21 May 2014

Cristianismo & Política 20.05.2014 @CristPolit

Cristianismo & Politica

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Aborto: pastor é preso por protestar com cartazes contra assassinato

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noticias.gospelmais.com.br - Um pastor que protestava contra o aborto num cruzamento foi preso por segurar um cartaz que dizia que a prática mata crianças. Stephen Joiner foi detido por quatro horas por supostamente ter desobe...
Art & Entertainment

Veja SP: Sheherazade vai lançar livro com diagnósticos de problemas sociais e valores cristãos : Blog Mundo Cristão

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Mundo Cristão
blogmundocristao.com.br - Rachel Sheherazade está feliz por realizar o antigo sonho de lançar seu primeiro livro, a ser publicado pela Editora Mundo Cristão. A data de lançamento ainda não está prevista.  “A linguagem será ...
Art & Entertainment

Folha de S.Paulo - Ilustrada - Laicos, graças a Deus - 20/05/2014

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Yuri Vieira
folha.uol.com.br - Os países ocidentais estão a exigir uma proeza ocidental que o radicalismo islamita não é capaz de entender Leio nas notícias que um tribunal do Sudão condenou uma mulher à morte. Mas, na hora da s...

Espancamento de Fabiane demonstra o desrespeito ao estado democrático de direito - Gospel Prime

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artigos.gospelprime.com.br - A cada ano a violência deixa 50 mil vítimas fatais no país, às motivações são as mais absurdas possíveis. O linchamento da dona de casa Fabiane Maria de Jesus, espancada até a morte no bairro de Mo...

Curso de Atualização para Sacerdotes 2014 « Presbíteros

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Pe. Demétrio Gomes
presbiteros.com.br - “A paróquia é presença eclesial no território, âmbito para a escuta da Palavra, o crescimento da vida cristã, o diálogo, o,anúncio, a caridade generosa;a adoração e a celebração incentiva e forma o...

Escape Egalitarian Tyranny with Socratic Questioning

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Crisis Magazine
crisismagazine.com - Last month I discussed how the assumptions and language of public life today, which are based on commercial and bureaucratic concerns, are biased against Catholics. To make matters worse, the all-p...

US Embassy to Vatican: Celebrate LGBT Day With Us!

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Kattoliko Pensiero
catholicvote.org - Our embassy to the Holy See was established to promote goodwill between the United States and the Vatican. Under the Obama administration, however, it has at best done nothing and at worst it activ...

Maconha deve ser legalizada, e traficantes da droga, anistiados - Notícias - UOL Opinião

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Direita Brasil
noticias.uol.com.br - Legalizar a cannabis e acabar com a guerra às drogas não é somente uma questão de liberdades individuais. É também uma questão de segurança pública e de direitos humanos. A guerra às drogas está di...

Stunning New Technology Allows 3-D Model to be Made From Ultrasound Images

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lifenews.com - by Wesley J. Smith | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 5/20/14 12:09 PM New technology allows a three-dimensional model to be made of fetal ultra sound images. It’s a defining moment in a parent’s li...

Entristecido por 'trágico acidente' na Colômbia, Papa envia mensagem

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Comunidade Shalom
comshalom.org - Profundamente entristecido pela notícia do grave acidente rodoviário ocorrido na localidade de Fundación, na Colômbia, o Papa Francisco enviou um telegrama ao bispo de Santa Marta, Dom Ugo Eugenio ...
Art & Entertainment

Programa 'Vitória em Cristo' sai da TV CNT após 32 anos; Pr. Silas comenta

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Silas Malafaia
verdadegospel.com - Assista abaixo o comentário do pastor Silas Malafaia sobre a saída do programa ‘Vitória em Cristo’, da CNT, após 32 anos de veiculação. O programa não será mais exibido na CNT a partir do mês de ju...

Catholic.net - Patologías psicológicas y dirección espiritual

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es.catholic.net - Patologías psicológicas y dirección espiritual Premisa de inicio Quien ha comenzado a acompañar a otros espiritualmente, conocerá el interior de la persona, sus reacciones, su modo de ser, su condu...

Através da tempestade

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Paulo Teixeira do RJ
portasabertas.org.br - A Portas Abertas ministrou o seminário Permanecendo Firme Através da Tempestade aos nossos irmãos no sul do Mali. Cerca de 70 participantes eram refugiados, que fugiram dos muçulmanos. Apesar de o ...
Art & Entertainment

El PSOE considera ‘machismo’ rechazar la matanza de 670.000 niñas antes de nacer

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Derecho a Vivir
outono.net - El Partido Socialista ha vuelto a demostrar hoy su colosal cinismo al lanzar un vídeo que identifica la protección de la vida prenatal con el “machismo”. Tomando como referencia que un 48% de los n...

Bispo Rodovalho ministrou palestras em Campo Grande/MS no final de semana | Bispo Rodovalho

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Robson Rodovalho
bisporodovalho.com.br - mai 19 • Na Mídia, Noticias, Publicações, Todas as Notícias • 30 Visualizações • Nenhum Comentário Nos dias 16 e 17 de maio Bispo Rodovalho ministrou em Campo Grande, no Mato Grosso do Sul, as pale...

East Timor's curbs on media freedom - Index on Censorship

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Index on Censorship
indexoncensorship.org - This article is the part of the Index on Censorship Young Writers / Artists Programme Twelve years ago East Timor, or Timor-Leste, was recognised as the 191st member of the United Nations after a d...

Undermining progress: Digital surveillance and the Tunisian constitution - Index on Censorship

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Index on Censorship
indexoncensorship.org - “A model to other peoples seeking reform” said UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon on the successful passing in 2014 of the new Tunisian Constitution. Championing a secular political and legal system...

The Briefing 05-20-14 – AlbertMohler.com

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albertmohler.com - 1) Japan forced to reconsider pacifism in a hostile world Japan’s Pacifist Constitution, New York Times (Editorial Board) More flexiblility for Japan’s military?, Washington Post (Editorial Board) ...

Piper’s Newest and Most Different Book Ever

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John Piper
desiringgod.org - Of the books I have written, Seeing Beauty and Saying Beautifully may be the one most different from all the others. It is less about the God we see and more about how to see him. For decades, I ha...

Get Steven Lawson's "The Attributes of God" for a Gift of Any Amount by R.C. Sproul

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The Reformed Hub
ligonier.org - What do you think is the most important aspect of a person? Is it intelligence or appearance? Could it be a sense of humor or vocation? If you had to pick the most revealing thing about a man or wo...
Art & Entertainment

Mons. Munilla responde a psiquiatra: Aborto y suicidio son la “pinza macabra” de la desesperanza

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - MADRID, 20 May. 14 / 03:26 am (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- En su carta titulada “El suicidio de un psiquiatra”, el Obispo de San Sebastián (España), Mons. José Ignacio Munilla, advirtió que el aborto y el...

A Few Practical Questions - Reformation21 Blog

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The Reformed Hub
reformation21.org - A Few Practical Questions Given the furore surrounding the issue of sanctification, I want to take the debate out of the lecture theatre and the partisan point scoring by asking a pointedly practic...
Art & Entertainment

O sentimento livre constrói pontes

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Com. Canção Nova
destrave.cancaonova.com - Amar e ser amado são as maiores necessidades do ser humano. Uma vida sem amor é comparada a uma bela flor trancafiada num quarto escuro, em pouco tempo perecerá por falta do sol. A necessidade de a...

Fraterticket - Inicio

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Christine D'Clario
fraterticket.com - Adquiera sus entradas únicamente con tarjeta de crédito o débito Visa

Ex-executiva do Banco Mundial afirma que 'ETs comandam a economia mundial'

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br.noticias.yahoo.com - Depois do ex-ministro da Defesa do Canadá, Paul Hellyer, se manifestar sobre o assunto no ano passado, foi a vez de Karen Hudes, ex-executiva do Banco Mundial, afirmar que extraterrestres comandam ...

Everything Old is New by Nathan W. Bingham

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The Reformed Hub
ligonier.org - Here’s an excerpt from Everything Old Is New, R.C. Sproul Jr.’s contribution to the May issue of Tabletalk: We are, I believe, dispensationalists by nature. That is, dispensationalism has so domina...

Ningún estudio científico ha probado que la homosexualidad sea genética, recuerda experto

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - LIMA, 20 May. 14 / 12:29 pm (ACI).- El Dr. René Flores, médico psiquiatra y fundador de la Sociedad Peruana de Sexología Médica, desmintió al conocido oncólogo Elmer Huerta, quien afirmó en una col...

FamilySearch Unveils New Photo-Scanning System

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Mormon Newsroom
mormonnewsroom.org - “I want to tell the stories of my mother’s family,” explained Jackie Zhang, a native of China currently living in Salt Lake City, Utah. “I was able to scan in two photos, one of my mother and anoth...

Teori Zavascki é o rei da confusão ou o rei do método? Fato: A personagem mais incômoda para o PT está solta

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Reinaldo Azevedo
veja.abril.com.br - Antes, as decisões do ministro Teori Zavascki, do Supremo, eram incompreensíveis. Depois, eles começaram a ser tornar ainda mais incompreensíveis. Se alguém conseguir explicar por que Paulo Roberto...

