04 November 2016

Extra 2016.11.03 all @CristPolit


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Obama’s IRS Has Never Stopped Targeting Conservatives

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Brian S. Brown
thefederalist.com - “It’s not true, it’s not true, it’s not true, it’s old news.” Standard Washington crisis management says to deflect and deny political scandals until they can be ignored—preferably without the powe...

5 Damning Inconsistencies In Transgender Dogma

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thefederalist.com - All good parents tells their children: “If you’re gonna lie, you better have a good memory!” If we bend the truth, we are sure to get caught in contradictions. This is exactly what’s happening with...

Mons. Jeanbart: «Los cristianos en Oriente Medio nunca se han enfrentado a un genocidio así»

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Rede Defesa da Vida
infocatolica.com - No pasa día sin sangre y víctimas en Alepo. En las últimas horas más de 50 muertos, entre ellos 15 niños, a causa de los ataques terroristas contra barrios civiles en la ciudad siria. Jean-Clement ...

Bundy Brothers Acquitted in Takeover of Oregon Wildlife Refuge

nytimes.com - PORTLAND, Ore. — Armed antigovernment protesters led by Ammon and Ryan Bundy were acquitted Thursday of federal conspiracy and weapons charges stemming from the takeover of a federally owned wildli...

Top Democratic Donor at Ross Fundraiser: Blacks Are “Seriously F***ed in The Head”

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Truth Offends
projectveritasaction.com - In a new video released by Project Veritas Action, a top Democratic donor is caught on camera disparaging members of the African American community at a fundraiser for North Carolina U.S. Senate ca...

Bundy vs BLM Standoff 2.0

flatoutunconstitutional.com - A situation similar to the one which occurred at the Bundy Ranch in Nevada is now taking place in Burns, Oregon. The Bundys were the last holdouts of over 50 Ranching families who were run off thei...

Trump vira nas pesquisas e lidera intenções de voto na Flórida | EXAME.com - Negócios, economia, tecnologia e carreira

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Rede Defesa da Vida
exame.abril.com.br - Miami – O candidato republicano à presidência dos Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, conseguiu uma virada nas pesquisas na Flórida, estado no qual precisa vencer para ganhar as eleições do dia 8 de nove...

Arabia Saudita usa dinero del petróleo para difundir islam radical, alerta sacerdote

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aciprensa.com - ROMA, 02 Nov. 16 / 06:05 pm (ACI).- El P. Samir Khalil Samir, doctor en Islamología y profesor del Pontificio Instituto Oriental y del Pontificio Instituto de Estudios Árabes e Islamistas, en Roma ...

Farsa desmontada: aluna que discursou na ALEP é filha de militante petista

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Rede Defesa da Vida
jornalivre.com - Seu desconhecimento a respeito do assunto, se traduz pela falta de interesse em aprender, e não engolir o que a petralhada espalha por aí! A festejada e ao mesmo tempo guerreada “PEC 241”, que fixa...

Quasi cento volontari del Corpo Italiano di Soccorso dell’Ordine di Malta impegnati nelle zone colpite dallo sciame sismico - Order of Malta

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Vida para Todos
orderofmalta.int - Sono quasi cento i volontari del Corpo Italiano di Soccorso dell’Ordine di Malta (Cisom), tra cui soccorritori, psicologi e sanitari, dispiegati in queste ore nelle aree del centro Italia colpite d...

España: Miles piden retiro de denuncia a colegio que rechaza adoctrinamiento LGTB

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CitizenGO es
aciprensa.com - MADRID, 02 Nov. 16 / 09:19 am (ACI).- Más de 5 mil personas han pedido a Cristina Cifuentes, presidenta de la Comunidad de Madrid que retire la denuncia que interpuso contra el Colegio Juan Pablo I...

Invasões de escolas prejudicarão Enem de 191 mil alunos e já custaram 3 milhões de reais - ILISP

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Thiago Furtado
ilisp.org - As invasões de escolas promovidas pelos movimentos de esquerda “em prol da educação” causaram novas vítimas: os alunos que desejam apenas estudar. O Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educac...
Arte & Entretenimento

Otherkin Are People Too; They Just Identify as Nonhuman | VICE | Canada

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Henry Makow
vice.com - Otherkin are people who identify as partially or entirely nonhuman. A dragon, a lion, a fox—you name it—there is probably someone out there who feels like they are more these things than they are h...

Trump cresce nas pesquisas a menos de uma semana das eleições americanas

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Diogo Pitta
correiobraziliense.com.br - Trump cresce nas pesquisas a menos de uma semana das eleições americanas Escândalo dos e-mails sigilosos investigados pelo FBI derruba Hillary Clinton da dianteira nas pesquisas nacionais, na seman...
Arte & Entretenimento

Justice Denied: Thoughts on Truth, ‘Canards’ and the Marc Rich Case: Part One of Two

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Henry Makow
theoccidentalobserver.net - ‘When someone does you wrong, do not judge things as he interprets them or would like you to interpret them. Just see them as they are, in plain truth.’ Emperor Marcus Aurelius, Meditations, Book F...

Shadowbanned into Submission!

flatoutunconstitutional.com - What does this mean?  I have been completely censored.  People at Twitter apparently don’t like what I have to say.  I primarily tweet and debate only two major topics.  The U.S. Constitution, whic...

Albania; San Ignacio une a los cristianos y musulmanes

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Rede Defesa da Vida
lastampa.it - El próximo 5 de noviembre, en Scutari (pequeña ciudad del norte de Albania) serán beatificados 38 mártires del régimen comunista de Enver Hoxha. Entre ellos hay tres jesuitas: los padres Giovanni F...

Grooming Gang Statistics — Grooming Gangs in England

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Wagner Clemente Soto
pmclauth.com - Grooming Gang Statistics Table showing details of those jailed as members of gangs who targeted white schoolgirls for rape. Muslims are approximately 5% of the UK population, but they are 90% of th...

Photo of Hugging Newborns Goes Viral, But the Story Behind it May Bring You to Tears | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - No one can deny how cute this picture is. But sadly the story behind the smiling twin brothers is a sad one because one of the tots is in a fight for his life. Here’s more from a local TV station i...

Most college students think America invented slavery, professor finds - The College Fix

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Wagner Clemente Soto
thecollegefix.com - For 11 years, Professor Duke Pesta gave quizzes to his students at the beginning of the school year to test their knowledge on basic facts about American history and Western culture. The most surpr...
Arte & Entretenimento

Ci sono troppi alunni islamici: "cancellata la Messa per i militari caduti"

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Kattoliko Pensiero
allaquerciadimamre.it - Polemica in provincia di Vicenza: il Comune e le scuole concordano di abolire la Messa per le scuole per "favorire la presenza degli alunni". Così moltissimi cittadini di Malo, in provincia di Vice...

Police Officer Tells Girl not to Report Being Sexually Assaulted by Migrant

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Voice of Europe
breitbart.com - A 15-year-old German girl claimed to have been sexually assaulted by an 50 year old Algerian migrant on Friday, but when she and her father attempted to report the incident a police officer told th...

Title IX and Hillary's Big-Bucks Indoctrination of Your Kids

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Matt Barber
barbwire.com - Are you fed up with sexual weirdness and anti-Christian bigotry being packaged and sold to our children as “inclusion” and “civil rights”? Especially when it’s done in the name of “preventing bully...

WikiLeaks announces launch of 'phase 3'

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Voice of Europe
speisa.com - WikiLeaks announces that "phase 3 of [its] US election coverage" will be released this week, and thus new scandals surrounding Hillary Clinton's hacked server could emerge just days before election...

Atheists Disbelieving of Impostor Christianity

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Emerson de Oliveira
thepoachedegg.net - I'm in the middle of leading a group on an Apologetics Missions Trip to Berkeley, CA. One of the things we do on these trips is to invite prominent atheist speakers to come and address our students...
Arte & Entretenimento

Disgusting, Disreputable, and Dishonest Political Ads! » BarbWire.com

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Matt Barber
barbwire.com - In 2012, I wrote about negative, naughty, and nasty political ads and they are even worse this year but they still do not reach the level of the past. The Trump–Clinton ads are bad but not the most...

Hit by refugee crisis, Merkel faces tough election year

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Voice of Europe
thelocal.de - When her Bavarian allies the CSU kick off the 2017 campaign season with a party congress Friday, Merkel, for the first time in her 16 years at the helm of the ruling CDU party, won't be on the gues...

Le Salon Beige - blog quotidien d'actualité par des laïcs catholiques: Halloween : des enfants s’amusent à renverser pierres tombales et autres crucifix

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Obs Christianophobie
lesalonbeige.blogs.com - « Tu ne tueras pas, le dernier film de Mel Gibson | Accueil Et après on s'étonne des viols de sépulture : "Les beaux jours d’un week-end de la Toussaint prolongé ont permis de profiter de belles pr...

Carmena, o el sentimentalismo criminal

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Wagner Clemente Soto
gaceta.es - La alcaldesa de Madrid, Manuela Carmena, hondamente conmovida por el hecho de que a los inmigrantes ilegales se les interne en centros para inmigrantes ilegales, ha decidido proveerles de pisos de ...

