20 May 2014

LiberdadeDeExpressao 18.05.2014 @livrexpress

LiberdadeDeExpressao News

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Boko Haram: West Wakes Up, Media Still Asleep

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Truth Tweeter
breitbart.com - Now, France--not the United States--has convened a meeting of five western African states in Paris. American, British, and other European diplomats attended what was primarily a regional African al...

Prefeitura faz 'cercadinho' para usuários de crack no centro de SP - 14/05/2014 - Cotidiano - Folha de S.Paulo

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Não Ao Mensalão
folha.uol.com.br - A Prefeitura de São Paulo tentou na tarde de ontem colocar usuários de droga da cracolândia dentro de um cercado de metal, que foi erguido na esquina da alameda Cleveland e da rua Helvetia. Normalm...

Cassação do título de pastor de Marco Feliciano tem motivação política

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noticias.gospelmais.com.br - A possível cassação do título de pastor do deputado federal Marco Feliciano pode ter, no fundo, uma motivação política e ralação direta com disputas de cargos nas próximas eleições. A afirmação é d...

The Most Dishonest Amnesty Poll Yet

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Ann Coulter
nationalreview.com - Michael Bloomberg and Rupert Murdoch’s Partnership for a New American Economy (a.k.a. Billionaires for Open Borders) has released what may be the most ridiculously skewed pro-amnesty poll I’ve seen...

Blatter: manifestações no Brasil são fruto de promessas não cumpridas - Jornal O Globo

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Mara Kramer
oglobo.globo.com - GENEBRA — Na mesma entrevista à RTS, TV pública da Suíça, em que assumiu que a escolha do Qatar para a Copa de 2022 “foi um erro”, por causa do calor de 50 graus no país, o presidente da Fifa, Jose...

ALO RESISTENTE - Influyendo Auditorios Externos en la Lucha Noviolenta - Dom 17 Mayo 2014, ALO RESISTENTE - Influyendo Auditorios Externos en la Lucha Novi...

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Elio Aponte
ustream.tv - Canal al servicio de la resistencia noviolenta organizada de Venezuela y del exilio venezolano, que colabora para restablecer la efectiva vigencia de la Constitución de la República Bolivariana de ...

heuristics.pdf - Google Drive

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Wagner Clemente Soto
drive.google.com - Le navigateur que vous utilisez n'est pas compatible. Il se peut que certaines fonctionnalités ne fonctionnent pas correctement. Passez à un navigateur récent, comme Google Chrome.Ignorer

Não existem cristãos sem Igreja, diz papa Francisco

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O Verbo
noticias.gospelprime.com.br - O líder da Igreja Católica afirmou que é impossível entender Jesus sozinho O tema principal do sermão do Papa Francisco na missa da última quinta-feira (15) foi que não existem cristãos sem Igreja,...

“Cala a boca, Emir Sader!” Ou: O MTST saúda a “ocupação” da GloboNews. Quem disse que a “mídia burguesa” não colabora, hehe?

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Fitzcarraldo Çilva
veja.abril.com.br - Quando um grupo recebe uma critica e não busca analisar esta critica e com argumento buscar realizar a critica da critica e se for o caso até mesmo concordar com a critica, este grupo é fundamental...

Estudo prevê a invisibilidade da internet | Blogs OI | Observatório da Imprensa - Você nunca mais vai ler jornal do mesmo jeito

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observatoriodaimprensa.com.br - O avanço da internet e da digitalização será tão acelerado e intenso nos próximos 20 anos que ambas se tornarão comuns como a eletricidade, a roda e os motores de combustão interna, perdendo o glam...

Ten Good Reasons Not To Worry About Polar Bears

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Truth Tweeter
wattsupwiththat.com - Susan Crockford writes: This year marks the 40th anniversary of the signing of an international agreement to protect polar bears from commercial and unregulated sport hunting. The devastating decad...

Voter Fraud: An Existential Threat to America

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Accuracy In Media
aim.org - It is difficult to describe the enormity of the crime being committed by the Obama administration and their Democratic allies. They flagrantly flout the law, while simultaneously turning it into a ...

Blog do Coronel: Ei, Lula, não precisa ir de jumento à Arena Corinthians. O metrô dos tucanos dá conta do recado.

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coturnonoturno.blogspot.com - Os jornais informam que a única coisa que funcionou no teste oficial da Arena Corinthians (Itaquerão), estádio da abertura da Copa, foi o Metrô de São Paulo. O velho e bom metrô dos tucanos. Segund...

Rose Noronha chantageou autoridades do governo Dilma, diz revista - Jornal O Globo

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João Paulo M.
oglobo.globo.com - SÃO PAULO - A ex-chefe de gabinete da Presidência da República em São Paulo, Rosemary Noronha, indiciada pela Polícia Federal pelos crimes de formação de quadrilha e corrupção em 2013, ameaçou envo...

Chemistry Council to run Eric Cantor ads - Jake Sherman - POLITICO.com

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Ann Coulter
politico.com - Eric Cantor is getting outside help in his primary against little-known college professor Dave Brat. The American Chemistry Council is going up with roughly $300,000 in television advertisements to...
Art & Entertainment

Paulo Henrique Amorim perde no ibope para o sorteio da Tele Sena Portal Vox

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teleguiado.portalvox.com - Quem vê Paulo Henrique Amorim provocando a Globo e o Fantástico certamente pensa que o versátil comentarista briga décimo a décimo pela liderança da audiência. Pois bem. Neste domingo, 18 de maio, ...
Art & Entertainment

O Pessimismo Nacional “à la mode brésilianne” – parte treze

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Luis A R Branco
verdadenapratica.wordpress.com - Dizem os mais velhos que a educação no Brasil já foi melhor, na época em que ainda se estudava entre outras coisas, o latim. Então já faz muito tempo! Na verdade a educação nunca foi levada a sério...

House lawmakers plan immigration tour - Seung Min Kim - POLITICO.com

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Ann Coulter
politico.com - The House hasn’t been able to solve the immigration issue while in Washington, so a bipartisan group of lawmakers is hitting the road. Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) is among those planning to...
Art & Entertainment

Experiências com Nossa Senhora em Fátima

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Com. Canção Nova
blog.cancaonova.com - Dois missionários e a experiência, o encontro, com Nossa Senhora em Fátima. Visitar Fátima, em Portugal, significa fazer uma experiência profunda com Nossa Senhora do Rosário, título com o qual ela...

EFF at Maker Faire Bay Area 2014

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eff.org - Join EFF at Maker Faire Bay Area! Part science fair, part county fair, and part something entirely new, Maker Faire is an all-ages gathering of tech enthusiasts, crafters, educators, tinkerers, hob...

DHS chief declares emergency at RGV border - Brownsville Herald: Local News

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Ann Coulter
brownsvilleherald.com - The Department of Homeland Security declared a crisis last week after the department’s head visited the Border Patrol station in McAllen, where he saw children packed inside the station. A recent s...

Direita culpa Hillary Clinton por sequestro na Nigéria - Tradução: Fernanda Lizardo, edição de Leticia Nunes. Com informações de Amanda Marcotte [“Conservatives are using the kidnapped Nigerian girls story to attack Hillary Clinton.”, Slate, 9/5/14] | Observatório da Imprensa

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observatoriodaimprensa.com.br - Para a maioria das pessoas que assistem ao desdobramento da história das garotas nigerianas sequestradas pelo grupo islâmico radical Boko Haram, os sentimentos dominantes são de desespero, desampar...
Art & Entertainment

O dia em que Snowden se apresentou ao mundo - Reproduzido do El País Brasil, 10/5/2014 # Snowden. Sem um lugar para se esconder, de Glenn Greenwald, 288 pp., Editora Sextante, 2014 | Observatório da Imprensa

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observatoriodaimprensa.com.br - Trecho do livro em que Glenn Greenwald conta os quatro dias de vertigem durante os quais Edward Snowden pensou que tinha sido descoberto Na quinta-feira [6 de junho de 2013], já no quinto dia em Ho...

El Papa Francisco sigue los pasos de Pablo VI por la unidad de los cristianos

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - ROMA, 18 May. 14 / 08:06 pm (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- A pocos días para la visita del Papa Francisco a Tierra Santa prevista del 24 al 26 de mayo, el Patriarca latino de Jerusalén, Fouad Twal, ha subra...

Aplicativo customiza notícias com base no tempo disponível - Tradução: Pedro Nabuco, edição de Leticia Nunes. Informações de Alastair Reid [“News on Demand to offer articles based on readers’ attention”, Journalism.co.uk, 29/4/14] | Observatório da Imprensa

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observatoriodaimprensa.com.br - Um novo projeto financiado pela Fundação Knight promete fornecer notícias customizadas para os leitores através de um aplicativo para telefone, permitindo que eles escolham rapidamente histórias co...

Obispos de EEUU pedirán aprobación de reforma migratoria en el Congreso

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - WASHINGTON D.C., 18 May. 14 / 06:13 pm (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- El grupo de obispos católicos –que el 1º de abril celebró una misa en la frontera entre los Estados Unidos y México por las almas de los...
Art & Entertainment

O desequilíbrio de gênero na seção de obituários - Tradução de Jô Amado, edição de Leticia Nunes. Reprodução de artigo de Amanda Hess [“The New York Times Obituary Page Has a Grave Gender Imbalance”, Slate, 9/5/14] | Observatório da Imprensa

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observatoriodaimprensa.com.br - Ontem à noite [08/05], Lynn Melnick – uma poetisa que faz parte da diretoria da organização Vida, que defende uma melhor representação das mulheres nas artes literárias – voltou sua atenção para o ...

Lula diz que é 'babaquice' chegar de metrô dentro do estádio - 16/05/2014 - Poder - Folha de S.Paulo

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Ivo Marcelino
folha.uol.com.br - O ex-presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva chamou de "babaquice" a preocupação de dar condições de primeiro mundo a torcedores durante a Copa do Mundo, como "chegar de metrô dentro do estádio", porq...