D-ABVM - Lufthansa Boeing 747-400 at Kuala Lumpur - Int (Sepang) | Photo ID 13741

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Asaph Borba
airplane-pictures.net - 1 Julian (4 February 2011 - 05:57 CET) Beautiful Plane...someday I hope to be sitting in the cockpit of a 747 for lufthansa :) © 2006-2014 Airplane-Pictures.net | E-mail us: Team@Airplane-Pictures....
Art & Entertainment

Maio é o mês consagrado a Santíssima Virgem Maria

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Com. Canção Nova
blog.cancaonova.com - Maio é o mês consagrado a Virgem Maria pela piedade e devoção dos fiéis. Maio é o mês consagrado a Virgem Maria, no qual a Igreja venera a Mãe de Deus mais ardentemente e lhe dirige com maior confi...
Art & Entertainment

“O maior problema de querer ser inteligente no Brasil é a falta de companhia”

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Felipe Moura Brasil
veja.abril.com.br - Em 1945, Henry Miller já questionava se o objetivo do adulto americano era se tornar “apenas um ‘sucesso’, independentemente da forma ou do estilo, do propósito ou da significação” com que o sucess...

Matthew Vines' 'God and the Gay Christian' Brings Sharp Division Among Christian Media

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charismanews.com - WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group has resigned from the National Religious Broadcasters (NRB) following a dispute over the publication of Matthew Vines' God and the Gay Christian. Though Vines'...

Just uploaded Homilia 20/05 Pe. Roger Araújo to...

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TV Cancao Nova
tvcancaonova.tumblr.com - Just uploaded Homilia 20/05 Pe. Roger Araújo to Mixcloud. Listen now!

Colombia: Tragedia debe llevar a reflexión sobre seguridad para preservar la vida de niños

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - BOGOTÁ, 20 May. 14 / 12:28 pm (ACI).- En medio del dolor generalizado que se vive en Colombia por la muerte de 33 niños en al incendiarse el autobús en el que viajaban, el Secretario General de la ...

Papa na Jordânia: 1500 crianças farão a 1ª comunhão

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Canção Nova Notícias
papa.cancaonova.com - Das 50 mil pessoas esperadas para Missa com o Papa, 1500 se preparam para receber a Eucaristia pela primeira vez Durante a visita que o Papa Francisco irá realizar à Terra Santa, de 24 a 26 de maio...
Art & Entertainment

Experiências com Nossa Senhora em Fátima

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Com. Canção Nova
blog.cancaonova.com - Dois missionários e a experiência, o encontro, com Nossa Senhora em Fátima. Visitar Fátima, em Portugal, significa fazer uma experiência profunda com Nossa Senhora do Rosário, título com o qual ela...

Senado discute lei que proíbe vaias em estádios durante a copa

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Diácono Nelsinho CN
joselitomuller.wordpress.com - O Senado discute em regime de urgência o projeto de lei, de autoria da senadora Gleisi Hoffman, do PT, que proíbe vaias nos estádios durante a copa do mundo. Segundo a autora da proposta, “o objeti...

PLS - PROJETO DE LEI DO SENADO, Nº 616 de 2007 - projetos de lei marcelo crivella,marcelocrivella,crivella10, projetos de lei senador

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Marcelo Crivella
marcelocrivella.com.br - “Dispõe sobre a obrigatoriedade de manutenção dos depósitos judiciais em instituições financeiras oficiais e dá outras providências.” Art. 1º. Os depósitos judiciais em espécie, oriundos de process...

Folha de S.Paulo - Classificados - Negócios - Jovens investem R$ 25 mil em loja virtual de camisetas "de direita" - 16/05/2014

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Ihamma Lins
classificados.folha.uol.com.br - Cansados da dificuldade de achar camisetas com slogans nos quais realmente acreditassem, os catarinenses Daniel Peçanha, 26, e Carlos Alexandre Machado, 33, resolveram empreender num terreno polêmi...

Extremistas hindúes vuelven a atacar a cristianos en la India

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - ROMA, 19 May. 14 / 11:15 pm (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- Una familia que perdió su vivienda en los violentos ataques contra los cristianos en el estado de Orissa, en la India, en 2008, nuevamente fue víct...

Judge strikes down Oregon gay marriage ban - Yahoo News

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Drew McKissick
news.yahoo.com - PORTLAND – Couples lining up outside Portland metro area courthouses Monday started getting their marriage licenses just after noon, when U.S. District Judge Michael McShane ruled a ban on same-sex...

WebTVCN » Canção Nova Brasília, no Coração do Brasil

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Salette Ferreira
blog.cancaonova.com - Agradeço a DEUS misericordioso por tudo que tem feito em nossa vida, por tudo que somos e que temos; Com muita alegria no coração e lágrimas nos olhos, agradeço também pela nossa casa própria. Aind...

Brave Teen Dies From Cancer After Raising Millions for Cancer Charity

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lifenews.com - by Alex Schadenberg | London, England | LifeNews.com | 5/20/14 1:21 PM Stephen Sutton, who, at the age of 19, died of cancer on Tuesday, May 14 in Burntwood Staffordshire UK.  Stephen was an inspir...

Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon May Veto Pro-Life Bill for 72-Hour Waiting Period Before Abortion

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lifenews.com - by Joe Ortwerth | Jefferson City, MO | LifeNews.com | 5/20/14 11:38 AM The Missouri General Assembly has sent Governor Jay Nixon legislation which would establish a 72 hour waiting period for elect...

A Priests Journey to Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory; Pope Francis: Ask God Advice in Silence and More! | Daily News

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N. Catholic Register
ncregister.com - Copyright © 2014 EWTN News, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction of material from this website without written permission is strictly prohibited. Accessed from
Art & Entertainment

Catholic.net - La Iglesia hoy

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es.catholic.net - El papa Francisco en la homilía de este martes en su residencia, la Casa Santa Marta, señaló que la paz de Jesús no es la de este mundo, que se apoya en cosas materiales, el dinero y el poder.  Cit...

Curte fotografia? Participe do #essavaiprocomshalom

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Comunidade Shalom
comshalom.org - Vivência da vocação Shalom, valores cristãos e espiritualidade são os temas propostos pra quem curte fotografia e deseja que seu trabalho seja divulgado no comshalom.org. No quadro #essavaiprocomsh...

Monseñor Blázquez muestra su cercanía personal a las víctimas de la «Causa de niños robados»

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infocatolica.com - (CEE/InfoCatólica) Mons. Blázquez ha escuchado con atención a sus interlocutoras, les ha mostrado su cercanía personal con las víctimas y les ha reiterado lo que en otras ocasiones se ha dicho públ...

‘Schindler’s List’ producer: Obama wants to ‘lock up’ foes

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WND News
wnd.com - NEW YORK – “Schindler’s List” producer Gerald Molen, who now is working on a new project with conservative author Dinesh D’Souza, says he’ll be watching for the federal court system to deliver just...

10 Things We Need to Hear from Young Church Leaders - ThomRainer.com

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Thom Rainer
thomrainer.com - I have the privilege of spending much of my life with young church leaders. As a seminary dean and missionary trainer, I hang out with people younger than I am. I’m the teacher, but I learn from th...

Câncer de mama - Você Mulher (vídeo)

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Gospel Prime
videos.gospelprime.com.br - Assistir o programa “Você Mulher” com o tema “Câncer de mama” apresentado por Fátima Bassini.

Targeted? Gun sellers' 'high risk' label from feds cuts banking options, hurts business - Washington Times

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Drew McKissick
washingtontimes.com - Gun retailers say the Obama administration is trying to put them out of business with regulations and investigations that bypass Congress and choke off their lines of credit, freeze their assets an...

USCCB Blog: Pope Brings Hope to ‘Hopeless Situation’

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usccbmedia.blogspot.com - By Bishop Richard E. Pates As Pope Francis goes on pilgrimage to the Holy Land this month, he brings more than what many call his “rock star” presence. He brings hope to a seemingly hopeless situat...
Art & Entertainment

CDs > Músicos Canção Nova > CD Salette Ferreira - Restaura a Noss... : Loja Virtual

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TV Cancao Nova
loja.cancaonova.com - Este lançamento foi realizado especialmente para a restauração das famílias. "Restaura a Nossa Casa - ao vivo" é um CD musical e oracional, que traz grandes sucessos como: “Tudo Passa”, “Tudo pode ...

Why Was a 15-Year-Old Pregnant Girl Held in Abortion Clinic Against Her Will?

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lifenews.com - by Steven Ertelt | Cleveland, OH | LifeNews.com | 5/20/14 12:53 PM The pro-life movement has been outraged over the last few days about what has happened to a pregnant 15-year-old girl in Buffalo, ...

Jornalismo, música, política e saúde - a partir das 20h30 - Tribuna Independente

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redevida.com.br - Neste noite, o Tribuna Independente traz o jornalista Ricardo Chapola comentando os desdobramentos da CPI da Petrobrás; Milton Arruda Martins (professor da clínica geral da USP – Universidade de Sã...

Sudan must recognise that the rights of conscience are sovereign

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The Catholic Herald
catholicherald.co.uk - We all know that when we visit a foreign country, we ought to respect that country’s laws and customs. If you do not wish to do this, then stay at home. Thus it might well be the case that sensible...

Catholic Bishops Voice Hope for India’s New Government | Daily News

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N. Catholic Register
ncregister.com - NEW DELHI — Catholic bishops in India have said they have nothing to fear from the country’s new government following the landside success of the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party and its al...

O Pão Nosso para 365 dias (Pré-Venda) - Arca Center - Arca Universal

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Edir Macedo
arcacenter.com.br - Medite com o Poder Transformador da Palavra de Deus nesta obra que o acompanhará durante todos os dias do ano. Com explicações concisas e objetivas sobre diversas passagens bíblicas, você poderá al...
Art & Entertainment

Catholic.net - El equipaje que va conmigo

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es.catholic.net - El equipaje que va conmigo Cuando tu vida empieza, tienes apenas una maleta pequeña de mano y unos cuantos juguetes que cuidas como lo más importante; efectivamente, la vida para ti en esos momento...

