20 May 2014

Cristianismo & Política 19.05.2014 @CristPolit

Cristianismo & Politica

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O Movimento Homossexual precisa saber que Marisa Lobo não está sozinha

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ministerioengel.com - Se for condenada Marisa poderá perder o direito de exercer a profissão supostamente por usar sua religião como base para oferecer tratamentos ilegais. Marisa Lobo é considerada uma das principais i...

Pesquisa atesta que 69% rejeitam liberação da maconha, diz jornal

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Verdade Gospel
verdadegospel.com - Se depender da maioria da população do Rio de Janeiro, a maconha continuará sendo uma erva proibida. Pesquisa realizada pelo Instituto GERP, encomendada pelo jornal ‘O Dia’, aplicada em 870 pessoas...

Arolde de Oliveira | Agentes de saúde comunitária terão piso salarial de R$1.014

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Arolde de Oliveira
aroldedeoliveira.com.br - Projeto de Lei foi aprovado na Câmara e segue para o Senado; Jornada de trabalho será de 40 horas semanais “Estamos fazendo justiça. Os agentes estão inseridos nas comunidades levando alento e orie...
Art & Entertainment

Serginho Groisman faz terapia de grupo com pichadores revolucionários? Vai ter BBB dos marginais também?

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Felipe Moura Brasil
veja.abril.com.br - Quando você acha que nada pode descer ao nível do Esquenta, vem Serginho Groisman e diz: Quando você acha que vão aparecer pichadores algemados pela polícia na delegacia, falando qualquer besteira ...

Ministro do STF suspende inquéritos e concede liberdade a todos os presos da Lava-Jato

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Pr.Roberto Luiz
veja.abril.com.br - O ministro Teori Zavascki, do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF), determinou nesta segunda-feira, em decisão liminar, a liberdade do ex-diretor de Abastecimento da Petrobras Paulo Roberto Costa, preso ...

How the NSA & FBI made Facebook the perfect mass surveillance tool | VentureBeat | Social

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Angelica Saldaña
venturebeat.com - Update May 15 at 3:11 PM ET: Facebook and Akamai responded to VentureBeat’s report. The National Security Agency and the FBI teamed up in October 2010 to develop techniques for turning Facebook int...

Sudanesa é condenada à morte por se converter ao cristianismo

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Igreja da Lagoinha
lagoinha.com - Na última semana, um tribunal do Sudão condenou à morte a médica Mariam Ishaq, de 27 anos, grávida de oito meses, por ter se convertido ao cristianismo. A pena, porém, só será aplicada em dois anos...

Catholic.net - La Iglesia hoy

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es.catholic.net - El Santo Padre ha recibido esta mañana a los obispos de la Conferencia Episcopal de México, en ocasión de la Visita ad Limina. En estos días, los prelados mexicanos están reuniéndose con el papa Fr...

Ahmadinejad quer voltar ao cenário político no Irã | Verdade Gospel - Portal gospel de notícias do Brasil

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Verdade Gospel
verdadegospel.com - Parecia que ele havia desaparecido do cenário político, mas o ex-presidente iraniano Mahmoud Ahmadinejad ensaia um retorno oito meses após passar o bastão para o atual presidente, Hassan Rouhani. E...

How Science Points to God - BrandonVogt.com : BrandonVogt.com

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Matthew Warner
BrandonVogt.com - One of today's most oft-repeated tropes is that "science has disproven God". The insinuation is that scientific advancement directly contradicts belief in a transcendent Creator, and thus hailing o...

Vaticano apresenta relatório anual do IOR

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Canção Nova Notícias
noticias.cancaonova.com - O relatório destaca que, em 2013, houve grande progresso no trabalho de monitoramento das atividades financeiras Liliane Borges Da Redação, com Boletim da Santa Sé A Sala de Imprensa do Vaticano pu...
Art & Entertainment

O melhor de si | Shalom Catholic Community

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Comunidade Shalom
comshalom.org - Quando falamos ou ouvimos falar sobre as virtudes, muitas vezes pensamos que se trata de esforços e lutas para sermos melhores. É verdade que sem esforço não é possível exercitá-las; de fato, o pró...

Muslim Man From Turkey Goes To Mecca, Returns Home Praising Jesus, Testifying Christ Met Him in His Dream : In the news : breathecast

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The Christian Post
breathecast.com - The story has recently emerged of Ali Pektash - once a devout Muslim man from Turkey, who recently shared more about his testimony of how he traveled to Mecca to worship Allah and strengthen his Is...
Art & Entertainment

Experiências com Nossa Senhora em Fátima

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Com. Canção Nova
blog.cancaonova.com - Dois missionários e a experiência, o encontro, com Nossa Senhora em Fátima. Visitar Fátima, em Portugal, significa fazer uma experiência profunda com Nossa Senhora do Rosário, título com o qual ela...

An Anti-Cronyism and Free-Market Agenda - Mike Lee - Page 1

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Drew McKissick
townhall.com - Today America faces a large and growing Opportunity Deficit. Up and down our once-flourishing economy, a new and unnatural sclerosis is taking hold. For millions of working families of or aspiring ...

Nossa nação precisa de amor

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Paulo Teixeira do RJ
portasabertas.org.br - Hassan* veio de uma família envolvida com a Irmandade Muçulmana. Ele experimentou as duas faces do islã, aquela que aparenta a paz e a justiça para todos, e aquela que demonstra ódio aos judeus e c...

The Devil on the Charles | Web Exclusives | Daily Writings From Our Top Writers

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First Things
firstthings.com - Memorial Hall is the ugliest building on the campus of Harvard University, in my view. Built in the 1870s, this Victorian monstrosity is situated between the stately columns of Harvard Yard on the ...

Cranmer: Are Islamists infiltrating the Conservatives?

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Archbishop Cranmer
archbishop-cranmer.blogspot.co.uk - The parties are canvassing and campaigning hard all over the country. The euro-polling is inconsistent, but it looks as though Ukip will be victorious next Sunday, with Labour coming second, and th...

That One Part of Your Body You Still Don’t Like

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Max Lucado
andrealucado.wordpress.com - I think as women we can come far in believing in our own beauty. We embrace that curly hair we tried so hard to straighten growing up. We actually miss the red hue in those curls that we so badly w...

The Most Dishonest Amnesty Poll Yet

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Ann Coulter
nationalreview.com - Michael Bloomberg and Rupert Murdoch’s Partnership for a New American Economy (a.k.a. Billionaires for Open Borders) has released what may be the most ridiculously skewed pro-amnesty poll I’ve seen...

The Blessing and Challenge of Graduation

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John Piper
desiringgod.org - Choose this day whom you will serve. (Joshua 24:15) High school graduation is a rite of passage unlike any other. You move from being treated like a child (legally) to being counted an adult, both ...

Turkey: Losing the freedom to mourn - Index on Censorship

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Index on Censorship
indexoncensorship.org - On the 13th of May the Soma mining disaster caused by carbon monoxide poisoning left over 230 dead. Writing this from afar, sadly there is an excessive amount of police brutality being applied to t...

Chemistry Council to run Eric Cantor ads - Jake Sherman - POLITICO.com

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Ann Coulter
politico.com - Eric Cantor is getting outside help in his primary against little-known college professor Dave Brat. The American Chemistry Council is going up with roughly $300,000 in television advertisements to...

Astonishing Assemblies

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John Piper
christiancentury.org - The United States has spawned many Chris­tian de­­no­minations, some of which have gone on to thrive internationally. This year marks the centennial of one of the great success stories, the Assembl...

Isaac Watts: Hymns for All Time by Douglas Bond

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The Reformed Hub
ligonier.org - During the Great Awakening, Isaac Watts’ hymns played a central role. George Whitefield used Watts’ hymns in his outdoor preaching throughout Georgia and New England. Likewise, Watts’  hymns had a ...

House lawmakers plan immigration tour - Seung Min Kim - POLITICO.com

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Ann Coulter
politico.com - The House hasn’t been able to solve the immigration issue while in Washington, so a bipartisan group of lawmakers is hitting the road. Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) is among those planning to...

CBN - Arnaldo Jabor - Caso de menino Bernardo é inaceitável

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Marco Feliciano
cbn.globoradio.globo.com - Casal saudável, estudado e com dinheiro, fazer isso com uma criança.

AGORA É LEI: “Empresa Amiga da Criança” - Myrian Rios

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Myrian Rios
myrianrios.com.br - O projeto da Deputada Estadual Myrian Rios que concede às empresas o Título de Amigo da Criança e do Adolescente foi sancionado pelo governador e agora é lei. A lei nº 6.673 tem como principal obje...

RCC Paraná organiza XXII Retiro Estadual para Seminaristas

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rccbrasil.org.br - Em comunhão com a RCC do Brasil, o Ministério para Seminaristas se prepara para grande momento de vivência da espiritualidade de Pentecostes com a realização do XXII Retiro Estadual para Seminarist...

Garanta a sua vaga para o Seminário Inconformados

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Igreja da Lagoinha
lagoinha.com - A Mocidade da Igreja Batista da Lagoinha promoverá mais uma edição do Seminário de Missão Integral Inconformados. A atividade começará no dia 6 de junho; e você não pode perder essa oportunidade de...

Getting Clear on Evangelism

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John Piper
desiringgod.org - When evangelism is often discussed, it tends to focus on how churches mobilize their people to get out and connect with unbelievers. But when we think in these terms, the definition of evangelism c...

