25 July 2014

LiberdadeDeExpressao 24.07.2014 @livrexpress


LiberdadeDeExpressao News

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U.S. Betrayal Against Brazil

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Last Days Watchman
barbwire.com - Henry Kissinger once said, “In this world it is often dangerous to be an enemy of the United States, but to be a friend is fatal.” Brazilian military officials, who made significant sacrifices to p...

The real agenda behind gay anti-bullying clubs in your school | News

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Redeeming Rainbow
lifesitenews.com - WALTHAM, Massachusetts September 6, 2011 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Back in the early 1990’s most people in North America would have doubted there would ever come a day when the homosexual agenda would b...

Links para assistir ao 1º Congresso Nacional sobre Doutrinação Política e Ideológica nas Escolas

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escolasempartido.org - Para assistir ao vivo, no próximo dia 24 de julho (quinta-feira), ao 1º Congresso Nacional sobre Doutrinação Política e Ideológica nas Escola basta seguir os links abaixo e fazer a sua inscrição. h...

1º Congresso Nacional sobre Doutrinação Política e Ideológica nas Escolas por FENEP Escola Sem Partido - Eventials

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eventials.com - 1º Congresso Nacional sobre Doutrinação Política e Ideológica nas Escolas Dinâmica do evento (horários aproximados): 09:00 - Abertura 09:30 - Palestra do Prof. Olavo de Carvalho: "A tragédia da edu...

Lei deu nome de tio de Aécio para aeroporto em MG - 24/07/2014 - Poder - Folha de S.Paulo

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UOL Notícias
folha.uol.com.br - O aeroporto da cidade mineira de Cláudio, construído pelo governo de Minas num terreno de um parente do senador Aécio Neves (PSDB) desapropriado pelo Estado, ainda não foi inaugurado nem está liber...

Julio Severo: Até quando o Brasil vai tolerar as mentiras e loucuras de Jean Wyllys e Maria do Rosário?

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Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - De acordo com o pensamento politicamente correto do governo (e dos homossexuais), ser homofóbico é: – ser contra o homossexualismo (e dizer que o homossexualismo é pecado); – não aceitar a agenda g...

Palestra do Prof. Olavo de Carvalho por FENEP Escola Sem Partido - Eventials

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eventials.com - A transmissão ao vivo deste webinar foi encerrada. Em instantes a transmissão iniciará automaticamente. Verifique se você possui o plugin do Flash Player instalado e se ele está ativo. Você pode: S...

Cartoon of the Day: Veteran Bypass

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barbwire.com - Obama’s priorities of open borders trumps U.S. Veterans. We have no tolerance for comments containing violence, racism, vulgarity, profanity, all caps, or discourteous behavior. Thank you for partn...

IT Experts Say Lerner Hard Drive Was Recoverable, Only Scratched - Investors.com

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news.investors.com - “The committee was told no data was recoverable and the physical drive was recycled and potentially shredded. To now learn that the hard drive... View Enlarged Image Scandal: The tangled web of IRS...

Personhood FL ProLife PAC Candidates Federal State Endorse

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TC Tax Day Tea Party
personhoodflprolifepac.com - Personhood FL ProLife PAC today contacted candidates running for federal, state, district wide, and local races to seek endorsement based on their prolife stance. Candidates seeking endorsement sho...

Dia 27: Muçulmano se converte ao cristianismo lendo o Alcorão

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Paulo Teixeira 3147
portasabertas.org.br - A ideia do domínio próprio é demonstrada pelos muçulmanos no 27º dia do ramadã, quando os muçulmanos celebram a noite em que eles acreditam que Alá revelou, pela primeira vez, as palavras do Alcorã...

Judeus fazem ato pró-Israel em São Paulo - 24/07/2014 - Mundo - Folha de S.Paulo

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Sandro Guidalli
folha.uol.com.br - Uma manifestação a favor do direito de defesa de Israel aconteceu nesta quinta-feira (24), na praça Cinquentenário de Israel, no Pacaembu, em São Paulo. Cerca de 300 pessoas foram ao ato, organizad...

Cranmer: Why do Palestinians only matter when they're killed by Israel?

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Archbishop Cranmer
archbishop-cranmer.blogspot.co.uk - "Gaza crisis: Palestinian death toll passes 700," cries the Guardian, as it offers live updates on the growing body count. The BBC is also keeping a tally. And there's a whole Wikipedia page dedica...


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aluizioamorim.blogspot.com - quinta-feira, julho 24, 2014 MARIELA CASTRO, A SOBRINHA DE FIDEL CASTRO, ESTAVA NO AVIÃO QUE CAIU NA ÁFRICA NESTA QUINTA-FEIRA. Mariela Castro é filha do ditador cubano Raúl Castro e e era conhecid...

ασέβια (asebeia) | VERDADE NA PRÁTICA

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Luis A R Branco
verdadenapratica.wordpress.com - Sinto um aperto no peito, A mente a borbulhar de pensamentos, As palavras me são como milho numa panela ao lume, A cada estoiro uma metamorfose, E tudo isto resulta em poesia. Adélia diz que a poes...

Speramus-(We Hope!): Will the Mission of the Prophet Elijah culminate in the Apparitions of Our Lady at Fatima?

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speramus-hope.blogspot.com -    The Brown Scapular  may also have a similiar symbolic mission as the blood over the doors of the Jews during the Passover. Our Lady held out the scapular to the crowd during the Miracle of the s...

Defesa de Cerveró vai responsabilizar Dilma no caso Pasadena - Política - Estadão

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Marisa Cruz
politica.estadao.com.br - Rio - A presidente Dilma Rousseff será o alvo da defesa do ex-diretor da Petrobrás Nestor Cerveró em sua argumentação contra a decisão do Tribunal de Contas da União (TCU) de responsabilizar a anti...

Adivinha quem está inovando? - | Observatório da Imprensa | Observatório da Imprensa - Você nunca mais vai ler jornal do mesmo jeito

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observatoriodaimprensa.com.br - O mais velho dos axiomas televisivos acaba de voltar à tona no Brasil. Ele estabelece que o público da televisão aberta não é sensível à qualidade. Há muitos anos as emissoras respondem a isso da m...

Las llaves de Pedro – Consideraciones acerca de Lumen fidei - El tan socorrido debate entre Fe y razón

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infocatolica.com - El Papa, obispo de Roma y sucesor de San Pedro, “es el principio y fundamento perpetuo y visible de unidad, tanto de los obispos como de la muchedumbre de los fieles” (Lumen Gentium, 23) En los sig...


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Richard Bejah
richardbejah.com - Set some time aside to create your bucket list and stop putting off your dreams for “someday” The best way to get the most out of life is to look upon it as a magnificent adventure. This list is a ...

Não foi o governador, foi Minas - Comentário para o programa radiofônico do Observatório, 21/7/2014 | Observatório da Imprensa

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observatoriodaimprensa.com.br - Os leitores da Folha de S. Paulo foram surpreendidos no domingo (20/7) por um ataque indireto ao senador Aécio Neves, candidato do PSDB a presidente da República. “Minas fez aeroporto em fazenda de...

Planned Parenthood Employee Suggests Teens Pretend to be Babies During Sex

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newsbusters.org - Planned Parenthood might champion the destruction of babies in the womb, but the sometimes the abortion giant finds babies a real turn-on.  In a push to defund Planned Parenthood, pro-life group Li...

O direito de esquecer e o direito de saber | Blogs OI | Observatório da Imprensa - Você nunca mais vai ler jornal do mesmo jeito

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observatoriodaimprensa.com.br - A grande imprensa mundial mantém um intrigante silêncio sobre a decisão da justiça europeia de conceder a indivíduos o direito de exigir que os sistemas de buscas na internet eliminem de seus banco...
Meio Ambiente

Órgãos internacionais reduzem a 1,3% previsão para o PIB brasileiro, pior que dos países emergentesPortal Alvaro Dias

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Alvaro Dias
alvarodias.com.br - O Fundo Monetário Internacional divulgou nesta quinta-feira (24) relatório sobre o Panorama Econômico Mundial, e o documento trouxe uma revisão do crescimento do PIB brasileiro. Esta é a quinta vez...

“Partido Interreligioso por la Paz” reúne a estrellas del fútbol como Messi, Zanetti y Zidane

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - VATICANO, 23 Jul. 14 / 06:28 pm (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- El 1 de septiembre el estadio Olímpico de Roma será sede del ''Partido Interreligioso por la Paz'', iniciativa que el futbolista Javier Zanetti...

The Shocking Truth About Table Scraps

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Inspirational Quotes
theilovedogssite.com - We don’t think too much about how much fat is in that bite of bacon or the amount of sugar in that spoonful of ice cream when we hand it over to the big brown eye staring at us beneath the table. A...

Jornalistas se submetem a controle editorial - | Observatório da Imprensa

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observatoriodaimprensa.com.br - Estudo da Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR) revela que profissionais são submissos à cultura organizacional e realizam pautas recomendadas pela diretoria para manter emprego. Repórteres reconhe...

Papa Francisco felicita a Obispo de Segovia por 50 años de sacerdocio y elogia su obra religiosa

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - MADRID, 24 Jul. 14 / 08:23 pm (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- El Papa Francisco ha remitido una carta al Obispo de Segovia (España), Mons. Ángel Rubio, para trasladarle felicitaciones en sus 50 años de sacer...

Vídeo: porque o Pr. Silas vai apoiar Pr. Everaldo para presidente

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Verdade Gospel
verdadegospel.com - Pastor Silas Malafaia oficializa seu apoio ao pastor Everaldo Pereira (PSC) para o cargo de presidente da República nas próximas eleições (confira o vídeo abaixo). “Sou cidadão e tenho direito de e...

