22 May 2014

Cristianismo & Política 21.05.2014 @CristPolit

Cristianismo & Politica

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Movimentos sociais e sindicatos decidiram que são, definitivamente, o nosso inferno

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Paulo Devechi
veja.abril.com.br - AULA DE HISTÓRIA por LÚCIA HIPPÓLITO “Nascimento” do PT O PT nasceu de cesariana, há 29 anos. O pai foi o movimento sindical, e a mãe, a Igreja Católica, através das Comunidades Eclesiais de Base. ...

Bahia Notícias / Notícia / Postos de informação da Copa em Salvador têm erro de grafia de palavras em inglês - 21/05/2014

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bahianoticias.com.br - Pré-candidato do PV à Presidência da República, o médico e ex-deputado federal Eduardo Jorge pretende levar o PV para debates bem mais polêmicos na campanha deste ano do que em 2010, quando a então...

The Comfort Zone: Words of Comfort: "Why are there so many starving people?"

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Ray Comfort
onthebox.us - Wednesday, May 21, 2014 Words of Comfort: "Why are there so many starving people?" "Why are there so many starving people in the world, why would God be worried about you getting a raise at work, b...

Senado aprova cotas para negros no serviço público; Dilma vai sancionar o absurdo proposto por ela mesma

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Fitzcarraldo Çilva
veja.abril.com.br - E, para a surpresa de ninguém, foi aprovado pelo Senado o projeto de lei enviado pelo Executivo que reserva 20% das vagas em concursos públicos para negros e mestiços — ou “afrodescendentes”, como ...

Cranmer: Ukip if you want to, but only Conservatives can deliver change

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Archbishop Cranmer
archbishop-cranmer.blogspot.co.uk - As we prepare to cast our votes in the Euro Elections of 2014, there is no doubt that this has been the most fractious, fraught and fascinating campaign probably in the whole (brief) history of ele...

Americans Are More Afraid of Being Tortured By Our Government than British, Australians, Canadians - Or Even Chinese - Are Afraid of Torture By Their Governments Washington's Blog

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Angelica Saldaña
washingtonsblog.com - Amnesty International conducted a global survey to find out how afraid people were of being tortured by their own governments if they are taken into custody. The survey shows that the British, Aust...
Art & Entertainment

TV Ao Vivo | TV Canção Nova

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TV Cancao Nova
tv.cancaonova.com - Adquira em DVD os programas Sorrindo pra Vida e O Amor Vencerá Adquira os produtos da Nova Identidade Visual da TV Canção Nova Comentários

Tattolandia, PCC e PM

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Fitzcarraldo Çilva
blogdopaulinho.wordpress.com - Com certeza Paulinho. O PCC domina todas as cooperativas de transporte na cidade de São Paulo. Eles lavam dinheiro de tráfico de drogas e a grande mass media não toca nesse assunto. Deputados e ver...

Cristãos de Gaza querem estar com o Papa

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Comunidade Shalom
comshalom.org - Nos locais que serão visitados pelo Papa Francisco, são muitos os preparativos em curso. Arranjo dos locais de culto, organização de forças de segurança draconianas, listas de convidados, distribui...
Art & Entertainment

Programa 'Vitória em Cristo' sai da TV CNT após 32 anos; Pr. Silas comenta

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Silas Malafaia
verdadegospel.com - Assista abaixo o comentário do pastor Silas Malafaia sobre a saída do programa ‘Vitória em Cristo’, da CNT, após 32 anos de veiculação. O programa não será mais exibido na CNT a partir do mês de ju...

週刊金曜日チャンネル on USTREAM: .

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コスタリカ共和村  山下♡♪ 由佳(安音
ustream.tv - Ustream © Explorer Popular Upcoming Suivi Regardées récemment Amis Log in or Sign up to see what your friends are watching. Actualités Gaming - PS4 Divertissement Sports Animaux Spiritualité Musiqu...

When Life Begins According to Embryology Textbooks

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Right to Life
paprolife.us - I just wanted to follow up my post yesterday with this link to scientific evidence about the beginning of life. This LifeNews.com article lists nine academic sources showing scientific proof that a...

Montage: Obama Discovers Every Scandal Through the Media - Video

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Angelica Saldaña
townhall.com - Townhall.com is the leading source for conservative news and political commentary and analysis. Townhall is packed with breaking news headlines, political news, and conservative opinion with Townha...

El P. Gil Tamayo advierte que no se puede consentir que las redes sociales sean un lugar de impunidad

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infocatolica.com - (Efe/InfoCatólica) Gil Tamayo ha expresado la «doble preocupación» que le han suscitado dichos comentarios, primero en su calidad de sacerdote y también como comunicador que es. Desde esta última v...
Art & Entertainment

Crer em Jesus não é vergonha

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Paulo Teixeira do RJ
portasabertas.org.br - Nascido em uma família muçulmana muito conservadora, Arezki* foi expulso da casa de sua família quando se converteu ao cristianismo. Seu pai e seus irmãos o acusaram de trazer desonra ao nome da fa...

Membros da Assembleia de Deus de Catanduva Elegem Novo Presidente - O REGIONAL

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Alex Lima
oregional.com.br - A primeira chapa teve o pastor Isaias Siqueira Fontes Junior como candidato e obteve 193 votos, a segunda chapa com pastor Elieser Canossa, perdeu a eleição por apenas 63 votos, com 660 votos, a 3ª...

Dangerous abortion-expansion legislation introduced into New York State Senate despite overwhelming public opposition

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Right to Life
nationalrighttolifenews.org - Editor’s note. On Tuesday a group of pro-abortion Democratic State Senators reintroduced the so-called “Women’s Equality Act.” New York State Right to Life commented on the push for abortion-expans...

Save Meriam!

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citizengo.org - Navi Pilley, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights: I was shocked and deeply saddened to learn about the situation of Meriam Ishag Yahia Ibrahim, the Sudanese Christian mother unjustly convicted of...
Art & Entertainment

C. H. SPURGEON: De Spurgeon para Rob Bell

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Charles H. Spurgeon
charleshaddonspurgeon.com - Homens que nunca teriam sido conhecidos se tivessem agido honestamente, ganharam notoriedade barata vendendo heresia enquanto fingiam vestir a roupa e comer o pão da ortodoxia. A forma mais elegant...

Seeing Beauty and Saying Beautifully

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John Piper
desiringgod.org - In the sixth volume of The Swans Are Not Silent series, John Piper celebrates the importance of poetic effort by looking at three influential Christians whose words magnificently display a commitme...

India obsessed with social media role in elections - Index on Censorship

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Index on Censorship
indexoncensorship.org - Indians, ever a chatty lot, are obsessed with the idea of being obsessed with social media. That is why, as the BJP’s stunning victory in the Indian general elections was declared, the news media i...

Should I vote for UKIP on Thursday? « God and Politics in the UK

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godandpoliticsuk.org - If I was to base my predictions for the results of Thursday’s European elections on the number and size of political campaign posters and hoardings I see on my journey to work,UKIP would on for a l...

8 Lessons on Evangelism from Proverbs by David Murray

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The Reformed Hub
ligonier.org - Would you like a course in evangelism? Have you considered reading the book of Proverbs? Here are some of the lessons about how to evangelize that I recently learned while studying the book. The di...
Art & Entertainment

Pregações e homilias do 6º Congresso Mariano na Canção Nova

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Com. Canção Nova
blog.cancaonova.com - O 6º Congresso Mariano, na Canção Nova, teve o tema: “Pede a Mãe que o Filho atende”. O 6º Congresso Mariano reuniu centenas de devotos da Santíssima Virgem Maria na sede da Comunidade na Canção No...
Art & Entertainment

Perseverança | Lagoinha - Part 1

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Igreja da Lagoinha
lagoinha.com - “Alegrai-vos na esperança, sede pacientes na tribulação, perseverai na oração” (Romanos 12.12) Um sonho! Esta foi a sensação no domingo do Dia das Mães no Parque Municipal de Belo Horizonte. Um enc...

Concerning current controversy - Reformation21 Blog

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The Reformed Hub
reformation21.org - Concerning current controversy As the brouhaha concerning antinomianism continues to develop, with fallout in various spheres, it is sad to see the vagueness, brutality and confusion that seems to ...

CNN's Costello: Climate Change Skeptics 'Aren't Listening to Scientists' or 'Reading the Bible'

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David Limbaugh
breitbart.com - In her coverage of "Wheel of Fortune" host Pat Sajak's tweet about climate change and Sen. Marco Rubio’s (R-FL) recent comments on climate change, “CNN Newsroom” host Carol Costello declared “clima...
Art & Entertainment

Just uploaded Homilia 21/05/2014 Padre João Marcos...

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TV Cancao Nova
tvcancaonova.tumblr.com - Just uploaded Homilia 21/05/2014 Padre João Marcos to Mixcloud. Listen now!

The Briefing 05-21-14 – AlbertMohler.com

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albertmohler.com - 1) Majority of Americans now live in states with same sex marriage after rulings in Pennsylvania and Oregon Federal Judge Strikes Down Oregon’s Ban on Same-Sex Marriage, The New York Times (Kirk Jo...
Art & Entertainment

Como saber se ele(a) está a fim de você?

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Revolução Jesus
blog.cancaonova.com - Que momento bom é quando estamos começando a nos apaixonar! O amor nos faz bem, várias sensações nos invadem e o mundo fica mais colorido. Isso pode acontecer a qualquer tempo e em várias situações...

