21 July 2014

LiberdadeDeExpressao 20.07.2014 @livrexpress

LiberdadeDeExpressao News

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Governo de Minas fez aeroporto em terreno de tio de Aécio - 20/07/2014 - Poder - Folha de S.Paulo

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Folha de S.Paulo
folha.uol.com.br - O governo de Minas Gerais gastou quase R$ 14 milhões para construir um aeroporto dentro de uma fazenda de um parente do senador tucano Aécio Neves, no fim do seu segundo mandato como governador do ...

Julio Severo: Para Jean Wyllys, avião derrubado na Ucrânia pode ter sofrido “ataque homofóbico”

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Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - Se o deputado Jean Wyllys não quiser se arrepender enquanto há tempo, ele mesmo será o ator principal deste filme após a morte: JEAN WYLLYS NO JUÍZO FINAL O deputado Jean Wyllys morreu e foi direto...

Links para assistir ao 1º Congresso Nacional sobre Doutrinação Política e Ideológica nas Escolas

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escolasempartido.org - Para assistir ao vivo, no próximo dia 24 de julho (quinta-feira), ao 1º Congresso Nacional sobre Doutrinação Política e Ideológica nas Escola basta seguir os links abaixo e fazer a sua inscrição. h...

Petição na internet pede ao Google para manter o Orkut - Terra Brasil

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tecnologia.terra.com.br - Na última segunda-feira, o Google anunciou que vai cancelar o Orkut em setembro deste ano. A notícia decepcionou muitos brasileiros, e foi criada uma petição pela plataforma Avaaz para pedir ao Goo...

Apoios de Jair Bolsonaro e Magno Malta

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blogdoeveraldo.com.br - É com satisfação que manifesto aqui minha gratidão aos ex postulantes ao cargo de Presidente da República, Jair Bolsonaro (PP-RJ) e Magno Malta (PR-ES) que agora estão me apoiando nesta jornada por...

G1 - Ativistas presos pretendiam incendiar Câmara do Rio, diz denúncia do MP - notícias em Rio de Janeiro

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Carlos Bolsonaro
g1.globo.com - Denúncia do Ministério Público contra 23 manifestantes acusados de atos violentos em protestos no Rio de Janeiro afirma que os réus, comandados por Elisa Quadros, a Sininho, se reuniram com o objet...

Livro de ex-segurança de Fidel revela magnetismo do líder - 20/07/2014 - Mundo - Folha de S.Paulo

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folha.uol.com.br - Durante 17 anos (1977-1994), o cubano Juan Reinaldo Sánchez só sentiu orgulho da posição que ocupava na guarda pretoriana do ditador Fidel Castro. Basta olhar as fotos que acompanham "A Vida Secret...

Silas Malafaia denuncia uso da Receita Federal pelo PT para perseguição política e religiosa

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veja.abril.com.br - Vejam o vídeo abaixo, de apenas 14 minutos, que o Pastor Silas Malafaia divulgou em seu canal no dia 18/07/2014: Isso é uma denúncia da maior seriedade, que vai ao encontro daquilo que Romeu Tuma J...
Meio Ambiente

O cigarro no mundo — CartaCapital

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Pe. Joãozinho, SCJ
cartacapital.com.br - Na primeira metade do século XX, o cigarro virou epidemia masculina. Nas décadas que se seguiram à Segunda Guerra Mundial, perto de 80% dos homens haviam fumado em algum momento da vida adulta. Des...

Feminismo: a guerra contra os homens

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veja.abril.com.br - O feminismo virou uma guerra contra os homens. Há farta evidência disso, mas recomendo, para quem ainda duvida, o ensaio de Suzanne Venker, The War on Men, que custa menos de um dólar na Amazon. Co...

Sobre deturpações e reparações adequadas - | Observatório da Imprensa | Observatório da Imprensa - Você nunca mais vai ler jornal do mesmo jeito

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observatoriodaimprensa.com.br - As ações que o advogado João Tancredo move contra a editora Abril, contestando matérias difamatórias publicadas pela Veja em março deste ano, provocaram a previsível reação da revista, que em 3/7 p...
Meio Ambiente

Manual de Verificação para Cobertura Digital - | Observatório da Imprensa

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observatoriodaimprensa.com.br - As redes sociais pautam jornalistas todos os dias, mas, ao mesmo tempo que podem garantir o furo da carreira, também podem render uma “barriga” histórica. Para evitar armadilhas, vale conferir o Ma...

Dunga é o novo técnico da Seleção e será apresentado nesta terça

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Alex Campos JBFM
globoesporte.globo.com - Dunga está de volta à seleção brasileira. O retorno do treinador, que comandou o time canarinho na Copa do Mundo de 2010, na África do Sul, será oficializado pela CBF na próxima terça-feira, às 11h...

Can We Forgive Tiger Woods for Shouting 'Jesus Christ' in Vain?

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barbwire.com - There’s plenty of talk this week about golfer Tiger Woods got a little upset after missing a putt during the first round of the British Open on Thursday. Apparently, the golf star took the Lord’s n...

¡MÁS DEMAGOGIA Y CORRUPCIÓN! Comunas recibirán dólares preferenciales para comprar insumos

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Andre Lopes
cloud-1405866604-cache.cdn-cachefront.net - El presidente del Centro Nacional de Comercio Exterior (Cencoex), Alejandro Fleming, se reunirá este lunes con dirigentes del Consejo Presidencial de Gobierno Comunal para crear métodos que incorpo...

This Wounded Soldier Rescued a Puppy in Combat. Two Years Later...

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Dawn (USMC Mom)
2centstoday.com - Donny Eslinger was serving in Afghanistan in August of 2012 when he found a lost puppy. He tucked him into his backpack and took him back to camp. A day later a member of the platoon was killed. Th...

Elizabeth Warren’s List for Progressives Is EERILY SIMILAR to Hitler’s Nazi List

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Truth Tweeter
thegatewaypundit.com - Darling of the far left Sen. Elizabeth Warren released her 11 commandments of progressivism this week during her stop at the Netroots Nation annual conference. The National Journal reported: - “We ...
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Alerta Total: Militares se revoltam com telefonema de Dilma para Dirceu – “preso” suspeito de usar jatinho - Linkis.com

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Sérgio Augusto
ln.is - People are already having fun with Linkis.com, sharing links easily and customizing them in few simple clicks. It's super cool automation feature does everything for you. Sit back and have fun whil...

Last Days Watchman: Mourn the victims... but don’t turn one tragedy into a global catastrophe

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Last Days Watchman
lastdayswatchman.blogspot.com - Sunday, July 20, 2014 Mourn the victims... but don’t turn one tragedy into a global catastrophe Mourn the victims... but don’t turn one tragedy into a global catastrophe One thing we should have le...

Irak: incendiado el episcopado de Mosul

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infocatolica.com - (Zenit/InfoCatólica) Mamberti ha confirmado que el papa Francisco está siguiendo con gran preocupación y cercanía la situación en Irak, donde la comunidad cristiana está en riesgo de supervivencia....

El Parlamento Europeo condena a Sudán por el caso de Meriam

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infocatolica.com - (Zenit/InfoCatólica) Meriam fue liberada después de unos ocho meses de prisión, acusada de apostasía y de adulterio, por estar casada con un hombre cristiano. Actualmente está refugiada en la embaj...

Spectator: London Rally 'Disgusting Anti-Semitic Spectacle'

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Truth Tweeter
truthrevolt.org - Saturday saw yet another anti-Semitic protest against Israel's counter-terrorism activities in Gaza, this time in the streets of London. Unsurprisingly, the riot quickly proved anti-Semitic, with p...

Palmeiras é líder de desarmes, dribles e lançamentos no Brasileiro - 20/07/2014 - Esporte - Folha de S.Paulo

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Roger Rocha Moreira
folha.uol.com.br - Na classificação do Campeonato Brasileiro, o Palmeiras aparece numa medíocre 12ª posição, a seis pontos do grupo de acesso à Taça Libertadores da América e a cinco da zona de rebaixamento. Seu fute...

Calling All Hackers: Help Us Build an Open Wireless Router

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eff.org - EFF is releasing an experimental hacker alpha release of wireless router software specifically designed to support secure, shareable Open Wireless networks. We will be officially launching the Open...

Apertem os cintos, o conforto sumiu: poltrona vira selim em projeto da Airbus - Jornal O Globo

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Edmilson Papo 10
oglobo.globo.com - RIO - Numa clássica cena do filme "E.T.", de Steven Spielberg, o menino Elliot e seu amigo extraterrestre sobrevoam um precipício numa bicicleta, com a lua cheia ao fundo. O que parecia possível ap...

Após Copa, Mané Garrincha será palco de casamento comunitário

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noticias.portalvox.com - Foram investidos mais de RS 1,4 bilhão do próprio caixa do governo para a reforma do estádio. Em seu primeiro evento após sediar sete partidas da Copa do Mundo, o estádio Mané Garrincha, em Brasíli...

A consagração e o auxílio nos sofrimentos

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Com. Canção Nova
blog.cancaonova.com - A consagração total, ou escravidão de amor, a Virgem Maria é um extraordinário auxílio nos sofrimentos. São Luís Maria Grignion de Montfort nos nos ensina que a consagração total, ou escravidão de ...

Blog do Coronel: Dilma promete 800 aeroportos, não faz nenhum e não é manchete da Folha. Aécio constrói 29 aeroportos e o jornal paulista faz capa sensacionalista para tentar acusar o tucano de favorecer um tio.

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coturnonoturno.blogspot.com - Dilma, em Paris, em dezembro de 2012, prometendo 800 aeroportos iguaizinhos aos que Aécio construiu. Não fez nenhum! Por acaso isso virou manchete de domingo na Folha? A manchete de capa da Folha, ...