Coordenadores Diocesanos, voltai ao primeiro amor!

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rccbrasil.org.br - O Encontro Nacional para Coordenadores Diocesanos foi um momento de muitas graças derramadas para a vida da RCC do Brasil. A coordenadora do Movimento na diocese de Nova Friburgo/RJ e membro do Gru...

El cardenal Bertone niega «decididamente» haber malversado fondos

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infocatolica.com - (Agencias/InfoCatólica) «El acuerdo del Instituto para Obras de Religión con la sociedad Lux Vide ha sido discutido y aprobado por la Comisión Cardenalicia de Vigilancia y por el Consejo de Superin...

Planned Parenthood Didn't Bother to Call 911 Because Hemorrhaging “Not Unusual” After Abortion

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lifenews.com - by Jill Stanek | Harrisburg, PA | LifeNews.com | 5/20/14 9:56 AM Planned Parenthood Keystone had a novel excuse for failing to report the ambulance transfer of a patient to the Pennsylvania  Depart...

2014 B21 Panel in Baltimore Tickets, Baltimore - Eventbrite

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eventbrite.com - Baptist21 is a group of young Southern Baptists seeking gospel centrality among the nations through the Church to the glory of King Jesus in the 21st Century

Examiner Editorial: Get ready for big bailouts for insurers under Obamacare

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Drew McKissick
washingtonexaminer.com - During his first run for the presidency in 2008, President Obama blasted the influence of insurance lobbyists and vowed to take on the industry if elected. Yet as president, he passed a health care...

Cristianos, ahmadis y una televisión, nuevas víctimas de la Ley Antiblasfemia en Pakistán

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hazteoir.org - El arresto de  cuatro cristianos acusados de "predicar", el asesinato de un miembro de la comunidad ahmadíes (considerados “musulmanes desviados”) y la fatwa llamando al boicot contra la cadena Geo...

Papa Francisco irá a Tierra Santa “con mucha humanidad”, dice Arzobispo de Toledo

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - MADRID, 20 May. 14 / 01:23 am (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- Durante la presentación del Encuentro Nacional de Cofradías Penitenciales, el Arzobispo de Toledo (España), Mons. Braulio Rodríguez, aseguró que ...

Saiba o que vai ter no programa dessa terça-feira! 20/05/14 - Vida Melhor

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redevida.com.br - Cerca de 4% da população adulta mundial sofre de transtorno bipolar e, segundo a Associação Brasileira de Transtorno Bipolar, essa prevalência vale também para o Brasil, o que representa 6 milhões ...

What’s the Language of Love?

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Compassion Intl
blog.compassion.com - By Web Team | Categories: Multimedia, Sponsors and Donors What is the language of love? Is it French (ooo la la!)? Spanish? And, how do we express love to our sponsored child when there is a langua...

We All Need Re-Creation |Blogs

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N. Catholic Register
ncregister.com - My legs feet were filthy, my shoulders felt like they were in a vice, my fingernails were chipped, and my knuckles were bleeding. I can't remember the last time I felt so good.  Yep, it finally got...

Dinesh D'Souza Pleads Guilty to Making Illegal Campaign Contributions

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The Christian Post
christianpost.com - NEW YORK – Conservative author and filmmaker Dinesh D'Souza, whose 2012 film "2016: Obama's America" is one of the highest grossing documentaries in decades, pleaded guilty before a U.S. district j...
Art & Entertainment

El encanto de la vida misionera cotidiana

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infocatolica.com - Espero que estén muy bien. Al fin puedo escribirles desde Ushetu, nuestra querida misión, luego del mes en Musoma, por el estudio del swahili, y de otro mes mas en Dar es Salaam, debido al accident...
Art & Entertainment

Cheios do Espírito Santo | Shalom Catholic Community

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Comunidade Shalom
comshalom.org - A expressão “cheios do Espírito” é encontrada algumas poucas vezes no livro dos Atos dos Apóstolos. Em Efésios, Paulo manda que seus leitores “deixem-se encher pelo Espírito” (NVI), a tradução cert...
Art & Entertainment

Catholic.net - La Iglesia hoy

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es.catholic.net - El papa Francisco ha indicado que siempre le ha tocado mucho el pasaje de la conversación entre Jesús y Pedro que termina con el "Sígueme". Una palabra. Por ello, el Papa ha señalado que "seguir a ...

Kentucky Baptist Convention Protecting Biblical Marriage » Kentucky Baptist Convention

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kybaptist.org - Do you have questions about what recent court rulings on gay marriage mean for your church? So do many other churches across Kentucky. That’s why we’re pulling together a panel of experts to discus...


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WND News
wnd.com - Frontpage Politics U.S. World Faith Health Education WND TV Molotov Mitchell DJ Dolce Erick Stakelbeck Bradlee Dean David Rives Richard Rives Opinion Commentary Email to the Editor Cartoons Forums ...

Have a firm heart fixed on the Holy Spirit, Pope affirms :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

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Catholic News Agency
catholicnewsagency.com - Vatican City, May 19, 2014 / 06:12 am (CNA/EWTN News).- In his daily Mass Pope Francis reflected on the various challenges St Paul faced in his ministry, explaining that it was only possible for hi...

Is America going to pot?

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US Catholic magazine
uscatholic.org - Sounding Boards are one person's take on a many-sided subject and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of U.S. Catholic, its editors, or the Claretians. In 2010 the California Cannabis Initiativ...

Focusing on the bigger picture - Catholic Courier

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Catholic Courier
catholiccourier.com - I was talking with some friends recently who were on their way to Maine's Acadia National Park. I mentioned how neat it would be if they saw a moose there, and told them that seeing a moose in the ...

Foster parents change lives by opening homes to children in need

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The Catholic Sun
catholicsun.org - Ted and Tyra Sosnicki knew they were called to be parents. But when they realized they could not have biological children, they thought of adoption. The steep fees many private agencies charge were...

Bringing attention to the 'skills gap'

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ncronline.org - There is a growing awareness that the career mantra "do what you love" is actually doing more harm than good. That sounds counterintuitive, I know, but feels like an important step away from a focu...

Hacienda exige pagar impuestos en España a los eurodiputados | España

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elmundo.es - El Ministerio de Hacienda está empezando a poner coto al chollo fiscal de los eurodiputados españoles, la mayoría de los cuales tan sólo tributa el 22% que le retiene la Unión Europea, olvidándose ...

¿Se convertirán los musulmanes a través de la Virgen de Fátima? Una profecía de Fulton Sheen - ReL

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Religión en Libertad
religionenlibertad.com - El Siervo de Dios Fulton J. Sheen, obispo de Rochester (EEUU) y gran predicador radiofónico y televisivo que murió en 1979 (su programa de TV en los años 50 tenía unos 30 millones de espectadores s...

Missa em homenagem ao cardinalato de Dom Orani

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Arquidiocese do Rio
radiocatedral.com.br - Os vicariatos da Arquidiocese continuam homenageando o Arcebispo Dom Orani Tempesta pelo seu cardinalato. Neste sábado, às 8h30, na missa Rio Celebra, a homenagem será no Vicariato Urbano. A missa ...


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ccef.org - Pre-Conference sessions are available for an aditional $50 per session. Group discounts* | Group of 5 Saves $25 ea | Group of 10 Saves $50 ea Individual discounts** | Students and Military Personne...
Art & Entertainment

Opus Dei - José Luis Múzquiz: el proceso de canonización avanza

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Opus Dei (España)
opusdei.es - José Luis Múzquiz de Miguel nació en Badajoz el día 14 de octubre de 1912. Ayudó a San Josemaría a extender la labor del Opus Dei por numerosos países, especialmente Estados Unidos. En junio de 201...
Art & Entertainment

Criacionismo: Isaac & Charles: até a cópia precisa de projeto

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Michelson Borges
criacionismo.com.br - domingo, maio 18, 2014 Isaac & Charles: até a cópia precisa de projeto Enviar por e-mailBlogThis!Compartilhar no TwitterCompartilhar no FacebookCompartilhar no Orkut Marcadores: Isaac e Charles, qu...

COMMENT: European Elections: Why abstaining is the worst option

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Christian Today
christiantoday.com - On 22 May UK citizens will determine who will represent them in the European Parliament until 2019. Recent turnout in these elections has been low (only a third of those entitled to do so voted in ...

Busca : Loja Virtual

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loja.cancaonova.com - Preços e condições exclusivos para a Loja Virtual Canção Nova (loja.cancaonova.com), válidos por tempo determinado e/ou enquanto durarem os estoques, podendo sofrer alterações sem prévia notificaçã...

Presidente CEE muestra cercanía víctimas Causa niños robadosEcclesia Digital

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Ecclesia Digital
revistaecclesia.com - El presidente de la CEE, Ricardo Blázquez, muestra su cercanía personal a las víctimas de la “Causa de niños robados”  El presidente de la Conferencia Episcopal Española (CEE), monseñor Ricardo Blá...

Lamentan manipulación mediática de la declaración de los Obispos de Argentina

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - BUENOS AIRES, 19 May. 14 / 09:13 pm (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- El Arzobispo de La Plata (Argentina), Mons. Héctor Aguer, utilizó su columna televisiva semanal para leer el texto completo de la Declaraci...

