en Guadalajara

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - ROMA, 23 May. 14 / 03:21 am (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- El Arzobispo de Guadalajara (México), Cardenal José Francisco Robles Ortega, que se encuentra en estos días en Roma junto a otros Obispos mexicanos...
Arte & Entretenimento

Carta de un médico católico al cardenal Kasper

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religionconfidencial.com - El Presidente de la Federación Internacional de Asociaciones Médicas Católicas (FIAMC), José María Simón Castellví, ha publicado en el blog de la asociación de que regenta una carta titulada ‘¿Solu...

Caminhar ativa a criatividade, aponta estudo nos EUA

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Sérgio Pavarini
pavablog.com - Em todos os experimentos, a caminhada parece ter eriçado raciocínios menos óbvios Friedrich Nietzsche deve ter pisado muito chão antes de se permitir um aforismo decisivo destes: “Todos os pensamen...

8.000 agentes israelíes vigilarán durante la visita del Papa a Jerusalén

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infocatolica.com - (EFE/InfoCatólica) Precisó que el dispositivo incluirá la observación desde helicópteros y labores de inteligencia en un centro especial situado en la ciudadela antigua, donde más de 320 cámaras vi...

Os ucranianos e o venezuelanos precisam de armas para serem livres - Portal Libertarianismo

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Libertarianismo +
libertarianismo.org - Publicado em 28 de março de 2014 | por Zenon Evans Andrey Illarionov, do Cato Institute, em uma entrevista recente sugeriu que a Ucrânia está tentando ser “livre e independente”. Para conquistar ta...

Reagan Ranch Roundtable Luncheon featuring Todd Starnes

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yaf.org - About God Less America: American Christians are facing uncertain times. Our nation’s values are under assault. Religious liberty has been undermined. We live in a day when right is now wrong and wr...

La ONU incluye a Boko Haram en su lista de grupos terroristas | Internacional

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elmundo.es - Naciones Unidas ha atendido la petición del Gobierno de Nigeria y ha incluido al grupo radical islámico Boko Haram en su lista de grupos considerados terroristas por sus vínculos con la red Al Qaed...

Aceprensa | Importante reducción de la mortalidad materna en el mundo

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aceprensa.com - La Organización Mundial de la Salud ha publicado dos informes que confirman el descenso en el número de muertes asociadas a la maternidad. En el primero de ellos, se analizan los datos totales y su...

Ben Jennings: Russia's propaganda machine - Index on Censorship

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Index on Censorship
indexoncensorship.org - This week cartoonist Ben Jennings takes on Vladimir Putin’s information war. Ben Jennings is an award-winning cartoonist and illustrator

The 6 Quiet Rituals of Enormously Successful Humans

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Esteban Eordogh
robinsharma.com - #1 bestselling author of The Leader Who Had No Title There’s a hidden beach on a tiny island that–for years–has been kept a complete secret… …very few people have ever walked its sand and savored i...

Australia’s Deal to Resettle Refugees in Cambodia Faces Opposition · Global Voices

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Global Voices
globalvoicesonline.org - In February 2014 Human Rights Watch wrote to Australia’s foreign minister Julie Bishop before her visit to Cambodia expressing its concerns about human rights in that country: Basic rights such as ...
Arte & Entretenimento

La casa en las alturas de Nat Simons - Libertad Digital Televisión

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Libertad Digital TV
tv.libertaddigital.com - El título de este álbum está inspirado en aquella casa de la que hablaba Van Morrison en su disco debut ‘'Astral Weeks’. Esa casa en otro lugar, en otro tiempo, en otro mundo. "No es porque siguier...

Media Outlets Targeting Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson Again for Easter Sermon

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newsbusters.org - Via The Right Scoop, we learned that TMZ and several other media outlets are making a big deal again about Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson repeating his quotation of First Corinthians in an Easter...

Governo tem plano B caso polícia entre em greve na Copa - 23/05/2014 - Poder - Folha de S.Paulo

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folha.uol.com.br - O governo federal montou planos alternativos caso policiais entrem em greve durante a Copa do Mundo, que acontece entre os dias 12 de junho e 13 de julho. Nas últimas semanas, ameaças de greves de ...

Gaúchos querem suspender veto de Barbosa a trabalho externo de Dirceu - 23/05/2014 - Poder - Folha de S.Paulo

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Marisa Cruz
folha.uol.com.br - Seis gaúchos entraram nesta sexta-feira (23) com um pedido de liminar (decisão provisória) para suspender a decisão do presidente do STF (Supremo Tribunal Federal), Joaquim Barbosa, que vetou a sol...

‘Psicóloga cristã’ na mira

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Sérgio Pavarini
pavablog.com - Marisa Lobo, a “psicóloga cristã”, deve abandonar a primeira metade dessa autodenominação. Assim concluiu o Conselho Regional de psicologia do Paraná. A entidade, que representa os profissionais do...

Câmara se posiciona após denúncia publicada no site Justiça Em Foco sobre projetos do Exame de Ordem

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Arquivo Global
justicaemfoco.com.br - A Coordenação de Participação Popular da Câmara dos Deputados resolveu promover na próxima terça-feira (27), às 11 horas, videochat com o deputado Gastão Vieira (PMDB-MA), relator da proposta que a...

O que vai acontecer com a neutralidade da rede - Portal Libertarianismo

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Libertarianismo +
libertarianismo.org - Publicado em 26 de março de 2014 | por Ivanildo Terceiro Em  16 de março de 1990, Fernando Collor de Mello resolveu que o melhor meio de parar com a hiperinflação que assolava o país era sequestran...

Covardia - padrepauloricardo.org

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Padre Paulo Ricardo
padrepauloricardo.org - Atenção: Os comentários devem ser respeitosos e relacionados estritamente ao assunto do post. Toda polêmica será prontamente banida. Todos os comentários são de inteira responsabilidade de seus aut...

PTB anuncia apoio a Dilma e garante 1 minuto em propaganda eleitoral - politica - politica - Estadão

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bbth cruz
estadao.com.br - Brasília - O PTB anunciou oficialmente nesta quarta-feira, 21, apoio à reeleição da presidente Dilma Rousseff, somando-se a PT e PSD na lista de siglas já confirmadas na coligação. A legenda deve g...
Arte & Entretenimento

Perdendo as estribeiras? - opiniao - versaoimpressa - Estadão

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Roberta C.M.Oliveira
estadao.com.br - Para quem vive no Brasil, não é propriamente uma novidade, mas a recente fala de Lula, classificando como "babaquice" o desejo popular de que os estádios de futebol tenham boa conexão com o transpo...