Picuinhas, mesquinharias e má-fé - Comentário para o programa radiofônico do Observatório, 17/7/2014    | Observatório da Imprensa

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observatoriodaimprensa.com.br - Na primeira página do Estado de S. Paulo, a principal notícia de Política desta quinta-feira (17/7) afirma que, de olho na eleição deste ano, a campanha da presidente Dilma Rousseff vai adotar tema...

Taxpayers on Hook for $50 Million Illegal Immigrant Resort … Almost

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barbwire.com - In more Cloward and Piven strategizing by the Obama administration, illegal immigrants were going to be getting a nice, comfy resort to stay in with all the amenities, including Wi-Fi, cable TV, an...

A internet nasceu neutra e deve permanecer assim - Reproduzido do Estado de S.Paulo, 14/7/2014; intertítulo do OI | Observatório da Imprensa

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observatoriodaimprensa.com.br - O Diccionario da Língua Portugueza, de Antonio de Moraes Silva, de 1789, define neutralidade como a "indiferença do que não toma bando, nem favorece nenhum dos partidos". Há três semanas entrou em ...

Christian Hypocrisy and What to do About it

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barbwire.com - I remember when I first became part of the family of God in Jesus Christ about 20 years ago. On several occasions while attending church services, there would be people who would share their testim...

Zan McColloch-Lussier: Social Media for Social Good

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community.paper.li - These are exciting times for nonprofits — never before has there been so much potential to connect with people and build relationships, says Zan. He is “a lifelong nonprofiteer” and runs his own co...

Gifts for the College Student

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Dawn (USMC Mom)
squidoo.com - Traveling home in an airport is a breeze as the the laptop compartment of this backpack is accessible from the side for easy access. Throw in a pair of clothes and you have an overnight travel carr...

O pacote requentado e o teto da meta - | Observatório da Imprensa | Observatório da Imprensa - Você nunca mais vai ler jornal do mesmo jeito

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observatoriodaimprensa.com.br - Dois dias depois da derrota brasileira por 7 a 1, o governo oficializou um novo pacote econômico e financeiro, com a publicação da Medida Provisória 651. Horas depois, o noticiário foi enriquecido ...

Com risco de explosão, fornecimento de oxigênio é suspenso para soterrados em SE - 20/07/2014 - Cotidiano - Folha de S.Paulo

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Pe. Joãozinho, SCJ
folha.uol.com.br - Depois de quase 34 horas de trabalhos de resgate, os bombeiros conseguiram, manhã deste domingo (20), estabelecer o primeiro contato visual com os sobreviventes do desabamento de um prédio em Araca...


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Richard Bejah
richardbejah.com - Set some time aside to create your bucket list and stop putting off your dreams for “someday” The best way to get the most out of life is to look upon it as a magnificent adventure. This list is a ...

Contra el diablo las armas más poderosas: meditar la Palabra de Dios, el Rosario, la Confesión, la Misa

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infocatolica.com - (News.Va/InfoCatólica) Entrevista al presidente de la Asociación Internacional de Exorcistas, P. Bamonte: «No basta saber que los demonios existen, sino que es preciso conocer cómo actúan no caer e...

New video purports to show aftermath of the chokehold that led to Eric Garner’s death - The Washington Post

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Paul Joseph Watson
washingtonpost.com - New footage posted online purports to show more than seven additional minutes of the events surrounding the death of Eric Garner, the Staten Island man who was put in a chokehold by a New York poli...

Whistleblower: IRS in cahoots with NSA

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WND News
wnd.com - One of the architects of the National Security Agency’s eavesdropping technology told a radio host today the Internal Revenue Service, or IRS, has “direct access” to the NSA’s domestic spying data ...

Intelectuais de diversos países propõem embargo militar a Israel - 19/07/2014 - Mundo - Folha de S.Paulo

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Pe. Joãozinho, SCJ
folha.uol.com.br - Um grupo de artistas e intelectuais de diversos lugares do mundo escreveu uma carta aberta condenando a operação militar realizada por Israel em Gaza. O documento propõe que os países apliquem um e...
Meio Ambiente

Celebridades buscam abrigo na justiça francesa - Tradução: Fernanda Lizardo, edição de Leticia Nunes. Com informações de Anne Penketh [“Scarlett Johansson is just latest A-list star to look for privacy in French courts”, The Guardian, 10/7/14] | Observatório da Imprensa

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observatoriodaimprensa.com.br - Ser difamado por revistas e órgãos de imprensa franceses pode ser um bom negócio se você for uma celebridade mundialmente famosa. Na semana passada, a atriz americana Scarlett Johansson venceu um p...

Analytics: The G.O.P. Idea Machine - NYTimes.com

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Drew McKissick
6thfloor.blogs.nytimes.com - The following Analytics appears on the Reply All page in the July 20 issue of the magazine. More than 870 readers commented on Sam Tanenhaus’s article about the advent of the reformicons. Readers f...

Menino de 9 anos atende pedido de mortos e se casa com mulher de 62

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Sérgio Pavarini
pavablog.com - Um menino de 9 anos atendeu o pedido de antepassados mortos, casou-se com uma mulher de 62 anos e tornou-se o noivo mais jovem do mundo. Saneie Masilela uniu-se a Helen Shabangu, que já é mãe de ci...

Obama ignored border invasion warnings for two years : Fire Andrea Mitchell!

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fireandreamitchell.com - The border invasion from Central America via Mexico has been going on since at least last fall, but Obama was warned about this invasion nearly two years aoo. So what did Obama did? Absolteutly not...

TCU encontra superfaturamento na ferrovia Norte-Sul - Economia - Estadão

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economia.estadao.com.br - Mais uma vez, a ferrovia Norte-Sul é alvo de superfaturamento e uma série de outras irregularidades, como liquidação irregular da despesa, fiscalização ou supervisão deficiente ou omissa e projeto ...

University faculty votes to apportion grades by race

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WND News
wnd.com - (National Review) Earlier this year, the University of Wisconsin–Madison faculty senate adopted a new Framework for Diversity and Inclusive Excellence, which, according to the campus’s Board of Reg...

PSDB – Partido da Social Democracia Brasileira

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psdb.org.br - Com relação à reportagem “Governo de Minas fez aeroporto em terra de tio de Aécio”, publicada na Folha de S.Paulo em 20 de Julho de 2014, a Coligação Muda Brasil lamenta os equívocos contidos no te...

A note to my detractors

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Robert Stacy McCain
patheticfallacies.wordpress.com - Every other day, on this blog, I receive rational, impassioned arguments from dissenters who say things like “fuck you, you fucking fuck,” “burn in hell” and “die ignorant bitch.” For the most part...
Meio Ambiente

Para aprender melhor, caneta no lugar de laptop

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Sérgio Pavarini
livrosepessoas.com - Tatiana Gerasimenko, no Ciência Diária O mundo pode estar diferente, mas algumas coisas não mudam. De acordo com pesquisadores da Universidade da Califórnia em Los Angeles e de Princeton, nos EUA, ...

Declaración de Dublín: "El aborto inducido no es médicamente necesario para salvar la vida de la mujer"

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hazteoir.org - Suma adhesiones tras aprobarse en el Simposio Internacional sobre Salud Materna de Dublín: "La prohibición del aborto no afecta, de ninguna manera, la disponibilidad de un cuidado óptimo de la muje...

Fatos, fotos, fitas, foco - | Observatório da Imprensa | Observatório da Imprensa - Você nunca mais vai ler jornal do mesmo jeito

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observatoriodaimprensa.com.br - Se uma foto vale mil palavras, poucas valeram nesta Copa como o joelhaço exposto na foto do lateral colombiano Zúñiga montado nas costas de Neymar enquanto segurava sua cabeça e dava o coice que no...

Rasmussen – Most voters want to send illegal immigrants home

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Resist Tyranny
resisttyranny.net - Most voters don’t want any of the illegal immigrants who’ve recently arrived here housed in their state. They say any legislation passed by Congress to deal with the problem should focus on sending...

Two Americans killed by Hamas – Obama golfs : Fire Andrea Mitchell!

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fireandreamitchell.com - Max Steinberg of the San Fernando Valley in Los Angeles and Nissim Sean Carmeli were killed by Hamas terrorists. If you followed the media’s coverage of the Israeli/Hamas ‘war’, you’d think the bat...

PSDB – Partido da Social Democracia Brasileira

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psdb.org.br - O candidato da coligação Muda Brasil à Presidência da República, Aécio Neves, assistiu na manhã deste domingo (20/7), em Juazeiro do Norte (CE), à missa pelos 80 anos da morte do Padre Cícero. A ce...

2 Americans killed in fighting in Gaza

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foxnews.com - Two Americans who were soldiers for the Israel Defense Force were killed in fighting in the Gaza Strip. Stuart Steinberg confirmed the death of his 24-year-old son Max Steinberg to The Associated P...

Aluno nota zero | Augusto Nunes - VEJA.com

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Augusto Nunes
veja.abril.com.br - Lula, sobre o candidato a governador Alexandre Padilha, encalacrado em 4% nas pesquisas eleitorais, demostrando que além de tratar o português a pontapés, é uma negação em matemática e acha que est...
Meio Ambiente


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paulxbrow.blogspot.com - domingo, 20 de julho de 2014 SAY NO TO VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN The fault is theirs. It's what Brazilians think about violence against women  A survey conducted by IPEA wanted to know the opinions of...

280 juristas presentan los criterios que debe tener en cuenta la regulación del aborto

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infocatolica.com - (Alfa y Omega/InfoCatólica) El Anteproyecto de Ley orgánica de protección de la vida del concebido y de los derechos de la mujer embarazada ofrece «una oportunidad única para plantear abiertamente ...

