20 June 2014

LiberdadeDeExpressao 19.06.2014 @livrexpress

LiberdadeDeExpressao News

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Watch Live Now

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nomblog.com - This is it — the Second Annual March for Marriage kicks off in two hours at 11:00 AM EDT! And so does our live stream! If you’re not in DC with us, you can still participate in several ways. The fi...

Special Section - March for Marriage - Traditional Marriage Debate and News - Washington Times

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washingtontimes.com - March for Marriage - Special Advocacy Report: Download the Special Advocacy supplement, available in the June 19, 2014, edition of The Washington Times. (2.4 MB)

Marriage breakdown threatens society, religious leaders say :: EWTN News

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Catholic News Live
ewtnnews.com - The redefinition of marriage and movement from its focus on children affects not only families but entire communities and all of society, religious leaders warn. “People see marriage as a relations...

Marriage stabilizing for society, activists proclaim :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

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Catholic News Agency
catholicnewsagency.com - Washington D.C., Jun 19, 2014 / 02:48 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- Political leaders told crowds at the March for Marriage to not be afraid to speak the truth about marriage and the unique and essential ro...

The Homosexual Stalking of Jeanette Runyon (Part 4)

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barbwire.com - As the radical political left enjoys victories in their efforts to pull American culture down deeper into the sewer, an increasing number of conservatives, and especially Christian conservatives, e...

Crazy School Expels Little Boy for Holding Piece of Paper Like a Gun - Hit & Run : Reason.com

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Terry Kinder
reason.com - She added that the boy "had a concrete plan for killing [a female student] that he would not retract after discussion with our psych staff...that he was physically and verbally aggressive at a whol...


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Everton lima
tradicionalissima.blogspot.com - segunda-feira, 23 de setembro de 2013 A ESTRATÉGIA DAS TESOURAS Onde está a oposição no Brasil? Esse é um ponto de interrogação para muitas pessoas. A resposta mais comum é a de que o PT "tomou con...


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Jose Americo Ramalho
veja.abril.com.br - Não é segredo para ninguém que certo tipo de militância não precisa de palavras explícitas para agir. O sr. Cantalice está pondo em risco a segurança de profissionais da imprensa. Talvez queira ist...

Dilma garante: o que foi prometido para a Copa foi cumprido. Até sua maior parceira, a Fifa, não concorda. Trem-bala, obras de mobilidade, reformas nos aeroportos, iniciativa privada bancando os R$ 30 bilhões do Mundial. Nada virou realidade... – Blog do Cosme Rímoli – R7

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ronaldo adriano
esportes.r7.com - O que está acontecendo e um desrespeito a vida humana, assédio moral coletivo, sentimos vergonha, e o nosso Governo quer se sentir plenamente satisfeito, ri de nós, a população não está satisfeita....

Às moscas: parlamentares decidem entrar em férias para ver a Copa do Mundo

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verdadegospel.com - Início da Copa do Mundo, as festas de São João e o decreto bolivariano da presidente Dilma Rousseff. Essas foram as justificativas usadas pelo presidente da Casa, Henrique Eduardo Alves (PMDB-RN), ...

CARTA ABERTA EM APOIO AO #ForaDilma E LEVE O PT JUNTO, @brazilnocorrupt ao @DepBolsonaro @VEJA links is on JustCoz!

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aecio flavio
justcoz.org - CARTA ABERTA EM APOIO AO #ForaDilma E LEVE O PT JUNTO, @brazilnocorrupt ao @DepBolsonaro @VEJA links Ilustríssimo Sr. @DepBolsonaro @VEJA o desespero do PT, por intermédio da carta caPiTal, a qual ...


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aecio flavio
justcoz.org - Ilustríssimo Sr. @DepBolsonaro @VEJA o desespero do PT, por intermédio da carta caPiTal, a qual é um folhetim governista, que tenta desqualificar a "Operação Sete de Setembro", com o artigo O desfi...

Efeito Cantalice: multiplicam-se ameaças de agressão e morte depois de lista negra de jornalistas elaborada pelo PT. É o ódio no poder!

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veja.abril.com.br - Alerta Total – http://www.alertatotal.net Por Geraldo Almendra . UM RECADO: “OS MILITARES DARÃO A PRÓPRIA VIDA PARA LIVRAR O BRASIL DO COMUNISMO”. GENERAL DE EXERCITO PEDRO LUIS DE ARAÚJO BRAGA.A q...

Dilma é xingada após festa de abertura no Itaquerão - Yahoo Esporte Interativo

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br.esporteinterativo.yahoo.com - Logo após o término da cerimônia de abertura de Copa do Mundo, a presidente Dilma Rousseff foi xingada por uma parte dos torcedores presentes nas arquibancadas do Itaquerão, estádio na capital paul...


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m.facebook.com - Vicente Sena Totus Tuus Mariae Os Militares não estão vigiando as fronteiras proque Lula os ordenou a sair, o exército esta sob as ordens do governo, ele só pode agir contra o governo se o povo bra...

Armados e seguros | Maldade Destilada – o blog de Flavio Quintela

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maldadedestilada.wordpress.com - Imagine que você fosse um presidente ou primeiro-ministro de um país. Imagine também que você quisesse proteger seu poder e de seus sucessores de possíveis levantes e revoluções vindos da população...

Seis Paradoxos sobre Liberdade - Liberzone

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Dâniel Fraga
liberzone.com.br - Assim, se Joãozinho prefere sorvete de chocolate ao de morango podemos achar três classes de determinantes nesse “ato de livre escolha”: Joãozinho é  um homo sapiens, portanto muito suscetível a re...

Segunda Tela - Band.com.br

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band.uol.com.br - O novo aplicativo da Band é uma evolução do app de segunda tela da emissora. Mais completa, a ferramenta reúne programação, vídeos, transmissões ao vivo e área de segunda tela para interação com os...

Tor Challenge

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eff.org - Relays and bridges qualify for the Tor Challenge if they are created on or after June 4th, 2014. We will also give credit to relays that increase their RelayBandwidthRate and RelayBandwidthBurst by...

Distraught mom: Obamacare ‘takes away all of my baby’s heart doctors’

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Truth Tweeter
twitchy.com - Just got a call saying my 10m/o(born w/2 heart conditions)is covered under NO ped. cardiologists due to our new shit plan. Thx, #Obamacare!— Redskins Holly (@HollyRFisher) June 19, 2014 But wait, ...

» Texan Told to Remove American Flag Because It’s a “Threat to Muslims” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

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infowars.com - Even more, the manager of the Lodge on El Dorado in Webster, Texas released a press release to reporters stating that while management “admires our resident’s patriotism, they must “maintain the ae...

» ISIS Domestic Terror Threat Created by CIA and U.S. Military Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

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infowars.com - Eli Lake, writing for The Daily Beast, in other words Newsweek, warns that Americans fighting in Syria may soon return home and pose a serious terror threat. “The problem, U.S. counter-terrorism an...

Lerner e-mails likely gone forever, IRS claims, as hard drive was “thrown away” « Hot Air

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Drew McKissick
hotair.com - Old and busted: “The dog ate our e-mails.” New hotness: “The dog ate our e-mails, so we put him down.” The IRS announced last night — after a subpoena from House Oversight chair Darrell Issa — that...

Social Security Administration CLOSES 597 Offices

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barbwire.com - Social Security has long-term financial challengers but the agency that administers it faces more immediate problems, according to a bipartisan report. Sixty-four Social Security offices have close...

Uma elite rastaquera - Comentário para o programa radiofônico do Observatório, 17/6/2014 | Observatório da Imprensa

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observatoriodaimprensa.com.br - Os jornais de terça-feira (17/6) derramam elogios ao desenrolar da Copa do Mundo no Brasil. Alguns textos, como o editorial do Globo (ver aqui), ainda procuram destacar certos problemas remanescent...

Google URL Shortener

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✪Tom O'Halloran✪
goo.gl - Note that goo.gl short URLs may be disabled for spam, security or legal reasons. © 2011 Google Help Report Spam Privacy Policy Terms of Service Google Home

Pastors | Personhood FL

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Bryan Longworth
personhoodfl.com - The Right to Life of All Persons Recognized and Protected Bulletin Insert Personhood FL Powerpoint Presentation What Makes a Person Sermon Outline Created in the Image of God Sermon Outline The New...

Mesmo com números erráticos e incoerentes, pesquisa Ibope é péssima para Dilma. Golpe petista da “elite branca” e do ódio de classes dá com os jumentos n’água!

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Vera Lucia
veja.abril.com.br - 1) No dia 22 de maio, o Ibope divulgou uma pesquisa: Primeiro turno Dilma Rousseff – 40% Aécio Neves – 20% Eduardo Campos – 11% Segundo turno: Dilma – 43% Aécio – 24% Diferença: 19 pontos percentua...

O discurso do ódio - Comentário para o programa radiofônico do Observatório, 19/6/2014 | Observatório da Imprensa

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observatoriodaimprensa.com.br - Um grupo de torcedores invadiu a área da imprensa no Maracanã, durante a partida do Chile contra a Espanha, na quarta-feira (18/6), e os jornais vasculham a possibilidade de uma crise entre o gover...

Is Marriage In America On the Rocks?

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barbwire.com - June, long the most popular month of weddings, is a good time to ask: How strong is marriage today? In the pop culture, marriage is weak. Songs often extol illicit sex or denigrate marriage. There’...

