29 July 2014

LiberdadeDeExpressao 28.07.2014 @livrexpress

LiberdadeDeExpressao News

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40 textos sobre a notícia da semana

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Cristina Castro
kikacastro.com.br - Para mim, houve apenas dois assuntos importantes nesta semana que acabou de começar, mas são de reportagem feita por outros veículos e repórteres, a saber: “Folha de S.Paulo” (repórter Lucas Ferraz...

Juca Kfouri, Sininho e a apologia do crime « Ceticismo Político

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Luciano Henrique
lucianoayan.com - Como havia dito ontem, agora virou avalanche: todos os jornalistas da extrema-esquerda petista estão escrevendo textos em favor da Black Bloc Sininho. Para essa turma que gosta de um pandemônio, el...

Não tem lugar no mundo que o Santander esteja ganhando mais dinheiro, critica Lula - Política - Estadão

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Roberta C.M.Oliveira
politica.estadao.com.br - Carla Araújo, Valmar Hupsel Filho e Ricardo Galhardo - Agência Estado São Paulo - O ex-presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Dilma citou na noite desta segunda-feira, 28, rapidamente o episódio envolvendo...

Quem são os aliados e os inimigos de Israel e do Hamas em Gaza? - Guga Chacra

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Rodrigo Coppe C
blogs.estadao.com.br - O maior aliado de Israel no conflito contra o Hamas na Faixa de Gaza é o Egito, não os Estados Unidos. Aliás, ao contrário do que escrevem algumas pessoas, nenhum dos vizinhos árabes de Israel defe...

O mistério de Cláudio

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revistaforum.com.br - A pergunta que corre o país também é feita dentro da cidade onde se iniciou a polêmica: por que 14 milhões para um aeroporto em um município com 25 mil habitantes? “Não sei. Só sei que nunca na vid...

Assessoria de Aécio acha que Fortaleza fica em Pernambuco

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revistaforum.com.br - Ao interagir com usuários da fanpage do candidato, assessores do presidenciável cometem erro geográfico Por Redação A assessoria de comunicação do candidato à presidência da República Aécio Neves (...


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militarlegal.blogspot.com - CARTA AOS ROMANOS1,18 A ira de Deus se manifesta do céu contra toda impiedade e injustiça dos homens, que com a injustiça sufocam a verdade. 19 Pois aquilo que é possível conhecer de Deus foi manif...
Meio Ambiente

Blog do Dr. Marco Sobreira: O MENSALÃO EM 2030

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blogdodrmarcosobreira.blogspot.com - Um peão da roça sempre dizia: "Um kabôko mais ordinário do que esse Lula, Muié ninhuma pári!" " Ele é o último ôvo q o Urubú botõ!" kkkk... Sinhtia Dhas
Meio Ambiente

Roda Viva - Transmissão - cmais+ O portal de conteúdo da Cultura

Partilhado por
Rodney Eloy
tvcultura.cmais.com.br - No centro do Roda Viva, João Doria Jr., presidente do Lide, debate sobre o cenário econômico brasileiro.

O bate-boca de Jandira Feghali com Jair Bolsonaro e o conflito Israel-Hamas – Vamos desenhar para a deputada?

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Carlos Pereira
veja.abril.com.br - Jandira Feghali e Jair Bolsonaro bateram boca na terça-feira à tarde no Plenário da Câmara. Assistam ao vídeo. Transcrevo abaixo parte dos chavões comunistas de Jandira sobre o conflito no Oriente ...
Meio Ambiente

Frio beneficia campos de trigo no Sul para colheita deste ano - Jornal Correio do Brasil

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Correio do Brasil
correiodobrasil.com.br - 28/7/2014 13:34 Por Redação - de São Paulo e Porto Alegre A onda de frio registrada no Sul do país neste fim de semana, com ocorrência de geada em várias regiões, foi benéfica para as lavouras de t...

U.S. Tax Code Causes Businesses to Flee Overseas

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barbwire.com - Free-market advocates say Treasury Secretary Jack Lew wants to treat the symptoms rather than the cause of U.S. businesses seeking lower taxes overseas. Lew is the latest Obama official to make the...

Ossami Sakamori BlogSpot.com: Eleições 2014: A luta continua!

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Carlos Parrini
ossamisakamori.blogspot.com - segunda-feira, 28 de julho de 2014 Eleições 2014: A luta continua! Há uma discussão no meio das redes sociais de que estes instrumentos de comunicações não chegam às classes sociais de baixa renda....

Internet is Still for 'We the People'

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barbwire.com - Mathew D. Staver is Chairman and Founder of Liberty Counsel®, an international nonprofit litigation, education, and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of lif...

VenezuelaVetada: Pablo Sánchez / SINDICATOS DE SIDOR

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Pablo Sánchez Somana
venezuelavetada.com - Pablo Sánchez / SINDICATOS DE SIDOR Pablo Sánchez / SINDICATOS DE SIDOR (O EL FRANKENSTEIN DEL PSUV) Al inicio de la semana, sindicatos y obreros de la Siderúrgica del Orinoco (SIDOR) realizaron, e...

Media freedom remains under threat in Hungary - European Commission

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Index on Censorship
ec.europa.eu - A free and plural media is the foundation of a free society, and a safeguard of democratic tradition. The new "advertising tax" in Hungary shows it is still very much under threat. This new tax was...

Alvaro Dias está entre os “Cabeças do Congresso”Portal Alvaro Dias

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Alvaro Dias
alvarodias.com.br - O senador Alvaro Dias está, mais uma vez, entre os “Cabeças” do Congresso Nacional. A lista publicada anualmente pelo DIAP elege os parlamentares mais influentes. O senador Alvaro Dias aparece, na ...

» Video: Dialing 911 Could Land You On A Terror Watch List Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

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infowars.com - Asking firefighters and paramedics to double as amateur spies is sure to prompt criticism that the program will only interfere in the vital functions performed by these individuals and that the gov...

Boko Haram Kidnaps Wife of Cameroon's Vice PM, Kills at Least Three

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Truth Tweeter
freebeacon.com - YAOUNDE (Reuters) – Nigerian Boko Haram militants kidnapped the wife of Cameroon’s vice prime minister and killed at least three people on Sunday in a cross-border attack involving more than 200 as...

» Islamic State adds more heavy weapons to growing arsenal Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

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infowars.com - SANA, the Syrian state news agency, said the army inflicted heavy losses on the IS and destroyed its weaponry. The UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a one man anti-Assad operation run b...

Como resolver o conflito Israel-Hamas com algodão-doce

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Carlos Pereira
veja.abril.com.br - Desculpem a demora. Fui resolver o conflito Israel-Hamas. Não dava para esperar a paz através do reconhecimento do Estado de Israel pelos terroristas. Em 2011, o líder Khaled Meshaal já havia prome...

MSNBC: You’re Like 1960s Racists Who Hate Black Schoolkids If You Think Illegals Should Be Deported

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barbwire.com - Melissa Harris-Perry, one of the more celebrated MSNBC hosts, says that those who want to deport immigrants in America illegally are just as bad as the racists in the 1960s who tried to keep their ...

Las otras siete capillas de la Complutense, bajo amenaza - ABC.es

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Elentir ن
abc.es - Hay cierto temor sobre el futuro de las capillas ubicadas en distintas facultades de la Universidad Complutense (UCM). El cierre del oratorio original en Geografía e Historia y su traslado a un aul...

Mark Levin detona Jon Stewart sobre conflito Israel-Hamas. Veja a tradução completa do vídeo

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Carlos Pereira
veja.abril.com.br - O radialista americano Mark Levin esteve no programa de Sean Hannity na Fox News na noite de terça-feira, onde detonou a “desinformação” e a “propaganda em forma de piadas” do apresentador e comedi...

PCs do Planalto tentaram editar Wikipédia para incluir críticas a opositores do governo

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Roger Rocha Moreira
gizmodo.uol.com.br - No início do mês, começaram a surgir bots que avisam quando IPs do governo editam artigos da Wikipédia – seja no Reino Unido, nos EUA ou na França. E no Brasil? Ainda não temos algo parecido, o que...

O Ramadã termina, a oração continua!

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Paulo Teixeira 3147
portasabertas.org.br - Durante 30 dias a Portas Abertas convidou você, cristão brasileiro, a orar por parte do Corpo de Cristo que vive em países muçulmanos, durante o ramadã. Obrigado por fazer a sua parte! Este foi um ...

Never Stop Learning: How Self-Education Creates a Bullet-Proof Career - 99U

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Art of Manliness
99u.com - At the heart of expanding your social graph and reinventing yourself is an unquenchable desire to learn—a mindset that stays fluid and facilitates personal growth. It is the learners, those willing...

CARAS Mobile

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Danilo Gentili
m.caras.uol.com.br - Danilo Gentili começou nesta segunda-feira, 28, as gravações da série de TV Politicamente Incorreto. Com previsão de 13 episódios, a série baseada no show de stand up homônimo -- que virou DVD e li...

Sabatina com Dilma será transmitida ao vivo do Alvorada - 28/07/2014 - Poder - Folha de S.Paulo

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Marisa Cruz
folha.uol.com.br - A presidente Dilma Rousseff, candidata à reeleição no pleito de outubro, participa nesta segunda-feira (28) da série de sabatinas realizadas pela Folha, pelo portal UOL (ambos do Grupo Folha), pelo...

Teriam que demitir todos os analistas de bancos, ironiza Aécio - Política - Estadão

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Marisa Cruz
politica.estadao.com.br - ELIZABETH LOPES E RICARDO CHAPOLA - Agência Estado O candidato do PSDB à Presidência da República, Aécio Neves, ironizou nesta segunda-feira, 28, a postura do PT e do governo da adversária, a presi...