Support Dr. Peterson against totalitarian political correctness!

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citizengo.org - Dr. Jordan B. Peterson, a psychology professor at the University of Toronto, is refusing to use "transgender pronouns." And for that offense, he may risk jail time! Sign the petition to support Dr....

UNESCO pretende adoctrinar LGTB a los niños del mundo

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HO Jóvenes
citizengo.org - La UNESCO acaba de publicar un documento por el que pretende adoctrinar LGTB en todas las escuelas del mundo con la excusa de la violencia y el bullying. El informe lamenta la existencia de homofob...

Egypt Warns U.S. About CAIR's Brotherhood Links

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Emerson de Oliveira
atlasshrugs2000.typepad.com - An Egyptian government website features a warning that the Muslim Brotherhood has a lobby in the U.S. disguised as civil society organizations. The United Arab Emirates has made similar statements ...

Santos no asimila la derrota del 'si' y culpa al "miedo y la desinformación"

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actuall.com - Juan Manuel Santos no asume la derrota. Durante su última intervención en el Parlamento británico, el presidente colombiano se refirió de nuevo a los resultados del plebiscito y afirmó que la derro...

Associação Americana de Pediatras fulmina ideologia de gênero: é abuso infantil!

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pt.aleteia.org - A Associação Americana de Pediatras urge os educadores e legisladores a rejeitarem todas as políticas que condicionam as crianças a aceitarem como normal uma vida de personificação química e cirúrg...
Meio Ambiente


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aluizioamorim.blogspot.com - Vídeos legendados em português pelo excelente site Tradutores de Direita O que está acontecendo nesta semana que antecede a eleição presidencial dos Estados Unidos é de deixar o mundo inteiro embas...

Where the presidential race stands today: The USC Dornsife / Los Angeles Times poll

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Olavo de Carvalho
graphics.latimes.com - The USC Dornsife/L.A. Times Presidential Election "Daybreak" Poll asks more than 400 people each day about their voting intentions. The poll is part of the Understanding America Study (UAS) at the ...

White British: Minority within 50 Years - The New Observer

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Voice of Europe
newobserveronline.com - Mass nonwhite immigration, explosive immigrant birth rates, and declining white reproduction will have ethnically cleansed white people in Britain into minority status within the next 50 years, new...

91 Percent of Last-Minute Bets Are For Trump, Paddy Power Says

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Paul Joseph Watson
bloomberg.com - In the betting markets at least, Donald Trump is crushing Hillary Clinton. On Monday and Tuesday the Republican candidate outshone his rival in terms of both the number and the volume of wagers, ac...

'Welcome to Islamic State of Germany': Video Stirs Tensions Over Migrant Crisis

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Voice of Europe
sputniknews.com - The provocative video was originally published for American consumption, and aimed primarily at undecided voters in the swing states of Nevada, North Carolina and Florida. It facetiously talks abou...

Es ginecóloga, madre de 6 hijos y tiene un mensaje ante el aborto

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actuall.com - La doctora Rosario Rivadeneira es madre de seis hijos, está especializada en ginecología y obstetricia y ante el avance del proyecto del aborto en Chile recuerda que “los médicos no hemos sido form...

Cruda realidad / Hillary, Trump, la Gran Conspiración y yo

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actuall.com - Inmediatamente después de ser juzgado insuficientemente progresista, lo que más aterroriza al periodista medio es que le asocien de algún modo con una ‘teoría de la conspiración’. Estamos tan hecho...

Very Few Republican Jewish Coalition leaders open wallets for Trump

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Henry Makow
theuglytruth.wordpress.com - Just 9 out of group’s 55 members on board of directors have donated to nominee’s campaign JTA The Republican Jewish Coalition has 55 members on its board of directors. So far, only nine have donate...
Meio Ambiente

La OMS presiona por la adopción gay y la subrogación

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CitizenGO es
citizengo.org - ULTIMA HORA (2 de noviembre) La OMS dice que ha habido un "malentendido", que se trata de los trabajos del glosario del International Committee for Monitoring Assisted Reproductive Technologies (IC...
Arte & Entretenimento

I was pro-choice… until I started asking questions

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lifesitenews.com - November 1, 2012 (NCRegister.com) - I was sitting on a bean bag in my dorm room when I got the call. It was a friend of mine—let’s call her “Sara”—and she was sobbing so hard it took me a moment to...

Wikileaks revela la reacción de Planned Parenthood a los vídeos filtrados | Infovaticana

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infovaticana.com - Una conversación entre la mano derecha de Hillary Clinton, John Podesta, y Cecile Richards, la presidenta de la multinacional del aborto Planned Parennthood y gran allegada de la demócrata, pone en...

Homosexuality Has No Genetic Cause » BarbWire.com

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Redeeming Rainbow
barbwire.com - A genetic cause for homosexuality is not scientifically possible. A homosexuality gene, if it existed, would quickly die out. However, it gradually becomes clear that liberals and progressives are ...
Meio Ambiente

Vinho pode impedir doença incurável (só que não)

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Michelson Borges
criacionismo.com.br - Propaganda enganosa e irresponsável [O título original desta matéria é “Composto do vinho pode impedir doença incurável em mulheres”, mas basta você todo o texto para perceber que se trata de propa...
Arte & Entretenimento

What It’s Like to Date Your Dad

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Redeeming Rainbow
nymag.com - In the late ‘80s, the founder of a support group for adopted children who had recently reconnected with their biological relatives coined the term “Genetic Sexual Attraction” (GSA) to describe the ...

NFL might need to tackle fleeing fans

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AFA Action
onenewsnow.com - It appears football fans are throwing a flag at the NFL and its bow to political correctness.  Sunday night's game between division rivals Dallas and Philadelphia was swamped in the ratings by game...

Watch massive new £15 million mosque in Cambridge being built

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Voice of Europe
cambridge-news.co.uk - Work on a massive new £15 million mosque in Cambridge’s Mill Road has started and it can be seen being built live on webcam. The Abu Bakr Jamia Mosque, currently located in Mawson Road, off Mill Ro...

'Brexit Means Go Home': How Britain's 'Hate Crime Surge' is Actually Down to the Political Left

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Voice of Europe
breitbart.com - From the sound of her forthcoming report on the matter, Prof. Bhambra thinks “Brexit Means ‘Go Home'” because she says so. It is not a dissimilar from the contention of the shouty Polish woman on B...

Muçulmano de origem russa manda matar próprio filho por ser trans | Rodrigo Constantino

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Rodrigo Constantino
rodrigoconstantino.com - Uma jovem trans muçulmana foi morta por esquartejamento na Rússia dias após se casar com um homem e ver seu pai ir a uma emissora de TV para pedir: “Tragam meu filho aqui e matem-no na minha frente...

A vida de São Felipe Neri

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Padre Paulo Ricardo
padrepauloricardo.org - Às vésperas da celebração de 500 anos da natividade de São Felipe Neri (Filippo Neri, em italiano), nada como recordar a vida e as virtudes desse grande sacerdote florentino. A sua história, contad...

Palestinians demand UK apologize for 1917 Balfour Declaration that helped create Israel

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Voice of Europe
rt.com - Liberal Democrat peer Baroness Jenny Tonge hosted the launch at the House of Lords last Tuesday, where the plight of the Palestinian people was blamed on the legacy of the Balfour Declaration and w...
Arte & Entretenimento

Muslim doctor banned for calling daughter prostitute for going to Halloween party

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Voice of Europe
metro.co.uk - A doctor has been banned from practising for 12 months after he beat his daughter and called her a prostitute for going to a Halloween party. Dr Gohar Rahman, 57, struck the 17-year-old with a his ...

Chinese Family Hides to Escape Forced Abortion of Third Child | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - In a triumph of investigative journalism, the BBC has released a Report, “China’s forbidden babies still an issue,” confirming that under the Two-Child Policy, forced abortion remains a threat for ...

Priest issues devastating warning to DC council members who just passed assisted suicide

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lifesitenews.com - November 2, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) — As you are surely aware, the City Council of the District of Columbia overwhelmingly voted for a bill that legalizes suicide for “terminally ill” people.  Washingt...

Americans don’t want to be taxed to pay for abortions

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lifesitenews.com - November 1, 2016 (POP) -- Perhaps you have heard the saying abortion advocates often like to repeat: ‘if you don’t like abortion, then don’t get one.’ Well, we not only don’t like abortions, we don...

Brazilian priest ordered to pay thousands for preventing abortion, says he’s honored to suffer for Christ

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lifesitenews.com - November 2, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – A Brazilian Catholic priest has been convicted of “impeding” a legal abortion and ordered to pay the equivalent of $18,537 USD (60,000 Brazilian Reals) in damages ...

Transgender Bathroom Cases the Supreme Court Won’t Hear

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dailysignal.com - A mother who is part of a lawsuit against the Obama administration’s transgender restroom mandate for schools says she is encouraged by the Supreme Court’s decision to review a similar case. That c...