CNI/Ibope confirma Aécio no segundo turno e desaprovação de Dilma chega a 50% - Imprensa, Notícias - PSDB - Partido da Social Democracia Brasileira

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Ivo Marcelino
psdb.org.br - A nova pesquisa da CNI/Ibope, divulgada nesta quinta-feira (19), confirma a presença do candidato do PSDB à Presidência, senador Aécio Neves, no segundo turno da disputa eleitoral. Na simulação do ...

O desafio de fazer rádio ‘all news’ no Pará - | Observatório da Imprensa | Observatório da Imprensa - Você nunca mais vai ler jornal do mesmo jeito

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observatoriodaimprensa.com.br - Terra de eventos marcantes como o Círio de Nazaré e artistas conhecidos como a Banda Calypso e a cantora Gaby Amaranthos, Belém do Pará tornou-se afiliada da CBN, pioneira no modelo all news (notíc...

#SOS #CANTAREIRA: #FAB ataca #SerradaCantareira (#Mairiporã/ SP/ #BRASIL) ÁREA DE PRESERVAÇÃO AMBIENTAL:TRÁFEGO AÉREO ININTERRUPTO RUÍDO EXCESSIVO #GRUairport Danos #meioambiente, à #fauna e à #flora : Petição Pública Brasil

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Luiz de Oliveira
peticaopublica.com.br - #SOS #CANTAREIRA: #FAB ataca #SerradaCantareira (#Mairiporã/ SP/ #BRASIL) ÁREA DE PRESERVAÇÃO AMBIENTAL:TRÁFEGO AÉREO ININTERRUPTO RUÍDO EXCESSIVO #GRUairport Danos #meioambiente, à #fauna e à #flo...

Protesto por tarifa zero termina em vandalismo em São Paulo - ÉPOCA

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Mara Kramer
epoca.globo.com - Um protesto do Movimento Passe Livre (MPL) reuniu cerca de 1,5 mil pessoas nesta quinta-feira (19), em São Paulo. A manifestação foi marcada para defender a tarifa zero no transporte público e rele...

Em protesto, Movimento Passe Livre fecha Marginal Pinheiros em São Paulo - Jornal O Globo

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Magela o ceguinho
oglobo.globo.com - SÃO PAULO - Depois de duas horas de passeata pacífica, o protesto do Movimento Passe Livre (MPL) em comemoração ao aniversário de um ano da revogação do aumento de 20 centavos nas passagens do tran...

7 Letters to Write Before You Turn 70

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Art of Manliness
artofmanliness.com - At AoM we’re great champions of the lost art of letter writing. Emails, texting, and the wide variety of other digital mediums available to us in the modern age are convenient and efficient, but th...

Tendências no jornalismo: sola de sapato ou neurônios? | Blogs OI | Observatório da Imprensa - Você nunca mais vai ler jornal do mesmo jeito

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observatoriodaimprensa.com.br - Na era analógica, pré-internet o senso comum no jornalismo apontaria o esforço físico como a prioridade, mas na era digital é o trabalho intelectual que começa a exigir mais dedicação dos profissio...

Las noticias más importantes: 19 de junio

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - LIMA, 19 Jun. 14 / 07:43 pm (ACI).- ACI Prensa presenta un video con las noticias más importantes de hoy, 19 de junio de 2014, en el que podrá repasar rápidamente las noticias más importantes del d...

The GOP Establishment ‘Endorses’ Ted Cruz 2016

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barbwire.com - Texas Sen. Ted Cruz is the Republican establishment’s man in 2016. No, really, you read that right. I haven’t gone crazy, and Cruz hasn’t gone Colonel Kurtz, like so many other conservatives we sen...

Poll: Charles Rangel up 13 vs. Adriano Espaillat - Elizabeth Titus - POLITICO.com

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Jeffrey Levin
politico.com - Democratic Rep. Charlie Rangel has weathered and even gained ground in an aggressive primary race in New York’s 13th District, according to a poll released Thursday. He leads state Sen. Adriano Esp...

Novo editor-executivo do ‘NYT’ anuncia retirada de tumor - Tradução e edição: Leticia Nunes. Com informações de Ravi Somaiya [“New York Times Editor Treated for Cancer”, The New York Times, 16/6/14] | Observatório da Imprensa

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observatoriodaimprensa.com.br - O New York Times noticiou, na segunda-feira [16/6], que seu recém-empossado editor-executivo, Dean Baquet, está em tratamento de câncer. Baquet enviou um e-mail à redação contando que ficará uma se...

Analysis: How Pakistani Politicians and Fake Accounts Drove Twitter Trends on Lahore’s Rare Political Violence · Global Voices

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Global Voices
globalvoicesonline.org - In Pakistan's second largest city Lahore violent clashes between police and supporters of a newly energized political party Pakistan Awami Tehreek (PAT) resulted in eight deaths and left at least 8...

Why Conducting Academic Research in Khorog, Tajikistan is a Criminal Offense · Global Voices

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Global Voices
globalvoicesonline.org - Khorog, the town where Global Voices community member Alexander Sodiqov was wrongfully arrested and detained for conducting academic research, is a faraway place. Khorog is faraway because it is lo...

GOP Majority Leader Candidate Kevin McCarthy: My Years In the Trenches With Him

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barbwire.com - Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-California) has had a meteoric rise in politics and by early indications, will be the next Majority Leader in the U.S. House of Representatives. I had the privilege of knowin...

No Japão, sempre recolhemos o lixo, diz japonês após jogo em Natal - 19/06/2014 - Folha na Copa - Esporte - Folha de S.Paulo

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folha.uol.com.br - A torcida japonesa repetiu uma cena incomum e que rendeu diversos elogios nesta Copa. Após o empate em 0 a 0 com a Grécia, parte dos torcedores que se concentravam atrás de um dos gols da Arena das...

La archidiócesis de Buenos Aires cambia la procesión del Corpus para no coincidir con un partido de Argentina en el mundial de fútbol

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infocatolica.com - (Aica) «Pan de los hijos, pan de la misericordia», será el lema de la celebración del Corpus Christi en la Plaza de Mayo, que será el viernes 20 de junio. La celebración eucarística, prevista para ...

Mais da metade dos brasileiros não confia na presidente Dilma, diz pesquisa CNI/Ibope - Imprensa, Notícias - PSDB - Partido da Social Democracia Brasileira

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psdb.org.br - Brasília (DF) – O pessimismo dos brasileiros com os rumos tomados pela administração da presidente petista Dilma Rousseff foi confirmado, nesta quinta-feira (19), pelos resultados da pesquisa CNI/I...

Matthew 23:12 ~ DailyVerse from DailyBible

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Drew McKissick
mydailybible.org - 12 Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.

Onde estavam os senhores da Copa? - Reproduzido do Jornal GGN, 13/6/2014 | Observatório da Imprensa

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observatoriodaimprensa.com.br - Onde estavam ontem os políticos que festejaram a escolha do Brasil como sede da Copa do Mundo de 2014? Onde estavam: Lula, Sérgio Cabral, Eduardo Campos, Aécio Neves, José Serra, Jaques Wagner, Yed...

The Collapsing Obama Doctrine

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barbwire.com - Everyone else is excerpting it so I don’t think BarbWire should miss out. The title above belongs to an article in the Wall Street Journal written by former Vice President Dick Cheney and his daugh...


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Richard Bejah CFP®
richardbejah.com - Set some time aside to create your bucket list and stop putting off your dreams for “someday” The best way to get the most out of life is to look upon it as a magnificent adventure. This list is a ...

Social Security, Treasury target taxpayers for their parents’ decades-old debts - The Washington Post

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Resist Tyranny
washingtonpost.com - A few weeks ago, with no notice, the U.S. government intercepted Mary Grice’s tax refunds from both the IRS and the state of Maryland. Grice had no idea that Uncle Sam had seized her money until so...


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terrywmanning.blogspot.com - MAYBE AN UNPOPULAR BLOG, BUT AMERICANS MUST TAKE OVER.      I know that this may be unpopular to the pacifists, left wing loonies, Obama worshippers, a government who has lost it's mind, and a gove...

Deadly diseases crossing border with illegals

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WND News
wnd.com - A flood of illegals has massively surged at our southwestern borders. The economic impact of medical care, education and incarceration for illegals forced on taxpayers is bankrupting Arizona. Why a...

Julio Severo: Franklin Graham: Eu adoro um judeu

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Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - Deus não esqueceu dos judeus. Tem pessoas que tem aversão aos judeus, ja ouvi falar de que cristãos tem este sentimento, mas o próprio Deus não age assim. Desde o inicio da criação até apocalipse, ...

Saint Joseph Old Man or Young Man?

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Taylor Marshall
taylormarshall.com - You may have noticed that there are two competing versions of Saint Joseph in Catholic art and devotion. One is the “gray-haired grandpa Joseph” and the other is the “young handsome Joseph.” Questi...

Gifts for the College Student

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Dawn (USMC Mom)
squidoo.com - Traveling home in an airport is a breeze as the the laptop compartment of this backpack is accessible from the side for easy access. Throw in a pair of clothes and you have an overnight travel carr...

Arab-Byzantine War, 629-644 AD

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medievalists.net - Master’s Thesis, U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, 2007 Abstract: Islam arose out of a cataclysmic change in society and economics in the Arabian Peninsula during the early seventh centu...

Criacionismo: Memórias são guardadas em células individuais

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Michelson Borges
criacionismo.com.br - quinta-feira, junho 19, 2014 Memórias são guardadas em células individuais Complexidade que surpreende O cérebro humano guarda memórias episódicas no hipocampo, colocando cada lembrança em uma dist...

