19 May 2014

Cristianismo & Política 18.05.2014 @CristPolit

Cristianismo & Politica

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Decenas de miles de colombianos denuncian en las calles que «el aborto es un fracaso y un retroceso»

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infocatolica.com - (HO/InfoCatólica) Los participantes salieron, mayoritariamente, con camisetas rojas, globos y corazones dibujados en las palmas de sus manos como homenaje ala vida. La Plataforma nacional Unidos po...

Abortion Increases Risk of Women's Mental Health Problems 81%

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lifenews.com - by Steven Ertelt | London, England | LifeNews.com | 9/1/11 10:13 AM A new study published in the British Journal of Psychiatry by leading American researcher Dr. Priscilla Coleman of Bowling Green ...

Universidades católicas buscam ampliar qualidade

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Arquidiocese de SP
arquidiocesedesaopaulo.org.br - Outros assuntos foram discutidos durante o evento, entre os quais os dez anos do Sistema Nacional de Avaliação da Educação Superior (Sinaes) e o projeto de lei para a criação do Instituto Nacional ...
Art & Entertainment

[VIDEO] Hoy el mundo celebra el 94 cumpleaños de San Juan Pablo II

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - LIMA, 18 May. 14 / 12:01 am (ACI).- Hace 94 años nació San Juan Pablo II en la pequeña ciudad polaca de Wadowice que se ubica a 50 kms. de Cracovia. Hoy sus fieles devotos en todo el mundo entero r...
Art & Entertainment

Justiça não reconhece umbanda e candomblé como religiões

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Foco Cristão
holofote.net - Uma decisão em primeira instância da Justiça Federal no Rio de Janeiro não reconhece crenças afro-brasileiras como religiões. De acordo com juiz Eugenio Rosa de Araújo, da 17ª Vara Federal do Rio, ...

Famintos por uma mudança

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Paulo Teixeira do RJ
portasabertas.org.br - A Portas Abertas visitou recentemente algumas igrejas em Diffa. O objetivo era averiguar o nível de perseguição, definir as necessidades da Igreja, ensiná-la a resistir ao islã, encorajar e fortale...

Diocese de Jundiaí – A 52ª Assembleia Geral da CNBB

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Diocese de Jundiai
dj.org.br - “Por Jesus recebemos a graça da vocação para o apostolado, a fim de trazermos à obediência da fé, para a glória de seu nome, todas as pessoas, entre as quais também vós, chamados a pertencer a Jesu...
Art & Entertainment

Experiências com Nossa Senhora em Fátima

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Com. Canção Nova
blog.cancaonova.com - Dois missionários e a experiência, o encontro, com Nossa Senhora em Fátima. Visitar Fátima, em Portugal, significa fazer uma experiência profunda com Nossa Senhora do Rosário, título com o qual ela...

The Woman Who Kept a Light Burning in Her Window

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aheartforgod.org - “Not one of the good promises which the Lord had made to the house of Israel failed; all came to pass.” (Joshua 21:45) God keeps His word. What the Lord says He’ll do, He does it! He’s like the you...

What If She's Not the Right One?

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Focus on the Family
boundless.org - Marriage rescues us from the paradox of choice and introduces us to the paradox of gift: Give yourself, and you find yourself. I couldn't help but notice the man on his laptop in the bus seat in fr...

Black American citizens file "Articles of Impeachment" against Obama

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Doug Dauntless
watchdogwire.com - Our vision is that black Americans will become power players in the political arena so that they can seize control over their own destiny and move into our ownership society through small business ...

Saddleback Church - One Family, Many Locations. Help. Healing. Hope.

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Rick Warren
saddleback.com - Having a relationship with Jesus means accepting you are not God, believing Jesus sacrificed himself on the cross for you, and deciding at this moment to put Christ first in your life. Give us your...
Art & Entertainment

..Sempre um papo..

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Fábio de Melo
sempreumpapo.com.br - Selecione a cidade desejada para ver a programação completa:

As evidências de fraude no fundo dos Correios ligado ao PMDB - ÉPOCA

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Ihamma Lins
epoca.globo.com - No final do governo Lula, um jovem e brilhante operador do mercado financeiro ascendia no rarefeito mundo da elite política de Brasília. Era Fabrizio Neves, dono da Atlântica Asset, empresa que mon...

Cranmer: Are Islamists infiltrating the Conservatives?

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Archbishop Cranmer
archbishop-cranmer.blogspot.co.uk - The parties are canvassing and campaigning hard all over the country. The euro-polling is inconsistent, but it looks as though Ukip will be victorious next Sunday, with Labour coming second, and th...

PT recebe mais doações que PSDB, PMDB e PSB juntos - 18/05/2014 - Poder - Folha de S.Paulo

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Roberto Torrecilhas
folha.uol.com.br - Tradicionais doadoras de dinheiro para partidos políticos, empresas com negócios no setor público entregaram ao PT no ano passado quase o dobro do que pagaram a PSDB, PMDB e PSB juntos. O partido d...

Imprensa inglesa diz que o governo brasileiro perdeu o rumo e agora joga o povo contra o povo

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Marcos Matias
folhacentrosul.com.br - O princípio da descrença é a proposição fundamental da Conscienciologia na qual o pesquisador ou pesquisadora não deve aceitar nenhuma ideia de maneira apriorista, dogmática, mística, sem reflexão ...

Make the Switch in Life and Worship

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John Piper
desiringgod.org - During a ferocious winter storm, I awoke in the middle of the night to find my house without electricity. A quick glance out the window revealed that our entire block was entirely dark. I called ou...

Criacionismo: Presidente do Uruguai defende governança global

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Michelson Borges
criacionismo.com.br - sexta-feira, maio 16, 2014 Presidente do Uruguai defende governança global José Mujica A Argentina é vítima de sua história, marcada por uma sucessão de golpes de Estado, disse ontem o presidente d...
Art & Entertainment

Tono, Einstein y la relatividad

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infocatolica.com - En España hemos tenido una excelsa generación de extraordinarios humoristas de tanto calado e ingenio, que han sido llamados nada menos que “la otra generación del 27”. Entre ellos, Pepe López Rubi...

Una buena entrevista con un hombre admirable: José Antonio Ortega Lara

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outono.net - Rara vez suelo recomendar aquí la lectura de un artículo de prensa, pero hoy haré una excepción para aconsejaros leer la entrevista a Ortega Lara que publica hoy El Mundo. Firma la petición de VCT ...

Nada de chismes, envidias ni celos en la Iglesia, pide el Papa

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - VATICANO, 18 May. 14 / 11:10 am (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- Al presidir el rezo del Regina Caeli ante los miles de fieles congregados en la Plaza de San Pedro, el Papa Francisco alentó a dejar de lado po...

Ten Notable Pro-Life Celebrities You Should Know

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lifenews.com - by Cassy Fiano | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 3/15/13 1:24 PM Did you know that Ashley Judd is running for Senate? That’s right: the outspoken liberal, pro-abortion actress will be challenging M...
Art & Entertainment

Catholic.net - ¿Estás triste? ¿Quizás preocupado?

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es.catholic.net - ¿Estás triste? ¿Quizás preocupado? Las preocupaciones son el pan nuestro de cada día. Muchas vienen de situaciones muy reales que enfrentamos en el diario vivir. Otras, sin embargo, surgen de la na...

New Pro-Life Web Site Links Girl Scouts With Planned Parenthood

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lifenews.com - by Steven Ertelt | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 5/18/11 1:20 PM A new pro-life website set up by two teen siblings exposes the links and connections between the Girl Scouts of America and the Pl...

Papa reza pelas vítimas das inundações na Bósnia e na Sérvia

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Canção Nova Notícias
papa.cancaonova.com - Países sofrem com as piores inundações dos últimos 120 anos, que já provocou a morte de pelo menos 30 pessoas e deixou milhares de desabrigados Após a oração do Regina Coeli deste domingo, 18, o Pa...

Man Wanted Baby Aborted, Crushed Her Head After Birth

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lifenews.com - by Steven Ertelt | Scranton, PA | LifeNews.com | 5/18/12 4:32 PM A Pennsylvania man who wanted his girlfriend to have an abortion and wound up crushing his baby daughter’s skull shortly after her b...
Art & Entertainment

Catholic.net - Entrevista al Cristo de los caminos

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es.catholic.net - Entrevista al Cristo de los caminos Del santo Evangelio según san Juan 14, 1-12 No se turbe vuestro corazón. Creéis en Dios: creed también en mí. En la casa de mi Padre hay muchas mansiones; si no,...
Art & Entertainment

Jake Hamilton em turnê na África do Sul (vídeo)

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Gospel Prime
videos.gospelprime.com.br - Assista aos bastidores de Jake Hamilton em turnê na África do Sul 2014

Shut Up, They Explain - Paul Greenberg - Page 1

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Drew McKissick
townhall.com - Condoleezza Rice, our former secretary of state, is the latest public figure to be chased off a university campus by the bullies, formally known as student protesters. She had been scheduled to del...

Pope Francis prays for flood victims in the Balkans

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N. Catholic Register
news.va - Pope Francis prays for flood victims in the Balkans (Vatican Radio) Pope Francis on Sunday asked the faithful to pray for victims of floods in Serbia and Bosnia as at least 40 people are reported k...
Art & Entertainment

Catholic.net - Juan I, Santo

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es.catholic.net - Juan I, Santo LIII Papa y MártirEra italiano, de Toscana. En 523 fue elegido Sumo Pontífice. En Italia gobernaba el rey Teodorico que apoyaba la herejía de los arrianos. Y sucedió que el emperador ...

Papa inaugurará a Assembleia dos Bispos italianos

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Comunidade Shalom
comshalom.org - O Santo Padre inaugurará, na parte da tarde da próxima segunda-feira, 19, os trabalhos da Assembléia Geral da Conferência Episcopal Italiana, que se realizará na Sala do Sínodo, no Vaticano. A Asse...

Gideões 2014 - Samuel Procópio (vídeo)

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Gospel Prime
videos.gospelprime.com.br - Assistir a pregação do pastor Samuel Procópio no 32º Congresso dos Gideões Missionários da Última Hora. O 32º Congresso Internacional de Missões dos Gideões Missionários da Última Hora terá diaria...

Cuba aclara que viajeros no tienen que pagar tarifa adicional para entrar al país

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Yoani Sánchez
cafefuerte.com - Los viajeros cubanos no tienen que pagar una tarifa adicional de 200 pesos convertibles (CUC) por entrar al país, según una aclaración oficial. Citando al sitio de consultas legales CubaLegalinfo, ...

Pope St. John Paul II on Campus | Daily News

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N. Catholic Register
ncregister.com - This past academic year was very special for St. John Paul II University Parish in Denton, Texas. We offered many spiritual opportunities for our students and parishioners, including this Lent/East...

Doc who delivered 5,200 babies: I’ll repeal Obamacare

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WND News
wnd.com - With just days until the hotly contested Republican Senate primary in Georgia, Rep. Phil Gingrey – a doctor who has delivered 5,200 babies – says he will be the voice of blue-collar Georgians in Wa...

Thousands flee floods in Bosnia and Serbia as death toll rises | World news

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Andy Bryant
theguardian.com - Packed into buses, boats and helicopters, carrying nothing but a handful of belongings, tens of thousands of people have fled their homes in Bosnia and Serbia to escape the worst flooding in a cent...
Art & Entertainment

Jesus Freak - DC Talk (vídeo)

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Gospel Prime
videos.gospelprime.com.br - Assistir ao show com a canção “Jesus Freak” do  álbum “Jesus Freak” da banda DC Talk
Art & Entertainment

El BNG expulsa al Sagrado Corazón de Jesús en San Sadurniño (La Coruña)

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hazteoir.org - El párroco de la localidad se ha hecho cargo de la querida imagen, partida y exhibida de forma vejatoria tras su retirada del suelo semipúblico. Pero hasta la acogida por la Iglesia ha molestado a ...

