26 May 2014

Cristianismo & Politica 25.05.2014 @CristPolit

Cristianismo & Politica

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Papa pede defesa das crianças desde o ventre materno

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Canção Nova Notícias
papa.cancaonova.com - Na Missa, Papa Francisco faz um apelo em favor das crianças, para que sejam protegidas desde o ventre materno O Papa Francisco presidiu a Santa Missa deste domingo, 25, na Praça da Manjedoura, em B...

TVCN transmite momentos da visita do Papa à Terra Santa

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TV Cancao Nova
tv.cancaonova.com - Papa Francisco realiza atividades em prol da integração das religiões católica, judaica e muçulmana. Em alguns dias, o Papa Francisco fará sua primeira visita à Terra Santa como Pontífice, onde per...

MURO DE BERLIN COMUNICACIONAL: Providencias de Conatel encienden alarmas en la TV

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Marcus Vinicius
noticiasdevenezuela.org - El presidente de la Cámara Venezolana de la Televisión por Suscripción (Cavetesu), Carlos Villamizar, declaró su preocupación por la brecha que queda abierta para que el Estado intervenga en las gr...

Elecciones Europeas 2014: seguimiento de la jornada de votación [actualizado 11:00h]

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outono.net - Hoy los españoles estamos llamados a las urnas a elegir entre 39 candidaturas, el voto en blanco o el voto nulo. Como he venido haciendo en este blog en los diferentes comicios, a lo largo del día ...


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rozangelajustino.blogspot.com - Na última sexta feira (16), a psicóloga Marisa Lobo foi julgada pelo Conselho de Ética do Conselho Regional de Psicologia(CRP) do Paraná devido a um processo iniciado há dois anos que teve como mot...

Atenção, cristãos! Guerrilha no Brasil!

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Salomão Carvalho
prsalomaocarvalho.wordpress.com - Esta noite eu tive um sonho terrível! E eu não sou muito de sonhar. Por isto fiquei preocupado. No sonho, o filósofo Olavo de Carvalho, veio em minha casa e me dizia que o PT não quer sair do poder...


Partilhado por
Dr. Ética
blogdoparrini.blogspot.com - Por: Lourinaldo Teles Bezerra – O Diário do Poder – Cláudio Humberto ... Por iniciativa do valoroso e único parlamentar de quem se pode esperar atitudes, o STF se posicionará através de seu ministr...


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Que país é este ?
gritosdealerta.blogspot.com - O trabalho de jornalismo, informação e opinião que tenho executado por meio deste blog é valoroso e dispendioso, pois requer muita dedicação e pesquisa. No entanto, tenho realizado este serviço tão...

A Missão Invertida

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ultimato.com.br - O contexto e os números do cristianismo mundial mudaram. As estratégias, as prioridades e, especialmente, a participação global em missões estão de ponta-cabeça. A Missão Invertida mostra bíblica e...

Infantojuvenil > Acessórios > Boina Abelha Bela : Loja Virtual

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Cantinho da Criança
loja.cancaonova.com - Preços e condições exclusivos para a Loja Virtual Canção Nova (loja.cancaonova.com), válidos por tempo determinado e/ou enquanto durarem os estoques, podendo sofrer alterações sem prévia notificaçã...

Livros Da Dor Nasce o Amor - Histórias Emocionantes de Fé, Coragem e Esperança - Dr. Fábio Augusto (8575429205) - 39% de Economia - Buscapé

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Dr. Fábio Augusto
buscape.com.br - Buscapé Termo de uso Política de Privacidade Conheça o Buscapé Especiais Buscapé Adicionar aos favoritos Buscapé no Celular FAQ Buscapé Plugin Buscapé na Hora Consumidor Ajuda ao Vivo Fale Conosco ...

Abortion Doc Loses License After Killing Woman in Botched Abortion

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lifenews.com - by Steven Ertelt | Albany, NY | LifeNews.com | 5/25/12 11:38 AM A new York-based abortion practitioner has lost his medical license after killing a woman in a failed legal abortion. Robert Hosty ra...
Arte & Entretenimento

Mídia Sem Máscara - Esses admiráveis ex-petistas

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Edson Camargo
midiasemmascara.org - A nação andou com os ex-petistas para aquele mesmo lugar muito alto onde o Demônio tentou Jesus, buscando seduzi-lo com os poderes terrenos. O PT nem pestanejou. Abraçou a companhia e foi em frente...
Arte & Entretenimento

Mulher fica amiga de mendigo em São Paulo. Ninguém poderia imaginar o que aconteceria depois... Uau!

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Padre Fabrício
awebic.com - Raimundo Arruda Sobrinho era mais um mendigo na cidade de São Paulo. Ele era conhecido localmente por sentar e escrever todos os dias no mesmo lugar. Foi assim por 35 anos… até que em abril de 2011...
Arte & Entretenimento

Livros > Espiritualidade > Livro Como se dar bem com quem você q... : Loja Virtual

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TV Cancao Nova
loja.cancaonova.com - Você já esteve com várias pessoas ao seu redor, mas ao mesmo tempo já se sentiu só? A solidão é um dos assuntos que você irá encontrar nesta obra, além de temas que fazem parte do dia a dia dos rel...

Phoenix: Ravi Zacharias and Dennis Prager

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David Limbaugh
hashtagpros.webconnex.com - What is tolerance? Has tolerance come to mean moral apathy in today’s society? How can one effectively engage different worldviews and help build a society based on mutual respect rather than doubl...
Arte & Entretenimento

[VIDEO] El Papa Francisco besa y reza de rodillas ante el Santo Sepulcro de Jesús

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - JERUSALÉN, 25 May. 14 / 12:24 pm (ACI).- Al iniciar el encuentro ecuménico que conmemora el que sostuvieron hace 50 años Pablo VI y el Patriarca ortodoxo Atenágoras, el Papa Francisco besó la piedr...

Hey Pro-Lifers: Six Things NOT to Do To End Abortion

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lifenews.com - by Jennie Stone | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 5/25/12 10:23 AM For nearly forty years, pro-lifers have fought the infamous legality of abortion in our nation. We have seen victories and failure...

El Papa Francisco en Tierra Santa

Partilhado por
ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - Conoce los eventos del Papa Francisco en Tierra Santa Conoce por qué se eligió este lema para la visita del Papa Lee aquí todas las noticias sobre la peregrinación del Papa Francisco Estos son los ...

My Afternoon With the Atheists, Front Row With Pope Francis: The Gift of Fortitude and Much More! | Daily News

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N. Catholic Register
ncregister.com - Copyright © 2014 EWTN News, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction of material from this website without written permission is strictly prohibited. Accessed from

Neonatology Professor: Unborn Babies Feel Pain at 20 Weeks

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lifenews.com - by Gene Tarne | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 5/25/12 1:14 PM The Subcommittee on the Constitution of the U.S. House Judiciary Committee recently held a hearing on legislation that would ban abor...

Shalom Maceió participa da abertura do 14° Ato UFAL em defesa da Vida

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Comunidade Shalom
comshalom.org - Jovens universitários da Comunidade Católica Shalom, na missão de Maceió, realizaram a abertura do 14º Ato UFAL (Universidade Federal de Alagoas) em Defesa da Vida, cujo tema dessa edição foi “Tráf...

Pray for Searchlight Church - ThomRainer.com

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Thom Rainer
thomrainer.com - Fast Facts: Searchlight started with a core group of 13 meeting min Pastor Colletti’s house in 2010. Since that time, it has grown to more than 250 meeting in two services and has seen more than 80...

Que israelíes y palestinos puedan vivir en paz, dice el Papa Francisco en Tel Aviv

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - TEL AVIV, 25 May. 14 / 09:28 am (ACI).- El Papa Francisco llegó a Tel Aviv (Israel), procedente de Belén en Palestina, y pronunció un discurso en la ceremonia de bienvenida luego de las palabras de...

Immortal Keynes? - Reason.com

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Drew McKissick
reason.com - Whatever you may think of Keynesian economics, you have to give it credit for one thing: its staying power. You can’t watch a news program without hearing pundits analyze economic conditions in ort...

The Hereafter | ChristianObserver.org

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The Reformed Hub
christianobserver.org - God’s Law indicates an eternal continuance with Him. And the LORD said to Moses, “Behold, you are about to lie down with your fathers.” Deuteronomy 31:16 God declared Himself to be the God of Abrah...

Papa reza Regina Coeli em Belém e confia terrirório a Maria

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Canção Nova Notícias
papa.cancaonova.com - Santo Padre manifestou seu desejo de visitar, em outra ocasião, Nazaré Antes de concluir a celebração da Santa Missa na Praça da Manjedoura, em Belém, neste domingo, 25, Papa Francisco rezou o Regi...

Termina en Venezuela la ‘marcha 100 días’ con al menos cinco heridos en Valencia y fuertes disturbios

Partilhado por
Marcus Vinicius
canalntn24.com - Este sábado finalizó en Valencia, Venezuela, la ‘marcha de 100 días’ que exigía la libertad de quienes permanecen presos por participar en las protestas del país. Los disturbios no fueron impedimen...

Cardenal respalda medida de eliminar sorteos diarios en la República Dominicana

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infocatolica.com - El cardenal Nicolás de Jesús López Rodríguez valoró como positiva la medida del Ministerio de Hacienda de eliminar varios sorteos diarios de loterías, tras considerar que esos juegos no aportan al ...
Arte & Entretenimento

‘My opponent’s youth and inexperience’ and other one-liners

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WND News
wnd.com - Most people either recall, or have seen clips, of one of President Ronald Reagan’s best one-liners, when in a debate with Walter Mondale, he set the standard with his comment that he “will not expl...

