29 May 2014

Cristianismo & Política 28.05.2014 @CristPolit

Cristianismo & Politica

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Papa deixa “porta aberta” para discutir celibato na Igreja

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Reinaldo Azevedo
veja.abril.com.br - Sou sapo de fora,mas vou “coaxar” no assunto.Acho sim que a igreja só ganharia em abolir o celibato obrigatório.Deveria ser facultatativo,pois que muitos querem ser celibatários mesmo não pertencen...
Arte & Entretenimento

Renato Vargens: Joana havelange: Copa do Mundo, o que tinha que ser roubado já foi

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Renato Vargens
renatovargens.blogspot.com - Caro leitor, (1)Reservo o direito de não públicar criticas negativas de "anônimos". Quer criticar e ter a sua opinião publicada? Identifique-se. (2) Discordar não é problema. É solução, pois redund...

Más de 23.000 personas acuden a la Marcha por la Vida de Canadá

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Derecho a Vivir
hazteoir.org - Canadá sale a la calle para pedir que se proteja el derecho a la vida. Las distintas provincias del país se manifestaron en contra del aborto. Destacó la marcha de su capital, Ottawa, donde varios ...

Promotores del aborto quieren expulsar a la Virgen de Luján de una Universidad en Argentina

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - BUENOS AIRES, 28 May. 14 / 11:36 am (ACI).- La organización abortista Cardo Ruso, que opera desde 2012 en la Facultad de Ciencias Humanas de la Universidad Nacional de la Plata, ha iniciado una cam...

Pro-Lifers Arrested Reading Bible at Planned Parenthood CEO's House

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lifenews.com - by Steven Ertelt | Winter Park, FL | LifeNews.com | 5/28/13 5:48 PM Local pro-life advocates in Florida were arrested while peacefully protesting and reading their Bibles outside the home of the he...

Women who have had abortions 180% more likely to develop breast cancer, new study finds

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lifesitenews.com - AURANGABAD, Maharashtra, India, April 30, 2014 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Having an abortion makes women 180 percent more likely to develop breast cancer, according to a new study produced by a fellow at...

Rotina esquerdista: Quem executa seu direito de não achar o homossexualismo normal quer meter o bedelho no c… dos outros « Ceticismo Político

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Júlio [DIES IRÆ]
lucianoayan.com - Última atualização: 28 de maio de 2014 – [Índice de Rotinas] – [Página Principal] Quase sempre que alguém fala no direito de ensinar aos seus filhos que o relacionamento homem e mulher é normal e d...

Índio dá flechada em policial durante protesto em Brasília; amplie

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Silas Malafaia
verdadegospel.com - A 16 dias da abertura da Copa do Mundo, um protesto contra o mundial da Fifa terminou em confronto com a Polícia Militar na área central de Brasília, no fim da tarde e na noite desta terça-feira (2...

Crise: pessoas são atacadas ao saírem de mercados na Venezuela

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Silas Malafaia
verdadegospel.com - A crise na Venezuela e a escassez de produtos básicos são os responsáveis diretos pelo aumento de roubos e furtos, informa nesta quarta-feira (28) o jornal ‘El Universal’. Um quilo de farinha de mi...

Nas igrejas pelo Brasil para compartilhar a Palavra e adorar o Senhor

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Blog EveraldoPereira
blogdoeveraldo.com.br - Nas viagens que faço para coordenar reuniões do Partido Social Cristão (PSC) e conceder entrevistas à imprensa a respeito de nossa pré-candidatura à Presidência da República, tenho também visitado,...


Partilhado por
Carlos Parrini
blogdoparrini.blogspot.com - ESSA CRITICA FAZ SENTIDO Diretora do Comitê Organizador Local: "O que tinha para ser roubado já foi" Joana Havelange compartilha texto em que critica manifestações contra a Copa. Marco Polo Del Ner...

É tempo de multiplicar

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Deus Proverá
tv.cancaonova.com - Vamos ajudar a multiplicar a Palavra de Deus a todas as pessoas A Canção Nova é uma comunidade católica que vive, desde a sua origem, há 36 anos, da Divina Providência e tem a missão de evangelizar...

'Eu Sou de Jesus, Eu Sou Campeão' será tema da Marcha para Jesus 2014

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Silas Malafaia
verdadegospel.com - Com o tema ‘Eu Sou de Jesus, Eu Sou Campeão’,  a Marcha para Jesus deste ano no Rio de Janeiro se prepara para receber milhares de pessoas no dia 31 de maio. A partir das 15h, o evento terá início ...

Crivella apresenta substitutivo a projeto de lei que criminaliza a homofobia. "Queremos pregar contra qualquer tipo de discriminação e preconceito sem com isso, de maneira alguma, tirar os direitos daqueles que pensam diferente de expressar a sua fé. " - Blog

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Marcelo Crivella
marcelocrivella.com.br - O SR. MARCELO CRIVELLA (Bloco/PRB – RJ. Como Líder. Sem revisão do orador.) – Obrigado, Sr. Presidente.  Srs. Senadores, Srªs Senadoras, senhores telespectadores da TV Senado, senhores ouvintes da ...

“Los jueces no quieren juzgar el caso de Asia Bibi por temor a los fundamentalistas islámicos"

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hazteoir.org - «Ésta es la razón de los constantes retrasos en el proceso de apelación», denuncia el abogado cristiano Sardar Mushtaq Gill, director de la Ong LEAD. «Estamos preocupados porque, ante esta falta de...

Luzia Santiago » Blog Archive » Sempre é tempo de voltarmos

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Kátia Bertunes
luziasantiago.com - Senhor está sempre nos chamando para estarmos ao lado d’Ele. Jesus, que é a própria misericórdia encarnada, nunca desiste de nós; Ele continua batendo na porta do nosso coração até que tenhamos a c...

Recorde de assassinatos: Brasil teve em 2012 a maior taxa de homicídios desde 1980

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Reinaldo Azevedo
veja.abril.com.br - Desculpa meu caro Reinaldo,é que já estou confundindo essa taxa assustadora de violência no País,com outras tragédias que se vê nas guerras. Mas não seria a impunidade que estimula as praticas deli...

Consertando uma vida | Belicosa

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Enfermeira Celia
belicosa.com.br - Mais de 70% das famílias cadastradas no programa de adoção, nao aceitam adotar crianças maiores de 3 anos. E milhares de crianças e adolescentes esperam em abrigos pela difícil adoção. Aqui 5 razoe...

Entering the Bionic Age: Why Be You, When You Can Be New? | Daily News

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N. Catholic Register
ncregister.com - A whimsical animated children’s movie that came out in 2005 may be one of the most prophetic films of our time. Robots, featuring the voice talents of Robin Williams and Ewan McGregor, is the story...

El Papa Francisco pide rezar por encuentro entre Shimon Peres y Mahmoud Abbas

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - VATICANO, 28 May. 14 / 09:49 am (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- El Papa Francisco pidió este miércoles a los fieles reunidos en la Plaza de San Pedro rezar por el encuentro de oración que tendrán en el Vatic...

EU Commission Rejects Petition to Stop Funding Killing Human Embryos Despite 2 Million Signatures

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lifenews.com - by Steven Ertelt | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 5/28/14 11:13 AM Today the former “Barroso Commission”vetoed the One of Us Citizens’ Initiative to stop funding research on human embryos despite ...

Pope Francis says Holy Land visit aided Christian unity :: EWTN News

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ewtnnews.com - Pope Francis on Wednesday said his pilgrimage to the Holy Land fed the desire for Christian unity and he encouraged Catholics to pray that God may help “heal the wounds” that divide the faithful. “...

Justice for Immigrants

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justiceforimmigrants.org - Watch: Bishops Come to Washington on a Mission for Migrants Thursday May 29, 2014 at 8:30 AM Eastern/11:30 AM Pacific Following last month's Border Mass in Nogales, Arizona, the Bishops take their ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Programa 'Vitória em Cristo' sai da TV CNT após 32 anos; Pr. Silas comenta

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Silas Malafaia
verdadegospel.com - Assista abaixo o comentário do pastor Silas Malafaia sobre a saída do programa ‘Vitória em Cristo’, da CNT, após 32 anos de veiculação. O programa não será mais exibido na CNT a partir do mês de ju...

Download the new JBMW for free

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John Piper
dennyburk.com - The Spring issue of The Journal for Biblical Manhood & Womanhood has just been released. You can download the entire issue for free from CBMW.org. This issue includes articles from Owen Strachan, A...
Arte & Entretenimento

TVCN transmite programação especial à família

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TV Cancao Nova
tv.cancaonova.com - Um dia todo com programas especiais sobre a missão e as obras sociais da Canção Nova.  A família é a base essencial na vida do ser humano diante da sociedade. Quem acompanha a programação da TV Can...

Celibato na Igreja Católica tem se mostrado um desastre; chegou a hora de revê-lo

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Reinaldo Azevedo
veja.abril.com.br - “É FRUTO DE EQUÍVOCO – SE NÃO MESMO DE MÁ FÉ – a opinião amplamente difundida, segundo a qual o celibato sacerdotal na Igreja Católica seria simplesmente uma instituição imposta por lei àqueles que...

2014 West Coast Conference Preview — R.C. Sproul Jr. by Nathan W. Bingham

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The Reformed Hub
ligonier.org - Dr. R.C. Sproul Jr. is founder of Highlands Ministries and rector and chair of philosophy and theology at Reformation Bible College. Dr. Sproul Jr. is also a teaching fellow for Ligonier Ministries...
Arte & Entretenimento

Radio America

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blog.cancaonova.com - O Tríduo Pascal nos convida a fixar os olhos no olhar de Jesus A Igreja Católica vive nestes dias a sua maior celebração dentro de calendário litúrgico, que é o Tríduo Pascal que culmina na grande ...