Attorney: Family believes shooter in California attack was Hollywood director's son.

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cnsnews.com - GOLETA, Calif. (AP) — Attorney: Family believes shooter in California attack was Hollywood director's son. .

Vatican website now available in Arabic

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Catholic News Live
news.va - (Vatican Radio)  The official Vatican website “www.vatican.va” is now available in Arabic, bringing to ten the number of languages represented.  Arabic was added Friday at midnight, in time for Pop...

Why is Greece the most anti-Semitic country in Europe?

Partilhado por
Henry Makow
jta.org - ATHENS, Greece (JTA) — When the Anti-Defamation League published its global anti-Semitism survey last week, Greece, the cradle of democracy, captured the ignominious title of most anti-Semitic coun...

Rasmussen Poll Finds Republicans Circling the Drain in GA Senate Race

Partilhado por
Jeffrey Levin
politicususa.com - The Georgia poll numbers put a significant monkey wrench in the GOP’s attempts to take control of the U.S. Senate in the November election. Republicans need to gain six seats to wrestle control of ...

Teenage WikiLeaks volunteer: Why I served as an FBI informant

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arstechnica.com - A young Icelandic boy's journey as an informant all began with a cryptic e-mail sent to the United States Embassy in Reykjavík. From: [REDACTED] To: reykjavikdatt@state.gov Subject: Regarding an On...

5 Reasons Allergies Are Mysteriously Increasing 

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truthisscary.com - Are you seeing more people sneezing and tearing up every allergy season? Studies show that allergies are on the rise in developed countries, including the United States — not just seasonal allergie...

Bryan Fischer: Has Russell Moore been scared straight? - RIGHTLYCONCERNED.COM

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Bryan Fischer
afa.net - Follow me on Twitter: @BryanJFischer, on Facebook at “Focal Point”  As is well-known by now, Russell Moore kicked a lot of dust in the air by taking a broadside swipe at all of Christian talk radio...

Saraswatichandra: 23rd May; Mid-day Meal Disaster In Kumud's School! (Pics) - Oneindia Entertainment

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Ayesha Shaikh
entertainment.oneindia.in - Saraswatichandra 23rd May written episode: Guniyel clearly tells Kumud that she must go with Saras. Badi ma comes back from her tour and supports Guniyel. She tells Kumud that the family members wi...

Juan Carlos Varela é eleito presidente do Panamá - América Centrale/Caribe - ANSA Brasil

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Marcelo Ferreira
ansabrasil.com.br - (ANSA) - O conservador e opositor Juan Carlos Varela, do Partido Panameñista (PP), foi eleito novo presidente do Panamá, segundo anúncio do Tribunal Eleitoral local. As eleições foram realizadas on...

A Copa do Mundo vai acontecer? - Fausto Macedo - Estadao.com.br

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Roberta C.M.Oliveira
blogs.estadao.com.br - por Ali Mazloum, Juiz Federal da 7.ª Vara Criminal em São Paulo e professor de Direito Constitucional Ao lado de atrocidades perpetradas impunemente pelo país afora, eclodiram recentes manifestaçõe...

VENEZUELA: Cámara baja de EEUU considerará sanciones el miércoles - Internacionales - Entorno Inteligente

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Ivo Marcelino
entornointeligente.com - ENTORNOINTELIGENTE.COM / A partir de este mes , los usuarios Movistar en Venezuela tendrán acceso exclusivo a través de sus dispositivos Android al Widget de Pinterest, una de las redes sociales má...

Aphorisms of a Restless Soul

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Luis A R Branco
payhip.com - 1. It is a way of enriching culturally. 2. It is a way to improve your vocabulary. 3. It is a way to improve your general knowledge. 4. It is a way to better know your feelings. 5. It is a way to l...

Prosperity and Sexuality - Randy Gage

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Art Jonak
randygage.com - You know all about yin and yang, male and female, positive and negative.  But what if gender isn’t quite that simple?  What if almost everything you thought you knew about sexuality was wrong?  Wha...

Learn to perform like Roger Federer

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Karen Woodham
business.wales.marketingdonut.co.uk - The techniques used by sports stars to maximise their performance can also work in the world of business - and might even be able to help you and your employees get to the top of your game Ian Coch...

Thank God Men and Women Are Different

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Matt Barber
barbwire.com - A priceless vein of God’s infinite wisdom and creative beauty can be found marbled throughout the marvelous and myriad differences He established between the two sexes – male and female. “The Lord ...

AU: Tuareg rebels in north Mali sign cease-fire

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cnsnews.com - BAMAKO, Mali (AP) — The African Union says ethnic Tuareg separatist rebels have signed a cease-fire deal after having pushed the Malian army out of Kidal. In a statement released late Friday, the A...

Vídeo: senador Magno Malta diz ser um crime cassar Marisa Lobo; entenda

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Damares Alves
verdadegospel.com - Nesta quarta-feira (21) o senador Magno Malta fez um discurso no plenário do Senado Federal contra a cassação do registro profissional da psicóloga Marisa Lobo, pelo Conselho Regional de Psicologia...

UCSB Shooting Victim's Father Blames Politicians, NRA For Son's Death

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Jeffrey Levin
huffingtonpost.com - In a press conference Saturday, the father of 20-year-old student who was killed in the University of California Santa Barbara shooting rampage blames "craven, irresponsible politicians and the NRA...

-= Let's Pray =-

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Bryan Fischer
afa.net - Never before in the history of our country has America faced a moral crisis like the one before us today. The foundations of our government are crumbling right before our eyes. Our churches are aba...

Madhubala - Ek Ishq Ek Junoon: 23rd May; Raja Slaps Madhu In Front Of Everyone! (Pics) - Oneindia Entertainment

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Ayesha Shaikh
entertainment.oneindia.in - Madhubala - Ek Ishq Ek Junoon 23rd May written episode: Grand pa keeps thinking about the last tiff between Raja and Bhanu. Grand ma comes to him and complains that he kept quiet throughout the fig...

Ronaldo critica atrasos na Copa: “Me sinto envergonhado”

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Carlos Moraes
veja.abril.com.br - O Ronaldo está passando bem? Estes dias ele estava ao lado dos pais da idéia de Copa e estádios, será que ele surtou depois que o Paulo Coelho espinafrou-o? INJUSTIÇA/IRRESPONSABILIDADE/FALTA DE ÉT...

G1 - Valério tem 23 dias da pena abatidos após cursos de inglês e direito - notícias em Julgamento do mensalão

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Informe Sou Carioca
g1.globo.com - Condenado como operador do mensalão a mais de 37 anos de prisão no julgamento do mensalão do PT, Marcos Valério conseguiu abater 23 dias da pena após realizar cursos à distância de inglês e de dire...

