31 May 2014

Cristianismo & Política 30.05.2014 @CristPolit

Cristianismo & Politica

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Julio Severo: Desmascarando a agenda de controle populacional global

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Déborah Lima Oficial
juliosevero.blogspot.com - Não sei se a minha opinião vai ser muito pertinente (ou muito apropriada) para o assunto deste artigo, mas eu vou dizer exatamente o que eu penso (me corrijam se eu estiver errado). Alguém, certa v...

Duas boas notícias para o Brasil.

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Fábio Roniel
fratresinunum.com - 1) O Plano Nacional de Educação, que dará as diretrizes para a edução no país para o decênio 2011-2020, foi aprovado ontem, no Plenário da Câmara, sem a malfadada ideologia de gênero. Deo gratias! ...

"Juízes não querem julgar o caso de Asia Bibi", diz advogado

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Canção Nova Notícias
noticias.cancaonova.com - Segundo Mushtaq Gill, os advogados evitam decidir o que fazer por medo de retaliação e vingança por parte dos fundamentalistas “Os magistrados não querem julgar o caso de Asia Bibi”, declarou à Agê...

REFAÇO O CONVITE: Vamos fugir! Deixemos o Brasil para os peles vermelhas de Carvalho, os peles verdes da Marina e os padres de tacape. Que as vastas solidões de Banânia se inundem de sapos, pererecas e ongueiros comendo larva de mosca

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Reinaldo Azevedo
veja.abril.com.br - não existe registro histórico desde Pedro Álvares Cabral, que índios sozinhos, por iniciativa própria, tivessem se reunido e tomado decisão entre eles, em colóquios, para praticar tamanha destruiçã...
Arte & Entretenimento

Sabe de nada, inocente: Wagner Moura e censura a Compadre Washington são duas faces da mesma moeda ideológica – a praga do politicamente correto

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Felipe Moura Brasil
veja.abril.com.br - Determinar que uma empresa retire de um comercial de TV a palavra “ordinária”, mesmo que ela seja dita apenas em parte (“vem, vem, ordiná…”) por um cantor popular famoso por esse bordão e interromp...

Salva a Meriam Ibrahim

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hazteoir.org - La desgarradora historia de Meriam Yeyha Ibrahim ha dado la vuelta al mundo y ha generado una movilización internacional sin precedentes: La situación de Meriam requiere ayuda inmediata. Está a pun...

G1 > Economia e Negócios - NOTÍCIAS - Trem-bala entre Rio e São Paulo ficará pronto para Copa de 2014, diz Dilma

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News Feliciano
g1.globo.com - A ministra Dilma Rousseff (Casa Civil) afirmou nesta quarta-feira (3) que o trem-bala ligando Campinas ao Rio de Janeiro ficará pronto para a Copa do Mundo de Futebol de 2014, que acontecerá no Bra...

Lyrical Theology: Doxology - Reformed Forum

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The Reformed Hub
reformedforum.org - Today we welcome to the program hip-hop recording artist Shai Linne to speak about his brand new album Lyrical Theology: Doxology, part two of a three-part hip-hop album series. Shai’s album is bas...

Reflections on India

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ccef.org - Travel expands us. We take in new sights, sounds and smells. We meet new people and make new friends. We see what the Spirit is doing in other parts of the world. But travel also makes us feel smal...

Baderneiros do Movimento Passe Livre protestam em SP porque são contra o cumprimento da lei

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Direita Brasil
ucho.info - Virou baderna – O momento de crise política e institucional que emoldura o Brasil coloca em risco a democracia nacional, diuturnamente vilipendiada por aqueles que defendem o contínuo desrespeito à...

Vereador petista é acusado de fraude com  ônibus em São Paulo - Brasil - Notícia - VEJA.com

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Marcus Vinicius
veja.abril.com.br - O vereador Senival Moura (PT) durante a votação na Câmara Municipal de São Paulo (SP) (Gutemberg Gonçalves/Futura Press) O Ministério Público do Trabalho (MPT) acusa o vereador Senival Moura (PT) d...

Chilenos repudiaron promoción del aborto de Presidente Bachelet

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Derecho a Vivir
argentinosalerta.org - Más de 5 mil personas se hicieron presentes en la Plaza de la Constitución para entregarle una carta a la Presidente manifestando total desacuerdo a lo dicho por ella el 21 de mayo respecto a la de...

Projeto do Ministério para Crianças muda a realidade de salas de aula

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rccbrasil.org.br - O Projeto “Amiguinhos de Deus” realizado pelo Ministério das Crianças se expandiu e tem alcançado lugares para fora dos Grupos de Oração. O coordenador estadual do Ministério em Alagoas, Francisco ...

Biblioteca Virtual Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer y Opus Dei

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Opus Dei (España)
unav.es - Advanced Search Type of publication: Type of publication: select an optionBookBook SectionBookletEdited bookJournal ArticleMiscellaneousNewspaper ArticleThesis Type of document: Type of document: s...

La ‘democracia’ de Podemos: en 2013 Pablo Iglesias dijo tener a Cuba como ‘referencia’

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outono.net - Anteayer abordé aquí el disparatado programa económico de Podemos. Con todo, no quería limitarme a eso, pues si ya es descabellado el recorte de libertades económicas que propone ese partido, sus p...

O amor de Cristo sobe montanhas

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Paulo Teixeira do RJ
portasabertas.org.br - “Fiz uma viagem emocionante para os Montes Nuba, a fim de coordenar a ajuda humanitária a famílias carentes nessa região. A ajuda incluía comida, mosquiteiros e remédios”, conta um colaborador da P...

- Eventos Canção Nova

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Com. Canção Nova
cancaonova.com - 14h00 Cânticos 14h20 Pregação: Pe. João Marcos CN - "Batizados no Espírito Santo para serdes testemunhas" - *Não transmitida 15h25 Promoção de palco 15h30 Intervalo 16h00 Santa Missa: Pe. Roger Lui...
Arte & Entretenimento

Santa Juana de Arco, Virgen

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - Esta santa a los 17 años llegó a ser heroína nacional y mártir de la religión. Juana de Arco nació en el año 1412 en Donremy, Francia. Su padre se llamaba Jaime de Arco, y era un campesino. Juana c...
Arte & Entretenimento

PJJ: sou fruto dessa obra | Shalom Catholic Community

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Comunidade Shalom
comshalom.org - Eu me chamo Caroline Araujo, sou da missão do Shalom em Salvador (BA), coordeno o Projeto Juventude para Jesus e sou missionária da Comunidade de Vida Shalom. Neste mês de maio, experimentei da gra...

What The Daily Beast Didn't Tell You About Campbell Brown's Campaign Against Teachers Unions | Blog

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David Limbaugh
mediamatters.org - The Daily Beast published a piece by former CNN host Campbell Brown on a controversial California education trial without disclosing Brown's ties to anti-teachers union groups. Earlier this year, l...

The Briefing 05-30-14 – AlbertMohler.com

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albertmohler.com - 1) Transgender movement reveals cultural momentum towards moral nihilism and sexual anarchy  The Transgender Tipping Point, TIME (Katy Steinmetz) Who Are Women’s Colleges For?, New York Times (Kier...

Publican primera foto de la bebé de Meriam, la mujer cristiana condenada a muerte en Sudán

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - Tras el parto, a Daniel le negaron el permiso de ver a su hija recién nacida, pero finalmente pudo hacerlo al día siguiente, junto al abogado de Meriam. Entonces, el letrado pudo retirarle las cade...

Mormons Celebrate 170 Years in the South Pacific

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Mormon Newsroom
mormonnewsroom.org.nz - Over 10,000 members and friends of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints gathered in Papeete, French Polynesia May 23-24 to celebrate the 170th anniversary of the Church’s presence in the...
Arte & Entretenimento

Olhar Pentecostal analisa CD 'Manifestação da Glória' de Elaine de Jesus - Olhar Pentecostal

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olharpentecostal.blogspot.com - ISTO É DEU/ ESSE LUGAR TEM GLÓRIA: 'Oh coisa boa é ser pentecostal' é com essa frase que a cantora inicia essa dupla canção que resgata o estilo do 'reteté' bem comum e quase indispensável em CDs p...

Catholic.net - Concurso de fotografía: Madres de Familias Católicas

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es.catholic.net - Con motivo de la celebración de Mayo Mes de María, y con el fin de promover y exaltar este año 2014 Año Internacional de la Familia como año la importancia de la Familia, Catholic.net te invita a p...

Media outlets work overtime to spin bad economic data

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David Limbaugh
foxnews.com - The big news Thursday was that America's economy shrank during the first quarter of 2014, its worst performance in three years -- but reporting that news apparently didn't sit well with several maj...

2014 – VIII Congresso Mariológico | Academia Marial - Santuário Nacional de Aparecida - Centro de Estudo sobre Nossa Senhora Aparecida

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Pe. Joãozinho, SCJ
a12.com - Foi sempre importante na história da Igreja refletir sobre a pessoa especial da Virgem Maria, o seu papel na revelação divina e no discipulado cristão. No Santuário Nacional a Academia Marial é um ...

Após meses violentos em hospital, pastor preso no Irã volta à prisão

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Verdade Gospel
verdadegospel.com - Depois de passar dois meses em um hospital iraniano, o pastor Saeed Abedini foi levado de volta à prisão Rajaj Shahr. A transferência aconteceu sem qualquer aviso prévio e membros da família confir...

Motion Filed Today in Court Requests Justina Pelletier Be Returned Home

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lifenews.com - by Steven Ertelt | Boston, MA | LifeNews.com | 5/30/14 12:24 PM Today a significant motion is being filed in the Juvenile Court requesting that Justina Pelletier return to her home to be with her m...