The Briefing 05-28-14 – AlbertMohler.com

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albertmohler.com - 1) Secular revival of religious artifacts exposes exhaustion of secular age Lost Without a Prayer, New York Times (Lorne Manly) A Resurrection of Eternal Joy, New York Times (Michael Paulson) 2) Cl...
Arte & Entretenimento

Tempo de tribulação

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Diante do Trono
diantedotrono.com - Ainda que eu passe por angústias, tu me preservas a vida da ira dos meus inimigos; estendes a tua mão direita e me livras. (Salmos 138.7) Embora ninguém goste de passar por tribulações, os tempos d...

The Source of Spiritual Disciplines

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The Reformed Hub
christianobserver.org - Even the discipline we need is a gift of God’s grace. “Now therefore, if I have found favor in your sight, please show me your ways, that I may know you in order to find favor in your sight.” Exodu...
Arte & Entretenimento

Déia e Tiago Marcon lançam livro \\'Rasgando o verbo\\' - Eventos Canção Nova

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Com. Canção Nova
cancaonova.com - No dia 1º de junho, a Comunidade Canção Nova, em Cachoeira Paulista (SP), vai promover o Kairós "Bem da Hora". Durante o dia de louvor haverá o lançamento do livro "Rasgando o verbo", escrito por D...

Bianca Toledo no Culto Mulheres DT

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Igreja da Lagoinha
lagoinha.com - Nesta quarta-feira (28), a missionária Bianca Toledo participará do Culto Mulheres Diante do Trono, que é conduzido pela ministra de louvor e pastora da Igreja Batista da Lagoinha, Ana Paula Valadã...

Just uploaded Homilia 28/052014 Pe. Fernando...

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TV Cancao Nova
tvcancaonova.tumblr.com - Just uploaded Homilia 28/052014 Pe. Fernando Santamaria to Mixcloud. Listen now!
Arte & Entretenimento

TV Ao Vivo | TV Canção Nova

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TV Cancao Nova
tv.cancaonova.com - Adquira em DVD os programas Sorrindo pra Vida e O Amor Vencerá Adquira os produtos da Nova Identidade Visual da TV Canção Nova Comentários

Catholic.net - Sexualidad y Bioética

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es.catholic.net - En las precedentes reflexiones sobre el capítulo 5 de la Carta a los Efesios (21-33) hemos llamado especialmente la atención sobre la analogía de la relación que existe entre Cristo y la Iglesia, y...

Fraterticket - Inicio

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Christine D'Clario
fraterticket.com - Adquiera sus entradas únicamente con tarjeta de crédito o débito Visa

[TEXTO] Palabras del Papa Francisco en su Audiencia General en la Plaza de San Pedro

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - VATICANO, 28 May. 14 / 11:31 am (ACI).- El Papa Francisco abordó durante la Audiencia General su reciente viaje a Tierra Santa, el cual tuvo como principal propósito conmemorar el 50 aniversario de...

Catequese com o Papa Francisco - 28/05/14

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Canção Nova Notícias
papa.cancaonova.com - CATEQUESE Praça São Pedro – Vaticano Quarta-feira, 28 de maio de 2014 Nos dias passados, como vocês sabem, fiz uma peregrinação à Terra Santa. Foi um grande dom para a Igreja e dou graças a Deus po...

Comentários sobre matéria do jornal Folha de S.Paulo intitulada "Arma ilegal entra pela fronteira até por motoboy" e defesa da criação da CPI das fronteiras. - Blog

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Marcelo Crivella
marcelocrivella.com.br - Comentários sobre matéria do jornal Folha de S.Paulo intitulada "Arma ilegal entra pela fronteira até por motoboy" e defesa da criação da CPI das fronteiras. Postado por Samara Moser em Segunda, 04...

Catholic.net - Aquella piedra, como una losa, de nuevo removida

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es.catholic.net - Aquella piedra, como una losa, de nuevo removida Un viaje de palabras sencillas y fulgurantes como rayos, de gestos inesperados, de confianza audaz en Dios, a quien pertenece la última palabra en l...
Arte & Entretenimento

Ser humilde é ser santo | Shalom Catholic Community

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Comunidade Shalom
comshalom.org - Para fazer a vontade de Deus é preciso antes de tudo, ser humilde, ser anawin. Anawin? Sim, “pobre de espírito” (anawin), como pediu Jesus. A Igreja, sempre iluminada e assistida pelo Espírito Sant...

Why is There No Support for Pregnant College Students Who Reject Abortion?

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lifenews.com - by Cortney O'Brien | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 5/28/14 12:55 PM The College of St. Mary gets it. Instead of telling a young woman with an unplanned pregnancy that having a baby would end her ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Cântico espontâneo - Diante do Trono (vídeo)

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Gospel Prime
videos.gospelprime.com.br - Ouvir a canção “Cântico espontâneo” do  álbum “Nos Braços do Pai” do grupo Diante do Trono
Arte & Entretenimento

Teresa de Ávila 2015 - V Centenario: La diócesis presenta las jornadas de formación para los voluntarios del V Centenario

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Diócesis de Ávila
teresaavila2015.blogspot.com - La organización del V Centenario está más que satisfecha con la respuesta de los voluntarios. Apuntan a que el grupo es muy heterogéneo, destacando los jóvenes de entre 16 y 25 años, así como un bu...

Crips in Utah: Gang culture invades an unlikely turf

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Drew McKissick
usatoday.com - Siale Angilau, a Tongan Crips gang member, was fatally shot by a U.S. marshal inside Salt Lake City's federal courthouse during his trial. (Photo: AP) Just before gunfire rang out last month in a h...

Quando ser amada torna-se possível

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Portas Abertas
portasabertas.org.br - Recentemente, colaboradores da Portas Abertas tiveram uma reunião calorosa com Djamila*, responsável pelo trabalho de fortalecimento e encorajamento de ex-muçulmanas na Argélia. Ela contou um pouco...

Trabalhar é um dom e um dever, diz Papa

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Canção Nova Notícias
papa.cancaonova.com - Francisco afirmou que o trabalho humano é parte da criação e continuidade do trabalho criativo de Deus O Papa Francisco enviou, nesta quarta-feira, 28, uma mensagem aos participantes da 103ª Sessão...

Comemoração dos 185 anos de instalação do Senado Federal. - Blog

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Marcelo Crivella
marcelocrivella.com.br - O SR. MARCELO CRIVELLA (Bloco/PRB – RJ. Pronuncia o seguinte discurso. Sem revisão do orador.) – Obrigado, Presidente.  Parabéns a V. Exª pelo lindo discurso!  Srs. telespectadores da TV Senado; Sr...

Catholic.net - Hermanos y hermanas que esperan contra toda esperanza (Rm.4, 18)

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es.catholic.net - Hermanos y hermanas que esperan contra toda esperanza (Rm.4, 18) Queridos hermanos y hermanas ¡buenos días! En los últimos días, como ustedes saben, peregriné a Tierra Santa. Ha sido un gran don pa...

Sudão: acusada de apostasia dá à luz atrás das grades

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Comunidade Shalom
comshalom.org - A mulher cristã sudanesa, condenada a cem chibatadas e à morte por apostasia e adultério tinha sido acorrentada durante a gravidez Apesar das precárias condições de saúde denunciadas pelo seu marid...

The Revolution Will Be Adorable: Why Google's Cars Are So Cute - Megan Garber - The Atlantic

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Philippe A.
theatlantic.com - When Ford introduced the Model T in 1908, the company transformed not just how cars were manufactured, but also how they were marketed. Automobiles, previously, had been luxury goods, often associa...

El Papa y la esposa de Leopoldo López

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infocatolica.com - Credo. Retrato interior del cardenal Juan Sandoval Iñiguez Para comprar desde España y Europa: libreriacoletti.it Credo. Retrato interior del cardenal Juan Sandoval Iñiguez.- Líder religioso indisc...

VIP Abortions: Clinic Offers Mahogany Furniture, Luxurious Bathrobes, Concierge Services

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Doug Dauntless
lifenews.com - by Carole Novielli | New York, NY | LifeNews.com | 5/27/14 4:40 PM On their Facebook page- New York’s Eastside Gynecology has posted a meme appearing to support the second amendment. But – even mor...
Arte & Entretenimento

She Refused Brain Surgery to Protect Her Unborn Baby and Gave Birth in a Coma

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lifenews.com - by Steven Ertelt | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 5/28/14 12:30 PM Melissa Carleton, 39 is a modern-day hero. Her dreams of becoming a mother finally came true even if she wasn’t awake and aware w...
Arte & Entretenimento

Gênesis 50:19 e 20 - 3 minutos com Pr. Ivan Saraiva (vídeo)

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Gospel Prime
videos.gospelprime.com.br - Assista mais vídeos de 3 minutos com Pr. Ivan Saraiva Assistir a reflexão ministrada pelo pastor Ivan Saraiva com o tema “Gênesis 50:19 e 20″

[FOTOS] Miles se manifestaron por la vida y contra el aborto en Chile en exteriores del Palacio de La Moneda

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - SANTIAGO, 28 May. 14 / 11:31 am (ACI).- Miles de jóvenes y familias enteras se concentraron durante la tarde del lunes 26 de mayo en la Plaza de la Ciudadanía, afuera del Palacio de La Moneda para ...

Time to End Abortion, Women Deserve Better

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lifenews.com - by Suzanne Miral | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 5/28/13 10:21 AM Growing up I dreamed of being a nurse.  I wanted to work in the ER or somehow help people when they first entered the hospital in...

