09 June 2014

Cristianismo & Política 08.06.2014 @CristPolit

Cristianismo & Politica

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Umbanda e Candomblé invadem a Missa em São Miguel Paulista

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Bíblia Católica
bit.ly - Recentemente o site Fratres in Unum denúnciou as praticas marxistas e toda a influência da teologia da libertação na Diocese de São Miguel Paulista. O caso em questão envolvia principalmente duas p...

Papa celebra Solenidade de Pentecostes

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TV Cancao Nova
tv.cancaonova.com - TV Canção Nova transmite celebração de Pentecostes com Papa Francisco diretamente de Roma. Diretamente da Basílica Vaticana, em Roma, neste domingo, 8, o Papa Francisco celebra a Santa Missa de Pen...
Arte & Entretenimento

Homilia do Papa Francisco na festa de Pentecostes - 08/06/14

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Deusirene Alves
papa.cancaonova.com - HOMILIA Solenidade de Pentecostes Basílica Vaticana Domingo, 8 de junho de 2014 “Ficaram todos cheios do Espírito Santo” (At 2, 4). Falando aos Apóstolos na Última Ceia, Jesus disse que, depois da ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Renato Vargens: O dia do pastor!

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Renato Vargens
renatovargens.blogspot.com - Neste domingo boa parte da igreja evangélica comemorará o dia do pastor. Pois é, como já escrevi inúmeras vezes o ministério pastoral não é nada fácil. Cotidianamente os pastores lidam com situaçõe...

Evangélicos perseguem seguidores de religiões afro?

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O Verbo
noticias.gospelprime.com.br - Site renomado diz que intolerância religiosa cresce no Brasil A Index on Censorship [Índice da Censura] é um site dedicado à luta pela liberdade de expressão que acompanha movimentos de censura em ...

Jezabelândia e o Recado às mulheres cristãs

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Salomão Carvalho
prsalomaocarvalho.wordpress.com - Irmãs cristãs, católicas ou evangélicas, quero alertá-las que estamos em perigo de guerra civil no Brasil. Deus já me mostrou isto em visão de noite. Veja aqui. Você, mulher, sabe que as mulheres s...

Renato Vargens: O que penso da lei da palmada

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Renato Vargens
renatovargens.blogspot.com - Caro leitor, (1)Reservo o direito de não públicar criticas negativas de "anônimos". Quer criticar e ter a sua opinião publicada? Identifique-se. (2) Discordar não é problema. É solução, pois redund...

Cranmer: Ann Widdecombe: Britain is now "a very difficult country" for Christians

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Archbishop Cranmer
archbishop-cranmer.blogspot.co.uk - The Rt Hon Ann Widdecombe (still no peerage) says being a Christian in modern Britain is "very difficult". She attributes this to "quite militant secularism" and equality legislation: both have com...

Disproving the Abortion Lie: Pro-Lifers Don't Care After Birth

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lifenews.com - by Gerard Nadal, Ph.D. | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 6/6/11 12:19 PM One of the greatest lies and slurs hurled at pro-lifers is that we only care about the baby until it is born. “Are you prepa...

Dilma quer incluir sem-teto no Minha Casa, Minha Vida - 08/06/2014 - Poder - Folha de S.Paulo

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Gilberto Ribeiro
folha.uol.com.br - Para tentar neutralizar protestos e os consequentes danos à imagem do governo, a presidente Dilma Rousseff ordenou que sua equipe encontre uma forma de incluir os sem-teto no programa Minha Casa, M...

Cartoon of the Day: Aiding and Abetting

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barbwire.com - We have no tolerance for comments containing violence, racism, vulgarity, profanity, all caps, or discourteous behavior. Thank you for partnering with us to maintain a courteous and useful public e...

What Should a Man Do When His Wife or Girlfriend Wants an Abortion?

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lifenews.com - by Kristi Burton Brown | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 6/6/13 5:53 PM It’s no secret that men, as well as women, suffer from abortions. And a major cause of suffering for men is that they are all...
Arte & Entretenimento

O ícone de Nossa Senhora do Perpétuo Socorro

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Com. Canção Nova
blog.cancaonova.com - O admirável ícone de Nossa Senhora do Perpétuo Socorro eu seu significado para a piedade cristã. O quadro de Nossa Senhora do Perpétuo Socorro é um ícone oriental de beleza e significado admiráveis...

Decreto que institui conselhos populares abre debate sobre risco de poder paralelo - Política - Estadão

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Luis O. Gabatelli
politica.estadao.com.br - Sob ataque das oposições e de juristas, que apontam nova tentativa do governo petista de implantar uma democracia direta no País, mas defendida com vigor pela presidente Dilma Rousseff, a recém-nas...

Greg Abbott: Fighting for the Full Arc of Human Life From Conception to Death

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lifenews.com - by Greg Abbott | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 10/8/13 2:58 AM LifeNews Note: The following are the prepared remarks of pro-life Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott delivered last summer to the Na...

Le gouvernement cherche une issue pour les ABCD de l'égalité

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La Manif Pour Tous
lemonde.fr - Les ABCD de l'égalité survivront-ils à la rentrée ? A un mois de la fin de l'année scolaire, les paris sont ouverts sur l'avenir de ce dispositif destiné à lutter contre le sexisme et les stéréotyp...

Las familias pagan casi el doble de impuestos más que hace diez años

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Derecho a Vivir
gaceta.es - Las familias están siendo las grandes heroínas en la gran crisis financiera de 2008. Sobre sus hombros ha recaído los abusos de la banca y la tiranía de los gobiernos. Con su bolsillo se pagan los ...

Dia do Pastor é comemorado neste domingo

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Foco Cristão
noticias.gospelprime.com.br - Em muitas cidades brasileiras há leis que oficializam a comemoração Todo o segundo domingo do mês de junho é comemorado o Dia do Pastor, a data não está no calendário oficial do país, mas muitas ci...

Large Mug > Jesustweeters

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Donny Jones
cafepress.com - Drag the square at the left to choose the part of your image you want to use. Tips: Click and drag any corner to resize; click and drag from the inside to move.
Arte & Entretenimento

Catholic.net - El Espíritu Santo sobre los apóstoles

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es.catholic.net - El Espíritu Santo sobre los apóstoles Del santo Evangelio según san Juan 20, 19-23 Al atardecer de aquel día, el primero de la semana, estando cerradas, por miedo a los judíos, las puertas del luga...
Arte & Entretenimento

Folha Política: MST compra boneco gigante de Chávez para homenagear regime bolivariano

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Marcus Vinicius
folhapolitica.org - segunda-feira, 3 de março de 2014 MST compra boneco gigante de Chávez para homenagear regime bolivariano Imagem: Péricles Chagas O MST (Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra) encomendou um b...
Arte & Entretenimento

TV Ao Vivo | TV Canção Nova

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TV Cancao Nova
tv.cancaonova.com - Adquira em DVD os programas Sorrindo pra Vida e O Amor Vencerá Adquira os produtos da Nova Identidade Visual da TV Canção Nova Comentários

The Thirty Fifth Day of the Four Men Boot Camp - THE FOUR MEN PRAYER GROUPS

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Dr. Brian Kiczek
thefourmen.info -  The Holy Spirit is God’s Marines Best Friend because He dwells within us personally if we are in a state of Grace.  He loves us with a most tender and infinite love.  He longs to fill us with His ...
Arte & Entretenimento

No hay cristianos mudos porque el Espíritu Santo nos hace hablar con Dios y con los hombres, dice el Papa

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - VATICANO, 08 Jun. 14 / 10:07 am (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- Al presidir hoy la Misa de Pentecostés, en la Basílica de San Pedro, el Papa Francisco aseguró que “no hay cristianos mudos” en la Iglesia y no...

Lessons From The Language Boot Camp For Mormon Missionaries : NPR

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Mormon Newsroom
npr.org - On a sunny Wednesday in Provo, Utah, a long line of cars spits out about 300 new arrivals to the Missionary Training Center. The facility, known as MTC, is the largest language training school for ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Catholic.net - Pentecostés en el Cenáculo

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es.catholic.net - Pentecostés en el Cenáculo Domingo de Pentecostés, en Jerusalén, allá donde tuvo lugar la efusión del Espíritu Santo, los franciscanos dirigen la oración de las Vísperas en el Cenáculo, en el mismo...

Feds Attack American Businesses in “Operation Choke Point”

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Janie Johnson
gingrichproductions.com - In an administration that has pioneered the use of regulatory power to bully businesses into doing “voluntarily” what the bureaucrats can’t require by law, a secretive federal program that has beco...

Papa telefona a jovens participantes de peregrinação

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Canção Nova Notícias
papa.cancaonova.com - Francisco telefonou para jovens peregrinos que rezam pela paz O Papa Francisco telefonou na noite deste sábado, 7, para os participantes da 36ª Peregrinação a pé de Macerata a Loreto. Eles estavam ...

Koch Brothers Donate Millions to United Negro College Fund, Liberals FREAK OUT

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Drew McKissick
freebeacon.com - The United Negro College Fund on Friday announced a $25 million grant from the Koch brothers, the much-maligned libertarian philanthropists that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D., Nev.) has den...
Arte & Entretenimento

Regina Coeli com o Papa Francisco - 08/06/14

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Canção Nova Notícias
papa.cancaonova.com - REGINA COELI Praça São Pedro – Vaticano Domingo, 8 de junho de 2014 A festa de Pentecostes comemora a efusão do Espírito Santo sobre os apóstolos reunidos no Cenáculo. Como a Páscoa, é um evento qu...