VIDEO: Mine Owner Mocks Zambian Government for Selling Price · Global Voices

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Global Voices
globalvoicesonline.org - A video has emerged online in which the owner of an international company that bought one of Zambia’s mines just under a decade ago mocks the government for selling the asset for a song. The video,...

You've Got To Hear What This Groom Says At The Alter. Must Watch!!! - Faithreel.com

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Love Like Jesus
faithreel.com - This groom flubs his line and his bride looses it in the middle of the ceremony. You won’t be able to stop yourself from laughing along with these two. Every wedding should have at least one moment...

Education Spending Is Up, Test Scores Aren't. Who's to Blame?

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Drew McKissick
blog.heritage.org - The U.S. Department of Education recently released the 2013 results of math and reading achievement for 12th graders on the National Assessment of Educational Progress. It’s hard to say what’s been...

Team Stream App from Bleacher Report

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Algernon Fross
bleacherreport.com - Team Stream helps you stay in the know with your favorite teams and get hand-picked, curated sports stories from around the web. See top news for your teams all in one place and get real-time alert...

Famintos por uma mudança

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Portas Abertas
portasabertas.org.br - A Portas Abertas visitou recentemente algumas igrejas em Diffa. O objetivo era averiguar o nível de perseguição, definir as necessidades da Igreja, ensiná-la a resistir ao islã, encorajar e fortale...
Art & Entertainment

Serie oraciones – invocaciones - Dueña y poderosa sobre mí, de San Ildefonso de Toledo (+667)

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infocatolica.com - No sé cómo me llamo… Tú lo sabes, Señor. Tú conoces el nombre que hay en tu corazón y es solamente mío; el nombre que tu amor me dará para siempre si respondo a tu voz. Pronuncia esa palabra De júb...

Sultan Suleimanov on the RuNet’s Last Chance · Global Voices

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Global Voices
globalvoicesonline.org - What follows is a full English translation of an article by Sultan Suleimanov that appeared in Russian on the website TJournal on May 16, 2014. Suleimanov attended an invitation-only meeting at Ros...

Even NYT Thinks Colleges Are Taking Political Correctness Too Far

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Drew McKissick
dailycaller.com - Trigger warnings–the authoritarian left’s latest attempt to patrol speech at college campuses–have been on the radar of civil libertarians for some time, but now even The New York Times is upset ab...

Um poder grande demais - Comentário para o programa radiofônico do Observatório, 15/5/2014 | Observatório da Imprensa

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observatoriodaimprensa.com.br - A Folha de S. Paulo publica na edição de quinta-feira (15/5) comentário sobre a lista das famílias mais ricas do Brasil, segundo a revista Forbes. Encabeçando a relação dos bilionários, acima dos d...

Rent-Regulated Tenants Excluded From Amenities - NYTimes.com

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John Perry Barlow
nytimes.com - When a playroom opened in Michael Reilly’s Upper West Side building two years ago, he asked the concierge for a key to the space so his toddler could play there. The concierge’s answer stunned him:...

Did NSA blackmail Roberts to OK Obamacare?

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WND News
wnd.com - U.S. Chief Justice John Roberts may have been blackmailed to approve Obamacare after being spied on by the NSA and CIA, says Larry Klayman, the attorney who has come to be known as “the NSA slayer”...

Spanish Government Threatens to Censor Social Media · Global Voices

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Global Voices
globalvoicesonline.org - «We have to combat cybercrime and promote cybersecurity, and to clean up undesirable social media.» These were the words of the Spanish Minister of Interior, Jorge Fenández Díaz, after the wave of ...

Obamacare State Exchanges Have Proven an Expensive Folly

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Drew McKissick
blog.heritage.org - How many tax dollars does it take to run a state health care exchange into the ground? In the case of three states that have called it quits, Oregon received more than $300 million, Massachusetts $...

Agência vai limitar e monitorar tamanho dos textos - Tradução e edição: Leticia Nunes. Informações de Erik Wemple [“Associated Press polices story length”, The Washington Post, 12/5/14] | Observatório da Imprensa

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observatoriodaimprensa.com.br - O editor responsável pela cobertura nacional da agência de notícias americana Associated Press, Brian Carovillano, instruiu seus colegas a limitar o tamanho dos textos diários para no máximo 500 pa...

Graduations Are Way Less Awful With Commencement Speech Bingo | Magazine

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John Perry Barlow
wired.com - If you’re attending a commencement this year, we feel your pain. Except for that shining moment when your loved one grabs a diploma, these things are borrrring. But WIRED’s got your back—we parsed ...

U.S. kids ‘too chubby to fight a war’

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WND News
wnd.com - (CNBC) — Want to improve national security without spending billions on a new weapons system? Slim down America’s kids and teach them to read, some retired generals say. The Army says more than thr...

Warren Buffett's billion-dollar abortion funding draws fire :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

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Catholic News Agency
catholicnewsagency.com - Washington D.C., May 15, 2014 / 02:02 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Pro-life advocates have drawn attention to a report showing that businessman Warren Buffett’s charitable foundation has given more than $1...

90 Miles From Tyranny : Global Warming Freezes A Submarine In Place

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Drew McKissick
ninetymilesfromtyranny.blogspot.com - Sunday, May 18, 2014 Global Warming Freezes A Submarine In Place So you say that sub is not really frozen in place? The truth does not really matter when we are trying to save the planet (implement...

Would You Be Able to Claim the Iron Throne?

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medievalists.net - Would You Be Able to Claim the Iron Throne? – May 18, 2014Posted in: TV Shows Something a little fun for our fans of Game of Thrones! Sadly, I was too nice to rule Westeros ~ PK

Gas prices shouldn't be high, but are: What gives?

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Resist Tyranny
usatoday.com - A customer pumps gas at a station in Mountain View, Calif. (Photo: Paul Sakuma. AP file) Rumors about the demise of U.S. gasoline demand have been greatly exaggerated. Until late 2013, most energy ...

Pastor Arrested and Jailed for Holding Pro-Life Sign at Busy Intersection

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Derecho a Vivir
lifenews.com - by Liberty Counsel | Columbus,MS | LifeNews.com | 5/16/14 5:59 PM Today Liberty Counsel filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against the City of Columbus in Mississippi and Police Captain Frederick...

Manifestações não assustam governo, diz Gilberto Carvalho

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arq pedrinho2
agenciabrasil.ebc.com.br - O ministro da secretaria-geral da Presidência da República, Gilberto Carvalho, disse hoje (15) que as manifestações que ocorrem em diversas cidades não assustam o governo. Segundo ele, os protestos...

Chivalry, Feudalism, and Source Criticism: The Writing of Medieval German Military History

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medievalists.net -    Chivalry, Feudalism, and Source Criticism: The Writing of Medieval German Military History Given at the 49th International Congress on Medieval Studies (2014) David S. Bachrach, Associate Profes...

Delusions of freedom: The FCC, the internet and John Kerry - Index on Censorship

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Index on Censorship
indexoncensorship.org - The US Secretary of State John Kerry’s speech before the fourth annual Freedom Online Coalition conference has all the makings of anti-censorship agitprop. “The places where we face some of the gre...

Sarah Kliff Reports Latest Excuse for Obamacare Failure: Lousy Management

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Truth Tweeter
newsbusters.org - At first liberals were blaming Republican governors for "sabotaging" Obamacare as an excuse for its failure. However as Obamacare failure reports poured in from liberal states with liberal governor...

Richard Mellon Scaife: I have untreatable cancer - Associated Press - POLITICO.com

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Jeffrey Levin
politico.com - PITTSBURGH — Billionaire media mogul Richard Mellon Scaife, a longtime backer of conservative causes, says he has an untreatable form of cancer. Scaife is the publisher of the Pittsburgh Tribune-Re...


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aluizioamorim.blogspot.com - domingo, maio 18, 2014 REPORTAGEM-BOMBA DO 'ESTADÃO' REVELA QUE LULA É CITADO EM CARTA DE 'OPERADOR' DE BERLUSCONI SOBRE NEGÓCIOS SUSPEITOS COISA MISTERIOSA: Lula foi mencionado pelo 'operador' do ...
Art & Entertainment

George Carlin - Orgulho - Portal Libertarianismo

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Libertarianismo +
libertarianismo.org - Publicado em 17 de maio de 2013 | por George Carlin George Carlin fala sobre orgulho racial e patriotismo. Transcrição e tradução de Matheus Pacini Revisão e sincronização de Johnny Jonathan Portal...

O passado do pastor Everaldo

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Sérgio Pavarini
pavablog.com - O pastor Everaldo Dias (PSC), o quarto colocado entre os candidatos a presidente, de acordo com todas as pesquisas, escolheu o tema família como mote de sua campanha. É justamente de casa, contudo,...
Art & Entertainment

Machado no machado - | Observatório da Imprensa | Observatório da Imprensa - Você nunca mais vai ler jornal do mesmo jeito

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observatoriodaimprensa.com.br - José Saramago (1922-2010) costumava dizer que acabaríamos transformando a língua em grunhidos depois que a internet popularizou “abs” para abraços, “bj” para beijo, e outras eliminações para facili...

Laos: Crony scheme in control of press and civil society - Index on Censorship

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Index on Censorship
indexoncensorship.org - When travellers and writers talk about Laos, they mention how peaceful it is, and how Buddhist. The people, says Lonely Planet, are some of the most chilled out in the world. People forget, as they...

Luís Inácio, o navegador: “Eu teria descoberto o Brasil se existisse na época”

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implicante.org - Apenas vejam o vídeo, registrado em evento da pré-campanha antecipada de Alexandre Padilha ao governo do Estado, nessa sexta-feira (16) em Sorocaba (SP):


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aluizioamorim.blogspot.com - Esse país está repletamente PODRE! Só loucos acreditam em dias melhores para essa favelona ocidental. O maior canalha desta República, chamado de superpoderoso político mas que não passa do maior c...