Como fazer aromatizador de ambiente caseiro - Artesanato

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redevida.com.br - • 700 ml de álcool de cereais • 200 ml de essência • 100 ml de água mineral • Corante cosmético • Lauril (algumas gotas apenas) Passo a Passo: • Jarra ou vasilha plástica que comporte um pouco mais...

Pope Francis meets with doctor who saved his life :: EWTN News

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ewtnnews.com - Pope Francis met recently with Dr. Juan Carlos Parodi, the Argentinean surgeon who operated on him for gall bladder failure in 1980 and whom he attributes with saving his life. Dr. Parodi recounted...

PLS - PROJETO DE LEI DO SENADO, Nº 435 de 2007 - projetos de lei marcelo crivella,marcelocrivella,crivella10, projetos de lei senador

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Marcelo Crivella
marcelocrivella.com.br - “Acrescenta artigos à Lei nº. 10.257, de 10 de julho de 2001 (“Estatuto da Cidade”), para garantir a posse de área pública urbana a beneficiários de assentamento de baixa renda nas condições que es...

I Was an Atheist Without Hope, Then I Tried Praying; A Beautiful Pattern of Prayer and Much More! | Daily News

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N. Catholic Register
ncregister.com - Copyright © 2014 EWTN News, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction of material from this website without written permission is strictly prohibited. Accessed from

ISSUU - E jovem... se confessa?! by Edições Shalom - Comunidade Católica Shalom

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Comunidade Shalom
issuu.com - Esta é uma reedição com nova capa e mais testemunhos do livro que nasce de uma necessidade bastante frequente dos jovens se expressarem no Sacramento da Reconciliação, sobretudo no início da caminh...

Catequese: A paz se faz artesanalmente!

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rccbrasil.org.br - Nesta quarta-feira (28), o Papa Francisco dedicou a audiência geral para falar de sua recente viagem à Terra Santa. Eis o texto na íntegra: Nos dias passados, como vocês sabem, fiz uma peregrinação...

Dispatches from the Front

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challies.com - Few things are more inspiring to the Christian than hearing how the gospel is advancing in foreign lands. Few things are more exciting than hearing how God is making himself known to the earth’s fa...
Arte & Entretenimento

O Sonho Não Acabou - Catedral (vídeo)

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Gospel Prime
videos.gospelprime.com.br - Assistir ao show com a canção “O Sonho Não Acabou” do  álbum “Na Estrada Vol. 1″ da banda Catedral

Única maternidade pública de Palmas não recebe novos pacientes - Bom Dia Brasil - Catálogo de Vídeos

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Senadora Katia Abreu
globotv.globo.com - Mais de 50 setores da economia que perderiam benefícios este ano vão ganhar alívio fiscal permanente na folha de pagamento. É uma medida de garantir novas contratações, já que as empresas deixam de...

How Christianity Is Disappearing In The Middle East In One Chart

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Open Doors USA
huffingtonpost.com - Pope Francis' visit to the Holy Land on May 24 has highlighted an increasing exodus of Christians from the Middle East, the very region that gave birth to the religion. The percentage of Christians...

Europol alerta de que ETA sigue escondiendo armas en Francia - Libertad Digital

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libertaddigital.com - Europol alerta de que ETA sigue escondiendo armas en Francia También señala que "algunas personas no estaban conformes con este proceso de paz y expresaron su disposición a reanudar la actividad te...

Sugestões para a saúde integral do homem – Parte 9 | Verdade Gospel - Portal gospel de notícias do Brasil

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Verdade Gospel
verdadegospel.com - Afinal o que é próstata? É uma glândula do sexo masculino, que circunda o colo da bexiga e a base da uretra. Qual a função dessa glândula? A próstata fabrica parte do fluído (sêmen) liberado no clí...

Con Bartolomé I sentimos la voz de Cristo de ser un solo rebaño, afirma el Papa Francisco

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - VATICANO, 28 May. 14 / 10:58 am (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- Durante la Audiencia General celebrada hoy, el Papa Francisco recordó su encuentro con el Patriarca ecuménico Bartolomé I, propósito principal ...

Criacionismo: Cinco “provas” que não provam a evolução

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Michelson Borges
criacionismo.com.br - terça-feira, maio 27, 2014 Cinco “provas” que não provam a evolução Mais uma peça de ufanismo darwinista O jornalista científico Salvador Nogueira assina a coluna “Mensageiro Sideral” na Folha de S...

Opa! Chamem os antropólogos de esquerda do Complexo Pucusp!

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Reinaldo Azevedo
veja.abril.com.br - Eita! Estamos avançando! Já chegamos à era da guerra com arco e flecha em plena Praça dos Três Poderes, em Brasília. Vamos convocar os antropólogos de esquerda do Complexo Pucusp para analisar essa...
Arte & Entretenimento

Crivella comemora os 120 anos do Jornal do Brasil. - Blog

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Marcelo Crivella
marcelocrivella.com.br - O SR. MARCELO CRIVELLA (Bloco/PRB – RJ. Pronuncia o seguinte discurso. Sem revisão do orador.) – Muito obrigado, Sr. Presidente.  Sr. Presidente, Srªs e Srs. Senadores, senhores telespectadores da ...

Seven Quotes Showing Maya Angelou's Love of the Bible and Faith

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The Christian Post
christianpost.com - Maya Angelou, the internationally celebrated poet and author, died at the age of 86 on Wednesday, May 28. In addition to her trove of writing about her heartbreaking childhood, her convictions on c...

Pope Francis announces plans to visit Philippines, Sri Lanka :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

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Catholic News Agency
catholicnewsagency.com - Aboard the papal plane, May 27, 2014 / 05:43 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- On his return flight from the Holy Land, Pope Francis announced that he will visit Sri Lanka and the Philippines in January 2015. “...

Primeira Igreja Presbiteriana de Goiânia

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Augustus Nicodemus
pipg.org - TEMPLO // Rua 68 esquina com Rua 71, Centro, Goiânia - Goiás ADMINISTRAÇÃO // Rua 71, No. 99, Centro, Goiânia - Goiás, 74055-200 Fone: (62) 3213-3320 © 2011 - PIPG - Primeira Igreja Presbiteriana d...

Ukrainian Catholics stay home amid fighting, kidnapping - Catholic Courier

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Catholic Courier
catholiccourier.com - WARSAW, Poland (CNS) -- A Catholic bishop in eastern Ukraine said church members are afraid to attend Mass in Donetsk and other towns after a priest from Poland was abducted by pro-Russia separatis...

Pope to meet with sex abuse victims, confirms investigation of Bertone

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The Catholic Sun
catholicsun.org - ABOARD THE PAPAL FLIGHT FROM TEL AVIV (CNS) — Pope Francis will meet with a group of sex abuse victims for the first time in June, he told reporters May 26. During a wide-ranging inflight news conf...

With a new Synod of Bishops comes a new chance to do things right

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ncronline.org - I remembered an ancient saying not long ago that smacked far too much of the present than it did of the past. "There are only two mistakes on the way to truth," Buddha taught. "One is not going far...

Turismo na Ilha de Paquetá - Myrian Rios

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Myrian Rios
myrianrios.com.br - Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.
Arte & Entretenimento

Pra Sempre vou Te Amar - Cleiton Frack (vídeo)

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Gospel Prime
videos.gospelprime.com.br - Ouvir a canção “Pra Sempre vou Te Amar” do  álbum “Alma na Voz” do cantor Cleiton Frack


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Open Doors USA
radical.net - From the moment we wake up in the morning to the moment we lie down to sleep at night, how does the death of Christ on the cross transform every single detail of our day? How does the cross compel ...

Pablo Iglesias bendijo las escuchas ilegales y el cierre de medios en Venezuela - Libertad Digital

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libertaddigital.com - Pablo Iglesias bendijo las escuchas ilegales y el cierre de medios en Venezuela Documentos de la fundación CEPS de la que Pablo Iglesias fue miembro del consejo directivo recomendaban a Chávez espi...

NJ “gun control” law would ban small bore hunting rifles « Hot Air

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Drew McKissick
hotair.com - Now that it has passed the New Jersey Assembly, a new law intended to restrict the rights of gun owners heads to the desk of Governor Chris Christie. It’s being billed as legislation to “restrict m...

Catedral acolhe exposição sobre os papas na Terra Santa - Arquidiocese de São Sebastião do Rio de Janeiro - ArqRio

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Arquidiocese do Rio
arqrio.org - 26/05/2014 00:00 - Atualizado em 28/05/2014 13:17 Por: Fabíola Goulart (fabiolagoulart@testemunhodefe.com.br) No domingo, dia 25 de maio, foi aberta na Catedral Metropolitana a exposição fotográfic...
Arte & Entretenimento

Dilma cede ao PT e vai incorporar pauta da “regulamentação da mídia”

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Paulo Devechi
veja.abril.com.br - O PT, como se sabe, tem as suas origens fundadas no peleguismo sindical brasileiro e no esquerdiotismo comunista da periferia do mundo. É, assim, produto de uma das conjunções de fatores das mais p...
Arte & Entretenimento

Pq judeus tinham que ser circuncidados?? o que isso significa e para que serve?

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Catecismo da Igreja
ask.fm - Pq judeus tinham que ser circuncidados?? o que isso significa e para que serve? A circurcisão judaica, chamada de brit-milá, é um preceito dado por Deus ao patriarca Abraão para que todos os judeus...
Arte & Entretenimento

parábola del buen comunicador Josep Àngel Saiz MenesesEcclesia Digital

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Ecclesia Digital
revistaecclesia.com - La parábola del buen comunicador, por el obispo de Terrassa, Josep Àngel Saiz Meneses, En el pensamiento del Papa Francisco tiene un lugar destacado la categoría del “encuentro”, por supuesto del e...