Doutrina Social da Igreja provoca reflexão e ação, diz padre

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Canção Nova Notícias
noticias.cancaonova.com - Padre Sílvio César explica que a reflexão deve levar ao compromisso e que não basta um discurso, mas a fé deve ser testemunhada na vida O Canção Nova em Foco desta semana destaca um novo programa d...

Legal Challenge to Abortion Drug Mandate Draws Allies | Daily News

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ncregister.com - WASHINGTON — Foes of federal rules requiring free insurance coverage of abortion-causing drugs and devices have filed legal briefs in support of a lawsuit representing dozens of Southern Baptist an...
Arte & Entretenimento

Catholic.net - Con María, recordando la Ascensión

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es.catholic.net - Con María, recordando la Ascensión Cuarenta largos y extraordinarios días han trascurrido, Madre querida, desde el glorioso Domingo de Pascua. Durante este tiempo, tu humilde corazón de madre repas...

Trigger Warning Warning - David Limbaugh - Page 1

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David Limbaugh
townhall.com - Trigger warnings are disclaimers that are attached to literature or other content to alert students to potentially traumatic subject matter the literature may contain. The most common types of warn...
Arte & Entretenimento

Não Temas - Oficina G3 (vídeo)

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Gospel Prime
videos.gospelprime.com.br - Ouvir a canção “Não Temas” do  álbum “Indiferença” da banda Oficina G3

CBS: Don’t expect the economy to rebound significantly « Hot Air

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Drew McKissick
hotair.com - After yesterday’s sharp downward revision to Q1 GDP put the US economy firmly in contraction, many analysts insisted that the results were anomalous. CNN called the -1.0% result “not a big deal,” a...

Democrat to Pro-Life Hispanic Gov Susana Martinez: "Send Her Back Where She Came From"

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lifenews.com - by Steven Ertelt | Santa Fe, NM | LifeNews.com | 5/30/14 1:23 PM New Mexico Democratic gubernatorial candidate Alan Webber told a group of political supporters that state voters need to send pro-li...

The Readers Have Spoken to Me (and I Have Heard Them) - ThomRainer.com

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Thom Rainer
thomrainer.com - Wow. I cannot thank you readers sufficiently for the incredible survey responses you gave me. I have read every one of them. I literally printed all of the responses, and now have a huge stack of p...

NCRegister | Vatican Responds to Georgetown Petition

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N. Catholic Register
ncregister.com - WASHINGTON — Last September, William Peter Blatty, the author of The Exorcist and an alumnus of Georgetown University, sent a canonical petition to the Vatican, requesting that the Church "require ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Catholic.net - Nada te turbe

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es.catholic.net - Nada te turbe Nada te turbe, Nada te espante, Todo se pasa, Dios no se muda, La paciencia Todo lo alcanza; Quien a Dios tiene Nada le falta: Sólo Dios basta. Eleva el pensamiento, al cielo sube, po...

SBTS Bevin Center » Crossover Baltimore 2014

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missions.sbts.edu - Southern Seminary is joining The Garden Church in Baltimore, Maryland to share the love of Christ through gospel proclamation and service during Crossover 2014. Participants will rub shoulders with...

Mons. Goic lamenta las declaraciones del presidente del PS sobre el aborto en Chile

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infocatolica.com - El vicepresidente de la Conferencia Episcopal de Chile, Mons. Alejandro Goic, criticó las declaraciones del presidente del PS, Osvaldo Andrade, quien ayer sostuvo que «la Iglesia tiene mucho que co...

Ben Carson to Obama: Come clean on ‘secret’ past

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WND News
wnd.com - World-famous neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson, a rising star among Republicans, says President Obama should be more open with his records, including documentation that could show he applied for financia...
Arte & Entretenimento

Natal - Abrindo a Bíblia (vídeo)

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Gospel Prime
videos.gospelprime.com.br - Assistir ao programa Abrindo a Bí­blia com o tema “Natal”
Arte & Entretenimento

CdCristão Mega Store - DVDs, CDs, Livros e muito mais

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Música Católica
cdcristao.com - Depois do Cristoatividade, este é o segundo passo da história do rock católico. Foi com "Diante da Cruz", após 5 anos de espera e com o apoio da então recém formada CODIMUC, que o Rosa de Saron com...

Intenciones del Papa Francisco para junio: Los desempleos y el secularismo en Europa

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - VATICANO, 30 May. 14 / 10:42 am (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- La Santa Sede dio a conocer hoy las intenciones del Papa Francisco para el mes de junio, en las que están los desempleados y la recuperación de...

Who Killed Federalism?

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Drew McKissick
thefederalist.com - The greater “weight of influence” Madison thought state governments would possess relative to the Federal government, given the higher ratio of local and state employees to federal employees, also ...

'Eu Sou de Jesus, Eu Sou Campeão' será tema da Marcha para Jesus 2014

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Verdade Gospel
verdadegospel.com - Com o tema ‘Eu Sou de Jesus, Eu Sou Campeão’,  a Marcha para Jesus deste ano no Rio de Janeiro se prepara para receber milhares de pessoas no dia 31 de maio. A partir das 15h, o evento terá início ...

Euthanasia Activists Pushing Starvation as “Death with Dignity”

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lifenews.com - by Wesley J. Smith | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 5/30/14 12:54 PM The “death with dignity” and bioethics crowds grow increasingly extreme. Now, they are pushing starvation. First, it was removi...

Paróquia de Itajobi realiza semana de devoção Mariana - JCTV

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redevida.com.br - Termina neste sábado, dia 31 de maio, a semana de devoção Mariana, realizada pela Paróquia São José, em Itajobi, no interior paulista. O encerramento das orações à Maria será às 19h30, em uma missa...

Rape Victims Hurt by Assumption That They Want Abortion

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lifenews.com - by Micaiah Bilger | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 5/30/14 11:54 AM Victims of rape deserve our utmost compassion and support, but they’re not getting it in today’s abortion-minded society. An art...

Christian life may be joyful, but it’s not always a party, Pope says

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The Catholic Herald
catholicherald.co.uk - While Jesus promises great joy, being a Christian doesn’t mean that life will become all sunshine and roses, Pope Francis said. The joy Jesus promises comes from knowing there is a light at the end...

NCRegister | In Advance of Papal Visit, Jewish Extremists Target Christian Properties

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N. Catholic Register
ncregister.com - JERUSALEM — Ahead of the Pope’s historic trip, Catholic leaders in the Holy Land demanded the Israeli government do more to ensure that Pope Francis’ May 24-26 pilgrimage to Israel, Jordan and the ...

Curte fotografia? Participe do #essavaiprocomshalom

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Comunidade Shalom
comshalom.org - Vivência da vocação Shalom, valores cristãos e espiritualidade são os temas propostos pra quem curte fotografia e deseja que seu trabalho seja divulgado no comshalom.org. No quadro #essavaiprocomsh...

Catholic.net - Congreso: Hacia una cultura del encuentro

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es.catholic.net - Congreso: Hacia una cultura del encuentro HACIA UNA CULTURA DEL ENCUENTRO Ciudad de México, 26 de mayo de 2014. Con el tema La comunicación al servicio de una auténtica cultura del encuentro se cel...

La plataforma ERELGUNE pide a la sociedad civil que se movilice en apoyo de la asignatura de Religión

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infocatolica.com - Ante los ataques del gobierno del Partido Popular a la clase de Religión, que corre el peligro de desaparecer en Infantil y Bachillerato, la plataforma ERELGUNE ha publicado un manifiesto para «rea...


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christianitytoday.com - Christian History: How does a Christian scholar approach history differently than a non-Christian? Will a Christian historian's convictions be apparent to the reader? George Marsden: You can be eit...

Boyce College » Business Administration

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boycecollege.com - This program will prepare students for three avenues of service. First, it will prepare students who want to live overseas and work inter-culturally. For students who wish to go with agencies overs...

Compassion Magazine

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Compassion Intl
compassion.com - © 2014 Compassion International. All Rights Reserved | (800) 336-7676 Privacy Statement and Conditions of Use | Full Disclosure Statement Compassion International, Inc. is a registered 501 (c)(3) n...

Clinton Apostates Trip Over Themselves to Get in Line Behind Hillary - The Daily Beast

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Drew McKissick
thedailybeast.com - Question #1: Are you an elected official or prominent person? If the answer is yes, Question #2: Did you use that privileged perch eight years ago to endorse Barack Obama, jumping early on the band...

UNHCR - At least 17 killed and 27 missing after attack on Bangui church sheltering the displaced

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Open Doors USA
unhcr.org - This is a summary of what was said by UNHCR spokesperson Fatoumata Lejeune-Kaba – to whom quoted text may be attributed – at the press briefing, on 30 May 2014, at the Palais des Nations in Geneva....

Liberación de las niñas secuestradas por Boko Haram

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hazteoir.org - Alerta creada por MARCELO GOMEZ S... | 10 may 2014 Porque hay que recuperar la libertad de las niñas secuestradas. Porque están siendo sometidas a todo tipo de atrocidades y torturas. Porque además...

Mobile Industry on the Move April 19 | News

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Pleasure Ellis
mobileenterprise.edgl.com - Another big acquisition, along with investments in emerging technology and earnings reports—here’s the mobile happenings from last week. ZEBRA TECHNOLOGIES Zebra Technologies Corporation will acqui...

Pope: Syrians are suffering from ‘globalisation of indifference’

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The Catholic Herald
catholicherald.co.uk - A “globalisation of indifference” has taken hold of too many of the world’s people, numbing them to the horrifying reality faced by the people of Syria and other innocent victims of war and violenc...