Naked Man Storms White House Security Checkpoint

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Drew McKissick
dailycaller.com - At 2:45 p.m. on the Friday before Memorial Day, a man approached the White House security gates, just in time for President Barack Obama’s 3:30 p.m. press announcement. “I have a 3:00 p.m. meting w...

[VIDEO Y TEXTO] Discurso del Papa Francisco en la ceremonia de bienvenida en Tel Aviv, Israel

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - JERUSALÉN, 25 May. 14 / 09:23 am (ACI).- El Papa Francisco llegó a Tel Aviv (Israel), procedente de Belén en Palestina, y pronunció un discurso en la ceremonia de bienvenida luego de las palabras d...
Arte & Entretenimento

Deus se importa comigo

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Portas Abertas
portasabertas.org.br - Em viagem à Tanzânia, colaboradores da Portas Abertas entrevistaram Ana*, uma bela e serena moça de 23 anos de idade, que morou com seus pais na ilha de Zanzibar. Ela compartilhou conosco as dificu...

‘Who Are We Before the Child Jesus?’ Pope Reflects in Bethlehem | Daily News

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N. Catholic Register
ncregister.com - BETHLEHEM, West Bank — In his homily delivered in Bethlehem this morning, Pope Francis meditated on the role of the Christ Child in the life of every person. “The child Jesus, born in Bethlehem, ev...
Arte & Entretenimento

Blog do Jefferson

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Ihamma Lins
blogdojefferson.com - Nome:Torquemada Comentário: O legado que o PT deixará em tudo que se fizer presente vai ser sempre de corrupção. Superfaturamento de obras teu nome é PT. Não que não houvesse antes em outra escala....

» In Death, Girls (and Boys) Swoon Over Santa Barbara Mass Murderer Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

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Doug Dauntless
infowars.com - Like many before him, the mass murderer who killed 6 people in the coastal California community of Isla Vista Friday has garnered a following in death he could never amass in life, just the latest ...

The Brotherhood Will Be Back - NYTimes.com

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nytimes.com - WASHINGTON — After being ousted from power last July, Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood, the Arab world’s original Islamist movement, faces an existential moment. The group has been targeted with extreme ...

Two Robberies and a Shooting at Jack in the Box Since Law-Abiding Citizens Asked to Leave Guns at Home

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Drew McKissick
breitbart.com - Since then, there have been three incidents at Jack in the Box restaurants involving armed men who prey on unarmed ones. Most recent was a robbery that took place on May 20 at a Jack in the Box in ...

LIVE - sports activity of Evaldo Maciel (strolling)

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Pr Junior Souza
runtastic.com - Evaldo Maciel is out Walking in Cachoeiro De Itapemirim, Brazil

Pope Francis in Jordan Calls for Peace in Syria - TIME

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Open Doors USA
time.com - Pope Francis called for a peaceful end to Syria’s three-year-old civil war during a Saturday stop in Jordan on his first Holy Land trip as pope. “This great goal urgently requires that a peaceful s...

Un menor detenido y dos denunciados por el ataque a Montoro en Cataluña - Libertad Digital

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libertaddigital.com - Un menor detenido y dos denunciados por el ataque a Montoro en Cataluña El segundo detenido por el ataque que sufrió Cristóbal Montoro en Cataluña es un menor. Además, se ha denunciado a otras dos ...

Nunca más un crimen como el Holocausto, clama el Papa Francisco en Israel

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - TEL AVIV, 25 May. 14 / 09:25 am (ACI).- El Papa Francisco pidió a Dios que nunca más ocurra un crimen como la Shoah (Holocausto judío) y que se promueva una cultura de inclusión en donde no exista ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Esses babacas do metrô - opiniao - versaoimpressa - Estadão

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Marcus Vinicius
estadao.com.br - Houve um tempo em que esperávamos a Lua entrar na sétima casa, Júpiter se alinhar com Marte e a paz reinar no planeta. Era a aurora da era de Aquarius. Aquarius, Aquarius. As mulheres arrancando os...

Sudanese Christian Woman in Shackles After ‘Apostasy’ Death Sentence | Daily News

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N. Catholic Register
ncregister.com - WASHINGTON — Protest is mounting in the case of a pregnant Christian woman who faces a death sentence in Sudan for not renouncing her faith, as her husband recently found her shackled to the wall o...

The Catholic Review > Featured Campaign > Holy gift giving: What are Vatican guests giving Pope Francis?

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L'Osservatore Romano
catholicreview.org - Holy gift giving: What are Vatican guests giving Pope Francis? May 04, 2014 What gift would you give the pope? Gifts presented to Pope Francis at private audiences are carefully thought out, often ...

Obama 2008: VA will be ‘leader of health care reform’

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Drew McKissick
wnd.com - WASHINGTON — It’s one of those promises the president would probably like to forget. In vowing to make the Veterans Administration the model of national health-care reform back in 2008, the outlook...

Formação - Arquidiocese de São Sebastião do Rio de Janeiro - ArqRio

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Arquidiocese do Rio
arqrio.org - Em Destaque Liturgia Diaria 11º Plano de Pastoral de Conjunto Ano Arquidiocesano da Caridade - 2014 Ano da Fé Bispos Auxiliares Caridade Social Espiritualidade Família e Vida Folheto da Missa Homil...
Arte & Entretenimento

Opus Dei - “La esperanza de África no es su riqueza sino los africanos”

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Opus Dei (España)
opusdei.es - Oro, diamantes, cobre, uranio, petróleo... Es la riqueza del continente africano de donde sale el 15% de la producción minera mundial. Pero “la esperanza de África no es su riqueza sino los african...

Francisco en Tierra Santa (15): Declaración conjuntaEcclesia Digital

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Ecclesia Digital
revistaecclesia.com - Francisco en Tierra Santa (15): Declaración conjunta entre el Papa Francisco y el Patriarca Ecuménico Bartolomé 1. Como nuestros venerables predecesores, el Papa Pablo VI y el Patriarca Ecuménico A...

Amazing BBC Video Shows Development of Human Face in the Womb

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lifenews.com - by Steven Ertelt | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 7/9/12 10:52 AM Every pro-life advocate fully understands the amazing way in which the human body develops in the womb as a little boy or little g...

Was Mark Driscoll right? Did Jesus make mistakes?

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Christian Today
christiantoday.com - US megapastor Mark Driscoll has once again found himself at the heart of controversy as allegations that Mars Hill deleted some of his "questionable" sermon material from its website surfaced this ...

Shooting Suspect Identified; 3 of 6 Victims Were Stabbed at His Apartment

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Matthew Warner
mashable.com - Officials have identified Elliot Rodger, 22, as the suspect in Friday night's shootings near the University of California, Santa Barbara. Seven people, including Rodger, were killed. Rodger apparen...

Following the Footsteps of the Fisherman |Blogs

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N. Catholic Register
ncregister.com - Pope Francis' visit to the Holy Land carries enormous significance as the heir of St. Peter. In a real sense, the successor of St. Peter is returning to his roots with this visit to the Holy Land. ...

Ameaçando desistência | Radar on-line - Lauro Jardim - VEJA.com

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Marcus Vinicius
veja.abril.com.br - Jean Wyllys avisou ao PSOL que não se candidatará a deputado federal caso o partido autorize a candidatura de um pastor no Rio de Janeiro. A intransigência do deputado tem explicação. Wyllys descon...

'Despierta América': Paraguay marcha por la Vida y la Familia los días 2 y 3 de junio

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Derecho a Vivir
hazteoir.org - En el marco de la 44º Asamblea de la Organización de Estados Americanos que se celebra esos días en el país y que el lobby gay y del aborto quieren manipular. CitizenGO apoya la marcha, a la que ac...

Israeli, Palestinian presidents accept invitation meeting at Vatican :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

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Catholic News Agency
catholicnewsagency.com - Bethlehem, West Bank, May 25, 2014 / 06:28 am (CNA).- Today Israeli President Shimon Peres and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas announced that they have accepted Pope Francis’ invitation to join...

Welcoming ceremony at the Tel Aviv Ben Gurion International Airport (Tel Aviv, 25 May 2014)

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Catholic Church

Meninas criam app para ajudar vítimas de exposição sexual na web

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Sérgio Pavarini
pavablog.com - Idealizado por cinco jovens paulistas, projeto oferece informação e conforto a vítimas de vazamento de fotos íntimas pelo celular. Aplicativo concorre a prêmio de US$ 10 mil em concurso internacion...

Abrazo del Papa Francisco y del Patriarca Ecuménico Bartolomé por la unidad de los cristianos

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romereports.com - 2. Nuestro encuentro fraterno de hoy es un nuevo y necesario paso en el camino hacia aquella unidad a la que sólo el Espíritu Santo puede conducirnos, la de la comunión dentro de la legítima divers...

Os amigos da inflação e seus disfarces - economia - versaoimpressa - Estadão

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Nivaldo Cordeiro
estadao.com.br - As primeiras teorias sobre a inflação eram como a cartografia primitiva: roteiros para a imaginação muito mais que representações científicas e confiáveis da verdadeira geografia. A inflação surgiu...
Arte & Entretenimento

Un Sacerdote en Tierra Santa: El Papa Francisco en Belén

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Opus Dei (España)
unsacerdoteentierrasanta.blogspot.com - La Misa del Papa Francisco en Belén ha sido memorable. Muy bonita. Me ha parecido mejor la organización que en la que Misa que tuvimos en el mismo lugar con el Papa Benedicto XVI. Había menos acumu...