MP-SP pede afastamento de Marinho do Tribunal de Contas - politica - politica - Estadão

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Roberta C.M.Oliveira
estadao.com.br - A Promotoria do Patrimônio Público e Social, braço do Ministério Público de São Paulo que investiga improbidade, requereu à Justiça o afastamento do conselheiro Robson Marinho do Tribunal de Contas...

Schumer: Obama Will Act on Immigration if GOP Doesn't

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breitbart.com - Thursday during a press conference with Senate Democratic Leadership on immigration, Sen. Charles Schumer (D-NY) said, “They have about a six-week window, from June 10 after the last Republican pri...

ENTREVISTA-Ronaldo se diz "envergonhado" com problemas do Brasil na preparação para Copa - Copa 2014 - MSN Esportes

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João Paulo M.
esportes.br.msn.com - SÃO PAULO (Reuters) - Membro do Comitê Organizador Local (COL) da Copa do Mundo, o ex-atacante da seleção brasileira Ronaldo disse se sentir envergonhado com os atrasos e dificuldades do país nos p...

Thriving Nature In Photos : Beautiful Views From Mom's Window

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John Paul Aguiar
thrivingnature.blogspot.com - These photos were taken from my parents home and my mom would comment on the beautiful colors of these trees from the window. Mom passed on last Saturday from cancer. I thought it would be nice to ...

Romo Wasn’t Worried Cowboys Would Ever Draft Manziel

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Hollywood Dub
dallascowboys.com - IRVING, Texas – To hear it from him, Tony Romo’s draft night experience was pretty similar to much of the Cowboys’ fanbase. “I was actually with my family, and we were having a cookout, and we watc...

FORÇAS ARMADAS: Mais 250 oficiais pediram demissão em 2013 ─ e é preocupante a saída de engenheiros

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Alex Campos JBFM
veja.abril.com.br - Publicado originalmente em 22 de janeiro às 19h45. Se em 2012 foram 249 os oficiais das Forças Armadas que pediram demissão, abandonaram a carreira e passaram a trabalhar na área civil, o número qu...
Arte & Entretenimento

Edgar Wright Out as Director of Marvel's Ant-Man After Being Attached for Years

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Karen Woodham
au.eonline.com - Edgar Wright, who has been attached to direct a feature based on Marvel Comics' Ant-Man since 2006, has exited the movie "due to differences in their version of the film," the studio said in a stat...

Music and Movements: The Tradition Continues 

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Jeffrey Levin
huffingtonpost.com - In the most recent Coen brothers film, Inside Llewyn Davis, the protagonist -- a struggling Greenwich Village folksinger in 1961 -- is based, very loosely, on Dave Van Ronk, a little-known (outside...
Meio Ambiente

Wau Holland Stiftung -- Doonations

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wauland.de - As the tax exemption (charitable status) was reinstated, it applied retroactively for 2011 and 2012, thereafter enabling European citizens to make a tax-deductible donations to the Foundation. This...
Arte & Entretenimento

Book Review: 'Beowulf: A Translation and Commentary' by J.R.R. Tolkien - WSJ.com

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online.wsj.com - Over a thousand years before Bilbo Baggins crept into Smaug's lair to lift a cup from the dragon's hoard, a nameless slave came slinking into the dragon's cave in "Beowulf" to steal a cup that led ...

Futuro do processo de paz na Colômbia será decidido nas eleições de amanhã - Yahoo Notícias

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Marcelo Ferreira
br.noticias.yahoo.com - Bogotá, 24 mai (EFE).- Os colombianos comparecerão amanhã às urnas para escolher seu próximo presidente, que será o encarregado de levar adiante o processo de paz que o governo negocia com as Força...

Generation Gap - Tom O'Halloran

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✪ Tom O'Halloran ✪
tomohalloran.com - A very self-important college student attending a recent football game, took it upon himself to explain to a senior citizen sitting next to him why it was impossible for the older generation to und...

Crowds welcome Pope Francis to Jordan at start of Holy Land trip - CNN.com

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Ayesha Shaikh
cnn.com - (CNN) -- After a joyous welcome from the gathered faithful, Pope Francis celebrated Mass on Saturday at a stadium in Jordan on the first leg of a Holy Land trip intended to promote a message of uni...

Women's Health: The role of isoflavones in cancer chemoprevention

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Chantel Martiromo
thetruestoriesstories.blogspot.com -  Posted by Chantel M. research contributed  US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health    According to the study by Wayne State University School of Medicine, genistein, one of t...

Cunha desmente nota publicada no Globo

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gpsgospel.com.br - Confira, abaixo, o depoimento do deputado federal Eduaro Cunha acerca da nota publicada sobre o PMDB no O Globo” Lendo nota do colunista Ilimar Franco, publicada nesta sexta, 23, em O Globo, sou ob...

Shout With Joy (chorus)

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aheartforgod.org - Mike Campagna (affectionately known by some as Pastor Mike) is making the most of web technologies to encourage disciples. A self-proclaimed “twitterholic,” one twitter follower describes him as th...

Polícia Federal e MPF expõem ligações da máfia italiana com traficantes brasileiros - Jornal Correio do Brasil

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Correio do Brasil
correiodobrasil.com.br - Investigações da Polícia Federal (PF) e do Ministério Público Federal (MPF) expuseram as relações de uma das mais poderosas organizações criminosas do mundo, a ‘Ndragueta [Andrângueta], com grupos ...

Painel Brasil TV - Salário Maternidade

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Painel Brasil TV
painelbrasil.tv - Rosa Sarkis: Hoje falo com o Secretário da Previdência Social, Leonardo José Rolim Guimarães, para falar sobre a Lei sancionada pela Presidenta Dilma Rousseff nessa última semana, dia 25 de outubro...

Abortion Doc After Baby Born Alive: “What could I do? I killed the baby."

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lifenews.com - by Sarah Terzo | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 5/19/13 5:06 PM Washington, DC (LiveActionNews) — By now, most people have heard about the allegations that came out about Dr. Douglas Karpen. Four ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Stephen King's 'It' Adaptation Goes to New Line - /Film

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Karen Woodham
slashfilm.com - Posted on Wednesday, May 21st, 2014 by Russ Fischer Two big Stephen King books — big both in reputation, and in page count — have long been in development at Warner Bros. One is The Stand, which af...
Arte & Entretenimento

O Pessimismo Nacional

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Luis A R Branco
payhip.com - Este livro é inspirado na pequena obra de Manuel Laranjeira, O Pessimismo Nacional: Ou de Como Os Portugueses Procuram Soluções (Lisboa: Padrões Culturais, 2008). Quando li a obra de Manuel Laranje...