Trump's Women Problem Appears To Have Disappeared: IBD/TIPP Poll

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Bryan Fischer
investors.com - Weeks of wall-to-wall media coverage of Donald Trump's crude language and alleged misdeeds involving women don't seem to have hurt his standing among female voters, the IBD/TIPP presidential tracki...

Ontario PC Leader 'Muzzling' Teen Candidate: Social Conservatives

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Henry Makow
huffingtonpost.ca - TORONTO — Social conservatives accuse Patrick Brown of "muzzling" the Progressive Conservative candidate in an upcoming Ontario byelection to downplay the party leader's flip-flopping on sex educat...

BREAKING: Central Italy rocked by ANOTHER earthquake just days after massive tremor

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Voice of Europe
express.co.uk - Express. Home of the Daily and Sunday Express. Find us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Check us on Google+ Subscribe to our rss feed Daily Horoscope Our Apps Top 10 Our Paper Paper Archive HOME Ne...

Preet Bharara – The Hero You Never Heard Of

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Henry Makow
abeldanger.net - Anna von Reitz  October 31, 2016 Preet Bharara is the U.S. Prosecuting Attorney for the Southern District of New York. Pray for him. It was he and the New York Police Department (NYPD) that have fo...

Obama Faults F.B.I. on Emails, Citing ‘Incomplete Information’

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Bryan Fischer
nytimes.com - The president’s stop later in the day in this liberal college community was aimed at galvanizing two pillars of his political coalition, African-Americans and young voters, who Democrats say are no...

VINACC tenta refutar Olavo Carvalho, com mel e algodão doce

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Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - VINACC tenta refutar Olavo Carvalho, com mel e algodão doce Missão apologética é para todas as horas e indivíduos, ou tem seus favoritos para críticas e isenções? Isenção é o que não parece haver q...

UBS whistleblower exposes 'political prostitution' all the way up to President Obama

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Henry Makow
ibtimes.co.uk - UBS, the world's largest wealth manager, is facing embarrassment over fresh revelations going back to the tax investigation that led to the collapse of Swiss banking secrecy. Two significant events...

3 sinais de que estamos cada vez mais infantilizados e dependentes do governo | Rodrigo Constantino

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Rodrigo Constantino
rodrigoconstantino.com - Por Edemir Bozeski, publicado pelo Instituto Liberal Não é difícil constatar que os hábitos domésticos e familiares, têm grande influência na formação da criança e refletirão posteriormente na vida...

Former British Ambassador: Podesta Emails Leaked by Washington Insider, Not Russians

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Paul Joseph Watson
infowars.com - Former British ambassador Craig Murray says he was told that the source of the John Podesta email leak was a Washington insider and not the Russians, as Hillary Clinton’s campaign continues to clai...

TRENDING: Universities work to purge male students of their ‘toxic’ masculinity - The College Fix

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Olavo de Carvalho
thecollegefix.com - VIDEO: Undoing a legacy of ‘harm, oppression and dominance’ Universities across the nation are taking steps to actively purge male students of what’s been labeled “toxic masculinity.” Examples abou...

Hawaii Seeks to Enter Gun Owners in National Gun Registry » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - Hawaii is a state that is as liberal as they come and a recent piece of legislation that was recently introduced by state Senator Will Espero (D) is seeking to violate the rights of the people to k...
Meio Ambiente

Britain's 'Ebony and Ivory' Live Separately and in Disharmony, Study Shows

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Voice of Europe
sputniknews.com - The world has seen many racial problems, from the US civil rights movement in the 1950s to the London riots of 2011. The recent Brexit vote has also caused an increase in intolerance, as targeted a...

Putin Slams EU's Immigration Policies: "It Doesn't Fit Into My Head What On Earth They're Thinking"

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Voice of Europe
informationliberation.com - Putin Slams EU's Immigration Policies: "It Doesn't Fit Into My Head What On Earth They're Thinking"Chris Menahan InformationLiberation Nov. 02, 2016 Popular Bud Light Drops Amy Schumer-Seth Rogan C...

John Perkins and His Confessions of an Economic Hit Man

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Last Days Watchman
lastdayswatchman.blogspot.com - John Perkins and His Confessions of an Economic Hit Man Economist John Perkins said, “Economic hit men (EHMs) are highly paid professionals who cheat countries around the globe out of trillions of ...

Why Does The Christian Post Espouse Leftism in Brazil?

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Julio Severo
lastdayswatchman.blogspot.com - Why Does The Christian Post Espouse Leftism in Brazil? The U.S. version of The Christian Post rightly addressed the recent World Vision flap on gay “marriage” by quoting prominent evangelical leade...

The 50 Most Violent Cities in the World Are Mostly Catholic » BarbWire.com

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Julio Severo
barbwire.com - Business Insider reported a new ranking of the world’s most violent cities, explaining that a full one-third of global homicides occur in Latin America, even though the region has just 8% of the wo...

Blood in the Rivers: the Contraceptive Culture and Prophecies in Revelation

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Julio Severo
lastdayswatchman.blogspot.com - Blood in the Rivers: the Contraceptive Culture and Prophecies in Revelation In the early times of the human race, Cain killed Abel and buried him, and the Bible tells that Abel’s blood cried out fr...

Promotoria denuncia Roseana Sarney e mais dez por rombo de R$ 400 milhões no Maranhão

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Carlos Bolsonaro
politica.estadao.com.br - O Ministério Público do Maranhão denunciou a ex-governadora Roseana Sarney (PMDB) e mais dez investigados – entre eles ex-secretários de Estado – por um rombo superior a R$ 410 milhões nos cofres p...
Arte & Entretenimento

Hacksaw Ridge Review

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faithdrivenconsumer.com - In one of the most powerful and riveting films of the year, HACKSAW RIDGE tells the incredible true story of faith-driven American World War II hero and Medal of Honor recipient Desmond T. Doss, wh...

From Roe to Trump

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Ryan T. Anderson
nytimes.com - It’s an argument that rears its head whenever someone on the pro-life fringe turns to violence — the idea that abortion-clinic shooters are acting appropriately given full anti-abortion premises, t...

4-Year-Old At Grocery Store Calls Lonely Widower ‘Old,’ And Mom Is Floored By His Response

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Ryan T. Anderson
littlethings.com - Tara Wood is a 40-something stay-at-home mom and freelance writer. She and her husband Garrett have seven beautiful kids. Tara recently posted the following story on TODAY Parenting: “The day befor...

Number of home-schooled students has doubled since 1999, new data shows

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washingtonpost.com - Home-schooling has become more popular. (iStock) Approximately 1.8 million U.S. children were home-schooled in 2012, more than double the number that were home-schooled in 1999, when the federal go...

Santos anuncia un acuerdo cercano con las Farc y lo implementará a través del Congreso

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CitizenGO es
actuall.com - El presidente colombiano, Juan Manuel Santos, ha anunciado que se están realizando progresos en las conversaciones con las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC) para cerrar un nuevo ac...

Gay cops investigated for hosting ‘breeding’ sex parties for teens

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Henry Makow
nypost.com - The arrest of a police sergeant’s live-in boyfriend has reportedly launched a multi-agency probe into allegations that gay cops in upstate New York may have hosted or participated in sex parties at...

The Iowa Victory and What It Means for Massachusetts Churches

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adflegal.org - Last week, Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys dismissed a religious freedom lawsuit against Iowa officials after a federal judge affirmed the right of churches to operate free of government contr...

Obama administration still attempting to force pro-life organization to pay for abortion coverage

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adflegal.org - News Release Obama administration still attempting to force pro-life organization to pay for abortion coverage ADF attorney available for media interviews immediately following hearing Related Case...

Federal court rules in favor of pregnancy resource centers, free speech

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adflegal.org - News Release Federal court rules in favor of pregnancy resource centers, free speech Related Case: Greater Baltimore Center for Pregnancy Concerns v. Mayor and City Council of Baltimore The followi...

A timely victory for religious liberty

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erlc.com - As the chaos of the 2016 election cycle rages at full force, a federal judge has delivered a major victory for religious liberty. On October 14, U.S. District Judge Stephanie M. Rose “held that chu...
Arte & Entretenimento

Brazil’s Mackenzie Presbyterian University and Its Gender Ideology Professor » BarbWire.com

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barbwire.com - Brazilian news website UOL, in its section of child issues, addressed the gender ideology in the report titled “Nome neutro não basta para uma criação sem estereótipo de gênero, mas ajuda” (A Neute...

Jesus On Homosexuality. Jen Hatmaker, You Might Want to Read This » BarbWire.com

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barbwire.com - Jen Hatmaker recently made the following comment in a question-and-answer-style interview published by the Religion News Service, “Not only are these [LGBT] our neighbors and friends, but they are ...

LaVoy Finicum, Ammon Bundy and Restoring Liberty » BarbWire.com

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barbwire.com - This week on my speaking tour in Northern California I met many godly patriots who are teaching the Biblical view of Law and government with the materials we have developed at IOTC. There are excit...