Holy Spirit enlivens Church, preaches Pope on Pentecost :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

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N. Catholic Register
catholicnewsagency.com - Vatican City, Jun 8, 2014 / 06:02 am (CNA).- On the feast of Pentecost, Pope Francis focused his homily and Angelus address on the work of the Holy Spirit in guiding and giving life to the Church. ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Catholic.net - Medardo, Santo

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es.catholic.net - Medardo, Santo ObispoMartirologio Romano: En Soissons (Francia), san Medardo, obispo de San Quintín, que trasladó su sede de esta ciudad a la de Noyon, desde la cual trabajó por convertir al pueblo...

El Papa Francisco viajará a México

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infocatolica.com - El Papa Francisco visitará México. Se lo dijo él mismo al presidente de ese país, Enrique Peña Nieto, durante la audiencia que ambos sostuvieron la mañana de este sábado 7 de junio en el Palacio Ap...

Feds flood Arizona with illegal immigrant children

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WND News
wnd.com - (AZCENTRAL) — The federal government on Friday began sending hundreds of unaccompanied children caught crossing the border illegally in Texas to a holding center in Nogales, Ariz., further strainin...
Arte & Entretenimento

Jornada anarquista concluye con un picnic

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Yoani Sánchez
14ymedio.com - Un grupo de jóvenes protagonizó este sábado un recorrido por varios sitios históricos relacionados con el anarquismo cubano. Sin contratiempos, se realizó la quinta acción de lo que llamaron la Pri...

The Unraveling | The Weekly Standard

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Drew McKissick
weeklystandard.com - Late in the afternoon of Saturday, May 31, Barack Obama strode confidently to a lectern in the White House Rose Garden flanked by the parents of Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl, a soldier who had gone missi...

Pope Francis celebrates Pentecost Mass, prays Regina coeli

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N. Catholic Register
news.va - (Vatican Radio) Pope Francis celebrated Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica on Sunday, the Solemnity of Pentecost. His homily focused on the Holy Spirit as Master of Life. The Holy Father identified four ...

El Vaticano lanza «Familia», una aplicación móvil para vivir la fe en los hogares

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infocatolica.com - (Reporte Católico Laico/InfoCatólica) Los usuarios tendrán acceso a los documentos magisteriales de la Iglesia en relación a la familia, así como publicaciones del mismo dicasterio que buscan profu...

Study: Facial Expressions of Unborn Babies in the Womb Show They Feel Pain

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lifenews.com - by Steven Ertelt | London, England | LifeNews.com | 6/6/13 11:53 AM A newly-published research study shows unborn children are capable of feeling pain in the womb, as evidenced by the grimaces they...

Farah to speak at ‘Blood Moons’ church

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WND News
wnd.com - WASHINGTON – WND founder Joseph Farah says he can point to multiple sensational examples of Bible prophecy being fulfilled right now – today – in the Middle East. He will be unveiling those at a ta...
Arte & Entretenimento

#PremiosHO 2014: Francisco J. Contreras: «Es esencial mantener la llama de la resistencia»

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hazteoir.org - «Será imprescindible recuperar la familia, el matrimonio, el respeto a la vida… El otro camino lleva a la extinción. Además de contar con Dios, debemos confiar en el mero sentido de supervivencia d...

TaoMannaDon Blog - Slices of Life - If It Was Easy I'd Be Famous By Now

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Don L. Turner
taomanna.com - Caution: this is a rambling free writing session. I started by just writing anything that came to mind, tried to settle on my history of creative writing, then occasionally veered off topic. I edit...

After Israel, African kids start afresh in Uganda

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cnsnews.com - That's what Ugandan teachers repeatedly tell the South Sudanese teenagers transplanted here from Israel. But Hebrew is what they speak when they are not being watched; it's the language they grew u...

One of Us-Uno de Nosotros: «Seguiremos trabajando por la defensa de la vida»

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infocatolica.com - (HO/InfoCatólica) «Esta decisión es ciertamente contraria al principio de democracia participativa promovido por el Tratado de Lisboa. Sin embargo, supone, desgraciadamente, una razón añadida para ...

The Catholic Review > World News > Pentecost marks ‘life-changing power of God’s presence,’ cardinal says

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L'Osservatore Romano
catholicreview.org - Pentecost marks ‘life-changing power of God’s presence,’ cardinal says June 08, 2014 WASHINGTON - The church’s celebration of Pentecost highlights the “life-changing power of God’s presence” believ...
Arte & Entretenimento

El cardenal Fernando Sebastián, galardonado con uno de los Premios Hazte Oír 2014

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europapress.es -    Fernando Sebastián, cardenal y arzobispo emérito de Pamplona-Tudela, recibirá este sábado en Madrid uno de los galardones que se entregarán en la undécima edición de los premios de la asociación...
Arte & Entretenimento

Homilía Papa Francisco Misa PentecostésEcclesia Digital

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Ecclesia Digital
revistaecclesia.com - Homilía Papa Francisco Misa Pentecostés, basílica vaticana domingo 8 junio 2014: «Todos quedaron llenos del Espíritu Santo» (Hech 2,4). Hablando a los Apóstoles en la Última Cena, Jesús les dijo qu...

"No merecemos la pena de muerte": mujeres fruto de una violación dan testimonio

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Derecho a Vivir
hazteoir.org - "Por culpa del crimen del padre biológico no pueden considerarnos un error", declaran en un vídeo en agradecimiento a quienes, como el republicano Richard Mourdock, apuestan por legislar siempre po...

Los obispos de Nigeria anuncian seis meses de oración por la paz ante las masacres perpetradas por Boko Haram

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infocatolica.com - (ACI/InfoCatólica) Según un comunicado enviado a la agencia vaticana Fides, los Obispos sugieren para cada mes una intención especial de oración: - en julio será por la liberación de todos los secu...

Breaking All the Barriers

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Christianity Today
christianitytoday.com - At the World Cup opening ceremony next week in São Paulo, a paralyzed Brazilian will walk onto the field and kick the ceremonial first ball. The young man or woman will be aided by the newest itera...
Arte & Entretenimento

Bachelorette's Emily Maynard marries Tyler Johnson: 'God brought us together'

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Christian Today
christiantoday.com - Emily Maynard of The Bachelorette has surprised everyone by marrying the love of her life, Tyler Johnson, at a ceremony on Saturday. It's was a pretty short engagement for the couple, who are both ...

Right Wing Art - Image - Gun owners need to compromise?

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rightwingart.com - Democrats are destroying this nation. The modern democrat party is socialist, Marxist, totalitarian and is intent on destroying America. This is the "fundamental change" Barack Obama weas talking a...
Arte & Entretenimento

Brasil é convidado de honra de festival literário francês

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Sérgio Pavarini
livrosepessoas.com - Onze autores brasileiros, todos com obras já traduzidas na França, vieram a Saint-Malo para falar do Brasil de hoje. São escritores de várias regiões, mas que têm como traço comum uma literatura ur...
Arte & Entretenimento

Juan Pablo II y el guardia suizo: 5 lecciones de liderazgo que usan los maestros de emprendedores - ReL

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Religión en Libertad
religionenlibertad.com - La palabra de moda hoy es mindfulness, concepto que viene a resumir la capacidad de volcar toda la mente y la atención indivisa en algo que se está haciendo. Es un trending topic en internet. Se us...

The Catholic Review > News > Pope: Never forget to pray! Speak from the heart, ask God for help

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L'Osservatore Romano
catholicreview.org - Pope: Never forget to pray! Speak from the heart, ask God for help May 07, 2014 VATICAN CITY - Never forget to pray, even while commuting, taking a walk or when waiting in line, Pope Francis said. ...
Arte & Entretenimento

«Los Premios HO evidencian que podemos dejar a nuestros hijos un mundo mejor, más libre»

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hazteoir.org - «Nosotros somos los premiados, por vuestra entrega a las causas de la libertad y los derechos humanos», afirma Ignacio Arsauaga, al clausurar los Premios HO 2014, agradecido por un año lleno de éxi...
Arte & Entretenimento

Opus Dei - Llegar a la intimidad con el Espíritu Santo

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Opus Dei (España)
opusdei.es - “En estas semanas del tiempo pascual, hemos contemplado las apariciones de Cristo Resucitado. ¡Qué gozo experimentarían los Apóstoles al estar de nuevo con Jesús! La Sagrada Escritura nos lo dice e...

Leading blogger leaves Egyenlito.hu

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Index on Censorship
mediafreedom.ushahidi.com - 16:22 May 30 2014 Budapest, Central Hungary, Hungary   Loss of Employment   Government/political party/public official(s)   Blogger/citizen journalist   Verified Reports

Psalm 46:10 | Daily Bible Promise

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Great Bible Verses
dailybiblepromise.com - The Daily Bible Promise provides you with a daily Bible passage delivered via Twitter, Email, RSS or the Web. [ More about the DailyBiblePromise.com ] Suggestions are welcome via DM on Twitter or t...

Press Release: Christian men who are changing the world of fostering

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Evangelical Alliance
eauk.org - An overwhelming majority of British men shy away from applying to become foster dads because they think they'll be rejected, but the church-based organisation Home for Good says that this fear is u...
Arte & Entretenimento

Por qué la izquierda debería estar contra el aborto

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Derecho a Vivir
gaceta.es - Por razones científicas: un embrión es un ser humano. La izquierda presume de atenerse a un patrón de pensamiento científico, objetivo, ¿no? Bien. Hoy sabemos sin ningún género de duda que desde el...

Programa de la Invocación por la Paz del Papa Francisco con los presidentes de Palestina e Israel

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infocatolica.com - (ACI/InfoCatólica) La Invocación por la Paz, dijo el P. Pizzaballa, «es una pausa con respecto a la política. El Santo Padre no quiere entrar en cuestiones políticas del conflicto entre israelíes y...

