04 November 2016

NO-PC 2016.11.03 all @livrexpress

The NO-PC Daily

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'Voter fraud'? California man finds dozens of ballots stacked outside home

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Roger Olivieri
foxnews.com - Jerry Mosna was gardening outside his San Pedro, Calif., home Saturday when he noticed something odd: Two stacks of 2016 ballots on his mailbox. Totaling 83, the unused ballots were addressed to di...

Hugh Hewitt now says he's 'inclined' to vote for Trump

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politico.com - The statement marks a sharp contrast between Hugh Hewitt now and a month prior, when he called for Donald Trump to "withdraw" from the race. | Getty Conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt reversed fie...

Guten Morgen 19 - Putin contra o mundo – Senso Incomum

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Tereza Cristina
sensoincomum.org - Guten Morgen, Brasilien! Continuando o tema de nosso último episódio, vamos entender a movimentação militar de Vladimir Putin – afinal, por que um presidente que já foi chefe da KGB – e, portanto, ...

Millions Of Drunk Cubs Fans Rioting In Heaven Following World Series Win

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Ben Shapiro
theonion.com - THE HEAVENS—Following a 8-7 victory over the Cleveland Indians that clinched the team’s first World Series title since 1908, sources confirmed Wednesday that millions of intoxicated Chicago Cubs fa...
Meio Ambiente

‘Não voto com minha vagina’: Susan Sarandon explica por que se nega a apoiar Hillary

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Cruzeirense Golfista
g1.globo.com - A atriz Susan Sarandon declarou à BBC que não pretende votar na candidata democrata, Hillary Clinton, para a Presidência dos Estados Unidos. "Não voto com minha vagina", afirmou ela em entrevista a...
Meio Ambiente

O perigo Hillary e o gênio maligno de John Podesta

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Arteira Artesanal
revistaamalgama.com.br - Erguido a inimigo número um da humanidade pela grande imprensa mundial, Donald Trump conquistou esse posto seja por sua personalidade extravagante e discurso boquirroto, seja por representar uma re...
Meio Ambiente

Nasa confirma catástrofe no Brasil

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Salomão Carvalho
canalgama.com.br - A costa norte e nordeste brasileira, fato que desperta a preocupação de algumas autoridades, tendo em vista a inexistência de qualquer mecanismo de prevenção de tsunamis no Brasil. Todos os anos, n...

"Amoral masculinity": a theory for understanding Trump from feminist contrarian Christina Hoff Sommers

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Ben Shapiro
vox.com - Gender is a cardinal issue in this year’s election. On one side is the first woman to have won the presidential nomination of a major party and on the other is a raging misogynist who has celebrate...

Swiss Imam Arrested After Calling for Death of Moderate Muslims

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breitbart.com - The Swiss city of Winterthur has become the capital of Islamic extremism in recent years largely due to the radical An’Nur mosque. This week a prominent imam was arrested on charges that he advocat...

Over 200 Reasons (and counting) Cthulhu should be our next president

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cthulhuforamerica.com - In 2016, we won’t just choose our next president. America will choose a direction for our country on issues from religious liberty to immigration to climate change to building an economy that helps...

Donald Trump's Scottish roots

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cnn.com - The weather is often harsh and unrelenting; the wind whips your ears constantly. All that lies between the island and America are 3,000 miles of churning Atlantic waves. Amid a trove of birth, deat...

Info for tonight - WikiLeaks

Partilhado por
Roger Olivieri
wikileaks.org - How to contact WikiLeaks? What is Tor? Tips for Sources After Submitting This key's fingerprint is A04C 5E09 ED02 B328 03EB 6116 93ED 732E 9231 8DBA -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- mQQNBFUoCGg...

Janot deve explicar porque a PGR é contra ação que exclui réu Renan da sucessão presidencial

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Roger Olivieri
jornalivre.com - O STF julga nesta quinta-feira um uma Arguição de Descumprimento de Preceito Fundamental (ADPF) que exclui da sucessão presidencial indivíduos que tenham se tornado réus no Supremo Tribunal Federal...

Apocalypse now: Gun buyers stockpiling firearms ahead of Election Day

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Roger Olivieri
salon.com - With just days left before American voters decide who will replace President Barack Obama, many in the nation’s gun-owning public seem to be preparing for a dystopian future of jackbooted liberal g...

Task force working in shifts to handle new email cache in Clinton probe

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Edmilson Papo 10
foxnews.com - A special team of analysts has been activated to sort and sift through the cache of newly discovered emails that kick-started the dormant Hillary Clinton email probe, two intelligence sources confi...

Haddad lidera ranking de endividados no primeiro turno da eleição - 03/11/2016 - Poder - Folha de S.Paulo

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folha.uol.com.br - Derrotado no primeiro turno da disputa em que buscou a reeleição, o prefeito de São Paulo, Fernando Haddad (PT), dará palestras e fará eventos para tentar cobrir o rombo de R$ 8,5 milhões que resto...
Arte & Entretenimento

Otherkin Are People Too; They Just Identify as Nonhuman | VICE | Canada

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Henry Makow
vice.com - Otherkin are people who identify as partially or entirely nonhuman. A dragon, a lion, a fox—you name it—there is probably someone out there who feels like they are more these things than they are h...

WikiLeaks: Clinton Camp Plotted to Circumvent Clean Election Laws

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Getúlio Santana
lifezette.com - The Clinton campaign sought to use election law loopholes to maximize their coordination with independent big-money committees, all while suing the Republicans if they attempted similar tactics. De...

Arabia Saudita usa dinero del petróleo para difundir islam radical, alerta sacerdote

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Elentir ن
aciprensa.com - ROMA, 02 Nov. 16 / 06:05 pm (ACI).- El P. Samir Khalil Samir, doctor en Islamología y profesor del Pontificio Instituto Oriental y del Pontificio Instituto de Estudios Árabes e Islamistas, en Roma ...

Donald Trump Jets Out to Lead in Rasmussen Poll - Breitbart

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breitbart.com - Trump, at 45 percent overall, leads Clinton—who’s down at 42 percent. Libertarian Gary Johnson takes four percent and the Green Party’s Dr. Jill Stein takes one percent, while two percent like anot...

Only We the People Can Awaken America from 2016’s Nightmare

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Roger Olivieri
nationalreview.com - Like all the worst nightmares, 2016 started off with such promise. The Republican field of 17 was star-studded, including accomplished governors, senators, and business leaders. And it was diverse,...

Re: HRC reactions - WikiLeaks

Partilhado por
Roger Olivieri
wikileaks.org - How to contact WikiLeaks? What is Tor? Tips for Sources After Submitting This key's fingerprint is A04C 5E09 ED02 B328 03EB 6116 93ED 732E 9231 8DBA -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- mQQNBFUoCGg...

Haitian-Americans at Trump Miami Rally Slam Clintons' Corruption

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Getúlio Santana
breitbart.com - Yves, 25, came from nearby Fort Lauderdale to attend the noontime rally. He told Breitbart News that Hillary Clinton had turned Haiti into a “mess,” and that corruption was the most important issue...

Banner Unveiled at Newseum for Marine Vet-Journalist Missing for 4 Years in Syria

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Edmilson Papo 10
insider.foxnews.com - The mother of a U.S. Marine veteran and journalist who was kidnapped in Syria four years ago joined Jenna Lee on Happening Now. Austin Tice was kidnapped in 2012 and since then, his family has only...

Fatal shootings of police officers are up more than 50 percent from last year - Breaking911

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Roger Olivieri
breaking911.com - Police in Iowa recently took a 46-year-old white man named Scott Michael Greene into custody in connection with the ambush killings of two officers in the Des Moines area Wednesday morning. Those t...

Casta de juízes milionários do Brasil faz do Poder Judiciário um reprodutor das injustiças

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Yuri Vieira
cartacampinas.com.br - O Estadão publica hoje mais uma das matérias que mostram, outra vez,  o absurdo das remunerações milionárias dos juízes e desembargadores brasileiros. Desta vez, para mostrar que ganham tanto ou ma...

Re: DRAFT: TPs on guns for tomorrow in NH - WikiLeaks

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I Hate The Media
wikileaks.org - Secondary verification by google.com DKIM key Re: DRAFT: TPs on guns for tomorrow in NH From:eaden@hillaryclinton.com To: mrooney@hillaryclinton.com Date: 2015-10-04 19:53 Subject: Re: DRAFT: TPs o...

White House Watch

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Felipe Moura Brasil
rasmussenreports.com - Republican Donald Trump has a three-point lead in Rasmussen Reports’ White House Watch survey. Among voters who are certain how they will vote, Trump now has over 50% support. The latest national t...

UK report: Muslim men 200 times more prone to rape children than non-Muslims...

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Getúlio Santana
10news.dk - Three West Midlands Police officers abused their position of authority by sexually exploiting underage children in the last two years. The predators in uniform were sacked or resigned after being c...

Undercover video exposes Dems' RACIST comments about black voters... - Allen B. West - AllenBWest.com

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Roger Olivieri
allenbwest.com - Project Veritas has blown the covers off many uncomfortable truths about the ugly lengths Democrats are going to elect Hillary Clinton president, including planting violence at Donald Trump rallies...

Pardon me: The Hillary scandals are just getting started

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Roger Olivieri
thehill.com - If you think you have scandal fatigue now, just wait. Should Hillary ClintonHillary Rodham ClintonLGBT Republican groups campaigning for Curbelo in Fla. Chelsea Clinton: 'I'm really lucky' my mom h...