The Electors Duty — For Such a Time as This

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barbwire.com - This past July I read a story by Lisa Bloom entitled “Why the New Child Rape Case Filed Against Trump Should Not Be Ignored.”  It came to my mind recently when I saw the headline “Woman Claiming Tr...

Donald Trump Waves the Gay Flag » BarbWire.com

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Matt Barber
barbwire.com - On October 30, at a rally in Colorado, Donald Trump proudly held up a rainbow-colored, gay flag on which was written “LGBT’s for Trump.” As Christian conservatives, what are we to make of this? Is ...

Authorities move against ‘paramilitaries’ occupying site of first mosque in Athens

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Voice of Europe
middleeasteye.net - Greek authorities have moved against men in military garb who stormed the planned site of the first official mosque in Athens, setting up a homeless shelter “for Greeks only” instead. The men, who ...

Merkel says Turkey media crackdown ‘highly alarming’

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Voice of Europe
euractiv.com - German Chancellor Angela Merkel today (2 November) called Turkey’s latest arrests of opposition newspaper journalists “highly alarming” and said they would impact Ankara’s EU membership negotiation...

Under Hillary Clinton Presidency, U.S. Muslim Population Would Exceed France's by 2024 - Breitbart

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Voice of Europe
breitbart.com - The Muslim population of France is reportedly 4.7 million and the current U.S. Muslim population is roughly 3.3 million, according to estimates from the Pew Research Center. Based on the most recen...

E quando os pais têm de enterrar seus filhos?

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Padre Paulo Ricardo
padrepauloricardo.org - Há um ditado comum, repetido especialmente em momentos de luto, de que "os pais não deveriam enterrar seus filhos". Contrária à lógica da idade, a verdade é que, dado ninguém saber a hora de sua mo...

Para 57% dos brasileiros, 'bandido bom é bandido morto', diz Datafolha

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g1.globo.com - A maioria dos brasileiros (57%) defende a afirmação “bandido bom é bandido morto”. O índice de concordância sobe para 62% em municípios com menos de 50 mil habitantes, segundo levantamento feito pe...

Democrats, Media, NeverTrump Have National Panic Attack

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Olavo de Carvalho
lifezette.com - There have been few political meltdowns such as the ones being seen in real time now, thanks to Democrat Hillary Clinton’s woes with the FBI. There’s Jim Carville turning into an exploding pumpkin ...

Confirmed: US Intel Operatives Leaked Clinton Campaign Emails, Not Russia

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Paul Joseph Watson
infowars.com - It’s now clear from numerous sources that the Podesta hack, which led to Wikileaks releasing tens of thousands of Clinton campaign emails, as well as other hacks targeting the Democratic Party, wer...

Florida newspaper apologizes for anti-Donald Trump bias

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Paul Joseph Watson
washingtontimes.com - A Florida daily newspaper is apologizing to readers for not being objective enough in its coverage of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump. The Daily Commercial, which serves Lake and Sumte...

Fr. James Martin, SJ, tells gay activists: The Church should embrace homosexuality’s ‘special gifts’

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lifesitenews.com - Praises Pope Francis, Martin praised Vienna Archbishop Cardinal Christoph Schönborn and Australian Bishop Vincent Long Van Nguyen PIKESVILLE, Maryland, November 2, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) — On Sunday, ...

Priest: ‘How dare’ clergy suggest abortion is just another ‘issue’?

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lifesitenews.com - BIRMINGHAM, Alabama, November 2, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – Catholics must reject the suggestion that “to regulate murder at the beginning and end of life is just another issue facing our society” and v...

BREAKING: Alberta Christian homeschool group seeks injunction to reopen

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lifesitenews.com - GRANDE PRAIRIE, Alberta, November 1, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) — Alberta's largest homeschooling operator, which the NDP government shut down last week, has asked the court to quash the decision, claimin...

China is still forcing women to abort under ‘two-child policy’: BBC confirms

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lifesitenews.com - November 1, 2016 (Womens Rights Without Frontiers) -- In a triumph of investigative journalism, the BBC has released a Report, “China’s forbidden babies still an issue,” confirming that under the T...
Arte & Entretenimento

Grandmother, interrupted

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lifesitenews.com - Nov. 1, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) - A funny thing happened when I held my friend’s 3-month-old son a few days ago. No, I didn’t wish I could have another child. I didn’t lament the fact that my youngest ...

Obama Administration Allowing US Troops to Fight Alongside Shiite Militias & Hezbollah in Mosul » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - It is never so clear cut in war as it is in the movies. There are no black and white hats that participants wear. So, we should not be surprised that in our war on terror we are sometimes forced to...

Government Of Italy Declares War On Islam » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - But, according to Pacinotti, the incursions done by Italy are not sufficient to stop the Islamic threat, since they are already innumerable Islamic immigrants in Western Europe, who are bound to st...

Pope proposes ‘new beatitudes for a new age’?

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lifesitenews.com - MALMO, Sweden, November 1, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – Pope Francis posed a new list of beatitudes for modern Christians today during his Mass at the end of the papal trip to Sweden for the Protestant Re...

Religious Freedom and the Common Good: A Symposium of the Religious Freedom Project

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berkleycenter.georgetown.edu - This conference will explore the wide-ranging political, economic, and social dimensions of religious freedom and their enduring impact on the global common good. The RFP's 13 associate scholars an...

A vida de São João da Cruz

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Padre Paulo Ricardo
padrepauloricardo.org - 1. Infância. — Beatificado em 1675 por Clemente X, canonizado em dezembro de 1726 por Bento XIII, declarado Doutor da Igreja em 1926 por Pio XI, — eis, em seus três principais e mais solenes marcos...

EXCLUSIVE: Source of DNC, Podesta Leaks 'Comes From Within Washington'

Partilhado por
Paul Joseph Watson
sputniknews.com - In an exclusive interview with Sputnik, Mr. Murray said: "The source of these emails and leaks has nothing to do with Russia at all. I discovered what the source was when I attended the Sam Adam's ...

O que é tomar a Santa Ceia indignamente?

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Marco Feliciano
marcofeliciano.com.br - O que Paulo quis dizer quando orientou que ninguém deveria participar da Ceia do Senhor indignamente? Essa orientação está exposta no texto bíblico que diz: “Portanto, qualquer que comer este pão o...
Meio Ambiente

Força e perseverança em meio aos desafios

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Portas Abertas
portasabertas.org.br - A igreja cubana tem enfrentado grandes desafios e ao mesmo tempo tem se mostrado forte e perseverante. Alguns pastores que foram entrevistados contaram detalhes sobre a realidade dos cristãos no pa...

Apartheid on the streets of Blackburn: How political correctness killed integration

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Voice of Europe
express.co.uk - The findings came as a shock to everyone except the people of Blackburn. Some areas of the town are 95 percent Asian and some shopkeepers have never served a white person. Many locals feel that ove...

Escreva para Mercy

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Portas Abertas
portasabertas.org.br - Em 2014, Mercy James, uma cristã da Nigéria de 22 anos, foi sequestrada no meio da noite em sua casa, quando o grupo Boko Haram tomou a cidade de Gwoza. O grupo levou Mercy e outras mulheres à Mubi...

Hillary Clinton's Election Would Empower Radical Abortion Activists | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - There are many ways to understand the 2016 presidential election. But one we have emphatically underlined is precisely what the “mainstream media” minimizes: the extent to which a victory for Hilla...
Meio Ambiente

Dia de Finados: o respeito aos mortos é o respeito aos que ainda não nasceram | Rodrigo Constantino

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Rodrigo Constantino
rodrigoconstantino.com - Hoje é Dia de Finados. Dia de respeitar a tradição, o legado dos que já se foram. Como teria dito Newton, se ele enxergou longe foi porque subiu no ombro de gigantes. Civilização é estoque de conhe...

Migrants armed with makeshift clubs fight each other in Paris

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dailymail.co.uk - This is the moment a mass brawl broke out as migrants in Paris attacked each other with sticks - hours after authorities moved in to smash up an illegal city centre camp. Pictures show men lunging ...

Memória de São Martinho de Lima

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Padre Paulo Ricardo
padrepauloricardo.org - Evangelho de Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo segundo São Lucas (Lc 15, 1-10) São Martinho de Lima, ou de Porres, cuja memória celebramos hoje, nasceu em 9 de dezembro de 1579, em Lima, Peru. Filho de Joã...

Sete conselhos para enfrentar a morte e o luto de forma cristã

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Padre Paulo Ricardo
padrepauloricardo.org - A morte assusta a todos nós. Diante dela, tomamos consciência de nossa fragilidade e, sem fé, podemos facilmente ser acometidos por incertezas, dúvidas e mal estar. Muitas vezes, para fugir desse t...

Louis Farrakhan Compares Hillary To Black Community’s Hitler In Fire And Brimstone Sermon [VIDEO]

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Olavo de Carvalho
dailycaller.com - Louis Farrakhan railed against Hillary Clinton during a sermon this past Sunday. The Nation of Islam leader first commended Donald Trump for taking away power from the media. Farrakhan noted that t...