O Anarquismo é socialista ou capitalista? - Portal Libertarianismo

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Libertarianismo +
libertarianismo.org - Publicado em 11 de março de 2014 | por Aeon Skoble Uma nova defesa do anarquismo libertário afirma que a filosofia pertence à esquerda. Se uma sociedade justa é baseada na cooperação voluntária e p...
Art & Entertainment

Doenças Espirituais: Um Olhar que Cura - padrepauloricardo.org

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Padre Paulo Ricardo
padrepauloricardo.org - Diz o Catecismo da Igreja Católica que "o desejo de Deus está inscrito no coração do homem, já que o homem é criado por Deus e para Deus" (CIC 27). Pode-se inferir dessa afirmação que o homem foi c...

Suíços rejeitam salário mínimo mais alto do mundo

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Sérgio Pavarini
pavablog.com - Os eleitores suíços rejeitaram esmagadoramente uma iniciativa que teria introduzido o maior salário mínimo do mundo. Cerca de 77% se opuseram, neste domingo, à iniciativa do Salário Mínimo, de acor...

¿Estás emocionado por ver el Mundial 2014? Mira cómo desalojan los barrios pobres en Brasil para preparar el “evento” – Reporte 24 horas.

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reporte24h.com - ¿Estás emocionado por ver el Mundial del Fútbol 2014? Mira cómo desalojan los barrios pobres en Brasil para preparar el “evento” En estos momentos, un mes antes de que empiece el Mundial Brasil 201...

Meltem Arikan: Creating life with the tools of death - Index on Censorship

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Index on Censorship
indexoncensorship.org - Three days ago a picture appeared on my Twitter timeline. A Palestinian woman was watering flowers inside dozens of hand grenades lined up in her little garden, surrounded by barbed-wire fences. I ...

As evidências de fraude no fundo dos Correios ligado ao PMDB - ÉPOCA

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Marisa Cruz
epoca.globo.com - No final do governo Lula, um jovem e brilhante operador do mercado financeiro ascendia no rarefeito mundo da elite política de Brasília. Era Fabrizio Neves, dono da Atlântica Asset, empresa que mon...

Bill Kristol Slams New York Times Publisher Arthur Sulzberger: ‘Mr. Liberal, Mr. Democrat’

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newsbusters.org - Appearing as a guest on ABC’s This Week with George Stephanopoulos, Bill Kristol, editor of the conservative publication the Weekly Standard, mocked liberals’ outrage over the firing of Jill Abrams...
Art & Entertainment

Rachel Sheherazade vai lançar livro no final do ano sobre problemas da sociedade

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Cristianismo Hoje
purepeople.com.br - Rachel Sheherazade está colhendo os frutos de seus comentários polêmicos na TV. Após ganhar um programa no SBT, a apresentadora vai lançar um livro no final do ano pela editora Mundo Cristão. A pri...

Ossami Sakamori BlogSpot.com: Vote no PT, se você é um otário!

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Cláudio Fontes
ossamisakamori.blogspot.com - domingo, 18 de maio de 2014 Vote no PT, se você é um otário! Eleições presidenciais chegando e o Partido do Trabalhador fez propaganda em rede nacional de rádio e televisão, enfatizando que a volta...

Arias Cañete: «El PSOE está instalado en la izquierda radical» - La Razón digital

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PP de Madrid
larazon.es - «A veces el cansancio hace que no se exprese adecuadamente lo que se quiere decir. Pero yo respeto plenamente las capacidades de las mujeres» –¿Se arrepiente de las declaraciones que hizo en Antena...

Porque Serra “desistiu” de ser vice de Aécio

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João Paulo M.
veja.abril.com.br - Há pouco José Serra postou no Twitter sua primeira declaração formal sobre a possibilidade de ser vice de Aécio Neves. Negou que seja candidato: - Nunca fui pré-candidato a vice. Também inexistem “...

BLOG DO ALUIZIO AMORIM: Sponholz: A Copa e a mobilidade urbana do PT!

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aluizioamorim.blogspot.com - domingo, maio 18, 2014 Sponholz: A Copa e a mobilidade urbana do PT! Enviar por e-mailBlogThis!Compartilhar no TwitterCompartilhar no FacebookCompartilhar no OrkutCompartilhar com o Pinterest Posta...
Art & Entertainment

Socialismo - Portal Libertarianismo

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Libertarianismo +
libertarianismo.org - Publicado em 26 de março de 2014 | por Yaron Brook [Para ativar as legendas, clique no botão esquerdo ao lado da engrenagem.] Yaron Brook responde o que é o socialismo e por que ele é imoral. Trans...
Art & Entertainment

Conheça a Igreja Nacional de Beyoncé

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Sérgio Pavarini
pavablog.com - Seja você um fã do pop ou não, é impossível negar que Beyoncé é uma das artistas mais importantes do mundo da música nos dias de hoje. Mas um grupo de verdadeiros apóstolos da cantora norte-america...

Phoenix area hit with third fatal wrong-way crash

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cnsnews.com - GILBERT, Ariz. (AP) — Wrong-way drivers are reported on a nearly daily basis throughout Arizona, but most of them get off the road before ever driving into another vehicle, public safety officials ...

Archbishop Martinelli: pray for the people of Libya

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Catholic News Live
news.va - (Vatican Radio) Amid reports of an armed attack against Libya’s Parliament and of a surge of fundamentalist violence in the country, the Apostolic Vicar of Tripoli, Archbishop Giovanni Innocenzo Ma...

Scientists Claim That Quantum Theory Proves Consciousness Moves To Another Universe At Death 

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truthisscary.com - A book titled “Biocentrism: How Life and Consciousness Are the Keys to Understanding the Nature of the Universe“ has stirred up the Internet, because it contained a notion that life does not end wh...

The best job in the world: Gabriel García Márquez on journalism - Index on Censorship

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Index on Censorship
indexoncensorship.org - Colombian writer Gabriel García Márquez, who died on 17 April, wrote this piece on the evolution of journalism for Index on Censorship magazine in 1997. Before gaining worldwide acclaim for novels ...

The Pedro Celis / Mike Sotelo Bank: LA PLAZA DE LA RAZA

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thereaganwing.wordpress.com - Wall Street Journal writes about ACORN’s fraud on a national level And our Federal government is essentially endorsing this lawlessness by chartering the Plaza Bank and assisting organizations like...

Mãe cristã é condenada a cem chibatadas até a morte no Sudão, em pleno Dia das Mães, Christian News

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Cristianismo Hoje
portugues.christianpost.com - Meriam Yahia Ibrahim recebeu a condenação no último dia 11 de maio, dia em que vários países celebram o dia das mães. A mulher de 27 anos foi sentenciada através de uma ordem judicial pública dada ...

-= Let's Pray =-

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Bryan Fischer
afa.net - Never before in the history of our country has America faced a moral crisis like the one before us today. The foundations of our government are crumbling right before our eyes. Our churches are aba...

Vanden Heuvel on Face the Nation: ‘Congress Has Cut Funding, Has Slashed Funding, for Veterans' Benefits Over These Last Years’

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newsbusters.org - Katrina vanden Huevel, editor and publisher of The Nation, participated in today’s Face the Nation panel. The first topic of discussion was the scandal at the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs: K...

RichardBejah.com: #LiveLIFE BUCKET LIST

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Richard Bejah CFP®
richardbejah.com - Visit the World Festivals :-  The National Cherry Blossom Festival Visit the World Festivals :-   Tidal Basin, Washington, DC Visit the World Festivals :-   The National Cherry Blossom Festival is ...
Art & Entertainment

Photos: 2014 Billboard Music Awards red carpet - CNN.com

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Ayesha Shaikh
cnn.com - Kesha arrives for the 2014 Billboard Music Awards at the MGM Grand Garden Arena on May 18, 2014, in Las Vegas, Nevada. Click through to see some of the other celebrities who made an appearance.
Art & Entertainment

Actúa: Exige a la alcaldesa de Hospitalet (PSC) que no prohíba las procesiones católicas

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Ignacio Arsuaga
hazteoir.org - Firma la petición en HO, defiende la libertad religiosa: urge a Núria Marín que recifique y no prohiba celebrar, como estaba previsto, la tradicional Procesión de la Virgen de Gracia de Carmona de ...

CBS’s Schieffer Fails to Challenge Timothy Geithner’s Claim That White House Didn’t Direct Him to Spin Negative News

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mrc.org - Former Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner appeared on CBS’s Face the Nation on Sunday, May 18 to promote his new memoir Stress Test, yet host Bob Schieffer barely touched on the most controversial...


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aluizioamorim.blogspot.com - domingo, maio 18, 2014 REFERENDO NA SUÍÇA REJEITA OS 'GRIPEN', AVIÕES DE COMBATE QUE O BRASIL, SOB O GOVERNO DO PT, COMPROU DA SUÉCIA. Os suíços rejeitam nas urnas a compra dos caças Gripen da Saab...


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ReginaBrasilia's S/A
m.facebook.com - Regina Brasilia is on Facebook. To connect with Regina, join Facebook today.
Art & Entertainment

Marcha para Jesus de São Paulo acontece no dia 7 de junho

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O Verbo
noticias.gospelprime.com.br - O evento está em sua 22º edição contando com o apoio de diversas denominações evangélicas A Marcha para Jesus 2014 de São Paulo vai acontecer no dia 7 de junho a partir das 10h. Os trios elétricos ...

PRTB recebe pré-candidaturas de três militares - levyfidelix.com

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Levy Fidelix
levyfidelix.com - O site conseguiu apurar que pelo menos três militares já tem suas pré-candidaturas colocadas a disposição do Partido Renovador Trabalhista Brasileiro (PRTB). Os militares em questão são ligados ao ...

2nd chance for Christie after stumble on Israel

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cnsnews.com - NEW YORK (AP) — Chris Christie is getting a second chance to impress Jewish leaders after a recent stumble that upset some of the GOP's most powerful donors. The New Jersey governor and potential p...