Judge Tells Abortionist: Quit Trying to Break the Law and Put Women's Lives at Risk

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lifenews.com - by Steven Ertelt | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 5/30/14 11:28 AM A federal judge in Wisconsin has a message for an abortion practitioner who is trying to overturn a pro-life law requiring aborti...

NCRegister | Pro-Marriage Club Denied Official Status at Notre Dame

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N. Catholic Register
ncregister.com - SOUTH BEND, Ind. — A group of students at the University of Notre Dame has generated a campus-wide controversy by advocating that marriage between one woman and one man is better suited for childre...
Arte & Entretenimento

4 Female Artists Who Began Their Careers as Christian Singers – Katy Perry, Jessica Simpson, Amy Lee, and Joy Williams (VIDEOS) : Music : breathecast

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The Christian Post
breathecast.com - There are a handful of females artists who are extremely popular today that started their career in the church or with Christian roots. BreatheCast is taking a look at four of the biggest: Katy Per...

A Summary of Henry Scougal’s “The Life of God in the Soul of Man”

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thegospelcoalition.org - The short classic The Life of God in the Soul of Man originated as a private letter of spiritual counsel to a friend, but Scougal allowed it to be published in 1677, a year before his death. Sixty-...
Arte & Entretenimento

Papa: a vida cristã não é festa, mas "alegria em esperança"

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Comunidade Shalom
comshalom.org - “A tristeza de vocês se converterá em alegria”. A promessa de Jesus aos seus discípulos esteva no centro da Missa desta manhã do Papa Francisco na Casa Santa Marta. Em sua homilia, o Pontífice fez ...

Atacan con granadas una parroquia católica en la República Centroafricana

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infocatolica.com - (Zenit/InfoCatólica) El asalto fue cometido por personas que no hablaban ni francés ni el sango, lengua local. Lo ha afirmado monseñor Dieudonné Nzapalainga, arzobispo de Bangui, en declaraciones a...

Christian joy is based in hope, Pope Francis reflects :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

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Catholic News Agency
catholicnewsagency.com - Vatican City, May 30, 2014 / 06:53 am (CNA/EWTN News).- In his first daily homily since returning from the Holy Land Pope Francis centered on the theme of Christian joy, explaining that it comes no...

Revealed: Obama policy to use military against citizens

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WND News
wnd.com - Americans concerned over the buildup of military-style units within non-security-related federal agencies – specifically Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) teams – are having those concerns confirm...
Arte & Entretenimento

O Tempora, O Mores: O Pecado para a Morte e a Blasfêmia contra o Espírito Santo

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Augustus Nicodemus
tempora-mores.blogspot.com - Não são poucos os pregadores de linha pentecostal que ameaçam os críticos das atuais "manifestações espirituais" de cometerem o pecado sem perdão, a blasfêmia contra o Espírito Santo. Mas, será? O ...

Vídeo: Papa Francisco: "eu peço perdão" - Aleteia

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Bíblia Católica
aleteia.org - Comunidade Servos da Pobreza Somos uma comunidade de vida consagrada, nosso trabalho é adoração e cuidado com os pobres (Físicos e espirituais), também trabalhamos na área da evangelização por meio...

Aquinas softball loses in section championship - Catholic Courier

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Catholic Courier
catholiccourier.com - The Aquinas Institute softball team earned runner-up honors in the Section Five Class A2 championship game with a 5-3 loss to Geneva Thursday, May 29, at the State University of New York at Brockpo...

Gay marriage victories propel cases toward Supreme Court at record speed

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ncronline.org - The race to legalize same-sex marriage in the nation’s state and federal courts has become a self-fulfilling prophecy, fueled by an unbroken string of pro-marriage rulings since the Supreme Court f...
Arte & Entretenimento

Wonderful Life - Natalie Grant (vídeo)

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Gospel Prime
videos.gospelprime.com.br - Ouvir a canção “Wonderful Life” do  álbum “Relentless” da cantora Natalie Grant

In Pictures: Syrians in Lebanon head to polls - In Pictures - Al Jazeera English

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Open Doors USA
aljazeera.com - Syrians living in Lebanon began voting at a polling station set up at the Syrian embassy in the town of Yarzeh, near Beirut. The Lebanese National News Agency (NNA) quoted the Syrian ambassador to ...

The Catholic Review > Home > Christian life may be joyful, but it’s not always a party, pope says

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L'Osservatore Romano
catholicreview.org - Christian life may be joyful, but it’s not always a party, pope says May 30, 2014 VATICAN CITY - While Jesus promises great joy, being a Christian doesn’t mean that life will become all sunshine an...
Arte & Entretenimento

Cada vez hay en España más bautizos a los 7 años: sin bautizar de bebés, quieren hacer la comunión - ReL

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Religión en Libertad
religionenlibertad.com - «Mamá, quiero hacer la comunión». A sus 9 años, Carlota Barrio ha repetido con tanta convicción esta petición a su madre a lo largo de los últimos cursos que el próximo sábado 24 de mayo se vestirá...

Say, where’s Hillary on the VA scandal? « Hot Air

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Drew McKissick
hotair.com - The debate in the 2008 presidential cycle over long wait times and access to care at the VA wasn’t just limited to Barack Obama and John McCain. Buzzfeed’s Andrew Kaczynski adroitly used his Waybac...

Canonização é um ato que envolve a infalibilidade da Igreja ou não?

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Catecismo da Igreja
ask.fm - Canonização é um ato que envolve a infalibilidade da Igreja ou não?‎  Cesar Cesar, a sua pergunta é bastante complicada de responder. Alguns afirmam que sim e outros afirmam que não. Particularment...

Election 2014: Arkansas Senate - Rasmussen Reports™

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rasmussenreports.com - Republican challenger Tom Cotton still holds a narrow lead over incumbent Democrat Mark Pryor in Arkansas’ U.S. Senate race. The latest Rasmussen Reports statewide survey of Likely Arkansas Voters ...

La oración por la paz será el 8 de junio en el VaticanoEcclesia Digital

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Ecclesia Digital
revistaecclesia.com - La oración por la paz será el 8 de junio en el Vaticano Este jueves se dio a conocer mediante un comunicado de la oficina de prensa de la Santa Sede que el encuentro de oración por la paz convocado...

Católica sobreviviente de genocidio cuenta cómo perdonó a los que mataron a su familia en Ruanda

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - BUENOS AIRES, 30 May. 14 / 04:28 am (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- Immaculée Ilibagiza, sobreviviente del genocidio de Ruanda y autora del libro “Sobrevivir para contarlo”, conmovió a un amplio auditorio cu...

In defence of Joey Barton... at least he said sorry

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Christian Today
christiantoday.com - On Thursday evening, on national television, a man made an offensive joke. People in their living rooms across the country exploded in a collective fit of righteous anger; arguably they were right ...

NCRegister | With Boko Haram, It’s All About Religion

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N. Catholic Register
ncregister.com - On April 14, an estimated 300 Nigerian girls were abducted from their school by members of Boko Haram, a terrorist organization that has used the Islamic faith to justify the murder, rape and abduc...

El encuentro de oración por la Paz entre Israel y Palestina tendrá lugar el 8 de junio en el Vaticano

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infocatolica.com - La Oficina de Prensa de la Santa Sede ha informado hoy que el encuentro de oración por la paz, al que el Santo Padre invitó al presidente de Israel, Simón Peres, y al de Palestina, Mahmud Abbas, te...

Church Times article May 2014

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Church of England
churchofengland.org - By Roy McCloughry National Disability Adviser for the Church of England and Vice-President of Livability. A disabled woman who is in a wheelchair is often treated as if she is only half there.  The...
Arte & Entretenimento

Teologia Relacional: um novo Deus no mercado - Augustus Nicodemus Lopes

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Augustus Nicodemus
monergismo.com - As ondas gigantes que provocaram a tremenda catástrofe na Ásia no final de dezembro de 2004 afetaram também os arraiais evangélicos, levantando perguntas acerca de Deus, seu caráter, seu poder, seu...
Arte & Entretenimento

Crowder Goes Hog Wild

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Christianity Today
christianitytoday.com - David Crowder was in a rut. After playing countless summer music festivals where he recycled the same jokes about Wal-Mart lawn chairs and Nintendo video game consoles way too many times, his fortu...

Loja Profetirando | ProfetirandoProfetirando

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Santo Humor
profetirando.com.br - Loja Profetirando Ordenação padrãoOrdenar por popularidadeOrdenar por média de classificaçãoOrdenar por mais novosOrdenar por preço: menor para maiorOrdenar por preço: maior para menor Ame Os Inimi...
Arte & Entretenimento

A Dinâmica da Oração - Artigo Gospel Colunas

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colunas.gospelmais.com.br - A oração obedece a uma dinâmica, como está escrito: “Pedi, e dar-se-vos-á, ; buscai, e encontrareis; batei e abrir-se-vos-á, Mt 7:7“. Muitos são os cristãos frustrados por não obedecerem à dinâmica...

Obama’s bid for U.N. secretary-general begins

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WND News
wnd.com - (INVESTOR’S BUSINESS DAILY) — It is commonly observed that President Obama never started governing because he never stopped campaigning. He campaigned in his West Point speech all right — for Unite...

Pope decries indifference to suffering in Syria - Catholic Courier

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Catholic Courier
catholiccourier.com - VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- A "globalization of indifference" has taken hold of too many of the world's people, numbing them to the horrifying reality faced by the people of Syria and other innocent vict...