Mídia Sem Máscara - Direitista à força

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Mídia Sem Máscara
midiasemmascara.org - Aristóteles já ensinava que a política não é uma ciência teorético-dedutiva, na qual as conclusões se seguissem matematicamente das premissas, mas uma ciência prática enormemente sutil, onde tudo d...

He's Out: White Police Commissioner Who Called Obama N-Word and Defended It Resigns

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The Christian Post
christianpost.com - Robert Copeland, the defiant police commissioner of Wolfeboro, New Hampshire, who refused to apologize for calling President Barack Obama a "f**king n***er" because he thinks he meets and exceeds t...

POR QUE AÉCIO PODE GANHAR ESTA ELEIÇÃO: leitura do mapa eleitoral de 2010 mostra que as coisas mudaram, para MUITO melhor, para o tucano em 2014

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Marcus Vinicius
veja.abril.com.br - A presidente Dilma venceu o tucano José Serra no segundo turno das eleições de 2010 por 12 milhões de votos — em percentual, ela teve 56,05% dos votos válidos, Serra, 43,95%. Este texto pretende mo...

In Advance of Papal Visit, Jewish Extremists Target Christian Properties | Daily News

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N. Catholic Register
ncregister.com - JERUSALEM — Catholic leaders in the Holy Land have demanded the Israeli government do more to ensure that Pope Francis’ May 24-26 pilgrimage to Israel, Jordan and the Palestinian-ruled West Bank wi...
Art & Entertainment

Ecología, cigüeñas y vida parroquial

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infocatolica.com - Posiblemente se crean que esta mañana he desayunado alguna infusión rara. Porque a ver, ¿qué tendrá que ver eso de la ecología con la vida de la parroquia? ¿O es que se me ha acabado la inspiración...
Art & Entertainment

Faleceu D. Eurico Dias Nogueira

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Comunidade Shalom
comshalom.org - Faleceu na noite passada o Senhor Arcebispo Emérito de Braga, D. Eurico Dias Nogueira. O seu corpo será transladado para a Sé Catedral de Braga amanhã às 10h e a missa exequial será celebrada na qu...

Rabbi relates roots of Pope's Holy Land visit in their friendship :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

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Catholic News Agency
catholicnewsagency.com - Rome, Italy, May 20, 2014 / 02:03 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Abraham Skorka, an Argentine rabbi who has long been a friend of Pope Francis, has told a Jesuit magazine of the background of their upcoming ...

The Best Way to Use Music in Church

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Christianity Today
christianitytoday.com - On my last Sunday at Saint Barnabas, where I led music for almost 27 years, the new music director asked me to share my philosophy of church music with some key instrumentalists. It was a good occa...

Lessons from the church in Asia

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US Catholic magazine
uscatholic.org - The editors of U.S. Catholic interview Claretian Father Samuel Canilang, the director of the Institute for Consecrated Life in Asia (ICLA) in Quezon City near Manila, Philippines. The institute was...
Art & Entertainment

'American Bible Challenge' game show revs up for third season - Catholic Courier

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Catholic Courier
catholiccourier.com - WASHINGTON (CNS) -- America still loves a good TV game show, as "The American Bible Challenge" has demonstrated. It's the highest-rated program on cable's Game Show Network, which specializes in th...

Jesuit superior announces intention to resign after he turns 80

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ncronline.org - Fr. Adolfo Nicolas, superior general of the Jesuits, announced his intention to resign in late 2016 after he turns 80. "Reflecting on the coming years, I have reached the personal conviction that I...

Vaticano anuncia campaña contra la trata en el Mundial de fútbol de Brasil

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romereports.com - Todo el mundo sabe que a Francisco le gusta y  mucho el fútbol: en lo que lleva de Papa le han regalado desde camisetas firmadas hasta balones. Otro aspecto del Papa, mucho más social, son sus cont...

¿Invierno vocacional? Solo en algunos países, y no es irreversible: las cifras detalladas - ReL

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Religión en Libertad
religionenlibertad.com - Vittorio Formenti y Enrico Nenna, de la Oficina Central de Estadísticas de la Santa Sede, han analizado en un artículo publicado en la edición italiana de L´Osservatore Romano los datos relacionado...

Presentación sondeo sobre voto y defensa de la vida on Livestream

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new.livestream.com - Scroll to Top You must have Adobe Flash installed to watch the live stream

Estudo resgata os últimos 200 anos de edição de livros no País

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Sérgio Pavarini
livrosepessoas.com - Setor avalia rumos do mercado e projeções para seu futuro Uma frase de Carlos Drummond de Andrade na sala de reuniões do Sindicato Nacional de Editores de Livros (Snel) resume bem o estudo que o Co...

Criacionismo: Fêmur gigante e restos de dinossauro achados na Argentina

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Michelson Borges
criacionismo.com.br - segunda-feira, maio 19, 2014 Fêmur gigante e restos de dinossauro achados na Argentina Do tamanho de 14 elefantes Um trabalhador rural descobriu na Argentina os restos de um dinossauro que pesou qu...

Burger King changes slogan to 'Be Your Way' because people 'should live how they want'

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Christian Today
christiantoday.com - Burger King is doing away with its 'Have It Your Way' slogan in favour of a new one that emphasises the individual. 'Be Your Way' replaces 'Have It Your Way' after 40 years and is all about celebra...
Art & Entertainment

CDs > Músicos diversos > CD Te encontro em mim : Loja Virtual

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loja.cancaonova.com - CD de Aline Brasil, Te encontro em mim trazendo 12 faixas para você, confira: 01. Chegou Pentecostes 02. Meu milagre 03. Te encontro em mim 04. Perfeito amor 05. Amor incondicional 06. Rasgue os cé...

Monseñor Vallejo Balda fue entrevistado en COPE AstorgaEcclesia Digital

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Ecclesia Digital
revistaecclesia.com - Monseñor Vallejo Balda fue entrevistado en COPE Astorga Monseñor Vallejo balda entrevistado en COPE Astorga: “… El Papa Francisco es una persona extraordinariamente cercana…” El Secretario de la Pr...


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Index on Censorship
wepromise.eu - The European election will take place between 22 and 25 May 2014. Citizens, promise to vote for candidates that have signed a 10-point charter of digital rights! Show candidates that they need to e...

Mídia Sem Máscara - A Universidade Mackenzie critica a Teologia da Missão Integral?

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Mídia Sem Máscara
midiasemmascara.org - Nessa questão, “Teologia da Libertação X Teologia da Prosperidade” cita texto de Ricardo Gondim sobre a TMI: “Gondim também se queixa repetidamente de que a Teologia da Missão Integral teve seu ava...

Watch in Awe as a Massive Supercell Thunderstorm Develops in Wyoming (VIDEO)

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The Christian Post
christianpost.com - Storm chasing group Basehunters captured this jaw-dropping footage of a supercell thunderstorm forming in northeast Wyoming this weekend. A supercell is the most severe type of thunderstorm, produc...

Holidays Development Manager

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Evangelical Alliance
easilyfound.it - Salary £24,000–£26,500 (depending on experience) plus pension scheme Following a recent review of strategy, this post has been created to encourage growth in the numbers of children and young peopl...
Art & Entertainment

Derecho a Vivir celebra el gran éxito del I Concierto por la Vida en Jaén

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Derecho a Vivir
hazteoir.org - Unidos por la música, dando a conocer la magnífica labor de nuestros voluntarios y de la Plataforma de Ayuda a la Mujer Embarazada de Jaén, que en cuatro años ha salvado a más de 60 bebés del abort...

Britain first? | Nick Baines's Blog

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Archbishop Cranmer
nickbaines.wordpress.com - Last Saturday a group of blokes drove up from London to Bradford, entered mosques, confronted whomsoever they could find, and tried to intimidate Muslims. I was phoned yesterday to let me know what...

Report: Vatican Has Strengthened Its Financial Oversight | Daily News

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N. Catholic Register
ncregister.com - VATICAN CITY — The Authority for Financial Information’s second annual report presents an increasing number of suspicious transactions reported — a reflection of stronger oversight of Vatican finan...

Statement from the House of Bishops of the Church of England

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Church of England
churchofengland.org - The House of Bishops of the Church of England met at Bishopthorpe Palace in York on Monday 19th and Tuesday 20th May 2014. In a wide ranging agenda the House discussed issues including: the progres...

Anglican-Catholic talks make progress in South Africa

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Catholic Church
en.radiovaticana.va - (Vatican Radio) Catholic and Anglican ecumenical experts have concluded a 10 day meeting in Durban, South Africa, making "a great deal of progress" towards an agreed statement on authority in the C...

How We Forgot the Holiness of God

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Christianity Today
christianitytoday.com - A couple years ago, I visited Israel with a group of Christian journalists. We bobbed in the Dead Sea, ate "Peter fish" in Galilee, and ascended the desert fortress of Masada. We toured the Church ...

La ley de la blasfemia en Pakistán sigue siendo un instrumento de persecución y de impunidad para los fundamentalistas islámicos

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infocatolica.com - (Fides) Según la información de la Agencia Fides, el 17 de mayo, se registró un caso de blasfemia en la aldea de Mirpur Khas (provincia de Sindh) contra cuatro cristianos: Javed Masih, su esposa Na...

La Manif Pour Tous - La loi famille sème la zizanie à l'Assemblée

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La Manif Pour Tous
lamanifpourtous.fr - Il y avait un air de déjà-vu lundi à l'Assemblée nationale. La proposition de loi PS-écologistes sur l'autorité parentale et l'intérêt de l'enfant, examinée par les députés, relance-t-elle la batai...