The Vatican claims Darwin's theory of evolution is compatible with Christianity - Telegraph

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Michelson Borges
telegraph.co.uk - Marc Leclerc, who teaches natural philosophy at the Gregorian University, said the "time has come for a rigorous and objective valuation" of Darwin by the Church as the 200th anniversary of Darwin'...
Art & Entertainment

El P. Alegre, impulsor del Cottolengo, ha sido declarado «venerable» por el Papa Francisco

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infocatolica.com - (Jesuitas.es/InfoCatólica) Esto significa que, a partir de ese momento, el P. Jacinto Alegre recibe el título de «venerable» y da un paso más hacia la beatificación. El P. Alegre nació en Terrassa ...

Putin Is Outwitting the West With a Soviet-Era Bag of Dirty Tricks

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Heritage Foundation
blog.heritage.org - George Kennan was the State Department‘s top hand on Moscow. As the U.S.-Soviet alliance unraveled after World War II, no one seemed to understand the Kremlin better than Kennan. One of his most in...

Man Arrested for Selling "Roasted Fetuses" for Good Luck

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lifenews.com - by Steven Ertelt | Bangkok, Thailand | LifeNews.com | 5/18/12 12:35 PM Police arrested a British man of Taiwanese origin in Bangkok today who was found to have six “roasted fetuses” in his hotel ro...

1 in 4 dislike Jews, are ignorant of Holocaust

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WND News
wnd.com - Despite decades of education and outreach by the Jewish community, a quarter of the globe is anti-Semitic, according to a new report by the Anti-Defamation League. ADL polled 50,000 people worldwid...

Pope: Church problems solved through discussion, prayer :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

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Catholic News Agency
catholicnewsagency.com - Vatican City, May 18, 2014 / 05:30 am (CNA).- In his Sunday Angelus message, Pope Francis reflected on the apostles’ method of solving problems as an example for the whole Church. When the early Ch...
Art & Entertainment

Entrega de premios y diplomas en el V Concurso Abulense 'Dibujos por la Vida'

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hazteoir.org - Alegría y color han llenado el Grande de Ávila, en la tarde del viernes con el V Concurso Abulense Dibujos por la Vida. Los más de 60 niños y jóvenes participantes han aplicado sus lápices y rotula...
Art & Entertainment

La verdad sobre sor Cristina, la monja cantante, y la experiencia que le precede en el escenario - ReL

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Religión en Libertad
religionenlibertad.com - «Lo bonito es que las ursulinas, al gestionar esta academia de artistas cristianos, donde Cristina creció y maduró su vocación, eran desde el principio favorables, aunque me preguntaron: ¿pero, seg...
Art & Entertainment

Opus Dei - Cultivar la interioridad en la era digital

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Opus Dei (España)
opusdei.es - Las nuevas tecnologías han aumentado el volumen de información que recibimos en cada instante, y quizás hoy ya no nos sorprenda que nos lleguen en tiempo real las noticias de sitios lejanos. Estar ...

Decenas de miles de colombianos denuncian en las calles que "el aborto es un fracaso y un retroceso"

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Derecho a Vivir
hazteoir.org - Este sábado Colombia se ha echado a las calles para denunciar, en diferentes ciudades del país, que "el aborto es un fracaso y un retroceso a tiempos salvajes en los que se asesinaba a los más inde...
Art & Entertainment

Beatificado Mons. Anton Durcovici, el obispo martir torturado y asesinado por el comunismo en Rumanía

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infocatolica.com - (Agencias/InfoCatólica) Anton Durcovici nace en Bad-Deutsch-Altenburg (Austria) el 1888, su padre Franz Durcowitsch, era croata y murió por la tisis en 1893; su madre María Mittermaier parte con su...

In Review

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Church of England
churchofengland.org - In Review is a monthly tabloid sized (A3) newspaper published by the National Church Institutions of the Church of England. It aims to keep you in touch with the activities of the Archbishops' Coun...
Art & Entertainment

“Maria pede-nos o sim a Deus semelhante ao do seu Coração”, diz Bispo - A12

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Santuario Nacional
a12.com - Gratidão e admiração foram os sentimentos manifestados na Celebração Eucarística de Entronização da Imagem de Nossa Senhora de Fátima no Santuário Nacional de Aparecida neste domingo (18). A cerimô...

Decenas de miles de colombianos denuncian en las calles que "el aborto es un fracaso y un retroceso"

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hazteoir.org - Este sábado Colombia se ha echado a las calles para denunciar que "el aborto es un fracaso y un retroceso a tiempos salvajes en los que se asesinaba a los más indefensos", que, además, deja graves ...
Art & Entertainment

Opus Dei - Mis “grandes amigos” indios, senegaleses y coreanos

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Opus Dei (España)
opusdei.es - En el barrio hay muchos inmigrantes: marroquíes, senegaleses, guineanos, rumanos, ucranianos, saharauis, de toda Hispanoamérica, etc. No acaba de empezar la tarde y han pasado por mi tienda un ucra...

Criacionismo: Sudanesa grávida é condenada à morte por ser cristã

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Michelson Borges
criacionismo.com.br - sexta-feira, maio 16, 2014 Sudanesa grávida é condenada à morte por ser cristã Cristãos sudaneses são perseguidos A Justiça do Sudão condenou à morte por enforcamento uma mulher muçulmana acusada d...

Launching Index on Censorship Spring 2014 Magazine at Hay Festival - Index on Censorship

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Index on Censorship
indexoncensorship.org - Join us at the Hay Festival to debate what happens to the truth during wars and conflicts. Where is the line between national security and public information? Is it ever right not to tell the whole...

Election 2014: Nebraska Governor - Rasmussen Reports™

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rasmussenreports.com - Following his narrow primary win on Tuesday, Republican nominee Pete Ricketts leads his Democratic opponent Chuck Hassebrook by seven points in Nebraska’s gubernatorial race. The latest Rasmussen R...

Derecho a Vivir presenta este martes el sondeo de intención de voto y de protección de la vida humana

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Derecho a Vivir
hazteoir.org - La doctora Gádor Joya, portavoz de Derecho a Vivir, será la encargada de presentarlo a los medios en la Rueda de Prensa que tendrá lugar a las 11:45 horas, en la sede de HO. REDACCIÓN HO.- Este mar...
Art & Entertainment

Igreja Presbiteriana do Brasil

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Igreja Presbiteriana
ipb.org.br - Há quatro fases bem distintas na vida familiar: o casamento, a chegada dos filhos, os filhos unidos ao redor da mesa e o surgimento dos netos. Na sua bondosa providência, na mesma medida em que os ...
Art & Entertainment

Jasmine Muñoz, un milagro de vida, cumple su deseo de ir al Vaticano

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infocatolica.com - (El heraldo católico/IbfoCatólica) Make-A-Wish es una organización sin ánimo de lucro que se dedica a conceder los deseos de niños que padecen enfermedades graves que atentan contra su vida. Jasmin...

PMA : José Bové et Noël Mamère, partisans de l'écologie humaine ?

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La Manif Pour Tous
lefigaro.fr - Gérard Leclerc est un journaliste, philosophe et essayiste. Il est éditorialiste à France catholique et à Radio Notre-Dame. Dans un article sur Reporterre , Noël Mamère a pris la défense de José Bo...
Art & Entertainment

Alegria em conta-gotas

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Sérgio Pavarini
pavablog.com - Alegria é pepita descoberta depois do vendaval. Ela nasce do instante; sua pouca duração é causa do arrepio. Como clarão na madrugada invernal, A alma não foge de encarar qualquer desafio. Alegria ...
Art & Entertainment

El autobús Vota Valores recorre Valencia causando expectación

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hazteoir.org - Los valencianos vieron 'sorprendidos' que no sea un partido político el que esté haciendo campaña y recibieron la Guía de Voto para votar con conocimiento de causa, llamados a defender los grandes ...

Index on Censorship | Support Index, Donate Now - Index on Censorship

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Index on Censorship
indexoncensorship.org - Donate to Index and support our work to protect freedom of expression around the world. Your contribution will help Index to challenge censorship through hard-hitting journalism, ground-breaking re...

Criacionismo: Uma sociedade doente e violenta

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Michelson Borges
criacionismo.com.br - quinta-feira, maio 15, 2014 Uma sociedade doente e violenta Um espelho da sociedade As mensagens violentas ganharam espaço na internet no Brasil. Nos últimos três anos, aumentou 203% o número de pá...
Art & Entertainment

Foto da semana. | Fratres in Unum.com

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Júlio [DIES IRÆ]
fratresinunum.com - Deixai, ó Jesus, que em vosso Coração Eucarístico, depositemos as mais ardentes preces pelo nosso clero. Multiplicai as vocações sacerdotais em nossa pátria; atraí ao vosso altar os filhos do nosso...
Art & Entertainment

Los museos municipales de Madrid abren hoy hasta las 12 de la noche

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PP de Madrid
laquincena.es - Por su parte CentroCentro se suma también a las actividades del Día de los Museos con ampliación de horario y accesos gratuitos Hoy domingo, 18 de mayo, se celebra el Día Internacional de los Museo...
Art & Entertainment

Num vídeo ainda mais revelador, Marilena Chauí recita aos berros o monólogo que prega o extermínio da classe média

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JB Carvalho
veja.abril.com.br - Muita gente estranha o absurdo desta “professora” vociferar contra a classe média, porque ela É da classe média. Mas é só a gente se lembrar da “Revolução dos Bichos” que tudo fica normal. Segundo ...

Harry Reid Displays Appalling Contempt for the First Amendment

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Heritage Foundation
blog.heritage.org - Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) gave an interview this week in which he displayed contempt for the First Amendment and the rights of Americans to engage in political activity and politic...

Projeto de deputado gaúcho pode punir torcedor racista com cinco anos fora dos estádios

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Sérgio Pavarini
pavablog.com - A Câmara dos Deputados analisa o projeto de lei 7383/14, do deputado Alceu Moreira (PMDB-RS), que pune torcedores que cometerem atos de racismo durante competições esportivas. Independentemente de ...
Art & Entertainment

Por que nós chamamos a Virgem Maria de Rainha e de Senhora? - padrepauloricardo.org

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Padre Paulo Ricardo
padrepauloricardo.org - O Papa Pio XI, através da Encíclica Quas Primas, recordou um ensinamento precioso da Igreja acerca da Pessoa de Jesus: Ele é Rei. E é exatamente nisto que se fundamenta a tradição bimilenar dos cri...

National Right to Life: McConnell “irreplaceable” in U.S. Senate as defender of unborn children and other vulnerable persons

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Right to Life
nationalrighttolifenews.org - LOUISVILLE (September 18, 2013)–National Right to Life today joined with its state affiliate, Kentucky Right to Life, in issuing a ringing endorsement of Senator Mitch McConnell’s re-election to th...
Art & Entertainment

Biblia Online : Livros

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  Josué Gomes
biblia.me - Muitos me dirão naquele dia: Senhor, Senhor, não profetizamos nós em teu nome? e em teu nome não expulsamos demônios? e em teu nome não fizemos muitas maravilhas?