Kyle J. Norton Health Tips for Better Living and Living Health: Upper head hemorrhaging: Cerebral hemorrhage - The Diagnosis and Treatments

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Kyle J.Norton
kylejnorton.blogspot.com - Upper head hemorrhaging: Cerebral hemorrhage - The Diagnosis and Treatments Hemorrhaging is also known as bleeding or abnormal bleeding as a result of blood loss due to internal.external leaking fr...

::SP NOTICIAS - Presidencia de la República de Colombia::

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Pablo Sánchez Somana
web.presidencia.gov.co - Sus dos períodos como Presidente de Colombia han producido una Colombia más estable y más próspera. Bajo su decidido liderazgo, las fuerzas de la ley y el orden  han  enfrentado a los terroristas y...

Why Is The Media Silent About The Crucifixion Of Christians By Radical Jihadists? - Tom O'Halloran

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✪ Tom O'Halloran ✪
tomohalloran.com - Has our society become so “politically correct” that we cannot even denounce great evil when it is happening right in front of our eyes? Could you imagine the uproar in the mainstream media that we...

Heat's Chris Bosh on playing in the post: 'I don't bang anymore' - CBSSports.com

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Algernon Fross
cbssports.com - More postseason coverage: Playoff schedule, results | Latest news, notes Miami Heat big man Chris Bosh doesn't go into the post nearly as much as he used to. In fact, it's pretty rare that you see ...

Tempos de Antena do PNR – esclarecimento e grelha de emissões

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pnr.pt - Perante uma lei das contas dos partidos quase impraticável, todos os partidos políticos são punidos com coimas, que no caso dos não subvencionados, como é o nosso, ultrapassam por vezes o seu orçam...

Women's Health: Best Hamburger Recipe Ideas: Mushroom Tofu Burgers

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Chantel Martiromo
thetruestoriesstories.blogspot.com -  By KC Kudra Whether you are planning a nice quite evening at home eating a healthy and nutritional meal with your family or you are already dreaming about all that outdoor grilling you will soon b...

Hated by All, Religious Extremists, Satan’s Part and God’s Plan

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aheartforgod.org - “‘[A]nd you will be hated by all because of My name.’” (Luke 21:17) I mean, how does a United States Army Reserve training material presentation include a slide that has Catholicism and Evangelical...

3 dead in shooting at Jewish Museum of Belgium - CNN.com

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Ayesha Shaikh
cnn.com - (CNN) -- Three people were killed and another was seriously injured in a shooting Saturday at the Jewish Museum of Belgium in Brussels, Belgian officials said. A person arrived by car at the museum...

Julio Severo: Obama faz Ucrânia ficar mais perto da guerra

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Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - Se formos olhar todo o histórico, a partir do momento que até o senador John McCain estava lá incitando aquele grupo de pessoas a derrubar um governo eleito democraticamente (corrupto, é bem verdad...

Servidores da educação em greve protestam em shopping do Rio - Jornal Correio do Brasil

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Correio do Brasil
correiodobrasil.com.br - 24/5/2014 16:07 Por Redação, com ABr - do Rio de Janeiro Professores e servidores da rede municipal e estadual de ensino em greve há 12 dias fizeram hoje  um rolezinho no NorteShopping, na zona nor...

Adoption: A Beautiful Choice That's Better Than Abortion

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lifenews.com - by Anna Higgins | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 5/19/13 3:39 PM I will be participating in the Step Forward for Orphans March to bring awareness to the more than 10 million children around the wo...

G1 - Manifestantes realizam 'Marcha das Vadias' em São Paulo - notícias em São Paulo

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Rede Defesa da Vida
g1.globo.com - Manifestantes se reúnem neste sábado (24) no vão livre do Masp, na Avenida Paulista, em São Paulo, para a "Marcha das Vadias", protesto contrário ao machismo. O grupo se concentrou no local com fai...

Epictetus “Men are disturbed not by things, but by the view which they take of them.” — Philosophical Quotes

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Philosophers quotes
philosophical-quotes.com - « Men are disturbed not by things, but by the view which they take of them. » Epictetus Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *

Blazing Minds by Karen Woodham - GoFundMe

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Karen Woodham
gofundme.com - Blazing Minds is an entertainment website based in North Wales and has become one of the foremost Entertainment websites in North Wales, with reviews, events and so much more. Raising funds in orde...

Mass Text Message Chain: Vietnam’s Prime Minister texts Citizens to Defend their Country against China

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Accuracy In Media
aim.org - WASHINGTON — In an unprecedented move, Vietnam’s prime minister sent a mass texts message to millions of citizens to urge them to act in defense of the country. ABC News ran an Associated Press pie...

G1 - Preso por roubo em MT usava celular no nome do ex-presidente Lula - notícias em Mato Grosso

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Salomão Carvalho
g1.globo.com - Um dos membros da quadrilha presa em Mato Grosso na quinta-feira (22) suspeita de praticar roubos a bancos usava um número de celular cadastrado com o CPF do ex-presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva...

Kyle J. Norton Health Tips for Better Living and Living Health: Overcome Infertility --Intrauterine Insemination

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Kyle J.Norton
kylejnorton.blogspot.com - Overcome Infertility --Intrauterine Insemination A couple are considered infertility if they can not conceive after 1 year of unprotected sexual intercourse or the female partner can not carry the ...

Last Days Watchman: Homeland Security: More Insecurity for Christians?

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Last Days Watchman
lastdayswatchman.blogspot.com - [Caution: Pres. Bleep did NOT endorse the following web bit. Al] Franklin Graham's Warning ! Franklin's warning of coming persecution of Christians echoes what his mother Ruth and father Billy have...
Arte & Entretenimento

Sabem em quem votar amanhã? Os espanhóis ajudam. Olé! - Corta-fitas

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corta-fitas.blogs.sapo.pt - O site El Confidencial publica esta mapa como uma forma de ajudar a conhecer os europeus, em véspera das eleições europeias. Eis o que os espanhóis pensam dos europeus: País Vasco: etarras. España,...
Arte & Entretenimento

Give Me Love (Give Me Peace on Earth) - George Harrison - The Beatles Video - The Best Collection of The Beatles Videos

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The Beatles Video
thebeatlesvideo.blogspot.com - Home > George Harrison, The Beatles > Give Me Love (Give Me Peace on Earth) - George Harrison Give Me Love (Give Me Peace on Earth) - George Harrison Give Me Love (Give Me Peace on Earth) - George ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Luis Alexandre Rineiro Branco - Livres sur Google Play

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Luis A R Branco
play.google.com - Neste livro os autores procuram conduzir seus leitores através de alguns intrincados conceitos de espiritualidade moderna, para então desmistificá-los, e assim imergir o leitor logo em seguida no q...
Arte & Entretenimento

Sátiras, Contos e Lendas

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Luis A R Branco
payhip.com - Um livro com sátiras, contos e lendas políticas e pessoais para uma leitura rápida e descontraída.