Clinton Foundation Partnered With Planned Parenthood to Expand Abortion Around the World | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - Recent headlines discussing an open FBI investigation into the Clinton Foundation have referred to it as a “money laundering scheme” where influence within the American government can be purchased ...

Biotech Company Seeks to profit From Identifying Babies With Down Syndrome for Abortions | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - Over the weekend the British government approved a new test for pregnant women that will make it much easier to detect and destroy babies with Down Syndrome (DS). According to the BBC, the non-inva...

Russian Hackers? 45% Call News Media 'Primary Threat That Might Try to Change Election Results'

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Paul Joseph Watson
cnsnews.com - More people see the news media--as opposed to Russian hackers or political bosses--as the "primary threat that might try to change the election result," according to a recent Suffolk University/USA...

Adão teve uma mulher chamada Lilith antes de Eva?

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Marco Feliciano
marcofeliciano.com.br - Às vezes, toda a Bíblia, ou qualquer parte dela, é colocada a prova por suposições místicas ou mesmo folclóricas, que tentam colocar luz sobre supostas evidências de conspirações. Mas os escritos c...

Jesus aparece como motorista de ônibus para muçulmano

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Marco Feliciano
noticias.revivaltimes.com.br - Uma conversão ao cristianismo em países muçulmanos é pouco provável, pois em países como Irã, que têm as chamadas polícias religiosas, a conversão é classificada como um crime tão grave que deve se...

Após estupro, jovem decide manter filha e diz ser maior bênção

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Marco Feliciano
noticias.revivaltimes.com.br - A jovem Lauran Bunting sofreu abuso sexual por parte do namorado, quando estava no último ano da escola. O rapaz teria forçado relações sexuais mesmo após a Lauran ter deixado claro que queria espe...

Muçulmanos destroem igrejas e matam ao menos 40 cristãos na Nigéria

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Marco Feliciano
noticias.revivaltimes.com.br - Ao menos 40 cristãos foram mortos após um ataque brutal da seita islâmica Fulani contra uma comunidade cristã no estado de Kaduna, na Nigéria. A comunidade Godogodo foi invadido no último sábado (1...

Scott Micheal Greene: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

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Paul Joseph Watson
heavy.com - A 46-year-old Iowa man has been identified as the suspect accused of ambushing and killing two police officers early Wednesday morning. Scott Michael Greene, of Urbandale, is wanted in the shooting...

Brasil hospício – Virou “tortura” não alimentar invasores | VEJA.com

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Felipe Moura Brasil
veja.abril.com.br - Comentei no Twitter na madrugada desta quarta-feira, 2: –  Se um delinquente invadir sua casa, alimente-o. Caso contrário, os “jênios” do jornalismo e do Direito no Brasil dirão que você o “tortura...

Abortion Clinic Staffer: An Aborted Baby "is Shaped Like a Baby But Not a Person" | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - The following appeared on a prominent pro-abortion website, Rhealitycheck.org. [1] The irony is that “The Day I Learned Aborted Fetuses Aren’t People” bears no relationship to [rh]reality. None, at...

Blacks Say DC Bill to Legalize Assisted Suicide Targets Them: “It’s Really Aimed at Old Black People” | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - The District of Columbia City Council voted yesterday to legalize a deadly piece of legislation allowing doctor-prescribed suicide. The Washington, D.C. bill, which would allow doctors to prescribe...
Arte & Entretenimento

Should Men Get to Have an Opinion on Abortion? | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - While I certainly don’t recommend reading online comment forums relating to abortion as a relaxing pre-bed ritual, there are some interesting, predictable patterns that emerge time and again in the...

Hillary Clinton Trashes Trump Supporters: They're "Negative, Dark and Divisive With a Dangerous Vision" | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - Two months after calling Donald Trump supporters “deplorable,” Hillary Clinton added to her list of insults during a campaign stop Tuesday. According to the Daily Mail, the pro-abortion Democrat “l...

Christian Leader Who Prayed With Donald Trump: This is the Pro-Life Reason I'm Voting for Him | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - As a governmental intercessor in Florida for the past 25 years, this has been the most difficult election in my lifetime. Looking at the candidates, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, both have high...
Arte & Entretenimento

Born at 25 Weeks Little Coeli Beat the Odds. Her Parents Refused to Let Her Die | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - Little Coeli Zielinski weighed less than 2 pounds when she was born almost 15 weeks early. Doctors predicted that she had a 50-50 chance of surviving and more than likely would have disabilities. B...

Wisconsin Senate: Where Do Ron Johnson and Russ Feingold Stand on Abortion? | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - Every election year, National Right to Life publishes downloadable comparison flyers about the various Senate candidates. The downloadable version for Wisconsin’s “Where do the Senate Candidates St...

Hillary’s ‘surrogate daughter’ tied to terrorists, 9/11 funders

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Olavo de Carvalho
wnd.com - For nearly 20 years, Hillary Clinton has had an extremely close working relationship with a young beauty who was raised in Saudi Arabia. Hillary’s ties to Huma Abedin go so deep, it’s been said tha...

A Kenyan crowdsourcing tool will monitor the U.S. election for fraud

mcclatchydc.com - Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has refused to say he’d accept the outcome of next week’s election if he loses. He has claimed, despite lack of evidence, that the ballots will be “rigg...

A Igreja ainda aprova o uso do cilício?

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Padre Paulo Ricardo
padrepauloricardo.org - Muitas pessoas ficaram desconcertadas ao saber que o bem-aventurado João Paulo II, mesmo depois de Papa, continuava usando o cilício. Uma propaganda anticristã tem tentado – com sucesso, diga-se de...

Como não ser esmagado pela cruz do dia a dia?

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Padre Paulo Ricardo
padrepauloricardo.org - A vida do homem sobre a Terra é marcada por dificuldades. Com os cristãos não é diferente. A cruz do dia a dia parece, às vezes, ser muito pesada e, para não ser esmagado por ela, é preciso mudar a...

O purgatório é uma invenção medieval?

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Padre Paulo Ricardo
padrepauloricardo.org - O purgatório é uma invenção da Idade Média? Infelizmente, muitos pregadores católicos e professores de teologia têm repetido essa afirmação absurda, ignorando que o purgatório é um dogma - estabele...

Dia de luto: quando nossa democracia (quase) morreu | Rodrigo Constantino

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Rodrigo Constantino
rodrigoconstantino.com - Em homenagem ao Dia de Finados, segue um artigo meu publicado no GLOBO nessa mesma data, em 2010. Tal como Fênix, nossa democracia capenga renasce das cinzas, depois de quase completamente assassin...

German Interior Minister: NYE Sex Attackers Should Be Forced to Leave Germany

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Voice of Europe
breitbart.com - Christian Democratic Union (CDU) politician de Maizière appeared in the Düsseldorf parliament as a witness on Monday at the inquiry committee for the New Year’s Eve sex attacks. Despite the challen...

Migrants jump border into Spain's Ceuta enclave

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Voice of Europe
neweurope.eu - More than 200 mainly African migrants broke through a barbed-wire border fence to cross into the Spanish enclave of Ceuta from Morocco. They were then rounded up from the hills on the Spanish side ...

Fact-Check Finds Majority of Anti-Migrant Attacks Recorded By Pro-Asylum Group Are False

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Voice of Europe
breitbart.com - The publicly funded, pro-censorship body runs a website entitled “Courage against right-wing violence” on which “refugee-hostile incidents” they claim have been committed by right-wing extremists a...

France moves migrant youths from razed 'Jungle' camp

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Voice of Europe
thelocal.fr - Workers razed the last of the makeshift shelters at the notorious shantytown on Monday, but the youths have been housed in specially outfitted shipping containers. "Tomorrow the minors staying at t...

Próximas viagens

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Portas Abertas
portasabertas.org.br - Por favor, antes de escolher seu destino, acesse a página "termos e condições" e saiba como participar de uma viagem com o Sem Fronteiras.  Abaixo você encontrará as informações das próximas viagen...


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Portas Abertas
portasabertas.org.br - De 27 de outubro a 7 de novembro - Paraíba e São Paulo Mariana, cristã indígena da América Latina, 43 anos, professora e esposa de um líder cristão. Ela e sua família enfrentam perseguição por prom...

Terrorist arms still hidden in Belgium?

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Voice of Europe
deredactie.be - Mohamed Abrini: We left the Jette safe house because the El Bakraoui Brothers (Both killed in the attacks) received word from prison saying that they should leave Jette before things hotted up too ...

Iran's Revolutionary Guard 'sending elite fighters to US and Europe' 

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Voice of Europe
dailymail.co.uk - Elite fighters from Iran are being sent to infiltrate Europe and the United States, a military leader in the Middle East state has reportedly said.  Salar Abnoush, a senior figure in the Iranian Re...