Sugestões para a saúde integral do homem – Parte 9 | Verdade Gospel - Portal gospel de notícias do Brasil

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Verdade Gospel
verdadegospel.com - Afinal o que é próstata? É uma glândula do sexo masculino, que circunda o colo da bexiga e a base da uretra. Qual a função dessa glândula? A próstata fabrica parte do fluído (sêmen) liberado no clí...

WebTVCN » Canção Nova Brasília, no Coração do Brasil

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blog.cancaonova.com - Agradeço a DEUS misericordioso por tudo que tem feito em nossa vida, por tudo que somos e que temos; Com muita alegria no coração e lágrimas nos olhos, agradeço também pela nossa casa própria. Aind...

DHS chief declares emergency at RGV border - Brownsville Herald: Local News

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Ann Coulter
brownsvilleherald.com - The Department of Homeland Security declared a crisis last week after the department’s head visited the Border Patrol station in McAllen, where he saw children packed inside the station. A recent s...

Ministro do Supremo manda soltar investigados na Operação Lava Jato - 19/05/2014 - Poder - Folha de S.Paulo

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Brasil Pro-Direita
folha.uol.com.br - O ministro Teori Zavascki decidiu soltar todos os 12 presos da Operação Lava Jato, entre os quais o doleiro Alberto Youssef e o ex-diretor da Petrobras Paulo Roberto da Costa. Todos os inquéritos t...

Fraterticket - Inicio

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Christine D'Clario
fraterticket.com - Adquiera sus entradas únicamente con tarjeta de crédito o débito Visa
Art & Entertainment

Papa Francisco: ¿Tenemos un corazón firme en el Espíritu Santo o un corazón bailarín?

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - VATICANO, 19 May. 14 / 12:09 pm (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- Durante la Misa celebrada en la Casa Santa Marta, el Papa Francisco llamó a los fieles a preguntarse si tienen un corazón como San Pablo, firme...

Vatican official sees 'warming-up' of Catholic-Orthodox relations :: EWTN News

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ewtnnews.com - A member of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity affirmed the sentiments of many who believe that Catholic-Orthodox relations have improved in recent years, especially under Pope Fr...

Catholic.net - Sexualidad y Bioética

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es.catholic.net - En las precedentes reflexiones sobre el capítulo 5 de la Carta a los Efesios (21-33) hemos llamado especialmente la atención sobre la analogía de la relación que existe entre Cristo y la Iglesia, y...

Bolsonaro tem 37% de intenções de voto, Dilma, 20% e Aécio, 11%, diz Datafolha - Fórum UOL Jogos

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Salomão Carvalho
forum.jogos.uol.com.br - O Instituto Datafolha divulgou nesta sexta-feira (9), no site do jornal "Folha de S.Paulo", pesquisa de intenção de voto para presidente da República neste ano. A pesquisa indica que Jair Bolsonaro...

El Papa Francisco nombra a nuevo “zar” para casos de abusos sexuales

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - VATICANO, 19 May. 14 / 12:04 pm (ACI).- El Papa Francisco nombró hoy a Mons. José Luis Mollaghan, de 68 años de edad, hasta ahora Arzobispo de Rosario (Argentina), como miembro de la Congregación p...

Livros Da Dor Nasce o Amor - Histórias Emocionantes de Fé, Coragem e Esperança - Dr. Fábio Augusto (8575429205) - 35% de Economia - Buscapé

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Dr. Fábio Augusto
buscape.com.br - Buscapé Termo de uso Política de Privacidade Conheça o Buscapé Especiais Buscapé Adicionar aos favoritos Buscapé no Celular FAQ Buscapé Plugin Buscapé na Hora Consumidor Ajuda ao Vivo Fale Conosco ...

Last Days Watchman: Exposing the Global Population Control Agenda

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Last Days Watchman
lastdayswatchman.blogspot.com - Uganda. Uganda became the first African country to roll back its adult HIV infection rate, from 21 percent in 1991 to about six percent in 2004, a 70 percent decrease. The nation accomplished this ...
Art & Entertainment

Missão impossível - Porta Estreita (vídeo)

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Gospel Prime
videos.gospelprime.com.br - Assistir o vídeo “Missão impossível” do canal humorístico Porta Estreita

Papa Francisco agradece a obispos su cercanía con el pueblo mexicano "ante tantos problemas"

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - VATICANO, 19 May. 14 / 10:55 am (ACI).- El Papa Francisco recibió este lunes a los obispos mexicanos en visita ad limina y les agradeció por su cercanía con la población en medio de problemas grave...

USCCB Blog: Pope Francis and Jerusalem, Deepening the Friendship of Catholics and Jews

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usccbmedia.blogspot.com - Pope Francis and Jerusalem, Deepening the Friendship of Catholics and Jews By Cardinal Timothy Dolan Fifty years ago, in January 1964, soon-to-be Blessed Paul VI became a pilgrim, making an histori...
Art & Entertainment

Música cristiana urbana, abril 2014

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Christine D'Clario
musicacristiana.about.com - Selección de las mejores canciones urbanas de los géneros rap, hip hop, reggaetón, merenguetón, y ska, lanzadas en abril de 2014. Se incluyen temas de Redimi2 feat Christine D'Clario, Ariel Kelly, ...

Gosnell Worker Who Said Baby “Jumped” When She Snipped Her Neck in Abortion Sentened to Prison

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lifenews.com - by Steven Ertelt | Philadelphia, PA | LifeNews.com | 5/19/14 1:29 PM A worker at Kermit Gosnell’s late-term abortion clinic will head to prison for just two and a half years and perhaps longer, as ...

The Satanic Case for Catholicism, Sacrament of Confirmation: What It Is and Isn't and More! | Daily News

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ncregister.com - Copyright © 2014 EWTN News, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction of material from this website without written permission is strictly prohibited. Accessed from

National Catholic Register -- Subscription Form

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N. Catholic Register
sfsdata.com - Who else might be blessed by a gift subscription to the Register? Family? Friends? Neighbors? Your parish Priest and/or Deacon? Seminarians? Each additional gift is only $39.95! Help them stay conn...

Catholic.net - Cómo será el viaje de Papa Francisco a Tierra Santa

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es.catholic.net - Cómo será el viaje de Papa Francisco a Tierra Santa El viaje del Papa a Tierra Santa (del 24 al 26 de mayo) será «muy breve y muy intenso», como fue el de Pablo VI en 1964. Lo dijo el vocero vatica...
Art & Entertainment

Mons. Ladaria recibe el doctorado Honoris Causa por la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca

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infocatolica.com - (UPSA/InfoCatólica) Mons. Ricardo Blázquez fue durante 14 años profesor en la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca (UPSA) y ha asegurado que «se siente muy a gusto por venir a la Universidad Pontifi...

Five Implications for Churches as the Boomers Retire - ThomRainer.com

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Thom Rainer
thomrainer.com - They are the children of the 60s. There was a time they said you couldn’t trust anyone over 30 . . . until they turned 30 themselves. Until the Millennials were born, they were the largest generati...
Art & Entertainment

Cristo, Nome sobre todo nome - Katia Gally (vídeo)

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Gospel Prime
videos.gospelprime.com.br - Assistir ao clipe da canção “Cristo, Nome sobre todo nome” do  álbum “Calvário” da cantora Kátia Gally

Why Should Abortionists Have Admitting Privileges? Look at These Botched Abortions at Just One Clinic

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lifenews.com - by Cheryl Sullenger | Austin, TX | LifeNews.com | 5/19/14 11:53 AM After the passage in Texas last summer of an historic pro-life law known as HB2, hardly a week as gone by without articles penned ...
Art & Entertainment

CdCristão Mega Store - DVDs, CDs, Livros e muito mais

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Música Católica
cdcristao.com - A banda Trinum nasceu no ano de 2006 na perseverança de três de jovens católicos, Nihil, Rômulo e Thiago (vocalistas) que, desde sua infância, ouviram o chamado de Deus para o anúncio do evangelho ...
Art & Entertainment

Padre Juarez de Castro fala sobre o mês de maio e a Devoção Mariana - Tribuna Independente

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redevida.com.br - Nesta noite, Padre Juarez de Castro fala sobre a devoção mariana e o mês de maio. No ‘Fato e Análise’, a presença da jornalista Amália Rocha. O consultor de carreiras Carlos Felicissimo dá dicas so...

MSNBC Says Life and Conception Are "Subjective Not Scientific Terms"

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lifenews.com - by Micaiah Bilger | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 5/19/14 12:48 PM I rarely read MSNBC anymore, but curiosity got the better of me. I clicked on their response to Florida Sen. Marco Rubio’s comme...

Steep rise in suspicious transaction reported by Vatican watchdog

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The Catholic Herald
catholicherald.co.uk - The Vatican’s funancial watchdog has reported a steep rise in reports of suspicious transactions. Rene Brulhart, director of the office that monitors and investigates Vatican financial transactions...

Pro-Marriage Club Denied Official Status at Notre Dame | Daily News

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N. Catholic Register
ncregister.com - SOUTH BEND, Ind. — A group of students at the University of Notre Dame has generated a campus-wide controversy by advocating that marriage between one woman and one man is better suited for childre...
Art & Entertainment

Reaprender o Louvor | Shalom Catholic Community

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Comunidade Shalom
comshalom.org - Criados à Imagem de Deus, fomos feitos para tudo receber dele, viver unidos a Ele e assim contemplar todas as coisas nele. Mas depois do pecado original, não olhamos mais que a nós mesmos e não con...
Art & Entertainment

Catholic.net - Celestino V, Santo

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es.catholic.net - Celestino V, Santo CXCII PapaNacido en Isernia, Italia (1221) Nombre: Pietro Angelari de Murrone Pontificado: Elegido, 5 Julio 1294, ordenado obispo de Roma, 29 agosto, Renuncia el 13 Diciembre, 12...