John Boehner Still Thinks Privatizing Veterans' Health Care Is A Good Idea

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Jeffrey Levin
huffingtonpost.com - House Speaker John Boehner called for the privatization of the Department of Veterans Affairs decades ago, and he still thinks it's a good idea today. Speaking with the Columbus Dispatch on Friday,...

O que o técnico vigarista, o consultor de processos enrolador e o instrutor PUA fanfarrão tem a ver com os marxistas que usam o truque do socialismo real X socialismo ideal? « Ceticismo Político

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Luciano Henrique
lucianoayan.com - Vamos abstrair três situações no mundo profissional, tanto formal quanto liberal, para entendermos o ridículo de uma situação que acomete grande parte dos professores (e demais doutrinadores) marxi...

Final Champions 2014 | Especial

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Pablo Sánchez Somana
realmadrid.com - Compartir Siguenos en Facebook Siguenos en Twitter Siguenos en Google+

The VA's END OF LIFE Counseling - Tom O'Halloran

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✪ Tom O'Halloran ✪
tomohalloran.com - The Veterans Administration mandated “end of life” counseling 5 years ago. Now they’re using secret waiting lists. It is bad enough when the Dept. of Homeland Security labels returning veterans as ...

Heat-Pacers Game 3 Preview: Who's in control? - CBSSports.com

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Algernon Fross
cbssports.com - More postseason coverage: Playoff schedule, results | Latest news, notes Previewing Game 3 of the Heat-Pacers Eastern Conference Finals. 1. The Facts: 8:30 p.m. ET (ESPN). Follow the action here. P...

BBC News - Ukrainians vote in presidential elections

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The Daily PR
bbc.co.uk - Ukrainians take to the polls to vote in a new president after months of unrest following the ousting of former President Viktor Yanukovych. Eighteen candidates are competing in the contest, which i...

A Alternativa Nacionalista: programa do PNR para as “europeias 2014″

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pnr.pt - Não podendo esta ser, naturalmente, uma questão prioritária num momento em que os Portugueses passam por tantas dificuldades, não pode o PNR, neste seu programa para as Eleições Europeias, deixar d...

WOW! MSNBC Host Touré Tells Concentration Camp Survivors to Check Their Privilege

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Truth Tweeter
progressivestoday.com - Posted on Saturday, May 24th, 2014 at 4:39 pm by Jim Hoft Yes, this really happened. MSNBC host Touré tells family of concentration camp survivors to essentially “check their privilege.” The power ...

Medicine Induce Fertility + Artificial Insemination Success and Failure: August 11 -2010 All About Women's Health - Pregnancy Articles

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Chantel Martiromo
clomid--artificialinsemination.blogspot.com - Do you want to get Pregnant? Have you been trying but just haven't been able to succeed? Of course no one wants to be told that they can't have children and starting an IVF program is quite frustra...

Men Jesus Called: Andrew and Philip

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aheartforgod.org - Andrew and Philip (Men Jesus Called – Part 4) by Mike Campagna on Vimeo. This is supplement #4 to the Bible study: “Men Jesus Called.” And so why are you in this thing called “Christianity,” anyway...
Arte & Entretenimento

Julio Severo: Teocracia socialista: a tirania em nome da compaixão

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Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - Caro amigo Júlio, tenho refletido já por algum tempo e penso que a ordem atual das coisas se deve, em grande parte, à negligência dos cristãos em fazer aquilo que lhes era responsabilidade. Assim, ...

Painel Brasil TV - 102 anos de Burle Max- Tombamento de sua Obra

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Painel Brasil TV
painelbrasil.tv - Esporte Ensino Médio presídios Combate ao Tráfico Diversidade Privatização Copa do Mundo Holanda Brasil Nacional humanos Osteoporose Aviso Prévio Ministério raça Exame Importação lixo Redes Sociais...

Câmara se posiciona após denúncia publicada no site Justiça Em Foco sobre projetos do Exame de Ordem

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justicaemfoco.com.br - A Coordenação de Participação Popular da Câmara dos Deputados resolveu promover na próxima terça-feira (27), às 11 horas, videochat com o deputado Gastão Vieira (PMDB-MA), relator da proposta que a...

Ministro da Justiça não deveria falar sobre segurança pública, pois o governo é conivente com o tráfico

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Adeus #Petralhas
ucho.info - Seguindo o roteiro – Foi no mínimo excesso de ousadia do ministro da Justiça, José Eduardo Martins Cardozo, discutir sobre segurança pública com o senador Aécio Neves (PSDB-MG), candidato à Presidê...

Sweet Paul - Golden Squash, Pepper, & Tomato Gratin from THE BEEKMAN 1802 HEIRLOOM VEGETABLE COOKBOOK Recipe

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Sweet Paul Magazine
sweetpaulmag.com - THE BEEKMAN 1802 HEIRLOOM VEGETABLE COOKBOOK is a delectable year-long trip through the Beekman vegetable bounty and is intended to help readers make the most of each season. This “vegetable-forwar...

Mom Refuses Abortion, Gives Birth to Baby Developing Outside Her Womb

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lifenews.com - by Steven Ertelt | Phoenix, AZ | LifeNews.com | 5/24/13 5:30 PM Doctors told 27-year-old Nicollete Soto that her life was at risk because her unborn baby was developing outside her womb in a rare c...

Governo oficializa aborto e paga R$ 443 pelo SUS - IPCO - Instituto Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira

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Evangélicos Br
ipco.org.br - A Portaria 415 do Ministério da Saúde, publicada nesta quinta-feira (22), oficializou o aborto nos hospitais do Brasil, e o Sistema Único de Saúde pagará R$ 443 pelo procedimento. O Diário Oficial ...


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Carlos Parrini
blogdoparrini.blogspot.com - Por: Lourinaldo Teles Bezerra – O Diário do Poder – Cláudio Humberto ... Por iniciativa do valoroso e único parlamentar de quem se pode esperar atitudes, o STF se posicionará através de seu ministr...

Seneca: There is a noble manner of being poor, and who does not… — Philosophical Quotes

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Philosophers quotes
philosophical-quotes.com - « There is a noble manner of being poor, and who does not know it will never be rich. » Seneca Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *

Sex, Lies and Women's Studies

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Accuracy In Media
indiegogo.com - Thank you for donating and helping us bring the truth to young women about the conservative message. Thanks! You will receive a thank you email from us at Conservative University for supporting the...