Upcoming events - Reformation21 Blog

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The Reformed Hub
reformation21.org - Upcoming events A few things coming up . . . First, today and tomorrow is the Grace Baptist Assembly, meeting in the wilds of Derbyshire, on the theme of "Building Healthy Churches." I am a reasona...

Que María Auxiliadora ayude al crecimiento de la Iglesia en China, pide el Papa Francisco

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - VATICANO, 21 May. 14 / 10:57 am (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- Al término de su catequesis de este miércoles, el Papa Francisco recordó la devoción de los católicos chinos a María Auxiliadora, cuya fiesta c...

Alta no consumo de drogas sintéticas é sem precedentes, diz ONU

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Verdade Gospel
verdadegospel.com - Drogas sintéticas, como as metanfetaminas, estão passando por uma ‘expansão global sem precedentes’, alertou a ONU. Cerca de 350 novas substâncias psicoactivas foram identificadas, informou o Escri...
Art & Entertainment

Meryl and Maks win Season 18 of Dancing With The Stars

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commdiginews.com - SAN DIEGO, May 20, 2014 – After 10 weeks of competition, and two hours of filler Tuesday night during the finale, when it came down to choosing from the best dancer, the most improved, or the most ...

Não consigo engravidar

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Com. Canção Nova
formacao.cancaonova.com - O que a Igreja recomenda para os casais que tentaram, mas ainda não conseguiram engravidar?  A Igreja sabe que os casais que não conseguem ter filhos sofrem. O Catecismo diz que “é grande o sofrime...

NARAL Applauds Censorship of Pro-Life Activist Who Helps Pregnant Women

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lifenews.com - by Kelsey Hazzard | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 5/21/14 11:42 AM Brat Fest is an annual festival that takes place in Madison, Wisconsin every year to raise money for charity. One of the speaker...
Art & Entertainment

Papa Francisco: recen por mi viaje y por la paz en la Tierra de Jesús

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es.radiovaticana.va - (RV).- (se actualizó con audio) En la audiencia general que precede su peregrinación a Tierra Santa, la tierra de Jesús, el Papa Francisco pidió que se le acompañe con la oración, también por la pa...


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CNBB Nacional
cnbb.org.br - Se nos fecharmos em nossos redutos de grupos e comunidades não fazemos ser conhecido o que Jesus nos ensinou. Paulo não se cansou de anunciar por todos os cantos o Evangelho do Senhor. Foi persegui...
Art & Entertainment

Sete sinais de alerta para não sermos derrotados pelo pecado - Gospel Prime

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Gospel Prime
artigos.gospelprime.com.br - Nunca foi do agrado de Deus ver as consequências do pecado sobre a raça humana. Ao contrário, Deus usou o melhor e mais sublime remédio contra o pecado – o Sangue de Jesus – para livrar os homens d...

Papa Francisco llama a la solidaridad por inundaciones en Bosnia-Herzegovina y Serbia

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - VATICANO, 21 May. 14 / 10:42 am (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- Al finalizar la Audiencia General, el Papa Francisco hizo un llamado a la comunidad internacional para que ayude a los más de un millón de damn...

The NPV Plan: Pass It to Find Out What Is in It

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Drew McKissick
nationalreview.com - Nancy Pelosi famously declared of Obamacare: “We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it.” The same could be said of the National Popular Vote (NPV), a piece of anti–Electoral ...

Archbishop Kurtz Discusses the Apostolic Pilgrimage to Jerusalem - Videos - Apostolic Pilgrimage of Pope Francis and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew to Jerusalem

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apostolicpilgrimage.org - Most Reverend Joseph E. Kurtz, Archbishop of Louisville and President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, explains the history behind the upcoming trip in Jerusalem between Pope Fr...

PT não indica nomes para integrar a CPI mista da Petrobras

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Verdade Gospel
verdadegospel.com - A Câmara dos Deputados divulgou na noite desta terça-feira (20) a lista com os parlamentares da Casa que vão compor a CPI mista (formada por deputados e senadores) para investigar as irregularidade...

War on Women: Woman Can't Get Meds for "Female Problem" Because Obamacare Labeled Her a Man

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lifenews.com - by Steven Ertelt | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 5/21/14 1:18 PM They told us during the Obamacare that pro-lifers were waging a war on women because we didn’t want to pay for abortions under a g...

Editora Central Gospel

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editoracentralgospel.com.br - Editora Central Gospel - Loja Virtual, desde 2007 - Todos os direitos reservados Preços e condições de pagamento exclusivos para compras via Internet. Ofertas válidas até o término de nossos estoqu...

Catholic Schools ‘Aren’t the Only Game in Town Anymore’ | Daily News

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N. Catholic Register
ncregister.com - INDIANAPOLIS — A new report from the Friedman Foundation for Educational Choice suggests that Catholic schools struggling to stay open with declining enrollments can stay afloat if they “convert” t...
Art & Entertainment

Catholic.net - Liturgia: De pie, de rodillas, sentados

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es.catholic.net - Liturgia: De pie, de rodillas, sentados –Cristo ascendió a los cielos, una vez cumplida su obra: salió del Padre y vino al mundo, y finalmente dejó el mundo para volver al Padre (Jn 16,28). Los dis...

EUA: estatísticas dos novos sacerdotes

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Comunidade Shalom
comshalom.org - Um indicador de muitos detalhes da vida da Igreja em todos os países é o perfil dos seminaristas que completam seu processo de formação e se convertem nos novos sacerdotes. Para os Estados Unidos, ...
Art & Entertainment

España: Utrera acoge el domingo un Encuentro de la comunidad católica gitana

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infocatolica.com - (SIC/InfoCatólica) La Santa Misa comenzará a las doce del mediodía, y la jornada está organizada por la Delegación Diocesana de Pastoral Gitana, en colaboración con el Ayuntamiento de Utrera y la H...

O notável contributo dos Padres Vereadores de Campos

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CNBB Nacional
cnbb.org.br - Representaram os valores permanentes do Evangelho e a sua responsabilidade com o desenvolvimento espiritual e integral do ser humano, e por isso mesmo investindo e defendendo a educação, o ensino r...

Obama eyes ‘bailout’ for health insurers

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WND News
wnd.com - (LOS ANGELES TIMES) The Obama administration has quietly adjusted key provisions of its signature healthcare law to potentially make billions of additional taxpayer dollars available to the insuran...

9 Heartfelt Things Church Members Would Like to Say to Their Pastors

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Thom Rainer
thomrainer.com - I am among the most blessed men in the world. God has graciously saved me and sustained me. I have an incredible family. The place and ministry where I serve vocationally is a gift from God. And th...
Art & Entertainment

Mentira: O Maior Problema de Nossas Vidas - Andrea Vargas (vídeo)

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Gospel Prime
videos.gospelprime.com.br - Assista a pregação Mentira: O Maior Problema de Nossas Vidas de Andrea Vargas

Obispos cubanos se reúnen en asamblea

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Yoani Sánchez
14ymedio.com - Sesiona en estos momentos la Asamblea Plenaria de Obispos católicos cubanos. El cónclave, que se realiza en la Casa Sacerdotal San Juan Vianney, tiene un carácter ordinario. Asisten los once obispo...
Art & Entertainment

CdCristão Mega Store - DVDs, CDs, Livros e muito mais

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Música Católica
cdcristao.com - Há 15 anos o ROSA DE SARON está na estrada, uma presença marcante no meio da música católica evangelizando através de um som “mais pesado”. Possui 4 CDs lançados: Diante da Cruz, Angústia Suprema, ...

Notre Dame Denies Official Recognition to Pro-Traditional Marriage Student Group

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Drew McKissick
thecollegefix.com - A relatively new student group at the University of Notre Dame formed to defend traditional marriage has been denied official recognition as a campus club at the Catholic institution. The decision ...

Catholic Communication Campaign

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usccb.org - I believe that the goal is to understand how to enter into dialogue with the men and women of today, in order to appreciate their desires, their doubts, and their hopes... Do not be afraid to be th...

Cardenal Exsecretario de Estado del Vaticano rechaza ser objeto de investigación

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - ROMA, 20 May. 14 / 01:32 pm (ACI).- El Exsecretario de Estado del Vaticano, el Cardenal italiano Tarcisio Bertone, rechazó las informaciones que han circulado recientemente en las que se le acusa d...

Judge: Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz Must Answer for Massive Medicaid Fraud Scheme

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lifenews.com - by Steven Ertelt | Houston, TX | LifeNews.com | 5/21/14 12:07 PM A judge has ruled that a Planned Parenthood abortion business must answer for allegations that it participated in a massive Medicaid...

Reciclagem em casa - Variedades

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redevida.com.br - Violência diminui em bairro paulistano com a atuação de padre

Today’s Catholic must-reads: 21/05/14

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The Catholic Herald
catholicherald.co.uk - This week’s papal visit to the Holy Land is “strictly religious“, Pope Francis said at the general audience today (full text, short video, full video). South Korean Cardinal Andrew Yeom Soo-jung ha...

Vatican Official Sees ‘Warming-Up’ of Catholic-Orthodox Relations | Daily News

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N. Catholic Register
ncregister.com - VATICAN CITY — An official with the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity affirmed the sentiments of many who believe that Catholic-Orthodox relations have improved in recent years, espe...
Art & Entertainment

Papa: O Dom da Ciência nos coloca em profunda harmonia com Deus

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rccbrasil.org.br - Nesta quarta-feira (21), Papa Francisco deu continuidade à sequência de ensino sobre os dons do Espírito Santo durante Audiência Geral na Praça de São Pedro em Roma. O quinto dom refletido pelo Pon...