Hindu Temples and Homes in Bangladesh Are Attacked by Muslim Crowds

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Voice of Europe
nytimes.com - DHAKA, Bangladesh — Crowds of Muslims attacked Hindu homes and temples in eastern Bangladesh this week, raising concerns that simmering religious tensions could escalate. Attacks on Hindus are not ...

Putin criticises Austrian justice system over rape case

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Voice of Europe
thelocal.at - On Monday, without naming Austria, Putin railed against what he called the “acquittal” of a refugee who was accused of raping a boy in a "European state". "In a European country, a child is raped b...

If Donald Trump Wins, He Will Be 70 Years, 7 Months And 7 Days Old On His First Full Day In Office » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - A couple of weeks ago, it looked like Hillary Clinton was all set to cruise to victory, but now the FBI has delivered an election miracle in the nick of time.  A few of my readers had criticized me...

BREAKING: Law Society cannot reject Christian school grads, B.C. appeals court rules

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lifesitenews.com - VANCOUVER, British Columbia, November 1, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) — A unanimous decision by five British Columbia Appeal Court judges overruled the province’s Law Society, forcing it to recognize future...

Global Elite Have Prepared for Coming Collapse - Have You? » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - Why are the global elite buying extremely remote compounds that come with their own private airstrips in the middle of nowhere on the other side of the planet?  And why did they start dumping stock...

Hillary’s abortion debate sounded more pro-life than she realized

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lifesitenews.com - LAS VEGAS, Nevada, October 20, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – If abortion doesn’t kill a baby, then why did Hillary Clinton last night say pregnancy involves “mothers” and late-term abortion is often a “hea...

DHS Secretary Sees All Americans As a Threat: “Gun Control Has To Be a Part of Homeland Security” » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - The agency’s source of power has always been fear. And now is the time to capitalize upon it. Homeland Security chief Jeh Johnson has seized upon the Orlando shooting and is… rather predictably… us...

A Checklist for Preppers » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - “Protect your family now. Make a plan. Be Ready.” These are compelling words on the home page of survivormall.com, which specializes in “Emergency Supplies and Survival Kits for Disaster Preparedne...

GOA Shuts Down CNN Talking Head with Gun Facts She Ignored in CDC Study She Cited » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - Once again, the mainstream media is exposed for being complicit in the anti-American agenda of the Obama administration as they provide cover by ignoring obvious facts that support the good that gu...
Arte & Entretenimento

Mass-murdering abortionist Kermit Gosnell read the entire Bible in prison. This is what he learned.

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lifesitenews.com - Note: Listen to the interview with Gosnell in the video above. October 5, 2015 (LiveActionNews) -- In a phone interview with writer and director David Altrogge of 3801 Lancaster: American Tragedy, ...
Arte & Entretenimento

BBC takes heat for series urging kids as young as six to question their gender

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lifesitenews.com - UNITED KINGDOM, November 2, 2016 (LifesiteNews) — The BBC is under fire from Conservative MPs, child development professionals, parents, and Christians over its Just a Girl video series aimed at pr...

Stop the warmongers: American politicians

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The Sons of Liberty
wnd.com - “The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing...

What Guns? What Gold? Prepper Tips On “Hiding Your Guns in Plain Sight” » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - There are endless places and ways to conceal, hide and stash your guns and other precious items. Who knows when the time would actually come when some jack-booted thug would beat down your door and...

Corrupt Clinton Foundation's Partnership with Planned Parenthood Promotes Abortion Around the Globe » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - Boston, MA – Recent headlines discussing an open FBI investigation into the Clinton Foundation have referred to it as a “money laundering scheme” where influence within the American government can ...

We are at war. Are you ready to do what it takes to win?

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lifesitenews.com - November 1, 2016 (HLI) -- Contemporary culture is in a deep crisis regarding holy matrimony. Both the truth about the family and families themselves are being ripped a part by violent forces. Propo...

Former FBI Official: Clintons are a “Crime Family” & “Something Big is about to Happen” » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - The FBI is not happy with either Director James Comey or the Clinton family, and now former officials are starting to speak out about the issue. Former FBI assistant director James Kallstrom told F...

The Rapture, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton And 50 Other Excuses People Use For Not Prepping » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - Have you ever come away discouraged after trying to talk about prepping with friends or family members that just don’t seem to be interested?  Over the years, I have heard countless excuses from pe...

Running Guns and Allowing Violence: Forcing U.N. Arms Treaty Intervention » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - In September of 2013, Secretary of State John Kerry signed the United Nations Small Arms Treaty. While this treaty has not been ratified by the senate, there is reason to speculate that there will ...

Trump And Clinton Assemble Army Of Lawyers To Contest Election Results » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - What happens when you get thousands of lawyers involved in the craziest election in modern American history? Unfortunately, we may be about to find out. We all remember the legal tug of war between...

Praying as the world crumbles: a firsthand account from quake-ravaged Norcia

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lifesitenews.com - Editor's note: Long-time LifeSiteNews journalist and Rome correspondent Hilary White, who now lives in Norcia, Italy, was present as the town was ravaged by the devastating earthquake on Sunday. Wi...
Arte & Entretenimento

Katie Couric Caught Red Handed Deceptively Editing Footage in Gun Documentary » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - Katie Couric was hoping for a return to notoriety when she chose to make a “documentary” about the debate over guns in America today. Her film, Under the Gun, is a biased discussion about gun right...

Ted Koppel Is Buying Freeze-Dried Food For The Day When A Cyberattack Takes Out The Power Grid » Sons of Liberty Media

Partilhado por
The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - Most Americans have absolutely no idea how incredibly vulnerable our electrical grid is, but Ted Koppel does.  For many years, Koppel was the level-headed host of Nightline on ABC, but now he is is...

Fascist California Seeks to Outlaw Global Warming Skeptics... and Their Guns » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - It’s not been a banner week for California. The nuttiest state in the Union has long been known for the insanity that seeps out of Hollywood and Sacramento, but this past week California outdid its...

James Wesley, Rawles Talks Prepping, Ebola & Citizen Journalism » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - Jason and Jim had a chance to have James (Jim) Wesley, Rawles on the show to talk about his new book release, “Liberators” that circles around “The Crunch” incident. We touch on how important it is...

Police Abduct 10 Children From A Family In Kentucky Because Of Their ‘Off The Grid’ Lifestyle » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - If the government does not like the way that you are raising your kids, they will come in and grab them at any time without giving any warning whatsoever.  Of course this is completely and totally ...

20 Reasons Why All The People That Quit Prepping After September Are Dead Wrong » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - Millions of Americans were gearing up for some huge event to happen in September, but the world didn’t end and now many of them have given up entirely on prepping.  Of course, the truth is that som...

It Is Time To Kick Prepping Into Overdrive, Because This Stock Market Crash Is Just The Beginning » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - If you have not been preparing for what is coming, you need to get off your sofa and you need to start prepping right now. Just remember what happened back in 2008. That crisis took most people tot...

The Line is Drawn America! Warn the Rulers with Resistance! » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - “You don’t need 30 rounds to hunt! But the 2nd Amendment was not written in case deer turn against us.” On June 18th 2016, Barrack Hussein Obama once again proclaimed he would usurp the United Stat...

For Comey, It’s Reputation - For Obama, It’s Payback » Sons of Liberty Media

Partilhado por
The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - My theory on this weekend’s bombshell revelation that the FBI is reopening its investigation into Hillary’s emails: James Comey is trying to salvage what’s left of his shredded reputation, and Bara...

Mr. Obama, It's Islam, not Guns! » Sons of Liberty Media

Partilhado por
The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - President Obama, as I predicted, did not mention the phrase “Islamic terrorism” once in his brief remarks in the wake of the Muslim massacre at the homosexual nightclub in Orlando. And just as pred...

Huma Abedin Emails Probe will be Headed by John Podesta's Best Friend » Sons of Liberty Media

Partilhado por
The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - Tin pot rule and corruption in the United States — it’s like Sodom and Gomorrah: there is not one honest man in the party of treason and treachery. Podesta brags DOJ’s Huma “investigation” spokesma...

Quebec’s euthanasia deaths three times higher than expected under new law

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lifesitenews.com - QUEBEC CITY, November 2, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) — Quebec’s commission on euthanasia has revealed that doctors reported killing 262 Quebecers since voluntary euthanasia was legalized in the province in...

We Don’t Need More Laws – We Need Good Men that will Do what They Say They’re Gonna Do » Sons of Liberty Media

Partilhado por
The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - Sons of Liberty Radio show host Bradlee Dean is no stranger to controversy because of his stand for the truth. On Monday, Dean told his audience that America didn’t need any more laws, but rather d...

70 Tips That Will Help You Survive What Is About To Happen To America » Sons of Liberty Media

Partilhado por
The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - You may have noticed that things are starting to get crazy. Financial markets are imploding, violent crime rates are soaring in our major cities, and we have witnessed a truly unusual series of nat...
Meio Ambiente

Clinton Called Out on Russian Uranium Deal – Malheur Documents Found by Bundys Come to Forefront » Sons of Liberty Media

Partilhado por
The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - Earlier this year, it was reported that the Clintons have been involved in selling Uranium ore to the Russians for millions of dollars, which later was sold to Iran, and part of that discovery was ...