What Exactly Are These Alien Spaceships Doing In Australia? Can You Make Any Sense Of That?

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viralspell.com - OK, that seems real. A couple of unidentified objects have been observed hovering above Australia’s Bondi Beach as huge storm clouds were gathering in the area. At first, they seemed to be shadowin...

Puneet Rajkumar's Ad On Inner Wear Creates Controversy - Oneindia Entertainment

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Ayesha Shaikh
entertainment.oneindia.in - Power Star Puneet Rajkumar is not new person for ads. He is also the first Kannada actor to become the brand ambassador for few private brands in South Indian market. Now the buzz is that the lates...

Kyle J. Norton Health Tips for Better Living and Living Health: Chinese Herbs– Jie Shi or Zhi Shi (Fructus Immaturus Citri Aurantii)

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Kyle J.Norton
kylejnorton.blogspot.com - Jie Shi or Zhi Shi is also known as immature fruit of bitter orange. The bitter, sour, acrid and slightly cold herb has been used in TCM as diuretics and to raise blood pressure, improve the streng...

Matheny again rests Adams vs. lefty starter

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Esteban Eordogh
stlouis.cardinals.mlb.com - CINCINNATI -- For the second time in three days, manager Mike Matheny sat first baseman Matt Adams against a lefty and worked outfielder Shane Robinson into the lineup in Adams' place. Matheny desc...
Arte & Entretenimento

The Beatles - I should've known better - The Beatles Video - The Best Collection of The Beatles Videos

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The Beatles Video
thebeatlesvideo.blogspot.com - Home > The Beatles > The Beatles - I should've known better The Beatles - I should've known better The Beatles - I should've known better 2nd track

PT vai à Justiça para pedir a perda de mandato do deputado André Vargas - 24/05/2014 - Poder - Folha de S.Paulo

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Edmilson Papo 10
folha.uol.com.br - O PT entrou com uma ação no Tribunal Superior Eleitoral nesta sexta-feira (23) pedindo a perda do mandato do deputado federal André Vargas (sem partido-PR) por infidelidade partidária. Flagrado em ...

Petite annonce : no 2497 lot de 10 strings neufs et tiquet s taille 38 16 port compri sur le mauvais coin?fbc_channel=1

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Greg Wilson
lemauvaiscoin.fr -   Le mauvais coin, explications :   Des connards répondent aux petites annonces trouvées sur internet !!   Ils enregistrent les échanges d'emails et les partagent ici.   1ère visite ? Commencez par...

Budget Woes May Hurt Christie More Than Bridge Scandal - NYTimes.com

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Jeffrey Levin
nytimes.com - For months, Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey has kept a low profile, waiting for new headlines to distract from the George Washington Bridge scandal. Now they have: The news has been a dire drumbe...

BBC News - US police confirm drive-by killer is Elliot Rodger

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The Daily PR
bbc.co.uk - US police have confirmed that a man who killed six people in a rampage in California was 22-year-old Elliot Rodger. The student was the son of Hollywood filmmaker Peter Rodger, who was assistant di...
Arte & Entretenimento

Obama's Pig - Tom O'Halloran

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✪ Tom O'Halloran ✪
tomohalloran.com - Corruption, obvious to all who are “willing” to see.

The Piketty Bubble?

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marginalrevolution.com - Piketty’s Capital is not very clear on how to distinguish greater physical capital from higher asset prices. For the most part, Piketty discusses capital as something that builds up over time throu...
Arte & Entretenimento

Minhas Reflexões: 250 aforismos para refletir

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Luis A R Branco
payhip.com - Este livrete é uma coletânea de aforismos sobre política, espiritualidade, cultura, ecologia, economia, segurança e poesia organizados por tema e agora reunidos neste curto livrete. Alguns destes f...

Socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders On VA Scandal: “People Die Every Day”…

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Truth Tweeter
weaselzippers.us - SANDERS: We know that people die every day. We don’t know why they die. All right – anyhow, Chris, I don’t want to argue that point until the cows come home. Here’s what you’ve got: you’ve got a sy...

NBC Toure to family concentration camp - power of whiteness : Fire Andrea Mitchell!

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fireandreamitchell.com - Apparently NBC’s Toure thinks those who survived concentration camps show ‘the power of whiteness.’ Check out this exchange one of NBC’s top race hustlers had with a Twitter user yesterday: The pow...

Maglev – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre

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arq pedrinho2
pt.wikipedia.org - Um comboio (trem) de levitação magnética ou Maglev (Magnetic levitation transport) é um veículo semelhante a um comboio que transita numa linha elevada sobre o chão e é propulsionado pelas forças a...

Prejuízos decorrentes dos ‘feriados’ impostos pela inépcia do governo aumentam a gastança da Copa em mais de R$ 60 bi

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Adeus #Petralhas
veja.abril.com.br - Os R$ 1,7 bilhão que transformaram a Arena Mané Garrincha, em Brasília, num dos estádios mais caros do mundo, ou a bolada de R$ 1,7 milhão consumida no puxadinho construído para fingir por 90 dias ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Julio Severo: A sombra “evangélica” da sombra “católica” na Presidência da República: Alexandre Brasil e Gilberto Carvalho

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Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - O diabo é realmente um ilusionista. Ele só mostra o lado aparentemente "bom" das propostas que ele oferece a todos, mas ele oculta o resultado final. Isso lembra muito bem o que o Rubens Ricupero (...

Women's Health: Weight Loss Smoothie Recipes

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Chantel Martiromo
thetruestoriesstories.blogspot.com - Smoothies can be a quick and simple part of your meals for your weight loss program. Preparing special meals to include the foods that are allowed on your weight loss plan can often be a drag and s...

Pope Francis in Israel

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mfa.gov.il - Selected quotes by Pope Francis22 May 2014 "God has never stopped believing in the alliance made with Israel. Through the terrible trials of the past centuries, the Jews have kept their faith in Go...

10 Mistakes People Make with Judging (plus 1 bonus)

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aheartforgod.org - 10 Mistakes People Make with Judging (plus 1 bonus): 1. Falsely think it is totally forbidden across the board. (1 Corinthians 5:1-5; Matthew 7:15-20) 2. Mix up different types of judging (we ARE N...

G1 - Irã anuncia execução de bilionário envolvido em fraude - notícias em Mundo

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Philip Rosa
g1.globo.com - O Irã executou neste sábado (24) um bilionário envolvido na maior fraude financeira no país desde a Revolução Islâmica. A execução de Mahafarid Amir Khosravi foi anunciada pela TV estatal iraniana,...

