22 May 2014

LiberdadeDeExpressão 20.05.2014 @livrexpress

LiberdadeDeExpressao News

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A tática eleitoral do PT

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reaconaria.org - O Partido dos Trabalhadores lançou um documento com a definição da tática eleitoral para 2014. Um resumo sobre os temas que devem ser discutidos e como a abordagem deve ser feita; o que deve ser de...

Desembargador Márcio Moraes mantém sentença que concedeu pontos a candidato de prova da OAB

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Arquivo Global
justicaemfoco.com.br - O desembargador federal Márcio Moraes, do Tribunal Regional Federal da 3ª Região (TRF3), negou seguimento à remessa oficial e manteve sentença que julgou procedente mandado de segurança impetrado p...

» Wisconsin Police Reassure Residents They Won’t Be Shot at From Military Truck Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

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Paul Joseph Watson
infowars.com - The fact that authorities even need to make such a statement underscores increasing concern over the militarization of domestic policing as police departments across the country obtain vehicles and...

I Bet You Stereotype People... This Will Make You Stop. - The Daily Positive

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Inspirational Quotes
dalepartridge.com - A few years ago I witnessed a man take a terrible fall on his bike. His seat stem broke in half and forced it two inches into his thigh. He laid vulnerable on the concrete yelling for help. I had a...

Folha de São Paulo: Dilma Bolada negociou “passe” e mensagens vazaram

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implicante.org - Ontem, Jeferson Monteiro, o publicitário responsável pelo perfil pró-governo “Dilma Bolada” publicou no Facebook uma “denúncia”, segundo a qual teria havido tentativa de “compra” da personagem. Em ...

Estatuto da UBPES - uniao brasileira de Bispos e Pastores evangelicos: ESTATUTO DA UBPES , UNIÃO BRASILEIRA DE BISPOS PASTORES EVANGELICOS

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Roberto Torrecilhas
ubpe.blogspot.com - quarta-feira, 23 de abril de 2014 ESTATUTO DA UBPES , UNIÃO BRASILEIRA DE BISPOS PASTORES EVANGELICOS UBPES – União Brasileira de Pastores Evangelicos ________________________________________ Estat...
Art & Entertainment

Rádio Mous

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Ana Paula Paiva
betomous.com - Recanto Ao Vivo foi eleito o Melhor Show do Ano pelo Prêmio Multishow e Jornal O Globo. Incluindo canções do último álbum Recanto, Gal ainda revê grandes sucessos de sua carreira, como "Baby", "Vap...

Painel Brasil TV - Logística na Copa do Mundo em Brasília

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Painel Brasil TV
painelbrasil.tv -  Rosa Diniz: Hoje eu recebo o administrador de Brasília, Messias de Souza. Nós vamos falar sobre a logística da copa do Mundo que acontecerá no Brasil agora em 2014, a partir de junho, e Brasília é...

Propaganda Enganosa | Blog do Marcelo Madureira

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Reginaldo Martins
casseta.com.br - Através de uma publicação no FACEBOOK, de um dos grupos da UFRGS, Grupo este que contem 13.500 membros pude assistir a sua publicação de video inserida no YOUTUBE, resolvi aceitar sua provocação, e...

Sobre robôs e liberdade de expressão - Tradução: Fernanda Lizardo, edição de Leticia Nunes. Com informações de John Frank Weaver [“Robots Deserve First Amendment Protection”, Future Tense, 15/5/14] | Observatório da Imprensa

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observatoriodaimprensa.com.br - Já existem preocupações ativas sobre como a Primeira Emenda da Constituição dos EUA, que diz respeito à liberdade de expressão, deve proteger os direitos de jornalistas que utilizam drones. São pre...

Alex Jones Is A Fatass - NWO Stop

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NWO Stop
nwostop.com - Alex Jones talks about his weight loss and road back to good health. read full article blog comments powered by Disqus < Prev   Next >

Mayor Who Appeared With Sebelius Charged With Fraud

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Truth Tweeter
dailycaller.com - A Democratic mayor who appeared alongside U.S. Health and Human Services Sec. Kathleen Sebelius earlier this year to promote Obamacare has been charged with wire fraud in connection with an $8 mill...

Zico lamenta falhas na organização da Copa do Mundo: "Os torcedores estão desanimados" - Esporte - Notícia - VEJA.com

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Yasha Gallazzi
veja.abril.com.br - O ex-craque de 61 anos disputou duas Copas do Mundo, em 1982 e 1986 (Jamie McDonald/Getty Images) A 22 dias do início da Copa do Mundo, Zico se mostrou profundamente decepcionado com a organização ...

New Chris Matthews Promo: American Revolution Proof That ‘Liberalism Always Wins . . . Eventually’

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barbwire.com - A new promotional segment for MSNBC’s “Hardball” program took the network’s “Lean Forward” advertisement campaign to new heights of progressivism, with host Chris Matthews citing the American Revol...

Report: NY Democratic Lawmaker Makes Racist Remarks

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Truth Tweeter
breitbart.com - Democratic Nassau County, NY Legislator Ellen Birnbaum has caught heat from fellow lawmakers after she allegedly said, "This is a bad neighborhood because African-Americans live there. Very few peo...

Kirsten Powers: Obamacare Was Obama’s Hurricane Katrina – He’s “Never Going to Recover” (Video)

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Truth Tweeter
thegatewaypundit.com - Democratic columnist and analyst Kirsten Powers admitted tonight on The O’Reilly Factor that she did not vote for Obama twice. Powers also said Obamacare was the president’s ‘Hurricane Katrina’ and...

Diretrizes para o programa de governo

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Marina Silva
mudandobrasil.com.br - Economia para o desenvolvimento sustentável – Propomos como tarefa prioritária conduzir o Brasil a uma trajetória de desenvolvimento sustentável, que tem como diretrizes a simplificação, a transiçã...
Art & Entertainment

CARAS Mobile

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Danilo Gentili
m.caras.uol.com.br - Patrick Stewart e James McAvoy, protagonistas do filme X-Men: Dias de um Futuro Esquecido, serão os entrevistados de Danilo Gentili no The Noite da próxima quarta-feira, 21. No palco do late show n...
Art & Entertainment

El PSOE considera ‘machismo’ rechazar la matanza de 670.000 niñas antes de nacer

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Derecho a Vivir
outono.net - El Partido Socialista ha vuelto a demostrar hoy su colosal cinismo al lanzar un vídeo que identifica la protección de la vida prenatal con el “machismo”. Tomando como referencia que un 48% de los n...
Art & Entertainment

Demissão levanta debate sobre gênero; ‘publisher’ nega discriminação - Tradução e edição: Leticia Nunes. Informações de Richard Horgan [“New York Times Publisher Takes Media to Task for Abramson Coverage”, FishBowlNY, 17/5/14], de Ravi Somaiya [“After Criticism, Times Publisher Details Decision to Oust Top Editor”, The New York Times, 17/5/14] e de Ken Auletta [“Jill Abramson and the Times: what went wrong?”, New Yorker, 15/5/14] | Observatório da Imprensa

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observatoriodaimprensa.com.br - A saída relâmpago de Jill Abramson da chefia do New York Times, na semana passada, levou a uma enxurrada de especulações. A mais forte delas estava relacionada ao fato de Jill ser mulher – a primei...

Lei Seca irá intensificar ações durante Copa do Mundo - Jornal Correio do Brasil

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Correio do Brasil
correiodobrasil.com.br - 20/5/2014 14:29 Por Redação, com ARN - do Rio de Janeiro A Operação Lei Seca (OLS), da Secretaria de Governo do Estado do Rio, vai intensificar a sua atuação na Copa do Mundo. Todo o efetivo estará...

Vaivém de Teori Zavascki repercute mal e Lava-Jato corre o risco de ser desconsiderada pelo STF

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Direita S/SE
ucho.info - Por um fio – No momento em que questionou o ministro Teori Zavascki sobre o pedido de envio do processo da Operação Lava-jato para o Supremo Tribunal Federal, o juiz Sérgio Moro foi acusado por alg...

Hitler, um liberal? Para o governo do Distrito Federal sim!

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Direita S/SE
veja.abril.com.br - Um leitor me manda uma prova da CespeUnB para um concurso recente, organizado pela Secretaria de Estado de Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação do Governo do Distrito Federal. O aluno deve marcar C (cert...

Boas histórias sobre perdas bilionárias - | Observatório da Imprensa | Observatório da Imprensa - Você nunca mais vai ler jornal do mesmo jeito

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observatoriodaimprensa.com.br - Refinarias de petróleo são caras em todo o mundo, mas no Brasil o problema é especial. Em nenhum outro país se gasta mais de 1 bilhão sem tirar do papel qualquer coisa parecida com um equipamento i...

Repúdio aos criminosos virtuaisPortal Alvaro Dias

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Alvaro Dias
alvarodias.com.br - Assista a trechos do pronunciamento do Senador Alvaro Dias, realizado nesta terça feira (20/05). Alvaro Dias leu no Plenário a transcrição de um vídeo do ator Carlos Vereza, divulgado na página de ...

Vocero del MCL: Proyecto Varela demostró que los cubanos podemos organizarnos para decidir nuestro destino

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - LA HABANA, 20 May. 14 / 06:09 pm (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- “Nos falta poco, la tortuosa y larga ruta a la casa de la libertad está concluyendo, depende de nosotros no cansarnos ahora”, expresó Regis Ig...

Associação de magistrados apoia juiz que não considera candomblé religião - Rio - O Dia

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Cristianismo Hoje
odia.ig.com.br - Rio - A Associação dos Juízes Federais do Rio de Janeiro e do Espírito Santo (Ajuferjes) saiu ontem em defesa do juiz Eugênio Rosa de Araújo, da 17ª Vara Federal do Rio, que, afirmou em uma sentenç...