Baby body parts harvesting is so common, the NAF had a presentation on it

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lifesitenews.com - November 2, 2015 (LiveActionNews) -- In a video secretly recorded at a National Abortion Federation Conference by the Center for Medical Progress and leaked to GotNews.com by a hacker last month, a...

Huma Abedin’s Anti-American Muslim Brotherhood Ties Exposed » Sons of Liberty Media

Partilhado por
The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - As the spotlight begins to focus on Hillary Clinton’s deputy adviser Huma Abedin amid Wikileaks’ email releases, we’ve exposed her ties to the Muslim Brotherhood a long time ago. Now a new document...

Americans Want Hillary in Jail - Rightly So! » Sons of Liberty Media

Partilhado por
The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - When you see that trading is done, not by consent, but by compulsion–when you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing–when you see that money is flo...

Does Your One Vote Actually Count? » Sons of Liberty Media

Partilhado por
The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - Polls, shmolls. The only poll that counts in this highly fluid election is your vote. How important is your one vote? If we show up, values voters could make all the difference in this and virtuall...
Arte & Entretenimento

Americans, So Easily Controlled! » Sons of Liberty Media

Partilhado por
The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - “Football, beer… Filled up the horizon of their minds. To keep them in control was not difficult.” George Orwell One day last week our family went to grab a bite to eat.  We went to Maynards.  We w...

Obama is Trying to Have It Both Ways with Gay Night Club Shooting » Sons of Liberty Media

Partilhado por
The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - For many, the news that there was another attack by a Muslim came as no surprise. As we have seen the ever growing number of “radical” Muslims in the West, the likelihood of another attack increase...
Meio Ambiente

These People Were Prepared During Snow Storm Jonas, but They Died Because of This Mistake » Sons of Liberty Media

Partilhado por
The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - Lessons from the massive snow storm Jonas, where at least 48 people have been reported killed, are important to take away here for future prepping in our quickly declining and increasingly vulnerab...
Arte & Entretenimento

Valerie Jarrett: Imposing More Gun Laws will Make US a “More Perfect Union” » Sons of Liberty Media

Partilhado por
The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - The fact that anyone actually believes that gun control is a solution to criminal actions by individuals with guns is really laughable. Yet, the Marxists are always eager to take advantage of every...

Obama’s Black Camelot: Hell-Bent on Disarming the American People at all Costs » Sons of Liberty Media

Partilhado por
The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - In light of the foolishness of Democrat leadership, whose anti-civil rights ‘sit-in’ disrupted the floor of the House of Representatives in protest for gun regulation bills which failed to pass, I ...

Hatch: Obama's defense bill veto an attack on religious liberty

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washingtonexaminer.com - President Obama's reported plan to veto the defense spending legislation constitutes a "deeply disturbing" attack on religious liberty, according to a top Republican. "It is deeply disturbing that ...

Here’s how the impending ObamaCare disaster affects you

Partilhado por
nypost.com - This election is a referendum on the Affordable Care Act. Almost everyone in America is affected. Contrary to what ObamaCare’s defenders claim, the law’s hurting millions more people than it’s help...

The Legal Implications of the Johnson Amendment

Partilhado por
adflegal.org - In 1954, the U.S. Congress amended (without debate or analysis) Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3) to restrict the speech of nonprofit, tax-exempt entities, including churches. Before the amen...

Pressing Pause on the Government’s War Against Privacy

Partilhado por
adflegal.org - Gloucester County, Virginia is probably best known as the home of Pocahontas, who saved the life of Captain John Smith and later married John Rolfe, bringing about a peace in the war between the Ja...

Terrorist arms still hidden in Belgium?

Partilhado por
Voice of Europe
deredactie.be - Mohamed Abrini: We left the Jette safe house because the El Bakraoui Brothers (Both killed in the attacks) received word from prison saying that they should leave Jette before things hotted up too ...

Iran's Revolutionary Guard 'sending elite fighters to US and Europe' 

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Voice of Europe
dailymail.co.uk - Elite fighters from Iran are being sent to infiltrate Europe and the United States, a military leader in the Middle East state has reportedly said.  Salar Abnoush, a senior figure in the Iranian Re...

Hindu Temples and Homes in Bangladesh Are Attacked by Muslim Crowds

Partilhado por
Voice of Europe
nytimes.com - DHAKA, Bangladesh — Crowds of Muslims attacked Hindu homes and temples in eastern Bangladesh this week, raising concerns that simmering religious tensions could escalate. Attacks on Hindus are not ...

Putin criticises Austrian justice system over rape case

Partilhado por
Voice of Europe
thelocal.at - On Monday, without naming Austria, Putin railed against what he called the “acquittal” of a refugee who was accused of raping a boy in a "European state". "In a European country, a child is raped b...

If Donald Trump Wins, He Will Be 70 Years, 7 Months And 7 Days Old On His First Full Day In Office » Sons of Liberty Media

Partilhado por
The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - A couple of weeks ago, it looked like Hillary Clinton was all set to cruise to victory, but now the FBI has delivered an election miracle in the nick of time.  A few of my readers had criticized me...

BREAKING: Law Society cannot reject Christian school grads, B.C. appeals court rules

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lifesitenews.com - VANCOUVER, British Columbia, November 1, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) — A unanimous decision by five British Columbia Appeal Court judges overruled the province’s Law Society, forcing it to recognize future...

Global Elite Have Prepared for Coming Collapse - Have You? » Sons of Liberty Media

Partilhado por
The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - Why are the global elite buying extremely remote compounds that come with their own private airstrips in the middle of nowhere on the other side of the planet?  And why did they start dumping stock...

Hillary’s abortion debate sounded more pro-life than she realized

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lifesitenews.com - LAS VEGAS, Nevada, October 20, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – If abortion doesn’t kill a baby, then why did Hillary Clinton last night say pregnancy involves “mothers” and late-term abortion is often a “hea...

DHS Secretary Sees All Americans As a Threat: “Gun Control Has To Be a Part of Homeland Security” » Sons of Liberty Media

Partilhado por
The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - The agency’s source of power has always been fear. And now is the time to capitalize upon it. Homeland Security chief Jeh Johnson has seized upon the Orlando shooting and is… rather predictably… us...

A Checklist for Preppers » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - “Protect your family now. Make a plan. Be Ready.” These are compelling words on the home page of survivormall.com, which specializes in “Emergency Supplies and Survival Kits for Disaster Preparedne...

GOA Shuts Down CNN Talking Head with Gun Facts She Ignored in CDC Study She Cited » Sons of Liberty Media

Partilhado por
The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - Once again, the mainstream media is exposed for being complicit in the anti-American agenda of the Obama administration as they provide cover by ignoring obvious facts that support the good that gu...
Arte & Entretenimento

Mass-murdering abortionist Kermit Gosnell read the entire Bible in prison. This is what he learned.

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lifesitenews.com - Note: Listen to the interview with Gosnell in the video above. October 5, 2015 (LiveActionNews) -- In a phone interview with writer and director David Altrogge of 3801 Lancaster: American Tragedy, ...
Arte & Entretenimento

BBC takes heat for series urging kids as young as six to question their gender

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lifesitenews.com - UNITED KINGDOM, November 2, 2016 (LifesiteNews) — The BBC is under fire from Conservative MPs, child development professionals, parents, and Christians over its Just a Girl video series aimed at pr...

Stop the warmongers: American politicians

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The Sons of Liberty
wnd.com - “The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing...

What Guns? What Gold? Prepper Tips On “Hiding Your Guns in Plain Sight” » Sons of Liberty Media

Partilhado por
The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - There are endless places and ways to conceal, hide and stash your guns and other precious items. Who knows when the time would actually come when some jack-booted thug would beat down your door and...

Corrupt Clinton Foundation's Partnership with Planned Parenthood Promotes Abortion Around the Globe » Sons of Liberty Media

Partilhado por
The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - Boston, MA – Recent headlines discussing an open FBI investigation into the Clinton Foundation have referred to it as a “money laundering scheme” where influence within the American government can ...

We are at war. Are you ready to do what it takes to win?

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lifesitenews.com - November 1, 2016 (HLI) -- Contemporary culture is in a deep crisis regarding holy matrimony. Both the truth about the family and families themselves are being ripped a part by violent forces. Propo...

Former FBI Official: Clintons are a “Crime Family” & “Something Big is about to Happen” » Sons of Liberty Media

Partilhado por
The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - The FBI is not happy with either Director James Comey or the Clinton family, and now former officials are starting to speak out about the issue. Former FBI assistant director James Kallstrom told F...

The Rapture, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton And 50 Other Excuses People Use For Not Prepping » Sons of Liberty Media

Partilhado por
The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - Have you ever come away discouraged after trying to talk about prepping with friends or family members that just don’t seem to be interested?  Over the years, I have heard countless excuses from pe...