Como conseguir recursos financeiros para sustentar um blog cristão? ~ União de Blogueiros Evangélicos

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Internautas Cristãos
ubeblogs.net - Se você é blogueiro cristão, sabe do que estou falando: pagar servidor de hospedagem, registro de domínios, serviços de design, sistema de distribuição de e-mail, licença de softwares, comprar equi...

0640 Obama Brings Shame to America

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barbwire.com - Over and above, to failed domestic policies such as the scarred and hapless mess known as Obamacare, frazzled foreign policy and the international mockery made of our military – something else is a...

Funcionária do Ministério da Saúde é presa cobrando proprina - Ricardo Noblat: O Globo

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oglobo.globo.com - A Polícia Federal (PF) prendeu em flagrante na noite de terça-feira uma funcionária terceirizada do Ministério da Saúde, no momento em que ela havia acabado de receber R$ 100 mil em cheques como pr...

Quênia: Extremistas islâmicos assassinam cristãos em casa

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noticias.gospelmais.com.br - Na última semana uma série de ataques realizados por um grupo de extremistas islâmicos da Al Shabab, da Somália, resultou na morte de 48 cristãos na cidade costeira de Mpeketoni, no Quênia. Os extr...

Video shows cop killing handcuffed man

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WND News
wnd.com - (EL PASO TIMES) An El Paso police officer pulled his Taser stun gun after he drew his handgun and fatally shot a handcuffed prisoner at the Downtown Jail last year, according to security camera foo...

Ortega y Amcham aúnan esfuerzo. La Prensa

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Juan Carlos Hidalgo
laprensa.com.ni - Daniel Ortega, presidente inconstitucional. LA PRENSA/Jorge Torres El presidente inconstitucional Daniel Ortega sostuvo una reunión este miércoles 18 de junio con los directivos de la Cámara de Com...

Aspects of the monastic patronage of the English and French royal houses 1130-1270

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medievalists.net -    Aspects of the monastic patronage of the English and French royal houses 1130-1270 PhD Dissertation, Queen Mary, University of London, 1976 Abstract: This study takes as its theme the relationsh...

Index Freedom of Expression Awards: Journalism nominee Dina Meza - Index on Censorship

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Index on Censorship
indexoncensorship.org - #indexawards2014: Meet the inspirational shortlist for Index on Censorship’s Freedom of Expression Awards every weekday this month To view the presentation, click on the white arrow on the right si...

Press ignores the news about IRS ‘losing’ Lerner’s emails « 4TH ST8

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4thst8.wordpress.com - Paul Jacob has an interesting take on the IRS losing Lois Lerner’s emails. He points out the incredible lack of coverage in any of the major newspapers, with the exception of The Wall Street Journa...

A good week for Christianity within the walls of Parliament « God and Politics in the UK

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Archbishop Cranmer
godandpoliticsuk.org - “The church is not an NGO with lots of old buildings. It is the Church of God, rejoicing in the realities of cultural diversity in a way never known before: global, cross-bearing, confident and wel...

An expanding Koch network aims to spend $300 million to shape Senate fight and 2016 - The Washington Post

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washingtonpost.com - The political network backed by the Koch brothers, already spending tens of millions of dollars this year to boost Republicans’ chances of retaking the Senate, is expanding its national playbook as...

Tráfico: Missionários absolvidos de acusação de aliciar crianças

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noticias.gospelmais.com.br - Os missionários brasileiros no Senegal que estavam presos sob acusação de aliciar crianças para o narcotráfico e blasfemar contra o islã foram absolvidos de todas as acusações durante o julgamento ...

What happened to Americans?

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barbwire.com - We gaze off into the distance, squinting as we desperately try to see anything through the blood red – Obama sun. Is there anything real to actually find hope in? We occasionally see a Representati...

Soudan du Sud: la guerre menace la vie de plus de 50.000 enfants - Flash actualité - Monde - 14/06/2014 - leParisien.fr

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Un Mundo Sin Mordaza
leparisien.fr - Soudan du Sud: la guerre menace la vie de plus de 50.000 enfants Un mère auprès de son fils qui souffre de malnutrition, dans une clinique de Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), le 30 mai 2014 au Souda...

19 June: Beating Retreat - Digital Freedom in Turkey, Russia and Azerbaijan - Index on Censorship

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Index on Censorship
indexoncensorship.org - “Whenever we’ll have to choose between excessive regulation and protection of online freedom, we’ll definitely opt for freedom”  Vladimir Putin, 1999 Since Putin said this, 3 days before becoming P...

Criacionismo: Hipótese do impacto que "criou" a Lua é questionada

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Michelson Borges
criacionismo.com.br - quarta-feira, junho 18, 2014 Hipótese do impacto que "criou" a Lua é questionada Teoria indefensável Os cientistas não sabem como a Lua se formou, mas eles gostam muito de uma teoria - a rigor, uma...

Poll Shows Public Confidence in News Media Sinking to Record Low

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mrc.org - In its annual survey of the public's faith in 17 key institutions, TV news has fallen to a new low, with only the U.S. Congress ranking below it in terms of public esteem. Just 18 percent of U.S. a...

Aécio: projeto facilita adoção por pais solteiros

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João Paulo M.
jogodopoder.com - Hoje, a licença-maternidade de 120 dias já existe para mães adotivas, independentemente da idade da criança adotada, mas a idade ainda continua como critério para o pagamento do benefício financeir...

Christians/Jews Criticized For Millennia: Time For Muslims To Buck UP!

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barbwire.com - “You grow up the day you have your first real laugh — at yourself.” ~ Ethel Barrymore Christians understand freedom. It is one of the benefits of the Judeo-Christian Scriptures that were the founda...

WORLD | To eat good fruit | Andrée Seu Peterson

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WORLD News Group
worldmag.com - It’s summertime, and time for fruit. People are squeezing mangoes and thumping watermelons to test their edibleness. The Bible has advice on how to get the best fruit: “Tell the righteous that it s...

We Convert Because We Love | Dale M. Coulter

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First Things
firstthings.com - William Hale White’s The Autobiography of Mark Rutherford is one of the lesser-known works of Victorian fiction. In elegant prose, White recounts the journey of Mark Rutherford from non-conformist ...

Questão de Confiança: EXPLOSÃO Y - LEIA O PREVIEW

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Michelson Borges
questaodeconfianca.blogspot.com - quarta-feira, 18 de junho de 2014 EXPLOSÃO Y - LEIA O PREVIEW Marcadores: Comportamento, cosmovisão, Interpretação bíblica, Literatura, Mundo religioso, Princípios adventistas, valores

CNN's Brooke Baldwin Asks the Right Questions, Gets Right Balance on Benghazi Suspect

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newsbusters.org - It is a rare occasion when I have reason not to criticize a news report, but to praise it copiously. But give credit where it’s due: In Tuesday’s early afternoon newscast on CNN, host Brooke Baldwi...

Scott Walker Tweets Response To Partisan Witchhunt

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Truth Tweeter
breitbart.com - The accusation of any wrongdoing written in the complaint by the office of a partisan Dem DA by me or by my campaign is categorically false.  In fact two judges, in both state and federal courts, h...

Ato do MPL tem quebra-quebra de agências e concessionária - São Paulo - Estadão

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sao-paulo.estadao.com.br - O professor de inglês Lusvarghi, que foi agredido na semana passada após confronto com policiais militares em protesto no dia da abertura do Mundial, participou do movimento. Segundo ele, "para mos...

OCEG | Vídeo - Descubra quem são os ratos

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Direita S/SE
blogoceg.tumblr.com - Vídeo - Descubra quem são os ratos Você sabe quem são os ratos ?!?!? Divulgue, espalhe, compartilhe !

Sunni Extremists in Iraq Occupy Saddam Hussein's Chemical Weapons Facility - WSJ

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online.wsj.com - Washington—Sunni extremists in Iraq have occupied what was once Saddam Hussein's premier chemical-weapons production facility, a complex that still contains a stockpile of old weapons, State Depart...

PARAGUAY: Activistas venezolanos y cubanos cabildean en la ONU por derechos humanos - Política - Entorno Inteligente

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Un Mundo Sin Mordaza
entornointeligente.com - Agronegocios / Activistas venezolanos y cubanos cabildeaban el miércoles en Naciones Unidas para que se investiguen decenas de muertes de estudiantes que protestaron en Caracas y el encarcelamiento...


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citizengo.org - The US Census Bureau has purposely gone outside its mission statement to redefine the definition of family.   This upcoming September, the Census Bureau will officially release the 2013 American Co...

Marriage breakdown threatens society, religious leaders say :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

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Catholic News Live
catholicnewsagency.com - Washington D.C., Jun 19, 2014 / 06:19 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- The redefinition of marriage and movement from its focus on children affects not only families but entire communities and all of society, ...

Até Gilberto Carvalho admite: não foi só a “elite branca” que xingou Dilma. “A coisa desceu.”

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veja.abril.com.br - “Me permitam, pessoal, no Itaquerão não tinha só elite branca não. Não fui pro jogo, mas [es]tive no Itaquerão, ao lado, numa escola acompanhando as movimentações, fui e voltei de metrô. Não tinha ...

WORLD | Midday Roundup: Justina Pelletier finally goes home | Lynde Langdon

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WORLD News Group
worldmag.com - There’s no place like home. A 16-year-old girl caught up in a tense custody case with the state of Massachusetts has reunited with her family. Justina Pelletier posted a video on her Facebook pages...