Leaked document reveals how EU cut commitment to greater official openness - Index on Censorship

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Index on Censorship
indexoncensorship.org - You can find support for the public’s right to access official information in the strangest places. Like a private EU policy paper draft. As leaked to and published by the whistle-blowers’ website ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Chelsea Handler: Had Abortion, "Teen Moms Make me Want to Kill Someone"

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lifenews.com - by Steven Ertelt | New York, NY | LifeNews.com | 5/24/11 4:27 PM Chelsea Handler, the host of the popular late-night television entertainment show Chelsea Lately, is making waves with recent commen...

Planned Parenthood's newest sales tactic is God

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Live Action
liveactionnews.org - Planned Parenthood loves to use inappropriate holidays like Christmas, Valentine’s Day, and Mother’s Day to promote abortion. Now they’re also using God himself to sell women on getting abortions. ...

[VIDEO] Papa Francisco lanza invitación a Mahmoud Abbas y Shimon Peres a ir al Vaticano a rezar por la paz

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - BELEN, 25 May. 14 / 05:02 am (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- Al final de la Misa en la Plaza del Pesebre de Belén (Palestina), el Papa Francisco lanzó una invitación a los presidentes de Israel y Palestina, ...

'May God change the hearts of the violent,' Pope prays :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

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Catholic News Agency
catholicnewsagency.com - Amman, Jordan, May 24, 2014 / 11:50 am (CNA/EWTN News).- On the first day of his pilgrimage to the Holy Land, Pope Francis met with a group of nearly 600 refugees and disabled youth, urging them to...

Ted Cruz mocks Democrat Obama 'like a boss' tweet : Fire Andrea Mitchell!

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fireandreamitchell.com - Apparently, the Democrats have anointed Obama as the ‘boss’ of the entire country, with their #likeaboss hashtag tweet on Twitter. If Obama truely were a boss as Democrat wet dreams hope, then he w...
Arte & Entretenimento

5 Escritores africanos que você precisa conhecer

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Sérgio Pavarini
livrosepessoas.com - África também é berço de grandes escritores. Muitos desconhecidos por aqui. Todos têm em comum a influência de suas raízes, de sua terra, sua cultura, sua beleza e suas mazelas sociais e políticas....

News Briefs/Rss | Catholic World Report - Global Church news and views

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Ignatius Insight
catholicworldreport.com - Tel Aviv, Israel, May 25, 2014 / 08:51 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Late Sunday afternoon Pope Francis arrived in Tel Aviv, where he urged Israeli President Shimon Peres and other authorities to adopt a tw...
Meio Ambiente

School Car Wash Fundraisers Banned in Virginia County

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Heritage Foundation
blog.heritage.org - For years, car washes have been a fundraising staple for high school sports teams, marching bands and youth groups. Just get some kids together with buckets and soap, rent out a parking lot, put up...

EN DIRECTO: encuentro entre Francisco y Bartolomé I en el Santo Sepulcro

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romereports.com - 25 de mayo de 2014. Nada más llegar a Tel Aviv, Francisco ha condenado el asesinato de tres personas en Bruselas, mientras visitaban el Museo Judío. "Con el corazon lleno de dolor, pienso en quiene...

Turkey: Losing the freedom to mourn - Index on Censorship

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Index on Censorship
indexoncensorship.org - On the 13th of May the Soma mining disaster caused by carbon monoxide poisoning left over 230 dead. Writing this from afar, sadly there is an excessive amount of police brutality being applied to t...

Papa Francisco en Tierra Santa (14): Discurso en el Aeropuerto Internacional Ben Gurion (Tel Aviv)Ecclesia Digital

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Ecclesia Digital
revistaecclesia.com - Papa Francisco en Tierra Santa (14): Discurso en el Aeropuerto Internacional Ben Gurion (Tel Aviv) Les agradezco cordialmente la acogida en el Estado de Israel, que me complace visitar en esta pere...

Editora Mundo Cristão - Livro: Atos - Série Lições de Vida - Max Lucado

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Mundo Cristão
mundocristao.com.br - Histórias de homens que estiveram face a face com Deus e sentaram-se aos pés do Rei ressuscitado. No meio deles habita um fogo que não é encontrado na terra. Cristo lhes ensinou. O Pai os perdoou. ...

Andrea Bocelli And Celine Dion: what do they have in common?

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Live Action
liveactionnews.org - Andrea Bocelli and Celine Dion are both  internationally renowned singers. They  have two of the most beautiful voices in the world. But in addition to being amazing singers, they have one other th...
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PP de Madrid
sede.madrid.es - Los campos marcados con son obligatorios

Pregnant Woman Dies, Gives Birth, And is Brought Back to Life

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lifenews.com - by Steven Ertelt | Missouri City, TX | LifeNews.com | 5/23/13 11:34 AM In an amazing story, a pregnant women from Texas reportedly died, gave birth and then was brought back to life. Erica Nigrelli...


Partilhado por
Always Catholic Blog
livemass.net - Times given are local time. Note the Time on the Location Clock.

Os amigos da inflação são os inimigos do povo. Ou: Gustavo Franco x Marcelo Neri

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Direita Brasil
veja.abril.com.br - A minha leitura do caderno de Economia do GLOBO de hoje foi feita em uma ordem interessante. Primeiro, a notícia de que a alta inflação corrói a “nova classe média” (lembrando que ela engloba até g...

News Briefs/Rss | Catholic World Report - Global Church news and views

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Ignatius Insight
catholicworldreport.com - Bethlehem, West Bank, May 25, 2014 / 06:28 am (CNA).- Today Israeli President Shimon Peres and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas announced that they have accepted Pope Francis’ invitation to join...

Q&A: Ukraine Presidential Election and Russia's Next Move

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Heritage Foundation
blog.heritage.org - Ukraine is wracked by violence between its soldiers and pro-Russian forces, and the country will hold a presidential election Sunday. We asked Iryna Fedets, a native Ukrainian who is currently at H...

Pope reportedly displeased by sumptuous canonization banquet :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

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Catholic News Agency
catholicnewsagency.com - Vatican City, May 23, 2014 / 01:24 am (CNA/EWTN News).- A Vatican official has revealed that Pope Francis was displeased by an extravagant banquet at a Vatican office during the recent canonization...

Élections européennes 2014 : 74 eurodéputés français pour huit circonscriptions - RTL.fr

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La Manif Pour Tous
rtl.fr - Le 25 mai 2014, huit circonscriptions d'électeurs éliront 77 députés pour représenter la France au Parlement européen Dimanche 25 mai, les électeurs français sont appelés à élire leurs 74 députés e...
Arte & Entretenimento

Artista brasileiro ironiza a Copa do Mundo em grafite e repercute internacionalmente

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Sérgio Pavarini
pavablog.com - Paulo Ito é um pintor de rua brasileiro, que acaba de ficar internacionalmente conhecido. Isso porque, no dia 10 de maio, ele grafitou, no portão de uma escola, no bairro da Pompéia, em São Paulo, ...

NRL Convention Just One Month Away

Partilhado por
Right to Life
ncrtl.org - The 44th Annual National Right to Life Convention is only a month away, but it’s not too late to register! Join friends from all over the country in Louisville, Kentucky, from June 26-28 for the pr...
Arte & Entretenimento

Podemos dizer que a Igreja é uma casta prostituta? - padrepauloricardo.org

Partilhado por
Padre Paulo Ricardo
padrepauloricardo.org - Vários teólogos liberais têm utilizado a expressão 'casta meretriz' para referir-se à Igreja Católica. Com isso, querem inferir que ela é, ao mesmo tempo, santa e pecadora. É possível fazer tal afi...

3 Great Purposes in Predestination

Partilhado por
The Reformed Hub
challies.com - It was pretty ornery preaching,” Huckleberry Finn mused when he found himself in church one particular Sunday morning, “and had such a powerful lot to say about faith and good works and free grace ...

Padre é acusado de 100 casos de abusos contra crianças

Partilhado por
O Verbo
noticias.gospelprime.com.br - O porta-voz o arcebispo de San Luis Potosí confirmou um processo contra o religioso por pederastia Um cartaz gigante colocado na capital de San Luis Potosí, no México, pede para que vítimas de abus...

Francisco a niños refugiados: No dejéis que el pasado determine vuestras vidas

Partilhado por
romereports.com - 19 de mayo, 2014. El lunes por la mañana, el Papa Francisco se reunió con Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, rey de Baréin, a las 9. Cuarenta y cinco minutos después, le siguió Donald Tusk, primer ministro ...

biblia en vivo 2 con Wolter

Partilhado por
Un Curso De Milagros
spreaker.com - UCDM Desde tu Mente Integra biblia en vivo 2 con Wolter

¿Somos como María y José o como Herodes ante los niños que sufren?, cuestiona el Papa Francisco desde Belén

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - BELÉN, 25 May. 14 / 03:44 am (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- El Papa Francisco celebró este domingo la Misa en la Plaza del Pesebre, en Belén (Palestina), donde afirmó que cuando los niños son cuidados y pro...

22 Unnecessary Attachments Carefree People Don’t Have 

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truthisscary.com - Life is about attachments. It’s about picking up things along the way until we have a bag full of relics and lessons from the past. Our load gets heavier with each passing year until we no longer r...

China fighters within meters of Japan military planes: minister

Partilhado por
Angelica Saldaña
mobile.reuters.com - TOKYO (Reuters) - Chinese fighter jets flew within a few dozen meters of Japanese military planes over the East China Sea, Japanese officials said on Sunday, prompting the defense minister to accus...

Ukraine: Showing solidarity for a country in crisis - Index on Censorship

Partilhado por
Index on Censorship
indexoncensorship.org - On the eve of the Ukrainian election, intellectuals gathered in Kiev to discuss the country's ongoing crisis Walking around Kiev’s Maidan Nezalezhnosti square, months after the protest that envelop...