Boko Haram liberará a la mitad de las niñas secuestradas en pequeños grupos

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infocatolica.com - A cambio de que algunos terroristas salgan de la cárcel Boko Haram ha cedido a las demandas del gobierno y liberará en torno a 100 niñas a partir de la semana que viene, según informa el diario bri...

John Feinberg’s Course on Christian Ethics

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apolojet.wordpress.com - There are many fine works on Christian ethics available on the book market. My top 3 are John Frame’s Doctrine of the Christian Life, John Jefferson Davis’s Evangelical Ethics, and John Feinberg’s ...

U.N.: Tax unhealthy food ASAP

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WND News
wnd.com - (REUTERS) — Unhealthy diets pose a greater risk to global health than the increasingly regulated sale of tobacco and governments should move fast to tax harmful food products, a United Nations inve...

Curso Dessistematizando - Gospel Prime

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Gospel Prime
artigos.gospelprime.com.br - Em comemoração aos dois anos do EQUI ORGÂNICA no dia 21 de maio de 2014, o irmão Akel colocou no coração de realizar 3 grandes trabalhos ainda este ano, e vem aqui com muito carinho, de primeira mã...
Art & Entertainment

Voltemos Ao Evangelho | Uma Jornada em direção à Pátria Celestial

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Voltemos Evangelho
voltemosaoevangelho.com - A Bíblia nos diz que Abraão procurava por uma cidade cujo arquiteto e edificador é Deus (Hb 11.10). Jesus nos prometeu que ele prepararia uma morada para nós (Jo 14.3). E quando a história chega ao...

Education Spending Is Up, Test Scores Aren't. Who's to Blame?

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Drew McKissick
blog.heritage.org - The U.S. Department of Education recently released the 2013 results of math and reading achievement for 12th graders on the National Assessment of Educational Progress. It’s hard to say what’s been...

Materialism (5/18/2014) - Standing Strong Through the Storm - Bible Gateway Devotionals

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Open Doors USA
biblegateway.com - For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs. 1Timothy 6:10 Satan subtly promotes the att...
Art & Entertainment

El próximo 7 de junio, Premios HO: la excelencia de los valores

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hazteoir.org - Los premiados: Oswaldo Payá (a título póstumo), Carlos Cuesta, Francisco José Contreras, José Luis Restán, Monseñor Fernando Sebastián y Luis Chiva. Reserva ya tu entrada. Los Premios se concederán...

The Pathway to Perfect Peace

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Sovereign Grace
sovereigngraceministries.org - “You will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you” (Isaiah 26:3). There is a strong correlation between the mind and the heart. The mind’s contemplations and...

Papa Francisco a obispos de México: Lleven mi “saludo de hijo” a la Virgen de Guadalupe

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - VATICANO, 19 May. 14 / 10:32 am (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- El Papa Francisco recibió hoy a los obispos de la Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano (CEM) en visita ad limina y les pidió llevar su “saludo d...

Criacionismo: Estudo questiona benefícios do vinho e do chocolate

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Michelson Borges
criacionismo.com.br - quarta-feira, maio 14, 2014 Estudo questiona benefícios do vinho e do chocolate Sem vantagem e com o risco do álcool Uma pesquisa divulgada na segunda-feira não encontrou provas de que o resveratro...

Twitcom - Crie e participe de comunidades e grupos no Twitter

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Julio Cesar ✞ ©
twitcom.com.br - Para concluir sua inscrição, digite seu email para confirmação. Um email foi enviado, confirme clicando no link de validação. Houver tweets nos nests que sigo Alguém entrar nos nests que sigo Algué...

Morning Catholic must-reads: 19/05/14

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The Catholic Herald
catholicherald.co.uk - Conflicts in the Church should be resolved by “discussion, scrutiny and prayer“, Pope Francis said at the Regina Caeli yesterday (full text, full video). Archbishop Giovanni Innocenzo Martinelli, A...

NCRegister | God’s Love Made Him Great

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N. Catholic Register
ncregister.com - In the days leading up to the canonization of John Paul II, I read Jason Evert’s new book on our new saint. It was a fitting preparation before watching the Mass on Divine Mercy Sunday 2014 on EWTN...

Russell Wilson, Seattle Seahawks QB, Says Jesus Christ Appeared to Him in a Dream When He Was 14 (VIDEO) : TV : breathecast

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The Christian Post
breathecast.com - It is no secret that Russell Wilson is a man who has strong faith in Jesus Christ, but most people probably do not know that he was once visited by the King of Kings in a dream when he was only 14 ...
Art & Entertainment

Clube da Evangelização

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Clube Evangelização
clube.cancaonova.com - Você também encontra o áudio completo do programa "Sorrindo pra Vida" na Loja Canção Nova e também pelo telefone (12) 3186-2600. A Palavra meditada, hoje, está em Atos dos Apóstolos 3,1-20: Que a P...

In Case You Slept Through High School, Here’s 170 Years Of American History In One Amazing GIF

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ijreview.com - This fantastic gif tells the story of how America came to be. Since the Constitution took effect on March 4, 1789 until the U.S. added the 50th state of Hawaii in 1959, a quick look at this gif sho...

Santuários de Fátima a Aparecida se preparam para aniversário de aparições

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Comunidade Shalom
comshalom.org - Em 2017, serão celebrados 100 anos das aparições de Nossa Senhora de Fátima e 300 anos do encontro da imagem da Virgem Maria nas águas do Rio Paraíba do Sul em Aparecida. Para celebrar as duas fest...

Costa Rica: el obispo de Cartago recuerda ante el presidente Solís las raíces católicas de su nación

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infocatolica.com - (Agencias/InfoCatólica) Durante la homilía, Mons. Ulloa abogó por la no discriminación para la ciudadanía: “Todos los costarricenses sin distinción de sexo, religión, condición social o raza gozamo...


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Voice of the Martyrs
icommittopray.com - Attackers threw Molotov cocktails at a church in Serbia on April 21, causing minor damage and frightening local believers. One of the Molotov cocktails landed inside the church, partially burning t...

Feds slap ‘high risk’ label on gun sellers

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WND News
wnd.com - (WASHINGTON TIMES) Gun retailers say the Obama administration is trying to put them out of business with regulations and investigations that bypass Congress and choke off their lines of credit, fre...

Pope: Church problems solved through discussion, prayer :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

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Catholic News Agency
catholicnewsagency.com - Vatican City, May 18, 2014 / 05:30 am (CNA).- In his Sunday Angelus message, Pope Francis reflected on the apostles’ method of solving problems as an example for the whole Church. When the early Ch...

Election 2014: West Virginia Senate - Rasmussen Reports™

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rasmussenreports.com - West Virginia’s U.S. Senate race is closer following last Tuesday’s party primaries, but Republican Congresswoman Shelley Moore Capito still holds a nine-point lead over Democrat Natalie Tennant. T...

Phoenix couple’s trip to Rome goes viral

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The Catholic Sun
catholicsun.org - Christine Accurso said she made the trip of a lifetime in traveling to Rome for the April 27 canonization of St. John XXIII and St. John Paul II. Accurso’s husband, Aaron, presented her the trip in...

The church's wage gap | National Catholic Reporter

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ncronline.org - Meet Trish Vanni, a Catholic mother of three from Minnesota. She has worked for the church, holds a doctorate in theology, and carries nearly $100,000 in educational debt. She recently began an onl...

Syria war toll over 162,000 - Your Middle East

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Open Doors USA
yourmiddleeast.com - More than 162,000 people have been killed in Syria since the conflict broke out in March 2011, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said in a new toll published Monday. The Britain-based monitor...

The Catholic Review > Videos > Cardinal O’Brien weighs in on pope’s Holy Land pilgrimage

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L'Osservatore Romano
catholicreview.org - Cardinal O’Brien weighs in on pope’s Holy Land pilgrimage May 14, 2014 ROME – When Pope Francis highlights his upcoming pilgrimage to the Holy Land by meeting with the leader of the Orthodox Church...
Art & Entertainment

Mons. Munilla: El aborto y el suicidio «son la pinza macabra de la desesperanza»

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hazteoir.org - En su artículo El suicidio de un psiquiatra, remitido a HO, el obispo de San Sebastián responde a las irresponsables declaraciones de Rojas Marcos. Aunque el aborto y el suicidio «pretendan reivind...
Art & Entertainment

«Padre, voy a matarle en una semana»: así arranca «Calvario», una película donde el cura queda bien - ReL

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Religión en Libertad
religionenlibertad.com - Calvary [Calvario] es una película irlandesa, estrenada a mediados de abril en el ámbito anglosajón, que ha sorprendido por su positivo tratamiento de la figura principal, el padre James Lavelle, a...

Soft Atheism and Rational Religion

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Fr. Robert Barron
strangenotions.com - A very instructive exchange between Gary Gutting, a philosophy professor at Notre Dame, and Philip Kitcher, a philosophy professor at Columbia, just appeared in the pages of The New York Times.  Ki...

Formação - Arquidiocese de São Sebastião do Rio de Janeiro - ArqRio

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Arquidiocese do Rio
arqrio.org - Em Destaque Liturgia Diaria 11º Plano de Pastoral de Conjunto Ano Arquidiocesano da Caridade - 2014 Ano da Fé Bispos Auxiliares Caridade Social Espiritualidade Família e Vida Folheto da Missa Homil...


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ccef.org - Pre-Conference sessions are available for an aditional $50 per session. Group discounts* | Group of 5 Saves $25 ea | Group of 10 Saves $50 ea Individual discounts** | Students and Military Personne...