Mídia Sem Máscara - Machismo e coisificação da mulher

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Mídia Sem Máscara
midiasemmascara.org - Quanto aos namorados pornofotógrafos, esses são malandros de escol, colecionadores de troféus. São canalhas completos, canalhas de Nelson Rodrigues, do começo ao fim de cada uma dessas tristes nove...

Elizabeth “Pocohantas” Warren’s 11 progressive commandments

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Resist Tyranny
resisttyranny.net - Watch Elizabeth “Pocohantas” Warren give a speech to her fold, and you realize she’s one of the rare Democrats who can excite her base in the same way Ted Cruz or Dr. Ben Carson can excite their ow...

Torcedores agridem André Santos após derrota do Flamengo - Esportes - Estadão

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Paulo Devechi
esportes.estadao.com.br - A terceira derrota consecutiva do Flamengo no Campeonato Brasileiro manteve o time carioca na lanterna do torneio. Em crise, o clube começa a sofrer as consequências. Logo após a derrota por 4 a 0 ...

PSDB – Partido da Social Democracia Brasileira

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psdb.org.br - O candidato à Presidência da República pela coligação Muda Brasil, Aécio Neves, esteve neste domingo em Juazeiro do Norte (CE), onde participou de missa dedicada a Padre Cícero e conversou com a po...

Baptism by Beer - A 13th Century Practice Condemned by Pope Gregory IX

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Taylor Marshall
taylormarshall.com - Imagine being a 13th century Norwegian parent who had to bring her baby back to the church for another baptism. Your friends ask, “Why are you having the baby baptized again?” You answer, “Well, th...

Domingo Espetacular – Entretenimento e Informação – Rede Record

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noticias.r7.com - Programa conta a história de famosos que largaram a carreira para se tornar vendedores Qual grupo de pagode fez mais sucesso nos anos 1990? Vote agora no seu preferido! Conheça os mitos e verdades ...

[OS CÃES DO PARQUE]: Gael, Sarita e Iago

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oscaesdoparque.blogspot.com - Gael, Sarita e Iago idade aproximada: 4 meses  -  vacinas: V4 (1a. dose) Em nova edição felina, Os Cães do Parque apresentam o trio de felinos prontos para enfeitar o seu lar e deixar sua vida mais...

PSDB – Partido da Social Democracia Brasileira

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psdb.org.br - O líder do PSDB na Câmara, deputado federal Antonio Imbassahy (BA), lamentou a morte do empresário Norberto Odebrecht, ocorrida neste sábado (19). “Sofremos nesses últimos dias duas importantes per...

Harry Reid Says Illegal Immigrants Are Now ‘Legitimate Residents’

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rightwingnews.com - Central American government leaders may have facilitated a state-sponsored invasion, but can it really be called an invasion if our own leaders are welcoming the illegals in? According to Dingy Har...

Index on Censorship | Support Index, Donate Now - Index on Censorship

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Index on Censorship
indexoncensorship.org - Donate to Index and support our work to protect freedom of expression around the world. Your contribution will help Index to challenge censorship through hard-hitting journalism, ground-breaking re...

Gaza outra vez - Portal Libertarianismo

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Libertarianismo +
libertarianismo.org - Publicado em 19 de julho de 2014 | por Dean Córnito Se o atual recrudescimento das tensões nesta região do Oriente Médio é parte de uma larga história de confrontos entre Israel e seus vizinhos ára...

The Economist Touts "Cyberdream" Of Global 'National ID System' - NWO Stop

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NWO Stop
nwostop.com - Submitted by Michael Snyder of The American Dream blog, Would you like to have a digital identity card that is automatically issued to you at birth?  In one European nation, residents use such a ca...

El Ayuntamiento de SMV ha decidido recurrir ante el Juzgado de lo Contencioso-Administrativo la enmienda nula de pleno derecho aprobada por la oposición y J. A. Lorenzo en el pasado Pleno Municipal. - San Martin de la Vega Populares

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PP de Madrid
ppsmvega.com - El PP de San Martín de la Vega, debido a la gravedad de este asunto, va a enviar un boletín informativo la próxima semana con la finalidad de comunicar a todos los vecinos los hechos acaecidos en e...

My Uber got pulled over by the Denver police — and then things got really weird - GeekWire

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Resist Tyranny
geekwire.com - Colorado is the self-described “vanguard” of innovation. But that’s not really how it felt to me on Friday after the Denver police stopped the UberX I was riding in. Here’s the full story, with all...

#IndexDrawtheLine: Can art or journalism ever be terrorism? - Index on Censorship

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Index on Censorship
indexoncensorship.org - In 1997, British journalist Robert Fisk interviewed Bin Laden. Fisk was not accused of being a terrorist, he was only doing his job. For decades, journalists have been interviewing terrorists, crim...

Salon’s Thomas Frank: Obama Blew His Chance to ‘Put the Right Out of Business Once and For All’

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newsbusters.org - How do you visually represent a missed opportunity? In a Sunday column for Salon, What’s the Matter With Kansas? author Thomas Frank suggests one answer: given the Obama administration’s repeated f...

Topular Magazine format

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Richard Bejah
richardbejah.com - The RGB Blog is to help you in your life, provide inspiration and entertainment. This is a private non-commercial blog. Click here for the latest TOPULAR posts featured on Alltop.... I do hope you ...

King Putz Obama flown to Fort Belvoir for golf : Fire Andrea Mitchell!

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fireandreamitchell.com - Obama just doesn’t give a shit. Either he’s fundrasing, vacationing, or golfing. This weekend Obama took a pre Martha’s Vineyard vacation at Camp David, and the media proclaimed no golf this weeken...

U.S. Says Russia Planned Digital Terror Attack on NASDAQ - NWO Stop

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NWO Stop
nwostop.com - U.S. Says Russia Planned Digital Terror Attack on NASDAQ Information released as U.S. accuses Russia of downing MH17 read full article blog comments powered by Disqus < Prev   Next >
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Standard & Poor's: «El Plan de Ajuste de Madrid hasta 2022 es prudente y fiable» - La Razón digital

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PP de Madrid
larazon.es - La agencia de calificación Standard & Poor's ha confirmado hoy la calificación de la deuda a largo y corto plazo del Ayuntamiento Madrid de "BBB/A-2" con perspectiva estable y ha revisado al alza e...

Stop The Kinsey Institute

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citizengo.org - We, as government, civil society and religious leaders, together with concerned citizens from every region of the world, are sending this letter to warn your government about the harmful work of th...

Women in Science: Women of the Apollo Program

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blog.sciencewomen.com - Last month was the 40th anniversary of Apollo 11's historic moon landing. Watching the footage of of the landing makes it look like the Apollo program was men-only. But it was more complicated than...
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9 illegal alien facts

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Resist Tyranny
resisttyranny.net - We hear a lot about how the United States owes something to illegal aliens – not the least of which is amnesty. Ever wonder how we already contribute to illegals? Our thanks to Kelly @KLSouth for t...

ALO RESISTENTE - Parte 3/3 - Términos importantes Lucha Noviolenta #Venezuela - Dom 20 Jul 2014, ALO RESISTENTE - Parte 3/3 - Términos importantes Lucha No...

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Elio Aponte
ustream.tv - Canal al servicio de la resistencia noviolenta organizada de Venezuela y del exilio venezolano, que colabora para restablecer la efectiva vigencia de la Constitución de la República Bolivariana de ...

Soviets | Blog do Miranda Sá

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Sérgio Augusto
mirandasa.com.br -  Com humor filosófico, o grande Millôr Fernandes brincou dizendo que o Brasil é o inventor do socialismo de direita. Como piada, é excelente; mas há um equívoco histórico: foi Mussolini quem mistur...

Morre bebê de 6 meses resgatado de escombros de prédio em Aracaju - Brasil - Estadão

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João Paulo M.
brasil.estadao.com.br - Antônio Carlos Garcia - Especial para o Estado de S.Paulo ARACAJU - Morreu no início da tarde deste domingo, 20, o bebê de seis meses resgatado dos escombros de um prédio de quatro andares que desa...

Recovery Of Malaysian Airlines Black Box Caught On Tape: Separatists To Hand Over To International Delegation - NWO Stop

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NWO Stop
nwostop.com - With the rabbit hole of conspiracies getting deeper by the hour, video has emerged showing what appears to be the "black box" flight data recorder from Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 being taken fro...

How Ayahuasca Can Revolutionize Psychotherapy 

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truthisscary.com - A look at the psychoactive brew that brings users a spiritual payoff for their “work” Just before dusk, 18 strangers entered a yurt on a Midwestern homestead. Peruvian tapestries decorated the wall...

La inclinada balanza del rector Carrillo - La Razón digital

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PP de Madrid
larazon.es - «No debería haber capillas en las universidades públicas». Fue el ex rector de la Universidad Complutense Carlos Berzosa el que pronunció esta frase en 2011, aunque perfectamente podría haberla fir...

O PT e o futuro — Parece que a população está cansada do ódio como exercício da política e da política como exercício do ódio! Fala, Marilena Chaui!!!

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veja.abril.com.br - Comentário completo: CHAUÍ: a ‘Musa’ das “ELITES das ESQUERDAS PROGRESSISTAS BURGUESAS” . Marilena Chauí, esta ‘senhora já senhora’ é uma das brasileiras das Elites Esquerdistas que, assim como as ...

Estado mínimo e direitos individuais: libertarianismo cresce na política dos EUA - Internacional - Notícia - VEJA.com

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veja.abril.com.br - O senador republicano Rand Paul dá entrevista em Washington (Jim Bourg/Reuters) Imagine um governo tão enxuto que se limite apenas à segurança, ao sistema judiciário e à defesa nacional. Nesse sist...

Irish praise arrest of peacekeeper killing suspect

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cnsnews.com - DEARBORN, Mich. (AP) — Federal agents have arrested a man the Irish government calls a suspect in the abduction, torture and killing of two Irish United Nations peacekeepers in Lebanon 34 years ago...