Peace isn't mass-produced but handcrafted by ordinary people, pope says

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ncronline.org - Pope Francis called on the world's Christians to pray with him for peace in the Middle East, help convince governments to come to the aid of refugees and pray for Christian unity. While peace is a ...

Large Mug > Jesustweeters

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Donny Jones
cafepress.com - Drag the square at the left to choose the part of your image you want to use. Tips: Click and drag any corner to resize; click and drag from the inside to move.

The Catholic Review > World News > Peace isn’t mass-produced but handcrafted by ordinary people, pope says

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L'Osservatore Romano
catholicreview.org - Peace isn’t mass-produced but handcrafted by ordinary people, pope says May 30, 2014 UDPATED May 30, 2014, 11: 30 a.m.: VATICAN CITY - Pope Francis called on the world’s Christians to pray with him...

Inspirando vocações - Arquidiocese de São Sebastião do Rio de Janeiro - ArqRio

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Arquidiocese do Rio
arqrio.org - Dentre muitos grupos da Arquidiocese do Rio que se dedicam à missão de incentivar novas vocações à vida religiosa, existe o Instituto das Irmãs Nossa Senhora do Bom Conselho, que atua na formação d...

8 de junio, Mesa Redonda de CiViCa en Madrid: 'La salud del feto y la salud de la madre'

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hazteoir.org - Con los reconocidos especialistas José Ignacio Sánchez Méndez, ginecólogo, y Jesús Poveda, psiquiatra: a las 18:00 h. del próximo viernes, en el Colegio de Médicos de Madrid. REDACCIÓN HO.- La Asoc...

Mulher cria jardim com granadas desativadas para pedir paz na Palestina

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Sérgio Pavarini
pavablog.com - Esta não é a primeira vez que flores são usadas para protestar contra a guerra, mas a originalidade não quer dizer muito em situações como esta. Na pequena vila de Bilin, perto da capital Ramallah,...
Arte & Entretenimento

No podemos quedarnos mirando al cielo Ciriaco Benavente MateosEcclesia Digital

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Ecclesia Digital
revistaecclesia.com - No podemos quedarnos mirando al cielo, por el obispo de Albacete, Ciriaco Benavente Mateos EL EVANGELIO DE HOY. 1-junio -14 Ascensión del Señor La Ascensión es el broche de oro a la existencia hist...

Privacy under attack: the NSA files revealed new threats to democracy | Technology

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Index on Censorship
theguardian.com - In the third chapter of his History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Edward Gibbon gave two reasons why the slavery into which the Romans had tumbled under Augustus and his successors l...

Your Tax Dollars Pay for Child Rape, Sex Trafficking and Fraud at Planned Parenthood

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Live Action
lifenews.com - by Jill Stanek | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 5/28/14 9:39 AM Today, Lila Rose and the Live Action team are launching a new comprehensive campaign, “Lies, Corruption, and Scandal: Six Years of E...

Cranmer: EUpiscopal dialogue

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Archbishop Cranmer
archbishop-cranmer.blogspot.co.uk - His Grace was in dialogue yesterday with Bishop Pete Broadbent of Willesden on the vexatious matter of the European Union. The conversation is pieced together below. Please don't be rude about the ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Unas 75.000 personas asisten a la “bajada” de la Virgen de Los Ángeles en España

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - GETAFE, 30 May. 14 / 10:31 am (ACI/Europa Press).- Alrededor de 75.000 personas han asistido este jueves en Getafe (España) a la bajada de la Virgen de Los Ángeles, patrona de la ciudad, desde la e...

Help Crowdsource Scholarships

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bethlehemcollegeandseminary.org - Please consider this special Prayer Letter request personally and, if you will, then share it with your social network via Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+ such that, together, we can extend...

Special Offer from The National Catholic Register

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N. Catholic Register
sfsdata.com - Click here for more information on the National Catholic Register. For customer service questions please visit your customer account page or call 1-800-421-3230. US subscriptions: please allow 3-4 ...

Daily Digest: Gloucester Diocese backs county credit unions

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Church of England
churchofengland.org - BBC Report on comments by the Bishop of Willesden, Pete Broadbent on a church politics blog run by Peter Ould, discussing freemasonry on the Island of Jersey. It states the Bishop has since removed...

China Lifts High the Cross (Right Off Dozens of Churches) | Gleanings

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Christianity Today
christianitytoday.com - When a megachurch's walls came tumbling down in China's Jerusalem last month, the forced demolition drew widespread international attention thanks to photos circulating on Weibo, China's version of...

Spanish news now included in CNA's editor service :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

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Catholic News Agency
catholicnewsagency.com - Denver, Colo., May 29, 2014 / 12:04 pm (CNA).- To better serve the growing Latino presence in the U.S., Catholic News Agency has expanded its free Access for Editors service to include breaking new...

La Cardinal Newman Society denuncia la desobediencia de decenas de universidades católicas en EE.UU

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infocatolica.com - No hacen caso a los obispos y premian a abortistas y heterdoxos Diez años después que la Conferencia Episcopal promulgara el documento «Los Católicos en la Vida Política», en el que se indicaba que...

How Excessive Regulations Stifle Small Businesses

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Heritage Foundation
uschamber.com - According to revised GDP numbers, instead of being nearly flat, the economy actually shrank by 1% in the first quarter of 2014. Growth is expected to bounce back later in the year, but ever since t...

SNAP is wrong to discourage victims from meeting the pope

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ncronline.org - It was disheartening to read that officers of SNAP are discouraging victims from meeting with the pope, deciding before it happens that the event is a waste of time and nothing more than a publicit...
Arte & Entretenimento

Francisco será el primer Papa en un evento de la Renovación Carismática: en Argentina era habitual - ReL

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Religión en Libertad
religionenlibertad.com - El papa Francisco acudirá en Roma al Estadio Olímpico, el próximo 2 de junio. Pero no será para un evento deportivo, sino para acompañar a más de 50.000 miembros de la Renovación Carismática Católi...
Arte & Entretenimento

30 dicas para você ser bem sucedido na vida

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Sérgio Pavarini
pavablog.com - O que é preciso para ser bem sucedido na vida? Não há uma resposta simples, mas experiências mostram que existem práticas que podem maximizar as chances de ter uma vida feliz, produtiva e bem suced...

Kairós - Arquidiocese de São Sebastião do Rio de Janeiro - ArqRio

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Arquidiocese do Rio
arqrio.org - O Grupo de Jovens (Juba) da Paróquia São Sebastião dos Frades Capuchinhos, na Tijuca, realizará o “Kairós Capuchinho” no Instituto Nossa Senhora Auxiliadora, dia 8 de junho, às 8h, na Travessa da S...

OCEG | Árbitros e jogadores foram contatados para manipularem jogos da Copa, diz Fifa

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Direita Brasil
blogoceg.tumblr.com - Árbitros e jogadores foram contatados para manipularem jogos da Copa, diz Fifa Página dedicada a expor de forma crítica, histórica e científica a grande falácia que é o comunismo

Another journalist murdered in Honduras, no end to violence in sight - Reporters Without Borders

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Index on Censorship
en.rsf.org - Reporters Without Borders is shocked to learn that community radio journalist Hernán Cruz Barnica was murdered near Dulce Nombre, a town in the western department of Copán, on the evening of 28 May...

Concurso Cultural Literário (69)

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Mundo Cristão
livrosepessoas.com - As estatísticas mostram índices alarmantes de divórcio entre cristãos e não cristãos. Os gabinetes pastorais e os consultórios especializados em terapia de casais vivem lotados de pessoas que exper...

Visita da Imagem Peregrina de Nossa de Fátima à Catedral

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Arquidiocese de SP
arquidiocesedesaopaulo.org.br - Neste sábado, 31, acontecerá na Catedral da Sé a visita da Imagem Peregrina de Nossa Senhora de Fátima (nº 3), vinda do Santuário de Fátima em Portugal. O evento acontece como parte dos preparativo...

My view: First Minister Peter Robinson has a duty towards human rights and equality - BelfastTelegraph.co.uk

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Archbishop Cranmer
belfasttelegraph.co.uk - That was until the First Minister spoke on the matter. Peter Robinson seemed eager to add fuel to the fire, offering a curious and slapdash defence to the pastor's assault. Apparently demonising a ...

Our Journey Back to God

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Catholic Exchange
catholicexchange.com - “Christ suffered for sins once…that He might lead you to God.” Three Jehovah Witnesses visited our seminary a few days ago. In the course of our discussion, they offered me a complementary (but uns...

BBC - History - Josephine Butler

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Church of England
bbc.co.uk - Butler was a 19th century British social reformer, who played a major role in improving conditions for women in education and public health. Josephine Butler was born on 13 April 1828 in Northumber...

Christian Rapper Saved by Circumcision—Twice

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Christianity Today
christianitytoday.com - Back in the 1980s, a doctor in a remote clinic performed an emergency circumcision to treat a young boy's severe urinary tract infection in Azerbaijan on the Caspian sea. Ruslan Karaoglanov was cur...

Former Obama Drug Adviser on Marijuana Legalization

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Heritage Foundation
blog.heritage.org - Marijuana legalization poses a significant health risk to America’s youth—and many parents have no clue about the consequences, says a former Obama administration drug policy adviser. “Today’s mari...

Pope at Mass: Joy in hope

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N. Catholic Register
news.va - (Vatican Radio) Pope Francis’ morning Mass at Casa Santa Marta was a hymn to Christian joy, which we cannot buy because it is a gift from God.  The Pope likened this joy gifted by God to the joy of...