México, 21 años sin verdad en el crimen del cardenal

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infocatolica.com - México tiene una herida abierta. Todavía está pendiente la verdad sobre el asesinato del cardenal Juan Jesús Posadas Ocampo. Una exigencia de justicia que permanece, aunque hayan pasado 21 años. Es...

10 Ways to Avoid Sinful Self-Promotion Online

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thegospelcoalition.org - Contributors Justin Taylor   10 Ways to Avoid Sinful Self-Promotion Online

Sínodo extraordinário: família e evangelização

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CNBB Nacional
cnbb.org.br - Fazem parte do temário a difusão e a aceitação do ensinamento da Igreja Católica sobre o casamento e família; as dificuldades para colocar em prática esse ensinamento no contexto cultural contempor...
Art & Entertainment

Penalti en casa

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Yoani Sánchez
14ymedio.com - La mayor pesadilla del fútbol cubano estriba en tener al enemigo dentro y disfrutando, además, de una estrecha complicidad con el Instituto Nacional de Deportes y Recreación (INDER). Esta entidad s...
Art & Entertainment

Onde estão as vozes proféticas?

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Rodini Netto
rodini.org - Onde estão as verdadeiras vozes proféticas na Igreja? Aqueles que foram levantados por Deus para mostrar a verdade? Não estamos falando de um ou outro que se levanta para defender os interesses de ...

La Justicia reconoce a una joven con Síndrome de Down su derecho a participar en una mesa electoral

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hazteoir.org - La Audiencia Provincial de Toledo falla que, como cualquier ciudadano español, tiene derecho pleno a participar en un proceso electoral. Paradójicamente, los defensores del aborto revisten de "just...

Of Sequoias, Partnerships, and a Regional Assembly of Elders

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Sovereign Grace
sovereigngraceministries.org - Those who know me well know my fascination with Sequoias. Some of these herbal behemoths live for thousands of years, stand some 250–300 feet into the air, branch out with limbs bigger than every t...
Art & Entertainment

Valorize sempre seus relacionamentos | Verdade Gospel - Portal gospel de notícias do Brasil

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Verdade Gospel
verdadegospel.com - Deus, quando criou o ser humano, criou-o com algumas necessidades e limitações. A necessidade primária e mais veemente para o ser humano é a de ser amado pelo Senhor e pelas pessoas. Não adianta te...

Criacionismo: “ETs comandam a economia mundial”

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Michelson Borges
criacionismo.com.br - terça-feira, maio 20, 2014 “ETs comandam a economia mundial” Eles estão entre nós Depois do ex-ministro da Defesa do Canadá, Paul Hellyer, se manifestar sobre o assunto no ano passado, foi a vez de...


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Catecismo da Igreja

Gift of Knowledge Attunes Us to Vision of God, Pope Instructs | Daily News

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N. Catholic Register
ncregister.com - VATICAN CITY — During his general audience address Pope Francis spoke on the Holy Spirit’s gift of knowledge, explaining that it enlightens our human perspective and helps us to see God in the whol...
Art & Entertainment

Actress Stacey Dash Defends 'Moms' Night Out' Movie Attacked by Liberal Critics, Calling it 'Sexiest' and 'Unrelatable' : Movies : breathecast

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The Christian Post
breathecast.com - It is not often when stars in Hollywood come against the mainstream media to defend a message of family and faith, but “Clueless” actress Stacey Dash felt the need to speak up against the harsh mov...

China shocks Microsoft with Windows 8 ban - MarketWatch

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Pleasure Ellis
marketwatch.com - Intraday Data provided by SIX Financial Information and subject to terms of use. Historical and current end-of-day data provided by SIX Financial Information. Intraday data delayed per exchange req...

Under pressure to convert, Zanzibar Christians concerned for future :: EWTN News

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ewtnnews.com - Members of the small Christian minority on the Tanzanian islands of Zanzibar are suffering intimidation and now fear that their children will be coerced to convert to Islam, one resident said. “If ...
Art & Entertainment

Clube da Evangelização

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Clube Evangelização
clube.cancaonova.com - No dia 27 de abril celebramos a canonização dos Papas João XXIII e João Paulo II. Dois grandes homens que marcaram a história da Igreja, levando sempre a Palavra de Deus e propagando o bem a todos ...
Art & Entertainment

Casados e... Amigos?! | Shalom Catholic Community

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Comunidade Shalom
comshalom.org - Hoje se fala muito de amor entre homem e mulher, mas nem sempre se está falando de um amor pleno, que reúna de modo harmonioso todas as suas dimensões. Às vezes se fala dele como alguém que experim...
Art & Entertainment

Catholic.net - El inventario de las cosas perdidas

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es.catholic.net - El inventario de las cosas perdidas La vida puede ser vivida o transformarse en un simulacro. Puede ser serena, puede ser competitiva, puede ser alegre, puede ser triste, pero siempre es irrecupera...
Art & Entertainment

Lições de uma greve

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CNBB Nacional
cnbb.org.br - A Missa do Crisma, na Quinta-feira Santa de manhã (17.04.14), na Catedral Metropolitana de Salvador, havia terminado. Conversava com alguns sacerdotes sobre a beleza da celebração, quando chegou o ...

New appointment to CDF shows Vatican's concern for clergy abuse :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

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Catholic News Agency
catholicnewsagency.com - Vatican City, May 19, 2014 / 04:32 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- Pope Francis’ appointment Monday of Archbishop Jose Mollaghan of Rosario as a member of the Vatican’s doctrine office confirms the Holy See’s...

Is food security worth sacrificing food safety?

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US Catholic magazine
uscatholic.org - In the last half century, food eaters and food providers in the United States have prioritized food quantity, the “all-you-can-eat” model, over food quality, the freshness and nutritional value it ...

Pope Francis’ Game Plan; Part Six: The Gift of Mary

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The Catholic Sun
catholicsun.org - Last time we looked at what Pope Francis writes about Jesus in his apostolic exhortation “The Joy of the Gospel.” Now let us consider what the Holy Father has to say about the Mother of Jesus, the ...
Art & Entertainment

"Me siento más libre que muchos que están en la calle"

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Yoani Sánchez
14ymedio.com - Cuando entró en la cárcel en abril del pasado año, Ángel Santiesteban tenía 26 invitaciones internacionales para asistir a universidades, festivales de literatura y ferias del libro. No pudo cumpli...
Art & Entertainment

Voltemos Ao Evangelho | Por Que Precisamos da Bíblia?

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Voltemos Evangelho
voltemosaoevangelho.com - A necessidade primária para o registro da Bíblia, foi o pecado do homem. No Éden só havia um livro: o livro da natureza; todavia, com o pecado humano, a natureza também sofreu as consequências, fic...

Jackie Kennedy letters sale dropped - Yahoo News UK

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uk.news.yahoo.com - Secret letters from Jacqueline Kennedy to an Irish priest have been pulled from a controversial auction sale. Correspondence from the wife of US President JF Kennedy revealing the widow's private a...
Art & Entertainment

Guerreiro do amor - Quatro por Um (vídeo)

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Gospel Prime
videos.gospelprime.com.br - Ouvir a canção “Guerreiro do amor” do  álbum “Quatro por Um” da banda Quatro por Um

Richard Cohen dará un curso en Madrid sobre cómo ayudar a personas con atracción al mismo sexo - ReL

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Religión en Libertad
religionenlibertad.com - Está dirigido fundamentalmente a médicos, psicólogos, terapeutas, orientadores, agentes de pastoral y demás personas de relación de ayuda. Y girará en torno al acompañamiento a las personas con Atr...

Formação - Arquidiocese de São Sebastião do Rio de Janeiro - ArqRio

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Arquidiocese do Rio
arqrio.org - Em Destaque Liturgia Diaria 11º Plano de Pastoral de Conjunto Ano Arquidiocesano da Caridade - 2014 Ano da Fé Bispos Auxiliares Caridade Social Espiritualidade Família e Vida Folheto da Missa Homil...

Journal of Biblical Counseling

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ccef.org - The mission of the Journal of Biblical Counseling (JBC) is to develop clear thinking and effective practice in biblical counseling. We seek to do this through publishing articles that faithfully br...

Criacionismo: Ultramaratonista vegetariano corre até 160 horas

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Michelson Borges
criacionismo.com.br - terça-feira, maio 20, 2014 Ultramaratonista vegetariano corre até 160 horas Alto desempenho sem proteína animal Alexandre Nogueira Penna, de 45 anos, faz coisas difíceis de imaginar. O ultramaraton...

Over 100 killed in Nigeria bombings

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Christian Today
christiantoday.com - At least 118 people have died in Jos, central Nigeria, after two car bombs exploded at a bus terminal and a busy market. Nigeria's emergency management agency confirmed the death toll, while Presid...

Segunda sesión del congreso internacional de Pastoral de las grandes ciudadesEcclesia Digital

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Ecclesia Digital
revistaecclesia.com - La segunda ponencia, “El tejido eclesial y los tejidos urbanos ( sociales , económicos , culturales , religiosos ) , la ha presentado el profesor y pastoralistas mexicano Benjamín Bravo. El P. Brav...

