04 November 2016

CP-news 2016.11.03 @CristPolit


ENSINO MÉDIO – Rodrigo Maia quer a vitória dos derrotados de esquerda. Fim da picada! | VEJA.com

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veja.abril.com.br - O governo faça o que quiser, não é? Mas certamente estará fazendo uma grande besteira se ceder a uma proposta de Rodrigo Maia, presidente da Câmara (DEM-RJ), que está empenhado — todo mundo sabe, e...

Indignação seletiva na Educação: Dilma cortou mais de R$ 12 bi, e ninguém ocupou escola

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Não Haverá Trégua
brasilpost.com.br - Em 2015, o governo cortou R$ 10,5 bilhões do orçamento para a Educação. Era o ano em que foi definido o slogan "Pátria Educadora". O Fies, na ocasião, cortou 1,7 bilhão em relação a 2014. Menos de ...

Attorney General is SUED to come clean on secret Bill Clinton meeting

dailymail.co.uk - Attorney General Loretta Lynch is facing a federal lawsuit to give details of a meeting she had with Bill Clinton days before she was to decide on his wife's fate. The meeting in June was barely a ...

Florida newspaper apologizes for anti-Donald Trump bias

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washingtontimes.com - A Florida daily newspaper is apologizing to readers for not being objective enough in its coverage of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump. The Daily Commercial, which serves Lake and Sumte...

Vereadores do PSOL na Câmara do Rio foram favoráveis ao salário vitalício

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jornalivre.com - Apesar das declarações de líderes como Jean Wyllys, Marcelo Freixo e Luciana Genro, a bancada do PSOL na Câmara Municipal do Rio de Janeiro votou a favor do projeto que concederia um “salário vital...


Cristianismo e Política + Christianity and Politics + União multi-denominacional (evangélicos, católicos, etc) em defesa dos valores cristãos e da democracia

Afinal, o Poder Judiciário determinou a “tortura” de secundaristas que ocupam escolas? | Implicante.Org

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Gilmar Costa
implicante.org - Causou grande consternação nas redes sociais e nas hostes progressistas a determinação de um juiz do Distrito Federal que ordenou, há poucos dias, a desocupação de uma escola na cidade de Tabatinga...

Queda do PT foi menor onde Bolsa Família é mais presente

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Pobre de Direita
oglobo.globo.com - por Bernardo Mello, Gabriel Cariello e Marco Grillo RIO - Partido que mais perdeu prefeituras na comparação com a eleição anterior, o PT se livrou de uma queda ainda maior graças ao desempenho nos ...
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Catholic Church Paid $79 MILLION By Obama Administration To Force Migrant Invasion • Now The End Begins

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Lorence Hud
nowtheendbegins.com - RG – Not entirely sure what you are getting at but thank you for providing the opportunity to reply. Thanks Scott for the update. The point is – when will people become responsible? Reminds me of t...

Muslims are creating nations within nations, says former head of Britain's Equalities and Human Rights Commission

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Lori Hendry
europe.newsweek.com - The former head of Britain's Equalities and Human Rights Commission (EHRC), Trevor Phillips, has admitted he "got almost everything wrong" regarding immigration in a new report, claiming Muslims ar...
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Early vote trend favoring GOP in Florida

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Ann Coulter
tampabay.com - Six days before Election Day in 2012, Democrats in Florida had cast about 39,000 more votes than Republicans. Today, six days before Election Day 2016, Republicans have cast about 17,000 more votes...

Poll: Donald Trump Takes 3-Point Lead in Virginia — 15-Point Swing in Past Month - Breitbart

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breitbart.com - The Hampton University Center for Public Policy (CPP) poll out on Wednesday afternoon shows that Trump has taken a three-point lead over Clinton in the Old Dominion, inside the poll’s margin of err...
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Update: Homeless Woman Who Was Guarding Trump Hollywood Star Is Found - Trump Camp Notified

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thegatewaypundit.com - Last Wednesday a violent leftist smashed Donald Trump’s star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. The criminal used a sledgehammer to destroy Donald’s star. So later in the day this homeless woman sat ne...

Hollywood Alarm Grows Over Prospect of Donald Trump Victory

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Dr. Marty Fox
variety.com - As the polls in the presidential race tighten, the mood in Hollywood this week is one of concern, worry and even abject fear — and it all centers on one question: Could Donald Trump pull off an ups...
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BREAKING: Hillary Email Found Showing Instructions For Killing Chris Stevens

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Deplorable ((Faith))
msfanpage.link - (CONSERVATIVE DAILY POST) – In an email released Monday regarding Hillary’s Benghazi investigation, there was one specific message that detailed the exact location of Ambassador Chris Stevens. Beca...

The States Most Flooded with Foreign Workers

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Evan McMullin Admits His Campaign Strategy Is to Elect Hillary Clinton

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Tom Toima
thepulse2016.com - I have a lot of friends voting for Evan McMullin, the independent presidential candidate. McMullin is a hero to what’s left of the #NeverTrump movement. He is supposedly a conservative, although ma...

Hillary Clinton Sold Out Her Public Office for Personal Gain - Live Trading News

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Margaret Khan

Woman Charged With Vandalizing Trump Sign, Nearly Running Over Resident

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The truth is …

DOJ Just Sent Disturbing Letter About FBI Investigation... Who Signed It Is Turning Heads

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Dr. Lynn J Anderson
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