What’s in Common Core National Standards?

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Heritage Foundation
dailysignal.com - The English standards create their own set of concerns. Stotsky argues Common Core’s “diminished emphasis on literature in the secondary grades makes it unlikely that American students will study a...

Stop Planned Parenthood From Setting Up Shop in Public Schools

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lifenews.com - by Bryan Kemper | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 6/8/12 10:11 AM When I first read the headline of this story I was hoping I was reading wrong or that it was a parody. Unfortunately I was reading ...

Nepal politicians called to ban religious conversions by India's BJP

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Christian Today
christiantoday.com - The victory of the Bharatiya Janata Party in India last month was followed by expressions of concern for Christians and other minorities because of the party's links to violent Hindu nationalism. T...
Arte & Entretenimento

¿Qué es Pentecostés? Lo explica Benedicto XVI - Primeros Cristianos

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primeroscristianos.com - Benedicto XVI (Pentecostés, 15 de mayo de 2005) “La lectura de los Hechos de los Apóstoles narra cómo el Espíritu Santo, el día de Pentecostés, bajo los signos de un viento impetuoso y del fuego, i...
Arte & Entretenimento

Primer sucesor de San Josemaría: Cien mil personas irían a beatificación de Mons. Del Portillo

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Opus Dei (España)
aciprensa.com - MADRID, 05 Jun. 14 / 11:32 pm (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- Mons. Álvaro del Portillo será beatificado el 27 de septiembre en Madrid (España), en una ceremonia presidida por el Prefecto de la Congregación ...

Editora Mundo Cristão - Livro: 1Coríntios - Série Lições de Vida - Max Lucado

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Mundo Cristão
mundocristao.com.br - Paulo se dirige a uma igreja em crise: sectarismo, desunião, imoralidade sexual, heresias... Mas esta carta é mais que uma lista de pecados; é um exemplo de paciência. Paulo se dirige a esses crist...

Premios HazteOir 2014 | Movimiento Cristiano Liberación

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oswaldopaya.org - Publicado: 8 Junio 2014 en Otros. Comentarios: ninguno Anti-spam word: (Required)* To prove you're a person (not a spam script), type the security word shown in the picture. Click on the picture to...

Bible Plans with Your Friends

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Bobby Gruenewald
blog.youversion.com - We know the value of experiencing the Bible within community. In the newest version of the Bible App, we want you to experience the power of friendship in the Bible. Now on iOS, Android, and at Bib...

11 countries where you should think twice about insulting someone - Index on Censorship

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Index on Censorship
indexoncensorship.org - Insult laws can be very easily manipulated by those in positions of power to shut down and punish criticism Croatia’s new criminal code has introduced “humiliation” as an offence – and it is alread...

Metro, premio Empresa Social por su apoyo escolar a niños desfavorecidos — MadridPress

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PP de Madrid
madridpress.com - Metro de Madrid ha sido galardonado con el premio Empresa Social 2014 en la categoría de 'protección a la infancia', por la campaña 'Para que pinten un futuro de colores' que desarrolló conjuntamen...
Arte & Entretenimento

Canto Nuovo

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canto nuovo
cantonuovo.eu - Solennità di Pentecoste 8 giugno 2014 Omelia del Santo Padre Parlando agli Apostoli nell’Ultima Cena, Gesù disse che, dopo la sua partenza da questo mondo, avrebbe inviato loro il dono del Padre, c...

Two More States Exit Common Core. Is Your State Next?

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Heritage Foundation
dailysignal.com - Common Core is on the chopping block.  Oklahoma today became the third state to exit the national education standards and reclaim its decision-making authority in education. The move comes on the h...

As Pentecost comes, do we still believe in revival?

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Christian Today
christiantoday.com - When was the last time you went to church and saw thousands of people become Christians? After the Apostle Peter preached on the first day of Pentecost, shortly after Jesus' death and resurrection,...

Planned Parenthood Closes Three Local Clinics

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Right to Life
nationalrighttolifenews.org - Editor’s note. This comes from NRLC’s Oregon affiliate, Oregon Right to Life Today, thrilling news came from America’s supposedly most pro-abortion state (the only one without a single restriction ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Por que o sacerdócio de Cristo é perfeito - padrepauloricardo.org

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Padre Paulo Ricardo
padrepauloricardo.org - O primeiro olhar deste curso foi à realidade natural, antes mesmo da queda: existe um Deus do qual tudo recebemos e ao qual tudo devemos; assim, é da ordem natural das coisas que lhe ofereçamos nos...
Arte & Entretenimento

Pagola: cuando el éxito ante el mundo esconde el mayor de los fracasos

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infocatolica.com - Posiblemente o no lo he comprendido bien o la redacción adolece de precisión, porque la entrevista que leí ayer a José Antonio Pagola en Vida Nueva me ha dejado un cierto regusto amargo. No tengo n...

“Uma Igreja que não surpreende está doente e precisa ser internada para terapia intensiva”, diz Papa

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Geremias Couto
ihu.unisinos.br - Uma Igreja que não surpreende é “fraca, doente e moribunda e deve ser internada para terapia intensiva”, disse o Papa Francisco, na manhã de hoje, domingo de Pentecostes, na Basílica de São Pedro, ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Citação da semana (41) : Blog Mundo Cristão

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Mundo Cristão
blogmundocristao.com.br - Outra frase extraída de Para que serve Deus, obra de Philip Yancey. Curta a fan page da Mundo Cristão e acompanhe diariamente uma seleção de citações de vários autores da editora.

Brazil: Religious intolerance on the rise - Index on Censorship

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Index on Censorship
indexoncensorship.org - A request to remove 16 videos from YouTube has sparked a broad debate on the limits of freedom of speech and religious expression in Brazil. Simone Marques reports A request to remove 16 videos fro...

Las princesas encarceladas por el Rey saudí aseguran que están pagando por defender los derechos de la mujer - ABC.es

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abc.es - Las peticiones de ayuda que lanzan las cuatro hijas del Rey Abdullah de Arabia Saudí que denuncian hallarse «secuestradas y sin comida» en un palacio de la ciudad de Yeda cada vez son más desespera...

Ministério Jovem - RCC Brasil - Tocantins mobiliza sua juventude para Missão "Com Jesus na Copa"

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Ministério Jovem BRA
rccjovem.com.br - “Esta ação tem duas finalidades. A primeira de trazer a juventude para um compromisso maior na evangelização, obedecendo ao chamado que o Papa Francisco nos fez dizendo que nós devemos sair de dent...

Justiça decide que greve no metrô de São Paulo é abusiva - Brasil - Notícia - VEJA.com

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Ihamma Lins
veja.abril.com.br - PAULO LOPES/FUTURA PRESS/FUTURA PRESS/ESTADÃO CONTEÚDO MARCOS BEZERRA/FUTURA PRESS/FUTURA PRESS/ESTADÃO CONTEÚDO O Tribunal Regional do Trabalho (TRT) julgou, por unanimidade (8 votos a 0), neste d...
Arte & Entretenimento

Watch Services Live

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Craig Webb
thegladechurch.org - View past messages from Pastors Bruce Grubbs, Craig Webb, and Michael Eubanks. View past worship reflections from our Lead Worshipper, Phillip Hardy.

Vidéo : EN BRETAGNE des futurs enseignants formés à l'Idéologie du Genre !

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La Manif Pour Tous
lamanifpourtous49.com - Ce qui signifie que : si les hommes et les femmes sont différents, ce n’est pas lié à la nature, mais lié à la société. Donc pour les défenseurs du Genre, il faut « lutter contre les stéréotypes se...

Lizz Winstead continues to promote abortion with new short film

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Live Action News
liveactionnews.org - It’s scary what counts as comedy these days. So-called “comedian” and co-creator of The Daily Show, Lizz Winstead has recently released her pro-abortion short film, Smear Campaign. If you wish to s...

A Igreja e o desarmamento - padrepauloricardo.org

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Padre Paulo Ricardo
padrepauloricardo.org - Atenção: Os comentários devem ser respeitosos e relacionados estritamente ao assunto do post. Toda polêmica será prontamente banida. Todos os comentários são de inteira responsabilidade de seus aut...
Arte & Entretenimento

Concurso Cultural Literário (72)

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livrosepessoas.com - Você já se perguntou por que algumas pessoas parecem experimentar alegria profunda e autêntica em seu dia a dia, mesmo nos momentos mais difíceis, e outras parecem não conseguir encontrá-la, não im...

LEC159Doy los milagros que he recibido.

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Un Curso De Milagros
spreaker.com - Nadie puede dar lo que no ha recibido. Para dar algo es preciso poseerlo antes. En este punto las leyes del Cielo y las del mundo coinciden. Pero en este punto difieren también. El mundo cree que p...

Redes sociais voltadas para evangélicos continuam crescendo

Partilhado por
O Verbo
noticias.gospelprime.com.br - Godinterest é versão gospel da rede que mais cresce em popularidade De tempos em tempos surgem novas redes sociais querendo atrair o imenso público que passa cada vez mais tempo online. Com isso, s...

New research suggests religious people are more generous

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Christian Today
christiantoday.com - People of faith are more likely to give to charity than those of no religion, new research shows. More than three-quarters of people living in England who practise a religion have given to charity ...

PSOL barra candidatura a deputado federal do pastor Jeferson Barros - Jornal O Globo

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Geremias Couto
oglobo.globo.com - RIO - Em pré-convenção realizada na manhã deste sábado, no Rio, o diretório estadual do Partido Socialismo e Liberdade (PSOL) decidiu vetar a candidatura do pastor Jeferson Barros ao posto de deput...