Jews driven back to Germany by Brexit | Letters

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Roger Olivieri
theguardian.com - I, too, have applied for restored citizenship (Jewish refugees’ families seek German citizenship, 31 October). It is not a decision taken lightly by me, nor by any Jew who suffered the loss of fami...

All Blacks team named for Chicago Test

Partilhado por
Roger Olivieri
allblacks.com - The matchday 23 is (with Test caps in brackets): 1. Joe Moody (20) 2. Dane Coles (46) 3. Owen Franks (87) 4. Patrick Tuipulotu (10) 5. Jerome Kaino (75) 6. Liam Squire (6) 7. Sam Cane (37) 8. Kiera...

ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi says he is confident in victory

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Roger Olivieri
dailymail.co.uk - The leader of ISIS has urged suicide bombers to attack western cities as Iraqi forces close in on his hideout in Mosul and the jihadis defeat appears imminent. In his first statement since the majo...

Trump Slams Media in Miami - Crowd Chants ‘CNN Sucks!’ - Breitbart

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Getúlio Santana
breitbart.com - Trump called integrity in journalism an important issue, but then denounced the media as “dishonest” and cited a New York Post piece by Michael Goodwin. “Another important issue for Americans his i...

‘Ben’, de ‘Lost’, explica final da série: ‘shakespeariano’ | VEJA.com

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veja.abril.com.br - O final de Lost continua a ser tema de teorias e análises. O ator Michael Emerson, que deu vida a Benjamin Linus, explicou o fim da série durante a Walker Stalker Convention, convenção realizada no...

Grêmio já está na final da Copa do Brasil

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Getúlio Santana
espnfc.espn.uol.com.br - Pode colar este texto no vestiário do Cruzeiro. Nossa, que genial. Nunca ninguém fez isso antes pra mexer com o brio de jogadores. Então tá, tudo bem. Podem ler, jogadores. Vocês já estão eliminado...

Wikileaks Exposes Collusion Between Clinton Campaign, State Department, And New York Times - Tea Party News

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I Hate The Media
teaparty.org - At the same time as the latest Wikileaks email dump revealed an email sent from the gmail account of DOJ assistant attorney general, Peter Kadzik, to the gmail account of John Podesta, warning him ...

WikiLeaks - Search the DNC email database

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The #FreeRicky Tree
wikileaks.org - How to contact WikiLeaks? What is Tor? Tips for Sources After Submitting This key's fingerprint is A04C 5E09 ED02 B328 03EB 6116 93ED 732E 9231 8DBA -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- mQQNBFUoCGg...

Re: Friendly advice. No mercy. - WikiLeaks

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Red Pill Philosophy
wikileaks.org - Delivered-To: john.podesta@gmail.com Received: by with SMTP id m75csp979608lfb; Sun, 21 Feb 2016 19:57:02 -0800 (PST) X-Received: by with SMTP id uz6mr35345535pac.136.14561...

Sweden: Welfare migrant cuts throat of host family's 7-year-old daughter

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Wagner Clemente Soto
10news.dk - ESTA ES LA HISTORIA RECIENTE: 11 March 2004.- Ten chain explosions on four commuter trains killed 191 people and wounded more than 1,600 in Madrid (Spain), action claimed by the Abu Hafs al Masri B...

Poll: How Millennials view BLM and the alt-right

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The #FreeRicky Tree
usatoday.com - Black Lives Matter supporters in Westhampton Beach, N.Y., on Aug. 21, 2016.  (Photo: Bryan R. Smith, AFP/Getty Images) Most Millennials have a positive view of the Black Lives Matter movement, a US...

India: 20,000 Muslims attack small Hindu village in the middle of the night – media is silent

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Dr. ChuChu (Psy.D.)
themuslimissue.wordpress.com - 20,000 muslim savages rip Hindu village apart during their festival and go on a killing rampage, and the Indian media cannot be ‘bothered’ to report on it? Unreal. Of course, the muslims have to su...

Former UK Army Chief: Trump 'Might Make The World Safer'

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Roger Olivieri
breitbart.com - In an interview with House magazine, Lord Richards of Herstmonceux – the former Chief of the Defence staff – said Mr. Trump is “wise enough to get good people round him and probably knows that he’s...

Watch as old sea ice vanishes

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Getúlio Santana
cnn.com - (CNN)From year to year, the ice around the Arctic ebbs and flows, reaching a minimum and maximum as the temperature shifts through the seasons. Scientists recently released time-lapse animation com...

Some Who Saw Change in Obama Find It Now in Donald Trump

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Roger Olivieri
nytimes.com - Interviews with Mr. Morris and more than a dozen others show a common theme: The message of change that inspired them to vote for Mr. Obama is now embodied by Mr. Trump, whom they see as a brash ou...

No ano do lema ‘Pátria Educadora’, MEC perde R$ 10,5 bi, ou 10% do orçamento - Educação - Estadão

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educacao.estadao.com.br - SÃO PAULO - O Ministério da Educação (MEC) perdeu R$ 10,5 bilhões, ou 10% do orçamento, em 2015, ano em que a presidente Dilma Rousseff escolheu o slogan “Pátria Educadora” como lema de seu segundo...

Re: Draft phone and press policy - WikiLeaks

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Roger Olivieri
wikileaks.org - How to contact WikiLeaks? What is Tor? Tips for Sources After Submitting This key's fingerprint is A04C 5E09 ED02 B328 03EB 6116 93ED 732E 9231 8DBA -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- mQQNBFUoCGg...

FOX 2 MItchell Poll: Clinton's lead cut to 3 percent over Trump in Michigan

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Ben Shapiro
fox2detroit.com - EAST LANSING, Michigan --- Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s lead has been cut to 3 percent in Michigan as a result of losing support among men and 65 and older women, according to the la...

BREAKING: WikiLeaks Shows Hillary Clinton May Have Helped Trudeau Win The Canadian Election

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Roger Olivieri
debatepost.com - Earlier when Justin Trudeau had just been learning about how to be the Liberal leader, he had tried to get a meeting with Hillary Clinton before she had become the Democratic presidential nominee. ...

Cuba controversy over local and Indian wages - BBC News

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Roger Olivieri
bbc.com - Walk along the leafy boulevard of el Prado in Old Havana and you'll find it hard to escape the sounds of construction. At least three major hotel building projects are under way along that stretch ...

Researcher Finds Link Between Bankers & Wikileaks Affiliates Murders – The Real Strategy

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therealstrategy.com - Julian Assange, founder and Editor-in-Chief of WikiLeaks, is the man responsible for the daily release of emails showing the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign to be an unprecedented machine who...

The FIVE FBI cases looking at Hillary Clinton's inner circle

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Roger Olivieri
dailymail.co.uk - The extent to which Hillary Clinton's key advisers are now the focus of major FBI investigations is becoming clear. The Clintons' long-term inner-circle - some of whom stretch back in service to th...

Putin condemns Europe’s handling of migrants

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Roger Olivieri
dailymail.co.uk - Vladimir Putin has waded into the migrant crisis condemning Europe's handling of asylum seekers and saying a case of child rape in Austria 'dilutes national values'. The Russian president has large...

Todo dinheiro devolvido por Cerveró deverá ser entregue à Petrobras, determina Teori

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Edmilson Papo 10
oglobo.globo.com - BRASÍLIA - O ministro Teori Zavascki, relator dos processos da Operação Lava-Jato no Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF), determinou que todo o dinheiro devolvido aos cofres públicos pelo ex-diretor da ...

Trump supporters don’t really know any of his policies

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Roger Olivieri
news.com.au - The Chaser asks Americans if they actually know about Trump's policies. Courtesy: The Chaser WITH Donald Trump passing Hillary Clinton in the prestigious Post-ABC Tracking poll, the question on eve...

The lesser evils are normalizing Cthulhu

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cthulhuforamerica.com - One of the most deplorable aspects of this presidential race is the legitimization it has provided to dangerous fringe candidates like Cthulhu. We used to have standards in this country and now we ...

Líder do Estado Islâmico convoca combatentes a resistirem até o final em Mossul

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oglobo.globo.com - BAGDÁ — O líder do Estado Islâmico (EI), Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, convocou seus combatentes a resistirem até o final à ofensiva das forças iraquianas em Mossul, insistindo que permaneçam na cidade ond...

Confira as principais audiências do SBT na terça (01) e quarta-feira (02): - TV Show

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SNAP: danilogentili
tvshow.com.br - “The Noite” vence talk show e série da concorrência e conquista a liderança no ranking geral Na noite da última terça-feira, 01/11, a atração do SBT registrou ótimos índices de audiência e garantiu...

Which countries have the largest immigrant populations?

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Getúlio Santana
weforum.org - Luxembourg has the highest immigrant population of OECD countries, according to data compiled by the organisation. The OECD gathered the data as part of its Indicators of Immigrant Integration 2015...

Roseana Sarney é denunciada por prejuízo público de 400 milhões de reais

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Getúlio Santana
osul.com.br - A ex-governadora do Maranhão, Roseana Sarney, foi denunciada pelo Ministério Público do Maranhão (MP-MA) por suposto esquema fraudulento de concessão de isenções fiscais pela Secretaria de Estado d...

Polonia ayuda a madres de bebés enfermos en detrimento al aborto

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actuall.com - Una comisión del Parlamento de Polonia analizará una propuesta del Gobierno para dar asistencia a las mujeres embarazadas que decidan no abortar y den a luz a niños con trastornos genéticos graves ...