"Anti Semitism" - Goyim React Like Pavlov's Dogs - henrymakow.com

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Henry Makow
henrymakow.com - I was born and raised a conservative Jew and matriculated in Hebrew at a Jewish day school in South Africa, and laid tfillin every day, but like Richard Goldstone, my hero, I believe in true unbias...
Art & Entertainment

El BNG expulsa al Sagrado Corazón de Jesús en San Sadurniño (La Coruña)

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hazteoir.org - El párroco de la localidad se ha hecho cargo de la querida imagen, partida y exhibida de forma vejatoria tras su retirada del suelo semipúblico. Pero hasta la acogida por la Iglesia ha molestado a ...

People With Higher IQ’s Are More Likely to Use Illegal Drugs… Why? 

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truthisscary.com - Researchers have found that those with high childhood IQs are more prone to illegal drug use as adults. But what does this correlation really mean? Two major papers have found a positive correlatio...

Through our Pro-Life Unity we will save lives

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prolifeunity.com - Brandy Lozier, abortion survivor, speaks out against Barack Obama and Christians who are silent against abortion. Brandy survived a saline abortion. Click here to fill out our volunteer form. We ca...

Ben Jennings: Russia's propaganda machine - Index on Censorship

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Index on Censorship
indexoncensorship.org - This week cartoonist Ben Jennings takes on Vladimir Putin’s information war. Ben Jennings is an award-winning cartoonist and illustrator

The week in 37 photos - CNN.com

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Ayesha Shaikh
cnn.com - Yusuf Yerkel, an aide to Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, kicks a person who is being wrestled to the ground by two police officers during protests in Soma, Turkey, on Wednesday, May 14...

NBC’s David Gregory to Reince Priebus: Is Hillary Clinton ‘The Candidate That You...Most Fear?’

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mrc.org - Reince Priebus, chairman of the Republican National Committee, sat down with David Gregory, moderator of NBC’s Meet the Press and was immediately met with a barrage of questions on Hillary Clinton ...

Em 20 anos, simpatizante típico do PT 'envelhece' e 'migra' para o Nordeste - politica - versaoimpressa - Estadão

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Mara Kramer
estadao.com.br - Nas últimas duas décadas, os simpatizantes do PT envelheceram e ficaram menos concentrados no Sul e no Sudeste, as regiões mais ricas do País. Desde 1995, o partido se interiorizou e ganhou influên...

RUEDALO!!!! on USTREAM: Canal al servicio de la resistencia noviolenta organizada de Venezuela y del exilio venezolano, que colabora para restablecer la ef...

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Elio Aponte
ustream.tv - Canal al servicio de la resistencia noviolenta organizada de Venezuela y del exilio venezolano, que colabora para restablecer la efectiva vigencia de la Constitución de la República Bolivariana de ...
Art & Entertainment


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ReginaBrasilia's S/A
m.facebook.com - Regina Brasilia shared Emanuel Fernandes's status update. Não fôssemos confrontados com as nossas escolhas mais cedo ou mais tarde - e com as consequências de cada uma das nossas omissões - a vida ...

Rachel Sheherazade produzirá livro sobre ética, justiça e senso moral

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portal.comunique-se.com.br - Âncora do ‘SBT Brasil’, a jornalista Rachel Sheherazade anunciou a produção de seu primeiro livro, que tratará dos problemas que afetam a sociedade brasileira e das virtudes necessárias para mudar ...

Pedro y los doce. La disputa sobre los poderes del sínodo

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Rodrigo Coppe C
chiesa.espresso.repubblica.it - Hay quien lo quiere como órgano supremo de gobierno de la Iglesia, una especie de "concilio permanente". Pero el Vaticano II lo ha excluido. Los cardenales Müller y Ruini explican por qué, según Ra...

Rajoy sale al rescate de Cañete y pide "no tirar el voto" con los minoritarios - Libertad Digital

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libertaddigital.com - Rajoy sale al rescate de Cañete y pide "no tirar el voto" con los minoritarios "Aquí no se puede tirar el voto con las formaciones pequeñas. Es inútil. Os pido que votéis al partido de la moderació...

Mulher é furtada dentro de igreja evangélica em Teresópolis

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O Verbo
noticias.gospelprime.com.br - O pastor viu a cena e pediu para que os fiéis impedissem a assaltante de sair do templo Uma mulher foi furtada dentro de uma igreja evangélica em Teresópolis, Região Serrana do Rio. O crime acontec...

Official: Head of Syrian air defense killed

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cnsnews.com - DAMASCUS, Syria (AP) — The head of Syria's air defenses was killed in clashes near the capital, Damascus, a government official and activists said Sunday, one of a few high-ranking military officer...

NHS to give sex change drugs to nine-year-olds: Clinic accused of 'playing God' with treatment that stops puberty

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Henry Makow
dailymail.co.uk - Just wrong on so many levels. As a society we are so far removed from nature. We call tribes in Africa primitive and savage and yet we find justification in providing children with sex altering med...
Art & Entertainment

Baby do Brasil transforma palco da Virada em grande pista de dança

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Sérgio Pavarini
pavablog.com - Giuliana Vallone, Gislaine Gutierre e Tatiana Harada, na Folha de S.Paulo O show de Baby do Brasil, o segundo do palco Júlio Prestes, começou pontualmente às 21h. Muito animada, a cantora subiu ao ...

Michael Boggs Nomination Dividing Congressional Black Caucus Members

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Jeffrey Levin
huffingtonpost.com - WASHINGTON -- President Barack Obama's nomination of Michael Boggs to serve on the federal bench is causing members of the Congressional Black Caucus to turn on each other and sparking rare critici...

Hacking Consciousness with Brain Waves and Frequency Entrainment 

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truthisscary.com - Human consciousness is a subject of infinite fascination in these time because people are realizing just how much our frame of mind is manipulated by mainstream media, corporate and government prop...


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orbooks.com - Cypherpunks are activists who advocate the widespread use of strong cryptography (writing in code) as a route to progressive change. Julian Assange, the editor-in-chief of and visionary behind Wiki...

Venezuela subió al segundo lugar entre los países más violentos según ONU

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Ivo Marcelino
ww2.elinformador.com.ve - 07:28 PM | SUCESOS | Honduras es el país más violento del planeta, con una tasa de 90,4 homicidios intencionales por cada 100.000 habitantes, dijo la Oficina de Naciones Unidas para la Droga y el D...

Conferência Regional EPL Centro-Oeste

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eventick.com.br - A Conferência Regional do EPL Centro-Oeste 2014 é o evento mais importante do ano para os estudantes e ativistas pró-liberdade na região. Este ano a conferência vai ocorrer nos dias 31 de maio e 1 ...

Amala Paul-Vijay’s Marriage Guest List; Celebrities Who Attend Amala Paul-Vijay’s Wedding! - Oneindia Entertainment

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Ayesha Shaikh
entertainment.oneindia.in - The countdown for the marriage of actress Amala Paul and director Vijay has begun. The families of the couple are completely busy with the marriage arrangements. Amala Paul and Vijay have also star...

Em memória: Luciano do Valle é o credenciado n° 1 para a cobertura da Copa

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portal.comunique-se.com.br - O Comitê Organizador da Copa do Mundo e a Fifa prestaram uma homenagem ao narrador Luciano do Valle, nessa quinta-feira, 15. A primeira credencial de imprensa do Mundial foi impressa com o nome do ...

Grêmio vence Fluminense e encosta nos líderes do Brasileirão - Jornal Correio do Brasil

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Correio do Brasil
correiodobrasil.com.br - O Grêmio venceu o Fluminense por 1 a 0 neste domingo em Porto Alegre, com  gol de Rodriguinho, e encostou nos líderes do Brasileirão, indo a 10 pontos em cinco jogos. A partida foi marcada pela exp...

The Shadow Party: How George Soros, Hillary Clinton, and Sixties Radicals Seized Control of the Democratic Party (Bright Empires) (Kindle Edition) - Political Books 2014

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Political Books
political-books.com - The Shadow Party: How George Soros, Hillary Clinton, and Sixties Radicals Seized Control of the Democratic Party (Bright Empires) (Kindle Edition) The Shadow Party: How George Soros, Hillary Clinto...

Peter and the Twelve. The Dispute Over the Powers of the Synod

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Rodrigo Coppe C
chiesa.espresso.repubblica.it - There are some who want it to be the supreme body of Church governance, a sort of “permanent council.” But Vatican II ruled this out. Cardinals Müller and Ruini explain why, in agreement with Ratzi...

Cisco CEO Warns Obama To Rein In NSA Or Face Collapse Of Trust In US Technology (And Cisco Sales)

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Henry Makow
zerohedge.com - Back in November, Cisco stock cratered after the company was forced to reset its future revenue guidance when as a result of crashing Chinese sales, it became clear that some $2 billion in quarterl...

Weary crews prepare for long wildfire season

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cnsnews.com - ESCONDIDO, Calif. (AP) — The last of tens of thousands of evacuees returned home Saturday after firefighters scoured charred hillsides north of San Diego to guard against a resurgence of flames tha...

Doleiro Alberto Youssef tinha contato com cúpulas de três empreiteiras - 18/05/2014 - Poder - Folha de S.Paulo

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Marisa Cruz
folha.uol.com.br - Os policiais da Operação Lava Jato que analisam as conversas e mensagens interceptadas imaginavam que teriam um grande trabalho para descobrir quem seria "Leitoso", personagem citado pelo doleiro A...

Glass Ceilings in Statehouses in the Northeast - NYTimes.com

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Jeffrey Levin
nytimes.com - PHILADELPHIA — The industrial Northeast enjoys a reputation as a cradle of liberalism, a region that voted overwhelmingly for America’s first black president, started the push on same-sex marriage ...