Biblia en vivo con Jubi

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Un Curso De Milagros
spreaker.com - UCDM Desde tu Mente Integra Biblia en vivo con Jubi Talk, #iluminacion, #milagros, #resurreccion, #verdad

India: Religious electioneering damages secular fabric - Index on Censorship

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Index on Censorship
indexoncensorship.org - “The Ram- Rahim ideal and the secular ideology are often the stuff of an Indian politician’s election haberdashery, not his soul-stuff.” Justice Krishna Iyer of India’s Supreme Court was scathing i...
Art & Entertainment

El renacimiento de Plaza de España | Madrid

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PP de Madrid
elmundo.es - Nuevos aires recorren la olvidada Plaza de España. El grupo hotelero VP ha empezado ya a levantar un hotel de lujo donde estaban los antiguos edificios de Telefónica. En la Torre de Madrid, Metrova...

Karen Handel | U.S. Senate, Georgia

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Susan B Anthony List
sba-list.org - “Karen Handel is a strong, articulate pro-life leader and the best candidate in Georgia to speak to the errors of abortion-centered feminism and one of its chief advocates, Michelle Nunn. Karen fea...
Art & Entertainment

Watch Services Live

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Craig Webb
thegladechurch.org - View past messages from Pastors Bruce Grubbs, Craig Webb, and Michael Eubanks. View past worship reflections from our Lead Worshipper, Phillip Hardy.

States Face Overwhelming Reality of Obamacare Medicaid Expansion

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Heritage Foundation
blog.heritage.org - Lots of people signing up? Yes. Is that a good thing? No – it’s bad for poor Americans who need health insurance and bad for taxpayers everywhere. Yesterday, Indiana’s Mike Pence (R) became the lat...

Expedição VEJA: Milagre dos peixes - Brasil - Notícia - VEJA.com

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JB Carvalho
veja.abril.com.br - Ela já era a terra da soja. Agora, está prestes a virar também a terra do tambaqui — e do pintado e do pirarucu. A cidade de Sorriso, em Mato Grosso, passou a investir na piscicultura no começo dos...

No Child Taken - We want to see 50,000 vulnerable children protected - Tearfund - Tearfund

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tearfund.org - Trafficking is the fastest growing crime in the world, ravaging the lives of 1.2 million children across the world every year. That number is set to rise, unless we stop it in its tracks. The good ...

If Abortion is So Great, Why Are These Women So Devastated?

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Live Action News
lifenews.com - by Lia Mills | Ottawa, Canada | LifeNews.com | 5/16/14 6:29 PM One year ago, I had just finished the final leg in a 212km walk from Montreal, Quebec to Ottawa, Ontario. I was the youngest member in...

La Luz que hay en ti

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Un Curso De Milagros
spreaker.com - Clases en directo desde el Miracles Healing Center. Lunes 8:00am Ramon 4:00pm Astrid Martes 2:00pm Astrid Miercoles 8:00am Maria Torres Jueves 8:00am Ricard " 1100am Astrid " 12:00pm Gloria " 5:00p...

Concurso Cultural Literário (61)

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mob de leitura
livrosepessoas.com - Aos 13 anos, Isadora Faber, uma estudante de escola pública de Florianópolis (SC), indignada com os problemas de ensino e infraestrutura de seu colégio resolveu criar uma página no Facebook, o Diár...

Guinea-Bissau holds presidential runoff vote

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cnsnews.com - BISSAU, Guinea-Bissau (AP) — Long lines formed outside polling stations in Guinea-Bissau on Sunday for a presidential runoff vote intended to restore constitutional order in a country known for cou...

29 Ways to Come Alive, and Not Just Exist 

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truthisscary.com - “Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” Howard Thurman “The proper function of man is to live, not ...

Russia: Vladimir Putin and the rise of swearbots - Index on Censorship

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Index on Censorship
indexoncensorship.org - In September last year Vladimir Putin spoke at the Valdai Conference, an autumnal landmark in the Russian political calendar. The theme was values and identity and Putin proposed a “return” to mora...

Failure to Acknowledge Failure

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intellectualconservative.com - For many years this writer has understood that one of the main problems with modern government is something that may be called “self legitimization.”   It is a process by which government grows des...

Vigilia por las niñas cristianas de Nigeria

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hazteoir.org - MasLibres.org convoca este jueves una vigilia de oración por las niñas cristianas secuestradas en Nigeria por Boko Haram: La vigilia se desarrollará de la siguiente manera: Estamos en campaña elect...

El 15-M se apaga - La Razón digital

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PP de Madrid
larazon.es - El tercer aniversario del movimiento 15-M no ha contado con demasiada acogida entre sus simpatizantes, ni siquiera la manifestación de ayer, la supuesta actividad estrella de la conmemoración de la...
Art & Entertainment

Criacionismo: A “gospelização” está em alta

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Michelson Borges
criacionismo.com.br - quarta-feira, maio 14, 2014 A “gospelização” está em alta Uma igreja mundanizada Pense num beco estreito e sombrio, com calçamento de paralelepípedo, cercado de galpões. Imagine-se entrando por uma...

Que fazer em favor da candidatura de Jair Bolsonaro? - O.C.

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Observatório Conserv
observatorioconservador.com.br - Como eleitor, insatisfeito com os rumos do país, e cansado das constantes violações dos direitos individuais perpetradas por governos e políticas esquerdistas nas últimas décadas; desejando mudança...

Da linha de frente: indígenas professores

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ultimato.com.br - Estamos muito alegres com líderes/missionários indígenas dando aulas e participando no discipulado de alunos no Instituto Semiraita (Semente) na cidade de Iranduba (AM). Temos três alunos (dois Daw...

Bring the European Union Back to the People!

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citizengo.org - The EU Parliamentary elections are May 22-25th. Let’s send a message to Brussels that we want Europe unified by the ideas of democracy, freedom, free market principles and living within your means ...

Fleet Street's last religious affairs position axed as Ruth Gledhill leaves Times after 27 years

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Archbishop Cranmer
pressgazette.co.uk - Fleet Street is to lose its last religious affairs correspondent next week when Ruth Gledhill leaves The Times. Gledhill has confirmed her position is being made redundant as she leaves the paper a...

Dilma pede que brasileiro seja 'gentil' e 'civilizado' na Copa - 16/05/2014 - Poder - Folha de S.Paulo

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folha.uol.com.br - A presidente Dilma Rousseff defendeu nesta sexta-feira (16) que o brasileiro receba bem o turista durante a Copa do Mundo, que começa daqui a 27 dias. "Temos que mostrar que o Brasil é um país de g...
Art & Entertainment

Bereano: Mateo 10:41

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bereanocomprueba.blogspot.com - domingo, 18 de mayo de 2014 Mateo 10:41 Este texto se ha utilizado recurrentemente para afirmar que: “Si un profeta (De hoy), te bendice, debes retribuirle económicamente y no con poco sino con  mu...

Are China and North Korea Really at Odds? The Implications of a Rift

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Heritage Foundation
blog.heritage.org - Recent reports that the People’s Republic of China has not exported any crude oil to North Korea for the last three months raise the possibility that Beijing and Pyongyang are on the outs. But hope...

A better way to care for orphans?

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Mission Network News
mnnonline.org - Uganda (MNN) — In Uganda, over 50,000 children live in orphanages or institutionalized care facilities…and 80% of them have family members in the area. The statistics have been borne out in governm...

In Georgia race, Republicans cry foul over taxes

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cnsnews.com - ATLANTA (AP) — Former Dollar General CEO David Perdue says his chief rivals in the GOP race for Georgia's open Senate seat are falsely accusing him of being the worst kind of Republican — one who w...

Sunday Morning Poem: “Fault” – By Common Consent, a Mormon Blog

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By Common Consent
bycommonconsent.com - I find that poetry occupies a place very near the heart of my worship. Nobody in my High Priest’s Group is at all surprised anymore when I bring a poem into the discussion, and I’ve even been known...

2 Tiny Mind Tweaks That Produce Big Changes In Your Life 

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truthisscary.com - It’s natural for people to get upset in response to something happening and as a result completely merging with that emotion. When you do such a thing, you straight away put your body in a low vibr...

Egypt: A chilling message and a case in uproar - Index on Censorship

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Index on Censorship
indexoncensorship.org - A chilling message sent by award-winning photojournalist Mosa’ab El Shamy via his Twitter account on Monday filled his 41,000 online followers with dread. Alerting them that his brother, reporter A...

I Long For That Church

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challies.com - I long for a church that understands that it—the local church—is the chosen and best method of evangelism. I long for a church where the Christians are so in love with Jesus that when they go about...

Instagram - Linkis.com

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Antônio Carlos Costa
ln.is - People are already having fun with Linkis.com, sharing links easily and customizing them in few simple clicks. It's super cool automation feature does everything for you. Sit back and have fun whil...

Dilma diz que governo 'subestimou' transposição - politica - versaoimpressa - Estadão

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Salomão Carvalho
estadao.com.br - A presidente Dilma Rousseff reconheceu ontem que o prazo e a complexidade das obras de transposição do Rio São Francisco foram "subestimados" pelo governo. Apesar disso, a petista não deixou de cri...

Las mentiras de Elena Valenciano

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PP de Madrid
pp.es - Esta web utiliza cookies propias y de terceros para analizar la navegación, mejorando así su experiencia y nuestros servicios. Si continúa navegando, consideramos que acepta su uso. Consulte nuestr...

Label ritually slaughtered meat in UK

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citizengo.org - Recent media coverage has revealed that large amounts of ritually slaughtered meat is being sold or served in the UK without any indication to the consumer. (See: www.telegraph.co.uk/foodanddrink/1...

El Papa Francisco viajará a Tierra Santa con un amigo musulmán y otro judío

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hazteoir.org - El diálogo interreligioso será uno de los ejes centrales del viaje que el papa Francisco hará a Tierra Santa entre el 24 y el 26 de mayo y, por ello, el Vaticano destaca que lo acompañarán “dos ami...

Will you stand with believers in Nigeria?

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Mission Network News
mnnonline.org - Nigeria (ODM) — A few days ago, a video emerged from Boko Haram showing the kidnapped Nigerian girls dressed in burqas while being held captive. The girls have been held hostage for a month now, an...

How Conservatives Can Outsmart Liberals on the Issue of Inequality

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Heritage Foundation
blog.heritage.org - Thomas Piketty’s Capital in the 21st Century is a smash on the Amazon bestsellers list. It is all the rage in Washington and other corridors of influence. Piketty, economics professor at the Paris ...

LEC 138 El Cielo es la alternativa por..

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Un Curso De Milagros
spreaker.com - En este mundo el Cielo es algo que se elige porque en este mundo se cree que hay alternativas entre las que se puede elegir. Pensamos que todas las cosas tienen un opuesto y que elegimos lo que que...

Massachusetts man shot, killed on California trail

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cnsnews.com - RED BLUFF, Calif. (AP) — A Massachusetts man was fatally shot and his hiking partner was wounded in a robbery on a Northern California trail, authorities said Saturday. Francis "Pat" Gregory, 69, o...

Mapping Our Interiors - NYTimes.com

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The Brazilian Post
bits.blogs.nytimes.com - Sure, that’s your office cubicle. Your corner store. Maybe even the layout of your furniture in your living room. But that doesn’t mean that soon we won’t all be peering at it, too. That is because...

'Reproducción asistida', 'anticonceptivos' y 'respuesta sexual', en clase de Biología para niños de 12 años

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hazteoir.org - Los alumnos de 1º a 3º de la ESO (de 12 a 15 años) recibirán estos contenidos dentro de la asignatura de Biología. El decreto de directrices de Wert considera la fecundación in vitro es un "benefic...

2011 Zombie Survival Guide Box Calendar Brooks, Max : ISBN 379192 - Rakuten.com Shopping

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rakuten.com - From the Publisher: There’s no time to lose. It could happen at any moment. It may have already begun. Everyone must prepare for the zombie apocalypse. “Other monsters may threaten individual human...