O Purgatório - padrepauloricardo.org

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Padre Paulo Ricardo
padrepauloricardo.org - Atenção: Os comentários devem ser respeitosos e relacionados estritamente ao assunto do post. Toda polêmica será prontamente banida. Todos os comentários são de inteira responsabilidade de seus aut...

Free Desktop Wallpaper Calendars: June 2014

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The Reformed Hub
challies.com - June is nearly upon us, and to get the new month started right, here are some wallpapers calendars that will dress up your computer, tablet or cell phone. This month's wallpaper is provided in part...

Equal Rights Amendment: A War on Women

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Julio Severo
barbwire.com - The hubris and dishonesty of “progressives” continue to astound. They proclaim through their sycophantic mouthpieces in the mainstream press that conservatives are waging war on women when in reali...

1st quarter GDP contracts 1% - weather blamed again : Fire Andrea Mitchell!

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fireandreamitchell.com - Welcome to Obama’s economy. The first quarter GDP has been revised downward. The economy actually shrunk 1% in the first quarter of 2014. Of course the Obama regime and media have the excuses ready...
Arte & Entretenimento

Damares adia participação no Programa do Ratinho para junho

Partilhado por
O Verbo
musica.gospelprime.com.br - A cantora pentecostal estará na atração do SBT no dia 11 de junho Diversos cantores evangélicos já se apresentaram no Programa do Ratinho nos últimos meses. Esta semana estava confirmado a particip...

Inauguran templo católico en lugar en que se encontró sinagoga donde habría predicado Jesús

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - JERUSALÉN, 30 May. 14 / 08:15 am (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- En la zona de las excavaciones de la sinagoga de Magdala, en la localidad de Migdal (Israel), que data de la época de Jesús, se ha edificado e...
Arte & Entretenimento

Las llaves de Pedro – Consideraciones acerca de Lumen fidei - Los que nos precedieron en la fe

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infocatolica.com - El Papa, obispo de Roma y sucesor de San Pedro, “es el principio y fundamento perpetuo y visible de unidad, tanto de los obispos como de la muchedumbre de los fieles” (Lumen Gentium, 23) En los sig...

State Dept. Condemns ‘Honor Killings,’ But No Mention of Religion As a Factor

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Angelica Saldaña
cnsnews.com - (CNSNews.com) – The State Department on Thursday condemned the stoning of death of a Pakistani woman and other violence against women “in the name of tradition and honor,” but made no reference to ...

Custos transformam creche em ‘luxo’ educacional nos EUA

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Sérgio Pavarini
livrosepessoas.com - A conta da creche veio cedo para o português Nuno Geraldes Freire, morador de Chevy Chase, região elegante da capital americana, Washington. Por causa da alta demanda, e pela prioridade dada a filh...

Joveneshoy.org: «Queremos fomentar la educación afectiva y sexual de los jóvenes» - ReL

Partilhado por
Religión en Libertad
religionenlibertad.com - Nace la página web joveneshoy.org. «Buscamos difundir una idea positiva del amor humano, la afectividad y la sexualidad, especialmente pensando en ti. Combinamos conocimientos científicos de la Med...

When Bishops Earn Our Gratitude - Crisis Magazine

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Crisis Magazine
crisismagazine.com - Whenever veteran Catholics stop to consider the on-going crisis of faith in the Church, now entering its fifth decade with no abatement in sight, the news does not come as a surprise. They have lon...

Fiscalía de Venezuela anuncia investigación tras denuncias de golpe de Estado – CNN en Español: Ultimas Noticias de Estados Unidos, Latinoamérica y el Mundo, Opinión y Videos - CNN.com Blogs

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Diego E. Arria
cnnespanol.cnn.com - (CNN Español) – La fiscal general de Venezuela, Luisa Ortega Díaz, anunció que se abrirá una investigación para determinar si las personas denunciadas por el alcalde del municipio Libertador, Jorge...

WORLD Mobile | Playing defense

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WORLD News Group
worldmag.com - Politics Behind the scenes in a blue state legislature, pro-life lobbyists go door to door for votes | Emily Belz ALBANY, N.Y.— Kathleen Gallagher had gotten up at 6:45 a.m. to drive from her home ...

Festa junina - Arquidiocese de São Sebastião do Rio de Janeiro - ArqRio

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Arquidiocese do Rio
arqrio.org - A Paróquia Santo Afonso, na Rua Barão de Mesquita, 275, na Tijuca, realizará sua festa junina (Fejusa) nos dias 7 de junho, das 16h às 22h, e 8 de junho, das 10h às 22h. Haverá comidas típicas e di...

19 June: Beating Retreat - Digital Freedom in Turkey, Russia and Azerbaijan - Index on Censorship

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Index on Censorship
indexoncensorship.org - “Whenever we’ll have to choose between excessive regulation and protection of online freedom, we’ll definitely opt for freedom”  Vladimir Putin, 1999 Since Putin said this, 3 days before becoming P...
Arte & Entretenimento

Editora Mundo Cristão - Livro: Romanos - Série Lições de Vida - Max Lucado

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Mundo Cristão
mundocristao.com.br - Romanos é um livro fora de série! Considerado um dos maiores textos teológicos jamais escritos, ele apresenta as boas-novas de maneira precisa e peculiar. Este inigualável manual de vida cristã nos...

Distributism is not Agrarianism | First Thoughts

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First Things
firstthings.com - I believe Br. Gregory Pine’s piece, “Why Is Distributism So Intolerable?”, was meant to be a defense of distributism—but it is exactly the kind of defense that has made distributism seem like nothi...
Arte & Entretenimento

Bíblia em foco — 10 motivos por que guardo o sábado

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Michelson Borges
bibliaemfoco.tumblr.com - Das doutrinas ensinadas na Bíblia, uma das que causam mais discussões no mundo cristão é a guarda do sábado. Será que devemos continuar guardando este dia da mesma forma como era guardado nos tempo...
Arte & Entretenimento

Se a gente caiu de novo e já confessou várias vezes um pecado (no meu caso mortal) a gente tem que confessar ele sempre ou olhar de outra forma, como uma mania ou um vício, ou algo de eu preciso me libertar? Eu quero perguntar isso ao padre mas ele não tem tempo.

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Catecismo da Igreja
ask.fm - Se a gente caiu de novo e já confessou várias vezes um pecado (no meu caso mortal) a gente tem que confessar ele sempre ou olhar de outra forma, como uma mania ou um vício, ou algo de eu preciso me...
Arte & Entretenimento

Carta a um ex-gay tentado a voltar atrás | Ultimatoonline

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ultimato.com.br - Ainda não há artigos publicados na seção "Palavra do leitor" em resposta a este texto.

Derecho a Vivir propone al Gobierno que no ceda a las presiones para realizar una “reforma light” de la ley del aborto

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Derecho a Vivir
hazteoir.org - La plataforma en defensa de la protección de la vida humana espera que el Gobierno concrete el anteproyecto como un verdadero avance respecto a la actual. MADRID, 30 DE MAYO DE 2014.- La portavoz d...

Seth's Blog: The tyranny of lowest price

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Lawrence W. Wilson
sethgodin.typepad.com - Lowering the price is a one-directional, single-axis choice. Either it's cheaper or it's not. At first, the process of lowering your price involves smart efficiencies. It forces hard choices that l...

How Denominations can Create National Evangelism Strategie... | The Exchange

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Christianity Today
christianitytoday.com - We live in a time when church planting continues to capture more of our attention, mission volunteerism continues to be on the rise, and yet evangelism seems to be on the decline. Now, I think I ha...

Baby’s Bittersweet First Day: Now Mom Can Be Hanged for Marrying Christian - ABC News

Partilhado por
Heritage Foundation
abcnews.go.com - The baby girl born to a woman sentenced to hang in Sudan for marrying a Christian American citizen met her father for the first time -- a moment that was captured in a bittersweet photo. Daniel Wan...

Should it be against law to criticize Harry Reid?

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Live Action News
nationalrighttolifenews.org - U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has launched a campaign against the Koch brothers from the floor of the Senate. He has mentioned them approximately 140 times, and has gone so far as...

Abortion is Torture: What the Mainstream Media Missed in the Attack on the Catholic Church

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lifenews.com - by Steven Ertelt | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 5/30/14 9:32 AM New York, NY (CFAM) — U.N. experts backtracked last week after taking heat for accusing the Pope of torture because of Church teac...
Arte & Entretenimento

Concurso Cultural Literário (67)

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livrosepessoas.com - A obra clássica do escritor inglês ganha, em Shakespeare e elas, um novo olhar de três diferentes escritoras, que conseguem atualizar o texto, preservando toda a sua dramaticidade. Na versão da trá...

Indulgências - padrepauloricardo.org

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Padre Paulo Ricardo
padrepauloricardo.org - Atenção: Os comentários devem ser respeitosos e relacionados estritamente ao assunto do post. Toda polêmica será prontamente banida. Todos os comentários são de inteira responsabilidade de seus aut...
Arte & Entretenimento

Thalles Roberto grava CD e DVD "Id3" ao vivo em São Paulo

Partilhado por
O Verbo
musica.gospelprime.com.br - O show contará com algumas participações especiais, entre elas o funkeiro Naldo Benny O cantor Thalles Roberto estará nesta sexta-feira (30) gravando o CD/DVD “Id3″ na sede da igreja Bola de Neve e...

Fifa está traumatizada e nunca mais fará Copa no Brasil, diz Ronaldo - 29/05/2014 - Folha na Copa - Esporte - Folha de S.Paulo

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folha.uol.com.br - Integrante do Comitê Organizador Local (COL), o ex-atacante Ronaldo acha que a edição deste ano será a última de uma Copa do Mundo no Brasil. "Ninguém aqui vai ver outra Copa no Brasil. Não vai ter...