Global Call to Protect Life in Spain

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citizengo.org - Stand with the citizens of Spain in their fight to defend the sanctity of life! Sign our global petition to send a clear message to the Prime Minister of Spain, Mariano Rajoy, that life is precious...

Website under DoS attack after publishing that doctoral dissertation of current Minister in Serbia is heavily plagiarized

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Index on Censorship
mediafreedom.ushahidi.com -   DDoS or Hacking   Private Individual(s)   Other   Blogger/citizen journalist   Other   Other   Support from other journalists/community

How to make technology work for your marriage

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Focus on the Family
focusonthefamily.ca - Picture this scene: A couple is out for dinner. Their faces are deadpan; their voices are silent; their heads are down. They’re looking at their phones.  Now imagine the same couple out for dinner....

The Muslim thread in the Obama equation. — Updated

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noisyroom.net - Updated below to include petition to the White House to save Sudanese Christian Miriam Ibrahim. Sometimes politics is as predictable as a mathematical equation. Assuming all of the relevant factors...

2011 Zombie Survival Guide Box Calendar Brooks, Max : ISBN 379192 - Rakuten.com Shopping

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rakuten.com - From the Publisher: There’s no time to lose. It could happen at any moment. It may have already begun. Everyone must prepare for the zombie apocalypse. “Other monsters may threaten individual human...
Arte & Entretenimento

Defensa - El Rey preside hoy su último gran acto militar por el Día de las Fuerzas Armadas - ABC.es

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PP de Madrid
abc.es - Su Majestad el Rey presidirá este sábado su último gran acto militar: el Día de las Fuerzas Armadas, celebración establecida por Real Decreto en 1978 con el objetivo de acercar la sociedad civil al...

A letter to the Church on unplanned pregnancy

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Live Action News
liveactionnews.org - In past articles for Live Action News, I typically address abortion proponents and pro-choice rhetoric. After all, in a movement that conducts birth control trials on thirteen-year-olds and routine...

Fathers' Involvement Can Change Children’s Futures

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Heritage Foundation
dailysignal.com - Some communities are taking action. In his recent book, Brigham Young University professor Alan Hawkins describes a plan for helping individuals and couples build and maintain lasting, healthy marr...
Arte & Entretenimento

Concurso Cultural Literário (70)

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livrosepessoas.com - Perseguida ao longo do Mar Real e aterrorizada pela memória dos que se foram, Alina Starkov tenta levar uma vida normal com Maly em uma terra desconhecida, enquanto mantém em segredo sua identidade...

La Luz que hay en ti

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Un Curso De Milagros
spreaker.com - Clases en directo desde el Miracles Healing Center. Lunes 8:00am Ramon 1:00pm Angela 6:00pm Astrid Miercoles 8:00am Maria Torres 1:00pm Angela Jueves 8:00am Ricard 12:00pm Astrid Viernes 8:00am Alt...

Report: Nigeria Is No. 1 in Violence Against Christians

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charismanews.com - The World Watch List (WWL) Research team of Open Doors International has released a Top 10 Violence List of countries in which Christians have experienced the most violent incidents for their faith...

Abedini threatened with more jail time - Mission Network News

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Mission Network News
mnnonline.org - Iran (BPA/CLJ) — U.S. Pastor Saeed Abedini is facing threats of more prison time because he won’t stop telling people about Jesus. Some Muslim prisoners have placed their faith in Christ after hear...
Arte & Entretenimento

Victim family helped jail O.J., but not for murder

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cnsnews.com - LOS ANGELES (AP) — For years, Fred Goldman was adamant that he would never rest until he had held O.J. Simpson accountable for the killings of his son and Simpson's ex-wife 20 years ago — even if a...

Christopher Menzhuber

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Catholic Pulse
catholicpulse.com - One of the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit is called piety, and it is the gift of having a “familial respect for God, other persons, and holy things,” according to authors Father Marcus Holden and F...

EN VIVO: Invocación por la Paz con el Papa Francisco y presidentes de Israel y Palestina

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Enlace Católico.com
enlacecatolico.com - El Papa Francisco ha invitado a los presidentes de Israel, Shimon Peres, y de Palestina, Mahmoud Abbas, a pedir por la Paz juntos, que tendrá lugar en los jardines del Vaticano.

Math and Science – St. Helena Montessori School (Saint Helena, CA)

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dfwcatholic.org - MATH AND SCIENCE Education: Middle/High School, FT Employee St. Helena Montessori School (Saint Helena, CA) Seeking math teacher for Pre-Algebra and Algebra I and general sciences. This person does...

Belgrade Axes Head of TV Studio B, politics still a key factor says The Independent Journalists’ Association of Serbia

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Index on Censorship
mediafreedom.ushahidi.com - 12:00 May 28 2014 Belgrade, Central Serbia, Serbia   Loss of Employment   Government/political party/public official(s)   Journalist   Female

O pódio da santidade

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Alex Silva
blog.cancaonova.com - O Pentecostes precisa ser constante em minha vida, depois de viver os nove dias de preparação quero hoje abrir-se totalmente a ação do Espírito Santo e renovar a minha consagração a Ele. Eu preciso...

La Comunidad de Madrid tiene los mejores niveles de inglés

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PP de Madrid
madridactualidad.es - El barómetro Cambridge Monitor ha demostrado que Madrid tiene los mejores niveles de inglés, junto con otras comunidades autónomas como Navarra, País Vasco o Cataluña. Los resultados se han adquiri...

Pentecost Prayer

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Our Sunday Visitor
osvparish.com - Holy Spirit, divine Consoler, I adore you as my God, with God the Father and God the Son. I adore you and unite myself to the adoration you receive from the angels and saints. I give you my heart a...

Sacerdote brasileiro desafia a FIFA "em nome de Jesus Cristo"

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† Adailton Batista †
zenit.org - Não deixa de causar admiração que a capital do maior país católico do mundo se reúna, quase completamente, para rezar e se preparar para a celebração do Pentecostes. Com a presença de autoridades c...

Canada Leaves Abortion out of International Aid

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Live Action News
nationalrighttolifenews.org - NEW YORK, June 6 (C-FAM) The defining feature of Canada’s ambitious multi-billion-dollar international plan to help mothers and newborns is not what it provides, but what it leaves out, namely, abo...

North Africa needs your prayers - Mission Network News

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Mission Network News
mnnonline.org - Africa (MNN) — From Sunday, May 25, to the following Sunday, June 1, the Islamic terrorist group Boko Haram destroyed 43 churches in northern Nigeria and killed at least 30 believers. Bent on estab...
Arte & Entretenimento

Un Curso de Milagros - Lección del día

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Un Curso De Milagros
acimi.com - Wa.159/1 Nadie puede dar lo que no ha recibido. Para dar algo es preciso poseerlo antes. En este punto las leyes del Cielo y las del mundo coinciden. Pero en este punto difieren también. El mundo c...

United Arab Emirates mandates military service

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cnsnews.com - DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — The United Arab Emirates has issued a law requiring compulsory military service for adult males, formalizing a proposal outlined earlier in the year to bolster th...

Police pressure journalists during protests in Skopje

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Index on Censorship
mediafreedom.ushahidi.com - 11:38 Jun 2 2014 Skopje, Municipality of Centar, City of Skopje, Skopje Region, 1000, Macedonia   Preventing Access to Sources of Information   Police   Journalist   Female   Verified Reports

* Fifa quis cancelar "por motivo da Copa" evento católico que reúne em Brasilia mais de um milhão de pessoas.

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Ivanildo Silva
blog.comshalom.org -  Não deixa de causar admiração que a capital do maior país católico do mundo se reúna, quase completamente, para rezar e se preparar para a celebração do Pentecostes. Com a presença de autoridades ...

Whispers in the Loggia: "Lord, Send Forth Your Spirit Upon Us!"

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New Advent
whispersintheloggia.blogspot.fr - When the time for Pentecost was fulfilled, they were all in one place together. And suddenly there came from the sky a noise like a strong driving wind, and it filled the entire house in which they...

Loving the abortion vulnerable woman

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Live Action News
liveactionnews.org - As pro-lifers we’ve heard the accusation that those who care for the unborn, don’t have the same concern for the women who carry them. It’s a cheap shot at best. A judgment that’s made with little ...

AZ gov sends angry letter Obama stop illegal alien dumping : Fire Andrea Mitchell!

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fireandreamitchell.com - Here’s another story that’s been mostly ignored by the media (at least until now.) Obama has been dumping illegal immigrants flooding the borders in Texas into Arizona. On Friday, Arizona Governor ...

La Copa del Mundo: la Iglesia en Chile invita a acompañarla desde la fe

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Enlace Católico.com
enlacecatolico.com - Convocados al mundial de Brasil'. Con este título la Iglesia en Chile ha invitado a los espectadores a aportar a su web, reflexiones y testimonios que reflejen valores cristianos en el fútbol y el ...

Mexico amputee soccer players train for own Cup

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cnsnews.com - MEXICO CITY (AP) — Two World Cups of soccer will be held this year, and members of the Mexico City's Aztec Warriors are training tirelessly with the dream of playing in one of them. Players race ac...

Diário do Comércio - Ives Gandra alerta: decreto 8.243 é ditatorial.

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Nublado Ventania
dcomercio.com.br - Ives Gandra alerta: decreto 8.243 é ditatorial. Detalhes Publicado em Terça, 3 Junho 2014 22:47 Escrito por Victória Brotto Campos e Marina ontem no Rio: primeira divergência de opinião. / Zanone F...