You're Much More Likely to Be Killed By Brain-Eating Parasites, Texting While Driving, Lightning, Falling Out of Bed, Alcoholism, a Financial Crash, Obesity, Medical Errors, or "Autoerotic Asphyxiation" than by Terrorism Washington's Blog

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Paul Joseph Watson
washingtonsblog.com - The U.S. Department of State reports that only 17 U.S. citizens were killed worldwide as a result of terrorism in 2011. That figure includes deaths in Afghanistan, Iraq and all other theaters of wa...

Why Startups Should Have At Least One Paper.li ...

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scoop.it - Marty's Paper.li Story About a week after starting as Atlantic BT, largest web dev shop in Triangle area of NC, my boss & founder / CEO Jon Jordan asked me, "What's this Paper.li" thing. Jon's disp...

NBC e CNN afastam correspondentes da Faixa de Gaza - Tradução: Fernanda Lizardo, edição de Leticia Nunes. Com informações de Andrew Kirell [“CNN Removes Diana Magnay from Israel-Gaza Coverage Following ‘Scum’ Tweet”, Mediaite, 18/7/14]; de Michael Calderone [“CNN Removes Reporter Diana Magnay From Israel-Gaza After 'Scum' Tweet”, The Huffington Post, 18/7/14]; de Michael Calderone [“Questions Surround NBC's Removal Of Ayman Mohyeldin From Gaza”, The Huffington Post, 18/7/14]; e de Matt Wilstein [“NBC News Reverses Decision, Will Put Ayman Mohyeldin Back in Gaza”, Mediaite, 18/7/14] | Observatório da Imprensa

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observatoriodaimprensa.com.br - A mídia americana teve dois casos de afastamento de correspondentes na cobertura do conflito entre israelenses e palestinos, na semana passada. Na emissora de TV NBC News, o experiente jornalista A...

Video: ISIS Destroys Prophet Jonah’s Mosque in Mosul, Iraq · Global Voices

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Global Voices
globalvoicesonline.org - The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), which took over Iraq's second largest city of Mosul and other territory in western Iraq last month, continues to destroy ancient religious shrines and Sh...

Aprobar el aborto en Chile sería “perjudicial” e “innecesario” advierte Arzobispo

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - SANTIAGO, 24 Jul. 14 / 07:30 pm (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- “La razón al servicio de la Vida Humana” es el título que lleva la carta pastoral presentada por el Arzobispo de Concepción (Chile), Mons. Fern...

Michelle Malkin | » The ‘it’s the law’ crowd blames ACA ‘typo’ for big blow to Obamacare

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Drew McKissick
michellemalkin.com - John Conyers: “I love these members that get up and say, Read the bill! Well, what good is reading the bill if it’s a thousand pages and you don’t have two days and two lawyers to find out what it ...

Mulher condenada à morte por se tornar cristã deixa Sudão e é recebida pelo papa - Internacional - Estadão

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Assembleia de Deus
internacional.estadao.com.br - Uma mulher sudanesa que foi poupada de uma sentença de morte por se converter do islamismo para o cristianismo, mas estava proibida de deixar o Sudão, voou para Roma nesta quinta-feira em um avião ...

paper.li - the blog: Google+: The Grass is Always Greenest When It's Watered

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blog.paper.li - A couple of weeks ago Vic Gundotra, 'the father of Google+', announced that he was leaving and media outlets jumped on board giving their take on what it all meant for the future of the platform an...

Urgent Request for Prayer and fasting for Middle East Christians‏

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speramusposterous.wordpress.com - We are sending you this urgent message because of the critical situation of the Christian communities in Iraq, Syria and the Middle East. Through their bishops, they are asking us for our support a...

Hamas murders 25 Palestinians, blames Israel

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WND News
wnd.com - TEL AVIV – Hamas killed at least 25 Palestinian civilians it suspected of collaborating with Israel, according to sources close to Gazan jihadist organizations. The sources, close to both Hamas and...

Netizen Report: Censorship and Social Media Sneakiness Abound in Southeast Asia - Global Voices Advocacy

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Global Voices
advocacy.globalvoicesonline.org - Hae-in Lim, Mong Palatino, Bojan Perkov, Ellery Roberts Biddle, and Sarah Myers West contributed to this report. Global Voices Advocacy's Netizen Report offers an international snapshot of challeng...

Toothy Grins Store: HydroFloss Is Still The Best Choice For Your Dental Health

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David Snape
blog.toothygrinsstore.com - HydroFloss Is Still The Best Choice For Your Dental Health What we are talking about here is prevention of those big dental health bills that everyone hates.   Do you want to spend thousands of dol...

Surpresa! O grupo dos Brics não depende da Fifa... - | Observatório da Imprensa

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observatoriodaimprensa.com.br - O Brasil perdeu a Copa, mas já no que diz respeito à reunião do grupo dos Brics (realizada em Fortaleza, de 14 a 16 de julho) não... Nesse caso, a conversa é muito diferente daquela em que grande p...
Meio Ambiente

México: Invitan al Papa Francisco a visitar Ciudad Juárez por tema migratorio

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - MÉXICO D.F., 23 Jul. 14 / 10:43 pm (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- El presidente municipal de Ciudad Juárez (México), Enrique Serrano Escobar, informó que ha enviado dos cartas a la Santa Sede para que el Pa...

Les felicito y me felicito por la muerte de mi hermano

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infocatolica.com - Entre los 33 beatificados del día de Santiago de 1936, hay cinco hermanos de las Escuelas Cristianas (La Salle) y dos carmelitas descalzos, ejecutados en Montcada i Reixac, cuyo cementerio terminar...

Em Londres, socialites trocam champanhe por maconha

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Marisa Cruz
ela.oglobo.globo.com - “Eu consigo realmente comer meus salgadinhos com prazer. Calorias de bebidas não são legais”, confidenciou ao jornal uma executiva de moda, que trocou as taças de champanhe por alguns tragos. “Quan...

Giving ground

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WND News
wnd.com - Cast your vote now. All answers are stored anonymously.

Cristãos fogem de Mossul após ultimato jihadista

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Bíblia Católica
bit.ly - De acordo com testemunhas, mensagens transmitidas por alto-falantes de várias mesquitas intimaram os cristãos a deixar a cidade até sábado Kirkuk – Os cristãos fugiam em massa da cidade de Mossul, ...

#WarOnWomen: ISIS Terror Goons Order Female Genital Mutilation

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Robert Stacy McCain
jammiewf.com - No doubt the left is all busy coming up with a hashtag campaign to blame all this on Tea Partiers. #BREAKING: Jihadists in Iraq order female genital mutilation: UN They’re busy murdering Christians...

Lanzan campaña en CitizenGo para que la ONU frene genocidio de cristianos en Irak

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - ROMA, 24 Jul. 14 / 05:42 pm (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- Una campaña de recogida de firmas ha sido lanzada a través de la plataforma CitizenGo.org para que la comunidad internacional y la ONU intervengan ...

Meriam es libre y ya ha llegado a Roma en un vuelo del Estado italiano

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infocatolica.com - (Tempi/InfoCatólica) Junto a ella, y su familia, el viceministro de Relaciones Exteriores Lapo Pistelli, que siguió toda su tormentosa experiencia. La operación, a través de la embajada italiana en...

Mosul Christian: Thanks for Changing Your #WeAreN Photo

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Open Doors USA
christianitytoday.com - Editor's note: In the reflection below, a young Christian from Mosul writes about the takeover of her hometown by the extremist Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and the recent international s...

Big Business: Lapdog of the Left

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Drew McKissick
nationalreview.com - Heritage Action (the activist arm of the conservative Heritage Foundation) invited Senator Elizabeth Warren to speak at an event dedicated to phasing out the Export-Import Bank. The Ex-Im, as it’s ...


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Marisa Cruz
adireitabrasileira.blogspot.com - A Copa Fifa 2014 não foi nosso prêmio de consolação, Brasil! A gente vai ter de arranjar outro troféu dos perdedores nos campos da vida! O depoimento de um enfermeiro do Samu mostra que, um pouco a...

Para Marina, prejuízo de Pasadena foi causado por 'descaso' e 'incompetência' - Política - Estadão

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Roberta C.M.Oliveira
politica.estadao.com.br - Itaan Arruda, especial para o Estado - O Estado de S. Paulo Rio Branco - A candidata a vice-presidente do PSB, Marina Silva, comentou a decisão o TCU nessa quarta que isentou a presidente Dilma do ...

Aécio já bate Dilma nas apostas de duas consultorias financeiras - Fábio alves

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Paulo De Boni
blogs.estadao.com.br - MCM Consultores e Nomura Securities acreditam que o candidato tucano tem mais chances de ser o próximo presidente da República A MCM Consultores passou a atribuir uma probabilidade de 60% de derrot...

Thesaurus synonyms for ‘obstructionist’ include ‘right-winger,’ ‘rightist’

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Resist Tyranny
resisttyranny.net - Apparently only conservatives and others on the right can be obstructionists, according to Roget’s Thesaurus. A search for synonyms of “obstructionist” on Thesaurus.com, which cites Roget’s, reveal...

Federal judge strikes down Colo. marriage defense amendment :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

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Catholic News Agency
catholicnewsagency.com - Denver, Colo., Jul 24, 2014 / 08:07 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- A federal judge ruled Wednesday against Colorado’s marriage defense amendment, leading the state attorney general to say the case will ultim...

Last Days Watchman: Is Brazil preparing itself to break off its ties with Israel?

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Last Days Watchman
lastdayswatchman.blogspot.com - Thursday, July 24, 2014 Is Brazil preparing itself to break off its ties with Israel? Is Brazil preparing itself to break off its ties with Israel? Israel slams “diplomatic dwarf'” Brazil for recal...