Copa do Mundo: Vaticano associa-se a campanha contra tráfico de pessoas

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Comunidade Shalom
comshalom.org - O Vaticano apresentou hoje a campanha contra o tráfico de pessoas que vai ser promovida por vários institutos religiosos durante a próxima edição do Campeonato de Mundo de Futebol, no Brasil. A cam...

U.S. can’t track American jihadists home from Syria

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WND News
wnd.com - (DAILY BEAST) Western intelligence services have been warning that European and American jihadists have been flocking to Syria to fight. But they’ve been reluctant to say how many Americans have jo...
Art & Entertainment

Francisco: El dinero, el poder y la fama no dan la verdadera paz

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romereports.com - «La paz mundana abarca características que nos muestran que no es definitiva. La del poder, que no funciona, que por ejemplo termina con un golpe de estado. La de Herodes, que acaba cuando los Mago...

El aborto legal cumple 8 años en Colombia: decenas de miles protestan con 20 marchas en el país - ReL

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Religión en Libertad
religionenlibertad.com - Alrededor de 90 mil colombianos se manifestaron el pasado sábado 17 de mayo en defensa del derecho a vivir desde la concepción y contra el aborto, en la VIII Marcha Nacional por el Derecho a la Vid...

Newspaper: Tancredo Vs. Hickenlooper A ‘Nightmare’ For GOP

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Matt Barber
barbwire.com - Colorado gubernatorial candidate Tom Tancredo couldn’t win a statewide race if the Democratic candidate were caught in a sexting scandal, in the opinion of the Colorado Springs Gazette’s editorial ...
Art & Entertainment

“Somos apaixonadas por um padre”, desabafam 26 mulheres em carta ao papa Francisco

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Sérgio Pavarini
pavablog.com - Vinte e seis mulheres escreveram uma carta ao papa Francisco na qual afirmam ser “apaixonadas por um padre” e pedem o fim do celibato na Igreja Católica Romana. “Nós amamos esses homens, e eles nos...
Art & Entertainment

Heaven is for Real still riding high in US box office

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Christian Today
christiantoday.com - Heaven is for Real is holding onto its place in the US box office top 10 some five weeks after it released to theatres. The movie about a four-year-old boy's visit to Heaven has defied the sceptics...
Art & Entertainment

Criacionismo: “Game of Thrones”: violência em série

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Michelson Borges
criacionismo.com.br - segunda-feira, maio 19, 2014 “Game of Thrones”: violência em série Incesto e estupro num velório! O mundo fantástico do seriado americano “Game of Thrones”, a trama de maior sucesso da tevê america...

Francisco recibió al primer ministro de Polonia, Donald TuskEcclesia Digital

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Ecclesia Digital
revistaecclesia.com - Francisco recibe al primer ministro de Polonia: preocupación por la tensión en Europa Oriental El primer ministro de la República de Polonia, Donald Tusk, ha sido recibido esta mañana en audiencia ...
Art & Entertainment

Editora Mundo Cristão - Livro: A Bíblia da mulher que ora - NVI (Margarida Box) - Stormie Omartian

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Mundo Cristão
mundocristao.com.br - Após influenciar milhões de mulheres em todo o mundo, Stormie Omartian apresenta A Bíblia da mulher que ora para ajudar suas leitoras a aprofundar seu relacionamento com Deus ao intensificar a vida...

Cardeal Scherer visita e abençoa nova sede da Cáritas Arquidiocesana de São Paulo

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Arquidiocese de SP
arquidiocesedesaopaulo.org.br - O espaço é novo, mas os motivos que levam, diariamente, centenas de pessoas a serem acolhidas e atendidas gratuitamente pela Cáritas Arquidiocesana de São Paulo (CASP) são os mesmos: conflito inter...
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Live Action
lifesitenews.com - APPLE VALLEY, CA, May 19, 2014 (LifeSiteNews.com) – A California woman and her military husband say their tiny baby's struggle for life after being born at 22 weeks proves that all babies are worth...

Sancionada lei que proíbe realização e divulgação de vaquejadas em Fortaleza - Cidade - Diário do Nordeste

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diariodonordeste.verdesmares.com.br - Foi sancionada, no último dia 12 de maio, a lei que proíbe a realização e divulgação de vaquejadas, rodeios e qualquer outro evento que exponha animais a maus-tratos em Fortaleza. A informação foi ...


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PP de Madrid
m.facebook.com - La matriculación de turismos aumentó casi un 10% en la Comunidad de Madrid durante los primeros cuatro meses de 2014 en comparación con el mismo periodo del año anterior, alcanzando los 99.625 turi...

PM terá que marcar ponto - Economia - O Dia

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odia.ig.com.br - Rio - Os policiais militares do Estado do Rio terão que marcar ponto eletrônico para controlar a carga horária de trabalho e assegurar, assim, o cumprimento da jornada de trabalho e a escala especí...

Christian Publisher of Matthew Vines' 'God and the Gay Christian' Responds to NRB Resignation

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The Christian Post
christianpost.com - The Christian publishing company behind Matthew Vines' God and the Gay Christian: The Biblical Case in Support of Same-Sex Relationships has responded to news that it resigned from the National Rel...
Art & Entertainment

Intercessão no ministério de Jesus (1)

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ultimato.com.br - De acordo com o dicionário, interceder é “pedir, rogar por outrem ou por alguma coisa, ou ainda, pedir a favor de algo ou de alguém.” E da mesma forma, oração é “invocação dirigida a Deus”. Juntand...

Christ In Us Through the Rosary

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Catholic Exchange
catholicexchange.com - To linger in the domain of Mary is a divinely great thing. One does not ask about the utility of truly noble things, because they have their meaning within themselves. So it is of infinite meaning ...

Daily Digest: former Church of Scotland moderators challenge "grumbling grunters"

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Church of England
churchofengland.org - Times Report that two former moderators of the Church of Scotland have launched an attack on "grumbling grunters" who have maintained a culture of sexism for the last 50 years in some of the most i...

Guilty Plea: Dinesh D'Souza, Renowned Christian Conservative | Gleanings

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Christianity Today
christianitytoday.com - In federal district court in New York this morning, renowned Christian conservative Dinesh D'Souza entered a guilty plea to one count of violating campaign finance law. His case was scheduled to go...

The Federal Government Hasn't Improved Education After Trying for 50 Years

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Heritage Foundation
blog.heritage.org - The federal government has been trying to improve educational outcomes for 50 years, but according to a recent study, we have little to show for it — and in some areas, it is getting worse. This ye...

Why Syria Matters

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C of E Newspaper
aucegypt.edu - On March 15, 2011, the Arab Spring came to Syria. Like the other Arab revolts, it occurred spontaneously and proceeded nonviolently. The core political grievances and aspirations were the same as e...

Video del día - UN CURSO DE MILAGROS - Las primeras 50 lecciones

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Un Curso De Milagros
themasterteacher.tv - UN CURSO DE MILAGROS Las primeras 50 lecciones En las que reconocemos nuestra identidad creativa Referencias Lecturas Compartir Descargar Pedir DVD Título: UN CURSO DE MILAGROS - Las primeras 50 le...
Art & Entertainment

España: Tarazona acoge una exposición sobre Santa María Magdalena

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infocatolica.com - (SIC/Infocatólica) En palabras del Alcalde de Tarazona, D. Luis María Beamonte, «Tarazona tiene una vinculación estrecha con María Magdalena, patrona de Getafe. La Santa da su nombre al templo más ...
Art & Entertainment

El arte callejero toma la Plaza de España de Roma

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romereports.com - El retrato del Papa Francisco está en todas partes: en pósters y páginas web, hecho en el campo o con cera... Poco a poco, el Papa se convierte en un icono y en imagen de la Iglesia y Roma. Su últi...

Campaign Comparing Hitler To Islam Debuts On DC Buses « Pat Dollard

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Angelica Saldaña
patdollard.com - Home  »  Israel  »  Campaign Comparing Hitler To Islam Debuts On DC Buses PatDollard.com On Facebook Categories Select Category 2012 presidential campaign 2014 elections 2016 Elections Abortion Afg...

Ex-executiva do Banco Mundial afirma que 'ETs comandam a economia mundial'

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Sérgio Pavarini
pavablog.com - Depois do ex-ministro da Defesa do Canadá, Paul Hellyer, se manifestar sobre o assunto no ano passado, foi a vez de Karen Hudes, ex-executiva do Banco Mundial, afirmar que extraterrestres comandam ...

The future of Crisis Magazine

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Crisis Magazine
us4.campaign-archive1.com - $5,000. That’s all we need
 each month to sustain and 
 fully operate Crisis Magazine.   Jaws drop when I speak of how much Crisis Magazine accomplishes with so little.   While our own austerity me...
Art & Entertainment

«Padre, voy a matarle en una semana»: así arranca «Calvario», una película donde el cura queda bien - ReL

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Religión en Libertad
religionenlibertad.com - Calvary [Calvario] es una película irlandesa, estrenada a mediados de abril en el ámbito anglosajón, que ha sorprendido por su positivo tratamiento de la figura principal, el padre James Lavelle, a...

WORLD | Midday Roundup: Moore marks F5 tornado’s one year anniversary

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WORLD News Group
worldmag.com - Painful memories. Residents of Moore, Okla., paused today to remember the massive twister that destroyed much of the town one year ago. The EF5 tornado killed 24, including nine children, and left ...

» The Plan to Kill the Internet Uncovered Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

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Live Free Radio
infowars.com - The Internet has emerged as the most empowering tool of individual freedom since the Gutenberg’s press, affording billions of people worldwide not only the tool of instant communication, but access...