77% want illegals sent home; 81% say it’s serious

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Resist Tyranny
resisttyranny.net - A huge majority of Americans, 81 percent, believe the new immigration crisis of unaccompanied children streaming over the U.S.-Mexico border is serious, and almost as many want them gone – some eve...

End Abortion Now! ProLife - Support Campaign

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Covenant Tabernacle
twibbon.com - Join Personhood USA and Personhood organizations in all 50 states by praying and working to end abortion. The US Constitution assures that no person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property ...

SURE – Ready for EPIC run. Coverage Initiated : Xtremepicks | Penny Stock Alerts | Penny Stocks | Penny Stock Picks | Best Penny Stocks

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xtremepicks.com - When Direct Global Media jumps on a company, things really get going crazy – remember EKNL? or even DROP? When DGM initiated coverage we saw 1,000s % gains. SURE is definitely primed for a major mo...
Meio Ambiente

Comunicar a tragédia ou as soluções? - Publicado originalmente na edição espanhola do Huffington Post, 22/7/2014; título original “Cambio climático: ¿comunicar la tragedia o las soluciones?” | Observatório da Imprensa

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observatoriodaimprensa.com.br - Embora a ciência considere o tema da mudança climática fato consumado, a opinião pública não vê o assunto da mesma maneira. Uma vez por outra, os painéis intergovernamentais de especialistas que es...

The NSA's New Partner in Spying: Saudi Arabia's Brutal State Police - The Intercept

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firstlook.org - The National Security Agency last year significantly expanded its cooperative relationship with the Saudi Ministry of Interior, one of the world’s most repressive and abusive government agencies. A...

PT trata condenados do mensalão 'como heróis', critica Aécio - Terra Brasil

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João Paulo M.
noticias.terra.com.br - O candidato do PSDB à Presidência da República, senador Aécio Neves (MG), afirmou durante agenda de campanha nesta segunda-feira, em São Paulo, que o PT tratou “como heróis” réus ligados ao partido...

Dois pesos, duas medidas, o mesmo alinhamento - | Observatório da Imprensa

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observatoriodaimprensa.com.br - Desde quinta-feira(17/7), quando foi derrubado o avião da Malaysian Airlines sobre a Ucrânia e o exército israelita voltou a invadir Gaza, assistimos nos grandes media ocidentais de impacto global ...

The Phone Unlocking Victory Should Be the First Step Towards Real Copyright Reform

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eff.org - It's increasingly rare for Congress to actually pass bills into law, but Friday brought some good news from Capitol Hill: More than a year after the exemption covering phone unlocking expired and a...

Gifts for the College Student

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Dawn (USMC Mom)
squidoo.com - Traveling home in an airport is a breeze as the the laptop compartment of this backpack is accessible from the side for easy access. Throw in a pair of clothes and you have an overnight travel carr...

O jornal como mídia do conhecimento | Blogs OI | Observatório da Imprensa - Você nunca mais vai ler jornal do mesmo jeito

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observatoriodaimprensa.com.br - Estamos de tal forma condicionados pela preocupação comercial e política dos jornais que tornou-se difícil imaginar como eles podem servir para nos ajudar a resolver problemas pessoais e das comuni...

Papa pede perdão pelas perseguições dos católicos aos protestantes - 28/07/2014 - Mundo - Folha de S.Paulo

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Igor Miguel
folha.uol.com.br - O papa Francisco pediu nesta segunda-feira (28) perdão pelas perseguições cometidas pelos católicos aos pentecostais, durante viagem à cidade de Caserta, no sul da Itália, onde se reuniu com seu am...

Treinta familias accederán a un hogar propio con ayuda de Cáritas Argentina

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - BUENOS AIRES, 28 Jul. 14 / 08:31 pm (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- Mons. Antonio Marino, Obispo de Mar del Plata (Argentina), bendijo los terrenos donde se construirán las viviendas que beneficiarán a unas ...

Um anjo chamado Ivan - | Observatório da Imprensa | Observatório da Imprensa - Você nunca mais vai ler jornal do mesmo jeito

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observatoriodaimprensa.com.br - O que dizer de Ivan Vargas? Sinceramente, não sei ainda o que falar sobre este lindo ato humanitário de amor. Ato escasso nos tempos atuais. Quem assistiu ao Fantástico no domingo (13/7) deparou co...

Houston Sting Catches Uber Drivers Accepting Street Hails

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barbwire.com - Private investigators hired by local cab companies succeeded in bypassing the Uber app and negotiating rides with several drivers directly, according to Houston’s KHOU News. The cab companies say t...

Topular Magazine format

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Richard Bejah
richardbejah.com - The RGB Blog is to help you in your life, provide inspiration and entertainment. This is a private non-commercial blog. Click here for the latest TOPULAR posts featured on Alltop.... I do hope you ...

Pesquisa aponta cenário desfavorável à reeleição de Dilma Rousseff . Noticias / Rádio Itatiaia - A Rádio de Minas

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Marisa Cruz
itatiaia.com.br - Segundo a MCM, as últimas pesquisas Datafolha e Ibope representaram um ponto de virada ("turning point") para o novo cenário, agora desfavorável à reeleição. "Ambas mostraram continuidade na tendên...

Google faz experimento para ‘viralizar’ resultados de buscas - Tradução: Fernanda Lizardo, edição de Leticia Nunes. Com informações de Aarti Shahani [“In Google Newsroom, Brazil Defeat Is Not A Headline”, National Public Radio, 9/7/14] | Observatório da Imprensa

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observatoriodaimprensa.com.br - Uma pesquisa no Google a respeito da fatídica partida Brasil x Alemanha, na semifinal da Copa do Mundo, certamente irá encontrar resultados que utilizem as palavras “humilhação”, “derrota” e “vexam...

‘Morgan Freeman’ Captures What We Heard in Our Heads Reading Lebron ‘Coming Home’ Letter

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barbwire.com - You might have read Lebron James’s “coming home” letter announcing his intentions of moving on from the Miami Heat to go back to Cleveland. But did you hear it in your head in the voice of Morgan F...

Melhores Momentos 2014 – O PNE, a importância das APAEs e a valorizaçao do professorPortal Alvaro Dias

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Alvaro Dias
alvarodias.com.br - O senador Alvaro Dias foi o relator do Plano Nacional de Educação(PNE) no Senado. Reveja partes do debate sobre a inclusão de alunos especiais no ensino regular, a manutenção das APAES e a valoriza...

Global Voices · #Gaza: Civilian Death Toll Mounts in Israeli Offensive

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Global Voices
globalvoicesonline.org - At least 1,000 Palestinians have been killed and more than 6,000 injured since Israel launched a massive offensive against the coastal strip on July 8. Seventy-five percent of the Palestinians kill...

La orden viene de muy alto, eres un pez muy gordo que has hecho mucho daño

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infocatolica.com - De las 48 personas beatificadas entre las que murieron el martes 28 de julio, hablamos ayer de la dominica Ramona Perramón. Los grupos más numerosos fueron los de los 14 estudiantes claretianos ase...

Republicans’ Senate Chances Rise Slightly to 60 Percent - NYTimes.com

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Drew McKissick
nytimes.com - YouGov Estimates of the Vote in Possible Senate Matchups Other and undecided responses are not shown. Both Senate seats in South Carolina and Oklahoma are up for election in 2014. Source: YouGov (C...

Arolde de Oliveira | Convenção das Assembleias de Deus da CEADER acontece em setembro

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Arolde de Oliveira
aroldedeoliveira.com.br - Presidente da Convenção, Pr. Alberto Serafim anunciou programação em visita a deputado Arolde O pastor Alberto Serafim , presidente da Convenção Evangélica das Assembleias de Deus no Estado do Rio ...

#ContentChat - A Twitter Chat about Content Marketing

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smartershift.com - During last week’s chat on Favorite Content Marketing Tools, a couple of our #ContentChat community members expressed a desire for a deeper dive into some of the tools that were mentioned. One of t...

Major new fears over war with Russia

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WND News
wnd.com - WASHINGTON – Germany’s foreign minister believes the Ukrainian crisis with Russia could prompt a war between Europe and Russia, warning of “unforeseeable consequences for all of Europe.” Frank-Walt...

The Philippines’ ‘Anti-Corruption’ President Is Facing Impeachment Calls Over Accusations of Corruption · Global Voices

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Global Voices
globalvoicesonline.org - Philippine President Benigno ‘Noynoy’ Aquino III won on an anti-corruption platform in 2010. Four years later, some are calling for his impeachment for what they see as systemic corruption and patr...

CUTENESS ALERT: Toddler Discovers His Magic Powers Over 500 Teens

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barbwire.com - It’s very clear who’s in control of more than 500 boys at North Carolina’s Camp Rockmont, and it looks like he’s having an awesome time finding this out. We have no tolerance for comments containin...

Pessimismo do mercado com os rumos da economia: projeção de crescimento do PIB é reduzida mais uma vezPortal Alvaro Dias

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Alvaro Dias
alvarodias.com.br - Pela nona semana consecutiva economistas de instituições financeiras reduziram a projeção de crescimento da economia. Os dados estão na pesquisa Focus do Banco Central, divulgada nesta segunda-feir...

El Papa da vía libre a las monjas de Vergara para seguir adelante con su vida religiosa

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infocatolica.com - El 25 de julio, solemnidad del apóstol Santiago, ha sido la fecha elegida para la constitución de las «Hermanas de María Stella Matutina» como Asociación Pública de Fieles en vista a ser erigida co...