Comment: New Secularism is an attempt to undermine and destroy Christianity

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Christian Today
christiantoday.com - Secular = Not religious or spiritual (Oxford English Dictionary) Secularism = the belief that the state, morals, education, etc should be independent of religion. (Chambers) The various secular soc...

Santa Laura Montoya Upegui, cien años haciendo historiaEcclesia Digital

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Ecclesia Digital
revistaecclesia.com - Santa Laura Montoya Upegui, cien años haciendo historia Hay personas que, siendo fieles al proyecto de Dios, dejan huella, colaborando en la Historia de Salvación. Laura Montoya Upegui, hoy santa, ...

Warren Buffett dona más de mil 200 millones de dólares a industria del aborto

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - WASHINGTON D.C., 19 May. 14 / 07:20 am (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- El multimillonario estadounidense Warren Buffett ha gastado más de mil 200 millones de dólares en la industria del aborto en el mundo, s...

Income Inequality: You Can't Handle The Truth

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Matthew Warner
blog.acton.org - The rich get richer and the rest of us…well, we struggle along. Shouldn’t those with more money be spreading it out a bit more? My coffers clink with spare change; I sure could use some of that mon...

WOWIO, Inc. Approved for Quotation on the OTCBB Exchange Under Ticker Symbol “WWIO” - Yahoo Finance

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Pleasure Ellis
finance.yahoo.com - WOWIO, Inc. a digital media company with a patented process for inserting ads into eBooks, a mobile eBook distribution platform, and a proprietary mobile ad network, today announced that its common...

Tim Tebow News: Ex-NFL QB Constant TV Coverage 'Made People Sort of Suspicious of Him,' Says ESPN President (VIDEO) : TV : breathecast

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The Christian Post
breathecast.com - ESPN President John Skipper has said former NFL QB Tim Tebow is just as popular as Lebron James in the news because "he is genuinely a very likable" person.  "We gave him a lot of attention. I've s...

NCRegister | Art for God’s Sake

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N. Catholic Register
ncregister.com - While he may not be an artist or have a degree in art history, Father Mark Haydu knows a thing or two about sacred art — specifically art from the Vatican. As the international director of the Patr...

Daily Digest: CofE Chief Education officer discusses new homophobic bullying guidance

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Church of England
churchofengland.org - BBC Radio 4 Sunday (Listen at 35 mins 40) Church of England's Chief Education officer, Rev Jan Ainsworth and the Bishop of Buckingham, Alan Wilson discuss new guidance on tackling homophobic bullyi...
Art & Entertainment

Godzilla | Christianity Today

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Christianity Today
christianitytoday.com - Gareth Edwards' take on the classic monster franchise has much of what a great blockbuster should, and I wonder if it won't be a Jurassic Park for millennial teenagers. At the same time, in an odd ...

Listen: Brothers and Sisters of the Eternal Sun

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US Catholic magazine
uscatholic.org - Even if you’ve never heard Damien Jurado’s music before, you might know him by name. Since the ’90s, the indie songsmith from Seattle has garnered a loyal following and critical praise, spurning th...

Hilltop Internship

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jhopdc.com - Justice House of Prayer DC invites you to come to the nation’s capital to exalt Jesus Christ for nine intensive weeks of consecration. Join with us in contending for God’s righteousness and justice...

Ministério Fiel

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Editora Fiel
ministeriofiel.com.br - Ontem a congregação “instalou” você como o pastor da igreja. (Isso soa como algo que você faz a uma máquina de lavar louça, não é mesmo?). Houve orações, abraços, sorrisos, música, comida, fotos e ...

El Papa Francisco se reúne de nuevo con el Primer Ministro de Polonia, Donald Tusk

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romereports.com - 19 de mayo, 2014. El lunes por la mañana, el Papa Francisco se reunió con Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, rey de Baréin, a las 9. Cuarenta y cinco minutos después, le siguió Donald Tusk, primer ministro ...
Art & Entertainment

Ganaba mucho dinero en Londres, tenía novia... pero lo dejó todo para ser sacerdote en Madrid - ReL

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Religión en Libertad
religionenlibertad.com - Daniel Navarro, ordenado sacerdote, dejó su trabajo como ingeniero de telecomunicaciones en Londres, su novia y amigos: «Los dedos de Cristo tocaron mi corazón y le dieron la vuelta como un calcetí...

Secret Church Blog » Blog Archive » Christian Persecution Is Unjust Too

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Open Doors USA
radical.net - In a recent article for the Christian Post, Chelsen Vicari points out a group of people who are often the object of gross injustice and even more often overlooked–Christians. Reading that sentence ...

VotaValores.org despierta conciencias por los valores innegociables en Bilbao

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hazteoir.org - Al paso del autobús, muchas personas nos saludaban, y la mayor parte de las que lo veían, lo miraban con curiosidad y asombro. Ha sido algo bueno dar un mensaje positivo sobre las elecciones ya que...

O Testemunho de Fé: Igreja missionária que anuncia o Cristo

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Arquidiocese do Rio
otestemunhodefe.blogspot.com - Para promover a cultura do encontro, a Igreja precisa ser missionária e anunciar o Cristo Ressuscitado. No Rio de Janeiro, a Igreja está “em saída” para exercer a caridade, como ensina o Papa Franc...
Art & Entertainment

Opus Dei - Preguntas frecuentes sobre la beatificación de Álvaro del Portillo

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Opus Dei (España)
opusdei.es - Mons. Álvaro del Portillo y Diez de Sollano (Madrid, 1914‑ Roma, 1994). Ingeniero de Caminos y Doctor en Filosofía y en Derecho canónico. Se incorporó al Opus Dei en 1935. Ordenado sacerdote el 25 ...

Regulation needed to keep kids off addictive products -- Nina Gregerson : Wsj

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Janie Johnson
host.madison.com - Recently, the U.S. Federal Drug Administration gained authority to regulate other tobacco products such as e-cigarettes, cigars, "little cigars" and hookahs. One area not covered by their proposed ...

Gogglebox Vicar Kate Bottley: 'Christians are normal'

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Christian Today
christiantoday.com - She's dressed as a giant orange to illustrate Christingle, and danced in last year's wedding flashmob video that attracted more than 760,000 hits on YouTube. But now Rev Kate Bottley and her husban...

Russia: Vladimir Putin and the rise of swearbots - Index on Censorship

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Index on Censorship
indexoncensorship.org - In September last year Vladimir Putin spoke at the Valdai Conference, an autumnal landmark in the Russian political calendar. The theme was values and identity and Putin proposed a “return” to mora...
Art & Entertainment

Luis F. Ladaria Ferrer, investido Doctor Honoris Causa UPSAEcclesia Digital

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Ecclesia Digital
revistaecclesia.com - El arzobispo jesuita Luis F. Ladaria Ferrer, investido Doctor Honoris Causa por la UPSA El presidente de la Conferencia Episcopal. Mons. Ricardo Blázquez, ha presidido el acto que se ha celebrado e...

Sudanese woman condemned to death for apostasy

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Church Times
churchtimes.co.uk - A SUDANESE woman has been sentenced to death after being convicted of apostasy last week. Meriam Ibrahim, aged 26, was convicted on Sunday, but given four days to reconvert to Islam and escape the ...

Former clinic owner and administrator reveals biased abortion counseling

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Live Action
liveactionnews.org - Carol Everett was the administrator of four abortion clinics and the owner of two. She gave detailed testimony of her time as an abortion clinic worker at the Meet the Abortion Providers Conference...

National Day of Prayer and Worship (UK)

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Evangelical Alliance
ndopwembley.com - The event, which will be held at Emmanuel Centre 9-23 Marsham Street, Westminster, London SW1P 3DW, has the endorsement of The National Day of Prayer and Worship, The Overseas Fellowship of Nigeria...

Decenas de miles de colombianos denuncian en las calles que "el aborto es un fracaso y un retroceso"

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Derecho a Vivir
hazteoir.org - Este sábado Colombia se ha echado a las calles para denunciar, en diferentes ciudades del país, que "el aborto es un fracaso y un retroceso a tiempos salvajes en los que se asesinaba a los más inde...

Igreja Presbiteriana do Brasil

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Igreja Presbiteriana
ipb.org.br - A ciência tem trabalhado arduamente para prolongar a ex- pectativa de vida do ser humano. Conseguimos debelar muitas doenças endêmicas. Conseguimos avançar em tratamentos, que outrora, a morte pare...

Tube driver suspended after angering colleague by putting up a picture of the QUEEN in office

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Archbishop Cranmer
dailymail.co.uk - A Tube driver who put up a poster of the Queen at work has been suspended after a colleague accused him of creating a 'hostile' environment. London Underground has removed the framed A4 image and a...
Art & Entertainment

[VIDEO] Turistas visitan villas pontificias abiertas al público por primera vez en la historia

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - VATICANO, 19 May. 14 / 12:45 am (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- Desde el 1 de marzo cientos de turistas visitan diariamente las Villas Pontificias de Castel Gandolfo, abiertos gracias a la iniciativa del Pap...

Pornography Seen as a Root of Human Trafficking | Daily News

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N. Catholic Register
ncregister.com - WASHINGTON — An expert in combating human trafficking urged congressmen last week to focus their efforts against the scourge by reducing the demand for commercialized sex, including pornography. La...
Art & Entertainment

Novidades no mercado fonográfico cristão nacional

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casagospel.com - E pra finalizar as indicações, fecho com a cantora pentecostal Andréia Alencar. Como quem não quisesse encontrar nada na internet, encontrei esta que imposta muito bem sua voz grave, um contralto m...