Video: Grinning cops sued for watching thieves walk away

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WND News
wnd.com - Police officers in Jackson, Mississippi, are being accused of letting thieves walk away with the property of pro-life activists who were exercising their First Amendment rights on public sidewalks,...

Mi$$ão encerrada | Augusto Nunes - VEJA.com

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Augusto Nunes
veja.abril.com.br - Walter Cintra Ferreira Júnior, administrador do Hospital Santa Catarina, um dos mais tradicionais de São Paulo, ao explicar por que a maternidade do local será fechada daqui a 90 dias, provando que...

Despedido un prestigioso ginecólogo católico por no implicarse en un aborto: él no se arredra - ReL

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Religión en Libertad
religionenlibertad.com - Los títulos profesionales y humanitarios del ginecólogo polaco Bogdan Chazan son impresionantes: asesor nacional en ginecología en el Instituto Nacional (polaco) de  Investigación Materna e Infanti...

Cáritas Jerusalén refugia en iglesias y escuelas de Gaza a cristianos y musulmanes

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - ROMA, 24 Jul. 14 / 06:37 pm (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- “Distribuimos alimentos y comidas calientes, leche y las cosas básicas para los niños, combustible para los generadores eléctricos”, menciona el sa...

Sen. John Walsh claims he had PTSD when he plagiarized thesis

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Resist Tyranny
resisttyranny.net - Sen. John Walsh of Montana said Wednesday his failure to attribute conclusions and verbatim passages lifted from other scholars’ work in his thesis to earn a master’s degree from the U.S. Army War ...

Meriam Ibrahim lands in Rome, meets with Pope Francis :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

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Catholic News Agency
catholicnewsagency.com - Vatican City, Jul 24, 2014 / 06:44 am (CNA/EWTN News).- A young Sudanese woman dismissed of a death sentence for refusing to renounce her Christian faith has arrived to Rome with her family, where ...
Meio Ambiente

Obama regime has released over 30,340 illegals in the US : Fire Andrea Mitchell!

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fireandreamitchell.com - Since the start of the year, the Obama regime via the HHS has released 30,340 diseased illegals in this country. Obama has released these illegals in all 57… err 50 states. Here is the list, with T...

Israel student union sets up “war room” to sell Gaza massacre on Facebook

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electronicintifada.net - Students at the IDC Herzliya “war room,” seen here in a screenshot, focus on posting propaganda justifying Israel’s attack on Gaza on Facebook. As the death toll from Israel’s savage bombardment of...

Video: Today’s Earth & Space News- Antarctic Ice, Electric DNA, Climate Simulations, Storms, Sun 

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truthisscary.com - Daily News and Blogs Video: Today’s Earth & Space News- Antarctic Ice, Electric DNA, Climate Simulations, Storms, Sun Why Is Wal-Mart Preparing For A Major Earthquake On The New Madrid Fault? Israe...

Em homenagem a Ariano Suassuna (1927-2014), a coluna reprisa o Roda Viva com um colosso da cultura brasileira

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Augusto Nunes
veja.abril.com.br - Em homenagem a Ariano Suassuna, a coluna publica o Roda Viva com o colosso da cultura brasileira morto nesta quarta-feira. A conversa com o autor de Auto da Compadecida e A Pedra do Reino, entre ou...

Padraig Reidy: How your well-meaning retweet can do more harm than good - Index on Censorship

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Index on Censorship
indexoncensorship.org - Last week, the social web, at one end of its endless, pendulum-like swings between mawkishness and self-righteous fury, discovered a letter from the head teacher at Barrowford primary school, East ...

Twitcom - Crie e participe de comunidades e grupos no Twitter

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twitcom.com.br - Para concluir sua inscrição, digite seu email para confirmação. Um email foi enviado, confirme clicando no link de validação. Houver tweets nos nests que sigo Alguém entrar nos nests que sigo Algué...

BBC News - Isis 'orders FGM' for women in Mosul

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Un Mundo Sin Mordaza
bbc.co.uk - Islamist group Isis orders women aged 11 to 46 in Mosul, Iraq, to undergo female genital mutilation, UN says UN humanitarian chief Valerie Amos expresses extreme concern at the situation in Gaza, w...

In Re RICO Madness

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Robert Stacy McCain
hogewash.com - Here’s another motion to dismiss the Kimberlin v. The Universe, et al. RICO Madness.

The Tasty Medieval Pasty

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medievalists.net - This week, in keeping with the month’s theme of trying to make medieval stuff myself, I made an attempt at medieval cooking. What could be more medieval than a meat pie? In Hollywood and historical...

Israel, Hamas e o sofrimento de Gaza - Portal Libertarianismo

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Juan Carlos Hidalgo
libertarianismo.org - Publicado em 24 de julho de 2014 | por Juan Carlos Hidalgo Não há tema que desperte mais emoções nestes dias que a intervenção militar de Israel em Gaza e o crescente número de vítimas que esta tem...

Brasil vai mal em índice que mede o poder de compra nas principais cidades do mundo – Impávido Colosso - VEJA.com

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Blog do Tambosi
veja.abril.com.br - O Numbeo, site onde os usuários cadastram preços e dados de suas cidades, divulgou no dia 1 de julho o Índice do Poder de Compra 2014. O índice mede a quantidade de bens e serviços que os cidadãos ...

Conselho de Psicologia arquiva processo de Marisa Lobo

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noticias.gospelmais.com.br - Em uma audiência realizada no dia 16/05, o Conselho Regional de Psicologia do Paraná (CRP-PR), decidiu pela cassação do registro profissional da psicóloga Marisa Lobo, devido a um procedimento disc...

Pelegos | Blog do Miranda Sá

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Marisa Cruz
mirandasa.com.br - “Pelego” é um termo depreciativo que se popularizou na década de 1930, no primeiro governo de Getúlio Vargas. É a designação gauchesca para um retalho de lã de carneiro que amacia a sela de montari...

FEC chair warns of chilling regulations, book ban on conservative publishers

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Resist Tyranny
resisttyranny.net - The chairman of the Federal Election Commision today blasted Democratic colleagues opposed to his effort to protect conservative media after they imposed rules on the publisher of Rep. Paul Ryan’s ...


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aluizioamorim.blogspot.com - quinta-feira, julho 24, 2014 JUDEUS BRASILEIROS PROTESTAM CONTRA O ITAMARATY E TÊM ABSOLUTA RAZÃO! A Confederação Israelita do Brasil (CONIB), divulgou uma Nota Oficial condenando a política unilat...

So You Want to Boycott Israel? Here’s A List of Products and Services You Need to Start With…

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prepperchimp.com - “How is this so different from the War of Independence that The Americans fought against the British?” There’s not enough room to itemize all the ways it’s different– but a major difference is that...

Uma defesa moral do mercado de órgãos - Portal Libertarianismo

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Libertarianismo +
libertarianismo.org - O professor James Stacey Taylor argumenta que adultos em plena capacidade racional devem ter a liberdade de comprar e vender rins. Ao invés de prover complexos argumentos teóricos, ele diz que é me...

Turkish press being smothered

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Index on Censorship
todayszaman.com - Riot police detain Ivan Watson, CNN Turkey correspondent, in Taksim Square during his live reporting in Istanbul, Turkey, May 31, 2014. (Photo: AP)

Online Review: 79% Of Senator Walsh Thesis Text Matches Other Sources

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weaselzippers.us - As a Democrat he is not accustomed to having his facts checked. Update to this story. The online plagiarism detection service iThenticate determined that U.S. Sen. John Walsh’s final paper at the U...

Does the Obama Admin. Stand with Israel or the Terrorists?

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radio.foxnews.com - The Obama Administration’s air embargo of Israel has ended. The two-day flight ban played right into the hands of Hamas and had Republicans wondering if the administration had launched an economic ...

Dilma irá criar comitê para dialogar com evangélicos - Política - Diário Catarinense

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Anderson Koberstein
diariocatarinense.clicrbs.com.br - A presidente Dilma Rousseff, atendendo pedido dos partidos que integram a aliança pela reeleição, irá criar um comitê para dialogar com setores evangélicos da sociedade. A decisão foi tomada na noi...

GM quer suspender 5,4 mil contratos de funcionários em SJC

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implicante.org - A General Motors anunciou nesta quinta-feira (24) ao Sindicato dos Metalúrgicos de São José dos Campos que pretende se utilizar do sistema de suspensão temporária do contrato de trabalho para 5400 ...

Gifts for the College Student

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Dawn (USMC Mom)
squidoo.com - Traveling home in an airport is a breeze as the the laptop compartment of this backpack is accessible from the side for easy access. Throw in a pair of clothes and you have an overnight travel carr...

Jornal Nacional - 'Desproporcional é perder partida por 7 a 1', ironiza porta-voz de Israel

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Hazzard Duke
g1.globo.com - O Brasil votou, na quarta-feira (23), na Comissão de Direitos Humanos da ONU, a favor de uma investigação sobre a ocorrência de supostos crimes de guerra por Israel na Faixa de Gaza. Em nota, o Min...

National Secular Society - The world must respond to the cry of Iraq’s Christians

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Archbishop Cranmer
secularism.org.uk - Religious cleansing in Iraq Is making a "hateful mockery" of international law which should protect people and uphold their freedom to follow our own beliefs, argues Lord Alton The last Christian h...

Hungary: Council of Europe shares concern over NGO audits - Index on Censorship

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Index on Censorship
indexoncensorship.org - This article is part of Index's media freedom mapping project that monitors censorship in the European Union Hungarian NGOs are facing a rough summer: The Government Control Office (KEHI) has launc...