Former Abortion Clinic Director Allyson Schwartz Loses Pennsylvania Governor Primary

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lifenews.com - by Steven Ertelt | Harrisburg, PA | LifeNews.com | 5/21/14 10:09 AM Apparently having “former abortion clinic owner” on your resume isn’t a good thing in the state of Pennsylvania. Allyson Schwartz...

10 Atheists Who Engage Religion Charitably

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Matthew Warner
strangenotions.com - David Bentley Hart is one of our foremost theologian-philosophers, an American intellectual treasure who has ransacked the thesaurus while writing books such as The Beauty of the Infinite, The Door...

Top 15 Christian Clichés: Are You Guilty of Any of Them? (VIDEO)

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The Christian Post
christianpost.com - For one of his "Messy Monday" segments, YouTube personality Jordan Taylor presented his Top 15 Christian Clichés, a list of some of the hilariously odd and oddly hilarious things that Christians te...

J.R.R. Tolkien’s Translation of ‘Beowulf’ Is Published - NYTimes.com

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nytimes.com - There’s more to J. R. R. Tolkien than wizards and hobbits. The author of “The Lord of the Rings” and “The Hobbit” was also an Oxford University professor specializing in languages like Old Norse an...
Art & Entertainment

Laicos, graças a Deus

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Sérgio Pavarini
pavablog.com - Leio nas notícias que um tribunal do Sudão condenou uma mulher à morte. Mas, na hora da sentença, os juízes confrontaram-se com um pormenor: a referida mulher está grávida de oito meses. O tribunal...
Art & Entertainment

Papa Francisco: «la creación no es una propiedad de la que podemos disponer como nos parezca»

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infocatolica.com - (VIS/InfoCatólica) Ante más de 50.000 personas en la Plaza de San Pedro, Francisco ha explicado que este don del Espíritu Santo nos hace también descubrir cómo la belleza e inmensidad del cosmos no...
Art & Entertainment

Duggar Girls Talk Dating, Big Families, and Reality TV | Her.meneutics

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Christianity Today
christianitytoday.com - I stumbled onto the Duggars accidentally—curious about the little children I saw wandering around a construction site during one of their earliest TLC specials, when the family was building their 7...

Papa Francisco é estudo de caso na Harvard Business School - Província BSP

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Bíblia Católica
dehonianos.org.br - Surpreendente do ponto de vista empresarial pelo êxito alcançado em tão curto espaço de tempo. Com aprovação de 85% dos americanos (Roma, 07 de Maio de 2014 (Zenit.org) Jorge Henrique Mújica | 90 v...
Art & Entertainment

Loja Profetirando

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Santo Humor
profetirando.com.br - “Fé Sem Obras” (*imagem ilustrativa/podem haver pequenas variações de cor do tecido e proporção da estampa) Entrega: 15 dias úteis (Após a confirmação do pagamento) Sobre o produto: Camiseta em mal...

Hilltop Internship

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jhopdc.com - Justice House of Prayer DC invites you to come to the nation’s capital to exalt Jesus Christ for nine intensive weeks of consecration. Join with us in contending for God’s righteousness and justice...

War and peace | National Catholic Reporter

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ncronline.org - Every culture memorializes its war dead. The United States has Memorial Day. Canada has Victoria Day. Down under, they celebrate ANZAC Day. And in countries of the Caribbean and Africa, in Indonesi...

Nuestra declaración de intenciones

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Yoani Sánchez
14ymedio.com - 14ymedio es fruto de la evolución de una aventura personal que se ha transformado en un proyecto colectivo. El blog Generación Y, realizado por Yoani Sánchez, ayudó a impulsar la blogósfera alterna...

Adolfo Nicolás presentará su renuncia como Padre General de la Compañía de Jesús

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romereports.com - 19 de mayo, 2014. El lunes por la mañana, el Papa Francisco se reunió con Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, rey de Baréin, a las 9. Cuarenta y cinco minutos después, le siguió Donald Tusk, primer ministro ...

Detenido tras protestar en la escuela

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Religión en Libertad
videos.religionenlibertad.com - 10.5.14. Una escuela pública de Gilford (New Hampshire, Estados Unidos) impuso como lectura obligatoria a alumnos de 14 años, y sin previa información a los padres, una novela con pasajes crudament...
Art & Entertainment

Coca-Cola retira el anuncio con un actor 'abertzale' y pide disculpas a las víctimas | España

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elmundo.es - Coca-Cola ha decidido retirar su último anuncio protagonizado por el actor Gotzon Sánchez, conocido por apoyar públicamente a los presos de ETA, tras las quejas recibidas por los colectivos de víct...
Art & Entertainment

Opus Dei - Cultivar la interioridad en la era digital

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Opus Dei (España)
opusdei.es - Las nuevas tecnologías han aumentado el volumen de información que recibimos en cada instante, y quizás hoy ya no nos sorprenda que nos lleguen en tiempo real las noticias de sitios lejanos. Estar ...

Criacionismo: Os médicos e a teoria da evolução

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Michelson Borges
criacionismo.com.br - terça-feira, maio 20, 2014 Os médicos e a teoria da evolução Pergunte a quem conhece Uma sondagem recente levada a cabo pelo Louis Finkelstein Institute for Social and Religious Research apurou que...

Why do we always want something different?

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Christian Today
christiantoday.com - On Friday my two new books are published. I am taking a moment to celebrate that fact – to thank the editor who asked if I would like to write them, and to acknowledge all the hard work it took to ...
Art & Entertainment

Expoconvento: feria del dulce de convento en Santiago de CompostelaEcclesia Digital

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Ecclesia Digital
revistaecclesia.com - Feria del dulce de conventos y monasterios “expoconvento” en Santiago de Compostela La feria del dulce de conventos y monasterios “expoconvento” abre sus puertas del 28 de mayo al 1 de junio en la ...

Hallelujah! Why Bill Viola's Martyrs altarpiece at St Paul's is to die for | Art and design

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Church Times
theguardian.com - Bill Viola has created a powerful modern altarpiece for St Paul's Cathedral that perfectly suits the restrained spirituality of this most English of churches. Coming into Christopher Wren's great b...

Break the convention. Keep the commandments.

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Matthew Warner
theradicallife.org - It’s never been all that radical to break the commandments (i.e. to sin). Anybody can do so without much effort at all. What is rebellious is to keep the commandments, despite the ease of breaking ...
Art & Entertainment

Sex, Drugs, Rock & Roll, and Deryck Whibley: Rock Bottom for Some of Music's Best Becomes the Redemption Story Everyone Needs : Music : breathecast

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The Christian Post
breathecast.com - Rock stars have a name to live up to, and often times that "name" includes heavy partying, drugs, alcohol, and lots of promiscuous activity. Unfortunately as years go by it appears every couple of ...

Opportunity for organisations to join our Research Club

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Evangelical Alliance
eauk.org - Your organisation has the exciting opportunity to become a partner in our 21st Century Evangelicals research programme and gain vital data on your own profile and impact. An ongoing research progra...

Los geriátricos asumen el trabajo de la sanidad pública

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Derecho a Vivir
gaceta.es - Expertos en geriatría han denunciado que las residencias geriátricas están asumiendo el trabajo de la atención primaria de salud y de hospitales públicos, en un contexto en el que la población mayo...
Art & Entertainment

Um livro para aprender a amar a leitura

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Sérgio Pavarini
livrosepessoas.com - O trabalho apaixonado de um designer e um escritor para ensinar crianças a gostar de ler Ensinar a ler não é o suficiente para criar um país de leitores. Prova disso são os milhões de jovens e adul...
Art & Entertainment

No es mala idea lo que propone el cardenal Sistach

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infocatolica.com - El cardenal y arzobispo de Barcelona. S.E.R Lluís Martínez Sistach, acaba de pedir que se transforme “todo lo que sea necesario en la Iglesia” con el objetivo de ganar fieles en las grandes ciudade...

News Briefs/Rss | Catholic World Report - Global Church news and views

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Ignatius Insight
catholicworldreport.com - Vatican City, May 21, 2014 / 03:57 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri, secretary general of the Synod of Bishops, has emphasized that the next synod will not be focused exclusively on...

Ludovine de la Rochère : "J’appelle…"

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La Manif Pour Tous
valeursactuelles.com - Une telle pratique est un déshonneur pour la France, patrie des Droits de l’Homme. En effet, suite à la loi autorisant le mariage et l’adoption pour les couples de même sexe, le recours à  des mère...

Harry Reid’s War on Conservative Speech - Lisa De Pasquale - Page 1

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Heritage Foundation
townhall.com - Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has mentioned Charles and David Koch over 134 times from the floor of the Senate. Last week Sen. Reid announced that he would bring a constitutional amendment to t...

Enfoque a la Familia

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Enfoque a la Familia
enfoquealafamilia.com - Las reglas deben revisarse y evaluarse constantemente durante el crecimiento de nuestros hijos. Puede ser difícil saber cuándo y cómo modificar las restricciones, pero tenemos que hacerlo para ayud...
Art & Entertainment

Um Luau para ficar na história

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Comunidade Shalom
comshalom.org - Com certeza, na noite de 17 de maio, a população de Itapipoca olhava para o céu e via a lua. Da terra, as providências do Senhor para um inesquecível evento chamado LUAU 180 GRAUS que levou aproxim...