Denkzettel für die Armee: 52 Prozent gegen den Gripen-Kauf - Abstimmungen - Schweiz - News - Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen

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srf.ch - Diese Grafik steht leider nur als Flash zur Verfügung. 22 Gripen-Kampfflugzeuge für 3,1 Milliarden Franken. Das ist 52 Prozent der Stimmbevölkerung zu viel. Das zeigt die dritte Hochrechnung vom Fo...

Lawrence & Wishart: A pedra que os construtores rejeitaram - Portal Libertarianismo

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libertarianismo.org - Publicado em 15 de maio de 2014 | por Kevin Carson Parte considerável da esquerda esteve distraída nas últimas semanas pela disputa entre Lawrence & Wishart (uma editora marxista que detém os direi...


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Art & Entertainment

Paul McCartney Brings a Robot to Life For His ‘Appreciate’ Music Video

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Karen Woodham
dashburst.com - Former Beatles member Paul McCartney is proving that age doesn’t matter when it comes to technology. The music video for his song “Appreciate” features a robot that encounters McCarney and then fol...

Hija rebelde de Fidel Castro lo define como un hombre de elevada "crueldad"

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Mara Kramer
ecuavisa.com - La hija "rebelde" de Fidel Castro, Alina Fernández Revuelta, intuye que "todavía" no debe volver a Cuba, pues no quiere tener "problemas" con las autoridades de la isla, según confiesa en una entre...

Sunny Leone Officially Roped In For Manchu Manoj’s Current Teega - Oneindia Entertainment

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Ayesha Shaikh
entertainment.oneindia.in - After rocking in Pandavalu Pandavulu Tummeda, Telugu actor Manchu Manoj will be seen in a blazing new role in the film Current Teega, which features Venkatadri fame actress Rakul Preet Singh in the...

Para Aécio, Serra como vice é apenas especulação - Jornal O Globo

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João Paulo M.
oglobo.globo.com - BRASÍLIA - Aliados do ex-governador José Serra estão trabalhando para emplacar o nome do paulista entre as possibilidades de escolha para vice-presidente na chapa encabeçada pelo senador e presiden...
Art & Entertainment

Jantar de Dilma com jornalistas esportivos rende “sugestões de pautas” à presidente

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portal.comunique-se.com.br - Na noite dessa quinta-feira, 15, a presidente Dilma Rousseff recebeu dez jornalistas esportivos no Palácio da Alvorada. A lista de convidados contou com Milton Leite, narrador do SporTV, que conver...
Art & Entertainment

Saturday Night Funny Video: New York State Senators Debate a State Snack

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newsbusters.org - The New York State Senate spent time debating making an official state snack: yogurt versus potato chips versus raisins. And CBS’s Late Show with David Letterman, on May 7, ran clips of the state g...

This Brazilian Owns a Whorehouse, But He Won't Be Called a Pimp

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Brazzil Magazine
brazzil.com - Judge Cristina Ribeiro Leite used vast erudition to deliver her sentence, calling on experts in the field. Among them, the celebrity-prostitute Bruna Surfistinha (the Little Surfist), who in her bo...

Estádio Mané Garrincha é aprovado em teste no último evento antes da Copa - Jornal Correio do Brasil

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Correio do Brasil
correiodobrasil.com.br - O Estádio Nacional Mané Garrincha passou pelo último evento teste antes da Copa do Mundo. A final do campeonato regional, entre Brasília e Luziânia, atraiu, segundo a Polícia Militar, cerca de 30 m...

Pope Francis Says Christians Do Not Exist Outside The Roman Catholic Church

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Rodrigo Coppe C
pakalertpress.com - “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.” Ephesians 2:8,9 Vatican City, Rome – Pope Francis said that pe...
Art & Entertainment

Wagner Moura lança ‘Praia do Futuro’ e deixa o Brasil por dois anos - cultura - cinema - Estadão

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estadao.com.br - Wagner Moura nem estranha mais - é o preço que paga por ter feito um personagem tão forte quanto o Capitão Nascimento. Desde 2007 e, depois, 2011, quando Tropa de Elite 1 e 2 viraram fenômenos - e ...

Vou de jegue, por Mary Zaidan - Ricardo Noblat: O Globo

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Ivo Marcelino
oglobo.globo.com - Primeiro, as promessas de mundos e fundos. Um legado nunca antes visto neste País se materializaria em mais aeroportos, portos, transporte urbano, telecomunicações. E ai dos que não acreditassem no...

Ossami Sakamori BlogSpot.com: SOS OBESOS! São mais que três quilinhos por prof Walmir Coutinho

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Marisa Cruz
ossamisakamori.blogspot.com - domingo, 18 de maio de 2014 SOS OBESOS! São mais que três quilinhos por prof Walmir Coutinho Por prof. Dr. Walmir Coutinho Matéria postada na Folha de São Paulo.  Mais da metade dos brasileiros adu...
Art & Entertainment

Julio Severo: É sobrenatural: Para-quedista sofre horrível acidente de avião e vê a glória de Deus

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Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - 18 de maio de 2014 É sobrenatural: Para-quedista sofre horrível acidente de avião e vê a glória de Deus É sobrenatural: Para-quedista sofre horrível acidente de avião e vê a glória de Deus Programa...

The Road to Euro-Fascism 

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Jeffrey Levin
huffingtonpost.com - As Europe's depression continues six years after the financial collapse of 2007-2008, watch for far-right parties to make big gains in this week's elections to the EU's European Parliament. And why...

Sweden’s FOI publicly slandering Assange & WikiLeaks while in secret help building missile factory for Saudi Arabia dictatorship

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professorsblogg.com - The PROFESSORS' BLOG – Science, Culture & Human Rights For All University professors contributing in Sweden's earliest professor's blog. Founded by Prof. Marcello Ferrada de Noli Ph.D. [Med. dr. i ...

Windows 8.1 Keyboard Shortcuts

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Karen Woodham
techwork.dk - Windows 8.1 has been available for a while now and I think it would be a good time to share with you some of the keyboard shortcut that I use the most. There is no doubt that Microsoft had done a l...
Art & Entertainment

Conheça nossos livros!

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Luis A R Branco
verdadenapratica.wordpress.com - Conheça nossos livros e surpreenda-se com a variedade, formatos, disponibilidade e preço baixíssimos… porque acreditamos que nem tudo é por dinheiro. E há livros grátis também!  Ao adquirir qualque...
Art & Entertainment

50 people turning 50 in 2014 - CNN.com

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Ayesha Shaikh
cnn.com - Even at 50, Stephen Colbert (right) is young at heart, as you can see here when the "Late Show" host-to-be posed for a selfie with Jimmy Fallon. The funnyman turns the big 5-0 on May 13 and joins t...

Deaths in “Threes” and Other Frightening Thoughts

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aheartforgod.org - The death of Steve Jobs has rocked the computer world. And then while I was in the grocery store shopping with my wife I read on my iPod Touch (one of Jobs’ inventions) about the death of Al Davis,...
Art & Entertainment

Papo com blogueiros financiados

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Adriana Vandoni
prosaepolitica.com.br - Papo com blogueiros financiados Publicado por Adriana Vandoni   |  Permalink.

São Pedro caprichou: faltando água e ele manda granizo!

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Roberta C.M.Oliveira
noticias.r7.com - Fazia trinta e dois dias que não chovia em São Paulo. Mais de um mês sem o paulistano ver uma gota d'água sequer. A coisa está tão ruim que basta passar na frente de um posto de gasolina e ver uma ...

Magic Close-ups of Flowers (10 Images )

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Greg Wilson
gwpstudio.com - When photographing subject such as flowers that are not in a natural surrounding, its always important to keep them well water. As well the use of correct lens such as a prime macro lens and not zo...

Women's Health: Novel soy protein wound dressings with controlled antibiotic release

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Chantel Martiromo
thetruestoriesstories.blogspot.com -  Posted by Chantel M. Contributed by US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health In the observation of Novel soy protein wound dressings with controlled antibiotic release: mechan...

À espera de quase 20 mil jornalistas, centro de imprensa da Fifa terá redações e estúdios

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portal.comunique-se.com.br - O Riocentro promete ser o "quartel general da imprensa credenciada" para cobrir a Copa do Mundo. Com estrutura que envolve redações e estúdios, o local montado pela Fifa, chamado de Internacional B...
Art & Entertainment

Ricos Por Uma Noite | Brasília em Crônicas

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Painel Brasil TV
brasiliaemcronicas.painelbrasil.tv - Aquela noite de domingo para segunda-feira não seria igual a outras para muitos brasileiros. O telefone de minha casa passou a chamar seguidas vezes e diferentes vozes se sucediam no aparelho, mas ...

The Importance of Really Knowing

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Steve Keating CSE
stevekeating.me - It ain’t what you know that gets you in trouble, it’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so. –                                            Mark Twain As with many of the quotes from Mark Twain t...

How To Think Like A Writer

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Rodrigo Coppe C
huffingtonpost.com - Writing isn't easy. In fact, it can be painfully difficult. Why? Because it's thinking, but on paper. "To write well is to think clearly. That's why it's so hard," said Pulitzer Prize-winning journ...

Se não lerem agora

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blasfemias.net - guardem e leiam mais tarde pois dada a reinante falta de informação sobre as recentes eleições na Índia este texto de Jorge Almeida Fernandes no PÚBLICO  é essencial: 1. A vitória de Narendra Modi ...

Kyle J. Norton Health Tips for Better Living and Living Health: High-protein, Low fat or High-carbohydrate diet

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Kyle J.Norton
kylejnorton.blogspot.com - High-protein, Low fat or High-carbohydrate diet In a random study of groups designated as control diet (CON), control diet with exercise (CONEx), high-protein (HP), or high-protein with exercise (H...

GOP House Candidate Claims 99 Percent of Mass Shooters are Democrats

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Jeffrey Levin
politicususa.com - A Republican candidate for US Congress in Arizona’s 1st Congressional District set a new low for demonizing the opposition party, by breathlessly asserting that Democrats are responsible for 99 per...