“Quem toma medida impopular é Dilma”, diz Aécio; tucano critica ataque de petistas à liberdade de imprensa

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Reinaldo Azevedo
veja.abril.com.br - É isto: é preciso chamar as coisas pelo nome que elas têm. No Paraná, onde esteve para o lançamento de um livro em homenagem a José Richa, que morreu em 2003 — pai do governador Beto Richa e um dos...

Ningún estudio científico ha probado que la homosexualidad sea genética, recuerda experto

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - LIMA, 20 May. 14 / 12:29 pm (ACI).- El Dr. René Flores, médico psiquiatra y fundador de la Sociedad Peruana de Sexología Médica, desmintió al conocido oncólogo Elmer Huerta, quien afirmó en una col...

Inmate Mistakenly Released 90 Years Early Fights His Return To Prison

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barbwire.com - A former Colorado inmate who was accidentally released from prison 90 years early is fighting efforts to lock him up for the remainder of his sentence, saying he has reformed and paid his debt to s...

Paz definitiva é a de Jesus, destaca Papa em homilia

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Canção Nova Notícias
papa.cancaonova.com - Francisco enfatizou que a paz oferecida pelo mundo é passageira, diferente daquela trazida pelo Espírito Santo Quem acolhe no coração o Espírito Santo terá uma paz sólida e sem fim, diferente de qu...

PLS - PROJETO DE LEI DO SENADO, Nº 616 de 2007 - projetos de lei marcelo crivella,marcelocrivella,crivella10, projetos de lei senador

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Marcelo Crivella
marcelocrivella.com.br - “Dispõe sobre a obrigatoriedade de manutenção dos depósitos judiciais em instituições financeiras oficiais e dá outras providências.” Art. 1º. Os depósitos judiciais em espécie, oriundos de process...

Ossami Sakamori BlogSpot.com: A quadrilha tomou conta dos 3 poderes!

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Ivo Marcelino
ossamisakamori.blogspot.com - Bom dia Mestre Sakamori. Sim o Brasil esta nas mãos da quadrilha que tomou conta dos 3 poderes da República. Vai ser difícil mudar o cenário, eles tem tentáculos em todos os porões e esgotos deste ...

Violência como epidemia - | Observatório da Imprensa | Observatório da Imprensa - Você nunca mais vai ler jornal do mesmo jeito

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observatoriodaimprensa.com.br - Aos poucos, a mídia vai deixando transparecer a preocupação de grande parte da sociedade com a violência, que há muito tempo assumiu foros de epidemia no país. Não é um exagero: a palavra “epidemia...

“JetGate” Forces Resignation of Bermuda’s Premier · Global Voices

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Global Voices
globalvoicesonline.org - Bermuda is in the midst of a political shake-up: last night, Premier Craig Cannonier resigned, presumably under pressure surrounding the Jetgate controversy, which has sullied the image of the coun...

Colombia: Tragedia debe llevar a reflexión sobre seguridad para preservar la vida de niños

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - BOGOTÁ, 20 May. 14 / 12:28 pm (ACI).- En medio del dolor generalizado que se vive en Colombia por la muerte de 33 niños en al incendiarse el autobús en el que viajaban, el Secretario General de la ...

The Federal Government Hasn't Improved Education After Trying for 50 Years

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Drew McKissick
blog.heritage.org - The federal government has been trying to improve educational outcomes for 50 years, but according to a recent study, we have little to show for it — and in some areas, it is getting worse. This ye...

Nevada Obamacare Exchange Will Move To HealthCare.gov For 2015

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barbwire.com - evada’s imploding state-run Obamacare exchange is the latest to shut down and join HealthCare.gov for 2015. The board of the Silver State Health Insurance Exchange voted Tuesday to fire Xerox, whic...
Art & Entertainment

Ad pedem litterae- P. Pablo Cabellos Llorente

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infocatolica.com - Al pie de la letra es, digamos, una forma, de seguir lo que alguien dice sin desviarse ni siquiera un ápice. En “Ad pedem litterae - Hermanos en la red” son reproducidos aquellos artículos de catól...

Memo Approving Targeted Killing of U.S. Citizen to Be Released - NYTimes.com

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Truth Tweeter
nytimes.com - WASHINGTON — Facing the potential defeat of an appeals court nominee, the Obama administration decided Tuesday to publicly release much of a classified memo written by the nominee that signed off o...

Eleven Places to Visit in Argentina · Global Voices

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Global Voices
globalvoicesonline.org - Laura Schneider posts [es] on Viajes y Relatos the 11 places she considers as highly recommendable to visit in Argentina. Out of the 11, we copy this one as a sample: Ushuaia and Toulhin: And now t...

Judge strikes down Oregon gay marriage ban - Yahoo News

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Drew McKissick
news.yahoo.com - PORTLAND – Couples lining up outside Portland metro area courthouses Monday started getting their marriage licenses just after noon, when U.S. District Judge Michael McShane ruled a ban on same-sex...

O elefante e os deficientes visuais - Comentário para o programa radiofônico do Observatório, 19/5/2014 | Observatório da Imprensa

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observatoriodaimprensa.com.br - Quem imagina que existe objetividade no jornalismo também é candidato a andar com um ramo de arruda atrás da orelha e um punhado de sal grosso no bolso. Ou na bolsa. A objetividade é apenas uma sup...

Papa Francisco expresa su preocupación por tensión en Europa Oriental

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - VATICANO, 20 May. 14 / 06:09 am (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- El Papa Francisco expresó este lunes su preocupación por el clima de tensión en Europa Oriental debido a la crisis entre Ucrania y Rusia, duran...

Monseñor Munilla: “El papa Francisco no apoya las propuestas del Cardenal Kasper"

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religionconfidencial.com - Monseñor Munilla dio un repaso al estado de la cuestión actual de la administración del sacramento de la Eucaristía a los divorciados vueltos a casar. El prelado vasco insiste en que no es la prime...

Tea Party Express Leader Is All-Aboard Amnesty Train

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barbwire.com - Last week, Sal Russo, a co-founder of the Tea Party Express, declared his support for amnesty for illegal aliens in the United States.  Naturally, he doesn’t call it amnesty in his column posted on...

The Pursuit of Happiness

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John Perry Barlow
w2.eff.org - I think a related problem is that we tend to approach service the same way we approach exercise programs, in lunges and spasms of temporary idealism. We raise the initial bar too high. We fail to s...

kit de 100 Panos de Prato com Barradinho | Débora Dos Reis

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Cão Sem Dono
elo7.com.br - É mais rápido e fácil. O Elo7 nunca postará em seu mural sem permissão. Ou cadastre-se com o seu e-mail Nome completo: Digite seu nome completo. E-mail: Este email é inválido. Por favor, tente nova...

Aceprensa | La crisis de la píldora anticonceptiva en Francia

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aceprensa.com - Las píldoras anticonceptivas de 3ª y 4ª generación fueron objeto en Francia a finales de 2012 de una importante controversia, a raíz de la divulgación de casos de trombosis venosas asociadas a su u...

| African Elections Project

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Global Voices
africanelections.org - Background Malawi became independent from British colonial rule in 1964; the country was a multiparty state both before independence and soon after the collapse of colonial rule. Malawi in 1966 und...

Malawi Elections 2014 · Global Voices

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Global Voices
globalvoicesonline.org - Malawi votes for presidential elections Tuesday May 20, 2014. Follow live updates on Twitter @Malawi2014 and @MEIC_2014.

RichardBejah.com: #LiveLIFE BUCKET LIST

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Richard Bejah CFP®
richardbejah.com - Visit the World Festivals :-  The National Cherry Blossom Festival Visit the World Festivals :-   Tidal Basin, Washington, DC Visit the World Festivals :-   The National Cherry Blossom Festival is ...

Report: Climate change affecting corporate bottom lines

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John Perry Barlow
america.aljazeera.com - Climate change isn’t just causing the ice caps to melt; it’s costing corporations big bucks and forcing some to factor its likely impact into their long-term plans. A new report from the Carbon Dis...

Mitt Romney, the Godfather of Gay Marriage

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barbwire.com - The press has been in a reminiscent and celebratory mood this past week, as America reached the 10th anniversary of homosexual marriage. What is little discussed is that the first same-sex wedding ...

Make Your Emotions Work for You in Negotiations - Shirli Kopelman - Harvard Business Review

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Julie Kay
blogs.hbr.org - Your emotions matter in negotiations. They fuel your behaviors, energize you, and allow you to strengthen—or distance and damage—relationships with the people you’re negotiating with. But too often...

El cardenal Bertone niega «decididamente» haber malversado fondos

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infocatolica.com - (Agencias/InfoCatólica) «El acuerdo del Instituto para Obras de Religión con la sociedad Lux Vide ha sido discutido y aprobado por la Comisión Cardenalicia de Vigilancia y por el Consejo de Superin...

Anti-human trafficking effort launched ahead of World Cup :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

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Catholic News Agency
catholicnewsagency.com - Rome, Italy, May 20, 2014 / 05:02 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- The U.S. embassy to the Holy See has partnered with women religious in a new anti-human trafficking campaign being launched ahead of July's Wo...

Did the Beatles Promote Abortion?

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Taylor Marshall
taylormarshall.com - I recently did a little study on the Beatles. This post looks at the intellectual poison behind two of the most famous Beatles album covers in Beatles history – one of which seems to depict an eeri...

Music Collective Beirut Open Stage Launches Online Platform · Global Voices

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Global Voices
globalvoicesonline.org - “To further its vision of showcasing and promoting as best as it can the local talent”, the Musical Collective “Beirut Open Stage” has launched its online platform. Their new website, which complim...