Thomas Brooks’ desires for his readers

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Ocean of Grace
reformedquotes.com - My desires to you are–That you would make it your business to study Christ, his Word, your own hearts, Satan’s plots, and eternity–more than ever. That you would endeavor more to be inwardly sincer...

The Fire Next Time – A Homily For the Feast of Pentecost. « Archdiocese of Washington

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New Advent
blog.adw.org - What a wondrous and challenging feast we celebrate at Pentecost. A feast like this challenges us, because it puts to the lie a lazy, sleepy, hidden, and tepid Christian life. The Lord Jesus had sai...

Itália causa estranheza com "a" Fluminense e vê jogo como treino

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Cristiano Augusto
sportv.globo.com - A Itália usou uma rede social para anunciar que vai escalar a equipe reserva para o duelo com o Fluminense, neste domingo, em Volta Redonda. A mensagem, apesar de curta, revelou ainda que os tetrac...

Serbia: Part of the journalist of Radio Subotica says that they are victims of mobbing

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Index on Censorship
mediafreedom.ushahidi.com - 13:39 May 29 2014 Subotica, Subotica City, North Backa District, Vojvodina, Serbia   Psychological Abuse   Bullying/Trolling/Cyberbullying   Self-Censorship   Employer/publisher/colleague(s)   Jour...

Is Kagan radical like Obama, and unfit for Supreme Court?

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Alan Lee Keyes
loyaltoliberty.com - It would surprise no one if Barack Obama is trying to place on the Supreme Court a radical, pro-abortion academic leftist, who is also a champion of so-called ‘gay rights’.  In this regard, is Elen...

What Every Catholic Marriage Prep Program Ought to Include

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Joel & Lisa Schmidt
thepracticingcatholic.com - Outline a marriage preparation program for your parish. Explain what components you would like to include and why. Joel had to answer this very question for his sacramental theology course, and we ...

Denying Reality: The Gnostic Left

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Matt Barber
barbwire.com - A Hebrew prophet once asked a rhetorical question: “Can a leopard change his spots or the Ethiopian his skin?” Much later, another prophet asked, “Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit u...
Arte & Entretenimento

"Una Iglesia que no sorprende debe ser internada en terapia intensiva"

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Enlace Católico.com
enlacecatolico.com - La sorpresa, elemento fundamental del pontificado de Francisco. Desde su elección como vicario de Cristo, el Papa no ha dejado de emocionar con gestos inéditos. Este día, en la festividad católica ...

Punk Rock Bowling delivers again in Las Vegas

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commdiginews.com - LOS ANGELES, June 6, 2014 — Another Punk Rock Bowling has come to pass. While some of his notes and memory cards did not, Michael Fear survived. He is a Punk Rock Bowling survivor. Michael Fear bra...
Arte & Entretenimento

Front row seat to OJ Simpson's fall, rise, fall

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cnsnews.com - LOS ANGELES (AP) — O.J. Simpson arose from the counsel table at his murder trial and approached the jury box with the famous leather gloves. As he struggled to get them past his knuckles, he held h...

The anger of God toward believers in Jesus

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Ocean of Grace
reformedquotes.com - The system of truth revealed in the Scriptures is not simply one straight line, but two; and no man will ever get a right view of the gospel until he knows how to look at the two lines at once. For...

Carroll Foundation Trust

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US Capitol Hill
scoop.it - Carroll Foundation Maryland Trust $1,OOO,OOO,OOO, One Billion Dollars Bahamas Gibraltar Offshore Tax Evasion Fraud = LOCKDOWN = FBI Scotland Yard Biggest Case.

Looks like treasonous Obama paid cash for Bergdahl too : Fire Andrea Mitchell!

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fireandreamitchell.com - The original deal discussed late last year to try and free deserter Bowe Bergdahl was to send the Taliban $5-6 million in cash. No terrorists, or anything else. Now it’s starting to look like that ...

El lobby LGTB pretende que los abogados formados en una universidad cristiana no puedan ejercer - ReL

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Juanjo Romero
religionenlibertad.com - Los profesores y alumnos de la Trinity Western University (TWU) conocen desde su ingreso las normas de convivencia de la universidad, públicas y transparentes, destinadas -como en cualquier otro ce...

Poll: Should NJ give terminally ill patients right to obtain prescription to end their lives?

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Andrew Bair
nj.com - TRENTON — Should New Jersey lawmakers pass a bill that would give terminally ill patients the right to obtain a prescription to end their lives? Under the Aid in Dying for the Terminally Ill Act , ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Aliança com Deus | Portal Fé em Jesus

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feemjesus.com.br - "Toda vez que o arco-íris estiver nas nuvens, olharei para ele e me lembrarei da aliança eterna entre Deus e todos os seres vivos de todas as espécies que vivem na terra." Gênesis 9:16   Pensamento...

SP: mulheres protestam contra revogação de portaria sobre aborto - Terra Brasil

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Brasil Pro-Direita
noticias.terra.com.br - Movimentos feministas organizaram na tarde deste sábado, em São Paulo, um protesto contra a revogação da Portaria 415, que incluía procedimentos para aborto previstos em lei na tabela do Sistema Ún...

How to Be Filled with the Holy Spirit (in 30 seconds)

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aheartforgod.org - Mike Campagna (affectionately known by some as Pastor Mike) is making the most of web technologies to encourage disciples. A self-proclaimed “twitterholic,” one twitter follower describes him as th...

Father, son and values tested in superb WWI novel

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The Catholic Spirit
catholichotdish.com - The moral life takes center stage in P.S. Duffy’s “The Cartographer of No Man’s Land,” a World War I novel that centers around a family and village in Nova Scotia and the impact of the first “war t...

¡Siria necesita evolución, no revolución!

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Enlace Católico.com
enlacecatolico.com - Mirada fija, presencia calmada, diálogo franco, una vida dedicada a servir a los últimos tras las huellas de san Francisco. Es una figura que conmueve la del joven franciscano Firas Lutfi. Hijo de ...

Twitcom - Crie e participe de comunidades e grupos no Twitter

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Alex Lima
twitcom.com.br - Para concluir sua inscrição, digite seu email para confirmação. Um email foi enviado, confirme clicando no link de validação. Houver tweets nos nests que sigo Alguém entrar nos nests que sigo Algué...

When shame became a cornerstone of human experience

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Ocean of Grace
reformedquotes.com - At the moment of Adam’s sin, shame — that is, “What will they think of me?” and “What will God think of me?” — became a cornerstone of human experience. From Genesis on, nakedness, or the shame of ...

Fighter jets escort small plane out of DC

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cnsnews.com - WASHINGTON (AP) — Authorities say two F-16 fighter jets escorted a small airplane out of restricted airspace in Washington, an apparently inadvertent intrusion that prompted evacuations at the U.S....
Arte & Entretenimento

Julio Severo: A sombra “evangélica” da sombra “católica” na Presidência da República: Alexandre Brasil e Gilberto Carvalho

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Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - O diabo é realmente um ilusionista. Ele só mostra o lado aparentemente "bom" das propostas que ele oferece a todos, mas ele oculta o resultado final. Isso lembra muito bem o que o Rubens Ricupero (...

Círculo Monárquico Brasileiro: Campanha 2014 #3 - Aniversário de D. Luiz

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Brasil Monarquia Já
circulomonarquicobrasileiro.blogspot.com - É com muita satisfação e felicidade que o Círculo Monárquico Brasileiro vem mais uma vez mostrar o resultado de mais uma Ação dos Voluntários da Pátria. Ação simples, mas significativa! Segundo o C...

Why I’m Wearing Pajamas to Church

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aheartforgod.org - There’s a movement towards the “casual” in our day. We’re casual in our speech. We’re casual in our showing up for events and appointments (“casual” used for “late” here). We’re casual in our cloth...

Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and Their Roles in Libya

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Accuracy In Media
aim.org - A Citizens’ Commission on Benghazi was set up in September 2013 to investigate the causes and the circumstances involved in the attacks of September 11, 2012 on the U.S. Consulate and CIA Annex in ...

Confiança cai e PIB do 2º trimestre pode ser negativo - EXAME.com

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Carla Pola
exame.abril.com.br - São Paulo - A queda forte e generalizada em maio dos índices que medem a confiança de consumidores e de empresários da indústria, do comércio, de serviços e da construção, que respondem por 60% da ...

Análise: Tensão política causada pela Copa é inédita e terá reflexos - 08/06/2014 - Poder - Folha de S.Paulo

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Gilberto Ribeiro
folha.uol.com.br - O Brasil não para durante a Copa do Mundo e o eleitor, mesmo quando empolgado ou decepcionado com a seleção brasileira, continua atento aos fatos que definem suas opções políticas. Os que imaginam ...

Thomas Pikaretty OU Por que o socialismo deu mais certo do que muitos pensam « Ceticismo Político

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Luciano Henrique
lucianoayan.com - Ao que parece, os esquerdistas encontraram sua Rhonda Byrne. Seu nome é Thomas Piketty, mas podemos claramente chamá-lo de Thomas Pikaretty (agradeço ao Rodrigo Constantino pela dica). Para quem nã...

What does it mean for us to be holy?

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Ocean of Grace
reformedquotes.com - If we stay with the words the Holy Spirit teaches we will be admonished to accept that the new creation we are in the spirit , in the heart is holy and without blame > Ep2:4:24 We can believe this ...

Court rules Sao Paulo subway strike illegal - Yahoo!7

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Paulo Devechi
au.news.yahoo.com - Sao Paulo (AFP) - A Brazilian court ruled Sunday that a subway strike that has caused traffic mayhem in Sao Paulo and raised fears of transport chaos at the World Cup kick-off is illegal. "The cour...