Pastores da Lagoinha participam do 1º Congresso de Encorajamento da Família

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Evangélicos do Rio
lagoinha.com - A atividade é um pontapé de um movimento nacional de resgate e encorajamento das famílias O pastor Márcio Valadão, junto a outros pastores da Igreja Batista da Lagoinha (IBL), está participando do ...

Paul Waldman: ‘Cruel and Uncaring’ Right-Wingers Rejoiced as Appeals Court Jeopardized Health Coverage For Millions

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newsbusters.org - What did conservative leaders and activists feel when they learned of the D.C. Circuit Court decision on Obamacare subsidies? Happiness? Relief? American Prospect blogger Paul Waldman seemed to hav...
Meio Ambiente

Criacionismo: Até o consumo moderado de álcool causa câncer

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Michelson Borges
criacionismo.com.br - Até o consumo moderado de álcool causa câncer Mesmo se consumido moderadamente, o álcool aumenta as chances de surgimento de tumores. É o que revela uma pesquisa de cientistas da Universidade de Ox...

Iraq faces 'historic catastrophe', Chaldean patriarch warns :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

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catholicnewsagency.com - Baghdad, Iraq, Jul 22, 2014 / 06:02 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- The Chaldean patriarch has urged Iraq to turn away from its current path, warning that the new policies of Islamist jihadists threaten Chris...
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Political Books
political-books.com - Warning: Parameter 1 to modRokNavMenuHelper::getMenuData() expected to be a reference, value given in /home/politicalbooks/political-books.com/libraries/joomla/cache/handler/callback.php on line 99...

The Israel-Gaza conflict is now visible from space

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dazeddigital.com - Come be an astronaut, they said. Come observe the beauty of Earth, the movement of the stars and – oh yeah, human beings getting ripped apart by missile strikes.  The Gaza conflict has claimed the ...

“Político sujo”: Marcelinho Carioca (PT) oculta bens da Justiça Eleitoral e é desmascarado, com denúncias graves, por ex-funcionária

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Ezequias Neto
blogdopaulinho.wordpress.com - Assim que o ex-jogador do Corinthians, Marcelinho Carioca (PT), expôs sua relação de bens na Justiça Eleitoral, não foi difícil notar a ausência de verdade. De cara, moradores do bairro da Moóca pe...

Brasil passa a avançar menos que vizinhos em desenvolvimento humano - BBC Brasil - Notícias

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bbc.co.uk - Desde 2008, o Brasil passou a avançar mais lentamente do que a maior parte dos vizinhos sul-americanos na melhoria de seus indicadores de desenvolvimento humano. É o que revela o mais recente Relat...

MSNBC’s Schultz Slams Ryan’s Anti-Poverty Plan; ‘Out There Selling The Turd in the Punch Bowl’

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newsbusters.org - Ed Schultz spent a portion of his opening monologue on his MSNBC show Thursday attacking Representative Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) and his latest policy proposal to reform government welfare programs, decl...

New auxiliary bishop for US Syro-Malabar diocese named :: EWTN News

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Catholic News Live
ewtnnews.com - Pope Francis on Thursday named a Chicago-area priest to become an auxiliary bishop of the Syro-Malabarese Eparchy of Saint Thomas the Apostle of Chicago. Father Joy Alappat, 57, the vicar of Mar Th...

Obama unilaterally exempts Muslim terrorists from ObamaCARE : Fire Andrea Mitchell!

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fireandreamitchell.com - Obama has once again unilaterally changed ObamaCARE once again. No delays or anything. Instead, Obama exempted five Muslim terrorists in the US from having to enroll in ObamaCARE. Yea, Obama sucks ...

Kissimmee Planned Parenthood blocked from doing abortions

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jillstanek.com - Pro-lifers learned by accident this past March what Planned Parenthood of Greater Orlando had been trying to keep secret until it was ready to open two months later, that it had purchased a clinic ...

National Guard in Texas Could Get Arrest Power - NYTimes.com

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Bryan Fischer
nytimes.com - HOUSTON — When Gov. Rick Perry of Texas announced plans to deploy 1,000 National Guard troops to help with the border crisis, it came with a power unexpected by some. By deploying them himself rath...

Cleveland Driver Asked Jesus to Take the Wheel, Hit Motorcyclist 

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truthisscary.com - Usually when someone says “Jesus take the wheel” it’s meant to help them through a rough patch in life. But police say an Indiana woman took the phrase literally on July 11th, when she took her han...

González dice que Madrid plantea un reparto solidario, y no que España "nos robe"

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PP de Madrid
telemadrid.es - El presidente de la Comunidad, Ignacio González, ha asegurado hoy que aunque Madrid y Cataluña coinciden en criticar el modelo de financiación la primera lo hace para exigir un reparto "solidario y...

Policial afegão acusado de matar fotógrafa da AP é condenado à morte - Portal IMPRENSA

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portalimprensa.com.br - Na última quarta-feira (23/7), um tribunal de Cabul informou que o policial afegão acusado de matar a fotógrafa da agência de notícias Associeted Press (AP) Anja Niedringhaus e ferido a corresponde...

Marisa Lobo

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marisalobo.com.br - Uma pesquisa realizada em 40 países de todos os continentes mostrou que 56% dos cerca de 40 mil entrevistados considera o aborto uma prática inaceitável. Com o título de Visões Globais sobre Morali...

Russian Sovereignty Under Attack- Putin - henrymakow.com

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Henry Makow
henrymakow.com - Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at

Coulter Column: Keep Your Eyes on the Prize, Mississippi Republicans!

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newsbusters.org - When a U.S. president is using the IRS to terrify his political enemies, destroying American health care and opening our southern border to millions of future welfare-collecting, Democratic voters ...

Nani Humor: O CORVO

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nanihumor.com - Aviso É proibida, sem a autorização do cartunista Nani, a publicação de material do blog nanihumor em mídia impressa (jornais, revistas, cartilhas, folhetos etc.) e por editoras para uso em livros....

EWTN to open new studio at Orange County cathedral :: EWTN News

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Catholic News Live
ewtnnews.com - On Thursday, EWTN Global Catholic Network announced it has begun construction on a television studio on the West Coast, located on the campus of the Diocese of Orange's Christ Cathedral. “As we tra...

NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory Celebrates 15th Anniversary

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nasa.gov - [image-69]Fifteen years ago, NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory was launched into space aboard the Space Shuttle Columbia. Since its deployment on July 23, 1999, Chandra has helped revolutionize our ...

Meriam Ibrahim está libre y vuela con su familia a Italia

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hazteoir.org - Acompañados del viceministro de Exteriores, Lapo Pistelli. Toda una victoria de la campaña de oración y de presión cívica internacional, como la de MasLibres.org, y CitizenGO. REDACCIÓN HO.-  Meria...

Coyote Fundraiser in Chief :: :: Hyscience

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hyscience.com - So just how many fundraisers has Hussein Obama attended in his presidency? How many golf games? Per the Washington Post as of 7/21/14 - 394 and 181 respectively. How many speeches "off campus" if y...

MSNBC’s Schultz Slams Ryan’s Anti-Poverty Plan; ‘Out There Selling The Turd in the Punch Bowl’

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mrc.org - Ed Schultz spent a portion of his opening monologue on his MSNBC show Thursday attacking Representative Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) and his latest policy proposal to reform government welfare programs, decl...

The Catholic Review > Home > Free from ordeal in Sudan, woman condemned for apostasy meets pope

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Andrés Beltramo A.
catholicreview.org - Free from ordeal in Sudan, woman condemned for apostasy meets pope July 24, 2014 VATICAN CITY - Meeting a Sudanese woman who risked execution for not renouncing her Catholic faith, Pope Francis tha...

Julio Severo: A maior ameaça à Igreja Evangélica do Brasil

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Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - Respondendo ao irmão Júlio Severo, ao Antônio, e ao Flávio, Torno a repetir, mais uma vez, o que eu já comentei em artigos anteriores semelhantes a este daqui: a igreja evangélica, ultimamente, vem...

Beijo de casal árabe-israelense inspira campanha na internet - Portal IMPRENSA

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portalimprensa.com.br - A jornalista americana de origem libanesa Sulome Anderson postou uma foto no Twitter beijando seu namorado Jeremy (cujo sobrenome não foi divulgado), um israelense de família judia ortodoxa. Compar...

US Invents Reports of Russia Attacking Ukraine Bases -- News from Antiwar.com

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news.antiwar.com - Apparently still laying the groundwork for their own planned military intervention, the US government has invented a narrative of massive Russian artillery strikes against Ukrainian military bases ...

Criacionismo: Racismo e evolucionismo em pauta

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Michelson Borges
criacionismo.com.br - quinta-feira, julho 24, 2014 Racismo e evolucionismo em pauta Ideias têm consequências... O evolucionismo é vendido como se fosse a maior e mais lógica verdade do mundo na academia. Sua literatura ...

We are Israeli reservists. We refuse to serve. - The Washington Post

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Henry Makow
washingtonpost.com - Israeli cannons fire toward Gaza this week. (Menahem Kahana/AFP/Getty Images) Whenever the Israeli army drafts the reserves — which are made up of ex-soldiers — there are dissenters, resisters, and...
Meio Ambiente

Escola usada como abrigo pela ONU é bombardeada por Israel na Faixa de Gaza - BBC Brasil - Notícias

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Roberta C.M.Oliveira
bbc.co.uk - Ao menos 15 pessoas morreram e mais de 200 ficaram feridas em um bombardeio de uma escola gerida pela Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU) na Faixa de Gaza. Segundo o ministério da Saúde de Gaza, o ...