Gallup: Israel’s critics are younger, less educated, less informed and more Democratic « Hot Air

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Drew McKissick
hotair.com - First, the reassuring news: Americans’ pro-Israel sentiments remain near an all-time high, according to Pew’s latest numbers, and CNN measures public support for Israel’s recent actions against Ham...

Doctor shares Affordable Care Act failure story with John Thune

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Truth Tweeter
twitchy.com - S. Dakotans: Are you facing canceled coverage, higher premiums & copays, or fewer doc choices? Share #YourStory: 1.usa.gov/WRe3uH Anyone saying that Obamacare isn’t making everything awesome must n...

Jô Soares é internado em hospital de São Paulo - 28/07/2014 - Ilustrada - Folha de S.Paulo

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Pe. Joãozinho, SCJ
folha.uol.com.br - O apresentador Jô Soares, 76, está internado no hospital Sírio Libanês, em São Paulo. A causa da internação, bem como a data em que ela começou e se há previsão de alta, não foi confirmada pela ass...
Meio Ambiente

Pessoas que bebem ganham mais

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Sérgio Pavarini
pavablog.com - A lógica, segundo o pessoal da Universidade de San José, nos EUA, é que quem bebe umas por aí tende a ser mais extrovertido. Por isso a pessoa faz mais contatos profissionais, o que, por sua vez, r...

Aprovação do PNE foi destaque do semestre no CongressoPortal Alvaro Dias

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Alvaro Dias
alvarodias.com.br - Nicanor, me perdoe, e eu sinto muito, mas verdade seja dita, apesar da aliança entre o PSDB e DEM, em nível nacional e o senador Alvaro Dias ou seus assessores me repreendam pelo que vou dizer, sen...

9 questions about the Israel-Palestine conflict you were too embarrassed to ask - Vox

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Open Doors USA
vox.com - Everyone has heard of the Israel-Palestine conflict. Everyone knows it's bad, that it's been going on for a long time, and that there is a lot of hatred on both sides. But you may find yourself les...

Camina con nosotros por la defensa de la Vida

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docs.google.com - Comenzamos el dia 7 de julio en Malaga y acabamos el 10 de agosto en Santiago de Compostela. No hace falta que te apuntes a todo el recorrido, puedes ayudarnos un día, una semana, dos semanas o lo ...

Criacionismo: Papa pede perdão por perseguições aos pentecostais

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Michelson Borges
criacionismo.com.br - segunda-feira, julho 28, 2014 Papa pede perdão por perseguições aos pentecostais Papa abraça pastor evangélico O papa Francisco pediu nesta segunda-feira (28) perdão pelas perseguições cometidas pe...

Gerdau fecha fábrica e demite 160 em Sorocaba - Economia - Notícia - VEJA.com

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Marisa Cruz
veja.abril.com.br - Sindicato dos metalúrgicos de Sorocaba pediu reunião com a Gerdau para tentar evitar demissões (Mirian Fichtner/Pluf Fotografias) A direção da Gerdau, a maior siderúrgica do Brasil, anunciou o fech...

Dilma celebra recorde da Vale: ato falho em defesa da privatização

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Rodrigo Constantino
veja.abril.com.br - Vejam o que foi postado na página oficial da Dilma no Facebook: A Vale quebrou recorde histórico de produção de minério de ferro para o segundo trimestre. Entre abril e junho, a empresa produziu 79...

Thai bishops' seminar focuses on evangelization :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

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Catholic News Agency
catholicnewsagency.com - Bangkok, Thailand, Jul 28, 2014 / 07:02 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- At a recent conference held in Bangkok, Thai bishops gathered with the faithful to share and reflect on ways to share the gospel in thei...

Photos show border militias moving across Texas

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Resist Tyranny
resisttyranny.net - Photos showing dozens of members of the militia groups on the U.S.-Mexico border carrying semi-automatic rifles and wearing masks, camouflage and tactical gear provide one of the first glimpses int...

Líder Nacional do MST promete “guerra” se Aécio ganhar

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Edmilson Papo 10
revoltabrasil.com.br - Publicado por Revolta Brasil em 6 julho, as 15 : 09 PM Print O blog de Rodrigo Viana, da Revista Forum, divulgou uma matéria no mínimo preocupante. Em entrevista,  João Pedro Stédile promete “GUERR...

Amigo da onça (2) | Augusto Nunes - VEJA.com

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Augusto Nunes
veja.abril.com.br - Edinho Silva, deputado estadual do PT paulista e tesoureiro da campanha de Dilma Rousseff, juntando-se a Luiz Marinho na campanha destinada a convencer Paulo Skaf a dividir com Alexandre Padilha a ...

Personhood FL ProLife PAC Candidates Federal State Endorse

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Sanctity Human Life
personhoodflprolifepac.com - Personhood FL ProLife PAC today contacted candidates running for federal, state, district wide, and local races to seek endorsement based on their prolife stance. Candidates seeking endorsement sho...

Escritora erótica Sylvia Day estará na Bienal do livro de São Paulo

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Sérgio Pavarini
livrosepessoas.com - A escritora americana Sylvia Day confirmou nesta segunda (28) sua presença na 23ª Bienal de São Paulo, que acontece entre 22 e 31 de agosto, no Anhembi, zona norte de São Paulo. No dia 30 de agosto...

Orthodoxy on Sale: The Last Byzantine and the Lost Crusade

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medievalists.net -    Orthodoxy on Sale: The Last Byzantine and the Lost Crusade Proceedings of the 21st International Congress of Byzantine Studies, London, 21–26 August (2006) Introduction: In July of 1460 a Veneti...

Boko Haram Blamed in New Capture - WSJ

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Open Doors USA
online.wsj.com - Boko Haram kidnapped the wife of Cameroon's vice prime minister on Sunday, as the Nigerian Islamist insurgency escalated hostilities after five days of gunbattles with the neighboring army. The inc...

Pra quê um Templo de Salomão?

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Internautas Cristãos
internautascristaos.com - A volta de Cristo Que autoridade Jesus tem? Corrupção Religiosa E Não Sirvamos mais ao Pecado Kit Sai Encosto Você me faz tão bem A influência pós-moderna na adoração bíblica Os Cânones de Dort - A...

Pacifismo: uma gostosa perdição

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Rodrigo Constantino
veja.abril.com.br - Por Lucas Pessoa Alexandre, publicado no Instituto Liberal Estava checando meu Facebook quando, de repente, deparo-me com uma postagem de um rapaz, na qual cita um trecho retirado do livro “Convers...

Francisco llama a defender la vida, ocupándose de la pobreza y de las fragilidades - Vatican Insider

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Derecho a Vivir
vaticaninsider.lastampa.it - Defender la vida en contra de la «cultura de la muerte», y hacerlo no solo trabajando para garantizar «una adecuada tutela legal» a este derecho humano, sino también ocupándose de las «nuevas forma...

The IRS’ clean-up guy sure doesn’t seem to know what he’s doing

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Resist Tyranny
resisttyranny.net - The Internal Revenue Service’s clean-up guy sure doesn’t seem to know what he’s doing, does he? Watch as Trey Gowdy (R-SC)eviscerates Commisioner John Kosikenen about the on-going investigation int...

Não é bem assim: veja os 'escorregões' de Dilma durante sabatina - Notícias - UOL Eleições 2014

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Marcos Matias
eleicoes.uol.com.br - Presidente Dilma Rousseff (PT), candidata à reeleição, durante sabatina Durante sabatina realizada nesta segunda-feira (28) a presidente Dilma Rousseff foi imprecisa ao falar de sua rejeição, ao ci...

Why the Border Crisis Is a Myth - NYTimes.com

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Un Mundo Sin Mordaza
nytimes.com - EL PASO — TO hear the national news media tell the story, you would think my city, El Paso, and others along the Texas-Mexico border were being overrun by children — tens of thousands of them, some...

Cleonice Berardinelli, (quase) 100 anos de poesia

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Sérgio Pavarini
livrosepessoas.com - Perto do centenário, professora especializada em literatura portuguesa lança livro, faz recital e participa de dois documentários RIO – Cleonice Berardinelli achava estrada e ponte a coisa mais lin...

The Dispute Between Radical Feminism and Transgenderism

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Robert Stacy McCain
newyorker.com - On May 24th, a few dozen people gathered in a conference room at the Central Library, a century-old Georgian Revival building in downtown Portland, Oregon, for an event called Radfems Respond. The ...

The history and culture of wine

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historyoftheancientworld.com - Introduction: Wine for me is an avocation rather than a vocation. My primary work is as an historian of Anglo-American relations, but it will not be the first time that an increasing interest in a ...

Complications Of Abortion

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Personhood Colorado
ourcatholicfaith.org - My objective in building this site is to spread the truth of the Christian Faith - the truth of the Catholic Faith. Many of our brothers and sisters are misinformed or have no knowledge about our C...


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m.facebook.com - Encerro esse dia com grande alegria de reencontrar amigos de 2 decadas que eu tanto admiro e tenho como referencia. Pela primeira vez Empreendedores Sociais de diversos segmentos são convidados por...

Mercosul sai em defesa da Argentina e vê risco para economia regional - BBC Brasil - Notícias

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bbc.co.uk - O Mercosul saiu em defesa da Argentina diante da crise com os fundos credores (os chamados fundos "abutres"), que pode levar o país a declarar um "calote técnico" na próxima quarta-feira. O bloco e...

Personhood FL Launches Florida ProLife Personhood Amendment

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Personhood Colorado
personhoodfl.com - Have you heard the news? Personhood FL has launched a new prolife petition called the Florida ProLife Personhood Amendment. Personhood FL will collect petition signatures from registered Florida vo...
Meio Ambiente

Di Sí a la Vida: ¡Vente con CrossRoads al Camino de Santiago PROLIFE!