Concurso Cultural Literário (69)

Partilhado por
Mundo Cristão
livrosepessoas.com - As estatísticas mostram índices alarmantes de divórcio entre cristãos e não cristãos. Os gabinetes pastorais e os consultórios especializados em terapia de casais vivem lotados de pessoas que exper...

Israeli, Palestinian presidents accept Pope’s invitation to Vatican meeting | Daily News

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ncregister.com - BETHLEHEM — Today Israeli President Shimon Peres and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas announced that they have accepted Pope Francis’ invitation to join him at the Vatican for an encounter of pr...

Deputados criam "Frente parlamentar da religião afro-brasileira"

Partilhado por
Cristianismo Hoje
noticias.gospelprime.com.br - Iniciativa seria um contraponto à bancada evangélica Católicos e evangélicos estão acostumados a serem representados pelas chamadas “frentes”, grupos políticos com objetivos claros. Agora, surge a ...

Elecciones Europeas - Las claves de la campaña electoral - ABC.es

Partilhado por
PP de Madrid
abc.es - El PP ha insistido durante toda la campaña en la importancia de las elecciones europeas para consolidar el camino de la recuperación económica en España. Rajoy ha anunciado «más buenas noticias» en...
Arte & Entretenimento

Os dois aniversários do crente

Partilhado por
ultimato.com.br - Vocês, pela viva e eterna palavra de Deus, nasceram de novo como filhos de um Pai que é imortal e não de pais mortais. (1Pe 1.23) Nem todo crente se lembra (nem é obrigado a lembrar), mas todos os ...

Obama Makes Surprise Visit to U.S. Troops in Afghanistan - NYTimes.com

Partilhado por
The Brazilian Post
nytimes.com - WASHINGTON — President Obama made a surprise trip to Afghanistan Sunday to visit American troops there, landing at Bagram Airfield outside the capital, Kabul, for the first time since a visit in 20...

News Briefs/Rss | Catholic World Report - Global Church news and views

Partilhado por
Ignatius Insight
catholicworldreport.com - Bethlehem, West Bank, May 25, 2014 / 02:16 am (CNA).- Pope Francis began the second day of his Holy Land pilgrimage in a meeting with Palestinian authorities, urging them to work for an end to conf...

Time for Germany to Step Up on the World Stage | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News from The Heritage Foundation

Partilhado por
Heritage Foundation
blog.heritage.org - “I’d rather have a German division in front of me than a French division behind me.” So quipped Gen. George “Blood & Guts” Patton. The German military machine was a fearsome foe in World War II. Th...

Elections européennes 2014, . A la une, vie-publique.fr

Partilhado por
La Manif Pour Tous
vie-publique.fr - Les élections européennes sont organisées en France le 25 mai 2014. Le 24 mai, le vote aura lieu en Polynésie française, à Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon, Saint-Martin, Saint-Barthélemy, dans les départe...

Low-dose birth control requires Rx while abortion-causing drug Plan B available on Amazon

Partilhado por
Live Action News
liveactionnews.org - Amazon has recently made the morning-after pill Plan B, a so-called emergency contraceptive, available online. For about $20, anyone can have an abortion-inducing drug with high doses of contracept...

Como estamos comungando? - padrepauloricardo.org

Partilhado por
Padre Paulo Ricardo
padrepauloricardo.org - Atenção: Os comentários devem ser respeitosos e relacionados estritamente ao assunto do post. Toda polêmica será prontamente banida. Todos os comentários são de inteira responsabilidade de seus aut...

Ladrão invade casa e acaba contido por três evangélicas

Partilhado por
O Verbo
noticias.gospelprime.com.br - Ele pulou o muro fingindo estar armado, mas foi contido e preso por um fio de extensão Na noite da última quarta-feira (21) três evangélicas moradoras da cidade de Penedo, em Alagoas, estavam em um...

Biblia en vivo con Wolter

Partilhado por
Un Curso De Milagros
spreaker.com - UCDM Desde tu Mente Integra Biblia en vivo con Wolter Talk, #curacion., #iluminacion, #milagro, #perdon, #resurreccion

64% of Women Having Abortions Faced Pressure, How One Woman Overcame It

Partilhado por
lifenews.com - by Rita Diller | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 5/24/13 6:39 PM I have nowhere to turn and no support in keeping my unborn child who I already love dearly. This baby is my miracle. What do you say...

Moderate earthquake on the Jordan, Israel border (Dead Sea area) on the day the Pope visits Jordan

Partilhado por
Angelica Saldaña
earthquake-report.com - Earthquake-report.com only survives with (mostly small) PRIVATE DONATIONS. Your gift will be highly appreciated. – Update 23:17 UTC : We are happy to report that after consulting our many sources, ...

Pope to Israeli, Palestinian presidents: “I offer my home at the Vatican to pray together for peace”

Partilhado por
romereports.com - April 26, 2014. Over 20 leaders from the Jewish community will be attending the canonization events taking place Sunday in St. Peter’s Square. Michael Schudrich, Chief Rabbi of Poland; Riccardo Di ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Emma Watson to graduate from Brown University

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cnsnews.com - PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) — It's graduation day for movie star Emma Watson. The British actress best known as Hermione Granger in the "Harry Potter" movies is set to be among the 2,000 graduates receiv...


Partilhado por
Diego E. Arria
cloud-1400488202-cache.cdn-max.com - Este martes, en el programa Ahora en Directo, el político opositor Diego Arria aseguró que “la solución evidentemente no será electoral”, refiriéndose a la situación que se ha generado en los últim...
Arte & Entretenimento

Concurso Cultural Literário (66)

Partilhado por
mob de leitura
livrosepessoas.com - Kelley Winslow está vivendo seu sonho. Aos 17 anos de idade, ela se muda para Nova York e começa a trabalhar em uma companhia de teatro. Ela ainda é, claro, apenas uma assistente e eventual substit...

Pakistan: "The end of pluralism and choice" - Index on Censorship

Partilhado por
Index on Censorship
indexoncensorship.org - Shahidullah Afridi’s roots are in a village in the Bara administrative division of the Khyber agency. For the last four years, Afridi has been living in the neighbouring city of Peshawar, but keeps...

Video: Outer and Inner Knowing of Reality 

Partilhado por
truthisscary.com - Daily News and Blogs Video: Outer and Inner Knowing of Reality Our World Is Changing: An Explanation Of What’s Happening To Us & The Planet 22 Unnecessary Attachments Carefree People Don’t Have Col...

Through our Pro-Life Unity we will save lives

Partilhado por
prolifeunity.com - Brandy Lozier, abortion survivor, speaks out against Barack Obama and Christians who are silent against abortion. Brandy survived a saline abortion. Click here to fill out our volunteer form. We ca...

9 paths to spiritual intimacy

Partilhado por
Focus on the Family
focusonthefamily.ca - You’re equally yoked! Spiritual intimacy in your marriage should be a breeze, right? Shared beliefs form a foundational bond between you and your spouse, but they don’t automatically synchronize yo...

Take the #NoZilla pledge and #DumpFirefox

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citizengo.org - URGENT REQUEST: Boycott Mozilla -- Join citizens from around the world in taking the pledge to uninstall the Firefox web browser and to stop using all other Mozilla (Firefox) products. Together, le...

[VIDEO] Patriarca Twal: Los “Herodes modernos” tienen más miedo a la paz que a la guerra

Partilhado por
ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - BELEN, 25 May. 14 / 05:14 am (ACI).- El Patriarca Latino de Jerusalén, Mons. Fouad Twal, agradeció al Papa Francisco por visitar Tierra Santa y expresó su deseo de que esta haga reavivar el mensaje...

National Organization for Marriage Announces Governor Mike Huckabee as Honored Guest and Featured Speaker for June 19th’s March for Marriage in Washington, D.C.

Partilhado por
Ignacio Arsuaga
nomblog.com - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 22, 2014 Contact: Elizabeth Ray or Matille Thebolt (703-683-5004) "Governor Huckabee has been a consistent leader and a strong voice for pro-family values in our country ...
Arte & Entretenimento

PERSEGUIDOR | Pr. Josué Gomes

Partilhado por
Assembleia de Deus
prjosuegomes.wordpress.com - “Bem-aventurados sois vós, quando vos injuriarem e perseguirem e, mentindo, disserem todo o mal contra vós por minha causa. Exultai e alegrai-vos, porque é grande o vosso galardão nos céus; porque ...

Ordination coverage and more in June print edition of The Catholic Telegraph

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Catholic Telegraph
thecatholictelegraph.com - The June edition of The Catholic Telegraph runs 36 pages with complete coverage of the May 17 priest ordinations, a special vocations section, graduation listing and more. The cover of the June iss...

Vicky Quaife is fundraising for Tearfund

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justgiving.com - Thanks for taking the time to visit my JustGiving page. My destination has been confirmed and I will be travelling to Rwanda for 10 weeks from July till September!  I will be working with the local...

Pope Francis urges two-state solution in first remarks to Israel :: EWTN News

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ewtnnews.com - Late Sunday afternoon Pope Francis arrived in Tel Aviv, where he urged Israeli President Shimon Peres and other authorities to adopt a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Renewi...

New York Democratic Senators reintroduce extreme pro-abortion bill

Partilhado por
Live Action News
liveactionnews.org - Last year, Andrew Cuomo tried — and failed — to turn New York into the most abortion-friendly state in the world. The so called “Women’s Equality Act” would have allowed any healthcare practitioner...

On the Eve of Francis and Bartholomew’s Embrace | Catholic World Report - Global Church news and views

Partilhado por
Ignatius Insight
catholicworldreport.com - Pope Francis and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew will meet in Bethlehem, Sunday evening, and then pray together in an ecumenical prayer service at the Holy Sepulcher. The events of the weekend can...