Neural Noise May Influence Free Will 

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truthisscary.com - Life has been rough for Sifl since the cancellation. (PIC: Durova -cc) Electrical brain patterns might influence our ability to make voluntary decisions. Research continues on the potential benefit...

Hairy Hang-Up: New York Times Reporter Revels in Shallow John Bolton Bashing

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newsbusters.org - As Iraq descends once more into chaos in the wake of Obama's withdrawal of U.S. troops, New York Times reporter Jennifer Steinhauer took a lazy, snarky tone in a Thursday news profile  of "neoconse...

Criacionismo: Cientistas descobrem oceano dentro da Terra

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Michelson Borges
criacionismo.com.br - segunda-feira, junho 16, 2014 Cientistas descobrem oceano dentro da Terra Três vezes mais água Pesquisadores descobriram, após décadas de estudos, que um vasto reservatório de água – suficiente par...

Rejeição à Lei Cavalo de Troia

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Zenit Portugues
zenit.org - O cavalo de Troia foi um artefato de madeira utilizado pelos gregos na guerra contra os troianos. Sim, incapazes de vencer seus rivais, os helenos criaram um grande equino de tábuas e disseram aos ...

Os 5 Políticos Mais Ricos do Brasil - Liberzone

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liberzone.com.br - “Newtão confirmou ser dono de todos os bens que VEJA lhe atribuiu e relacionou outros mais. De acordo com a reportagem, o ex-governador possuiria 25 carros. Ele disse que são 150. VEJA afirmou que ...

Tasso Jereissati visita Aécio em seu apartamento no Rio - Política - Estadão

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João Paulo M.
politica.estadao.com.br - O candidato do PSDB à Presidência da República, Aécio Neves, recebeu nesta quinta-feira, 19, a visita do ex-senador Tasso Jereissati, cotado para ser candidato a vice em uma chapa "puro-sangue" tuc...
Meio Ambiente

25 Shocking Facts About The Earth’s Dwindling Water Resources 

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truthisscary.com - War, famine, mass extinctions and devastating plagues – all of these are coming unless some kind of miraculous solution is found to the world’s rapidly growing water crisis.  By the year 2030, the ...
Meio Ambiente

Rare albino whale 'parades' off Australian coast - CNN.com

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Ayesha Shaikh
cnn.com - (CNN) -- "Thar he blows!" In a scene straight out of Moby Dick, a rare white whale is back and putting on a show for his fans off the eastern coast of Australia this week. First spotted on Tuesday,...

Fox News Asked Hillary Clinton Three Important Questions The Liberal Media Haven't

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newsbusters.org - It took six television interviews but Hillary Clinton was finally asked questions that have remained absent during her book tour to promote “Hard Choices.”  On Tuesday, June 17 Clinton sat down wit...

Mitos da Educação 01: O direito à educação - Liberzone

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liberzone.com.br - Quando discute-se acerca da educação, do ensino e de todas as questões pedagógicas, políticas e ideológicas que circundam a temática, surgem diversos mitos. Em áreas do conhecimento muito específic...

G1 - Gravação da PF mostra funcionária da Saúde cobrando propina em MS - notícias em Mato Grosso do Sul

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Roberta C.M.Oliveira
g1.globo.com - Uma gravação feita pela Polícia Federal com autorização da Justiça mostra uma consultora técnica do Ministério da Saúde negociando propina com o diretor-presidente do Hospital de Câncer Alfredo Abr...

Eucharist the 'bread of love', Pope says on Corpus Christi :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

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Catholic News Live
catholicnewsagency.com - Rome, Italy, Jun 19, 2014 / 05:02 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- During Mass for the feast of Corpus Christi, Pope Francis exhorted the faithful to avoid the “false bread” of the world, and to remember that ...
Meio Ambiente

Records: Duke warned about pipe that caused spill

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cnsnews.com - RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) — Records subpoenaed by federal prosecutors show engineers working for Duke Energy warned the company nearly 30 years before a massive coal ash spill that a stormwater pipe runni...

Liberalism will die out to leave a conservative evangelical church

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Christian Concern
christianconcern.com - A prediction that “conservative evangelicalism” will survive in the Christian church but that liberalism and mainline protestant denominations will die out, is made by Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali in a...

Monseñor Syroub: «Otra guerra será nuestro final»; los cristianos de Irak contra la intervención - ReL

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religionenlibertad.com - “Otra guerra significaría el final para nosotros los cristianos”. Lo indicó este miércoles el obispo auxiliar de los católicos caldeos de Bagdad, Saad Syroub, en declaraciones telefónicas realizada...

Washington Post Engages in Propaganda Exercise against Benghazi Conference

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barbwire.com - The Washington Post’s Dana Milbank wrote a column on Monday titled “Heritage’s ugly Benghazi panel,” portraying a forum held the same day at the Heritage Foundation, hosted by the newly formed Beng...

How To Become An Expert Witness - Forbes

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Scott Williams
forbes.com - Before I got the call about working as an expert witness in an employment-law matter, I’d never heard of an expert witness from the business world. The little I knew about the expert witness world ...

Irak, temor por el futuro de los cristianos

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Enlace Católico.com
enlacecatolico.com - “Otra guerra significaría el final para nosotros los cristianos”. Lo indicó este miércoles el obispo auxiliar caldeo de Bagdad, Saad Syroub, en declaraciones telefónicas realizadas a Ayuda a la Igl...

Vadacurry Movie Review - Oneindia Entertainment

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Ayesha Shaikh
entertainment.oneindia.in - Jai's journey as actor has not been smooth and he has worked hard and found his way to reach where he is today. His films now have started generating curiosity and the time has come for him where p...

Japoneses voltam a limpar arquibancadas após jogo na Copa - Terra Brasil

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esportes.terra.com.br - Assim como ocorreu na estreia da seleção japonesa na Copa do Mundo, torcedores do Japão limparam as arquibancadas da Arena das Dunas na noite desta quinta-feira, depois de acompanhar o empate por 0...

Saúde é uma mercadoria? - Liberzone

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liberzone.com.br - Para estrear a coluna Saúde Livre no Liberzone decidi abordar esse tema, que é motivo de muita discussão entre os médicos. Não é infrequente um colega ser apontado com desdém pelos demais por ter u...

How to Market to Women Using Social Media — Divahound

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Karen Woodham
divahound.com - Let’s face it – women are different creatures. Speaking on behalf of this remarkable gender, we really do think differently, act differently and approach situations differently from our male counte...

China investe em cultura com apoio maciço ao cinema nacional - Jornal Correio do Brasil

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Correio do Brasil
correiodobrasil.com.br - 19/6/2014 14:23 Por Redação, com Xinhua - de Pequim O governo da China planeja investir 1 bilhão de iuanes (US$ 163 milhões) na indústria nacional de cinema, incluindo gastos com produções de filme...

Franciscan Univ. of Steubenville Celebrates 39 Years of Summer Conferences

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Catholic News Live
cardinalnewmansociety.org - Franciscan University of Steubenville is celebrating 39 years of summer conferences by continuing the tradition and holding more than thirty conferences for both adults and youth this summer.  Conf...

Cruz: 'We Need President to Say...in No Uncertain Terms Send Mariam Home’

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cnsnews.com - (CNSNews.com) – Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) told attendees at a Faith and Freedom Coalition (FFC) event on Thursday that Americans and President Barack Obama should speak out on behalf of Mariam Ibriha...

Grupo de torcedores chilenos é detido ao invadir o Maracanã - Jornal O Globo

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Que país é este ?
oglobo.globo.com - RIO — Um grupo de torcedores com a camisa chilena foi detido depois de invadir o Maracanã, na tarde desta quarta-feira, uma hora antes da partida entre Chile e Espanha. Cerca de 200 pessoas consegu...

IRS Source: Lerner's Hard Drive Likely Destroyed

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nationalreview.com - Lois Lerner’s lost e-mails are most likely gone forever. In the wake of the news that a computer crash destroyed over two years’ worth of Lois Lerner’s e-mails, House Oversight Committee chairman D...

How to Use Your Brand Voice to Be Heard in Social Media

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Jeffrey Levin
gianfagnamarketing.com - Social media is the noisiest place on the planet. Every day, there are over 1 billion Facebook posts and 400 million Tweets. If you’re straining to be heard amid the social media din, try using one...

Pawan Kalyan Focusing On Diet, Exercise To Lose Weight - Oneindia Entertainment

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Ayesha Shaikh
entertainment.oneindia.in - The younger breed of Telugu actors is very much conscious about the fitness. Taking a cue from them, even a few senior actors including Nagarjuna and Mahesh Babu have become fitness and diet consci...


Partilhado por
Editora Ave-Maria
redevida.com.br - Saiba o que você vai ver no programa desta quinta-feira!

Don’t Live An “Almost” Life. | Dan Waldschmidt: Author of EDGY Conversations

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John Paul Aguiar
danwaldschmidt.com - The problem with playing it safe is that you spend a lot of time and energy doing nothing. You don’t make easy decisions because you need more evidence. You wait until you have the data to show you...

A fascinating map of an ageing world

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mercatornet.com - The map above, produced by the Bank of America, shows in bright pink the sections of the world where more than 20% of the population are over 65.  In 2010 only Italy, Germany and Japan are shaded b...

"Direita Militante" irá radicalizar eleição, diz Gilberto Carvalho — CartaCapital

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cartacapital.com.br - Os xingamentos contra Dilma Rousseff na abertura da Copa do Mundo são ilustrativos de um fenômeno que o ministro Gilberto Carvalho, da Secretaria Geral da Presidência, acredita ter se alastrado pel...