Educação chilena a caminho da tragédia

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Rodrigo Constantino
veja.abril.com.br - Michele Bachelet está de volta à presidência do Chile, e desta vez parece realmente disposta a levar adiante sua agenda mais esquerdista. Pobres chilenos! A presidente encaminhou ao Congresso proje...
Art & Entertainment

Campaña Electoral: ‘Arenas movedizas’, por César Valdeomillos

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blogs.hazteoir.org - César Valdeolmillos Alonso (Twitter: @Profundizando / Facebook) es técnico en Radiodifusión, Marketing y Publicidad. Ha compaginado su intensa labor publicitaria con su labor periodística desde 195...

Canute and his Empire

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medievalists.net - The Dorothea Coke Memorial Lecture in Northern Studies, delivered at University College London (1963) Excerpt: The first mention of Canute in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle is in the entry for 1013, whe...

Jogo limpo | Augusto Nunes - VEJA.com

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Augusto Nunes
veja.abril.com.br - Edison Lobão Filho, durante um discurso em Barra do Corda (MA), mostrando por que é o candidato apoiado pela Famiglia Sarney ao governo do Maranhão.

Christian Conservatives Come to their Fork in the Road

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barbwire.com - Faced with unprecedented threats to religious liberty on one side, and excommunication by the Republican Party ruling class on the other, social conservatives are engaging in a major internal debat...

Teenage girl recounts terror, violence of Boko Haram attacks :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

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Catholic News Agency
catholicnewsagency.com - Washington D.C., May 20, 2014 / 04:42 am (CNA/EWTN News).- A teenage girl whose family members were murdered by members of the militant Islamist group Boko Haram is sharing her story in hopes that ...

Aborto: pastor é preso por protestar com cartazes contra assassinato

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noticias.gospelmais.com.br - Um pastor que protestava contra o aborto num cruzamento foi preso por segurar um cartaz que dizia que a prática mata crianças. Stephen Joiner foi detido por quatro horas por supostamente ter desobe...

Watch: Mob Of 20 Thugs Caught Clearing Out A Convenience Store

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Western Journalism
westernjournalism.com - Police in Washington, D.C., have released surveillance footage from a local convenience store in hopes of catching the gang of criminals responsible for a recent robbery. As the video shows, about ...
Art & Entertainment

Arquivo para Devocional Diário - [DIÁRIO DE BORDO]

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diariodebordo.net.br - Graça e paz seja da parte de Deus nosso Pai e de Jesus Cristo   João 17 20 E não rogo somente por estes, mas também por aqueles que pela sua palavra hão de crer em mim; 21 Para que todos sej...
Art & Entertainment

Trailer Exclusivo – “O Menino No Espelho” Adaptação do livro de Fernando Sabino

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Sérgio Pavarini
livrosepessoas.com - Assim como fizemos com o trailer de O Tempo e o Vento, lançamos com EXCLUSIVIDADE o trailer de “O Menino No Espelho”, adaptação do livro do querido e genial Fernando Sabino (Já falamos sobre ele aq...

The Pictish Tattoo: Origins of a Myth

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medievalists.net - Introduction: “All the Britons dye themselves with woad, which produces a blue colour, and makes their appearance in battle more terrible.” J. Caesar, De Bello Gallico, 5.14 The above observation i...

Em mais uma derrota do governo, ampliação do Regime Diferenciado de Contração não é aprovada no Senado

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Augusto Nunes
veja.abril.com.br - Senado Federal, tarde de terça-feira, 57 senadores presentes. Com a palavra, no centro do plenário, a senadora Kátia Abreu (PMDB/TO): “Senhor Presidente, eu gostaria de fazer um apelo à senadora Gl...

La defensa de la vida del concebido es un factor clave para los ciudadanos españoles

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hazteoir.org - La práctica totalidad de los votantes de cualquier partido considera que el Gobierno  debe crear y dotar presupuestariamente un plan de ayuda a la maternidad y un plan de adopción MADRID, 20 DE MAY...

Index on Censorship | Support Index, Donate Now - Index on Censorship

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Index on Censorship
indexoncensorship.org - Donate to Index and support our work to protect freedom of expression around the world. Your contribution will help Index to challenge censorship through hard-hitting journalism, ground-breaking re...

Exclusive: We must regulate the abortion industry to protect women, State of Alabama tells court

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Live Action
lifesitenews.com - MONTGOMERY, AL, May 20, 2014 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Alabama state officials argue that there is a “legitimate need” to regulate abortion facilities to keep women safe from the industry's history of m...
Art & Entertainment

Gran éxito del libro 'Aborto Cero': su segunda edición, en marcha

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Derecho a Vivir
hazteoir.org - Publicado por Stella Maris, colaboran más de veinte personalidades: María San Gil, Monseñor Munilla, Esperanza Oña, José Luis Requero, Nicolás Jouve, Carlos Polo, Ignacio Arsuaga, Gádor Joya... Una...

Cranmer: Roman Catholic bishops say Christians shouldn't vote Ukip

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Archbishop Cranmer
archbishop-cranmer.blogspot.co.uk - In consideration of Christian citizenship - which is, of course, in heaven - we are exhorted to eagerly await our Saviour, who, by the power that enables Him to bring everything under His control, ...


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aluizioamorim.blogspot.com - terça-feira, maio 20, 2014 BOATO SOBRE POSSÍVEL MELHORA DA DILMA NO IBOPE DERRUBA A BOLSA, ENQUANTO AÉCIO NEVES CONTINUARIA AVANÇANDO! O Brasil sob o governo do PT é um desastre geral. E isso se re...

Blog do Coronel: Clima de revolta no Agro com Plano Safra que aumentou juros, congelou o seguro rural e virou comício eleitoral.

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coturnonoturno.blogspot.com - Há um clima de revolta no agronegócio brasileiro com o lançamento do Plano Safra 2014-2015, realizado ontem em Brasília. Políticos e presidentes de federações de agricultura  e pecuária fazem forte...

Global Sharia and Jihad

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barbwire.com - Every day we find the political ideology known as Islam wreaking havoc, chaos and bloodshed worldwide. The biggest threat to freedom and democracy today may well be coming from this archaic religio...
Art & Entertainment

Autor de ‘Roberto Carlos em Detalhes’ lança livro sobre biografia proibida

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Sérgio Pavarini
livrosepessoas.com - Sem alarde, o jornalista e biógrafo Paulo Cesar de Araújo lançou nesta terça (20) o livro “O Réu e o Rei”, sobre os bastidores da disputa judicial que levou à proibição da biografia “Roberto Carlos...

CONFERENCES: Beyond Iconophobia: ‘Decorative’ art and the visual culture of Early Modern England

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earlymodernengland.com - CONFERENCES: Beyond Iconophobia: ‘Decorative’ art and the visual culture of Early Modern England Yesterday afternoon, I was excited to attend my first seminar by the Institute of Historical Researc...
Art & Entertainment

Derecho a Vivir celebra el gran éxito del I Concierto por la Vida en Jaén

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hazteoir.org - Unidos por la música, dando a conocer la magnífica labor de nuestros voluntarios y de la Plataforma de Ayuda a la Mujer Embarazada de Jaén, que en cuatro años ha salvado a más de 60 bebés del abort...

Launching Index on Censorship Spring 2014 Magazine at Hay Festival - Index on Censorship

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Index on Censorship
indexoncensorship.org - Join us at the Hay Festival to debate what happens to the truth during wars and conflicts. Where is the line between national security and public information? Is it ever right not to tell the whole...

Criacionismo: Os médicos e a teoria da evolução

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Michelson Borges
criacionismo.com.br - terça-feira, maio 20, 2014 Os médicos e a teoria da evolução Pergunte a quem conhece Uma sondagem recente levada a cabo pelo Louis Finkelstein Institute for Social and Religious Research apurou que...

USDJPY Breaks Key Technical Level; Drags Stocks, Bond Yields Lower - NWO Stop

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NWO Stop
nwostop.com - USDJPY has broken below its 200-day moving-average at 101.25 and is trading back to almost 6-month lows this morning ahead of this evening's BoJ meeting (which is largely expected now not to provid...

Jogos universitários: ilustração com apologia ao estupro revolta alunos

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Sérgio Pavarini
pavablog.com - Desenho divulgado em página que convida a delegação da UERJ para os Jogos Jurídicos traz mulher praticando sexo oral forçado O machismo que é propagado com ares de brincadeira em jogos universitári...

Deputado tucano pede a saída de Robson Marinho do TCE-SP - Fausto Macedo - Estadao.com.br

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Roberta C.M.Oliveira
blogs.estadao.com.br - Pedro Tobias, ex-presidente da sigla em São Paulo, é o primeiro parlamentar do partido a pedir a cabeça do ex-chefe da Casa Civil de Covas “Robson Marinho saia. Peça afastamento, pois está desgasta...

PT fascista? | Blog do Miranda Sá

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Mara Kramer
mirandasa.com.br - O fascismo chegou ao Brasil espelhando o fascismo italiano que surgiu como dissidência e reação ao movimento comunista internacional. Aqui, nasceu pelo acasalamento de anarco-sindicalistas e associ...

Ben Jennings: Russia's propaganda machine - Index on Censorship

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Index on Censorship
indexoncensorship.org - This week cartoonist Ben Jennings takes on Vladimir Putin’s information war. Ben Jennings is an award-winning cartoonist and illustrator

The Black Mass at Harvard: Christ vs. de Sade

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barbwire.com - “Veritas Christo et Ecclesiae.” “Truth for Christ and the Church.” In view of what Harvard has become today, it seems oddly shocking to read what was once the motto of America’s oldest university. ...