Aécio prepra plano de desenvolvimento do Nordeste - Brasil - Notícia - VEJA.com

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Blog do Tambosi
veja.abril.com.br - Candidato do PSDB à Presidência da República, Aécio Neves (Evaristo Sa/AFP) Na tentativa de diminuir o favoritismo da presidente Dilma Rousseff entre o eleitorado nordestino, o candidato do PSDB à ...
Meio Ambiente

Energético com vodka faz você beber mais, diz estudo - EXAME.com

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Direita S/SE
exame.abril.com.br - Vodka: sem energético, vontade de beber outra vez existe, mas é menor São Paulo – Um estudo recente publicado na revista Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research afirma que o consumo de bebidas...

Angry and Angrier Babies « West Coast Pro-Life

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westcoastprolife.wordpress.com - A baby’s expression of what we perceive as anger is normal.  A baby who is raised by two mommies or two daddies will be an angrier teen and adult than the normal child. I know what I’m talking abou...

British Defense Sec. Accuses Russia of Sponsoring Terror - NWO Stop

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NWO Stop
nwostop.com - British Defense Sec. Accuses Russia of Sponsoring Terror Britain has one of the worst records on sponsoring terror in the world. read full article blog comments powered by Disqus < Prev   Next >

Empresas perdem 2.600 horas por ano com burocracia

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otempo.com.br - Com o Óculos de Sol Espião você armazena mais de 2 horas de gravação de umaforma totalmente discreta, pois ele possui câmera digital e filmadora embutida.E o melhor: toda sua gravação será feita co...

Kerry Heads to Mideast After Calling Israel’s Gaza Offensive ‘a Hell of a Pinpoint Operation’

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cnsnews.com - (CNSNews.com) – Secretary of State John Kerry is heading to the Middle East to push for a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas, hours after appearing privately to call into question Israel’s stated a...

On ‘Human Shielding’ in Gaza « Antiwar.com Blog

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antiwar.com - All fighting within cities and all bombardments of urban spaces, even the most "precise and surgical", is a potential death trap for civilians. Consequently, the permeation of war into cities inevi...

Snowden Enabler Glenn Greenwald's CAIR Connection

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newsbusters.org - While the liberal media establishment have a thinly disguised soft spot for massive leaker Edward Snowden and his enabler Glenn Greenwald, the editorial writers at Investor’s Business Daily offered...

Deputado e senador custam mais de R$ 1 bi por ano

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Roberta C.M.Oliveira
congressoemfoco.uol.com.br - Os custos para a manutenção dos salários e benefícios atrelados aos deputados e senadores já chegam passam de R$ 1 bilhão por ano. De acordo com levantamento exclusivo do Congresso em Foco, as desp...

‘Atlas Brasileiro de Telecomunicações’ ganha versão digital

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portal.comunique-se.com.br - A edição 2014 do Atlas Brasileiro de Telecomunicações ganhou versão digital, que pode ser acessada pelo site da Converge Comunicações, responsável pelo material. A publicação anual traz um mapeamen...

A máscara do gigante | Opinião

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brasil.elpais.com - Fiquei muito envergonhado com a cataclísmica derrota do Brasil frente à Alemanha na semifinal da Copa do Mundo, mas confesso que não me surpreendeu tanto. De um tempo para cá, a famosa seleção Cana...

Over 50 Killed In Gaza As Israel Shelling Is "Fiercest Since 1967 War" - NWO Stop

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NWO Stop
nwostop.com - While the world's attention is focused on the tragic events in Ukraine, the fighting in Gaza has entered its 13th, and most deadly day, with at least 50 Palestinians killed on Sunday by Israeli she...

Nuke dump operator received $1.9M bonus after fire

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cnsnews.com - CARLSBAD, N.M. (AP) — The contractor that operates the federal government's underground nuclear waste dump in southeastern New Mexico received a $1.9 million bonus just five days after an undergrou...

10 Miniature Landscape Paintings on Cedar

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Karen Woodham
dashburst.com - There is nothing like taking in the great outdoors. Oregon-based artist Cathy McMurray likes to literally take a little piece of the outdoors and bring it inside. She creates excuisite miniature la...

ELEIÇÕES 2014: Álvaro Dias está disparado na frente na corrida pelo Senado no Paraná

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Roberta C.M.Oliveira
veja.abril.com.br - A legislação eleitoral impede que eu divulgue números precisos, mas é ótima a situação do senador Álvaro Dias (PSDB) na corrida pela única vaga pelo Paraná no Senado na eleição de 5 de outubro. A c...

NASA Television

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nasa.gov - The High Definition Earth Viewing (HDEV) experiment aboard the ISS was activated April 30, 2014. It is mounted on the External Payload Facility of the European Space Agency’s Columbus module. This ...

Aécio Neves estreia no Twitter e conquista mais de 45 mil seguidores em um dia

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portal.comunique-se.com.br - "Amigos, finalmente estou no Twitter. Resolvi aprender a operar essa importante rede de diálogo. Aliás, ainda estou aprendendo”. Postado na segunda-feira, 14, esta foi a primeira mensagem de Aécio ...

Twitcom - Crie e participe de comunidades e grupos no Twitter

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#AgenteFederal #BRA
twitcom.com.br - Para concluir sua inscrição, digite seu email para confirmação. Um email foi enviado, confirme clicando no link de validação. Houver tweets nos nests que sigo Alguém entrar nos nests que sigo Algué...

Trying to Slow the Illegal Flow of Young Migrants - NYTimes.com

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Jeffrey Levin
nytimes.com - SAN PEDRO SULA, Honduras — The wave of Central American child migrants heading to the United States in recent months, feeding a humanitarian crisis there, is showing some signs of abating. Bus oper...

Folha Política: Dilma chegou no limite, diz especialista em pesquisa eleitoral

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Marcos Matias
folhapolitica.org - domingo, 20 de julho de 2014 Dilma chegou no limite, diz especialista em pesquisa eleitoral Imagem: Reprodução / Redes Sociais Para o cientista político e especialista em pesquisa eleitoral Sidney ...

Perguntas sobre Deus - Editora Ave-Maria

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Editora Ave-Maria
avemaria.com.br - Adicione ao seu carrinho De: R$ 32,90 Por:R$ 29,61 » Veja as Formas de Pagamento: 1x de R$ 32,90 (sem juros) 1x de R$ 32,90 (sem juros) 1x de R$ 32,90 (sem juros) » Gostou do Produto? Então Compart...

– Watch: Russian Citizens Are Convinced America Shot Down Malaysian Plane To Make Russia Look Bad

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Brazzil Magazine
addictinginfo.org -  If you’re a Russian watching the coverage of the Malaysia Airlines flight that was shot down in the Ukraine, there’s a good chance that you’ve been told America and the Ukrainian government did it...

Em tribunais de contas pelo país, 23% dos conselheiros respondem ações na Justiça - Jornal O Globo

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Roberta C.M.Oliveira
oglobo.globo.com - BRASÍLIA — Os Tribunais de Contas dos Estados (TCEs) são responsáveis por examinar os gastos dos agentes públicos, apontar irregularidades e superfaturamentos em obras e serviços, e tentar evitar q...

Em dia inspirado, nosso Mestre inaugura o “comentário por atacado”

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portal.comunique-se.com.br - 1. Seção Brasil, página 5. "Argentino esfaqueado no RS --  Um torcedor argentino que havia acabado de obter o visto de entrada para ingressar no Brasil, foi esfaqueado na madrugada de ontem na adua...

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry Heads to Mideast for Cease-Fire Talks

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Christian Del Monte
mashable.com - Secretary of State John Kerry is heading back to the Middle East as the Obama administration attempts to bolster regional efforts to reach a cease-fire and sharpens its criticism of Hamas in its co...

YouTube is Now Bigger Than Facebook in the U.S.

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Greg Weir
reelseo.com - Last week, I knocked out a quick post entitled, “Bring Your Team to the 2014 Reel Video Summit.” After Carla Marshall had edited and published it on ReelSEO, she sent me a short email. It said, “Th...

Inside the AIDS Conference Reeling From Losses Aboard MH17

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Jeffrey Levin
motherjones.com - As news broke last Thursday that Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 was shot down over separatist-controlled eastern Ukraine, it quickly became known that top-level AIDS researchers and activists were amo...

Putin se compromete a cooperar para recuperar cadáveres y cajas negras del vuelo MH17

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canalntn24.com - El presidente ruso Vladimir Putin prometió su "entera cooperación" al primer ministro holandés Mark Rutte para recuperar los cadáveres de las víctimas y las cajas negras del Boeing 777 del vuelo MH...
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Fallece un inmigrante de Mali durante una redada realizada en el Gurugú - El Faro Digital - Ceuta y Melilla

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Jose Cosin
elfarodigital.es - Un inmigrante procedente de Mali falleció el pasado jueves durante una redada realizada por las Fuerzas de Seguridad de Marruecos en el monte Gurugú, según informó en la jornada de ayer a El Faro l...

Folha Política: Lula diz que 'ódio das elites' contra Dilma é preconceito contra mulher

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folhapolitica.org - sábado, 19 de julho de 2014 Lula diz que 'ódio das elites' contra Dilma é preconceito contra mulher Imagem: Reprodução / Veja Em discurso para uma plateia de bancários, o ex-presidente Luiz Inácio ...

Bacon Wrapped Jalapeno Peppers

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Dawn (USMC Mom)
food.squidoo.com - We avoid jalapenos like the plague. Hot bothers us so much that we only buy or make very mild salsa. BUT your recipe intrigues me. I (male) do most of the cooking and I like to experiment. The boss...