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Derecho a Vivir
hazteoir.org - Si tienes ganas de hacer algo diferente este verano, comparte valores con quienes echan el resto por defender el derecho a vivir. Esta es tu oportunidad: apúntate a la III Edición del Camino de San...

Kids don’t want Michelle Obama’s lunches; sales down in 49 states

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Resist Tyranny
resisttyranny.net - School cafeteria workers, already frustrated that kids don’t like menus ordered by Michelle Obama and the Agriculture Department, slapped as “offensive” the first lady’s latest criticism that some ...

Cranmer: While thousands of Christians flee Iraq, the Vicar of Baghdad keeps on going back

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Archbishop Cranmer
archbishop-cranmer.blogspot.co.uk - He calls them "My people". Not because he was born among them, or because he shares their religion, ethnicity or cultural identity. But because, as he says, he loves them. And that love transcends ...

Hepatite mata quase tanto quanto a Aids, afirma OMS - 28/07/2014 - Equilíbrio e Saúde - Folha de S.Paulo

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folha.uol.com.br - A hepatite é uma doença quase tão letal quanto a Aids, tendo matado 1,4 milhão de pessoas por ano, anunciaram na semana passada, em Genebra, vários especialistas da OMS (Organização Mundial da Saúd...

Viciados como agentes racionais - Portal Libertarianismo

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Libertarianismo +
libertarianismo.org - Publicado em 9 de julho de 2014 | por Cathy Reisenwitz Por muito tempo, tanto a grande mídia como meios de comunicação menores têm retratado viciados em drogas como zumbis incapazes de tomar decisõ...

Voices in Danger: The innocent journalist kidnapped by Russian separatists for 'spying' - Comment - Voices - The Independent

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Index on Censorship
independent.co.uk - A friend of a friend had arranged for Stanko and her cameraman, Ilya Bezkorovaynyi, to be escorted through Eastern Ukraine by members of the high-profile security unit known as “Death to Spies” (SM...

U.N. calls for immediate cease-fire in Gaza as lull in fighting prevails - The Washington Post

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Un Mundo Sin Mordaza
washingtonpost.com - International efforts to end the devastating three-week-old Gaza war intensified Monday with the U.N. Security Council calling for an “immediate and unconditional humanitarian cease-fire” in the co...

It's A Myth That GOP Is Party Of The Wealthy - Investors.com

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news.investors.com - Free Speech: Right after the Supreme Court's decision to lift limits on campaign contributions, Democrats and their left-wing supporters assaulted the decision as a boon to Republicans, "the party ...

The Medici Bank and the World of Florentine Capitalism

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medievalists.net -    The Medici Bank and the World of Florentine Capitalism Introduction: The old debate about the vigour of the spirit of capitalism in late medieval Italy wore itself out long ago, not having gener...

Blog do Coronel: Presidência usa computadores do Palácio do Planalto para caluniar adversários.

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coturnonoturno.blogspot.com - Onze computadores do governo federal foram usados para alterar páginas da Wikipédia, enciclopédia on-line cujos textos podem ser editados livremente, como as do ex-ministro da Saúde Alexandre Padil...

Americans (except Democrats) blame Hamas over Israel by 2-1 margin – PEW poll : Fire Andrea Mitchell!

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fireandreamitchell.com - No matter how much propaganda the corrupt media and progressive liberal Democrats in this country want to feed the public, people start aren’t falling for the ‘poor Hamas’ bullshit. By more than a ...

Minha Bela Mulher: comercial tailandês destaca a grandeza da maternidade - padrepauloricardo.org

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Padre Paulo Ricardo
padrepauloricardo.org - 19/02/2014 22:41 | Categorias: Pró-Vida, Sociedade Três mulheres de vida aparentemente ordinária transformam-se em testemunhos a partir da doação e do sacrifício da maternidade Uma série de comerci...

Donate to Rob Maness via Paypal

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robmaness.com - Donate to Rob Maness via Paypal First Name Required Last Name Required Address Required City Required state Choose Your State Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delawar...

'Hardball' Host Matthews Ignores Leaked Michelle Nunn Campaign Strategy Memo

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newsbusters.org - This morning the National Review's Eliana Johnson published  jaw-dropping scoop about a Democratic strategy memo for Georgia U.S. Senate candidate Michelle Nunn, daughter of the former Peach State ...

WORLD | The rising tide of Muslim converts to Christianity | Warren Cole Smith

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WORLD News Group
worldmag.com - If you spend any time keeping up with the news, you know that radical Islam is a significant and destructive force in the world. David Garrison, does not disagree with that assessment, but he says ...

Aceprensa | Para que la familia asegure el capital social

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aceprensa.com - Este artículo es solo para suscriptores. Si está suscrito, inicie sesión introduciendo su nombre de usuario y su contraseña en el formulario de la parte superior de la página. Puede suscribirse aho...

Save the Iraqi Christian Community!

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citizengo.org - Today, the world is witnessing the mass persecution and genocide of the Iraqi Christian population. Sadly, the international community has expressed very little concern about their fate, with few c...

Vou orar por você - Cristianismo Hoje

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Cristianismo Hoje
cristianismohoje.com.br - Sentei-me à mesa, de frente para minha amiga Susan, olhando no fundo de seus olhos repletos de profunda tristeza e fiquei pensando em como eu poderia ajudá-la. Sua situação era algo fora do meu alc...

El sector artesano madrileño genera el 12,5% del empleo artesano nacional - ABC.es

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PP de Madrid
abc.es - El sector artesano de Madrid representa el 12,5 por ciento del empleo artesano a nivel nacional, cuenta con un total de 8.205 empresas artesanas y una generación de autoempleo del 27,2 por ciento, ...

Border Patrol points loaded gun at Iowa Boy Scouts

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Resist Tyranny
resisttyranny.net - Jim Fox, Boy Scout Troop 111 leader, told Iowa KCCI television the boys were threatened by the agents for taking a photo. “The agent took his camera. Told them they would be arrested. Fined possibl...

Às vésperas do calote, Argentina envia nova missão a Nova York - Economia - Estadão

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economia.estadao.com.br - BUENOS AIRES - O chefe do gabinete de ministros, Jorge Capitanich, anunciou nesta segunda-feira que uma nova missão do ministério da Economia da Argentina desembarcará na terça-feira em Nova York. ...

Journalists Subpoenaed In Defamation Suit Against ABC

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newsbusters.org - Several journalists at Food Safety News and The New York Times were subpoenaed in the the latest development in the legal fight between a beef producer and ABC News, according to Columbia Journalis...

Thai bishops' seminar focuses on evangelization :: EWTN News

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Catholic News Live
ewtnnews.com - At a recent conference held in Bangkok, Thai bishops gathered with the faithful to share and reflect on ways to share the gospel in their local communities. “Let us all, including bishops and pries...

Blog do Coronel: Aécio lidera em Goiás.

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coturnonoturno.blogspot.com - Pesquisa de intenção de votos divulgada na última sexta-feira (25/07) revela que Aécio Neves já é o favorito entre os goianos para ser o próximo presidente do país. O candidato à Presidência da Rep...

Poll: Majority Believe Obama's Promises of Amnesty 'Main Reason' for Border Surge

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Bryan Fischer
breitbart.com - A majority of Americans believe that illegal immigrant juveniles are coming to America because they think the Obama administration will grant them amnesty. A YouGov/Economist poll found that 57 per...

Palace of 'Queen of Mean' goes on block for $65M

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cnsnews.com - GREENWICH, Conn. (AP) — The Connecticut mansion that belonged to Leona Helmsley is on the market for $65 million after a three-year renovation. The mansion known as Dunnellen Hall is on 40 acres in...

Proyecto España: todos a una - - Madrid Blog

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PP de Madrid
madridactual.es - Hoy, España tiene ante sí dos grades retos que necesitan una actitud política clara y eficaz para hacerles frente, ambos directamente relacionados. Uno de ellos es asentar la recuperación económica...

Frouxinhos contemporâneos - 28/07/2014 - Luiz Felipe Ponde - Colunistas - Folha de S.Paulo

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Direita S/SE
folha.uol.com.br - O medo é uma emoção básica na vida. Pequenas e grandes frustrações nos assolam por todos os lados. Mas, já disse isso antes, acho que nunca houve uma época tão medrosa como a nossa, com um dom tão ...

Barbeiro, Rossi e Suzana Singer contam o que aprenderam com seus erros na profissão - Portal IMPRENSA

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portalimprensa.com.br - Na última sexta-feira (25/07), aconteceu o segundo dia do 9º Congresso Internacional de Jornalismo Investigativo da Abraji. Entre os painéis, o “Oooops! O que grandes jornalistas aprenderam com seu...

Ayn Rand - Another Communist Jew - henrymakow.com

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Henry Makow
henrymakow.com - Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at

NBC Omits Coverage of Agreement on VA Hospital Bill; Mentions Robots in South Korean Ballpark Instead

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newsbusters.org - Over the weekend, leaders from the House and Senate Veterans Affairs Committees reached an agreement on legislation to reform the troubled Department of Veterans Affairs with the full details unvei...

«Las otras siete capillas de la Complutense, bajo amenaza», denuncia el diario ABC

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profesionalesetica.org - El lunes de la semana pasada el Decano de la Facultad de Geografía e Historia de la Universidad Complutense procedía al vergonzoso cierre de la capilla de dicha Facultad. Atrás quedaban unos intens...