The Chart That Has VIX Traders Most Concerned - NWO Stop

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NWO Stop
nwostop.com - The relationship between high-yield credit spreads (the 'cost' of protecting the most equity-like of the credit-risky bond spectrum) and VIX (the 'cost' of protecting equities) tend to have a very ...

No Game of Hardball: Time Asks Tim Geithner 'Why Is Everyone So Unhappy' About Growing Economy?

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newsbusters.org - Time magazine really knows how to throw the hardballs. In its "Ten Questions" feature on the back page of the May 26 edition, Time's Bill Saporito began an interview with Obama's former Treasury Se...

Aécio ataca Lula e responsabiliza Dilma por ‘medidas impopulares’ - Jornal O Globo

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João Paulo M.
oglobo.globo.com - CURITIBA - O senador Aécio Neves (PSDB-MG), pré-candidato à Presidência da República, reforçou a artilharia contra o ex-presidente Lula e a presidente Dilma Rousseff durante sua passagem nesta segu...

Video prompts look at killing of Palestinian teens

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cnsnews.com - JERUSALEM (AP) — Security-camera video showing two unarmed Palestinians crumpling to the ground during a lull in a stone-throwing clash with Israeli soldiers revived allegations by human rights act...

Senado aprova cotas para negros no serviço público; Dilma vai sancionar o absurdo proposto por ela mesma

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Direita S/SE
veja.abril.com.br - E, para a surpresa de ninguém, foi aprovado pelo Senado o projeto de lei enviado pelo Executivo que reserva 20% das vagas em concursos públicos para negros e mestiços — ou “afrodescendentes”, como ...


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Index on Censorship
wepromise.eu - The European election will take place between 22 and 25 May 2014. Citizens, promise to vote for candidates that have signed a 10-point charter of digital rights! Show candidates that they need to e...

Scientists Finally Admit There Is a Second, Secret DNA Code Which Controls Genes 

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truthisscary.com - The fascinating and recent discovery of a new, second DNA code further lends credence to what metaphysical scientists have been saying for millennia — the body speaks two different languages. Since...

Pro-life blog buzz 5-20-14 - Jill Stanek

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jillstanek.com - Violations will be deleted and you may be banned. Threats will be immediately reported to authorities. Following these rules will make everyone's experience visiting JillStanek.com better. Our volu...

Desertos, camelos e divorciados - Cristianismo Hoje

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Cristianismo Hoje
cristianismohoje.com.br - Todo viajante que se preza, faz previamente um roteiro, uma lista do que vai levar e um planejamento para os dias em que estará fora. Imprevistos até acontecem, mas quem viaja tem sua programação f...

-= Let's Pray =-

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Bryan Fischer
afa.net - Never before in the history of our country has America faced a moral crisis like the one before us today. The foundations of our government are crumbling right before our eyes. Our churches are aba...

What a shot! 36 amazing sports photos - CNN.com

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Ayesha Shaikh
edition.cnn.com - Switzerland's Thomas Rufenacht, bottom, collides with Germany's Frank Hordler during a game Wednesday, May 14, at the Ice Hockey World Championship in Minsk, Belarus. Switzerland won the game 3-2, ...

Christian Prisoner Conditionally Released from Iranian Prison « Persecution News

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persecution.org - ICC Note: An Iranian prisoner who had been convicted of “disrupting national security” and propaganda against the regime for meeting together as Christians was conditionally released from prison. K...

NBC Freaks Out Over New Climate Change Report: ‘Threat To Lady Liberty Herself’

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mrc.org - NBC Nightly News is at it again, trying to scare its audience about the impending dangers of climate change. Following two reports in early May, the Tuesday, May 20 Nightly News hyped how there’s “...

Why I Am Not the Least Bit Discouraged

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barbwire.com - It is true that there is a lot of bad news in the world today, and much of it comes as a direct assault on our faith. Radical Islam is rising. Aggressive atheism is spreading. Much of the church in...
Art & Entertainment

A amizade nunca acaba

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Luis A R Branco
verdadenapratica.wordpress.com - A amizade é um misterioso encontro que se dá na alma, Na minha e na tua simultaneamente como se fossemos almas gêmeas. Quando a amizade alcança o místico nível deste encontro Elas dão-se as mãos e ...

Art & Bible Free eBook now formatted for Kindle, iPads, Android & More

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Judy Rey Wasserman
artofseeingthedivine.com - In the Beginning ebook is now available in your choice of four formats. This means that whatever your preferred color eBook device is, there is a format that specifically fits your needs! Post Conc...

Twitter estaría estudiando comprar el servicio de música SoundCloud

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Rodrigo Coppe C
ticbeat.com - Cuando uno de los grandes de Internet lanza algún nuevo producto y este falla, tiene dos opciones: abandonarlo y olvidarse del asunto, o retomarlo, bien creando una nueva versión del producto falli...

Listening to abuse survivors, building trust important for healing, vicar general says - TheCatholicSpirit.com : TheCatholicSpirit.com

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Catholic News Live
thecatholicspirit.com - A goodwill gesture by parishioners at St. Paul in Ham Lake has brought together a leader of the local Church and victims of clergy sexual abuse. Father Charles Lachowitzer, vicar general of the Arc...

Politico Poll: 80 Percent of Voters in Competitive States Want Abortion Restricted

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newsbusters.org - As is customary for a mainstream media outlet, Politico spun the results of its new poll question on abortion pretty much 180 degrees. “When it comes to abortion rights, however, midterm voters are...

OPINION: Russia Could Turn Off Gas Supply to Ukraine | Russia

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Henry Makow
en.ria.ru - MOSCOW, May 20 (RIA Novosti), Nadia Koulikova – There is every possibility that Russia will turn off gas flows to Ukraine should the country not pay its outstanding debts, William Powell, senior ma...

Can the US Defy Universal Economic Truths? 

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truthisscary.com - In the early 16th century, a priest by the name of Fray Francisco de Ugalde remarked to his king that Spain was “el imperio en el que nunca se pone el sol”. In other words, the sun never set on the...

FRC Blog » Five Anti-Trafficking Bills Clear the House

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frcblog.com - Today, the House of Representatives passed five bipartisan bills strengthening our national response to the growing crisis of human trafficking. House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte sum...

White House Vows CIA Will Not Stage Fake Vaccine Programs - NWO Stop

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NWO Stop
nwostop.com - White House Vows CIA Will Not Stage Fake Vaccine Programs Move was supposedly attempted during the hunt for Osama bin Laden in Pakistan. read full article blog comments powered by Disqus < Prev   N...

7 June: Propaganda in Wartime - where do we draw the line? - Index on Censorship

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Index on Censorship
indexoncensorship.org - The Index on Censorship Magazine Big Debate: Censorship and Propaganda in Wartime: where do we draw the line? Join Index on Censorship Magazine at Leeds Big Bookend Festival to debate whether it is...

Divorce reportedly costs Russian oligarch $4.5 billion, with a B - CNN.com

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Ayesha Shaikh
cnn.com - (CNN) -- It's being called the most expensive divorce in the history of ... well, marriage. Russia's Dmitry Rybolovlev, 47, earned the dubious honor when Geneva, Switzerland's Court of First Instan...

"Hay que evitar que el debate del aborto se vuelva a cerrar en falso"

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Ignacio Arsuaga
cope.es - © Cadena COPE 2011 Radio Popular S.A. - COPE. CIF A28281368, C/ Alfonso XI, 4. 28014, Madrid. Todos los derechos reservados.

CAIR Spokesman: Christian Mother Sentenced to Die in Sudan 'Should Be Immediately Released'

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cnsnews.com - (CNSNews.com) -A spokesman for the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) told CNSNews.com that the pregnant Christian woman who has been sentenced to death for apostasy in the Sudan should b...

ABC Offers 12 Minutes on Strippers, Models and TV Shows, Skips New Veterans Revelation

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mrc.org - On Tuesday's Good Morning America, the show's hosts devoted 12 minutes and 22 seconds to full reports on a college student stripper, a super model trying to lose weight and Dancing With the Stars. ...

Harvard's Chaplain: "There's No Doubt in My Mind That the Holy Spirit Led 'Black Mass' Off Campus"

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Zenit English
zenit.org - “There is no doubt in my mind that this was led by the Holy Spirit,” said a Catholic official at Harvard, in reference to the calling off or relocation of the “black mass,” scheduled to take place ...

Campaign finance reports put voters on notice

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cnsnews.com - WASHINGTON (AP) — Political committees and groups offered clues to their influence as campaign finance filings dribbled out Tuesday and nomination fights morphed into an all-out battle for control ...

How Great Direct Mail Helps a Retailer Win Back Customers

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Jeffrey Levin
gianfagnamarketing.com - Direct mail is often used to reactivate lapsed customers, but few direct marketers do it well. Instead of a powerful, personalized appeal that rekindles the relationship, they turn the customer off...

Snowden Docs Reveal NSA, DEA Teamed Up to Record Every Cell Phone Call in Bahamas

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democracynow.org - A new report reveals the National Security Agency is recording every cell phone call made in the Bahamas, even though the United States has said the Caribbean nation poses "little to no threat" to ...
Art & Entertainment

O Pessimismo Nacional “à la brésilienne” (16ª)

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Luis A R Branco
verdadenapratica.wordpress.com - O Brasil sempre foi a “boa moça, cobiçada pelos comunista”, e gostem alguns ou não, foi graças a ditadura militar no Brasil que os soviéticos e cubanos não colocaram os pés em terra brasileira. Não...
Art & Entertainment

Liberdade.br - A polícia nunca garantiu a ordem

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liberdade.cc - Acabou. No começo da noite de quinta-feira, a Polícia Militar de Pernambuco decidiu terminar com a greve que durava o dia inteiro. Houve saques, depredações, desordem, assassinatos. O comércio fech...
Art & Entertainment

Shahrukh, Salman Khan, Ajay Devagan Bowled Over By Ravi Verma - Oneindia Entertainment

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Ayesha Shaikh
entertainment.oneindia.in - It's a known fact that Sandalwood's ace stunt choreographer Ravi Verma has become busy in Bollywood with many number of projects in his kitty. The stunt director, who made his Hindi debut with Shah...