C. J. Mahaney, Joshua Harris Resign from Gospel Coalition after SGM Abuse C... | Gleanings

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Christianity Today
christianitytoday.com - C.J. Mahaney and Joshua Harris have resigned from the council of The Gospel Coalition (TGC) after a former youth leader was convicted of sexually abusing three boys at the former flagship church of...
Art & Entertainment

Ignatius Press Novels | Truth, Beauty, and Comic Books

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Ignatius Insight
ipnovels.com - Like every other kind of fictional genre, comics have the power to spark the imagination and restore a sense of beauty. Their fantastic heroes, villains, and sweeping mythologies have become for us...
Art & Entertainment

La Manif Pour Tous - 19/05 : Ludovine de la Rochère sur LCP à 19h45

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La Manif Pour Tous
lamanifpourtous.fr - Proposition de loi "Famille" (Autorité parentale, intérêt de l'enfant) : Retrouvez Ludovine de La Rochère, Présidente de La Manif Pour Tous sur LCP lundi 19 mai de 19h45 à 20h30 pour un débat en di...

Watch this Marine give his wife the surpise of a lifetime

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Heritage Foundation
rare.us - U.S. Marine Jareth Harkins left his Virginia base to surprise his wife at her college graduation this weekend. “I am just shocked,” his wife Melissa told Fox-25. “I am absolutely, completely shocke...

Francisco: Fijad el corazón en Dios y que no dé vueltas como una mariposa

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romereports.com - 19 de mayo, 2014. El lunes por la mañana, el Papa Francisco se reunió con Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, rey de Baréin, a las 9. Cuarenta y cinco minutos después, le siguió Donald Tusk, primer ministro ...

Mother Angelica's Quote of the Day - May 19th

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myemail.constantcontact.com - Our Customer Service representatives are happy to assist you. We welcome your call and will do our best to answer any questIons you may have about our products or your order.
Art & Entertainment

Ex-alumno y confidente de Juan Pablo II, el profesor Grygiel no ve caducada la familia cristiana - ReL

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Religión en Libertad
religionenlibertad.com - "La enseñanza de la Iglesia no es una colección de opiniones separadas de unos individuos, sino un testimonio vivo de personas que, unidas en esta iglesia, viven encomendándose a la verdad por ello...

Roteiro México

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Patricia FelixCN
blog.cancaonova.com - Olá! Não faço parte da equipe que organiza o site, mas como morei no México por um tempo acho que posso responder essa pergunta. Vamos lá: Documentação necessária: Depende do motivo da viagem. Se f...

Persecuted widows receiving hope for their families

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Open Doors USA
mnnonline.org - Nigeria (MNN) — “When my husband died, I was in a state of total despair, confusion, and pain. Losing all hope, I would have committed suicide, but the Spirit of God greatly encouraged me through s...

Planned Parenthood Student Group Pelts Pro-Lifers With Condoms, Saying "We Love Abortion"

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lifenews.com - by Carole Novielli | Boise, ID | LifeNews.com | 5/19/14 10:18 AM The pro-life group Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust claims that while protesting at Boise State University, they were pelted with...

Vigilia por las niñas cristianas de Nigeria

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hazteoir.org - MasLibres.org convoca este jueves una vigilia de oración por las niñas cristianas secuestradas en Nigeria por Boko Haram: La vigilia se desarrollará de la siguiente manera: Estamos en campaña elect...

FIFA World Cup: Brazilian press exchanges autonomy for sponsorships - Index on Censorship

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Index on Censorship
indexoncensorship.org - The Brazilian press is “partially free”, according a study made by Freedom House published on 1 May. The study considered the deaths of three journalists in 2013, the attacks on the work of the pre...

Concurso Cultural Literário (61)

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livrosepessoas.com - Aos 13 anos, Isadora Faber, uma estudante de escola pública de Florianópolis (SC), indignada com os problemas de ensino e infraestrutura de seu colégio resolveu criar uma página no Facebook, o Diár...

United Nations News Centre - UNICEF demands action to save children of South Sudan from 'living nightmare'

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Church Times
un.org - 18 May 2014 – With malnutrition and conflict stalking the youngest and most vulnerable citizens of South Sudan, the United Nations warned today that hundreds of thousands of children in the country...

Judge Jeanine accuses VA Sec. Eric Shinseki of negligent homicide (Video)

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fireandreamitchell.com - Judge Jeanine was on fire tonight, accusing corrupt VA Secretary of negligent homicide in the latest Obama regime scandal at the VA. Watch the following video of Judge Jeanine tearing Shinseki a ne...
Art & Entertainment

Carimbo, Xerox e Fotocópia: os nomes mais "curiosos" do mundo em uma só família (VÍDEO)

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Sérgio Pavarini
pavablog.com - Você detesta o seu nome? Sente raiva dos seus pais pelo nome que eles escolheram para você? Então o vídeo aaixo vai fazer mudar de opinião em poucos segundos. Registrado como Xerox Miguel Porfírio,...

Editora Mundo Cristão - Categoria: Biografia e autobiografia

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Mundo Cristão
mundocristao.com.br - Home Loja Seu mundo Blog Twitter Editora Hotsites Contato Associação Religiosa Editora Mundo Cristão / CNPJ: 60.663.341/0001-79 / Rua Antonio Carlos Tacconi, 79, São Paulo – SP Operador logístico d...

Media attacks Rubio’s semantics, prove their own ignorance instead

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Live Action
liveactionnews.org - Proving that journalistic objectivity is a thing of the past, the Washington Post and MSNBC have demonstrated ignorance and irresponsibility in a semantical parsing of Senator Marco Rubio’s simple ...

Quem é culpado do abuso sexual no metrô?

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Arquidiocese de SP
arquidiocesedesaopaulo.org.br - Leonardo Faria - Ao analisar o comportamento de um indivíduo, é preciso verificar o que realmente estimula estas pessoas. Pode ser o fato de estar em público, apenas o contato corporal, ou ainda se...

The right to be forgotten

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Evangelical Alliance
eauk.org - The Evangelical Alliance. A company limited by guarantee Registered in England & Wales No. 123448. Registered Charity No England and Wales: 212325, Scotland: SC040576. Registered Office: 176 Copenh...
Art & Entertainment

Billboard Music Awards 2014 Michael Jackson Xcape Performance Video Receives Mixed Reaction From Viewers : Music : breathecast

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The Christian Post
breathecast.com - There were many memorable segments at last night's Billboard Music Awards, highlighted by the hologram performance of the deceased pop star Michael Jackson, which received a mixed reaction on socia...
Art & Entertainment

Entrega de premios y diplomas en el V Concurso Abulense 'Dibujos por la Vida'

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Derecho a Vivir
hazteoir.org - Alegría y color han llenado el Grande de Ávila, en la tarde del viernes con el V Concurso Abulense Dibujos por la Vida. Los más de 60 niños y jóvenes participantes han aplicado sus lápices y rotula...

5 Old Testament Models for How to Live

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Catholic Exchange
catholicexchange.com - How can one be a faithful Christian amidst a godless culture? It’s a question that presses upon us today with renewed urgency. But it is not a new question. It is one that confronted the earliest C...

JovemX - Tudo para Cristo, tudo por Ele!

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jovemx.com - Em pleno Dia das Mães, uma mãe cristã no Sudão (nordeste da África), grávida de seu segundo filho, foi condenada a receber cem chibatadas até a morte por estar envolvida com adultério e quebra de v...

Four Views: Under What Circumstances Should an Overseas Miss...

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Christianity Today
christianitytoday.com - The word "bribe" is ugly, with bad built into its definition. For many, bribes are synonymous with dishonesty, deceit, and corruption. But are all gifts that are meant to curry special favor actual...

Décodeur n°37 – «L’élection du Parlement européen, 25 mai 2014»

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La Manif Pour Tous
alliancevita.org - Le Parlement européen va être renouvelé au cours d’élections qui se dérouleront entre le 22 et le 25 mai 2014, en fonction des règles électorales nationales. 751 députés européens vont être élus po...

Employers’ Health Care Costs Keep Rising, Despite Obamacare

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Heritage Foundation
uschamber.com - One of Obamacare’s promises was that it would lower health care costs. As a reminder, here’s a video  montage of President Obama insisting that his health care reform would reduce costs: Now here’s...

Líderes cristãos manifestam apoio representantes umbanda e candomblé

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noticias.gospelmais.com.br - A decisão do juiz federal Eugênio Rosa de Araújo de considerar que os cultos afro-brasileiros não podem ser considerados uma religião causou inúmeros protestos na comunidade religiosa e agora a Com...

Pope St. John Paul II on Campus | Daily News

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N. Catholic Register
ncregister.com - This past academic year was very special for St. John Paul II University Parish in Denton, Texas. We offered many spiritual opportunities for our students and parishioners, including this Lent/East...

TGC | The Gospel Coalition

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The Reformed Hub
thegospelcoalition.org - O Lord, who has given to you that you should repay him?  Surely we have given you nothing and yet you lavish your riches upon us.  Who are we that you should have set your affections upon us? How i...

Church Army Online - Stepping into evangelism

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C of E Newspaper
churcharmy.org.uk - We're excited about our new resource, Stepping into evangelism, filled with practical advice and exercises to help you and your church reach out to others in words and action. This 64-page booklet ...

lunes 19 de mayo, sesion con Ward

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Un Curso De Milagros
spreaker.com - UCDM Desde tu Mente Integra lunes 19 de mayo, sesion con Ward Talk, #consciencia, #iluminacion, #milagros, #resurreccion, #ucdm
Art & Entertainment

Se casan en Roma gracias a una moneda y a Juan Pablo II

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romereports.com - 26 de abril, 2014. Unos 20 líderes de la comunidad judía estarán presentes en la canonización de Juan Pablo II y Juan XXIII. Entre ellos Michael Schudrich, de Polonia; Riccardo Di Segni, de Roma; O...