Poll: 77%–Including 66% of Hispanics–Want Illegals Sent Back

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Bryan Fischer
breitbart.com - According to a YouGov/Economist poll, 77% of Americans – including 66% of Hispanics, 64% of blacks, 92% of Republicans, 80% of independents, and 67% of Democrats – want the illegal immigrants retur...
Meio Ambiente

Comienzan las obras de la Ciudad de la Seguridad

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PP de Madrid
grupoppmadrid.es - Estará ubicada en diversos edificios rehabilitados en los Recintos Feriales de la Casa de Campo y en otro de nueva construcción. Se hace realidad así uno de los compromisos anunciados por la alcald...

83,000 Obama Department of Defense workers have tax debt : Fire Andrea Mitchell!

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fireandreamitchell.com - If you are a tea party or conservative group trying to get tax exempt status, then the Obama IRS will extort everything they can from you. if you ever get your tax exempt status approved by Obama’s...

Após criticar vereador, MP investigará vínculo político de radialista em Piracicaba (SP) - Portal IMPRENSA

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portalimprensa.com.br - O Ministério Público Estadual investigará a situação trabalhista do apresentador da rádio municipal Educativa FM de Piracicaba (SP), Xilmar Ulisses Aquino Santos, e o suposto desvirtuamento do uso ...

Donate to Antiwar.com

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antiwar.com - Antiwar.com provides you with the most comprehensive set of news and opinions that track the latest moves of the War Party. With both original columnists and links to the best foreign policy writin...

El Ayuntamiento de La Carlota (PSOE) veta los motivos religiosos en las Fiestas del Cristo de la Misericordia

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Elentir ن
hazteoir.org - Prohíbe a los adjudicatarios de casetas municipales que coloquen «elementos decorativos, adornos o cualquier otro con connotaciones de ideología política y/o religiosa» y excluye a cofradías, parti...

Lidando com as ameaças. O trabalho investigativo no jornalismo regional

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portal.comunique-se.com.br - Como funciona o jornalismo investigativo na imprensa local? Pensando em levar a profissionais da área e estudantes de comunicação a resposta para essa pergunta, a Associação Brasileira de Jornalism...

Twitcom - Crie e participe de comunidades e grupos no Twitter

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Janine Rodrigues1515
twitcom.com.br - Para concluir sua inscrição, digite seu email para confirmação. Um email foi enviado, confirme clicando no link de validação. Houver tweets nos nests que sigo Alguém entrar nos nests que sigo Algué...

Networks Refuse to Report Latest IRS Scandal Revelations

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newsbusters.org - The saga of Lois Lerner’s missing emails took a bunch of twists and turns this past week, but you wouldn’t know that if you only got your news from the Big Three (ABC, CBS, NBC) networks. On July 2...

No summer break for debate on Common Core standards for schools - TheCatholicSpirit.com : TheCatholicSpirit.com

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Catholic News Live
thecatholicspirit.com - Even in the dog days of summer, the realization that the school year is just around the corner keeps creeping up like pockets of sprouting weeds in a garden. By mid-July, for example, stores had al...

My Captivity in Ukraine Shows Amateurs Succumb to Hatred - Bloomberg

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Index on Censorship
bloomberg.com - In eastern Ukraine, one text message can turn you into an enemy. In my case, it was sent to my father. “Talked to Borodai at night,” it said about an interview I had with a rebel leader. “So, you a...

Pro-Life Campaigners Appeal to EU Court Over Vetoed Initiative

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dfwcatholic.org - The organisers of the largest petition in European history which called for an end to European funding of research that destroys human embryos have taken their case to the General Court of the Euro...

Obama Nominates "Religious Freedom" Ambassador Who Called Protecting Hobby Lobby "Deeply Troubling"

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Bryan Fischer
lifenews.com - by Steven Ertelt | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 7/28/14 12:54 PM President Barack Obama has nominated a new “Religious Freedom Ambassador,” but his nominee opposes protecting the religious freed...

CBS Promotes Obama Fist Bump In Wake of New Study On Reducing Spread of Germs

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mrc.org - On Monday, July 28, the CBS Evening News with Scott Pelley used a new study showing that high fives are five times more hygienic than shaking hands as a way of promoting President Obama's use of th...

Bush-and-Obama-Appointed Judge: It's 'Dubious Proposition That Same-Sex Couples are Less Capable Parents'

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cnsnews.com - (CNSNews.com) - U.S. Appeals Court Judge Henry F. Floyd--who was nominated to the federal bench by both President George W. Bush and President Barack Obama and who was confirmed to the appeals cour...

Desembargador volta atrás e desobriga Folha a publicar resposta de candidato

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ReginaBrasilia's S/A
portal.comunique-se.com.br - O desembargador José Ivo de Paula Guimarães, do Tribunal Regional Eleitoral de Pernambuco, voltou atrás em uma decisão próprio havia tomado nesse sábado, 26, e suspendeu a ordem de que a Folha de S...

La Comunidad ha perdido 400 millones desde 2009 por el sistema de financiación

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PP de Madrid
europapress.es -    El consejero de Economía y Hacienda, Enrique Ossorio, ha insistido este domingo en que la Comunidad de Madrid ha perdido 400 millones de euros por el sistema de financiación autonómica, al que h...

Blog do Coronel: Hoje tem crime eleitoral no Alvorada.

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coturnonoturno.blogspot.com - A presidente Dilma Rousseff, candidata à reeleição no pleito de outubro, participa nesta segunda-feira (28) da série de sabatinas realizadas pela Folha, pelo portal UOL (ambos do Grupo Folha), pelo...

Palästinalied by Annwn on Spotify

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Elentir ن
open.spotify.com - Tracks in Orbis Alia 01 Madre Deus 05:01 02 Douce Dame Jolie 04:03 03 Herr Mannelig 04:36 04 La Rosa Enflorece 05:23 05 Faili Faili Oro 03:31 06 Ay Linda Amiga 02:55 07 El Rey De Francia 04:23 08 B...

Para Campos, Santander não deveria ter personificado crítica - Política - Estadão

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Roberta C.M.Oliveira
politica.estadao.com.br - O candidato do PSB à Presidência da República, Eduardo Campos, comentou nesta segunda-feira, 28, a carta enviada pelo banco Santander a correntistas de alta renda sugerindo que a reeleição da presi...

Justiça ordena que Rússia pague US$ 51,6 bilhões a acionistas da petrolífera Yukos - Jornal Correio do Brasil

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Correio do Brasil
correiodobrasil.com.br - 28/7/2014 13:43 Por Redação, com Reuters - de Moscou/Londres A corte de arbitragem de Haia decidiu nesta segunda-feira que a Rússia tem de pagar US$ 51,6 bilhões a um grupo de acionistas da gigante...

Top 10 Reasons LG G3 Is Better Than iPhone 5S #attmobilereview

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thechrisvossshow.com - The LG G3’s new 5.5″ Quad HD (2560 x 1440) display transforms the smartphone visual experience at 4 times the resolution of HD. Stunning graphics and life-like colors seem to jump off the screen, s...

Queen of Feminism — Be Careful of "Switch Rape"

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Robert Stacy McCain
lil-purrfect-femme.tumblr.com - So I think I was raped last night…. Or sexually assaulted. I was hooking up with this guy I regularly hook up with since the break up, but I’m not really into him and just kinda want him to satisfy...

La medalla del Sagrado Corazón que el Papa lleva siempre consigo

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Zenit English
zenit.org - El santo padre Francisco reveló en una audiencia con los párrocos de Roma, que hace muchos años tomó del ataúd donde reposaba un amigo sacerdote argentino la cruz del rosario que tenía en sus manos...

Pope Francis visits with evangelicals in southern Italy :: EWTN News

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Catholic News Live
ewtnnews.com - During his visit Monday to an evangelical Christian community in Caserta, Pope Francis said the Holy Spirit creates diversity and unity in the Church, so that the Church lives a “reconciling divers...

Georgia Democrat’s Senate Campaign Plan, Not Meant for Public Eyes, Is Published - NYTimes.com

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Jeffrey Levin
nytimes.com - ATLANTA — Less than one week after Republicans selected their nominee for a United States Senate race in Georgia, the campaign of the Democratic candidate, Michelle Nunn, was jolted on Monday by th...

CBS, NBC Highlight Downside to NYT's Call for Pot Legalization

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mrc.org - As the New York Times launched a high profile editorial to federally legalize marijuana, NBC and CBS on Monday surprisingly showcased the downside of the pro-pot movement in states such as Colorado...

Dilma se enrola toda para defender Mais Médicos em sabatina e ofende médicos brasileiros

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Fernando Cecconello
veja.abril.com.br - Um show de horror! Eis a única expressão para definir a tentativa de a presidente Dilma defender o indefensável: o programa Mais Médicos, que importou milhares de escravos cubanos. Incapaz de respo...

Contracts to buy US homes slip in June

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cnsnews.com - WASHINGTON (AP) — Fewer Americans signed contracts to buy homes in June, as the real estate market appears to have cooled off this summer. The National Association of Realtors said Monday that its ...

Index on Censorship | #IndexDrawtheLine: Can art or journalism ever be terrorism? - Index on Censorship

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Index on Censorship
indexoncensorship.org - Should artists or journalists be exempt from terrorism laws or should inflammatory works be banned? Tweet your thoughts and include #IndexDrawtheLine

Hillary Clinton insists yet again that the so-called reset with Russia was a success

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washingtonexaminer.com - “I saw that firsthand with respect to the parliamentary elections in Russia, because they were filled with irregularities and Russian people poured out into the streets to protest, and I, as secret...