Running Guns and Allowing Violence: Forcing U.N. Arms Treaty Intervention » Sons of Liberty Media

Partilhado por
The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - In September of 2013, Secretary of State John Kerry signed the United Nations Small Arms Treaty. While this treaty has not been ratified by the senate, there is reason to speculate that there will ...

Trump And Clinton Assemble Army Of Lawyers To Contest Election Results » Sons of Liberty Media

Partilhado por
The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - What happens when you get thousands of lawyers involved in the craziest election in modern American history? Unfortunately, we may be about to find out. We all remember the legal tug of war between...

Praying as the world crumbles: a firsthand account from quake-ravaged Norcia

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lifesitenews.com - Editor's note: Long-time LifeSiteNews journalist and Rome correspondent Hilary White, who now lives in Norcia, Italy, was present as the town was ravaged by the devastating earthquake on Sunday. Wi...
Arte & Entretenimento

Katie Couric Caught Red Handed Deceptively Editing Footage in Gun Documentary » Sons of Liberty Media

Partilhado por
The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - Katie Couric was hoping for a return to notoriety when she chose to make a “documentary” about the debate over guns in America today. Her film, Under the Gun, is a biased discussion about gun right...

Ted Koppel Is Buying Freeze-Dried Food For The Day When A Cyberattack Takes Out The Power Grid » Sons of Liberty Media

Partilhado por
The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - Most Americans have absolutely no idea how incredibly vulnerable our electrical grid is, but Ted Koppel does.  For many years, Koppel was the level-headed host of Nightline on ABC, but now he is is...

Fascist California Seeks to Outlaw Global Warming Skeptics... and Their Guns » Sons of Liberty Media

Partilhado por
The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - It’s not been a banner week for California. The nuttiest state in the Union has long been known for the insanity that seeps out of Hollywood and Sacramento, but this past week California outdid its...

James Wesley, Rawles Talks Prepping, Ebola & Citizen Journalism » Sons of Liberty Media

Partilhado por
The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - Jason and Jim had a chance to have James (Jim) Wesley, Rawles on the show to talk about his new book release, “Liberators” that circles around “The Crunch” incident. We touch on how important it is...

Police Abduct 10 Children From A Family In Kentucky Because Of Their ‘Off The Grid’ Lifestyle » Sons of Liberty Media

Partilhado por
The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - If the government does not like the way that you are raising your kids, they will come in and grab them at any time without giving any warning whatsoever.  Of course this is completely and totally ...

20 Reasons Why All The People That Quit Prepping After September Are Dead Wrong » Sons of Liberty Media

Partilhado por
The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - Millions of Americans were gearing up for some huge event to happen in September, but the world didn’t end and now many of them have given up entirely on prepping.  Of course, the truth is that som...

It Is Time To Kick Prepping Into Overdrive, Because This Stock Market Crash Is Just The Beginning » Sons of Liberty Media

Partilhado por
The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - If you have not been preparing for what is coming, you need to get off your sofa and you need to start prepping right now. Just remember what happened back in 2008. That crisis took most people tot...

The Line is Drawn America! Warn the Rulers with Resistance! » Sons of Liberty Media

Partilhado por
The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - “You don’t need 30 rounds to hunt! But the 2nd Amendment was not written in case deer turn against us.” On June 18th 2016, Barrack Hussein Obama once again proclaimed he would usurp the United Stat...

For Comey, It’s Reputation - For Obama, It’s Payback » Sons of Liberty Media

Partilhado por
The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - My theory on this weekend’s bombshell revelation that the FBI is reopening its investigation into Hillary’s emails: James Comey is trying to salvage what’s left of his shredded reputation, and Bara...

Mr. Obama, It's Islam, not Guns! » Sons of Liberty Media

Partilhado por
The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - President Obama, as I predicted, did not mention the phrase “Islamic terrorism” once in his brief remarks in the wake of the Muslim massacre at the homosexual nightclub in Orlando. And just as pred...

Huma Abedin Emails Probe will be Headed by John Podesta's Best Friend » Sons of Liberty Media

Partilhado por
The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - Tin pot rule and corruption in the United States — it’s like Sodom and Gomorrah: there is not one honest man in the party of treason and treachery. Podesta brags DOJ’s Huma “investigation” spokesma...

Quebec’s euthanasia deaths three times higher than expected under new law

Partilhado por
lifesitenews.com - QUEBEC CITY, November 2, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) — Quebec’s commission on euthanasia has revealed that doctors reported killing 262 Quebecers since voluntary euthanasia was legalized in the province in...

We Don’t Need More Laws – We Need Good Men that will Do what They Say They’re Gonna Do » Sons of Liberty Media

Partilhado por
The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - Sons of Liberty Radio show host Bradlee Dean is no stranger to controversy because of his stand for the truth. On Monday, Dean told his audience that America didn’t need any more laws, but rather d...

70 Tips That Will Help You Survive What Is About To Happen To America » Sons of Liberty Media

Partilhado por
The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - You may have noticed that things are starting to get crazy. Financial markets are imploding, violent crime rates are soaring in our major cities, and we have witnessed a truly unusual series of nat...
Meio Ambiente

Clinton Called Out on Russian Uranium Deal – Malheur Documents Found by Bundys Come to Forefront » Sons of Liberty Media

Partilhado por
The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - Earlier this year, it was reported that the Clintons have been involved in selling Uranium ore to the Russians for millions of dollars, which later was sold to Iran, and part of that discovery was ...

Baby body parts harvesting is so common, the NAF had a presentation on it

Partilhado por
lifesitenews.com - November 2, 2015 (LiveActionNews) -- In a video secretly recorded at a National Abortion Federation Conference by the Center for Medical Progress and leaked to GotNews.com by a hacker last month, a...

Huma Abedin’s Anti-American Muslim Brotherhood Ties Exposed » Sons of Liberty Media

Partilhado por
The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - As the spotlight begins to focus on Hillary Clinton’s deputy adviser Huma Abedin amid Wikileaks’ email releases, we’ve exposed her ties to the Muslim Brotherhood a long time ago. Now a new document...

Americans Want Hillary in Jail - Rightly So! » Sons of Liberty Media

Partilhado por
The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - When you see that trading is done, not by consent, but by compulsion–when you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing–when you see that money is flo...

Does Your One Vote Actually Count? » Sons of Liberty Media

Partilhado por
The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - Polls, shmolls. The only poll that counts in this highly fluid election is your vote. How important is your one vote? If we show up, values voters could make all the difference in this and virtuall...
Arte & Entretenimento

Americans, So Easily Controlled! » Sons of Liberty Media

Partilhado por
The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - “Football, beer… Filled up the horizon of their minds. To keep them in control was not difficult.” George Orwell One day last week our family went to grab a bite to eat.  We went to Maynards.  We w...

Obama is Trying to Have It Both Ways with Gay Night Club Shooting » Sons of Liberty Media

Partilhado por
The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - For many, the news that there was another attack by a Muslim came as no surprise. As we have seen the ever growing number of “radical” Muslims in the West, the likelihood of another attack increase...
Meio Ambiente

These People Were Prepared During Snow Storm Jonas, but They Died Because of This Mistake » Sons of Liberty Media

Partilhado por
The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - Lessons from the massive snow storm Jonas, where at least 48 people have been reported killed, are important to take away here for future prepping in our quickly declining and increasingly vulnerab...
Arte & Entretenimento

Valerie Jarrett: Imposing More Gun Laws will Make US a “More Perfect Union” » Sons of Liberty Media

Partilhado por
The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - The fact that anyone actually believes that gun control is a solution to criminal actions by individuals with guns is really laughable. Yet, the Marxists are always eager to take advantage of every...

Obama’s Black Camelot: Hell-Bent on Disarming the American People at all Costs » Sons of Liberty Media

Partilhado por
The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - In light of the foolishness of Democrat leadership, whose anti-civil rights ‘sit-in’ disrupted the floor of the House of Representatives in protest for gun regulation bills which failed to pass, I ...

Hatch: Obama's defense bill veto an attack on religious liberty

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washingtonexaminer.com - President Obama's reported plan to veto the defense spending legislation constitutes a "deeply disturbing" attack on religious liberty, according to a top Republican. "It is deeply disturbing that ...

Here’s how the impending ObamaCare disaster affects you

Partilhado por
nypost.com - This election is a referendum on the Affordable Care Act. Almost everyone in America is affected. Contrary to what ObamaCare’s defenders claim, the law’s hurting millions more people than it’s help...

The Legal Implications of the Johnson Amendment

Partilhado por
adflegal.org - In 1954, the U.S. Congress amended (without debate or analysis) Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3) to restrict the speech of nonprofit, tax-exempt entities, including churches. Before the amen...

Pressing Pause on the Government’s War Against Privacy

Partilhado por
adflegal.org - Gloucester County, Virginia is probably best known as the home of Pocahontas, who saved the life of Captain John Smith and later married John Rolfe, bringing about a peace in the war between the Ja...


Cristianismo e Política + Christianity and Politics + União multi-denominacional (evangélicos, católicos, etc) em defesa dos valores cristãos e da democracia



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