Walter E. Williams Column: Blacks Don't Need Special Favors From Government

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newsbusters.org - Earlier this month, the 50th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act was celebrated. During the act's legislative debate, then-Sen. Hubert Humphrey, responding to predictions, promised, "I'll eat my ha...

New auxiliary bishop for US Syro-Malabar eparchy named :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

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Catholic News Live
catholicnewsagency.com - Chicago, Ill., Jul 24, 2014 / 04:19 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- Pope Francis on Thursday named a Chicago-area priest to become an auxiliary bishop of the Syro-Malabarese Eparchy of Saint Thomas the Apostl...

‘Conta paralela’ reforça caixa do Tesouro em R$ 4 bilhões em maio - Economia - Estadão

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Plantão da Madrugada
economia.estadao.com.br - Adriana Fernandes e João Villaverde - O Estado de S. Paulo BRASÍLIA - As contas do Tesouro Nacional tiveram uma ajuda inusual de uma operação de registro contábil que reduziu o rombo do mês de maio...

Social Security's $300M Computer System Doesn't Work

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cnsnews.com - WASHINGTON (AP) — After spending nearly $300 million on a new computer system to handle disability claims, the Social Security Administration still can't get it to work. And officials can't say whe...

TIS |  Curriculum

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truthisscary.com - Welcome to the TRUTH IS SCARY “Curriculum”…your gateway to the “Rabbit Hole”. Whether you are a new or experienced Truth Seeker, the Curriculum is meant  to increase your Awareness of the Truth tha...

Questions surround DC gun arrest of poultry exec

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cnsnews.com - WASHINGTON (AP) — A South Carolina pork-and-poultry executive was charged after police say he tried to enter a congressional office building in Washington with a loaded handgun. Ronald William Pres...

Obama to send officials to Honduras to give out refugee status : Fire Andrea Mitchell!

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fireandreamitchell.com - Obama and Valerie Jarrett’s new, ‘bold’ idea to stop the border invasion from Mexico is to send US officials down to Honduras, to actively recruit people who want to claim refugee status and get ci...

Ativistas conseguem deixar a prisão no Rio após habeas corpus - Jornal Correio do Brasil

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Correio do Brasil
correiodobrasil.com.br - O desembargador Siro Darlan, da 7ª Câmara Criminal do Rio de Janeiro, aceitou o pedido de habeas corpus dos ativistas Camila Aparecida Rodrigues Jourdan, Igor Pereira D’Icarahy e Elisa de Quadros P...

Crianças morrem em colisão de trem e ônibus na Índia - CPADNews

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cpadnews.com.br - Ao menos onze crianças morreram nesta quinta-feira (24) na colisão de um ônibus escolar e um trem de passageiros no sul da Índia, um balanço que pode aumentar, informaram autoridades. O trem se cho...

RunRun.es - La noticia en diez: el general Hugo Carvajal, ex director de la DCIM, y buscado por la DEA, detenido al llegar a Aruba desde Venezuela » RunRun.es

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runrun.es - 1.  La detención ocurre cuando aún no se había acreditado como futuro Cónsul General de Venezuela en la isla. En lista protocolar del gobierno de Holanda en el Consulado en Venezuela en Aruba apare...

EWTN to open new studio at Orange County cathedral :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

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Catholic News Live
catholicnewsagency.com - Orange, Calif., Jul 24, 2014 / 04:20 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- On Thursday, EWTN Global Catholic Network announced it has begun construction on a television studio on the West Coast, located on the camp...

Christian Concern supports day-long rally opposing assisted suicide

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Christian Concern
christianconcern.com - It was an extraordinary day; one that could not have been predicted. Just three weeks before, the majority of the public, media and – seemingly at least – above 75% of parliamentarians in the House...

Folha de S.Paulo - Cotidiano - 200 Santas Casas ficam sem verba e correm riscos - 24/07/2014

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Marisa Cruz
folha.uol.com.br - Ao menos 200 Santas Casas perderam um aporte de recursos do Ministério da Saúde devido à omissão de secretários municipais e estaduais de Saúde. A afirmação é do diretor-geral da CMB (confederação ...

10 Ways to Boost the Marketing Value of Your Website

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Jeffrey Levin
gianfagnamarketing.com - Are you getting the results you want from your website? Whether you’re a business-to-business (B2B) or business-to-consumer (B2C) marketer, a great website is essential for a smart marketing strate...

Grupo agride jornalistas na liberação de três ativistas presos no complexo de Gericinó - Jornal O Globo

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Direita Brasil
oglobo.globo.com - RIO - Um grupo que aguardava, na entrada do complexo de Gericinó, em Bangu, a saída de três ativistas beneficiados por um habeas corpus agrediu profissionais da imprensa que acompanhavam a moviment...

Marisa Lobo

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marisalobo.com.br - Horário : 20hs Culto Especial - Perseguição Religiosa e Ideologia de Gênero - Pastor JORGE LINHARES SEDE - Rua Cassiano Campolina, 360 - Dona Clara - Belo Horizonte - MG

Conflito na Faixa de Gaza 2014: Foguetes do Hamas descobertos escola - Terra Brasil

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O Holandês Voador
noticias.terra.com.br - As afirmações de Israel de que o Hamas está usando cidadãos palestinos como “escudos humanos” ganharam força na imprensa internacional após a descoberta de foguetes do grupo palestino escondidos no...

Social Security spent $300M on 'IT boondoggle'

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foxnews.com - WASHINGTON –  Six years ago the Social Security Administration embarked on an aggressive plan to replace outdated computer systems overwhelmed by a growing flood of disability claims. Nearly $300 m...

Leave It to a Laxative Brand to Make the Year's Most Uncomfortable Ad

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Brazzil Magazine
adweek.com - At first glance, this Dulcolax ad draws you in with its warm sepia tones and lovely vignetted glow. Then you look closer, and ... oh my God. Are those turds in prison? Indeed, orange is the new bro...

Dem: Redskins a ‘Hateful Mascot’ - ‘Racism and Hate Speech’ a Priority in Congress

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cnsnews.com - “Racism and hate speech is always a priority if we’re going to be the shining beacon of democracy and respect and opportunity that we aspire to in all of our founding documents,” McCollum said when...

Social Media Advice for E-commerce Marketing

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Christian Del Monte
julepmedia.com - Christian Del Monte, a seasoned Internet marketing veteran that has worked for companies ranging from well funded start-ups to fortune 500 companies. Christian Del Monte is the President of Julep M...

E se fosse Seguro ?

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O Insurgente
oinsurgente.org - E se fosse Seguro a anunciar uma agenda a 10 anos sem falar de dívida e finanças? Imagine-se a carga de pancadaria que levaria António José Seguro se resolvesse convocar uma conferência de imprensa...

Bahia Notícias / Notícia / Travestis e transexuais vão poder usar nome social na Ufba - 24/07/2014

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Direita Brasil
bahianoticias.com.br - Travestis e transexuais vão poder usar nome social na Ufba Os estudantes da Universidade Federal da Bahia (Ufba) cujos nomes oficiais não reflitam adequadamente sua identidade de gênero poderão uti...

Chris Hayes Gives Rula Jebreal Platform To Spew False Talking Points On Pro-Israel Bias

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newsbusters.org - Rather than dismissing Rula Jebreal’s laughable claim that American media is “disgustingly biased” in favor of Israel, on the July 22 edition of All In, host Chris Hayes was determined to prove to ...

Manifestantes agridem jornalistas que registravam saída de ativistas presos - Rio - O Dia

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Eduardo Bolsonaro
odia.ig.com.br - Rio -  A saída de três ativistas do Complexo Penitenciário de Gericinó, em Bangu, Zona Oeste do Rio, acabou em confusão iniciada por grupo formado por cerca de 30 parentes e amigos dos manifestante...

O Ministério » Notícias: Pimentel assina empréstimo para modernização de aeroportos cubanos - Ministério do Desenvolvimento, Indústria e Comércio Exterior

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Enfermeira Celia
desenvolvimento.gov.br - Havana (6 de maio) - O ministro do Desenvolvimento, Indústria e Comércio Exterior, Fernando Pimentel, assinou hoje, em Havana, um memorando de entendimento que estabelece os critérios para a conces...

Jimmy Carter – Palestine Peace Not Apartheid

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Luis A R Branco
verdadenapratica.wordpress.com - Infelizmente este vídeo não está em português, mas se você entende inglês merece ser visto para que se entender o que se passa entre a Palestina e Israel.

CBO: Budget Deficits to Saddle Next Generation with WWII-Era Burden - Forbes

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forbes.com - Akash Chougule is a Policy Analyst at Americans For Prosperity. Once again, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has rained on the White House’s propaganda parade. The nonpartisan government agenc...

Irak : ن , ¡Todos somos nazarenos!

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Enlace Católico.com
enlacecatolico.com - Aparece en las redes sociales de todo el mundo, pero ¿qué significa el símbolo y por qué compartirlo? ¡Todos somos cristianos de Irak! Por primera vez desde hace unos dos mil años no hay ningún cri...

Liberal Totalitarians Set Their Sights on Beef

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rightwingnews.com - Progressives are coming for our steaks, our hamburgers, even our beef hotdogs. You know when a blitzkrieg is on the horizon when they soften up the target with a bombing offensive. Instead of sendi...

Ron White needs to learn to speak his mind... - Tom O'Halloran

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✪Tom O'Halloran✪
tomohalloran.com - Ron White needs to learn to speak his mind… Follow VeronicaCoffin
Meio Ambiente

Cuddling Animals - Trends Addict

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trends-addict.com - Koala’s look like one of the best animals to cuddle with. They just look like a stuffed animal anyway, and are the right size for perfect cuddles. I need to go to the zoo and ask if I can cuddle a ...