"Lula é a fonte de uma corrupção sem precedentes", afirma Prêmio Nobel de Literatura

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imprensaviva.com - Prêmio Nobel de Literatura de 2010 e ganhador do Prêmio Cervantes em 1994, O escritor Mario Vargas Llosa, afirmou que "Lula é a fonte de uma corrupção sem precedentes na história brasileira", duran...

Sweden's Medical Board Finds Only 16% Migrant Doctors Qualified

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Roger Olivieri
breitbart.com - Contrary to expectations that the migrant doctors would struggle most with a section testing their knowledge of scientific language in English, their performance in all the other categories was wor...

Mitt Romney would add “trillions” to the deficit while Barack Obama would “cut the deficit by $4 trillion,

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politifact.com - Editor’s note: After we published this item, we were alerted that our description of the position of the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget contained incomplete information. We reviewed tha...

Invadir escolas ou destruí-las?

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grupomoneybr.wordpress.com - O Brasil está entre os piores no ranking de conhecimentos básicos da OCDE ( Organização para a Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Econômico) ocupamos o 58 ° lugar em uma lista de 64 países. Estas letras ...

Guest speaker Ben Shapiro talks about "leftist myths"

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Ben Shapiro
tcu360.com - An overflow crowd of students and community members filled the Brown Lupton University Union auditorium Wednesday night to listen to a conservative viewpoint on diversity and white privilege. Ben S...

Veja: Empreiteira delata ministro do Supremo

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Félix Maier
felipevieira.com.br - Era um encontro de trabalho como muitos que acontecem em Brasília. O ministro Dias Toffoli, do Supremo Tribunal Federal, e o empreiteiro José Aldemário Pinheiro Filho, conhecido como Léo Pinheiro, ...

O jejum pode estar chegando ao fim: O Grêmio está cada vez mais perto do quinto título da Copa do Brasil

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Getúlio Santana
osul.com.br - Depois de 15 anos sem um título nacional, o Grêmio está cada vez mais perto de conquistar a Copa do Brasil. Em jogo morno na Arena, o Tricolor empatou com o Cruzeiro. Agora, a equipe gaúcha vai enf...

Muéstrale a Hillary una ecografía

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CitizenGO es
citizengo.org - Muéstrale a Hillary una ecografía Planned Parenthood invierte otros 30 millones de dólares en la campaña de Hilary Clinton Muéstrale a Hillary una ecografía No Puedo Creer Lo Que Hizo El Doctor Dur...

Três escolas são desocupadas hoje em Brasília

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br.noticias.yahoo.com - A Polícia Militar do Distrito Federal (PMDF) cumpre, hoje (3) pelo menos três mandados de reintegração de posse de escolas. O Centro Educacional Gisno, na Asa Norte, foi desocupado na manhã de hoje...

Clinton More Unpopular Than Trump For the First Time

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I Hate The Media
pjmedia.com - Throughout the 2016 campaign, Donald Trump has had worse favorable numbers than Hillary Clinton. Both candidates are among the least-liked in the history of modern polling, but Clinton has been sli...

DePaul Students Hold Funeral For Free Speech

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Ben Shapiro
dailywire.com - Students at DePaul University in Chicago, Illinois held a funeral to mourn the “death” of free speech after DePaul was ranked the worst school for free speech in the country by the Foundation for I...

“Una niñez sin deberes”: Podemos pretende convertir a tus hijos en unos irresponsables

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Elentir ن
outono.net - La izquierdista CEAPA ha declarado una huelga de padres durante el mes de noviembre en la que anima a las familias a que sus hijos dejen sin hacer los deberes los fines de semana. Los ‘defensores d...

A Nova Polícia da Sharia na França

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Edmilson Papo 10
pt.gatestoneinstitute.org - O Conselho de Estado, o tribunal de última instância da França, decidiu que, para que haja liberdade de religião, o burquíni não pode ser proibido. A princípio a decisão parecia fazer sentido: por ...

Is Augustine the patron saint of the 2016 election?

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Ryan T. Anderson
religionnews.com - (RNS) In the summer of 430, the great Christian writer and bishop Augustine of Hippo lay dying as barbarians besieged his North African city – basically a mop-up operation in the slow-motion fall o...

¡LE DAN UN PARA’O! Voluntad Popular y miembros de la MUD rechazaron amenazas de Maduro

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Getúlio Santana
miamiactualidad.com - El diputado y coordinador nacional de Voluntad Popular, Freddy Guevara, se pronunció este miércoles en una rueda de prensa acompañado por miembros de la Unidad para rechazar las más recientes amena...

Com a derrota eleitoral, a esquerda parou de esconder seu ódio aos religiosos cristãos | Implicante.Org

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Filha De Eva
implicante.org - A esquerda sempre odiou as religiões, mas o ódio especial é todo dedicado aos cristãos. Seja catolicismo, as mais variadas denominações evangélicas ou mesmo qualquer culto que não se enquadre numa ...

Mendonça Filho: ‘Politizar o Enem foi desrespeitoso com milhões de jovens’

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Tereza Cristina
josiasdesouza.blogosfera.uol.com.br - O ministro Mendonça Filho (Educação) declara-se convencido de que o movimento de ocupação de escolas por estudantes tem contornos partidários. “É evidente que setores ligados ao PT, ao PCdoB e ao P...

Podesta Friend at DOJ Led Cover-Up of IRS Scandal

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lifezette.com - Senior Department of Justice official Peter J. Kadzik, newly exposed by WikiLeaks as colluding with Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, is the same Obama appointee who helped cover up the Internal...

Hit by refugee crisis, Merkel faces tough election year

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Voice of Europe
thelocal.de - When her Bavarian allies the CSU kick off the 2017 campaign season with a party congress Friday, Merkel, for the first time in her 16 years at the helm of the ruling CDU party, won't be on the gues...

Após proibir palmadas, Suécia "sofre" com geração de crianças mimadas

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Leão Alves
noticias.terra.com.br - A Suécia, primeira nação do mundo a proibir as palmadas na educação das crianças, se pergunta agora se não foi longe demais e criou uma geração de pequenos tiranos. "De uma certa forma, as crianças...

Opinion: How evangelical women will vote in 2016

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cnn.com - However, many of these same women on Team Moore will also quickly tell you that they won't vote for Hillary Clinton and they will be voting Republican in the down-ballot races. These ladies are cou...

Suécia: o país onde o Estado é deus « O Catequista

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Tupiniquim do Sul
ocatequista.com.br - Ah… a Suécia!!! O país de lindas montanhas de picos nevados, que possui a 4ª economia mais competitiva do mundo. Lá, todas as crianças de 1 a 5 anos têm lugar garantido nas creches públicas gratuit...

Venezuela is holding our son hostage, and the U.S. doesn’t seem to care

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Roger Olivieri
washingtonpost.com - Jason and Laurie Holt are Utah residents and the parents of Joshua Holt. In September, the White House touted its efforts to free U.S. nationals being held as hostages in countries around the world...

The Trials of Saint Hillary

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Ben Shapiro
nationalreview.com - That, apparently, is the Left’s new line on their nominee. It was one thing to label her a corrupt old crone when she was running against newfangled 1930s near-octogenarian Bernie Sanders. It was a...

RICO charges for Hillary, Bill, Lynch, Comey, Abedin and McCabe » BarbWire.com

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barbwire.com - What a “long strange trip it’s been,” just in the course of one weekend, with Hillary Rodham Clinton as the general locus. But let’s not talk about the trip — let’s talk about RICO. I believe I cou...

Mulher pede para ser velada viva e realiza sonho após 14 anos no Ceará

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g1.globo.com - Uma mulher em Camocim, no litoral oeste do Ceará, chamou atenção neste feriado de finados por um sonho inusitado: celebrar, em vida, o próprio velório. O proprietário da funerária, Paulo Araújo, co...

Dilma corta verba para pré-escola e creche; vagas eram promessa eleitoral - 22/07/2015 - Educação - Folha de S.Paulo

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Tereza Cristina
folha.uol.com.br - A expansão da oferta de vagas em creches e pré-escolas no país, uma das promessas do governo Dilma Rousseff (PT), será afetada pela redução do orçamento do Ministério da Educação. Do total de R$ 9,...

Pro-Clinton media calls UK to suspend diplomatic immunity of Ecuador Embassy over WikiLeaks publication of Hillary’s emails

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Brazuca Reaça VIP
theindicter.com - By Prof Marcello Ferrada de Noli, Chair, Swedish Professors and Doctors for Human Rights. A Newsweek op-ed article authored by Paul Webster Hare, “Assange And Wikileaks Make a Mockery of the Diplom...

Queda do PT foi menor onde Bolsa Família é mais presente

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Filha De Eva
oglobo.globo.com - por Bernardo Mello, Gabriel Cariello e Marco Grillo RIO - Partido que mais perdeu prefeituras na comparação com a eleição anterior, o PT se livrou de uma queda ainda maior graças ao desempenho nos ...

Acaba a maior maldição do esporte americano: Cubs campeão da MLB!

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Brazuca Reaça VIP
lance.com.br - A decisão do sétimo e último jogo da World Series - a final da MLB, a liga profissional de beisebol dos Estados Unidos - foi dramática, fechada na prorrogação no décimo inning. E neste duelo entre ...

Assange: Hillary’s “Tormented” Ambition is Making Her Physically Sick

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infowars.com - Wikileaks’ Julian Assange asserts that Hillary Clinton’s own insatiable lust for power is the direct cause of her physical illness during a hard-hitting new interview set to air on Saturday. “I act...

Roger Stone: How Did Clinton Aide Huma Abedin Get Security Clearance, 'Given Very Clear Ties to a Radical Offshoot of Islam?'