2nd officer suspended in slitting of dog's throat

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cnsnews.com - BALTIMORE (AP) — A second Baltimore officer has been suspended while the department investigates his role in the slitting of a dog's throat, while the animal's owner says it took her days to find o...

Social Security, Veterans Affairs To Expand Some, But Not All, Same-Sex Marriage Recognition

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Jeffrey Levin
huffingtonpost.com - The Justice Department will announce this week that it has done all it can to recognize same-sex couples’ marriages and that Congress will have to act for final recognition — primarily within Veter...

A lista do PT: partido apela para táticas cada vez mais autoritárias

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Direita S/SE
veja.abril.com.br - Que o PT não tem nenhum apreço pelo convívio democrático com as divergências qualquer um já sabe – ou deveria saber. Mas o partido vem apelando cada vez mais, fruto do desespero com a crescente rej...

Middle East Holds Few Attractive Options For Obama

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rightwingnews.com - Two and a half years ago, the U.S. pulled every soldier out of a mostly quiet Iraq. In the void, formerly al-Qaeda-affiliated terrorists calling themselves “The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria” are...

Dirty Little Secrets Politicians Won’t Tell You About Illegal Immigration - Tom O'Halloran

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✪Tom O'Halloran✪
tomohalloran.com - The vitriol and political maneuvering prevents taxpayers from knowing the whole truth about illegal immigration.   Just click on your state on this map to start educating yourself on what it’s cost...


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Karen Woodham
sparklyprettybriiiight.com - Ida, a starkly beautiful black and white film from director Pawel Pawlikowski, begins much as it means to go on – in austere, almost confronting, silence. In the snowy depths of a brutally cold 196...

Edometriosis: All About Women Health Article -Endometriosis

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Chantel Martiromo
women-health123.blogspot.com - A common acronym used in forums and blogs about people trying to get pregnant is TTC (trying to conceive). Endometriosis is a chronic disease that affects 5 million women in the United States, and ...

Brands That Dominate Twitter

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John Paul Aguiar
ultimatesocialblog.com - Ever wonder which brands dominate twitter? Check out this infographic and see what you think, you might be surprised. The key points on this infographic are followers and daily mentions. Ford, Nike...

De camelo: turistas aproveitam aluguel de bikes para conhecer Brasília - Cidades DF - Correio Braziliense

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Painel Brasil TV
correiobraziliense.com.br - Para comentar essa notícia entre com seu e-mail e senha Caso você não tenha cadastro, Clique aqui e faça seu cadastro gratuito. Esqueci minha senha » Termos de uso

Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible. « 9 INCH MARKETING

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Steve Keating CSE
9inchmarketing.com - Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible. -Dalai Lama I love this quote by the Dalai Lama. It gets to the heart of exceeding expectations. It’s always possible to find ways to do MORE. Why ...

Gold Becomes Inflation Hedge as Bond Markets Manipulated by Central Banks

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Terry Kinder
zerohedge.com - there is no worse inflation hedge than gold. FOOD is a good inflation hedge! LAND is good inflation hedge! DOLLARS are a good inflation hedge...but not gold. (We've had a vertible tsunami of inlfat...

Kyle J. Norton Health Tips for Better Living and Living Health: Breast cancer - In foods' Points of View

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Kyle J.Norton
kylejnorton.blogspot.com - Breast cancer - In foods' Points of View  Kyle J. Norton The prevalence of breast cancer has been acknowledged in the scientific community worldwide. Breast cancer widespread in women in Southeast ...

Pro-Life Rep. Kevin McCarthy Elected Republican House Majority Leader Replacing Cantor

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lifenews.com - by Steven Ertelt | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 6/19/14 3:44 PM House Republicans elected a new number two for their Congressional party leadership after Virginia Republican voter defeated pro-l...

Contemptible Christianity

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aheartforgod.org - It’s one thing for an unbeliever to hold someone in contempt even when it’s a Christian. It’s a completely different thing when a believer, a follower of Jesus does it (holds a fellow believer in c...

Mike Rowe's photo "http://www.whosay.com/l/noF8BGH As some of you know, I'll be in Kansas City next week speaking at t…" on WhoSay

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Ahh! Photography
whosay.com - http://www.whosay.com/l/noF8BGH As some of you know, I'll be in Kansas City next week speaking at the annual Skills USA National Competition. #skillsusa Embed 22s


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Ahh! Photography
m.facebook.com - As some of you know, I’ll be in Kansas City next week, speaking at the annual Skills USA National Competition. If you’re not familiar with Skills USA, don’t blame yourself. Most people have never h...

Senate Measure Seeks To Protect Gun Rights Of Medical Marijuana Patients

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Jeffrey Levin
huffingtonpost.com - WASHINGTON -- An amendment offered in the Senate Wednesday would block the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives from targeting legal gun owners just because they're also medi...

Vatican Announces Pope Will Not Walk In Corpus Christi Procession

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Catholic News Live
zenit.org - The Vatican has revealed that Pope Francis will not walk the Eucharistic procession during tonight’s “Corpus Christi” events. In a surprise announcement, Director of the Holy See Press Office Fr. F...

WH: 'Zero Emails' Between Lois Lerner and President's Office

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cnsnews.com - (CNSNews.com) - The Obama White House says it found "zero emails" between Lois Lerner and the president's office. Spokesman Jay Carney told reporters on Wednesday that in response to a request from...

The 20 Hottest Conservative Women In The New Media for 2014

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rightwingnews.com - Welcome to the 6th annual 20 hottest conservative women in the new media. Besides myself, this year’s new slate of judges included, The judges voted on a large selection of contestants. After dropp...

All the Things Hillary Clinton’s Book Doesn’t Say About Iraq

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✪Tom O'Halloran✪
bloodonherhands.com - Having co-authored a 2007 biography of Hillary Clinton, I know that Iraq is not one of her favorite subjects. But with the bloodshed and sectarian division now crippling Iraq, I wondered what her n...

Veredas Missionárias: Cartazes Missionários para você promover Missões em sua igreja!

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UBE Blogs
veredasmissionarias.blogspot.com - quinta-feira, 19 de junho de 2014 Cartazes Missionários para você promover Missões em sua igreja! Amados irmãos, elaboramos uma série de 40 Cartazes Missionários para vocês baixarem gratuitamente. ...

Kerry: Foreign Gov’ts Must Accept Same-Sex Spouses of US Personnel Stationed Abroad

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Truth Tweeter
cnsnews.com - (CNSNews.com) – The U.S. is leading by example in promoting lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered (LGBT) rights at home and around the world, Secretary of State John Kerry said Thursday, pointin...

Julio Severo: Tempos Perigosos: Rússia Ascendendo no Oriente Médio

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Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - Julio faz tempo q eu digo isto, a Russia sera um forte país cristão e sera a potência a combater o império esquerdista q assola o mundo, estive recentemente na Russia e quero deixar bem claro,NÃO é...

Women's Health: Phyto-oestrogens: where are we now?

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Chantel Martiromo
thetruestoriesstories.blogspot.com - Phyto-oestrogens: where are we now? Posted by Chantel M. Research contributed by the US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health Phyto-oestrogens have emerged from their esoteric ...

Professor Elemental

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Karen Woodham
professorelemental.com - Pay Me A Visit (with Count Bass D)

Embrapa DF oferece curso de produção de hortaliças — Portal Brasil

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Painel Brasil TV
brasil.gov.br - Para atender à grande demanda por informações sobre plantio de hortaliças, seja em pequenas hortas ou em grande escala, a Embrapa Hortaliças (DF) abriu inscrições para mais um Curso de Produção de ...

Aristotle: You will never do anything in this world without courage. It… — Philosophical Quotes

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Philosophers quotes
philosophical-quotes.com - « You will never do anything in this world without courage. It is the greatest quality of the mind next to honor. » Aristotle Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *

Awesome Free Image Editors That Let You Edit Your Photos In 3 Clicks!

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open-tube.com - Try these free photo editing software to enhance your digital photo before you share with your friends to show off your photography skills. Here are 20 such software to try out for free. some of th...

Kyle J. Norton Health Tips for Better Living and Living Health: The Rubs - Korean Barbecue Wet Rub

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Kyle J.Norton
kylejnorton.blogspot.com - Recipe by Cooking light, the complete Quick Cook, (A practical Guide to Smart, Fast home Cooking) by Bruce Weinstein and Mark Scarborough, Publisher Oxmoor House Here is a traditional -tasting Kore...

Migrant children and families fleeing crime, joblessness - Other Views - MiamiHerald.com

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Leonardo Cuellar.
miamiherald.com - In recent months we have seen the rise of unaccompanied children on the border between the United States and Mexico. Many of these are from the northern triangle of Central America, formed by El Sa...

Judge Stops Texas Man’s Estranged Wife From Starving Him to Death

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lifenews.com - by Steven Ertelt | Beaumont, TX | LifeNews.com | 6/19/14 2:43 PM Yesterday, attorneys with Texas Center for Defense of Life (TCDL), a pro-life legal organization located in the Austin, obtained a t...

10 Mistakes People Make with Israel (plus 1 bonus)

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aheartforgod.org - 10 Mistakes People Make with Israel (plus 1 bonus): 1. Fall for the lie that the Holocaust never happened. 2. Think God is through with Israel/has abandoned her. (Romans 11:1-5) 3. Think her people...

Can You Edit My Muffin Top? - PPA Today

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Ahh! Photography
ppa.com - As a professional photographer, you deal with people's insecurities in front of the camera on a daily basis. We asked OurPPA Facebook followers to share the craziest things clients have asked for, ...