Reported Attacks by Séléka Militants On Christians in the Central Africa Republic « Persecution News

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Angelica Saldaña
persecution.org - 05/28/2014 Thirty Christians Slaughtered As Sectarian Violence Plagues the Central African Republic 04/25/2014 Amidst Global Celebrations, Christians Grieve Easter Attacks in the CAR 04/03/2014 Whe...

Washington Post apoya sanciones a Venezuela

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Diego E. Arria
analisislibre.org - El influyente periódico de la capital argumenta en un editorial que el proyecto de ley aprobado en la Cámara de Representantes puede motivar al gobierno de Nicolás Maduro a cambiar de curso La mesa...

Markets drift as traders close out month

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cnsnews.com - LONDON (AP) — Financial markets drifted Friday on the last trading day of the month, when many investors traditionally close out positions. Sentiment, particularly across stock markets, has been fa...

WORLD | Hashtag wars | Mindy Belz

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WORLD News Group
worldmag.com - A year ago I was invited to speak on Capitol Hill about terrorism in Nigeria along with a panel of Nigerian experts. Despite good publicity by stalwart activists, the event drew maybe 25 policymake...
Arte & Entretenimento

Radio America

Partilhado por
blog.cancaonova.com - O Tríduo Pascal nos convida a fixar os olhos no olhar de Jesus A Igreja Católica vive nestes dias a sua maior celebração dentro de calendário litúrgico, que é o Tríduo Pascal que culmina na grande ...

Remember when NBC's Toure called Jewish people niggers? : Fire Andrea Mitchell!

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fireandreamitchell.com - Toure has been exposed again recently for being the anti-Semite that he truly is. He claimed that Holocaust surprised had ‘the power of whiteness’ to survive. Lets take a trip back in time, to 2009...

The #RedskinsPride Campaign Did Not Go Well for the NFL Franchise

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relevantmagazine.com - It probably isn’t a huge surprise that the Washington Redskins’ latest PR move epically backfired. A week after Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid signed a letter asking league officials from the NF...
Arte & Entretenimento

Era cristiano, pero entró en los nazis para observar mejor: fue quien documentó las cámaras de gas - ReL

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Religión en Libertad
religionenlibertad.com - Kurt Gerstein,apodado «El espía de Dios», reconoció la barbarie nazi y luchó desde dentro con la ayuda de sus creencias. Actuó como un caballo de Troya dentro del infierno nazi, en parte, gracias a...

Bursting the Blog Bubble | First Thoughts

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First Things
firstthings.com - I link this blog simply as a piece of light entertainment and because it refers to three of the First Things team—myself, Peter Leithart, and the editor. And I am rather afraid that the author mana...

Global Call to Protect Life in Spain

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citizengo.org - Stand with the citizens of Spain in their fight to defend the sanctity of life! Sign our global petition to send a clear message to the Prime Minister of Spain, Mariano Rajoy, that life is precious...

International Press Institute: New cases against Turkish journalists raise concerns

Partilhado por
Index on Censorship
freemedia.at - VIENNA, May 30, 2014 – The International Press Institute (IPI) today expressed concern over recent developments in Turkey in which journalists were targeted with excessive prison sentences and the ...

Festa de São José de Anchieta - Arquidiocese de São Sebastião do Rio de Janeiro - ArqRio

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Arquidiocese do Rio
arqrio.org - A PUC-Rio festejará o Dia de São José de Anchieta, em 9 de junho. Toda a comunidade acadêmica é convidada a homenagear o jesuíta e apóstolo do Brasil. Neste dia, às 17h30, na entrada da PUC, haverá...


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Focus on the Family
boundless.org - Welcome to Pursuit 2014, the first-ever Boundless weekend event! A gathering of single young adults, Pursuit is part conference, part meet-up, part adventure and all awesomeness. Join us Aug. 7-9 a...

Breaking: House Votes to Stop Medical Marijuana and Hemp Prosecutions  

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truthisscary.com - Washington, DC - On Friday morning, the House voted 219-189 to halt prosecutions of medical marijuana users in states where medical marijuana is legal and they have a doctor’s prescription for the ...
Arte & Entretenimento

El Papa Francisco se une a la fiesta Carismática en el OlímpicoEcclesia Digital

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Ecclesia Digital
revistaecclesia.com - El próximo domingo, 1 de junio, el Santo Padre participará por la tarde en la fiesta religiosa en el estadio Olímpico de Roma, del 1 al 2 de junio, bajo el lema: ¡Convertiros! ¡Creed! ¡Recibid el E...

El Papa Francisco recibirá en junio al Arzobispo de Canterbury

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - VATICANO, 30 May. 14 / 01:06 am (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- El Papa Francisco recibirá el 16 de junio al Arzobispo de Canterbury (Inglaterra), Justin Welby, durante la visita que el líder de la Iglesia a...

A Foolproof Guide to Identifying Your Pastoral Leadership Style

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Lawrence W. Wilson
lawrencewilson.com - Most pastors know what they want to do, they just don’t know how to do it. In other words, they usually know the answer to the first two of Andy Stanley’s leadership questions, but not the third. W...

Book Review: The Protestant’s Dilemma speaks the truth in love

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Catholic Telegraph
thecatholictelegraph.com - Rose notes up front that Protestantism does not refer to one particular belief structure, and the book is tailored to address them all. He writes in the introduction that he means the term to refer...

G1 - Investigado por ameaça a Barbosa diz que fez 'idiotice' e se arrepende - notícias em Política

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Blog Olho na Mira
g1.globo.com - Alvo de inquérito da Polícia Federal (PF) por conta de uma suposta ameaça de morte ao presidente do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF), Joaquim Barbosa, o ex-militante do PT Sérvolo de Oliveira e Silva...

Groundbreaking book on abortion scheduled for July re-release

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Live Action News
liveactionnews.org - Abortion: The Ultimate Exploitation of Women reveals the dark, hidden underpinnings of the origination and propagation of the modern abortion movement. Written by Brian Fisher, Co-founder and Presi...

Donald Trump: Twitter Is Better Than The New York Times

Partilhado por
Heritage Foundation
blog.heritage.org - Twitter has revolutionized how people spread news and gather information — circumventing authoritarian regimes and establishment media around the globe. It’s given a voice to the powerless — and al...

Enfoque a la Familia

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Enfoque a la Familia
enfoquealafamilia.com - (Nota: Los audios de los programas se van publicando conforme van siendo transmitidos en radio, de acuerdo a la fecha de difusión y en periodos semanales, si desea adquirir un programa que fue tran...
Arte & Entretenimento

É proibido ajoelhar-se durante a consagração? - padrepauloricardo.org

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Padre Paulo Ricardo
padrepauloricardo.org - Assim está escrito: “para que, ao nome de Jesus, se dobre todo joelho dos seres celestes, dos terrestres e dos que vivem sob a terra, e, para glória de Deus, o Pai, toda língua confesse: Jesus é o ...

Dallas Museum of Art to Participate for the Fifth Year in the Blue Star Museums Program Beginning Friday, May 23

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Judy Rey Wasserman
dma.org - “Blue Star Museums has grown into a nationally recognized program that service members and their families look forward to each year,” said Blue Star Families Chief Executive Officer Kathy Roth-Douq...

The Bible's Unequivocal 'No' to Domestic Violence

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Christianity Today
christianitytoday.com - I can't write about domestic violence without a nod to my current context: I live in a small, impoverished country in sub-Saharan Africa where domestic abuse, including physical and sexual violence...

Vereadora propõe projeto para leitura da Bíblia nas escolas curitibanas

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O Verbo
noticias.gospelprime.com.br - O texto prevê que o Poder Executivo decida se a leitura será opcional ou obrigatória A vereadora Carla Pimentel (PSC) apresentou na quarta-feira (28) na Câmara Municipal de Curitiba (PR) um projeto...

Partido Social Cristão - Pastor Everaldo homenageia 100 anos da Igreja Batista de Curitiba na Câmara dos Deputados

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psc.org.br - Convidado para compor a mesa da Sessão Solene de homenagem ao centenário da Primeira Igreja Batista de Curitiba, realizada nesta quarta-feira (28) na Câmara dos Deputados, o pré-candidato à Presidê...

Decreto do governo federal cria conselhos populares sobre grandes temas - Jornal O Globo

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Rodrigo Coppe C
oglobo.globo.com - BRASÍLIA - Num ano eleitoral, a presidente Dilma Rousseff editou decreto que obriga os órgãos do governo a promover consultas populares sobre grandes temas, antes de definir a política a ser adotad...

SOAR International undaunted by fire in Kenai, Alaska - Mission Network News

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Mission Network News
mnnonline.org - USA (MNN) — A massive fire in Alaska’s Kenai Peninsula has grown to 286 square miles, but temperatures in the low 50s and continued light rain have finally given firefighters a break. The Funny Riv...

Muslim Rebels Storm Church, Slaughter 30 Civilians

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Angelica Saldaña
weaselzippers.us - This attack happened in a predominantly Christian country in central Africa: BANGUI, Central African Republic—Muslim rebels stormed a Catholic church compound in the capital of Central African Repu...

Pastors Asked To Denounce Same-Sex Marriage From Pulpit on June 1st

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cnsnews.com - “This flagrant and arrogant attack on God-ordained marriage and on the freedom of all Americans demands a response,” APN said in a press release Tuesday denouncing the rulings. Sam Rohrer, APN’s pr...