El Papa Francisco sigue los pasos de Pablo VI por la unidad de los cristianos

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - ROMA, 18 May. 14 / 08:06 pm (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- A pocos días para la visita del Papa Francisco a Tierra Santa prevista del 24 al 26 de mayo, el Patriarca latino de Jerusalén, Fouad Twal, ha subra...

WORLD | Mahaney, Harris leave Gospel Coalition council | Daniel James Devine

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WORLD News Group
worldmag.com - Two megachurch pastors and popular Christian authors are no longer serving in leadership roles with an evangelical group a few days after a jury convicted a former member of their church of child a...

The Hound of the Baskervilles: Sherlock Holmes’ (and Conan Doyle’s) Finest Hour

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Crisis Magazine
crisismagazine.com - But not for long. His resurrection—or resuscitation, to use a more practical term instead of such a mystical one out of reverence for the Master—his resuscitation brought with it a matchless strugg...

LAS ARMAS DE CORONEL: Jau, Jau, Jaua y Henrique: una Venezuela patas arriba

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Diego E. Arria
lasarmasdecoronel.blogspot.com - Cuando Elías Jaua anunció por televisión que acusaría a USA ante la OEA por violar la Carta Democrática Interamericana, oímos un buen ejemplo de la Venezuela que vive patas arriba. Un mundo en el c...

Estratégia de Esquerda: Apologia e Tolerância ao Crime « Ceticismo Político

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Direita Brasil
lucianoayan.com - Essa é uma das estratégias que mais deixam os conservadores a pensar: o que será que os esquerdistas tem na cabeça? Por causa desta estratégia, todo país dominado pela esquerda apresenta aumento da...
Art & Entertainment

Género: la ideología que me insulta (II)

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profesionalesetica.org - Saben… he estado recapacitando. Esto de la ideología de género tiene convencida a mucha gente. Algo de verdad tendrá. Ya saben que miles de millones de moscas comen detritos y, al final, resulta qu...

Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender rights around the world | World

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Church Times
theguardian.com - Being lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender is illegal in almost 80 countries, and in at least five of them is still punishable by death. Ahead of the International day against homophobia and trans...

Criacionismo: Banquetes de migalhas

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Michelson Borges
criacionismo.com.br - Na onda ufanista que o Kepler 186f gerou, uma reportagem, agora da revista Veja, trouxe mais outra previsão ufanista e bombástica, novamente feita em nome da ciência. Nela, Elisa Quintana, astrofís...

Deus nos ama

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jba.gr - A palavra “TODAVIA”, que abre esta passagem, faz um contraste entre a que a antecede (v. 1-3) e a que a segue (v. 4-9). Os versículos 1-3 nos deram o estado lastimável em que estávamos antes de cre...

Quer ser mais produtivo no trabalho? Ouça trilhas sonoras de games

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Sérgio Pavarini
pavablog.com - A música dos games é feita para estimular jogadores a não desistir e a passar de nível – seriam elas perfeitas para estimular a produtividade? Enquanto estava na faculdade, o pesquisador Christofer...

How to Develop a Manly Voice [VIDEO]

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Matthew Warner
artofmanliness.com - in A Man's Life, Personal Development, Visual Guides In this AoM instructional, Mr. Narrator Man teaches Bill how to develop a manly voice. For a text version, read our post How to Develop a Manly ...
Art & Entertainment

Editora Mundo Cristão - Livro: A Bíblia da garota de fé - NTLH (roxa) - Nancy Rue

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Mundo Cristão
mundocristao.com.br - Pais e mães que desejam o melhor para seus filhos, preocupam-se com seu desenvolvimento espiritual, pois sabem que a caminhada com Cristo os afastará dos males deste mundo, principalmente na fase d...

Igreja em SP se prepara para evangelização de turistas durante o mundial de futebol e à garantia de direitos humanos

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Arquidiocese de SP
arquidiocesedesaopaulo.org.br - O assunto é de interesse da Igreja, pois há o temor de limitações para a realização de eventos e acesso aos templos na região central. “Na Paróquia São Francisco, que fica ao lado do Vale do Anhang...

Court doc: Why Birmingham Planned Parenthood closed; 2 docs in trouble

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Live Action
jillstanek.com - For months the Birmingham, Alabama, Planned Parenthood has maintained a shroud of secrecy surrounding its “temporary” closing in December 2013. The abortion giant is only now coming clean after the...

Segurança morre depois de ser baleado por jovem em Copacabana, no Rio - GloboNews - Vídeos do Jornal GloboNews - Catálogo de Vídeos

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Ihamma Lins
globotv.globo.com - De acordo com testemunhas, os dois tinham brigado antes do crime. A confusão aconteceu em frente a um restaurante, na tarde de domingo (18). Segundo a polícia, o jovem voltou armado e atirou contra...

Chief Executive

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Evangelical Alliance
easilyfound.it - We are looking for someone to give vision, oversee and lead Village Hope in the work of evangelism in rural Britain. For further information on the role or for an application form please visit www....

Prefeitura faz 'cercadinho' para usuários de crack no centro de SP - 14/05/2014 - Cotidiano - Folha de S.Paulo

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Não Ao Mensalão
folha.uol.com.br - A Prefeitura de São Paulo tentou na tarde de ontem colocar usuários de droga da cracolândia dentro de um cercado de metal, que foi erguido na esquina da alameda Cleveland e da rua Helvetia. Normalm...
Art & Entertainment

JovemX - Tudo para Cristo, tudo por Ele!

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jovemx.com - De acordo com a jornalista Keila Jimenez, da Folha de São Paulo, os artistas da Rede Record estão insatisfeitos por terem sido obrigados a gravar um vídeo em apoio a um bispo da Igreja Universal do...

My Best Advice On Writing Isn’t From A Book

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Lawrence W. Wilson
storylineblog.com - I have a shelf at home devoted to books about writing. I might even say I have two shelves devoted to those books now. I’ve read most of them, and some are better than others. But the best writing ...

Study: Americans Exaggerate How Often They Go to Church; Catholic, Mainline Exaggerate More Than Evangelical

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The Christian Post
christianpost.com - Americans exaggerate how often they go to Church in answers to surveys, a new study finds. Catholics and Mainline Protestants exaggerated more than Evangelical Protestants and black Protestants. Si...

Poll: 80 Percent of Voters in Competitive States Favor Restrictions on Abortion

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Susan B Anthony List
breitbart.com - According to the poll, 35 percent favor parental notification and a cut-off date for late term abortions, 34 percent call for a “nearly total ban” on abortion with exceptions of rape and incest, an...

VIDEO. Loi sur la famille : Laurence Rossignol ne se laissera «pas impressionner»

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La Manif Pour Tous
leparisien.fr - Un texte sur la famille, présenté par le Parti Socialiste et les écologistes, centré sur les conséquences des séparations pour les enfants, arrive ce lundi en débat à l’Assemblée. Il devrait être d...

Commencement Speaker Blasts Petulant, Fascist Leftist Students For Banning Commencement Speaker…Gets Standing Ovation « Pat Dollard

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Heritage Foundation
patdollard.com - Excerpted from Philly.com: In a surprising move, a commencement speaker at Haverford College on Sunday used the celebratory occasion to deliver a sharp rebuke to students who had mounted a campaign...

No Child Taken - We want to see 50,000 vulnerable children protected - Tearfund - Tearfund

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tearfund.org - Trafficking is the fastest growing crime in the world, ravaging the lives of 1.2 million children across the world every year. That number is set to rise, unless we stop it in its tracks. The good ...

Trial finally begins in lawsuit challenge Alabama law requiring that abortionists have admitting privileges at local hospital

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Live Action News
nationalrighttolifenews.org - After a seemingly endless series of delays, U.S. District Judge Myron Thompson is scheduled to begin to hear arguments today in a case brought by Planned Parenthood Southeast and the American Civil...
Art & Entertainment

Aeroblitz volta à ativa e lança o CD “A Vida Não Tem Um Fim”

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musica.gospelmais.com.br - A banda Aeroblitz está lançando um novo álbum, intitulado “A Vida Não Tem um Fim”. O disco é o primeiro que a banda produz após seis anos de hiato. No entanto, a proposta do CD é a mesma que a Aero...
Art & Entertainment

Vets Using Phoenix VA are Angry, Sick and Scared

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Angelica Saldaña
military.com - PHOENIX -- The veterans who use the Phoenix Veterans Affairs Health System are angry, sick and scared.   They say they call and call, but get no answer.   They say they are ignored, disrespected an...

Concurso Cultural Literário – Especial para Professores (3)

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mob de leitura
livrosepessoas.com - Pesquisa-ação, Investigação na ação, Pesquisa colaborativa ou Praxis emancipatória, essas são as expressões empregadas para designar uma forma de investigação auto-reflexiva que tem o objetivo de a...
Art & Entertainment

Fundación del Vaticano estudia cómo inculcar valores humanos en las empresas

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romereports.com - 26 de abril, 2014. Unos 20 líderes de la comunidad judía estarán presentes en la canonización de Juan Pablo II y Juan XXIII. Entre ellos Michael Schudrich, de Polonia; Riccardo Di Segni, de Roma; O...