Sweden's squeaky-clean image sullied by scandals - The New York Times

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nytimes.com - Skanska's Argentine Operation, Skanska Latin America, is alleged to have paid several million dollars in kickbacks to secure the concession of the Northern Gasoduct pipeline expansion, which was gr...

Sweden-Saudi arms factory scandal: "Arms Export Control" Authority participated in the secret negotiations. Called by Defence Minister

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professorsblogg.com - Economic, geopolitical or other government’s interests have apparently finally seized control of the information in the Swedish media about this scandalous affair.  In today’s soffa-program “God Mo...
Art & Entertainment

Entre carácter y caracteres: Jesús “Chúo” Torrealba: el poeta de los pobres

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Fernando NunezNoda
nunezmoros.blogspot.com - jueves, 4 de julio de 2013 Jesús “Chúo” Torrealba: el poeta de los pobres Desde hace ocho años, el activista social defiende, desde distintas tribunas, los derechos de los sectores más deprimidos d...

When The Real Cost is Hidden, Making Good Decisions Is Impossible  Dark Politricks

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darkpolitricks.com - When good decisions are no longer possible, bad decisions are inevitable. If we had to summarize the response of the Federal government and the Federal Reserve to the structural financial crisis of...

Dark Secrets – Fine Art Photography by Helena Aguilar Mayans

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Greg Wilson
photographyblogger.net - The girl in white dress staring out the window, beautiful choice and exposure. Life is in the hands, and the writing isnt always on the wall. Seething visions often filter through to our soft parts...
Art & Entertainment

Zoe Saldana Talks Husband Marco Prego, Wore Matching Saint Laurent Tuxes at Cannes—See the Pic!

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Karen Woodham
ca.eonline.com - Zoe Saldana and her artist hubby Marco Perego can't be any cuter (and hotter!) together. "He's wonderful," Saldana beamed to me earlier today about her husband of 11 months at Relativity's 10th ann...

Lula é citado em carta de ‘operador’ de Berluconi em negócios suspeitos : Diário do Poder

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Fábia Lúcia
diariodopoder.com.br - O Ministério Público da Itália interrogou no fim de março o ex-diretor de Marketing do Banco do Brasil Henrique Pizzolato para tentar colher informações que auxiliem uma investigação de indícios de...

¿Qué tema consideras prioritario a la hora de decidir tu voto para el 25M?

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Blogs HO
outono.net - Empiezo hoy una nueva votación digital en el que puedes marcar el tema que consideras prioritario para decidir el sentido de tu voto (o tu decisión de no votar) en las Elecciones Europeas del próxi...

A 60 second promo for my new radio show "Patriot Radio with Tom O'Halloran" on KCAA 1050 - Tom O'Halloran

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✪ Tom O'Halloran ✪
tomohalloran.com - A 60 second promo for my new radio show “Patriot Radio with Tom O’Halloran” on KCAA 1050 http://tomohalloran.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/TPO-Promo-60.mp3 Follow VeronicaCoffin

10 Mistakes People Make with the Bible (plus 1 bonus)

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aheartforgod.org - 10 Mistakes People Make with the Bible (plus 1 bonus): 1. Think they could never understand it. (John 16:13) 2. Don’t realize its different literary forms (prophecy, epistle, gospel, historical, et...

Veredas Missionárias: Revista Passatempos Missionários 3: África!

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UBE Blogs
veredasmissionarias.blogspot.com - domingo, 18 de maio de 2014 Revista Passatempos Missionários 3: África! Amados irmãos, a nossa revistinha PASSATEMPOS MISSIONÁRIOS chegou ao seu terceiro número. Esta edição é totalmente dedicada a...

Uma vergonha mundial, e insegura

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Adriana Vandoni
prosaepolitica.com.br - Foto tirada do supermercado Big Lar, em Cuiabá, “roubada” do Facebook do André Guilherme Bottura Portocarrero. A direção da Fifa ficará hospedada no hotel Odara, em frente de onde esta foto foi tir...

Policia Militar do Estado de São Paulo

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Paulo Devechi
policiamilitar.sp.gov.br - Policial militar do COPOM/ABC (Centro de Operações da Polícia Militar de São Bernardo do Campo), em 17 de maio, por volta das 15h, orientou familiar a fazer o parto na residência da Rua Antonia Pân...

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: August 21 - 2010 All About _Woman_Health Articles - Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

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Chantel Martiromo
allaboutwomenhealth-pcos.blogspot.com - Recommended Reading Freedom From Pcos E-book Highly effective solution to NATURALLY Overcome PCOS and insulin resistance? Eat healthy, diet, lose weight, detox, get a gym membership, positive think...
Art & Entertainment

Flats, a love letter to shoes - CNN.com

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Ayesha Shaikh
cnn.com - (CNN) -- Kelci Stringer realized her days in high heels were numbered when her children began to walk. She struggled to keep up with them in her strappy stilettos and platform pumps, and the situat...

Metade de tudo o que se vê é céu

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Painel Brasil TV
brasiliaemcronicas.painelbrasil.tv - Ela andava com os olhos fitos no céu. Gostava, sobretudo, de caminhar pelos gramados ao pôr do sol, enquanto dava nome às cores que surgiam a cada instante que os últimos raios de sol tocavam ou pe...
Art & Entertainment

Suíços rejeitam salário mínimo equivalente a R$10 mil - GloboNews - Vídeos do Jornal GloboNews - Catálogo de Vídeos

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Roberta C.M.Oliveira
globotv.globo.com - Delice, de 88 anos, passou mal em casa e chegou a ser socorrida, mas sofreu uma parada cardiorespiratória e não resistiu. A viúva do intérprete da Estação Primeira de Mangueira compôs cerca de 30 m...

Lance Stephenson on Dwyane Wade: Got to 'Make His Knee Flare Up'

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Algernon Fross
bleacherreport.com - If your team's managed to make it all the way to the NBA's conference finals, it's no doubt due at least in part to consistently finding the slightest of strategic advantages—in the X's and O's, su...
Art & Entertainment

Rabino Skorka, acompañante de Francisco en Tierra Santa: “Recen por nosotros”

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religionconfidencial.com - En una entrevista concedida a la Agencia Judía de Noticias,  el rabino Abraham Skorka ha expresado sus expectativas como acompañante especial de Francisco en su primer viaje apostólico como Pontifi...
Art & Entertainment

Julio Severo: Rússia proíbe palavrões e desrespeito a Deus. Por que os EUA não fazem a mesma coisa?

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Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - Pessoal, por que vocês estão espantados com essa "morte espiritual" dos Estados Unidos (e também de outros países do mundo que abandonaram os princípios cristãos)? Tudo isso que está acontecendo na...

Novo programa da GNT vai contar histórias de casas do nordeste ao sul do Brasil

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portal.comunique-se.com.br - Com direção assinada por Alberto Renault e Gabi Paschoal, a GNT lança nesta semana o programa 'Morar', que vai visitar a casa de brasileiros do nordeste ao sul do Brasil e mostrar a história por tr...

She Took the Abortion Pill and Thought She Killed Her Baby, Then This Happened

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lifenews.com - by Steven Ertelt | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 5/18/14 6:31 PM It’s not commonly known that the RU 486 abortion drug process can be reversed if a mother changes her mind about the abortion in t...

Awesome Free Image Editors That Let You Edit Your Photos In 3 Clicks!

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open-tube.com - Try these free photo editing software to enhance your digital photo before you share with your friends to show off your photography skills. Here are 20 such software to try out for free. some of th...

New York Times Dumps Executive Editor Jill Abramson Over Newsroom Management Issues

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Accuracy In Media
aim.org - In a move that shocked the newspaper world yesterday, The New York Times fired executive editor Jill Abramson and replaced her with managing editor Dean Baquet. Times publisher Arthur O. Sulzberger...

Kyle J. Norton Health Tips for Better Living and Living Health: Prostate Health - The Prostates and Vitamins and Minerals

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Kyle J.Norton
kylejnorton.blogspot.com - Starting at age 40, the levels of by-product prolactin of testosterone of men increases, stimulating the production of the enzyme 5-alpha reductase that causes the conversion of testosterone to gih...

Globo News - Dilma Rousseff é recebida com vaias em formatura do Pronatec na Paraíba

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João Paulo M.
g1.globo.com - A presidente Dilma Rousseff foi recebida com vaias na entrada da casa de shows Forrock, em João Pessoa (PB), onde participou da formatura de 1,4 mil alunos do Programa Nacional de Acesso ao Ensino ...

Casa abriga menores tirados de suas famílias por Justiça | Paulistanas nota dez

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João Paulo M.
vejasp.abril.com.br - Em uma casa especial do Alto de Pinheiros vivem hoje cerca de vinte crianças. Na maioria, são menores tirados de sua família pela Justiça devido a problemas relacionados ao consumo e à venda de dro...

Ciberneticón » Caos (dios creador)

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Fernando NunezNoda
ciberneticon.com - Just log on these types of time payday cash advances online payday cash advances online no obligation when agreed. Problems rarely check on secure bad pay day loans pay day loans and our online len...

Tim Geithner: White House Told Me To Lie  Dark Politricks

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darkpolitricks.com - In his new book “Stress Test” released on Monday, former treasury secretary Tim Geithner say he was asked to lie on the Sunday news programs about the role Social Security played in expanding the d...

076 With a Little Help from My Friends - RINGO STARR - The Beatles Video - The Best Collection of The Beatles Videos

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The Beatles Video
thebeatlesvideo.blogspot.com - Home > Ringo Starr, The Beatles > 076 With a Little Help from My Friends - RINGO STARR 076 With a Little Help from My Friends - RINGO STARR 076 With a Little Help from My Friends - RINGO STARR THE ...