Represión primero, paquetazo después

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Pablo Sánchez Somana
forolibertad.com - En un encuentro con inversionistas en Londres, el vicepresidente para el área económica, Rafael Ramírez, confesó que “Venezuela necesita converger a un nuevo sistema cambiario en el corto plazo” (h...

Fox News Gets Busted for Falsely Claiming that Obama Released the 'New Bin Laden'

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Jeffrey Levin
politicususa.com - PunditFact busted Fox News’ Jeanine Pirro with a big old “false” for claiming that ISIS leader Abu Bakr al Baghdadi was “released by Obama in 2009.” On June 14, failed Republican candidate for New ...

Las descomunales cifras del aborto en España dejan "helado" al Papa Francisco

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CitizenGO es
hazteoir.org - En un encuentro con cardenales y obispos de la Pontificia Comisión para América Latina, el Papa, visiblemente dolorido, comenta que las elevadas cifras de aborto en España le han dejado "helado". E...

index de Notícias

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Bene Barbosa - MVB
mvb.org.br - Veículo: Agência Viva Brasil / Veiculação: On-line A incoerência baseada em ideologias Bene Barbosa* Nesta terça-feira (17), a presidente Dilma Rousseff sancionou a Lei n° 12.993/2014, que altera a...

Archbishop Kurtz: Synod to draw on 'richness' of global Church :: EWTN News

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Catholic News Live
ewtnnews.com - The president of the U.S. bishops' conference said that this autumn's synod on the family will reflect the cares and concerns of the Church from around the world, not merely in the U.S. and Europe....

BBC News - Why Indian nurses want to go back to Iraq

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The Daily PR
bbc.co.uk - Forty-six Indian nurses are stranded in a hospital in the Iraqi city of Tikrit, which is under militant control, and many of the nurses have said they want to return to India as soon as possible. B...

Torcida nota zero: sul-americanos dão mau exemplo no Rio - Brasil - Notícia - VEJA.com

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veja.abril.com.br - Torcedores chilenos são presos após confusão no centro de imprensa do Maracanã (JuanJo Martín/EFE) Dentro dos estádios, eles são insuperáveis. Os europeus até fazem barulho e vibram com suas seleçõ...

G1 - Gol do Chile contra a Espanha gera 246 mil tuítes em um minuto - notícias em Tecnologia e Games

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Danilo Simões
g1.globo.com - O segundo gol da vitória do Chile sobre a Espanha, que determinou a eliminação da atual campeã da Copa do Mundo, gerou 246 mil tuítes em um minuto na quarta-feira (18), um recorde para um gol marca...

Women's Health: Psychological implications of infertility in women with polycystic ovary syndrome

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Chantel Martiromo
thetruestoriesstories.blogspot.com - Posted by Chantel Martiromo, research contributed by PubMed In a standardized questionnaires assessing quality-of-life (36-item short-form health survey, SF-36), depressiveness (Beck Depression Inv...

Em Brasília, Colômbia e Costa do Marfim se enfrentam nesta quinta-feira (19.06)

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Painel Brasil TV
copa2014.gov.br - Para a torcida brasileira, a terça-feira (17.06) foi embora com o empate sem gols entre Brasil e México deixando como herança uma enorme expectativa para o próximo duelo da Seleção Brasileira. Na s...

Cartilha Comunista

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ciadanoticia.com.br - A tática jurídica utilizada pelo Partido dos Trabalhadores para tentar escapar do inferno astral causado pelos escândalos do mensalão, Correios, Marcos Valério, Delúbio Soares, Sílvio Pereira, José...

Friedrich Engels: From the first day to this, sheer greed was the driving… — Philosophical Quotes

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Philosophers quotes
philosophical-quotes.com - « From the first day to this, sheer greed was the driving spirit of civilization. » Friedrich Engels Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *

The EU Privacy Ruling Won’t Hurt Innovation - Michelle Frasher - Harvard Business Review

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Terry Kinder
blogs.hbr.org - Consumers have a “right to be forgotten” – at least in the EU. Last month, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) classified Google as a data controller and ruled that they must comply with individual...

U.S. Patent Office Revokes Trademarks for Washington Redskins Franchise

Partilhado por
Accuracy In Media
aim.org - WASHINGTON — The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office joined in the nickname controversy around the National Football League Washington Redskins franchise, ruling by a 2-1 vote that the six trademarks ...

Matan a hombre cuando retiraba dinero de un cajero en El Marqués - Sucesos

Partilhado por
eluniversal.com - Caracas.- Justo el día de su cumpleaños número 42, Robert Escobar, fue asesinado de varios disparos. Él se dirigía a un cajero electrónico en la urbanización El Marqués del municipio Sucre para ret...

Where in the World is Juergen?: Awarded Highly Commended in USA Landscape Photographer of the Year Contest

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whereintheworldisjuergen.blogspot.com - Jun 1, 2014 Awarded Highly Commended in USA Landscape Photographer of the Year Contest I am honored to announce that my New England photography achieved Highly Commended honors during the final rou...

Once You've Seen These Photos You'll Never Watch Movies As You Once Did. The Magic Is Gone...

Partilhado por
viralspell.com - Do take the my warning seriously and if you want to keep the movies’ magic alive, do yourself a favor and just skip on to my next post. In fact, I myself feel sorry now that I’ve dug into this issu...

Kyle J. Norton Health Tips for Better Living and Living Health: Depression and Diet

Partilhado por
Kyle J.Norton
kylejnorton.blogspot.com - Depression is a normal response as part of our daily lives such as the loss of a job, the death of a loved one, or illness. Over 30 million Americans suffer from depression and the amount is increa...

She Died With Her Unborn Baby Still Inside Her, Then a Miracle Happened

Partilhado por
lifenews.com - by Steven Ertelt | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 6/19/14 1:35 PM In this amazing video, Melanie Pritchard and her family tell the harrowing tale of her sudden death and miraculous healing. Pregna...

7 Reasons Why God Allows Wicked People to Rule

Partilhado por
aheartforgod.org - “Ahab the son of Omri did evil in the sight of the Lord more than all who were before him. It came about, as though it had been a trivial thing for him to walk in the sins of Jeroboam the son of Ne...

Toothy Grins Store: Detoxing Foot Bath - Additional 20% Off

Partilhado por
David Snape
blog.toothygrinsstore.com - Update:  The coupon below has expired.   But, you can still save 15 percent with Coupon:    ToothyGrins15 Use coupon HL4YBig20Off   to score an additional 20% off this detox foot bath:    at the ti...
Meio Ambiente

Nebraska Utility Is Phasing Out Some Coal Units, And It Won't Cost That Much

Partilhado por
Jeffrey Levin
huffingtonpost.com - The Omaha Public Power District in Nebraska announced on Thursday that it will retire three coal units in the next two years at its North Omaha plant and transition two other units to natural gas w...
Meio Ambiente

BBC News - Mountaintop blasted to build huge telescope

Partilhado por
The Daily PR
bbc.co.uk - The top of a 3,000m-high (10,000ft) mountain in Chile has been blown up to make way for the world's largest optical and infrared telescope. A million tonnes of rock were blasted in order to create ...

How the match played out on Twitter powered by CartoDB

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cartodb.com - This visualization only works in modern browsers. Upgrade yours and enjoy.

A “Normal” America??? - Tom O'Halloran

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✪Tom O'Halloran✪
tomohalloran.com - So, do you think that things that are going on in America right NOW are NORMAL? Do you think the things that have been done by the elected officials in office in both parties is NORMAL? DO you thin...

Ibope: popularidade do governo cai, diminui confiança na presidente e aumenta rejeição a Dilma Portal Alvaro Dias

Partilhado por
arq pedrinho2
alvarodias.com.br - A pesquisa CNI/Ibope divulgada nesta quinta-feira (19) mostra que tanto a presidente Dilma como seu governo tiveram significativa piora na avaliação da população. De acordo com a pesquisa, a popula...
Meio Ambiente

Beauty-Obsessed Venezuelans Dealing With Another Shortage: Personal Hygiene Products

Partilhado por
latino.foxnews.com - CARACAS, VENEZUELA –  It’s something many women take for granted, while others might dismiss it as frivolous. But for Ana María Matute, a Venezuelan journalist, it was like being tossed a life pres...

Developing Leaders Online Free Gift

Partilhado por
Julie Kay
learningandleadership.com - If you want help in understanding how to bring out the best in people around you, especially those you suspect are on a different planet, here is a quick guide to do just that

Libya demands return of Ahmed Abu Khatallah : Fire Andrea Mitchell!

Partilhado por
fireandreamitchell.com - Apparently Libya thinks we give a shit what they think of us grabbing Benghazi mastermind Ahmed Abu Khatallah. Libya demanded the US return Khatallah and condemned the country for grabbing the terr...

BLOG DO ORLANDO TAMBOSI: A Copa da Roubalheira e a casa da Mãe Joana

Partilhado por
Adeus #Petralhas
otambosi.blogspot.com - QUO VADIS Prof da UNB,amigo de luta,desabafa sobre as "últimas"por aqui na TERRA SANTA. http://semverdades.blogspot.com.br/2014_06_01_archive.html#8243276648653120602 PALHANAGEM... eheheh além de e...

Torcedores são detidos em São Paulo após confronto entre brasileiro e ingleses

Partilhado por
Edmilson Papo 10
lancenet.com.br - Quinze torcedores foram detidos nesta quinta-feira, na Avenida São João,  no centro de São Paulo, após briga entre ingleses e brasileiros. A informação foi confirmada ao LANCE!Net pela assessoria d...