How Pope Francis following in the footsteps of Pope Paul VI

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Rodrigo Coppe C
washingtonpost.com - How Pope Francis following in the footsteps of Pope Paul VI By Ruth Eglash May 25 at 3:08 am More Comments JERUSALEM – Everyone is touting the visit this weekend of Pope Francis to the Holy Land as...

BBC News - Lightning strikes the Shard during London storm

Partilhado por
Angelica Saldaña
bbc.com - Several bolts of lightning hit London during a brief thunderstorm, including one captured over the Shard in south London. The 87-storey building is western Europe's tallest building standing at 310...

Famine and uncertainty hit South Sudan - Mission Network News

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Mission Network News
mnnonline.org - South Sudan (MNN) — The war in South Sudan has seen thousands killed and about one million displaced. The situation has resulted in two major unintended consequences. First, aid agencies are warnin...

Police: Purse-snatcher crashes SUV out of garage

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cnsnews.com - FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP, N.J. (AP) — Police in New Jersey are searching for a brazen purse-snatcher who showed up at the victim's home and crashed her SUV through her garage door. Somerset County officia...

* Menino muçulmano sonhou com Jesus, se fez sacerdote católico e os islâmicos quase o fuzilam.

Partilhado por
blog.comshalom.org - Esta é a história de Bashir Abdelsamad, que começa em sua infância, nos anos 60, no Sudão do Norte, um menino muçulmano como tantos outros que ia à escola e aprendia o Corão. “O clérigo islâmico qu...

13 Ways To Increase Your Leadership Capacity In 2013

Partilhado por
Scott Williams
bigisthenewsmall.com - Don’t you just love the lists of how to do this and how to do that.  Well as 2012 rapidly approaches, our love for the “Top 10 Ways” types of lists only increases.  We develop a mindset that says l...

Francis asks Israelis and Palestinians to be courageous in their journey towards peace

Partilhado por
romereports.com - April 26, 2014. Over 20 leaders from the Jewish community will be attending the canonization events taking place Sunday in St. Peter’s Square. Michael Schudrich, Chief Rabbi of Poland; Riccardo Di ...

Conflict is inevitable: 10 steps to doing it right

Partilhado por
Focus on the Family
focusonthefamily.ca - “The first five years were the worst!” Pam* said, laughing about her and her husband Jim’s* somewhat rocky pathway to healthy conflict.  “We tried the whole ‘don’t let the sun go down on your anger...

Is the university gender gap a barrier to free expression? - Index on Censorship

Partilhado por
Index on Censorship
indexoncensorship.org - This article is the part of the Index on Censorship Young Writers / Artists Programme At the University of Bristol the stagnating number of female academics in multiple degree subjects has become a...

Frases do Dado, O exercício do dialogo precisa acontecer em todos...

Partilhado por
Dado Moura
frasesdodado.tumblr.com - Neste espaço você encontrará algumas frases publicadas nos meus artigos. Você também pode contribuir enviando aquelas citações que durante a leitura, considerou importantes. Acesse: Dado Moura em o...

Your priests, your praise

Partilhado por
Our Sunday Visitor
osv.com - About six months ago, I wrote a column honoring an African priest who was formative in my life and faith formation. When he spoke, I wrote, that priest “simply made those who listened to him better...

To give what she’s received - The Arlington Catholic Herald

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Arl Catholic Herald
catholicherald.com - Sydney Bright came to the United States in the wake of tragedy. Just a few miles from the epicenter when the 2010 earthquake rocked Haiti, she saw life change in the blink of an eye. “Buildings I k...

WATCH LIVE: Pope Francis arrives in Bethlehem | JPost

Partilhado por
Rodrigo Coppe C
jpost.com - Pope Francis is arriving in Bethlehem by helicopter from Jordan on Sunday morning, where he is set to meet with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas. He is scheduled to give public mass in...
Arte & Entretenimento

¿Cuál era el lienzo detrás del Papa Francisco durante la Misa en Belén?

Partilhado por
ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - BELÉN, 25 May. 14 / 04:53 am (ACI).- Durante la Misa que el Papa Francisco celebró este domingo en la Plaza del Pesebre en Belén (Palestina), se pudo apreciar un lienzo que servía de fondo al altar...

Lightning Strikes One World Trade Center As Thunderstorms Overwhelm New York City (VIDEO/PHOTOS)

Partilhado por
Angelica Saldaña
huffingtonpost.com - Mother Nature put on a spectacular light show in the Big Apple Friday night as massive thunderstorms descended upon the city. Social media was abuzz with videos and photographs taken of the weather...

US pulls out from military exercises in Thailand

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cnsnews.com - WASHINGTON (AP) — The Pentagon has canceled ongoing military exercises with Thailand and an upcoming visit by a top Navy official as a result of the military coup in the Southeast Asian country. "W...
Arte & Entretenimento

* Após anos de trabalho para a ONU, ex-agente -agora católica- denuncia estratégia da organização para minar a fé católica e implantar o aborto em todos os países do mundo.

Partilhado por
blog.comshalom.org - Amparo entendeu claramente. Era a Virgem Maria quem lhe falava. Tudo aconteceu quando ela recebeu um disparo da polícia em plena batalha. Quando despertou no hospital, decidiu que sua vida devia mu...
Arte & Entretenimento

What’s On Sunday - NYTimes.com

Partilhado por
The Brazilian Post
nytimes.com - 8 P.M. (13, 49); 10 P.M. (21) THE NATIONAL MEMORIAL DAY CONCERT 2014 Gary Sinise and Joe Mantegna host this 25th-anniversary broadcast from the West Lawn of the United States Capitol, which will co...

Francisco propone a presidentes de Israel y Palestina rezar juntos por la paz en el Vaticano

Partilhado por
romereports.com - 19 de mayo, 2014. El lunes por la mañana, el Papa Francisco se reunió con Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, rey de Baréin, a las 9. Cuarenta y cinco minutos después, le siguió Donald Tusk, primer ministro ...

Habits of Mercy, Creating a New Culture of Beauty: A Little Georgia Parish Shows the Way and More! | Daily News

Partilhado por
ncregister.com - Copyright © 2014 EWTN News, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction of material from this website without written permission is strictly prohibited. Accessed from
Arte & Entretenimento

Comentarios del Evangelio del Domingo 25 de mayo

Partilhado por
Enlace Católico.com
enlacecatolico.com - En la lectura del evangelio hemos oído estas palabras del Señor: Si me amáis, observad mis mandatos, y yo rogaré al Padre y os dará otro consolador para que esté con vosotros eternamente: el Espíri...

Jornalista Polibio Braga: Novo ataque a bomba no RS. Desta vez o atentado foi em Alvorada.

Partilhado por
gilton ma
polibiobraga.blogspot.com - Num artigo intitulado "Das advertências que vem de lá", o governador Tarso Genro resolveu duelar com o jornalista Arnaldo Jabor, reduzindo toda discussão a uma síntese dialética brega, a única que ...

45 reasons why I think twice despite the First Amendment - Index on Censorship

Partilhado por
Index on Censorship
indexoncensorship.org - This article is the part of the Index on Censorship Young Writers / Artists Programme Because if you’re an artist, you never know where you’ll go. Because you need a personal identity number to sen...

Israeli, Palestinian Leaders Accept Vatican Invite - TIME

Partilhado por
New Advent
time.com - JERUSALEM (AP) — The offices of the Israeli and Palestinian presidents are confirming that they have accepted an invitation from Pope Francis to visit the Vatican together next month. At the end of...

News Briefs/Rss | Catholic World Report - Global Church news and views

Partilhado por
Ignatius Insight
catholicworldreport.com - Bethlehem, West Bank, May 25, 2014 / 02:16 am (CNA).- Pope Francis began the second day of his Holy Land pilgrimage in a meeting with Palestinian authorities, urging them to work for an end to conf...

Time for Germany to Step Up on the World Stage | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News from The Heritage Foundation

Partilhado por
Heritage Foundation
blog.heritage.org - “I’d rather have a German division in front of me than a French division behind me.” So quipped Gen. George “Blood & Guts” Patton. The German military machine was a fearsome foe in World War II. Th...

Elections européennes 2014, . A la une, vie-publique.fr

Partilhado por
La Manif Pour Tous
vie-publique.fr - Les élections européennes sont organisées en France le 25 mai 2014. Le 24 mai, le vote aura lieu en Polynésie française, à Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon, Saint-Martin, Saint-Barthélemy, dans les départe...

Low-dose birth control requires Rx while abortion-causing drug Plan B available on Amazon

Partilhado por
Live Action News
liveactionnews.org - Amazon has recently made the morning-after pill Plan B, a so-called emergency contraceptive, available online. For about $20, anyone can have an abortion-inducing drug with high doses of contracept...

Como estamos comungando? - padrepauloricardo.org

Partilhado por
Padre Paulo Ricardo
padrepauloricardo.org - Atenção: Os comentários devem ser respeitosos e relacionados estritamente ao assunto do post. Toda polêmica será prontamente banida. Todos os comentários são de inteira responsabilidade de seus aut...

Ladrão invade casa e acaba contido por três evangélicas

Partilhado por
O Verbo
noticias.gospelprime.com.br - Ele pulou o muro fingindo estar armado, mas foi contido e preso por um fio de extensão Na noite da última quarta-feira (21) três evangélicas moradoras da cidade de Penedo, em Alagoas, estavam em um...