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Getúlio Santana
breitbart.com - “It’s an attempt, of course, to clean Huma up, and make her respectable, even sympathetic, for voters,” said Stone. “Vogue has been a great enabler and advocate for Hillary Clinton, which is ironic...

Secret Recordings Fueled FBI Feud in Clinton Probe

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Tereza Cristina
foxbusiness.com - Secret recordings of a suspect talking about the Clinton Foundation fueled an internal battle between FBI agents who wanted to pursue the case and corruption prosecutors who viewed the statements a...

Polícia Federal pede que perícia seja concluída antes de envio de maletas ao STF - Política - Estadão

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politica.estadao.com.br - BRASÍLIA - O delegado Felipe Alcântara de Barros Leal, chefe da Divisão de Contrainteligência da Polícia Federal, pediu ao ministro do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) Teori Zavascki que a instituiçã...

Prefeitura tapa buracos em rua após moradores pintarem faixa no asfalto

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g1.globo.com - Funcionários da Prefeitura foram na manhã desta quinta-feira (3) à Rua Diogo Botelho, na Zona Leste da capital, para tapar os quatros buracos que existem na via. O reconstituição do asfalto acontec...

Cubs end drought in chaotic, epic World Series finale

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nypost.com - There probably isn’t a soul remaining on the planet who watched the Cubs celebrate their World Series title 108 years ago, but plenty of witnesses will exist for years to come who can document what...

Planalto atua em favor de Renan no STF - Política - Estadão

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politica.estadao.com.br - BRASÍLIA - O Palácio do Planalto atuou nos bastidores, nos últimos dias, para o Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) adiar o julgamento que pode colocar em risco o cargo do presidente do Senado, Renan Ca...

STF deve julgar hoje ação que pode impedir réu de assumir presidência - ISTOÉ Independente

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Cesar Gomes
istoe.com.br - Está marcado para hoje (3) no Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) o julgamento de uma ação sobre a sucessão presidencial que pode afetar os cargos dos presidentes da Câmara, Rodrigo Maia (DEM-RJ), e do ...

Pestana apresenta projeto de lei que muda regras de financiamento dos partidos políticos

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Tereza Cristina
psdb.org.br - O deputado federal Marcus Pestana (PSDB-MG) apresentou na Câmara proposta que institui o Fundo Especial de Financiamento da Democracia (FFD), em substituição ao atual sistema de fundo partidário vi...

Lilian Tintori pide a Maduro que entregue una fe de vida de Leopoldo López

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noticierovenevision.net - Fecha 02/11/2016 01:54:00 p.m.Lilian Tintori, esposa del dirigente de Voluntad Popular (VP) Leopoldo López, pidió este miércoles al Gobierno venezolano una fe de vida de su esposo tras asegurar que...

Donald Trump disse que imigrantes brasileiros são porcos latinos?

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País sem vergonha
e-farsas.com - Notícia afirma que o candidato à Presidência nos Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, teria dito que os imigrantes brasileiros são porcos latinos! Será verdade? O texto apareceu nas redes sociais e em div...

Artistas do elenco de Torre de Babel que já morreram

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tvhistoria.com.br - Relembre abaixo os artistas de Torre de Babel que já nos deixaram. A novela de 1998 da Rede Globo está sendo exibida atualmente pelo canal Viva. Cleyde Yáconis A veterana atriz, que viveu a hipocon...

A Fortuna de Márcio Thomaz Bastos - Instituto Liberal

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institutoliberal.org.br - O ex-ministro da Justiça Marcio Thomaz Bastos deixou 393 milhões de reais de herança. Ao longo de sua carreira, o advogado, que morreu em novembro do ano passado, acumulou 18 imóveis, diversas obra...

Juiz autoriza forma mais pacífica do mundo de desocupação e site petista surta ao dizer que isso é “tortura”

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jornalivre.com - Até que enfim, o juiz Alex Costa de Oliveira, da Vara da Infância e da Juventude do Distrito Federal determinou – no último domingo, 30 -, que a polícia militar promova a desintrusão do Centro de E...
Meio Ambiente

China vai classificar estrangeiros de acordo com a sua utilidade

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Felipe Marques
jornaleconomico.sapo.pt - Esta semana a China pôs em prática um sistema de classificação de estrangeiros residentes de acordo com a sua utilidade para o país. O sistema tem em vista regular as autorizações de residência de ...

Four Policy Problems with Physician-Assisted Suicide

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Ryan T. Anderson
dailysignal.com - In recent months, heartbreaking stories of Americans such as Brittany Maynard struggling with devastating diagnoses have captured our empathy—and launched a national conversation about physician-as...

Ministério Público Federal no Ceará pede suspensão do Enem - Educação - Estadão

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educacao.estadao.com.br - FORTALEZA - O Ministério Público Federal do Ceará (MPF-CE) pediu, nesta quarta-feira, 2, a suspensão do Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio (Enem), previsto para sábado e domingo próximos. O procurador ...

Pro-Life Centers Shouldn't Be Forced to Promote Abortion

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Heritage Foundation
dailysignal.com - If a California pro-life pregnancy center refuses to speak the state government’s propaganda, it would face a civil penalty of $500 for a first offense and $1,000 for each subsequent offense. That’...

Putin Slams EU's Immigration Policies: "It Doesn't Fit Into My Head What On Earth They're Thinking"

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Chauvinist Pigs
informationliberation.com - Putin Slams EU's Immigration Policies: "It Doesn't Fit Into My Head What On Earth They're Thinking"Chris Menahan InformationLiberation Nov. 02, 2016 Popular 'Libertarian' VP Bill Weld Vouches For '...

A despolarização partidária - Política - Estadão

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lucia Helena Vips
politica.estadao.com.br - Pela primeira vez em 15 anos o PMDB empatou em simpatizantes com o PT. Ambos aparecem juntos em primeiro lugar, com 11% de citações em pesquisa nacional do Ibope. Desde junho de 2001, o instituto r...

Muçulmano de origem russa manda matar próprio filho por ser trans | Rodrigo Constantino

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Diego Alcântara ♔
rodrigoconstantino.com - Uma jovem trans muçulmana foi morta por esquartejamento na Rússia dias após se casar com um homem e ver seu pai ir a uma emissora de TV para pedir: “Tragam meu filho aqui e matem-no na minha frente...

Vereadores do PSOL na Câmara do Rio foram favoráveis ao salário vitalício

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† Ricardo Cruz †
jornalivre.com - Apesar das declarações de líderes como Jean Wyllys, Marcelo Freixo e Luciana Genro, a bancada do PSOL na Câmara Municipal do Rio de Janeiro votou a favor do projeto que concederia um “salário vital...

Bono é o primeiro "Homem do Ano" da revista Glamour

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Alexandre Gonçalves
radiorock.com.br - O vocalista U2, Bono, foi o primeiro homem homenageado na lista de mulheres do ano da revista Glamour. A Glamour premia as Mulheres do Ano, com uma lista bem eclética, que homenageia famosas fashio...

La UNESCO exige adoctrinar con contenidos LGTB en los colegios de todo el mundo | Infovaticana

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Kattoliko Pensiero
infovaticana.com - Bajo el pretexto de luchar contra la discriminación, esta organización promueve nuevas políticas a favor del colectivo gay y exige que se inserten materias LGTB en los programas de todas las etapas...

The Failures Of Elon Musk: Space Aliens Did It

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Heritage Foundation
dailycaller.com - With $5 billion from the taxpayers in my pocket, I could be a robber baron industrial mogul too. Billionaire Elon Musk prances around as the CEO or godfather of Tesla Motor Company manufacturing el...

Três das 10 medidas do Ministério Público contra a corrupção não devem prosperar: aquelas que combati praticamente sozinho! Não é heroísmo. É clareza! Coragem, deputado Lorenzoni!

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poncheverde.blogspot.com - Relator deve recusar, da forma como está, limite a habeas corpus, teste de honestidade e validação de provas colhidas ilegalmente. Ainda bem! Isso é coisa de ditadura Por Reinaldo Azevedo - Escrevo...

Tim Kaine: No Reason for Hillary Clinton to Apologize for Her Campaign Trashing Catholics | LifeNews.com

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Roger Olivieri
lifenews.com - Tim Kaine has a message for you.  If you don’t like anti-Catholic bigotry, too bad. Kaine appeared yesterday on national television with ABC’s Martha Raddatz. He was asked if the Clinton campaign s...
Arte & Entretenimento

What It’s Like to Date Your Dad

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Redeeming Rainbow
nymag.com - In the late ‘80s, the founder of a support group for adopted children who had recently reconnected with their biological relatives coined the term “Genetic Sexual Attraction” (GSA) to describe the ...

FBI Deputy Director Whose Wife Got $675K from Clinton Associate Asked Why He's Still Heading Investigation into Hillary - Breitbart

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breitbart.com - At the end of October, news broke that state senate candidate Jill McCabe was the recipient of nearly $500,000 in donations from a Democrat PAC run by Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe, a long-time...

Elementary School Cancels Mock Election After Students Chant ‘Trump’

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Roger Olivieri
freebeacon.com - BY: Madeleine Weast Follow @MadeleineWeast November 3, 2016 11:15 am An elementary school in Centereach, New York canceled a mock presidential election after students began chanting “Trump,” accord...

O culto messiânico a Lula tornou o PT gigante, mas hoje é o motivo da ruína do partido | Implicante.Org

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implicante.org - O Partido dos Trabalhadores nasceu em 1980, mediante a união de dois segmentos da sociedade que, diziam seus então líderes, não eram suficientemente representados pelas demais (e ainda poucas) lege...