Eight Hours: A Family Values a Boy's Short Life

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lifenews.com - by Melissa Anderson | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 5/23/12 8:20 PM Grayson Walker lived for eight hours. When Grayson’s mother was sixteen weeks pregnant she and her husband received the devasta...

Here Are 7 NatGeo Travel Portrait Contest Winners That Will Blow You Away. #3… Indescribable!

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viralspell.com - The 2014 National Geographic’s Traveler Photo Contest is now in its eight week and the quality of the entries is as high as ever. And that in itself tells you all there is to be said about this con...

Schopenhauer “Newspapers are the second hand of history.” — Philosophical Quotes

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Philosophers quotes
philosophical-quotes.com - « Newspapers are the second hand of history. » Schopenhauer Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *
Arte & Entretenimento

NBC Stretches the Truth to Claim Today Show is #1

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Accuracy In Media
aim.org - NBC took out full page ads in The New York Times and Wall Street Journal on Wednesday to celebrate their number-one status in several television categories, but stretched the truth when it came to ...

Hamilton vows to emulate Senna in Rosberg rivalry - F1 Fanatic

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Esteban Eordogh
f1fanatic.co.uk - In the round-up: Lewis Hamilton says he considers approaching his rivalry with team mate Nico Rosberg in a similar fashion to how Ayrton Senna dealt with his famously heated rivalry with Alain Pros...

Kyle J. Norton Health Tips for Better Living and Living Health: Phytochemicals in Foods -10 Health Benefits of Matairesinol

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Kyle J.Norton
kylejnorton.blogspot.com - Phytochemicals in Foods -10 Health Benefits of Matairesinol Matairesinol is a phytochemical in the class of Lignans (phytoestrogens), found abundantly in flax seed, sesame seed, rye bran, strawberr...

The Beatles - Golden Slumbers, Carry That Weight, The End - The Beatles Video - The Best Collection of The Beatles Videos

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The Beatles Video
thebeatlesvideo.blogspot.com - Home > The Beatles > The Beatles - Golden Slumbers, Carry That Weight, The End The Beatles - Golden Slumbers, Carry That Weight, The End The Beatles - Golden Slumbers, Carry That Weight, The End Th...

North Indian Stars Who Fell For South Indian Beauties - Oneindia Entertainment

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Ayesha Shaikh
entertainment.oneindia.in - Like Bollywood movies, many real lives of celebrities are just like a fairy tale. Love has no boundaries and we all know it. There are many Bollywood celebrities who have found love in co-stars, bu...

Operação Lava-Jato: os nobres clientes do doleiro - Brasil - Notícia - VEJA.com

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Assunção Pinheiro
veja.abril.com.br - Collor: a PF encontrou no escritório do doleiro Alberto Youssef, em São Paulo, comprovantes de depósitos bancários feitos na conta do senador (Ed Ferreira/Estadão Conteúdo) Preso há dois meses, o d...
Arte & Entretenimento

Rius - Homem é preso por ficar nu e tocar violino frente a tribunal

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rius.com.br - Um  homem que estava pelado, enquanto tocava um violino, em frente a um tribunal, no centro da cidade de Portland, no noroeste dos EUA, teve que ser levado à força pela polícia à delegacia da regiã...

Para que servem os sindicatos? - Instituto Liberal

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rosana miranda ramos
institutoliberal.org.br - Com ânimos à flor da pele e holofotes voltados para o Brasil, grupos organizados de diversas categorias— motoristas e cobradores de Ônibus, Professores, Policiais, metroviários, Movimento sem Teto—...

BBC News - Echoes of the past as Egypt chooses a new president

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The Daily PR
bbc.co.uk - In Egypt it seems there has always been someone lying awake in the hot, airless night, dreading the policeman's midnight knock. It is hard to imagine it now but once it was the old man we had come ...

tvtag - tag along with the world as you watch TV - Linkis.com

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Rafael Kafka
ln.is - People are already having fun with Linkis.com, sharing links easily and customizing them in few simple clicks. It's super cool automation feature does everything for you. Sit back and have fun whil...

Símbolo | PNR - Partido Nacional Renovador

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pnr.pt - A escolha do nosso símbolo recai sobre uma Chama. Com linhas estilizadas, susceptíveis de alterações ao longo dos tempos, a ideia da Chama e das cores azul e encarnado, devem contudo, manter-se ina...

Old drunk Hillary Clinton took six months to recover from her fall : Fire Andrea Mitchell!

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fireandreamitchell.com - What difference at this point does it make? The old, drunk hag and Butcher of Benghazi Hillary Clinton took six months to recover from her blood clot and concussion, not 30 days as originally repor...

Family of Eight Attacked by Black Mob; Media Silent - Tom O'Halloran

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✪ Tom O'Halloran ✪
tomohalloran.com - On Mother’s Day weekend, a family of eight was enjoying their day in Savannah, Georgia. After eating dinner at a downtown restaurant on Saturday night, the family walked down River Street. Soon, th...

Tech: D.C.’s biggest loser? - Tony Romm - POLITICO.com

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Jeffrey Levin
politico.com - A surveillance reform bill easily survived a House vote this week, but it barely resembles the measure that Google, Facebook and others once touted as a way to restore Americans’ trust. Quick chang...

KitchenAid Aspen on Us Giveaway

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sweepstakesmag.com - Enter the KitchenAid Aspen on Us Giveaway for your chance to win a 4 day / 3 night trip for two (2) to Aspen, Colorado including passes to the FOOD & WINE Classic in Aspen held in June 2015, and a ...

Após Google, Yahoo favorece grupos de aborto ao vetar anúncios pró-vida 'disfarçados', Christian News

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Evangélicos Br
portugues.christianpost.com - De acordo com um porta-voz da Yahoo em conversa com o site CNET, o portal está revisando as campanhas que veicula e alguns dos anúncios estão fora de conformidade com sua política. Segundo o NARAL ...

Julio Severo: Proeminente revista esquerdista americana Mother Jones vê conspiração pró-família nas atividades do Congresso Mundial de Famílias na Rússia

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Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - Para que a Rússia fosse metade da ameaça que seus inimigos a pintam, ela deveria ter no mínimo metade de todas as bases militares que os EUA têm em cada canto do mundo. A Rússia não tem isso. Nem e...

Women's Health: Herbal Burdock and Breast cancer

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Chantel Martiromo
thetruestoriesstories.blogspot.com - Herbal Burdock and Breast cancer    Posted by Chantel Martiromo,  Article By Kyle J. Norton  Burdock is plant in the group of biennial thistles, genus Arctium, belonging to the family Asteraceae, n...