França diz estar pronta para refugiar cristãos perseguidos no Iraque

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Portal Guiame
guiame.com.br - Nesta segunda-feira, 28 de julho, a França disse estar pronta para acolher os cristãos de Mossul, norte do Iraque, que receberam ultimato dos rebeldes do Estado Islâmico. O grupo, que é uma ramific...

Portsmouth by Mike Oldfield on Spotify

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Elentir ن
open.spotify.com - Portsmouth by Mike Oldfield Tracks in Ommadawn (Deluxe Edition) 01 Ommadawn Part One - 2010 Mix / Previously Unreleased 19:05 02 Ommadawn Part One / On Horseback - 2010 Mix / Previously Unreleased ...

Unity, Union and the irony of America’s national identity

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Alan Lee Keyes
loyaltoliberty.com - It’s actually quite tragic that many Americans think incompetence is the reason for the mess Obama has made in response to Russia’s annexation of Crimea and support for Russian separatists in Easte...

Win Free Photoshop CC for 5 Years!

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Christian Del Monte
blog.bidsketch.com - By submitting an entry to the Sweepstakes (the “Sweepstakes”), you acknowledge that you have read and agree to be bound by these Official Rules and the decisions of Bidsketch, and that you satisfy ...

What do we really mean when we talk about SEO today?

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Greg Weir
memeburn.com - It may seem like a really simple answer. SEO is the process of optimising or improving a website to increase organic visibility. And to a large degree, that definition still stands…mostly. There is...

25 Ideas For Blog Posts To Kick-Start Your Content Marketing In 2014

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John Paul Aguiar
johnpaulaguiar.com - It’s is amazing to me that we are already in 2014, feels like just yesterday that I was day dreaming of all my big plans for 2013. I can promise you that 2014 will fly by just as fast. So having a ...

Entretanto em Israel

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O Insurgente
oinsurgente.org - Entretanto em Israel Esta entrada foi publicada em Diversos por Miguel Noronha. Ligação permanente.

Bishop Davies: Lourdes shrine a light amid war, death :: EWTN News

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Catholic News Live
ewtnnews.com - This weekend, shortly before today's centenary of the beginning of World War I, an English bishop has said that the Marian shrine of Lourdes remains “undimmed” and still invites everyone to see the...

Para Aécio, se Dilma perder, a economia brasileira vai ter melhor perspectiva - cmais+ O portal de conteúdo da Cultura

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João Paulo M.
cmais.com.br - Aécio Neves, presidenciável do PSDB, disse nesta segunda-feira (28) que uma vitória da oposição na eleição de outubro vai provocar uma melhora nas perspectivas da economia. Além disso, o psdbista v...

Jaume Matas entra en Centro Penitenciario de Segovia - laSexta

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Jose Cosin
lasexta.com - laSexta.com  |  Madrid  | Actualizado el 28/07/2014 a las 18:05 horas Jaume Matas ha hecho todo lo que estaba en sus manos para evitar cumplir su nueva situación. Solicitó un  indulto que el Gobier...

Obama Criticizes Companies for Denying Him Tax Money He Wants to Spend

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cnsnews.com - (CNSNews.com) - In his Saturday radio address, President Obama criticized American companies that "are fleeing the country to get out of paying taxes." Obama made it clear he wants that money to st...

Silvio Santos recebe convite de Edir Macedo e elogia o Templo de Salomão

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Portal Guiame
guiame.com.br - Neste domingo, 27 de julho, Silvio Santos mostrou o convite que recebeu do bispo Edir Macedo para comparecer à inauguração do Templo de Salomão. O apresentador falou do Templo de Salomão durante o ...

Works and Days » Why Is the World Becoming Such a Nasty Place?

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pjmedia.com - Central American parents send their unescorted children northward in hopes of remittances and eventual anchor amnesty for themselves. Our friend Mexico facilitates the exodus through its own sovere...

My Son @BeauRyan, playing Lucifer in a new short - BEAST by Mike Relm - Tom O'Halloran

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✪Tom O'Halloran✪
tomohalloran.com - My Son @BeauRyan, playing Lucifer in a new short – BEAST by Mike Relm I have an entire page of Beau Ryan‘s work HERE Follow VeronicaCoffin

VenezuelaVetada: Edgardo Ricciuti / LA FARSA CONSTITUYENTE

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Pablo Sánchez Somana
venezuelavetada.com - El poder constituyente es el encargado de diseñar una Constitución. En principio, poder constituyente se refiere a la creación de un orden constitucional, o de un nuevo orden jurídico-político que ...

Women's Health: Cilantro Salsa

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Chantel Martiromo
thetruestoriesstories.blogspot.com - Posted by Chantel Martiromo   Recipe contributed by 30 minutes vegetarian recipes by Marie-laude Morin, Publisher Robert Rose at www,robertrose.ca Thus recipe can easily to double, triple or even q...

Computadores do Planalto editaram Wikipédia para favorecer Dilma e Padilha

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Marisa Cruz
portalnacional.org - Edições removeram suspeitas de corrupção em órgão em que Padilha trabalhou. E inseriram ataques a José Serra durante a disputa eleitoral de 2010 Computadores do Planalto foram usados para editar pá...

The Vital Importance of Conflict Resolution

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Steve Keating CSE
stevekeating.me - I am not a fan of conflict. I’d prefer to have zero conflicts in my life, both my personal life and my professional life. My preference however is unrealistic because conflicts are a part of life. ...

PLAYBLOC - A revista do ativista onanista

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Alexandre Gonçalves
casseta.com.br - Helio Antônio do Couto Filho nasceu na Vila da Penha, no Rio de Janeiro. Por conta da ligação com o bairro, acabou adotando o “de La Peña” em seu nome. O humorista chegou a estudar Engenharia de Pr...

The Real World Implications Of Workplace And Cyberbullying - Forbes

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John Paul Aguiar
forbes.com - I remember my first encounter with a bully – we’ll call him Paul Bugbee. He chased a neighborhood friend of mine home from school for two years, shouting destructive words, despite his parents’ ple...

Hamas rockets fall short, strike Gaza hospital, refugee camp

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Paulo Devechi
wnd.com - TEL AVIV — The Gaza Strip’s main hospital and the third largest Palestinian refugee camp were both struck by failed rocket attacks launched by Gaza terrorists, the Israel Defense Forces told WND to...

Painel Brasil TV - Disque 180 Denuncie a violência doméstica

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Painel Brasil TV
painelbrasil.tv - Roberval Belinati Desembargador do Tribunal de Justiça do Distrito Federal e Coordenador do Nupecon ( Núcleo Permanente de Métodos Consensuais de Solução de Conflitos). O Tribunal de Justiça do Dis...

1 Angel with a Little Book / 2 Witnesses and Sounding of the 7th Trumpet (Revelation 10-11)

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aheartforgod.org - Welcome to Week 6 of the Book of Revelation Bible Study. (To join the group, click here. To download the instructions and schedule, click here.) Chat takes place on Facebook for 1 hour every Sunday...

Kyle J. Norton Health Tips for Better Living and Living Health: Proctitis – Ischemic proctitis Treatments In conventional medicine perspective

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Kyle J.Norton
kylejnorton.blogspot.com - Proctitis is is defined as a condition of inflammation of the anus and the lining of the rectum (i.e., the distal 10–12 cm) of that can lead to bowl discomfort, bleeding, a discharge of mucus or pu...

Learning From Bodies : Turtle Bay and Beyond – International Law, Policy, and Institutions

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turtlebayandbeyond.org - I have now spent a lot of time with other people’s bodies—very old bodies and very new bodies, severely disabled, sick, or just plain worn-out bodies, bodies in labor, bodies that are well and stro...

André Valadão recebe Homenagem

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Portal Guiame
musica.guiame.com.br - Na última segunda, 07/07, o Pastor André Valadão esteve em São Paulo para participar do Quadro de Homenagem no Programa Raul Gil. Durante o programa, André foi homenageado por vários artistas do me...

Jihad On America with Tom O’Halloran – Show 1- May 16 – Islam Is NOT A Religion

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✪Tom O'Halloran✪
patriotradioshow.com - http://patriotradioshow.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/Jihad-On-America-May-16-Show-1.mp3
Meio Ambiente

Julio Severo: Suécia Soviética? Nação que no passado era modelo se transformando em país de terceiro mundo

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Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - Há na realidade um problema com imigração na Europa. Mesmo países pobres, no contexto europeu, como a Bulgária apresentam indicadores de bem estar muito superiores ao resto do mundo. Comparar a Bul...

Shave ice vendor defies town's new ban on peddlers

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cnsnews.com - WESTERLY, R.I. (AP) — A $3 cup of shave ice is at the center of a dispute in this beach town between street vendors trying to stay in business and town officials who say the vendors cause traffic c...

Women's Health: Ginseng and Alzheimer's disease

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Chantel Martiromo
thetruestoriesstories.blogspot.com - Ginseng and Alzheimer's disease Posted by Chantel Martiromo  Alzheimer's disease is a brain disorder correlated with major reductions of neurons to the respective target areas and named after Germa...

Cristiano en Iraq: "o te vas o la espada"

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CitizenGO es
citizengo.org - ULTIMA HORA (27 de julio) Papa Francisco: "Os lo pido de corazón, detened la guerra" ULTIMA HORA (27 de julio) El Papa Francisco llama al obispo caldeo para apoyarle ULTIMA HORA (27 de julio) ANALI...

Análisis de medios 28 de julio de 2014

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Leonardo Cuellar.
colectivodeanalisis.wordpress.com - Dos elementos críticos hacia la Asamblea Legislativa dominan algunas de las secciones de política en la prensa escrita conservadora. Por un lado, el interés de LPG en indagar acerca de gastos de vi...