Aardvark Alley: + Erik IX of Sweden +

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aardvarkalley.blogspot.fr - Confessional Lutheran theology, hagiography, philosophy, music, culture, sports, education, and whatever else is on the fevered mind of Orycteropus Afer   + Erik IX of Sweden + 18 May AD 1160 Erik ...

South African band that wrote song about Mugabe denied entry to Zimbabwe - Index on Censorship

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Index on Censorship
indexoncensorship.org - Members of the South African band Freshlyground were denied entry to Zimbabwe just hours before they were set to play at the closing night of the Harare International Arts Festival (HIFA) last week...

Actos campaña europea PP Madrid para el domingo

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PP de Madrid
europeas2014.ppmadrid.es - Partido Popular de Madrid - C/ Génova 13, 1ª planta, 28004, Madrid

What's The Secret To Pouring Ketchup? Know Your Physics : The Salt : NPR

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New Advent
npr.org - We Americans are a nation of condiment lovers, with a special place in our stomachs for ketchup. Ranking second only to mayonnaise as the most popular condiment, ketchup is an $800 million industry...

IMB - Existe uma mentalidade brasileira?

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Direita Brasil
mises.org.br - É controverso dizer que a adoção de determinadas constelações de ideias e valores é fruto de doutrinação ideológica. Operando com conceito de propensão, o desafio consiste em saber por que certos m...

Gov. Deval Patrick Worried About ‘Inevitability’ Of Hillary Run: ‘Off-Putting To The Average Voter’

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Matt Barber
barbwire.com - Democratic Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick warned his party over the “inevitability” of Hillary Clinton as the 2016 nominee for president, cautioning such premature coronation is often “off-pu...

Arrest in fatal stabbing near Little League field

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cnsnews.com - BABYLON, N.Y. (AP) — A man is charged with manslaughter after a fatal stabbing near a Little League field where kids were playing on New York's Long Island. Suffolk County police say a fight broke ...

Washington-Focused Approach to Transportation Is Bad for Communities

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Heritage Foundation
blog.heritage.org - Standard and Poor’s just published a report sure to warm special interest hearts. The ratings agency argues that spending an additional $1.3 billion on infrastructure would boost the economy by $2 ...

Royal Air Force National Security “An Appreciation 85 Squadron Group Captain Peter Townsend CVO DFC DSO Bar” **** BATTLE OF BRITAIN FIGHTER ACE *** Carroll Foundation Charitable Trust Public Interests Case

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US Capitol Hill
carrolltrustcase.com - The sensational Carroll Foundation Charitable Trust national security public interests case which stretches the globe over a staggering sixteen years has recently disclosed that the Royal Air Force...

Eighteenth Day: Waiting on God – To Reveal Himself. Written by Andrew Murray

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Ocean of Grace
godisfor.me - ‘And it shall be said in that day,Lo, this is our God;we have waited for Him, and He will save us: THIS IS THE LORD; we have waited for Him, we will rejoice and be glad in His salvation,’–Isa. 25:9...

LES FEMMES - THE TRUTH: Can't Sleep? Pray the Memorare...

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lesfemmes-thetruth.blogspot.com - I've been saying a lot of Memorares at night since I'm not sleeping well. I love the prayer and the image of Mary as our faithful helper and intercessor. "Remember...." Isn't our memory of Mary and...

The Amazing Rock-Cut Churches of Lalibela

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New Advent
patheos.com - Recently I came upon this photo of worshippers gathered for Mass in Ethiopia: And so began my research into the fantastic rock-cut underground churches in Lalibela. In the twelfth century, King Lal...

Dianne Feinstein: Karl Rove ‘Pathetic’ For Questioning Hillary Concussion

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Matt Barber
barbwire.com - California Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein blasted Karl Rove for questioning whether Hillary Clinton has brain damage after a 2012 concussion, calling the effort “pathetic” and an unfair politi...

IMB - O que é realmente o socialismo e qual o seu maior problema

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Direita Brasil
mises.org.br - O segundo argumento é muito mais profundo e contundente.  A informação com que lida o mercado não é objetiva; não é como a informação que se encontra impressa em um catálogo.  A informação empresar...

RAF * Royal Air Force National Security * SIR JOHN CHILCOT EXPERT WITNESS IRAQ INQUIRY * CARROLL*TRUST $1,OOO,OOO,OOO BULK CASH ASSETS * Biggest Corporate Identity Theft Case in History

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US Capitol Hill
carrollfoundationtrust.blog.com - Latest American and British media reports have stated that the entire contents of the Gerald Carroll Trust’s residences were completely stolen including the theft of priceless US Anglo-Irish Russia...

North Korea reports 'serious' building accident

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cnsnews.com - PYONGYANG, North Korea (AP) — North Korea said a "serious" accident last week at a construction site in the capital, Pyongyang, claimed casualties and triggered a major rescue operation but no deat...

There is no reason why we should feel great about ourselves

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Ocean of Grace
reformedquotes.com - But even with all the crazy ways that popular books try to inflate our self-esteem, there is a biblical message in it all. The massive interest in self-esteem and self-worth exists because it is tr...

Mike Lee and Ted Cruz Have Questions for Obama's HHS Nominee

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Heritage Foundation
blog.heritage.org - President Obama’s nominee for secretary of Health and Human Services is facing scrutiny from two conservative senators who want answers to more than a dozen questions before the Senate votes on her...

On Iran, Israel, the Bomb and God Himself

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aheartforgod.org - My son asked me a question recently, “Does Iran have a bomb that can destroy an entire country?” I said in a tweet I would share my answer to him in a future blog post. This is that post. “There is...

ConJur - Polícia Federal invade OAB de Goiás e prende diretores

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Que país é este ?
conjur.com.br - A Polícia Federal invadiu, neste sábado (12/5), a OAB de Goiás. Onze pessoas foram presas, incluindo diretores da seccional. Também foram apreendidos computadores. A operação tem o objetivo de apur...
Art & Entertainment

Dificuldades na Caminhada com Cristo

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feemjesus.com.br - “Se alguém quiser vir após mim a si mesmo se negue dia a dia, tome a sua cruz e siga-me” (Lucas 9:23) Jesus não nos prometeu uma vida sem lutas e dificuldades. Na vida cristã existem também desafio...

Media attacks Rubio’s semantics, prove their own ignorance instead

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Andrew Bair
liveactionnews.org - Proving that journalistic objectivity is a thing of the past, the Washington Post and MSNBC have demonstrated ignorance and irresponsibility in a semantical parsing of Senator Marco Rubio’s simple ...

A Lesson on Racial Discrimination - Walter E. Williams - Page full

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Janie Johnson
townhall.com - Donald Sterling, Los Angeles Clippers owner, was recorded by his mistress making some crude racist remarks. Since then, Sterling's racist comments have dominated the news, from talk radio to late-n...

Fox Panel Clashes Over Karl Rove’s Remarks On Hillary’s Health: ‘You’re Generating Sympathy For Her!’

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Matt Barber
barbwire.com - A “Fox News Sunday” panel split over whether Karl Rove’s recent remark that Hillary Clinton may have “brain damage” went over the line, with Fox contributor Brit Hume calling it “legitimate” while ...

Irish Embassy London Ambassadors Residence “Closely Monitoring” *** GAUNTLET * LEAP CASTLE TRUST * O’CARROLL OF ELY * HEART OF IRELAND *** Carroll Chair of Irish History Hertford College Oxford University

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US Capitol Hill
carrollfoundationtrust.blog.com - A Scotland Yard “leaked” source has said that the Carroll Institute’s priceless Cambro-Norman Anglo-Irish American and Russian national treasures collections with an estimated value today in excess...

Luy files list mediamen

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UCAN Philippines
newsinfo.inquirer.net - Prominent media personalities also received cash gifts from alleged pork barrel scam mastermind Janet Lim-Napoles, the money taken from the bank accounts of the Napoles fake nongovernment organizat...

APNewsBreak: Chicago activist may plead guilty

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cnsnews.com - DETROIT (AP) — A Chicago activist might plead guilty in Detroit to failing to tell U.S. immigration officials about her conviction in a deadly bombing in Israel in 1969, her attorney said Saturday....

The Attractiveness of the Gospel

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aheartforgod.org - “A traveler fell into a deep pit and couldn’t get out. Several persons came along and saw him struggling in the pit. The sensitive person said, ‘I feel for you down there.’ The reflective person sa...

News Republic

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Venezuela Sin Miedo
news-republic.com - Caracas, 17 may (EFE).- El presidente de Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, dijo hoy que hay sectores de la "extrema derecha" que siguen conspirando contra su Gobierno y que tienen una agenda para dar un "...
Art & Entertainment

PG divulga capa de seu novo álbum

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gpsgospel.com.br - O novo CD do Cantor PG já está sendo produzido na fábrica e será lançado em breve pela MK Music. O álbum reúne 10 canções inéditas e conta com a participação especial da filha do cantor, Hadassa. C...

Nunn attacked in her only debate

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Andrew Bair
onlineathens.com - ATLANTA | Front-runner Michelle Nunn took fire from all three of her Democratic opponents Sunday during the only candidate forum she has joined them in. It was taped to be shown statewide Monday ev...

Professors Deconstruct Obama’s Muscular Presidency

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Janie Johnson
academia.org - Law professors Jonathan Turley of George Washington University and Nicholas Rosenkranz of Georgetown slammed President Obama’s “muscular presidency” as dangerously unconstitutional. The Federalist ...

“Obama está pavimentando o caminho para o anticristo”, diz pastor texano - Gospel VoiceGospel Voice

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Holofote Net Cristão
gospelvoice.com.br - As políticas administrativas implementadas pelo presidente Barack Obama nos EUA estão preparando o caminho para um futuro ditador mundial. A afirmação é do pastor Robert Jeffress, pastor senior da ...

The New 'Godzilla' Is Science Fiction -- and Climate Fiction

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Heritage Foundation
blog.heritage.org - A genre of film is emerging in the movie industry: climate fiction, or, “cli-fi” for short. It plays on fears and anxieties (and myths, quite frankly) about drastic climate change caused primarily ...


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Vitor Vieira
ln.is - People are already having fun with Linkis.com, sharing links easily and customizing them in few simple clicks. It's super cool automation feature does everything for you. Sit back and have fun whil...

Portal TopGyn Home - O Portal para toda Família - Detran realiza encontro estadual de Centro de Formação de Condutores

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TopGyn Notícias
topgyn.com.br - Detran realiza encontro estadual de Centro de Formação de Condutores Fonte do Artigo: Governo do Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul 3 horas e 36 minutos atrás           Campo Grande (MS) - O Departamento...
Art & Entertainment

Julio Severo: Missa Negra satânica na Universidade de Harvard foi em frente, apesar do protesto de milhares de católicos

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Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - Se os Estados Unidos, até hoje, mantivesse a obediência à Palavra de Deus desde a sua fundação, certamente não estaria nesta decadência moral e espiritual nos dias atuais. Ainda segundo algumas pes...
Art & Entertainment

Básico e Necessário: Leitura: 1889, Laurentino Gomes

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Brasil Monarquia Já
miblogito.blogspot.com - Enfim terminei a trilogia (ja falei sobre o 1808 e 1822 antes aqui no blog) sobre a história do Brasil no século 19. O último livro, como entrega o nome, foca na proclamação da República e deixa na...

Pray for FBC Decatur, AL - ThomRainer.com

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Thom Rainer
thomrainer.com - Fast Facts: FBC Decatur is in transition as they have had an extended time of leadership under interim pastors. Located in North Alabama, Decatur has seen a socioeconomic shift over the past few de...