El matrimonio cristiano es cosa de tres

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Luis Fernando Pérez
infocatolica.com - El Vicario de Cristo ha querido que la Iglesia celebre un Sínodo extraordinario sobre la familia. Quiera Dios que sea provechoso para el bien de su pueblo y para ser luz en medio de un mundo que vi...

Hamas elogia gesto diplomático brasileiro

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noticias.portalvox.com - O Hamas, grupo radical islâmico que controla a Faixa de Gaza, fez elogios ao gesto diplomático brasileiro contrário às ofensivas israelenses. “O passo do Brasil é muito importante. O Brasil está se...

Marisa Lobo

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marisalobo.com.br - Horário : 19hs Estratégia familiares - destruindo a ideologia do gênero Igreja Evangélica Assembléia de Deus do Jardim Vera Cruz Rua Antonio Dorigan, 1011, Jardim Vera Cruz II, Franca/SP

Extremistas islâmicos do Iraque ordenam mutilação genital em massa - 24/07/2014 - Mundo - Folha de S.Paulo

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Nublado Ventania
folha.uol.com.br - O movimento radical Estado Islâmico (EI) ordenou que garotas e mulheres da cidade de Mosul, norte do Iraque, e arredores sejam submetidas a mutilação genital. A informação foi confirmada pela ONU n...

Women's Health: Soy and MicroRNAs (miRNAs) in Prostate Cancer

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Chantel Martiromo
thetruestoriesstories.blogspot.com - Posted by Chantel M. Contributed by US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health In the study of "miRNAs Differentially Expressed in Prostate Cancer Cell Lines after Soy Treatment"...

Free Speech Gets Tricky When ISIS Shows Up

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Terry Kinder
medium.com - But not everyone is happy with the ability of large social media companies to exercise central control over the actions of their users. As social media like Facebook and Twitter have grown in popul...

O BOLSO E O VOTO = Crônica de Rinaldo Barros

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Marisa Cruz
ln.is - People are already having fun with Linkis.com, sharing links easily and customizing them in few simple clicks. It's super cool automation feature does everything for you. Sit back and have fun whil...

Ataque israelense à escola da ONU em Gaza mata ao menos 15 - Internacional - Estadão

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Roberta C.M.Oliveira
internacional.estadao.com.br - FAIXA DE GAZA - Um tanque israelense atacou nesta quinta-feira, 24, um complexo onde há uma escola da ONU em Beit Hanoun, no norte da Faixa de Gaza deixando ao menos 15 mortos, informaram autoridad...

Ban on Flights to Israel Lifted by Federal Aviation Administration

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Christian Del Monte
mashable.com - The Federal Aviation Administration lifted its ban Wednesday on U.S. flights in and out of Israel, which the agency had imposed out of concern for the risk of planes being hit by Hamas rockets. "Be...

The Vital Importance of Conflict Resolution

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Steve Keating CSE
stevekeating.me - I am not a fan of conflict. I’d prefer to have zero conflicts in my life, both my personal life and my professional life. My preference however is unrealistic because conflicts are a part of life. ...

After much movement, stocks end where they began

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cnsnews.com - NEW YORK (AP) — Only Wall Street could make the buying and selling of more than 3 billion shares look like nothing happened. Major U.S. stock indexes ended roughly where they began Thursday, despit...

Kidnapped girls' parents die as Chibok's trauma rises

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World Watch Monitor
worldwatchmonitor.org - For the missing Nigerian girls kidnapped over 100 days ago, another trauma has emerged. Eleven of the group of grieving parents have died, many of them after heart attacks and stress-related illnes...

La racionalización de la envidia se esconde detrás del aumento impositivo

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Pablo Sánchez Somana
es.panampost.com - Hace algunos días, en Colombia, apareció una noticia sobre cómo los jóvenes provenientes de familias con ingresos altos y que quieren ser jugadores de fútbol, son intimidados por sus compañeros de ...

Painel Brasil TV - Expectativa crescimento Brasileiro

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Painel Brasil TV
painelbrasil.tv - Rosa Diniz: Hoje recebo para uma entrevista o professor José Luiz Oreiro, doutor em economia pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro e atualmente professor da Universidade de Brasília (UnB) na ...
Meio Ambiente

IDH do Brasil fica abaixo da média da América Latina em educação e reforça a falência do Estado

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ucho.info - Na contramão – O Brasil está doente e em fase terminal, mas a grande imprensa, que deveria questionar as autoridades e provocar a sociedade, limita-se a noticiar fatos isolados e sem se preocupar c...

Separação de poderes

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blasfemias.net - Ricardo Salgado é culpado. Em particular é culpado por ter sido (alegadamente) preso. Toda a gente sabe que: 1) não se prendem estudantes fora do país; 2) não se prendem pessoas que se identifiquem...

A hipocrisia da Direita da Sacristia

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O Insurgente
oinsurgente.org - Também li com espanto o artigo que hoje Ribeiro e Castro apresenta no Público, subscrevendo a totalidade das considerações que o CGP desenvolve aqui n’O Insurgente. Acrescento que não pode passar e...

Kyle J. Norton Health Tips for Better Living and Living Health: Appendicitis:The Causes and risk factors

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Kyle J.Norton
kylejnorton.blogspot.com - Appendicitis is defined as a condition of inflammation of Appendix. It is classified as an emergency, in many required the removal of the appendix. If burst, or perforate, spilling infectious mater...

El Paracaidista

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Fernando NunezNoda
elparacaidista.com - Programas "Gifted" en escuelas públicas Un estudiante "gifted" es lo que se conoce como "excepcional" y que las normas del Departamento de Educación del estado de Florida definen como el niño con n...

Auxiliares de Dilma se indignam com crítica de Israel ao Brasil - 24/07/2014 - Mundo - Folha de S.Paulo

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Direita Brasil
folha.uol.com.br - Autoridades do governo Dilma Rousseff receberam com indignação e surpresa a declaração feita pela diplomacia de Israel, nesta quinta-feira (24), de que o Brasil é um gigante cultural e econômico, m...

How to Be Born Again (in 30 seconds)

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aheartforgod.org - Mike Campagna (affectionately known by some as Pastor Mike) is making the most of web technologies to encourage disciples. A self-proclaimed “twitterholic,” one twitter follower describes him as th...

The world record-breaking athlete and his extraordinary Catholic coach

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Catholic News Live
catholicherald.co.uk - The BBC is undoubtedly hyping the Commonwealth Games, which gets underway in Glasgow today after last night’s lacklustre opening ceremony, beyond its limited worth. But even with that in mind, ther...

7 Ways to Sharpen Your Focus

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Greg Wilson
huffingtonpost.com - The more concentrated we are, the better we do at most everything. But these days we face a stream of distractions -- and every time we get pulled into the latest Facebook update, tweet, or email, ...

Media Hail Canadian Teen That Protested Abstinence Sex Ed

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newsbusters.org - Editor’s note: this article quotes angry feminists. Thus it contains objectionable language.  Imagine the horror of being told – by someone you suspect is a Christian – that not having sex is the o...

Half of Texas' Abortion Clinics Close in One Year

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dailysignal.com - Philip Wegmann is a member of the Young Leaders Program at The Heritage Foundation.

Lakers Rumors: Team Believes It Has A Chance To Hire Doc Rivers?

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Algernon Fross
lakersnation.com - As most of the basketball world focuses on free agency and Kevin Love trade rumors, there is an extremely important trial going on regarding Donald Sterling and the sale of the Los Angeles Clippers...

Julio Severo: Missão da Lixeira Gossip: Atacar o neopentecostalismo e promover o esquerdismo

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Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - EIS A "NOVILINGUA" DO PT. Na "Novilingua do PT" observe que mudaram as significações dos termos para se dirigirem ao público para dissimularem as reais intenções: falam uma mas significa outra para...

Francisco impulsa un partido entre campeones de fútbol por la paz

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religionconfidencial.com - Entre los jugadores que participarán se encuentran Lionel Messi, Javier Zanetti, Roberto Baggio, Andrea Pirlo y Gianluigi Buffon. Según han explicado sus organizadores la idea surgió en abril de 20...

Breast Health: July 16- 2010 - All About Women Health - Breast Health Articles

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Chantel Martiromo
breast-health-cure-writter.blogspot.com - July 16- 2010 - All About Women Health - Breast Health Articles Natural Breast Enhancement Herbs - An Introduction By Michelle Rodrigues Recommended Reading Cancer-Free -- Third Edition. Gentle, No...

Wal-Mart Cuts Prices More Aggressively for Back-to-School - Bloomberg

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bloomberg.com - Wal-Mart Stores Inc. (WMT) plans to cut prices more aggressively during this year’s back-to-school season and will add inventory to its online store as the chain battles retailers for student spend...

Waste Not Want Not

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Steve Keating CSE
franksonnenbergonline.com - When people distort the truth, they squander their credibility. When governments waste resources, they squeeze valuable programs. When start-ups squander opportunities, they cloud their future. Whe...

Irak; llamado de los obispos: «Que el gobierno tutele a los cristianos y a las demás minorías» - Vatican Insider

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CitizenGO es
vaticaninsider.lastampa.it - El gobierno nacional iraquí debe garantizar la «tutela necesaria» para los cristianos y para las demás minorías del país, debe ofrecer «apoyo financiero a los desplazados que han perdido todo», deb...

Meriam's permission to leave Sudan still unclear

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World Watch Monitor
worldwatchmonitor.org - Conflicting reports have emerged regarding the current status of Sudan’s ‘death-row mother’ Meriam Ibrahim’s lack of freedom to leave Khartoum for a new life with her husband and children at his Am...