Biblia en vivo con Wolter

Partilhado por
Un Curso De Milagros
spreaker.com - UCDM Desde tu Mente Integra Biblia en vivo con Wolter Talk, #curacion., #iluminacion, #milagro, #perdon, #resurreccion

64% of Women Having Abortions Faced Pressure, How One Woman Overcame It

Partilhado por
lifenews.com - by Rita Diller | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 5/24/13 6:39 PM I have nowhere to turn and no support in keeping my unborn child who I already love dearly. This baby is my miracle. What do you say...

Moderate earthquake on the Jordan, Israel border (Dead Sea area) on the day the Pope visits Jordan

Partilhado por
Angelica Saldaña
earthquake-report.com - Earthquake-report.com only survives with (mostly small) PRIVATE DONATIONS. Your gift will be highly appreciated. – Update 23:17 UTC : We are happy to report that after consulting our many sources, ...

Pope to Israeli, Palestinian presidents: “I offer my home at the Vatican to pray together for peace”

Partilhado por
romereports.com - April 26, 2014. Over 20 leaders from the Jewish community will be attending the canonization events taking place Sunday in St. Peter’s Square. Michael Schudrich, Chief Rabbi of Poland; Riccardo Di ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Emma Watson to graduate from Brown University

Partilhado por
cnsnews.com - PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) — It's graduation day for movie star Emma Watson. The British actress best known as Hermione Granger in the "Harry Potter" movies is set to be among the 2,000 graduates receiv...


Partilhado por
Diego E. Arria
cloud-1400488202-cache.cdn-max.com - Este martes, en el programa Ahora en Directo, el político opositor Diego Arria aseguró que “la solución evidentemente no será electoral”, refiriéndose a la situación que se ha generado en los últim...
Arte & Entretenimento

Concurso Cultural Literário (66)

Partilhado por
mob de leitura
livrosepessoas.com - Kelley Winslow está vivendo seu sonho. Aos 17 anos de idade, ela se muda para Nova York e começa a trabalhar em uma companhia de teatro. Ela ainda é, claro, apenas uma assistente e eventual substit...

Pakistan: "The end of pluralism and choice" - Index on Censorship

Partilhado por
Index on Censorship
indexoncensorship.org - Shahidullah Afridi’s roots are in a village in the Bara administrative division of the Khyber agency. For the last four years, Afridi has been living in the neighbouring city of Peshawar, but keeps...

Video: Outer and Inner Knowing of Reality 

Partilhado por
truthisscary.com - Daily News and Blogs Video: Outer and Inner Knowing of Reality Our World Is Changing: An Explanation Of What’s Happening To Us & The Planet 22 Unnecessary Attachments Carefree People Don’t Have Col...

Through our Pro-Life Unity we will save lives

Partilhado por
prolifeunity.com - Brandy Lozier, abortion survivor, speaks out against Barack Obama and Christians who are silent against abortion. Brandy survived a saline abortion. Click here to fill out our volunteer form. We ca...

9 paths to spiritual intimacy

Partilhado por
Focus on the Family
focusonthefamily.ca - You’re equally yoked! Spiritual intimacy in your marriage should be a breeze, right? Shared beliefs form a foundational bond between you and your spouse, but they don’t automatically synchronize yo...

Take the #NoZilla pledge and #DumpFirefox

Partilhado por
citizengo.org - URGENT REQUEST: Boycott Mozilla -- Join citizens from around the world in taking the pledge to uninstall the Firefox web browser and to stop using all other Mozilla (Firefox) products. Together, le...

[VIDEO] Patriarca Twal: Los “Herodes modernos” tienen más miedo a la paz que a la guerra

Partilhado por
ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - BELEN, 25 May. 14 / 05:14 am (ACI).- El Patriarca Latino de Jerusalén, Mons. Fouad Twal, agradeció al Papa Francisco por visitar Tierra Santa y expresó su deseo de que esta haga reavivar el mensaje...

National Organization for Marriage Announces Governor Mike Huckabee as Honored Guest and Featured Speaker for June 19th’s March for Marriage in Washington, D.C.

Partilhado por
Ignacio Arsuaga
nomblog.com - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 22, 2014 Contact: Elizabeth Ray or Matille Thebolt (703-683-5004) "Governor Huckabee has been a consistent leader and a strong voice for pro-family values in our country ...
Arte & Entretenimento

PERSEGUIDOR | Pr. Josué Gomes

Partilhado por
Assembleia de Deus
prjosuegomes.wordpress.com - “Bem-aventurados sois vós, quando vos injuriarem e perseguirem e, mentindo, disserem todo o mal contra vós por minha causa. Exultai e alegrai-vos, porque é grande o vosso galardão nos céus; porque ...

Ordination coverage and more in June print edition of The Catholic Telegraph

Partilhado por
Catholic Telegraph
thecatholictelegraph.com - The June edition of The Catholic Telegraph runs 36 pages with complete coverage of the May 17 priest ordinations, a special vocations section, graduation listing and more. The cover of the June iss...

Vicky Quaife is fundraising for Tearfund

Partilhado por
justgiving.com - Thanks for taking the time to visit my JustGiving page. My destination has been confirmed and I will be travelling to Rwanda for 10 weeks from July till September!  I will be working with the local...

Pope Francis urges two-state solution in first remarks to Israel :: EWTN News

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ewtnnews.com - Late Sunday afternoon Pope Francis arrived in Tel Aviv, where he urged Israeli President Shimon Peres and other authorities to adopt a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Renewi...

New York Democratic Senators reintroduce extreme pro-abortion bill

Partilhado por
Live Action News
liveactionnews.org - Last year, Andrew Cuomo tried — and failed — to turn New York into the most abortion-friendly state in the world. The so called “Women’s Equality Act” would have allowed any healthcare practitioner...

On the Eve of Francis and Bartholomew’s Embrace | Catholic World Report - Global Church news and views

Partilhado por
Ignatius Insight
catholicworldreport.com - Pope Francis and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew will meet in Bethlehem, Sunday evening, and then pray together in an ecumenical prayer service at the Holy Sepulcher. The events of the weekend can...

How Pope Francis following in the footsteps of Pope Paul VI

Partilhado por
Rodrigo Coppe C
washingtonpost.com - How Pope Francis following in the footsteps of Pope Paul VI By Ruth Eglash May 25 at 3:08 am More Comments JERUSALEM – Everyone is touting the visit this weekend of Pope Francis to the Holy Land as...

BBC News - Lightning strikes the Shard during London storm

Partilhado por
Angelica Saldaña
bbc.com - Several bolts of lightning hit London during a brief thunderstorm, including one captured over the Shard in south London. The 87-storey building is western Europe's tallest building standing at 310...

Famine and uncertainty hit South Sudan - Mission Network News

Partilhado por
Mission Network News
mnnonline.org - South Sudan (MNN) — The war in South Sudan has seen thousands killed and about one million displaced. The situation has resulted in two major unintended consequences. First, aid agencies are warnin...

Police: Purse-snatcher crashes SUV out of garage

Partilhado por
cnsnews.com - FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP, N.J. (AP) — Police in New Jersey are searching for a brazen purse-snatcher who showed up at the victim's home and crashed her SUV through her garage door. Somerset County officia...

* Menino muçulmano sonhou com Jesus, se fez sacerdote católico e os islâmicos quase o fuzilam.

Partilhado por
blog.comshalom.org - Esta é a história de Bashir Abdelsamad, que começa em sua infância, nos anos 60, no Sudão do Norte, um menino muçulmano como tantos outros que ia à escola e aprendia o Corão. “O clérigo islâmico qu...

13 Ways To Increase Your Leadership Capacity In 2013

Partilhado por
Scott Williams
bigisthenewsmall.com - Don’t you just love the lists of how to do this and how to do that.  Well as 2012 rapidly approaches, our love for the “Top 10 Ways” types of lists only increases.  We develop a mindset that says l...

Francis asks Israelis and Palestinians to be courageous in their journey towards peace

Partilhado por
romereports.com - April 26, 2014. Over 20 leaders from the Jewish community will be attending the canonization events taking place Sunday in St. Peter’s Square. Michael Schudrich, Chief Rabbi of Poland; Riccardo Di ...

Conflict is inevitable: 10 steps to doing it right

Partilhado por
Focus on the Family
focusonthefamily.ca - “The first five years were the worst!” Pam* said, laughing about her and her husband Jim’s* somewhat rocky pathway to healthy conflict.  “We tried the whole ‘don’t let the sun go down on your anger...

Is the university gender gap a barrier to free expression? - Index on Censorship

Partilhado por
Index on Censorship
indexoncensorship.org - This article is the part of the Index on Censorship Young Writers / Artists Programme At the University of Bristol the stagnating number of female academics in multiple degree subjects has become a...

Frases do Dado, O exercício do dialogo precisa acontecer em todos...

Partilhado por
Dado Moura
frasesdodado.tumblr.com - Neste espaço você encontrará algumas frases publicadas nos meus artigos. Você também pode contribuir enviando aquelas citações que durante a leitura, considerou importantes. Acesse: Dado Moura em o...

Your priests, your praise

Partilhado por
Our Sunday Visitor
osv.com - About six months ago, I wrote a column honoring an African priest who was formative in my life and faith formation. When he spoke, I wrote, that priest “simply made those who listened to him better...

To give what she’s received - The Arlington Catholic Herald

Partilhado por
Arl Catholic Herald
catholicherald.com - Sydney Bright came to the United States in the wake of tragedy. Just a few miles from the epicenter when the 2010 earthquake rocked Haiti, she saw life change in the blink of an eye. “Buildings I k...

WATCH LIVE: Pope Francis arrives in Bethlehem | JPost

Partilhado por
Rodrigo Coppe C
jpost.com - Pope Francis is arriving in Bethlehem by helicopter from Jordan on Sunday morning, where he is set to meet with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas. He is scheduled to give public mass in...
Arte & Entretenimento

¿Cuál era el lienzo detrás del Papa Francisco durante la Misa en Belén?