Costa Rica. Frente Amplio: no apoye la legalización del aborto

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CitizenGO es
citizengo.org - A la att de Gerardo Vargas Varela, jeje Fracción Frente Amplio Diputados del Partido Frente Amplio se han comprometido a impulsar el proyecto 16887, presentado en el año 2008 por la entonces diputa...

Sugar Pine Realty Blog - Sonora, Twain Harte, Mother Lode, Lake Tulloch Area Real Estate Company

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Mike C
sugarpinerealty.blogspot.fr - Local Weather --------------------- Twitter Testimonials People who like @blogboy2 --------------------- Social Media Tips 10 Commandments of Blogging 10 Mistakes People Make that Costs Them Likes ...

Canto Nuovo

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canto nuovo
cantonuovo.eu - Papa Francesco presiede la Santa Messa nella Solennità di Pentecoste.

Thinking Through the Morality of the Bergdahl Deal « Commentary Magazine

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Janie Johnson
commentarymagazine.com - I oppose the deal the Obama administration struck to secure the return of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl. People whom I admire have a different reaction, so I thought it might be useful to think through this m...

Julio Severo: Bill Maher diz que máfia gay forçou diretor da Mozilla a pedir demissão

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Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - O que os sonsos do politikamente korreto nao entendem eh que nao tem como serem neutros nessa GUERRA. Basta ver o que aconteceu/acontece nos paises em que a religiao de satanas entrou (eskerdismo/p...

Portal TopGyn Capa - O Portal para toda Família - BC não consegue repor quadro de servidores, alerta sindicato

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TopGyn Notícias
topgyn.com.br - O Sinal alerta que são necessários até cinco anos para transferir conhecimento a novos analistas e que uma das áreas que ficam prejudicadas é a de fiscalizaçãoArquivo/Agência Brasil O Banco Central...

#AcordaBrasil!: #BOMBA! Deputado do #PT foi financiado pelo PCC

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Carlos Parrini
blogdoparrini.blogspot.com - Joaquim Barbosa tinha razão ao defender que a facção criminosa do PT, formava uma quadrilha. Porém foi voto vencido pelos Petralhas que estão no STF, que alegaram que os mensaleiros não eram quadri...

NOM on EWTN's Ave Maria Radio

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nomblog.com - Joe Grabowski, NOM's Director of Communications, was on EWTN's Ave Maria Radio on May 29 to talk about the upcoming March for Marriage. "There are still millions of Americans who believe in marriag...

10 Mistakes People Make with Church (plus 1 bonus)

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aheartforgod.org - 10 Mistakes People Make with Church (plus 1 bonus): 1. Think attendance is optional. (Hebrews 10:25) 2. Go to get rather than to give. (“Love … does not seek its own”). (John 13:35; 15:13) 3. Negle...

Notícias do Brasil, na Suíça. Coluna Carlos Brickmann

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Gilberto Ribeiro
presskit.com.br - Robson Marinho, homem-forte do Governo Mário Covas, iniciador da dinastia tucana que se mantém até hoje no poder em São Paulo, afastou-se de seu cargo no Tribunal de Contas do Estado. Marinho, segu...

Oposición se concentrará hoy en Chacaíto

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El PoliTwico
notitarde.com - Dirigentes del partido Voluntad Popular (VP), convocaron para este domingo una concentración en la plaza José Martí de Chacaíto, en Caracas. (EFE / [MIGUEL GUTIÉRREZ ]) Caracas, 8 mayo 2014.- Dirig...

Mons. Gómez: Libertad religiosa de cristianos en Medio Oriente debe ser prioridad de EEUU

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CitizenGO es
aciprensa.com - LOS ÁNGELES, 04 Jun. 14 / 07:08 pm (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- El Arzobispo de Los Ángeles (Estados Unidos), Mons. José Gómez, llamó a los fieles a no ser indiferentes ante el sufrimiento de los cristian...

Asteróide apelidado de 'A Besta' passará próximo da Terra nesse domingo

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Paulo Devechi
brasiliaempauta.com.br - Neste domingo (8 de junho), o asteroide próximo da Terra 2014 HQ124 (apelidado de The Beast /A Besta ), vai passar muito próximo do nosso planeta, a apenas 1.250 mil km em sua maior aproximação, ou...

ISHA-AD nº 9 está ya disponible para las delegaciones locales de MM

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Sétimo Dia
noticias.adventista.es - Ya está disponible el último número de la revista ISHA-AD, el nº9. El área de la mujer de la Iglesia Adventista del Séptimo Día en España publica un nuevo número de la revista ISHA-AD para la mujer...

To recognize that the Bible is God’s Word…

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Ocean of Grace
reformedquotes.com - To recognize that the Bible is God’s Word, and that its precepts are the precepts of the Almighty, will lead us to see what an awful thing it is to despise and ignore them. To receive the Bible as ...

Dozens of Spanish cities march in protest against monarchy (PHOTOS, VIDEO) — RT News

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Leah Tillock
rt.com - Protesters hold placards during a demonstration to demand a referendum on the monarchy following the abdication of King Juan Carlos, in Madrid on June 7, 2014. (AFP Photo / Gerard Julien) Thousands...
Arte & Entretenimento

San Antonio María Gianelli

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Enlace Católico.com
enlacecatolico.com - Vino al mundo en Cerreta, Italia, el 12 de abril de 1789. Su familia era muy pobre; cultivaban tierras arrendadas en las que él trabajó hasta los 18 años, sin descuidar el estudio, la oración y las...

Obama Hopelessly Out of His Depth « Commentary Magazine

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Janie Johnson
commentarymagazine.com - Over the course of the last couple of weeks, including today, I’ve heard Barack Obama talk about what we owe our veterans–about how what’s happening to them in the VA scandal is intolerable, how re...

Julio Severo: Transformação por meio de Cristo, não do Estado

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Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - Júlio, Só o título deste artigo já diz tudo: transformação por meio de Cristo, não do Estado. Ainda que o Estado ofereça a melhor educação do mundo, ainda que existam ciências dos mais diversos tip...

Noorullah Noori returns to fighting Americans aftering being freed from Gitmo : Fire Andrea Mitchell!

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fireandreamitchell.com - One of the Taliban ‘dream team’ has already announced he’s returning to terrorism to fight those evil Americans.’ Noorullah Noori was one of five Muslim Taliban terrorists released by Obama in exch...
Arte & Entretenimento

[VIDEO] Hoy la Iglesia Católica celebra la fiesta de Pentecostés

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aciprensa.com - LIMA, 08 Jun. 14 / 12:01 am (ACI).- Hoy 8 de junio, la Iglesia Católica celebra la Fiesta de Pentecostés, que conmemora la Venida del Espíritu Santo sobre los Apóstoles cincuenta días después de la...

Porn: The Female Addiction That No One Wants to Talk About

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Creation Tips
charismamag.com - Many men struggle with sex addictions. But in the United States today, a growing number of women also are falling prey to pornography and perversion. Marsha is a 32-year-old woman who appears to ha...

Egypt on high alert ahead of Sisi’s inauguration - Trend.Az

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en.trend.az - Egypt's President-elect Abdul-Fattah al-Sisi is to be sworn in on Sunday at the constitutional court in southern Cairo, amid bolstered security that will see thousands of security forces deployed i...

Portal TopGyn Home - O Portal para toda Família - FCMS realiza inscrições para Oficina Básica de Elaboração de Projetos Culturais

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TopGyn Notícias
topgyn.com.br - Fundação de Cultura inicia por Coxim a implantação           Campo Grande (MS) - A Fundação de Cultura de Mato Grosso do Sul, através de sua Assessoria de Projetos, abriu o período de inscriçõe...

10 Mistakes People Make – Volume 1 - Selz - Seriously simple selling.

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selz.com - 25 lightning fast reads from the classic series by Pastor Mike. Covers topics including God, salvation, the end of the world, Jesus Christ and more.   © 2014 Mike Campagna – Campagna ePublishing Yo...

Expectativa pelo encontro de oração pela paz no Vaticano, ao fim da tarde, por iniciativa do Papa, com a participação dos Presidentes Shimon Peres e Mahmoud Abbas

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news.va - Expectativa pelo encontro de oração pela paz no Vaticano, ao fim da tarde, por iniciativa do Papa, com a participação dos Presidentes Shimon Peres e Mahmoud Abbas Clima de grande expectativa em rel...

Donate Today! | Today's New Media

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socialismisnotanoption.com - After you have listened to the small presentation (01:15), please take a moment to support Socialism Is Not An Option. Click the “Donate” link on the right side. Thank you very much! Thank you for ...

PT se articula para salvar André Vargas da cassação

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Rodini Netto
rodininetto.com.br - Nas últimas semanas, André Vargas vem procurando pessoalmente cada um dos integrantes do Conselho de Ética para clamar por misericórdia. Ele sabe que o período eleitoral aumenta consideravelmente o...

¿Comisión de Precios Justos o Comisión cómplice?

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El PoliTwico
notitarde.com - Haciendo uso de nuestra memoria temprana, recordaremos que una vez que aparece la Ley de Costos y Precios Justos en Concejo Municipal del municipio Juan José Mora se aboca tal como si se tratara de...
Arte & Entretenimento

Foto da semana. | Fratres in Unum.com

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Fratres in Unum
fratresinunum.com - Por Fabrice Coffrini – AFP | Tradução: Fratres in Unum.com – Riddes, Suíça, 3 de junho de 2014 – A Fraternidade Sacerdotal São Pio X é uma sociedade católica tradicionalista fundada por Dom Marcel ...