National Academies of Science: Abortion Linked to Premature Birth Problems

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lifenews.com - by Steven Ertelt | WASHINGTON, DC | LIFENEWS.COM | 7/27/06 9:00 AM National Academies of Science: Abortion Linked to Premature Birth Problems Email this article Printer friendly page by Steven Erte...

Planned Parenthood Doctor on Human Papillomavirus: ‘All of Us Get It’

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cnsnews.com - (CNSNews.com) – Dr. Vanessa Cullins, vice president for external medical affairs at the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, says in a video that the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is a sexually t...

WORLD | A seared conscience | Andrée Seu Peterson

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WORLD News Group
worldmag.com - When I first started working in the restaurant a few weeks ago I told you about the view behind the counter versus the one on the patron’s side. At the time I was referring to the fact that deliver...

Verbiest: The Priest Who Invented the Automobile

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Crisis Magazine
crisismagazine.com - Even one who is as maladroit as I when it comes to the Internet, profits from “YouTube” with its cavalcade of some of the great people and events of more than a century. Would that it could go back...

Papa Francisco na Terra Santa

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Fernando Fantini
blog.cancaonova.com - Iniciamos a semana com grande expectativa e muita alegria em nossos corações, o Papa Francisco visitará a Terra Santa. O porta-voz de imprensa do Vaticano compartilhando com repórteres detalhes do ...

Maps Show the Most Popular Baby Names in Every State

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relevantmagazine.com - According to these carefully color-coded U.S. maps, a generation of Emmas, Sophias, Liams and Williams will one day be running the country. The Huffington Post used data from the Social Security Ad...

The Rise of Nationalism | First Thoughts

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First Things
firstthings.com - It’s a global phenomenon. Hindu nationalist Narendra Modi won in India. Shinzo Abe in Japan hits nationalist notes. Svoboda, an ultra-nationalist party in Ukraine, has become an important player. T...

Are search engines the ultimate arbiters of information? - Index on Censorship

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Index on Censorship
indexoncensorship.org - Tuesday’s ruling from the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) said that internet search engine operators must remove links to articles found to be outdated or “irrelevant” at the request ...

In time for Father’s Day, a new focus on men and abortion « Fr. Frank Pavone's Blog Blog Articles on Pro Life & Anti Abortion – Abortion Laws & News

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priestsforlife.org - Turning the Hearts of Fathers is a new initiative of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign to enlist church leaders to share the good news of forgiveness and recovery to men who have experienced ab...

Stephen Sutton: Lichfield Cathedral offered to family for teenager's funeral - Birmingham Mail

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Church Times
birminghammail.co.uk - Stephen Sutton’s funeral could be held at Lichfield Cathedral after the Church of England offered the medieval building to the inspirational teenager's family. A cathedral spokesman said: “We want ...

Islamismo é a religião que mais cresce no mundo

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Cristianismo Hoje
noticias.gospelprime.com.br - Uma nova pesquisa divulgada por Dick Slikker, do grupo cristão de consultoria Project Care, indica que os números globais de cristãos tem se mantido estagnado. Enquanto isso, o Islã disparou em sua...

Francisco recibe al rey de Bahrein, Hamad bin Isa Al JalifaEcclesia Digital

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Ecclesia Digital
revistaecclesia.com - El Papa Francisco recibe al rey de Bahrein, Hamad bin Isa Al Jalifa El Papa Francisco ha recibido esta mañana al rey de Bahrein, Su Majestad Hamad bin Isa Al Jalifa, que sucesivamente se ha encontr...
Art & Entertainment

Vengo pronto | Canción Nueva

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Canción Nueva
cancionnueva.com.es - Frente a los sufrimientos que tu pasas o de aquellos por los que vamos a pasar cuando la venida del Señor este más cerca – porque ya está cerca – , Dios no nos quiere desesperados. El Señor cuida d...

Obispos de EEUU pedirán aprobación de reforma migratoria en el Congreso

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - WASHINGTON D.C., 18 May. 14 / 06:13 pm (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- El grupo de obispos católicos –que el 1º de abril celebró una misa en la frontera entre los Estados Unidos y México por las almas de los...

El TSJA ordena el concierto de un centro de educación diferenciada discriminado por la Junta andaluza

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hazteoir.org - Como medida cautelar, atendiendo el requerimiento del colegio Albaydar de Sevilla, uno de los cuatro recurrentes a la arbitraria decisión de la Junta de Andalucía de privar del concierto a los cent...

20 Years After President Clinton Expanded Head Start, This is My Story

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Antônio Carlos Costa
clintonfoundation.org - My name is Jorge Juan Rodriguez V and I am an alumnus of Head Start. I am the son of two Puerto Rican migrants who came to the United States without knowledge of the language, culture, or setting; ...

Acoso a las puertas de la iglesia

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Ignacio Arsuaga
gaceta.es - Mientras los feligreses de la parroquia de Santa Catalina Labouré acuden a misa todos los domingos, un centenar de vecinos del madrileño barrio de Carabanchel se concentran en las inmediaciones ent...

Rajoy defiende a Cañete "lisa y llanamente como el mejor"

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PP de Madrid
europapress.es -    El presidente del Gobierno, Mariano Rajoy, ha defendido a Miguel Arias Cañete como "el mejor" candidato en las próximas elecciones europeas del día 25 por su conocimiento profundo de Europa y su...
Art & Entertainment

Criacionismo: Isaac & Charles: até a cópia precisa de projeto

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Michelson Borges
criacionismo.com.br - domingo, maio 18, 2014 Isaac & Charles: até a cópia precisa de projeto Enviar por e-mailBlogThis!Compartilhar no TwitterCompartilhar no FacebookCompartilhar no Orkut Marcadores: Isaac e Charles, qu...

Demand Google Stop Banning Pro-Life Ads

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citizengo.org - By ActRight.com · Washington, D.C., United States · 04/30/14 Under pressure from pro-abortion rights group NARAL, Google has banned ads from crisis pregnancy groups who were bidding on keywords lik...

Twelve (Unspectacular) Works of the Holy Spirit

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Lawrence W. Wilson
lawrencewilson.com - What does the Holy Spirit do besides slay people in the Spirit? If a person doesn’t speak in tongues, does he or she really have the Holy Spirit? Because God had never worked in my life in sensatio...

Two men ordained priests for Archdiocese of Cincinnati

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Catholic Telegraph
thecatholictelegraph.com - From left, Seminary Rector Father Benedict O'Cinnsealaigh, newly ordained Father James Riehle, Archbishop of Cincinnati Dennis M. Schnurr, newly ordained Father Brian Phelps, Auxiliary Bishop Josep...

Moradores de cidade da Paraíba têm internet na praça, mas tomam banho de balde - Política - MSN Estadão

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Fitzcarraldo Çilva
estadao.br.msn.com - "Gestões do PT na Presidência contribuíram para que o município tenha internet grátis nas praças" SÃO JOSÉ DAS PIRANHAS (Paraíba) - Incrustada no sertão paraibano, a mais de 400 km de distância da ...

15-yea-old girl held against her will in abortion clinic is rescued by police and pro-lifers

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Live Action News
liveactionnews.org - A teenager went through a harrowing ordeal at an abortion clinic on May 16, according to well known pro-life activist Abby Johnson. According to status updates posted on facebook, Johnson, who told...

Obama Is Angry About An Administration Screw Up. Again.

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Heritage Foundation
pocketfullofliberty.com - We have yet another brewing scandal within this White House. Evidence has surfaced that people in the Department of Veterans affairs have falsified data to cover up delays in veterans getting the c...

ECLJ at the UN: Abortion is torture and a violation of children’s rights

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Right to Life
nationalrighttolifenews.org - The European Center for Law and Justice (ECLJ), in a report addressed today to the UN, denounces the killing of babies who survive abortion in the United Kingdom, within the context of the periodic...

Mitt Romney Calls on Police Commissioner Who Called Obama the N-Word to 'Apologize and Resign'

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The Christian Post
christianpost.com - Former GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney has called on a defiant police commissioner in a small New Hampshire town to "apologize and resign" after he publicly referred to President Barack Obama ...
Art & Entertainment

LEC 139 Aceptaré la Expiación para mi...

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Un Curso De Milagros
spreaker.com - Con esto se acaban todas las decisiones. Pues con esta lección llegamos a la decisión de aceptarnos a nosotros mismos tal como Dios nos creó. ¿Y qué es elegir sino tener incertidumbre con respecto ...

Ainda o teólogo indiano e a censura vaticana: alguns apontamentos

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Rodrigo Coppe C
rodrigocoppe.wordpress.com - Colegas me perguntam se de fato houve uma “censura” ao teólogo indiano Michael Amaladoss depois que leram meu texto no Huffington Post sobre as conversações que se estendem desde o ano passado entr...
Art & Entertainment

Ato pela paz: Diante do Trono grava álbum “Tetelestai” em Israel

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musica.gospelmais.com.br - O Diante do Trono gravou seu novo álbum, “Tetelestai”, na última terça-feira, 13 de maio, em Israel. Participaram do show os cantores Asaph Borba e André Valadão, além dos admiradores do ministério...

Stocks edge higher as investors asses deal news

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cnsnews.com - Traders gather at the post that handles AT&T on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange Monday, May 19, 2014. Priming itself for the age of Internet-delivered video, AT&T Inc. said it would buy Di...

The Power Of Power Naps

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Scott Williams
bigisthenewsmall.com - The Power of a Power Nap… Science supports you taking a nap, watch this video and nap more often.