Partilhado por
ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - BELÉN, 25 May. 14 / 04:53 am (ACI).- Durante la Misa que el Papa Francisco celebró este domingo en la Plaza del Pesebre en Belén (Palestina), se pudo apreciar un lienzo que servía de fondo al altar...

Lightning Strikes One World Trade Center As Thunderstorms Overwhelm New York City (VIDEO/PHOTOS)

Partilhado por
Angelica Saldaña
huffingtonpost.com - Mother Nature put on a spectacular light show in the Big Apple Friday night as massive thunderstorms descended upon the city. Social media was abuzz with videos and photographs taken of the weather...

US pulls out from military exercises in Thailand

Partilhado por
cnsnews.com - WASHINGTON (AP) — The Pentagon has canceled ongoing military exercises with Thailand and an upcoming visit by a top Navy official as a result of the military coup in the Southeast Asian country. "W...
Arte & Entretenimento

* Após anos de trabalho para a ONU, ex-agente -agora católica- denuncia estratégia da organização para minar a fé católica e implantar o aborto em todos os países do mundo.

Partilhado por
blog.comshalom.org - Amparo entendeu claramente. Era a Virgem Maria quem lhe falava. Tudo aconteceu quando ela recebeu um disparo da polícia em plena batalha. Quando despertou no hospital, decidiu que sua vida devia mu...
Arte & Entretenimento

What’s On Sunday - NYTimes.com

Partilhado por
The Brazilian Post
nytimes.com - 8 P.M. (13, 49); 10 P.M. (21) THE NATIONAL MEMORIAL DAY CONCERT 2014 Gary Sinise and Joe Mantegna host this 25th-anniversary broadcast from the West Lawn of the United States Capitol, which will co...

Francisco propone a presidentes de Israel y Palestina rezar juntos por la paz en el Vaticano

Partilhado por
romereports.com - 19 de mayo, 2014. El lunes por la mañana, el Papa Francisco se reunió con Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, rey de Baréin, a las 9. Cuarenta y cinco minutos después, le siguió Donald Tusk, primer ministro ...

Habits of Mercy, Creating a New Culture of Beauty: A Little Georgia Parish Shows the Way and More! | Daily News

Partilhado por
ncregister.com - Copyright © 2014 EWTN News, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction of material from this website without written permission is strictly prohibited. Accessed from
Arte & Entretenimento

Comentarios del Evangelio del Domingo 25 de mayo

Partilhado por
Enlace Católico.com
enlacecatolico.com - En la lectura del evangelio hemos oído estas palabras del Señor: Si me amáis, observad mis mandatos, y yo rogaré al Padre y os dará otro consolador para que esté con vosotros eternamente: el Espíri...

Jornalista Polibio Braga: Novo ataque a bomba no RS. Desta vez o atentado foi em Alvorada.

Partilhado por
gilton ma
polibiobraga.blogspot.com - Num artigo intitulado "Das advertências que vem de lá", o governador Tarso Genro resolveu duelar com o jornalista Arnaldo Jabor, reduzindo toda discussão a uma síntese dialética brega, a única que ...

45 reasons why I think twice despite the First Amendment - Index on Censorship

Partilhado por
Index on Censorship
indexoncensorship.org - This article is the part of the Index on Censorship Young Writers / Artists Programme Because if you’re an artist, you never know where you’ll go. Because you need a personal identity number to sen...

Israeli, Palestinian Leaders Accept Vatican Invite - TIME

Partilhado por
New Advent
time.com - JERUSALEM (AP) — The offices of the Israeli and Palestinian presidents are confirming that they have accepted an invitation from Pope Francis to visit the Vatican together next month. At the end of...

News Briefs/Rss | Catholic World Report - Global Church news and views

Partilhado por
Ignatius Insight
catholicworldreport.com - Bethlehem, West Bank, May 25, 2014 / 02:16 am (CNA).- Pope Francis began the second day of his Holy Land pilgrimage in a meeting with Palestinian authorities, urging them to work for an end to conf...

Time for Germany to Step Up on the World Stage | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News from The Heritage Foundation

Partilhado por
Heritage Foundation
blog.heritage.org - “I’d rather have a German division in front of me than a French division behind me.” So quipped Gen. George “Blood & Guts” Patton. The German military machine was a fearsome foe in World War II. Th...

Elections européennes 2014, . A la une, vie-publique.fr

Partilhado por
La Manif Pour Tous
vie-publique.fr - Les élections européennes sont organisées en France le 25 mai 2014. Le 24 mai, le vote aura lieu en Polynésie française, à Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon, Saint-Martin, Saint-Barthélemy, dans les départe...

Low-dose birth control requires Rx while abortion-causing drug Plan B available on Amazon

Partilhado por
Live Action News
liveactionnews.org - Amazon has recently made the morning-after pill Plan B, a so-called emergency contraceptive, available online. For about $20, anyone can have an abortion-inducing drug with high doses of contracept...

Como estamos comungando? - padrepauloricardo.org

Partilhado por
Padre Paulo Ricardo
padrepauloricardo.org - Atenção: Os comentários devem ser respeitosos e relacionados estritamente ao assunto do post. Toda polêmica será prontamente banida. Todos os comentários são de inteira responsabilidade de seus aut...

Ladrão invade casa e acaba contido por três evangélicas

Partilhado por
O Verbo
noticias.gospelprime.com.br - Ele pulou o muro fingindo estar armado, mas foi contido e preso por um fio de extensão Na noite da última quarta-feira (21) três evangélicas moradoras da cidade de Penedo, em Alagoas, estavam em um...

Biblia en vivo con Wolter

Partilhado por
Un Curso De Milagros
spreaker.com - UCDM Desde tu Mente Integra Biblia en vivo con Wolter Talk, #curacion., #iluminacion, #milagro, #perdon, #resurreccion

64% of Women Having Abortions Faced Pressure, How One Woman Overcame It

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lifenews.com - by Rita Diller | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 5/24/13 6:39 PM I have nowhere to turn and no support in keeping my unborn child who I already love dearly. This baby is my miracle. What do you say...

Moderate earthquake on the Jordan, Israel border (Dead Sea area) on the day the Pope visits Jordan

Partilhado por
Angelica Saldaña
earthquake-report.com - Earthquake-report.com only survives with (mostly small) PRIVATE DONATIONS. Your gift will be highly appreciated. – Update 23:17 UTC : We are happy to report that after consulting our many sources, ...

Pope to Israeli, Palestinian presidents: “I offer my home at the Vatican to pray together for peace”

Partilhado por
romereports.com - April 26, 2014. Over 20 leaders from the Jewish community will be attending the canonization events taking place Sunday in St. Peter’s Square. Michael Schudrich, Chief Rabbi of Poland; Riccardo Di ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Emma Watson to graduate from Brown University

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cnsnews.com - PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) — It's graduation day for movie star Emma Watson. The British actress best known as Hermione Granger in the "Harry Potter" movies is set to be among the 2,000 graduates receiv...


Partilhado por
Diego E. Arria
cloud-1400488202-cache.cdn-max.com - Este martes, en el programa Ahora en Directo, el político opositor Diego Arria aseguró que “la solución evidentemente no será electoral”, refiriéndose a la situación que se ha generado en los últim...
Arte & Entretenimento

Concurso Cultural Literário (66)

Partilhado por
mob de leitura
livrosepessoas.com - Kelley Winslow está vivendo seu sonho. Aos 17 anos de idade, ela se muda para Nova York e começa a trabalhar em uma companhia de teatro. Ela ainda é, claro, apenas uma assistente e eventual substit...

Pakistan: "The end of pluralism and choice" - Index on Censorship

Partilhado por
Index on Censorship
indexoncensorship.org - Shahidullah Afridi’s roots are in a village in the Bara administrative division of the Khyber agency. For the last four years, Afridi has been living in the neighbouring city of Peshawar, but keeps...

Video: Outer and Inner Knowing of Reality 

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truthisscary.com - Daily News and Blogs Video: Outer and Inner Knowing of Reality Our World Is Changing: An Explanation Of What’s Happening To Us & The Planet 22 Unnecessary Attachments Carefree People Don’t Have Col...

Through our Pro-Life Unity we will save lives

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prolifeunity.com - Brandy Lozier, abortion survivor, speaks out against Barack Obama and Christians who are silent against abortion. Brandy survived a saline abortion. Click here to fill out our volunteer form. We ca...

9 paths to spiritual intimacy

Partilhado por
Focus on the Family
focusonthefamily.ca - You’re equally yoked! Spiritual intimacy in your marriage should be a breeze, right? Shared beliefs form a foundational bond between you and your spouse, but they don’t automatically synchronize yo...

Take the #NoZilla pledge and #DumpFirefox

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citizengo.org - URGENT REQUEST: Boycott Mozilla -- Join citizens from around the world in taking the pledge to uninstall the Firefox web browser and to stop using all other Mozilla (Firefox) products. Together, le...

[VIDEO] Patriarca Twal: Los “Herodes modernos” tienen más miedo a la paz que a la guerra

Partilhado por
ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - BELEN, 25 May. 14 / 05:14 am (ACI).- El Patriarca Latino de Jerusalén, Mons. Fouad Twal, agradeció al Papa Francisco por visitar Tierra Santa y expresó su deseo de que esta haga reavivar el mensaje...

National Organization for Marriage Announces Governor Mike Huckabee as Honored Guest and Featured Speaker for June 19th’s March for Marriage in Washington, D.C.