Lula agora ataca eleitores de SP; já sabemos como será a campanha do Apedeuta se ele estiver solto em 2018

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poncheverde.blogspot.com - Babalorixá de Banânia volta a seus melhores dias e diz bobagens pelos cotovelos; o seu maior rancor é dirigido contra São Paulo Por Reinaldo Azevedo - Autointitulados intelectuais resolveram lançar...

Nota de falecimento: PT deixa, porém, seu filho PSOL e inúmeras viúvas por aí | Rodrigo Constantino

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Rodrigo Constantino
rodrigoconstantino.com - A coluna de Flavio Quintela hoje na Gazeta do Povo está bem criativa. Aproveitando o Dia de Finados desta semana, logo depois da acachapante derrota da esquerda nas urnas, ele redigiu uma “nota de ...

Pro-life advocates have an historic opportunity on Election Day. Will we seize it?

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lifesitenews.com - Editor's note: The views expressed herein are solely those of the author. As a non-partisan public charity, LifeSite does not endorse these statements and takes no position on political candidates....

NBC Caught Preparing Hillary Victory Results Before Election

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Felipe Marques
infowars.com - A NBC station was caught posting election results showing a Hillary Clinton victory days before the election, fueling concerns that the mainstream media is conditioning the public to accept a rigge...

Yan Gomes - Wikipedia

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Brazuca Reaça VIP
en.wikipedia.org - Gomes attended Miami Southridge High School in Miami, Florida, where he played for the school's baseball team.[2] He enrolled at the University of Tennessee, where he played college baseball for th...

Cantor Eduardo Costa declara apoio a Jair Bolsonaro: "Me representa!" – TV Foco

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otvfoco.com.br - Uma onda de descrença tomou conta do país, pessoas queixam a todo momento por todos os cantos. Está muito triste o cenário que estamos vendo nosso povo e nossa pátria atravessar. Não fechar as cont...

Caixa dois tratará só de recursos lícitos, diz relator das 10 medidas

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Alexandre Gonçalves
conjur.com.br - A tipificação do crime de caixa dois no texto do deputado Onyx Lorenzoni (DEM-RS), relator do Projeto de Lei 4.850/16, que trata das dez medidas do Ministério Público, abrangerá somente recursos de...

Porte de armas estimula aumento da violência nos EUA

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Alexandre Gonçalves
oglobo.globo.com - O jornal “New York Times” apresentou dados alarmantes sobre o crescimento do número de assassinatos nas metrópoles americanas, após vários anos seguidos de queda. A reportagem cita o exemplo da cid...

Priest issues devastating warning to DC council members who just passed assisted suicide

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lifesitenews.com - November 2, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) — As you are surely aware, the City Council of the District of Columbia overwhelmingly voted for a bill that legalizes suicide for “terminally ill” people.  Washingt...

Unprecedented, Hillary? No

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WND News
wnd.com - Hillary Clinton and her defenders are shocked, they tell you, to find out that law-enforcement investigations sometimes create October presidential campaign political surprises. Do Bill and Hillary...

BREAKING: Central Italy rocked by ANOTHER earthquake just days after massive tremor

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Voice of Europe
express.co.uk - Express. Home of the Daily and Sunday Express. Find us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Check us on Google+ Subscribe to our rss feed Daily Horoscope Our Apps Top 10 Our Paper Paper Archive HOME Ne...

The FBI, DOJ Made 'Lock Her Up' A Legitimate Political Slogan. Here's Why.

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Ben Shapiro
dailywire.com - In the wake of new reports suggesting that the Clinton Foundation may be targeted for indictment by an FBI investigation, and that Hillary Clinton’s private email server was hacked no less than fiv...

LOL: BleachBit Trolls Hillary With "Cloth or Something" Server Wipe

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Steven Crowder
louderwithcrowder.com - Remember BleachBit? Clinton used their software to make her emails magically disappear (see CAUGHT: Paul Combetta Allegedly Asked Reddit How to Wipe Hillary’s Emails). Turns out the BleachBit found...
Arte & Entretenimento

Brazil’s Mackenzie Presbyterian University and Its Gender Ideology Professor » BarbWire.com

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Last Days Watchman
barbwire.com - Brazilian news website UOL, in its section of child issues, addressed the gender ideology in the report titled “Nome neutro não basta para uma criação sem estereótipo de gênero, mas ajuda” (A Neute...

Jeff Dunetz: Top Ten Reasons Why I’m Voting For Donald Trump » BarbWire.com

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barbwire.com - There are only a few days left before the long national nightmare of the 2016 presidential election is over. This campaign has been unlike anyone I have ever covered, not only because of the venom ...

Trump proven right: Huma Abedin a radical Islamist linked to Muslim Brotherhood

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conservativebase.com - (Editor’s note: This column originally appeared on August 23, 2016 but in light of recent developments in the Clinton for President campaign we are re-releasing it since it is still relevant.) Whil...

Si José Antonio Marina es ministro de Educación, la clase de Religión está en peligro

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actuall.com - El jueves el presidente del Gobierno Mariano Rajoy dará a conocer los nombres que conformarán su nuevo gabinete ministerial, un año y dos elecciones generales después, toda vez que el PSOE finalmen...
Meio Ambiente

Faz seu churrasquinho domingo? Opressor! Cúmplice do aquecimento global! | Rodrigo Constantino

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Rodrigo Constantino
rodrigoconstantino.com - A picanha, a fraldinha e a maminha, bem salgadas, feitas na brasa, símbolos de um bom churrasco, estão se tornando inimigas do clima. É que a carne, desde a criação do gado até a mesa do brasileiro...

Essa eleição americana foi a desgraça do "jornalismo" político | Rodrigo Constantino

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Roger Olivieri
rodrigoconstantino.com - O escândalo dos emails secretos e as suspeitas de corrupção da Clinton Foundation continuam a todo vapor, com as investigações do FBI e os vazamentos do Wikileaks, mas a imprensa só quer mesmo sabe...

Georgia Drops Demands for Pastor to Hand Over Bible and Sermons, Now Wants Minister Credentials, Salary

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christianpost.com - After nearly 40,000 people signed a petition to Georgia Governor Nathan Deal protesting against demands that a Seventh-day Adventist lay minister hand over his Bible and sermons, state officials ha...

The Weekly Digest: 11-2-16

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adflegal.org - Last month, we told you that Washington D.C.'s Health and Human Services Committee voted to move the "Death with Dignity Act" forward. We made this point about the dangers surrounding similar bills...

Chicago Cubs Ben Zobrist Shares Christian Faith: ‘We All Need Christ’

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religiontoday.com - Editor's note: Yesterday (November 2) the Chicago Cubs beat the Cleveland Indians 8 to 7 to clinch the World Series title. This is the first time the Cubs have won the World Series since 1908. Ben ...

Federal court rules in favor of pregnancy resource centers, free speech

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adflegal.org - News Release Federal court rules in favor of pregnancy resource centers, free speech Related Case: Greater Baltimore Center for Pregnancy Concerns v. Mayor and City Council of Baltimore The followi...

Primeiramente, Fora PT | Rodrigo Constantino

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Rodrigo Constantino
rodrigoconstantino.com - O “Fora Seja Lá Quem For” é uma expressão de desejo que acompanha a vida do petismo quando não é ele que manda. O partido, que sempre quis derrubar os governos que o antecederam no poder, retoma, a...

Priest: ‘How dare’ clergy suggest abortion is just another ‘issue’?

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lifesitenews.com - BIRMINGHAM, Alabama, November 2, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – Catholics must reject the suggestion that “to regulate murder at the beginning and end of life is just another issue facing our society” and v...

Government Of Italy Declares War On Islam » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - But, according to Pacinotti, the incursions done by Italy are not sufficient to stop the Islamic threat, since they are already innumerable Islamic immigrants in Western Europe, who are bound to st...

Fr. James Martin, SJ, tells gay activists: The Church should embrace homosexuality’s ‘special gifts’

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lifesitenews.com - Praises Pope Francis, Martin praised Vienna Archbishop Cardinal Christoph Schönborn and Australian Bishop Vincent Long Van Nguyen PIKESVILLE, Maryland, November 2, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) — On Sunday, ...

‘Dangerous, undemocratic’: Trudeau’s liberal Supreme Court nominee said justices ‘make law’

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lifesitenews.com - OTTAWA, November 2, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – Campaign Life Coalition says Newfoundland judge Malcolm Rowe’s stated belief that courts make laws rather than interpret them should be an “absolute disqua...

O cristão e a vaquejada

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Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - O cristão e a vaquejada O que o aborto tem a ver com a vaquejada? Absolutamente nada. Mas como alguns setores da chamada Direita apoiam a prática da vaquejada, apelam, em seu radicalismo, para exem...

Asylum Centre Worker Allegedly Filmed Sex Acts with Underage Migrants

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Voice of Europe
breitbart.com - According to authorities, an unnamed asylum centre worker is accused of engaging in sexual relations with several male underage migrants at the Børnecenter Tullebølle asylum home in the Langeland m...

Video shows a Germany under radical Islamist control. Germans weren't happy.

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Voice of Europe
stripes.com - Oktoberfest without beer and pork sausages? IEDs hidden in the country's forests? That's how Germany's future looks, according to a new video paid for by U.S. neoconservative group Secure America N...

‘Obama betrayer & false promiser’: Sanders slated in latest #PodestaEmails

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Voice of Europe
rt.com - The latest batch consists of over one thousand emails, bringing the number released so far to over 44,000. WikiLeaks said it will publish a total of 50,000 emails in the run up to next week’s presi...