WORLD | Maleficent isn’t half bad | Emily Whitten

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WORLD News Group
worldmag.com - While on a trip recently, my eight-year-old daughter noticed a poster for Maleficent, Disney’s latest offering in the tilted fairy-tale genre. Immediately, she sputtered, “How can there be a movie ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Jim Carrey Zomba da Monsanto Durante Discurso de Formatura em Universidade - Blog A Nova Ordem Mundial

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anovaordemmundial.com - Jim Carrey Zomba da Monsanto Durante Discurso de Formatura em Universidade O  recente discurso surpresa do ator e comediante Jim Carrey durante uma formatura na Maharishi University of Management, ...

How to Stop Worrying So Much

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relevantmagazine.com - Do you know what one the most commonly ignored commands in all of Scripture is? "Don’t worry." Do you know what the most common command in Scripture is? “Do not be afraid.” The Bible tells us not t...

Melinda Gates, Planned Parenthood and Hillary Clinton Push Illegal Abortions

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lifenews.com - by Population Research Institute | Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia | LifeNews.com | 5/30/13 3:56 PM It’s being billed as “the largest global event of the decade to focus on the health and empowerment of gir...

Critic: UN abortion controversy shows push to exclude Catholics :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

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catholicnewsagency.com - New York City, N.Y., May 29, 2014 / 12:30 am (CNA/EWTN News).- U.N. anti-torture committee member Felice Gaer’s statement to a Holy See delegation equating opposition to abortion and torture is par...

Examining My Past for A Better Future 2 - Focus on the Family Daily - Canada

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Focus on the Family
focusonthefamily.com - Popular pastor Louie Giglio uses a five-drawer dresser to illustrate the baggage all of us bring to our relationships - especially marriage - and encourages listeners to stop working from past exam...

Starvation as the New “Death with Dignity” | Web Exclusives | Daily Writings From Our Top Writers

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First Things
firstthings.com - Self-starvation has become the latest craze among the “death with dignity” crowd. This has been coming on for some time. Removing feeding tubes from cognitively disabled people who can’t swallow ha...

May “Choice” Chain | University of Toronto Students for Life

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utsfl.ncln.ca - Yesterday, we held our May “Choice” Chain, and we’ll be continuing through the Summer and into next year. If you’re interested in getting involved with the UTSFL Activism Team to change hearts and ...

Boletim de Análise Político-Institucional nº 5, maio 2014

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Levi Araújo
ipea.gov.br - Missão: “Aprimorar as políticas públicas essenciais ao desenvolvimento brasileiro, por meio da produção e disseminação de conhecimentos e da assessoria ao Estado nas suas decisões estratégicas”.

PF vai investigar Facebook e usuários por ataques ao PT - politica - politica - Estadão

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Salomão Carvalho
estadao.com.br - A Polícia Federal (PF) vai abrir inquéritos para investigar a Facebook Serviços Online do Brasil Ltda e pelo menos quatro usuários da rede social por causa de ataques ao PT e ao ex-ministro Fernand...

Right to Be Forgotten? Not That Easy - NYTimes.com

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Index on Censorship
nytimes.com - LONDON — Eoin McKeogh knows how hard it can be to make the Internet forget. He started waging a court battle against the likes of Google, Facebook and Yahoo after a Dublin cabdriver posted a video ...

Festa de Santo Antônio - Arquidiocese de São Sebastião do Rio de Janeiro - ArqRio

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Arquidiocese do Rio
arqrio.org - A Paróquia Nossa Senhora da Vitória realizará a sua 3ª Festividade de Santo Antônio no condomínio Península, na Barra da Tijuca. A trezena será de 31 de maio a 12 de junho, às 19h30, com bênção dos...

Rajoy remitirá en julio al Congreso la reforma de la ley del aborto - La Razón digital

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Ignacio Arsuaga
larazon.es - El Gobierno empieza a mover su agenda política tras las elecciones europeas del pasado domingo. En las últimas semanas la economía ha mandado en el orden del día del Consejo de Ministros y continua...

How to defend the Faith

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Our Sunday Visitor
osv.com - Have you ever found yourself in the middle of a conversation with someone when, suddenly, he or she blurts out a derogatory remark about the Catholic Faith or asks you a question about Catholicism ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Papa: Vocación cristiana a la alegría, Misa de Santa MartaEcclesia Digital

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Ecclesia Digital
revistaecclesia.com - Papa Francisco: Vocación cristiana a la alegría, Misa de Santa Marta, viernes 30 de mayo de 2014 “Su tristeza se cambiará en alegría”. Esta promesa de Jesús a sus discípulos fue el centro de la hom...

4 Things You Will Learn Only on a Mission Trip

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Lawrence W. Wilson
lawrencewilson.com - I returned from Haiti this weekend after a seven-day mission to help install a water filtration system at a church and school in the village of Papette. Our team of 10 from Fall Creek Wesleyan Chur...
Arte & Entretenimento

Cristiano Ronaldo e Israel: "Não Troco Camisa com Assassinos" - Blog A Nova Ordem Mundial

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anovaordemmundial.com - Cristiano Ronaldo e Israel: "Não Troco Camisa com Assassinos" Cristiano Ronaldo se negou a trocar camisas com um jogador de Israel afirmando “Não troco minha camisa com assassinos”, em referência à...

U.S. bishops pray for migrants, end of family separation - The Arlington Catholic Herald

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Arl Catholic Herald
catholicherald.com - Members of the U.S. bishops’ Committee on Migration celebrated a Mass for immigrants and their families May 29 at St. Peter Church on Capitol Hill, where they prayed for migrants and talked about t...
Arte & Entretenimento

Have a breakdown, lose your child forever

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WND News
wnd.com - (DAILY BEAST) In August 2009, Mindi, a 25-year-old struggling new parent, experienced what doctors later concluded was a psychotic episode. She had been staying in a cousin’s spare basement room in...

Nicole Guerrero claims she gave birth alone in jail, baby died - wptv.com

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Live Action News
wptv.com - (CNN) -- A Texas woman claims she was forced to give birth alone in jail during a horrific night in solitary confinement nearly two years ago, and that her baby died because of it, according to a f...

Friday Evening Gallery Event—Seven Deadly Sins

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Judy Rey Wasserman
metmuseum.org - Envy, lust, gluttony—what sin are you most guilty of? Explore the dark and indulgent trappings of the Seven Deadly Sins by choosing among interactive experiences with art! Chart your own path to ca...

Qual é a diferença entre a Batina e a Blusa Clerical? Agradeço desde já Em Cristo, Hugo

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Catecismo da Igreja
ask.fm - Qual é a diferença entre a Batina e a Blusa Clerical? Agradeço desde já Em Cristo, Hugo Hugo, a camisa clerical consiste de uma camisa social com colarinho. Ela pode ter várias cores e, salvo engan...

TV Arautos - Interna

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Arautos do Evangelho
arautos.org - Naquele tempo, 16os onze discípulos foram para a Galileia, ao monte que Jesus lhes tinha indicado. 17Quando viram Jesus, prostraram-se diante dele. Ainda assim alguns duvidaram. 18Então Jesus aprox...
Arte & Entretenimento

A vida "funcional", essa chatice desumanizadora

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Rodrigo Coppe C
brasilpost.com.br - Seres humanos, atravessados pelas forças mercadológicas, tornam-se bem bobinhos, não é mesmo? Lembram do tomate seco com rúcula? E do queijo de búfula? Quando isso apareceu no Brasil, o frisson foi...

Buckner puts missions travel on hold - Mission Network News

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Mission Network News
mnnonline.org - Kenya (MNN) — The expansion of al-Shabaab, an Islamic terror group based in Somalia, has at least one ministry on-edge. Buckner International is putting an indefinite hold on missions travel to Ken...

Uncover Obamacare – California Cancer Patient Denied Coverage for Treatment Under ObamaCare

Partilhado por
Heritage Foundation
uncoverobamacare.com - It is heartbreaking, but unfortunately, in the age of government knows best, it’s becoming more common to hear of good people who are harmed by bad policy. While many ObamaCare apologists parrot th...

Mormon P.R. point man answers critics in debate about women | Following Faith

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By Common Consent
sltrib.com - The LDS Church’s chief spokesman argues that the push by some Mormon feminists for ordination to the all-male priesthood is "hindering" discussions about the "voice, value and visibility of women" ...

Tren de los niños: Papa Francisco va al encuentro de menores en riesgo de abandono escolar

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - VATICANO, 29 May. 14 / 11:32 pm (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- El Papa Francisco se verá este sábado 31 de mayo a las 12:30 con centenares de niños en riesgo de dispersión y abandono escolar, pertenecientes...

Palestinian, Israeli leaders to pray with Pope at Vatican June 8 :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

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Catholic Pulse
catholicnewsagency.com - Vatican City, May 29, 2014 / 01:57 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- An encounter among Pope Francis, the Palestinian president, and the Israeli president at the Vatican to pray for peace in the Holy Land has b...

Faux Activism: Recruiting Anti-Chevron Protesters for $85 a Head - Businessweek

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businessweek.com - In March, a federal judge in New York ruled that the 20-year-long legal campaign against Chevron over oil pollution in Ecuador was actually a bribe-fueled fraud. This week in Texas, anti-Chevron ac...

Arria-Formula Meeting on the Protection of Internally Displaced Persons : What's In Blue

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Diego E. Arria
whatsinblue.org - Tomorrow afternoon (30 May) Chile and Australia are cohosting an Arria-formula meeting on the challenges of protecting internally displaced persons (IDPs) and what role the Security Council can pla...