Baby Pictures 4D Ultrasound Video and 3D Imaging Services

Partilhado por
Personhood Florida
babypicturesultrasound.com - Baby Pictures Boutique is now online! Start shopping selected items now.

Kaká fecha com Orlando City e será emprestado até fim do ano; São Paulo é destino provável - ESPN.com.br

Partilhado por
espn.uol.com.br - O meio-campista Kaká, do Milan, acertou com o Orlando City e é o novo jogador do clube americano. O atleta se apresenta para a temporada apenas em janeiro, já que a Major League Soccer começa apena...

Women's Health: Vitamin A and Cervical Cancer

Partilhado por
Chantel Martiromo
thetruestoriesstories.blogspot.com - Vitamin A and Cervical Cancer  Posted by Chantel Martiromo   Vitamins form an important part in human diet. Epidemiological studies, linking vitamin A in reduced risk of cervical cancer have produc...

Rediscovering George Washington . General Orders

Partilhado por
pbs.org - The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves; whether they are to have any property they can call their own; whether their Houses, and...

For Many People, Wanting To Blog Is Like Kids Wanting A Puppy

Partilhado por
thechrisvossshow.com - “For Many People, Wanting To Blog Is Like Kids Wanting A Puppy. Exciting idea, but no one wants to do the hard work.”- Chris Voss I get this many times in consulting for social media and blogs: “I’...

G1 - Prejuízo com carros depredados em SP pode chegar a R$ 2 milhões - notícias em São Paulo

Partilhado por
g1.globo.com - Dez carros de luxo foram depredados por um grupo de mascarados que invadiu uma concessionária na Marginal Pinheiros, durante protesto na noite desta quinta-feira (19), em São Paulo. Considerando os...

George Berkeley: The same principles which at first view lead to skepticism,p… — Philosophical Quotes

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Philosophers quotes
philosophical-quotes.com - « The same principles which at first view lead to skepticism,pursued to a certain point,bring men back to common sen » George Berkeley Your email address will not be published. Required fields are ...

U.S. Supreme Court Reaffirms Visa Waiting Time Law

Partilhado por
Accuracy In Media
aim.org - About the author AIM Newswire The AIM Newswire is a collection of political, media and world news stories hand-picked by the AIM Staff. Opinions or bias expressed are not representative of Accuracy...

Kenyan cardinal warns against tribalism : News Headlines - Catholic Culture

Partilhado por
Catholic News Live
catholicculture.org - During a recent talk, Kenya’s leading prelate warned against the dangers to unity posed by tribalism. “It should not be an issue of where we come from but should be of who we are,” said Cardinal Jo...

O caso Sofia e o problema de saúde crônica na política – Brasil no mundo

Partilhado por
exame.abril.com.br - Com tantos impostos pagos todos os dias, por quê devemos pagar tudo de novo? Mais uma vez, por quê nós brasileiros (incluindo a Elite Branca Quatrocentona Paulista) não temos serviços públicos, no ...

Proofing Tips for a Perfectly Printed Product

Partilhado por
blog.smartpress.com - A flawless proofing procedure is essential for ensuring that your final printed product lives up to your expectations. When you’ve gone to all the effort of producing an excellent design, it’s impo...

Embrapa DF oferece curso de produção de hortaliças — Portal Brasil

Partilhado por
Painel Brasil TV
brasil.gov.br - Para atender à grande demanda por informações sobre plantio de hortaliças, seja em pequenas hortas ou em grande escala, a Embrapa Hortaliças (DF) abriu inscrições para mais um Curso de Produção de ...

Aristotle: You will never do anything in this world without courage. It… — Philosophical Quotes

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Philosophers quotes
philosophical-quotes.com - « You will never do anything in this world without courage. It is the greatest quality of the mind next to honor. » Aristotle Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *

Awesome Free Image Editors That Let You Edit Your Photos In 3 Clicks!

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open-tube.com - Try these free photo editing software to enhance your digital photo before you share with your friends to show off your photography skills. Here are 20 such software to try out for free. some of th...

Kyle J. Norton Health Tips for Better Living and Living Health: The Rubs - Korean Barbecue Wet Rub

Partilhado por
Kyle J.Norton
kylejnorton.blogspot.com - Recipe by Cooking light, the complete Quick Cook, (A practical Guide to Smart, Fast home Cooking) by Bruce Weinstein and Mark Scarborough, Publisher Oxmoor House Here is a traditional -tasting Kore...

Migrant children and families fleeing crime, joblessness - Other Views - MiamiHerald.com

Partilhado por
Leonardo Cuellar.
miamiherald.com - In recent months we have seen the rise of unaccompanied children on the border between the United States and Mexico. Many of these are from the northern triangle of Central America, formed by El Sa...

Judge Stops Texas Man’s Estranged Wife From Starving Him to Death

Partilhado por
lifenews.com - by Steven Ertelt | Beaumont, TX | LifeNews.com | 6/19/14 2:43 PM Yesterday, attorneys with Texas Center for Defense of Life (TCDL), a pro-life legal organization located in the Austin, obtained a t...

10 Mistakes People Make with Israel (plus 1 bonus)

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aheartforgod.org - 10 Mistakes People Make with Israel (plus 1 bonus): 1. Fall for the lie that the Holocaust never happened. 2. Think God is through with Israel/has abandoned her. (Romans 11:1-5) 3. Think her people...

Can You Edit My Muffin Top? - PPA Today

Partilhado por
Ahh! Photography
ppa.com - As a professional photographer, you deal with people's insecurities in front of the camera on a daily basis. We asked OurPPA Facebook followers to share the craziest things clients have asked for, ...

Represión primero, paquetazo después

Partilhado por
Pablo Sánchez Somana
forolibertad.com - En un encuentro con inversionistas en Londres, el vicepresidente para el área económica, Rafael Ramírez, confesó que “Venezuela necesita converger a un nuevo sistema cambiario en el corto plazo” (h...

Fox News Gets Busted for Falsely Claiming that Obama Released the 'New Bin Laden'

Partilhado por
Jeffrey Levin
politicususa.com - PunditFact busted Fox News’ Jeanine Pirro with a big old “false” for claiming that ISIS leader Abu Bakr al Baghdadi was “released by Obama in 2009.” On June 14, failed Republican candidate for New ...

Las descomunales cifras del aborto en España dejan "helado" al Papa Francisco

Partilhado por
CitizenGO es
hazteoir.org - En un encuentro con cardenales y obispos de la Pontificia Comisión para América Latina, el Papa, visiblemente dolorido, comenta que las elevadas cifras de aborto en España le han dejado "helado". E...

index de Notícias

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Bene Barbosa - MVB
mvb.org.br - Veículo: Agência Viva Brasil / Veiculação: On-line A incoerência baseada em ideologias Bene Barbosa* Nesta terça-feira (17), a presidente Dilma Rousseff sancionou a Lei n° 12.993/2014, que altera a...

Archbishop Kurtz: Synod to draw on 'richness' of global Church :: EWTN News

Partilhado por
Catholic News Live
ewtnnews.com - The president of the U.S. bishops' conference said that this autumn's synod on the family will reflect the cares and concerns of the Church from around the world, not merely in the U.S. and Europe....

BBC News - Why Indian nurses want to go back to Iraq

Partilhado por
The Daily PR
bbc.co.uk - Forty-six Indian nurses are stranded in a hospital in the Iraqi city of Tikrit, which is under militant control, and many of the nurses have said they want to return to India as soon as possible. B...

Torcida nota zero: sul-americanos dão mau exemplo no Rio - Brasil - Notícia - VEJA.com

Partilhado por
veja.abril.com.br - Torcedores chilenos são presos após confusão no centro de imprensa do Maracanã (JuanJo Martín/EFE) Dentro dos estádios, eles são insuperáveis. Os europeus até fazem barulho e vibram com suas seleçõ...

G1 - Gol do Chile contra a Espanha gera 246 mil tuítes em um minuto - notícias em Tecnologia e Games

Partilhado por
Danilo Simões
g1.globo.com - O segundo gol da vitória do Chile sobre a Espanha, que determinou a eliminação da atual campeã da Copa do Mundo, gerou 246 mil tuítes em um minuto na quarta-feira (18), um recorde para um gol marca...

Women's Health: Psychological implications of infertility in women with polycystic ovary syndrome

Partilhado por
Chantel Martiromo
thetruestoriesstories.blogspot.com - Posted by Chantel Martiromo, research contributed by PubMed In a standardized questionnaires assessing quality-of-life (36-item short-form health survey, SF-36), depressiveness (Beck Depression Inv...

Em Brasília, Colômbia e Costa do Marfim se enfrentam nesta quinta-feira (19.06)

Partilhado por
Painel Brasil TV
copa2014.gov.br - Para a torcida brasileira, a terça-feira (17.06) foi embora com o empate sem gols entre Brasil e México deixando como herança uma enorme expectativa para o próximo duelo da Seleção Brasileira. Na s...

Cartilha Comunista

Partilhado por
ciadanoticia.com.br - A tática jurídica utilizada pelo Partido dos Trabalhadores para tentar escapar do inferno astral causado pelos escândalos do mensalão, Correios, Marcos Valério, Delúbio Soares, Sílvio Pereira, José...