Meterologist Says Climate Alarmists Used ‘McCarthy’ Tactics Against Him

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mrc.org - When the federal government fearmongers over climate change, you can expect a collective media gasp. But not when alarmists are accused of pressuring and attacking skeptical scientists. Meteorologi...

What will we define as blasphemy next? - Blogs - DAWN.COM

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Index on Censorship
dawn.com - Imagine taking an allegedly blasphemous whisper, noticed by very few, and shouting it from the rooftop in the name of alerting the townsfolk of the misdeed. Would you not consider the screamer to h...

Portal CNJ - Aprovado Projeto de Lei que torna crime hediondo a exploração sexual de crianças

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Salomão Carvalho
cnj.jus.br - O Plenário da Câmara dos Deputados aprovou, nesta quarta-feira (14/5), o Projeto de Lei n. 7.220/2014, do Senado, que torna hediondo o crime de exploração sexual de crianças. Com isso, o condenado ...

Carvalho faz apelo para que policiais não façam greve na Copa - Jornal O Globo

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Roberta C.M.Oliveira
oglobo.globo.com - BRASÍLIA - O ministro da Secretaria Geral, Gilberto Carvalho, fez um apelo nesta terça-feira às corporações policiais para que não façam greve durante a Copa do Mundo. Segundo Gilberto, o governo f...

PT diz que Dilma Bolada é vítima de guerra suja Os bastidores da política nacional.

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Nariz Gelado
brasiliadoc.portalvox.com - O PT usou sua agência de notícias para defender Jeferson Monteiro, criador da personagem Dilma Bolada. Em tom de denúncia, o site do partido destacou que o publicitário, autor de piadas sobre a sex...

Chove En Santiago by Luar Na Lubre on Spotify

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open.spotify.com - Chove En Santiago by Luar Na Lubre Tracks in Cabo Do Mundo 01 Crunia Maris 06:21 02 Chove En Santiago 04:34 03 Raqueiros 02:35 04 Devanceiros 03:15 05 Nau 03:12 06 Romeiro Ao Lonxe 04:01 07 Canteix...

Justiça militar retoma depoimentos de testemunhas do Caso Kiss no RS

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cpadnews.com.br - A Justiça Militar retoma nesta terça-feira (20) os depoimentos de testemunhas de defesa dos réus do inquérito policial militar sobre o incêndio da boate Kiss, em Santa Maria, na Região Central do R...
Art & Entertainment

CNN Won't Be Shamed Into Covering Benghazi

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Henry Makow
dailycaller.com - CNN President Jeff Zucker declared his network would “not going to be shamed” into covering Benghazi and other stories without “real news value” at an awards dinner Monday. Capital New York reports...

Funcionários do IBGE aprovam greve no AM e no RS

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Marisa Cruz
valor.com.br - RIO DE JANEIRO  -  O Sindicato dos Funcionários do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (ASSIBGE) aprovou, nesta terça-feira, 20, uma greve geral nas unidades estaduais do Amazonas e do ...

Teen could face life after cops find pot brownies

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cnsnews.com - ROUND ROCK, Texas (AP) — A 19-year-old Texas man accused of making and selling brownies laced with marijuana and hash oil faces a felony charge that carries a punishment of anywhere from five years...

Canada seeks to advance religious freedom with Holy See

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Catholic News Live
news.va - Canada seeks to advance religious freedom with Holy See (Vatican Radio) Canada’s Ambassador for Religious Freedom, Andrew Bennett, was in the Vatican this week to discuss with Curial officials ways...

What Tiananmen Square?

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Jeffrey Levin
huffingtonpost.com - BEIJING –- Twenty-five years ago, anti-government protesters were gathering force in a movement that would end in a bloody crackdown on June 4, 1989, in Tiananmen Square. Protestors were seeking a ...

Assange targeted by FBI probe, US court documents reveal

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smh.com.au - WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange remains the subject of an active criminal investigation by the United States Justice Department and Federal Bureau of Investigation, newly published court documen...

10 Things That'll Change If Salman Khan Gets Jailed - Oneindia Entertainment

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Ayesha Shaikh
entertainment.oneindia.in - Two more witnesses in the 2002 hit-and-run case involving actor Salman Khan testified in a Mumbai court on Monday. The first witness, a waiter at the bar that Salman visited, told the court that he...

Feds' version of 'workplace giving' means getting paid for charity --- and often barely breaking even

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washingtonexaminer.com - In New Orleans, in a city where some are still suffering from Hurricane Katrina, the contractor running the program took 23 percent off the top of $1.2 million raised, leaving $943,000. But that's ...
Art & Entertainment

Ouro no cascalho

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Portal Guiame
guiame.com.br - O amor é colírio que limpa o olhar, tornando-o puro. É falso o adágio de que o amor é cego. Ao contrário: o amor percebe realidades encobertas ao olhar displicente. Consegue ver beleza debaixo da c...

Lula assume protagonismo para garantir acordos estaduais e aliança nacional com PMDB - geral - geral - Estadão

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Roberta C.M.Oliveira
estadao.com.br - O ex-presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva assumiu de vez pelo PT a articulação com o PMDB para tentar garantir a aliança nacional entre os dois partidos, fazendo reuniões com senadores peemedebista...

Internet of Things: Time For A Name Change? - Millennial CEO

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John Paul Aguiar
millennialceo.com - While an exact number may be all but impossible to come by, the estimated 10 billion devicesconnected to the “Internet of Things” (IoT) in 2014 isn’t really all that many. I mean, we live in a worl...

Policiais civis de 5 estados decidem fazer paralisação na quarta-feira

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cpadnews.com.br - Os sindicatos dos policiais civis dos estados de Minas Gerais, Pará, Rio e Janeiro e Rondônia e Santa Catarina decidiram nesta segunda-feira (19) aderir a uma paralisação de 24 horas na próxima qua...

Michelle Obama: Monitor Your Parents For Thoughtcrime

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Henry Makow
dailycaller.com - There can be no aspect of your daily life that’s removed from politics. Now you will be monitored by your own children for expressing unapproved opinions. You’d better watch what you say at the din...

Pennsylvania primary election: Clinton in-law loses House primary - Emily Schultheis - POLITICO.com

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Jeffrey Levin
politico.com - State Rep. Brendan Boyle easily won the Democratic primary in Pennsylvania’s 13th District on Tuesday, handily defeating Clinton in-law Marjorie Margolies, a former congresswoman, despite the help ...

This Day in WikiLeaks: 20 May 2014

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thisdayinwikileaks.org - 20 May 2014 Julian Assange has been detained without charge for 1260 days.   - 700 days at the Ecuadorian Embassy. Chelsea Manning has been in prison for 1450 days.   Jeremy Hammond has been in pri...

If you can’t beat them, gag them

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garvan.wordpress.com - An odd, silly and dangerous movement has now taken a poisonous hold in the public square. The result is that free speech, hand in hand with freedom of religion, is now an endangered species. Back i...

Carney on VA Scandal: 'The Right Thing to Do, Is to Fully Investigate'

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cnsnews.com - But right now, the president is waiting for the VA inspector-general to complete an investigation into long wait times for medical appointments, secret waiting lists, and veterans who reportedly di...

Religious, civic leaders calling on Gov. Nixon to halt execution of Missouri man

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Catholic News Live
stlouisreview.com - Religious and civic leaders, including the Missouri Catholic bishops, are calling on Gov. Jay Nixon to halt the May 21 execution of Russell Bucklew, due to a pre-existing health condition he has th...

PP será considerado “persona non grata” pelos cristãos se não apoiar Bolsonaro já!

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Salomão Carvalho
prsalomaocarvalho.wordpress.com - Muita gente diz que o Partido Progressista, se confirmar a decisão de permanecer com o PT, em solenidade esperada para essa semana, perderá a melhor oportunidade de sua existência. Com toda certeza...
Art & Entertainment

“O maior problema de querer ser inteligente no Brasil é a falta de companhia”

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Felipe Moura Brasil
veja.abril.com.br - Em 1945, Henry Miller já questionava se o objetivo do adulto americano era se tornar “apenas um ‘sucesso’, independentemente da forma ou do estilo, do propósito ou da significação” com que o sucess...
Art & Entertainment

Doctor Ben Carson Closer to Announcing Run for President

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rightwingnews.com - Ben Carson, former surgeon and darling of Tea Partiers and conservatives everywhere, says he is edging ever closer to announcing a run for the GOP nomination for President of the United States. As ...

Deputados evangélicos lutam pela erradicação das pirâmides financeiras no Brasil

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Portal Guiame
guiame.com.br - Centenas de milhares de famílias ainda sofrem as consequências de rombos financeiros gerados em seus orçamentos por terem sido vítimas de uma pirâmide financeira, articulada pela TelexFree. Os cálc...

10 Mistakes People Make with Heaven (plus 1 bonus)

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aheartforgod.org - 10 Mistakes People Make with Heaven (plus 1 bonus): 1. Think there is no such thing. (2 Corinthians 12:2-4) 2. Believe there could be peace on earth without it (e.g. lyrics in John Lennon’s song: “...

Petismo inventou CPI 100% isenta de apuração - Política - Política

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Roberta C.M.Oliveira
josiasdesouza.blogosfera.uol.com.br - Ninguém esperava ver o PT liderando uma CPI para investigar a Petrobras que o PT aparelhou. Nem seria necessário tanto teatro. Mas esse partido construiu parte de sua história de glórias nos surtos...