Time I Wish I Had Back

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Steve Keating CSE
lifegetsmessyleadwithlove.com - Two years ago, I met a new friend at our children’s elementary school.  She was volunteering at an event and while talking to a mutual friend, we were introduced. Ann was one of those people who in...

Raphael: Paul in Athens

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Art and the Bible
artbible.info - Paul came to Athens on his second missionary journey. He visits a synagogue and tries to find new followers. Here he addresses a crowd. The scene may have happened on the Aeropagus or Mars' Hill, a...


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Vitor Vieira
ln.is - People are already having fun with Linkis.com, sharing links easily and customizing them in few simple clicks. It's super cool automation feature does everything for you. Sit back and have fun whil...

Ariano Suassuna: um esquerdismo transitando entre a safadeza e a loucura « Ceticismo Político

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Luciano Henrique
lucianoayan.com - Um texto publicado pelo blog chapa branca Pragmatismo Político dá uma dimensão de como o esquerdismo faz alguns de seus funcionais perderem o juízo. O recém falecido Ariano Suassuna também foi uma ...

How to Build, Nurture, Grow, Sustain & Ignite Social Media Communities

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John Paul Aguiar
pammarketingnut.com - How do you leverage social media to build, nurture, grow and sustain meaningful, connected and powerful communities? The truth is it takes time, patience and an investment in people as human beings...

Painel Brasil TV - Hepatite B e C Doença Silenciosa

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Painel Brasil TV
painelbrasil.tv - Em entrevista ao Painel Brasil a doutora da Secretaria de Saúde do DF do Programa de Hepatites, Amália Viana, explica a diferença nos tipos da doença e os tipos de tratamento. Dentre as hepatites v...

Racionamento já, recomenda Ministério Público Federal ao governo de SP - Fausto Macedo

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Roberta C.M.Oliveira
blogs.estadao.com.br - Em meio à maior crise hídrica do Estado, Procuradoria dá 10 dias para Palácio dos Bandeirantes informar sobre providências O Ministério Público Federal em São Paulo recomendou ao governador Geraldo...

Cicero “A tear dries quickly when it is shed for troubles of others.” — Philosophical Quotes

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Philosophers quotes
philosophical-quotes.com - « A tear dries quickly when it is shed for troubles of others. » Cicero Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *

US Tax Code Causes Businesses to Flee Overseas

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Accuracy In Media
dailycaller.com - Free-market advocates say Treasury Secretary Jack Lew wants to treat the symptoms rather than the cause of U.S. businesses seeking lower taxes overseas. Lew is the latest Obama official to make the...

Hall of Fame Tweets (Volume 7)

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aheartforgod.org - Mike Campagna (affectionately known by some as Pastor Mike) is making the most of web technologies to encourage disciples. A self-proclaimed “twitterholic,” one twitter follower describes him as th...

Kyle J. Norton Health Tips for Better Living and Living Health: Phytochemicals and Lupus

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Kyle J.Norton
kylejnorton.blogspot.com - Phytochemicals and Lupus Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) or Lupus is a chronic, autoimmune disease as as a result of the development of autoantibodies that attack the systems and organs in the b...

Alerta Total: Adeus, PT

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alertatotal.net - segunda-feira, 28 de julho de 2014 Adeus, PT A cinco meses da eleição presidencial é evidente o sentimento de enfado, cansaço, de esgotamento com a forma de governar do Partido dos Trabalhadores. É...

Insomnio garantizado - Columnistas - Opinión

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eluniverso.com - Leer Mapa dibujado por un espía, la obra recién publicada de Guillermo Cabrera Infante, puede dejarlo sin dormir un par de semanas. La primera semana, las noches se le irán mientras lee el libro. E...

Going Nuts For Squirrelly Memes (2014 Update)

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Greg Wilson
petslady.com - The animal kingdom is thriving on the Internet, as we've witnessed with folks' interest in virtual pets. Whether they're buying cows at Farmville or laughing out loud at the hilariously inane cat s...

Meet the Controversial Brazilian Church Behind the Flagler Street "We Undo Witchcraft" Sign

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Alec Duarte
blogs.miaminewtimes.com - It's left many a driver doing a doubletake and mouthing, ¿Qué? Curiosity has built in recent months, with a Reddit post on the topic inspiring dozens of comments and a Twitter outburst speculating ...

Julio Severo: Céticos das vacinas fazem alertas importantes

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Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - 9 de outubro de 2013 Céticos das vacinas fazem alertas importantes Céticos das vacinas fazem alertas importantes Outdoors incentivam pessoas a aprender sobre riscos e falhas antes de vacinar os fil...

Jihad On America with Tom O’Halloran – Show 4 – June 6

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✪Tom O'Halloran✪
patriotradioshow.com - http://patriotradioshow.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Jihad-On-America-June-6-Show-4.mp3Jihad On America with Tom O’Halloran – Show 4 – June 6

Confira a entrevista de Emerson, ex-Pique Novo para o Ligado no Gospel

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Portal Guiame
musica.guiame.com.br - Emerson, ex-integrante do Pique Novo, lança álbum inédito pela Sony Music Na tarde da última quinta-feira (10), o cantor Emerson esteve na sede da gravadora Sony Music no Rio de Janeiro para assina...

BBC News - Israel PM Netanyahu warns of 'prolonged' Gaza campaign

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The Daily PR
bbc.co.uk - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has warned of a "prolonged" military campaign in Gaza. Mr Netanyahu said Israel would continue to act until it had achieved its aim of destroying militant ...

Ser cristiano en Irak: “O te vas, o la espada”

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CitizenGO es
hazteoir.org - O te conviertes al islam y pagas sus impuestos, o te vas, o te matan. Esa es la ley que el islamismo radical ha impuesto a los cristianos de Mosul (Irak). Por denunciarlo, el profesor musulmán Mahm...

Catholic Bishops Slam "Unprecendented and Extreme" Executive Order

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nomblog.com - The bishop-Chairmen of two USCCB Committees slammed President Obama’s July 21 "gender identity" executive order for its lack of religious freedom protection and "flaws in its core prohibitions."  T...

Women's Health: Soy and Muscle Protein

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Chantel Martiromo
thetruestoriesstories.blogspot.com - Posted by Chantel M. Source from Exercise Metabolism Research Group, Department of Kinesiology, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario L8S 4K1, CANADA. phillis@mcmaster.ca In a study of " The role ...

LIVE UPDATES: IDF strikes Hamas political chief's Gaza home - Diplomacy and Defense Israel News

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Vitor Vieira
haaretz.com - Operation Protective Edge entered its 22nd day on Tuesday, as Israeli ground forces continued their incursion into Gaza following the goverrnment rejection of a cease-fire draft proposed by U.S. Se...

Rahm Emanuel Wants Chicago To House 1000 More Illegal Aliens

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redflagnews.com - Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, a former Obama administration chief of staff, wants to expand the city’s efforts to house young illegal immigrants from Central America, reportedly proposing to shelter ...

Will this project manager make a good people manager?

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Steve Keating CSE
leadchangegroup.com - Sam’s team just delivered a complex project on-time, on-budget, and with impeccable quality. His company is eying him for promotion, because they want him to “rub off” on other project managers, wh...

Federal judge rules DC ban on gun carry rights unconstitutional

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Doug Ray
foxnews.com - A federal judge in the District of Columbia on Saturday overturned the city’s total ban on residents being allowed to carry firearms outside their home in a landmark decision for gun-rights activis...
Meio Ambiente

Terror petista: partido e governo pedem guilhotina para funcionários do Santander; elas serão entregues a Dilma numa bandeja!

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Paulo Devechi
veja.abril.com.br - Olá Reinaldo. De antemão, registro minha admiração à coragem e à lucidez com que você trata os mais relevantes e pertinentes temas da rotina ‘tupiniquim’. Mas, alguns temas, aparentemente independe...

Saudi King Says Terrorists Have Been Led Astray by ‘Enemies of Islam’

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cnsnews.com - Instead, the “custodian of the two holy mosques,” who turns 90 on Friday, pointed to those whom he said had been misled by Islam’s enemies to carry out acts of terror in many parts of the Islamic w...

FHC: perda da credibilidade do PT dará vitória a Aécio

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João Paulo M.
jogodopoder.com - Aécio Neves: política econômica do Governo Dilma fracassou Em entrevista à edição deste fim de semana da revista “Istoé”, o ex-presidente Fernando Henrique Cardoso, 83 anos, afirmou que hoje aument...

Confucius: Only the wisest and stupidest of men never change. — Philosophical Quotes

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Philosophers quotes
philosophical-quotes.com - « Only the wisest and stupidest of men never change. » Confucius Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *

Ratings-Challenged Al Jazeera America Considering More Layoffs

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Accuracy In Media
aim.org - About the author Don Irvine Don Irvine is Chairman of Accuracy in Media. He is active on Facebook and Twitter. You can follow him @donirvine to read his latest thoughts. View the complete archives ...

Painel Brasil TV - Passe livre no DF

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Painel Brasil TV
painelbrasil.tv - Painel: Hoje o Painel Brasil entrevista Marco Antônio Campanela, diretor do DF Trans, tudo bem? Painel: Bom o assunto de hoje é o passe livre, eu gostaria que o senhor falasse pra gente desde quand...

Nurturing Customer Relationships Is Your Business – Infographic

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John Paul Aguiar
johnpaulaguiar.com - Think about how many times you yourself have received bad customer service, how did you feel? That is the same feeling your own customers feel if you are not focusing and nurturing your customer re...

Working from coffee shops could be destroying your productivity.

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homeofficehero.com - A few weeks ago, my wife and I dropped into a coffee shop that we’d been meaning to try. It was a trendy hipster spot, and on that day, the plaid shirts outnumbered the available tables, so we took...