Meriam Ibrahim: What you need to know about Sudan and Apostasy

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Christian Today
christiantoday.com - The case of Meriam Ibrahim, the pregnant Christian Sudanese women sentenced to death for 'apostasy' (leaving Islam), has sent shockwaves around the global community. But how common is this sort of ...

Online Payment, Merchant Account - PayPal

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First Things
paypal.com - If you were making a purchase or sending money, we recommend that you check both your PayPal account and your email for a transaction confirmation after 30 minutes. If you came to this page from an...
Art & Entertainment

La diócesis de Ávila celebra “La alegría de vivir en familia”Ecclesia Digital

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Ecclesia Digital
revistaecclesia.com - La diócesis de Ávila celebra “La alegría de vivir en familia” El IV Encuentro diocesano de las Familias pretende dar un mensaje positivo y de esperanza, frente a los problemas que la rodean en la s...
Art & Entertainment

Editora Mundo Cristão - Livro: Transforme seu adolescente até sexta - Kevin Leman

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Mundo Cristão
mundocristao.com.br - Anos de amor, carinho e atenção. Tempo e esforço dedicados a educar, formar caráter e ensinar boas maneiras. Os filhos pequenos são verdadeiros anjos em nossas vidas. De repente, os anjinhos entram...

15-year-old girl held against her will in abortion clinic is rescued by police and pro-lifers

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Live Action
liveactionnews.org - A teenager went through a harrowing ordeal at an abortion clinic on May 16, according to well-known pro-life activist Abby Johnson. According to status updates posted on Facebook, Johnson, who told...

Lawmakers Voice Concerns About F.C.C. Stances - NYTimes.com

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The Brazilian Post
bits.blogs.nytimes.com - WASHINGTON – House Republicans told the chairman of the Federal Communications Commission on Tuesday that they were troubled both by what the agency is doing, and what it is not. “Given some of the...

Derecho a Vivir presenta este martes el sondeo de intención de voto y de protección de la vida humana

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Derecho a Vivir
hazteoir.org - La doctora Gádor Joya, portavoz de Derecho a Vivir, será la encargada de presentarlo a los medios en la Rueda de Prensa que tendrá lugar a las 11:45 horas, en la sede de HO. REDACCIÓN HO.- Este mar...

8 Social Media Mistakes You Need to Stop Making Right Now

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Lawrence W. Wilson
lawrencewilson.com - I am a huge fan of social media. In fact, I started blogging before there was blogging, circulating a weekly e-mail “post” to a few hundred subscribers back in the mid-1990s. I use Twitter, Faceboo...

Russell Wilson, Seattle Seahawks QB, Says Jesus Christ Appeared to Him in a Dream When He Was 14 (VIDEO) : TV : breathecast

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The Christian Post
breathecast.com - It is no secret that Russell Wilson is a man who has strong faith in Jesus Christ, but most people probably do not know that he was once visited by the King of Kings in a dream when he was only 14 ...

'Women Deserve Better': Why the U.S. Needs to Rethink Abortion Laws

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Susan B Anthony List
blog.heritage.org - It’s been a year since abortionist Kermit Gosnell was convicted of first-degree murder and involuntary manslaughter for killing three newborns and causing the death of a mother in his West Philadel...

irmaos.com - Missão na Íntegra

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irmaos.com - Para ouvir o programa, clique no "play" ou faça o download da qualidade desejada clicando sobre o link com o botão direito do mouse e escolhendo "Salvar link/destino como...":

Evangelical Seminary Explains Why It Enrolled First Muslim St... | Gleanings

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Christianity Today
christianitytoday.com - The third-largest evangelical seminary in America has explained why it is allowing a Muslim Palestinian to pursue a Ph.D. in archaeology. As a seminary of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), Sou...

South Sudan - Tearfund

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tearfund.org - Recent conflict in South Sudan has led to 923,000 people fleeing their homes and another 293,000 leaving the country for neighbouring nations. Fighting erupted at the end of 2013 between forces loy...

Police broke up fight as mother tried to force 15-year-old into abortion: report

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Live Action News
lifesitenews.com - BEDFORD HEIGHTS, OH, May 20, 2014 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Police had to rush to a Planned Parenthood facility on Monday to stop a physical fight between a mother and her 15-year-old daughter, after th...

Police Shutdown of 11-Year-Old's Lemonade Stand at California Race Widely Unreported

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Janie Johnson
breitbart.com - Authorities reportedly lectured the little girl, whom they threatened with a $1,500 fine, that her stand was unfair to establishments, like Starbucks, that actually have a license to sell. A few ye...
Art & Entertainment

LEC140La salvación es lo único que cura

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Un Curso De Milagros
spreaker.com - La palabra "cura" no puede aplicársele a ningún remedio que el mundo considere beneficioso. Lo que el mundo percibe como un remedio terapéutico es sólo aquello que hace que el cuerpo se sienta "mej...

China Signs Non-Dollar Settlement Deal With Russia's Largest Bank

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Angelica Saldaña
zerohedge.com - Slowly - but surely - the USD's hegemony is being chipped away whether by foreign policy faux pas, crossed red-lines, or economic fragility. However, on Day 1 of Vladimir Putin's trip to China it i...

Francisco a los obispos de México: Asumo las preocupaciones de sus Iglesias. Algunas sufren mucho

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romereports.com - 19 de mayo, 2014. El lunes por la mañana, el Papa Francisco se reunió con Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, rey de Baréin, a las 9. Cuarenta y cinco minutos después, le siguió Donald Tusk, primer ministro ...

Nigeria seeks UN sanctions on Boko Haram

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cnsnews.com - UNITED NATIONS (AP) — Nigeria is asking the Security Council to impose sanctions on Boko Haram, the al-Qaida-linked extremist group that has carried out a wave of deadly attacks and the recent abdu...

Why Dawson Opposed Our Bourgeois Mind

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Crisis Magazine
crisismagazine.com -  “No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon” (Mt 6:24). This Gospel p...

WORLD | Park preacher | Deena C. Bouknight

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WORLD News Group
worldmag.com - Seven years ago former combat arms officer Phillip Fletcher moved with his wife and three children to Conway, Ark., to be closer to in-laws. He had worked with chaplains while stationed in Iraq and...
Art & Entertainment

Concurso Cultural Literário (68)

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mob de leitura
livrosepessoas.com - Há ocasiões em que você fica perdida tentando saber por que seu filho faz o que faz, por que ele diz o que diz e pensa o que pensa? Acalme-se! Os homens não são, nem de longe, tão complexos quanto ...
Art & Entertainment

* Modelo que iria abortar bebê para entrar no ‘Big Brother’ inglês, DESISTIU de matar o filho.

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blog.comshalom.org - A aspirante a celebridade, Josie Cunningham,da Inglaterra, disse que ia fazer um aborto para entrar para o BBB. Com apenas 24 anos á ela já mãe de dois filhos, mas queria abortar o terceiro bebê qu...

One Nation: What We Can All Do to Save America’s Future

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John C Maxwell
realbencarson.com - Dr. Ben Carson made headlines with his keynote at the National Prayer Breakfast in February 2013. Standing just a few feet from President Obama, the neurosurgeon offered a common sense critique of ...
Art & Entertainment

Radio America

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blog.cancaonova.com - O Tríduo Pascal nos convida a fixar os olhos no olhar de Jesus A Igreja Católica vive nestes dias a sua maior celebração dentro de calendário litúrgico, que é o Tríduo Pascal que culmina na grande ...
Art & Entertainment

Etiopía: niños se convierten en pequeños misioneros y reparten Biblias en lengua omoro

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infocatolica.com - (Fides) El sacerdote, asistido por las Hermanas Franciscanas Misioneras de Cristo presentes en el misma comunidad, ha ayudado a los pequeños misioneros a dar sus primeros pasos con el Evangelio en ...

Lemonheads Candy Unveils Their Chilling New Mascot

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relevantmagazine.com - So, Lemonheads—that iconic candy that has wisely remained relatively unchanged for decades—for some reason decided it was a good idea to create a new mascot who would be handling all social media f...

Evangelicals, Catholics, and Togetherness | First Thoughts

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First Things
firstthings.com - A recent exchange between Rusty Reno and Andrew Haines has played back into previous exchanges between George Weigel (here and here), John Cavadini, and Aaron Taylor. Thanks to the folks at Ethika ...

Thai media censored under martial law - Committee to Protect Journalists

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Index on Censorship
cpj.org - Army Commander General Prayuth Chan-ocha invoked martial law today amid rising political tension and escalating violence between pro- and anti-government protest groups in the national capital. The...

Hope in the Midst of Suffering...1 - Focus on the Family Daily - Canada

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Focus on the Family
focusonthefamily.com - Journalist Philip Yancey explains why people ask “why” questions when they experience suffering, and emphasizes how God encourages the church to respond with compassion and practical help to those ...

New Question Over VA Scandal & What It May Reveal About Obamacare

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noisyroom.net - New Question Over VA Scandal & What It May Reveal About Obamacare This entry was posted in Constitution, Financial, Military, Politics, Survival, Taxation. Bookmark the permalink.

Imagine this: Now al-Qaida is a worse threat

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WND News
wnd.com - WASHINGTON – The recent kidnapping of more than 300 Nigerian women students by Boko Haram with the threat of selling them, the rise of al-Shabaab in Somalia and the sudden prominence of the Islamic...
Art & Entertainment

COLISÃO - Aline Brasil

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letras.mus.br - Preciso ser o oposto do que o mundo é Bater de frente com os meus desejos Resistir o pecado até o fim E uma hora ele fugirá de mim. Preciso preservar os bons costumes Evitar as más conversações Me ...