Fútbol y sexo sucio: las religiosas presentan su campaña contra la trata en el mundial de Brasil - ReL

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Religión en Libertad
religionenlibertad.com - Los Mundiales de fútbol que están por comenzar en Brasil (del 12 de junio al 13 de julio) son uno de esos enormes eventos en los cuales "los riesgos de la trata para explotación sexual y del trabaj...

Nace un periódico en Cuba

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Yoani Sánchez
14ymedio.com - "Hoy damos la bienvenida a un nuevo medio de comunicación, un diario digital que nace en un país sin libertad de prensa: Cuba. Los impulsores de esta arriesgada empresa, que dirige la bloguera Yoan...
Art & Entertainment

Opus Dei - "Un claro ejemplo de cómo hay que recorrer el camino de la santidad”

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Opus Dei (España)
opusdei.es - “Don Álvaro del Portillo es un claro ejemplo de cómo hay que recorrer el camino de la santidad”  (Intervención completa en formato PDF)  En su intervención semanal en el informativo diocesano de CO...
Art & Entertainment

Despertando conciencias en tierras del Cid: VotaValores, en Burgos

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hazteoir.org - Con más de 5200 kilómetros ya recorridos, el martes paramos en Burgos:en medio de la excelente acogida cívica, nos visitó de Ortega Lara. Camino de Santiago, los peregrinos tampoco se olvidaban de ...

Digitaler Waffen-Export: Sigmar Gabriel will Ausfuhr von Spionage-Software stoppen

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Index on Censorship
huffingtonpost.de - Diktatoren und Despoten sollen ihre Bürger nicht mehr mit deutscher Spionagetechnik kontrollieren können. Medienberichten zufolge will Bundeswirtschaftsminister Sigmar Gabriel (SPD) den Export von ...
Art & Entertainment

Criacionismo: Amantes de padres pedem ao papa fim do celibato

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Michelson Borges
criacionismo.com.br - terça-feira, maio 20, 2014 Amantes de padres pedem ao papa fim do celibato Orientação da igreja, não da Bíblia “Querido papa Francisco, somos um grupo de mulheres de muitas partes da Itália (mas nã...

Seúl, Andrew Yeom Soo-jung, visita Corea del NorteEcclesia Digital

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Ecclesia Digital
revistaecclesia.com - El arzobispo de Seúl, cardenal Andrew Yeom Soo-jung, visita Corea del Norte  El Cardenal Andrew Yeom Soo-jung, Arzobispo de Seul, es el primer Cardenal católico romano que ha puesto pie dentro de C...

Tribunal dos EUA declara: orar em público é um direito constitucional • ANAJURE

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anajure.org.br - No último dia 05 de maio, o Supremo Tribunal dos EUA decidiu (Click Aqui) que a tradição de realizar orações em público não fere a constituição do país. O assunto entrou em questão na pequena cidad...
Art & Entertainment

Concurso Cultural Literário (68)

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Mundo Cristão
livrosepessoas.com - Há ocasiões em que você fica perdida tentando saber por que seu filho faz o que faz, por que ele diz o que diz e pensa o que pensa? Acalme-se! Os homens não são, nem de longe, tão complexos quanto ...

Antifreeze Manager

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Evangelical Alliance
easilyfound.it - See this advert online at: http://eafnd.it/1h3ZrLQ or scan this QR Code. The Evangelical Alliance does not store any of the above data

Ex alcalde de Alcobendas (Madrid) deja UPyD y dice que sus siglas son las de "la mentira"

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PP de Madrid
eldiario.es - Así lo ha confirmado en una rueda de prensa él mismo que ha manifestado que esto "es lo que ha ocurrido cuando se establece un reglamento, no se cumple y no se corresponde con la realidad. UPyD son...

La defensa de la vida del concebido es un factor clave para los ciudadanos españoles

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Derecho a Vivir
hazteoir.org - La práctica totalidad de los votantes de cualquier partido considera que el Gobierno  debe crear y dotar presupuestariamente un plan de ayuda a la maternidad y un plan de adopción MADRID, 20 DE MAY...
Art & Entertainment

Jill Duggar's Wedding Registry Revealed, Shows Down-to-Earth Requests of Bride-to-Be

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The Christian Post
global.christianpost.com - This week fans of "19 Kids & Counting" will finally get the chance to see ... Jill Duggar has revealed that she "interrogated" her fiancé Derick Dillard ... Jill Duggar is set to marry Derick Dilla...

Repentance and a long-term view

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Archbishop Cranmer
nickbaines.wordpress.com - This is the script of this morning's Thought for the Day on BBC Radio4's Today programme. A month or two ago I had a coffee in London with a friend who has her own business coaching high-level exec...
Art & Entertainment

Somos todos leitores. Da Bíblia e de outro livro qualquer | Ultimatoonline

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ultimato.com.br - Ainda não há artigos publicados na seção "Palavra do leitor" em resposta a este texto.

Eventos | Betesda

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Sérgio Pavarini
betesda.com.br - DIA 09 DE MAIO – 19h30 Tema: Jogos divinos & divinos jogos. A instrumentalização da fé e do futebol. DIA 16 DE MAIO – 19h30 Tema: Existe um lado B – de bom – do fanatismo? DIA 23 DE MAIO – 19h30 Te...

What is the Goal of the Catholic Church?

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Catholic Exchange
catholicexchange.com - Why did Christ establish one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church? Why did the eternal Son of God become incarnate of the Virgin Mary, call the Twelve, establish them on the rock that is Peter, gi...

Canto Nuovo

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canto nuovo
cantonuovo.eu - Ogni settimana, in occasione dell’Udienza Generale per la catechesi del mercoledì, il Papa incontra i gruppi di fedeli e pellegrini.

3 Things Obamacare Is Doing to Workplace Health Coverage

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Heritage Foundation
blog.heritage.org - The vast majority of Americans have health coverage through their employers. Thus, during the health reform debate and after Obamacare’s passage, President Obama repeatedly asserted that those with...

PPFA trounced in Pennsylvania

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Right to Life
nationalrighttolifenews.org - Editor’s note. Later today we will post a full story on Tuesday’s election results. In the meanwhile, I’d like to share this with you from Pennsylvania. It was distributed to pro-lifers by Maria V....

Rock in Rio e o orgulho dos porcos - padrepauloricardo.org

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Padre Paulo Ricardo
padrepauloricardo.org - Atenção: Os comentários devem ser respeitosos e relacionados estritamente ao assunto do post. Toda polêmica será prontamente banida. Todos os comentários são de inteira responsabilidade de seus aut...

La Luz que hay en ti

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Un Curso De Milagros
spreaker.com - Clases en directo desde el Miracles Healing Center. Lunes 8:00am Ricard 1:00pm Angela 6:00pm Astrid Miercoles 8:00am Maria Torres 1:00pm Angela Jueves 8:00am Ramon " 1100am Astrid Viernes 8:00am Al...

El Papa participará en la próxima Conferencia Internacional sobre Nutrición de la FAO

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infocatolica.com - (FAO) Según ha informado el organismo internacional que dirige José Graziano da Silva, la participación del Pontífice en la conferencia organizada por la FAO y la Organización Mundial de la Salud (...

Soros dumped banks, bought tech, gold miners in first quarter - MarketWatch

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Angelica Saldaña
marketwatch.com - Intraday Data provided by SIX Financial Information and subject to terms of use. Historical and current end-of-day data provided by SIX Financial Information. Intraday data delayed per exchange req...

The Pope and the Patriarch in Jerusalem

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Crisis Magazine
crisismagazine.com - This coming Sunday, May 25, Pope Francis is scheduled to meet the Eastern Orthodox Church’s Ecumenical Patriarch (EP) Bartholomew at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem in order to commem...
Art & Entertainment

¿Bautizar marcianos verdes, dice el Papa? C.S. Lewis, San Jerónimo y otros autores lo plantearon - ReL

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Religión en Libertad
religionenlibertad.com - Este lunes, durante la homilía en la Casa Santa Marta, glosando lo chocante que resultó para San Pedro ver al Espíritu Santo descender sobre una comunidad de paganos, el Papa hizo una referencia hu...

WORLD | Midday Roundup: Answering for American drone strike deaths | Lynde Langdon

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WORLD News Group
worldmag.com - Execution justification. The Obama administration announced late yesterday it will release a secret memo explaining the president’s legal justification for using drones to kill American citizens ov...

Psalm 27:11 | Daily Bible Promise

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Top Bible Verses
dailybiblepromise.com - The Daily Bible Promise provides you with a daily Bible passage delivered via Twitter, Email, RSS or the Web. [ More about the DailyBiblePromise.com ] Suggestions are welcome via DM on Twitter or t...

El Sagrado Corazón profanado por el BNG

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hazteoir.org - Sr. Xavier Vence Deza, portavoz nacional del BNG:   Le traslado mi indignación y repulsa por la actuación contra la imagen del Sagrado Corazón de San Sadurniño por parte de la corporación municipal...

C. S. Lewis on Friendship | First Thoughts

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First Things
firstthings.com - In The Four Loves, C. S. Lewis writes, “Friendship (as the ancients saw) can be a school of virtue; but also (as they did not see) a school of vice. It is ambivalent. It makes good men better and b...