Monseñor Blázquez muestra su cercanía personal a las víctimas de la «Causa de niños robados»

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Luis Fernando Pérez
infocatolica.com - (CEE/InfoCatólica) Mons. Blázquez ha escuchado con atención a sus interlocutoras, les ha mostrado su cercanía personal con las víctimas y les ha reiterado lo que en otras ocasiones se ha dicho públ...

Redes de ensino mudam calendário escolar durante a Copa do Mundo - Jornal Correio do Brasil

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Correio do Brasil
correiodobrasil.com.br - Os calendários escolares tiveram de ser adaptados durante a Copa do Mundo, em pelo menos sete das 12 cidades-sede , o recesso do meio do ano será antecipado para junho, e os estudantes terão 30 dia...

Painel Brasil TV - Ouvidoria 162

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Painel Brasil TV
painelbrasil.tv - O Distrito Federal será uma das três primeiras Unidades da Federação a usar o novo número 162, que será utilizado para receber as ligações feitas às Ouvidorias Públicas municipais e estaduais do pa...

20-Year-Old Man Kills, Sets on Fire 14-Year-Old Who Refused Abortion

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lifenews.com - by Steven Ertelt | New York, NY | LifeNews.com | 5/20/13 2:13 PM A 20-year-old new York man killed and set on fire a 14-year-old girl who refused his demand to have an abortion. After killing her, ...

A ficção da ferrovia

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blasfemias.net - Mas tão ou mais importante do que isso é olhar-se para os transportes de forma integrada, que não dispensam os chamados nós intermodais. Estes permitem não só racionalizar, mas potenciar a utilizaç...

Kyle J. Norton Health Tips for Better Living and Living Health: Asthma in Vitamin E points of view

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Kyle J.Norton
kylejnorton.blogspot.com - Asthma in Vitamin E points of view By Kyle J. Norton The widespread of incidence of asthma over large 20 years in South East Asian population, specially in children and aging group has caused some ...

MercatorNet: Borderlands: Hungary manoeuvres

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mercatornet.com - I am writing this from Budapest, the city in which I was born. I went to the United States so young that all my memories of Hungary were acquired later in life or through my family, whose memories ...

In Holy Land, Pope Francis will focus on unity, not ignore conflict - TheCatholicSpirit.com : TheCatholicSpirit.com

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The Catholic Spirit
thecatholicspirit.com - On Pope Francis’ first trip to the Holy Land, May 24-26, his agenda will focus on the search for Christian unity, particularly between the Catholic and Orthodox churches. But inevitably, in a regio...

Wolf Is Democrats’ Choice to Govern Pennsylvania in Race Viewed as Priority - NYTimes.com

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Jeffrey Levin
nytimes.com - Tom Wolf, a wealthy businessman and a former Peace Corps volunteer, won the Democratic nomination for governor of Pennsylvania on Tuesday, setting up what his party hopes will be one of its best ch...

Los habitantes de Malvinas tendrían una vida mejor si Argentina ejerciera la soberanía

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infobae.com - Con apenas ocho días en Malvinas, Colin Roberts tuvo su primer cruce con el gobierno argentino. En diálogo con Infobae, el nuevo gobernador británico para las Islas acusó al país de hacer "bullying...

Ciberneticón » Caos (dios creador)

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Fernando NunezNoda
ciberneticon.com - Just log on these types of time payday cash advances online payday cash advances online no obligation when agreed. Problems rarely check on secure bad pay day loans pay day loans and our online len...
Art & Entertainment

New Lawsuit Against the NFL

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Alec Duarte
abcnews.go.com - Transcript for New Lawsuit Against the NFL -- -- hearing more about this big stunning hit on the NFL today some of the nation's toughest athletes pro football players now retired are suing. And cla...

Reino Unido: Ley prohíbe a estudiantes pro-vida obtener especialización en salud reproductiva

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Juanjo Romero
aciprensa.com - LONDRES, 12 May. 14 / 11:18 am (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- El Colegio Real de Obstetricia y Ginecología de Inglaterra ha incorporado polémicos requisitos para conceder la certificación en esta especialid...

The curse of blasphemy

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dailytimes.com.pk - The brutal murder of renowned human rights activist Rashid Rehman is being condemned around the world. I met Rashid Rehman for the first time in Murree about 10 years ago where we stayed for three ...

China, Furious About US Cyber-Theft Indictments, Points to Snowden, Wikileaks

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cnsnews.com - Earlier, Beijing suspended a bilateral working group on cyber issues, and released what it called the latest data on U.S. cyber-attacks targeting China. “Assistant Foreign Minister Zheng Zeguang su...

Human Rights at Stake in Upcoming European Parliament Elections

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Catholic News Live
zenit.org - Voters have a chance to shape the future of international human rights in the upcoming elections to the European Parliament this Thursday through Saturday, May 22-24. Despite political apathy and h...

The Putrid Pulitzers that Please Putin - Tom O'Halloran

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✪ Tom O'Halloran ✪
tomohalloran.com - If anything proved beyond doubt that the Pulitzer Prizes are a self-congratulatory display whereby the media pat each other on the back and share in the congratulations, it was the coverage of the ...

Brasil tem carga tributária de país desenvolvido e baixo IDH, diz Marcos Lisboa - economia - brasil - Estadão

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Israel Almeida
economia.estadao.com.br - SÃO PAULO - O ex-Secretário de Política Econômica e atual vice-presidente do Insper, Marcos Lisboa, afirmou que a falta de transparência na distribuição dos tributos para setores específicos da eco...

Whatever Became of Barabbas? (Part 2)

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aheartforgod.org - Do you remember the story of Jesus and Barabbas? Barabbas was freed while Jesus was condemned in his place. It’s a picture of what Christ has done for us. We each are under the death penalty for ou...
Art & Entertainment

VÍDEO: Site divulga imagens da prisão de Riva

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Adriana Vandoni
prosaepolitica.com.br - VÍDEO: Site divulga imagens da prisão de Riva Publicado por Adriana Vandoni   |  Permalink.

Motoristas fecham oito terminais de ônibus em São Paulo - saopaulo - saopaulo - Estadão

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Paulo Devechi
estadao.com.br - SÃO PAULO - Mais cinco terminais de ônibus da capital paulista foram fechados nesta terça-feira, 25. Trata-se das paradas Sacomã, na zona sul, Amaral Gurgel e Parque Dom Pedro II no centro, e Lapa ...

All About Woman Health - Irregular Period: Sept. 05 - 2010 All About Women Health - Irregular Menstruation

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Chantel Martiromo
allaboutwomanhealth-irregularperiod.blogspot.com - An article discussing few commonly indicated homeopathic remedies that are useful in the pubertal girls for the menstrual disturbances - suppressed, delayed, absent, or stopped. Also will be useful...

'The Shield' actor Michael Jace charged in wife's shooting death - CNN.com

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Ayesha Shaikh
cnn.com - Los Angeles (CNN) -- Michael Jace, who played a Los Angeles cop in TV's "The Shield," has been arrested in the fatal shooting of his wife, police said Tuesday. Police found April Jace, 40, shot to ...

E agora, a mídia reacionária vai investigar a denúncia do Dilma Bolada? - Jornal Correio do Brasil

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Correio do Brasil
correiodobrasil.com.br - 20/5/2014 14:16 Por Conceição Oliveira - de São Paulo Toda a rede social, especialmente Twitter, Facebook, também a grande mídia e até os geeks conhecem o estudante de publicidade carioca, Jeferson...

Second Teen Girl Almost Forced to Get Abortion After Another Teen Held at Clinic Against Her Will

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lifenews.com - by Steven Ertelt | Cleveland, OH | LifeNews.com | 5/20/14 12:53 PM The pro-life movement has been outraged over the last few days about what has happened to a pregnant 15-year-old girl in Buffalo, ...

Are you using digital photography – or are you still film based? | Virtual Photography Studio - Photography Business Resources for photographers

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virtualphotographystudio.com - I learned photography on a digital camera, and used the medium exclusively for my first three years or so. I was drawn to film because I felt that the workflow was more in line with my slower, more...

Secret Service Agents Diverted to Personal Matter by then-Director

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Accuracy In Media
aim.org - WASHINGTON — A former head of the Secret Service, then-director Mark Sullivan, ordered agents away from patrolling the White House perimeter in 2011 to check on a personal friend and assistant. Reu...

Kyle J. Norton Health Tips for Better Living and Living Health: Overcome Infertility - Treatments of Shortened Luteal Phase Caused By Liver Qi Stagantion in The Yang Phase of Menstrual Cycle

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Kyle J.Norton
kylejnorton.blogspot.com - Overcome Infertility - Treatments of Shortened Luteal Phase Caused By Liver Qi Stagantion in The Yang Phase of Menstrual Cycle I. Definition Shortened luteal phase is defined as a luteal phase or y...

Modi the poet: India's new PM artful words shed light on his character

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theconversation.com - Narendra Modi, the man whose campaign to become prime minister divided and electrified the people of India, released an anthology of his poems in an English translation last month. Modi has been wr...

Hokkaido Agriculture, Northern Japan - Image of the Day - Images - redOrbit

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redorbit.com - Hokkaido Agriculture Unusually heavy snow fell on northern Japan this winter, and it helped highlight the flat, fenced landscape used for agriculture. In this photograph taken from the Internationa...