Raphael: The Expulsion of Heliodorus from the Temple

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Art and the Bible
artbible.info - Heliodorus (to the right, lying down) is sent by the king to steal the treasure from the Jewish temple. In the background the high-priest Onias is praying for the prevention of this disaster. All o...
Meio Ambiente

FMI reduz previsão para alta do PIB do Brasil em 2014 e 2015 - Economia - Estadão

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Mara Kramer
economia.estadao.com.br - O Fundo Monetário Internacional (FMI) reduziu suas projeções de crescimento do Brasil para este ano e o próximo, citando aperto nas condições financeiras e a deterioração da confiança dos consumido...

Painel Brasil TV - Painel Brasil TV

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Painel Brasil TV
painelbrasil.tv -  Rosa Diniz: Olá. Está começando mais um Painel Brasil e nós vamos tratar hoje do assunto das Paraolimpíadas em Londres, que vão começar no dia 26 de agosto e vão até o dia 9 de setembro. E eu rece...

Moked – il portale dell´ebraismo italiano » Blog Archive »

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enzo f arcangeli
moked.it - >+++ 18:30 24-07-14 REUVEN RIVLIN ASSUME LA PRESIDENZA DELLO STATO D’ISRAELE Reuven Rivlin ha assunto l’incarico di presidente dello Stato d’Israele. Standing ovation per il presidente uscente Shim...

Cicero “Freedom is a possession of inestimable value.” — Philosophical Quotes

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Philosophers quotes
philosophical-quotes.com - « Freedom is a possession of inestimable value. » Cicero Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *

Mensagem da justiça portuguesa a todos os criminosos

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O Insurgente
oinsurgente.org - Encontrem um cargo de poder e agarrem-se a ele o mais possível. Janeiro de 2013: DCIAP diz que Ricardo Salgado não está envolvido no Monte Branco Julho 2014: Ricardo Salgado detido no âmbito da ope...

GM profit 2Q falls 85 pct. on recall costs

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cnsnews.com - DETROIT (AP) — Recall expenses chopped $1.5 billion from General Motors' bottom line in the second quarter, as it added up the costs of repairs for nearly 30 million cars and set aside funds to com...

Kyle J. Norton Health Tips for Better Living and Living Health: Easiest recipe for those who cucumber - Cucumber in sour cream

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Kyle J.Norton
kylejnorton.blogspot.com - Recipe shared by Company's Coming Salads by Jean Pare A favorite that is one of easiest Cucumber, medium size, with peel  3 salt  11/2 tsp.  (7 ml) Sour cream  1 cup (250 ml) Dill weed  1/2 tsp.   ...

Texas Abortions Drop 13%, Saving 9,200 Babies, as Pro-Life Law Closes Abortion Clinics

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lifenews.com - by Cheryl Sullenger | Austin, TX | LifeNews.com | 7/24/14 1:12 PM One Austin abortion facility’s building is advertised as up for lease. It is a very good sign of the times. Now, a new study publis...

A voz do dono - Corta-fitas

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corta-fitas.blogs.sapo.pt - Daniel Oliveira, político (mau) e que tem o topete de se intitular jornalista (só se for pelo curso superior que tirou na farinha amparo) resolve escrever sobre mim, para pôr em causa a minha quali...

The Weeping capuchin- a Social Learner

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thewebsiteofeverything.com - Comment moderation is enabled on this site. This means that your comment will not be visible on this site until it has been approved by an editor.

10 Mistakes People Make with Deception (plus 1 bonus)

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aheartforgod.org - 10 Mistakes People Make with Deception (plus 1 bonus): 1. Think they ARE NOT deceived. (1 John 1:6, 8) 2. Think they couldn’t possibly ever be deceived (pride comes before a fall). (Proverbs 16:18)...

Marisa Lobo

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marisalobo.com.br - Dia 25/26/27 de Julho Tema: ''Nenhum Sucesso Justifica o Fracasso de uma Família''

Alckmin lança site e diz que no Estado não há espaço para 'aventura' - 24/07/2014 - Poder - Folha de S.Paulo

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Adeus #Petralhas
folha.uol.com.br - Candidato à reeleição, o governador de São Paulo, Geraldo Alckmin (PSDB), lançou seu site oficial de campanha na noite desta quinta-feira (24). O sítio aposta justamente no que a oposição considera...

C.D.C. Says Tuberculosis Lab, Shut Amid Exposure Scare, Can Continue Its Work - NYTimes.com

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Jeffrey Levin
nytimes.com - Operations can resume at a government tuberculosis laboratory in Atlanta that was shut down this month as part of a moratorium on handling dangerous microbes, the Centers for Disease Control and Pr...

Gaza: ‘As mortes deveriam pesar na consciência de todos’, diz chefe de direitos humanos da ONU

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Partido Indígena
onu.org.br - Uma criança foi morta a cada hora em Gaza nos últimos dois dias, afirmou a secretária-geral assistente das Nações Unidas para Assuntos Humanitários e vice-coordenadora de ajuda emergencial, Kyung-W...

The National Guard Targets Constitutionalists As The Enemy - Tom O'Halloran

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✪Tom O'Halloran✪
tomohalloran.com - Okay… before I get into the tyranny part of all this, can I just ask what the hell is up with this logo/badge or whatever it is? I get the three top symbols, but the horned goat head is just downri...

Bishops: learn from Aboriginal Australians’ love for the land : News Headlines - Catholic Culture

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Catholic News Live
catholicculture.org - In a recent message for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Sunday, Australia’s bishops called upon Catholics to learn from indigenous peoples to respect the land. “Many Aboriginal and Torres Str...

Vergonha na saúde pública: e o governo Dilma vende a ideia de que a solução é trazer escravos cubanos?

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Paulo De Boni
veja.abril.com.br - O fechamento do pronto-socorro da Santa Casa de São Paulo – o maior da maior cidade do País – é a dramática demonstração do desleixo e da irresponsabilidade com que o poder público, em todos os seu...

BBC News - McDonald's halts nuggets sales in Hong Kong

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The Daily PR
bbc.co.uk - Fast food chain McDonald's has suspended sale of chicken nuggets and some other products in Hong Kong. It said it had imported chicken and pork from Shanghai Husi Food, the Chinese firm that allege...

Será que estamos sendo justos com ele?

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implicante.org - Nos últimos dias, começaram a aparecer nas redes sociais pessoas incrédulas com a péssima avaliação dos paulistanos – 47% de “ruim” ou “péssimo” – sobre a gestão Haddad. No melhor estilo será que e...

Inscrição para o 4º Encontro dos Observatórios Sociais de Santa Catarina

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Controle Social
controlesocialdesarandi.com.br - A fim de que possamos monitorar o número de participantes no evento, encaminhamos o link do formulário de inscrição que poderá ser preenchido on-line: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1Lrtixlz80-3qD...

Evolução dos Gastos Orçamentários 2008 - 2011 por Secretaria no município de Sarandi/Pr

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Controle Social
controlesocialdesarandi.com.br - Nota-se, nesta breve analise os recordista em “aumento de orçamento” em primeiro lugar fica o “Gabinete” do Prefeito, seguido da Secretaria do Meio Ambiente e Planejamento. Enquanto na “lanterna” e...

G1 - Noivo com câncer realiza sonho e se casa três dias antes de morrer - notícias em Bauru e Marília

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Josiel Dias 【ツ】
g1.globo.com - Buquê, alianças, noivos, família, amigos e amor. O casamento de Michele Alves de Oliveira e João Marcos da Silva teve todos os ingredientes de uma cerimônia tradicional, não fosse pelo lugar onde a...
Meio Ambiente

‘Crowdfunding’ para financiar el disco de la Jornada Mundial de la Juventud de Madrid

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religionconfidencial.com - El ‘crowdfunding’ es un mecanismo de financiación colectiva que consiste en pequeñas aportaciones económicas de una gran cantidad de personas. Con el auge de las redes sociales, que permiten difund...

Women's Health: Soyabean Curd Recipe

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Chantel Martiromo
thetruestoriesstories.blogspot.com - Every morning, I would get out of my bed and gear myself up with jogging equipment to a nearby preserved hill for a morning jog with my girlfriend. After jogging around the hill and coming down fro...

Did President Obama Just Launch an Economic Boycott of Israel? | Ted Cruz

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cruz.senate.gov - WASHINGTON, D.C. -- U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, today questioned the Obama Administration’s decision to ban flights to Israel while, at the same time, announcing continuing aid that will be funnel...

Rose & Strawberry Mascarpone Ice Cream

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Sweet Paul Magazine
sweetpaulmag.com - Paul “Sweet Paul” Lowe is guided by his grandmother, Mormor’s, motto: “fullkommenhet er kjedelig” -- “perfection is boring”. Born in Oslo, his Mormor and Great Auntie Gunnvor instilled in him a lov...

Cayó el general que le sirvió a las FARC, Nación - Semana.com

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servicesold.semana.com - Enviar a un amigo Cayó el general que les sirvió a las FARC CAPTURASe trata de Hugo Carvajal, quien seguramente será enviado a Estados Unidos. Carvajal era de los pocos que le hablaba al oído del f...

Seneca: Life is warfare. — Philosophical Quotes

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Philosophers quotes
philosophical-quotes.com - Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *
Meio Ambiente

Negócio nos Estados Unidos inova ao oferecer gorro para proteger do frio com barba falsa - notícias - Estadão PME – Pequenas e Médias Empresas

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Paulo Devechi
pme.estadao.com.br -  A barba está na moda. Mais até do que parece, já que uma empresa resolveu surpreender o mercado com um produto bastante diferente. Trata-se da Beardo beard hats - algo como 'O chapéu de barba do B...