Artículo: El Plan Maestro

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Enlace Católico.com
enlacecatolico.com - El mapa en el viaje hacia vivir los Valores cada día de nuestras vidas. Hasta el momento hemos hecho un análisis de los Valores en nuestra vida, analizamos nuestras debilidades, valores que conocem...

Ikea Now Lets You Make Your House a Home by Adopting a Dog

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Brazzil Magazine
mashable.com - That Ikea futon would look a lot better with a dog on it. Luckily, a few select Ikeas will now be rolling out a service that allows you to adopt one while you're browsing display rooms. See also: 1...

Em São Paulo, a maior crise de abastecimento da História - Jornal O Globo

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Roberta C.M.Oliveira
oglobo.globo.com - SÃO PAULO O estado de São Paulo vive a pior crise de abastecimento de água de sua História, atingindo 17 milhões de pessoas nas regiões metropolitanas da capital e de Campinas. O governo estadual p...

Legalized, Not Prosecuted: Illegal Alien Who Stole Identity of Dead SSI-Collecting Baby Son

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theminorityreportblog.com - Editors Note: This article, written by Terence P. Jeffrey, was originally published by CNSNews.com and re-posted here with permission. (CNSNews.com) – The U.S. government not only failed to prosecu...

Edometriosis: July 14 - 2010 - All About Women Health Article -Endometriosis

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Chantel Martiromo
women-health123.blogspot.com - If you don't know many of the common endometriosis symptoms, that's okay, because there are many different symptoms to this condition. Just because one person displays a textbook case of the condit...

A "Tone-Deaf" Obama Mocked By The NYT For Vacationing While The World Burns

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Terry Kinder
zerohedge.com - When it comes to mocking president Obama, there is no easier or more effective way than focusing on his vacation/golfing schedule. The conservative Washington Examiner did just that last week, befo...

The Vital Importance of Conflict Resolution

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Steve Keating CSE
stevekeating.me - I am not a fan of conflict. I’d prefer to have zero conflicts in my life, both my personal life and my professional life. My preference however is unrealistic because conflicts are a part of life. ...

The Benefits of Publishing Your Content on LinkedIn

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Christian Del Monte
julepmedia.com - Christian Del Monte, a seasoned Internet marketing veteran that has worked for companies ranging from well funded start-ups to fortune 500 companies. Christian Del Monte is the President of Julep M...
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Painel Brasil TV - Encontro Nacional de Apoio á Adoção

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Painel Brasil TV
painelbrasil.tv - Exame Holanda presídios Brasil Código Florestal Ensino Médio Esporte Privatização Aviso Prévio Osteoporose Redes Sociais Combate ao Tráfico raça Copa do Mundo Nacional Diversidade Importação lixo M...

7 Táticas de Seth Godin para um Copywriting Irreverente

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tamapitch.com - Nos últimos tempos, observamos vídeos de vendas muito parecidos uns com os outros. Os mesmos argumentos, as mesmas rupturas mentais, as mesmas palavras, até formas de falar parecidas. Repetição, re...

‘Até a maçã não teremos mais, não pode personagem na embalagem’ - Jornal O Globo

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Paula Rosiska
oglobo.globo.com - Qual é a relação da Turma da Mônica com a questão da infância? Nossa meta sempre foi trabalhar para o bem-estar da criança. Passamos valores como amizade, respeito aos pais, aos mais velhos, uma so...

Em busca do estatuto de cidadania lusófona perdido

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blasfemias.net - Eu preciso de uma cidadania lusófona. Vocês não precisam de uma cidadania lusófona? É lamentável não termos uma verdadeira cidadania lusófona. A cidadania lusófona permitir-nos-ia vivenciar o pleno...

16º Domingo do Tempo Comum - A paciência de Deus - padrepauloricardo.org

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Sonia da S Santos
padrepauloricardo.org - Evangelho de Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo segundo Mateus (Mt 13, 24-43) O Evangelho escrito por São Mateus é dividido em cinco grandes sermões: o primeiro é o “sermão da montanha” (5-7); o segundo, o ...

Message From God (When You’re Doubting His Love)

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aheartforgod.org - Sometimes we question God’s love. (It happens.) The circumstances of life, the burdens, they have a way of weighing us down and causing us to wonder whether God is really for us. (It’s true.) I was...

Kyle J. Norton Health Tips for Better Living and Living Health: Chinese Herbs – Ge gan or Ge Hua ( Radix Puerariae)

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Kyle J.Norton
kylejnorton.blogspot.com - Ge Gen is also known as Kudzuvine Root. The acrid, sweet and neutral herb has been used in TCM as anti-arrhythmia, anti cancers, anti-oxidation, anti platelet coagulation, etc. and to lower blood s...

Ciberneticón » Compendio de viajes en el tiempo

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Fernando NunezNoda
ciberneticon.com - Just log on these types of time payday cash advances online payday cash advances online no obligation when agreed. Problems rarely check on secure bad pay day loans pay day loans and our online len...

The Explosive, Inside Story of How John Kerry Built an Israel-Palestine Peace Plan--and Watched It Crumble

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Jeffrey Levin
newrepublic.com - At around noon on March 20 last year, Air Force One landed at Tel Aviv’s Ben Gurion Airport for Barack Obama’s first presidential visit to Israel.

ACC's Swofford expects NCAA autonomy plan to pass - CBSSports.com

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Algernon Fross
cbssports.com - More college football: Jon Solomon | Dennis Dodd | Latest CFB news GREENSBORO, N.C. -- College athletics is bracing for Aug. 7, when the NCAA board of directors vote on the new governance structure...

Julio Severo: Elisa, a menina prometida por Deus

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Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - Mais um que testemunho lindo de uma irmã Cris braga sobre filhos e cuidado de Deus e conserto ele fez em sua vida. Os textos seu em relação da vinda dos filhos ser bençãos para os casais cristãos c...

Los Guaraguao : Madre

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Leonardo Cuellar.
shazam.com - Available on iPhone & iPod Touch, iPad, Android, Windows, Windows 8 and Blackberry.

Munilla abrirá la Novena a San Ignacio de Loyola con una misa en euskera

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religionconfidencial.com - San Ignacio de Loyola es el fundador de la Compañía de Jesús, de la que fue el primer Padre General. También es patrono de las provincias de Guipúzcoa y Vizcaya, y a finales del mes de julio se cel...

Pregnancy Journey, Miracle And Pregnancy Health: July 11-2010 All About Infertility Articles

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Chantel Martiromo
pregnacy--articles.blogspot.com - Female infertility is most often caused in the ovulation cycle. Blocked egg passing, or that there is no egg to pass, result in preventing pregnancy. Hormonal imbalance (with age), endometriosis, b...

Three Free Chapters of Lead, Sell, or Get Out of the Way

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Steve Keating CSE
ronkarr.com - In today's market, customers don't want to be sold to, however, everyone values the advice of a trusted advisor in the acquisition process. In Lead, Sell or Get Out of the Way, Ron Karr outlines a ...

Painel Econômico - JBFM 99,9

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Alex Campos JBFM
jbfm.ig.com.br - "Trabalhou nas rádios Globo e CBN, nas revistas Manchete e Marie Claire e no Jornal do Brasil, além de O Globo e O DIA. Neste último, como Editor de Economia, chefiou uma equipe que colecionou 11 p...
Meio Ambiente

A Palavra “Família” Enfurece a Esquerda Sexual na ONU

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Rede Defesa da Vida
c-fam.org - A questão é por causa de linguagem. A esquerda não gosta do uso do singular “família,” crendo que é “patriarcal” e não reconhece duplas de mesmo sexo. Em seu lugar e por muitos anos os países membr...

Andrea Mantegna: San Zeno Altarpiece

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Art and the Bible
artbible.info - The three upper panels together form one space. The fruit chains seem real, but are in fact painted - a technique known as trompe-l'oeil. They emphasize the perspective. In the middle, we see Mary ...
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Aborto no es Salud; tampoco Desarrollo

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CitizenGO es
citizengo.org - Quiero agradecerle su compromiso con las verdaderas necesidades sanitarias de las mujeres y sus hijos. Deseo felicitarle por las prioridades señaladas por la OMS en los objetivos del desarrollo pos...

Painel Brasil TV - Ouvidoria 162

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Painel Brasil TV
painelbrasil.tv - O Distrito Federal será uma das três primeiras Unidades da Federação a usar o novo número 162, que será utilizado para receber as ligações feitas às Ouvidorias Públicas municipais e estaduais do pa...

ISTOÉ Independente - Brasil

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Roberta C.M.Oliveira
istoe.com.br - Recentes movimentos discretos e decisões monocráticas tomadas pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) mostram que as prisões dos mensaleiros não asseguraram um precedente no combate à impunidade. Pelo ...

BNDES socorre elétricas com R$ 3 bi - Economia - Estadão

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Mara Kramer
economia.estadao.com.br -  BRASÍLIA - O Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (BNDES) deve bancar parte do novo empréstimo de socorro às distribuidoras de energia elétrica. Fora do “pool” de bancos que financ...

Obama State Dept Richard Stengel, tweets-deletes #UnitedforGaza : Fire Andrea Mitchell!

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fireandreamitchell.com - After lurch John Kerry’s open-mic bashing for Israel earlier today, we also have Richard Stengel blatantly rooting for Hamas terrorists and against Israel. ‘Rick’ Richard Under is the Secretary of ...

Martin Heidegger “The possible ranks higher than the actual.” — Philosophical Quotes

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Philosophers quotes
philosophical-quotes.com - « The possible ranks higher than the actual. » Martin Heidegger Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *

Reactions to the death of James Garner

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cnsnews.com - "Jim was a mentor to me and a friend, and I will miss him." — Tom Selleck, who early in his career guest-starred on Garner's series "The Rockford Files." Garner was "a hell of a driver. He truly wa...