#AcordaBrasil!: BOMBA!!! PF descobre diversos diplomas falsos no "Mais Médicos"

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Blog do Parrini
blogdoparrini.blogspot.com - sexta-feira, 18 de julho de 2014 BOMBA!!! PF descobre diversos diplomas falsos no "Mais Médicos" Esses médicos Cubanos vieram para o Brasil para matar e quem é culpada disso é a PresidentA Dilma. E...

Planned Parenthood, ACLU Bankroll Effort to Stop Pro-Life Amendment 1 in Tennessee

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lifenews.com - by Steven Ertelt | Nashville, TN | LifeNews.com | 7/28/14 12:13 PM Tennesseans will be asked to vote in 2014 on an amendment to the Tennessee Constitution which would give the Volunteer State a cha...

Kyle J. Norton Health Tips for Better Living and Living Health: Weight loss in Vitamin C Points of view

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Kyle J.Norton
kylejnorton.blogspot.com - Weight loss in Vitamin C Points of view The prevalence of extreme overweight and obesity has caused concerns of scientific community in the South East Asian population, as results of unhealthy diet...

Inspiração: Ladrilhos Hidráulicos!Tatices

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tatices.com - Eu já venho observando há um tempo, mas confesso que só neste final de semana aprendi o nome certinho. O noivo e eu resolvemos colocar em uma parte de nosso apartamento e fomos atrás para descobrir...

Robby Ginepri To Face Tomas Berdych In Washington - Tennis - ATP World Tour

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Esteban Eordogh
atpworldtour.com - American Robby Ginepri will face top seed Tomas Berdych in the second round of the Citi Open, the second stop of the Emirates Airline US Open Series, after making a winning return to Washington D.C...

Congresso tem 70% de funcionários comissionados

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Roberta C.M.Oliveira
congressoemfoco.uol.com.br - Na semana passada, a assessoria de imprensa do Senado disse ao Congresso em Foco que já foi notificada de duas das decisões, que irá manter as contratações de comissionados em gabinetes e que, mesm...

Toothy Grins Store: Natural Remedies Private Community Established

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David Snape
blog.toothygrinsstore.com - I've just established a private community for people interested in Natural Remedies. Since this is a private group, you will need an invite from me if you would like to join it. If you would like t...

Dilma admite efeitos de crise financeira: “Todos nós erramos”

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Adeus #Petralhas
veja.abril.com.br - Por Gabriel Castro, na VEJA.com. Comento no próximo post. A presidente-candidata Dilma Rousseff admitiu nesta segunda-feira que o Brasil sofre os efeitos da crise financeira internacional e afirmou...

Here Is Chicago As You’ve REALLY Never Seen It. In Fact, This Can’t Be Seen Even From Chicago Itself…

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viralspell.com - Never mind the Windy City, here is the Foggy City and it looks absolutely astonishing. Well, it looks astonishing so far as it can be seen in the first place. In order to enjoy this view, you have ...

Mitch McConnell's Big Spending Isn't Working As He Is Tied With Alison Lundergan Grimes

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Jeffrey Levin
politicususa.com - Mitch McConnell has already spent $30 million to try to keep his Senate seat, but a new Bluegrass Poll found that he remained tied with Democrat Alison Lundergan Grimes. The Bluegrass poll revealed...

Julio Severo: EUA e Rússia: caminhos inversos na agenda gay

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Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - Eu não sei dizer se a Rússia é um país 100% cristão, mas ela, por enquanto, está tendo uma postura firme nas suas convicções a favor da família e dos bons princípios (e também sendo implacável cont...

BBC Nature - Eggshells act like 'sunblock', study suggests

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The Daily PR
bbc.co.uk - The eggshells of wild birds may act like "sunblock", scientists have said. A range of UK birds' eggs showed adaptations in pigment concentration and thickness to allow the right amount of sun to re...

The Patriot Radio Show with Tom O’Halloran – Show 4 – May 20

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✪Tom O'Halloran✪
patriotradioshow.com - http://patriotradioshow.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/Patriot-Radio-Show-May-20-Show-4.mp3

Derrube de avião no Leste da Ucrânia pode ser "crime de guerra", diz a ONU - PÚBLICO

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publico.pt - A morte das 298 pessoas a bordo do avião da Malásia derrubado por um míssil no dia 17 de Julho sobre o Leste da Ucrânia pode ser “um crime de guerra”, disse a alta comissária das Nações Unidas para...

Montenegro: Impunity is biggest threat to media freedom - Index on Censorship

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Index on Censorship
indexoncensorship.org - This article is part of Index's media freedom mapping project that monitors censorship in the European Union Seven years after the brutal attack that nearly took the life of journalist Tufik Softic...

Ministério Despertando a Noiva - Kairós (Lançamento)

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Portal Guiame
musica.guiame.com.br - O ministério Despertando a Noiva foi fundado no ano de 2008 em uma igreja local, na cidade de São Miguel Arcanjo, interior de São Paulo. A principio ministravam apenas na Igreja, mas com o passar d...

Most Managers Think of Themselves as Coaches - Jack Zenger and Joseph Folkman - Harvard Business Review

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Julie Kay
blogs.hbr.org - As a manager, do you think of yourself as a leader or as a coach? Do you, for instance, feel it’s important that your staff see you as an expert or do you prefer to create an egalitarian environmen...

"The Lid": You Want MORE Proof of Hamas Using Civilians As Human Shields? Here are Ten More..

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yidwithlid.blogspot.com - A few days ago we published ten examples of Hamas using civilians as human shields. Some of you said it was not enough. So here are ten more examples/reports (Plus two bonus) proving that Hamas is ...


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Vitor Vieira
ln.is - People are already having fun with Linkis.com, sharing links easily and customizing them in few simple clicks. It's super cool automation feature does everything for you. Sit back and have fun whil...

Tragicomédia de uma ditadura bolivariana: Como totalitários forçam presidentes de empresa a mudarem o discurso « Ceticismo Político

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Luciano Henrique
lucianoayan.com - São os fatos. A direita atual já pode se preparar para contar para as próximas gerações que lutou contra uma ditadura. A ditadura petista. Claro que não falamos de uma ditadura que coloca tanques n...

Aécio já é o favorito para vencer as eleições, dizem especialistas - InfoMoney

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Fusca Brasil
infomoney.com.br - SÃO PAULO - O cenário que se desenhou nas últimas duas pesquisas Datafolha e Sensus não apresentaram boas notícias para Dilma Rousseff. Apesar de, no primeiro turno, ela e seus adversários ainda ap...

Women's Health: Genes Mutation in Endometrial Cancer -

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Chantel Martiromo
thetruestoriesstories.blogspot.com - Genes Mutation in Endometrial Cancer -  Posted by Chantel Martiromo The incidence of endometrial cancer among white women are higher in comparison to black. According to the statistic, the risk of ...

Gobierno de EE.UU. está “decepcionado” por liberación de Hugo Carvajal – CNN en Español: Ultimas Noticias de Estados Unidos, Latinoamérica y el Mundo, Opinión y Videos - CNN.com Blogs

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cnnespanol.cnn.com - (CNN Español) – El gobierno de EE.UU. está "profundamente decepcionado" por la decisión de Holanda de liberar al "buscado narcotraficante" Hugo Carvajal, cónsul designado de Venezuela en Aruba y qu...

Aécio: No PT, quem comete delito é tratado como herói - Brasil - Notícia - VEJA.com

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Mara Kramer
veja.abril.com.br - Aécio Neves afirmou que a gestão Dilma Rousseff será lembrada como o "período de pior crescimento da nossa economia" em campanha em SP (André Lucas Almeida/Futura Press) O candidato do PSDB à Presi...

SF afraid to enforce buffer zone, Planned Parenthood ticked

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Personhood Florida
jillstanek.com - Violations will be deleted and you may be banned. Threats will be immediately reported to authorities. Following these rules will make everyone's experience visiting JillStanek.com better. Our volu...

VIDEO: Joan Rivers Smacks Down BBC and CNN for Pro-Hamas, Anti-Israel Coverage

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tpnn.com - VIDEO: Joan Rivers Smacks Down BBC and CNN for Pro-Hamas, Anti-Israel Coverage “Let me just tell you,” a disgusted Joan Rivers told TMZ  on Thursday. “If New Jersey were firing rockets into New Yor...

Don’t Stress Over Stress

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Steve Keating CSE
stevekeating.me - Do you believe that all stress is bad? That all stress has a negative impact on your performance and life? Maybe you’re one of those people who believes that some stress is positive. You could be o...

Online Income Generator

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Harry Gordon
championswaymarketing.leadpages.net - You see the potential, you see the power but your offer is lost in a sea of digital data just like 99% of all the other great offers out there. We're going to show you how we Eliminate the 3 Bigges...

Aristotle “The whole is more than the sum of its parts.” — Philosophical Quotes

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Philosophers quotes
philosophical-quotes.com - « The whole is more than the sum of its parts. » Aristotle Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *

War on waste: Pentagon auditor spotlights US billions blown in Afghanistan

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Accuracy In Media
foxnews.com - Another day, another report of rampant waste of U.S. taxpayer money in the effort to rebuild Afghanistan. John Sopko, the inspector general charged with monitoring aid sent by the U.S. to Afghanist...

Bishop Davies: Lourdes shrine a light amid war, death :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

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Catholic News Live
catholicnewsagency.com - Lourdes, France, Jul 28, 2014 / 10:02 am (CNA/EWTN News).- This weekend, shortly before today's centenary of the beginning of World War I, an English bishop has said that the Marian shrine of Lourd...


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