III Edición de la Campaña SOMOS: 33 ONG animan a los ciudadanos a colaborarEcclesia Digital

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Ecclesia Digital
revistaecclesia.com - 33 ONG animan a la colaboración ciudadana en la tercera edición de la campaña SOMOS 33 ONG animan a la colaboración ciudadana en la tercera edición de la campaña SOMOS Un 80% de la población españo...
Art & Entertainment

Somos todos filhos pródigos - Cristianismo Hoje

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Cristianismo Hoje
cristianismohoje.com.br - Daniel Smith, de 23 anos, entrou para a Universidade de Cedarville, uma faculdade cristã dos Estados Unidos, em 2008. Por fora, ele parecia um cristão genuíno – mas, por dentro, era como um filho p...

Impronta eugenésica del diagnóstico genético preimplantatorio

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Derecho a Vivir
centrodebioetica.org - Entre los procedimientos que mayores cambios han generado en la aplicación de las técnicas de fecundación artificial se encuentra el diagnóstico genético preimplantatorio (DGP). Es una técnica que ...
Art & Entertainment

21 fotos absurdas para provar que você tem a mente suja!

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Sérgio Pavarini
pavablog.com - Você, por acaso, está passeando pela internet… Olha as fotos de seus amigos em perfis de redes sociais, quando, sem mais nem menos, se depara com a imagem como a que está no topo desta página… “Cre...
Art & Entertainment

Dancing With The Stars Season 18: Candace Cameron Bure Shined for Jesus Throughout Entire Competition and Won the Hearts of America (VIDEO) : Artists : breathecast

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The Christian Post
breathecast.com - After a full season of covering Candace Cameron Bure's journey on "Dancing with the Stars" it is all over. The former "Full House" actress did not take home the Mirror Ball trophy, but she won over...

Ce que veut ce petit bonhomme est simple. Il va le dessiner sur le sol... et c'est bouleversant.

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La Manif Pour Tous
positivr.fr - Cette vidéo a été inspirée d’une histoire vraie qui s’est déroulée dans un orphelinat en Iraq pendant la guerre. Elle a été filmée en Inde pour promouvoir l’adoption, et lancée à l’occasion de la F...

Yes, Some People Will Have to Pay Back Their Obamacare Subsidies

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Heritage Foundation
blog.heritage.org - Obamacare offers subsidies to help pay for health insurance – if you are buying insurance through the federal exchange and your income qualifies. But now the word is out that at least 1 million peo...

God’s Character and Your Circumstances.

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The Reformed Hub
ordinarypastor.com - He arose early in the morning. There was no time to waste; after all, God had told him to do something. It was difficult but clear. He had to do it. Previously God had promised Abraham that he woul...

Second Teen Girl Almost Forced to Get Abortion After Another Teen Held at Clinic Against Her Will

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lifenews.com - by Steven Ertelt | Cleveland, OH | LifeNews.com | 5/20/14 12:53 PM The pro-life movement has been outraged over the last few days about what has happened to a pregnant 15-year-old girl in Buffalo, ...

Subscribe or renew today

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C of E Newspaper
churchnewspaper.com - To access all areas of our website and gain access to weekly online copies of the newspaper, you must be a subscription-paying member. You can choose to subscribe to the website, the printed editio...

Twenty states throw support behind lawsuit aimed at overturning Obamacare - Washington Times

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Angelica Saldaña
washingtontimes.com - Twenty states have signed onto a lawsuit challenging the Affordable Care Act on the grounds that it violated the Origination Clause by starting in the Senate instead of the House. The brief, filed ...


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Samuel Malafaia
samuelmalafaia.com.br - Embora a Educação seja um direito dos mais importantes que a constituição assegura aos cidadãos, é do conhecimento da população os inúmeros fatores que geram resultados negativos dentro do cenário ...

Obama: 'We All Know It Often Takes Too Long for Veterans to Get the Care They Need'

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cnsnews.com - (CNSNews.com) - "Even if we had not heard reports out of this Phoenix facility or other facilities, we all know that it often takes too long for veterans to get the care that they need," President ...

WORLD | Pattern of deception | Joel Belz

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WORLD News Group
worldmag.com - Nobody likes being lied to. J. Oliver Buswell Jr., president of Wheaton College during the 1930s, told me once that nothing is more debilitating to a college campus’s sense of community and well-be...


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São Paulo

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blog.cancaonova.com - No dia 15 de junho de 2014, das 07h30 às 18h30 no Ginásio do Ibirapuera, em São Paulo/SP, com o tema: “Celebrando a Verdadeira Vitória”, a Canção Nova vai realizar mais um grande evento com as pres...
Art & Entertainment

El cardenal Sistach pide transformar lo que sea necesario en la Iglesia para ganar fieles

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infocatolica.com - (Agencias/InfoCatólica) La primera fase del congreso reúne a una quincena de ponentes y expertos internacionales que ahondan en el papel de la Iglesia en las grandes ciudades y en los retos en la n...

University of Michigan Unveils On-Campus Napping Station

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relevantmagazine.com - A student at the University of Michigan may have just started a napping revolution. Transfer student Adrian Bazbaz wasn’t used to the late night cramming sessions and sleep deprived lifestyles of h...

Young Iranians Arrested for Being Too 'Happy in Tehran' - NYTimes.com

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Index on Censorship
thelede.blogs.nytimes.com - Last Updated, 11:00 p.m. | Just days after Iran’s president denounced Internet censorship as “cowardly,” six young Iranians were arrested and forced to repent on state television Tuesday for the gr...

Video:Today’s Earth & Space News- Earthquake Watch, Meteor Shower, Cold Records Broken 

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truthisscary.com - Daily News and Blogs Video:Today’s Earth & Space News- Earthquake Watch, Meteor Shower, Cold Records Broken Wireless Microchip Implant Set For Human Trials Fed Court Ruling: Police Can Kick in Your...

Interconnected | Institute of Marriage and Family Canada

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Focus on the Family
imfcanada.org - How abortion impacts mothers, families and our society This paper examines research that is typically ignored about abortion’s effect on the family. The impact of abortion on marriage, sexuality, m...

Man Punches His Pregnant Wife in the Stomach to Try to Kill His Own Child

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lifenews.com - by Jeannie Deangelis | Charlotte, NC | LifeNews.com | 5/21/14 9:43 AM Charlotte, NC (LiveActionNews) — In a story that could cause a commotion in the pro-choice community, on the Monday following M...

Libertad religiosa negada en Corea del NorteEcclesia Digital

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Ecclesia Digital
revistaecclesia.com -  La libertad religiosa está negada por completo en toda Corea del Norte, considerada la nación más hostil al cristianismo de todo el mundo: el informe “World Watch List 2013”, publicado por la Orga...
Art & Entertainment

Papa reflexiona sobre el Don de Ciencia

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Canción Nueva
cancionnueva.com.es - Francisco invitó a los fieles a pedir el don de la ciencia para entender que la creación es el regalo más bello de Dios para la humanidad. En su catequesis de este miércoles 21, aún sobre los dones...

VotaValores.org triunfa en Pamplona: comprometidos con lo innegociable

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hazteoir.org - REDACCIÓN HO / DERECHO A VIVIR NAVARRA.- El objetivo de VotaValores.org es influir en el debate electoral para que los partidos políticos traten asuntos que habitualmente no consideran prioritarios...

Colorado clinic offering Plan B to 12-year-olds without parental consent

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liveactionnews.org - A yearlong investigation in Colorado uncovered shocking information. Colorado state law allows children to have access to “reproductive health services” without needing their parents’ knowledge or ...
Art & Entertainment

“Igualzinha à sua mãe...” – Edição 348

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ultimato.com.br - A EDIÇÃO ATUAL (maio-junho) está em circulação. Acesso exclusivo para assinantes. Ainda não há artigos publicados na seção "Palavra do leitor" em resposta a este texto.

Bl. Franz Jägerstätter: Martyr-Dad

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Catholic Exchange
catholicexchange.com - “I cannot think of any need in childhood as strong as the need for a father’s protection.” ~ Sigmund Freud Martyrdom is inimical to human fatherhood – or, at least, it seriously goes against the gr...

Scalabrinian presence in Cincinnati to end after 124 years

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Catholic Telegraph
thecatholictelegraph.com - The once 300-family strong Italian parish from 5th and Broadway in downtown Cincinnati eventually merged with the predominantly German Camp Washington church of the same name in 1970 but all along,...

SBA List Candidate Fund Cheers Leslie Rutledge Advancement in Arkansas

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Susan B Anthony List
sba-list.org - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 21, 2014 Contact: Mallory Quigley, mquigley@sba-list.org, 703-380-6674 SBA List Candidate Fund Cheers Leslie Rutledge Advancement in Arkansas WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today the...

irmaos.com - Notícias

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irmaos.com - Começamos apenas com o Podcast irmaos.com que desde o início leva temas atuais e relevantes aos seus ouvintes, mas com o tempo novas amizades e parcerias foram surgindo e hoje temos 5 podcasts dife...
Art & Entertainment

El PSOE publica un vídeo proabortista y Derecho a Vivir replica con otro en defensa de la vida

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Derecho a Vivir
infocatolica.com - (Agencias/InfoCatólica) El vídeo del PSOE, de 40 segundos de duración, muestra una sucesión de mujeres jóvenes que observan cómo en sus vientres ha aparecido una mancha gris azulada, y termina con ...
Art & Entertainment

Evento no Recife (22 a 25/05) – Festival Internacional de Poesia « GogoJob

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gogojob.com.br - Em vários momentos na história a palavra esteve ligada à divindade e a poesia serviu de veículo para essa aproximação com o sagrado. Desde a epopeia de Gilgamesh ao Popol Vuh maia, passando pela Di...