Domingo sangrento em Gaza: cem palestinos mortos e militar israelense sequestrado - Internacional - Notícia - VEJA.com

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Carla Pola
veja.abril.com.br - Oriente Médio Domingo sangrento em Gaza: cem palestinos mortos e militar israelense sequestrado Este foi o dia mais violento do embate entre Israel e Hamas na Faixa de Gaza. Desde o início do confl...

Kyle J. Norton Health Tips for Better Living and Living Health: Immune System and Diet

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Kyle J.Norton
kylejnorton.blogspot.com - Immune System and Diet Immune system is the set of cells and their activity against antigens, or infectious agents that comprises of the body's defense system against diseases. The immune system do...

Democrats Push Bill to Overturn Laws Convicting Kermit Gosnell of Killing Born Alive Babies

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lifenews.com - by Steven Ertelt | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 7/15/14 11:28 AM Senate Democrats held a hearing today on a bill that wipes out virtually every pro-life law across the country, including state l...
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West’s wildfires are getting worse: Government polices are encouraging developers to build towns in high-fire-risk areas.

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Jeffrey Levin
slate.com - None of these wildfires are particularly unique. Home-threatening blazes have become something of an annual ritual for many towns out West, one increasingly untethered to the calendar. In the past ...

Blog do Coronel: Aécio: Dilma governa de costas para o povo.

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Adeus #Petralhas
coturnonoturno.blogspot.com - “Venho aqui para renovar minha fé e minha crença nos valores da família e nos valores cristãos, acreditando que o Brasil pode ser governado com ética e com decência”, disse Aécio em conversa com jo...

The Alps from Above

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Greg Wilson
wild-about-travel.com - The highlight of a flight from Italy to the Northern countries is when the plane flies over the Alps. By good weather conditions the view on the Alps from above is superb, no matter if it’s Summer ...

Maduro: China y Venezuela elevan relaciones a un nivel superior e integral - Nacional y Política

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Free Venezuela
eluniversal.com - Caracas.- Tras sostener un encuentro en privado en el Palacio de Miraflores, el presidente Nicolás Maduro y su homólogo de la República Popular China, Xi Jinping anunciaron la creación de una asoci...

Dedric Lawson makes it official, says he's following dad to Memphis - CBSSports.com

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Algernon Fross
cbssports.com - Dedric Lawson told CBSSports.com 10 days ago that Memphis hiring his father as an assistant would "probably seal the deal" for his commitment. Six days later, Memphis hired his father. And now the ...

Would YOU Trust This Woman With Your Country?

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✪Tom O'Halloran✪
bloodonherhands.com - Would YOU Trust This Woman With Your Country? Follow VeronicaCoffin
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Julio Severo: China comunista: o país mais cristão do mundo em 15 anos?

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Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - Eu estou tão feliz neste momento por ler isto, morei muitos anos na china e a anos digo: a china vai se tornar o maior país cristão do mundo e qdo isto acontecer ela se tornará lider mundial, EUA a...

BBC News - MH17 plane crash: Kerry points finger at Russia

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The Daily PR
bbc.co.uk - US Secretary of State John Kerry says there is overwhelming evidence of Russian complicity in the downing of a Malaysia Airlines plane in Ukraine. Mr Kerry called on Russia to take responsibility f...

Silvio Rodriguez : Nuestro Tema

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Leonardo Cuellar.
shazam.com - Available on iPhone & iPod Touch, iPad, Android, Windows, Windows 8 and Blackberry.

Pregnancy Journey, Miracle And Pregnancy Health: June 02 - 2010 All About Infertility Articles

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Chantel Martiromo
pregnacy--articles.blogspot.com - June 02 - 2010 All About Infertility Articles What Female Infertility Treatment Options Do I Have If I'm Infertile? By Aaren Humpherys and Heather Humpherys Recommended Reading Pregnancy MiracleA P...

Make it a Habit

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Steve Keating CSE
franksonnenbergonline.com - Do it now Treat others the way you want to be treated Make a difference Forgive and forget Find the good in people Save for a rainy day Live without regrets Listen to your conscience Keep your prom...
Meio Ambiente

Grupos Abortistas Batalham para Permanecer Relevantes em Novas Metas de Desenvolvimento

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Rede Defesa da Vida
c-fam.org - Delegados e autoridades da ONU têm se comprimido numa agitada sala de conferências na sede da ONU a semana inteira durante negociações tensas sobre um novo plano de desenvolvimento. Grupos abortist...

1 Million Simple Arguments That Will Change How You Look At Israel

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Doug Ray
israelvideonetwork.com - Is the problem really so complex? Who is willing to live in peace and who wants the other side dead? Join Dennis Prager as he explores the Middle East conflict and makes it perfectly obvious what l...

Painel Brasil TV - Reforma Política

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Painel Brasil TV
painelbrasil.tv - Painel: Olá, o assunto de hoje é reforma política e eu converso com a doutora Gabriela Rollemberg, tudo bem doutora? Dr. Gabriela Rollemberg: Tudo bem . Painel: Eu gostaria que a senhora falasse pr...

Texas Border Rancher Makes Frightening Discovery; Claims Proof That 9-11 is About to Happen Again [VIDEO]

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gopthedailydose.com - Mike Vickers owns a sleepy little 1,000 acre ranch that borders the U.S.-Mexico border. Vickers says that a minimum of 30 illegal immigrants cross his ranch, each and every day. The problem is that...

#AcordaBrasil!: BOMBA! TCU suspende venda de terreno do BNDES que dava prejuízo de Milionário

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Carlos Parrini
blogdoparrini.blogspot.com - domingo, 20 de julho de 2014 BOMBA! TCU suspende venda de terreno do BNDES que dava prejuízo de Milionário Na boa, se o BNDES faz operações como essa debaixo de nosso nariz, imaginem o que faz lá f...

God Bless / Tribute to America (original instrumental)

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aheartforgod.org - Mike Campagna (affectionately known by some as Pastor Mike) is making the most of web technologies to encourage disciples. A self-proclaimed “twitterholic,” one twitter follower describes him as th...

12 teams to take part in Competitive Balance Lottery on Wednesday

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Esteban Eordogh
arizona.diamondbacks.mlb.com - Major League Baseball's version of the Draft lottery doesn't attract nearly as much attention as its NBA and NHL counterparts, mostly because baseball's top picks aren't determined randomly like th...

When He Learned His Business Was Being Used to Build an Abortion Clinic, What He Did Was Priceless

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lifenews.com - by Sarah Zagorski | New Orleans, LA | LifeNews.com | 7/18/14 4:23 PM A baby graveyard is being built in New Orleans, and it’s quite an expensive one too. Who’s building it? None other than Planned ...

These Fighter Jets Appear An Instant Away From A Midair Crash. How They Avoid It Is Beyond Me.

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viralspell.com - This is an absolutely astonishing image, captured by amateur photographer David Sleight. The photo shows two RAF Hawk jets at Waddington’s International Airshow in England, which appear to be so cl...

Criação de polícia única é tema de nova enquete da Câmara - Câmara Notícias - Portal da Câmara dos Deputados

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Edmilson Papo 10
camara.leg.br - A partir de hoje (7), a Câmara dos Deputados começa uma nova enquete – quer saber se os internautas são a favor ou contra o fim das polícias civil e militar e sua substituição por uma organização p...

Schimmel's 29 leads East over West 125-124 in OT

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cnsnews.com - PHOENIX (AP) — Showtime Shoni had quite the All-Star debut. Shoni Schimmel, a rookie who doesn't even start for her own team, put on a record-breaking performance — scoring 29 points to help the Ea...

BLOG DO ORLANDO TAMBOSI: O desprezo de Lula pelo mercado

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Adeus #Petralhas
otambosi.blogspot.com - domingo, 20 de julho de 2014 O desprezo de Lula pelo mercado O bravateiro de São Bernardo é tão hostil ao livre mercado quanto à democracia (aliás, só há democracia onde o mercado é livre). "Esse t...
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Europa Islâmica pede a cabeça dos judeus - LIBERTAR.in - Frente de Libertação, Restauração e Resistência

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libertar.in - No mesmo dia Brasil, França, Bélgica e agora Alemanha. Todos no mesmo dia. Espontâneos ou movimentos planejados? Chega de inocência, tem coisa grande vindo por ai. Assista a este vídeo perturbador ...

Toothy Grins Store: HydroFloss Is Still The Best Choice For Your Dental Health

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David Snape
blog.toothygrinsstore.com - HydroFloss Is Still The Best Choice For Your Dental Health What we are talking about here is prevention of those big dental health bills that everyone hates.   Do you want to spend thousands of dol...

Al menos 11 puñaladas recibió el alcalde de Río Caribe

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Free Venezuela
primicia.com.ve - El diputado de la Asamblea Nacional, César Rincones ofreció detalles a sobre el asesinato del alcalde del municipio Arismendi, estado Sucre, Enrique Franceshi. Rincones declaró a Globovisión que el...

Sarah Palin Demands Obama Impeachment Because America Is Being Invaded (By Children)

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Jeffrey Levin
politicususa.com - Since John Boehner doesn’t want to impeach Obama, Sarah Palin is appealing to a higher power by claiming that God wants President Obama to be impeached. Palin tried to revive her case for impeachme...

Wozniacki wins Istanbul Cup on same day McIlroy wins British Open - CBSSports.com

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Algernon Fross
cbssports.com - Woohoo!! Title number 22!! So excited! #istanbul pic.twitter.com/mrP05Ly4AU Professionally speaking, both star athletes seem to be doing just fine. Only months after Caroline Wozniacki and Rory McI...

BBC News - Iran completes process of eliminating enriched uranium

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The Daily PR
bbc.co.uk - Iran has turned all of its enriched uranium closest to the level needed to make nuclear arms into more harmless forms, the UN nuclear agency says. The conversion of its stock of 20%-enriched uraniu...