Suposto anúncio corta árvores para apoiar seleção inglesa - EXAME.com

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Direita Brasil
exame.abril.com.br - Especialistas ouvidos pelo jornal Mirror acreditam que a imagem não tenha sido manipulada São Paulo - Uma imagem divulgada no Twitter da empresa de apostas irlandesa Paddy Power neste sábado levant...

A CUT, a central do PT, apoia greve de metroviários, que fazem chantagem com a Copa. Pior para Dilma! E daí? Os petistas, como o escorpião, têm a sua natureza!

Partilhado por
Paulo Devechi

Right Wing Art - Image - Propaganda vs. America

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rightwingart.com - Democrats are destroying this nation. The modern democrat party is socialist, Marxist, totalitarian and is intent on destroying America. This is the "fundamental change" Barack Obama weas talking a...

ATN NEWS: He Who Oppresses The Poor . . .

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Leah Tillock
leahtillock.blogspot.com - Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.

Pro-Lifer Rushes Into Planned Parenthood Clinic to Save Baby From Abortion

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lifenews.com - by Monica Miller | Ann Arbor, MI | LifeNews.com | 6/6/14 1:49 PM Last Thursday, May 29th an Hispanic woman named Maria exited the Planned Parenthood abortion center in Ann Arbor, MI.  A young colle...

Eighth Day: Waiting on God – Strong and of Good Courage. Written by Andrew Murray

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Ocean of Grace
godisfor.me - THE psalmist had just said, ‘I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.’ If it had not been for his faith in God, his heart had fainted. But in ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Bruno Carvalho diz que Benfica e FC Porto têm "aliança" escondida há 12 anos

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Philippe A.
ionline.pt - O presidente do Sporting, Bruno Carvalho, considerou na sexta-feira, nos Estados Unidos, que Benfica e FC Porto protagonizam, “há 12 anos”, uma “aliança” escondida. “A bipolarização é aquilo que me...
Arte & Entretenimento


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Carla Ribas
vivabonsmomentos.com - Dia do Pastor Pastor guiando suas ovelhas Como igreja, compreendemos a Palavra de Deus, pois os nossos pastores tem se emprenhado em nos instruir. Percebemos o carinho de Deus por nós ao lermos Jer...

Disrespectful Obama chomps on his Nicorette gum D-Day : Fire Andrea Mitchell!

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fireandreamitchell.com - We know Obama absolutely despise the military. Apparently, he despises those who fought in Normandy 70 years ago. Kind of like Michelle Obama’s ‘all of this for a damn flag’, Obama sat, frown faced...
Arte & Entretenimento

Confira como foi o show de gravação do CD/DVD "Id3"

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Foco Cristão
musica.gospelprime.com.br - Mais de 4 mil pessoas acompanharam a apresentação que aconteceu na sede da Bola de Neve em São Paulo Na última sexta-feira (30) o cantor Thalles Roberto viveu um dos momentos mais especiais de sua ...

Rolling Stones Defy Boycott, Rock Israel - Inside Israel - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 - CBN.com

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Creation Tips
cbn.com - JERUSALEM, Israel – Rolling Stones fan or not, most Israelis appreciated the group’s decision to defy calls to boycott Israel and perform its first concert here. Some 50,000 Israelis flocked to Tel...

MFS - The Other News: Two Orthodox bishops kidnapped in Syria held captive by ISIL since April 2013, in 'good health'.

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mfs-theothernews.com - Ibn Warraq - Why I am Not a Muslim. Ibn Warraq, page 14, Why I am Not a Muslim: "This book (Why I am not a Muslim) is first and foremost an assertion of my right to criticize everything and anythin...
Arte & Entretenimento

Canção Nova transmite Congresso Internacional de Pentecostes

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tv.cancaonova.com - Emissora transmite, ao vivo, momentos do Congresso de Pentecostes na Terra Santa. A TV Canção Nova transmite pelo quarto ano consecutivo o Congresso Internacional de Pentecostes na Terra Santa, de ...

Em nome da Copa | UOL Copa do mundo

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copadomundo.uol.com.br - A Copa é um dos maiores e mais emocionantes espetáculos do mundo. Para organizá-la, porém, operários morreram, leis foram desrespeitadas, bilhões foram gastos, desperdiçados ou desviados. Veja um b...

Apenas refrescando a memória: soviet quer dizer conselho!

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gilton Mg
veja.abril.com.br - O ministro Gilberto Carvalho, aquele dos “movimentos sociais”, rebateu críticas sobre o Decreto 8.243 alegando, talvez em ato falho, que tais conselhos sociais existiam “até na ditadura”. O ministr...

Sacrifices on the Altar of Obama’s Vanity « Commentary Magazine

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Janie Johnson
commentarymagazine.com - By ordering the Environmental Protection Agency to enact sweeping new regulations that will transform the U.S. economy by essentially putting hundreds of coal-fired power plants on the road to exti...

Portal TopGyn Capa - O Portal para toda Família - Confira artigo da presidenta Dilma Rousseff sobre a Copa das Copas

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TopGyn Notícias
topgyn.com.br - Dilma Rousseff A partir desta quinta-feira (12.06), os olhos e os corações do mundo estarão voltados para o Brasil. Trinta e duas seleções, representando o melhor do futebol mundial, estarão disput...
Arte & Entretenimento

O Espírito Santo é Mestre interior, de vida, recorda-nos as palavras de Jesus, e leva-nos a falar aos outros: Papa na Missa de Pentecostes

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news.va - Decorre neste momento, a partir das 10 horas, na basílica de São Pedro, a Missa do Pentecostes, presidida pelo Papa Francisco, que, na homilia, comelou por sublinhar que a efusão do Espírito Santo ...

American Exceptionalism

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socialismisnotanoption.com - Theme: “Catholicism calls itself The Holy Mother Church, for good reason. And Mother Church is not happy! The LCWR is under investigation by the Vatican. Who are these nuns and why are they so unha...

Last Sayings of Jesus from the Cross – Part 4

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aheartforgod.org - Mike Campagna (affectionately known by some as Pastor Mike) is making the most of web technologies to encourage disciples. A self-proclaimed “twitterholic,” one twitter follower describes him as th...

Atividade Legislativa - Projetos e Matérias

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Blog Olho na Mira
senado.gov.br - Leitura. (Apresentado como conclusão do Parecer nº 505, de 2014-CAE, sobre a Mensagem nº 38, de 2014) Abertura do prazo de cinco dias úteis para recebimento de emendas perante a Mesa. (Art. 235, II...

Wycliffe UK blog » Blog Archive » Seven days of prayer: Just the beginning

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Wycliffe UK
wycliffe.org.uk - At the launch of the Kaiwá Bible last year, one man clasped his new copy of the Bible and said, with tears streaming down his face, ‘At last! God’s word in my language!’ Another man, who works with...


Partilhado por
Always Catholic Blog
livemass.net - Times given are local time. Note the Time on the Location Clock.

PJ: Más de 5 mil ciudadanos han sido asesinados en Venezuela en lo que va de año (2174650)

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El PoliTwico
notitarde.com - Jorge Millán, concejal del municipio Libertador de Caracas, y dirigente de Primero Justicia (www.noticierovenevision.net / ) Caracas, junio 7.- Jorge Millán, concejal del municipio Libertador de Ca...

Em seu programa Vitória em Cristo, pastor Silas Malafaia critica ação do PPS para Supremo Tribunal igualar a homofobia ao crime de racismo

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Rodini Netto
rodininetto.com.br - Em seu programa Vitória em Cristo desse sábado (07), o pastor Silas Malafaia falou sobre a ação movida pelo PPS, Partido Popular Socialista (antigo Partido Comunista do Brasil), para que o Supremo ...

Twishort / AlbertoCVillar: 8 de junho de 2014 DOMINGO DE P…

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Alberto Villar
twishort.com - 8 de junho de 2014 DOMINGO DE PENTECOSTES Vinde, ó Deus em meu auxílio. Socorrei-me sem demora. Glória ao Pai e ao Filho e ao Espírito Santo. Como era no princípio, agora e sempre. Amém. Aleluia. h...
Arte & Entretenimento

Singles: Campamento + que jóvenes 2014

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Sétimo Dia
noticias.adventista.es - El área de atención a los ‘singles’ de la Iglesia Adventista del Séptimo Día en España está preparando una nueva actividad de fin de semana, el II encuentro de ‘+ que jóvenes en acción’. El evento ...

Spiritualdirection.com | Catholic Spiritual Direction

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Ancient Soul
spiritualdirection.com - Presence of God – Come, Holy Spirit, fill my heart and enkindle in it the fire of Your Love. Pentecost is the plenitude of God’s gift to men. On Christmas Day, God gives us His only-begotten Son, C...

ATN NEWS: Isa 40:29-31

Partilhado por
Leah Tillock
leahtillock.blogspot.com - Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.

Sharon Osbourne: Having an Abortion Was the "Worst Thing I Ever Did"

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lifenews.com - by Steven Ertelt | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 6/5/14 10:17 AM You have to know Sharon Osbourne has seen and done some crazy things over the years. After all, her husband is famous hard rock si...

Sugar Pine Realty Blog - Sonora, Twain Harte, Mother Lode, Lake Tulloch Area Real Estate Company

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Mike C
sugarpinerealty.blogspot.fr - Labels: fake twitter followers, homes for sale in mother lode california, president barack obama, sonora california real estate, yosemite

Jornal francês diz que Ricardo Teixeira, ex-presidente da CBF, tem R$ 100 milhões em conta secreta em Mônaco

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Paulo Devechi
veja.abril.com.br - E por falar em 100 milhões em ação, falo da Copa da discórdia, da dúvida e da mentira que só o Papa argentino resolve. . Publicidade governamental repetitiva e cínica irrita e opiniões que ofendem ...