Seth's Blog: The problem with hit radio

Partilhado por
Matthew Warner
sethgodin.typepad.com - When you only listen to the top 40, you're letting the crowd decide what you hear. And if you consume nothing but the most liked, the most upvoted, the most viral, the most popular, you've abdicate...
Arte & Entretenimento

Keeping With Up With Kardashians News: Rob Kardashian Twitter Posts Biblical Message After Skipping Kim Kardashian and Kanye West Wedding : TV : breathecast

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The Christian Post
breathecast.com - After skipping his sister Kim's wedding to rapper Kanye West, Rob Kardashian posted some inspirational biblical messages on social media recently. "Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD. Psal...

O Itamaraty, infelizmente, não tem nada a esconder!

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Reinaldo Azevedo
veja.abril.com.br - Parece que o ataque dos hackers ao Itamaraty se limitou mesmo aos e-mails de funcionários. Informações consideradas sigilosas pelo Itamaraty teriam sido preservadas. O problema inicial teria sido o...

The Girl Who Greeted Pope Francis: ‘One Day, Peace Will Come’ |Blogs

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N. Catholic Register
ncregister.com - JERUSALEM — Three children greeted Pope Francis in Jerusalem at the residence of Israel’s president on Monday, each speaking to him in Italian, Arabic and Hebrew. For one of those children, 12-year...
Arte & Entretenimento

O que fazer contra a aridez espiritual? - padrepauloricardo.org

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Wambert Di Lorenzo
padrepauloricardo.org - A vida espiritual de todo cristão passa por diversas fases. Uma delas, bastante difícil, é aquela chamada de "aridez", na qual a alma parece estar num deserto e se caracteriza por uma espécie de fa...

Synod on family will have broad focus, Pope notes :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

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Catholic News Agency
catholicnewsagency.com - Aboard the papal plane, May 27, 2014 / 05:33 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- Pope Francis has said that the upcoming synod on the family will focus on the “vast” pastoral problems facing families – not specif...

Lanfranc (archbishop of Canterbury) -- Encyclopedia Britannica

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Church of England
britannica.com - Lanfranc,  (born c. 1005, Pavia, Lombardy—died May 28, 1089, Canterbury, Kent, Eng.), Italian Benedictine who, as archbishop of Canterbury (1070–89) and trusted counsellor of William the Conqueror,...
Arte & Entretenimento

Crowder Goes Hog Wild

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Christianity Today
christianitytoday.com - David Crowder was in a rut. After playing countless summer music festivals where he recycled the same jokes about Wal-Mart lawn chairs and Nintendo video game consoles way too many times, his fortu...
Arte & Entretenimento

Ministério Fiel

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Editora Fiel
ministeriofiel.com.br - Estar satisfeito com tudo o que Deus promete ser para nós em Jesus Cristo é a essência da fé na graça futura. Tenha em mente que, quando falo da fé na graça futura ou satisfação naquilo que Deus pr...
Arte & Entretenimento

Luciana Gimenez nega que tenha sido possuída por demônios: “Absurdo”

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noticias.gospelmais.com.br - A apresentadora Luciana Gimenez negou que estivesse possuída por algum espírito maligno no inusitado episódio da última segunda-feira, 26 de maio, quando desmaiou no palco do Superpop, programa tra...

Pope's Holy Land trip raises hopes, questions - Catholic Courier

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Catholic Courier
catholiccourier.com - VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- Given the Holy Land's long and complex history of military, religious and cultural conflict, the run-up to Pope Francis' May 24-26 pilgrimage was inevitably marked by fears it...
Arte & Entretenimento

Biblia Online : Livros

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  Josué Gomes
biblia.me - Muitos me dirão naquele dia: Senhor, Senhor, não profetizamos nós em teu nome? e em teu nome não expulsamos demônios? e em teu nome não fizemos muitas maravilhas?

Jovem fora da escola é homem, negro, pobre e mora no campo

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Sérgio Pavarini
livrosepessoas.com - Mais de 3,8 milhões de brasileiros entre 4 e 17 anos estão fora da escola. Esse jovem é, em sua maioria, homem negro com renda domiciliar de até ½ salário mínimo per capita e mora na zona rural. Se...

Eradication of Christianity in Northern Cameroon

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Open Doors USA
opendoorsusa.org - “There are no Christians anymore in Gorea. The light of the gospel of Jesus Christ is quenched in that village,” Pastor Leon Badoka*tearfully shared with an Open Doors worker. “It is a (spiritual) ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Gênesis 45 - Bíblia Narrada (vídeo)

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Gospel Prime
videos.gospelprime.com.br - Ouvir “Gênesis 45″ da Bíblia Narrada por Cid Moreira.

Elliot Rodger a big fan of Young Turks on Youtube channel : Fire Andrea Mitchell!

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fireandreamitchell.com - For those leftists still demanding ‘proof’ that Elliot Rodger is one of their own, lets take a look at his favorite Youtube channels. One of Rodger’s favorite channels is the Young Turks channel. Y...

Secuestros en Camerún de sacerdotes y religiosasEcclesia Digital

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Ecclesia Digital
revistaecclesia.com -  El cardenal Tumi: “Que Boko Haram dialogue y libere a los sacerdotes y a la religiosa secuestrados”  El mensaje que dirigimos a los secuestradores que tienen a nuestros hermanos es que los liberen...

Lessons from Single Payer Health Care Nirvana

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Drew McKissick
drewmckissick.com - The last thing that people who want more government control of healthcare need is for people to see the bad things that can happen when the government controls healthcare. But that is precisely the...

Egypt: Media presents election as forgone conclusion - Index on Censorship

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Index on Censorship
indexoncensorship.org - “El Sisi will not reside in the Presidential Palace but will instead be a roving President.” Surprisingly — or perhaps not so surprising — the headline in the independent Al Masry El Youm newspaper...

Tell Your Boss You Don’t Want a Raise

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Matthew Warner
theradicallife.org - No matter how much money we make (after our basic needs are provided for, of course) — whether it’s $50k or $200k — we always think we’ll be happier with just a little bit more money. “If I can jus...
Arte & Entretenimento

See the Heartwarming Surprise That Left This High School Graduate Sobbing Onstage (VIDEO)

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The Christian Post
christianpost.com - Chris Crafton's family knew he couldn't attend his daughter Taylor's high school graduation. He is in the Air Force and was recently deployed to Cuba. It's nothing new; the father of two has been d...
Arte & Entretenimento

VEM SENHOR JESUS: Desmascarando o "evangelho" perfeccionista a partir do Salmo 119 (Sermão em áudio)

Partilhado por
Sétimo Dia
simvemsenhorjesus.blogspot.com - Tenho visto que toda perfeição tem seu limite; mas o teu mandamento é ilimitado.  O Salmo 119 é extensamente usado por aqueles que pregam a possibilidade do ser humano guardar a lei moral de Deus p...

Paraíso del suicidio asistido en Suiza - ReL

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Derecho a Vivir
religionenlibertad.com - Dignitas, por su parte, sí ofrece el servicio a “pacientes” extranjeros. Fundada en 1998 por Ludwig A. Minelli (un abogado suizo) se apoya en la ley suiza que afirma que el suicidio asistido es leg...
Arte & Entretenimento

Loja Virtual da FEB Livros Religião Fonte Viva

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feblivraria.com.br - Integram esta coleção os livros Caminho, verdade e vida; Pão nosso; Vinha de luz; Fonte viva e Ceifa de luz, todos eles da autoria espiritual de Emmanuel, pela mediunidade de Francisco Cândido Xavi...

El Papa Francisco: Los cristianos de Tierra Santa me dieron una palabra de esperanza

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - VATICANO, 28 May. 14 / 09:32 am (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- Durante la Audiencia General, el Papa Francisco abordó su reciente peregrinación a Tierra, a donde viajó para confirmar en la fe a las comunida...

NA BOCA DA URNA – Dilma confirma desoneração permanente da folha de 56 setores

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Reinaldo Azevedo
veja.abril.com.br - Não adianta, empresário não é burro, ele simplesmente aceita as benesses, doa para a campanha, mas vota na oposição.Temos que fazer a nossa parte, todos nós, da classe média,temos uma faxineira, ou...
Arte & Entretenimento

Vídeo Damares – A dracma e o seu dono ft. Thalles Roberto (Clipe oficial) | Clipes de Músicas VC no G+

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videos.gospelmais.com.br - Clipe oficial da música “A dracma e o seu dono” da cantora Damares com o cantor Thalles Roberto. Não sei por que tu me amas tanto assim Apaguei minha história, me afastei do teu jardim Pedia água, ...

News Briefs/Rss | Catholic World Report - Global Church news and views

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Ignatius Insight
catholicworldreport.com - Steubenville, Ohio, May 28, 2014 / 04:26 am (CNA).- Noted Catholic convert and author Dr. Scott Hahn published a new book May 27 exploring the biblical roots and modern-day interventions of the ang...

Obama Omits Any Reference To Islam Or Jihad During Speech At West Point, References “Violent Extremism”…

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Heritage Foundation
weaselzippers.us - This reflects the fact that today’s principal threat no longer comes from a centralized al Qaeda leadership. Instead, it comes from decentralized al Qaeda affiliates and extremists, many with agend...
Arte & Entretenimento

Genre : une question internationale (1/4) - Mondialisation des gender studies : vers une vision américaine du genre ? - Information - France Culture

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La Manif Pour Tous
franceculture.fr - Du « printemps français » et sa lutte conservatrice contre les théories du genre, aux « printemps arabes « et leur lien avec les mouvements féministes, le développement et la diffusion des études d...