Part 4/6: Obamacare vs. Women

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Accuracy In Media
conservativeuniversity.org - Are women just focused on free contraceptives and birth control? Independent Women’s Forum Director of Health Policy, Hadley Heath Manning, says no; women care about accessible and affordable healt...
Meio Ambiente

Painel Brasil TV - Semana Nacional Ciência Tecnologia

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Painel Brasil TV
painelbrasil.tv - O conceito de cidade sustentável é o destaque da Semana Nacional Ciência e Tecnologia no Distrito Federal, que tem como tema “Economia Verde, sustentabilidade e erradicação da pobreza”, com a final...

Howard Stern Obliterates Caller: ‘If You’re Anti-Israel, Then You’re Anti-America!’

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tpnn.com - Howard Stern Obliterates Caller: ‘If You’re Anti-Israel, Then You’re Anti-America!’ A caller to the Howard Stern radio show on SiriusXM last week attempted to blame Israel for defending itself agai...

Can Facebook Help You To Become A Professional? : Digital Picture Zone

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digitalpicturezone.com - The internet has a lot to offer budding photographers; it provides a broad platform for your work which could not even be envisaged a decade ago. A good tool for turning your hobby into a business ...

Greve impede divulgação de dados do desemprego pelo 2º mês - EXAME.com

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exame.abril.com.br - Rio de Janeiro - A greve dos funcionários do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE), que já dura cerca de dois meses, impediu a coleta regular de dados nas regiões metropolitanas de...

#AcordaBrasil!: BOMBA! #Lula tentou interferir em julgamento do TCU sobre Pasadena

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Carlos Parrini
blogdoparrini.blogspot.com - quinta-feira, 24 de julho de 2014 BOMBA! #Lula tentou interferir em julgamento do TCU sobre Pasadena Como sempre o PT tenta abafar mais um prejuízo bilionário que deram ao Brasil. Chantagens, dossi...

Kyle J. Norton Health Tips for Better Living and Living Health: Impact of water intake on energy intake and weight status

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Kyle J.Norton
kylejnorton.blogspot.com - In the study to review of studies reported in the English-language literature was performed to compare the effects of drinking water and various beverage alternatives on energy intake and/or weight...

Feminist Studies Professor Who Assaulted Pro-Lifer Pleads No Contest to Criminal Charges

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lifenews.com - by Steven Ertelt | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 7/24/14 12:56 PM The pro-abortion feminist studies professor at University of California Santa Barbara who attacked a young pro-life activist, sto...

O crápula e o pote do provedor

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O Insurgente
oinsurgente.org - O mandato do actual provedor da Santa Casa da misericórdia de Lisboa só termina daqui a uns meses, mas Ribeiro Castro já se posiciona desesperada e desavergonhadamente para suceder a Santana Lopes....

De hormigón hecho a mano - Noticias de Arquitectura - Buscador de Arquitectura

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Esteban Eordogh
noticias.arq.com.mx - Ayudando a arquitectos y estudiantes a encontrar información desde 1998 El Buscador de Arquitectura se dedica a investigar, recopilar y clasificar la información sobre Arquitectura y Construcción d...

Here Is The Blackest Of Black. Like A Black Hole, No Light Can Escape This New Material…

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viralspell.com - British scientists have created the blackest material ever created. They’ve called it Vantablack, however, as one would have expected, the material has already been named “super black”. What makes ...

Give Thanks to the Lord (chorus)

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aheartforgod.org - Mike Campagna (affectionately known by some as Pastor Mike) is making the most of web technologies to encourage disciples. A self-proclaimed “twitterholic,” one twitter follower describes him as th...

What The Wealthiest People Do That You Don`t (Infographic)

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Greg Wilson
smedio.com - The wealthiest people in the world possess habits that seem to be rare in others. They come from various backgrounds but certain habits and traits are common among them. In this infographic of the ...

WallBuilders - Historical Writings - The Founders As Christians

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Bryan Longworth
wallbuilders.com - I think it proper here not only to subscribe to the entire belief of the great and leading doctrines of the Christian religion, such as the Being of God, the universal defection and depravity of hu...

Our Health California

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Jeffrey Levin
ourhealthcalifornia.org - When your child needs an X-ray or your parent needs help managing an illness, you and your loved ones should have access to the best care possible, whenever you need it. You deserve: Care that focu...

Dilma veta parcelamento de dívida das Santas Casas; Saúde faz nova proposta - 21/06/2013 - Cotidiano - Folha de S.Paulo

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Paulo De Boni
folha.uol.com.br - A presidente Dilma Rousseff vetou a proposta de perdão de uma parte da dívida das Santas Casas e o parcelamento da outra parte, medida aprovada pelo Senado Federal no final de maio. O veto foi publ...

BBC News - Palestinians killed in West Bank Gaza solidarity march

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The Daily PR
bbc.co.uk - At least two Palestinians have been killed in the West Bank during protests against Israel's military campaign in Gaza, officials say. At least 10,000 protesters marched from Ramallah towards East ...

G1 - Taiwan abre inquérito sobre queda de avião que matou 48 - notícias em Mundo

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Josiel Dias 【ツ】
g1.globo.com - Autoridades de Taiwan lançaram uma investigação nesta quinta-feira (24) sobre a queda do avião turboélice da TransAsia Airways, que matou 48 pessoas, e a expectativa é que as condições climáticas s...

PGR: Primeiro-ministro não é suspeito no caso "Monte Branco" - TSF

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tsf.pt - «Relativamente ao senhor primeiro-ministro, Dr. Pedro Passos Coelho, não existem nos autos quaisquer suspeitas da prática de ilícitos de natureza criminal», refere a Procuradoria-Geral da República...
Meio Ambiente

Budistas lançam campanha anticristã

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Foco Cristão
padom.com.br - Um grupo budista lançou uma campanha de quatro dias contra o “fundamentalismo cristão” para parar as suas atividades religiosas no Sri Lanka, de acordo com Barnabas Aid. Os Ravana Balaya budistas, ...
Meio Ambiente

G1 - Fortuna do fundador do Facebook supera a dos criadores do Google - notícias em Tecnologia e Games

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Danilo Simões
g1.globo.com - O bom resultado na Bolsa de Valores das ações do Facebook fizeram a fortuna do presidente-executivo da rede social, Mark Zuckerberg, ultrapassar quinta-feira (24) a riqueza acumulada dos fundadores...

Traição amorosa ajuda polícia a investigar manifestantes no Rio - Brasil - Estadão

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brasil.estadao.com.br - RIO - Uma traição amorosa na cúpula da organização rotulada pela Polícia Civil e pelo Ministério Público de quadrilha armada ajudou os investigadores a apurar como agia o grupo responsabilizado pel...

Porcelain Dolls Resembling Young Girls Placed in Front of 8 O.C. Families’ Homes

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ktla.com - Eight families in San Clemente have been targeted in a disturbing pattern under investigation by authorities: porcelain dolls have been left at their homes resembling young girls who live there. Or...

Leftist media using kid pictures from 2012 in Syria as propaganda for Gaza : Fire Andrea Mitchell!

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fireandreamitchell.com - Just how far will leftist media in America (and around the world) go to try and prop up Hamas as the ‘victims’ in Operation Protective Edge and try to make Israel look like cold blooded killers? Ch...

Coaching for Business Owners, HR and Training Professionals and Managers

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Julie Kay
learningandleadership.com - "Julie has provided my organisation and me with excellent support in the areas of coaching and leadership development. Her approach and methods have been a major factor in developing managers to de...

Joe Carr: Lamar Alexander 'Trying to Fool' Voters on Border Security

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Doug Ray
breitbart.com - Carr is also running statewide ads on radio reminding voters in Tennessee that Alexander is refusing to debate him on the issues, particularly immigration. “After recklessly voting for an amnesty t...

Women's Health: Phytoestrogen-containing food and prevention of postmenopausal osteoporosis and cardiovascular diseases

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Chantel Martiromo
thetruestoriesstories.blogspot.com - Posted by Chantel M. research contributed  US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health      Phytestrogens are diphenolic compounds, widely found in plants and foods, with structur...

Sindicato não aceita suspensão de 1.000 funcionários da GM em São José dos Campos - 24/07/2014 - Mercado - Folha de S.Paulo

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Pr.Roberto Luiz
folha.uol.com.br - O Sindicato dos Metalúrgicos de São José dos Campos não aceitou o pedido da General Motors para suspender o contrato de trabalho de parte dos funcionários da fábrica local (a 80 km de São Paulo). A...

Chris Voss Consulting Services

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thechrisvossshow.com - We offer a variety of services through my companies. Contact me for a free proposal and lets see what we can help you accomplish. Need a PR Agency? Need A mobile App built? Need help marketing on F...

Top WR Ratings in Madden NFL 15 | Madden NFL

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Hollywood Dub
easports.com - The best wide receivers in Madden NFL 15 are an unfair combination of size, speed, athleticism and hands. Check out the top-rated receivers in Madden 15. All analysis provided by Madden Ratings Cza...

Obama: Joe Biden would make a “Superb” President

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Accuracy In Media
aim.org - WASHINGTON — In one of the latest head-scratching remarks from U.S. President Barack Obama, he endorse his vice president Joe Biden as a good successor to his own presidency. Reuters said that thes...

Iraqi Bishops Make Urgent Appeal to Country's Political Leaders

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Catholic News Live
zenit.org - Chaldean Patriarch Louis Raphael I Sako -- together with all the Chaldean, Syrian Orthodox, Syrian Catholic and Armenian Bishops in northern Iraq -- have launched an urgent appeal, calling for conc...


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