Ole Ole : Con Sólo Una Mirada

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Leonardo Cuellar.
shazam.com - Available on iPhone & iPod Touch, iPad, Android, Windows, Windows 8 and Blackberry.
Meio Ambiente

G1 - TEDxRio Metrópole vai debater crescimento urbano - notícias em Rio de Janeiro

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Danilo Simões
g1.globo.com - O Theatro Municipal, no Centro da cidade, vai sediar no dia 12 de agosto a terceira edição do TEDxRio, que terá como tema “Metrópole”. Cerca de 20 palestrantes falarão sobre o crescimento urbano de...

John Kerry open-mic bashes Israel – ‘Hell of a pinpoint operation’ : Fire Andrea Mitchell!

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fireandreamitchell.com - John Kerry is an anti-Semite. He is a perfect fit for this Hussein Obama anti-Israel regime. Kerry was caught on an open-mic earlier today on Fox News Sunday bashing Israel and sarcastically referr...

Giveaway: 3 Copies of JENI’S SPLENDID ICE CREAM DESSERTS by Jeni Britton Bauer

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Sweet Paul Magazine
sweetpaulmag.com - ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Jeni Britton Bauer has been making ice cream since 1996 when she opened Scream Ice Cream in Columbus, Ohio’s North Market. Today, she is the founder and chief creative officer of ...

Painel Brasil TV - Parque Tecnológico

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Painel Brasil TV
painelbrasil.tv - Painel:Oi pessoal, o assunto de hoje é parque tecnológico do DF, e eu recebo o presidente da SINFOR que é Sindicato da Indústria da informação do DF Giovane Ferreira. Tudo bem Giovane? Giovane Ferr...

Proof: Higher Gas Prices Cause Businesses to Close

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Dawn (USMC Mom)
3QuartersToday.com - Category: Small Town Living Tags: Barack Obama, business, energy, Gasoline and diesel usage and pricing, Nebraska, Oil and Gas 5 Comments A popular running line in this years presidential race is g...

Rotation in limbo as Cardinals weigh options

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Esteban Eordogh
stlouis.cardinals.mlb.com - ST. LOUIS -- The Cardinals remain mum on their pitching plans for Wednesday, an indication, it would seem, that Shelby Miller remains a candidate to make that start against Tampa Bay. Upon returnin...

10 People Who Won’t Be in Heaven After They Die

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aheartforgod.org - True, it is a horrible thought to think that people will die because they do not believe in God. But that is simply the natural extension of free will, just as choosing to reject treatment for an i...

This Guy Jokingly Asked For $10 On Kickstarter To Make Potato Salad But Raised $44K. A Lot Of Salad To Make…

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viralspell.com - All right, sometimes jokes do backfire — we’ve all been there. But this guy’s joke failed so spectacularly that it’s hard to believe. In fact, I would not have believed it, hadn’t been for his Kick...

Kyle J. Norton Health Tips for Better Living and Living Health: Diverticulitis Treatments In conventional medicine perspective

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Kyle J.Norton
kylejnorton.blogspot.com - Diverticulitis is defined as a condition of inflammation of the small, bulging sacs or pouches of the inner lining of the intestine that bulge outward through weak spots as a result of small pieces...

Arquivo para Devocional Diário - [DIÁRIO DE BORDO]

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diariodebordo.net.br - Graça e paz seja da parte de Deus nosso Pai e de Jesus Cristo     Filipenses 3 3-Nada façais por contenda ou por vanglória, mas por humildade; cada um considere os outros superiores a si ...

Writer Mourns Friend's Lost Opportunity to Abort Her Down Syndrome Child

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lifenews.com - by Cassy Fiano | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 10/9/13 3:39 AM Since October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month, Jane Brody wrote a piece for the New York Times detailing advancements in prenatal t...

Obama Warns Of ‘Dark Forces’

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todaysnewsgazette.com - Obama Warns Of ‘Dark Forces’, President Barack Obama issued a sweeping warning Wednesday that Russia’s actions in Ukraine threaten to drag the world back towards the “darker forces of the past” tha...

TTEG – Get this CORE play on your radar NOW! : Xtremepicks | Penny Stock Alerts | Penny Stocks | Penny Stock Picks | Best Penny Stocks

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xtremepicks.com - Members need to put TTEG on your radar this week unless you want to miss a 1,000% potential gainer play. We expect significant updates from TTEG that will be nothing short of awesome. When we first...


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linkedin.com - If you are not automatically redirected, please click here.

Rússia pretende reabrir antiga base soviética em Cuba, a 250 km dos EUA - 16/07/2014 - Mundo - Folha de S.Paulo

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arq pedrinho2
folha.uol.com.br - A Rússia negocia secretamente um acordo provisório com Cuba para reabrir uma grande base da era soviética na ilha caribenha, de onde o país espionou os Estados Unidos, disse uma fonte do setor de s...

Report: Jon Bon Jovi also wants to keep the Bills in Buffalo - CBSSports.com

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Algernon Fross
cbssports.com - More NFL: Photos | Videos & GIFs | Stories | Training Camps | Johnny Manziel watch The NFL seems intent at the moment for wanting to make sure the Bills franchise, for sale after the death of found...

Leslie headlines 2015 women's Hall of Fame class

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cnsnews.com - Four-time Olympic gold medalist Lisa Leslie headlines the 2015 women's basketball Hall of Fame induction class announced Saturday. She is joined by former Houston Comets star Janeth Arcain, Univers...

BBC News - Gaza crisis: Israeli soldiers' funerals take place

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The Daily PR
bbc.co.uk - Israel and Gaza have both suffered their bloodiest day since the beginning of the current offensive. Israel says that 13 of its soldiers died since Saturday night, the biggest one-day loss for its ...

Daily Christian news, views and magazine-style articles on issues impacting the world today - Daily Christian news, views and magazine-style articles on issues impacting the world today

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My Christian Daily
mychristiandaily.com - Anberlin has released the music video for the single "Stranger Ways" from their seventh and final album "Lowborn." Lowborn releases Tuesday July 22nd. The video is premiering at A.V. Club

Breaking news on Israeli-Palestinian conflict - breakingnews.com

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Cynthia Kelly
breakingnews.com - Updates on the ongoing conflict between Israelis and Palestinians. Despite peace talks, Israelis and Palestinians have failed to reach a final peace agreement regarding recognition, borders, securi...

[Blog do Ciro] ® : Novidade: estou em campanha!

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Ciro Sanches Zibordi
cirozibordi.blogspot.com - domingo, 20 de julho de 2014 Novidade: estou em campanha! Autor: Ciro Sanches Zibordi Reações:  Enviar por e-mailBlogThis!Compartilhar no TwitterCompartilhar no FacebookCompartilhar no OrkutCompart...

Amistades Peligrosas : Me Haces Tanto Bien

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Leonardo Cuellar.
shazam.com - Available on iPhone & iPod Touch, iPad, Android, Windows, Windows 8 and Blackberry.

Gov. Gary Johnson | Libertarian Party 2014 National Convention

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Libertarian Party
lpcon2014.org - Gov. Gary Johnson LP Presidential Candidate, 2012 Election Gary Johnson, who has been called the “most fiscally conservative governor” in the country, was the Republican governor of New Mexico from...

Women's Health: Women and Heart Disease (Coronary Microvascular Disease (MVD)) - The Causes and risk factors

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Chantel Martiromo
thetruestoriesstories.blogspot.com - Women and Heart Disease (Coronary Microvascular Disease (MVD)) - The Causes and risk factors  Posted by Chantel Martiromo,  Article By Kyle J. Norton  Heart disease is defined as a condition in whi...

VEJA 2 – O mensalão existiu | Reinaldo Azevedo - Blog - VEJA.com

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Mara Kramer
veja.abril.com.br - Por Otávio Cabral: O deputado José Eduardo Cardozo assumiu a secretaria-geral do PT, o segundo posto mais alto da hierarquia do partido – cargo que já foi ocupado por Silvio Pereira, o Silvinho, um...

Leaving the Herd

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Michael Berry
blog.prosperyourmind.com - Leaving the Herd We all know what it is like to be a part of the herd mentality. It is comfortable and easy to think and behave like everyone else you come in contact with. Live the  same lifestyle...

Paulo Coelho Discusses the 25th Anniversary Edition of The Alchemist

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Esteban Eordogh
paulocoelhoblog.com - What originally inspired you to write The Alchemist? Coelho: My dream was to be a writer. I wrote my first book in 1987, The Pilgrimage, after completing my own personal pilgrimage from France to S...

Twishort / AlbertoCVillar: Jesus, acrescentou o Papa, "…

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Alberto Villar
twishort.com - Jesus, acrescentou o Papa, "o diz àqueles que têm tudo, mas seu coração é vazio". Também a eles Jesus dirige esse convite: "Vinde a mim". "O convite de Jesus é para todos. Mas de modo especial – pr...

Painel Brasil TV - Doação de Órgãos

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Painel Brasil TV
painelbrasil.tv - Transplante de córnea no Distrito Federal, há alguns anos atrás tinha uma fila que chegava a alguns anos. Os pacientes buscavam o tratamento principalmente em São Paulo, aonde teoricamente tinha um...

It Took Huge Effort For These Companies To Perfect Their Slogans… And A Bit Of Ingenuity To Mock Them.

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viralspell.com - Big brands spend vast amounts of resources in developing their marketing strategies and few things are as carefully looked at as their logos and slogans. And for good reason — these are the things ...

Sites promovem doação de fotos para perfis falsos - Link Estadão – Cultura Digital - Estadao.com.br

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Paulo Devechi
blogs.estadao.com.br - Em busca de popularidade, jovens cedem suas fotografias para serem usadas livremente por outras pessoas nas redes sociais Dá para escolher por estilo: loiras, morenas, usando camisas de times, olho...