"Hay que evitar que el debate del aborto se vuelva a cerrar en falso"

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Ignacio Arsuaga
cope.es - © Cadena COPE 2011 Radio Popular S.A. - COPE. CIF A28281368, C/ Alfonso XI, 4. 28014, Madrid. Todos los derechos reservados.

Christian Prisoner Conditionally Released from Iranian Prison « Persecution News

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persecution.org - ICC Note: An Iranian prisoner who had been convicted of “disrupting national security” and propaganda against the regime for meeting together as Christians was conditionally released from prison. K...

The Big Debate - NYTimes.com

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Lawrence W. Wilson
nytimes.com - It’s now clear that the end of the Soviet Union heralded an era of democratic complacency. Without a rival system to test them, democratic governments have decayed across the globe. In the U.S., Wa...

Tricia Pridemore | Georgia's 11th Congressional District

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Susan B Anthony List
sba-list.org - “The Susan B. Anthony List Candidate fund is proud to endorse Tricia Pridemore for Congress. Tricia’s past leadership experience in business and communications will make her an excellent addition t...

Impronta eugenésica del diagnóstico genético preimplantatorio

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Derecho a Vivir
centrodebioetica.org - Entre los procedimientos que mayores cambios han generado en la aplicación de las técnicas de fecundación artificial se encuentra el diagnóstico genético preimplantatorio (DGP). Es una técnica que ...

Unbelievable reason Planned Parenthood didn't report 911 call to state

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Live Action News
jillstanek.com - Planned Parenthood Keystone had a novel excuse for failing to report the ambulance transfer of a patient to the Pennsylvania  Department of Health, as required by law. When DOH inspected Planned Pa...

Video: College Students Ace Pop Music Quiz, Bomb Benghazi Question

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Heritage Foundation
cnsnews.com - Last week, "Professor" Dan Joseph of MRCTV ventured onto the hallowed grounds of George Mason again to give students their final exam.  Over the course of the semester, these students have struggle...

Healthcare spiraling downwards as ObamaCare takes hold, worse yet to come

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Right to Life
nationalrighttolifenews.org - By Burke Balch, JD, Robert Powell Center for Medical Ethics Editor’s note. This appeared in the May issue of National Right to Life News which can be read in its entirety at www.nrlc.org/uploads/NR...
Art & Entertainment

LaChanze Sapp-Gooding Wows Audience With 'Amazing Grace' to Dedicate 9/11 Museum, Honor Husband Killed at WTC (VIDEO)

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The Christian Post
christianpost.com - When scheduled performer Idina Menzel, of "Let It Go" fame, got sick, organizers of last week's 9/11 Museum Dedication scrambled to find a substitute. The last-minute replacement, LaChanze Sapp-Goo...

» Shock FedGov Court Ruling: Police Can Kick In Your Door and Seize Guns Without Warrant or Charges Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

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Angelica Saldaña
infowars.com - In a unanimous decision earlier this month the Court determined that law enforcement officers are not required to present a warrant or charges before forcibly entering a person’s home, searching it...


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cwfa.org - The U.S. Senate is scheduled to take action on the dangerous nomination of David J. Barron to the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit. We need you to please call your senators now ...

The Spirit of Elijah – By Common Consent, a Mormon Blog

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By Common Consent
bycommonconsent.com - When my twelve year-old son Jeffrey wanted to learn to play the bagpipes, I thought it was cool. I honestly did— I have always loved highland bagpipes, and find them haunting and beautiful. While o...

10,996,447: Disability Beneficiaries Hit New Record

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cnsnews.com - (CNSNews.com) - The total number of disability beneficiaries in the United States rose from 10,981,423 in March to 10,996,447 in April, setting a new all-time record, according to newly released da...

Concurso Cultural Literário – Especial para Professores (3)

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mob de leitura
livrosepessoas.com - Pesquisa-ação, Investigação na ação, Pesquisa colaborativa ou Praxis emancipatória, essas são as expressões empregadas para designar uma forma de investigação auto-reflexiva que tem o objetivo de a...

* Amsterdã já fechou 192 dos 482 bordéis no 'Red District', desde 2006. O plano agora é fechar 26 dos 76 coffee shops que vendem maconha.

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blog.comshalom.org - A Cidade de Amsterdã, na Holanda, ganhou na justiça, permissão para fechar cafés que vendem maconha no Red Light District (distrito da Luz Vermelha, em português), bairro onde se concentram casas d...

Watch How This Man With No Hands Plays a Beautiful Melody on the Piano Using His Chin

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lifenews.com - by Steven Ertelt | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 5/19/14 2:31 PM A man without hands plays a beautiful song on the piano. Uploaded by YouTube user “ShadikTV” in November of 2011, the pianist glid...

Mission Team Leader to set up new Mission Team in East Anglia :: Catholic Youth Ministry, News, Development, Programs

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catholicyouthwork.com - CatholicYouthWork.com » Forum » Jobs in Catholic Youth Ministry » Catholic Youth Ministry Jobs UK » Mission Team Leader to set up new Mission Team in East Anglia Author Topic: Mission Team Leader t...

Christians flee Syria’s largest city : News Headlines - Catholic Culture

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Catholic Pulse
catholicculture.org - Syrian rebels are besieging Aleppo, the nation’s largest city-- leading to a “a new wave of the exodus of Christians,” according to a local prelate. “The families waited for high school to end, the...

3 Easy Steps To Avoid Criticism

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Scott Williams
bigisthenewsmall.com - Criticism is a one of those words that seems to cut most people like a knife.  Although the knife doesn’t seem as sharp when we put the word “constructive” in front of the word criticism; none-the-...

WORLD | Nowhere to run | Mindy Belz

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WORLD News Group
worldmag.com - KANO, Nigeria-When there's a break at Baba Alhamdu Secondary School, you know it. Students pour from narrow classroom doorways and flock to benches where they can talk beneath trees and out of the ...

What Does Fulfilling Your Prophetic Promises Look Like?

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charismamag.com - As you may have heard, Vision Church at Christian International suffered from terrible flooding and damage from the recent storms. As a result, we have pulled up our carpet and are dealing with the...

Vaticano detectó 202 operaciones financieras sospechosas

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romereports.com - La Autoridad de Información Financiera, más conocida como AIF, es el principal organismo de control financiero del Vaticano. En su informe de 2013 recuerda que el Vaticano ha impulsado sus leyes pa...
Art & Entertainment

Lifetime Is Making a Show about the Young Antichrist

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relevantmagazine.com - The former showrunner of The Walking Dead is turning his attention to a new horror series—a show based on the film The Omen for the Lifetime network. According to The Hollywood Reporter, “Titled Da...
Art & Entertainment

May 19, 2014 | Culture Clips

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Focus on the Family
pluggedin.com - "There's a reason his name begins with 'God,' I think. He is a god, really," says British director Gareth Edwards, the man behind the latest reboot of the six-decade old Godzilla franchise. "He's a...

Clinic escort: Abortion is "about my fundamental right to life"

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jillstanek.com - Violations will be deleted and you may be banned. Threats will be immediately reported to authorities. Following these rules will make everyone's experience visiting JillStanek.com better. Our volu...


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citizengo.org - From 22 to 25 May 2014, the elections of the European Parliament are taking place across Europe. Novae Terrae Foundation submits together with over 30 European NGOs (among which: CitizenGO, Christi...
Art & Entertainment

Generación bilingüe - La Razón digital

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PP de Madrid
larazon.es - El informe PISA del pasado mes de diciembre dejó claro, tras evaluar el nivel de los estudiantes de todo el mundo, que si Madrid fuera un país, estaría en el «top ten» de los mejores en rendimiento...

Polémicas matrimoniales (IV): un tema doctrinal

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infocatolica.com - En nuestro análisis de la propuesta del Cardenal Kasper en favor de que los divorciados en nuevas uniones reciban la comunión, vamos a tratar hoy un aspecto importante de la misma: si se trata de u...

 Testemunho que marcou a minha vida!

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Aliança Misericórdia
misericordia.com.br - Fui fazer voluntariado em São Paulo, em uma igreja chamada Nossa Senhora da Boa Morte, onde acontece a adoração perpetua.

Harvard's Chaplain: "There's No Doubt in My Mind That the Holy Spirit Led 'Black Mass' Off Campus"

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Zenit English
zenit.org - “There is no doubt in my mind that this was led by the Holy Spirit,” said a Catholic official at Harvard, in reference to the calling off or relocation of the “black mass,” scheduled to take place ...

Best and worst companies for Internet privacy

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WND News
wnd.com - A consumer organization concludes that when it comes to protecting customer information from government requests, Snapchat has a dismal record of failure, and Comcast, AT&T and Amazon aren’t far be...

M9, firmato il contratto via ai lavori a fine mese - Cronaca - la Nuova di Venezia

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nuovavenezia.gelocal.it - Museo M9, via ai lavori entro una quindicina di giorni al massimo. Tra la fine di maggio e i primi giorni di giugno, l’amministratore di Polymnia, l’architetto Plinio Danieli ha messo in agenda il ...

Free Tickets - Tearfund

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tearfund.org - The idea is that you use this opportunity to bring someone who maybe hasn’t been to this kind of event before, someone who isn’t currently part of your church…. We’ve got 1,000 tickets to give away...