Free Tickets - Tearfund

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tearfund.org - The idea is that you use this opportunity to bring someone who maybe hasn’t been to this kind of event before, someone who isn’t currently part of your church…. We’ve got 1,000 tickets to give away...

Autorité parentale : une réforme faite pour les parents, pas pour les enfants - Le nouvel Observateur

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La Manif Pour Tous
rue89.nouvelobs.com - Une loi sur la famille dépourvue de la GPA, PMA... (Na !) Des députés ont rédigé une proposition de loi « relative à l’autorité parentale et à l’intérêt de l’enfant ». Le texte est examiné à l’Asse...

Obama Administration Deems Gun Retailers 'High-Risk'

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Heritage Foundation
blog.heritage.org - Leave it to the Obama administration to come up with perhaps the most backdoor strategy to date to go after guns. Operation Choke Point, launched by the Department of Justice in 2013, was initially...

The Art of Seeing the Divine

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Judy Rey Wasserman
artofseeingthedivine.com - Post Conceptual UnGraven Image Art theory is based at the intersection of ancient spiritual wisdom and cutting edge contemporary science. It shows us a new and enhanced spiritual and science based ...
Art & Entertainment

Toni Braxton 'Unbreak My Heart': Memoir Reveals Singer's Belief that Son's Autism is God's Judgement For Previous Abortion (VIDEO) : Music : breathecast

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The Christian Post
breathecast.com - For some Christians God is a gracious father who forgives and loves his children despite what they deserve, but for R&B singer Toni Braxton and many others, God’s judgment sometimes over rules His ...

LEC 141 Repaso lecciones 121-122.

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Un Curso De Milagros
spreaker.com - UCDM Desde tu Mente Integra LEC 141 Repaso lecciones 121-122.


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Samuel Malafaia
samuelmalafaia.com.br - A Assembleia Legislativa do Rio (Alerj) votará hoje, quarta-feira (24/04), em primeira discussão, durante sessão extraordinária às 18h35, o projeto de lei 1.074/11, que torna obrigatória a instalaç...

Here come the rice-grain-sized brain implants: Stanford discovers way of beaming power to microimplants deep inside your body

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Angelica Saldaña
extremetech.com - Howdy othelzer. Meaning no disrespect, but I have a hard time accepting your comment. Humans can’t be bathed in High Energy Electromagnetic Radio Waves without experiencing cataracts, various types...

Reach Beyond focuses on future strategy - Mission Network News

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Mission Network News
mnnonline.org - Spain (ReachBeyond) — Social media usage is up 800% since the debut of Twitter in 2006. As Facebook marked its 10th anniversary in February, it had more than 1.2 billion monthly active users, chang...

Obama Touts 'Progress' at VA In Response to Veteran Deaths

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cnsnews.com - In a press conference today, President Obama touted the "progress" his administration has made in veteran care, as the Veterans Administration is embroiled in a scandal over secret waiting lists th...

Gaviões da Fiel destrói corrimão e 74 cadeiras do “Fielzão”

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Fitzcarraldo Çilva
blogdopaulinho.wordpress.com - O saldo do primeiro jogo oficial do Corinthians no "Fielzão" não foi nada positivo, em todos os sentidos. A equipe de futebol deu vexame, perdendo para o Figueirense, último colocado do Brasileirão...

LAY CHAPLAIN, ST. JOSEP'S CATHOLIC COLLEGE SWINDON :: Catholic Youth Ministry, News, Development, Programs

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catholicyouthwork.com - CatholicYouthWork.com » Forum » Jobs in Catholic Youth Ministry » Catholic Youth Ministry Jobs UK » LAY CHAPLAIN, ST. JOSEP'S CATHOLIC COLLEGE SWINDON Author Topic: LAY CHAPLAIN, ST. JOSEP'S CATHOL...

WORLD | Three newborns challenge pro-abortion assumptions | Andrew Branch

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WORLD News Group
worldmag.com - Two cases of newborns beating the odds are making international news, illustrating the value of life, and literally defying those who wanted them dead. “He's more perfect than we could have ever im...
Art & Entertainment

Radio America

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blog.cancaonova.com - O Tríduo Pascal nos convida a fixar os olhos no olhar de Jesus A Igreja Católica vive nestes dias a sua maior celebração dentro de calendário litúrgico, que é o Tríduo Pascal que culmina na grande ...

Sin and Control | Web Exclusives | Daily Writings From Our Top Writers

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First Things
firstthings.com - One cannot encounter Orthodoxy without also encountering food aplenty. People customarily do not eat their first meal until after receiving the Eucharist, so eating together comes to define the com...

Tagging friends on Facebook without consent might end in arrest, warns TRA

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Index on Censorship
7daysindubai.com - Facebook users who tag people without their consent or post photographs of alcohol could face a fine and even jail time, the UAE government has warned. Taggers could be charged with breach of priva...

Jeffrey Murawsky VA scandal nominated to replace Petzel

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fireandreamitchell.com - U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) sent a letter today to President Obama calling on the President to withdraw his nomination of Dr. Jeffrey Murawsky to serve as Under Secretary of Health at the Depar...

Pablo Arias en las Matas: “España vuelve a ser un referente en Europa gracias a las políticas del Partido Popular”

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PP de Madrid
europeas2014.ppmadrid.es - El Salón de Actos del Centro Cívico de Las Matas se llenó ayer de vecinos y simpatizantes del PP que no quisieron perderse el mitin de campaña protagonizado por el presidente del PP de Las Rozas, J...
Art & Entertainment

Pido sugerencias para el señor cardenal de Barcelona

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infocatolica.com - Sacerdote diocesano de Madrid. Se presenta y se define como cura. Licenciado en teología pastoral, lleva más de treinta años ejerciendo su ministerio en parroquias de la diócesis, algunos de ellos ...

Pope Francis News

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Our Sunday Visitor
osv.com - Our Sunday Visitor is your resource for the latest on Pope Francis. Check out the stream below for Pope Francis-related articles, and follow on Twitter: Follow Our Sunday Visitor (@OSV), Catholic N...

El arzobispo de Jos (Nigeria) denuncia violencia contra los cristianosEcclesia Digital

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Ecclesia Digital
revistaecclesia.com - El arzobispo de Jos (Nigeria) denuncia violencia contra los cristianos Arzobispo de Jos (Nigeria): “Las bombas golpean el diálogo entre cristianos y musulmanes, pero no nos dejamos intimidar” “La s...

Teachers, staff to retire after years of service - The Arlington Catholic Herald

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Arl Catholic Herald
catholicherald.com - According to the diocesan Office of Catholic Schools, the following people will retire at the end of this school year: Bishop O’Connell High School in Arlington, Richard Martin, who taught for 42 y...

«Frenazo en seco al acoso educativo», por Álvaro Ybarra Pacheco

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profesionalesetica.org - La pasada semana saltaba a los medios de comunicación la noticia de que el Tribunal Supremo de Andalucía ha puesto freno al acoso ideológico al que la Junta de Andalucía está sometiendo a los coleg...
Art & Entertainment

Rádio Mous

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betomous.com - Recanto Ao Vivo foi eleito o Melhor Show do Ano pelo Prêmio Multishow e Jornal O Globo. Incluindo canções do último álbum Recanto, Gal ainda revê grandes sucessos de sua carreira, como "Baby", "Vap...

No Child Taken - We want to see 50,000 vulnerable children protected - Tearfund - Tearfund

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tearfund.org - Trafficking is the fastest growing crime in the world, ravaging the lives of 1.2 million children across the world every year. That number is set to rise, unless we stop it in its tracks. The good ...

Art & Bible Free eBook now formatted for Kindle, iPads, Android & More

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Judy Rey Wasserman
artofseeingthedivine.com - In the Beginning ebook is now available in your choice of four formats. This means that whatever your preferred color eBook device is, there is a format that specifically fits your needs! Post Conc...

Church schools equip children to resist extremism - Telegraph

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telegraph.co.uk - In the middle of all this lively activity the Archbishop of Canterbury was launching new guidance for C of E schools on challenging bullying. In other words, the Church was continuing to do what it...

Conselho Episcopal Latino Americano realiza visita a Santa Sé

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Arautos do Evangelho
gaudiumpress.org - Cidade do Vaticano (Terça-feira, 20-05-2014, Gaudium Press) Iniciou-se nesta segunda-feira, 19, a visita anual da Presidência do Conselho Episcopal Latino-americano (CELAM) ao Papa Francisco e à Sa...


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Samuel Malafaia
samuelmalafaia.com.br - Foi aprovada no plenário da Alerj, emenda do deputado Samuel Malafaia à Lei de Diretrizes Orçamentárias, determinando a garantia de leitos para tratamento de dependentes químicos em todos os hospit...

El PPC: "Votar UPyD y C's es votar independencia" - Libertad Digital

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libertaddigital.com - El PPC: "Votar UPyD y C's es votar independencia" La directora de campaña, Dolors Montserrat, pide no votar a Rivera y Rosa Díez. "Todos juntos caben en un taxi", dice. Temas Elecciones europeas 20...

Export-Import Bank Doesn't Really Help American Small Business

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Heritage Foundation
blog.heritage.org - Saying that something helps small businesses is a great way to gain public support for your cause. Except when it’s not true. Take, for example, claims about the government-run Export-Import Bank, ...