Memória de São Martinho de Lima

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Padre Paulo Ricardo
padrepauloricardo.org - Evangelho de Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo segundo São Lucas (Lc 15, 1-10) São Martinho de Lima, ou de Porres, cuja memória celebramos hoje, nasceu em 9 de dezembro de 1579, em Lima, Peru. Filho de Joã...

Why does DHS want to designate election booths ‘critical infrastructure?’

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Heritage Foundation
conservativereview.com - There is only one problem with this — there is no credible threat of a successful cyberattack on our voting and ballot-counting process because of the way our current election system is organized. ...

Kellyanne Conway BATTLES Idiots Joy Behar, Whoopi Goldberg Over Hillary!

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Steven Crowder
louderwithcrowder.com - Another for The View’s greatest hits (see WATCH: Raven Symone of The View has the Stupidest Plan for the Election… and Rand Paul Embarrasses ‘The View’ Morons on ‘Scary Assault Weapons’…). I swear,...

WOW: Indictment ‘Likely’ in Clinton Foundation Case, Hillary’s Server Hacked by FIVE Foreign Entities

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Ben Shapiro
dailywire.com - According to Bret Baier of Fox News, the FBI has been investigating the Clinton Foundation for over a year, and that investigation has been deep and wide – and just as importantly, the FBI is on th...

Obama Lies: Republican Predictions About Obamacare Haven't Happened. Here Are 5 Predictions That Came True.

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Ben Shapiro
dailywire.com - On Thursday, a desperate President Obama, trying to spin his legacy to the good, told a massive audience, “None of what they say has happened” regarding Republican criticisms of Obamacare. That is ...
Arte & Entretenimento

How Congress Can Clear the Road for Uber, Lyft, and the Gig Economy

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Heritage Foundation
dailysignal.com - The rise of Uber and Lyft has been a good thing for both riders and drivers. Riders like the cheaper prices and reliable service of these ride-hailing services, and drivers love the freedom to be t...

Projections Differ, but Social Security Is in Deep Trouble

Partilhado por
Heritage Foundation
dailysignal.com - Millions of Americans depend on Social Security, and the government program is going broke. If Congress doesn’t take action to reform the nation’s largest entitlement program, its looming insolvenc...

Within Generation, Our Debt Will Cost Typical Family $12,000

Partilhado por
Heritage Foundation
dailysignal.com - When confronted in the final presidential debate with the assertion that each of their plans would increase the national debt, the candidates denied it by saying either economic growth or higher ta...

What Can Racial Discrimination Explain?

Partilhado por
Heritage Foundation
dailysignal.com - A guiding principle for physicians is primum non nocere, the Latin expression for “first, do no harm.” In order not to do harm, whether it’s with medicine or with public policy, the first order of ...

Democrats Ignored This Expert's Warnings About Obamacare

Partilhado por
Heritage Foundation
dailysignal.com - Robert Laszewski is a policy adviser and analyst for the health insurance industry. He’s correctly predicted Obamacare’s pitfalls since Day One. In an interview with “Full Measure” this Sunday, Las...

Was Weiner Scared of Getting Wacked?

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Ben Shapiro
ijr.com - FBI Director James Comey recently wrote a letter to Congress, informing them of emails found on Anthony Weiner's laptop that could possibly be relevant to the earlier investigation on Secretary Hil...

Time Columnist: Blame Hillary's Failures on Penises

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Ben Shapiro
dailywire.com - In the last throes of the agony of the Hillary campaign, her media allies have emerged to explain that Hillary is merely a victim of penises. Yes: penises. Today, Jill Filipovic wrote at Time.com a...
Meio Ambiente

Green Party Blames Delayed Chicago Cubs Game on... Global Warming?!

Partilhado por
Steven Crowder
louderwithcrowder.com - As we near the end of the election cycle (thank the Lord), Jill Stein has been doing lots of marijuana …things. Mostly copying Gary Johnson’s hairstyle. But also still running for President. In cas...

O glorioso São José

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Padre Paulo Ricardo
padrepauloricardo.org - Aparentemente, não há muito o que se falar sobre São José, mas isso não é verdade. Há muito o que se falar desse homem que foi o Pai adotivo de Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo, o Patriarca da Sagrada Fam...

O Reino dos Céus é dos violentos!

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Padre Paulo Ricardo
padrepauloricardo.org - Não é possível trilhar o caminho da santidade sem tomar de assalto a vida espiritual. Hoje, porém, as pessoas não sabem mais como crescer espiritualmente. Tornam-se, então, como que "anões espiritu...

More Proof The White House, Obama Lied About Knowledge of Clinton's Private Email Server

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townhall.com - When President Obama was first asked about his knowledge of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's private email server during an interview with CBS News in March 2015, he said he found out ab...

Fazendo sexo com a Terra: chegou a vez dos Ecosexuais? | Rodrigo Constantino

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Rodrigo Constantino
rodrigoconstantino.com - Por Thiago Kistenmacher, publicado pelo Instituto Liberal A insanidade está sem freio! Eu já escrevi aqui sobre as bizarrices do carnivorismo, que acredita que o consumo de carne tem relação com o ...

The Clinton-directed FBI hit job

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WND News
wnd.com - When FBI Director James Comey re-opened the investigation into her emails last week, Hillary Clinton called the action “unprecedented.” As Hillary knows, it is not, not at all. Ten years ago, almos...

U.N. warring against ‘cultural foundations of the West’

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WND News
wnd.com - The world was stunned just a few days ago when, as WND reported, the United Nations educational, scientific and cultural division voted that the Jews have no historical connection the Temple Mount....

Comey: The right thing for the wrong reason?

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WND News
wnd.com - UNITED STATES v. BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA, HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON, et. al. The defendants stand accused of violating Section 1 of the Federal Criminal Code, which provides: “Whoever, owing allegiance t...

Washington saved nation in more ways than you think

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WND News
wnd.com - After the victory over the British at Yorktown, many of the Continental soldiers grew disillusioned with the new American government, as they had not been paid in years. The Continental Congress ha...

Is Attorney General Lynch preparing a ‘November surprise’?

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WND News
wnd.com - WASHINGTON – Is Attorney General Loretta Lynch preparing a “November surprise” that would help Hillary Clinton? As the Democratic Party candidate’s poll numbers plummet following the “October surpr...
Arte & Entretenimento

Virginia principal dresses as Trump, secretary as Clinton in prison garb

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wtvr.com - STAUNTON, Va. – Some Virginia parents are outraged after the Principal at Robert E. Lee High School in Staunton dressed up as Donald Trump, and a school secretary dressed as Hillary Clinton in pris...
Meio Ambiente

Cuando nos prohibieron ser mujeres ...y os persiguieron por ser hombres: Para entender cómo nos afecta la ideología de género: Amazon.es: Alicia V. Rubio: Libros

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amazon.es - El ser humano es una mezcla indisoluble de biología y cultura. Por eso nuestra felicidad depende, en gran medida, del equilibrio entre ambas naturalezas, que avanzan hacia objetivos diferentes aunq...

TSA Fails to Detect 95% of Explosives, Weapons » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - As if we the people haven’t suffered enough in the long jihad war on freedom… Our own government has made travel a misery — harassing little kids, grandmas, and wheelchair passengers while making s...

‘Trojan horse’: Planned Parenthood entity poses as anti-toll group in recruiting

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lifesitenews.com - CHARLOTTE, North Carolina, November 2, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – Planned Parenthood deleted deceptive job ads after a local media investigation found that "Community Outreach Group" was an entity of Pl...

Another Lawsuit against the Unconstitutional TSA - This Time from a Bloodied and Bruised Disabled Teen Patient » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - I reported on a lawsuit against the unconstitutional and criminal Transportation Security Agency on Thursday regarding a man who had to purchase another ticket due to the TSA not being efficient en...
Arte & Entretenimento

BBC takes heat for series urging kids as young as six to question their gender

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lifesitenews.com - UNITED KINGDOM, November 2, 2016 (LifesiteNews) — The BBC is under fire from Conservative MPs, child development professionals, parents, and Christians over its Just a Girl video series aimed at pr...

TSA Agents Busted & Indicted for Smuggling Cocaine » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - Three former Transportation Security Administration agents were formally indicted on charges of using their positions to defraud the government and smuggle cocaine. Earlier this week, 35-year-old J...

Wikileaks: Podesta Emails Show Democrats Bigotry and Hatred of Jews, Netanyahu “turbaned Israeli mullah” » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - The Democrats’ vicious Jew-hatred is on full display in the recent release of Podesta emails. The party of treason is home to the Jew-haters and racists. George Paine wrote this to John Podesta: On...

We Don’t Need More Laws – We Need Good Men that will Do what They Say They’re Gonna Do » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - Sons of Liberty Radio show host Bradlee Dean is no stranger to controversy because of his stand for the truth. On Monday, Dean told his audience that America didn’t need any more laws, but rather d...

The TSA’s Answer to Long Lines Is… Wait for It… “More Security” » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - In a very classic sense, it is a strategy for acquiring more power. Though the TSA has never been effective at catching or reducing terrorism, it has become very good at inconveniencing Americans. ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Americans, So Easily Controlled! » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - “Football, beer… Filled up the horizon of their minds. To keep them in control was not difficult.” George Orwell One day last week our family went to grab a bite to eat.  We went to Maynards.  We w...

TSA Failed to Identify 73 Workers Who Were on Terror Watch Lists » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - In more evidence that the Department of Homeland Security provides no real security, a new report by the unconstitutional department reveals that the Transportation Security Administration allowed ...