Boko Haram and the Dynamics of Denial

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Matt Barber
barbwire.com - Hundreds (?) of mostly Christian (?) girls are kidnapped in Nigeria by an organization that the U.S. State Department didn’t classify as a terrorist organization. The group threatens to sell the gi...

Former U.N. Amb. Susan Rice on Benghazi: “Dang If I Know” [Video]

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Accuracy In Media
aim.org - Former U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice gave a rather flippant answer after being asked about Benghazi by PBS Newshour’s Judy Woodruff on Wednesday: Woodruff: What more is there that the [Obama] Administ...

Jovens catarinenses criam camisas com frases de apoio à direita - Jornal O Globo - Linkis.com

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Carla Pola
ln.is - People are already having fun with Linkis.com, sharing links easily and customizing them in few simple clicks. It's super cool automation feature does everything for you. Sit back and have fun whil...
Art & Entertainment

10ª Virada Cultural de SP - veja imagens dos shows da Virada Cultural - Fotos - Guia UOL

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Gilberto Ribeiro
guia.uol.com.br - Informações sobre o álbums editoria: galeria: link: http://guia.uol.com.br/album/2014/05/17/virada-cultural-2014-veja-imagens-das-atracoes-da-decima-edicao-do-evento.htm totalImagens: 77 fotoInicia...
Art & Entertainment

Cultural double standard: Michael Sam, Tim Tebow and free speech

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foxnews.com - Once, Social Security was the "third rail" of politics. Touch it and face political death. Now it is homosexuality. Criticize anything gay people do and you risk ostracism, fines, suspension or los...

Por que, em termos estratégicos, apoiar o PSDB até as eleições é a melhor opção para a direita? « Ceticismo Político

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Luciano Henrique
lucianoayan.com - O amigo Arthur Rizzi Ribeiro escreveu o texto Por que eu não me entusiasmo com uma possível vitória tucana?, com o qual concordaria plenamente, mas apenas se eu fosse avaliar a questão em termos nã...

Itaquerão tem 35 anos de problemas. E a inauguração não vai zerar a conta - Notícias - UOL Copa do Mundo 2014

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Josiel Dias 【ツ】
copadomundo.uol.com.br - Foram anos de espera e provocações. Mas não é só isso que a torcida do Corinthians tentará deixar para trás neste domingo, quando o time alvinegro fará o primeiro jogo oficial em seu novo estádio. ...

There Are So Many Religions Today, Aren’t They All Just Like Christianity?

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aheartforgod.org - In a pluralistic society like America (one where many religious groups coexist together), it’s easy to see how a person might be confused into thinking that all religions are basically the same. Ho...

LIBERTAR.in | Frente de Libertação, Restauração e Resistência: Deputado Propõe lei contra a “Nova Ordem Mundial Satânica”

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libertar.in - Deputado Propõe lei contra a “Nova Ordem Mundial Satânica” Deputado José Olímpio diz que Parlamento tem de se antecipar ao “fim do mundo” e proibir a implantação de chips em seres humanos, equipara...
Art & Entertainment

CANNES WATCH: Hayek stands out with dress, message

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cnsnews.com - CANNES, France (AP) — With a fuchsia strapless dress that accentuated her voluptuous figure, Salma Hayek was already guaranteed to turn heads on the Cannes red carpet. So she used the opportunity t...

Brazil Tracks From Boom to Rust - Video - NYTimes.com

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Salomão Carvalho
nytimes.com - Brazil’s economic boom bore big construction projects to empower its impoverished interior. But as the economy cools, many are unfinished, leaving a legacy of division and dislocation.

News Republic

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Venezuela Sin Miedo
news-republic.com - El presidente de Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, se comprometió este viernes a enviar diésel y petróleo venezolano a la Autoridad Palestina durante la visita de su par palestino Mahmud Abas a Caracas (d...

Painel: PSD de Kassab pode romper aliança com Dilma para apoiar Aécio - 18/05/2014 - Poder - Folha de S.Paulo

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Paulo Devechi
folha.uol.com.br - Alerta máximo A preocupação do PT com a reaproximação entre Gilberto Kassab e o PSDB não se resume a São Paulo. Começa a ganhar corpo uma articulação para que Henrique Meirelles, ex-presidente do B...

Russian History Is on Our Side: Putin Will Surely Screw Himself - The Daily Beast

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Janie Johnson
thedailybeast.com - Now that we’ve failed to use Russia’s corrupt and degenerating economy, subservience to the international banking system, and vulnerability to falling energy prices to pop Vladimir Putin like a zit...

Head of Syrian Air Defense Is Killed, Official Says - NYTimes.com

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The Brazilian Post
nytimes.com - By THE ASSOCIATED PRESSMAY 18, 2014, 9:37 A.M. E.D.T. DAMASCUS — The head of Syria's air defenses was killed in clashes near the capital, Damascus, a government official and activists said Sunday, ...

Jornalista Polibio Braga: Elio Gaspari diz que o governo da gerentona está tonto

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Paulo De Boni
polibiobraga.blogspot.com - No artigo que escreve em vários jornais, inclusive Correio do Povo, Porto Alegre, o jornalista Elio Gaspari conta que a doutora Dilma deveria chamar os ministros Aloizio Mercadante e Guido Mantega ...

Portal TopGyn Home - O Portal para toda Família - Sine oferta 507 vagas de emprego nesta segunda-feira (19)

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TopGyn Notícias
topgyn.com.br - Sine oferta 507 vagas de emprego nesta segunda-feira (19) Fonte do Artigo: Governo do Estado do Espírito Santo 4 horas e 5 minutos atrás domingo, 18 de maio de 2014 | 09h30Sine oferta 507 vagas de ...
Art & Entertainment

Julio Severo: Crianças são bênçãos

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Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - Que lindo este post, Julio. Fico aqui caçando coisas interessantes pra ler. Ainda não o tinha lido. Sou apaixonada por crianças, e acho quer conceber uma criança é um dom, uma dádiva de Deus. Sonho...

Ainda não votou? Participe da enquete a favor da família promovida pela Câmara

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Evangélicos Br
verdadegospel.com - A polêmica sobre conceito de família continua como tema de uma enquete que está batendo record no Portal da Câmara dos Deputados. O objetivo é avaliar se os cidadãos são favoráveis ou contrários ao...

#AcordaBrasil!: Sabotando as Manifestações

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Carlos Parrini
blogdoparrini.blogspot.com - Manifestações em todo país preocupam o governo e assustam os brasileiros. Movimentos que clamam por  mudanças são acompanhados de quebra-quebra e algazarra. E cidadão  nao sabe  se protesta ou nao....

Chile anuncia la despenalización del aborto

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CitizenGO es
citizengo.org - En conferencia de prensa con corresponsales extranjeros, la directora del Servicio Nacional de la Mujer, Claudia Pascual, confirmó este martes 6 que el gobierno liderado por Michelle Bachelet traba...

Washington’s strategic mistake in Iraq: Abandoning Iran’s opposition

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Accuracy In Media
aim.org - It has already been established, including in my recently published book The Lost Spring: U.S. Policy in the Middle East and Catastrophes to Avoid, that Washington has undertaken two global mistake...

Blog A Nova Ordem Mundial: Deputado Propõe lei contra a “Nova Ordem Mundial Satânica”

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Déborah Lima Oficial
anovaordemmundial.com - Deputado Propõe lei contra a “Nova Ordem Mundial Satânica” Deputado José Olímpio diz que Parlamento tem de se antecipar ao “fim do mundo” e proibir a implantação de chips em seres humanos, equipara...

Video: Hilariously Bizarre Idaho Governor's Debate -- Like Something Out of SNL

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Matt Barber
barbwire.com - This video footage is from last [Thursday] night’s Idaho gubernatorial debate, which may go down in the books as the most entertaining debate we’ve ever seen. From left are Harley Brown, Walt Bayes...

Sugar Pine Realty Blog - Sonora, Twain Harte, Mother Lode, Lake Tulloch Area Real Estate Company

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Mike C
sugarpinerealty.blogspot.fr - Local Weather --------------------- Twitter Testimonials People who like @blogboy2 --------------------- Social Media Tips 10 Commandments of Blogging 10 Mistakes People Make that Costs Them Likes ...

Bosnia floods create new land-mine risk in Balkans - World - CBC News

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Betho com TH
cbc.ca - Record-high floods and landslides have swept away people, homes and roads in the Balkans over the past week, but in Bosnia another deadly menace is hiding in the flood rubble: land mines. Authoriti...

Win a Kindle Fire Pre-Loaded With Lighthouse Publishing Books

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Christine Smith
womensbiblecafe.com - Enter for a chance to win a 7-inch Kindle Fire Tablet loaded with books from Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas. What a great way to enjoy your summer sitting indoors or outside…with a Kinde li...
Art & Entertainment

Estória das Histórias: Deu Pra Ti

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Sétimo Dia
ew-willianlira.blogspot.com - Deu pra ti  Baixo astral  Vou pra Porto Alegre  Tchau  Deu pra ti  Baixo astral  Vou pra Porto Alegre  Tchau  Quando eu ando assim meio down  Vou pra Porto e... bah!, tri legal  Coisas de magia, se...
Art & Entertainment

Homem detido por fotografar crianças em praia de Cascais - Portugal - DN

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Philippe A.
dn.pt - Por opção editorial, o exercício da liberdade de expressão é total, sem limitações, nas caixas de comentários abertas ao público disponibilizadas pelo Diário de Notícias em www.dn.pt. Os textos aí ...

Men Jesus Called: The Twelve

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aheartforgod.org - The Twelve (Men Jesus Called – Part 1) by Mike Campagna on Vimeo. This is supplement #1 to the Bible study: “Men Jesus Called.” Christ chooses a dozen guys to be His very first followers. “The Twel...
Art & Entertainment

Pat Boone to be ‘roasted’ by a host of stars for his 80th birthday - Daily Christian news, views and magazine-style articles on issues impacting the world today

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My Christian Daily
mychristiandaily.com - A "Dean Martin Style" red carpet celebrity Roast will take-on Pat Boone, one of America's best known icons, for his 80th birthday. According to a news release, Pat Boone will celebrate his illustri...

4 Dead, 22 Wounded during Mother's Day Weekend in Chicago

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fireandreamitchell.com - This is Rahmville, Chicago on Mother’s Day weekend. 4 people were killed and another 22 wounded in the typical weekend violence commonly seen in the cesspool known as Chicago. Progressives have run...

​Pregnant Christian to be Executed for Leaving Islam After Giving Birth – State Department Stands Idly By

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Doug Dauntless
breitbart.com - Ibrahim, a physician who graduated from the University of Khartoum Medical School, refused to renounce her Christian faith. The Islamist Khartoum regime claims that Ibrahim is a Muslim because her ...

Jornalista Polibio Braga: Nem blogueiros pagos conseguem evitar a derrota do PT na guerra cibernética

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Paulo De Boni
polibiobraga.blogspot.com - O evento patrocinado com dinheiro público (só o prefeito de SP entrou com R$ 50 mil), o encontro nacional de blogueiros progressistas (petistas), abriu espaços exclusivos para a fala de dignitários...

Exposing the EPA - WSJ.com

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Janie Johnson
online.wsj.com - A basic precept of American democracy is that petitioners before their government receive a full and fair hearing. The ObamaEnvironmental Protection Agency is in urgent need of that remedial civics...

Portal TopGyn Home - O Portal para toda Família - Produtores capixabas terão prazo maior para o Cadastro Ambiental Rural

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TopGyn Notícias
topgyn.com.br - Produtores capixabas terão prazo maior para o Cadastro Ambiental Rural Fonte do Artigo: Governo do Estado do Espírito Santo 3 horas e 52 minutos atrás domingo, 18 de maio de 2014 | 09h30Produtores ...
Art & Entertainment

Julio Severo: Rússia proíbe palavrões e desrespeito a Deus. Por que os EUA não fazem a mesma coisa?