Partilhado por
Ignacio Arsuaga
nomblog.com - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 22, 2014 Contact: Elizabeth Ray or Matille Thebolt (703-683-5004) "Governor Huckabee has been a consistent leader and a strong voice for pro-family values in our country ...
Arte & Entretenimento

PERSEGUIDOR | Pr. Josué Gomes

Partilhado por
Assembleia de Deus
prjosuegomes.wordpress.com - “Bem-aventurados sois vós, quando vos injuriarem e perseguirem e, mentindo, disserem todo o mal contra vós por minha causa. Exultai e alegrai-vos, porque é grande o vosso galardão nos céus; porque ...

Ordination coverage and more in June print edition of The Catholic Telegraph

Partilhado por
Catholic Telegraph
thecatholictelegraph.com - The June edition of The Catholic Telegraph runs 36 pages with complete coverage of the May 17 priest ordinations, a special vocations section, graduation listing and more. The cover of the June iss...

Vicky Quaife is fundraising for Tearfund

Partilhado por
justgiving.com - Thanks for taking the time to visit my JustGiving page. My destination has been confirmed and I will be travelling to Rwanda for 10 weeks from July till September!  I will be working with the local...

Pope Francis urges two-state solution in first remarks to Israel :: EWTN News

Partilhado por
ewtnnews.com - Late Sunday afternoon Pope Francis arrived in Tel Aviv, where he urged Israeli President Shimon Peres and other authorities to adopt a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Renewi...

New York Democratic Senators reintroduce extreme pro-abortion bill

Partilhado por
Live Action News
liveactionnews.org - Last year, Andrew Cuomo tried — and failed — to turn New York into the most abortion-friendly state in the world. The so called “Women’s Equality Act” would have allowed any healthcare practitioner...

On the Eve of Francis and Bartholomew’s Embrace | Catholic World Report - Global Church news and views

Partilhado por
Ignatius Insight
catholicworldreport.com - Pope Francis and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew will meet in Bethlehem, Sunday evening, and then pray together in an ecumenical prayer service at the Holy Sepulcher. The events of the weekend can...

How Pope Francis following in the footsteps of Pope Paul VI

Partilhado por
Rodrigo Coppe C
washingtonpost.com - How Pope Francis following in the footsteps of Pope Paul VI By Ruth Eglash May 25 at 3:08 am More Comments JERUSALEM – Everyone is touting the visit this weekend of Pope Francis to the Holy Land as...

BBC News - Lightning strikes the Shard during London storm

Partilhado por
Angelica Saldaña
bbc.com - Several bolts of lightning hit London during a brief thunderstorm, including one captured over the Shard in south London. The 87-storey building is western Europe's tallest building standing at 310...

Famine and uncertainty hit South Sudan - Mission Network News

Partilhado por
Mission Network News
mnnonline.org - South Sudan (MNN) — The war in South Sudan has seen thousands killed and about one million displaced. The situation has resulted in two major unintended consequences. First, aid agencies are warnin...

Police: Purse-snatcher crashes SUV out of garage

Partilhado por
cnsnews.com - FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP, N.J. (AP) — Police in New Jersey are searching for a brazen purse-snatcher who showed up at the victim's home and crashed her SUV through her garage door. Somerset County officia...

* Menino muçulmano sonhou com Jesus, se fez sacerdote católico e os islâmicos quase o fuzilam.

Partilhado por
blog.comshalom.org - Esta é a história de Bashir Abdelsamad, que começa em sua infância, nos anos 60, no Sudão do Norte, um menino muçulmano como tantos outros que ia à escola e aprendia o Corão. “O clérigo islâmico qu...

13 Ways To Increase Your Leadership Capacity In 2013

Partilhado por
Scott Williams
bigisthenewsmall.com - Don’t you just love the lists of how to do this and how to do that.  Well as 2012 rapidly approaches, our love for the “Top 10 Ways” types of lists only increases.  We develop a mindset that says l...

Francis asks Israelis and Palestinians to be courageous in their journey towards peace

Partilhado por
romereports.com - April 26, 2014. Over 20 leaders from the Jewish community will be attending the canonization events taking place Sunday in St. Peter’s Square. Michael Schudrich, Chief Rabbi of Poland; Riccardo Di ...

Conflict is inevitable: 10 steps to doing it right

Partilhado por
Focus on the Family
focusonthefamily.ca - “The first five years were the worst!” Pam* said, laughing about her and her husband Jim’s* somewhat rocky pathway to healthy conflict.  “We tried the whole ‘don’t let the sun go down on your anger...

Is the university gender gap a barrier to free expression? - Index on Censorship

Partilhado por
Index on Censorship
indexoncensorship.org - This article is the part of the Index on Censorship Young Writers / Artists Programme At the University of Bristol the stagnating number of female academics in multiple degree subjects has become a...

Frases do Dado, O exercício do dialogo precisa acontecer em todos...

Partilhado por
Dado Moura
frasesdodado.tumblr.com - Neste espaço você encontrará algumas frases publicadas nos meus artigos. Você também pode contribuir enviando aquelas citações que durante a leitura, considerou importantes. Acesse: Dado Moura em o...

Your priests, your praise

Partilhado por
Our Sunday Visitor
osv.com - About six months ago, I wrote a column honoring an African priest who was formative in my life and faith formation. When he spoke, I wrote, that priest “simply made those who listened to him better...

To give what she’s received - The Arlington Catholic Herald

Partilhado por
Arl Catholic Herald
catholicherald.com - Sydney Bright came to the United States in the wake of tragedy. Just a few miles from the epicenter when the 2010 earthquake rocked Haiti, she saw life change in the blink of an eye. “Buildings I k...

WATCH LIVE: Pope Francis arrives in Bethlehem | JPost

Partilhado por
Rodrigo Coppe C
jpost.com - Pope Francis is arriving in Bethlehem by helicopter from Jordan on Sunday morning, where he is set to meet with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas. He is scheduled to give public mass in...
Arte & Entretenimento

¿Cuál era el lienzo detrás del Papa Francisco durante la Misa en Belén?

Partilhado por
ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - BELÉN, 25 May. 14 / 04:53 am (ACI).- Durante la Misa que el Papa Francisco celebró este domingo en la Plaza del Pesebre en Belén (Palestina), se pudo apreciar un lienzo que servía de fondo al altar...

Lightning Strikes One World Trade Center As Thunderstorms Overwhelm New York City (VIDEO/PHOTOS)

Partilhado por
Angelica Saldaña
huffingtonpost.com - Mother Nature put on a spectacular light show in the Big Apple Friday night as massive thunderstorms descended upon the city. Social media was abuzz with videos and photographs taken of the weather...

US pulls out from military exercises in Thailand

Partilhado por
cnsnews.com - WASHINGTON (AP) — The Pentagon has canceled ongoing military exercises with Thailand and an upcoming visit by a top Navy official as a result of the military coup in the Southeast Asian country. "W...
Arte & Entretenimento

* Após anos de trabalho para a ONU, ex-agente -agora católica- denuncia estratégia da organização para minar a fé católica e implantar o aborto em todos os países do mundo.

Partilhado por
blog.comshalom.org - Amparo entendeu claramente. Era a Virgem Maria quem lhe falava. Tudo aconteceu quando ela recebeu um disparo da polícia em plena batalha. Quando despertou no hospital, decidiu que sua vida devia mu...
Arte & Entretenimento

What’s On Sunday - NYTimes.com

Partilhado por
The Brazilian Post
nytimes.com - 8 P.M. (13, 49); 10 P.M. (21) THE NATIONAL MEMORIAL DAY CONCERT 2014 Gary Sinise and Joe Mantegna host this 25th-anniversary broadcast from the West Lawn of the United States Capitol, which will co...

Francisco propone a presidentes de Israel y Palestina rezar juntos por la paz en el Vaticano

Partilhado por
romereports.com - 19 de mayo, 2014. El lunes por la mañana, el Papa Francisco se reunió con Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, rey de Baréin, a las 9. Cuarenta y cinco minutos después, le siguió Donald Tusk, primer ministro ...

Habits of Mercy, Creating a New Culture of Beauty: A Little Georgia Parish Shows the Way and More! | Daily News

Partilhado por
ncregister.com - Copyright © 2014 EWTN News, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction of material from this website without written permission is strictly prohibited. Accessed from
Arte & Entretenimento

Comentarios del Evangelio del Domingo 25 de mayo

Partilhado por
Enlace Católico.com
enlacecatolico.com - En la lectura del evangelio hemos oído estas palabras del Señor: Si me amáis, observad mis mandatos, y yo rogaré al Padre y os dará otro consolador para que esté con vosotros eternamente: el Espíri...

Jornalista Polibio Braga: Novo ataque a bomba no RS. Desta vez o atentado foi em Alvorada.

Partilhado por
gilton ma
polibiobraga.blogspot.com - Num artigo intitulado "Das advertências que vem de lá", o governador Tarso Genro resolveu duelar com o jornalista Arnaldo Jabor, reduzindo toda discussão a uma síntese dialética brega, a única que ...

45 reasons why I think twice despite the First Amendment - Index on Censorship

Partilhado por
Index on Censorship
indexoncensorship.org - This article is the part of the Index on Censorship Young Writers / Artists Programme Because if you’re an artist, you never know where you’ll go. Because you need a personal identity number to sen...

Israeli, Palestinian Leaders Accept Vatican Invite - TIME

Partilhado por
New Advent
time.com - JERUSALEM (AP) — The offices of the Israeli and Palestinian presidents are confirming that they have accepted an invitation from Pope Francis to visit the Vatican together next month. At the end of...


Cristianismo e Política + Christianity and Politics + União multi-denominacional (evangélicos, católicos, etc) em defesa dos valores cristãos e da democracia



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