Our Favorite Books About Paris - Best Books About Paris - Elle

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Rodrigo Coppe C
elle.com - Okay, so a novel set in Paris is not a baguette and a bottle of wine by the Seine with an adorably floppy-haired Frenchman. But reading one (or all) of these 10 books at the beach this summer is th...

4 Simple Ways to Build Your Presence on Twitter

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Greg Wilson
smqueue.com - Is there a secret to be successful on Twitter? Some people new to Twitter probably ask themselves that. Most new Twitter users can frequently feel frustrated because they do not receive any engagem...
Art & Entertainment

Which Guardians of the Galaxy Star Really Hated Wearing His Costume? Painfully Uncomfortable!

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Karen Woodham
ca.eonline.com - Djimon Hounsou has a very good reason if he was occasionally grumpy while making Guardians of the Galaxy. "That was a lot of work," Hounsou told me at the Cannes Film Festival while promoting his a...
Art & Entertainment

Rachel Sheherazade no programa de Eliana OU Por que alguns jornalistas da direita ainda estão em sua infância política « Ceticismo Político

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Luciano Henrique
lucianoayan.com - Quem lê este blog, sabe que eu sou um defensor de boa parte das ideias de Rachel Sheherazade e de sua postura no jornal do SBT. Mas como este blog também é focado em estratégia política, não posso ...

True Conversion | A Heart For God

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aheartforgod.org - “Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come.” (2 Corinthians 5:17) I want to talk with you about genuine (true) conversion. (Th...

BBC News - Rogue trader Jerome Kerviel held in France to face jail

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The Daily PR
bbc.co.uk - Convicted rogue trader Jerome Kerviel has been arrested on returning to France, where he faces a prison term for forgery and breach of trust. Kerviel, 37, caused his bank, Societe Generale, losses ...

O PT, sozinho, arrecada em dinheiro o dobro de PSDB, PMDB e PSB somados. E por que, então, o partido quer proibir a doação de empresas privadas?

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Paulo Devechi
veja.abril.com.br - Disse-me o lulopata irredutível, incansável na defesa do indefensável: “Viu? Até o PSDB apoia a medida. Até o Joaquim Barbosa…”. Em primeiro lugar, nunca ouvi a opinião clara do PSDB sobre esse tem...

Japão quer produzir energia no espaço

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Danilo Simões
meiobit.com - O Japão anda atrás de soluções alternativas de energia depois do acidente de Fukushima, em função disso resolveram literalmente mandar uma usina de produção de energia para o espaço. A ideia não é ...

Women's Health: Polycystic ovary syndrome and mental health

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Chantel Martiromo
thetruestoriesstories.blogspot.com - Posted by Chantel Martiromo, research contributed by PubMed In the review of medical and psychological literature indicates that PCOS is associated with several mental health problems, including de...

Falcons Sign Five Draft Picks

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Algernon Fross
atlantafalcons.com - The Atlanta Falcons today announced that they have signed linebacker Prince Shembo, cornerback Ricardo Allen, linebacker Marquis Spruill, linebacker Yawin Smallwood, and linebacker Tyler Starr. The...

Buriti da praça escreve poema épico

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Painel Brasil TV
brasiliaemcronicas.painelbrasil.tv - Sua função é das mais importantes: ainda na construção da cidade, o buriti, imponente presença nas veredas planaltinas, foi escolhido como árvore símbolo de Brasília; Em 1957, por determinação do e...

404 - Erro - Folha de S.Paulo

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folha.uol.com.br - Copyright Folha de S.Paulo. Todos os direitos reservados. É proibida a reprodução do conteúdo desta página em qualquer meio de comunicação, eletrônico ou impresso, sem autorização escrita da Folhap...
Art & Entertainment

Julio Severo: É sobrenatural: O Anticristo islâmico

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Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - Gosto bastante de vosso trabalho Sr. Julio Severo mas em se tratando de Profecias BíBlicas do Fim está totalmente despreparado. Perdão! Vídeo totalmente equivocado sobre o tema. Podem até levantar ...
Art & Entertainment

Boçalidades do grupo “As P… Aborteiras” derrubam dois na TV Educativa do RS. E os chefões? Vão continuar?

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Evangélicos Br
veja.abril.com.br - Reproduzo aqui um texto sobre o Veríssimo. Sou gaúcho e concordo plenamente com esse advogado. Segue o texto: “Indignado com um texto do escritor de esquerda Luis Fernando Veríssimo, o advogado Mar...

Proofing Tips for a Perfectly Printed Product

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blog.smartpress.com - A flawless proofing procedure is essential for ensuring that your final printed product lives up to your expectations. When you’ve gone to all the effort of producing an excellent design, it’s impo...

Blog do Coronel: Depois de 7 anos, Lula e Dilma conseguem o impossível: nenhum aeroporto ficará pronto para a Copa.

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Adeus #Petralhas
coturnonoturno.blogspot.com - Só falta a dupla de incompetentes e irresponsáveis dizer que a culpa é do FHC... Dos oito aeroportos administrados pela Infraero com previsão de obras para a Copa do Mundo, nenhum ficará 100% pront...

Girl Scouts Still Humming the Pro-Abortion Chorus

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lifenews.com - by Mary Hasson | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 3/12/13 10:33 AM The Girl Scouts’ Law insists that Girl Scouts be “responsible for what I say and do.” When it comes to abortion, however, the Girl ...

The Danger of Rewarding Mediocrity

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Steve Keating CSE
stevekeating.me - If you’re a leader who rewards mediocrity then don’t be surprised when your people produce mediocre results. When you reward mediocrity, or even just tolerate it, you not only stymie the growth of ...

Chandamama Lo Amrutham - Movie Review - Oneindia Entertainment

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Ayesha Shaikh
entertainment.oneindia.in - Director Gangaraju Gunnam's TV serial Amrutham, which was produced by Just Yellow Media, was the longest running and most popular sitcom in Telugu. Now, the same director has made an attempt to bri...

Unmanned spacecraft Morpheus aims to help NASA do more with less - CNN.com

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Esteban Eordogh
cnn.com - (CNN) -- The human imagination is an amazing thing. Take for example the story of how a simple father-and-son chat led to a prototype spacecraft for landing on other planets. One Friday evening in ...

Kyle J. Norton Health Tips for Better Living and Living Health: Selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor (SSRI) discontinuation syndrome - Treatments In Herbal medicine perspective

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Kyle J.Norton
kylejnorton.blogspot.com - Selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor (SSRI) discontinuation syndrome - Treatments In Herbal medicine perspective Selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors or serotonin-specific reuptake inhibitor...


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diariolaantena.com.ve - Guárico. ZARAZA. Los funcionarios de la Policía del estado Guárico (Poliguárico), del Centro de Coordinación Policial Nº 5 (Ccp5), cumpliendo con los lineamientos del patrullaje inteligente practic...

The Beatles - Till There Was You - Subtitulado en español - The Beatles Video - The Best Collection of The Beatles Videos

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The Beatles Video
thebeatlesvideo.blogspot.com - Home > The Beatles > The Beatles - Till There Was You - Subtitulado en español The Beatles - Till There Was You - Subtitulado en español The Beatles - Till There Was You - Subtitulado en español Th...

'The more corrupt the nation, the more laws it needs'  Dark Politricks

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darkpolitricks.com - Dark Politricks is a site dedicated to investigating the dark side of politics including corruption, propoganda, the police state, war on terror, the intelligence services and their misdeeds, false...

Pesquisa do instituto Mark mostra Dilma com 38%; Aécio Neves é o 2º com 21% - Jornal O NORTÃO

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João Paulo M.
onortao.com.br - Pesquisa do instituto Mark, feito em MT entre 10 e 14 deste mês, traz liderança da presidente Dilma A petista Dilma Rousseff é hoje a preferida dos mato-grossenses na corrida à reeleição, revela pe...

'Net Neutrality' Proves We Need Stronger Government, Higher Taxes 

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Jeffrey Levin
huffingtonpost.com - Governments are created by society's most powerful members to protect themselves from each other. That's why even libertarians say defending the validity of contracts is a bedrock government functi...

BBC News - Tennis star Novak Djokovic 'emotional' at Serbia floods

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The Daily PR
bbc.co.uk - Emergency workers in Serbia are preparing for a "flood wave" on one of the country's main rivers - the Sava. It comes after the worst floods in the Balkans for decades left more than 35 dead and fo...

Julio Iglesias : Quijote

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Leonardo Cuellar.
shazam.com - Available on iPhone & iPod Touch, iPad, Android, Windows, Windows 8 and Blackberry.

In Defense of the Constitution - Against Sharia Law - Tom O'Halloran

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✪ Tom O'Halloran ✪
tomohalloran.com - Let there be no doubt that the Council on American-Islamic Relations is a terrorist supporting front organization that is partially funded by terrorists, and that CAIR wishes nothing more than the ...

An Attitude of Worship

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aheartforgod.org - “And David was dancing (twirling around and leaping) before the Lord with all his might, and David was wearing a linen ephod.” (2 Samuel 6:14) I want to talk to you about worship. It’s really what ...

Onboarding Coaching

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Julie Kay
learningandleadership.com - Would you do things differently if you knew that 40% to 50% of senior external appointments fail to achieve the desired results? You’re probably aware that recruitment is an expensive business. CIP...

9 public college presidents' pay tops $1 million - Yahoo News

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Truth Tweeter
news.yahoo.com - BALTIMORE (AP) — The number of public college presidents earning over $1 million more than doubled in the 2012-2013 fiscal year from the year before, according to a new survey. The Chronicle of Hig...

Child Stars Who Still Look Amazing!

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mlgm.net - We fell in love with Raven when she appeared on The Cosby Show at the age of 4. The adorable actress found success as a child star, transitioning well into her teen years by becoming one of Disney'...