LIVE STREAMING - CCTN The Roman Catholic Sunday Mass Pentecost Sunday Vídeo - TUCRISTO.COM - VIDEOS CATOLICOS

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tucristo.com - Miembro: TuCristo   Vídeos: 295379     suscriptores: 114     canales: 32 Descripción: LIVE from The Catholic Community of Saint Paul, Home of CCTN - Catholic Television for Central Florida http://w...

'Boom' de turistas em Lisboa e Porto - Observador

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Philippe A.
observador.pt - Primeiro foi a Expo 98, que fez disparar o número de turistas em Lisboa. Depois veio o 11 de setembro de 2001, que desencorajou muitos turistas a viajar. Três anos depois, jogou-se o Euro 2004 em P...

Bergdahl converted to Muslim declared himself warrior for Islam : Fire Andrea Mitchell!

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fireandreamitchell.com - So Bowe Bergdahl converted to be a Muslim and declared himself a ‘mujaid’ or a ‘warrior of Islam.’ Now do you see why Obama was so anxious to trade five Osama Bin Laden clones for the deserter? The...

TRT declara greve dos metroviários abusiva - São Paulo - Estadão

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Nivaldo Cordeiro
sao-paulo.estadao.com.br - Laura Maia de Castro, Mônica Reolom - O Estado de S. Paulo Por unanimidade, a Corte considerou a greve abusiva e decidiu manter a multa de R$100 mil por dia ao sindicato dos metroviários e sindicat...

Constitution Party aiming at local races - TimesDaily: Local News

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Live Free Radio
timesdaily.com - FLORENCE — The Lauderdale County probate judge’s office has started the process of verifying voters on a petition to add two Constitution Party of Alabama candidates to the November ballot. “We hav...
Arte & Entretenimento

Agenda Cultural Brasil lança o filme O Reencontro do Amor

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Foco Cristão
cinema.gospelprime.com.br - O filme promete impactar os espectadores contando a história de uma mulher que é surpreendida com o pedido de divórcio O Ponto Cine, do Shopping Guadalupe, no Rio de Janeiro, exibiu no final do mês...

Cobertura de prédio no Rio vira base da Marinha na Copa - Esportes - Estadão

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esportes.estadao.com.br - Felipe Werneck, Thaise Constâncio - O Estado de S.Paulo A Marinha do Brasil iniciou procedimentos para "posicionamento de posto de vigilância do espaço aéreo e de material de defesa antiaérea" no t...

The Creation/Evolution Debate Continues

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Creation Tips
blogs.answersingenesis.org - After my debate with Bill Nye “the Science Guy” in February, it was evident that the debate over origins is alive and well in our Western culture. Well, that has been confirmed with a new poll from...

MFS - The Other News: GUESS WHAT? Looks Like Bowe Bergdahl's Father Was in Contact With Al Qaeda.

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mfs-theothernews.com - Ibn Warraq - Why I am Not a Muslim. Ibn Warraq, page 14, Why I am Not a Muslim: "This book (Why I am not a Muslim) is first and foremost an assertion of my right to criticize everything and anythin...
Arte & Entretenimento

Obras da exposição "A Inusitada coleção de Sylvio Perlstein" - Sylvio Perlstein - Fotos - MSN Estadão

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estadao.br.msn.com - Exposição "A Inusitada", no Masp (que abre nesta sexta-feira, 6, para o público) reúne 150 obras experimentais de todas as vanguardas do século 20, que vai de Man Ray e Roy Lichtenstein. Na foto, p...

Did we have a choice in being born?

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Ocean of Grace
reformedquotes.com - As a quote to defend Calvinism, it narrows its focus to one biblical illustration and forms its doctrine around it. Using the illustration of birth to say that man has no part in salvation is to ov...

Qatar may prove comfortable quarters for released Guantanamo detainees

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Janie Johnson
foxnews.com - QATAR –  On a weekend night you can't escape the roar of race car engines along the coastal roads here in the Qatari capital. It must be a bit of a culture shock for the five Taliban detainees spru...

No Vaticano, este ano, Pentecostes muito especial incluindo invocação pela paz na Terra Santa. De manhã, Missa em São Pedro

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news.va - No Vaticano, este ano, Pentecostes muito especial incluindo invocação pela paz na Terra Santa. De manhã, Missa em São Pedro Um Pentecostes muito especial o que se vive neste domingo em Roma e no Va...

Portal TopGyn Home - O Portal para toda Família - Inscrições abertas para Prêmio Célio Adolfo de Incentivo à Dança

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TopGyn Notícias
topgyn.com.br - Fundação de Cultura inicia por Coxim a implantação           Campo Grande (MS) - A Fundação de Cultura de Mato Grosso do Sul publicou no dia 2 de junho, no Diário Oficial, o edital de inscriçõe...

Obama chewed gum at a D-Day ceremony, and French Twitter is irate

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Margaret Khan
dailydot.com - On Friday, various heads of state gathered in Normandy to join the veterans in commemorating the 70th anniversary of the D-Day landings. One of whom was President Obama, who was caught on camera ch...

O que há de errado (e de bom) no capitalismo  ·  A Bacia das Almas

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Fora Zona Conforto!
baciadasalmas.com - O trajeto usual é este: quem se aproxima do soci­a­lismo é porque sente que há algo de errado com o capitalismo. Como neste mundo o capi­ta­lismo é pra­ti­ca­mente tudo que existe, é rela­ti­va­men...

Twishort / AlbertoCVillar: Oração Ó Deus, que renovaste…

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Alberto Villar
twishort.com - Oração Ó Deus, que renovastes nas águas do batismo os que creem em vós, protegei os que renasceram no Cristo, para que vençam as ciladas do erro e permaneçam fiéis à vossa graça. Por nosso Senhor J...

7 Ways to Recognize a Lying Spirit

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aheartforgod.org - “The Lord said, ‘Who will entice Ahab king of Israel to go up and fall at Ramoth-gilead?’ And one said this while another said that. Then a spirit came forward and stood before the Lord and said, ‘...

15 años de violencia y una generación perdida - Opinión

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El PoliTwico
eluniversal.com - En un año con Maduro al frente de los destinos del país "hasta el rostro de las ciudades y las costumbres han cambiado, para pesar de todos los venezolanos (... ). El nuevo rostro se convierte en n...

AIF refuerza su colaboración internacional

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Enlace Católico.com
enlacecatolico.com - La Autoridad de Información Financiera (AIF), organismo de Inteligencia Financiera de la Santa Sede y del Estado de la Ciudad del Vaticano, ha formalizado su cooperación bilateral con el Reino Unid...
Arte & Entretenimento

Congreso Internacional de Ministerio de la Mujer 2014, en Alemania

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Sétimo Dia
noticias.adventista.es - El congreso tendrá lugar del 5 al 8 de septiembre en Stuttgart (Alemania). Se espera la asistencia de más de 800 mujeres de toda Europa que reflexionarán sobre sus objetivos, las actividades a real...

Right Wing Art - Image - Obama: I Didn't Win That!

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rightwingart.com - Democrats are destroying this nation. The modern democrat party is socialist, Marxist, totalitarian and is intent on destroying America. This is the "fundamental change" Barack Obama weas talking a...

The Sunday Homily - Pentecost Vídeo - TUCRISTO.COM - VIDEOS CATOLICOS

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tucristo.com - Miembro: TuCristo   Vídeos: 295379     suscriptores: 114     canales: 32 Descripción: Gospel JOHN 20:19-23 On the evening of that first day of the week, when the doors were locked, where the discip...

ATN NEWS: Casting Down (Pic)

Partilhado por
Leah Tillock
leahtillock.blogspot.com - Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.

There's an Intelligence Crisis at the White House

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John Sykes
dailysignal.com - James Jay Carafano, a leading expert in national security and foreign policy challenges, is The Heritage Foundation’s Vice President, Foreign and Defense Policy Studies, E. W. Richardson Fellow, an...

PP: o partido que virou para-raios de escândalos - Brasil - Notícia - VEJA.com

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Nivaldo Cordeiro
veja.abril.com.br - FICHA – O empresário e ex-vice-governador do Distrito Federal Paulo Octávio, mais um político do PP no noticiário policial (Sérgio Lima/Folha Imagem) Na noite da última segunda-feira, uma cena mais...

Kerry Admits Taliban Commanders Could Return To Battlefield…

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Earl Pearl
weaselzippers.us - Speaking to CNN foreign affairs reporter Elise Labott in the seaside French village of Saint-Briac-sur-Mer, a few miles from Normandy, Kerry praised President Obama’s decision to swap five Taliban ...

Sugar Pine Realty Blog - Sonora, Twain Harte, Mother Lode, Lake Tulloch Area Real Estate Company

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Mike C
sugarpinerealty.blogspot.fr - Labels: how to deal with burnout, real estate mother lode, self help, sonora california real estate

Ron Paul: The Strange Case of Bowe Bergdahl « Antiwar.com Blog

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Live Free Radio
antiwar.com - After five years of captivity in Afghanistan, has Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl been released only to spend the rest of his life in an American prison? Ron Paul wonders what it would be like if we had non...
Arte & Entretenimento

Radio Moody | Las 10 de Radio Moody

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Christine D'Clario
radiomoody.org - *Para conectarte con Las 10 de Radio Moody puedes hacer uso del icono (en forma de carta) de arriba para mandar un e-mail. También puedes visitarnos en nuestras diferentes redes sociales.


Cristianismo e Política + Christianity and Politics + União multi-denominacional (evangélicos, católicos, etc) em defesa dos valores cristãos e da democracia



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