Enfoque a la Familia

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Enfoque a la Familia
enfoquealafamilia.com - (Nota: Los audios de los programas se van publicando conforme van siendo transmitidos en radio, de acuerdo a la fecha de difusión y en periodos semanales, si desea adquirir un programa que fue tran...

Vatican has named two bishops being investigated for abuse - Catholic Courier

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Catholic Courier
catholiccourier.com - VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- Pope Francis told reporters May 26 that "three bishops are under investigation" for misdeeds related to the sexual abuse of minors and that "one has already been condemned and...

Joana Havelange tenta explicar a frase “o que tinha para ser roubado na Copa, já foi”

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Sérgio Pavarini
pavablog.com - Diretora do Comitê Organizador Local da Copa do Mundo, Joana Havelange, neta de João Havelange e filha de Ricardo Teixeira, compartilhou em seu Instagram uma nota em que está dito que o tinha para ...

Get to Know Julián Castro, the Hispanic Obama -- NYMag

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Tavi Labradog
nymag.com - Raised by a single mom, made it to Harvard law, hit the national stage at the DNC … That’s San Antonio Mayor Julián Castro, President Obama’s pick to be the next secretary of housing and urban deve...

Suspendido de nuevo el juicio de Asia Bibi

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hazteoir.org - La plataforma, en contacto directo con la familia y abogados de la mujer católica condenada a muerte por un supuesto delito de blasfemia en Pakistán sufre de nuevo las consecuencias de la presión d...

EU project to explore media freedom and pluralism - Index on Censorship

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Index on Censorship
indexoncensorship.org - Related: Index launches site to map media violations in the EU Free speech has always been a concern to the EU, with flaws in the world of press freedom and pluralism in Europe still apparent today...

Concentración Asociaciones María Auxiliadora AlicanteEcclesia Digital

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Ecclesia Digital
revistaecclesia.com - Concentración de Asociaciones de María Auxiliadora en Alicante el 31 de mayo Más de 500 asociados y devotos se reúnen en San Juan de Alicante en el XXXII encuentro anual de Asociaciones de María Au...
Arte & Entretenimento

Êxodo 13:21 e 22 - 3 minutos com Pr. Ivan Saraiva (vídeo)

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Gospel Prime
videos.gospelprime.com.br - Assista mais vídeos de 3 minutos com Pr. Ivan Saraiva Assistir a reflexão ministrada pelo pastor Ivan Saraiva com o tema “Êxodo 13:21 e 22″

Concurso Cultural Literário (69)

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Mundo Cristão
livrosepessoas.com - As estatísticas mostram índices alarmantes de divórcio entre cristãos e não cristãos. Os gabinetes pastorais e os consultórios especializados em terapia de casais vivem lotados de pessoas que exper...


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Salomão Carvalho
prsalomaocarvalho.wordpress.com - Os líderes evangélicos começaram a falar abertamente contra o governo comunista que o PT está instalando no Brasil! O Pr. Silas Malafaia já tem sido opositor do governo em algumas situações, não co...

Hospitals hiking cost on the poor due to … ObamaCare « Hot Air

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Drew McKissick
hotair.com - There are multiple levels of irony in this New York Times report on the impact of ObamaCare on poor patients in the nation’s hospitals. Congress demanded the power to revamp the health-insurance in...

Ayuntamiento de Madrid - Todos contra el terrorismo

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PP de Madrid
madrid.es - La Corporación municipal aprueba por unanimidad una declaración institucional Los grupos políticos del Ayuntamiento de Madrid han aprobado esta mañana una declaración de rechazo a la violencia terr...

Woman Prays as Tornado Touches Down Near ND Oil Patch: 'Oh Jesus, We've Got Nowhere to Go' [VIDEO]

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The Christian Post
christianpost.com - A recent video uploaded to YouTube shows a woman's heartfelt plea to Jesus for protection as a tornado approached North Dakota's oil patch on Monday, ultimately injuring nine people and destroying ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Restaura-nos, ó Senhor! | Ultimatoonline

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ultimato.com.br - Ainda não há artigos publicados na seção "Palavra do leitor" em resposta a este texto.

Pop Culture and the New Evangelization

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Catholic Exchange
catholicexchange.com - What should we make of pop culture? It surrounds us and shapes us in many ways. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? Does it take us away from the Gospel or can it be used to advance the Gospel in ...
Arte & Entretenimento


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Enfermeira Celia
poesiatodaprosa.blogspot.com -                             * 101 maneiras para sobreviver a um caso de amor  e Preciso dizer que sempre te amei
Arte & Entretenimento

On TV, How Dark Is Too Dark? | Her.meneutics

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Christianity Today
christianitytoday.com - If it's true that we crave stories where good triumphs over evil, then why are so many people watching Game of Thrones? In this sweeping fantasy with high production values and rich source material...

Did Hans Urs von Balthasar Teach that Everyone Will Certainly be Saved?

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Ignatius Insight
catholicworldreport.com - Let me cut to the theological chase: the Swiss theologian Hans Urs von Balthasar wasn’t a universalist. Not if a universalist is one who claims for certain all men will be saved. Or, to put it diff...

Doctor cites MLK to explain how ‘compassionate’ late term abortion is

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Heritage Foundation
twitchy.com - TP's feel-good story of the day! RT @JGreenDC: This is so unbelievably sad. twitter.com/juddlegum/stat… Christian doctor on why he performs abortions: 'I came to a deeper understanding of my spirit...
Arte & Entretenimento

Paulo César Baruk e Daniela Araújo lideram vendas no iTunes

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musica.gospelmais.com.br - Os cantores Paulo César Baruk e Daniela Araújo lançaram na última segunda-feira, 26 de maio, seus novos álbuns no iTunes, e alcançaram a liderança das vendas na plataforma da Apple. O sucesso dos á...

WV Senate President to Governor: call special session to address Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act

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Right to Life
nationalrighttolifenews.org - West Virginia Senate President Jeff Kessler (D) today added more pressure to the call for a special session to address the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, the bill that Gov. Earl Ray Tomb...
Arte & Entretenimento

Quem nos protege: Jesus ou os anjos? - padrepauloricardo.org

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Padre Paulo Ricardo
padrepauloricardo.org - Os anjos existem, essa é uma realidade inegável. O próprio Jesus assim o atestou nos Evangelhos. Trata-se de uma verdade de fé. Diz o Catecismo da Igreja Católica, em seu número 328 que: "a existên...

Sudanesa condenada à morte por ser cristã dá à luz na prisão

Partilhado por
O Verbo
noticias.gospelprime.com.br - Meriam Ibrahim teve uma filha e continua se negando a voltar para o Islã Uma mulher cristã do Sudão que prometeu nunca renunciar à sua fé em Cristo, mesmo depois de ter sido condenado à morte por c...

Mahmoud Abbas

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Angelica Saldaña
palwatch.org - [Facebook page in the name of PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, Oct. 11, 2012 and partially reprinted in Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Oct. 17, 2012]

Pope Francis Refers to ‘State of Palestine’ on Holy Land Trip, Calls Mahmoud Abbas a ‘Man of Peace’ | Video

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Angelica Saldaña
theblaze.com - Story by the Associated Press; curated by Dave Urbanski JERUSALEM (AP) — Pope Francis delivered a powerful boost of support to the Palestinians during a Holy Land pilgrimage Sunday, repeatedly back...

Notícias STF :: STF - Supremo Tribunal Federal

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Aparecido Silva
stf.jus.br - Rejeitada ação do PT que questiona impedimento ao trabalho externo O ministro Marco Aurélio, do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF), julgou inviável a Arguição de Descumprimento de Preceito Fundamental ...
Arte & Entretenimento

WORLD | The Secret Life of Walter Mitty | Andrew Coffin

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WORLD News Group
worldmag.com - The Secret Life of Walter Mitty never cracked the Top 5 weekly box office performers when it was in theaters. Yet most people who saw the film liked it, giving it a B+ CinemaScore (a poll of exitin...

The Castros in Their Labyrinth - NYTimes.com

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Diego E. Arria
nytimes.com - HAVANA — A mix of grease and melted cheese drips from the pizza to the concrete floor. It’s a hot day and the man is holding the slice at the counter of a coffee shop. While he waits, the clerk com...

Oposição derrota governo e aprova projeto que promove melhorias no Bolsa FamíliaPortal Alvaro Dias

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Marcos Matias
alvarodias.com.br - O governo uniu seus representantes no Senado para tentar derrotar, na Comissão de Assuntos Sociais (CAS), o projeto do senador Aécio Neves, que promove aperfeiçoamentos no programa Bolsa Família. O...

Thai ministry says blocks Facebook to stem anti-coup criticism

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Index on Censorship
in.reuters.com - Some of our colorful pictures portraying India's rich religious diversity.  Slideshow  BANGKOK (Reuters) - Thailand's information technology ministry blocked Facebook on Wednesday and planned to ho...

Two Men Whose Lives Exploded Stereotypes about Science and Religion | Web Exclusives | Daily Writings From Our Top Writers

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First Things
firstthings.com - On March 9, 2014, the world lost V. Elving Anderson (b. 1921), a geneticist at the University of Minnesota for more than three decades. Six months earlier we lost Oliver R. Barclay (1919-2013), one...

El Pontificio Consejo “Cor Unum” en la crisis de SiriaEcclesia Digital

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Ecclesia Digital
revistaecclesia.com - El Pontificio Consejo “Cor Unum” en la crisis de Siria El Pontificio Consejo ”Cor Unum” celebrará, el próximo viernes 30 de mayo, un encuentro con las organizaciones caritativas católicas que opera...