Planned Parenthood Student Group Pelts Pro-Lifers With Condoms, Saying "We Love Abortion"

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Live Action News
lifenews.com - by Carole Novielli | Boise, ID | LifeNews.com | 5/19/14 10:18 AM The pro-life group Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust claims that while protesting at Boise State University, they were pelted with...
Art & Entertainment

Notícias - Música Gospel :: Gospel Music Café

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gospelmusiccafe.com - Clip da canção Deus Forte de Jonas Vilar Pioneiro do sertanejo universitário gospel, Jonas Vilar, nasceu no sertão da Paraíba e na adolescência, já em São Paulo, aceitou Jesus em sua vida na Assemb...

National Right to Life: McConnell “irreplaceable” in U.S. Senate as defender of unborn children and other vulnerable persons

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Right to Life
nationalrighttolifenews.org - LOUISVILLE (September 18, 2013)–National Right to Life today joined with its state affiliate, Kentucky Right to Life, in issuing a ringing endorsement of Senator Mitch McConnell’s re-election to th...
Art & Entertainment

“Os problemas se resolvem confrontando-se, discutindo e rezando”, explica o Papa

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Arautos do Evangelho
gaudiumpress.org - Cidade do Vaticano (Segunda-feira, 19-05-2014, Gaudium Press) De acordo com o Santo Padre, na Oração mariana do Regina Coeli deste domingo, dia 18 de maio, as maledicências, bem como os sentimentos...

The Black Madonna at Carhart’s Infamous Abortuary

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Human Life Intnl
hli.org - The journey across North America of the pilgrim icon of Our Lady of Czestochowa (the “Black Madonna”) began in August 2013 as a continuation of the From Ocean to Ocean Campaign in Defense of Life. ...

Galicia Bilingüe pide a la Xunta que aleje de los escolares a los que apoyan actos violentos - Libertad Digital

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libertaddigital.com - Galicia Bilingüe pide a la Xunta que aleje de los escolares a los que apoyan actos violentos Galicia Bilingüe solicita que la Xunta los aleje de las actividades con los alumnos "después de que haya...

A Time for Choosing: The Main Street Economy vs. The Washington Crony Economy

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Heritage Foundation
heritage.org - The Heritage Foundation is the nation’s most broadly supported public policy research institute, with hundreds of thousands of individual, foundation and corporate donors. Heritage, founded in Febr...
Art & Entertainment

LECCIÓN 140 – La salvación es lo único que cura.

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Un Curso De Milagros
acimdailylesson.com - La palabra “cura” no puede aplicársele a ningún remedio que el mundo considere beneficioso. Lo que el mundo percibe como un remedio terapéutico es sólo aquello que hace que el cuerpo se sienta “mej...

Catholic Schools ‘Switching’ to Charter Schools, Study Finds

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Catholic Pulse
cardinalnewmansociety.org - In response to declining enrollment and rising costs, a number of Catholic schools have been converted into charter schools, according to a new report from the Friedman Foundation for Educational C...

* Pesquisa atesta que 69% dos brasileiros rejeitam liberação da maconha.

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blog.comshalom.org - Se depender da maioria da população do Rio de Janeiro, a maconha continuará sendo uma erva proibida. Pesquisa realizada pelo Instituto GERP, encomendada pelo jornal ‘O Dia’, aplicada em 870 pessoas...

Action Being Taken to Help Christians in the Middle East

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The Christian Post
christianpost.com - On the morning of April 7, Dutch Jesuit priest Frans Van Der Lugt was most likely in meditation, as was his custom, when gunmen burst into his monastery in the old part of the Syrian town of Homs. ...

WORLD | Salt and light on campus

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WORLD News Group
worldmag.com - CALIFORNIA, TEXAS, LOUISIANA, and MISSOURI—Bright studio lights line the walls of a room in California as four professional cameramen zoom in for close-ups and “confession cam” interviews, a staple...
Art & Entertainment

Entertainment Reporter Creates the Ultimate Star-Studded Wedding Video for His Bride

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relevantmagazine.com - Sky News entertainment reporter Joe Michalczuk created the ultimate wedding video surprise for his wife-to-be, Jenny. While interviewing Hollywood A-listers at promotional junkets for upcoming film...

Video: Todays Earth & Space News- New Mexico Radiation, European Floods, Polar Vortex, Solar Report 

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truthisscary.com - Daily News and Blogs Video: Todays Earth & Space News- New Mexico Radiation, European Floods, Polar Vortex, Solar Report 10 Ways to Survive Skyrocketing Food Prices Is the West DIRECTLY Responsible...

Is The Future Of Catholicism Protestantism? I Hope So

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First Things
patheos.com - The #protfuture conversation continues. First Things editor R.R. Reno has a reflection on it, as a Catholic and also one of the sponsors of the #protfuture event. He notes that while intra-Protesta...

The Future of What Catholicism? - Ethika Politika

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First Things
ethikapolitika.org - R.R. Reno suggests two competing currents for the future of Catholicism: one emphasizing an “ecumenical imperative,” and another a little too consumed by the “Catholic presumption of self-sufficien...

El Rey de Barhein regala al Papa la maqueta de una iglesia gigante que se construirá en el país

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romereports.com - 19 de mayo, 2014. El lunes por la mañana, el Papa Francisco se reunió con Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, rey de Baréin, a las 9. Cuarenta y cinco minutos después, le siguió Donald Tusk, primer ministro ...

Fiel é Deus: EU SEI QUEM VOCÊ É - Leia você vai chorar!

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Gospel Quotes
fieldeuus.blogspot.com - terça-feira, 20 de maio de 2014 EU SEI QUEM VOCÊ É - Leia você vai chorar! Todas as manhãs um senhor idoso pegava aquele ônibus lotado e descia em frente à uma clínica. Certo dia, uma moça que semp...

Pope warns against superficial peace that rusts and fades away :: EWTN News

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ewtnnews.com - In his daily homily Pope Francis cautioned attendees not to place their security in the worldly peace of wealth, vanity or power, but rather in that offered by Jesus, which is the only one that las...

The PCA and the Browning of America

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byFaith Online
byfaithonline.com - The “browning of America” is underway. Wherever you live — East Coast, West Coast, or somewhere in the middle — white America, expressed as a percentage of the population, is shrinking. In 1990, no...
Art & Entertainment

Oribe-Peralta, de la selección mexicana de fútbol: "Con Dios se puede llegar muy lejos"

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Enlace Católico.com
enlacecatolico.com - El centro delantero de la Selección Nacional de Futbol de México, Oribe Peralta, habla sobre su fe católica.  Cómo ésta lo acompaña durante todas las horas del día, su devoción por san Judas Tadeo,...
Art & Entertainment

CNBB Nordeste 2: Papa Francisco liga para mãe de uma jovem desaparecida desde 2011

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cnbbne2.org.br - 05:00 | Posted by Assessoria de Comunicação CNBB NE2 Papa Francisco liga para mãe de uma jovem desaparecida desde 2011 María del Carmen Gallegos, mãe de Maria Cash, uma jovem desaparecida desde 201...

Gosnell Worker Who Said Baby “Jumped” When She Snipped Her Neck in Abortion Sentenced to Prison

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lifenews.com - by Steven Ertelt | Philadelphia, PA | LifeNews.com | 5/19/14 1:29 PM A worker at Kermit Gosnell’s late-term abortion clinic will head to prison for just two and a half years and perhaps longer, as ...

Why Don't Octopuses Get Stuck to Themselves?

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New Advent
mentalfloss.com - Life can't be easy for octopuses. Sure, they're universally loved for changing color, opening jars from the inside, and predicting the winners of World Cup games. But they have eight very flexible ...

Cardinal hopes synod will find new ways to share teaching on family (May 19, 2014)

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The Criterion
archindy.org - WASHINGTON (CNS) -- Initial reviews of responses from around the world on questionnaires about church teaching on the family in advance of this fall's extraordinary Synod of Bishops on the family s...
Art & Entertainment

Francisco: "Dinheiro, poder e vaidade não dão a paz que nos dá o Espírito Santo"

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Editora Cléofas
pt.radiovaticana.va - Cidade do Vaticano (RV) – Como todas as manhãs, o Papa presidiu uma missa na capela da Casa Santa Marta, da qual participaram algumas dezenas de pessoas. “Quem acolhe o Espírito Santo no coração te...

No Child Taken - Support Campaign on Twitter

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twibbon.com - Tweeting your message of support. This should only take a few seconds...

New Hampshire May Pass a Law Crushing Pro-Life Free Speech Unless You Speak Out

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Live Action News
lifenews.com - by Liberty Pike | Concord, NH | LifeNews.com | 5/19/14 4:04 PM The New Hampshire House voted (162-100) last week to institute 25-foot “buffer zones” around abortion clinics. Opponents spent hours p...
Art & Entertainment

TV Ao Vivo | TV Canção Nova

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TV Cancao Nova
tv.cancaonova.com - Adquira em DVD os programas Sorrindo pra Vida e O Amor Vencerá Adquira os produtos da Nova Identidade Visual da TV Canção Nova Comentários

PLS - PROJETO DE LEI DO SENADO, Nº 639 de 2007 - projetos de lei marcelo crivella,marcelocrivella,crivella10, projetos de lei senador

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Marcelo Crivella
marcelocrivella.com.br - Altera a Lei nº. 9.503, de 23 de setembro de 1997, para estabelecer providências relativas a defeito de fabricação em itens de segurança veicular. Art. 1º O art. 103 da Lei nº. 9.503, de 23 de sete...


Cristianismo e Política + Christianity and Politics + União multi-denominacional (evangélicos, católicos, etc) em defesa dos valores cristãos e da democracia



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