Follow Christ, Pope Francis tells the bishops of Italy :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

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Catholic Pulse
catholicnewsagency.com - Vatican City, May 20, 2014 / 03:07 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- In his address Monday at the opening of the Italian bishops’ general assembly – the first time a Pope has delivered the inaugural lecture – P...

Mail-Order Abortions? Plan B Drug Now Available for Sale at Amazon

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lifenews.com - by Steven Ertelt | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 5/20/14 5:15 PM The Plan B drug is now available for sale at Amazon.com. The drug, which may cause a very early-term abortion in some cases if con...

Failing Does Not = Failure

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Scott Williams
bigisthenewsmall.com - Failure is defined as - an act or instance of failing or proving unsuccessful; lack of success. That definition is clear, however it’s not about whether or not you fail, but rather how you handle t...

WORLD | Called up | J.C. Derrick

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WORLD News Group
worldmag.com - BALTIMORE—On April 8, 2011, Chris Davis was living by himself in a one-bedroom apartment with two items—an air mattress and a TV. Actually, Davis says, there were three items, because the TV was si...

Scientists Finally Admit There Is a Second, Secret DNA Code Which Controls Genes 

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truthisscary.com - The fascinating and recent discovery of a new, second DNA code further lends credence to what metaphysical scientists have been saying for millennia — the body speaks two different languages. Since...

G1 - Grávidas denunciam médico cubano por abuso sexual em posto de saúde - notícias em Goiás

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Sérgio Augusto
g1.globo.com - A Polícia Civil investiga a denúncia de três grávidas contra um médico cubano integrante do programa federal Mais Médicos que atua desde o início do ano em um posto de saúde de Luziânia, cidade goi...

Presidente do PT diz que é preciso reduzir número de debates - 15/05/2014 - Poder - Folha de S.Paulo

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folha.uol.com.br - O presidente do PT, Rui Falcão, acredita que há debates demais no Brasil, o que está levando o modelo à "banalização". Para ele, o número precisa ser reduzido e os veículos de comunicação deveriam ...

The Compass: May 21, 2014: Pope Francis kisses a sleeping baby...

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The Compass GreenBay
thecompassnews.tumblr.com - May 21, 2014: Pope Francis kisses a sleeping baby as he leaves his general audience in St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican May 21. (CNS photo | Paul Haring)

Mary Smartt Called Home

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byFaith Online
byfaithonline.com - Ben Phillips,  associate pastor at Chestnut Mountain Presbyterian Church, reports that Mary Smartt, wife of Kennedy Smartt, went to be with the Lord May 21 at around 9:30 am. “We rejoice with Kenne...

Another Chinese church set to be demolished

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christiantoday.com - As fears surrounding the right to religious freedom in China rise, yet another church has been officially marked for demolition by government officials. Xiaying Holy Love church in Ningbo, a seapor...

CNBB Nordeste 2: Peregrinação Nacional da Família terá missas no Santuário de Aparecida

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cnbbne2.org.br - 23:26 | Posted by Assessoria de Comunicação CNBB NE2 Peregrinação Nacional da Família terá missas no Santuário de Aparecida Com o tema “Família: caminhar com a luz de Cristo e a sabedoria do Evange...

Everyday Faith Blog | A Little Boy, a Big Rock

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Our Sunday Visitor
osvparish.com - The five year-old boy jumped out of the stopped van, as his father and brothers prepared to go fishing. Walking near the water, he looked for rocks on the shore. He first gathered several smaller o...

Media in Serbia: the government's double standard

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Index on Censorship
balcanicaucaso.org - I do not believe in chance, and I know "where all this is coming from and who is behind it". Thus Aleksandar Vučić, Prime Minister of Serbia, commented the statement by Michael Davenport, head of t...

Annandale parish celebrates golden jubilee - The Arlington Catholic Herald

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Arl Catholic Herald
catholicherald.com - In 1964, Richmond Bishop John J. Russell blessed a 15-acre parcel of land in Annandale creating Holy Spirit Parish. The new parish took nearly 500 families from St. Michael Parish in Annandale and ...

La llegada de Del Cura a la Alcaldía abre una nueva crisis en IU Rivas - La Razón digital

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PP de Madrid
larazon.es - «La crisis en Izquierda Unida de Rivas empieza y acaba con mi dimisión». La pasada semana, José Masa pronunció esta frase al anunciar su dimisión como alcalde de la ciudad. Renunciaba tras la guerr...

On the Seventh Day, We Unplug: How and Why to Take a Tech Sabbath

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New Advent
artofmanliness.com - In 2012, the average American consumed 13.6 hours of media each day. By 2015, that number is expected to rise to 15.5. These figures include media multitasking, e.g., listening to music while check...

Summary of Connected in the Spirit Decisions for Indianapolis Deaneries

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The Criterion
archindy.org - When a Parish Merges into another Parish: these parishes are what the Congregation for the Clergy refers to as extinctive union between parishes.  In this model, one parish is merged into another p...

Can Christians vote for UKIP with a clear conscience? – UKIP responds « God and Politics in the UK

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godandpoliticsuk.org - This excellent article helps confirm my decision to vote for UKIP in the European elections. With regard to the EU specifically, there is a Biblical principle concerning the status and nature of th...

Papa define como “estritamente religiosa” sua viagem à Terra Santa

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Arautos do Evangelho
gaudiumpress.org - Cidade do Vaticano (Quarta-feira, 21-05-2014, Gaudium Press) - A viagem do Papa Francisco à Terra Santa será realizada entre os próximos dias 24 e 26. O Pontífice definiu sua viagem como sendo "est...
Art & Entertainment

Virgen Soledad Ponferrada (León) recibe coronación canónicaEcclesia Digital

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Ecclesia Digital
revistaecclesia.com - La Virgen de la Soledad de Ponferrada (León) recibe la coronación canónica La Virgen de la Soledad de Ponferrada (León) recibió el pasado domingo, de manos del Sr. Obispo de la Diócesis de Astorga,...

Nuevo ataque a la libertad religiosa en China: el Gobierno destruye el Vía Crucis de una iglesia católica

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hazteoir.org - El gobierno chino sigue empeñado en limitar la libertad religiosa sobre todo en regiones como la de Zhejiang, donde el número de cristianos crece “alarmantemente” para las autoridades. Ahora, le ha...

Destituido el responsable del hacinamiento de los cadáveres

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HO Jóvenes
gaceta.es - El rector de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, José Carrillo, ha destituido hoy al director del Departamento de Anatomía y Embriología Humana II de la Facultad de Medicina, José Ramón Mérida, r...


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Samuel Malafaia
samuelmalafaia.com.br - A partir de agora, a carteira funcional de servidores estaduais poderá ser usada como comprovante de identidade em todo o estado. Segundo a Lei 6.603, publicada hoje no Diário Oficial do Executivo,...

CNN Anchor Shamelessly Rages Against ‘Climate Change Deniers’ During Straight News Hour

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Matt Barber
barbwire.com - Fresh off promises from her boss Jeff Zucker that CNN will pursue more stories on global warming — whether their audience likes it or not — CNN anchor Carol Costello presided over a segment with tw...

Typical new US priest: 32-year-old who prays Rosary, takes part in Eucharistic adoration : News Headlines - Catholic Culture

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Catholic Pulse
catholicculture.org - The typical member of the priestly ordination class of 2014 is a 32-year-old cradle Catholic who has three or more siblings, according to a survey of 365 of the 477 men slated to be ordained to the...

Lula em 2010: “se Brasil não estiver pronto para Copa, volto a nado da África”

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Pra.Cynthia Ferreira
ln.is - People are already having fun with Linkis.com, sharing links easily and customizing them in few simple clicks. It's super cool automation feature does everything for you. Sit back and have fun whil...
Art & Entertainment

Coca-Cola se anuncia con un actor 'abertzale' | España

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elmundo.es - Sin duda, el último anuncio emitido por Coca-Cola llama la atención. Ese niño que le cuenta, entre apuros, a su padre que se ha vuelto del Atleti... Ese padre que le tranquiliza porque deben explic...

HHS Confirmation Hearings: 49,000 Words, Zero on Abortion-Drug Mandate

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cnsnews.com - In these two hearings, according to transcripts published by CQ Transcriptions, the senators and the nominee spoke approximately 49,000 words. Not one of these words directly addressed the contrace...
Art & Entertainment

CUARTO REPASO - Introducción | Un Curso De Milagros Lección Del Dia

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Un Curso De Milagros
acimdailylesson.com - Damos comienzo ahora a un nuevo repaso, conscientes esta vez de que nos estamos preparando para la segunda parte del aprendizaje en la que se nos enseña cómo aplicar la verdad. Hoy empezaremos a pr...

WORLD | The evil that men do | Mindy Belz

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WORLD News Group
worldmag.com - In the end Deborah stepped on a plane in Nigeria and stepped off in the United States. Twice refused a visitor’s visa, she received a rare reprieve: U.S. consular officers in Nigeria at the last mi...

Ariovaldo Ramos fala da ação da Igreja no combate à exploração sexual infantil: "É urgente"

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Portal Guiame
guiame.com.br - No dia 18 de abril, Dia Nacional da Luta Contra o Abuso Sexual de Crianças e Adolescentes, foi dado início à 'Semana de Enfrentamento ao Abuso e Exploração Sexual' - Lei Nº 15.965/2014, de autoria ...


Cristianismo e Política + Christianity and Politics + União multi-denominacional (evangélicos, católicos, etc) em defesa dos valores cristãos e da democracia



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