Ossami Sakamori BlogSpot.com: Governo Dilma. Índice de confiança cai.

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Carlos Parrini
ossamisakamori.blogspot.com - terça-feira, 27 de maio de 2014 Governo Dilma. Índice de confiança cai. A confiança de consumidores e empresários em relação à saúde da economia brasileira neste ano pesará não somente na percepção...

What to do next if your baby has Down syndrome

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Matthew Warner
sippinglemonade.com - “Do you know what your next project should be?” my husband’s grandfather asked me in his soft New Zealand accent from the Adirondack chair at my side. We had just given him and the rest of the exte...

Jornal Negócio Fechado USA - Anunciou? Negócio Fechado!

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negociofechadousa.com - Segundo uma reportagem publicada na revista Veja nesta semana, a TelexFree está muito próxima de entrar em processo de falência e ter um interventor nomeado pela Justiça americana. O juiz Melvin Ho...

Obama scolds female reporter for asking about Afghanistan : Fire Andrea Mitchell!

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fireandreamitchell.com - The progressive war on women continues. Snotty Obama didn’t like the fact that a female reporter asked him about Afghanistan. After she asked the question, Obama snapped back at her and then storme...

Nothing is Impossible - Brooklyn Tabernacle (vídeo)

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Gospel Prime
videos.gospelprime.com.br - Assistir ao show com a canção “Nothing is Impossible” do  álbum “God is Working” do coral Brooklyn Tabernacle

Meriam Yahia Ibrahim Gives Birth in Sudan Prison as 1 Million... | Gleanings

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Lawrence W. Wilson
christianitytoday.com - As advocates for the Sudanese mother sentenced to death for not renouncing her Christian faith topped more than 1 million, Meriam Yahia Ibrahim Ishag gave birth early this morning to a baby girl in...
Arte & Entretenimento

This Street Musician Playing 'Hallelujah' on Wine Glasses Will Blow Your Mind (VIDEO)

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The Christian Post
christianpost.com - There are covers aplenty of Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah" across the internet, but this one might have the best chance of making your jaw drop from its sheer beauty, artistry and talent. And not one...

Clinton Apostates Trip Over Themselves to Get in Line Behind Hillary - The Daily Beast

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Drew McKissick
thedailybeast.com - Question #1: Are you an elected official or prominent person? If the answer is yes, Question #2: Did you use that privileged perch eight years ago to endorse Barack Obama, jumping early on the band...

Insight Scoop | The Ignatius Press Blog: Fr. Robert Barron on Hans Urs von Balthasar (Part 2 of 2)

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Ignatius Insight
insightscoop.typepad.com - In the second of two videos on the life and work of Fr. Hans Urs von Balthasar (here is the first video), Fr. Barron looks at some of the major themes in von Balthasar's work, including thoughts on...

5 Things Obama Should Do in His West Point Foreign Policy Speech

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Heritage Foundation
blog.heritage.org - Only some of each president’s speeches are billed as “major,” and today’s is one of them for President Obama. His commencement address at West Point is a “major” foreign policy speech at a time whe...

No Child Taken - We want to see 50,000 vulnerable children protected - Tearfund

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tearfund.org - Trafficking is the fastest growing crime in the world, ravaging the lives of 1.2 million children across the world every year. That number is set to rise, unless we stop it in its tracks. The good ...
Arte & Entretenimento

11 Vidas - Lucas Lucco - VAGALUME

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vagalume.com.br - Me pareço tanto com você Olhando dá pra ver Seu rosto lembra o meu Desde o primeiro aniversário O primeiro passo Sempre pronto pra me defender Sempre que brigou comigo Pra eu não correr perigo Um h...

The Tone Deaf Singer

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The Reformed Hub
challies.com - The prosperity gospel has not produced a new generation of great Christian hymns. Neither have Positive Thinking or Progressive Christianity. There is a reason we would not expect them to. The fact...

Christianity as Philosophy? - Part 1 » NRP Blog

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New Reformation Pres
newreformationpress.com - The recent publication of Rebecca Goldstein’s Plato at the Googleplex has prompted a number of Dog Bites Man narratives across the interwebs. “Plato to ‘Bill O’Reilly’: You’re pitiful!” is the head...
Meio Ambiente

EPA Administrator: 'I'm Not Against Cars'

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cnsnews.com - (CNSNews.com) - "I'm not against cars, because I actually think many people need them, including myself, probably, when I don't have my husband's car," EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy said in a rec...

WORLD | Midday Roundup: Snowden, super spy or super geek? | Leigh Jones

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WORLD News Group
worldmag.com - Snowden, super spy. Edward Snowden is back in the news, making grandiose claims about his own importance. During an interview with Brian Williams for NBC News, the man responsible for leaking thous...
Arte & Entretenimento

Atenção, mulheres, não se esqueçam de amar

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formacao.cancaonova.com - Cresci ouvindo conselhos que diziam mais ou menos assim: “Estude bastante para conseguir um bom emprego e ter o seu próprio dinheiro. Se você não estudar, vai depender dos outros a vida inteira”. O...


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Always Catholic Blog
PatriotJournalist.com - Members of Congress, regardless of party, show your support with a selfie holding a sign #BringBackOurMarine - then tweet it. Here's the recipe for your tweet: use the #BringBackOurMarine hashtag i...

China tenta fazer lago artificial, não consegue e acaba criando um deserto

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Nivaldo Cordeiro
gizmodo.uol.com.br - Autoridades em Zhengzhou, China, queriam criar um lago artificial na periferia da cidade, mas tudo deu errado. A fonte de água que eles pretendiam usar secou, e as centenas de milhares de toneladas...
Meio Ambiente

Google Gave a Few Lucky Riders Test-Drives in Their Self-Driving Car

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relevantmagazine.com - The future is now. Google has unveiled their new self-driving car prototypes, even giving a few riders test drives in the futuristic vehicles. The small, pod-like cars have no steering wheels or pe...

Livros Lua Crescente - Francisco Carvalho (8561893095) - 50% de Economia - Buscapé

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Francisco Carvalho
buscape.com.br - Buscapé Termo de uso Política de Privacidade Conheça o Buscapé Especiais Buscapé Adicionar aos favoritos Buscapé no Celular FAQ Buscapé Plugin Buscapé na Hora Consumidor Ajuda ao Vivo Fale Conosco ...

For City Kids and City Neighborhoods | Web Exclusives | Daily Writings From Our Top Writers

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First Things
firstthings.com - It’s commencement season and tens of thousands of students are graduating from inner-city Catholic elementary schools. As decades of empirical research have shown, these kids have a better chance o...

Trigger warnings: A sad lack of faith in the power of art - Index on Censorship

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Index on Censorship
indexoncensorship.org - “Once upon a time there lived in Berlin, Germany, a man called Albinus. He was rich, respectable, happy; one day he abandoned his wife for the sake of a youthful mistress; he loved; was not loved; ...

Waiting to Belong | Download your Resource Guide

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Focus on the Family
waitingtobelong.ca - Waiting to Belong started as a movement to help the more than 30,000 kids in Canada who are waiting to be adopted. Our goal is to see as many waiting kids as possible be placed into loving, forever...

Belgian Doctors Kill 5 per Day

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nationalrighttolifenews.org - Belgium has jumped head first into the darkness that is the culture of death. Euthanasia deaths–the ones recorded, more are done sub rosa–have gone up 27% in one year. From the story: The numbers o...

Video: Today’s Earth & Space News- Radiation Leak, Polar Ice, Spaceweather 

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truthisscary.com - Daily News and Blogs Video: Today’s Earth & Space News- Radiation Leak, Polar Ice, Spaceweather Military Plans To Test Brain Implants To Fight Mental Disorders Japan Begins Purposely Dumping 100s O...

Your Tax Dollars Pay for Child Rape, Sex Trafficking and Fraud at Planned Parenthood

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lifenews.com - by Jill Stanek | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 5/28/14 9:39 AM Today, Lila Rose and the Live Action team are launching a new comprehensive campaign, “Lies, Corruption, and Scandal: Six Years of E...

Blog do colunista do jornal O Globo Ilimar Franco sobre política, direto de Brasília - Ilimar Franco: O Globo

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Blog EveraldoPereira
oglobo.globo.com - Os eleitores nacionais querem mudanças. Aliados do governador Geraldo Alckmin (PSDB), baseados em pesquisa, relatam que metade dos paulistas também desejam renovação. E simpatizam com uma terceira ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Sus órganos iban a ser donados, pero movió dos dedos y se convirtió en “el milagro de Navidad”

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - PHOENIX, 27 May. 14 / 09:08 pm (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- Sam Schmid es un joven de 23 años a quien recientemente le han dado de alta, ahora juega baloncesto y estudia en la universidad; sin embargo, en...

On the science of abortion, liberals are in serious denial - The Week

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theweek.com - s the beginning of a human life something we can know? Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) claimed recently that human life begins at conception, and that this is a scientific fact. There are two stock respo...

Seminarians, eighth-graders face off on basketball court

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Catholic Telegraph
catholicchronicle.org - VIDEO: Students at Toledo St. Catherine of Siena learned what it means to serve, to wash the feet of others as Jesus did. Older students paired up with younger ones to make lunches, which students ...

28 dead veterans bodies never buried, left in morgue over year : Fire Andrea Mitchell!

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fireandreamitchell.com - The news about the vetarans dying wating for health care in Phoenix seems to be just the tip of the iceberg in Obama’s VA scandal. Now, in Los Angeles, 28 veterans who were supposed to get a proper...