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Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - Pessoal, por que vocês estão espantados com essa "morte espiritual" dos Estados Unidos (e também de outros países do mundo que abandonaram os princípios cristãos)? Tudo isso que está acontecendo na...
Art & Entertainment

Programa 'Vitória em Cristo' sai da TV CNT após 32 anos; Pr. Silas comenta

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Evangélicos Br
verdadegospel.com - Assista abaixo o comentário do pastor Silas Malafaia sobre a saída do programa ‘Vitória em Cristo’, da CNT, após 32 anos de veiculação. O programa não será mais exibido na CNT a partir do mês de ju...

Governo afirma que clima favorável a Copa virá em duas semanas - Jornal O Globo

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Philip Rosa
oglobo.globo.com - PORTO ALEGRE – O ministro chefe da Secretaria Geral da Presidência da República, Gilberto Carvalho, avaliou neste sábado que o governo “deu saltos importantes” na neutralização dos protestos anti-C...

Are these mystery radio bursts messages from ALIENS?

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Creation Tips
dailymail.co.uk - In 1967 British astronomer Jocelyn Bell Burnell was left stunned by mysterious pulsing signals she detected coming from outside the solar system. For months she suggested the signals could be of an...
Art & Entertainment

Lula chegava de helicóptero ao estádio, mas quer que o povo vá de jumento? “Que babaquice é essa?”

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Anderson Koberstein
veja.abril.com.br - Veja aí do lado a imagem da semana. Lindo, não? Lula, em seu momento Marta “Relaxa e Goza” Suplicy, declarou essa barbaridade durante “encontro com blogueiros progressistas” – na verdade, petistas ...
Art & Entertainment

Confrontando, discutiendo y rezando se resuelven los problemas en la Iglesia, Francisco Papa

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P Víctor Salomón
news.va - Confrontando, discutiendo y rezando se resuelven los problemas en la Iglesia, Francisco Papa (RV).- Jesús quiere que el cristianismo sea destinado a todo el mundo, por ello, cuando la comunidad cri...

Louis Vuitton flexes royal muscles in Monaco

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cnsnews.com - MONACO (AP) — Louis Vuitton flexed its royal muscles on Saturday, decamping from Paris to Monaco for a colorful, '60s-infused "resort" collection that trumpeted the age-old case maker's links with ...

Deceptive Islamist Support for Nigerian Girls

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Accuracy In Media
aim.org - A coalition of American Muslim leaders came together at a press conference Thursday at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. to condemn Boko Haram‘s (BH) April 14 kidnapping of 276 Nigerian s...

Blog A Nova Ordem Mundial: 9 Maneiras em que a Tecnologia Afeta a sua Saúde Física e Mental

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Déborah Lima Oficial
anovaordemmundial.com - 9 Maneiras em que a Tecnologia Afeta a sua Saúde Física e Mental Notícias Naturais Na época em que as redes sociais nos ajudam a conectarmos com os demais, elas também estão nos isolando. Pouco a p...

Whistle-blower website launched to expose VA wrongdoing

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Leah Tillock
foxnews.com - As concerns of “mismanagement and deception” within the Department of Veterans Affairs grow, an online whistle-blower website has been launched to help expose agency wrongdoing, particularly within...

Round Table Roundup

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socialismisnotanoption.com - @Lrihendry For a good dose of truth and conservatism please listen in @SINOradio @MMA41man Tessler sounds just like Mark Levin. @bgofast72 I like yall better than TheBlaze @roseOfyuma Give @SINOrad...

Right Wing Art - Image - Top 10 DemocRAT party slogans...

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rightwingart.com - Democrats are destroying this nation. The modern democrat party is socialist, Marxist, totalitarian and is intent on destroying America. This is the "fundamental change" Barack Obama weas talking a...
Art & Entertainment

Ivo Mozart cancela show no palco 25 de Março alegando falta de segurança - Shows - Guia UOL

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Gilberto Ribeiro
guia.uol.com.br - Após confusões ocorridas mais cedo, no palco 25 de Março, o músico Ivo Mozart cancelou seu show que aconteceria às 2h neste palco, alegando falta de segurança. Em sua página oficial do Facebook, o ...

CET - Companhia de Engenharia de Tráfego

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Betho com TH
cetsp.com.br - A Companhia de Engenharia de Tráfego (CET) prepara operação especial para monitorar o trânsito na região central da cidade para a realização da Virada Cultural 2014. Para garantir a segurança e a f...

Iremos fabricar smartphones premium no Brasil, diz Lenovo - EXAME.com

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Direita Brasil
exame.abril.com.br - São Paulo - A Lenovo é a fabricante que mais vende computadores em todo o mundo, de acordo com a consultoria IDC. No entanto, ela também está no mercado de smartphones topo de linha, com aparelhos ...

Drogas, Alcoolismo, Tratamento - Site Antidrogas - Não jogue com a vida... - Notícia:

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Sétimo Dia
antidrogas.com.br - Início Busca Drogas O que são Drogas Tipos Causas Dependência Prevenção Fotos Estatísticas Legislação Na Sociedade História das drogas Tratamento Recuperação Grupos Ajuda Clínicas, Cuidados Interna...

Resources to Stay Informed

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app.etapestry.com - ICC is constantly monitoring the state of Christian persecution in countries around the world and looking for ways that we can act as bridge between our supporters and the persecuted church. Beyond...

Pastor Eurico vai parar na comissão de Ética do PSB por defender a “Cura Gay”

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Josiel Dias 【ツ】
melqui.net - O partido socialista Brasileiro PSB, decidiu encaminhar para sua Comissão de Ética o caso do deputado federal pernambucano Pastor Eurico. Ele reapresentou projeto, arquivado em 2013, sobre a “cura ...

Hotel Santa Caterina: Amalfi’s cliffside gem

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commdiginews.com - AMALFI, ITALY, May 17, 2014 – Hotel Santa Caterina on the Amalfi Coast of Italy is one of those places where you feel you belong from the moment you cross its portals. Arriving by car from Positano...

heuristics.pdf - Google Drive

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Philippe A.
drive.google.com - Le navigateur que vous utilisez n'est pas compatible. Il se peut que certaines fonctionnalités ne fonctionnent pas correctement. Passez à un navigateur récent, comme Google Chrome.Ignorer

Whistleblower Claims Veterans Wait a Month or More for Mental Health Care « CBS St. Louis

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stlouis.cbslocal.com - ST. LOUIS (KMOX) - Veterans seeking help for mental health problems are being told to wait—sometimes a month or more—before seeing a psychiatrist at the VA medical center in St. Louis. The former c...

Ukrainian churches face shaky future - Daily Christian news, views and magazine-style articles on issues impacting the world today

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My Christian Daily
mychristiandaily.com - In Tom Long's* city in eastern Ukraine, life is "fairly calm" -- except that people are carrying baseball bats and packing semi-automatic rifles. "It's difficult. We don't know what the situation i...
Art & Entertainment

Jay-Z gets beat by Beyonce's sister Solange

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fireandreamitchell.com - Well done Solange! The sister of Beyonce beat the crap out of Jay-Z for some unknown reason. TMZ has the video. Jay Z was ferociously assaulted by Beyonce’s sister Solange … who was wildly kicking ...

Provérbios 3:5 Nova Versão Internacional

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bible.com - Biblia Sagrada, Nova Versão Internacional®, NVI® Copyright © 1993, 2000 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide. 5Confie no Senhor de todo o seu coraçãoe não se apoie em...

エコビレッジ・コスタリカ共和村 - Yahoo!ブログ

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コスタリカ共和村  山下♡♪ 由佳(安音
blogs.yahoo.co.jp - http://www.windfarm.co.jp/blog/blog_kaze/post-16406?fb_action_ids=10201771624363009&fb_action_types=og.likes  より一部転載 ...すべて表示

Aliens, Dead Planets, a Spectacular Earth and the Gap Theory

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aheartforgod.org - We have interactive Sundays at our church. Once every month the congregation writes down questions on slips of paper. They are collected. And then the pastor answers the questions during his sermon...

Researchers Discover Fossils of Largest Dino Believed to Ever Walk the Earth - Yahoo

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Creation Tips
gma.yahoo.com - Researchers believe they've found fossils of a dinosaur so large that it would have made Tyrannosaurus rex look like a pipsqueak. Researchers announced this week they found fossils of a sauropod di...
Art & Entertainment

[Blog do Ciro] ® : Em junho, se Deus quiser, estarei em Portugal e Espanha

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Ciro Sanches Zibordi
cirozibordi.blogspot.com - Se Deus quiser, no próximo mês ministrarei a Palavra de Deus na Assembleia de Deus portuguesa (na cidade de Faro, pastor António Rodrigues) e espanhola (na cidade de Sevilha). A programação é a seg...

Ao menos 51 pessoas já foram presas na Virada Cultural - Brasil - MSN Estadão

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estadao.br.msn.com - Até o momento, a Polícia Militar confirma ao menos 51 detidos durante a Virada Cultural, por furtos e arrastões. Segundo a PM, 21 pessoas foram presas na Rua Barão de Tatuí, próxima ao metrô Santa ...

Portal TopGyn Home - O Portal para toda Família - Brasília passa por últimos ajustes para Copa do Mundo

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TopGyn Notícias
topgyn.com.br - Opera?es de limpeza e revitaliza??o preparam monumentos para receber turistas do Mundial BRAS?LIA (18/5/14) ? A poucos dias do in?cio da Copa do Mundo, o governo local faz os ?ltimos ajustes para r...

BBC News - North Korea: Apology over Pyongyang building collapse

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Andy Bryant
bbc.co.uk - North Korea has apologised for the collapse of an apartment building in Pyongyang last week which is feared to have killed scores of people. The accident in Pyongyang on Tuesday was reported on Sun...
Art & Entertainment

Munilla dice que el aborto o el suicidio no son una conquista de la libertad sino "la pinza macabra de la desesperanza" – Libertad de prensa – Noticias, última hora, vídeos y fotos de Libertad de prensa en lainformacion.com

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CitizenGO es
noticias.lainformacion.com - El obispo de San Sebastián, José Ignacio Munilla, ha afirmado que, aunque el aborto y el suicidio "pretendan reivindicarse como una conquista de la libertad", en realidad son "la pinza macabra de l...

Report: Journalist Michael Hastings Was Working on Story About CIA Chief Before Untimely Death - Fox Nation

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Janie Johnson
nation.foxnews.com - Journalist Michael Hastings, who was killed in a fiery car crash in June, reportedly had been working on several big stories including one on CIA Director John Brennan before his death. San Diego 6...

Was the Benghazi video story the brainchild of Hillary Clinton?

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Accuracy In Media
aim.org - Both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton had a vested interest in lying about Benghazi and permanently concealing the truth, Obama to ensure his reelection prospects in 2012 and Hillary to protect her...

Donate Today! | Today's New Media

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socialismisnotanoption.com - After you have listened to the small presentation (01:15), please take a moment to support Socialism Is Not An Option. Click the “Donate” link on the right side. Thank you very much! Thank you for ...

Right Wing Art - Image - Unfairness of amnesty

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rightwingart.com - Democrats are destroying this nation. The modern democrat party is socialist, Marxist, totalitarian and is intent on destroying America. This is the "fundamental change" Barack Obama weas talking a...

Vitória brasileira na 31ª maratona de Porto Alegre - ZH Esportes - ZH Esportes: Notícias de futebol, dupla Gre-Nal, campeonatos e mais - Zero Hora

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Claudia da Rosa
zh.clicrbs.com.br - O pernambucano Ubiratan José dos Santos é campeão da 31ª Maratona Internacional de Porto Alegre, com o tempo de 2h16min22s. A marca ficou 5s abaixo do tempo registrado pelo vencedor do ano passado,...