How to Tell If You’re in a Cult (in 30 seconds)

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aheartforgod.org - Mike Campagna (affectionately known by some as Pastor Mike) is making the most of web technologies to encourage disciples. A self-proclaimed “twitterholic,” one twitter follower describes him as th...

Kyle J. Norton Health Tips for Better Living and Living Health: The Best Salad of Mid West Coleslaw

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Kyle J.Norton
kylejnorton.blogspot.com - Recipes attributed to Company Coming salad by Jean Pare Nice creamy dressing, a bit more tart than some. Good Shredded cabbage  6 cups,   1.4 L Carrot, grated         1             1 Minced onion  ...

Getting Rid Of Bad Breath

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David Snape
toothygrinsstore.com - Get Rid Of Morning Breath And Bad Breath With The Knowledge From This Informative Book Fill out the boxes Below to Get Your Free Guide From a Leading Dentist and expert on fighting bad breath | mor...

Neurônio escravocrata | Augusto Nunes - VEJA.com

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Adeus #Petralhas
veja.abril.com.br - Não sei não…mas essa tal de dilma já deu… é tanta cretinice ao mesmo tempo que já faz tempo que ela merecia um impeachment, senão, vejamos: - o indecente MAIS MÉDICOS - Mensalão - Porto de Mariel (...

Frida Kahlo | Por el ojo de la aguja

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Matilde M. Quintana
porelojodelaaguja.wordpress.com - Frida Kahlo nació en Coyoacán, México DF, el 7 de julio de 1910. Hija de madre mexicana y padre alemán. Cursó estudios en la Escuela Normal de Maestros y también de bachillerato en la Escuela Nacio...
Meio Ambiente

Arquivo Misterioso: Dentro de 20 anos, humanos podem conhecer extraterrestres

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Blog Tá Duvidando?
arquivomisterioso.blogspot.com - A humanidade pode conhecer os extraterrestres dentro de 20 anos, disse na segunda-feira o administrador da NASA, o ex-astronauta Charles Bolden. “Eu me arriscaria a dizer que a maioria dos meus col...

Rius - Recamier: conforto e charme na decoração

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rius.com.br - O recamier é um móvel bastante antigo, da época de Napoelão. Esta espécie de sofá sem encosto ou braço veio recebendo diferentes releituras ao longo dos anos, sem nunca deixar a pompa e o charme de...

60 Palestinians, 13 Israeli soldiers dead - CNN.com

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Cynthia Kelly
cnn.com - Gaza City (CNN) -- Thirteen Israeli troops were killed overnight in Gaza, the Israel Defense Forces said Sunday. Hamas said it lured Israeli tanks into a Gaza field in which it had hidden improvise...

Tee-totally plumb wore out - Daily Christian news, views and magazine-style articles on issues impacting the world today

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My Christian Daily
mychristiandaily.com - I don't think a hot stone massage or a Calgon bubble bath could begin to ease this exhaustion. A deep, intense, two-day sleep, or a rest in a hammock on a secluded island with a half a jar of peanu...


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paulxbrow.blogspot.com - VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN: THE SITUATION the problem Violence against women takes many forms - physical, sexual, psychological and economic. These forms of violence are interrelated and affect women f...

BBC News - Technical problems continue for BBC services including iPlayer

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The Daily PR
bbc.co.uk - BBC services including iPlayer and some online material are still being affected by technical problems, which began on Saturday. Some online users have found error messages when accessing pages inc...

Rams LB Jo-Lonn Dunbar arrested, charged with battery - CBSSports.com

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Algernon Fross
cbssports.com - More NFL: Photos | Videos & GIFs | Stories | Training Camps | Johnny Manziel watch Rams linebacker Jo-Lonn Dunbar was arrested early Sunday morning along with former NBA player Donte Green and both...

Julio Severo: ONU Elege Ugandense como Presidente, Fazendo Resistência às Pressões LGBT dos EUA

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Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - Oi, Aprendiz. Olavo tem feito contribuições muito importantes, inclusive na defesa de movimentos e ideias que outros filósofos não defendem. Cito apenas a educação escolar em casa e a liberdade dos...

Ron Paul defends Putin over downed Malaysian plane: He’s ‘smarter than that’

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Live Free Radio
rawstory.com - Former Congressman Ron Paul (R-TX) recently defended Russian President Vladimir Putin against critics in the United States who had said that he was complicit in the deaths of nearly 300 people beca...


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Brasil ao Leite
brasilaoleite.wordpress.com - Logo após a derrota do Brasil pela grandiosa Alemanha  de 7 a 1 na semi-final  da Copa do Mundo, o ministro do esporte ( essa pasta nem deveria existir), Aldo Rebelo teve um ”pire- paque” soviético...

Judge Jeanine to Obama: ‘Put on your BIG BOY PANTS with a coherent foreign policy!’ » The Right Scoop -

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Truth Tweeter
therightscoop.com - Judge Jeanine Pirro runs expertly runs through Obama’s enormous foreign policy failures in Iraq and Ukraine, and domestically at the border. Try not to get too depressed when she runs the clip of a...
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‘Circuitos Solidarios’, una iniciativa pionera contra la pobreza energética

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Forum Libertas
forumlibertas.com - Normas de uso - Esta es la opinión de los usuarios, no de www.forumlibertas.com. - Los comentarios contrarios a las leyes españolas, injuriantes o difamatorios serán eliminados, así como aquellos q...

These Photos Are Going To Seriously Mess With Your Brain.

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Dawn (USMC Mom)
2centstoday.com - If You See Game of Thrones, You Will Get These Photos They might have meant well, but these people certainly did NOT get what they wished for...the results are hilarious! You don't know it now, but...
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Twishort / AlbertoCVillar: "A indiferença: quanto mal …

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Alberto Villar
twishort.com - "A indiferença: quanto mal a indiferença humana faz aos necessitados! E pior, a dos cristãos. Encontram-se às margens da sociedade tantos homens e mulheres provados pela indigência, mas também pela...

The Emotional Involvement Behind Social Media Interactions

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Sérgio Lüdtke
thenextweb.com - Dr. Liraz Margalit is the Customer Experience Psychologist at ClickTale. Arriving home after a long day at the office spent almost entirely in front of the computer, you take off your shoes, make y...

Kerry Caught On Open Mic Sarcastically Slamming Israeli Op

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Rafael Kafka
dailycaller.com - Maybe there’s a reason the White House has been keeping John Kerry from Fox News. Just moments after a testy exchange with “Fox News Sunday’s” Chris Wallace over what the Secretary of State perceiv...

In Comcast/Time Warner Merger, Public Interest Is Paramount 

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Jeffrey Levin
huffingtonpost.com - New York State's Public Service Commission (PSC) is currently reviewing Comcast's plan to purchase Time Warner Cable for over $45 billion, a merger which would link the nation's two largest cable c...

Women's Health: Isoflavones on tumor growth and cachexia in newly established cachectic mouse models carrying human stomach cancers

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Chantel Martiromo
thetruestoriesstories.blogspot.com - Posted by Chantel Martiromo. research contributed by PubMed Cachexia, a negative prognostic factor, worsens a patient's quality of life. According to the study by the National Cancer Center Researc...

Números de casas: placa porta maternidade

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numerodacasa.blogspot.com - terça-feira, 8 de julho de 2014 placa porta maternidade Placas sob encomenda em modelo exclusivo para a maternidade placa muito útil depois no próprio quarto da criança Placa porta de maternidade c...

This Surely Is The Most Sorrowful Kitten Ever To Be Born. It Might Be Because She Still Has No Name…

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viralspell.com - The sorrowful kitten you are about to see below has garnered quite a bit of attention since its owner Ashley Herring posted her incredible photographs on Imgur at the weekend. But I think I’ve figu...

Dreamlike Images From A 1963 French Fashion Shoot

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sobadsogood.com - In a world where Photoshop transform the impossible into the everyday norm, where Instagram alters HD photographs into filtered 'vintage' low-res versions of themselves, it's easy to forget that on...

Even The Onion Is Mocking Big Pharma's Focus On Patents Over All Else

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Cold Hard Truth
techdirt.com - Even The Onion Is Mocking Big Pharma's Focus On Patents Over All Else from the truth-in-humor dept For many years, we've been pointing out that the big pharmaceutical industry has become so focused...

Liberty Quotation: Harry Browne on Freedom and Responsibility « The Libertarian Party of Maryland

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Karl Dickey
lpmaryland.org - Quote Posted on July 17, 2014 Updated on July 17, 2014 “It’s often said that freedom and responsibility are two sides of the same coin—that if you want freedom, you must first accept the responsibi...

Frei Clemente Rojão: Hamas revela arma contra Israel ou Jequisse neopentecostal

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Frei Clemente Rojão
freirojao.blogspot.com - Duvidam??? Vejam o vídeo. Não deixa de ser um testemunho ao artificialismo evangélico. Rabinos nunca pisaram no Templo de Salomão. No Templo de Neemias, talvez, mas nunca no de Salomão, que era ser...

Predomínio do Terror: O Mais Best da Semana #54

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Blog Tá Duvidando?
predominiodoterror.blogspot.com - BOTE SUA PAMPERS E CONFIRA O QUE TEVE DE MELHOR NA SEMANA! Sejam bem-vindos a mais uma edição dos links mais insanos da semana, sejam bem-vindos a mais um best. Lembrando à vocês que hoje é dia do ...

Toothy Grins Store: The Power of Inexpensive Alkaline Water

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David Snape
blog.toothygrinsstore.com - The Power of Inexpensive Alkaline Water  Alkaline water is good for your teeth. Most people think its  good for a lot of other reasons too.  A higher pH in the mouth retards 'bad' bacteria from gro...


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