Pope Francis Mid-Air Presser on Divorced and Remarried, Pope Francis Is a Political Genius and More! | Daily News

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ncregister.com - Copyright © 2014 EWTN News, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction of material from this website without written permission is strictly prohibited. Accessed from

News Briefs/Rss | Catholic World Report - Global Church news and views

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Ignatius Insight
catholicworldreport.com - Aboard the papal plane, May 27, 2014 / 05:43 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- On his return flight from the Holy Land, Pope Francis announced that he will visit Sri Lanka and the Philippines in January 2015. “...

Ukraine's Future: To Whom Does It Belong? | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News from The Heritage Foundation

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Heritage Foundation
blog.heritage.org - In the recent makeshift referenda in Donetsk and Luhansk unrecognized by the West, a small minority of eligible voters voted in favor of secession from Ukraine. Now, some Western politicians and an...
Arte & Entretenimento

Denzel Washington: Get On Your Knees And Thank God!

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The Christian Post
christianpost.com -  Academy Award winning actor Denzel Washington believes that a good way to make sure you pray every morning is to place your shoes "way under the bed at night." Doing that he says ensures that you ...

Local Borno village women's group repels Boko Haram attack on their communities

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Rodrigo Coppe C
nigerianwatch.com - LOCAL women in the villages of Attagara and Kawuri in Borno State disarmed 10 Boko Haram terrorists who tried to attack their communities over the weekend resulting in the lynching of seven of the ...

Vatican Denies Papal Visit Has Political Agenda - Global Agenda - News - Arutz Sheva

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Angelica Saldaña
israelnationalnews.com - The Vatican denied Monday that Pope Francis's Middle East trip has been driven by a political agenda, AFP reports Monday.  Francis "has no political agenda" and his unscheduled visits to the Judea ...

Mormon History Association conference next week – By Common Consent, a Mormon Blog

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By Common Consent
bycommonconsent.com - Next week is the annual conference of the Mormon History Association. It will be held in San Antonio, Texas (next year is in Provo). It is probably too late for a last minute trip plan, but if you ...

Tunisia: Gunmen kill 4 police at minister's home

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cnsnews.com - TUNIS, Tunisia (AP) — Gunmen attacked the home of Tunisia's top security official while his family was inside, killing four of the policeman standing guard, the Interior Ministry said Wednesday. Th...

Pentagon chief orders medical care review amid problems at hospital

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Catholic Pulse
reuters.com - WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel ordered a comprehensive review of the U.S. military's healthcare system on Tuesday after the head of an Army medical center was relieved of comm...

WORLD | How far is too far? | Marvin Olasky

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WORLD News Group
worldmag.com - Sen. Joe McCarthy terrorized his opponents on the left from 1950 to 1954, but finally went too far, and lawyer Joseph Welch pinned him with the most skilled riposte in the history of congressional ...

Leading Beyond Problems and to Solutions

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Scott Williams
thoughtleadersllc.com - The following is an excerpt from One Piece of Paper: The Simple Approach to Powerful, Personal Leadership (you can get your copy here).  This post focuses on the importance of looking beyond the pr...

When You're Falsely Accused and Lied About

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charismamag.com - A pastor friend in China was falsely accused. In 1956 the government sent him to prison for nine years and then kept in him on probation another sixteen years. Twenty-five years is a long time to r...

Let's All Help Levar Burton Bring Back 'Reading Rainbow'

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relevantmagazine.com - Few shows did as much as Reading Rainbow to make television something better than the brain rot it always threatened to be in the '90s. Along with visionaries like Mr. Rogers and the Children's Tel...

Irreplaceable - The Family Project

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Focus on the Family
thefamilyproject.ca - Irreplaceable, Focus on the Family Canada’s new documentary, follows the story of one man as he travels the world and talks to a range of experts to find out if family still matters in today’s soci...

Joe the plumber is an insensitive jerk ~ What Does Mike Think?

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wdmt.blogspot.com - I'm not going to mention names, because I think lauding a killer by plastering his face all over every inch of every web site and talking about him only encourages other seekers of fame to try the ...

Leaked document reveals how EU cut commitment to greater official openness - Index on Censorship

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Index on Censorship
indexoncensorship.org - You can find support for the public’s right to access official information in the strangest places. Like a private EU policy paper draft. As leaked to and published by the whistle-blowers’ website ...

Archbishop’s letter urges participation in Fortnight for Freedom

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Catholic Telegraph
thecatholictelegraph.com - For the third year, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops is calling for a Fortnight for Freedom from June 21—the vigil of the Feasts of St. John Fisher and St. Thomas More — to Independ...

Frases do Dado

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Dado Moura
frasesdodado.tumblr.com - Neste espaço você encontrará algumas frases publicadas nos meus artigos. Você também pode contribuir enviando aquelas citações que durante a leitura, considerou importantes. Acesse: Dado Moura em o...

Editor's Notebook — Holy Land recap, shooting victims remembered, married priests and women 'priests', and some late-night catechism.

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Our Sunday Visitor
osv.com - Editor's Notebook — Holy Land recap, shooting victims remembered, married priests and women 'priests', and some late-night catechism. Gretchen R. Crowe MustBeChecked, OSV Content, OSV Newsweekly, O...

Catholic New World - The church reaches out to help Veterans in need

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Catholic New World
catholicnewworld.com - About a third of homeless men in the United States are veterans, and veterans are more likely to be homeless than non-veterans. Reuben Villagomez knows that, and he knows a whole lot about what it’...

The witches' sabbath - The Arlington Catholic Herald

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Arl Catholic Herald
catholicherald.com - The Harvard Extension Cultural Studies Club and the Satanic Temple of New York caused a stir in May by planning a "black mass" in Harvard's Memorial Hall. At the last moment, the local protest grew...

Aniversário ou comício? Pimentel discursa e pede apoio em festa de Newton Cardoso; assista - Bhaz

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Rodrigo Coppe C
bhaz.com.br - Após reportagem publicada pelo jornal O Tempo, nesse sábado (24), com detalhes da festa de 76 anos do deputado Newton Cardoso (PMDB-MG), o Portal Bhaz teve acesso a um vídeo que mostra trecho de um...

Fotoblog | El Puente Internacional sobre el Río Miño

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outono.net - El servicio de suscripción por email a Contando Estrelas te permitirá recibir en tu buzón un email diario con las nuevas entradas que se publican en este blog. Es un servicio gratuito que proporcio...

Benham Brothers Vow to Stand Up to Intolerant Bullies

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Heritage Foundation
blog.heritage.org - The twin brothers who lost their reality TV show when a website attacked their Christian beliefs say they’ll not only “stand up” to bullying intolerance but also keep a commitment to six families b...

Paris Review - The Art of Fiction No. 119, Maya Angelou

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By Common Consent
theparisreview.org - This interview was conducted on the stage of the YMHA on Manhattan’s upper East Side. A large audience, predominantly women, was on hand, filling indeed every seat, with standees in the back . . . ...

Informe de Obispos: Estados Unidos necesita más sacerdotes hispanos

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - WASHINGTON D.C., 27 May. 14 / 11:17 pm (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- El 15 por ciento de los sacerdotes que se ordenaron en el último año en Estados Unidos es de origen hispano, de acuerdo con un informe p...

They Could Have Been Aborted, But Music Therapy Helps Premature Infants

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lifenews.com - by Lauren Enriquez | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 5/27/13 12:28 PM Washington, DC (LiveActionNews) — Premature infants — who, if in utero, could be legally aborted — are the recipients of a new ...

Edward Snowden Talks NSA Spying Scandal in New Interview - TIME

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Catholic Pulse
time.com - Edward Snowden, the former NSA contractor behind one of the biggest leaks of classified intelligence in American history, describes his previous job as more Bond-like than reported in the past. “It...

Report Casts Doubt on Whether Mom Grabbed Bully

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cnsnews.com - SANTA ROSA, Calif. (AP) — An investigative report casts doubt on whether a Northern California mother grabbed the throat of a 12-year-old boy she suspected of bullying her daughter. The Press Democ...

BosNewsLife – Christian News Agency » Blog Archive » Group Frees Pakistan Christian Slaves From Brick Kiln

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Angelica Saldaña
bosnewslife.com - Copyright 2008-2013 BosNewsLife. All rights reserved. This material may only be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed by those sponsoring BosNewsLife for $10/month and/or with our prior...

15 Things You Need To Stop Doing… Right Now!

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Scott Williams
bigisthenewsmall.com - We live in a world of to-do lists, goals and New Years Resolutions. Everyone is looking forward to starting something, going to the gym, starting the conversation, starting the journey… Instead of ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Jennifer Knapp's Gay Christian Memoir 'Facing the Music: Discovering Real Life, Real Love and Real Faith' Releases in October (VIDEO) : Music : breathecast

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The Christian Post
breathecast.com - Former top Christian solo artist Jennifer Knapp has seen her entire life and career turn around since she announced she was a lesbian four years ago, and now she is chronicling that experience in a...

Diocese de Jundiaí – Viagem a Terra Santa se aproxima

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Diocese de Jundiai
dj.org.br - Na véspera de sua viagem a Terra Santa, o Papa Francisco visitou na manhã desta sexta-feira, dia 23, a Basílica de Santa Maria Maior. Segundo informou o diretor da sala de imprensa da Santa Sé, pad...

WORLD | Compassion for the atheist | La Shawn Barber

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WORLD News Group
worldmag.com - CNN’s religion blog reported on atheists, living mostly in the South, who say they have to hide their unbelief for fear of stigma and work-related retaliation. According to the article, more than 2...