Shock Report: TSA INVITED Muslim Leaders to Study Airport Screening Process! » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - Shock Report: TSA INVITED Muslim Leaders to Study Airport Screening Process! The Department of Homeland Stupidity (er, Security) might be harassing your grandma whenever she flies to your house for...

Violated with a Smile on Their Face - As the TSA Laughs! » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” –Benjamin Franklin This last week on my travels through Tennessee, stops in T...

This Man’s Flight was delayed by the TSA – He Sued Them! » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - Well, it appears that at least someone has had enough of the Nazi-like Transportation Security Administration and is willing to fight back. A Twin Cities man is not suing the TSA and the Twin Citie...

1,180 Documented Examples of Barack Obama’s Lying, Lawbreaking, Corruption, Cronyism, Hypocrisy, Waste, Etc. » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - Editor’s Note: Our friend, Dan from Squirrel Hill, has updated his list to 1,063 documented examples of Barack Obama’s lying, lawbreaking, corruption, cronyism, etc. He began with 252 examples, the...

Americans Want Hillary in Jail - Rightly So! » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - When you see that trading is done, not by consent, but by compulsion–when you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing–when you see that money is flo...

Linda Tripp warns of dangerous ‘none so blind as those who will not see’ syndrome on Hillary Clinton’s true character

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lifesitenews.com - Editor's note: The views expressed herein are solely those of the author and/or the personalities quoted.  As a non-partisan public charity, LifeSite does not endorse these statements and takes no ...

‘Highlights’ to include same-sex families after getting flak from gays

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lifesitenews.com - COLUMBUS, Ohio, November 3, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) — One homosexual's complaint to Highlights for Children will result in the inclusion of same-sex families in its magazines with an audience as young ...

Time for TSA to Discriminate on Basis of Sexual Behavior? » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - More and more stories are emerging virtually every day in which passengers are being sexually molested by TSA agents. And the perps almost without exception are of the same sex as the passenger. In...

90 Pounds of Cocaine Seized aboard Ship Owned by Mitch McConnell’s Family » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - Well, we have all known for some time that many politicians have been engaged in drug trafficking while playing the hypocrite and advancing the “war on drugs.” It’s now being reported (not by the m...

The Spiritual Lessons Behind the 2016 Presidential Election » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - It is my belief that God has supernaturally intervened in this 2016 election season.  Donald Trump simply would not be in the position he is in without the help of Wikileaks and the power of the al...

¿Cómo reevangelizar Occidente? Nártex hace «hablar a las piedras» de Dios a un ejército de turistas

religionenlibertad.com - “Si estos callan, gritarán las piedras” dice Jesús en el Evangelio de san Lucas. Y en un momento en el que la secularización avanza por todo el mundo hay católicos que evangelizan a la sociedad de ...

Un misionero italiano en Camboya cuenta sus anécdotas con protestantes: buenas, malas y agridulces

religionenlibertad.com - Luca Bolelli es un sacerdote misionero italiano del Pontificio Instituto de las Misioneras Extranjeras que sirve en Camboya, país asiático de cultura budista donde los cristianos, tanto católicos c...
Arte & Entretenimento

Tenían cinco hijos y tras rezar adoptaron un bebé sin cerebro: «Ella necesitaba una familia»

religionenlibertad.com - El amor es más fuerte que la muerte. Así lo ha experimentado un matrimonio de Estados Unidos, Allison y Josh, que no dudaron en adoptar a dos hermanos, uno de los cuales nació sin cerebro, a sabien...

Brazilian priest ordered to pay thousands for preventing abortion, says he’s honored to suffer for Christ

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lifesitenews.com - November 2, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – A Brazilian Catholic priest has been convicted of “impeding” a legal abortion and ordered to pay the equivalent of $18,537 USD (60,000 Brazilian Reals) in damages ...

The War On Wedding Vendors Is Ultimately A War On Free Thought

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thefederalist.com - Our First Amendment freedom is functionally meaningless when it is reduced to the “right” to express government-approved views. Throw in a simultaneous prohibition on all expression that hasn’t rec...

Carphone Warehouse Openly Supports Abortion With “We’re Pro-Choice” Ad Campaign – Don’t Give Them Your Custom Anymore

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citizengo.org - “We’re Pro-Choice” – so runs the slogan of the latest ad campaign from the British company, the Carphone Warehouse. They are apparently openly supporting abortion in Ireland – a “medical” procedure...
Arte & Entretenimento

Model Speaks Out Against Down Syndrome Abortion: ‘Life Needs To Happen’

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newsbusters.org - There’s beauty to be found in life’s differences, according to one model. Earlier this month, actress and model Amanda Booth shared the story of her toddler with Down syndrome in a piece published ...

Viewpoint Discrimination is Ruining Our Society

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adflegal.org - “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” You may have heard this rhyme as a child. Perhaps your parents or a teacher calmly reminded you that even though another child ...

Study: Fatherless Homes Contributed to 60% Drop in African Americans in MLB

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cnsnews.com - (CNSNews.com) – “The decline in the presence of fathers in the homes of African American children partially explains the massive 60% decline in African American representation in Major League Baseb...

Carta de militar ao jornalista Ricardo Boechat viraliza nas redes sociais

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amai.org.br - Circula nas redes sociais um texto anônimo que responde ao jornalista Ricardo Boechat sobre suas declarações a respeito da Polícia Militar, durante uma entrevista à Band News. Confira o texto. Dian...

Suecia enloquece: inmigrantes delincuentes reciben cien mil coronas mensuales a cambio de no agredir a los policías

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alertadigital.com - Las autoridades locales de la ciudad de Navestar (Suecia) han ideado un insólito plan para reducir el número de agresiones que sufren los agentes de la autoridad. Se trata del proyecto bautizado co...

Por que os intelectuais odeiam o capitalismo?

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mises.org.br - Por que os intelectuais sistematicamente odeiam o capitalismo?  Foi essa pergunta que Bertrand de Jouvenel (1903-1987) fez a si próprio em seu artigo Os intelectuais europeus e o capitalismo. Esta ...

Sim, as invasões das escolas têm motivação partidária. E isso é tudo que você precisa saber a respeito.

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Levy Fidelix
spotniks.com - Reformulação do Ensino Médio, o carro-chefe para construir o país dos nossos sonhos. A manchete acima estampava, no final de 2014, o site da UBES, a União Brasileira dos Estudantes Secundaristas. J...

Así son los Estados Unidos que quiere Trump

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Pio Moa
gaceta.es - El mensaje de campaña del candidato republicano, Donald Trump, a la Casa Blanca es muy similar al de algunos políticos que están denunciando en Europa los ataques a la soberanía de las naciones del...
Meio Ambiente

Por onde começar a leitura da Bíblia Sagrada?

Partilhado por
Marco Feliciano
marcofeliciano.com.br - “A Bíblia que está caindo aos pedaços geralmente pertence a alguém que não está.” (Charles H. Spurgeon) A Bíblia não é um livro comum e essa deve ser a primeira verdade que você precisa ter em ment...

Jesus aparece como motorista de ônibus para muçulmano

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Marco Feliciano
noticias.revivaltimes.com.br - Uma conversão ao cristianismo em países muçulmanos é pouco provável, pois em países como Irã, que têm as chamadas polícias religiosas, a conversão é classificada como um crime tão grave que deve se...

Adão teve uma mulher chamada Lilith antes de Eva?

Partilhado por
Marco Feliciano
marcofeliciano.com.br - Às vezes, toda a Bíblia, ou qualquer parte dela, é colocada a prova por suposições místicas ou mesmo folclóricas, que tentam colocar luz sobre supostas evidências de conspirações. Mas os escritos c...

Putin grants action star Steven Seagal Russian citizenship

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Julio Severo
dailymail.co.uk - President Vladimir Putin signed off Thursday on a decree granting Russian citizenship to American action hero actor Steven Seagal, the latest high-profile passport handout to a Western celebrity. H...

Straight guy accidentally goes to the filthiest gay sex club in Berlin, leaves a must-read Yelp review

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The #FreeRicky Tree
gaystarnews.com - Berlin’s Berghain is often cited as the world’s best club – but for a straight guy from San Antonio, it turned out to be opposite. Kyle, a (presumably) straight guy who was on holiday in Berlin, di...

Globalist Agenda Watch 2016: Update 23 – Why the globalists will announce Trump as the winner of the election (+ a P.S. – Lookie what the globalists did the day after I wrote this update)

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Henry Makow
redefininggod.com - How many times will the monkeys push the button before they realize they never get the banana?… In Update 22, we explored how the globalists will use the US election in November, the budget deadlin...
Meio Ambiente

Hillary provocará a Terceira Guerra Mundial ao confrontar Putin por causa da Síria, avisa Trump ao pedir que EUA lutem contra o ISIS em vez de Assad

Partilhado por
Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - Hillary provocará a Terceira Guerra Mundial ao confrontar Putin por causa da Síria, avisa Trump ao pedir que EUA lutem contra o ISIS em vez de Assad Donald Trump avisou que o plano de Hillary Clint...

La mujer del pegamento, los malos tratos y la presunción de inocencia

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actuall.com - La semana pasada nos sobresaltamos con una terrible noticia. La de una mujer a la que, en principio, un hombre había maltratado con tal saña que hasta le había rociado con pegamento la vagina. El s...

Meet the Giants fan who hangs the K's

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I Hate The Media
sfgate.com - William E. Germany doesn't have to be in his seat for the first pitch of a San Francisco Giants game, but he'd better be there by the third one. Germany occupies Seat 1 of Row 1 in Arcade Section 1...