Twitter “Crushes”

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aheartforgod.org - Do you remember in school the “fascination” a classmate would have with a certain teacher? We called them “crushes.” Right? They were an attachment, a connection (emotionally) to the instructor in ...

Selfies Have Conquered New Heights. These Guys Have Gone 1,350 Ft Up In The Air To Take Them!

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viralspell.com - Make of it what you will, but the undeniable fact is that the selfies you are about to see have reached a level that none of your own selfies have ever come close to. In fact, no selfie has ever co...

Seneca: The first step in a person’s salvation is knowledge of… — Philosophical Quotes

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Philosophers quotes
philosophical-quotes.com - « The first step in a person’s salvation is knowledge of their sin. » Seneca Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *

Thomas Bjorn birdie blitz takes Wentworth by storm - CNN.com

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Esteban Eordogh
edition.cnn.com - Follow us at @WorldSportCNN and like us on Facebook (CNN) -- Danish veteran Thomas Bjorn carded six straight birdies on the back nine at Wentworth to revive his third round in spectacular fashion a...

Lies of the 9/11 “Truth” Movement

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Accuracy In Media
aim.org - With the official opening of the 9/11 Memorial Museum, media attention is being focused once again on the so-called 9/11 “truth” movement, the political agitators and publicity-seekers who insist t...

Aborting Imperfection: Abortions on Disabled Babies are Dead Wrong

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lifenews.com - Modern technology brings diagnoses earlier–even in the womb. In the U.S., that means that 90% of children with Down’s Syndrom are aborted thanks to amniocentesis. In this UK example, a child diagno...
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lifesitenews.com - ROME, May 16, 2014 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Pope Francis raised eyebrows earlier this month by concelebrating Mass with and kissing the hand of a leading homosexual activist priest campaigning for chan...

E-Cigarette Data: Why Everyone Is Asking the Wrong Questions

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Yuri Vieira
newrepublic.com - Last week the Food and Drug Administration filled the regulatory vacuum surrounding electronic cigarettes, battery-powered devices that convert a solution of nicotine into a vapor. The agency draft...

Wings - Band On The Run (Original Video) - The Beatles Video - The Best Collection of The Beatles Videos

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The Beatles Video
thebeatlesvideo.blogspot.com - Home > The Beatles > Wings - Band On The Run (Original Video) Wings - Band On The Run (Original Video) Wings - Band On The Run (Original Video) The original video from that classic album released b...

Kyle J. Norton Health Tips for Better Living and Living Health: Goiter in Pregnancy

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Kyle J.Norton
kylejnorton.blogspot.com - Goiter is defined as a condition of the enlargement of the thyroid gland that can lead to swelling the lower part of the neck, causing abnormal functioning in production of thyroid hormone in most ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Continuando... | Feliz Ano Velho

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Blog Tá Duvidando?
felizanovelho.com - Bom pessoal, como havia dito anteriormente, o Feliz Ano Velho passou por algumas mudanças e a maior delas foi a criação do Cova do Inferno. O blog vinha ganhando uma diversidade enorme de assuntos ...

Too Much Noise / Fernando Damaso

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Matilde M. Quintana
mermeladaen.wordpress.com - The hype around the Mathematics entrance exam for higher education is exaggerate and ridiculous. As if it were something new, without taking into account that it also happened last year at a differ...

Elliot Rodger, Gunman in California Mass Shooting, was influenced by the "Men's Rights Movement"

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Cynthia Yildirim
dailykos.com - The Men's Rights Movement as they call themselves is a nebulous group of pickup artists and misogynists who've found each other on line, and are attempting to create a movement based around their h...


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Alberto Villar
ln.is - People are already having fun with Linkis.com, sharing links easily and customizing them in few simple clicks. It's super cool automation feature does everything for you. Sit back and have fun whil...

BBC News - Thorny issues await Pope in Holy Land

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The Daily PR
bbc.co.uk - Last year about 1.8 million tourists from around the world came to Bethlehem, most heading to the Church of the Nativity. In some ways, Pope Francis is no different from them. His visit to the Holy...

Conservatives Hijack Obama "Like A Boss" Twitter Campaign - Cortney O'Brien

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John Sykes
townhall.com - Townhall.com is the leading source for conservative news and political commentary and analysis. Townhall is packed with breaking news headlines, political news, and conservative opinion with Townha...

Chris McDaniel leading RINO Thad Cochran 43-39% : Fire Andrea Mitchell!

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fireandreamitchell.com - The Mississippi primary is set for June 3rd, and old crusty RINO Thad Cochran is trailing conservative Chris McDaniel by four points in the latest polling. Chris McDaniel is an actual conservative,...

Científicos: El misterio del Triángulo de las Bermudas se oculta en el espacio – RT

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arq pedrinho2
actualidad.rt.com - El equipo del Instituto Nacional de Astrofísica de Bolonia (Italia), encabezado por el especialista Riccardo Campana, pretende con ayuda del satélite espacial monitorear regularmente y medir esta m...

Ron Paul group says Medicaid expansion will cost Virginia taxpayers $902 million

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Live Free Radio
politifact.com - An organization founded by former U.S. Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, is urging Virginia House Speaker Bill Howell to stand firm against expanding Medicaid in the Old Dominion. "Estimates for adopting Oba...

Aborto passa a ser financiado pelo estado brasileiro na rede pública de saúde.

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William Murat
zenit.org - Os organismos que estão trabalhando internacionalmente pela aprovação do aborto são as Fundações (que planejam e financiam as ações) e as organizações não governamentais (que as executam) e que pro...
Arte & Entretenimento

Uma raridade - Compacto duplo Polonês

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Fã Clube Revolution
revolution9.com.br - Consegui esse disco no USA no inicio dos anos 80, não tenho a menor ideia de quando foi lançado na Polônia e nem se existem outros nesse pais, mas acredito que ele tenha sido lançado em meados dos ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Sexy celebs in their 70s - CNN.com

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Ayesha Shaikh
cnn.com - Happy birthday Patti LaBelle! The chanteuse turns 70 on May 24, joining an elite club of other sexy septuagenarians:


liberdade de expressão; livre comunicação; free speech; libertad de expresión; contra censura; against censorship; liberdade religiosa; religious freedom

Nota do editor

Este é um jornal gerado automaticamente pelo Paper.li a partir de links postados ou retuitados pelas pessoas que seguimos no Twitter. http://twitter.com/livrexpress Liberdade de Expressão - Free Speech http://liberdadedeexpressao.multiply.com




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