Diocese de Jundiaí – A Misericórdia Divina (III)

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Diocese de Jundiai
dj.org.br - Caros amigos, Santa Faustina Kowalska, apóstola da Misericórdia de Deus, é considerada uma das grandes místicas da Igreja. Maria Faustina Helena Kowalska, nasceu no dia 25 de agosto de 1905, na Pol...

WORLD | Midday Roundup: VA Secretary Shinseki surrenders | Leigh Jones

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WORLD News Group
worldmag.com - Moving on. Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric K. Shinseki resigned today amid the ongoing scandal involving wait times and quality of care at the hospitals and clinics that serve the nation’s veterans...

The World Isn’t Ready for the ‘Left Behind’ Trailer, But It’s Getting It Anyway

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relevantmagazine.com - There are moments in every person’s life when destiny and reality collide. When a supernova of revelation and imagination overcomes you, and everything you’ve ever witnessed before and everything y...

E-mail intro | LifeSiteNews.com

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lifesitenews.com - Live Action exposes Planned Parenthood – Will media note? - Kathryn Yoder

Video: Today’s Earth & Space News- Climate Change B.S., Magnetic Field, Radiation, Quakes 

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truthisscary.com - Daily News and Blogs Video: Today’s Earth & Space News- Climate Change B.S., Magnetic Field, Radiation, Quakes Was Mos Def Banned From the U.S. for Exposing GITMO Torture? Out of Control Cop Fires ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Preparação para Pentecostes

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Alex Silva
blog.cancaonova.com - Vinde ó Deus em meu auxílio. Socorrei-me sem demora. Glória ao Pai ao Filho e ao Espírito Santo. Como era no princípio, agora e sempre. Amém. Invocação ao Espírito: Vinde Espírito Santo, enchei os ...

St. Anthony's Chapel — where Scripture is alive

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Our Sunday Visitor
osv.com - At the time Pope Francis was making headlines with his three-day whirlwind pilgrimage to the Holy Land (much, much more on that inside, including two news stories, a pictorial In Focus and the edit...

Padraig Reidy: Free speech at armageddon - Index on Censorship

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Index on Censorship
indexoncensorship.org - Belfast’s Whitewell Metropolitan Tabernacle is one of those things that makes a soft Southern Irish atheist Catholic like me think I’ll never truly understand Northern Ireland. Every week, Ulster C...
Arte & Entretenimento

Comentarios del Evangelio del Domingo 1 de junio

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Enlace Católico.com
enlacecatolico.com - Hoy, gracias a Dios, muchas familias cristianas toman conciencia cada vez más de su vocación misionera, y se comprometen seriamente a dar testimonio de Cristo, el Señor. Como dijo el beato Juan Pab...

Pope Francis decries 'globalization of indifference' to war, suffering in Syria - The Arlington Catholic Herald

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Arl Catholic Herald
catholicherald.com - VATICAN CITY (CNS) — A "globalization of indifference" has taken hold of too many of the world's people, numbing them to the horrifying reality faced by the people of Syria and other innocent victi...

The Blind Woman Who Sees Rain, But Not Her Daughter's Smile : Shots - Health News : NPR

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New Advent
npr.org - Imagine a world that is completely black. You can't see a thing — unless something happens to move. You can see the rain falling from the sky, the steam coming from your coffee cup, a car passing b...

Semana Ecumênica - Arquidiocese de São Sebastião do Rio de Janeiro - ArqRio

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Arquidiocese do Rio
arqrio.org - Na Paróquia Nossa Senhora de Fátima, em Olaria, acontecerá “Semana Ecumênica” de 2 a 6 de junho, às 20h. A semana de oração pela unidade dos cristãos tem como tema ‘Acaso Cristo está dividido?’, co...

Parishioners, pastors express sadness over decision to close parishes (May 30, 2014)

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The Criterion
archindy.org - Jan Erlenbaugh Gaddis has been a member of Holy Cross Parish on the near east side of Indianapolis for 36 years. For nearly half of that time, she has ministered in the faith community as a parish ...

Como receber uma Benção de Deus? | Editora Cléofas - Prof. Felipe Aquino

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Editora Cléofas
cleofas.com.br - Há um Salmo na Bíblia que nos dá um dos mais preciosos ensinamentos para a nossa vida: “Se o Senhor não edificar a casa, em vão trabalham os que a constroem. Se o Senhor não guardar a cidade, debal...

Toledo Museum of Art Participating in Blue Star Museum Program « The Toledo Museum of Art

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Judy Rey Wasserman
toledomuseum.org - The Toledo Museum of Art is a Blue Star Museum again this summer. A collaborative effort of the National Endowment for the Arts, Blue Star Families, the U.S. Department of Defense and more than 2,0...

Report tracks abuses at abortion clinics, demands defunding - Washington Times

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Live Action News
washingtontimes.com - The leader of Live Action, one of the nation’s leading pro-life organizations, said Wednesday the group’s undercover video recordings at the nation’s abortion clinics have exposed a string of abuse...
Arte & Entretenimento

comunicación, acontecimiento y encuentro personal, Julián BarrioEcclesia Digital

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Ecclesia Digital
revistaecclesia.com - Carta Pastoral en la “Jornada Mundial de las Comunicaciones Sociales” 2014 “La comunicación, acontecimiento y encuentro personal, por Julián Barrio Barrio, arzobispo de Santiago de Compostela Este ...

Madrid ultima el decreto que regulará el alquiler de pisos a turistas - Libre Mercado

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libertaddigital.com - Madrid ultima el decreto que regulará el alquiler de pisos a turistas La Comunidad de Madrid prepara un decreto para regular un sector hasta ahora casi al margen de la ley: las viviendas que se alq...

Ethnic cleansing in the Central African Republic

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Mission Network News
mnnonline.org - Central African Republic (MNN) — Some may amount the turmoil in the Central African Republic to a fight between followers of Islam and followers of Christ. But the battle for the CAR is more than M...

Ascension Day – By Common Consent, a Mormon Blog

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By Common Consent
bycommonconsent.com - The Collect: Almighty God, whose blessed Son our Saviour Jesus Christ descended below all things and ascended above all things that he might fill all things: Mercifully give us faith to see that he...

Ministério revoga portaria que incluiu aborto legal na tabela do SUS

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cpadnews.com.br - O Ministério da Saúde revogou nesta quinta-feira (29) a portaria 415, publicada na semana passada e que incluiu o aborto por razões médicas e legais na Tabela de Procedimentos do Sistema Único de S...

Archbishop of Canterbury to meet with Pope : News Headlines - Catholic Culture

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Catholic Pulse
catholicculture.org - Archbishop Justin Welby of Canterbury, who holds a primacy of honor in the Anglican Communion, has announced that he will meet with Pope Francis at the Vatican in June. It will be the second meetin...
Meio Ambiente

Obama Admin. To Unilaterally Slow LNG Export Terminal Approval Process

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Matt Barber
barbwire.com - The Energy Department proposed a rule on Thursday that would likely slow the approval process for liquefied natural gas (LNG) export terminals by adding extra layers of compliance to an already cum...

Governo gasta muito e gasta mal

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Instituto Millenium
imil.org.br - Ainda se discute muito se o problema do Estado brasileiro é que os governos gastam muito ou que gastam mal. Contudo, até onde me é dado ver, os governos gastam muito e gastam mal. Não disponho de d...

Beyond Politics, America Enjoys an Era of Amazing Innovation

Partilhado por
Heritage Foundation
nationalreview.com - As David Plotz lays out, there has never been more news published than there is today; web sites of media organizations from the New York Times to Fox News publish literally hundreds, sometimes tho...

Como fica a posição da Igreja em relação a doação de orgãos ?

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Catecismo da Igreja
ask.fm - Como fica a posição da Igreja em relação a doação de orgãos ? Diz o nosso Catecismo que "a doação de órgãos após a morte é um ato nobre e meritório e deve ser encorajado como uma manifestação de ge...

Californian soldier Korry McClanahan 'may never move again' after attack outside bar

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Angelica Saldaña
dailymail.co.uk - A soldier attacked over the weekend at a bar by a gang of six Russians may never move again, his family said today. Specialist Korry McClanahan, 25, was set upon and beaten outside Steel Creek Amer...

Black teens attack victims ‘like it was a game’

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WND News
wnd.com - Roaming gangs of black youths descended on a festival in Cincinnati, carrying out a number of attacks that resembled the “Knockout Game,” a nationwide phenomena in which randomly selected victims a...
Arte & Entretenimento

WORLD | Fast backward | Sophia Lee

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WORLD News Group
worldmag.com - Now at the seventh film in the X-Men series, one might wonder how much more anticipation the X-Men franchise can draw out from its audience, but fans still dutifully buy movie tickets and buzz abou...

AL abortionist jailed wkends as admitting privileges law disputed

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jillstanek.com - You certainly have to give Alabama’s abortion industry credit for chutzpah. At this moment a trial is underway to determine the fate of a 2013 law requiring Alabama abortionists to have admitting p...

Where to ground our sense of self

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Ocean of Grace
reformedquotes.com - Sometimes Christians assume that we should never think of ourselves. That is not what Paul teaches in Romans or Philippians. In Romans 12:3, he tells us not to think of ourselves more highly than w...

Flavinho (@flavinhocn) 's Live - TwitCasting

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twitcasting.tv - flavinhocn's Live Now on Live! - @ironispuldaro pregando Duration: | Device: iPhone5,1 | Embed You can embed your live video to your web site. The embedded live video can be played from PCs or iPho...


Cristianismo e Política + Christianity and Politics + União multi-denominacional (evangélicos, católicos, etc) em defesa dos valores cristãos e da democracia



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