Wycliffe UK blog » Blog Archive » Seven days of prayer: Prayers and praise

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Wycliffe UK
wycliffe.org.uk - This entry was posted on Sunday, May 18th, 2014 at 7:00 am and is filed under Seven Days of Prayer. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or...

Will Smith’s Best Piece Of Acting Makes A Chilling Point, And Will Leave You In Tears

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viralvita.com - Many people say that this classic scene from The Fresh Prince of Belair is Will Smith's finest piece of acting, and even one of the most powerful scenes, ever, in a sitcom. All I know is that I tea...

MUST READ: Ed Peters on Bp. Galantino about “expressionless persons praying rosaries outside abortion clinics”

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Always Catholic Blog
wdtprs.com - You remember the remarks made about those “expressionless” people reciting Rosaries outside abortion clinics by the Secretary of the Italian Bishops conference, His Excellency Most Rev. Nunzio Gala...

Will Persecution Increase Under New Government in India? « Persecution News

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persecution.org - As the Hindu nationalist group BJP looks set to form the center of India's next national government, many Christians are left wondering whether persecution will increase under their rule. In states...

Drogas, Alcoolismo, Tratamento - Site Antidrogas - Não jogue com a vida... - Artigo:

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Sétimo Dia
antidrogas.com.br - Início Busca Drogas O que são Drogas Tipos Causas Dependência Prevenção Fotos Estatísticas Legislação Na Sociedade História das drogas Tratamento Recuperação Grupos Ajuda Clínicas, Cuidados Interna...
Art & Entertainment

Twishort / AlbertoCVillar: Desdobra-se no céu a rutilante …

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Alberto Villar
twishort.com - Desdobra-se no céu a rutilante aurora. Alegre, exulta o mundo; gemendo, o inferno chora. Pois eis que o Rei, descido à região da morte, àqueles que o esperavam conduz à nova sorte. Por sob a pedra ...

3 reactions to decline in the church - Daily Christian news, views and magazine-style articles on issues impacting the world today

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My Christian Daily
mychristiandaily.com - The American church is in trouble. (But don't tell anybody.) That's one way to "manage" the compounding news that the church as we know it is shrinking and losing its impact. Since releasing our bo...

LIVE STREAMING - CCTN The Roman Catholic Sunday Mass 5th Sunday of Easter Vídeo - TUCRISTO.COM - VIDEOS CATOLICOS

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tucristo.com - Miembro: TuCristo   Vídeos: 290685     suscriptores: 114     canales: 32 Descripción: LIVE from The Catholic Community of Saint Paul, Home of CCTN - Catholic Television for Central Florida http://w...

Michelle Obama sad face selfie about Nigerian girls hashtag

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fireandreamitchell.com - This is how far America has come as a country. Muslim terrorists from Boko Haram 270 teenage girls in Nigeria and are reportedly auctioning them off as sex slaves to other Muslims. So what does Ame...

Statistics Prove: More Guns, Less Crime (INFOGRAPHIC)

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John Sykes
thefederalistpapers.org - Actually, statistics don’t prove that. Though there is a statistically significant positive correlation between gun ownership and homicide, the incident rate ratio (The slope of the line of best fi...

「安倍首相はアジアで最も危険な人物」 海外投資家に指摘される理由

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コスタリカ共和村  山下♡♪ 由佳(安音
huffingtonpost.jp - アメリカの著名投資家が、「安倍首相はアジアで最も危険な人物」とする評価を下した。2001年のエンロン経営危機を事前に予測し、空売りで利益を得たこ とで名声を高めたジム・チャノス氏が5月16日、ラスベガスでの業界会合で述べた。ロイターなどが報じた。 安倍首相は15日、集団的自衛権に関する政府の基本的方針を発表したが、チャノス氏は「安倍首相は超国家主義者である」と述べ、アジア経済を不安定にする と指...

Book Review: Ron Paul's End the Fed Condenses a Lifetime of Wisdom and Experience - Forbes

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Live Free Radio
forbes.com - Ron Paul is now retired from professional politics, leaving a need for at least one Congressperson who you feel isn’t fundamentally BS-ing you. Oddly, he found a lot of political support for his un...

Panamá no reconoce los llamados “matrimonios homosexuales”

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Forum Libertas
forumlibertas.com - Yendo en dirección contraria a la ola que pretende imponerse en Latinoamérica, impulsada por algunos organismos internacionales y por el lobby LGTB, en el Código de Derecho Internacional Privado de...
Art & Entertainment

Flip 2014 terá vencedor do Oscar e autor que revelou caso Snowden - Notícias - UOL Entretenimento

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entretenimento.uol.com.br - O diretor Charler Ferguson, vencedor do Oscar de Melhor Documentário por "Trabalho Interno" A Flip 2014, que acontece em Paraty (RJ) entre os dias 30 de julho a 3 de agosto, vai trazer para 12ª edi...


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interfax-religion.com - Moscow, May 12, Interfax - The Russian Church official is anxious about victory of travesty-diva from Austria under pseudonym Conchita Wurst in Eurovision-2014 song contest. "It is another link in ...

BBC News - China evacuates workers after Vietnam deadly riots

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Andy Bryant
bbc.co.uk - The Chinese government has evacuated more than 3,000 of its national from Vietnam following a wave of anti-Chinese riots, Chinese media report. Xinhua news agency says Beijing is arranging charter ...

8 Myths Regarding Prayer (in 30 seconds)

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aheartforgod.org - Mike Campagna (affectionately known by some as Pastor Mike) is making the most of web technologies to encourage disciples. A self-proclaimed “twitterholic,” one twitter follower describes him as th...

Portal TopGyn Home - O Portal para toda Família - Copa 2014: Fan Fest terá cerca de 50 atrações locais

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TopGyn Notícias
topgyn.com.br - A valoriza??o da cultura local ? a t?nica dos eventos paralelos aos jogos da Copa do Mundo 2014 em Porto Alegre. E nos dias de Fifa Fan Fest n?o poderia ser diferente, pois,... A valorização da cul...

Julio Severo: Curso estatal de formação de novos Luiz Motts e Jean Wyllys

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Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - Respondendo ao Roger, ao Antônio, e ao Leony, No episódio da tentação no deserto, o diabo, ousadamente, ofereceu todos os reinos do mundo (e suas riquezas) a Jesus, dizendo: "Tudo isto eu Te darei,...

American Exceptionalism

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socialismisnotanoption.com - Theme: “Catholicism calls itself The Holy Mother Church, for good reason. And Mother Church is not happy! The LCWR is under investigation by the Vatican. Who are these nuns and why are they so unha...

Criacionismo: Estudo questiona benefícios do vinho e do chocolate

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Michelson Borges
criacionismo.com.br - quarta-feira, maio 14, 2014 Estudo questiona benefícios do vinho e do chocolate Sem vantagem e com o risco do álcool Uma pesquisa divulgada na segunda-feira não encontrou provas de que o resveratro...

Blog A Nova Ordem Mundial: 9 Maneiras em que a Tecnologia Afeta a sua Saúde Física e Mental

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Déborah Lima Oficial
anovaordemmundial.com - 9 Maneiras em que a Tecnologia Afeta a sua Saúde Física e Mental Notícias Naturais Na época em que as redes sociais nos ajudam a conectarmos com os demais, elas também estão nos isolando. Pouco a p...

Whistle-blower website launched to expose VA wrongdoing

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Leah Tillock
foxnews.com - As concerns of “mismanagement and deception” within the Department of Veterans Affairs grow, an online whistle-blower website has been launched to help expose agency wrongdoing, particularly within...

Round Table Roundup

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socialismisnotanoption.com - @Lrihendry For a good dose of truth and conservatism please listen in @SINOradio @MMA41man Tessler sounds just like Mark Levin. @bgofast72 I like yall better than TheBlaze @roseOfyuma Give @SINOrad...

Right Wing Art - Image - Top 10 DemocRAT party slogans...

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rightwingart.com - Democrats are destroying this nation. The modern democrat party is socialist, Marxist, totalitarian and is intent on destroying America. This is the "fundamental change" Barack Obama weas talking a...
Art & Entertainment

Ivo Mozart cancela show no palco 25 de Março alegando falta de segurança - Shows - Guia UOL

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Gilberto Ribeiro
guia.uol.com.br - Após confusões ocorridas mais cedo, no palco 25 de Março, o músico Ivo Mozart cancelou seu show que aconteceria às 2h neste palco, alegando falta de segurança. Em sua página oficial do Facebook, o ...

CET - Companhia de Engenharia de Tráfego

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Betho com TH
cetsp.com.br - A Companhia de Engenharia de Tráfego (CET) prepara operação especial para monitorar o trânsito na região central da cidade para a realização da Virada Cultural 2014. Para garantir a segurança e a f...

Iremos fabricar smartphones premium no Brasil, diz Lenovo - EXAME.com

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Direita Brasil
exame.abril.com.br - São Paulo - A Lenovo é a fabricante que mais vende computadores em todo o mundo, de acordo com a consultoria IDC. No entanto, ela também está no mercado de smartphones topo de linha, com aparelhos ...

Drogas, Alcoolismo, Tratamento - Site Antidrogas - Não jogue com a vida... - Notícia:

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Sétimo Dia
antidrogas.com.br - Início Busca Drogas O que são Drogas Tipos Causas Dependência Prevenção Fotos Estatísticas Legislação Na Sociedade História das drogas Tratamento Recuperação Grupos Ajuda Clínicas, Cuidados Interna...

Resources to Stay Informed

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app.etapestry.com - ICC is constantly monitoring the state of Christian persecution in countries around the world and looking for ways that we can act as bridge between our supporters and the persecuted church. Beyond...

Pastor Eurico vai parar na comissão de Ética do PSB por defender a “Cura Gay”

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Josiel Dias 【ツ】
melqui.net - O partido socialista Brasileiro PSB, decidiu encaminhar para sua Comissão de Ética o caso do deputado federal pernambucano Pastor Eurico. Ele reapresentou projeto, arquivado em 2013, sobre a “cura ...

Hotel Santa Caterina: Amalfi’s cliffside gem

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commdiginews.com - AMALFI, ITALY, May 17, 2014 – Hotel Santa Caterina on the Amalfi Coast of Italy is one of those places where you feel you belong from the moment you cross its portals. Arriving by car from Positano...

heuristics.pdf - Google Drive

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Philippe A.
drive.google.com - Le navigateur que vous utilisez n'est pas compatible. Il se peut que certaines fonctionnalités ne fonctionnent pas correctement. Passez à un navigateur récent, comme Google Chrome.Ignorer

Whistleblower Claims Veterans Wait a Month or More for Mental Health Care « CBS St. Louis

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stlouis.cbslocal.com - ST. LOUIS (KMOX) - Veterans seeking help for mental health problems are being told to wait—sometimes a month or more—before seeing a psychiatrist at the VA medical center in St. Louis. The former c...

Ukrainian churches face shaky future - Daily Christian news, views and magazine-style articles on issues impacting the world today

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My Christian Daily
mychristiandaily.com - In Tom Long's* city in eastern Ukraine, life is "fairly calm" -- except that people are carrying baseball bats and packing semi-automatic rifles. "It's difficult. We don't know what the situation i...
Art & Entertainment

Jay-Z gets beat by Beyonce's sister Solange

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fireandreamitchell.com - Well done Solange! The sister of Beyonce beat the crap out of Jay-Z for some unknown reason. TMZ has the video. Jay Z was ferociously assaulted by Beyonce’s sister Solange … who was wildly kicking ...