Secret ‘death’ list

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Last Days Watchman
wnd.com - Cast your vote now. All answers are stored anonymously. Is VA scandal a case of health-care 'death panels' at work?
Art & Entertainment

The Beatles - "I Don't Want To Spoil The Party" - The Beatles Video - The Best Collection of The Beatles Videos

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The Beatles Video
thebeatlesvideo.blogspot.com - Home > The Beatles > The Beatles - "I Don't Want To Spoil The Party" The Beatles - "I Don't Want To Spoil The Party" The Beatles - "I Don't Want To Spoil The Party" Song: I Don't Want To Spoil The ...

Rádio Mous | BetoMous - Linkis.com

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Congresso P㋡dre
ln.is - People are already having fun with Linkis.com, sharing links easily and customizing them in few simple clicks. It's super cool automation feature does everything for you. Sit back and have fun whil...

Pelé Said What?

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Alec Duarte
thenation.com - Dave Zirin has a book out next week called Brazil’s Dance with the Devil: The World Cup, the Olympics, and the Fight for Democracy. His travels to Brazil and work on that project inform much of thi...

Pakistan’s Tyranny of Blasphemy - NYTimes.com

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nytimes.com - LAHORE, Pakistan — “I used to feel my life was too straight, too linear.” The speaker was Junaid Hafeez, a young poet and Fulbright scholar from the south of Pakistan, telling a radio show host in ...

Clinton in-law loses comeback bid

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Jeffrey Levin
thehill.com - Former Rep. Marjorie Margolies (D-Pa.) has lost her comeback bid. The Associated Press has called the Democratic primary for Pennsylvania state Rep. Brendan Boyle (D), who leads Margolies by 58 per...

PF deu proteção a ex-marido de Dilma após suposta ameaça de sequestro pelo PCC - 20/05/2014 - Poder - Folha de S.Paulo - Linkis.com

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ln.is - People are already having fun with Linkis.com, sharing links easily and customizing them in few simple clicks. It's super cool automation feature does everything for you. Sit back and have fun whil...

BBC News - Chronic pain 'may be inherited'

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The Daily PR
bbc.co.uk - Four common chronic pain conditions share a genetic element, suggesting they could - at least in part - be inherited diseases, say UK researchers. The four include irritable bowel syndrome, musculo...

LIBERTAR.in - Frente de Libertação, Restauração e Resistência: Vídeo: Site Libertar é alvo de INVASÃO

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libertar.in - No começo da tarde de 20/05/2014 fomos pegos de surpresa. O Site Libertar foi hackeado por alguém, ou grupo, identificado como "Anonymous".... Hoje não está fácil falar a verdade, denunciar o engan...

10 Mistakes People Make with Deception (plus 1 bonus)

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aheartforgod.org - 10 Mistakes People Make with Deception (plus 1 bonus): 1. Think they ARE NOT deceived. (1 John 1:6, 8) 2. Think they couldn’t possibly ever be deceived (pride comes before a fall). (Proverbs 16:18)...

Dilma Bolada negociou passe com tucanos - 20/05/2014 - Poder - Folha de S.Paulo

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Paulo Devechi
folha.uol.com.br - Por ao menos duas semanas, Jeferson Monteiro, o dono do perfil Dilma Bolada nas redes sociais, negociou trabalhar para pessoas próximas à campanha dos tucanos. Hoje, o personagem de Jeferson é a sá...

Ukraine's hobbled navy: "Times are not the best"

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cnsnews.com - ODESSA, Ukraine (AP) — Ukraine's navy is in Odessa's harbor, though it can be hard to spot. It's tucked behind a collection of storage tanks and overshadowed by immense cargo vessels docked nearby....

Police broke up fight as mother tried to force 15-year-old into abortion: report

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Catholic News Live
lifesitenews.com - BEDFORD HEIGHTS, OH, May 20, 2014 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Police had to rush to a Planned Parenthood facility on Monday to stop a physical fight between a mother and her 15-year-old daughter, after th...

G1 - No fim do ano, endereços de internet IPv4 se esgotam na América Latina - notícias em Tecnologia e Games

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Danilo Simões
g1.globo.com - A América Latina ficará este ano sem endereços de internet IPv4, um protocolo necessário para viabilizar as conexões à internet, informou nesta terça-feira (20) a autoridade regional da área. O Reg...


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Adriana Vandoni
prosaepolitica.com.br - Segundo a imprensa local, foi deflagrada outra fase da operação Ararath, que investiga crime financeiro, lavagem de dinheiro, etc, etc, etc. Além de busca e apreensão no gabinete e na casa do gover...

Health Effects of Vitamins: Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine ) and Cancer

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Chantel Martiromo
healthbenefitsofvitamins.blogspot.com - Posted by Chantel M. Contributed by US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health In a study of "Vitamin B6 and cancer: from clinical data to molecularly mechanisms" by Sujol G, Doc...

10,996,447: Disability Beneficiaries Hit New Record

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Doug Dauntless
cnsnews.com - The number of Americans receiving disability benefits continues to exceed the populations of Greece, Tunisia and Portugal, and is approaching the population of Cuba, which according to the CIA Worl...

Painel Brasil TV - IBRAM-Instituto Brasileiro de Museus

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Painel Brasil TV
painelbrasil.tv - Rosa Diniz: Hoje, fora dos nossos estúdios eu falo com Angelo Oswaldo, ele é presidente do IBRAM- Instituto Brasileiro de Museus. E nós estamos nesta semana, na 12ª Semana dos Museus. No ano anteri...

Filipe Luís (Atlético de Madrid): “Gloria a ti, Señor”

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religionconfidencial.com -  “We are the champions! Glória a ti Senhor”.Este es el mensaje que Filipe Luís, jugador del Atlético de Madrid, ha escrito en su cuenta personal de Facebook tras proclamarse su equipo campeón de Li...

El Pabellón Nacional es la única bandera que se debe izar en Casa Presidencial

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CitizenGO es
citizengo.org - El Presidente de Costa Rica, Luis Guillermo Solís, ha decidido izar la bandera del movimiento gay en la Casa Presidencial, contradiciendo así sus propias palabras en las que invitaba a que pensáram...

9 Weird Photography Tricks That Actually Work! -

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improvephotography.com - Sometimes I feel like I spend so much time reading photography tricks and tips online that I never see anything new anymore.  So, I set out to make this useful collection of some weird and cool pho...

BLOG DO ORLANDO TAMBOSI: Setti: Aécio tem tudo para ganhar as eleições.

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Adeus #Petralhas
otambosi.blogspot.com - O povo em geral está de saco cheio com o atual sistema político de desrespeito com o cidadão e o Aécio está entendo o que a maioria do povo brasileiro quer.

Pro-Life Majority: 80 Percent of Voters in Competitive States Want Abortion Restricted

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lifenews.com - by Jill Stanek | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 5/20/14 11:06 AM As is customary for a mainstream media outlet, Politico spun the results of its new poll question on abortion pretty much 180 degre...

Sex, Lies and Women's Studies

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Accuracy In Media
indiegogo.com - Thank you for donating and helping us bring the truth to young women about the conservative message. Thanks! You will receive a thank you email from us at Conservative University for supporting the...

A Record Century Shows Of Rajinikanth's Kochadaiiyaan In Mayajaal - Oneindia Entertainment

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Ayesha Shaikh
entertainment.oneindia.in - Rajinikanth's Kochadaiiyaan is garnering massive response from audience as the tickets of the film is selling like hot cakes. Especially, in a leading cinema hall Mayajaal in Chennai, it is having ...

Folha Política: 'Mentem descaradamente sobre benefícios da Copa para que poderosos ganhem dinheiro', diz especialista sul-africano - Linkis.com

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Mara Kramer
ln.is - People are already having fun with Linkis.com, sharing links easily and customizing them in few simple clicks. It's super cool automation feature does everything for you. Sit back and have fun whil...

Illness forces umpire Brian O'Nora from D-backs, Cardinals' tilt

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Esteban Eordogh
arizona.diamondbacks.mlb.com - ST. LOUIS -- Home-plate umpire and crew chief Brian O' Nora left Tuesday's game between the D-backs and Cardinals due to illness prior to the start of the fourth inning. The game was delayed severa...

Kyle J. Norton Health Tips for Better Living and Living Health: Herbal Cat's claw as Antioxidants

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Kyle J.Norton
kylejnorton.blogspot.com - Herbal Cat's claw as Antioxidants Cat's claw found in in the tropical jungles of South and Central America, is a genus Uncaria, belonging to the family Rubiaceae. It has been used in traditional me...

"Claro y raspao": video explica la crisis de Venezuela en cinco minutos

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canalntn24.com - Venezuela vive desde hace tres meses una ola de protestas, que para muchos, es difícil de comprender. Sin embargo, el siguiente video explica de forma sencilla, el por qué de la protesta y la crisi...

Till There Was You - The Beatles Video - The Best Collection of The Beatles Videos

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The Beatles Video
thebeatlesvideo.blogspot.com - Till There Was You Till There Was You "Till There Was You" Music by Meredith Willson Originally for a show called "The Music Man". My arrangement based on The Beatles version. I have nothing writte...


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mercatornet.com - I just noticed that the results of Prospect magazine’s poll of the world’s leading thinkers have been released. Of the top ten, there is one each from Israel, South Korea, Argentina (the Pope), Chi...

Protesto de motoristas paralisa terminais de ônibus; professores fecham a Paulista

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Edmilson Papo 10
estadao.com.br - Na tarde desta terça, os professores municipais em greve fazem um protesto pela Avenida Paulista. A categoria se manifesta contra a proposta da Prefeitura de abono de 15,38% no piso salarial. Em as...

Brasil fecha abril de 2014 com 273,6 milhões de linhas móveis - Jornalistas da Web

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Alec Duarte
jornalistasdaweb.com.br - O Brasil fechou abril de 2014 com 273,6 milhões de linhas ativas na telefonia móvel. No mês, foram habilitadas 15,49 mil novas linhas de celulares. Os dados foram divulgados nesta terça-feira (20) ...