Judge Jeanine accuses VA Sec. Eric Shinseki of negligent homicide (Video)

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fireandreamitchell.com - Judge Jeanine was on fire tonight, accusing corrupt VA Secretary of negligent homicide in the latest Obama regime scandal at the VA. Watch the following video of Judge Jeanine tearing Shinseki a ne...
Art & Entertainment

Saturday Night Live Spoofs Jay Z and Solange's Elevator Fight, Maya Rudolph Returns to Play Beyoncé

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eonline.com - During the season finale of Saturday Night Live, hosted by alum Andy Samberg, the show spoofed Jay Z and Solange's now infamous elevator fight, with SNL alum Maya Rudolph returning to reprise her r...

Pacers-Heat Becoming Eastern Conference's Latest Playoff Tradition

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Algernon Fross
bleacherreport.com - That's how close Dwyane Wade came to the 2005 NBA Finals. The Miami Heat were, with a comfortable lead in Game 5 at home, on their way to taking a 3-2 lead. That's when Wade pulled a muscle in his ...

Health Effects of Vitamins: Vitamin E and Anxiety

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Chantel Martiromo
healthbenefitsofvitamins.blogspot.com - Posted by Chantel M. Contributed by US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health In the study of `Dietary Vitamin E Deficiency Increases Anxiety-Like Behavior in Juvenile and Adult...

Last Days Watchman: A Charismatic Response to “The Growing Crisis Behind Brazil’s Evangelical Success Story”

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Julio Severo
lastdayswatchman.blogspot.com - As a cessationist, he is worried only about Pentecostals, especially because of their lack of theological direction. Even among neo-Pentecostal churches practicing Prosperity Theology, the diversit...

Painel Brasil TV - Indústria do setor pet

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Painel Brasil TV
painelbrasil.tv - Renata Teodoro: Olá, sejam bem vindos. Hoje nós vamos falar sobre a indústria do setor Pet. Uma indústria que movimenta bilhões de reais para o Brasil e que está a cada ano com mais novidades. Para...

"MARX É ETERNO": descoberta surpreendente destrói luminares da direita. Especialistas acreditam que uma nova revolução se aproxima!

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Anderson Koberstein
vanguardapopular.com.br - Olavo de Carvalho tem ataque histérico e cancela todas as aulas do Seminário de Filosofia Milhares de alunos do professor reacionário Olavo de Carvalho receberam hoje um comunicado informando sobre...

Alerta Total: Mentiricídio

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Adeus #Petralhas
alertatotal.net - Na Europa se constata uma atitude totalmente deplorável na população. Estes vão votar, eligem o presidente, os deputados, e nem seis meses passam que vão já manifestar o seu descontentamento, e exi...

Was the Benghazi video story the brainchild of Hillary Clinton?

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Accuracy In Media
aim.org - Both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton had a vested interest in lying about Benghazi and permanently concealing the truth, Obama to ensure his reelection prospects in 2012 and Hillary to protect her...

MLB.com Gameday | cardinals.com: Gameday

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Esteban Eordogh
stlouis.cardinals.mlb.com - As starter Adam Wainwright attempts to complete a string of Cardinals starters reaching the seventh inning in a cycle of the rotation, D-backs starter Bronson Arroyo's recent stretch suggests a pit...

Must-Watch Video "Voyage" Depicts Amazing Development of Unborn Children

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lifenews.com - by Dave Andrusko | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 6/25/13 10:02 AM It’s only a Facebook page (as far as I can tell) named “Only for Nurses.” I stumbled across it and so much has happened since I d...

Foro Penal contabiliza 3.080 personas detenidas por protestar desde febrero

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lapatilla.com - El Foro Penal Venezolano (FPV) informó que hasta este domingo que ha habido  3.080 detenidos desde el inicio de las protestas el pasado 4 de febrero, al tiempo que el número de personas que siguen ...

Se cuida, pen drive: Sony cria fita cassete com capacidade para armazenar mais de 64 milhões de músicas

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arq pedrinho2
hypescience.com - Prestem atenção, fanáticos por nostalgia e puritanos da tecnologia – essa novidade é para vocês. A Sony deu vida nova à saudosa fita cassete ao apresentar uma fita que pode armazenar 148 gigabytes ...

El negocio que la Nueva Mayoría entregará a los bancos

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Fernando Rodríguez G
eldinamo.cl - Ingeniero Civil Industrial PUCV. Consultor microempresas familiares. Observador de la conducta individual y grupal en economía, las horas libres entretenido en ayudar a iniciativas de desarrollo y ...

Kyle J. Norton Health Tips for Better Living and Living Health: Children's Health - Treating Autism in a Conventional Medicine Perspective

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Kyle J.Norton
kylejnorton.blogspot.com - Children's Health - Treating Autism in a Conventional Medicine Perspective I/ Definition Conventional medicine is also known as Western medicine. It is a system of medical approach in which medical...
Art & Entertainment

While My Guitar Gently Weeps - George Harrison Tribute - The Beatles Video - The Best Collection of The Beatles Videos

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The Beatles Video
thebeatlesvideo.blogspot.com - Home > George Harrison, The Beatles > While My Guitar Gently Weeps - George Harrison Tribute While My Guitar Gently Weeps - George Harrison Tribute While My Guitar Gently Weeps - George Harrison Tr...

G1 - Jovem morre após procurar unidades de saúde por 5 vezes em Ribeirão, SP - notícias em Ribeirão e Franca

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Roberta C.M.Oliveira
g1.globo.com - A Secretaria da Saúde de Ribeirão Preto (SP) apura os atendimentos prestados a uma jovem de 16 anos, que morreu após ser consultada por cinco vezes em um único dia, em três unidades de saúde da cid...

How Malinvestment Poisons the Entire Economy  Dark Politricks

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darkpolitricks.com - Our Fed-fueled lottery-ticket economy will unravel with a vengeance in the years ahead. Malinvestment–the systemic consequence of the Federal Reserve’s policies of near-zero interest rates and abun...

The power of visual cues and how you can harness it on your blog - Technorati Social Media

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Greg Wilson
technorati.com - The power of visual cues and how you can harness it on your blog Author: Technorati Staff Published: July 25, 2013 at 10:17 am This guest post was written by Misty Belardo-McPadden, the VP for Stra...

Aishwarya Rai Will Walk The Red Carpet In Cannes On May 20 - Oneindia Entertainment

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Ayesha Shaikh
entertainment.oneindia.in - Bollywood actress Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, who missed the first of her two scheduled appearances at the 67th Cannes International Film Festival due to an air traffic controllers' strike in France, w...
Art & Entertainment

Rius - Mãe com depressão pós-parto afoga e mata bebê de 7 meses

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rius.com.br - Uma mãe que sofre de depressão pós-parto afogou seu bebê e jogou o corpo em um estacionamento de uma fábrica atrás de sua casa. Amy Preto, de 40 anos, ficou irritada por passar uma noite sem dormir...

BBC News - Prince Charles and Camilla in Canada for royal tour

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The Daily PR
bbc.co.uk - The Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall have arrived in Canada for the start of a four-day royal tour. Prince Charles and Camilla were greeted by dignitaries and the waiting media ahead of doze...
Art & Entertainment

Anderson Cooper throws tantrum on Twitter over photo snapped by Larissa Ione

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fireandreamitchell.com - Poor little Anderson Cooper. No one watches him on CNN and someone took his picture. Now Andy is all hot and bothered by someone named Larissa Ione who took a selfie on a flight from New Orleans th...

California Governor Jerry Brown Prepares For Worst Wildfire Season

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Jeffrey Levin
huffingtonpost.com - ESCONDIDO, Calif. (AP) — Drought-stricken California is preparing for its worst wildfire season ever, the state's governor said Sunday. Gov. Jerry Brown told ABC's "This Week" that the nearly dozen...

Shattered Dreams

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aheartforgod.org - Sometimes things don’t work out the way we thought. You see, he had this dream from God. Actually, two dreams. (Genesis 37:7, 9) Each said that Joseph would be a ruler and that even his own family ...
Art & Entertainment

Julio Severo: A sombra “evangélica” da sombra “católica” na Presidência da República: Alexandre Brasil e Gilberto Carvalho

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Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - O diabo é realmente um ilusionista. Ele só mostra o lado aparentemente "bom" das propostas que ele oferece a todos, mas ele oculta o resultado final. Isso lembra muito bem o que o Rubens Ricupero (...

Women's Health: Soy formula for prevention of allergy and food intolerance in infants

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Chantel Martiromo
thetruestoriesstories.blogspot.com - Posted by Chantel M. Contributed by US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health Dr. Osborn DA and Dr. Sinn J. at the Westmead Hospital, in the study of Soy formula for prevention ...

Regime Diferenciado de Contratação: as evidências de um fracasso anunciado

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Adeus #Petralhas
veja.abril.com.br - Criado em 2011 com o objetivo de acelerar as obras da Copa 2014, o Regime Diferenciado de Contratação de Obras Públicas (RDC) é um dos principais responsáveis pelo atraso na entrega das obras de mo...

Painel Brasil TV - Rádio Digital

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Painel Brasil TV
painelbrasil.tv - Rosa: Olá, está começando mais um Painel Brasil e eu recebo Marcelo Goedert. Ele é jornalista, representante do consórcio internacional DRM, Digital Radio Mundiale aqui no Brasil. O nosso assunto é...

Aragón recrimina a la RAE que hable de 'corona catalanoaragonesa' | Política

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Galicia Bilingüe
dialogolibre.com - Las Cortes Aragonesas han pedido por unanimidad que el Gobierno de la comunidad ponga en marcha medidas para que desaparezca de todo tipo de textos el falso término de 'corona catalanoaragonesa' y ...
Art & Entertainment

Art contemporain : comment l'argent a pris la main

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lefigaro.fr - Catherine Lamour (à gauche sur la photo) a crée et a dirigé le département des documentaires de Canal+. Danièle Granet (à droite) a fait toute sa carrière dans la presse écrite, de l'Express à Nova...


liberdade de expressão; livre comunicação; free speech; libertad de expresión; contra censura; against censorship; liberdade religiosa; religious freedom

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