Provérbios 3:5 Nova Versão Internacional

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bible.com - Biblia Sagrada, Nova Versão Internacional®, NVI® Copyright © 1993, 2000 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide. 5Confie no Senhor de todo o seu coraçãoe não se apoie em...

エコビレッジ・コスタリカ共和村 - Yahoo!ブログ

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コスタリカ共和村  山下♡♪ 由佳(安音
blogs.yahoo.co.jp - http://www.windfarm.co.jp/blog/blog_kaze/post-16406?fb_action_ids=10201771624363009&fb_action_types=og.likes  より一部転載 ...すべて表示

Aliens, Dead Planets, a Spectacular Earth and the Gap Theory

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aheartforgod.org - We have interactive Sundays at our church. Once every month the congregation writes down questions on slips of paper. They are collected. And then the pastor answers the questions during his sermon...

Researchers Discover Fossils of Largest Dino Believed to Ever Walk the Earth - Yahoo

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Creation Tips
gma.yahoo.com - Researchers believe they've found fossils of a dinosaur so large that it would have made Tyrannosaurus rex look like a pipsqueak. Researchers announced this week they found fossils of a sauropod di...
Art & Entertainment

[Blog do Ciro] ® : Em junho, se Deus quiser, estarei em Portugal e Espanha

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Ciro Sanches Zibordi
cirozibordi.blogspot.com - Se Deus quiser, no próximo mês ministrarei a Palavra de Deus na Assembleia de Deus portuguesa (na cidade de Faro, pastor António Rodrigues) e espanhola (na cidade de Sevilha). A programação é a seg...

Ao menos 51 pessoas já foram presas na Virada Cultural - Brasil - MSN Estadão

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estadao.br.msn.com - Até o momento, a Polícia Militar confirma ao menos 51 detidos durante a Virada Cultural, por furtos e arrastões. Segundo a PM, 21 pessoas foram presas na Rua Barão de Tatuí, próxima ao metrô Santa ...

Portal TopGyn Home - O Portal para toda Família - Brasília passa por últimos ajustes para Copa do Mundo

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TopGyn Notícias
topgyn.com.br - Opera?es de limpeza e revitaliza??o preparam monumentos para receber turistas do Mundial BRAS?LIA (18/5/14) ? A poucos dias do in?cio da Copa do Mundo, o governo local faz os ?ltimos ajustes para r...

BBC News - North Korea: Apology over Pyongyang building collapse

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Andy Bryant
bbc.co.uk - North Korea has apologised for the collapse of an apartment building in Pyongyang last week which is feared to have killed scores of people. The accident in Pyongyang on Tuesday was reported on Sun...
Art & Entertainment

Munilla dice que el aborto o el suicidio no son una conquista de la libertad sino "la pinza macabra de la desesperanza" – Libertad de prensa – Noticias, última hora, vídeos y fotos de Libertad de prensa en lainformacion.com

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CitizenGO es
noticias.lainformacion.com - El obispo de San Sebastián, José Ignacio Munilla, ha afirmado que, aunque el aborto y el suicidio "pretendan reivindicarse como una conquista de la libertad", en realidad son "la pinza macabra de l...

Report: Journalist Michael Hastings Was Working on Story About CIA Chief Before Untimely Death - Fox Nation

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Janie Johnson
nation.foxnews.com - Journalist Michael Hastings, who was killed in a fiery car crash in June, reportedly had been working on several big stories including one on CIA Director John Brennan before his death. San Diego 6...

Was the Benghazi video story the brainchild of Hillary Clinton?

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Accuracy In Media
aim.org - Both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton had a vested interest in lying about Benghazi and permanently concealing the truth, Obama to ensure his reelection prospects in 2012 and Hillary to protect her...

Donate Today! | Today's New Media

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socialismisnotanoption.com - After you have listened to the small presentation (01:15), please take a moment to support Socialism Is Not An Option. Click the “Donate” link on the right side. Thank you very much! Thank you for ...

Right Wing Art - Image - Unfairness of amnesty

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rightwingart.com - Democrats are destroying this nation. The modern democrat party is socialist, Marxist, totalitarian and is intent on destroying America. This is the "fundamental change" Barack Obama weas talking a...

Vitória brasileira na 31ª maratona de Porto Alegre - ZH Esportes - ZH Esportes: Notícias de futebol, dupla Gre-Nal, campeonatos e mais - Zero Hora

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Claudia da Rosa
zh.clicrbs.com.br - O pernambucano Ubiratan José dos Santos é campeão da 31ª Maratona Internacional de Porto Alegre, com o tempo de 2h16min22s. A marca ficou 5s abaixo do tempo registrado pelo vencedor do ano passado,...

Wycliffe UK blog » Blog Archive » Seven days of prayer: Prayers and praise

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Wycliffe UK
wycliffe.org.uk - This entry was posted on Sunday, May 18th, 2014 at 7:00 am and is filed under Seven Days of Prayer. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or...

Will Smith’s Best Piece Of Acting Makes A Chilling Point, And Will Leave You In Tears

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viralvita.com - Many people say that this classic scene from The Fresh Prince of Belair is Will Smith's finest piece of acting, and even one of the most powerful scenes, ever, in a sitcom. All I know is that I tea...

MUST READ: Ed Peters on Bp. Galantino about “expressionless persons praying rosaries outside abortion clinics”

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Always Catholic Blog
wdtprs.com - You remember the remarks made about those “expressionless” people reciting Rosaries outside abortion clinics by the Secretary of the Italian Bishops conference, His Excellency Most Rev. Nunzio Gala...

Will Persecution Increase Under New Government in India? « Persecution News

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persecution.org - As the Hindu nationalist group BJP looks set to form the center of India's next national government, many Christians are left wondering whether persecution will increase under their rule. In states...

Drogas, Alcoolismo, Tratamento - Site Antidrogas - Não jogue com a vida... - Artigo:

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Sétimo Dia
antidrogas.com.br - Início Busca Drogas O que são Drogas Tipos Causas Dependência Prevenção Fotos Estatísticas Legislação Na Sociedade História das drogas Tratamento Recuperação Grupos Ajuda Clínicas, Cuidados Interna...
Art & Entertainment

Twishort / AlbertoCVillar: Desdobra-se no céu a rutilante …

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Alberto Villar
twishort.com - Desdobra-se no céu a rutilante aurora. Alegre, exulta o mundo; gemendo, o inferno chora. Pois eis que o Rei, descido à região da morte, àqueles que o esperavam conduz à nova sorte. Por sob a pedra ...

3 reactions to decline in the church - Daily Christian news, views and magazine-style articles on issues impacting the world today

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My Christian Daily
mychristiandaily.com - The American church is in trouble. (But don't tell anybody.) That's one way to "manage" the compounding news that the church as we know it is shrinking and losing its impact. Since releasing our bo...

LIVE STREAMING - CCTN The Roman Catholic Sunday Mass 5th Sunday of Easter Vídeo - TUCRISTO.COM - VIDEOS CATOLICOS

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tucristo.com - Miembro: TuCristo   Vídeos: 290685     suscriptores: 114     canales: 32 Descripción: LIVE from The Catholic Community of Saint Paul, Home of CCTN - Catholic Television for Central Florida http://w...

Michelle Obama sad face selfie about Nigerian girls hashtag

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fireandreamitchell.com - This is how far America has come as a country. Muslim terrorists from Boko Haram 270 teenage girls in Nigeria and are reportedly auctioning them off as sex slaves to other Muslims. So what does Ame...

Statistics Prove: More Guns, Less Crime (INFOGRAPHIC)

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John Sykes
thefederalistpapers.org - Actually, statistics don’t prove that. Though there is a statistically significant positive correlation between gun ownership and homicide, the incident rate ratio (The slope of the line of best fi...

「安倍首相はアジアで最も危険な人物」 海外投資家に指摘される理由

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コスタリカ共和村  山下♡♪ 由佳(安音
huffingtonpost.jp - アメリカの著名投資家が、「安倍首相はアジアで最も危険な人物」とする評価を下した。2001年のエンロン経営危機を事前に予測し、空売りで利益を得たこ とで名声を高めたジム・チャノス氏が5月16日、ラスベガスでの業界会合で述べた。ロイターなどが報じた。 安倍首相は15日、集団的自衛権に関する政府の基本的方針を発表したが、チャノス氏は「安倍首相は超国家主義者である」と述べ、アジア経済を不安定にする と指...

Book Review: Ron Paul's End the Fed Condenses a Lifetime of Wisdom and Experience - Forbes

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Live Free Radio
forbes.com - Ron Paul is now retired from professional politics, leaving a need for at least one Congressperson who you feel isn’t fundamentally BS-ing you. Oddly, he found a lot of political support for his un...

Panamá no reconoce los llamados “matrimonios homosexuales”

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Forum Libertas
forumlibertas.com - Yendo en dirección contraria a la ola que pretende imponerse en Latinoamérica, impulsada por algunos organismos internacionales y por el lobby LGTB, en el Código de Derecho Internacional Privado de...
Art & Entertainment

Flip 2014 terá vencedor do Oscar e autor que revelou caso Snowden - Notícias - UOL Entretenimento

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entretenimento.uol.com.br - O diretor Charler Ferguson, vencedor do Oscar de Melhor Documentário por "Trabalho Interno" A Flip 2014, que acontece em Paraty (RJ) entre os dias 30 de julho a 3 de agosto, vai trazer para 12ª edi...


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interfax-religion.com - Moscow, May 12, Interfax - The Russian Church official is anxious about victory of travesty-diva from Austria under pseudonym Conchita Wurst in Eurovision-2014 song contest. "It is another link in ...

BBC News - China evacuates workers after Vietnam deadly riots

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Andy Bryant
bbc.co.uk - The Chinese government has evacuated more than 3,000 of its national from Vietnam following a wave of anti-Chinese riots, Chinese media report. Xinhua news agency says Beijing is arranging charter ...

8 Myths Regarding Prayer (in 30 seconds)

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aheartforgod.org - Mike Campagna (affectionately known by some as Pastor Mike) is making the most of web technologies to encourage disciples. A self-proclaimed “twitterholic,” one twitter follower describes him as th...

Portal TopGyn Home - O Portal para toda Família - Copa 2014: Fan Fest terá cerca de 50 atrações locais

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TopGyn Notícias
topgyn.com.br - A valoriza??o da cultura local ? a t?nica dos eventos paralelos aos jogos da Copa do Mundo 2014 em Porto Alegre. E nos dias de Fifa Fan Fest n?o poderia ser diferente, pois,... A valorização da cul...

Julio Severo: Curso estatal de formação de novos Luiz Motts e Jean Wyllys

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Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - Respondendo ao Roger, ao Antônio, e ao Leony, No episódio da tentação no deserto, o diabo, ousadamente, ofereceu todos os reinos do mundo (e suas riquezas) a Jesus, dizendo: "Tudo isto eu Te darei,...

American Exceptionalism

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socialismisnotanoption.com - Theme: “Catholicism calls itself The Holy Mother Church, for good reason. And Mother Church is not happy! The LCWR is under investigation by the Vatican. Who are these nuns and why are they so unha...

Criacionismo: Estudo questiona benefícios do vinho e do chocolate

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Michelson Borges
criacionismo.com.br - quarta-feira, maio 14, 2014 Estudo questiona benefícios do vinho e do chocolate Sem vantagem e com o risco do álcool Uma pesquisa divulgada na segunda-feira não encontrou provas de que o resveratro...


Cristianismo e Política + Christianity and Politics + União multi-denominacional (evangélicos, católicos, etc) em defesa dos valores cristãos e da democracia


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