Friedrich Engels: From the first day to this, sheer greed was the driving… — Philosophical Quotes

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Philosophers quotes
philosophical-quotes.com - « From the first day to this, sheer greed was the driving spirit of civilization. » Friedrich Engels Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *

The EU Privacy Ruling Won’t Hurt Innovation - Michelle Frasher - Harvard Business Review

Partilhado por
Terry Kinder
blogs.hbr.org - Consumers have a “right to be forgotten” – at least in the EU. Last month, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) classified Google as a data controller and ruled that they must comply with individual...

U.S. Patent Office Revokes Trademarks for Washington Redskins Franchise

Partilhado por
Accuracy In Media
aim.org - WASHINGTON — The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office joined in the nickname controversy around the National Football League Washington Redskins franchise, ruling by a 2-1 vote that the six trademarks ...

Matan a hombre cuando retiraba dinero de un cajero en El Marqués - Sucesos

Partilhado por
eluniversal.com - Caracas.- Justo el día de su cumpleaños número 42, Robert Escobar, fue asesinado de varios disparos. Él se dirigía a un cajero electrónico en la urbanización El Marqués del municipio Sucre para ret...

Where in the World is Juergen?: Awarded Highly Commended in USA Landscape Photographer of the Year Contest

Partilhado por
whereintheworldisjuergen.blogspot.com - Jun 1, 2014 Awarded Highly Commended in USA Landscape Photographer of the Year Contest I am honored to announce that my New England photography achieved Highly Commended honors during the final rou...

Once You've Seen These Photos You'll Never Watch Movies As You Once Did. The Magic Is Gone...

Partilhado por
viralspell.com - Do take the my warning seriously and if you want to keep the movies’ magic alive, do yourself a favor and just skip on to my next post. In fact, I myself feel sorry now that I’ve dug into this issu...

Kyle J. Norton Health Tips for Better Living and Living Health: Depression and Diet

Partilhado por
Kyle J.Norton
kylejnorton.blogspot.com - Depression is a normal response as part of our daily lives such as the loss of a job, the death of a loved one, or illness. Over 30 million Americans suffer from depression and the amount is increa...

She Died With Her Unborn Baby Still Inside Her, Then a Miracle Happened

Partilhado por
lifenews.com - by Steven Ertelt | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 6/19/14 1:35 PM In this amazing video, Melanie Pritchard and her family tell the harrowing tale of her sudden death and miraculous healing. Pregna...

7 Reasons Why God Allows Wicked People to Rule

Partilhado por
aheartforgod.org - “Ahab the son of Omri did evil in the sight of the Lord more than all who were before him. It came about, as though it had been a trivial thing for him to walk in the sins of Jeroboam the son of Ne...

Toothy Grins Store: Detoxing Foot Bath - Additional 20% Off

Partilhado por
David Snape
blog.toothygrinsstore.com - Update:  The coupon below has expired.   But, you can still save 15 percent with Coupon:    ToothyGrins15 Use coupon HL4YBig20Off   to score an additional 20% off this detox foot bath:    at the ti...
Meio Ambiente

Nebraska Utility Is Phasing Out Some Coal Units, And It Won't Cost That Much

Partilhado por
Jeffrey Levin
huffingtonpost.com - The Omaha Public Power District in Nebraska announced on Thursday that it will retire three coal units in the next two years at its North Omaha plant and transition two other units to natural gas w...
Meio Ambiente

BBC News - Mountaintop blasted to build huge telescope

Partilhado por
The Daily PR
bbc.co.uk - The top of a 3,000m-high (10,000ft) mountain in Chile has been blown up to make way for the world's largest optical and infrared telescope. A million tonnes of rock were blasted in order to create ...

How the match played out on Twitter powered by CartoDB

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cartodb.com - This visualization only works in modern browsers. Upgrade yours and enjoy.

A “Normal” America??? - Tom O'Halloran

Partilhado por
✪Tom O'Halloran✪
tomohalloran.com - So, do you think that things that are going on in America right NOW are NORMAL? Do you think the things that have been done by the elected officials in office in both parties is NORMAL? DO you thin...

Ibope: popularidade do governo cai, diminui confiança na presidente e aumenta rejeição a Dilma Portal Alvaro Dias

Partilhado por
arq pedrinho2
alvarodias.com.br - A pesquisa CNI/Ibope divulgada nesta quinta-feira (19) mostra que tanto a presidente Dilma como seu governo tiveram significativa piora na avaliação da população. De acordo com a pesquisa, a popula...
Meio Ambiente

Beauty-Obsessed Venezuelans Dealing With Another Shortage: Personal Hygiene Products

Partilhado por
latino.foxnews.com - CARACAS, VENEZUELA –  It’s something many women take for granted, while others might dismiss it as frivolous. But for Ana María Matute, a Venezuelan journalist, it was like being tossed a life pres...

Developing Leaders Online Free Gift

Partilhado por
Julie Kay
learningandleadership.com - If you want help in understanding how to bring out the best in people around you, especially those you suspect are on a different planet, here is a quick guide to do just that

Libya demands return of Ahmed Abu Khatallah : Fire Andrea Mitchell!

Partilhado por
fireandreamitchell.com - Apparently Libya thinks we give a shit what they think of us grabbing Benghazi mastermind Ahmed Abu Khatallah. Libya demanded the US return Khatallah and condemned the country for grabbing the terr...

BLOG DO ORLANDO TAMBOSI: A Copa da Roubalheira e a casa da Mãe Joana

Partilhado por
Adeus #Petralhas
otambosi.blogspot.com - QUO VADIS Prof da UNB,amigo de luta,desabafa sobre as "últimas"por aqui na TERRA SANTA. http://semverdades.blogspot.com.br/2014_06_01_archive.html#8243276648653120602 PALHANAGEM... eheheh além de e...

Torcedores são detidos em São Paulo após confronto entre brasileiro e ingleses

Partilhado por
Edmilson Papo 10
lancenet.com.br - Quinze torcedores foram detidos nesta quinta-feira, na Avenida São João,  no centro de São Paulo, após briga entre ingleses e brasileiros. A informação foi confirmada ao LANCE!Net pela assessoria d...

Baby Pictures 4D Ultrasound Video and 3D Imaging Services

Partilhado por
Personhood Florida
babypicturesultrasound.com - Baby Pictures Boutique is now online! Start shopping selected items now.

Kaká fecha com Orlando City e será emprestado até fim do ano; São Paulo é destino provável - ESPN.com.br

Partilhado por
espn.uol.com.br - O meio-campista Kaká, do Milan, acertou com o Orlando City e é o novo jogador do clube americano. O atleta se apresenta para a temporada apenas em janeiro, já que a Major League Soccer começa apena...

Women's Health: Vitamin A and Cervical Cancer

Partilhado por
Chantel Martiromo
thetruestoriesstories.blogspot.com - Vitamin A and Cervical Cancer  Posted by Chantel Martiromo   Vitamins form an important part in human diet. Epidemiological studies, linking vitamin A in reduced risk of cervical cancer have produc...

Rediscovering George Washington . General Orders

Partilhado por
pbs.org - The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves; whether they are to have any property they can call their own; whether their Houses, and...

For Many People, Wanting To Blog Is Like Kids Wanting A Puppy

Partilhado por
thechrisvossshow.com - “For Many People, Wanting To Blog Is Like Kids Wanting A Puppy. Exciting idea, but no one wants to do the hard work.”- Chris Voss I get this many times in consulting for social media and blogs: “I’...

G1 - Prejuízo com carros depredados em SP pode chegar a R$ 2 milhões - notícias em São Paulo

Partilhado por
g1.globo.com - Dez carros de luxo foram depredados por um grupo de mascarados que invadiu uma concessionária na Marginal Pinheiros, durante protesto na noite desta quinta-feira (19), em São Paulo. Considerando os...

George Berkeley: The same principles which at first view lead to skepticism,p… — Philosophical Quotes

Partilhado por
Philosophers quotes
philosophical-quotes.com - « The same principles which at first view lead to skepticism,pursued to a certain point,bring men back to common sen » George Berkeley Your email address will not be published. Required fields are ...

U.S. Supreme Court Reaffirms Visa Waiting Time Law

Partilhado por
Accuracy In Media
aim.org - About the author AIM Newswire The AIM Newswire is a collection of political, media and world news stories hand-picked by the AIM Staff. Opinions or bias expressed are not representative of Accuracy...

Kenyan cardinal warns against tribalism : News Headlines - Catholic Culture

Partilhado por
Catholic News Live
catholicculture.org - During a recent talk, Kenya’s leading prelate warned against the dangers to unity posed by tribalism. “It should not be an issue of where we come from but should be of who we are,” said Cardinal Jo...

O caso Sofia e o problema de saúde crônica na política – Brasil no mundo

Partilhado por
exame.abril.com.br - Com tantos impostos pagos todos os dias, por quê devemos pagar tudo de novo? Mais uma vez, por quê nós brasileiros (incluindo a Elite Branca Quatrocentona Paulista) não temos serviços públicos, no ...

Proofing Tips for a Perfectly Printed Product

Partilhado por
blog.smartpress.com - A flawless proofing procedure is essential for ensuring that your final printed product lives up to your expectations. When you’ve gone to all the effort of producing an excellent design, it’s impo...


liberdade de expressão; livre comunicação; free speech; libertad de expresión; contra censura; against censorship; liberdade religiosa; religious freedom

Nota do editor

Este é um jornal gerado automaticamente pelo Paper.li a partir de links postados ou retuitados pelas pessoas que acompanhamos no Twitter. http://twitter.com/livrexpress Liberdade de Expressão - Free Speech http://liberdadedeexpressao.multiply.com



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