Retired Man Spends 10 Years Turning Huge Hedge into 100-Foot-Long-Dragon

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relevantmagazine.com - John Booker has used his retirement on a truly worthwhile project: The 75-year-old spent the last 10 years trimming a 100-foot-long stretch of hedges into an awesome looking dragon. When asked why ...

El rechazo de la iniciativa ‘Uno de Nosotros’ aleja a las instituciones europeas del sentir de los ciudadanos de la Unión

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Foro de la Familia
forofamilia.org - El rechazo de la iniciativa ‘Uno de Nosotros’ aleja a las instituciones europeas del sentir de los ciudadanos de la Unión Una Europa para la cual la dignidad del embrión humano vale menos que los i...

Fox Online: ‘Marijuana Smoking Shown To Cause Major Deformities’ 

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truthisscary.com - “Marijuana smoking shown to cause major deformities.A new study just released,found proof that smoking small amounts of marijuana can cause massive and irreversible deformation of the hands,feet,an...

Thousands of California minorities face double the risk of complications from non-physician abortion

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lifesitenews.com - SACRAMENTO, CA, May 27, 2014 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Since Gov. Jerry Brown signed a sweeping new bill into law last October, the state of California has trained dozens of non-physicians to perform ab...

Synod on family will have broad focus, Pope notes :: EWTN News

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ewtnnews.com - Pope Francis has said that the upcoming synod on the family will focus on the “vast” pastoral problems facing families – not specifically Communion for the divorced and remarried. “We know that tod...

Catholic Radio- EWTN Catholic Radio Network

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Our Sunday Visitor
ewtn.com - Catholic Answers Live Monday through Friday, 6 PM ET Catholic Answers Live is a daily LIVE call-in program designed to offer Catholics and non-Catholics alike an opportunity to hear from and talk w...

CNBB Nordeste 2: Tarde e noite de reuniões na sede da CNBB NE2

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cnbbne2.org.br - 20:38 | Posted by Assessoria de Comunicação CNBB NE2 Tarde e noite de reuniões na sede da CNBB NE2 O Conselho Episcopal Regional esteve reunido, no prédio da CNBB NE2, durante toda a tarde de hoje ...

Fr. Robert Barron's Word On Fire - How to Deal with Past Sins

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New Advent
wordonfire.org - Father Robert Barron is a sought-after speaker on the spiritual life-from prestigious universities to YouTube to national conferences and private retreats. The prominent theologian and podcasting p...

O que é pecado da gula? | Editora Cléofas - Prof. Felipe Aquino

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Editora Cléofas
cleofas.com.br - Assim como o sexo é forte no homem, assim também é o instinto da alimentação, mesmo porque é uma questão de sobrevivência. No entanto, o comer e o beber exagerado desequilibra a vida e prejudica a ...

Mensaje Francisco a Organización Internacional del Trabajo OITEcclesia Digital

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Ecclesia Digital
revistaecclesia.com - Mensaje del Papa Francisco a la Organización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT) Mensaje del Papa Francisco a la OIT: inaceptable que el trabajo hecho por esclavos sea moneda corriente El Papa Francisc...

Con Maduro, más pobreza en Venezuela - Libertad Digital

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libertaddigital.com - Con Maduro, más pobreza en Venezuela Los problemas en Venezuela afectan a toda la población pero sobre todo a la pobreza que sigue aumentando. Temas Nicolás Maduro Venezuela comentarios

España lidera el consumo de cocaína y cannabis en Europa

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HO Jóvenes
gaceta.es - España es líder en el consumo de cocaína y cannabis en la Unión Europea. Según el Observatorio Europeo de las Drogas, casi el 4% de los jóvenes consumieron cocaína el año pasado, duplicando la medi...

If Ye Lack Wisdom - general-conference

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By Common Consent
lds.org - The other day my 10-year-old son was studying about the human brain on the Internet. He wants to be a surgeon one day. It’s not difficult to note that he is a lot smarter than I am. We like the Int...

Congratulations to the Excellence in Publishing Winners, Including Patheos’ @TheAnchoress

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Ave Maria Press
patheos.com - I smiled from ear to ear when I read the following press release (reprinted from the ACP Website) which contains recently announced winners of this years “Excellence in Publishing Awards” from the ...

USP perde liderança em ranking de universidades da América Latina

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cpadnews.com.br - Pela primeira vez desde 2011, a Universidade de São Paulo (USP) deixou de ser a melhor instituição de ensino superior da América Latina, segundo ranking divulgado na tarde desta terça-feira (27) pe...
Meio Ambiente

Google’s Next Phase in Driverless Cars: No Brakes or Steering Wheel - NYTimes.com

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Catholic Pulse
nytimes.com - MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. — Humans might be the one problem Google can’t solve. For the past four years, Google has been working on self-driving cars with a mechanism to return control of the steering ...

Por que o Brasil cresce menos do que pode?

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Instituto Millenium
imil.org.br - No livro “Complacência – entenda por que o Brasil cresce menos do que pode” (Elsevier, 2014), os economistas Alexandre Schwartsman e Fabio Giambiagi fazem uma crítica à política econômica do govern...

Pelosi: ‘Single-Payer’ the Best Fix For Obamacare

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cnsnews.com - Former House Speaker and current House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi has pinned down a specific way to “fix” Obamacare… A single-payer system, of course. In an interview with Vox’s Ezra Klein, Pel...

The Heritage Foundation Internship Program

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Heritage Foundation
heritage.org - The Heritage Foundation Internship Program attracts young conservative leaders of the highest caliber. We train, equip, and develop tomorrow’s young conservative leaders during their time at Herita...

State Dept Promotes Muslim Cleric Who Backed Fatwa on ‘Killing of U.S. Soldiers’

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Angelica Saldaña
freebeacon.com - BY: Adam Kredo Follow @Kredo0 May 23, 2014 3:11 pm The State Department’s Counter Terrorism (CT) Bureau promoted on Friday a controversial Muslim scholar whose organization has reportedly backed Ha...
Arte & Entretenimento

Here’s What It Looks Like to Fly Over New York City in a Wingsuit

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relevantmagazine.com - The insane team behind the “Red Bull Air Force” recently had the opportunity to fly over New York City in those crazy squirrel suits to promote the upcoming Bethpage Air Show. The perspective from ...

LAOS Female students denied the right to take final exams because of their "Christian faith" - Asia News

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asianews.it - According to local witnesses on 20 May, the village chief in Saisomboon, in the district of Atsaphangthong, prevented the girls - who attend a school in the nearby village of Liansai - from taking ...

Is our faith the gift of God also?

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Ocean of Grace
reformedquotes.com - Clearly the “gift” of God is salvation in its totality, a salvation that flows out of God’s grace and becomes ours through faith. From beginning to end, from its inception to its consummation, salv...

Recibe los titulares de las noticias en tu whatsapp / se parte de nuestra lista de difusión.

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Enlace Católico.com
enlacecatolico.com - Para poder recibir en tu celular totalmente gratis las noticias de Enlace Católico tres veces por semana en tu celular, sigue estos pasos. 1.- Agrega a tus contactos con el nombre de Enlace Católic...
Arte & Entretenimento

Snake Handling Son of 'Snake Salvation' Pastor Bitten: 'I Told the Lord I Wouldn't Go to the Hospital,' Cody Coots Says

Partilhado por
The Christian Post
global.christianpost.com - Days after Pastor Jamie Coots of Kentucky's Full Gospel Tabernacle in Jesus ... Cody Coots, son of "Snake Salvation" pastor Jamie Coots, was bitten by a 6-foot rattlesnake on Monday. He refused tre...

May 28, Wednesday Easter Weekday

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Our Sunday Visitor
osv.com - In today’s reading from Acts, St. Paul tells the Athenians, “He made from one the whole human race to dwell on the entire surface of the earth, and he fixed the ordered seasons and the boundaries o...
Arte & Entretenimento

Não basta censurar o que está errado, tem que fazer o que é certo

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Portal Guiame
guiame.com.br - Tenho muita preocupação com uma espiritualidade fiscalizadora da vida alheia, que consegue ver um cisco no olho do irmão, mas não enxerga uma trave no seu próprio olho. Essa é a espiritualidade dos...

Harvest America by Greg Laurie - Blog - Think Eternity

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Think Eternity
thinke.org - As a church, we face a huge challenge in taking the gospel to our generation. Technology is exploding before our very eyes, generating unprecedented opportunities. Doors are open for sharing the go...

New Advent: Video: Medal of Honor recipient Father Emil J. Kapaun

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New Advent
blog.newadvent.org - When the story of human history comes to a close, death and violence don't get the final word. The love of God does. That love, burning bright in the heart of Fr. Emil Kapaun in the darkness of a P...

Major Faction Splits From Pakistani Taliban - NYTimes.com

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The Brazilian Post
nytimes.com - PESHAWAR, Pakistan — After months of violent infighting, an influential faction of the Pakistani Taliban said Wednesday that it was breaking away because of differences with the Taliban leader Maul...

Woman says victims of trafficking brought so low, they 'pray for death' (May 23, 2014)

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The Criterion
archindy.org - ST. LOUIS (CNS) -- Christine McDonald was 15 when she was sold for $2,500 to the owner of a strip club. The young teenager was a runaway and doing everything she could just to survive. The man who ...

Census Forms Show Many Latinos Change Racial Identity to 'White' Over Time : Life&Culture : Latin Post

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Tavi Labradog
latinpost.com - At 50 million and counting, the Hispanic population has become the largest ethnic group in the nation. The multiracial group hosts a collection of subgroups who claim a number of identities, and, i...


Cristianismo e Política + Christianity and Politics + União multi-denominacional (evangélicos, católicos, etc) em defesa dos valores cristãos e da democracia



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