WORLD | Dollars and Sense: Will a May selloff tank the markets this week? | Warren Cole Smith

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WORLD News Group
worldmag.com - A positive beginning. Stocks rose last Monday, with the Standard & Poor’s 500 and the Dow both broke through to new records. Some areas of the market that had slumped in recent weeks saw especially...
Art & Entertainment

Chaplin’s Little Tramp on the Road to Emmaus

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Crisis Magazine
crisismagazine.com - There is just published a new biography: Charlie Chaplin by Peter Ackroyd. The publishers are marking the 125th anniversary of the comic’s birth. As 100 years ago this year, a 25 year old English m...
Art & Entertainment

WATCH: Spontaneous Praise Breaks Out in Atlanta Airport, Captures Hearts

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charismamag.com - A video of a worship team singing a Christian song outside an airport terminal has gone viral on Facebook, with more than 70,000 shares. The video has been liked more than 11,000 times. Stacy Perki...
Art & Entertainment

Shen Jiawei pinta un cuadro del Papa acompañado por personas de todo el mundo

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romereports.com - 26 de abril, 2014. Unos 20 líderes de la comunidad judía estarán presentes en la canonización de Juan Pablo II y Juan XXIII. Entre ellos Michael Schudrich, de Polonia; Riccardo Di Segni, de Roma; O...

Carl Lentz Wants to Change the Faith Conversation

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relevantmagazine.com - He's made Justin Bieber cry from the pulpit and baptized NBA MVP Kevin Durant, but writing off Carl Lentz as just a "celebrity pastor" doesn't do justice to just how humble and engaging the pastor ...

Greater Fitchburg For Life: Warren Buffett: The Billion-Dollar King of Abortion

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greaterfitchburgforlife.blogspot.com - Warren Buffett: The Billion-Dollar King of Abortion By Mike Ciandella and Katie Yoder, MRC: They say the key to successful investing is diversification. But Berkshire Hathaway Chairman & CEO Warren...

Founder of Grace Before Meals visits Sylvania St. Joseph

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Catholic Chronicle
catholicchronicle.org - VIDEO: Students at Toledo St. Catherine of Siena learned what it means to serve, to wash the feet of others as Jesus did. Older students paired up with younger ones to make lunches, which students ...
Art & Entertainment

Papa pide a los cristianos tener el corazón fijo en el Espíritu Santo

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Canción Nueva
cancionnueva.com.es - Que el cristiano tenga un corazón fijo en el Espíritu Santo, no un corazón bailarín que va de un lado para otro. Esta fue la exhortación del Papa Francisco este lunes 19 en la casa Santa Marta. El ...

Desaparición forzada: ¿crimen de ayer o de hoy?

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Antônio Carlos Costa
brasilcomn.blogfolha.uol.com.br - “Entre 2007 y 2013, sólo en el estado de Río de Janeiro, desaparecieron unas 38.000 personas”, denunció indignado el pastor presbiteriano y activista Antonio Carlos Costa, fundador de la ONG Rio de...
Art & Entertainment

TV Canção Nova mais vocação

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Alex Silva
blog.cancaonova.com - São vinte e cinco anos de história e como não perceber a ação de Deus e confirmação da sua graça em meio a tantos desafios. Sua primeira transmissão aconteceu no dia daquela que tudo fez, em 8 de D...

O tempo é superior ao espaço

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† Adailton Batista †
blog.cancaonova.com - Existe uma tensão bipolar entre a plenitude e o limite. A plenitude gera a vontade de possuir tudo, e o limite é o muro que nos aparece pela frente. O «tempo», considerado em sentido amplo, faz ref...

Leader of Boko Haram Declares “Jihad War Against Christians and Christianity” « Persecution News

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persecution.org - Leader and spokesman of Boko Haram, a radical Islamic insurgency and U.S.-designated Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) fighting for the establishment of a separate Islamic state in Northeast Nig...
Art & Entertainment

Saiba como lidar com o Ciúme!

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Dado Moura
blog.cancaonova.com - Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser. Você se consider...

Chrétienté-Solidarité Persécutions » Veillée de solidarité et d’indignation devant l’ambassade du Soudan

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Kattoliko Pensiero
chretientesolidarite.org - Une jeune chrétienne enceinte a été condamnée jeudi à la peine de mort par pendaison pour apostasie de l’islam, au Soudan, malgré des appels d’ambassades occidentales à un respect de sa liberté rel...
Art & Entertainment

Año de la Familia, José-Román Flecha Diario de León 24-5-2014Ecclesia Digital

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Ecclesia Digital
revistaecclesia.com - Recordando el Año de la Familia, por José-Román Flecha (Diario de León, 24-5-2014) Han pasado veinte años. En 1994, por decisión de las Naciones Unidas, se celebraba el Año Internacional de la Fami...
Art & Entertainment

 Papa: as fofocas, as invejas e os ciúmes não levam à harmonia e à paz

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Aliança Misericórdia
misericordia.com.br - “As fofocas, as invejas e os ciúmes” na Igreja, “não nos levam à concórdia, à harmonia e à paz”: foi o que disse o Papa Francisco na alocução que precedeu a Oração mariana do Regina Coeli, dizendo ...

'The spirit of All Saints' - The Arlington Catholic Herald

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Arl Catholic Herald
catholicherald.com - All Saints Church in Manassas is home to an intricate new mosaic of “The Visitation.” It was designed by Ronald Neil Dixon, who then created a full-size painting of the scene and sent it to a works...

Analysis: Marco Rubio is right that media ignores settled science about human life

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Live Action News
liveactionnews.org - The abortion supporting media outsets recently had a messy collision with Senator Marco Rubio over his assertions about climate and life science.  Rubio questioned why the same people who touted cl...

Majority of Iranians reject Islam

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Mission Network News
mnnonline.org - Germany (MNN) — Berlin, Germany is considered one of the most godless places in the world. According to a report from The Guardian, 50% of the population can be identified as atheist. It’s ironic, ...

Pontífice envia mensagem a Conferência sobre a Família, nas Filipinas

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Arautos do Evangelho
gaudiumpress.org - Cidade do Vaticano (Sexta-feira, 16-05-2014, Gaudium Press) Em mensagem ao presidente da Conferência Episcopal das Filipinas, Dom Sócrates Villegas, a propósito da assembleia sobre a Família, a ser...

Votación: ¿cuál de estas 42 opciones elegirás en las Elecciones Europeas del 25 de mayo?

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outono.net - El próximo 25 de mayo los españoles mayores de edad estamos convocados a las urnas para elegir a nuestros representantes en el Parlamento Europeo. En total se presentan 39 candidaturas, con lo que ...

The Federal Government Hasn't Improved Education After Trying for 50 Years

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Heritage Foundation
blog.heritage.org - The federal government has been trying to improve educational outcomes for 50 years, but according to a recent study, we have little to show for it — and in some areas, it is getting worse. This ye...

La Luz que hay en ti

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Un Curso De Milagros
spreaker.com - Clases en directo desde el Miracles Healing Center. Lunes 8:00am Ricard 1:00pm Angela 6:00pm Astrid Miercoles 8:00am Maria Torres 1:00pm Angela Jueves 8:00am Ramon " 1100am Astrid Viernes 8:00am Al...

Targeted? Gun sellers say 'high risk' label from feds cuts off banking options, restricts business - Washington Times

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Angelica Saldaña
washingtontimes.com - Gun retailers say the Obama administration is trying to put them out of business with regulations and investigations that bypass Congress and choke off their lines of credit, freeze their assets an...
Art & Entertainment

Premian a EWTN como la estación de televisión religiosa del año

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - WASHINGTON D.C., 19 May. 14 / 02:25 am (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- EWTN la cadena católica de televisión más grande del mundo y su programa EWTN News Nightly, han ganado dos Premios Gabriel en reconocimi...

Geithner: ‘How Well You Do in Life ... Depends Too Much on the Color of Your Skin’

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cnsnews.com - “How well you do in life today, how good your education is, how good your health care is, depends too much on the color of your skin and how rich your parent is. And that's something that should wo...

Are You Living Out Your Dreams?

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Scott Williams
bigisthenewsmall.com - Are You Living Out Your Dreams? I know that sounds like one of those feel good pie in the sky type of questions.  I really think it’s a rather simple question.  First, you must start by asking a co...

Diocese de Jundiaí – Brasil sediará Congresso Americano

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Diocese de Jundiai
dj.org.br - Com o tema “IAM da América a serviço da missão” e lema “Vocês são meus amigos!” (Jo 15,14), as Pontifícias Obras Missionárias (POM) do Brasil e do continente americano promovem o 1º Congresso Ameri...

Lawmaker Wants to Bring Back Firing Squads

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relevantmagazine.com - After a high-profile botched lethal injection in Oklahoma caused state officials to suspend other scheduled executions from moving forward, a Utah lawmaker has proposed a new solution in his state:...

Video: Today’s Earth & Space News- Quake Watch, Sundiving Comets, Climate Swings, 

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truthisscary.com - Daily News and Blogs Video: Today’s Earth & Space News- Quake Watch, Sundiving Comets, Climate Swings, Monsanto’s Darkest Secret: Roundup’s Effect On The Fetus The Meat Crisis is Here: Price of Shr...

'Love Is Our Mission' is theme of 2015 family meeting in Philadelphia

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Catholic Chronicle
catholicchronicle.org - VIDEO: Students at Toledo St. Catherine of Siena learned what it means to serve, to wash the feet of others as Jesus did. Older students paired up with younger ones to make lunches, which students ...


Cristianismo e Política + Christianity and Politics + União multi-denominacional (evangélicos, católicos, etc) em defesa dos valores cristãos e da democracia


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