Geo’s licenses suspended till May 28: PEMRA – The Express Tribune

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tribune.com.pk - ISLAMABAD: The Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (Pemra) on Tuesday announced that it has suspended Geo News, Geo Entertainment and Geo Tez’s licenses till May 28, Express News reporte...

Toothy Grins Store: Secret Organ Harvesting Crimes Revealed! This Must Stop.

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David Snape
blog.toothygrinsstore.com - This video demonstrates the overwhelming evidence / proof that organ harvesting is big business in China. The government itself seems to be involved and encourages this. This is one of the most evi...

BBC News - Leaders in final pitch for votes ahead of European polls

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The Daily PR
bbc.co.uk - Party leaders are set to embark on their final day of campaigning ahead of Thursday's European Parliament and English council elections. David Cameron, Ed Miliband, Nick Clegg and Nigel Farage will...

LIBERTAR.in - Frente de Libertação, Restauração e Resistência: Em visita a Israel, Francisco irá reconhecer a Palestina

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libertar.in - Em visita a Israel, Francisco irá reconhecer a Palestina Autoridade Palestina (AP) e cristãos árabes já estão comemorando a visita do Papa a Israel Francisco a partir do próximo domingo, dizendo qu...

Infiltration of the U.S. Government, Part Two - Tom O'Halloran

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✪ Tom O'Halloran ✪
tomohalloran.com - We are currently facing two major threats—the Muslim Brotherhood and Putin’s KGB-dominated Russian regime. And they may be linked. Vladimir Putin’s aggression in Ukraine has apparently surprised a ...

Crytek já mostra preocupação com quantidade de memória da nova geração

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Danilo Simões
meiobit.com - A Crytek costuma ser criticada pela falta de alma em seus jogos, mas um aspectos em que eles sempre mereceram elogios é na parte técnica, principalmente em relação aos gráficos. Visualmente o estúd...

Chuva derruba teto e causa alagamento no aeroporto de Manaus - 19/05/2014 - Cotidiano - Folha de S.Paulo

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Paulo Devechi
folha.uol.com.br - Uma forte chuva que castigou Manaus no final da manhã desta segunda-feira (19) causou danos no aeroporto Eduardo Gomes, que passa por uma reforma para a Copa do Mundo. Um pedaço do teto desabou e h...

Cientistas podem ter descoberto como transformar a luz em matéria

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gizmodo.uol.com.br - Em 1934, uma dupla de físicos concebeu uma ideia de como criar matéria a partir da luz. Basicamente, ao colidir dois fótons, você obteria um elétron e um pósitron – ou seja, matéria. Agora, cerca d...

Is Your Fire Fading?

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aheartforgod.org - On a recent Sunday afternoon my 11-year old daughter asked my wife to come into her room. Once there (and alone) she put on the saddest face and said to her mother, “I think the message (in church)...

Onboarding Coaching

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Julie Kay
learningandleadership.com - Would you do things differently if you knew that 40% to 50% of senior external appointments fail to achieve the desired results? You’re probably aware that recruitment is an expensive business. CIP...

Most Dangerous Neighborhoods in America

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mlgm.net - Chicago, Illinois has a murder rate that seems to be increasing yearly and a major reason is because of the crime that happens in the North Auburn Gresham neighborhood. This neighborhood which occu...

Senado aprova PEC que garante defensorias públicas em todo o país — Senado Federal - Portal de Notícias

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Gisela Gondin Ramos
www12.senado.gov.br - Em duas votações unânimes nesta terça-feira (20), o Senado aprovou a PEC das Defensorias, que fixa prazo de oito anos para que a União, os estados e o Distrito Federal dotem todas as comarcas de de...

Mexican officials strip search Andrew Tahmooressi's mother

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fireandreamitchell.com - As if it’s not bad enough that Andrew Tahmooressi is being held hostage in a Mexican prison (the second American in less than a year to be abducted by the Mexicans.) When Andrew Tahmooressi’s mothe...

Women's Health: Ovarian Cancer and Herbal Lingzhi (LZ)

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Chantel Martiromo
thetruestoriesstories.blogspot.com -   Posted by Chantel Martiromo Ovarian cancer is defined as a condition of  abnormal ovarian cells growth of ovaries.  It is one of most common cancer in US, according to the statistics adapted from...

Centenas de joelhos no Itaquerão contra a exploração sexual infantil na Copa

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Foco Cristão
noticias.gospelprime.com.br - “Ajoelhamos para clamar pelas crianças e simbolizar como o Brasil está diante da FIFA”, diz Carlos Bezerra Jr., deputado evangélico que liderou a ação No último domingo, centenas de pessoas se reun...

BLOG DO ORLANDO TAMBOSI: Plano-safra, outra patranha do governo Dilma.

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Adeus #Petralhas
otambosi.blogspot.com - Em mais um comício patrocinado pelo governo, a presidente Dilma Rousseff aproveitou o lançamento do Plano Agrícola e Pecuário 2014/2015 para falar da contribuição do PT à criação de uma agricultura...

Polarizer Filters: What They Are & When They Can Be Used in Photography – PictureCorrect

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picturecorrect.com - There are few more important things that a nature photographer can do to improve his or her photography than becoming familiar with the use of the polarizing filter. What can a polarizing filter do...
Art & Entertainment

Programa Academia em Debate: Teologia de Missão Integral - Púlpito Cristão

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pulpitocristao.com - Abaixo você confere o Programa Academia em Debate cujo tema é Teologia de Missão Integral. Neste, o Rev. Augustus Nicodemus Lopes entrevista Rev. Jonas Moreira Madureira e Rev. Filipe Costa Fontes. 

MSNBC Joins With Democrats to “Grow Hope”

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Accuracy In Media
aim.org - We have often noted how NBC, and its cable-news sister network MSNBC, form a virtual arm of the Democratic Party. Now, with the creation of their new “Growing Hope” website, MSNBC has abandoned all...

Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon May Veto Pro-Life Bill for 72-Hour Waiting Period Before Abortion

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lifenews.com - by Joe Ortwerth | Jefferson City, MO | LifeNews.com | 5/20/14 11:38 AM The Missouri General Assembly has sent Governor Jay Nixon legislation which would establish a 72 hour waiting period for elect...

Noticiero Digital :: Ver tema - Barquisimeto a Punto del Colapso sin suministro de Agua

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noticierodigital.com - Barquisimeto a Punto de Colapsar Luego de 7 dias sin Agua Desde la semana pasada la ciudad de Barquisimeto (la 3º mas grande de Venezuela) y sus alrededores se encuentran sin una gota de agua.. tod...

Today's New Media | Listen via Stitcher Radio On Demand

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stitcher.com - Theme: "A major part of the sad Mozilla CEO issue is that people don't want to be bothered with fighting evil. People have become spiritually complacent; spiritually impotent and too scared to do a...

Kyle J. Norton Health Tips for Better Living and Living Health: Fibrocystic breast disease - The Preventions

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Kyle J.Norton
kylejnorton.blogspot.com - Fibrocystic breast disease - The Preventions Fibrocystic breast disease Fibrocystic breast disease also known as fibrocystic breast condition is defined as a condition in which cysts, and noncancer...

Bee Gees - Sing Beatles - The Beatles Video - The Best Collection of The Beatles Videos

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The Beatles Video
thebeatlesvideo.blogspot.com - Bee Gees - Sing Beatles Bee Gees - Sing Beatles Ticket to Ride, Paperback Writer and Nowhere Man. Written by Lennon and McCartney. Ticket to Ride and Paperback Writer from the album "Inception and ...

Grampos e transcrições aos olhos e ouvidos do STF « BLOG DO VLAD

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Roberta C.M.Oliveira
blogdovladimir.wordpress.com - Na Operação Furacão (Inquérito 2424/RJ, rel. Min. Cézar Peluso), o STF decidiu que a não transcrição cabal de escutas telefônicas não ofendia o direito de defesa. Este tema voltou a lume – e com gr...

Kids Portrait Series some great Photo's to Enjoy!

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Greg Wilson
gwpstudio.com - See more great images http://gwpstudio.com/portrait

Recibe Raúl a presidente de Haití, Michel Martelly

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Alec Duarte
cubadebate.cu - El Presidente de los Consejos de Estado y de Ministros de Cuba, General de Ejército Raúl Castro Ruz, sostuvo un encuentro en la tarde de este martes con el excelentísimo señor Michel Joseph Martell...

Shrinking space – Media War & Freedom of Press

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zaakbarpak.wordpress.com - Reza Aslan writes in his ‘Zealot’ that Hasmonaeans reclaimed Jerusalem from Seleucid control in 164 BCE and ruled for the next hundred years. But when civil war broke out between brothers Hyrcanus ...

Frustração com a Copa se reflete na decoração das ruas do Rio - Jornal O Globo

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gilton ma
oglobo.globo.com - RIO - Os protestos contra a realização da Copa do Mundo no Brasil começam a ganhar contornos nas ruas do Rio, ainda de forma tímida, mas com desejo de crescer. Na principal via do Méier, a Dias da ...
Art & Entertainment

Pânico no circo

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arq pedrinho2
olavodecarvalho.org - A estratégia revolucionária é uma técnica específica, altamente desenvolvida e em constante aprimoramento no mundo. Sua bibliografia é imensa. No Brasil inteiro, fora dos círculos esquerdistas dire...

Bartender Not Sure Whether Salman Had Alcohol Or Not! - Oneindia Entertainment

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Ayesha Shaikh
entertainment.oneindia.in - Following the bartender identified Bollywood star Salman Khan ordering drinks on the night of the 2002 hit and run incident, the same witness now claims that he does not exactly remember if Salman ...


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