Tintori: "Zapatero representa los intereses de Maduro"

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CitizenGO es
actuall.com - Nicolás Maduro ha dejado libres a cinco presos políticos este marte como gesto de buena voluntad para negociar con la oposición la estabilidad del país, pero el núcleo duro de la oposición no se fí...
Meio Ambiente

El presidente de la cooperativa confirma que Espinar miente

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Elentir ن
libertaddigital.com - Francisco Naranjo, presidente de Vitra, ha hablado en Es la Tarde de Dieter del pelotazo urbanístico de Ramón Espinar. El senador de Podemos compareció este miércoles para justificarse pero dio alg...

Cruda realidad / Ramón Espinar y Los Miserables

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actuall.com - Como cualquier otro joven de su edad, en esta España necesitada de salvapatrias bolivarianos, Ramón Espinar pidió la paga a su obrerísimo padre, vicepresidente del Consejo de Caja Madrid, 60.000 eu...
Meio Ambiente

La novia del teniente agredido en Alsasua abandona la ciudad por la presión proetarra

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actuall.com - La novia del teniente de la Guardia Civil de Alsasua, María José, fue una de las agredidas, junto al oficial, el sargento y su esposa, por un grupo de unos 40 individuos. La joven ha decidido aband...

Hillary Clinton’s “Sudden Move” Of $1.8 Billion To Qatar Central Bank Stuns Financial World

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I Hate The Media
whatdoesitmean.com - World's Largest English Language News Service with Over 500 Articles Updated Daily "The News You Need Today…For The World You’ll Live In Tomorrow."  What You Aren’t Being Told About The World You L...

Venezuela, Foro de São Paulo, EUA, petróleo e outras questões para um conservador pensante

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Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - Eduardo, se os EUA tivessem vontade de derrubar Hugo Chávez através do petróleo, eles teriam feito isso sem nenhum problema. Deixe-me lhe dar um exemplo. Assim como a Venezuela, a principal fonte d...

'All indications show that Trump will be the next President'

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Henry Makow
israelnationalnews.com - The Republican Party's Israel representative, attorney Mark Zell, said that all indications show Donald Trump will be the next US president. "His chances are improving from day to day both in natio...

Gay New York cops under investigation for links to 'breeding parties'

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Julio Severo
dailymail.co.uk - The arrest of a gay police officer's boyfriend has sparked an investigation into whether cops participated in sex 'breeding parties' with underage teens. Schenectady Police Sergeant Jonathan E. Moo...

Botija de gás de cozinha pode chegar a R$ 87,00 a partir desta terça

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Getúlio Santana
ac24horas.com - A Associação Brasileira dos Revendedores de GLP (Asmirg-BR) anunciou no final da tarde desta segunda-feira (31) o aumento da botija do Gás Liquefeito de Petróleo (GLP), o gás de cozinha. De acordo ...

On Tuesday, You Will Be Voting on School Choice

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Bryan Fischer
afa.net - The state of the government school system is so abysmal that parents are fleeing in droves and taking their children with them. Even the low-information media, as exemplified by The Washington Post...

“Num governo Trump, Israel terá um amigo verdadeiro, leal e permanente”

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Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - 16 de outubro de 2016 “Num governo Trump, Israel terá um amigo verdadeiro, leal e permanente” “Num governo Trump, Israel terá um amigo verdadeiro, leal e permanente” Comentário de Julio Severo: O x...

Muçulmanos destroem igrejas e matam ao menos 40 cristãos na Nigéria

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Marco Feliciano
noticias.revivaltimes.com.br - Ao menos 40 cristãos foram mortos após um ataque brutal da seita islâmica Fulani contra uma comunidade cristã no estado de Kaduna, na Nigéria. A comunidade Godogodo foi invadido no último sábado (1...
Arte & Entretenimento

Primeiras fotos mostram Emma Watson caracterizada com famoso vestido amarelo de “A Bela e A Fera” - Pop! Pop! Pop!

Partilhado por
Deborah Albuquerque
vejasp.abril.com.br - Se você é fã das animações da Disney, há grandes chances de você guardar com carinho o filme A Bela e A Fera (1991) no seu coração. Não à toa, muita gente ficou receosa ao descobrir que os estúdios...

Uma ilha de beleza em meio a um oceano de vulgaridade | Rodrigo Constantino

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Rodrigo Constantino
rodrigoconstantino.com - “A beleza salvará o mundo”, diz Gregory Wolf em livro homônimo, cujo subtítulo é “recuperando o humano em uma era ideológica”. Roger Scruton, por outro lado, é autor de livros sobre a beleza, de um...

Land Rover Range Rover Sport’s New Diesel V-6

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Emerson de Oliveira
logosapologetica.com - A breathless session saw a quite staggering 23 cars blanketed by just eight tenths of a second with positions changing at almost every moment. Such was the competitiveness that the ballast-laden VW...

Um dia seremos nós

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Jorge Ferraz
deuslovult.org - Ontem foi o dia de Finados, a «comemoração dos fiéis defuntos» que a Igreja celebra anualmente. É um dia que fala muito mesmo ao homem contemporâneo, alheio que ele costuma ser a questões religiosa...

Chevrolet Corvette Stingray Review Notes

Partilhado por
Emerson de Oliveira
logosapologetica.com - A breathless session saw a quite staggering 23 cars blanketed by just eight tenths of a second with positions changing at almost every moment. Such was the competitiveness that the ballast-laden VW...

Mídia Sem Máscara - O Outro Lado da Notícia: Bob Dylan, invasão da Europa, males da maconha, FHC, etc.

Partilhado por
Roger Olivieri
midiasemmascara.org - MSM Quem Somos Contato Links Indicados Canal MSM no YouTube Twitter MSM MSM no Orkut MSM no Facebook Breviarium Escola sem Partido Farol da Democracia Heitor de Paola Israel na Web José Osvaldo de ...

Hillary Clinton: Objeções religiosas à homossexualidade são como apoiar assassinatos de honra e queimar viúvas

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Anselmo Melo
pranselmomelo.com.br - WASHINGTON, D.C., EUA, 8 de dezembro de 2011 (Notícias Pró-Família) — Num discurso designado para convencer o mundo de que os “direitos gays são direitos humanos, e de que direitos humanos são dire...

URGENTE: Vítima do ebola ressuscita dos mortos na África e OMS tenta abafar o caso

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† Ricardo Cruz †
semprequestione.com - Em uma reviravolta surpreendente para a história do surto de Ebola, o Governo da Libéria acusou os Estados Unidos de propositadamente espalhar o Ebola Virus em uma tentativa de testar uma arma biol...

Mídia Sem Máscara - Juan Manuel Santos comprou o Prêmio Nobel

Partilhado por
Roger Olivieri
midiasemmascara.org - Escrito por Graça Salgueiro | 15 Outubro 2016 Notícias Faltantes - Foro de São Paulo Graça Salgueiro, em seu programa Observatório Latino, na Rádio Vox, lembra do discurso proferido por Joseph Stál...

Mídia Sem Máscara - A mentira soviético-palestina

Partilhado por
Roger Olivieri
midiasemmascara.org - Yasser Arafat (esquerda) com o presidente romeno Nicolae Ceausescu durante uma visita a Bucareste em 1974. A recente descoberta que Mahmoud Abbas, presidente da Autoridade Palestina (AP), era espiã...

O tamanho não conta

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Leão Alves
rodrigoconstantino.blogspot.com - João Pereira Coutinho, Folha de SP Sérgio Dávila escreveu nesta Folha a favor da polarização em política. Será que o sistema brasileiro, com seus 30 partidos, é mais desejável do que o sistema bipa...

Wow: Glenn Beck Just Made The 7-Word Trump Announcement NO ONE Saw Coming

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Peter LaBarbera
westernjournalism.com - Conservative radio host Glenn Beck issued a prediction Monday likely to shock many of his listeners: Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump will manage a five-point victory over Democrat Hill...

Jaguar Crossover “F-Pace” will Shock and Amaze

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Emerson de Oliveira
logosapologetica.com - A breathless session saw a quite staggering 23 cars blanketed by just eight tenths of a second with positions changing at almost every moment. Such was the competitiveness that the ballast-laden VW...

Procuradoria denuncia 443 ex-deputados por peculato

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Oswaldo Portella Jr
dci.com.br - BRASÍLIA - O procurador Elton Ghersel, da Procuradoria da República na 1ª Região (PRR1), apresentou 52 denúncias contra 443 ex-deputados por uso indevido de dinheiro público na compra de passagens ...

The three judges who 'blocked Brexit'

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Kattoliko Pensiero
dailymail.co.uk - The three judges whose decision has sparked a constitutional crisis over Brexit include the founder of a European law group and a former Olympic fencer.  The country's most senior judge Lord Chief ...

"Se Temer não abrir os olhos, Brasil seguirá se arrastando", diz empresário que defende Selic a 3%

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† Ricardo Cruz †
infomoney.com.br - SÃO PAULO - Se os investidores já estavam surpresos com o Copom (Comitê de Política Monetária) "hawkish", que frustrou as expectativas de um corte de juros mais rápido, a ata do Comitê divulgada na...


liberdade de expressão; livre comunicação; free speech; libertad de expresión; contra censura; against censorship; liberdade religiosa; religious freedom

Nota do editor

Este é um jornal gerado automaticamente pelo Paper.li a partir de links postados ou retuitados pelas pessoas incluídas na lista http://twitter.com/livrexpress/no-pc Contra a ditadura do politicamente correto. Against the dictatorship of political correctness. Liberdade de Expressão - Free Speech




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